#by which i mean i'm going to go make focaccia
thevioletcaptain · 1 month
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Day three of the @spnficrecfest was in fact... several days ago. Apparently I'm destined to run late throughout this entire thing, but better late than never, I guess! Here are five of my favorite Dean/Cas fics over 50k words. Some of these would also fit into other lists, but I'm going to try not to double up.
Clean Air by anactoria Explicit | 121k | 💨
Set in a post-apocalyptic future where what's left of humanity lives deep underground, this is the kind of atmospheric sci-fi that I'm always thrilled to find in fic. This AU was written for the DCBB in 2014, and is a fusion with Hugh Howey's Wool trilogy, which has since been adapted into the Apple series Silo. I'm yet to dig into either the books or the show, so anactoria's fic is still the only version of this particular universe that I'm familiar with, and it's stuck with me for a decade.
For All You Young Hockey Players Out There, Pay Attention by thursdaysfallenangel Explicit | 146k | ⛸️
Listen. If you haven't already read THEE professional hockey player enemies-to-lovers Dean/Cas masterpiece that is this fic, I don't know what to tell you. Go read it. That's all.
PWP: Pie Without Plot by MajorEnglishEsquire & orange_crushed Mature | 82k | 👨‍🍳
Sometimes, you'll read a fic that so perfectly and sensually describes the process of baking that you'll think about it every time you so much as see focaccia for the next eleven years. This is a canonverse fic diverging from season eight, in which Dean goes "undercover" as a . And I'm really not joking about the focaccia thing -- literally every single time. For almost eleven years.
What It Means to Be Alive by LeandraLocke Explicit | 132k | 🏖️
This post-canon fic sees Dean taking a road trip, healing from a lifetime of trauma, grieving for Cas, and figuring some things out through an unexpected relationship with a man he meets in Mexico... and then Cas comes back to life. Definitely one to check out if you've never read it before!
some blueberry pie life by soft_pine Mature | 172k (so far) | 🥧
A sprawling, achy, wonderful character study that fits into all the gaps of canon. I adore the way Pine writes, and this fic is a forever fave. Yes it's a WIP, but as Pine describes it, it's really a bunch of oneshots in a trenchcoat, so don't let that stop you.
Check under the cut for links to all of the rec lists I make for this fest! I'll update with new links as I post them :)
Day One - Purgatory Era Day Two - Dean's Canon Kinks Day Three - Long Fics Day Four - Alternate Universes Day Five - Rare Pairs Day Six - Case Fics Day Seven - Tropes Day Eight - Gen Fics Day Nine - Vintage Fics Day Ten - Coda Fics Day Eleven - Mystery List
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
❄️Enchanted AU: Christmas Part 20❄️
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We're still figuring out the name guys! Enchanted Mondays? idk idk idk
Part 1 | Christmas Part 1 | Last Chapter
Part 20
“Hey Mama.” Daniel comfortably laid on his tummy and smiled fondly at his phone while he watched his mother cook. She was baking today, the house probably stunk of vanilla and sugar or the smell of warm bread. He sighed into the crook of his elbow. He was in his bed, Max was off collecting his family from the airport, so Daniel was alone with Sassy and Jimmy for a little while. He’d wanted to use the time to call home.
“Hello my baby, how are you?” Grace’s eyes squinted at him while she smiled. Her identical honey gaze swept over what she could of his face.
“I miss you.” Daniel mumbled, he knew it might be silly. But he missed her terribly. He missed home. He’d never been away like this.
“I miss you too, my love. Has everything been ok?” She eyed him with concern for a moment.
“I just miss home, I think. Max has been great.” He smiled a bit when he thought of Max and Grace raised a brow, catching the miniscule change with laser focus. She hummed a question and Daniel flushed with embarrassment. 
“I– stop looking at me like that.” He ducked his head from his mother’s view again, pulling a pillow to rest his chin on. Grace tutted at him before proceeding to flour her countertop and drop a large blob of risen dough on it.
He continued to watch her work, kneading the dough and spreading it with her fingers. He bit his lip and then nibbled his cuticle whole watching her methodically work on her bread. He felt calmed by the purposeful movements.
“I think I like him.” Daniel mumbled, eyes focused on his mother's fingers as she worked olive oil into the flat pan of stretched dough. “But I can't– because like he's helping me. And he doesn't see me like that anyway. And it's fine. It's not going to like affect anything. And I…” he continued to ramble while his mother placed herbs onto her focaccia to look like a small garden. 
Grace hummed periodically and let him work through his thoughts, exactly like how it would be if he were at home. He would sit by the breakfast bench and watch her cook while they gossiped or while he told her his problems.
“Are you sure you can't? Does he maybe feel the same?” Grace cut in, she wiped her hands on a tea towel and waited.
Daniel sputtered and eased up into a sitting position, he brought the phone close to his face. “Mama–” he glanced to his closed bedroom door to make sure it was closed and then to Jimmy who was lounging on his other pillow to make sure he wasn't listening to their private conversation. He totally was, Sassy too, but it wasn’t like they could tell anybody.
“Mama no. It-it's not like that.” Daniel stressed and Grace giggled. “I'm already like enough of a burde–”
“Daniel Joseph don't you ever call yourself that again!” Grace's face turned to stone, her eyes narrowed behind her fashionable glasses.
Daniel's mouth snapped closed at her tone and he whined a little. He hated when she was angry with him.
“You are not a burden and I don't want you to think that. Max doesn't think you are a burden either, honey.” She soothed, Daniel bit his lip sullenly. “Besides, if you truly think your presence is such a problem, why haven't you asked for an update on your passport? Hmm?” She grinned cheekily when Daniel sputtered in reply.
“I-I mean I was– I was trusting the process?” His excuse sounded poor even to him, so he said nothing when his mother tutted at him and rolled her eyes.
He watched as she placed her tray in the oven and started to wash up. She hummed to herself and Daniel listened silently, swaying to the song.
Before he knew it, there was noise coming from the living room, which meant that Max was back with everyone. Daniel felt torn, wanting to go outside and see them all but also to stay on the phone with his mother watching her putter around and finish up dinner.
“Mama I have to go.” He said finally, frowning sadly. She smiled and told him she loved him before sending him off.
Daniel opened the bedroom door and watched as the cats darted out excitedly. The noise grew in volume now that the door was open and he heard Luka and Lio cheer in happiness to see Sassy and Jimmy. Daniel made his way into the den of Dutchies and smiled widely, hugging everyone in greeting.
Max watched Daniel carefully, he seemed a bit tired, drawn maybe. “Daniel, is everything alright?” Max asked when Daniel settled back into the kitchen between himself and Sophie. He ignored the quick (and pointed) look Vic gave him.
