#byun baekhyun can get it
baekslight · 1 year
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exo cbx - blooming day
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byunbaekhyunie · 8 months
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he doesn't get it...
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raspberriesoda · 6 months
literally just trying to watch youtube and i’m suddenly jumpscared by l*cas’ stupid face and his stupid new video get him the FUCK away from me why are we still enabling him
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jaejoontrashpanda · 1 year
Yeah...sorry SM Entertainment but you have zero credibility when it comes to being transparent and honest about your artists.
It will be a cold day in hell before I take your word over someone I admire & respect as much as Baekhyun. So kindly...
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bobohu4eva · 4 months
Hitched (M)
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: arranged marriage au, acquaintances(?) to lovers, smut
Summary: Can great sex make an unwanted marriage less shitty? Yes. Yes it can.
Warnings: explicit unprotected sex, semi public (outdoor) sex, edging, Baekhyun has a Big Dick, alcohol consumption
WC: 9.8k apparently I don't know how to keep things brief anymore!
A/N: The majority of this is extremely self-indulgent smut. Oops? You're welcome? It is (mostly) pretty soft though.
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The cameras flashed, and you put on a show for your friends and family. Your new husband kissed you, and from the outside, everything seemed perfect. 
The perfect dress, makeup, hair, a rich and handsome groom, and everyone you cared about right there with you, celebrating you and the man who was supposed to be the love of your life. It was a lavish ceremony and even more opulent reception, but you couldn't enjoy it at all. 
There was nothing wrong with him, but you and Baekhyun had never even dated, and you definitely never pictured yourself marrying him. You didn't exactly have any reason to dislike him, you'd known him since you were a kid and he was undoubtedly an attractive guy, but marrying him had been your parents idea, not yours. 
As a kid your family had everything you could've imagined, foreign sports cars, numerous vacation homes, a yacht, nannies, tutors, and the list goes on. Your parents' companies had been doing well, and life was easy. 
But that didn't last forever. Now in your early 20’s, you watched as the fortune your family had built for generations was slipping away. 
You were still a teenager when it started and couldn’t fully comprehend what had happened, but it seemed like some combination of bad investments and unpaid debts. Slowly the vacation homes, yacht, and cars were sold off one by one just to pay the bills. As the years passed it seemed that the walls were starting to close in, but on the surface your family, especially your mother, made sure it didn't seem that way. 
The good family name was pretty much all that was left now, and your mother would do anything she could to keep it strong. 
Growing up with generational wealth, your family always associated with others of similar standing, and one of the families you'd grown up with had been particularly close; the Byuns. 
Their only son, Baekhyun, was someone you'd grown up around, but at seven years older than you, you hardly knew each other. He was the perfect rich kid, smart, handsome, and polite, but you still would've much preferred to marry someone you actually loved, or at least were close with. 
“Y/n, you're doing it again.” He whispered in your ear, and you realized that your smile had once again fallen as you zoned out, and his mother was right there in front of you, looking concerned. 
You perked back up, and saw her face flood with relief. You looked at Baekhyun, and he was still smiling for the pictures as well, but you noticed the slightly apologetic look he shot you. 
You really did try to play the part, for the sake of your families, but it was hard. This was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life, but instead you were putting on an act, hiding how miserable you felt under the facade of it all. 
The worst part was just how happy both his and your families were. Both moms cried, and even your dad teared up a little. You couldn't even blame them, either. It had been a beautiful ceremony, and you and him both looked the part so perfectly. It was everything a high society wedding should be, and on top of that, it was the only thing saving your family from bankruptcy. 
Once pictures were done with it was time for the first dance- in a gazebo decorated with fairy lights and at least a thousand fresh white roses. All you could think was how incredible this would have been, if it was a real wedding, between two people who actually loved each other. Every beautiful thing was a cruel reminder of how you would never get to experience that for yourself.
Baekhyun did a better job than you, and if you hadn't been so depressed, you might've even gotten flustered a few times. He looked incredibly handsome in his tux, smiling sweetly at you as he led you through the dance, a painfully romantic song filling the spring air. He was the picture perfect groom. 
You so badly wanted to hate him for agreeing to all of it, but knew it was more complicated than that. Despite not knowing him very well, you did know how close knit his family was. If his parents really wanted him to do this, he would have a tough time refusing. 
You were closer with his parents than you had ever been with him, and they adored you. Despite not being related, you almost thought of them like your own aunt and uncle. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was like your mysterious older cousin. He always seemed preoccupied with his studies, or later, his job. You'd been around each other at holidays and various parties throughout the years, but he never felt approachable. 
To act so romantically with him felt unbelievably strange. On top of your disappointment at the whole situation it was also just very awkward. The kissing and touching, the dancing, the “loving” looks you shared, they all made your chest feel tight. Baekhyun was obviously very handsome, but the nature behind all of it still got to you. 
Before the wedding Baekhyun had asked you if you would rather not kiss or touch at all, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, but you'd assured him that it was fine. Aside from the parents and those closest to you both, most of the guests had no idea this wedding had been arranged just a few months earlier. If this was going to be believable, you had to make it look real. 
Eventually the dancing ended and the reception began, relieved beyond belief to finally get to have a drink. The champagne made things much easier, and as distant friends and family asked you and your new husband about your love story, you lied with increasing confidence. Baekhyun, too, was leaning into the act more heavily after a few drinks. His arm around you and the way he looked at you made everyone oooh and ahhh, giving them the same story you'd told minutes earlier, about how the two of you realized one day that all of those years you'd been hiding your love for each other, and when you realized that the other felt the same, you couldn't marry quickly enough. 
It was all bullshit of course, but they ate it up, and that was the important thing. You didn't want to think about how embarrassing it would be if an acquaintance or extended family member found out your parents had orchestrated everything. 
Several times people gushed about how lucky the two of you were to have found each other. The bitterness you felt was so intense you hoped dearly that they couldn’t see right through your smile. 
The relief you felt when the guests finally started to clear out, leaving the lavish ballroom for their hotel rooms, was monumental. Eventually the last of them were gone, and since both families insisted, you and Baekhyun retreated to your shared suite. 
Both you and him knew that your families were hoping for a grand baby soon, but that wasn't something you could even consider at the moment. 
“I don't mind sleeping on the couch.” He told you once you were alone with him. 
As nice as the room was, it didn't make sense for him to sleep on the couch. The bed was huge, and the couches weren't long enough for him to fully lay down. You shook your head. 
“Are you sure?” 
You smiled a little at his sweetness, “There's plenty of space for both of us, don't worry about it.” 
And so you and Baekhyun shared the bed on your first night together as husband and wife. You stayed on your side, and he stayed on his, not once touching, even a little. 
It was expected that eventually you and him would buy a house together and live there, but in the meantime, you stayed at that suite together. His parents owned it, and they hoped that living together would help spark something real, not to mention sharing a bed. 
Life after marriage wasn't that different, aside from your living space. You didn't have a job yet, having only graduated college a few months earlier, so you spent much of your time out with friends. As nice as the suite was, it reminded you of your loveless marriage, so you took every chance you could to get away. Baekhyun mostly just worked, keeping to himself, although he always asked you about your day when you’d get home. To his disappointment you kept your responses short. He wanted to try and get to know you better, but you didn't seem interested. 
The truth was, every time you saw him and he tried to talk to you, it made you feel worse. He did absolutely nothing wrong, but he, like the suite, was a painful reminder of your unfortunate fate. The result was you essentially avoiding him, even in your shared space. Baekhyun, however, wasn’t willing to live that way. 
A few weeks passed with hardly any words exchanged between you and him, so he decided to try something different. That evening when you returned to the suite, you were met with a generous dinner spread, the entire room meticulously decorated, and your husband sitting at the center of it all, looking at you bashfully in the candle light.
You were surprised, to say the least. 
He noticed the way you froze up, getting up from the table and taking one hand, guiding you to the table. He pulled out your chair for you, leading you to sit. 
Soon Baekhyun was seated across from you, looking back at you with a slightly unnerving intensity. 
“Why are you doing this?” You asked. 
He took a deep breath, “I want to try to make this work.” 
You raised an eyebrow. 
“I can tell how much you hate being married to me, and I’m sorry. I think we should at least try to make the best of it, though.” 
“Make the best of it?” 
“Well, yes. I mean it could be worse, right? Am I really that bad?” 
You sighed, annoyance taking hold at his nonchalant attitude. “No, Baekhyun, that's not the point, this whole situation just… sucks. Maybe it's stupid but I always thought I'd marry someone I was actually in love with, and it would be one of the best moments of my life. Instead I’m married to someone I barely even know.” 
“I'm sorry, and I know how you feel, I really do. But don't you think we should at least try to get along?” 
After a week of keeping your discontent to yourself, it came bubbling up and you no longer bothered to hide how you felt from him. You let it out, finally letting out what had been plaguing your mind since the wedding.
“Every time I see your face or even this suite for that matter, it makes me feel like shit. I really didn’t want this, and I don’t understand how you seem so unbothered. I mean, are you really not that upset about all this? Why did you agree to it so quickly?” 
“I didn’t have much of a choice either, you know how my parents are. A couple years ago when I still wasn't in a serious relationship of any kind they started floating the idea of setting me up with someone. Your name got mentioned a lot, so I've had more time to come to terms with it, I suppose.”
You scoffed, “So you've known for years that this would happen?” 
“Well, no. It was always just a suggestion, until a few months ago when they told me that they discussed it with your parents and actually wanted to go through with it.” 
Not sure what else to say, you shifted your focus to the plate of food before you, and he did the same. An awkward silence filled the dining room, though you still preferred the silence to his rationalizing of your miserable arrangement. Much to your dismay, however, it wasn’t long until he was again doing just that. 
“A lot of our parents' friends started out like this too, you know. To be fair most of them at least got to date for a while before getting married, but they’re happy now, so why shouldn’t we be able to do the same?”
He wasn’t wrong, this kind of thing wasn’t exactly rare, though you still hadn’t planned to turn out that way yourself. Still, you just stared back at him with a look of annoyance. 
“What I really wanted to talk to you about, the reason I made this dinner for us, I thought maybe, if you would be interested, we could go on a honeymoon. I know that wasn't originally part of the plan, but I think it could be good for us. Anywhere you want to go, I'll make it happen.”
His offer was extremely generous, but still didn’t exactly sound appealing. Being alone with him for days on end wasn’t your idea of fun, you worried that it would even become quite depressing, not to mention awkward. 
“I don't know….” 
“It can be as long or short as you like, and if you decide you hate being around me that much you can come back here anytime. You're my wife now, and I want to be able to make you happy, to make this whole thing work out for us. If there's anything I can do to help us get there, I’ll do it, whatever it takes.” 
When he put it like that, it was hard to argue with him. 
“Anywhere I want? And you’ll really fly me back if I don’t like it?” 
He nodded, “I promise.” 
Though you still had your doubts, you reluctantly agreed. A couple days later you were packing your bags, flying first class to Switzerland, where you'd stay for two weeks at one of his family's vacation homes in the mountains near Lucerne. 
Baekhyun grinned when you told him you wanted to go somewhere with mountains, “excellent choice.” 
The flight had been surprisingly nice. You’d expected that Baekhyun’s family would fly first class, but you were still surprised by just how nice the Swiss airline he’d booked was. You and him essentially had an entire bedroom, and while it was spacious for a plane, that was the closest you’d ever been to him in bed before. Maybe it was just hormones and general touch depravity, but you were all too aware of the way he occasionally brushed up against you as he slept.
When you finally arrived at the house you'd call home for the next couple weeks, walking into the main living area, you understood his excitement at your choice to stay in the mountains. It was nothing short of breathtaking. 
The house itself was beautiful, modern, and impeccably decorated, but you'd seen plenty of nice houses. It was the view that made it so special. The sprawling green valley surrounded by snow capped mountains looked like something out of a fairy tale. 
“My wife has awesome taste.” He said, not missing the way you grimaced, cringing at the word ‘wife’. 
“It still feels super weird hearing you say that.” 
You kept your eyes fixated on the view, and after a moment he was taking your hand and leading you into the master bedroom. Inside on a small table stood a bottle of champagne as well as two glasses, and beyond the sliding glass doors you could see the patio, fit with a hot tub and infinity pool. The king sized bed stood at the center of the room, covered in rose petals. 
You let out a short exhale of a laugh, mostly in disbelief at the sight in front of you. 
“Not bad right?” 
“Oh God, you really are trying to make me fall in love with you. Rose petals and everything…” 
He laughed, shaking his head. “I don't think two weeks is long enough to fall in love, but if you did, that would be great. I guess the staff went a little crazy with the romance since my parents told them this is our honeymoon.” 
He opened the bottle of champagne, pouring each of you a glass and handing one to you. God knows you needed it.
“Cheers.” You clinked the glasses together, each taking a sip. “By the way, I can sleep in one of the other bedrooms, if you'd prefer that. I know the rose petals on the bed are a little much.” 
Maybe it was the alcohol, but it looked like he was blushing ever so slightly as he said it.
Your immediate reaction was relief, that you'd get your own room, but then again that wasn't why you'd traveled all this way together. You were used to sleeping in the same bed with him by now anyway, so you shook your head, hoping you wouldn’t end up regretting it. 
A long sigh passed your lips.“You didn't take me here for us to sit in different rooms all day, we can do that back at home.” 
There was a faint smile on his lips and he nodded, cheeks still a little pink. You both knew what your families were hoping would happen in that bed, and you couldn't help but blush a little as well. For a second you wondered if you and him would ever get that far. He was perfectly fuckable, in theory, but the nature of your arrangement sucked all the excitement out of it for you. 
It was still early in the day, and once the champagne glasses were empty Baekhyun called a car to take the two of you into town. 
“You already seem less bummed out than you've been the last few weeks.” He commented as you headed into the city. 
“Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I’m still sad about everything, but you're right. It's better to at least try to make this work out. I'm trying to be optimistic.” 
He was smiling again, and you couldn't deny how gorgeous the sight of it was. He reached for one of your hands, giving it a light squeeze, holding it for the rest of the car ride, and then again as you walked through the streets together, window shopping.
The city of Lucerne really was like a fairy tale. The old buildings, the crystal blue lake, and the mountains in the distance were the perfectly romantic setting for your time with him. In front of that amazing backdrop, he truly looked like a prince. 
As sad and angry as you'd been the past month, now that your hand was in his, on this beautiful honeymoon, just enjoying the scenery, you couldn’t find the energy to harbor any resentment towards him. Although you still had a lot to learn about each other, you realized you could enjoy his company more than you expected. Either that, or it was just hard to be mad when you were in such a lovely place. 
You'd been walking together in comfortable silence for a while, just appreciating the city, when he told you, “If you see something you like, tell me and we can go inside for you to try it on.”  
As nice as it was, you knew you weren't actually going to go inside any of those shops. They were all high end designer outlets, the kinds of places you hadn't been to since your family was actually doing well. 
Baekhyun saw the way you shook your head, turning your eyes to the pavement in front of you. You felt him abruptly stop, your hand still in his. 
“Now that we're married, you don't need to worry about all of that anymore. Your family wasn't so insistent on you marrying me just so that they could finally pay off their debts, you know. They want a better life for you, too.” 
“Yeah well they have a funny way of showing it.” You mumbled, not even trying to hide the bitterness in your voice. 
“Did you tell them you didn’t want to get married?” 
You scoffed, because of course you didn’t, and he should know that. You gave him a bit of a bitchy side eye and he seemed to get your point. 
“They know I would’ve much rather chosen my husband myself. But I wasn’t really given a choice, just like you.”
