#bypass ai detector
johncarter54 · 1 year
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Less work - more time for your life! Write essays and do your homeworks much faster by using AI powered tool NetusAI.
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ai-undetectable · 8 months
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AI Undetectable Master the Art of Bypassing AI Detectors with Our Cutting-Edge Technology Unlock the potential of seamless communication with AI Undetectable, where innovation meets discretion. Our advanced technology allows you to effortlessly bypass AI detectors, ensuring that your messages, content, and data remain undetected by automated systems. Embrace the freedom to express yourself without limitations, as our AI Text Humanizer transforms your text into a naturally humanized form. Stay ahead of the curve and experience a new era of undetectable communication with AI Undetectable.
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crazyspookies · 1 year
is there any way to search for something in the internet and not get ai generated articles that display wildly contradictory information every paragraph or is this our life now
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
🕷️ A Melody of Spiders: Chapter One
A Melody of Spiders: You always tiptoed around your surly, grumpy boss Miguel O’Hara. Certainly after you had inadvertently fallen in love with him and didn’t feel like having your heart crushed. Or your workplace environment made awkward. Too bad your latest mission comes with a chemical surprise.
Warnings: Language, Jungles, Sneaky Shit, Unedited!
To Note: Miguel O’Hara x Spider!Reader.
Word Count: ~2.1k
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How was it possible that you were sweating already?
You were on an Earth, Earth-311 to be precise, on a mission with Miguel to track down some technology that an anomaly had gotten a hold of. Miguel had wanted to go alone, but you had put your foot down. The hulking man had tried to scare you off with his blood red gaze, but you had only dug your heels in. Miguel ultimately relented as you were know for your stealth, and ability to blend into shadows. You were discreet. Like right now, when you were traipsing your way through a jungle to get into the top secret lab on this earth.
The jungle was a natural habitat for a spider, but not for you. You didn’t like sweating. You didn’t like crossing jungles with other creepy crawlies (a bit hypocritical considering you were a spider). You also didn’t really like hot, muggy weather. It was almost hypocritical that you had willingly come to this earth. Slithering your way across a branch, you peered at the entrance of the laboratory.
“Lyla, signature on the anomaly?” You asked the AI. The AI popped up from your watch.
“Inside, Miguel is currently taking out the east wing guards, he’s going after the anomaly himself. The device is on the opposite end of the lab. Disarming the security system for the ventilations.” You eyes searched for the nearest ventilation exit point, and found one. Swinging yourself over to the exit, you silently slipped your way into the laboratory ventilation.
You found ventilation shafts the best way to get around without notice, and often took refuge in such places when your social battery became too much. Crawling your way through the confined space, your senses altered you to each and eery motion detector you came across, and Lyla disabled it as you approached. Slinking your way through the lower level air vents, you came across the vent that opened up to the room where the device was stored. It was stored under lock and key, and surrounded by many different types of sensors. Most prominent, the floor and wall sensors. It was practically set up to be triggered by a spider person! But you weren’t just a spider person, you were Recluse.
So you slipped from the vent and landed light on your feet, practically weighing nothing. Certainly not enough to trigger the floor sensors. Skittering across the laboratory, your eyes gave the locked device another once over, picking up all the different warnings you could set off if you weren’t up to par. With a little finagling and the help of Lyla, you bypassed the tight security and swiped the device right out from under the labs nose. With the device safety strapped to your body and glued with your spider silk, you retraced your footsteps hoping for a clean get away.
“Y/N, we’ve got trouble,” You froze in place, concerned that you had tipped off an alarm without realizing it.
“What is it?” You asked, expanding your spider senses. Nothing was out of place, and no one was alert.
“It’s Miguel, the anomaly managed to expose him to a chemical.”
“And it got through his suit?” You questioned, tapping your watching to pull up the map of the facility and plan a route to Miguel.
“Chemicals were never an issue given his anatomy, I will have to run some tests to ascertain what kind of chemical he was exposed to.”
“Tell him I’m on my way.” Lyla copied that and went quiet for a few moments, then her hologram face reappeared on your watch.
“He’s telling you to, under no circumstances, go to his location.”
“Well you can tell him to shove his reply up his ass,” Lyla coughs, covering a worried laugh.
“Yeah, I think I won’t but seriously, Y/N, it doesn’t look good.” At Lyla’s words, you sped up your trek across the laboratory. It didn’t take you long to track down Miguel, and you were surprised by the sight of your leader slumped against a wall, suit ripping and glitching.
“Shit,” You breathed out, dropping from the ventilation duct to the floor next to Miguel. You stopped his stagger by wrapping an arm across his back and supporting his weight. “What the hell happened?”
“I told you to leave,” Miguel spit out at you, a few curses slipping from his lips in is native tongue. He tried to wrenched himself from your grasp to stop the searing ache in his body from overtaking his self control. He could already smell you. You had always smelled nice, hints of varying floral, now your scent was touched by a saline quality. He wanted to lick your skin to see if you tasted as divine as you smelled.
“You’re compromised and I’m not leaving you behind. You’re barely standing as is,” You told him, knowing that he was probably giving you his blood red glare at the moment. More Spanish curses left his lips followed by nonsensical complaints as you shot a web out and swung you both out of the laboratory.
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It was agony to be near you.
