#buys you undying love and devotion from a little commander
ultravioart · 1 year
fan theories, crew member teases and common aus aside, how to you suppose peepers and hater met? ive heard that it was supposed to be huge in terms of their backstory
In canon? iirc they met as teenagers in high scool. I personally like to image they met in first year of college on the cusp of adulthood.
It would allow for more independence/freedom as college students than if they were highschoolers, and would explain how they were able to live in a van on an endless road trip. Then again, WoY is very old school in some respects, so maybe they really did run away together as teens. But, I like to think it was college, or at least Peepers was already in college. Maybe Peepers being so smart, he had dual enrollment in high school? idk
Since it was supposed to be a huge lore drop for backstory, I imagine Hater met Peepers on the watchdog home planet, since that's one way of explaining Peepers' backstory pretty easily. If not on the watchdog home world, it would be at some space academy or something lol.
Either way, I like to think Peepers saw Hater for the ultimate powerhouse he was, day one. Lord Hater fit perfectly into Peepers' galactic conquest plans as the ideal front man. And... Hater didn't make fun of him like others did. In fact, they bullied people... together (insert heart emojis). Peeps was absolutely floored by Hater at first sight, of course, but Peepers wasn't completely gone for Hater just yet. It would take a few years of evil villain routine and getting to know Hater more for Peepers to REALLY fall for him. Being his biggest fan was one thing, but romance was out of the question entirely: he had an evil job to do! And Hater was such a pain sometimes... immature... stubborn... gross... cruel... strong... big... intimidating... powerful... handsome.... Over the years, Peepers eventually realizes that his tool to success was more than an amazing tool... realizing Hater was his everything and that he truly loved the big lug terrified Peepers inside, but he was in too deep to turn back now! <3 gg Love wins in the end, evil be damned lol
On the other hand, I think when the two first met, young Hater was drifting around from planet to planet until he stumbled to that school. Maybe it was just the usual road tripping stop, or maybe Hater was taken in by nice locals and placed in school. We know his backstory suggested he was quite academically skilled, so I imagine school might have had a homey feeling for Hater. Something about academia felt right within his vague memories of his past astronaut life. If it was a college, that would make sense, libraries were probably a great way for Hater to stay warm on chilly nights, too. If it was a high school, I can imagine Hater being the 'cool kid' / 'bad boy' 17 year old playing guitar on the roof of his van and roasting students that walk by in the parking lot lmao. Probably hung around the school grounds because he didn't have a proper place to stay.
From how Peepers talked about the van, it seems like Hater had it before meeting Peepers? I think if Peepers ever asked about where Hater lived/family, Hater would have said he ran away from home. Peepers might have even been inspired to run away with Hater because of that lie. The idea of escaping and starting anew was very promising for Peepers. As previously stated in other posts, Peepers was probably the first person to ever see Hater for how great he truly was, and that will always make Peepers special to Hater. Best buds for life! But don't tell Peepers that, Peepers WILL cry in public. Also, cute eye-guy is cute, extremely loyal, and a great hype man for a sick rock band filled with watchdog army groupies. lol. I can imagine Peepers probably nudged Hater from a bully rockstar route to ultimate evildoer route as a 'better' way to 'be popular' across the galaxy. I honestly think Hater had a lot of rage, but idk if Hater was "blow up a moon, evil cackle, and terrorize millions as they chant your name" rage level like Peepers was. But Peepers can really sell a pitch, and the rest was history.
That, and a few months later a 'totally not a couple' marriage license they got in Vas Legas so they could get an initial loan for the skull ship. Partners in crime AND taxes! Hater has no recollection of this.
I'd also like to imagine, even with Hater having some blurry memories of his previous 'planet of the apes/astro-ape' life, his memories would come back over time. Hater knows a lot, hides a lot, and he is incredibly smart and highly educated. And yet, he lets Peepers be 'the smart guy', because either Hater is too embarrassed to be "a smart nerd" or Hater just wanted to give Peepers something to feel superior about (which is a nice thing to do, but Hater is NOT NICE. HE IS MEAN! BAD!!!! A VILLAIN!!! ...right?). And then Hater roasts Peepers for being a beep boop bop lame nerd bc Hater can't express his feelings correctly lol.