He mustered up a surprisingly sympathetic look, sitting you down with him on a nearby bench. 
“I’m not saying this to call you ungrateful, really, but I think we should remember how lucky we are. Because of our parents we got the best educations, grew up in nice homes, get to travel the world, and so on. Money isn't something we'll ever have to worry about. When they asked me to marry you, I didn’t fight them, because I know how much they’ve done for me.” 
You understood perfectly where he was coming from. However, despite it all, you still couldn't deny your disappointment. 
“I know it would've been selfish to refuse, and of course I am grateful to be this fortunate. That doesn't make it feel any less shitty, though. I always had such big dreams for how I would meet the love of my life and get married, and they know that. When they told me I should marry you, they knew it would be heartbreaking for me, they just didn't seem to care. They didn't even want to acknowledge it.” 
“I'm sorry. I can imagine how hard that would be, I want you to know that I don't blame you at all for being upset. I just want to do whatever I can now to hopefully make this better for you.” 
When you didn’t respond his hand was pulling you back up with him, “Come on, there’s a really great ice cream place nearby.” 
He was relieved to finally see you smile again, even though you rolled your eyes at him. “I’m not a little kid, you can’t manipulate me with ice cream.” 
“I’m not manipulating you! I just want to cheer you up.” 
At least the ice cream really was fantastic. 
Eventually you returned to the house, deciding to finish the champagne in the pool together, enjoying the view. You'd seen Baekhyun shirtless in the past, but it had been years, and you couldn't deny how great he looked as he joined you in the water, holding both of your glasses of bubbly. 
The mountain air was chilly on your upper half, and you sunk deeper into the warm water as he handed you your champagne. Steam rose from the water into the cold air creating a wispy fog, the sun barely peeking out from behind the mountains as it set. 
You said cheers, clinking the glasses together, giving Baekhyun a funny look at how intently he insisted on making eye contact before bringing his glass up to meet yours. 
“You know why Germans are so insistent on eye contact when cheersing right?” He asked before taking his first sip. 
His eyes widened ever so slightly, surprised, to say the least. 
“Oh… uhh, never mind.” 
“No, tell me!” 
This time, he was definitely blushing, “Ok but don't get mad at me! I was joking… I didn't think I'd have to explain it..” 
He sighed, ready for you to scoff at his lame attempt at flirting with you. “In Germany, it's said that if you don't make eye contact while cheersing with someone, you'll have seven years of bad sex.” 
To his surprise, you actually let out a small laugh, again meeting his eyes and holding his gaze intently as you clinked your glass to his one more time. 
It had to be the atmosphere, both of you barely clothed in your swimsuits, the alcohol, the sunset, and the view of the mountains. That had to be it, that had to be why you were going along with everything he said so easily. Because at the end of the day, you both knew well what he was implying. He was your husband, and you his wife. Unless you both planned on cheating, which to your understanding still wasn’t acceptable despite the nature of the marriage, he would be the only one you'd be having sex with anytime soon. 
You kept slowly sipping on your drink, enjoying the calmness and beauty of the landscape. This time, the silence between him and yourself actually felt comfortable. 
“Do you really think that it's possible for us to eventually be happy, like any other married couple? You know as if we'd actually chosen this for ourselves?” You eventually asked. 
“Yeah, I definitely think it's possible.” 
“You really mean that?” 
He shrugged, and nodded. “I don't want this to sound too forward, but that's part of why I wasn't too upset about the marriage. I would've liked to marry someone I chose myself, just like you, but in our situation I think we still have a good chance at making it work. Even though we've never been particularly close, I feel like I know you fairly well, because of our families. I know that we had similar upbringings, share the same basic values, things like that, and those things really matter in a partnership. You're beautiful too, which definitely helps.”
“Thank you… I've never really thought about it like that.”
‘You’re beautiful.’ Those words had a greater effect on you than you expected.
His eyes had been fixed on the sun setting over the mountains, but slowly he turned back towards you. “Do you find me attractive, at least physically?” 
His sudden question left you dumbfounded. The answer was so obvious but the way he asked you truly didn't sound cocky at all. You had to stop yourself from making a dumb joke considering his abs were currently glistening in the light of the setting sun and his face looked like something out of a magazine. 
“Baekhyun, you know you're a good looking guy.” 
“Well, some women are more into big muscles, or really tall guys, or a more rugged “manly” look. I could still not be your type.” 
You shook your head, feeling the way your cheeks burned, knowing they were probably bright red. You kept your eyes glued on the valley below, avoiding the way you knew he was looking at you. “You definitely are my type, at least when it comes to looks.” 
You expected him to say something cocky and smug but instead he just smiled at you when you finally met his gaze again, seeming genuinely happy and relieved by your answer. 
“I appreciate that.”
It occurred to you then that despite the champagne, his words and eyes on you made you quite shy. He was simply an extremely handsome guy, and you found yourself having to fight the urge to downright ogle him. 
His broad shoulders and strong chest looked so inviting, the water on his skin adding a gorgeous sheen to his entire form. You wanted to touch him, to feel his skin against your own, and know how his slender hands would feel on your body. 
The view of the mountains was nice, but as the minutes flew by, your eyes kept traveling back to him. It didn't go unnoticed, as he felt himself slipping into similar thoughts as well. 
Maybe you really were just that easy to read, but it surprised you nonetheless when he stepped closer, taking your hand in his, before placing it on his chest. 
“Wh-what are you doing?”
Your eyes were stuck to his torso, heart beating rapidly at the knowledge of his eyes gazing down at you, his heartbeat under your hand a comforting reminder of the shared tension. His gentle touch on your chin triggered a small gasp, and he finally guided your face up towards his own where he could look at you, and you at him.
Being so close now, you noticed the scattered moles painting little constellations across his face. Each one appeared to have been placed with purpose, further adding to the near perfect harmony of his stunning features. 
When his eyes shifted downwards ever so slightly, gaze falling to your lips, you stopped breathing. You could smell him, so sweet and inviting, every minute aspect of his presence pulling you in. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
His eyes bore into your own again, and you could feel the magnetism between you both. All you gave him was a small nod, but that was enough, his lips meeting yours. 
This was so different, so much better than when you'd kissed before at your wedding. His chest under your palm felt warm and firm, the taste and smell of him surrounding you, easily letting you melt into him. His lips were soft, and the lack of clothing, the feel of his wet skin against your own, made you shiver despite the hot pool. 
Growing increasingly overwhelmed, you pulled away, red faced and genuinely a little embarrassed to have given into him so quickly. You quickly grabbed your glass and downed the rest of your champagne.
Baekhyun, however, saw right through you. He gave you a knowing smirk, he knew you were still skeptical of him and the marriage, but that didn't mean you weren't attracted to each other. Being half naked in a pool with a view definitely helped set the mood, too. 
“What? There's no reason to get shy now.” 
Still, you turned away from him, bracing both hands on the edge of the pool as you fixed your eyes back onto the mountains and valley below. 
“Hm? What's wrong?” 
His breath on the back of your neck sent a shiver down your spine, surprised by the proximity. Gently, he brushed your hair aside, giving himself access to whisper in your ear. 
“As odd as it might feel to be married, as husband and wife, there's no use in denying that we're attracted to each other.” 
He didn't miss the way you whimpered when his lips gently grazed the sensitive skin just below your ear, turning your head to grant him more access. 
He took that as his sign to continue, leaving a trail of kisses along the side of your neck, his lips growing bolder as the minutes passed. Soon he was sucking and biting at the spot on your neck that made your knees weak, and his hands slowly came to rest on your hips, leaving you every chance to stop him, but you did no such thing. 
Maybe it was just how pent up you were after not having sex for so long, and barely even having an opportunity to touch yourself, but you found yourself squeezing your thighs together, trying to relieve some of the ache that was starting to form between them. 
When one of his hands left your hip, instead coming to your jaw, turning your head to grant him access to kiss you again, you easily let him. The kiss was nothing sweet, desperate and hungry as you both fought for dominance, though Baekhyun quickly took the upper hand, not that you minded. 
“Can I touch you?” He asked the second your lips parted. 
“You are touching me.” 
“That's not what I mean.” 
His hand moved slowly down the front of your body, the soft touch making your head spin, until his delicate fingers began to play with the waistband of your bikini. 
He resumed the movement of his lips on your neck, soon coming to whisper in your ear, “May I?” 
You nodded, breath shaking, and let out a soft moan when his fingers finally pushed beneath the wet fabric. His first touch against your clit sent a jolt through you, and you didn't miss his soft chuckle before pressing his lips against you for the nth time. 
The way he nibbled and sucked at the skin of your neck combined with the soft circles his fingers made on your clit, were nothing short or euphoric. You leaned back into his chest, quiet moans and whimpers filling the air. Being touched like this from behind had always been a big turn on for you. He already made you feel so weak under his touch. 
Baekhyun was obsessed with all of the delicate sounds escaping your lips, sounds that proved how much you were enjoying what he did to you. The more he listened, the more he felt himself grow needy for more.
A breath got stuck in your throat when he pushed his hips forward, letting you feel his hardness against your ass. Even through his swim trunks, you could tell he was big. 
With his cock pressed to your ass and his fingers moving perfectly between your thighs, you were already losing any rationality you’d once possessed. When his other hand untied the knot of your top and began to tease your nipples, you couldn’t bring yourself to worry about how exposed you were, outside in the open. You knew you would be pushed over the edge sooner rather than later if he kept it up, and he did. 
“Are you gonna come for me, baby?” He whispered in your ear, the smirk on his lips apparent in his voice. 
You nodded frantically, warmth bubbling up inside you, turning into a searing heat. 
“Good girl, let go, I got you.” 
His fingertips slipped across your clit just right, one hand pinching and twisting the sensitive nub on your chest. Your whimpers grew into delighted moans, the craving for even more growing almost unbearable. The promise of eventually having his length inside you was what pushed you over the edge, shaking and twitching in Baekhyun's arms as you fell. 
“Fuck.” He whispered into the crook of your neck. “You're really sexy, you know that? Can't wait to be inside you.” 
The combination of his words and breath against your heated skin prolonged your pleasure, nodding to show him just how badly you wanted him, too. 
As soon as his hand withdrew from between your legs you turned towards him, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him into a heated kiss. It was messy, desperate, communicating the urgent need you both felt for more. His tongue greedily licked into your mouth before biting your lip, coaxing another weak moan from you. His hand on your thigh quickly had you wrapping both around him, and the feel of his substantial length and girth against your center, even through your bathing suits, left you panting, desperate for more. 
He put some pressure on you, pushing you against the edge of the pool, letting you feel even more of him. 
“Do you wanna go inside?” He whispered into your ear between kisses, but you didn't have the patience for that. 
You shook your head, “just fuck me right here.” 
His cocky smirk somehow had even more moisture flowing out of you, “as you wish.” 
With that, he undid the string of your bikini, and pushed down his shorts. 
You reached for him, intimidated by the size, hoping you would even be able to handle him. He was hot and hard in your hand, and you felt the telltale throb of his own arousal. 
Anticipation hung thick in the air as he positioned himself, his tip nudging against your clit, and you swore you were about to lose your goddamn mind. 
“You ready?” He questioned with an unexpected softness, forehead resting against your own. 
“You sure?” 
“Yes, Baekhyun, please.”
As soon as he pushed forward, however, you understood his desire to double check. His size presented quite the challenge, your eyes squeezing shut at the discomfort of being stretched so much. He could sense how you struggled to take him, hands digging into the skin of his back, legs squeezing involuntarily around his hips.
“Fuck you're so big.” 
“Just relax, I'll go slow. Tell me if it’s too much.” He said before pressing another kiss to your lips. 
You couldn't remember ever feeling so full, and he was still only halfway in. Slow, shallow thrusts carefully let you get used to him, going deeper with every roll of his hips. Soon tears pricked at your eyes, the new sensation of being fucked by such a huge cock leaving you awstruck. 
When he finally fit himself all the way inside of you, his hips meeting your own, you felt his head pressing firmly against your cervix. The slight pain of it heightened the already intense moment even further. 
“Oh my God.” 
He pulled almost all the way out, sinking himself all the way back inside, and you swore he had to have the best cock you’d ever fucked, by a mile. Any unpleasant thoughts surrounding your marriage to him were long gone as he set a steady rhythm, each thrust pulling gasps of pleasure from you. 
The water splashed wildly around you but you might as well have forgotten it was even there, too overcome with Baekhyun’s length as it pleased you in ways you never knew possible. The way he filled you so completely was unlike anything you’d experienced with another man, blissed out by his incredible size and precise thrusts. 
“You’re so perfect, take me so fucking well.” 
His lips crashed into yours, hot and greedy as you moaned into one another. You were certain you’d never felt anyone that deep inside you before, and it was addictive. 
“Think you can handle more?” He muttered, now that you’d gotten fully acclimated to his substantial length and girth. 
You nodded, greedy for anything and everything he could give, and Baekhyun wasn’t going to deny you. 
His lips swallowed more moans and cries of delight as he picked up the pace, thrusting harder, faster, feeling you clench down on him as you got closer to your release. 
Every time he sunk into you completely, he felt your body tremble in response to the intense sensations. As much as you wanted to keep your eyes open to look at him, you simply couldn't. The force with which he pounded you and how deep he reached left you an incoherent mess. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, desperate whimpers and whines leaving your parted lips. 
“Will my beautiful wife let me feel her cum on my cock? Hm?” 
Frantically, you nodded. With only a few more pumps into your dripping core he made you cum, so hard that you just about forgot your own name. 
Baekhyun let out a deep groan at how tightly you squeezed him when you came, the pulsating of your orgasming pussy bringing him to his peak soon after. His hips fell out of pace, eventually slowing to a stop as he emptied his cum deep inside.
It wasn't until you slowly started drifting back to reality that you realized you were still outside in the pool with him. 
You continued to cling to him, feeling him gradually soften and slip out of you. When his eyes found your own you both stared, panting, basking in the afterglow. 
You finally stood back on your own two feet, leaned back against the edge of the pool, and couldn’t fight the fit of laughter that came over you. 
Baekhyun stared at you, confused, unnerved, and slightly bewildered at your sudden outburst. 
“Jesus fucking Christ Byun! That might be the best sex I’ve ever had. No, it definitely was. I can’t believe you...” 
A relieved sigh escaped him, grinning at your admission. “Go on. I’d love to hear all your thoughts.” 
“Oh shut up you don’t need any more ego stroking with a dick like that.” 
He leaned in closer, bracing both hands on the edge of the pool at your sides. “Well you’ll be happy to know that this dick is all yours, till death do us part.” 
A genuine smile graced your lips, and this time as you looked at him, your new husband, you actually felt a little excited for what your future with him could hold. 
You leaned in, giving him a quick kiss. “It's only day one and you already succeeded at seducing me. I have to admit I feel a little pathetic.” 
“I didn’t seduce you.” 
“Oh yes you did! You got me half naked and drunk and started kissing my neck. That has to count.” 
“You only had one glass of champagne and we're in a pool, what else would we wear?!” 
You rolled your eyes. “Okay fine, but you still seduced me. Not that I mind, that was fucking incredible. I hope no one saw us, though.” 
Baekhyun just shrugged. “I doubt it, but if they did, we put on a pretty good show.” he smirked. 
“You’re unbelievable.” You laughed, enjoying the way he admired you. 
“I asked if you wanted to go inside, but someone was too impatient.” 
“You’re awful cocky, you know that?” 
