#by watching and loving natsume takashi i am loving the me who was hurt by watching and loving natsume takashi
coquelicoq · 2 years
natsume's book of friends is the hurt/comfort show of all time. not necessarily for the characters, but for me as a viewer. it hurts me, deeply, emotionally, spiritually, and then it heals me, often in the exact same instant. not in the way where they cancel each other out, but in that way where you remain forever the person who was hurt and the person who was loved through the hurt. like okay. i am literally just Sitting Here. what the fuck. who came up with this. is that allowed
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winterune · 4 years
Happy 30th Birthday Uchiyama Kouki-san!!! | 16.08.20
Like what I have done previously to some of my favorite seiyuus, I will use this chance to write about my top Kouki Uchiyama roles to celebrate his 30th birthday (OMG Ucchi is already 30!!)
#1: Gin - Hotarubi no Mori e
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I’m sorry. This is the first Ucchi role I ever saw in one of the most beautiful anime movie I’ve ever watched T-T From the same mangaka and anime staff behind Natsume Yuujinchou comes this lovely, beautiful, heartbreaking anime about a girl who encountered a “youkai” in the woods behind her uncle’s home. I love this so much and Ucchi as Gin is sooo good T-T He’s sooo softtt I love him so much I’m still crying every time I think of Gin and this anime and even looking at that gif hurts me so much aaaaaaaa *sobs* definitely my ultimate #1 favorite Ucchi role <3 (sorry if I’m being incomprehensible here)
#2: Yoshino Takigawa - Zetsuen no Tempest
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I LOVE THIS GUY!!! Another soft Ucchiii uwu OK yeah I don’t remember which Ucchi role I encountered first - Yoshino or Gin. But these two are definitely the characters that made me fall in love with Ucchi’s acting T-T I don’t remember much about Yoshino since it’s been so long since I last watched the anime (which I plan to watch again), but I do remember Yoshino being super sweet and I just love him?
#3: Toi Kuji - Sarazanmai
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Ah yes, the Ucchi we have come to know and love lately. Brooding. Anti-social. He’s got the looks. He’s got the voice. But once you’ve come to know him, you realize there’s more to this kid than your average stay-away-from-me-i-do-bad-things brooding bad boy. The emotional range Ucchi projected! So raw! Sarazanmai is a masterpiece imo. A hidden gem from the 2019 winter line-up. A beautiful story about human connections hidden behind an absurdity you can only find in anime. And that’s what made this show amazing. I love it.
#4: Kei Tsukishima - Haikyuu!!
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Tsukkiii <3 I love this snarky little shit lmao. That is all.
Lol jk, but well in all seriousness, I don’t really have much to say either? I love this guy. Yeah at times you just want to smack his head and stop being so salty all the time, but Tsukki has one of the best lines and scenes and I love that he’s more rational and smart and observant than our main combi. Also love his arc! Also! Seeing Ucchi in Haikyuu events is to die for!
#5: Hiroshi Kido - Barakamon
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lmaooo I recently re-watched the series and...I am in love. With the characters. The setting. The entire show. Hiro is a third-year high school kid, regarded as the oldest among the children. He is seen as a big brother by the little kids and as a little brother by Handa - who, despite that, still needs to be taken care of by Hiro lol. He is sweet and funny and I love him and he often acts as the comic relief. Love this anime <3
Now for some honorable mentions:
HM1: Roxas/Ventus - Kingdom Hearts
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My precious boy!!! I have never played KH undubbed, and I’ve only heard snippets of Ucchi’s Roxas/Ventus. Gotta say that he sounds so young, even in KH3 lol (though KH3′s Roxas sounds more like his recent self). Still, need to mention him here, right? :D
HM2: Natsuki Usami - Tsuritama
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I’ve only watched the anime recently and I love it. I love the story. I love the cast. Natsuki is that aloof, cool character. Not exactly brooding. He just doesn’t want his classmates to know that he’s the Fishing Prince lmao (a title he earned after winning some angling competitions). Another cool character Ucchi voiced alongside Miyu :3 Also, when they cut his hair short, he looks exactly like Tsukki lol
HM3: Yuuta Asaba - Kimi to Boku
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Didn’t find the gif of him alone, so yes, here is the insufferable twins from Kimi to Boku, Yuuki (left, voiced by Kimura Ryohei) and Yuuta (right). I love the twins. And I love Yuuta. The older of the twin who doesn’t talk much and only watch the scenes from the side, but he’s always there, and iirc, he’s always there to help if needed. If not, well he’s still there, observing his brother and their friends. 
