wyrm-in-the-apple · 1 year
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Nightmarch 2023 - Prompt: Flavors
(format yoinked from zarla’s deltarune/addison relationship meme)
Night tea:
Dream: Earl grey lavender. Light and floral. Feels like there’s more to the flavor that’s just out of reach unless you really sit with it. +180HP Goldie: Concord grape! Exactly how you expect it to taste. No surprises here, just juice. :D +120HP Mare: Perfectly-aged, smooth wine. Just the right amount of plum sweetness to complement the bitterness of the alcohol. Even the smell intoxicates. +180HP
Dream tea:
Night: Sun-ripened blueberries. Worth savoring. …Sometimes one of the sour berries gets through. No matter how often that happens, it’s always unexpected. +180HP Goldie: Vanilla ice cream! As creamy as a milkshake. ^_^ Watch your teeth on the crunchy bits, though! D: +120HP Mare: ??? Berry? There’s something there, but it’s hard to pinpoint what the flavor is, and trying more doesn’t help identification. +70HP
Goldie tea:
Night: …Apples. A strange flavor, and one worth spending more time with. +90HP Dream: Banana. Seemingly simple and childish, but a taste you can adjust to. …Perhaps nostalgic if you sit with it. +120HP Mare: Attempted lemonade. Someone mistook salt for sugar and went hog wild with the sugar when they realized their mistake. Chuck the whole thing out and try again. +0HP
Mare tea:
Night: Black coffee. Feels like it should be too bitter, but… appealing, in some strange way. An acquired taste. +180HP Dream: Dark chocolate. Should be tasty, but isn’t. Get a handle on the flavor and then the plastic alcohol aftertaste hits. +70HP Goldie: Root beer with hot pepper! It seems really fun, but it hurts to drink :( +0HP
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wipmoy · 2 years
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Heki made an angst non con picture so I remade it but slightly less noncon because now it's dubcon instead
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gendrie · 1 month
i think the absence of arya's list is something worth noting. there are chapters where it is not featured at all which speaks to arya's mindset at those times.
a notable absence is at acorn hall. arya and the bwb spend the night at this holdfast, but there is no reference to arya's list. acorn hall was an extremely safe space for arya and she can forget her demons if only for one chapter. for the first time in a long time someone takes care of her. lady smallwood embraces arya with kindness. in the smithy arya and gendry play like children and harwin mentions that the moment is reminiscent of how she was growing up in winterfell. this setting is the closest thing we see to arya being back home again. in this place there is no need for her to recite the list that is connected to so much fear.
another, less wholesome example, is arya's post red wedding chapter. this is where we see arya at her lowest point. she is nearly overcome with grief after losing the last of her family. arya is depressed and she sleeps often in this chapter bc of it, but theres no mention of her list. nothing matters to her at this point. this shows the depth of her despair in the wake of the red wedding. arya feels empty and the only comfort for her is the wolf dreams when she sleeps.
the list is not featured in arya's cat of the canals chapter either. for most of that chapter we see arya in a, relatively, stable place even if she is trying to forget her identity as arya. she is making new friends and learning new things. arya's fears and grief only haunt her dreams.
theres also instances where arya does say the list and its obvious she is using it as a crutch bc she is upset. after arya and gendry get into a fight at the peach she retreats to their sleeping room and recites her list right away. she is sad and alone, gendry hurt her feelings, and the energy at the peach is distressing under it's façade of enjoyment.
arya's list gets interpreted as this thing she is hyper focused on at the expense of more important things (ie: her friends/family) but thats not true at all. its a coping mechanism to deal with the fear and guilt she has experienced during the war. sometimes that is not necessary anymore bc arya feels safe. other times her grief is too intense to feel anything at all, but its not a permeant fixation for her. it is directly tied to arya's state of mind and that changes.
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laurellerual · 1 year
Just wanna say, i love ur art and the style is so unique. Plus I really appreciate the motif of the weirwood leaves in your depictions of arya!! It feels so true to her character.
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Thank you very much! Bonus sketches of an older Arya wearing leaves clothes.
I love using leaves, not just weirwood ones, as a decorative motif in Arya Stark's clothes because they are an interesting recurring image in her story. And it's a little less obvious than wolves. Here some exemples:
First the fact that both Arya and Nymeria are essentially lost in the forest for a lot of time.
Then this scene where Arya and the others traveling with Yoren dig the grave for the first man to die on the journey north.
A boy called Tarber tossed a handful of acorns on top of Praed's body, so an oak might grow to mark his place
The fantastic scene in Harrenhal's Godswood.
"But there is no pack," she whispered to the weirwood. Bran and Rickon were dead, the Lannisters had Sansa, Jon had gone to the Wall. "I'm not even me now, I'm Nan." "You are Arya of Winterfell, daughter of the north. You told me you could be strong. You have the wolf blood in you."
And this mysterious woman that the bwb is looking for.
"What did the master mean, about asking the Lady of the Leaves?" Arya asked Anguy as they rode. The archer smiled. "Wait and see."
Of course the acorn dress of Lady Smallwood and the maiden of the tree song.
"I look like an oak tree, with all these stupid acorns." [...] “I'll wear a gown of golden leaves”
There's also the scene where Arya is taken to High Heart, and counts stumps, and this quote:
This place belongs to the old gods still… they linger here as I do, shrunken and feeble but not yet dead. Nor do they love the flames. For the oak recalls the acorn, the acorn dreams the oak, the stump lives in them both. And they remember when the First Men came with fire in their fists."
There’s the way Bran describes Leaf.
It was a girl, but smaller than Arya, her skin di lei dappled like a doe's beneath a cloak of leaves. Her eyes were queer—large and liquid, gold and green, slitted like a cat's eyes.
And in the end there's the fact that Braavos is a city without trees, and here Arya tries to let go of her identity.
They have no trees, she realized. Braavos is all stone, a gray city in a green sea.
I'm sure that you can find others too.