Again, he shrugged, moving away from you to find his glass of champagne. He finished it, and since it was getting late, you both finally decided to get to bed. This time, the rose petals just made you giggle. Once you'd both settled in, you even found yourself inching closer to him, until one of his arms pulled you closer, wrapping around you. It was easy to fall asleep like that, in his embrace. 
The first night in a new bed was usually pretty rough, and the jet lag didn’t help. When you awoke in the early morning, you knew you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. 
Baekhyun had detached himself from you at some point during the night, the blanket bunching up around his waist. He seemed to still be resting peacefully, and you shamelessly enjoyed the view of his bare chest and sleeping face. Everything about him was just so gorgeous, it didn’t really make sense to you how you’d ended up with him like this. You’d been so pissed about the marriage for so long, but now a small smile crept to your lips as you watched him, his chest slowly rising and falling with every breath. 
You turned to fully face him, shifting around for a bit before settling into a comfortable position. From that point of view you could enjoy the profile of his face as he slept, taken with the seemingly perfect outlines of his jaw, nose, and lips. 
Minutes passed, dragging on painfully slow, and the sight in front of you definitely didn't help you get back to sleep. Images from your time in the pool with him kept resurfacing, along with the memory of how incredible he'd made you feel. You couldn’t understand how you hadn’t always wanted to touch him, even when he was more of a stranger to you. He was way too attractive to just ignore, you thought. Every cell in your body seemed to gravitate towards him, now that touching him was allowed, and even welcomed, holding yourself back was nearly torturous. 
You and him could nap during the day. Right now, you needed him to wake up. 
Carefully, you moved closer, molding your body to his, leaning in to press your lips to his neck. He stirred a bit, but didn’t wake up, so you went on to plant more kisses, moving down towards his chest. When you gently sucked on his collarbone, his eyes finally fluttered open. 
Much to your delight, he didn’t question your actions, or why you’d woken him up. He just took hold of your waist, pulling you on top of him, and into a kiss. You ended up straddling him, lips still locked as they moved together lazily. 
“Goodmorning,” He hummed, looking around at the dark bedroom. “Awake already? What time is it?” 
“Four? Five? I don't know.” 
“Why'd you wake me up?” He half groaned, half whined, voice rough due to the early hour. 
Instead of replying, you just kissed him again, kissing down to his jaw, then neck, moving your hips a little to make your intentions clear. 
“Ready for round two? Already?” 
“Shut up.” 
He chuckled, “Why don't you make me?”
You moved to bring your lips to his once more, but he stopped you, one finger pressing to your lips before they could make contact. You pouted.
“I have an even better idea.”
“Oh yeah?” 
A mischievous grin lifted his cheeks so prettily. 
“Sit on my face.” 
You froze, “Huh?” 
“You heard me. C’mere” 
He hoisted you up, eliciting a small shriek from you, but you didn’t let him take you all the way up the bed, instead settling atop in chest. 
“Are you serious?”
“Hmm I’m a hungry boy. Now come here.” 
His hands on your ass attempted to push you further up towards his face, but you stayed put. 
“I still have underwear on, dummy.” 
He looked down, narrowing his eyes when he spotted the lace that was, in fact, covering you. 
“Do you like this pair?” 
“Kinda? They’re a little old I guess, why do you-” 
Before you could finish his hands were taking hold of the flimsy fabric, easily ripping it and tossing it to the side. 
“Baekhyun! Are you out of your mind? Why-” 
He cut you off again, hoisting you up by your ass till your thighs were on either side of his head. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll buy you new ones.” 
With that his arms circled your thighs, pulling you down, until your center met his hot tongue. 
You inhaled sharply, bracing your hands against the wall as he licked and prodded at your clit. It was soft, teasing, wanting to warm you up before showing you what he was really capable of. When you would start to whine and plead for more, he would pull away entirely, instead leaving kisses on your inner thighs, letting the anticipation grow until it was nearly unbearable. 
Until then you'd still been hovering, not wanting to smother him, but when you once again began to whimper and ask for more, he told you, “I’ll give you what you want if you just sit.” 
Without giving you a chance to protest his strong arms, still wrapped around your thighs, yanked you down roughly. At last you got the kind of pressure you needed, putting some weight on him, no longer caring if he could breathe or not. His hums of pleasure made it clear that either way, he was enjoying this as much as you were. 
He lapped at your clit with greed, happily drinking you in. Every gasp, sigh, and groan he drew from you egged him on, eagerly awaiting your release, wanting nothing more than the taste of your delight flooding his tongue. When he transitioned from mere licking to sucking your bud past his lips, he felt your thighs shake, gripping them so tightly you almost wondered if it could bruise. In your ecstasy, however, there was no place for such thoughts. You were too preoccupied with your building orgasm. 
His fingers earlier in the pool had been fantastic, but his tongue and lips were on a whole new level entirely. The way the warm muscle flicked at your most sensitive spot was absolutely perfect, and when combined with the suction of his lips, you almost couldn’t handle it. He could tell you were getting close when you began to rock your hips against his tongue, silently begging for even more, and he was eager to deliver. 
He picked up the pace, suckling harder, licking faster, and he reveled in the increased volume of your moans as you got lost in it. When the moans were silenced, replaced instead with sharp gasps, he knew you were on the precipice. He didn’t falter, if anything, he gave you even more. 
Seconds later you fell apart, twitching and shaking while he still didn’t stop, the sensation flooding your body with relief and joy until it slowly became too much. Baekhyun still had a firm hold of your thighs, and he moaned with delight at the taste of your orgasm on his tongue. He kept lapping at your tired pussy, not wanting to let a single drop go to waste, until you basically begged him for a break. 
When his hold on your thighs finally weakened, you sat back, your ass landing on his chest eliciting a grunt from him. You looked down at your husband's face and he was beaming, lips and chin still wet with your arousal. You grinned right back, watching as he wiped his face with the back of his hand. 
Again, all you could do was laugh, and this time he happily joined you. 
“You know, I really hadn't expected all of this to happen on our first night here.” You told him. 
“Neither did I.”
He was still smiling up at you, now just watching, admiring you, and when he still didn't look away after several seconds had passed you started to feel shy. 
You rolled off of him, one arm covering your eyes as you basked in the unexpected comfort of the moment. Eventually you felt him move your arm away and his face was hovering above your own, slowly moving closer until he was kissing you. It was slow, relaxed, just enjoying the closeness as you gradually recovered from the heated moment. 
You felt him shift, realizing that he was adjusting himself beneath his silk pajama pants, and your hand followed. His eyes fluttered shut when you palmed him, and he took the hint, discarding the shirt you still wore before stripping himself. 
Wet lips met the sensitive skin of your neck as he positioned himself between your thighs, the heat and weight of him above you somehow making your heart race even more. His fingers entered you first, stretching you out to get you ready to take him. He started with two, soon adding a third as he leaned up slightly, watching your flushed form squirm and whimper beneath him. It was a sight that didn’t help his patience one bit, throbbing as he thought about getting to be inside you again so soon. 
It wasn’t long until Baekhyun assumed you were ready, that or he just didn’t want to wait any longer. Both of his hands found yours, lacing them together and pressing them to the bed above your head. His eyes were on yours, dark with lust as you felt him push inside, the stretch again making you wince, though you easily powered through, too enticed by what was to come to even consider stopping him. He rocked into you, getting deeper with each push, until he was burying himself into you entirely with each roll of his hips. 
This time, he was slower, savoring the way your tight walls hugged him, in contrast to the frenzied passion of the evening prior. You sighed gratefully each time he hit that spot inside you, appreciating the unhurried pace he set as he continued to thrust. Your previous orgasm left you especially sensitive, and you seemed to be floating on a cloud of pure bliss while he steadily fucked you, the euphoria of it reaching even greater hights than before. 
His size was one thing, but Baekhyun was also just good. He knew how to angle himself to make you feel just right, keeping a steady pace to allow the pleasure to build. 
“You feel amazing, so tight and wet for me.” He whispered into your ear, and your knuckles paled with how hard you gripped his hands. 
Normally faster, rougher sex was what you preferred, but now, with him, you couldn’t help but think that this slower, more relaxed approach was even better. Maybe it was because it was so early, and you were still a little tired, but this felt nothing short of perfect. Baekhyun was taking care of you so well, listening to your body, and giving exactly what you needed. 
Your orgasm was getting close again, warmth growing into a burning heat in the pit of your stomach, but as soon as you started to clench around him, about to let go, he pulled out. 
He chuckled softly at the way you whined in protest, but assured you, “Just trust me, this will be even better.” 
He stood on his knees and straddled one of your thighs, bringing the other leg over his shoulder before pushing back in. With the same leisurely pace from earlier he continued on, the new angle making you feel him even deeper. 
When you started to whimper and ask for him to go faster, he just shushed you, pushing his hips into you slower, but harder, leaving you with little room to protest. Either way, it was divine, and you knew he’d easily get you there in the end. After a while you decide that whatever he had in mind, you would happily accept it. He made you feel so damn good, you trusted him to take you however he saw fit. 
His thrusts were steady, letting you chase your orgasm, but when you started to get close he pulled out again, leaving you shaking and whining and clenching around nothing. 
One hand came to rest on your cheek and his forehead met your own, prompting you to open your eyes and meet his. He stared for a second before pressing a quick kiss to your lips and whispering, “Turn around for me baby.” 
You obliged, rolling onto your stomach, and you felt him straddle you, leaning down to leave a trail of kisses along your shoulder. Without any warning he filled you once again, and this time when he bottomed out, the increased pressure against your cervix made your stomach tighten, the pain almost too much for you. 
His moans and grunts made it clear that he, too, felt the added pressure, making sure not to press too hard, to be gentle as he continued working his way in and out, his eyes fixed to the view of your ass and his length plunging in and out of you. Every time he sank himself inside completely he felt the way his tip would reach the bottom, savoring the feeling while doing his best to not hurt you in any real way. 
Little did he know, you enjoyed the intensity of it, and your high was approaching even quicker than before. He’d been edging you for so long, all you cared about was getting your release. He could’ve fucked you as fast and hard as he wanted and the pain still wouldn’t have stopped you from cumming all over his length. 
But Baekhyun was cautious nonetheless, filling you in the same relaxed manner, wanting you to feel as good as possible, to prolong your pleasure, without bringing it to an end just yet. He, too, was enjoying himself far too much to rush this. 
However he soon felt the same tell-tale throb that your orgasm was quickly approaching, so he pulled out once again. 
Once he’d turned you over, settling back between your thighs, he took in your fucked out expression, eyes softening at just how desperate you looked. 
“Does my baby want to cum?” 
You nodded, frantic. “Please, Baekhyun.” 
He placed a tender kiss to your lips, then your forehead, before pushing forwards to fill you up. This time as he kept moving you could feel the difference, and you knew he was getting close to his own release. His thrusts were less consistent, and he became shaky, gasping and moaning more freely than before. 
For you it came as a relief, knowing that it wouldn’t be long until you finally got your long awaited high. You weren’t sure how much more you could take, more than ready for him to finally just fuck you through your orgasm, and let you feel his release, too. 
The push and stretch of his length inside you, the angle of it, and his entirety surrounding you, the heat and weight and smell of him, they all became too much. When he finally let you reach your peak it was strong, blinding you and making your skin tingle with the intensity. Every time he’d denied you he’d built the tension to such a degree that when it was finally released, it was otherworldly. Broken versions of his name passed your lips, though you weren’t conscious of it, the wave of pleasure leaving no room for coherent thought, only gratitude for the incredible feeling after having been deprived. 
He didn’t stop when he felt the obvious pulsating and twitching of your orgasm, he continued to chase his own high, which came soon after. He’d been holding himself back, so when it finally hit him, the burst of euphoria was explosive. As he shuddered apart his lips crashed into yours, hungry and rough as they sought greater contact, something to communicate how much it affected him. 
The kisses became more relaxed as you both slowly drifted back to reality, until he finally collapsed on top of you, burying himself in the crook of your neck. Gently kisses were peppered across your skin, each one paired with some sweet words, “So beautiful, so perfect, so good for me.” 
After some time his weight above you lost its charm, turning sweaty and uncomfortable prompting him to roll off you, though you still desired some contact. Your head rested atop his chest, and the feeling of his hand on your waist was a welcome comfort. 
Something about this just felt right to you. Your marriage to him, now, came as more of a relief than anything else. You knew that after having him, nobody else would ever be able to compare. As sure as you’d been that the jet lag would keep you up until daylight, his embrace ended up luring you into a peaceful sleep in mere minutes. 
As it turned out, your honeymoon ended up being a beautiful experience full of gorgeous scenery, plentiful laughter, and amazing sex. Most days were spent strolling through town, enjoying the spa and pool at the house, and in bed with your new husband. 
He was fun, maybe a little cocky, but you couldn't blame him for that, everything considered. At the end of the day, he was always sweet to you, and never acted truly arrogant in any way. Confident, that was how you would describe him, and that confidence came as a comfort for you. He was confident in himself, yes, but he also showed a lot of confidence and optimism towards his relationship with you. 
The initial awkwardness disappeared completely after your encounter in the pool. The sex had been great, but more importantly, it brought your guard down. You quickly became far more comfortable around him, and as the days passed, he started to feel like a genuine friend. A friend, who also gave you the best sex of your life. 
While it may have still been early in the relationship, by the time you were flying back home with him, you felt confident, too. 
You'd make it work with Baekhyun, your new husband. 
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itstheoneshot · 1 year
Summary: All you had to do was sit still and listen, but that was asking too much of you, wasn’t it?
Word Count: 2.9k
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Power Imbalance, Age Gap, Dubcon, Breeding Kink, Brat Taming, Degradation, Unprotected Sex.
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“Are you going to answer?”
You snap out of your daze, focusing in on the source of the voice. You heard your name and were unsure if you were daydreaming, but now with your lecturer standing in front of your desk, you accept the truth.
“Answer what?” You ask in monotone, not even attempting to feign interest.
You couldn’t care less about this class, one of the mandatory units you need for your degree, only here to pass and nothing else, you don’t care about high marks.
“I asked you,” He sighs, clearly frustrated, “To speak on what the author meant on page 14… were you even listening to me?”
You lift your head up to make eye contact with your teacher. Professor Byun Baekhyun. Barely in his 30s, and way too smart to be wasting his time with a student like you. He’s handsome, witty, and you know that if you cared about the topic, you would probably try for his sake at least, but truth be told, all you can think about right now is the day ending so that you can go home to bed.
“No,” You smirk at him, “And no, I wasn’t.”
You watch the vein in his neck bulge as he draws in a sharp breath, and you stifle a laugh, though you can’t wipe the smile from your face. You were never a well-behaved student, not in any of your schooling years, and still now in university you just thrived off frustrating your teachers. You could never really pinpoint why, but you were sure that your psychology lecturer, the one right in front of you now, could do so.
“Stay back after class,” Baekhyun murmurs, an order, not a question, “We need to speak about your attitude.”
You roll your eyes at him in an attempt to dissuade yourself from stamping your feet in protest. You know that you’re not the only one in class who doesn’t pay attention, but you have no idea why he singles you out.
“Are you kidding?” You ask him, “Sir, I have shit to do tonight.”
Baekhyun narrows his gaze, jaw clenched as he holds himself together, “Mind your language,” He warns you, “I won’t keep you too late if you can act like an adult.”
You don’t get a chance to clap back before he turns to walk to the front of the class, resuming the lecture and seemingly forgetting that he had asked you to join in the discussion. Though you should, you still don’t focus for the rest of the class, leaning back in your seat and staring at the clock on the wall, waiting for the session to end so that you can get this stupid talk over and done with.