HM4: Takashi Sugiyama - Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru
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Another soft Ucchiii. Cute Ucchi. Dork Ucchi. I love Shindo!!! My second, or maybe third, favorite character after Ouji and Haiji (lmao I just realized this is another show with Ucchi, Tosshii and Miyu).
HM5: Neku Sakuraba - The World Ends with You
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Haven’t played the game yet but I’m still excited for the anime! Also, Ucchi’s voice in the trailer is *hhhh* so emotional. I love it!
So, once again, happy birthday to our most lovable dork, Ucchiiii <3 May you continue to bless us with your exceptional talent :3 
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chibicrow · 8 years
just for curiosity, why is crow your ultimate favorite character? was this because of a personal reason (you don't need to tell if you don't want) or did he had a scene that was really good for you? can I ask which scene it was?
HOPEFULLY THE ANON WHO SENT THIS IS STILL AROUND ‘cause I saw this two days ago and I really, reaaaaally had to think about how I wanted to answer this because I could type pages upon pages as an answer lmao. But, I highly doubt you want to read something that extensive. Hence the delay.
And I’m really glad you asked this because I’m pretty sure almost everyone who’s ever interacted with me ever has wanted to ask this (which is why I’m tagging this.), so kudos to you, Anon. 
Anyway, the short answer to this:
For the most part, the reasons actually are personal. For one, Crow-sama’s the first fictional character I could actually relate to entirely. It’s not that I couldn’t relate to fictional characters in other TV shows or anime or movies or books beforehand, but he was the first character I felt who truly represented someone like me. He wasn’t someone who was kinda like me or had some similar traits. He was me. So, really, there isn’t any one particular scene that made me decide “THIS DUDE IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER OF ALL TIME.” (although I do have my favorite scenes tho) Who Crow-sama is as an individual and how he developed is the reason why he’s my all-time favorite.
For two, and this is kinda silly, but he’s the first fictional character I fell head over heels for and had a crush on. Granted, that didn’t happen when he first debuted in episode 30, but after I watched the episode where it’s revealed he’s looking after five kids, it was all over then (because my apparent “type”, if you will, is misunderstood rascals. bonus points if they actually respect and interact with children). My fate was sealed in seventh grade at that point lmao. 
(which, unfortunately, paved the way for me to get hardcore crushes on other anime characters like Kaito Daimon from Phi Brain and Natsume Takashi from Natsume Yuujinchou like DAMMIT CROW-SAMA)
And, relating to that, for three … he not only changed my life, but he saved it. Which is not an exaggeration by any means. 
Elaboration under the cut AKA the long answer to this question (to my pals who haven’t seen 5D’s yet: there aren’t any spoilers under the cut)
Before I met Crow-sama, I really wasn’t in a good place tbh. I was doing pretty well academically, but that was it. Socially, I more or less got along with most of my classmates, but I wasn’t close friends with by any means because I felt I wasn’t “cool” enough for them. So because of that, emotionally? I was in hell. And I wasn’t in a good spot in my spiritual life either. And if that was off, everything was off. 
Some of these classmates didn’t make it easy to feel otherwise either. Whenever I spoke up, I would get ignored. Or whenever I was acknowledged, they’d look at me, pretend to understand what I was talking about, and then go right back to what they were talking about before I apparently “interrupted”. And what would hurt is that some of these classmates used to be “close friends” of mine in elementary school. All of a sudden, I wasn’t interesting enough for them. I wasn’t cool. And this was also the time I’m pretty sure my anxiety and depression started being prominent in my life.
Then there’s the fact that some of my classmates - my girl classmates no less - would say hurtful things to me or act really horrifically towards me (cold shoulders when they saw me, etc.) and never apologize for it. And I was nowhere near as assertive as I am now, so I just. Let people walk over me because it was convenient that way. 
Not to mention there were plenty of times I sat at TABLES by myself at lunch time and the teachers had to force people to sit with me. Which of course detracts from my coolness factor by a lot. And I always felt awful every time. Because who wants to be friends with a “teachers’ pet” (because I got along with the teachers better than most of the kids in my class)?