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nashdoesstuff · 1 year
Dream Tournament: Round 1, Poll 7
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pixiecactus · 5 months
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🍂​book!(mostly)gendrya fanfic rec (part one)🍂​
oh boy this is a doozy, so here they are the first one to twenty, most of the summaries were written by me, so if you ask yourself why the summary is really shitty and not appealing, that's why. a high number of these fics are restricted so you'll need a ao3 account to be able to see them. any kind of triggering content i put with the corresponding warnings, same with any minor pairings featured and finally if the fic contains smut (so if that is not a thing you're interested in reading you can skip it)
➤the rabbit by aneedleofmyown - arry and gendry banter/friendship back when they were travelling with the night watch's recruits
➤out of the dark by schwoozie - arry and gendry share a bedroll/cloak on their way north as night watch's recruits
➤my forest lass by theviolentdelight - smut - before the battle against the others arya visits gendry's tent - future au
➤cold by callioope - arya returns to the inn at the crossroads, gendry does not recognize her - future au
➤lay me down by elenei - smut - gendry sees arya wearing a dress once again and pretty much my featherbed starts playing - future au
➤the tilt by acornsandravens - smut - jon arryn sends gendry to the vale and he end up as a knight during the bolton and frey rebellion. arya and gendry meet at a tourney with good old stubborn arya and good old stubborn gendry - canon divergence - arranged marriage - minor bran/meera
➤cloaked by acornsandravens - smut - five times arya and gendry share a cloak and one time they share a cloak with someone else - future au
➤sapling by elephant_eyelash - arry, gendry and hotpie friendship, arry teaches gendry and hotpie about nature
➤conversations with dead people by prettyy_vacant - gendry sees dead people when he's at the crossroads, i know it sounds like a modern au, but it's not - future au
➤forest love by elenei - arya is confused and scared about her feelings for gendry cue godswood love confessions - future au - really minor daenerys/jon - (fic has talks about gendry and lordship)
➤wild forest lass by persuade_me - arya is never found after the fight with joffrey at the trident, she and nymeria have been surviving alone for years until she is found by the inn's blacksmith where she was trying to get produce - canon divergence
➤ser gendry of the hollow hill by vanillamostly - gendry's pov during and after the red wedding do i need to say anything more
➤caught a long wind by macneiceisms - domestic gendrya, arya and gendry arguing about their family sigil - future au
➤warmth by madaboutasoiaf - arya and gendry friendship during the bwb days and the end of said friendship a little bit angsty
➤dream by madaboutasoiaf - gendrya reunion, a really heartfelt one - future au
➤the first one by aliceinwonderunderground - lovely gendrya reunion - future au
➤there us no word for bull in old valyrian by bluethunder - i know that this fic has lord of storm's end gendry, but most importanly has past cat of the canals x young griff, a rare pair that i found actually fun, so this is aegon meeting arya again and trying to woo her and arya is having none of that also it has dany as a interpreter and a reversal in the targaryen-stark-baratheon debacle of old time - future au
➤the green eyed monster by joyblue - going to copy the fic summary because it's perfect, times the green eyed monster visited catelyn, ned, jon, sansa and gendry all because of arya. it has gendry being legitimized by stannis, but he doesn't get storm's end - canon divergence
➤fair gendry & ser arya the gallant by macneiceisms - smut - forge sex with first times and love confessions other than arya saying that sansa would understand her wanting to be with gendry and not be betrothed to some lord (we know sansa would not) is pretty much perfect - fluffy fluff - future au
➤don't go without me by like_a_dove - gendrya childhood friends in winterfell, basically gendry is hidden in winterfell and you know how it goes with this couple - friend to lovers, but arya is betrothed to lord edric dayne of starfall and their time together is coming to an end - canon divergence
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the-kk-crow · 1 year
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DemiDream AU (version of BWB where Dream had a crush on Night) is an absolute mess and Mare does not make it any better by flirting.
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bonyassfish · 2 years
My general predictions/hopes about what’s going to happen with Jaime and Brienne in the books. Spoiler alert for the entirety of ASOIAF along with the released TWOW chapters. Also for a few plot points from Game of Thrones. Long post ahead.
1. Confrontation with LSH and the Brotherhood. My guess is that Brienne does bring Jaime to them and agrees to execute Jaime herself, only to turn and kill Lady Stoneheart. Jaime and Brienne (and possibly Pod and/or Hyle, I have no clue if they’re going to survive or not) will escape with the help of Thoros doing some red magic (in AFFC he’s clearly disillusioned with the BwB and is also still grateful to Brienne for her actions at the Inn at the Crossroads. They’re also going to get some help from Arya’s wolf pack in the Riverlands. It’ll be heartbreaking to have the parallel of Arya in warg form taking her mother’s body out of the river versus bringing her back after she dies.
2. Meanwhile, in King’s Landing, Cersei, already in an extremely volatile and paranoid headspace, will dig for information on Jaime’s whereabouts as well as information on his relationship with Brienne. GRRM has helpfully placed three men in King’s Landing who can give Cersei information. Qyburn will tell Cersei about how Jaime turned back on the way to King’s Landing to rescue Brienne. Randall Tarly will tell Cersei about the letter Brienne had signed from Tommen and will probably be able to deduce Jaime gave it to her. And finally, if there’s any confusion about how Jaime really feels, Ronnet Connington will tell Cersei all about the golden slap. Cersei will formally announce Jaime is no longer a member of the Kingsguard.
3. Brienne will still be suffering from her previous wounds as well as new ones she took in battle. Jaime, with or without Hyle and Pod, will bring her to the Quiet Isle. Remember the whole rule about men and women sharing rooms? Yeah. Assuming they are alive, Hyle will refuse to do it since Brienne very explicitly rejected his offer and Pod won’t even consider it because Brienne is basically his mom. Jaime will also refuse, citing his kingsguard vows, until the Elder Brother informs him he is no longer on the kingsguard. They don’t consummate the marriage. In fact they don’t even kiss ideally. Maximum pining and angst ensues because they both by now understand their feelings for each other but are completely convinced the other couldn’t possibly reciprocate those feelings. Jaime will offer to have it annulled once they leave, and Brienne won’t be able to admit she doesn’t want that (though being married to Jaime Lannister isn’t the best way to endear her to any Starks) Once Brienne is sufficiently healed, she (and Pod if he’s alive. Hyle will probably go out on his own and exit the narrative) will resume her quest. Jaime will be torn about a wanting to join her, but recalls his duty to his men and, more urgently, Tommen. They’ll part ways. For some reason I am convinced that Jaime is going to get down on a knee, kiss her hand, and thank her for not only keeping him alive but also making him want to be a better person.