“My office,” Baekhyun murmurs as you stand up from your desk, “Follow me.”
You roll your eyes once more, and drag your feet for good measure while you make your way over to him, but you do as you are told and follow him down the hallway and up a flight of stairs to his private office. As expected, the walls are lined with shelves full of books, and you scoff thinking about how boring they all must be. Baekhyun closes the door behind you before making his way to his desk, sitting behind it and gesturing to one of the chairs in front for you to take.
“Do I need to be here?” You ask, glancing down at your watch, “This is a waste of time for us both.”
Baekhyun stares blankly at you, and it sends a shiver down your spine. Even earlier when he was calling you out for your inability to pay attention, there was still a niceness to him, but not now you are alone.
“You definitely need to be here,” He replies, “And the fact that you don’t think so proves it for me.”
You raise a brow in confusion, not quite sure what he means by that at all.
“Cut the attitude,” He continues, “You won’t get anywhere in life if you continue to act this way.”
Exhaling deeply through your nostrils, you close your eyes to try and centre yourself, but not before Baekhyun continues to berate you.
“You think you’re funny, disrupting the class the way that you did today,” He states, which is not a lie, “But that’s just because you’re insecure, isn’t it?”
You suddenly feel bare, exposed, how the fuck can he read that from your behaviour? You know he has a doctorate but really? It’s that obvious?
“I am not,” You try to cover yourself, “I just don’t give a fuck about your stupid class.”
Now it is Baekhyun’s turn to compose, breathing deep into his chest, “I said,” He begins, “Cut the attitude.”
You break the intense eye contact to glance down at your watch again, how has it only been five minutes? “Can I leave now?” You ask, more persistent this time, “I am getting nothing from this.”
Baekhyun stands up, towering over you even though he is not the tallest man you know. You would never admit that it frightens you a bit, but if he is as good at reading people as he makes it seem, he would be aware.
“You need to learn to do as you’re told,” He states, “And you aren’t leaving this office until you can do that.”
You know that from his position, he has a good view of your body, and if you can be sure you’re not insane, you just caught him staring. Your shirt is a little low cut to be worn to Uni classes, but you had planned to go out for drinks after, so wanted to save the need to change.
“What are you insinuating?” You ask, “Baekhyun… seonsaengnim.”
Baekhyun’s lips curl up in a playful smirk, and you feel your stomach drop. You hate that he has gotten under your skin with such seemingly simple words, and such small actions.
“I’m insinuating,” He replies, “That if you don’t do as I tell you, that you may have to repeat the whole year…”
Coercion? He’s using coercion on you? But you don’t break so easily.
“I don’t care,” You respond with another flat out lie, “I’m not doing anything.”
You can feel his patience waning, but this only fires you up more, ready to fight, wanting to make him pay for making you feel so fucking… subordinate.
“I don’t think your parents would be happy to hear that their daughter is wasting their hard-earned money,” He murmurs, “I know they pay for your studies, and they’d be very, very disappointed if that money went to waste.”
He’s right. Of course he’s right. The only people who you really care about, your parents, would be devastated both emotionally and financially if they had to fork out the fees for an additional year of university. He has you backed into a corner, and you know it, he knows it too, and he is just waiting for you to give in.
“What do you want from me?” You ask him, your tone softening in what is probably fear, though you don’t feel it often enough to know for sure, “What do I need to do?”
Baekhyun smiles this time, showing those perfect teeth of his, and it makes your skin crawl. Psychologist or psychopath, you have no idea, and you take deep breaths to center yourself awaiting his response.
“I said, obey me,” He replies, “I know what you do outside of class, all the boys talk, so I’ll be making my own judgement today.”
Your breath catches in your throat, mind racing as you begin to realise exactly what he is speaking about. You are embarrassed, maybe a little ashamed, knowing that your stupidly attractive professor has heard about your… indulgences… It makes you crazy.
“What is your order?” You ask, chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, “Is this even allowed?”
Sure, you’re an adult, well and truly, but he is so much older than you, ten years at least, and the imbalance is evident. You are mature, but nowhere near to his level, but you can see in his eyes, and feel in your body, that neither of you are upset about that.
“I make the rules,” He smiles at you again, he might be crazier than you are, “And the first one is I need you sitting up on this desk.”
You try not to be afraid, though your legs are a little shaky as you do what you are told, moving from behind the desk, to in front of him. He moves his chair back far enough that it hits the wall behind him, giving you plenty of room to sit down, and you cross your legs, not quite ready to give up without a little fight.
Baekhyun stands to join you, loosening his tie before reaching down to pry your legs apart. Your skirt rides up, exposing most of your thighs, and you feel so… impure.
“Much better,” He nods approvingly, his long, delicate fingers trail up your bare skin, “If you take me well enough, you may even see your marks improve. Your parents would be so proud, wouldn’t they, honey?”
Bile rises in your throat, but you swallow it down to return an even sweeter smile. It’s true, your parents would be overjoyed to see you do better, but of course they could never find out why. You watch Baekhyun as he scans your body, clearly pleased with what is laid out in front of him, fuck it, he’s too hot, and the benefits of this are enough to give in, of course, he wins.
“Use me,” You mumble, clearing your throat, “Take me, teach me my lesson.”
Baekhyun laughs, his hands sliding under your skirt to trace his fingers over your too-thin panties, “Such a slut,” He growls through gritted teeth, fingers pressing against you a little harder, “Ready for any boy to use whenever they want… but none are as experienced as me.”
You have no doubt that he is right, and it excites you more than you would care to admit. You whimper softly at the feeling of his fingers, close but not close enough, and you move forward just slightly to show your neediness.
“I didn’t think you’d give in so easily,” He teases, “I guess what they all say about you is right.”
“You don’t want me to play nice?” You ask, stuttering over your words as you feel his fingers slip under the elastic of your panties.
Baekhyun’s fingers breach you, two of them, deep and curled up at an angle. You dig your nails into the desk either side of you to keep still, not wanting to seem as turned on as you truly are.
“I might have hoped for a little more fight,” He purrs, pulling his fingers out only to thrust them in again, “But that’s okay, I’m sure I can break you more.”
The subtle threat has you reeling, though you’re quite distracted with his fingers inside you. You don’t know what to expect, glancing down to his crotch, the bulge evident, even through his slacks. You gulp, and stifle a whine when he takes his fingers from you, using them to unbuckle his belt, unbutton his suit pants, letting them drop down and pool at his ankles.
“Sir,” You mumble, realisation setting in, “I… do I have to?”
It is a little bit of an act, your hesitation, but at the same time it isn’t, fearful that a few teasing motions of his fingers weren’t quite enough to get you ready for what looks to be an exceptionally large cock. You brace yourself as he tugs down his underwear, and watch as he strokes himself, though already at full hardness, just to slick himself up with the little bit of arousal that he pulled from you.
“You do,” He nods, stepping forward so that his thighs almost hit the desk, “And you will.”
He lets go of his cock to grab you under the thighs, pulling you closer to the edge of the desk. You grip tightly to stop yourself from falling, and Baekhyun holds you with one hand on your hip, the other reaching for his erection. With a skill that you find way too hot, he uses two fingers of that hand to pull your panties aside, and guides his cock to your hole, teasing strokes along your slit, anticipation rising as you await his next move.
Baekhyun lets go of your hip to cover your mouth with his hand, “Quiet!” He orders you, but fuck, it is hard. His cock fills you painfully, thick, long and throbbing, your eyes roll back as you try to compose yourself, overwhelmed and now fully submitting out of fear.
He doesn’t give you any reprieve, keeping your mouth covered as he fucks you, hard and fast with no time to adjust. Your whines and moans are muffled by him, and you can’t quite pinpoint when the pain subsides and pleasure rolls in, but oh wow, it does.
“So tight,” Baekhyun groans, “This is all you’ll ever be good for if you don’t start focusing in class.”
You don’t respond, too distracted by the way he fills you up, and fucks in to you with no care for your own needs. It is degrading, his words and actions, but it turns you on more than you can explain.
“Or would you like that?” He continues, “Just serving me for the rest of your life instead? Wet and ready whenever I need my fill?”
Right now, you probably would say yes. Forgetting the degree you are so close to finishing, if you pass this year, you are drunk on his cock and would probably do anything for more.
“I might just get you pregnant,” Baekhyun goes on, and your body clenches as you realise he didn’t put a condom on, “Knock you up, force you out of your family, keep you as mine, so I can fuck you every single day.”
You are dizzy with both pleasure and with the lack of airflow, having your mouth held shut. You are sure that you look pathetic, but Baekhyun likes that, likes how easily you let him in, how utterly powerless you are compared to him.
“You’re gonna cum, aren’t you?” He sneers, “Turns you on so much when I treat you like the filthy slut that you are, doesn’t it?”
With tears in your eyes, your orgasm washes over you, legs shaking and nails leaving scratch marks on the wooden desk as you moan silent cries. You don’t know if any guy you have slept with ever got you to orgasm from penetration alone, so you are addicted to the way that Baekhyun has you feeling.
“I’m gonna fill you up,” He warns, “I want to see your tummy bulge, be a good girl and take it all.”
You whine a little as he moves his hand back down to your hip, now free to breathe again but still choked close to silent with the remnants of your orgasm. Baekhyun’s thrusts speed up, the harshness of them tenfold, and you watch sweat beads form on his forehead, biting his lip before he too climaxes, cock twitching in you with further thrusts, releasing his seed as deep into you as you can take it.
“Good girl,” He murmurs, pulling out of you slowly, but replacing his cock with his fingers to keep you plugged, “Can’t let any of this go to waste now, can we?”
You look up at him with glassy eyes, lips raw from biting on them to keep your volume down. You feel crazy, dazed and confused, a little afraid but still too fucked out to really process what is happening.
“Are… are you going to fail me?” You stutter, words a little slurred as he presses his thumb to your clit, fingers working to bring you to climax again.
Baekhyun works fast, wanting you to fall apart even further, and you aren’t sure how much more you can take. You can’t push him away, and you’re not sure if you even want to, focused on how good he makes you feel.
“Cum for me again,” He orders, “Need to feel you sucking me in, and then, I’ll make my decision.”
It isn’t hard to obey this order, the man is talented, and you wonder for only a moment, how many other students he has had on this very desk. Your thought is interrupted as your body seizes, cunt clenching to his fingers as your peak comes to head, biting your tongue to stifle the pitiful cry that escapes you, throwing your head back as tears roll down your face.
“Good girl,” He praises you, finally slowing down and extracting his fingers, readjusting your panties before he moves back from the desk, “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
You watch him as he pulls his pants back up, after wiping his hands with a tissue and sanitiser, and you catch your breath before asking again.
“So,” You start, “Am I going to fail?”
Baekhyun smirks at you, cocking his head to the side. He is so arrogant, and you are back to being mad at him again.
“No, I think you’ll pass,” He replies with an almost cheerful tone, “But if your attitude doesn’t change, just know I won’t go so easy on you next time.”
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jongbross · 8 months
Hi, it’s boyfriends things with Exo😅🤍
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kim minseok:
cutest boyfriend out there
will take such good care of you 🥹
is literally a keeper
your family loves him, he just charms everyone around him
might be a bit difficult as sometimes he can't see why you're still with him
doesn't realize that you're the luckiest person for having HIM
kisses your nose a lot
holds your hand while walking on the street
listen to you vent and gives you the best advices
won't let you sleep in though, so good luck with that
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kim junmyeon:
the personification of a gentleman
pulls chairs for you, open doors, makes sure you're with your seatbelt on, doesn't let you walk on the side of the sidewalk that's closer to the street, etc
has the warmest hugs
can literally hug you for hours if you let him
secretly plans to pop out the question in the near future
buys you anything you want. anything.
respects your opinions SO MUCH, it's ridiculous
has the boyfie vibe somehow, so people don't hit on him anymore
chanyeol can see how much he changed because of you, how he's much more bubbly now
"you made him worse!!" (joking)
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zhang yixing:
nicest boyfriend out there
dude is just soooo chill, your friends adore him
shows you random stuff on your phone just so you can laugh about it together
hands you his jacket whenever you're cold, but scolds you for not taking one with you
calls you a lot whenever he's away
you'll have to take care of his cats, i'm sorry
does this thing where he kisses both your temples before kissing your lips when he has to say goodbye to you before traveling
passes out beside you on bed while you're talking about a nice recipe you saw on tiktok
doesn't bring up marriage if you don't
really, really hopes you do
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byun baekhyun:
i hate him, but congrats to you, i guess
ugh he's just so sweet
takes you out EVERYWHERE, like picks you up at your place
always has a smile on his face when he's around you
asks you about your day and listens to carefully
holds your hand while driving
charms your mom with helping her on the kitchen, it's like a scene straight out of a movie
sings 24/7, so your house is never silent anymore (your neighbors hate you though)
has a whole way of talking that's for you and for you only
you can't trick me baekhyun, i know you must have at least one (1) flaw
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kim jongdae:
sunshine boyfriend
let's you sleep in whenever you feel like it
clears some space on his wardrobe/drawers for your clothes and things
"jagi, can we cuddle?"
has so much fun playing with you, you're literally he's best friend
always places bets with you
lots of kisses on your cheek
randomly smiles to you because he knows it makes you happy to see him smile
likes to take you away for the weekend, just you and him
loyal af
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park chanyeol:
the "it's okay, i got it" boyfriend
personal uber driver, takes you everywhere if you let him
really, reaaally stubborn
can't sit still, is always looking for something to do with you
"did you see they opened a new bowling place downtown?"
purposely leaves his things at your place
his house is way bigger than yours but he doesn't care
plays guitar while you cook dinner
kisses you everytime you feed him
loves when you sleep on top of him
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do kyungsoo:
he's comfort embodied in a person
likes to have breakfast with you, it's like his favorite part of the day
bonds with your pet if you have one (and they love him)
saves new videos on youtube to watch it with you
is in charge of cooking, always
asks you to help him shave just because
gets excited whenever something good happens to you
is your number 01 supporter
loves when you cuddle closer to him in your sleep
shy forehead kisses whenever he can't find the words to express his feelings
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kim jongin:
cutest, most caring boyfriend
respects you more than anything in this world
listens to you so carefully whenever you have something to say
is willing to fix some of his bad habits for you
needs constant reassurance that you love him, just because he loves you so much and can't stand the thought of you falling out of love
laughs so hard at your jokes, and they're not even that funny
pays for every meal but lets you pay for his coffee so you won't feel bad
helps you choose your outfits
loves when you play with his hair
wanna have a baby with you so bad
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oh sehun:
gets offended whenever someone treats you badly
"why didn't you tell me?? i would've give them a piece of my mind"
smirks whenever he sees you wearing his clothes, he just loves it
calls you whenever he can't go see you
encourages you to go see your friends, especially when he can't be around
but let's be honest, he's attached to you by the hip
rolls his eyes whenever you baby him, but secretly loves it
stares at you dearly when you're talking to his hyungs or his family
lets you play with his fingers when you're bored or too shy to talk to people
dude is so in love it's actually sickening
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lunaflowers · 1 year
love scene
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pairing: byun baekhyun x reader word count: 1.7k genre: fluff, smut warnings: piv, doggy style, impreg kink, slightly dom!baekhyun, lots of sweetness and fluff synopsis: your husband byun baekhyun always has sweet surprises for you
author’s note: this fic is based on the songs un village and love scene by byun baekhyun
You stepped off the bus at the stop that was right in front of your apartment. As it was a rainy night, you opened up your pale pink umbrella to protect yourself from the downpour. The streets were mostly dark and empty, with the streetlights illuminating glistening puddles. Usually you loved the rain, but you were officially tired of it. It had been raining for almost two weeks straight and you missed being able to get home dry.