Miguel had been through a lot in his life, but nothing compared to the prickling fire that burned within his veins and the intense sexual need to have you. When he had first been exposed to the chemical, the only reaction caused was an uncomfortable fever type reaction. He could handle that. But then other parts of his body began reacting. Miguel was restless. Agitated. There was a sharp pain that burst from nerves all over his body, periodically making his muscles twitch.
Now add you and your bewitching scent? The massive man was using every ounce of control he had to stop himself from turning on you in a heartbeat and fucking you like an animal. Whatever had been in that chemical, had made his attraction to you, the reclusive spider person within his society, a thousand times worse. Even with you dragging him though the hallways of the spider society, barking at others to move it, all he could think about was bending you over the nearest surface and burying his throbbing cock into you delicious smelling cunt.
Dragging the massive man into medical, you left him slumped against a bed while running to a station to find supplies.
“Lyla, get a scan of him while I draw blood to get a work up of what exactly he was exposed to.” You spoke urgently, robbing a phlebotomy kit and returning to the shaking man. While you tore into the phlebotomy kit and scrambled to find the needle and appropriate tubes. Turning to address Miguel, you were not expecting to meet a gaze filled with anger. “Arm,” You promoted, reaching for the one nearest to you. He snatched his arm back as his mask de-pixilated and then bared his teeth at you.
“Leave, I can do it alone.”
“We don’t have time for this, Miguel,” You returned, yanking down your own mask. “Give me your arm!”
This time he lashed out at you with a snarl, his eyes wild with a kind of tension you’d never seen before.
“Dios! Déjame en paz!” (Leave me alone!) Miguel snarled at you, shoving you away from him. You stumbled back, no expecting such hostility from him now. He was stubborn, you knew that, and grumpy, but not unreasonable.
“Miguel you need—”
“Do you not get it woman!? I don’t want your help!” He snarled at you, his teeth fully bared and eyes crimson with anger. gone was your survey boss and in place was the animal that slumbered within him.
“Fine then,” You stated crisply. “But I’ll be back to check on you in half an hour. If you’re not better? I don’t care how much of a fit you throw I’m taking your blood and running an analysis.” With that you turned on your heel and stomped away, planning on turning in the device still strapped to your body. Once you did that, you’d write the mission report and wait in a vent or empty hall until his thirty minutes were up.
So you turned in the device, and wrote up the report on the mission, leaving the notes a ‘pending’ because you were going to have to add to it once you figured out what the chemical Miguel had been exposed to. While you typed, your fingers angrily clacked against the glass touch screen, airing out your current mood. Miguel had been getting increasingly restless as of late. Not to mention short with his words. He wasn’t the most talkative, but he never to short it you like that. He never physically shoved you away from him.
“That wasn’t your fault,” Lyla spoke, rousing you fro your inner thoughts. You glanced up to her hologram.
“Is he doing what I asked?” You questioned, ignoring her statement.
“Yes, so to speak. He went to his office, but I did get him to take a look sample… it’s running now.” You made a pleased sound in your throat and went back to typing.
“I know things have been tense between you and Miguel as of late, but it’s not because he doesn’t like you.”
“He doesn’t like anyone,” You corrected the AI. “You know that. The most I get from him is respect, but it seems that even that has run out.”
“He’s just… dealing with some things right now and that chemical only enhanced it.” Lyla tried to explain to you. “He’s frustrated with himself.”
You narrowed your eyes and gave the AI a screwed look.
“Do you know something about the chemical that Miguel was exposed to?” You asked suspiciously. The AI had to. She was smart. Incredibly smart. Her database was the best in the known universes so there was no doubt in your mind that she knew something about Miguel’s predicament.
“Look,” Lyla started, “All I can say is that the chemical is enhancing what is already there and it’s driving him a little crazy… okay?”
“So it’s enhancing his irritation with me, great.” You sighed, your heart feeling heavy in your chest. While you prided yourself on keeping your relationships entirely professional, you couldn’t exactly help the fact that you most certainly fell in love with one Miguel O’Hara.
Lyla wanted to face palm herself, well she was face pacing her servers cause holy hell these two were dancing circles around each other and entirely oblivious to mutual affections. They were being idiots in love? Fine. The AI was going to give them a little push. It wasn’t like this little chemical mishap would kill anyone…
“Oh dear, Miguel’s heart rate appears to be crashing…” You were out of your seat and sprinting towards his office before Lyla could even finish her sentence. “Well, I am going to get an earful tomorrow but in the mean time, I think I’ll make sure that Miguel’s office is soundproof.” The AI mused, fizzling out of view.
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Miguel’s heart rate appears to be crashing…
You were in a panic over Lyla’s words, sprinting as fast as you could through the spider society to get to Miguel’s office. You one you shouldn’t have let the larger man bully you into leaving him alone, not in that condition, not when he was clearly suffering from severely debilitating side effects. You had seen the shakes, the involuntary muscle movements, increased perspiration… it had been foolish to leave him alone.
You use your spider silk to sling shot yourself up to his office floor. His office door was closed, but you could hear pained grunts and labored breaths. Well at least he was still breathing! You barged in, eyes wild and searching for the massive Spiderman. Your eyes caught sight of Miguel hunched over on the floor next to his desk. Your senses told you he was in bad shape. High fever. High heart rate. A surging chemical in his veins. You dismissed the thought of Lyla’s odd comment about him crashing since his heart was clearly working.