4. Brienne will find Sansa Stark and help rescue her from Pedophile Baelish. They’ll start heading North since Sansa assumes that Jon is her only surviving sibling. Sansa will be super wary and uncertain of Brienne at first, but will soon realize Brienne is the knight in shining armour who actually believes in and follows the ideals of knighthood that Sansa has always dreamed of. Brienne will bring Sansa to Castle Black, where she’ll be reunited with a resurrected Jon Snow. One thing that pissed me off about the show is that there was basically no change in Jon’s character after he came back to life. In the books other characters who come back to life are quite changed afterwards. I’m curious what post-resurrection Jon Snow will be like. Anyway Sansa and allies will take back Winterfell. Theon and Jeyne will end up there as well, and Theon will tell Jon and Sansa that he didn’t actually kill Bran and Rickon.
5. Jaime will get back King’s Landing just after Cersei blows up the sept of baelor (one of the few show moments that I am convinced will occur in the books, but I don’t think everyone of note will die. I do however think some of the consequences will be the same, namely that Margaery will be killed and a distraught Tommen will commit suicide, and meanwhile Myrcella will die in the attack Cersei had planned to use to kill Trystane. Cersei will initially arrest Jaime in anger but given her grief and fear she will forgive him, or appear to. With news of Aegon’s impending invasion, she’ll suggest blowing up the whole city before Aegon arrives, Aerys Targaryen style. And like Aerys, Jaime will kill Cersei, fulfilling the valonqar prophecy. Also think Brienne will be the younger and more beautiful, the beauty in this case being internal. Jaime will be extremely traumatized by this. He won’t remain in King’s Landing, and will set off with Ilyn Payne and Addam Marband to Winterfell (by this point the situation with the white walkers is more widely known and they are joined by other people wanting to fight for the living)
6. Reunited in Winterfell, Brienne will vouch for Jaime and Sansa, acting as Lady of Winterfell will agree to let Jaime live. However, he’ll still be met with hostility, not to mention guilt over killing Cersei and also the deaths of his children (at least 2 of them anyway…)
7. Meanwhile, Dany will take over in King’s Landing (idk what’s gonna happen with Aegon, if it really is him, but one way or another Dany makes her way back to Westeros and becomes Queen thanks to the help of dragons, but society will be pretty divided about wanting a Targareyan back on the Iron Throne. Anyway she’ll agree to send troops up North, sending Tyrion to supervise and loaning him a dragon to help in the fight. I am convinced Tyrion is gonna ride a dragon.
8. Since he very well might be executed or killed or turned into a zombie at any second, Jaime confesses his feelings to Brienne and they’ll get together in earnest. Also, another show beat I think will happen is Jaime knighting Brienne.
9. Now there are two possibilities. The first is that Jaime is killed fighting the white walkers. Is is too predictable and cliche that he’ll get Brienne pregnant before he dies? Yes. It’ll still happen if he does die, I think. When the war with the white walkers is over, Brienne will go to Tarth and become the Evenstar. But if Jaime survives:
10. In the scenario I am hopeful will happen, Jaime will assume a fake identity (the way I interpret his dream is that he is forced to sever himself from the Lannister name to avoid death) and become Brienne’s trophy husband on Tarth. She’ll be the Evenstar, and she and Jaime will probably have some kids. Also he’ll get to see Duncan’s shield!
And yeah that’s about it.
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melrosing · 1 year
how do we feel about the theory that bran might save jaime brienne pod and hyle (i guess?) via weirdwood magic or whatever bc brienne gives 3 sacrifices (shags, pyg and tim) to a weirwood and as a result is allowed 3 lives to save. i think its interesting bc that ensures lsh, jaime and brienne all live and no one is sacrificed (absolute garbage take) and lsh can end her story with arya. it also ties in neatly with jaime owning up to (imo) his worst crime. ^^^ also also bran is cat’s obvious fave so theres that.
I think some kind of Bloodraven/Bran/Weirwoody intervention is definitely the most likely! like besides the sacrifice Brienne inadvertently made, Jaime’s (weirdly enough) got a pre-existing relationship w weirwoods via his weirwood dream, which lbr was an unusually LONG one even as asoiaf dream sequences go. I think both of them are being watched in some sense, and that their shared destiny to wield the two halves of ice may have to do with it. Bloodraven may have a particular interest in the pair of them and their role in ending TLN (whatever that ends up looking like). so I can see some kind of eldritch bird intervention, or even wolves intervening somehow?? less likely but still
but yeah I just do not think for a moment that anything is going to convince LSH to let Jaime go at this point, it’s going to have to be a third party intervention and I think the only candidates on the table for that are the supernatural and Thoros. Thoros because he’s already expressed sympathy for Brienne and disillusionment over what has become of the BWB, so if anything I think it could even end up being both - like the supernatural creates the initial diversion and Thoros aids the escape.
Idk but ultimately I think this is most likely, because no other theory has rung true for me, and I absolutely agree that Arya will be a vital character for LSH to meet - I cannot IMAGINE Cat going to her grave a second time still believing all her children are dead, it’s just not happening. and a meeting w Arya who has dreamt of LSH via Nymeria + has so desperately wanted to be reunited with her mother (and vice versa) - yeah. I wonder also if LSH will gain a sense of Bran through the supernatural besides as she of course still believes he’s dead too - even warging could come into this?? like maybe the kids meet LSH through their wolves?? I’m just so desperate for these reunions 💀 but yeah there’s just so much up in the air when we’re talking the more fantastical side of the series
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apocalypticavolition · 11 months
Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 9: Tellings of the Wheel
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Hello again! This reread is filled with spoilers of all kinds (that Dracula guy isn't just a funny foreigner - he's a vampire!) and is best avoided if you don't want to read that sort of thing. For everyone else, let's get started!
The chapter icon is another dragon's fang, probably associated with Rand's dream and the general sense of panic in the village.
Rand’s heart pounded as he ran, and he stared in dismay at the barren hills surrounding him.
Dream sequence time! This is quite possibly our first sighting of Tel'aran'rhiod, a plot device that lets Jordan get away with far more dream sequences than most authors can. After all, if you die in T'A'R, you die in real life. Unless you're Lanfear, apparently.
But that's way, way away.
This was not just a place where spring was late in coming; spring had never come here, and never would come. Nothing grew in the cold soil that crunched under his boots, not so much as a bit of lichen. He scrambled past boulders, twice as tall as he was; dust coated the stone as if never a drop of rain had touched it.