As you crossed the street, you looked up at the building you lived in and the window of your apartment. He was standing there in the window looking at you like you knew he would be. Baekhyun always made sure to watch you getting off the bus if he was home first. He knew the schedule and was always waiting there for you to make your appearance. He said it was because he couldn’t wait to see you, even a few more minutes. 
You looked up at him and waved, although you knew he could barely see you doing so under the umbrella that he had bought for you. You expected him to wait until you got to the apartment entrance, but you saw him turn around and walk away from the window. That was odd. You shrugged it off and made your way to the sliding entrance door to your building when you saw your husband standing right inside wearing a raincoat, a grin on his handsome face. He opened the door and came outside before you could go in and he grabbed your hand, pulling the two of you away from the building.
“Baby, I have something to show you,” Baekhyun said sweetly, giving you a kiss on the lips. “I missed you, by the way.”
“I missed you too, Baek, but what is it? I’m tired and cold and wet. I just want to get inside and take a warm shower.”
“You’ll see when we get there,” he replied, smirking a little. You really couldn’t ever say no to that face, as exhausted as you were. The two of you were huddled under the umbrella now, still holding hands. He insisted on holding the umbrella too, which you had no qualms with. 
“Is it far?” 
“No, we’re almost there. Trust me, Y/N, you’ll like it.”
The two of you walked in comfortable silence for a few more minutes before finally arriving at a small hill. Baekhyun led you up to the top of it, and pointed up at the night sky, moving the umbrella slightly. “It’s a supermoon.”
You looked up from under the umbrella at the full moon above you, looking larger than you’d ever seen it. It was a breathtaking sight, glowing like a pearl in the sky.
“Wow, it’s so pretty. I’ve never seen the moon look so big before,” you said, taking it in. 
“I thought it would be nice for us to look at it together alone like this. I knew no one would be around because of the rain.”
“I love it,” you replied, giving your husband a kiss on the lips. He was always so sweet and thoughtful and romantic, and you knew how lucky you were that he thought of things like this. The two of you sat down on a nearby bench. Thankfully your raincoats were long enough that you didn’t need to worry about the seat of your clothes getting wet. You and Baekhyun sat together looking at the moon and chatting. Your husband was cracking his usual jokes and making you giggle as he always did. 
The two of you sitting together under the moonlight alone was the perfect end to a stressful week at work. You leaned your head on his shoulder and sighed, closing your eyes and savoring the moment. He put his arm around your shoulders.
“What are you thinking?”
“I just hope we can always be like this. That we can have sweet moments like this. And that our relationship doesn’t devolve into us taking each other for granted and getting bored and annoyed with each other.”
Baekhyun smiled to himself and squeezed your hand gently. “I’ll try my best to make sure that that never happens.” You smiled, knowing that that was the best he could give you.
“Let’s go home,” he said, giving you a slight nudge.
The pair of you stood up and began the short walk home, hand in hand. It was raining less now, but still enough that you had to keep the umbrella up. You could feel your want for each other becoming stronger and stronger. You couldn’t wait to get home so that you could devour each other. All you could think about was when you were going to be able to get into your apartment so that you could finally be with him truly alone.
As soon as Baekhyun closed the door to your apartment, he pushed you against it and kissed you deeply, his wet hands in your hair. You grabbed him by the lapel of his coat and pulled him into you, wanting to absorb him completely. He began pulling at your clothes while still attached to your mouth, pulling up your skirt so that it was now bunching around your waist. He pulled your panties down and you stepped out of them, kicking them aside.
“Are you really going to fuck me against the door? What if someone’s in the hallway?”
“Let them hear,” Baekhyun replied dismissively, his lust for you too palpable to manage. “Turn around.”
You did so, putting your hands on the door and pushing your ass out. You heard Baekhyun unzip his pants and push his hard cock into you. You were already wet and ready for him and you moaned as he thrust himself all the way in. 
“Baekhyun…” you breathed, arching your back. He began fucking you quickly, as though he’d wanted you forever and couldn’t hold himself back. 
“You’re so fucking pretty. Were you always so pretty or is it just for me?” he said, putting his hand in your hair while the other one was pressed against the door. He was hungry for you, starved, his ravenous lips attaching themselves to your damp neck, sucking and biting, his teeth grazing your skin just enough to leave goosebumps all over your body.
“Don’t leave any marks,” you managed to say, even though your head was spinning with desire. He just felt so good inside you and you moaned out as he moved his hand over your body and onto your breast, squeezing it in annoyance.
“Why not?” He was irritated, slowing down a little, but you knew he’d never go against your wishes.
“I suck at covering up hickies,” you reminded him. “And I can’t go to work like that. You know this.”
He grumbled but didn’t argue. The two of you remembered the last time Baekhyun had covered your neck in hickies and the way you had desperately tried and failed to conceal them with makeup the next morning and instead ended up wearing scarves and turtlenecks to work for the subsequent two weeks in the middle of the a heatwave.
Baekhyun grabbed your hips and pushed into you even harder and deeper. You could feel his cock so so close to hitting your cervix. 
“Fuck Baekhyun,” you moaned, “It feels good.”
“Yeah?” He said, building up a rhythm again. “I bet it fucking does.” He was thrusting in and out of you, his hips finding a perfect tempo to match yours. The moans escaping your mouth were getting louder and louder and you knew that if someone was standing in the hallway, they would definitely be able to hear you. “God I’ve wanted you so bad. I’ve been thinking about fucking you all day.”
“Me too. I’ve been at work so desperate for your cock. I’ve been making mistakes because I can barely think of anything else.”
That seemed to excite Baekhyun as he sped up his pace. “Yeah? Good. I like you like that. Being my desperate little cock slut.”
“You’re gonna make me cum, Baek,” you said, letting out another moan. You were close, your body filling up with that familiar heat that it always did when you were on the edge.
“Fuck… Me too,” Baekhyun let out a low growl, “I’m so close to cumming inside this pussy… And getting you pregnant.”
You paused for a second, surprised by his words. Baekhyun had never said anything even remotely close to that before. It wasn’t his usual flavor of dirty talk but you certainly didn’t dislike it. You had an IUD implanted so you weren’t scared of actually getting pregnant but the thought of it was thrilling.
“Yes, Baekhyunnie, fill me up, please. I want it.”
“You want it? You want my baby? You want me to fuck this pussy full of my cum?” He said, his breath hot on your neck. “I’ll fill you up so much that you’ll get pregnant for sure.”
“Please, yes… Yes…” you could feel yourself tipping over the edge and plunging into your orgasm, going weak in the knees as Baekhyun continued pounding your cunt. He gripped your hips hard enough that you were sure there would be finger marks there in the morning and he released himself deep inside of you.
The two of you collapsed onto the floor in a messy pile of limbs intertwined in each other. You giggled as you nuzzled into Baekhyun’s neck.
“So that was new. You have something you wanna share with me?”
Baekhyun shrugged and smiled that mischievous smile that you knew so well. He wrapped his arm around you tighter, placing a kiss on your forehead. “It’s just something I think about sometimes.”
“Having a baby?”
“Yeah. What do you think about that? We’re married. Why not?” Baekhyun asked, the earnestness in his tone endearing him to you even more, if that was even possible.
“Hmm,”  you said. You couldn’t help but tease him a little.
“Come on. Someone needs to get the Korean birth rate up anyway. We’d be doing it for the good of the country,” he joked.
You laughed. “Someday, definitely. Soon,” you replied. Truthfully, you hadn’t thought about it much but thinking now of having a little mini amalgamation of you and Baekhyun running around was too adorable to resist.
Baekhyun smiled, seemingly relieved. “Good. Now let’s get in the shower and get you cleaned up, baby.”
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kpop---scenarios · 6 months
Cravings (1)
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Pairing: Vampire! Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Warning: Violence, Language, etc
Word Count: 5.8k
A/N: This is a revised and edited version of the Cravings series with Hongjoong. I hope you enjoy!
"Babe, hey babe." Your boyfriend, Chad, calls out to you, as you're sitting at the kitchen table, looking over bills again and again, running the numbers, hoping to god that you'll come up with a different number the next time. A number that doesn't make you want to rip your hair out and claw the face of your useless boyfriend.
“Hey, woman.” He yells a little louder, as your head is in your hands, squeezing your eyes shut trying to think of a payment you can skip this month because at this rate, you don't know how the fuck you're going to try to pay everything.
You worked too damn hard all day, to have barely anything to show for it.
Ever since Chad had moved in a few months ago, without an invitation, you were stressed. It wasn't like you weren't stressed before, but it was easier to control your finances then. But now, the price of everything has gone up and now your bills have doubled since he decided to stay. He also has not contributed anything financially towards the household, and it's not like you haven't asked him too. You spent months since he's been living with you, begging and pleading for him to help you pay for something, anything. And he always told you,
“On my next check, babe.” but that never came, and you went back to begging.
You paid for rent, utilities, groceries and you even paid when the two of you went out for dinner.
Chad worked full time, but where his money was going, you had no fucking idea. He was constantly going out with his 'boys', often coming home absolutely obliterated, and expecting you fuck him as soon as he got in the door. He told you that it was your duty as his girlfriend. It was almost as though he was offended you weren't attracted to his lack of contributing, while also acting like a man child.
Not to mention the countless hours he spent on your gaming console. When he got home from work, he went straight for it, and spent his time yelling and talking to his friends, while leaving you no time to play any games that you like. Well, that is, unless you wanted to wake up a few hours before you had to work to get on it, but by the time you got home from work, cleaned up the messes he made throughout the day when he got off early, or just called in sick to work, made yourself dinner, showered and got into your PJ'S, you were too damn tired to do anything. You knew you had to wake up the next day and do it all over again, so by the time you actually went to bed, you were already exhausted for the next day.
A part of you started to wonder why you were even in this relationship with him. Maybe you were scared to be alone, you weren't sure. But you felt like you were stuck with him, because for some reason, you thought you loved the guy.
"What do you want, Chad?" You sigh, walking into the living room where he's sprawled out on the couch, headset on and his match paused. "I'm trying to figure out bills, the stuff that I have to pay to keep a roof over our heads, power to play your fucking games, food in the fridge. You know, the shit you said you'd help pay for and I haven't seen a dime?”
"Yeah, that's great babe, good job.” He says, unpausing his game, glancing between you and the screen. “Can you go to the corner store and get those Takis, you know the ones I like? The not so spicy ones though babe, cause remember I have acid reflux, and a diet coke." He says, giving you a half smile, before calling his friend a jackass.
You swore you could feel the rage building up inside of you even more, and it was coming up quick. You could barely hold it in anymore. How uncaring could one person be?
"Are you going to pay for said snacks?" You ask, trying to keep your voice calm, emphasizing on the word pay.
"What?" He cackles. "Babe, no, come on. I'm broke. I don't get paid again for two weeks. You know this."
"You just got paid the other day." You say through gritted teeth. "Where the hell did all your money go?" You ask, your hands balled into fists, your voice becoming increasingly louder.
"You know babe, I had the fantasy football league entry, plus I owed Kyle money for the keg bomber last weekend, and I took the boys out for supper yesterday. Shit adds up." He says, never looking at you, only focusing on the game. You could hear it in his voice, he was beginning to get mad at you. At you!
"That sounds like a fucking you problem! Why is it always on me to pay for everything? It's not my problem because you're not financially stable, Chad. Grow up, you're fucking 35 for christ sakes!" You scream.
You can't even look at him right now. You turn around, stomping to the kitchen. You grab your purse and slip on your shoes before heading back into the living room. Before you're in his view you hear him talking to his friends through the headset.
"Yeah.” he chuckles. She went and got her shoes on and grabbed her purse." He continues. "She's definitely going to get my stuff."
"You know what Chad?” You say, mocking his name. “I'm definitely not going to get your snacks, you can get your own fucking snacks, Chaaad. I'm going out, with my goddamn money. So you can pack your shit and get out." You spit, heading for the door so you can storm out of the house. “Fuck you.” you finish, giving him the middle finger and slamming the door behind you.
You wandered down the street, a light rain falling down from the sky. You always loved the smell of rain, and the look of it. Everything was so beautiful at night, especially in the rain. You took a random turn, wanting to get lost in the city, like you had been for the last thirty five minutes. continuing to walk, you finally found the place you were looking for, but also weren't. You didn't have a specific place in mind that you'd wanted to go to, but when you saw this one you wanted, no needed to go inside.
Pushing open the door, the lights so dim that the place is almost dark. Had it not been for the red lights hanging above the tables, or the string of red lights that wrapped around the ceiling, you wouldn't have been able to see anything. Your eyes dart around the room as you walk further in, taking in the people and the room. A soft beat vibrates through the building, the smooth melody flows through your ears. Your stomach twisted as you made your way to the bar, you felt as though all eyes were on you. It felt dark and eerie, but you welcomed it, you preferred it instead of being around Chad's shitty mentality.
You slid onto one of the empty bar stools and set your purse in your lap, opening it up. You were digging through your purse when you heard someone clearing their throat in front of you. It startled you, you looked up to see quite possibly the most beautiful man you have ever seen in your entire life.
"What can I get for you?" He asks, his voice is deep, yet so smooth and calming.
It takes you a moment to answer. "Um, double vodka and cran please.” You say, clearing your throat. “And for the love of god, please keep them coming." You beg.
The slightest smile appears on his lips, as he makes your drink, and it disappears even quicker as he finishes it up.
"Bad day?" He asks, sliding your drink towards you. He smartly begins making you another, as you chug your first down in 2 large gulps. You slide the glass back towards him and laugh.
"More like a bad relationship." You groan. He nods his head as he slides your second drink towards you.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks, leaning on the bar with his chin resting on his hands.
“Bartenders are great listeners.” He says, as he waits for you to speak. You gaze into his eyes, they are mesmerizing, they make you feel safe and secure, and like you could tell him anything. You felt like you'd known him for longer than the few minutes you'd been there.
"What's your name?" You ask, you're unable to tear your eyes away from his.
"Baekhyun." He replies. "And yours?" He asks.
"Y/N." You whisper.
"Alright Y/N, what's so bad about this relationship of yours?" He asks, sliding your third drink towards you before taking the empty cup of your second.
"My boyfriend.” You begin. “If he is even my boyfriend anymore, I may have told him to get out as I stormed out tonight.” You giggle, taking a sip of your drink. “We've been together for just over a year, and well.. he's something else, and not the good something else like people usually say. He moved in with me, without even asking if I wanted to, and I just kind of accepted it.” You sigh. “He doesn't pay anything, no bills, rent, groceries, nothing. It's all on me, even though he does work full time. He forgot my birthday, went out and got absolutely plastered with his 'boys'. He's always out with them. Oh! On Valentine's Day, he took me out for dinner, and can you guess who was there?" You ask, giving Baekhyun a smile. “I bet you can't guess.”
"His boys?" He asks.
"You sir, are correct!” You yell. “ I was ignored the entire evening.” You begin to explain. “Oh wait, except when we got there and he asked if I even did anything to my hair.” You say, trying not to laugh but you fail. “and then he and his boys left, I ended up paying the bill, for everyone! And, the kicker, I had to uber home because he had driven us there. Not to mention the fact that he assumes I'm just there for his pleasure, he just expects me to be spread eagle for him whenever he decides to show up." You finish, chugging your drink as you try not to gag on the strong taste of vodka.