You rushed over and knelt down on one knee, activating your watch to do a medical scan. Something wasn’t right.
“You stubborn idiot,” You grumbled, your fingers reaching up brush strands of damp brown hair out of his face. Your watch beeped and several lines appeared, telling you that the lab analysis was finished and ready for viewing. Just as you took your eyes off Miguel to review the lab work to see if there were any flags, crimson eyes opened.
You’d been the last thing Miguel had been thinking of when his mind went foggy, and you were the first he thought of when he woke up. Your smell. You smelled so delicious. That painful urge to rip at your spider suit, scrape his teeth along your skin, bury his cock into your body, was back. He couldn’t help himself and lunged.
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Date Published: 7/14/23
Last Edit: 7/14/23
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officialjoshwp · 4 months
WriteHuman Review: How to Humanizer AI articles using WriteHuman
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Would you like to have a more human touch in your AI-generated texts? Don’t worry. In this WriteHuman review, I will delve into a cutting-edge tool that bridges the gap between artificial intelligence and real human communication. WriteHuman is your secret weapon for creating content that resonates, whether you are a student, a blogger, or a business professional.
The solution is WriteHuman, a revolutionary tool that bypasses AI detection and tracking so that any material developed can retain its originality and stand out as unique.
This article scrutinizes the features, benefits, and functionality of WriteHuman, discussing how it enables users to be creative while ensuring their privacy.
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What Is WriteHuman AI?
WriteHuman is not just another rewriter—it’s something amazing. Here’s why:
Smooth integration: It can be perfectly blended with prominent AI-generated content providers such as Anthropic and ChatGPT. Think of it as an intelligent partner who speaks like you.
Magic of rewriting: You’ve got an AI-made text that appears soulless? Just put it in the WriteHuman software by ensuring vital words are enclosed in braces to protect them and press “rewrite”. And voila! Your text turns out to be looking genuinely human.
What is The Essence of WriteHuman?
WriteHuman has become a true symbol of modernism from where it started as an innovative idea in regards to AI-generated articles. The core objective of the software is bridging the gap between human creativity and artificial intelligence capabilities thereby allowing users to transform AI-generated text into undetectable human language.
Through this product, writers can generate contents that outperform AI detection which will create high rankings on search engine optimization as well as visibility.
WriteHuman AI Features: Why Choose WriteHuman?
WriteHuman boasts many unique features that differentiate it from other products in the field of AI privacy:
Unmatched Rewriting Power
WriteHuman doesn’t just rewrite; it reassembles meaning in sentences thus posing a challenge to AI discriminator systems. So, your secret sauce remains top secret.
Total Bypass Guarantee (AI Humanizer)
Afraid that Turnitin or GPTZero might detect your machine-generated content? No need to worry! You can always use protective brackets as well as rewriting tactics provided by WriteHuman to stay out of sight.
User-Friendly Interface
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In-built AI Detector
The WriteHuman AI software has an inbuilt AI detector that gives you a human score of your content output.
How to Humanize AI articles using WriteHuman?
I wanted this article to be practical. So, I created two AI-generated articles using ChatGPT 3.5 and Perplexity AI. Below are the results of the article before and after humanization.
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You can find the actual ChatGPT and Perplexity AI output and their humanized version on this Google doc.
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What are the Benefits of Embracing WriteHuman AI?
Privacy protection is just one advantage among several others offered by WriteHuman:
Artistic Freedom: By bypassing AI detection, users can enjoy artistic freedom via WriteHuman thus enabling them to be more creative without limitations.
Effortless Copywriting: It helps change texts generated by machines into readable human-like writing making copywriting easy and efficient.
WriteHuman Pricing Plans
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Here are the pricing plans for WriteHuman, an AI tool that helps to make your text more human-like so it doesn’t appear like it was generated by a machine:
WriteHuman Ultra:
Best for power users.
$72 per month.
Unlimited requests.
Each request can be up to 3000 words.
Access to the Enhanced Model
Priority customer support included.
WriteHuman Pro:
Ideal for most users.
$12 per month.
200 requests per month.
Each request can be up to 1200 words.
Access to the Enhanced Model
Priority customer support included
WriteHuman Basic Plan
Suitable for light users.
$9 per month.
Allows 80 requests per month.
Each request can be up to 600 words.
Provides access to the Enhanced Model (basic customer support).
Not prepared to commit? You can submit 3 free requests per month as a user, with each being up to 200 words.
Related: Kadence AI Review
Who Can Benefit from WriteHuman?
Let us break it down:
1. Bloggers
Authenticity Matters: You’ve managed to come up with a top-quality blog post through the use of automated writing services but it has no spirit at all in it Put into WriteHuman for removal of robotic tone plus maintaining SEO quality.
Engage Your Readers: Authentic content keeps readers coming back. Striking that balance is where WriteHuman comes in handy.
2. Businesses
Marketing Materials: Although they may sound cold, marketing materials written by AI are effective. WriteHuman adds warmth and authenticity to your brand messaging.
Reputation Protection: Do not fall into the trap of using generic AI language. Your company’s reputation will remain intact as long as you are using WriteHuman.