If Rand is in T'A'R, then he's in the worst possible place to be in T'A'R: the Blight. Indeed, after just a little bit more running he ends up in the shadow of Shayol Ghul itself.
That bleak stone spire, a dagger stabbing at the heavens, was the source of his desolation. He had never seen it before, but he knew it. The memory of it flashed away like quicksilver when he tried to touch it, but the memory was there. He knew it was there.
Rand's very first LTT memory! He's going to get a lot of these, and this one is particularly interesting because it's later stated (I think in the BWB but possibly in the text itself) that in the AoL, Shayol Ghul was just a pleasant island. Ignoring the weirdness that is it not being where the Collam Daan was (I don't get it and I never will), this implies that the Forsaken took the time to renovate the island into a more forbidding mountain by the time of the Hundred Companions or that the Dark One's touch did it all on its own. Either way, the mountain wasn't affected by the Breaking... Or duh, the island was the first thing Broken when all the Companions went crazy together. The memory is hard for Rand to capture not just because it's his first one, but because it's from a time Lews Therin himself doesn't remember well.
Serve me, a voice whispered in the stillness of his mind. A familiar voice. If he listened hard enough he was sure he would know it. Serve me. He shook his head to try to get it out of his head. Serve me! He shook his fist at the black mountain. “The Light consume you, Shai’tan!”
If you say the Dark One's name in a dream, does it count? The smell of death lays thick over Rand immediately, but it's Ishamael who shows up being all crazy eyes and maybe it's just his B.O.
Not caring if he fell over the edge, he threw himself away. He had to get away. Far away. He fell, flailing at the air, wanting to scream, finding no breath for screaming, no breath at all.
Rand warping so easily from the Blight to Tar Valon is another thing that makes this place feel T'A'R-like more than a vacuole like Ishamael sometimes uses in this book. Rand wants and needs safety and ends up where he's told was safe, but of course even in the dream it isn't. First Ish tries to pull him away from the city, but Rand gets there. Then we get this oddity.
Smiling people walked by on either side of him, people dressed in so many colors they made him think of a field of wildflowers. Some of them spoke to him, but he could not understand, though the words sounded as if he should. But the faces were friendly, and the people gestured him onward, over the bridge with its intricate stonework, onward toward the shining, silver-streaked walls and the towers beyond.
T'A'R is not normally so populated a place! I think Ishamael switches up his tactics at this point, trying to get Rand caught in a particular dream to make him more malleable. Once he gets into the city, he finds it a lot harder to break the script; the White Tower keeps looming in front of him no matter which way he goes, and everyone is sugar sweet.
His feet itched to join in their dance, and even as he thought of it he was dancing, his steps fitting as if he had known it all from birth. He threw back his head and laughed; his feet were lighter than they had ever been, dancing with. . . . He could not remember the name, but it did not seem important.
Another memory of his past life, though distant. Are they just coming forward because in the dream Rand doesn't mind them too much, so he doesn't try to repress it like he does awake? Does Ish have some crazy technique to make people more in touch with their past lives? Semirhage will later state that people with Rand's condition are almost impossible to cure, so it may well be that the prospect of driving Rand to despair over his memories is worth the risk of him using those memories if such a state can be deliberately induced. Or maybe the first memory is legitimately LTT's and the second is Ish trying to bring Ilyena to mind but failing because Rand's not unlocked it yet.
“We have been waiting for you,” the Myrddraal hissed.
It's a simple trick, but it's brutally effective. By trying to make Rand associate Tar Valon with the Shadow, the chances of him willingly going there and possibly benefiting from the help Moiraine and Siuan would try to provide (though again I can't stress enough how bad an idea it would be to try) are much lower.
He rubbed a sore spot on his side. Apparently he had slept with the sword hilt jabbing him in the ribs.
Rand should get used to having a sore side now, all things considered.
But Rand could see no need to go over every step of the journey from the farm, or his fears, or the Myrddraal on the road. Certainly not his nightmares as he slept by the bed. Especially he saw no reason to mention Tam’s ramblings under the fever. Not yet.
It's sad that despite all this Rand is still doing a better job of communicating with Tam than most people will manage with each other in this series. Of course, if he had told Tam, he might well have put two and two together much too early and really freaked out.
“Then he knows what he’s talking about. You listen sharp, think deep, and guard your tongue. That’s good advice for any dealings beyond the Two Rivers, but most especially with Aes Sedai. And with Warders. Tell Lan something, and you’ve as good as told Moiraine. If he’s a Warder, then he’s bonded to her as sure as the sun rose this morning, and he won’t keep many secrets from her, if any.”
Most of Tam's advice is good and true (especially since he's aware enough to explain the basic principles of how Aes Sedai Truths work, even though he doesn't understand the mechanisms behind them), but his warning about Lan is actually not. Tam has no way of knowing it of course, but Lan and Moiraine are going to have divisions and Lan is just as obsessed with making Rand his found family as Rand is to win him over, so they're not as united a front as all that.
As to what the Aes Sedai got out of it, the stories were silent, but he was not about to believe they did not get something.
I could tell you what the Greens get out of it, Rand, but even your farming education won't have prepared you for those depths of depravity.
The Aes Sedai in general most notably get the benefits of a second pair of eyes and ears (not useless even from a non-channeler) and also a slave who can never truly rebel, because the Aes Sedai can Compel them at any time. This is naturally a huge secret on their end because holy shit is it fucked up.
“Perhaps I’ll follow in a few days anyway. Catch you up on the road. We will see if Marin can keep me in bed when I want to get up.”
Sorry Tam, she can and she will. Further, Nynaeve will leave in the interim, so you'll be convinced not to leave for quite some months yet. Seriously, you don't make it to Tar Valon for AGES. It doesn't even make sense.
Outside the room Mat waited, cloaked and coated and carrying his bow. A quiver hung at his waist. He was rocking anxiously on his heels, and he kept glancing off toward the stairs with what seemed to be equal parts impatience and fear. “This isn’t much like the stories, Rand, is it?” he said hoarsely.
What kind of horribly boring stories do fantasy characters tell each other that at the first sign of anything bad happening everyone's always going, "This never happened in the stories!"??? Dear fantasy writers and would-be fantasy writers: never use this cliche again. It is overused, nonsensical, and adds nothing!
Wondering what they could be watching, Rand went to join him. The Warder muttered at him to take a care, but he did open the door a trifle wider to make room for Rand to look, too.