"Why are you with him then?” Baekhyun asks you. “He doesn't sound like he contributes to the relationship at all, or makes you happy, so why do you stay?" He wonders. It's not the first time you have been asked that.
'Honestly, I'm not entirely sure." You answer as he slides another drink in front of you.
"Now that's a bullshit excuse." He replies. "There's a reason that you don't want to admit."
"Do you ever smile?" You ask him, changing the topic. “Like a full cheese smile?”
"No." He deadpans. "Now, why won't you leave him?"
"Because it's safe, I guess? I don't know. It's been like a year, and I've sort of just gone through the motions of the year.” You shrug, sipping more of your drink. You're feeling it now and you're going to get a lot more open. “I just dont think I can do any better than him."
"Y/N, you have no idea how much better you could do." He says.
“I've seen the dating pool out there, Baekhyun. Last I checked, good ol’ Chad is my best option.” You laugh.
He doesn't. He continues to stare at you until your smile fades from your face, your eyes still connected with his. You feel like you can't breathe, all this electricity is flowing through your body.
From the second Baekhyun had a whiff of the scent that was coming into his bar, he knew that it was the scent of the one. His mate. He intensely watched the door, his jaw clenching as he waited for you to walk through the door.
As soon as he saw you, it was almost as though his heart could have started beating once again. The ice cold blood that ran through his veins could have turned warm just at the sight of you.
You were beautiful, a vision.
He had always been told that when he found his mate he would know. He was never sure if it was true or if it was an old tale but having been alive for over a century, he had thought it was false, he had never felt this with any other woman he had been with or around. And now he knew why, because all his life he had been waiting for you. You were the person that he would do anything for, the person that he would be anything for. He would fight until the death, walk to the ends of the earth for you.
And he didn't know what to do.
You had finally walked into his life, and for once he felt an ounce of hope, that maybe he wasn't meant to live for eternity alone. That was, until, you had mentioned that filthy, worthless human you called a boyfriend. How could you stay with someone who treated you like absolute garbage? Didn't you know how special you were?
Baekhyun’s body filled with rage when he heard you had thought that nobody better was out there, that no one could love you the way you were meant to be loved.
You were dead fucking wrong.
Your one, he was standing right in front of you, and though you had just met him, he loved you fiercely, with everything he had. And would do anything to protect you.
"I appreciate your advice.” You sigh, finishing your drink. You look at your watch, surprisingly it reads 12:45am. ”It's getting late and I have to work tomorrow." You groan. "How much do I owe you?" You ask, grabbing your card from your wallet.
"It's on me." He tells you, grabbing your empty glass.
“No, no.” You semi slur. “I drank, like a lot. Let me pay or tip your fine ass.” You giggle. Drunk you didn't give a fuck.
Baekhyun looks at you, a smile almost crossing his lips. “Next time, drinks are on you.” He says.
"Well thank you." You smile. "It was nice meeting you." You tell him as you slide off the stool, one foot buckling under your weight. “whoops.” You begin to laugh as you stand up, the entire bar is spinning around you.
"You okay?" He asks, watching you stumble away.
“I'm good. I'm good.” You slur, making it outside. The cool air sobered you up a little bit, well enough for you to hail a cab to get a ride back home.
That night when you got home, you couldn't get Baekhyun off your mind, a smile spread across your face as you walked through your front door, and headed into the living room, then it instantly dropped. Chad had not moved from the spot you had previously left him in, hours ago.
"Oh, babe." He says, sucking the Taki dust from his fingers. "Kyle brought me some snacks, since you threw a huge temper tantrum about my snacks, you can just venmo or cash app him, k?" He says, going back to playing his game.
You didn't have the energy tonight to ask him why he was still here. You just wanted to go to bed. You changed into your PJ’s, brushed the smell of liquor from your mouth and flopped into your bed.
That night you dreamt of one man, who was not your man.
The next morning you woke up early and severely hungover. You quickly called your boss, explaining that you must have caught the flu in the night and that you would not be in. Luckily you had a few paid sick days left to use up so you wouldn't be missing out on any money.
As you crawled out of bed, you noticed that Chad's side was still made and cold to the touch, like no one had slept in there all night. You weren't mad about it but you knew that it meant he gamed all night and wouldn't be going to work today. You groaned loudly in frustration thinking of having to spend the day with the guy who wouldn't let you break up with him.
“Morning babe, can you grab me a coffee?” he asks, in his same spot, same clothes, same spots of Taki dust on his shirt that you left him in last night.
“Don't call me that. I believe I told you to get out last night.” You groan, shuffling towards the coffee pot that hadn't even been turned on. “Theres no fucking coffee even made!” You yell.
“Oh yeah, babe, can you make some coffee?” He asks.
Your rage boiled over. You felt like shit and you didn't want to deal with his shit. You stomped, loudly into the living room, barged right in front of his game and ripped the power cord out of the wall, dropping it to the ground.
“BABE!” Chad yells, standing up quickly. “What the hell!?”
“I don't know why you can't get it through your thick skull.” You yell. “Let me dumb it down for you and go slow.” You smile. “Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Apartment.”
“Why are you being like this? You know I don't have anywhere to go.” He whimpers.
“Not my issue. Pack your clothes and go.” You say. You were so done. You really did deserve better.
“Can I atleast take the gaming console?” He asks, trying to give you puppy dog eyes.
“My console? Absolutely not. You leave what you came with. A garbage bag of clothes.” You walk to the kitchen, opening the cupboard under the sink. You grab a bag and walk it back to Chad and hand it to him. You watch him stuff his few pairs of shorts and pants, shirts and underwear into the bag, grabbing his phone and shoes before asking him for your key. He reluctantly gives it back to you, looking back at you with sad eyes while he takes tiny steps out the door. It takes all you have not to shove him, but you don't and once he's out you close the door and lock it.
You finally felt free.
You crawled back into bed, feeling like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders and fell asleep peacefully, dreaming of Baekhyun once again.
You woke up later that afternoon, still feeling nauseous but better than before. You felt like you couldn't deal with that, or anything. Thankfully it was the weekend and you could take this time to decide what you wanted to do. Which was absolutely nothing.
You didn't see or speak to anyone all weekend. You kept holed up in your apartment watching movies, eating Ramen, ice cream and any other bad thing you could find in your kitchen. But once Monday rolled back around, you knew you had to get back to life. You went to work, only to be sent home a few hours early, at 4pm. You were happy and you wanted to go see Baekhyun but you felt like this was too early to be at the bar drinking.
You muddled around your apartment for a bit, deleting texts from Chad, asking you when he could come home and when you were going to stop whining about everything.
When you finally felt like it was an appropriate time to go to the bar, you got yourself semi together and headed out, happily. You walked in, and immediately felt a pair of eyes shift towards you. Your heart skipped. You turned your head towards the bar to see Baekhyun staring at you as he cleans a few glasses before putting them on the rack. He doesn't smile when he sees you, his face is hard but somehow looks softer than it did the other day.
“You're finally back. I was wondering if I'd see you again.” He says, grabbing a glass. “The same?”
“Yes please. And I am back. And I have news.” You grin.
“And what's that?” He wonders, sliding your drink towards you. He leans In closely, his eyes not weavering from yours. Your heart beats loudly, and fast. You wonder if he can hear it, if he knows how nervous and flustered he makes you.
“I, um.” You began. Before you can finish, your phone rings loudly. You roll your eyes at the caller ID, answering it quite annoyed.
“What?” You ask. Baekhyun can hear the sound of a crying man on the other end. “Please. Stop calling me” You snap, hanging up the call.
“Chad?” Baekhyun asks but he already knew. You nod your head as he slides another drink towards you.
“He left the other morning. The morning after I was here..” You announce between sips. “I made him leave. I'm so mad at him right now and I want to hate him but part of me feels guilty for being mean while he's upset.” You sigh. You wished you didn't feel like this. You just wished you had someone who could love you as hard as you loved them.
“I'm proud of you. I hope you're starting to see your worth.” Baekhyun says.
As he walks away to another customer, Chad texts you asking to talk. You reply back, telling him to meet you at your place at 8pm. You really didn't want to leave Baekhyun but you felt like you needed to calmly clear the air with Chad. You pull out two twenties and slide them onto the bar, giving Baekhyun a small wave. He gives you a wink that sends shivers down your spine as you turn to walk away.
You didn't want to go, and little did you know, he didn't want you to go either.
You really shouldn't have let Chad in to talk. You don't know how he does it but he convinced you to get back together with him. He lured you in with the promises of changing, being a better man, spending more time with you and more money on you while also spending less money on his friends and less time on the console. But how funny is it that mere seconds after you agree to a second chance, he's back gaming and you're going to bed all on your own.
Over the next few weeks, you had absolutely no desire to be at home. Chad had gone back to his old self so quickly, it gave you whiplash. He hadn't even attempted to change, and you found yourself craving to be near Baekhyun. So you headed to the bar, everyday after work for a drink, or two, or four.
In those weeks you and Baekhyun spent an ample amount of time getting to know each other, you were sure he knew you better than Chad ever did. You didn't want to see Chad, you didn't want to be near him and it was bad enough that he texted you throughout the day, sending you lists of things to buy from the grocery store, as if he wasn't able to do it himself. However, much to your surprise, he didn't question you when you never came home with his snacks, he didn't check in with you throughout the day or wonder where you were at night, and honestly it no longer bothered you. You didn't care but you couldn't end things again. Not yet.
You felt your feelings for Baekhyun deepen with every encounter the two of you had, every look, every conversation, every time you saw him it was like nothing you had ever felt with anyone. Your emotions were amplified around Baekhyun and you weren't sure how much longer you could keep them hidden.
"One more." You tell Baekhyun, as you set down your fourth glass.
You can tell he wants to smile, but he's too good at controlling his emotions. "You've had enough, I'm cutting you off." He tells you.
You pout, trying to give him your best puppy dog eyes, but absolutely got absolutely nothing from that man and it was frustrating as fuck.
"A bad storm is coming, you should probably get home." He tells you, drying off some glasses.
"I don't want to go home, he's there." You scoff, just thinking about Chad made you want to vomit. "I guess I could just get a motel room.” You mutter. “That place across the street looks okay." You slur, pointing over to the run down motel, that had flickering lights, and probably a rat and cockroach infestation.
"I dont fucking think so." Baekhyun replies. "You need to go home. I'll give you a ride." He says.
"Give me a minute." He walks from around the bar, towards the back of the building, and you can't help but to turn in your stool and watch him walk away, damn he looks good.
Within seconds he's back, grabbing your bag and scooping you up into his arms as he effortlessly carries you out the door.
"I can walk." You object.
"I know." He says, his face stone cold.
"You're very pale." You tell him, as if he didn't know.
"I know." He replies, unlocking the door to his car.
"And you're very cold." You say.
He sighs. "I know." He finishes as he slides you into the passenger seat of his car.
As soon as he started his car, the rain began pouring as thunder and lightning jolted the sky.
"You were right, there's a storm." You say, watching out your window.
"I know." He replies, this time it sounded different. You turned to look at him, hoping you'd catch him smiling but no such luck.
He pulls up to your apartment complex, quickly and effortlessly glides out of the driver's side of the car, making his way to your side before you can even get your hand on the handle. He walks to the elevator with you, steps onto the elevator with you. He stands beside you, his hand inches away from yours, you can feel the electricity between the two of you. The elevator lands on your floor, you step out and Baekhyun follows you to your door.
“You didn't need to walk me up.” You say, already sobering up.
“Just wanted to make sure you got home safe.” Baekhyun says, his face still stone cold. You can hear some music thumping through the door. You really hope it's not what you think it is. You unlock your door and open it to 10-15 people in your apartment. There's maybe 2 that you know, but the rest? You've got no clue.
“There she is!” Chad yells, walking towards you.
“Happy birthday, baby.” He slurs, wrapping his arm around you. A crowd of people gather around, yelling “Surprise!” To you. You smile at them awkwardly, what was happening?
“It's not my birthday.” You hiss, trying to Chad, trying to remove his arm from you. “I'm sorry everyone, I don't know what he told you but it's not my birthday.” You say.
They all turn to each other, whispering things. You look at Chad’s two best friends, Brad and Connor, who you've spoken to multiple times. They just shrug their shoulders.
“Fuck.” He yells in your face, his breath smells like whiskey. He moves away from you, pushing through the crowd to grab a bottle on the table. He takes a full swing, before stomping back towards you. “I'm trying to do something fucking nice for you and you always have to shit on it.” He yells.
“I'm sorry it's not my birthday, and you invited all your friends and none of mine or my family. This is a party for you, with a cover it's supposed to be for me. It's pathetic.” You spit, your face inches away from his. You turn to walk away but he grabs your arm.
“Where are you trying to go? Don't be fucking rude to your guests.” Chad snaps.
“Dude, It's not her birthday. It's fine, just let her go and we can have another shot.” Brad says, trying to descalate the situation. Chad shoves Brad away with his free hand, tightening his grip around your arm.
“Chad stop.” You shout as he pushes you against the wall. Baekhyun lurches forward but you put your free arm out to stop him. You didn't want Chad to get anymore angry.
“What's it gonna take? Huh? You want a kiss? Is that gonna make you less uptight?” He says, grabbing your shoulders and shoving you into the wall, again. This wasn't the first time he'd gotten handsy when drinking Whiskey, but this is the first time he'd ever been close to violent about it. He leans in close to your face, trying to press his lips to yours, sticking his tongue out, trying to slip it into your mouth. You turn your head, trying to avoid him.
“Get off.” You cry out, trying to push him off with one hand, but he manages to pin the other one to the wall. You can't get him off you, your arm was throbbing and you were starting to panic.
“Baekhyun.” You cry out, tears spilling down your cheeks.
“Get the fuck off of her.” You hear Baekhyun's voice yell. “Are you hard of hearing?” He asks, swiftly pulling Chad from you and throwing him across the floor.
“Who the fuck is that?” Chad asks, scrambling to his feet and pointing to Baekhyun.
“I want you out Chad. I’m done. This was the last fucking straw!” You cry.
Baekhyun takes your hand and pulls you out of your apartment. He brings you to the elevator and back down to his car, trying to avoid getting you too wet. He buckles you in and pulls out of your parking lot. He drives past the bar and continues until the two of you are out of the city. The rain still pours. Thunder rumbles as lightning lights up the sky.
He continues driving, taking you out into the middle of nowhere.
Baekhyun pulls up to a gate, punching in a few numbers and it opens, he drives down a long driveway. You squinted as you tried to see where you were going but it was far too dark for you to see anything, until you pulled up to a beautiful mid-century mansion that made your mouth drop. It was absolutely stunning and you couldn't believe that he lived there.
"Seriously? This is where you live?" You say.
"My, uh, family, but yeah." He answers, parking the car near the entrance.
He glides out of his seat, walking towards your side again to open the door for you, pulling you inside before you get too wet. He pulls you up a large flight of stairs, not letting you admire the inside of his house. He opens the door to a large room, with a large bed and a bathroom ensuite.
"There's towels if you want to shower, I'll be back in a bit to check on you." He says, avoiding all eye contact before walking out of the room.
You let out a deep breath as you take off your heels, unbutton your pants and unhook your bra, placing it all next to the bed. You sit down on the bed in your underwear and t-shirt, wondering what to do, until your phone rings.
Looking at the caller ID, you didn't want to answer it, but you honestly felt scared if you didn't.
"Hello?" You answer.
"Hey babe, it's me.. it's Chad." He says.
"I know who it is." You sigh.