“Oh! Yeah! Uhm I was on the phone with Mama. I miss her, is all.” Daniel smiled with a shrug and tucked into Sophie's side when she put her arm around his shoulder.
“Max said you decorated for us, it's all so beautiful. Thank you “ Sophie gushed, she understood that sometimes a distraction was the best medicine.
Daniel blushed thinking of all the effort he put in. He was still super proud of himself for the level of magic he was able to produce to clean everything. He'd never cast an enchantment so powerful without a conductor before. But it was all for good, because the aura of the flat was pure, only positive vibrancy remained. 
“Thank you.” Daniel bit his lip and smiled. “Are you guys tired? The guest rooms are also all ready.” He offered and Sophie fanned off his concern, she instead went into full mother mode. 
Max and Victoria watched from their vantage, Vic leaning over to brush their shoulders. “He'll be ok.” She mumbled and Max nodded.
“So what do you have planned for our first Monaco Christmas?” She teased, snorting a laugh when Max shushed her quickly and quickly checked to see if Daniel had heard. He had already told them in the car not to bring the topic up, but he should have known that Vic would tease him dangerously.
“Daniel wanted to go to the Christmas night market and I was looking up Australian Christmas stuff and we can go to the beach maybe. Oh shoot I forgot to order the pavlova.”
“What's a pavlova?” Vic's brow furrowed. Daniel leaned back from whatever he and Sophie were focused on.
“It's– uhm, like a cake made of meringue. With like fruits and stuff on top” Daniel explained with wide eyes. “We don't– we don't have to. It's fine– really.”
“No, it's your first Christmas away from home. We should incorporate some of your traditions from home too.” Sophie shushed and Daniel blinked watery brown eyes and nodded. He didn't offer up any further opposition.
Max went to go sit with the boys, while they played with their toys under Sassy’s supervision. Luka was colouring quietly and Lio was driving a toy car around a track shaped like the outline of Jimmy flopped on his side, complete with engine noises.
“Are you guys ready for Christmas?” Max asked, stroking Jimmy who swiped his tail to change the ‘track’ that Lio’s car drove on.
“Yeah we already got our first gift!” Luka said, not looking up from his coloring. Max knew he was talking about the early present that Sinterklaas left them at the start of the month. 
“Oh yeah? What was it?” Max looked between the two boys.
“A sister! She's in Mommy's belly.” Lio piped up and Max's eyes widened comically before his head whipped to his sister and brother in law who sat talking quietly by the kitchen.
“Vic?! You're pregnant?” Max scrambled up, calling out in Dutch. Sophie looked up with a smile and Vic nodded happily. Max scooped her up in a tight hug. Daniel watched with wide eyes, he looked to Sophie while Max and Victoria babbled excitedly to each other. Max was almost crying with happiness, his face scrunched so achingly tender and adoring. And Daniel staunchly ignored any little feeling in his chest that this all created. 
Sophie laughed happily and repeated the good news for Daniel's benefit. His mouth dropped open in surprise and he hugged Sophie before going to hug and congratulate Tom and Vic. Max was watching his sister with awe in his eyes and he clung to her happily.
Part 21
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brosif40 · 1 year
I just wanted to say that me and skulls-soul love your work so much. It's probably not that hard to tell but we are massive fans, your King Boo's are amazing, and your art as a whole is just awesome to look at. We love your art
Anyways I should probably leave an ask since this is the ask box so, which one out of the 3 KB's is your favorite to draw? If you don't have a specific one then which do you prefer the design of. I would love to hear headcanon's about them if you are willing to share
Waaa thank you guys that means so much 🥺
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I love drawing them all ofc! It's so hard to choose which one I prefer the design of also, they all have good things 😔 but I'm pretty sure Sunshine's my fav one out of the three designs :3
And I have a few HC's I've been thinking about latley
Dark Moon:
Loves to paint in their spare time, mainly studies of the plants he owns :3. Sometimes Prisboo paints with them-
Doesn't understand most slang words or memes/jokes so it usually asks their siblings to translate/explain some things (poor thang got destroyed by you just lost the game bc of them....and you did too B])
Plays chess sometimes and makes their siblings play with them, Party's good at it while Sunshine is still learning
Learned to cook because of Luigi and has enjoyed doing it ever since, likes baking the most. They also love making Focaccia bread because of the flower designs :3
Hates bright lights, prefers to be in dim barely lit rooms
Very introverted, likes to stay at home most of the time- except when visiting his siblings, Luigi and Peach (I see them as besties)
Goes by Boosimir, only some people can call them that though
She enjoys reading when they're not busy, specifically sci-fi and horror. They have a large collection of books as well
They love playing video games such as Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing and Pikmin (he also likes games like Doom :3)
Sometimes goes invisible to sneak into games, did this once in Mario Super Sluggers (they do this at Movie Theaters also)
Is the oldest by a few minutes, calls Dark Moon little sibling because of it hehe- and Sunshine is the youngest
Besties with Daisy >:3
Very competitive (Becomes a menace in Mario Kart, mainly bc of how I play hehe)
Likes to host parties sometimes, mainly for other Boo's though- it's not too fond of people
Dislikes loud noises but tolerates them
Used to go by Big Boo before being King (sm64), but is also called Boodwin
Grows his own herbs (if you know what I mean hehe), DM actually helped them figure out how to start growing them too
It's favorite fruit is durian :3, pineapples and mangoes are also a big fav of theirs
Likes getting tattoos, like the Phanta Manta one on their back :3- also lets others draw on him sometimes, mainly the lil boos
Is more of an cool uncle than a dad to the Boo's, though some of them call him dad sometimes
More outgoing than the other two, usually the best at making friends with others. When you work at a Casino you're gonna be interacting with a bunch of people so yeah-
Sometimes makes people lose on purpose, esp if they were rude to the staff. And finds it hilarious when people waste all their coins on a game.
Enjoys traveling on their free time, been just about everywhere on Isle Delfino and the other Islands surrounding it :3
Goes by Tropicaboo (which is named after Tropicabug from Bugsnax bc I am a nerd)
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missspringthyme · 6 months
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March 17th, 2024
Today was a fantastic day!
I woke up later than I wanted, but early enough to get the bread finished on time. I hung out in the living room while I went through cycles of letting the dough rest and kneading it, I love making bread and everyone loves focaccia. In the end, I made double the amount I planned on because we had to snag a baking tin from upstairs and the only one they had was huge. No one complained in the end though.