"Today, I teach him to kill all of his own townsfolk who threaten him. Tomorrow, I teach him to die for our fallen kingdoms in the Blight."
You just know that if Mat had approached the door, Lan would have kicked him in the shins until he sat back down.
Cenn Buie was there, as well, looking uncomfortable.
"I can't believe that the crowd of people I incited to riot are rioting!"
Dead silence fell, except for the shuffling of a few feet as men drew back. Two Rivers folk could fight back if they were attacked, but violence was far from common, and threatening people was foreign to them, beyond the occasional shaking of a fist. Cenn Buie, Bili Congar, and the Coplins were left out front alone. Bili looked as if he wanted to back away, too.
I dunno Jordan, once you've gotten to the torch and pitchfork phase (okay there's no pitchforks but there are torches), they're usually past the point of their conscience kicking in like this. Guess Rand's ta'veren is keeping him alive.
Cenn half lifted his right hand, then looked away from it angrily. “I cannot deny what she did,” he muttered, and he did sound ashamed. “She helped me, and others,” he went on in a pleading tone, “but she’s an Aes Sedai, Bran. If those Trollocs didn’t come because of her, why did they come? We want no part of Aes Sedai in the Two Rivers. Let them keep their troubles away from us.”
I dunno Cenn, even ignoring the Dragon Reborn you don't know about standing some fifty feet away, there is that other dude who can channel claiming to be a Dragon, and the weather is unnaturally evil. The fact that you can't even stick to a single conspiracy theory at a time is what makes you simultaneously so pathetic and so realistic. Ten years ago I woulda called this sequence of dudes who Moiraine healed trying to have her burned at the stake contrived, but not these days.
“Is this what Aemon’s blood has come to?” The Aes Sedai’s voice was not loud, but it overwhelmed every other sound. “Little people squabbling for the right to hide like rabbits? You have forgotten who you were, forgotten what you were, but I had hoped some small part was left, some memory in blood and bone. Some shred to steel you for the long night coming.”
Sorry Moiraine, but the only parts left are in the EF5 (or in Rand's case, his adoptive father), and if it weren't for Perrin, these rabbits would all be dead by the end of book four, no matter how good their longbows are.
Eldrene, so beautiful that it was said the flowers bloomed to make her smile.
Rand will eventually unlock memories of the Songs of Growing and make stuff bloom around him all the time. Did the Songs last a little longer than we think, with Eldrene and others slain in the Trolloc Wars their last practitioners, and the details getting a little mixed up in the telling? Mat hears the Song and thinks it sounds familiar...
At night their cook-fires outnumbered the stars, and dawn revealed the banner of Ba’alzamon at their head. Ba’alzamon, Heart of the Dark. An ancient name for the Father of Lies. The Dark One could not have been free of his prison at Shayol Ghul, for if he had been, not all the forces of humankind together could have stood against him, but there was power there. Dreadlords, and some evil that made that light-destroying banner seem no more than right and sent a chill into the souls of the men who faced it.
The Dark One wasn't there, but he's not Ba'allsy either; Ish is. Just think bro, if you hadn't been sooooo insistent on wiping out Manetheren, its heartlands wouldn't have decayed into the very hinterlands that Rand grew up safely in. For a dude obsessed with breaking the Wheel, you sure are good at playing into the Pattern.
But some did not flee. First in a trickle, then a river, then a flood, men went, not to safety, but to join the army fighting for their land. Shepherds with bows, and farmers with pitchforks, and woodsmen with axes. Women went, too, shouldering what weapons they could find and marching side by side with their men
Literally Manetheren has been fighting an apocalyptic war for two centuries and they STILL aren't throwing every able-bodied woman at the problem? Maybe if you'd used the full extent of your populace, you could have wrapped things up in fifty years instead of two hundred plus!
*glares at Jordan*
But the price was high for Manetheren. Eldrene had drawn to herself more of the One Power than any human could ever hope to wield unaided. As the enemy generals died, so did she die, and the fires that consumed her consumed the empty city of Manetheren, even the stones of it, down to the living rock of the mountains. Yet the people had been saved.
Between the manner of her death and the relative circumstances (the loss of her husband and Warder), people including me are pretty convinced that Egwene is Eldrene reborn. It's nice to know that this time around she'll do it a little better, and instead of burning out and taking everything with her, she helps sew reality back together instead.
Other wars would wrack them in years to come, until at last their corner of the world was forgotten and at last they had forgotten wars and the ways of war. Never again did Manetheren rise.
Moiraine skims over a lot of details that aren't really relevant to her, "Try to burn me at the stake and I'll end you with just a fraction of the power Eldrene Sedai used to nuke her enemies" spiel, but we don't have to! Manetheren would be replaced by two kingdoms, Farashelle and Dhowlan. The former was the northern section and held the territory that would become the Two Rivers, the latter was basically Ghealdan, the kingdom whose queen would later swear fealty to the man rebuilding Manether--
Wait, what's that? Sanderson completely tossed aside Perrin's thread of rebuilding Manetheren? Whoops!
The two kingdoms occasionally skirmished, with Farashelle trying to restore Manetheren to its former glory, but nothing ever came of it thanks to Garen's Wall. A thousand years after the Trolloc Wars, Farashelle was conquered by False Dragon Amalasan and then claimed by Hawkwing and Dhowlan was conquered by Hawkwing directly. This tale of reunification is a fun parallel to Rand the real Dragon growing up in western Andor and Perrin the conqueror uniting both regions for his k-
Oh. Right.
After Hawkwing's death, Farashelle was briefly independent until conquered by Andor. Dhowlan was eventually made into Ghealdan by a compact of four nations that established a Crown of the High Council, paralleling the compact of four towns in the Two Rivers that would lead to the establishment of a new kingdom-
Er... guess not.
Oh well, it's not like the only note Jordan left behind on Perrin specifically stated he was supposed to become king or anything.
Weep for Manetheren. Weep for what is lost forever.
This was supposed to be ironic by the end, but since it isn't, I implore you to obey Moiraine and WEEP. Lord knows I'm going to.
Lan pulled Rand back and shut the door. “Let’s go, boy.” The Warder started for the back of the inn. “Come along, both of you. Quickly!”
Now that you're done weeping, let's end on a lighthearted note: Lan cares enough about Rand to address him specifically. Mat meanwhile, he's clearly only bringing along because Moiraine told him to.