Fr Peepers' reaction to Hater knowing space physics junk will never not be funny to me. I imagine back in the day that realization would have been a mid-life crisis of "oh grob he's SMARTER THAN ME?? SINCE WHEN? WILL I BE REPLACED? HAS HE BEEN PATRONIZING ME THIS WHOLE TIME BECAUSE I AM THAT PATHETIC TO HIM???" but now bc Peepers is so smitten and full of love for Hater it's a full blast of "oh my grob he's actually applying himself for once, I'm so proud, he's the greatest thing to ever exist, I'm so proud!!!!!!! I love him so much, sobbing crying tears!!!!!" LMAO. tfw ur inferiority/superiority complex gets stomped out by your undying love for your sir.
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yukiwrites · 4 years
Scheming, but Loving
Thanks for the support again, @lightningbug-lane! I really like writing for ojou-sama types, so I hope I did Chantal justice! >v<)b
This is a Support Chain C-S between her OC Chantal and Yuri!
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Chantal: Ah, here you are at last, dearie.
Yuri arrives
Yuri: Expected me, did ya now, Lady? Then I’m sure you know the reason why I’m here and will also have a proper explanation for it?
Chantal: Why, I may need my memory refreshed, Yuri dear, for I am known to do much AND I always do it well.
Yuri: I usually have you all figured out, Lady, but this time you done and confused me out of my wits. What’s your deal? Seeing as you’ve been an Abyssian for quite a while I let your nosiness-
Chantal: Competence-
Yuri: -slide most times, but now I gotta hear it from the horse’s mouth. Spill it.
Chantal: Horse?! The LEAST you could do is refer to me as a graceful doe. Perhaps a butterfly; how about that?
Yuri: With that poisonous mouth? I would say ‘snake’ fits ya better, Lady.
Chantal: Ohohoho! Quite the predator for our little Mockingbird, yes? I quite like this, myself!
Yuri: I see you’ve learned how to dodge the subject quite well -- from observing yours truly, surely -- so the more words leave your mouth, the more I notice I am wasting my time here. If you do not talk, I will have other means of discovering what truly happened.
Chantal: *sighs* But you are a spoilsport, are you not, Yuri dearest? Go on, sit down and let us enjoy a refreshing cup of tea. I have acquired the most delectable sweets-
Yuri: Aha, so this is where it all went.
Chantal: Come again?
Yuri: The budget for this week’s rations to the folks back in Abyss. The bloke to whom I entrusted it said you told him you’d take care of everything and relieved him of his duties. And now, as I have heard, here you are, consuming high-end pastries and expensive tea.
Chantal: ...
Yuri: I honestly didn't expect this coming from you of all people, Lady.
Chantal: Are you done? Also, will you consume that macaron I served you or will you simply accuse me before getting your facts straight? I am the one who expected better of you, dear. Jumping to conclusions? If that is so, surely you only lasted this long in the underworld due to luck.
Yuri: Oh? Then, may I have the truth? Where is the budget for the people’s meals?
Chantal: Aha, so you never suspected me at all and just wanted to rile me into fessing up in a mad rage! Did I get it right? I outgrew such petty overreactions quite some years ago, dear. You’ll have to try harder than that to make me lose my cool. *giggles*
Chantal: Regardless, since I did take it upon myself to acquire the supplies, I shall inform you, since you deserve to know as the second in command here in the Abyss.
Yuri: Hah, wait. You think YOU’RE the boss here? Lady, really?
Chantal: Why, quite. Allow me to tell you about that new business you overlooked...
Yuri: And theeere we go again.
Chantal: Hm… So those are their intentions? I suppose that means we will not have peace for long.
Man: It’s as I wrote in the report, Lady Chantal. Things at the capital are…
Chantal: Yes, indeed. I shall take my time to read this thoroughly. You did a good job.
Man: I’m the one thankful to Lady Chantal for giving me the chance to be of use. If it weren’t for you finding me and my wife when you did…
Chantal: Mhm, I it was an excellent choice to invest in your wife’s business, my good sir. As for your services, for now you are excused.