But that's how I spent most of the day, tending my bread, playing games on my tablet, listening to music and occasionally cleaning. Not a bad sunday. Eventually, the rest of the dinner was made (focaccia with rosemary and cherry tomatoes, vegetable quiche, chai spiced cookies, stracciatella ice cream, strawberries, and fresh whipped cream) and we all sat down to eat. Along with everyone in the apartment (minus turkish girl since she has been in Turkey for weeks because of a visa thing) Spanish girl joined us after coming back for a trip today. This is her first real time leaving Spain and she's using it to go to as many places as she can, this time it was Vienna and Prague. She asked me to go ice skating with her in Cologne so we'll have to figure that out eventually as well.
I don't know how to say this without sounding mean, but this is my journal so I'm allowed to be honest. I can tell she had a lot of years where she felt unattractive or undesirable, and now she's some male attention. She's doing the classic thing of pendulum swinging from one end of the self esteem spectrum to the other, which is a fantastic feeling, but it keeps taking me off guard. She does it in a way where she gives herself a huge compliment and then makes you affirm it. I don't know, it's not a bad thing but I just scramble for a second every time she does it.
My sister also called to ask when I would be going to the US this summer and for how long. I ended up giving her advice that she said was "actually helpful" so I'll count that as a win. I also realized that she would be able to store her things at my apartment if she wanted since my lease ends after her semester starts, I'll see if she goes for it though.
We had wine with our meal, and I had essentially a quarter of a cup to taste it. It was pretty nice, especially as I don't really like wine. Spanish girl did tease us for picking screw cap bottles though. We had really good conversations, especially because TCA went on a date in Cologne yesterday that went well. We grilled him for information, and then everyone wanted to see his hinge profile. I did a masterclass job on his profile, especially considering the only thing he could tell me he wanted was cars. First picture is a nice looking, but simple photo of him (that I took). Second is a photo of him where he looks really cool and you can tell he's tall (that I took). Third photo of him it's a candid action shot of him cooking (that I took). Fourth photo is a picture of him, me, and authentic Australian holding up art work we did at a workshop (I did not take this photo). Fifth photo (?) is a video of him ice skating and giving a thumbs up to the camera (which I took). Sixth photo is of him snuggling my blow up crocodile on the couch (which I took). This is supplemented by a voice recording of him telling a story, only one mention of his love of F1, and a 2 truths and a lie. All together, his profile shows that he has friends, hobbies, is tall, does fun things, cooks, is snuggly, and most importantly, is Australian. His profile has been raking in the babes. Spanish girl said his profile made him feel like he was written by a woman and told me I did an incredible job. Maybe I should start a side hustle.
After dinner, we played werewolf and that was the cherry on top. I was the narrator everytime except for 2 rounds which was fine by me. My favorite thing in the world is knowing everything and watching it all go down. German-american repeatedly accused authentic Australian despite him never being the werewolf. At one point she said "I know he's innocent, I just want him dead". Watching everyone's reactions to the different roles was the best thing in the world, and I hope we get to play again with just slightly more people. After we introduced the role of the doctor, games were a little more interesting and lasted just a little bit longer.
All of this, however, meant that by the time I got a chance to call T it was already pretty late. I could tell he was frustrated and it made the call a little tense. I tried to lighten things up, and it worked a bit. I also stayed on the call a lot longer than I really should have just so he could feel like the call was as long as he would want it to be. In the end though it wasn't terrible, and it was nice to see him all snuggled up.
0 notes
nekokaicafe · 8 months
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I'm just gonna skip straight to the OOC rambling on this one because Hiroshi Aoyagi would not put this pale thing out for sale even if it does taste fucking amazing.
This is my first ever attempt at focaccia (specifically King Arthur's Small Batch Cheesy Focaccia) and I think it actually turned out pretty good despite not being a very photogenic bake! It bakes in a loaf pan and is just enough for one very hungry human person to eat while it's still nice and fresh.
I definitely should have left it in the oven another minute or two both before and after the cheese went on to brown it up some more but I was concerned about the bottom, which turned out beautiful and golden and crunchy, burning. Maybe next time I'll put it under the broiler for a bit. Also, the recipe calls for a baking stone or steel and I have neither so I just hummed it in the oven at 450 and hoped for the best. And... I grabbed the fat free mozzarella at the store by mistake but figured it would be fine. It's... not bad, but I'm not getting it again.
But it puffed up beautifully! Look at those bubbles! And as I said, it tastes great! I ate about half of it right after this photo was taken.
Now, what Aoyagi would do is snark at some of the comments on the recipe and so I ask that you indulge me for a few minutes because hoo boy.
Most of the commenters read the recipe, looked at the photo at the top of the recipe showing off the length-width-height ratio of the focaccia, have some idea what fucking focaccia even IS, can follow written and/or video instructions, and can infer that the words "small batch" mean this recipe will make a SMALL FUCKING BATCH.
Most of the commenters. Except this one.
I was suspicious of a loaf of bread that only used 1 cup of flour …Don't waste your time. All the time wasted…didn't rise more than 1 inch in the pan.
And this one.
These baking directions are very confusing. It reads about shaping the loaf in a loaf pan, like a focaccia, but then it directs to cook the loaf on the stone, so I take the bread out of the pan onto the stone. I'm wondering why I'm dirtying a pan just to shape? There's nothing about using oil on the stone or parchment, flour or cornmeal to help transfer it to the stone and keep from sticking. Then it refers to putting the cheese up the side of the pan, pressing it in….so now I'm putting the loaf back in the pan? once yeast hits heat, it's going to expand, right? and not fit back in? Then it says to press the cheese on top into the sides of the pan, so Now I think no, the bread was in the pan all along…but my loaf pans are pyrex and there's no way to press cheese into a hot pan without getting seriously, badly burned!! So that can't be right, it's got to be a cold pan. But either way, cheese is going to stick all over the place on the pan, so why am I not putting the cheese on the bread where I have a better chance of being able to eat it? Has anyone out there ever "cheesed" a pan to prep it?? Do I put the bread back in the pan first or put the cheese in the pan first and the partly cooked bread back on top? Haven't baked this yet. Anyone have any suggestions? My head is spinning!
And this one, which... my fellow traveler on Spaceship Earth, it's literally right there in the TITLE OF THE RECIPE:
Overall this recipe is fine. But it makes what to me is basically a one-person, snack-sized mini focaccia.
Anyway. Shit's good. I'll make it again.