"I'm so fucking sorry, I.. I don't know what came over me. Seriously, Y/N. I just.. I'm so sorry.” He cries.
“I.. I can't. Don't. Don't call me.” You hyperventilate. “I can't.” You whimper, hanging up the phone.
You stand there, taking deep breaths as you try to fight off the tears. You replay the short conversation you just had, but more so what he did to you. You didn't even want to think about what would have happened had Baekhyun not been there for you tonight. You saw a side of Chad you'd bever seen before and were not interested in ever seeing again. You felt like you couldn't breathe. You sobbed as you sat on the bed.
There's a knock at the door but you don't hear it. The door opens, Baekhyun walks into the room, seeing you on the bed, all he felt was anger.
"Y/N.." He begins as lightning strikes, causing the power to flicker.
"Chad called.” You cry. “He was.. apologizing..but I couldn't stop.. replaying it.” You sniffle.
"I'm so sorry that happened. I should have taken you away the second he put his hands on you." He says, looking at you. You look up at him, tears still streaming down your face. A crack of thunder hits loudly, making you jump, and within seconds Baekhyun's arms are wrapped around you. He rubs your back as you nuzzle your head into his chest.
You're so tired.
Your eyes begin to close until his phone rings. He lays you down before he stands up answering the call.
“I'm sorry, Y/N. I have some things to take care of." He says.
"Oh, yeah, no problem." You say, getting under the covers.
“Are you going to be okay?” He asks before leaving.
“I'll be fine, go.” you say forcing a smile.
"Get some sleep." He tells you before walking out of the bedroom door, leaving you alone once again.
You tried to fight the exhaustion you felt, but it was far too hard. You tried watching the door, in hopes he would come back but your eyelids got too heavy for you to keep open, and you swiftly drifted off to sleep.
The warm sun was shining through the window, woke you up. You let out a little stretch before opening your eyes, only to see seven men standing around the bed. You sit up, moving closer to the wall, as these men stare at you. You stared at them all, as they all glared at you, looking similar to Baekhyun.
Pale skin, dark eyes, dark hair, blood red lips.
"Who are you?" One of them asks.
"Y/N." You whisper. “Who are you guys?”
Another one speaks up, looking at the other six men. "I think the better question is, who the fuck brought a human home?"
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Can I Stay? (A Baekhyun Story) Part 1.
Pairing: You x Baekhyun
Rating: M
Word Count: 6.9k
Warnings: an unspecified age difference, this is an English story that uses the word Noona for lack of another word in English that carries the same feeling, if you don’t like this, then don’t read this story.
Author‘s note: remember all those years ago I said I’d write a Baekhyun x Noona fic? This is that fic.
Inspired by the Ray LaMontagne song Can I Stay
Links: Can I Stay: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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Your new assistant was going to be a problem.
You clocked him as a problem before he walked through the doors of your office.
You spotted the danger a mile away the moment you saw the memo from the President of the company’s personal secretary advising you that a new member of your team would be starting today. A new member whose presence you’d never requested; who’s resume you’d never even seen, and whose last name was suspiciously identical to that company President’s whose Secretary was asking you — no, telling you to welcome your brand new, fresh out of college, probably fresh out of his dear mothers warm hugs and kisses embrace, with as much of a warm welcome as if you were welcoming the President himself.
Not only did you get thrust into your lap a most likely spoiled rotten nepotism baby, but now he was sitting across from your desk staring back at you with a bright beautiful smile of plenty of professionally straightened teeth and an even brighter happy go lucky personality that told you that this strapping young man had never known a day of struggle in his entire life — as short as that life had been so far.
An assistant should be younger than you anyway, right? You wouldn’t feel right bossing a homely old man around all day.
Did that young assistant have to be so very pretty though? Did he really have to be sitting there so damn moist and tender, looking at you with his head cocked to the side as if he had been jumping to as many conclusions about you as you had about him?
“I’m Byun Baekhyun. I like playing video games and working out. I can’t eat cucumber or spicy food. Please take care of me, Miss Manager Noona.” His words pulled his pink lips into a pout as he spoke and the sounds of his voice had just enough of a nasal whine that you wondered if he simply always got his way all of the time with everyone he knew.
You frowned and ticked your head back and forth at the name he called you. “Just Manager.” You corrected sternly and his wide smile dipped into a pronounced pout. The kind one might see on a little kid who’d just dropped his ice cream cone. You heard a nasal grunt of complaint come from the back of his throat and you hated how quickly that sound strummed a particular chord inside of your chest. You felt weirdly rebuked for the quick rebuttal and your lips dropped open almost against your will, “I mean, it’s just that…”
Just when you’d opened your mouth to speak he’d already moved on, “So what do I do here, Miss Manager…?” His words out loud stopped at the word Manager but you caught the movement of his lips as he silently mouthed the forbidden word ‘Noona.’ Clearly thinking he’d gotten away with something, his bright smile was back and as he asked his question he leaned forward with both of his elbows bent on the edge of your desk. His head peaked around to steal glimpses at the various pieces of work both open on your desk and brought up on your computer screen. You had been up to your ass in it before he walked in here and the thought of pausing all of this progress to train this guy was making your stress ulcer act up. You had deadlines to meet if you were going to get this script to the Assistant Directors in time for them to begin filming the next episode. The directors had deadlines, the locations were booked and paid for, the sponsor checks had long ago been cashed, and the reality show talent had a schedule that, contractually, could not be delayed. You simply did not have time for this inexperienced man to be asking you silly questions like “So what do I do here, Noona?”
You pulled a long breath into your lungs through your nose and closed your eyes for a moment, harnessing your self control. It wasn’t his fault you were overwhelmed with work. It wasn’t his fault he was born into a life of privilege and comfort. It wasn’t his fault that you didn't have time to train an entire new employee on the complicated job that sat before you. It was, maybe, perhaps his fault though, that the full head of bottle blonde hair you saw on top of his head had just enough highlights in it to bring out the pink in his cheeks and lips and make him look like something straight out of a boy band.
By the time you’d finished taking in your several calming deep breaths and you put your eyes back on him he was standing over your desk with his eyes peering over the document you had been working through for the past hour.
He was reading and mouthing the words, although from upside down you doubted he could tell what he was looking at, yet you watched curiously as he stuck a slim finger forward to touch the corner of one of the papers. You had been going over translations. Making sure the wording was correct, yes, but ultimately safe for widespread distribution. Your copy had red slashes through it with changes and suggestions. You were the final set of eyes that would approve this language that would be distributed proudly with your companies name all over the world.
“I think this one is no good,” he pointed to a single word on the document that had seemed innocuous enough for you to skip over it entirely. “That word,” his fingertip was stopped on a noun in the middle of the page, “means something very, very naughty in Brazil.”
Your eyes glanced down to where he pointed, surprised first for him to catch on to this task so quickly without you even having to explain it, and second to learn that sometimes a seashell is not just a seashell.
“That’s what you are doing with this, right?” He was grabbing the stack of papers from your desk now. “Give it, you have more important things to do, Miss Manager…” Again his lips continued the next two syllables in silence and you realized that this man was probably the most stubborn person you would ever meet in your entire life, and you were about to be permanently sealed into his mind as his Noona, whether you allowed it or not.
And it wasn’t that you approved of any of this anyway. But by the time your brain turned back on, the documents were already in his hands and he grabbed the red pen and started marking the page on top.
You had no choice but to allow it. The mere thought of someone taking away even a fraction of your workload felt like some sort of a dream come true. Plus, it really did seem like he had some idea of what he was doing. Part of you was genuinely curious as to how he would do.
You glanced over at him occasionally as he read through the pages making his notes and you soon found yourself immersed in the next task that was due soon.
Your focus was interrupted when a chipper sing-songy tune sounded out in his voice beside you, “I’m do-ne,” he called out and the script plopped down on your desk. His eyes were bright and his wide smile was back as his eyebrows wagged in the direction of the stack of papers he’d proudly presented you with.
You’d only made it through the first page when he started speaking again — this time without the singing.
“Did I do well? Do you like it? Can I stay?”
You were leafing through the pages, finding the spot where you left off and where he took over and you quickly read through the lines, taking care to read every suggestion he had made as well as the suggestions he had not made on the chance that in his inexperience he had missed something.
It looked pretty good. You didn’t tell him that though.
“Where did you say you came from again Mr…?”
“Baekhyun. I am Byun Baekhyun and I am yours now. You can use me however you like.” His wide smile had not so much as trembled since he’d brought the script back to you and the jovial attitude did not let up as he delivered to you one of the strangest, most ridiculous promises you’d ever received from anyone in your professional career.
You kept your face blank and ignored his eagerness. At least he was enthusiastic.
“Can you take this down to QC for final approval, Baekhyun…and do you have, like, a resume or something I can look at?”
He nodded with his eyes wide and he was digging through his bag for something. What he handed back to you was a tablet. The electronic kind that kept the little kids quiet at restaurants. His fingers tapped on the screen as he peered over your shoulder he brought up a picture in his photo gallery that seemed to be just a screen shot of his resume. He had to flip past various personal pictures as he did it and you did your best not to focus on any of it until he’d reached the one intended for you to see. There was nothing inappropriate from the looks of it. But it didn’t seem polite of you to snoop.
You did see some things though. Not that you were trying to see anything, but the picture right before the resume was one of him sitting in the driver’s seat of some fancy foreign car with a sweet smile on his face and a different color of hair that if you were being honest looked just as good, if not better than the blonde he had now.
“Sorry Noon—Uhh, Miss Manager, I don't have a printed copy on me but you can look at it there.” His hands were busy putting the paperwork carefully into a large white envelope so he could deliver it all to Quality Control and his head whipped back around with an afterthought for you, “You can just scroll to see the next page, okay?”
He was gone before you could answer him.
His resume showed promise. He’d graduated from an expensive Ivy League, of course, and had spent a few years abroad on various internships, no doubt landed with the ease of his family’s connections in the industry. You’d reached the end of the first page feeling somewhat hopeful that this time your new assistant would prove himself to be quite useful to you for however long he stayed in such a bottom level position. He would probably last no longer than a half a year before he rocketed to the top of the chain of command. The next page had various awards and honors achieved throughout his education and you glanced at the dates that he attended school, cursing your ability to do some quick mental math to guess his age.
He was young. A good amount of years younger than you, that was certain. Of course he was young, his skin still had traces of that smooth soft baby fat in his cheeks. Your finger scrolled back to the first page of his resume and with your fingertip still connected to the glass you allowed the picture to backtrack just a little, so the edges of the image of him smiling behind the steering wheel of that car showed just a little.
You had no business doing this. What were you thinking? You were just some delusional old lady thankful that she had an extra five minutes to her own thoughts thanks to her brand new assistant’s skills with a red pen. You quickly swiped away, back to the safety of the approved viewing material. Page one of Byun Baekhuun’s resume. You swiped again, a little too forceful for this tablet and page two quickly filled your screen. Perhaps the third swipe you made was out of spite but you gasped out loud when the next image in his picture gallery filled the screen of the tablet completely.
A wave of panic filled you and you quickly raced to undo what you had just done, what you had just seen.
You went back. It wasn’t enough.
You went back again, desperate for what you had just seen to be erased from your memory, but no matter how long you stared at the words on that screen, no matter how forcefully you exited out of the gallery entirely, closing the whole thing up and then finally giving up, locking the tablet and putting it to sleep, that image crept back up again and again and again.
Soon the desperation turned to bargaining. And bargaining turned to acceptance. It was normal really for a woman like you, a single, lonely, overworked woman like you to have this sort of reaction to accidentally seeing an attractive shirtless man standing poolside with the sun at his back and wetness glistening over his skin and broad chest and abs and other various well defined, firm, manly muscles.
Anger followed next. You were pretty sure you were going in the wrong order here, but how dare he put that picture in his tablet and just tell you to scroll. It was so easy for him to say it too as if he wanted you to find the picture and admire the time and work he put into building all of those muscles in his body. What if you had been caught in a trap. What if this was some sort of a test by HR to see if you needed to be sent to sensitivity training for sexual predators. What if there was a tracking device on that picture and there was now a blaring nipple warning happening in some control room upstairs.
A soft and pleasant ding interrupted your thoughts and you had a message waiting from Dami in the QC department. Baekhyun must have delivered the package by now. A quick glance at the clock on your computer told you that he had been gone for some time now and you half wondered if perhaps he had gotten lost on his way back.
“Oh my god. WHO. WAS. THAT?!!!??”
“I take it you got the revisions — please be quick, I’ve had 1st AD breathing down my neck all morning.”
“Gotcha. You made some interesting choices with this but I'm into it. What was wrong with those seashells?”
“Vulgar slang, censored in the Brazil market.”
“Ohh-la-la, great catch! This is why you’re the best.”
Her latest message stared back at you as your fingers refused to type a response. The last thing you wanted was to accept someone else’s work as your own, but you also really want to spend too much time on this distracting conversation that was keeping you and her both from your work. A simple emoji would do the trick. A smiley face, or a rolled eyes emoji maybe. Something that didn't exactly make claims to the potential slip up that Baekhyun caught on his first upside down glance at the script that you somehow missed even after looking over it twenty times.
Maybe you needed to brush up on your international slang terms for various sexual acts and their involved genitalia.
“My new assistant, Baekhyun, caught that one.” The long pause between her misdirected compliment and your delayed confession made you feel just a little bit guilty for any potential misunderstandings you might have opened yourself up to.
“Even his name is pretty.”
[She should see his muscles] an uninvited guest in the back of your brain whispered and you winced when it happened.
As soon as the thought crossed your mind you felt the shame of its aftermath course through you. That was the last thing you needed to be thinking about.
You didn't have much time to dwell on it because there was a sudden commotion outside of your office door. You heard the sound of someone’s shrill shouting, overdramatic screaming really and the telltale sounds of someone being thoroughly scolded. At the exact same time an alarm was sounding out on your phone telling you it was time to make it to your biweekly meeting with the directors and assistant directors upstairs. You quickly grabbed your laptop and calendar and made your way out of your door to see what in the world all of the fuss was about.
The carpet outside was littered with assorted papers and standing in the middle of the mess with his head hung down in shame was your assistant, looking sheepish and guilty. The source of the shrieking, as usual, was Carla, one of the less organized members of the translating team. You could see the now empty document tray sitting just at the edge of her desk and you imagined that she had set the whole thing precariously close to the edge again just tempting fate.
“What am I supposed to do with this now? This was my whole day’s work and you’ve made a huge mess of it all! Who even are you? Are you supposed to be in here?”
Baekhyun’s head dipped lower and his cheeks were bright pink as he was scolded again and again for bumping into her teetering tower and sending it crashing down to the ground, as you had seen happen around her desk at least once a week.
“Sorry, but I hardly even touched…” He was opening his mouth now, and as he began to protest what he thought was an unfair scolding you saw her lift up a rolled piece of paper and bonk him squarely on the top of his head with it.
You knew it was time to intervene and you cleared your throat noisily to make your presence known.
Carla’s hand with the rolled up paper dropped in an instant and her eyes widened as she looked at you in surprise.
“M…Manager, He…”
Baekhyun’s face whipped to look to you and you noted the apprehension in his eyes and the way he pulled his lips into the smallest pouty frown.
“Carla, why don't you and Emily work together on this? I know you’ve been working very hard all alone this week. Emily, let’s push back your workload to next week, hmm?” You pivoted to address the rest of your team as to not call attention to Carla alone.
“Everyone, let’s not stack everything on the edge of our desks. Let’s try and keep a clean workspace for everyone so accidents like this don't happen so often.”
