thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
But how do you get in it???
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
When was it decided that we have to have our lives figured out by 18? I'm 21 and I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. I'm not married, I'm broke as f*ck and I live with family.
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
ignoring my boyfriend b/c i dont give a f***
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
When out of nowhere the book you’re reading gets really intense:
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
Listening to sad songs...
because they inspire me.
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
Currently getting lost in what is known as tumblr when i should be writing...
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
The moonlight filters into the room through the heavily smudged windows, or what’s left of them. Its fingers reach into the empty room, trying to grasp onto the one living thing that hides in the shadowed corner. But I cannot be reached, not by the light, not by anything. I’m too far gone.
           A haunting score plays at the back of my mind, teasing me, beckoning me. It is soft, just the faint whisper of a song. A song that I have heard time and time again, its lilting notes all too familiar. I hug my knees to my chest, tighter and tighter still, attempting to block out the nonexistent music. But it refuses to fade.
           The softness grows, the small body swelling into something dangerous, something that calls to my very soul. As much as I wish to resist, I cannot.
           Slowly, I rise.
I am the living embodiment of Grace itself, I imagine, as my feet begin to take me away from the shadow’s embrace. This person is new to me, this creature that stands en pointe in a way that is both delicate and bold, her every movement so sure and precise. She dances to an invisible orchestra, matching every downbeat, every note so perfectly that it’s hard to believe she had only heard that particular melody once before.
The moonlight caresses her silhouette, pushing her forward as she dances, supporting her as she flies. Always there to lend a hand when it’s needed. He sings for her, he lives for her.
Her eyes are closed, blocking out the vast emptiness of the room. If she opens them, even for a moment, her world will come crashing down around her once more. The song would end. The shadows would pull her down. The moon’s touch would be too far.
But in this one fleeting dance, the world is not broken; my life is not dangling on a frayed ribbon. I am perfectly whole.
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
Soul-less Sam is a lot like Castiel and I think I like it.
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
I was still sitting on the hill above my parents’ home when Carson showed up, clothing in hand. He didn’t say a word when he handed over the too-large t-shirt and jeans, and I didn’t say anything to him when I took them.
We sat in silence for what seemed like eons, not a single word uttered to break the silence that clung to us like a heavy blanket. I hugged my knees to my chest and looked down at the house, a million thoughts running through my mind so quickly that I couldn’t focus on just one.
“Killian,” he said, running a hand over my shoulder. “Killian, we need to talk about this.”
Tears threatened to fall as soon as he spoke up, but I pushed them back just like I had every other time I found myself in front of this place, naked and terrified. I couldn’t find my voice so I just shook my head. I didn’t want to talk about it. I wanted to pretend like this had never happened, like Carson had never found me here. That he hadn’t seen my wolf howling at the crest of the hill, unmoving from this spot for hours.
“Please, Lily,” he begged, taking my chin and pulling my face so that I had no choice but to look at him. His eyes were pleading. He didn't like finding me this way; it was scary. I was strong, I was an unbreakable wall of stubbornness and will.
“Carson, I just…I don’t know what I’m doing here.” I said, the tears finally breaking through. He pulled me close to his chest and let me cry against him, his rough sweater wiping away my tears.
Once they were released, I couldn’t stop them. The tears gave way to sobs that gave way to a painful clenching inside of my chest, a firm grasp around my heart and lungs, squeezing the breath from me, strangling me. I was all too aware that snot was dripping down my face and that my face was getting blotchy and red but I couldn’t find it in me to care. Carson hugged me tighter, burying his hands into my hair and whispering something into my ear, but my weeping drowned out his kind words.
It was so embarrassing, this ridiculous sobbing I was doing. I already looked like hell after running away from the demons last night, the branches of every tree hitting me full in the face and leaving scratches all along my cheeks. I knew Carson could care less about my appearance, but surely he wouldn’t be able to overlook the puffiness of my eyes, the redness that was blotched all over my cheeks and the smear of leftover mascara. At least I knew he wouldn’t mention it, like I knew Nathan would. Not that I would ever, ever allow him to see me in such disarray like this. I wouldn’t let myself be anything but strong in front of my pack. To them, I was the stubborn, strong-willed future alpha that would lead them after Harrison; should I show any sign of weakness all of their respect would crumble.
“You need to talk to Harrison about this,” he said. He tried to pull me from his shoulder so that he could look into my eyes and make me promise to him that I would, but I couldn’t. Harrison of all people wouldn’t be able to understand what I was doing here, why I was compelled to come back to this wretched place time and time again.
“Don’t you see?” I said against his sweater, the words slightly muffled, blindly gesturing to the little house below us. “I can’t tell him about this, he wouldn’t understand.”
“You’d be surprised,” was all he said in response.
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
Some days are worse than others. Today is one of those days.
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
The worst part about tumblr is that I can't search supernatural without spoiling the rest of the seasons.
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
The struggle is real
Sometimes its incredibly difficult to decide between finishing a season of supernatural and going to bed.