0 notes
mondaysjournal · 1 year
6/10/2023 - One Hundred Billion Stars
Forever is one of those strange concepts that we have a word for but can't personally experience. In a technical sense it's "until the end of time;" that's something we won't be around for. So when we use it, it means something completely different based on the context. Forever is how long I had to wait until you came into my life the way you did. It's how long those three months you were here felt. It's how long the last full day I spent with you was. It's how long I have to wait to see you again. And it's how much time I want to spend with you. It's unfortunate that it can't be until the end of time, but I can settle for a little bit less than that.
Not much happened this week. On tuesday, I drove to albany for the symposium. Traffic on the way there as well as the brightness of the day made it kind of hard to drive, but on the way back since it was so late, the lack of traffic and darkness made it much easier. I gave Mr. Bott a focaccia, which he could not eat, but he said that his children and parents enjoyed it. The symposium itself was nice. I hope you can come to it next year. I want Mr. Bott to meet you, since you're so important to me. He's important in the sense that he's probably the closest thing to a father figure that I had in high school, while not quite getting there. I didn't disobey him enough for that to be the reality. You'd understand why some aspects of me are the way they are if you had a brief conversation with him.
I didn't go anywhere else this week, other than magic club. I lost two games and then won with rem karolus doing a heartless hidetsugu + furnace of rath combo. I like quick games. I also ordered the parts for shelob a few days ago, after I saw an article reporting huge price spikes on arachnogenesis. I think I was right to do so, because there were five copies of it on hareruya before and only one left when I placed my order. It's cheaper than the previous few decks I've made, I think. Not exactly a surprise since it's a tribal deck where most of the tribal cards are just random 2/3s for 3 with reach. The most expensive part is the landbase. It's definitely something I'm going to tinker with more over time. Other than that, I ended up finishing the latest randomized elden ring run with lint. And this morning I woke up early to go see one of the apartments you told me to email about, but I'll tell you about that more when we talk. We're running out of rice and chili powder so I might have to go get some tomorrow.
I don't really have anything else to look forward to doing at the moment, since the symposium was that one thing. I guess this is just how things were before you, but in your shadow it all seems more boring. I started reading the book you told me to read, but I'm only about 20 pages in since I get distracted easily. Once I'm actually further in, I'll start writing about it in earnest. I'll find something to do. I started cleaning around here more, since I feel guilty about not doing that enough. But I know there has to be more here than playing games and cleaning and making food. I might visit david at some point, but who knows if that will actually happen...really it's up to him to decide if he has the time. But yeah, I'll figure something out. I know you wouldn't want me to feel sad and bored here.
I love you, princess. I hope we can talk soon. You bring so much joy into my life.
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ladynestaarcheron · 4 years
Like Pristine Glass - Chapter Thirteen
ao3 - ff.net - masterpost
(tagging these cuties: @humanexile @skychild29 @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @candid-confetti ​ @rhysandsrightknee @missing-merlin @azriels-forgotten-shadow @books-and-cocos @sezkins79 @city-of-fae @someonemagical @dusty-lightbulb @messyhairday-me)
my eternal thanks to @thestarwhowishes for being my wonderful beta. and to you all for being my wonderful readers<3
chapter thirteen, without further ado!
 November 7 - 4 years after
 It’s early morning when he arrives in Velaris. He’s exhausted, having spent a long day in the Illyrian mountains after flying back from Gilameyva. It is miserable to be back in the mountains, and more miserable still to arrive in Velaris and learn that it’s not any better.
       If anything, it’s worse. Because he had expected to be happier here than in Illyria—who wouldn’t? The two barely belong in the same court, with one so picturesque and overflowing with joy and the other  a messy series of war camps, still bleeding out from the hasty stitches patched upon it after the rebellions—and he isn’t. He can’t be happy anywhere, now.
       “You’re back.”
       Cassian turns to see the surprised pleasure in Mor’s voice echoed on her face. He gives her an easy grin. “Miss me?”
       She slugs his arm lightly as she grins back. “Not particularly.” Her tone changes, more gentle. “How were they?”
       He stifles a sigh. He worries he might break down sobbing if he lets it out. “They’re… amazing.”
       “Good,” she says, rubbing her hand on his shoulder. “That’s good.”
       Cassian sits himself down in one of  the large armchairs, draping his wings over the back. “Yeah,” he says. “It’s good.”
       She curls up on one of the couches beside him. “You miss them.”
       It’s not a question, so he doesn’t answer. Just nods his head a little.
       He’s heard before, that people who don’t have children simply can’t understand. He has, privately, rolled his eyes. For he has loved before, has he not? Rhys and Az and then Mor and even Amren, and the whole Illyria and the Night Court and Feyre and then for those few months with her in the mountains, he had loved Nesta.
       This is not the same.
       He doesn’t miss them. That’s not nearly enough. But he’s never been one for words, so the slight nod is all he can give.
       “Did you ask her to bring them for Solstice?”
       He frowns slightly; he doesn’t like how she phrases it. It isn’t consciously done, he knows. Mor has no malicious intent. But he doesn’t like the implication that she is bringing them for them, the children, to be here, and not them, a family unit that is he and Nesta and the triplets, to be together.
       But he supposes she is right. If Nesta comes, it won’t be for her sake. Not for a them.
       “I did. She’ll think about it.”
       Mor’s better at hiding her frown than he is, but he can still see it in her eyes.
       “It’s her right to say no,” he defends. Which he doesn’t like. He doesn’t like it because it’s true and it might happen and also because he doesn’t want to have to defend Nesta to Mor or Rhys or Amren, or even Az sometimes. At least Feyre and Elain love her too, and they have some semblance of camaraderie with him in that.
       He doesn’t like it rather selfishly: he wants to defend his right to have his family for Solstice, but because his other family doesn’t see Nesta as part of them, he has to defend her.
       Cassian wonders, briefly, if this is how Feyre ever felt. Trapped between two realms, two families. Or maybe even Rhys.
       “I didn’t mean it wasn’t,” she says carefully. “Just… you’re their father too.”
       “It’s different.” He looks at his hands, callused and scarred. “Even if I had been with them since they were born… I still wouldn’t be with them all the time.”
       “You’re keeping them safe,” she says. “You’re keeping the world safe for them. That’s important too.”
           Sugar Valley is safe, he thinks, but he keeps it to himself. No one will mind, of course. They will be sympathetic. They’ll think he’s bitter, upset, think they can help him get past his guilt and move on.
       But he doesn’t think it ever will. And the thought of staying anonymous in a sleepy town across the sea winks at him from the dying starlight as the sun rises over the Sidra.
 November 21 - year after
 The cheery pastels of the clinic were not helping to improve Nesta’s mood. Nor were the mother and child, hand in hand, waiting across from her.
       The child blinked up at her from long lashes, blushing slightly when she made eye contact. She looked away in alarm as he gave her a pleased grin.