Next time: Awesome speech finished, our heroes are finally ready to think about talking about planning a committee to consider the best way to organize their pre-departure if and when they can finalize a date.
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wyrm-in-the-apple · 1 year
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Birthday gift for @the-kk-crow! It’s their versions of little Dream and Nightmare, back when they were kids playing with flower crowns.
(Night’s is made of buttercups and poison ivy; thankfully neither twin has issues with the latter, since skeletons have no skin! ^_^)
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brandonwayneb · 9 months
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ss RoseMary
ss Elvis
ss Wendy's
ss Russia
ss Soviet Union
ss Valor
ss Vladimir
ss Shiva
ss Hindu
ss Levitate
ss Birds
ss Bats
ss Cats
ss Snakes
ss Kylé
ss Stylé
ss Kim
ss Kay
ss Cvs
ss Rite Aid
ss Adam
ss Amish
ss Lizard Tail
ss Eye of Newt
ss Cameron
ss Karma
ss Caméléon
ss Camel
ss Raspberry
ss Ketchup
ss Amy Wine House
ss Velveeta
ss Chubby Chasers
ss BBW
ss Alaska Husky
ss Ali Ali Ali
ss Allah Allah Allah
ss Always Always Always
ss Aladdin
ss Hercules
ss Pegasus
ss Lord Ganesh
ss Lord Vishnu
ss Tom
ss Jerry
ss Onyx
ss Mew
ss MewTwo
ss I dream of Jeanie
ss Bewitched
ss Daren
ss Samantha
ss Switzerland
ss Arabia
ss Adam’s Family
ss Tim Burden
ss Nightmare Before Christmas
ss Fay
ss May
ss Oxford
ss Corpse Bride
ss Jack Skellington
ss Sally
ss Xfiles
ss Dana Scully
ss Fox Mulder
ss RugRats
ss Dexter Laboratory
ss Dexter
ss DeeDee
ss Chris Angel
ss MeerKat Manner
ss Power Puff Girls
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ss Batman Robin
ss Cat Woman
ss Ivy
ss Drew Barrymore
ss Twilight Zone
ss E.T.
ss Barbie
ss Ken
ss Seer
ss Rainbow
ss Arron
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ss Garret
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ss Gomez
ss 101 dalmatians
ss Roger Rabbit
ss Bugs Bunny
ss Loony Tunes
ss Hermaphroditus
ss Hermaphrodite
ss Ritual
ss Spiritual
ss Twister
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ss Hey Arnold…!
ss Clueless
ss Reese Witherspoon
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ss Jehovah
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ss Buddha
ss Japan
ss Jasper
ss Jason
ss Poltergeists
ss Wrath
ss Ghost
ss Hub
ss Alaska Husky
ss Nazi Swat Team
ss Russian Swat Team
ss North Storm Swat Team
ss Rainbow Scissors
ss War Elephants
Not Deli
Not delMA
Not belMA
Not velMA
“toe shoulders”
“chest thighs”
War Sights
“tacoma wa” taco cat
“lakewood wa” blaire witch “claire donut”
“seattle wa” “caddie saddle” “sad duel”
“space needle” “ironic man”
“dallas tx” “shower dial ass” “day licenses”
“mckinney tx” “Macdonald kidney stones”
“princeton tx” “depraved dolls” “cell pre”
“Gideon” “Neo” “Geo” “Galaxy” “Guy Op”
“Soul Matron” “Arron”
100% Brandon
100% Bradley
99% Rainbow
1% Anti illuminati
Anti indoctrination
Anti inflammatory
Anti castrations
Anti assassinations
Anti Youth Thin Eye Z Nations
Anti Lab Bot Tony
Brandon Wayne
Bradley nickname
Sarah Johnny Kaye Burdett Leeper Rivera
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Bird’s Moon’s Bee’s
bwb bbw wb Warner Brothers
Jessica Ray Rivera
Jacob Gabriel Rivera
Justin Rivera
Kevin Rivera
Cara Autumn Burns
Cody Burns
Chad Burns
Clete Burns
Martha Burns
Morgan Burns
Pamela Burns
“4415 Daisy Meadow Dr”
“Katy Texas”
Rainbow Peace and Power Taco Cat
Rainbow Peace and Power Ali Ali
Rainbow Peace and Power Allah Allah
Rainbow Peace and Power Always Always
Rainbow Peace and Power RoseMary
Rainbow Peace and Power Valor
Rainbow Peace and Power Vladimir
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Saint Binard
Catholic Vatican
Hindu India
San Francisco
Frankincense oil
Salam Islam
Barbie and Ken go to Jerusalem
Barbie and Ken go to San Francisco
Barbie and Ken go to Kentucky
Barbie and Ken go to Jupiter
Barbie and Ken go to Venus
Barbie and Ken go to King Author
Barbie and Ken go to Barnes & Noble
Barbie and Ken go to Ben & Jerry’s
Barbie and Ken go to Bed Bath and Beyond
Barbie and Ken go to Tel Aviv
Barbie and Ken go to El Salvador
Barbie and Ken go to Quebec
Joke: What Happens if Flamingos get Flees
Joke: Pinky and The Brain
“Lizzy Hebrew”
“Young Guys Satan Submissive”
“Old Guys Devil Dominance”
Varsity Volleyball
Valor RoseMary Vladimir
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gendrie · 3 months
not only do i think gendry will be unbothered by arya being a warg i think theres of tons of stuff to compare and contrast between arya’s bond to nymeria and her dynamic with gendry. 
"There are some things I do not need to be told. Even a blind man could see that wolf would never have left you willingly." "We had to throw rocks," she said miserably. "I told her to run, to go be free, that I didn't want her anymore. There were other wolves for her to play with, we heard them howling, and Jory said the woods were full of game, so she'd have deer to hunt. Only she kept following, and finally we had to throw rocks. I hit her twice. She whined and looked at me and I felt so 'shamed, but it was right, wasn't it? The queen would have killed her." (Arya, AGOT)
nymeria and arya share a soul. the bond between a warg and their wolf is compared to that of a marriage. this is the closest arya will ever be to another being because they literally share a consciousness. arya feels what nymeria feels, sees what she sees, tastes what she tastes, ect. arya is forced to leave nymeria in the riverlands after the incident on the trident. arya goes from believing nymeria is the only one who loves her to fearing her own wolf will hate her. she is filled with doubt in herself and her identity without her wolf. but no matter how strained nymeria is still a tether to arya’s true name. 
when she meets gendry he becomes that too. 