Man: Yes, Lady Chantal. I thank you again, if it weren’t for you…
Chantal: Yes, yes. Off you go, dearie. We have a visitor in case you hadn’t noticed.
Man: O-oh! F-forgive me, I’ll excuse myself now.
Man leaves.
Yuri: Ah, so you knew I was here the whole time? Bummer.
Chantal: You gave your presence away on purpose, did you not, Yuri? ‘Look here, Lady, I’m watchin’ you going ‘round in your business so I can threaten you later with it! Fun, fun, fun!’ no?
Yuri: First, may I tell you that your imitation of my voice and accent is TERRIBLE, but honestly speaking, you could make a living out of it.
Chantal: ...
Yuri: Second: I would only use this against you if our goals collided, but from what I’m guessin’, they’re still very much the same, yeah?
Chantal: Indeed. I only want what is best for the Abyssians, though of course it pays to be informed of the situation over yonder.
Yuri: So, what say you? Same predictions as the last time that man came to deliver the report?
Chantal: Watching me from way back then, hm, Yuri dearie?
Yuri: You say it like you didn’t know! I must admit, you’re good at pretending to be shocked about stuff.
Chantal: Ohohoho! Observing how one conversational partner acts and reacts is the bare essential of being good at what one does, is it not? You have that skill yourself, but you only use it to suck up to nobles whereas I, well, use it to survive, as you well know.
Yuri: … Yeah.
Yuri: Wasn’t that man’s wife the one who started that new business you mentioned before? I dug a bit more after you told me about them. You invested what little you had made over the years of banishment to help her take off and used a few noble contacts you’ve had dealings with in the past to “accidentally” discover her high-end pastries. Now she has clients with full coffers buying from her and her family’s undying loyalty to you.
Chantal: Quite a deal, was it not? I do not take a single step without knowing full well of where it will take me!
Yuri: Heh, for someone so full of herself, you sure know what you’re talkin’ about there, Lady.
Chantal: And you had any doubts? Humph!
Chantal: Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have this report to read… Unless you’d like to come with me? You’ll know of its contents one way or another, regardless, so it is better to enjoy a smart conversation when I can have one.
Yuri: Hah! Lead the way, Lady. And if you have more of those pastries, I wouldn’t oppose to one or two.
Chantal: Mh-hm-hm! Smitten with them, weren’t you? I suppose I can oblige…
Chantal: *sighs* I suppose I must admit this is not my forte. As vexing as it is to admit, I do not shine in battle tactics as much as I would wish, so perhaps I should, indeed, leave the protection of the Abyss to Yuri. I can manage holding down the fort during a siege, but the battling...
Yuri: I get where you’re coming from. You wanna be able to do everything without relyin’ on anyone, yeah?
Chantal: WAH!! Huff huff... Goddess protect me, you surprised me, Yuri!
Yuri: Hah! Finally managed to sneak up on you, huh? Aware of my true sneaking prowess now, Lady?
Chantal: *groans* I beg you leave me be. I did not wish to be seen, least of all now.
Yuri: … Alright, sorry ‘bout that tease there, just tryin’ to lift your mood back up a bit. Look, lemme tell you something.
Chantal: I would rather not hear.
Yuri: I’ll tell you anyway, ‘cause it’s something you and I both need to hear: I, too, don’t like-- well, more like I don’t think I can afford to rely on other people. What if they fail and everything crumbles? What if I’m not there to watch their every step to see if everything’s comin’ along like I planned? What if, hell, what if they die doing what I relied on them to do? It’s much easier to just relay orders and keep back-up plans and act on them when the time arrives, yeah?
Chantal: ...
Yuri: Honestly, I still think like that from time to time. Probably will never stop thinkin’ like that, ever, but ya know… Something changed in these years we’ve been together running the Abyss.
Chantal: *scoffs* Finally admitting I am the best choice to be the leader of Abyss, Yuri?
Yuri: Actually, that WAS where I was heading, yeah.
Chantal: *gasps*
Yuri: More like that we’re a great team at this -- together. Sure, you don’t have what it takes to command people in battle, but I do. You can guide the Abyssians under a siege while I can go off to battle and know things will be safe in here. I won’t have to worry.