       There should be a different room for children, she thought. When people were coming for… this.
       It wasn’t that she felt guilty. She just didn’t want to think about it.
       So she counted the sugarberries painted on the walls, and before long, Dadashov called her name.
       “Good morning, Miss Archeron,” she said smoothly. “Can I offer you some tea?”
       “No. Thank you.” How could she eat anything now? With every movement of her stomach feeling like something entirely different than butterflies.
       “All right, then,” she said. “If you’d lie down, please...”
       Nesta did, fidgeting with her skirts.
       “How does the… procedure… how do you do it?”
       “Well,” Dadashov said, hooking some wired contraption around her ears, “The procedure itself is only a tonic. A bit sour. You’ll stay here for a few hours, until the worst of the cramps have past, so I can keep an eye on you, and you’ll be home by afternoon. Rest for the next day or so. Until you feel yourself again. Before that,” Dadashov continued, either completely oblivious to or respectfully ignoring Nesta’s panic at feeling herself again, “I’ll need to do a quick check to make sure everything is in order.”
       “Everything in order? With me, or…?”
       “Certain conditions in the uterus rendering this particular tonic unusable or harmful to your body are rare but not unheard of. And we’ll need to make sure the fetus is in its correct position.”
       “Where else would it be?” she wondered.
       “Let’s not worry about that now,” she said gently. “I’m going to listen in, all right? I have this sheet… if you could raise your skirts, please… thank you. This won’t hurt a bit; it’s only rather cold.”
       Nesta sucked in a breath as Dadashov placed the circle her wires are connected to on her lower stomach. Cold was an understatement.
       Dadashov was silent for a few moments as she listened to… Nesta wasn’t sure.
       “Hm,” she said quietly.
       “Everything all right?” she asked, feeling stupid.
       “Well,” she said, taking off her contraption and sitting up. “The heartbeat is irregular.”
       “Erratic. Wild. No discernible rhythm at all, actually.”
       Nesta’s own heartbeat sped up, though she wasn’t sure why. What did it matter if the heartbeat wasn’t normal? It wouldn’t be beating by sundown, anyway. “What does that mean?”
       “A number of things. What I’m most concerned about right now is the natural state of your uterus. It could mean it’s shaped improperly or perhaps a growth pressing up against the fetus, preventing it from growing properly and affecting its heart rate. No cause for concern,” she said, giving Nesta a reassuring smile. “I’m calm because you are clearly healthy and if anything is amiss, I am here and we will take care of it. How is your cycle normally?”
       “Um,” Nesta said. “Normal. It’s normal, I think.”
       “Twice a year? About a week?”
       “So far,” she said.
       Dadashov smiled again, her light blue eyes twinkling. “Of course. My apologies. Until your transition, did you experience your cycle once a month?”
       She said everything so calmly, so smoothly. Transition. Like some kind of choice. Or moving up in the world. “Yes. Well. Not every month. Sometimes… but that’s normal. Sometimes human girls miss a month.” A horrible thought struck Nesta. “Is it… could it be something I did? With… a contra—”
       “Neither sex nor contraceptives could have a misshaping effect on your body, Miss Archeron,” she said firmly. “This is no one’s fault. I’m going to do a test. I’m going to be looking inside your body.”
       “Inside my body?”
       “Perhaps you’d like to close your eyes,” she said kindly. “It’s not horribly invasive, but it will feel odd. No, no, you don’t have to move. It’s a bit of magic. I put it on top of your lower abdomen.”
       On top of her… to look inside her body… “Are you going to see...” Nesta trailed off.
       “Perhaps you’d like to close your eyes,” she repeated.
       Nesta did. Dadashov moved quickly, quietly, which made it rather eerie when something suddenly settled atop her. A bit of pressure, squeezing her—odd, not painful, just like she said.
       “Ah,” Dadashov breathed out.
       What was that Nesta could hear? Was it… awe?
       “What is it?”
       Dadashov was silent for a beat. “Miss Archeron, there is nothing wrong with your body. The heartbeat was irregular because I was hearing more than one.”
       “You mean mine?”
       “No,” she said, patient. “Not yours.”
       Her heart gave a lurch. “You mean… twins?”
       “No,” Dadashov said, softer still. “I mean triplets.”
       Triplets. Inside of her. Right now.
       Nesta could feel her mind shut down. “You mean three of them?” she blurted out, in the most idiotic way she possibly could, her eyes flying open.
       “I do.”
       Nesta closed her eyes again.
       “Would you like to see?” she offered quietly.
       Nesta put her hands right over where… where they were supposed to be. She sat up abruptly.
       “No,” she said. “I need to… think.”
 November 7 - 4 years after
 He can’t concentrate during the briefing. After being with them for so long… and then coming back here… it’s too much. He’s angry at himself; what if he misspeaks? What if he misses something? This is dangerous.
       But he can’t help it. His thoughts are elsewhere.
       Nothing had taken away from his love and devotion to this court, to his people, his legions, before. Not even Nesta.
       That’s why she had left. He never could find the balance.
       Not like Rhys and Feyre, seated next to each other, the perfect mix of professional and adoring. Strategic discussions and little touches here and there: her hair, his thigh.
       Is he even a good commander if he can’t concentrate?
       They can sense it, all of them. It’s an odd display of cautionary tact that comes up now, whenever Nesta and the children are involved.
       So Cassian’s not surprised when Rhys corners him after.
       “I’m out of practice,” he says, jerking his head in the direction of the sparring ring. “Join me?”
       So he does.
       He’s better than Rhys at hand-to-hand, and it does force him to concentrate on something else, which is… nice.
       When they’re done, half an hour later, Rhys says, “How did it go?”
       Cassian looses a breath slowly as he swirls around the water in the cup Rhys hands him. “So well,” he says, all the gratitude in the world in his voice.
       “That’s good,” he says, echoing Mor’s sentiments from earlier.
       “I need them.” He’s never said it aloud before.
       “I know.”
       “All of them. Nesta too.”
       “I know,” Rhys repeats. “That’s why I want them here.”
       Cassian snorts. “You want Nesta here?”
       “I want you here. Happy. And Feyre. Elain. She’s a part of that. And I’m certainly not suggesting we move the children back and forth.”
       Cassian pauses. “I don’t know if… Nesta… could be happy here.”
       Rhys is quiet for a minute, drinking his water. “I don’t know her very well,” he says finally, “but I think anyone could be happy here. Given the correct circumstances.” He hesitates. “Have you thought about… getting an apartment?”
       Cassian clenches his jaw.