"Lommy and Hot Pie can't know," she said. "They won't," he swore. "Not from me." "Arya." She raised her eyes to his. "My name is Arya. Of House Stark." (Arya, ACOK)
among the night’s watch recruits arya ends up seeing gendry as someone she can confide in. he is wanted by the crown - same as arya. because of this arya tells gendry her true name. to everyone else she is arry, weasel, and nan but gendry knows the truth. gendry sees the real arya and she can be herself with him. gendry never betrays arya to anyone and even actively protects her identity from others. 
She was no little girl in the dream; she was a wolf, huge and powerful, and when she emerged from beneath the trees in front of them and bared her teeth in a low rumbling growl, she could smell the rank stench of fear from horse and man alike. (Arya, ASOS)
"She's my sister." Gendry put a heavy hand on the old man's shoulder, and squeezed. "Leave her be." The man turned, spoiling for a quarrel, but when he saw Gendry's size he thought better of it. (Arya, ASOS)
he doesn’t just protect her identity either. nymeria and gendry both protect arya from harm. gendry actually has more opportunity to look out for arya as he is a closer companion, but nymeria comes thru too. she cuts the bloody mummers off after they are sent to recapture arya and the boys. 
Arya bit her lip. He means to leave me too.
As Arya was cinching her saddle girth, Gendry came up to say that he was sorry. She put a foot in the stirrup and swung up into her saddle, so she could look down on him instead of up. You could have made swords at Riverrun for my brother, she thought, but what she said was, "If you want to be some stupid outlaw knight and get hanged, why should I care? I'll be at Riverrun, ransomed, with my brother." (Arya, ASOS)
but like nymeria, gendry is left behind. first, he chose to join the bwb and arya is hurt by his choice. she lashes out with her words. she pushes him even further away not unlike throwing the rocks at nymeria. its really reminiscent of arya telling nymeria she didnt want her anymore. she doesnt mean it. she wanted him to stay with her just like she wanted nymeria. then, arya is kidnapped by the hound. then, she flees westeros altogether. 
gendry and nymeria remain in the riverlands. nymeria hunts around the trident where she was left by arya. gendry is posted at arya’s last known location: the inn at the crossroads. this is no accidental posting. he is there for arya. boy and wolf both remain steadfast despite her disappearance. 
the groups that both belong to have increasingly dark reputations. nymeria’s pack has long been feared by those in the riverlands. a reputation which has actually been blown out of proportion, but they can do damage. the brotherhood start off with good intentions until lady stoneheart’s reign at which point their mission takes a darker turn. 
gendry follows the undead remnants of catelyn stark and he follows the god that brought her back. he has seen magic. he is no stranger to that part of the world. arya being a warg is no weirder than the dead walking. at some point she will be reunited with her wolf and her blacksmith boy. the direwolves have often been used to signify the starklings feeling towards other so i think a meeting between the two would be meaningful. 
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laurellerual · 1 year
Ser Gendry
The topic of the day is: Gendry doesn't want to be a blacksmith for the rest of his life. Alright, now let's argue.
In the first scene where we meet him, the blacksmith's apprentice has made a bull helmet, but:
"This is fine work. I would be pleased if you would let me buy it." The boy snatched it out of his hands. "It's not for sale." [...] "I made it for me," the boy said stubbornly.
Ned offers to give him a 'military' education, and his words sound somewhat prophetic.
"If the day ever comes when Gendry would rather wield a sword than forge one, send him to me. He has the look of a warrior. Until then, you have my thanks, Master Mott, and my promise. [...]”
Martin does not describe Gendry's reaction to these words, but it's important to notice that when Ned sees the helm it's "raw steel, unpolished but expertly shaped.". And than, in Arya's chapters Gendry does nothing but spend his time polishing it. (also "Robert was true steel").
We know that the helmet represents for Gendry much more than his career as a blacksmith, it's personal. Even Arya recognizes that it is as important to him as Needle is to her.
She adds two of the Mountain's men to her payer for the theft of Needle and the helmet, because they are more than objects, they are a part of their identity.
Arya watched and listened and polished her hates the way Gendry had once polished his horned helm.
Acorn Hall
The decision to join the Brotherhood Without Banners from Arya's POV seems sudden and almost unwarranted but it isn't. In fact, Gendry tried to talk about it with Arya well before, but she didn't understand it and he wasn't able to explain himself.
It's him who asks her to go to the forge and it's him who begins the conversation talking about war heroes: Thoros, Robert and the siege of Pike. At Acorn Hall Gendry puts down the blacksmith's tools.
Gendry hung the tongs back up and took down the heavy hammer. “Master Mott said it was time I made my first longsword. He gave me a sweet piece of steel, and I knew just how I wanted to shape the blade. Only Yoren came, and took me away for the Night’s Watch.”
So we find out that Gendry has never forged a single sword, and when he talks about his first sword he describes it in particular. He doesn't sounds like a blacksmith who takes charge of a customer's commission, he sounds like a boy who, after having made a coll helm all for himself, now dreams of having a sword to match it.
But Arya doesn't see where the conversation is going and she says:
 “You can still make swords if you want,” said Arya. “You can make them for my brother Robb when we get to Riverrun.” “Riverrun.” Gendry put the hammer down and looked at her. “You look different now. Like a proper little girl.”
He stops, puts down the last instrument too and repeats: “Riverrun.” and then he changes the subject.
In the books, Gendry doesn't get a chance to explain his motivations to stay with Lord Beric to Arya like he does in the show, but I think they're similar.
The clue is the flaming sword. Gendry talks about it right in the Acorn Hall scene and insists on explaining that it's just a trick (done with wildfire and ruins the blade).
But then the two see Beric setting fire to his sword to fight the Hound. Arya asks if it's wildfire, but no! This time it's not just a trick, this time it's real. Something has changed.
The Hound's trial convinced him of the principles of brotherhood and convinced him of the existence of the red god. So:
"Arise Ser Gendry, knight of the hollow hill, and be welcome to our brotherhood."
Now he is a knight! Unfortunately everything go super wrong: Arya is kidnapped, Beric dies, LSH, the brotherhood changes and Gendry finds himself carrying out his vow to protect the innocents at the Crossroads Inn by picking up his blacksmith hammer again. But that doesn't seem to have changed his resolve: he still wants to be a knight, he still wants to forge a sword for himself.