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askforaprovider · 1 year
ByPaiss Review 2023
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WHAT IS ByPaiss?
ByPaiss Is The FIRST And ONLY Platform on JVZOO That Allows You To Create DOCTORATE-Quality AI Content That Is FULLY-Undetectable To Any and ALL “AI Content Scanners”
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Have You Heard The RUMORS?
AI Content is more accessible than EVER right now, right? Literally, ANYONE has ChatGPT, GPT-4, GPT-3, etc at their fingertips to be able to quickly and easily create content for just about ANY niche and any language they’d like.
It’s become so easy and so popular that EVERYONE is starting to use it…
But with that popularity, comes trouble. And also starts to spark the RUMORS…
Rumors like “Will Google Penalize AI Content?”
When these rumors started circling, A TON of marketers started to PANIC! And for GOOD reason - many of us have SEEN this movie series WAY too many times already LOL
However, thankfully, Google has come out and said that they will NOT be penalizing website owners who are using AI Content (YET!)
However, thankfully, Google has come out and said that they will NOT be penalizing website owners who are using AI Content (YET!)
That’s a BIG "YET". Although they have officially published that they will NOT penalize AI content, they HAVE said that they are STILL putting QUALITY of content ABOVE ALL - which kinda leaves some wiggle room for them to move around when deciding what is QUALITY AI content and what is NOT.
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We Have NO Idea What Google Will Decide To Do Tomorrow, Next Week, Or Next Year As AI Content Grows And Starts To Be Used A Lot More.
Think about it…
At one point in SEO Time:
Duplicate/PLR Content Worked Well - Then Google penalized it
Spun Content worked well - Then Google penalized it
MASS/Spam Link-Building Worked well - Then Google penalized it
PBN/Link Farms Worked well - Then Google penalized it
ANYTIME they see something working for us marketers, they PENALIZE it!
So We’ve Decided To Build A Platform That Is 100% Immune To ANY AI Content Penalties So That You Can Confidently Build and Grow Your Business Using AI Content
Once You Get Access To Our Platform, You’ll Be Able To:
Instantly Turn ANY AI Content Into FULLY-Undetectable AI Content in a matter of SECONDS so you’re building a business on a SOLID foundation!
Bypass the MOST advanced AI Detectors On the Market
INSTANTLY Transform basic AI content into Human-Like, keywords-rich Content that ranks high in the search engines!
Never Worry About The Possibility Of Getting “Penalized” By the search engines by ensuring NO ONE will EVER be able to detect you’ve used AI
Know What It Feels Like To Have COMPLETE Freedom In Your Content Creation!
Turn Ordinary AI Content into College or Doctorate Level Content And Skyrocket Your Credibility
Be Able To CHARGE More for your services because you can control how ADVANCED your AI content will be.
Our PROVEN, High-Converting Funnel
ByPaiss Sales Funnel and Commissions
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ByPaiss Agency
The FE is going to be our main ByPaiss software.
With our most popular level, they’ll be able to have 10,000 words rewritten for them.
That is a WHOLE lot of content they can have BOOSTED for such a low price.
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ByPaiss Agency+
Upgrade 1 is going to be our ByPaiss PLUS subscription. 
ByPaiss is a word-based system, so here you will be able to lock in your monthly package at the launch price discount and get up to 50,000 words PER month rewritten for you.
Plus, you just have to put down $1 for the first 14 days and then $47/m thereafter. You’ll be getting 5x the amount of credits every month too. This SKYROCKETS the value of this offer and we may NEVER offer this again.
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ByPaiss Plugin Unlimited + Whitelabel
Upgrade #2 will be our WP BOOSTER System. This is going to take our Plugin BONUS to the NEXT level. Here you’ll be able to unlock our UNLIMITED Sites license to our WP plugin that will automatically Improve, Rewrite and Update ALL The EXISTING Content on Your Sites.
PLUS, you’ll be getting WHITELABEL rights to this plugin as well so that no one will ever know that you’re using ByPaiss to boost your traffic and rankings.
This will be a one-time payment of $197.
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AiutoBlogger WP Plugin 10 Site License
Upgrade #3 will a special discount sale for our AiutoBlogger WP Plugin.
This is our Auto Blogging WP Plugin That Leverages REAL A.I To Write, Optimize and Post 100% Unique Content in ANY Niche On Complete AutopilOT.
And this works PERFECTLY with our ByPaiss system. Our ByPaiss system BOOSTS your EXISTING content, and AiutoBlogger will handle ALL of your NEW content!
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Keep The Coffee Coming....
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To be clear I got this photo from a post from an app. I did put the website address on it so I wouldn't have to keep sending it the normal way. Also I figured out red font will bypass the text detector in programs.
With help from AI, I am happy to reveal that an app will be coming soon. I am going to build one myself with pointers from ChatGPT. I have already begun pre production and I don't expect it to be difficult to build. I have a plan in place, I can't say when it will come out because I have never built an app before. I will be using free app building software. I already know what I want it to be and do, I just have to make it happen. It's going to be an app you can get off the Google Play Store or iOS and its going to have the blogs in a feed that updates whenever I post or change something. I am hoping to see all three blogs in a feed and then each one will be browsable by themselves but keep everything on the app itself. For offline reading basically. I will have more updates on this soon.