So I decided “What’s the point of friendship? I’ve gotten this far without it. I don’t need friends.” and basically just stopped trying to be friends with people. 
I closed myself off. I went further and further into my shell, repelling anyone who tried to get close to me. And it was a disaster. I refused to face the reality that I needed help and that I needed people who understood me and where I was coming from. I even contemplated suicide in fifth grade and the closest I got to actually committing the act was opening the drawer and reaching toward the knives. The only reason I didn’t go through with it is because I thought “well wait. my parents would have to clean this up though. and i don’t want to inconvenience them. better not do that.”
And I’m still here all because of that one thought. But I was barely hanging on. There was no way people were going to accept me and I can’t change people in order to let me into their lives. There was just no point in being alive, no point in truly living. So I was just going to go through the motions.
Then, one day, during November 2008, during Thanksgiving Break, that’s when my world was shattered - for the better. Because I met him.
(sounds like a line from a YA novel, but again, no exaggeration here)
Obviously, Crow-sama and I come from completely different backgrounds and circumstances. But, in Crow-sama, I saw myself. I saw myself being continually shut out and put down by the so called “high society” (Neo-Domino) but was still struggling to be myself regardless. I saw myself shutting people out of my life once they’ve hurt me in some way. I saw myself just trying to survive.
Here’s the kicker tho. Despite all that shit? Despite all that Crow-sama went through? He let it get to him, but he turned it into motivation. Motivation to do better. His revenge against the people who hurt him? Going above them. Taking the higher road. His rebellion against society? Just being himself. He wasn’t going to let anyone stop him, Satellite, Neo-Domino, or otherwise. 
Crow-sama taught me that while it’s necessary to change as you grow older and while people might give you a ton of shit and you can’t please everyone, you just have to keep going and be yourself. Because being yourself, as long as you’re just not out to hurt others for the sake of hurting them, is the best thing you can do. Being honest with yourself is a must.
And with that in mind, Crow-sama also taught me that it was okay to have emotions, to be hurt, to feel betrayed. And he also taught me that although things might seem bleak now, just trust yourself and strongly believe in what’s right, and things will get better. You don’t need to radically change yourself in order for people to love you. You don’t need to be “cured”.
And, well, that’s exactly what my emotionally-ravaged middle school self needed to see and hear and, most importantly, learn (also the fact Crow-sama loves children and I also love children when most people were like “fuck kids” was just. What an inspiration.)
Now, Crow-sama wasn’t the only one from 5D’s who positively impacted my life, and really, the entire show, characters, soundtrack, overall messages, and all changed my life in some way or another. But he was, without a doubt, the one who started the process, the one who really welcomed someone like me into the world of 5D’s. All because the kid just did not give a flying fuck. 
After I met Crow-sama and started internalizing some of these messages, although I fully didn’t understand them at the time, I started becoming more comfortable with myself. I started to become more outgoing (by Angelica standards) and not really caring that much what people thought (within the realms of my anxiety, anyway). 
I started to love myself and realize I mattered. 
Now, obviously, I struggle a lot with my identity or I have my breakdowns or I deal with that One Difficult Person, but I usually bounce back within a short period because I’ve internalized what I’ve experienced in middle school with Crow-sama. 
And that, my friend, is why Crow Hogan-sama is my all-time favorite character. 
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winterune · 7 years
@natsumeweek Day 3 - Favorite chapter/episode/arc
I didn’t know what to write for this, so let’s just do this.
I couldn’t decide my favorite episode/arc so I decided to write about some of my favorite episode/arc from each season. 
There are a few I consider as my absolute #1 favorite Natsume episode/arc
The First One:
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Season 2 Episode 6-7
Taki’s introduction, but mostly episode 7: That Which You Must Not Call
This is the first time we see Natsume realizes just what it means not to be able to see youkai anymore and Natsume is actually distraught by this. All his life, he has questioned himself: why is he able to see youkai? Seeing youkai has been nothing but trouble for him. He got bullied, none of his relatives wants anything to do with him (though some did show genuine concern for him), everyone isolates him. And then, he moved to live with the Fujiwaras and came to know Nyanko-sensei and other youkais and his outlook on things began to change. He started liking the youkai as he realized not all of them are bad and some are even his friends. He even came to ask himself at one point what it would be like if he someday lost his sight. And then we have this episode, where Natsume is cursed by a youkai and have his “sight” taken from him. 