       “You said you want her to come for Solstice. I doubt she’ll want to stay here. Or the townhouse. Or the House of Wind. Maybe you should have a place that’s just for you.”
       He does like that—that Rhys says you as if there is a them. Perhaps he understands, in a way Mor does not.
       “I wish they got along,” he says aloud.
       “Nesta and Mor.”
       Rhys laughs. “Maybe Emerie can bond them.”
       He doubts it. The idea of Nesta and Mor being friends is too ludicrous to even entertain. Neither of them are particularly keen on forgiveness, and they have plenty of reasons to loathe each other. Most of which he doesn’t understand.
       “I think she’ll come,” he says.
       “You do?” Rhys wouldn’t give him false hope. And he genuinely doesn’t know the answer.
       “I do,” he says. “Mostly because Feyre thinks she will, too,” he admits. “But also… I don’t know her well, but I do know enough. I know she’s scared to fail her children.”
       It’s a chilling line, miserable to hear. Cassian doesn’t want Nesta to come because she’s scared of what will happen if she doesn’t; he wants her to want to come.
       “There’s a place I think you’ll like,” Rhys continues, either unaware of Cassian’s reaction or respectfully ignoring it. “Property just went up for sale. Four bedrooms. Nice yard. Good location.” Rhys gives him the address.
       “I’ll look at it,” he says.  Four bedrooms, he thinks.
 December 19 - Year of
 Despite what Nesta told Emerie before her dinner with Cassian, the past three weeks had not been fake cordial. They hadn’t even been real cordial.
       They had been… friendly.
       They had breakfast together, when he was there. And dinner, too. He always had dinner ready for her when she came home.
       (That was something alarming: she began to think of coming back to Cassian’s house as coming home.)
       He brought her more books to read. He didn’t speak of his brothers or her sisters. Neither did she. They talked about food. About the going-ons in the neighboring camps. About themselves.
       He still teased her, but when she snapped at him for it, she wasn’t really angry.
       She had almost forgotten they were supposed to be treading on eggshells until he reminded her.
       He said, “I need to go back to Velaris. For Solstice.”
       Her eyes flashed, but she was still staring at her book, so perhaps he didn’t see. “Oh, when is that?” she asked, in a would-be casual tone. She knew full well, and he knew she did, too.
       “Two days.”
       Perhaps the both of them were thinking… no, they were both      definitely     thinking of their last Solstice together. If they could call it that.
       Then it was Cassian’s turn to pretend. “Do you want to come along?”
       Nesta put down her book and leaned back against the couch. “No,” she said, looking up at the ceiling and locking her fingers behind her head. “I think I’ll stay here.”
       “All right,” he said evenly. He sat down beside her—a little closer than he had ever done before. “Well, I leave you then with this… to keep you company.”
       Nesta looked down at his outstretched hand.
       The chocolate bar. The one she still hadn’t touched.
       A wry sort of chuckle escaped her as she rolled her eyes at him. “Thanks,” she said as she took it from him, her fingers jolting as they brushed his.
       He grinned wickedly. “Anytime.”
       She dropped her gaze quickly. “You’re bothering me.” She took her book back.
       He laughed. “I’ll see you in a few days, Nes.”
       “Don’t call me that,” she grumbled.
       But again, it was only halfhearted.
 November 21 - 1 year after
 What Nesta wanted when she stumbled out of the clinic was somewhere quiet, alone, to gather her thoughts. Or scream.
       Instead she got that deer-satyr from Sugar Books, holding up a cup of something steaming.
       “Hey,” he said pleasantly. “I was just coming over to bring you this.”
       “Oh, for the love of all that is holy,” she said under her breath. Louder, to him, she said, “I really can’t right now.”
       “Just a drink,” he said, holding it out to her. “Do you like chocolate?”
       She bit her lip. She did like chocolate. She did not like feeling like she owed males something.
       “Just take it,” he encouraged. “And come on. I can show you some place nice to sit.”
       It wasn’t that she wanted to go with him. It’s that she had nowhere else.
       “I don’t know what to do,” she said, not realizing she had spoken aloud until he answered.
       “About what?”
       “I don’t...” she mumbled to herself. “I don’t think… I can’t...”
       “Woah, Nesta. Here. Sit down. Here, drink some of this.”
       It wasn’t the same. One was quiet, a bad memory, hazy. Something she could convince herself didn’t happen.
       But three? Three was so… real. Three different beings. Three different people! How could there be three people inside of her, growing and feeding off of her? All together? How small must they be, for them all to fit?
       And they all had heartbeats. Three tiny hearts, beating out of sync with each other deep inside her. Each of them with its own rhythm, its own strong pulse.
       In another life, another world, another body, three sisters had once shared a bed. What would have happened if they had shared time in the womb? All three of them, together?
       Sisters deserved beds of their own, that much she knew for sure.
       Three was too much. Too much to think about, and yet too much to have.
           Bad things come in threes. Didn’t they say that? People said that, she was sure of it.
       Maybe, she thought wildly, she could keep one. Just one. And the others… somehow…
       No. That was crazy. She couldn’t do that. Could she?
       And how would she choose?
       “I can’t do this,” she said again.
       “Nesta, please, drink this.” Zayn wrapped her fingers around the cup. “Go on, drink.”
       As the hot, berry-chocolate drink slipped down her throat, she realized three other people were going to have it, too.
       “I—I,” Nesta stammered.
       “What is it?” He sounded too eager. Was that concern?
       “I… I have to… get a house.”
 November 8 - 4 years after
 Rhys was right. He does like the house.
       It’s a great location. Comfortable walk from the bank of the Sidra he always sees families play. Close enough to the Rainbow that they can walk there, too. A bakery on the corner, a butcher’s just beyond, and a market a block down. And a nursery, too, just three streets away.
       It’s spacious. Big windows and less doors than there are rooms. There’s a proper dining area—Nesta’s house doesn’t really have one, just the table in the kitchen.
       Of the bedrooms, two are a bit smaller than the third, so that, he supposes, is where the children can stay while they all sleep in the same room. A nice tub in that bathroom, which is good, they’re still small enough that they bathe together…
       And he’s just pushed open the door to the master when he hears Amren say from behind him, “In the market for a family home?”
       He turns. “Are you? I thought Varian was looking romanced last I saw him. That explains it.”
       She rolls her eyes where she once might have bared her teeth. “Close to a nursery,” she says, pushing past him to stand in the room. “And you can see all the way to the park from here,” she adds,  peering through the window. “Good for if you’re staying in bed.”
       Now Cassian rolls his eyes, if only to hide the clench in his jaw.
       “Is she coming for Solstice, then?”