So I think I found the Cabazon connection in regards to the trafficking along the freeway corridors based on research of property owners and what I'm seeing on the public map on the app, a house on Plum St. way south in Cabazon, like way down there and it makes perfect sense. Also I have researched and Intel from someone that appeared close to there and I had a conversation with that led me to suspect it's a hot spot. One last thing is that as far as I could tell these runs happen regularly like clockwork ⌚, they should be called Clockwork Boys....wink wink hint hint 😉.
I'm here wondering now if there is more to that than I originally thought. I'm brainstorming live ....and direct to you, yup you right there. What would someone have to do to get that name registered somewhere and then show up in the background check? It's a good question for chatgpt actually hold up .
Well it never fails. I found an answer but is it the right one?
If you want to know go ahead and try it, I did have to ask it to elaborate though and since I asked it already, you might get the exact same answer.
But there is a shipping business that shows up in Seneca Springs Beaumont CA in Google maps and from like one review it seems shady AF from the get go. Convenient to say the least. Gpt did say entrepreneurs can have dba's and that would show up in a background check because he must have signed a contract or something like that. Clockwork Boy totally fits this whole shabang. It even had a trademark. It also said there should be a public record somewhere. That is a challenge.
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aitohumanconverter · 10 days
Convert AI text to human
Are you tired of artificial-sounding text from AI? Look no further than AI TO HUMAN CONVERTER. Our cutting-edge tool seamlessly converts AI-generated text into natural, human-like language, ensuring your content is relatable and engaging. Make a lasting impact with authentic communication. Experience the difference with AI TO HUMAN CONVERTER – the ultimate solution for bridging the gap between technology and humanity.
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techtired · 1 month
Top 10 Best AI Humanizers to Humanize AI Text (Free & Paid)
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As artificial intelligence continues revolutionising how we create content, the need for tools to humanize AI-generated text has become increasingly important. These tools help ensure that AI-produced content is indistinguishable from human-written text, enhancing its authenticity and engagement. AI humanizers are tools designed to transform AI-generated content into something that feels authentically written by a person. Whether for creative writing, marketing, or customer service, these tools are essential for maintaining the integrity and authenticity of AI-assisted work. Top 10 Best AI Humanizers to Humanize AI Text (Free & Paid) This article will explore the top 10 AI humanizers who make AI text more human-like. These free and paid tools offer a range of features to suit different needs and budgets. 1. Humanizey.ai Humanizey AI tops our list due to its exceptional ability to transform AI-generated text into content that feels genuinely human. This tool utilizes advanced algorithms to adjust tone, style, and vocabulary, ensuring the output resonates with human readers. It’s particularly adept at eliminating the often mechanical and repetitive tone that AI-generated text can have. Key Features: - Customizable Tone: Users can adjust the tone to match the intended audience, whether formal, casual or somewhere between. - Vocabulary Enhancement: The tool refines word choices to make the content sound more natural and less robotic. - User-Friendly Interface: Even those with minimal technical knowledge can easily navigate and use Humanizey AI to enhance their content. Why It’s Popular: Its user-friendly interface and customization options make it a favourite among content creators looking to add a personal touch to their AI-generated content. Whether you're writing a blog post, an article, or a marketing email, Humanizey AI can make your content more engaging and relatable. Pricing: Offers a free trial with basic features, with paid plans starting at $19.99 monthly for advanced options. 2. HumanizeText.ai Humanize Text is renowned for its precision in humanizing text while maintaining the original message's integrity. It’s a versatile tool that offers various modes to cater to different writing styles, whether formal, casual, or emotional. This adaptability makes it a go-to choice for professionals across multiple sectors. Key Features: - Mode Selection: Users can choose from different modes, like Formal, Creative, or Emotional, to tailor the output to their needs. - Message Integrity: Ensures that while the text is humanized, the original message remains unchanged. - Sector-Specific Adaptability: Ideal for academic, creative, and professional writing. Why It’s Popular: The flexibility in style modes makes HumanizeText.ai an ideal choice for writers across different sectors. Whether you’re crafting a professional report or a creative short story, this tool can adjust the text to fit the desired tone while keeping the core message intact. Pricing: It starts with a free basic plan, with premium options starting at $14.99 monthly. 3. Undetectable.AI Undetectable.AI stands out for its dual functionality as both an AI humanizer and an AI detector. This tool is designed to humanize AI-generated content and make it undetectable by sophisticated AI detection tools. It’s a powerful option for those who must ensure their AI-generated text passes as human-written, particularly in contexts where authenticity is scrutinized. Key Features: - Dual Functionality: Acts as both a humanizer and a detector, providing a comprehensive solution for content creators. - Undetectable Text: Ensures that the AI-generated content can bypass even advanced detection tools. - Multilingual Support: Supports multiple languages, making it accessible to a global audience. Why It’s Popular: Its multilingual support and ability to make AI-generated content undetectable broaden its appeal, making it an invaluable tool for international users and those in regulated industries where AI detection is a concern. Pricing: Offers a free version with limited features, with premium plans starting at $29.99 monthly. 