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
Misha oh Misha
Five seasons in and I've fallen head over heels for none other than Misha Collins.
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
Currently obsessing over Supernatural and its incredible cast and characters.
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
About Me
I am socially awkward and all I have wanted to do since the fourth grade was write books. I have yet to actually piece together a novel that would hold up against the vicious attacks made by editors and the like, but the several ideas that have been formed are well on their way to being written down. My favorite color is grey and I like the rain and the cold, I groom dogs for a living and hope to one day leave my mark on the world, whether its large or small. I don't expect anything from anyone. I'm just a lonely person trying to find her place in the world. Yours truly, The Captain.
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thecaptainnmorgann · 9 years
The Witch's Son
A bell dinged overhead as a young woman walked into the cluttered shop, a leather pack strapped to her thigh and a sheathed long sword against her back. The boy in the chair didn't look up as she entered, too engrossed in the blood dripping into the glass vial from the dead bird clenched in his fist. She paid him no mind, turning her gaze onto the shelves of goods that were erected from the front of the shop to the far stone wall, a length of space that couldn't have been more than twenty feet. She had definitely seen much larger shops than this one, shops with better stock as well, and not nearly as hot. Fingering the items that laid before her on the closet of the shelves she surveyed the room, and the boy as well.
They shelves were packed with all kinds of things, anything from candles or matches to the scales of a virginal mermaid. No doubt the majority of the items in this shop were used in spells and rituals and remedies, but she would have no use for them. Still, it was interesting to find locks of nymph hair and faery spit and a sealed jar that contained a green flame, but when she brought her hand to the glass, it was bitterly cold. Oh, if her mother could see her now. She would have had a heart attack just at the sight of the place with its cracked stone walls and the rats that scurried freely across the floor, not to mention the boy with blood running down his hands and forearm.
Was there no back room or workshop where he could bleed the stupid creature out of her sight? It was mildly revolting to see the beady black eyes of the bird staring at her from across the room, its twiggy legs broken and sticking out in awkward directions. Not that blood revolted her, but it might others. Some people in this world were much too tenderhearted to see such an act first thing through the door. The fingers around the bird's torso convulsed, causing more blood to trickled into the vial.
Disgusted, she turned her gaze away, focusing instead on the various spices and herbs and medicinal plants that hung on the back wall. Nothing she needed, of course, but they were the reason this tiny cottage came so highly recommended. There had to be hundreds of different plants to choose from: garlic, heath, holly, wolfsbane and foxglove, jasmine, lily, toadspurt, even Tongkat Ali, an extremely rare plant that many sought after, especially the men. How this place managed to get ahold of some was beyond her, probably stolen from a rich merchant or a blind witch, they were said to have all sorts or great things in their gardens.
"Can I help you, ma'am?" The boy stood, having discarded the corpse and placed its blood on the small table beside his chair. He was taller and lankier than he looked when he had been slouched over, and a mite bit handsome, too, if one liked that kin of unkempt, dirty look. And those eyes! Not human at all, but narrow like a feline's, though their coloring screamed something else entirely. They had a certain sheen to them, something golden and silver at the same time, hypnotizing. "Sorry about the blood, it's a tricky business trying to blood-let a phoenix chick." He smirked, the cigarette hanging from his bottom lip hung precariously as he threw his shoulders up in a what-can-you-do shrug.
"A phoenix chick?" She asked incredulously, trying to get a better look into his eyes.
"Yeah, their blood is incredible. I'd offer you a taste, but I'd probably lose my job. Not cheap, that stuff."
She narrowed her eyes at him, but he was no longer looking at her. Instead, he was searching the table for something, finally coming up with a dirty, bloodstained rag that he wiped his hands on, though he thoroughly licked most of the blood from his skin. "Anyways," he continued brightly, "what are you looking for today? Snake skin? Butterfly wings? We just got some new black candles and bat skulls, if you're interested in those. Or potions! There's a new healing mixture that we made up not too long ago, it's been getting some good reviews, or perhaps a bit of fairy dust for protection." He picked up all kind of odds and ends as he spoke, waving around animal parts and glittering glass bottles.
"No, thanks," she interrupted. "I'm not looking for anything, just coming to see what all the fuss was about."
"Oh, right." His shoulders sagged, showing his disappointment. He cocked his head to the side and scratched his head, the feather in his left ear fluttering daintily. "No problem, just, you know, look around and let me know if you find anything you like or if you have any questions just holler and I'll come a'runnin'."
What a strange boy. Well, she thought it over for a moment, looking at the man-child, he wasn't actually a boy. He had to be at least twenty, a man by most standards. He was shaggy like a child allowed to run free for too long, though, his hair ticking the nape of his neck and his clothes worn through in many places and coated in layers of dirt and grime. With a decent wardrobe and a haircut he could easily fit in amongst the Elite.
(I've got another page written with more to come if anyone thinks this is interesting enough to read more of. I wanted to put down as much as possible before retiring for the night. Feedback is much appreciated. Yours truly, The Captain.)
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thecaptainnmorgann · 10 years
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