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In his cat form, Natsume can see Nyanko-sensei very well, because that is not his real form but a vessel even other human can see. But when Sensei turns into his original form, he immediately disappeared from Natsume’s sight. And Natsume kept calling for him even though Sensei was there beside him because Natsume couldn’t see him. And afterwards, when everything was finished:
When I couldn’t see, I had thought just for a bit, that what I felt was loneliness.
Natsume realizes that he was lonely when he couldn’t see Sensei. And after watching Nishimura and Kitamoto’s episode, I believe that is because you can say that Nyanko-sensei is Natsume’s first friend. He never had friends before, and he always mistook the intentions of the youkai who did want to be friends with him. Then Nyanko-sensei came along, and though neither of them will admit they are each others’ friends, I believe Natsume sees Sensei as his first friend. And to not be able to see Sensei at all... that must have made him lonely. 
My days continue to be filled with noise. But perhaps I’m the one straining to listen and understand the voices and words.
And at the end, Natsume admits that he may be the one who reaches out to youkai, instead of the other way around.  
This was a beautiful episode. The first arc that was split into two episodes. And I love it even more because it marks a major development for Natsume.
The Second One:
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Season 4 Episode 11-13
There are things you can’t have no matter how much you want them. So it’s easier to just forget about them, Sensei, right?
I have a lot of episodes I love from Season 4, but I have to say this arc was--is--a favorite. The longest arc they have made so far--using up to three episodes--and the most heartbreaking Natsume episode I’ve watched. This was the first Natsume arc to make me cry. Usually, watching Natsume Yuujinchou would make me smile and feel all warm and I’d get a lot of feels. But this arc is the first one to make me cry. 
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This is a picture of the two of them, from just before I was born. When I looked at their kind smiles and thought that I was supposed to be there smiling too... I couldn’t stop crying. It hurt so much that I wanted to forget.
We see Natsume reminisce about his parents. He lost his mother right after he was born, and then lost his father at an early age. He doesn’t remember his parents, nor his home. And this one time, after a series of events, he ran out of his relatives’ house to look for his own home, even though in the end, he couldn’t find it. 
Yet when a youkai tells him he’ll eat his memories, Natsume refuses.
They’re a part of what makes me who I am. No matter how much they hurt, they’re important to me.
Another great arc with a wonderful development for Natsume^^
The Third One:
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Season 5 Episode 10
Touko and Shigeru
I can’t describe how much I love this episode. It was beautiful and wonderful and Touko and Shigeru are just the best parents ever! It was heart-warming seeing how Shigeru wants to adopt Natsume and it was just wonderful seeing things from Touko’s point of view, especially when Natsume first live with them and how much they try to make him feel at home. But the thing in this episode that got to me the most is the ending:
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She can’t see it, Takashi-kun! She can’t! But she plays along! And I don’t know if she has a feeling that Natsume might be able to see things that people can’t (judging from that face, I guess she knows he can see things people can’t) but the point is: Touko didn’t rebuke him! She plays along! She accepts him! So what if he can see youkai? There’s no harm in that! She loves and there’s no changing that.
The Fourth One:
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Season 3 Episode 12
A Place to Go Home to
I want to give it a try... I want to stay with the both of you.
None of Natsume’s relatives want to take care of him. He’s been given from one relative to the next, moving from one school to another. Maybe some did show concern for him, but their concern for their own family is bigger, so Natsume never did receive much love. And then they came--the Fujiwaras. 
As we saw in the flashback, Shigeru first found Natsume when he came to an acquaintance’s funeral. And once they decided to bring Natsume to their home, Natsume was hesitant at first, because someone so willingly taking him into their care... he has never experienced that before.
She said she wanted me there. Thus far, nobody has taken me in willingly. 
He had his doubts--and I have no doubt he might have thought they might ayakashi pretending to be human--but when he found out that Shigeru and Touko did come to his then-foster parents, Natsume knew immediately what he wanted. 
Well, I guess these are my top favorite episodes from each season. I don’t really have a favorite from season 1 and season 6 is still airing so I still can’t choose. Seriously, Natsume Yuujinchou is one of the best anime out there, and  I’m sad it’s not really popular outside Japan (really want more Natsume merchs). 
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