4. WriteHuman WriteHuman is designed to elevate AI-generated content by infusing it with human-like nuances. This tool is particularly effective for content that requires a personal touch, such as blogs, social media posts, and customer communication. WriteHuman excels in adding subtle nuances that make the text feel more personal and engaging. Key Features: - Nuance Addition: Adds subtle human-like elements such as idiomatic expressions and varied sentence structures. - Personalization: Allows users to tweak the content to reflect their personal style or brand voice better. - AI Detection Bypass: Capable of bypassing AI detection tools while maintaining the integrity of the content. Why It’s Popular: WriteHuman’s ability to bypass AI detection while maintaining content integrity makes it a valuable asset for content creators. Whether managing a brand's social media account or writing a personal blog, WriteHuman helps ensure your content resonates on a human level. Pricing: A free basic plan is available, with more advanced features in paid plans starting at $24.99 monthly. 5. AItoHuman.AI AItoHuman.AI offers a seamless experience for users looking to humanize their AI-generated text. It provides a range of customization options, allowing users to adjust the emotional tone and style of the content. This tool is handy for content that conveys specific emotions or sentiments. Key Features: - Emotional Tone Adjustment: Users can modify the emotional tone of the text to fit the desired mood, whether it’s professional, empathetic, or enthusiastic. - Style Customization: Offers various style options to tailor the text to different audiences. - Ease of Use: A straightforward interface that makes it easy for anyone to humanize their content. Why It’s Popular: The adaptability of AItoHuman.AI makes it suitable for various applications, from marketing copy to academic writing. Its ability to infuse content with emotion and style while keeping the original message clear is a major draw for users. Pricing: Free version with limited features, with paid options starting at $19.99 monthly. 6. StealthWriter StealthWriter is known for its ability to produce highly unique and SEO-friendly content. It allows users to humanize text while bypassing advanced AI detectors. This tool is particularly favoured by marketers and SEO professionals who must ensure their content remains undetectable and engaging. Key Features: - SEO Optimization: Enhances content to be human-like and optimized for search engines. - AI Detection Bypass: Capable of rephrasing content to pass AI detection tests. - Customizable Settings: Users can adjust the humanization and SEO optimization level according to their needs. Why It’s Popular: StealthWriter’s combination of SEO and humanization features makes it an invaluable tool for digital marketers. Ensuring that content reads well and ranks well on search engines is crucial, and StealthWriter excels in both areas. Pricing: It offers a free plan with basic functionality and premium options starting at $27.99 monthly. 7. AIBypasser.pro AIBypasser.pro is a versatile tool that humanises AI-generated text and ensures it passes undetected by AI detection algorithms. Its sophisticated paraphrasing techniques and multilingual capabilities make it a go-to choice for users seeking authenticity and originality in their content. Key Features: - Advanced Paraphrasing: Utilizes complex algorithms to rephrase text while keeping the original meaning intact. - Multilingual Support: Can work with multiple languages, making it useful for global users. - AI Detection Bypass: Ensures that AI detectors do not flag humanized content. Why It’s Popular: AIBypasser.pro’s ability to produce original content that passes AI detection tests makes it popular among professionals who need their content to stand out as genuinely human-written, even when it’s AI-assisted. Pricing: The free tier has limited features, with paid plans starting at $22.99 monthly. 8. HIX Bypass HIX Bypass excels in transforming AI-generated text into natural-sounding writing that is virtually indistinguishable from human-written content. Its advanced algorithmic technology mimics human writing patterns, making it a top choice for users aiming for genuine authenticity. Key Features: - Algorithmic Precision: Uses advanced algorithms to replicate human writing patterns. - Natural Flow: Ensures the text flows naturally, with appropriate transitions and sentence structures. - Content Integrity: Maintains the original intent and message while humanizing the text. Why It’s Popular: HIX Bypass’s advanced algorithms make it an excellent choice for users who need their AI-generated content to be as close to human writing as possible. Its natural flow and precision ensure that the content feels authentic and engaging. Pricing: A free trial is available, with paid monthly plans starting at $25.99. 9. Originality.ai Originality.ai offers dual functionality by detecting AI-generated content and providing tools to enhance its originality. This tool is invaluable for content creators concerned about maintaining authenticity and uniqueness. It’s beneficial for ensuring that plagiarism detectors or AI detection tools don’t flag AI-generated content. Key Features: - AI Detection: Identifies AI-generated content to help users modify and humanize it. - Originality Enhancement: Offers tools to improve the originality of the text, making it more unique and human-like. - User-Friendly Interface: Easy to use, with straightforward options for enhancing content. Why It’s Popular: Originality.ai’s ability to detect and enhance AI-generated content makes it a must-have for writers and marketers who must ensure their content is original and undetectably humanized. Pricing: Starts at $19.99 per month, with additional features in higher-tier plans. 