#by /u/linkhandford
prorevenge · 6 years
Try Picking a Fight at my Club? Enjoy Loosing All Your Students and Dojo
TLDR at the bottom.
A few years back a known local fraud we'll call Big Wiener (BW), from the local martial art community is a teachers assistant by day, and a vicious samurai warrior by night, in his head at least... He's gone to many legitimate schools long enough to earn a rank, yellow belt, first stripe, yellow sash, whatever. He's tried many legitimate arts, and I wouldn't take that from him, but he exaggerates what he's done to the extreme. This is all until one day he's a 10th degree black belt of McDojo U! A McDojo is what we call a fraudulent school with no basis on any practicality in anything. Obviously the martial art community rolls our eyes and basically tell him, you can't do that, so what does he do:
"Well Bruce Lee did it!" The classic line any fraud says...
Whatever, he's a bum, he'll never get any students and he doesn't make enough to get a place to start a school. He'll crash and burn, who cares. Unfortunately BW convinced the school board to let him do an afterschool martial arts program. Who are his students? Every emotionally vulnerable kid from highschool with low self esteem with a wish to prove themselves to everyone. Soon they get their 30 year old friends to join in! Suddenly he has an omnipresence with his students. His students from the AV club made a religious-like documentary about him for class. It was up on youtube for a while, but unfortunately I can't find it now.
Most students stuck around for a month or two and left, most complained to the school about it because "O-Sensei" BW obviously doesn't know what he's doing. 30% of his students however would have honestly given their life for him, loyal without measure. Soon enough the school board complies the complaints and tells him to get lost. So of course he starts operating a for profit school in a baseball diamond when games aren't being played. His fees were another thing, you pay a monthly dues of $80 to the BW school and an annual dues of $200 to the BW International Federation which is just him scamming inner city high school students for more money! Days when he's rained out, BW and crew sometimes makes unannounced drop ins to other schools around, any school that offers free demo classes that is.
My dojo, a multi-diciplined school that specializes in Jujitsu and Kickboxing, but we've got certified Teakwondo, Jeet Kune Do, Judo, wrestling, Yoga instructors and more. We strongly encourage our students to cross train all disciplines. Admittedly there are better fighters and competitors in town, but I think it's safe to say we're the nicest school around, and those who do compete do well, but that's not our focus. Honestly, that's what we're known for and that's the way we want to keep it.
BW and his loyal enforcers show up at our school on a typical Tuesday, Jujtisu, kickboxing, judo and grappling. They choose to do all the classes. Jujtisu is focusing on self defense tonight. BW was admittedly respectful and watched and took in what we were showing. His cronies however snickered and laughed under their breath, and always had an extreme hypothetical "what if they do this..." situation for every single thing we do. No joke, we were doing a BASIC defense from a wide punch, the student asks "What if they do a scorpion kick to follow up?" Anyway we showed them some stuff, they scoffed at it, no biggie, it's self defense stuff, it can be theoretical some times.
Next up kickboxing, focusing on Thai drills. BW is overweight and it's a hard class, you get a good work out. He's pooped and of course it comes time to spar, the announcements made: "Of you're new go with some one experienced and GO EASY!" BW partners up with our beefiest instructor (Beefy), he's slow but can pack a punch. With no energy BW tries his best to show his students what he's made of and goes full force on Beefy
"Whoa, slow down, don't hit hard, I'm going easy, it's all about respect, I'm working tomorrow, we're not going hard"
BW doesn't heed the warning and goes all in again, Beef slides and dances around him.
"I'm not telling you again, I will knock you down if you keep going hard"
BW puts all the power he has behind one final superman punch. Beefy bobs and weaves and pushes him to the ground, no punch necessary.
The room stops and EVERYONE stares at BW, his honour has just been tarnished in front of all these people... BW biggest Enforcer Dude (ED) walks over to Beefy verbally glove slaps him and challenges him to a duel.
At this point Beefy tells him:
1 - We don't do that here.
2 - You've been disrespectful to us all night.
3 - Cool your ass down unless you want to get kicked out of here!
Tensions are high but they clear soon enough. Judo and gi-grappling starts, everyone's calm. Despite being throwing masters of a 'Japanese martial art' BW and Co can't fathom the most basic throws, o-goshi, seonagi, osoto gari (white belt judo throws). By now a few of BW enforcers are coming around and learning that maybe BW isn't all he's cracked up to be, he's outskileld by our orange belts.
So now it's grappling, the class is rolling around, BW is done, he can't do this anymore, he grabs a seat and watches. ED however wants vengeance, but first he works the room. He's going to show off and tries to partner up with the scrony 16 year old. I give my 16 year old freind the thumbs up and go for it, but decide to 'ref' the match. 45 seconds in, ED taps. Next match, 30 seconds, taps... ED is pissed, and BW has seen the whole thing, what a disgrace! That's it it's now or never. He rolls up his sleeve and reveals a BW Martial Arts McDojo TATTOO! He's been branded!!
"Listen Beefy! I want to roll with you, I'm a former military and I'll make you tap hard"
Beefy is unimpressed, tired, and just doesn't want these guys to come back.
"Ok, lets roll..."
Match starts, BAM! What happened? ED is tapping he doesn't even know how he got there or even remember how this technique was applied. They go again, BAM! He does the same thing. BAM! Happens again! ED gets up and leaves. He doesn't wait or acknowledge BW or anyone else. Most of BW students leave but one oh his guys, Mouth Off Boy, gives us a hard time
"Why'd you have to disrespect a grand master like that?! You guys are garbage, fuck this school, no respect!"
"Ok, leave now or we're calling the cops"
Not long after that, BW lost most of his loyal students, save for Mouth Off Boy whom would eventually branch off and start BW Sidekick's School of Killology For Cool People McDojo in Ottawa. It didn't last when he couldn't keep students and soon moved back home.
BW moved his school into his mom's garage and started to focus on teaching younger kids, but never keeps anyone for more than a few months. His school comes and goes, it's been down for a few years and has recently he tried to resurrect his club but it didn't work out. BW doesn't go to other clubs any more.
The good news in all this, ED became a regular at our club and good friends with Beefy. Initially he came back to challenge him and eventually was won over by his kindness and high skill level. The two hated each other but in a few months would go to lunch and the movies on days off or double dates with their wives. Turned out he was ex-military, think like Bill from King of the Hill, and last I heard he removed the tattoo.
TLDR: McDojo Master comes to our club with his top students, they make an ass of themselves and learn their masters a fraud, McDojo shuts down not long after.
(source) story by (/u/linkhandford)
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