       Amren says it the same way she says everything: cool, detached, unbothered. But Cassian knows. “She hasn’t given me an answer yet.”
       Amren pretends to take interest in the sample decorative pillows. “What do you think she’ll say?”
       “I don’t know. Yes, I hope.”
       She puts down the pillow. “You’re too hopeful. It doesn’t help you think.”
       “You’ve not asked about her at all,” he says, sitting down on the bed.
       “I don’t think there’s anything I want to know.” She doesn’t say it with malice.
       “You don’t care?”
       “She’s alive. She’s fine.”
       “We thought she was dead.”
       “We were wrong.” She pauses. “If you had known… where she was… would you have gone?”
       “Of course,” he says immediately.
       “Why did you not go when you knew she was in Montesere?”
       He flinches. Do you even care about her? is what she’s asking. Is it only for the children?
       Every regret he has has something to do with her.
       “Why didn’t you go?”
       “I do not go now,” she says simply. “I was angry when she left. When we thought she was dead and we looked for her I was angry. And I’m angry now.”
       “She’s not the only one to blame.”
       Amren shrugs. “I can be angry at more than one person. Don’t sit on the bed like that.”
       “Like what?”
       “Longing. Yearning. Pathetic.”
       “I’m not yearning.”
       “You are. It doesn’t flatter you. Nesta will come.”
       “How do you know that?” She sounds so certain, so matter-of-fact and cavalier.
       She gestures to him. “It’s not one-sided.”
       Cassian moves his eyes out towards the window, feeling very out his element. “She has a life of her own.”
       “I know about her bookstore. That doesn’t matter.”
       “It matters.”
       She waves a hand. “Not in the grand scheme of things. Nesta Archeron is very much herself. She doesn’t change. She decides on things before she knows she wants them. And she doesn’t change her mind.”
       Amren leaves him alone with his thoughts. She’s simplifying things, he knows, but he desperately hopes the core of it is right.
       She had asked him why he didn’t go. He waits in masochistic anticipation for the day Nesta asks him that as well. Why he had not followed up on her letters, vague and frustrating as they were.
       There’s nothing he can really do about it now. Except maybe make an offer on the house.
Chapter Fourteen
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postwarlevi · 3 years
Farmers Market
Content: It's literally you and Levi at an outdoor market. Enjoy!
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"Levi, look here!" You call to him from another stall.
It was your favorite time of year, fall, when the weather cooled down. The outdoor markets were starting back up and it was opening day at your favorite one.
"Look at the size of the peppers, only a dollar!" Somehow produce sales just got you excited.
"They look alright." He says, wondering why they're so cheap.
"We got a good crop right on time this year." The vendor says.
"Let's get some." You say, ready to pull some cash out.
"Gonna go any cheaper?" Levi asks the man behind the table.
"Levi! How much cheaper can they be?" You're a bit embarrassed that he's starting in already. But Levi knows that if it were near the end of the day and there's too much left they always give a better deal.
The vendor laughs though. "Maybe. You know what? You were such good customers last season, if you want to buy in bulk, how about half off? Anything you want today." There really was a lot and he remembered how much you always picked up.
"See?" Levi tells you, kissing your temple, looking at what else there is.
You were convinced Levi could talk anyone into anything, and were happy to use it to your advantage.
Soon your rolling fold up cart is already half full with bell peppers, cucumber, cauliflower, bags of kale and a huge butternut squash that Levi was sure you'd make him cut into, even though he showed you how last time.
He handed the vendor the cash as you thanked him and were already off to another stall. It really was a good deal, not that you needed ten peppers.
You were already haggling over dried fruit and nuts, coming away with eight bags for a decent percentage off, stuffing them in the tote you had.
"I got you hazelnuts and beets." You say, seeing a small smile from Levi. When you weren't looking he rolled his eyes a bit, knowing the vendors must love seeing you coming. But you always made sure to throw in his favorites, and since you didn't come as often as you would like, Levi never minded.
"I'm gonna go to the tea stall. You want the cart?" He asks and you nod.
"What kind of fruit do you want?" You indicate where you're headed next.
"Citrus." As if you didn't know. You kiss his cheek before parting for a little bit.
Levi heads to his favorite tea vendor and sees she has some new stuff this year.
"Hi there Mr Ackerman!" She always tries to remember her returning customers.
He gives a polite hello and soon has overspent on not only his favorites but some new assortments he doesn't remember her having last season. He makes sure to get cinnamon as well, one of your favorites.
Levi passes by someone selling hats, the wide brim straw sun hat with with a purple ribbon catching his eye.
He's pretty sure you've mentioned wanting one, especially on warm days. Picking one up along with some long stemmed sunflowers at the next vendor, he goes to find you.
You're no longer at the fruits, thank goodness, so he goes towards the back.
He stops dead in his tracks after he spots you. In the short time you've been away your hair has been done into one long braid and you're currently modeling a blue and yellow sun dress in another vendors mirror.
You're beautiful in anything, and Levi can hear his heart pounding. Truth be told you could probably wear rags and would still outshine everyone else.
"Levi! You like?" You say, bounding towards him and breaking this thoughts.
He can only nod, reaching to pick up your braid.
"Oh! Some young girls are learning about business and charging five dollars and I wanted to support them. Only took a few minutes. They did so good!"
Levi leans forward to give a quick kiss to your lips, place then hat on your head and holds out the sunflowers.
"This is so great! Thank you." You gush about the things he's gotten you.
You go back to the dress stall to pay and pick up the cart, leaving your other outfit in the tote. Levi takes both the cart and your tote bag, leaving you with the flowers and an extra paper bag you didn't put in the cart.
Levi sees you got the oranges he requested, along with apples, pomegranates, pears and a whole pineapple that, again, you'll probably make him deal with.
You both take a seat for a little while, enjoying warm pastries and agua frescas.
"What's in the bag?" He asks as you've not let go of it yet.
"Your favorite tea vendor? Well, her partner is running a second stall full of products." You pull out the things in the bag.
"It's a tea warming plate." You say as Levi examines it. "Charge it and it'll last for days. Now when you get busy with work it'll always be warm."
"Why don't I already have one of these?" He wonders.
You shrug and dive back into the bag. "Well, now you do. And also, Bath Brew Pockets, and socks."
Levi stares at what surely are gag gifts. "You mean, I can bathe in tea?"
"Or we, unless you want it all to yourself." You then hold up the socks. His black pair with pink writing reads 'If You Can Read This' on one and 'Bring Me Tea' on the other. Your pink pair with black writing reads 'If You Can Read This' and 'Get Your Own.'
Levi chuckles. "These are ridiculous."