10. Sapling Sapling is an AI-driven platform that creates personalized, human-like interactions in customer service communications. Its potential to humanize text naturally and effectively makes it a strong contender in the realm of AI humanizers. Sapling is particularly useful in customer support, where maintaining a personal touch is essential. Key Features: - Customer Service Focus: Tailored for customer interactions, ensuring that responses feel personal and human. - AI Assistance: Provides AI-driven suggestions to improve the quality of responses. - Natural Language Processing: Utilizes advanced NLP to make text sound more natural. Why It’s Popular: Sapling’s focus on customer service makes it stand out in the AI humanizer market. Its ability to humanize text to improve customer satisfaction is invaluable for businesses. Pricing: Offers a free version with basic features, with paid monthly plans starting at $29.99. Conclusion In a world where AI-generated content is becoming more prevalent, ensuring that your text feels authentically human is crucial. Whether you’re a marketer, writer, or customer service professional, these top 10 AI humanizers provide a range of options to suit your needs. From tools that enhance the emotional tone of your content to those that ensure your text passes undetected by AI detection algorithms, there's something here for everyone. Selecting the right AI humanizer depends on your specific needs, whether it's the flexibility of Humanizey.ai, the dual functionality of Undetectable.AI, or the customer-focused approach of Sapling. Investing in these tools can significantly enhance the quality and authenticity of your AI-assisted work, making it more engaging and relatable to your audience. FAQs 1. What is an AI humanizer? An AI humanizer is designed to make AI-generated text appear more human-like. It adjusts the text's tone, style, and vocabulary to ensure it resonates with human readers and is indistinguishable from content written by a human. 2. Why is humanizing AI text important? Humanizing AI text is crucial for enhancing the authenticity and engagement of AI-generated content. It helps ensure that the text meets the expectations of human readers and avoids detection by AI content detectors. 3. Can AI humanizers bypass AI detection tools? Yes, many AI humanizers are designed to bypass AI detection tools by making the text appear authentically human. This is particularly important for content creators who want to ensure their AI-generated content is not flagged as artificial. 4. Are AI humanizers suitable for all types of content? AI humanizers are versatile and can be used for various types of content, including academic writing, marketing copy, blogs, and social media posts. They offer customization options to cater to different writing styles and tones. 5. Do AI humanizers support multiple languages? Many AI humanizers offer multilingual support, making them accessible to a global audience. This feature allows users to humanize AI-generated text in multiple languages, broadening the tool's applicability. Read the full article
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kobefan24 · 1 month
Mastering the Art of Avoiding AI Detection in Your Writing: Tips and Tricks to Bypass Content Detectors
How to Bypass AI Content Detectors and Avoid False Positives With the rapid advancement of technology, AI content detection has become a crucial aspect of content creation. AI detectors are designed to identify content generated by artificial intelligence and distinguish it from human-written content. But what happens when human writers get falsely flagged by these systems? This article dives…
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audreyshura · 2 months
Conch AI Review – Pricing, Features, Alternatives, and Ratings
Conch AI stands out as one of the most sophisticated AI-powered writing tools available, capable of generating content that avoids AI detection. Whether you're a student or a researcher, Conch AI can streamline your writing workflow, making you more productive. It offers high-quality content generation and a variety of AI tools to enhance your writing process.
About Conch AI
Imagine having a seamless, tireless assistant that perfects your writing. Technology has made this possible with Conch AI. This tool allows you to write, edit, check for plagiarism, and rewrite content while maintaining the original theme and tone. Conch AI meets various writing demands and excels at transforming sentences and paragraphs, helping you refine and rephrase your content effortlessly. It interacts with your writing, boosting productivity and ensuring high-quality output tailored to your style.
Conch AI Review Summary
Performance ScoreA+Average Load Time0.4 secQuality of ContentPasses AI Detection & PlagiarismAI-Based TechnologyMachine Learning, NLPUser InterfaceHighly Engaging and IntuitiveFeaturesRewrite & Highlight, Summarize text, Chat, Templates, Humanizer, Finder, Boost WritingPricingFree & Paid PlansAccuracy98%SupportGoogle Docs, PDFs, Gmail, LinkedIn, News Websites, etc.
Introduction to Conch AI
Conch AI is an innovative, user-friendly writing tool catering to students, professionals, and content creators. This cutting-edge AI tool helps writers produce top-notch content with ease and efficiency. It offers a range of tools to help students generate quality content for their papers. One of its standout features is its ability to rewrite sentences and paragraphs, allowing users to refine their writing effortlessly. With Conch AI, structuring essays, articles, or any written piece becomes seamless, welcoming writers of all levels.
How Does Conch AI Work?
Conch AI operates on unique algorithms that rewrite content to remain undetectable by AI systems. It assists in crafting the next sentence based on the context of previous writing, ensuring smooth idea flow and preventing creative interruptions. With Conch AI’s advanced detection tools, users can easily bypass AI detectors like GPTZero and Turnitin, adding an extra layer of protection.
Conch AI Capabilities
Here’s an overview of Conch AI’s features and specifications:
Auto-completion: Utilizes Transformer-based architecture like GPT-3 for sentence auto-completion.
Summarization: Offers concise text summarization.
Paraphrasing: Uses Statistical Machine Translation or Back-Translation for paraphrasing.
Grammar & Style Checking: Removes grammatical errors and suggests improvements using NLP.
Content Generation: Generates text based on prompts using GPT-3 and Large Language Models.
AI Detection Bypass: Built-in tools to make content undetectable by AI algorithms.
How to Use Conch AI
Conch AI is a powerful writing tool that enhances productivity and engagement. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it:
Download the Conch AI Extension
Visit the Conch AI official website and click "Get Chrome Extension," or directly search for Conch AI on the Chrome web store and add it to Chrome.
Open the Web Application or Chrome Extension
Access the Conch AI extension from the Chrome toolbar or through the official website.