Chantal: As a… team? Working together? I- I must confess this is something new for me, Yuri dear. As you well know, I haven’t relied on anyone since I was a little girl.
Yuri: Yeah.
Chantal: People wanted to exploit me while my father was away, so I had to grow a wit and a sharp mind before I could even outgrow my playing dolls. I always had only myself to rely on -- on my own predictions, my own investments, my own orders...
Yuri: I know. I get it, as I said. I also don’t think I’ll ever be able to truly rely on someone, but if it’s you taking care of the Abyssians while I’m away? That one I can handle. I know how much you care for everyone here; maybe even as much as I do, hah!
Chantal: Ah, perhaps I do not care to such an extent. *giggles* Your devotion is SO dissonant to your entire ‘man of the shadows’ persona… Truly a sight!
Yuri: I’ll excuse being mocked if it means to have you smiling again, Lady. Only this time, though, you hear? Now, let’s head back to the dorms, yeah? The night’s not getting any younger.
Chantal: Very well. … Thank you, Yuri.
Yuri: Lately I’m seeing more and more and Chantal’s people hovering over me. It’s keepin’ me in my toes, really! To think I would need to brush up my sneaking skills just for this one thing… Ah, well, surely it’ll be worth the trouble of giving the slip to that many people.
Yuri: It’s a sight to see, honestly, how she’s been chalking up influence here and there and acquiring more faithful peeps to her side. Now, to chase the lady!
Yuri leaves
Chantal, on her own: The end of all conflict is nigh, and yet this uneasy feeling plagues my very being. I am doing everything just as perfectly as I ever did! Tsk, why is it that NOT KNOWING something can make one feel this way...
Chantal: Ah, and there he is, the source of all my problems.
Yuri: Harsh. Also just so you know, I let you sense my arrival.
Chantal: Oh, I know by now that when you want to disappear, you have every means to, dearie. My spies would know.
Yuri: Are you telling me this openly that you had me tailed because you know I’d forgive you or did that make you so mad you don’t care anymore? Wait, don’t answer, I know.
Chantal: ...
Yuri: It’s both, isn’t it? You’re already so smitten by me you know I’ll forgive you for almost anything you do to me, BUT you’re also seething ‘cause I gave your peeps the slip.
Chantal, blushing: I’ll have- *ahem*
Chantal: I’ll have you know that your sentence makes no sense! The one who has to be smitten by me has to be YOU for you to forgive me, dearie, not the other way around.
Yuri: Hah, well, that’s true, so I don’t need to lie about THAT.
Chantal, blushing: W-what, my ears must be playing tricks on me. Did you just CONFESS out of nowhere like a mannerless cur?
Yuri: Nope. I’m confessing NOW, like a properly mannered cur. Here you go, Chantal. I hope you can accept this. I went through all that trouble of slipping away just so I could surprise you and- hah! See that very face you’re making. Worth it.
Chantal, blushing: I- That is not a very good confession, Yuri! ‘Worth it’? Why, I should just take this ring and, and… and be done with it.
Yuri: By putting it on? Yeah, it looks really good on you as I thought it would. Honestly, I can only say my feelings so openly like this because this is you we’re talking about here. I feel that, with you, can truly be with my equal. I can joke, but you’ll also tease me in return. I can talk seriously and you’ll respond in kind.
Chantal: Yuri, I- I have always feared to show my true weakness. Even now, I am equal parts terrified and overjoyed about all of this.
Yuri: Mhm.
Chantal: E-even so, will you still wait for me? Wait until I can proudly call you my beloved and tell you the depth of my feelings for you? I truly wish to stay by your side until death do us part, but I cannot convey it all just yet.
Yuri: Welp, you just did it, silly Lady. I don’t need any fancy words or promises. I just want us to stay side by side forever. You and me, down the road, Chantal?
Chantal, blushing: Yes, Yuri. You and me, together. I… I love you.
Yuri: I’m quite fallen for you too, if this all is any indication. Hah! Joking, teasing! Don’t give me that look. … I love you, too, Chantal.
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