You grin. "Well yeah. You gonna use everything?"
"Of course." He would always love everything you picked.
After finishing your snack it's on to grab multiple varieties of honey, apricot and also cherry jam, two loaves of fresh bread and some muffins from your favorite bakery stall, a focaccia and a dozen rolls from another one, and a two pound block of feta, which Levi says you don't need, but in the tote it goes.
You can't help but want the hummingbird mosaic wind chime, and Levi agrees if you promise to put it up, and not store it away. He then goes for yet another plush throw blanket for you to cozy up together under while you pretend there's room for coconut bowls with matching utensils in your cabinets.
It's soon clear that your tote, cart, and both yours and Levis hands are full.
"I think that's all we can manage, love." He tells you.
You know he's right but think there's something you're missing. You could pass on the chocolates this time, but there's something else.
"Oh, what about the orange juice? It's always so good!" You couldn't leave without that.
"Right." He sighs lightly. No use reminding you of all the actual oranges you just bought.
Balancing another bag on the carts handle he tells you to wait for him and is soon back with a gallon of fresh squeezed orange juice.
"Yay!" You are happy to see the new bag.
You start back with all your items and suddenly gasp, remembering one more thing.
"No, I'm sorry, there's no more hands." Levi says, trying to guide you forward with just his knee.
"But the soaps!"
"Yes and the candles and the olive oils and the pies and the goat milk." Levi lists off some random things you'll probably want next time you come. "I mean, we have to get through all this first."
"The pies." You frown at what you missed, but there really is a lot of food.
You get to the car and load everything in, settling into the passenger seat for the ride home.
"How about we bake our own pie with the stuff we have? We can always come next week." He says, taking your hand in his. You usually only came once a month during the season since you always bought so much, but there were exceptions. Besides, there were things he'd forgotten about, too.
You look at the sunflowers you're holding in front of you. It's been a lovely outdoor morning with the man who holds your heart. "What kind of pie?" Everyday with him was a good day.
He looks over and smiles, bringing your hand to his lips. "Anything you want, angel. But first, we nap."
You look back and return his smile, wondering if Levi knows how happy he makes you, and hoping you do the same for him.
Silently, he's thinking the same about you.
an- In honor of my favorite outdoor market that just opened for the season! I'll mention again that domestic fluff with Levi in everyday life is my favorite thing. And pairing him and reader with food haha.
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fractallogic · 3 years
okay here's what I'm doing today because I feel a little brained-out already, and if I can put the idea list in a place where I will look at it instead of keeping it in my head (or on a piece of paper that is easily covered up by other papers), that will help:
getting up without snoozing
morning pages
let the cat out
clean litterbox
sweep floor while tea brews
splice as many stimuli as you can before nails are removed
nails removed (10:45)
PI asked for an update on the longest experiment in history, so figure all that out and do as much as you can on THAT before lunch/wrist appointment
(make this post because I'm underslept and think I'm forgetting something)
lunch (~12:15)
wrist appointment (1:15; don't forget your theraband)
clean the turtle tank (~2:30?). dead serious. it should be above 50° by then. the sun is out. you have replacement filters. it's time. butch is unhappy, you don't like how turtley it smells downstairs, and Artemis is WAY too into how ~interesting~ the turtle smells. it takes like 45 min and even though it's a lot of physical effort, it's not actually that big a deal. (change into turtle clothes before that)
put the turtle towels directly into the washing machine; do not pass go (maybe just do a load of towels? the bath towel and hand towels could use a wash too. so could the former kitchen mat.)
start the (towel) laundry
take a walk while the house airs out a little more (~3:45? 4?)
change back into human clothes, assuming you haven't already
have a snack
change the laundry
cut the tags off the new undergarments to wash them today and wear them tomorrow
put clothes laundry in the wash
it's probably like 4-4:30 PM by now. so. work on that section outline for like an hour or so. the blissful part of doing work. it's going to be so nice even if you can only do it for an hour or so.
make dinner (faux spanakopita + quick-pickled cucumbers, because the spinach and cucumbers are going south quickly)
consider making focaccia because you now have dried rosemary to put on it when it goes in the oven (yum) and you could have it with your pasta salad for lunch tomorrow (YUM) and with the last little bit (I think??) of puttanesca sauce tomorrow night (YUUUMMMMMM) (don't forget the big flakey salt on top before baking)
also make cake mix cookies because oh my god there is nothing you want more in the world right now than like, three rainbow chip cake mix cookies (plus that will help you to decide whether to get some frosting before you make the yellow cake mix cookies)
make overnight oats for tomorrow, especially since you're no longer playing chicken with the choco almond milk that says it expired in October but still smelled and tasted fine so you finished it and bought new choco milk last week
(TV can be playing throughout, from when you start making dinner until now)
it should be like 9:30-10-10:30 now, which means it's time to start going to bed. shower (with hair-washing). put the cat away (don't forget to close the bedroom door so we don't have a cat-under-the-bed struggle). floss + brush. read (askreddit or book) for like 45 min. sleep (hopefully before midnight, definitely before 1 AM)
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shinaus · 3 years
Good afternoon, my precious girl. How are you today? Your memory doesn't fail you, I haven't mentioned the vaccine before - but I plan to get it soon too. And I'm sorry you woke up with a sore arm, I hope it'll stop hurting soon. Maybe a kiss can make you feel a little better? 👉👈 You're so adorable, my butterfly. I often think about you, didn't you know that? It would be hard not to when I'm so much in love with you. And if we really meet each other in a dream, shouldn't I be the one from the bakery then? Hehe, I'm sorry if I mention sunflower focaccia too often, your writing really has a special place in my heart. But getting treats from you sounds perfect too, just don't be surprised if I also do something nice for you in return. Do you have any plans for today? Take care, I love you 💛 - Tamaki
good afternoon angel! i'm doing well, just waiting to head home since i was out in the city today — what about you? did you sleep well last night?
hopefully you are able to get it soon, i know i had to wait some time for mine but you might not have long left to go before you can! just means you'll be safer and protecting the others around you, which i know a sweetheart like you would value a lot. i'd love a kiss to help it get better honestly, though thankfully i've not had any other side effects just yet so i'm remaining optimistic that they keep at bay hehe. i — you know you really got me there, flustering me while i'm out in public. you're a sneaky one, i'll give you that~ you're right though! you would be in the bakery if we followed the sunflower foccacia storyline, then that makes me the flower shop owner right? i'm sure i'd end up giving you a hefty discount on plants if that were the case hehe. there's no need to apologise, i'm flattered that you enjoyed it! take care today and i'll see you again soon, i love you too 🧡
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