Highlight & Rewrite Sentences & Paragraphs
Highlight the text you want to rewrite, click on the Conch AI extension, and watch the transformation.
Use Conjunction Key in Google Docs or Gmail
In Google Docs or Gmail, use Ctrl+Shift+Q to get assistance from Conch AI. Select the text and press these keys to generate content based on the previous text.
These steps demonstrate how easy it is to use Conch AI to enhance your writing. The tool also offers an incredible feature to remove AI-generated content and rewrite it to avoid detection.
Bypassing AI-Generated Text with Conch AI
Conch AI’s unique rewrite feature allows you to bypass AI-generated content detection. Here’s how:
Generate text using any AI tool like ChatGPT.
Copy the text and paste it into an AI detector tool like GPTZero to confirm it is AI-generated.
Paste the text into Conch AI, use the rewrite feature, and set the desired length and tone. The rewritten text will pass AI detection checks.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are The Best Alternatives To Conch AI?
Alternatives include Quillbot, Writesonic, and Copy AI.
Is Conch AI Safe to Use?
Yes, Conch AI is a safe platform.
How To Create An Account On Conch AI?
Use your email address and password to create an account.
Does Conch AI Bypass AI Detection?
Yes, Conch AI can bypass AI detection with its rewrite feature.
Is Conch AI Free?
Conch AI offers free and paid subscription plans.
What Are Tokens In Conch AI?
Tokens represent the number of free words you can use. The free version offers 3000 tokens. For unlimited access, purchase a subscription.
Conch AI revolutionizes the writing process with advanced AI technology. It makes writing more convenient, less tedious, and faster. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of Conch AI’s features, usage, and benefits. Embrace this incredible tool to enhance your writing endeavors.
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johncarter54 · 1 year
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Make your life much easier with NetusAI paraphrasing tool - https://netus.ai/
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ai-undetectable · 8 months
Safeguard Your Content with AI Undetectable - Undetectable AI Detector
AI Undetectable introduces the Undetectable AI Detector, your ultimate solution to safeguarding digital content. Empower your creative endeavors without limitations, as our advanced detector ensures that your AI-generated content remains undetected by existing systems. Embrace innovation with confidence.
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pavijadon978 · 3 months
How to Check and Humanize AI Text to Bypass AI Detectors
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In the digital age, where content is king, the race between AI-generated text and AI detection algorithms is intensifying. Content creators, marketers, and scholars are constantly seeking ways to leverage AI’s efficiency while ensuring their outputs remain authentic and undetectable by AI detectors.
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timelybyte · 3 months
Chat GPT developed by Open AI stands out for its ability to generate human-like text, making it valuable for content craters and influencers. While chat GPT showcases its advancements, systems like Turnitin have also advanced to identify such content effectively.
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humanize-ai-text · 3 months
AI Humanize: Creating the ultimate solution to evade AI detection and making AI text more humane
In the era of rapidly advancing artificial intelligence, AI-generated content has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, ensuring that such content remains undetected by AI detection tools while maintaining originality and authenticity has become a pressing issue. AI Humanize, a cutting-edge AI anti-detection tool, has been designed to address this challenge head-on.
About AI Humanize
AI Humanize is a free humanize AI text tool and AI humanize online tool. It ensures that AI text is rewritten into human text, making it undetectable by AI detectors. You can use basic models or advanced models in AI Humanize to convert AI text into high-quality human text. The tool supports multiple languages including English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, etc.
How to use AI Humanize?
Users can use AI Humanize in three simple steps. Copy and paste AI-generated text from ChatGPT, Bard, or any other AI content generator into the input box. Select the "Detect AI" button to evaluate the AI content in the text. The tool's AI detection model is trained based on seven different AI detectors to ensure that its content is safe to pass AI detection. After clicking the "Humanize" button, AI Humanize will generate text content that is highly similar to human creations, which will not be recognized by AI detectors. After the generation is completed, the new text will automatically be AI-detected.
Why Choose AI Humanize?
AI Humanize is more than just a text rewriting tool; it's a comprehensive AI content optimization platform. It transforms AI-generated text into content that better fits human context, effortlessly bypassing AI detection. Whether you're a student, a professional, or a content creator, AI Humanize offers tailored solutions to help you maintain content quality while avoiding unnecessary complications.
Advantages of AI Humanize
Comprehensive Detection: Integrates with major AI detection tools like Turnitin, Copyleak, and GPTZERO, offering a one-stop solution for content analysis.
Humanization: Trained on a 10-billion-token corpus and continuously refined through reinforcement learning, AI Humanize offers superior rewriting capabilities, surpassing traditional tools.
Originality Guarantee: Ensures 100% original content, avoiding plagiarism issues.
Seamless Integration: Seamlessly integrates with multiple platforms, including Turnitin, ZeroGPT, Writer, etc., ensuring content passes AI detection in various environments.
User Feedback: Positive reviews from users across different fields attest to the efficiency and reliability of AI Humanize in practical applications.
AI Humanize makes AI-generated content more human, more secure. Whether it's for academic research, business reports, or creative writing, AI Humanize is a trusted partner. Experience AI Humanize today and make your AI-generated content stand out in the age of intelligence.
Click here to try it:HumanizeAIText
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