He took it for an insult. "I'm a knight. That sword will be mine own, once it's done." What would a knight be doing working at a smithy?
Throughout all the books, the only time Gendry wants to be left alone to lead the simple life of a blacksmith is when he is a prisoner in Harrenal. But that doesn't represent his personality and his wishes for the future because Harrenal's all point is that it's doom and gloom and reduces even the proudest of wolves to a gray mouse that can't do anything but scrub the floors.
I should add that Gendry was born in the capitol, so it is not at all improbable that he grew up hearing the stories of Dunk from Flea Bottom who became Ser Duncan the Tall, and that these could be at the origin of this desire for more.
In the end Gendry is more ambitious than he's given credit for.
When Arya saw the horns she knew it was Gendry
And if Arya isn't fully Arya without her sword, Gendry isn't fully Gendry without his horns. Looking for the quotes on A Search of Ice and Fire I realized that most of the time the helmet is mentioned it's called just 'horned' and not 'bull', coincidence? I don't think so :)
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nashdoesstuff · 1 year
hello amazing people of the wide, wide net!
i'm here to present the dream au tournament and its competitors!
here are the matchups!
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1. shattered!dream [@galacii-gallery] v. shattered!monarch [@wishingstarinajar]
2. one small dream!dream [@calcium-cat] v. leviathan!dream [@skumhuu]
3. molten!dream [@orbital-inclination] v. silence / dream!error [@dryemiddi]
4. swap!dream dream / swad [@song-song-a] v. oneiros [@wishingstarinajar]
5. empireverse!dream [@lunnar-chan] v. negative!dream [@angstyhikka]
6. modernverse!dream [@ask-modern-verse] v. malltale!dream / mall [@withtheworms & 0netype]
7. dawn [@sunlit-witch] v. bwb!dream [@the-kk-crow]
8. dream [@jokublog] v. reset!dreamtale!dream [Pzy]
[i swear most of these are randomized and updated to make 'fair' :'D]
first round voting is over!
1. Shattered!Dream [@galacii] v. OSD!Dream [@calcium-cat]
2. Molten!Dream [@orbital-inclination] v. Swad [@song-song-a]
3. Empireverse!Dream [@lunnar-chan] v. Modernverse!Dream [@ask-modern-verse]
4. Dawn [@sunlit-witch] v. OG!Dream [@jokublog]
second round voting is over!
1. OSD!Dream [@calcium-cat] v. Molten!Dream [@orbital-inclination]
2. Empireverse!Dream [@lunnar-chan] v. OG!Dream [@jokublog]
semifinal voting is over!
OSD!Dream [@calcium-cat] v. OG!Dream [@jokublog]
final voting is over!
propaganda is allowed and encouraged!
no harassment towards creators or other voters!
this is just for fun! don't take it too serious.
i'd love to see your art! send it through!
repost all you want!
super excited to see your ideas and votes!
have a sweet day! may the best dream win ;]
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&lt;<part 1 part 3>>
Hope: In the sense of belief in the system he inhabits and enforces. A lot of characters in ASOIAF consider ‘honour’ their main – or at least a big – motivation. But with the understanding that honour is fragile, ephemeral, bloody and not all that useful; why do characters stick to it? Well, the philosophy behind that is the source of a lot of these classpects. With Ned, it’s that he seems to genuinely believe in the system and not wish to reform it – not even understanding Arya all that much – which is pretty textbook Hope. With the idea of Hope being the trappings of romantic love, the infatuation and lust, if Ned’s a Prince – one who destroys in himself – of Hope, he removed Brandon – the dashing young lord – and introduced Jon into his household, removing the Hope part of his and Catelyn’s marriage, even if they eventually made a sort of Hope-less love. (Some people might also claim that there was some aspect of idealised Hope to his relationship with Robert. IDK if I believe that but. Y’know. It’s an argument.) And of course the system destroyed Ned as he destroyed with it all the way back in the beginning of AGOT.
CATELYN STARK – Witch of Blood, hell yeah!!!!!
A witch manipulates her aspect; blood is about family, yes, but also about bonds of all kinds. Family is so deeply important to Catelyn, and the forming of bonds – of blood pacts, of vows, of alliances – is the way she impacts the story. She changes the direction of Jaime and Brienne’s lives by their bond to her. She binds people to her will via sheer force of MILFness. Witches are so deeply powerful in their aspect, defining it like Heirs do, and so is Cat! Witches are also hurt by their aspects – Cat dies, in the end, because of her blood bond to Robb. (Except NOT, because she comes back AS A ZOMBIE because Catelyn Tully Stark doesn't care about your rules! And then convinces the BWB to help her, again, because Blood)
TYWIN LANNISTER – Sylph of Light. I’m so sorry, Aranea.
Light is about importance, relevance, narrative focus, and knowledge/awareness. It is here that that Light player ruthlessness (and pretend-smartness while being completely idiotic) come into play. Tywin’s actions brought House Lannister from ignominy to one of the most powerful houses in Westeros. Regardless of his intentions, he brought his whole family up there with him. He healed their fortunes from where Tytos had left it.
Light in the meta sense is about narrative importance. Tywin’s actions are what make Jaime, Cersei and Tyrion such important characters, by fucking them all up beyond belief.
LYSA TULLY – Thief of Heart.
I was tempted to say Page of Void, because - Lysa is irrelevant (voided) for so much of the story, yet the murder of Jon Arryn – the inciting incident – was her! So she’s also the perpetrator of the most important act of misdirection as per the narrative! Her lack of protection and care – things a Page needs – destroy her. But, Lysa is extremely selfish, even outside the Pages’ need for assistance; her life was centred around love, and the emotional self. The first chance she gets to have her own needs and commands obeyed – her courting suitors in the Eyrie – she leapt at and extended. She is determined to take Petyr, Sweetrobin and sort-of Sansa through their souls.
She is the subject of Robert’s ridiculous lust and air-castle-making, as well as copious mythologizing from every corner (as the knight of the laughing tree, from Ned as his sister, from Jon as he dreams of his unknown mother, as the mother of Rhaegar’s Visenya). Regardless of whether she followed Rhaegar willingly or not, she – as seen in her reflection, Sansa – did believe in such things as truth and justice and songs, deeply so. Some would say a Lady Knight like her – beautiful and good and incredibly talented – could only be the result of great Hope.
Heir of Hope.
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