You did your best to keep any bit of reproach out of your voice and it must have worked just enough to satisfy the easily excited girl because she closed up her mouth and flattened out her angry eyebrows with a small shrug.
You weren't above cleaning up a little mess here and there. As soon as you were done talking you dropped down to your knees and started gathering the papers up into a stack, the moment you moved, the rest of the team all dropped to their knees to do the same. Baekhyun was the first at your side, reaching for papers and pulling them out of your hands as you made neat stacks and he placed them carefully on the opposite side of Carla’s desk next to the partition, safe from literally anyone who might want to walk through this office.
“Baekhyun, I have a meeting upstairs, why don't you tag along so you can see what that’s like?”
“Yes ma’am,” he whispered beside you with a smile building on his face again and he moved quickly, keeping directly behind your steps as you moved down the hallway to the elevators.
“Noona, I’m so sorry about that earlier — I didn’t mean to cause trouble. I don't even know how it happened. All of a sudden she was just yelling at me. ”
“Manager, Baekhyun,” you corrected quickly as you stepped into the elevator first and he followed behind with a sheepish smile creeping up on his face. “And you didn't cause any trouble. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“You were so cool though. You felt like a hostage negotiator, freeing me from my kidnapper. What did you think of my resume? Am I a man that meets your high standards?” His questions came in rapid succession one after another and you held your composure well at the mention of that damned resume of his.
That resume and those muscles.
“You’re smart and you seem capable enough,” and young and firm and handsome as all hell, “I’m sure you’ll do fine while you are here.”
You gripped your calendar in your fist and tapped it lightly against his belly. He grunted once and grabbed it with his free hands. “Pay attention to that. You’ll need to follow my schedule.”
He smiled and shone brightly in response with an energetic head nod and he spent most of the upstairs meeting leafing through your calendar, making small marks on certain dates and pulling out his cell phone to no doubt copy certain entries into his own phone calendar.
Baekhyun’s first day was eventful but he was very promising. The next days and weeks to come were interesting in a way you hesitated to define.
He proved himself valuable to you instantly. He was indeed smart and capable and had a sense about him that you hadn’t seen before in a coworker. Having him at your side not only made your own job infinitely easier, but you noticed your mood had lightened when he was around.
He was cheerful and funny and although you tried your absolute best not to encourage his jokes or god forbid, laugh at them, the first time you slipped and let a quick chuckle out over something stupid he’d said he looked at you with wide eyes and the proudest grin on his face. You had to instantly roll your eyes for damage control.
“That’s the first time I’ve ever made you laugh. Noona, admit it, you like me just a little bit.”
You’d given up on trying to break him of that nickname after the first week of him just ignoring your attempts. The first time you’d answered to it, you knew it was over. You’d screwed up.
And you just did it again with the laugh. He was holding something very important just out of your reach as he sometimes did when his mood grew playful and you had been doing your best not to kick him in the shins so he would drop the stupid thing that you just needed your final signature of approval so you could move on to the next thing that needed your immediate attention.
“I never said I didn’t like you, Baekhyun, this is work. We are working right now. If I miss this deadline that’s it for me and for you and for the entire department out there.”
“So when the project wraps you’ll have a drink with me and then you’ll laugh at all of my jokes? You promise?” He dropped the papers just enough for you to be able to touch the corner of them and you gripped them tightly, pulling them hard into your hands with a force that instantly made him let go. He knew the penalties of destroying something at the last minute and no amount of playfulness would make him risk having to run around re-gathering important person’s signatures with just one hour until shooting began.
It was what you needed and you signed quickly with a pen, passing them back into his arms with an urgency on your voice.
“Fine. Go. Now.” He was out the door without a second word. Of course he was playing about drinks with you. Of course he was playing with you about liking him just a little bit. This was just what he did and he didn't mean any of it at all. This guy was so far out of your league he had his own fan club.
He was very highly sought after by all of the young ladies in this office alone, and you had heard rumors of his popularity in the rest of the building.
Why wouldn't he be joking with you? It made no sense for you to take any of it seriously and you knew it deep down inside of you.
You made for a quick fluff in the mirror on your wall and a touch up of your makeup along with slipping on a classy professional jacket and the heels you kept in your office for situations that required you to look just a little more presentable than usual. You had another meeting to attend for an upcoming project. Something new and different that required you to meet with a whole new team of very important people to sell yourself and your team and their highly sought after skill set. You pressed the elevator button and caught a glimpse of your reflection in the shining silver elevator doors and just behind you saw the familiar bounce of his blonde hair as he rushed to your side to join you at this meeting. He was huffing and puffing from clearly running through the office to get back to you. You noticed the flush in his cheeks and what looked like dust on his jacket. His hair was just a little messy too. You always did your best not to look too closely at Baekhyun. The few times you did allow it your mind would wander into forbidden places and you noticed that it never took very long for him to catch you watching him.
He didn’t need to attend this one. It was more of a schmoozing event than any sort of technical planning meeting but the sight of his bright smile brought you a strange comfort so you didn’t send him away. Inside the elevator you noticed he was watching your face rather closely and when you turned to him in question he lifted a finger up to his lips and pointed.
“Your lipstick has a little smudge.”
Great. Just what you needed. You tried to look your best and just ended up a mess again. You reached up and rubbed lightly below your bottom lip and he shook his head and took a step closer to you and lifted his own hand to your face.
You froze and held your breath and you stared into his face in shock as the tip of his finger ran a path down the edge of your upper lip. He cocked his head to the side and his eyes slipped into your own for a split second and you were sure that you noticed his cheeks darken a shade. Had your own cheeks given you away so easily as well?
Baekhyun cleared his throat but he wasn’t done and he was no longer looking into your eyes as he did this. He made another, firmer pass of his index finger over the edge of your upper lip and you instinctively pulled your lips inward and squeezed them together, pretending as if you needed to spread your lipstick more instead of just getting away from his fingertips that touched you in this quiet and private place.
As you did it, he moved again. His hand lifted to run his fingertips along your temple, where you must have had an errant strand of hair that he slowly and carefully tucked behind your ear. You kept your breathing calm and steady and you kept your face impassive, but the racket inside of your own chest as your heart beat took on a life of its own was distracting and terribly concerning. You were a mess deep down inside. You were just so good at hiding it from him.
“There,” he whispered. “Beautiful,” he said even quieter, almost entirely under his breath just as the sound of elevator dinging made you jump with the sudden intrusion.
You were the first one out. You didn’t hear his footsteps behind you as you usually did and when you risked a quick glimpse behind you, you noticed he hadn’t yet left the elevator and his focus seemed distracted and lost.
“Baek,” you called and his eyes snapped back to life before the elevator doors closed on him. He shook his head lightly and took three big steps to take his place at your side. His smile was nowhere to be found and his eyes didn't quite meet yours and something about him made the air in this blasted hallway feel awkward and claggy and downright difficult to breathe in.
“Oh, I feel—,” you let out a breath through your pursed lips and whispered out loud to yourself as you placed a hand over your chest to calm your beating heart, “—-nervous,” you admitted in defeat, pausing outside of the heavy wooden doors.
“Because of the meeting?” A quiet question eked out in a familiar voice behind you and you refused to meet his eyes.
“Of course, why else?” You answered flatly and quickly but his reply did not come as quick. What came instead was a sharp inhale of breath pulled into the lungs of the man who stood behind you at this door.
“Right,” he said softly with a small exhale through his nose. “Why else.” He agreed out loud. You must have imagined just a hint of disappointment in that exhale. Of course you’d imagined it. It probably originated inside of your own head, really. Everyone knew you had no business feeling any sort of way about your assistant Byun Baekhyun. Whether it be disappointment; or heart flutterings; or attraction; or desire; all of it was off limits.
“Baekhyun, this is a very important meeting.” You inhaled slowly and deeply and stole a glance to your left where Baekhyun stood and you noticed he had what looked like an entire leaf stuck to the top of his head.
The more you looked at him the messier he actually seemed and you knew that behind that door would be a multitude of very important, very rich people who held your future in their hands. People who very likely did not have dirt on their coats and leaves in their hair.
This would not do. There was an empty hallway near the stairwell at the end of the corridor. You’d often used that quiet space to regroup before these kinds of meetings. You knew there was a bench and a clock on the wall that did not tick as it’s big hands spun around its face. You reached for his arm and pulled him
“Why are you so messy? What happened to you?” You pulled him fast and he complied with rushed steps to the sanctuary of that quiet space and when you pushed at his shoulders, sending him down to sit in front of you on the bench, he did so with a soft grunt of surprise and zero resistance. Baekhyun never ever resisted anything from you. You’d overheard him downright arguing with some of the other staff members before but he took being your assistant quite seriously and treated even small requests from you as if they had been laws set in stone to follow.
He was just a little bit ridiculous but mostly he was just the best.
“Before, when I was getting signatures, the paper flew away in the wind and I had to chase it down. There was a bush…” You brushed at his coat with your fingertips, patting harder to get some of the dirt to fall off and you had to step closer to him to get at the leaves in his hair. There were two and they were small and dried and they crumbled into a million bits when you grabbed them, making you have to pull apart the strands of his blonde hair carefully to remove every last bit of them.
“…it flew under the bush in the courtyard and I had t-to…”
You knew you were leaning into him and he seemed to abruptly stop his explanations when you took another step placing your feet in the spaces around where his feet parted, you felt the roundness of his kneecap brush against the inside of your inner knee and he had gone completely still and his words quit entirely. The part of your brain where you kept your most incriminating secrets about him sounded alarms and warning bells. You ignored the cacophony in favor of this necessary task at hand.
It took some doing but you’d gotten all of the mess out of his hair. There was a small pile of broken and dried leaves sitting in the palm of your hand and you noticed some more dirt on the breast of his dark blue coat. It was a dark enough colored coat that the dirt would definitely show so you reached down with your empty hand, laying your palm over the spot, you tried to brush the dirt away. It didn’t budge as easily as you wished it would and a second pass with your hand, with more pressure seemed to work better.
It was almost done. He was nearly perfect again but when your hand returned for one more pass your mind’s alarms rang as you caught on to the firmness and the warmth you felt below his coat. the feeling of him inside of these clothes.
Your stupid intrusive thoughts that you did your best to keep at bay surged up again.
Baekhyun was silent and motionless. Baekhyun had done nothing to encourage this. Everything he had ever told you that might have sounded flirtatious was said in jest. He was joking. He was always joking with you, that was just his way. But he sure did joke a lot with you. You often found yourself confused and frustrated by him.
The dust was gone. He could go now. You could let him go. He was ready to face them.
“There,” you said in a soft whisper, beautiful you thought in secret. Your whisper felt an appropriate tone of voice for such a quiet and secluded hideaway such as this and you mustered up the nerve to remove your hand from his chest so you could throw this trash away and attend your damn meeting.
You rocked back on your feet, shifting your balance away from where he sat on this bench, introducing some distance between the two of you. Then you moved your hand away from his chest for a fraction of a second you no longer felt the warmth and the firmness of his body below your palm and you began to pivot on your heels, you began to turn away from him and extract yourself entirely from this fantastical and impossible situation you had been entertaining inside of your own silly imagination. Only when you shifted so did he and rather than the warmth of his chest under the palm of your hand you felt the slow moving heat of his hand covering over the back of your own hand.
The sensation caught you off guard and you froze mid step, looking down to see it happening. You felt the smoothness of his fingertips tracing an achingly dizzying path up your wrist and higher until your entire hand had been covered completely by his.
You took another step away from him. This was strange. This was some sort of trick of your imagination again.
Your eyes sought out his eyes for answers only the look you saw in his expression did not give you any insight at all. He was watching you with a sort of detachment from this, from you; similar to the same look you’d seen from him in the elevator earlier. Similar to the look you’d seen from him many times over the course of the last few months of working closely with him.
You needed more answers than his face could give and when you took another step the grip he had on your hand tensed and he held on tighter and suddenly he was in motion as his thigh muscles tensed up and he stood on own two feet.
Your mind was consumed by confusion and uncertainty when his movements did not stop.
Baekhyun took a step into you, undoing the distance you had carefully and desperately put between your body and his body and out of the corner of your eye you caught movement in his other hand.
The fragments of seconds of time were insufficient to process any of this. If he was playing some sort of a trick, he was taking it too far for sure. Your heart was entirely too weak to take this kind of behavior from him.
Baekhyun’s hand lifted — he sought to touch the side of your face and at the same time, the distance between the two of you shrunk in an instant as he moved in. You watched on in surprise and in shock until every detail of Byun Baekhyun’s face blurred and you felt the warm wetness of his lips that landed over your own surprised ones.
He kissed you.
He had kissed you.
In this space, this quiet space that was once only yours, he had kissed you and you were frozen in this moment without even the ability to comprehend how this man could have done this, or why he had done this, or what, if anything at all was the punchline of this particular joke of his.
He had kissed you and he was still kissing you and your frozen reaction must have been what brought him to his senses.
He opened his eyes and his lips retreated just enough for him to pull back and look into your face. You made a sound. It was the smallest questioning hum from the back of your throat and you shook your head a microscopic amount to try and clear the static happening inside your brain.
“Uhh,” you finally managed and he had dropped his hold on your hand and closed his eyes up tight.
He looked to his left and then he looked to his right. Both spaces were empty. You were standing in front of him but he did not look at you.
His eyes closed up again and you saw him pull his lips in between his teeth and he bit down and exhaled a huff through his nose before pulling his expression into the smallest wince.
“Shit,” he whispered. He looked behind himself. He looked up at the ceiling and he looked down at the floor. He wasn’t actually looking anywhere but you knew for absolute certainty that he was not looking at you.
You swallowed away the dryness inside of your mouth at the sound of that tiny curse word and the unimaginably tiny sting you felt inside of your chest when you heard him say it.
This was okay.
This was fine.
It was just a mistake; a joke taken too far. He was silly by nature and you did not need to read anything into this little blunder of his. You definitely didn't want to make him feel bad about having made this mistake. Maybe this suffocating ache inside of your chest was the punchline. You could feel its tendrils creeping up inside.
Ha! Ha! Stupid old lady.
No. No, This was okay.
This was fine.
The clock on the wall called to you and you watched the minute hand join up with the hour hand as the two became one and it was 12 noon. It was time for both of you to be inside that meeting room instead of out here playing jokes on each other and instantly regretting it.
His gaze followed yours, touching upon that clock and understanding the task at hand and you stood straighter, fixed your skirt and jacket, made sure your button up blouse was still closed up tight, and you made a few steps toward the trash can to throw away the dried leaves from his hair and from what felt like ages ago and you heard his footsteps follow you down the hallway to enter the meeting room.
You did not hold the door open behind you and you did not listen carefully for the comforting sound of his footsteps behind you. When you opened the door to walk inside you did not do so with any regard for anyone else in the world — especially not for someone like Byun Baekhyun, who’s father’s name adorned the outside of this enormous building and even your paychecks. Especially not for Byun Baekhyun who had exactly three weeks left of his detail in the International Subbing Department before he moved on to QC or AD or wherever the hell he wanted to go when he left you.
[To Be Continued]
Links: Can I Stay? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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dilxcc · 8 months
you and me ᡣ𐭩 byun baekhyun
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fluff, mentions of exo members, established relationshio, secret relationship, grammatical error
idol!baekhyun x reader
a/n this will be the first ever fanfiction that i will write for the fandom ;) i hope its good. likes, comments, reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated <3
"hyung, did you see that?" sehun whispered to suho, his eyes not leaving the smiling baekhyun. for the past few minutes, baekhyun had been smiling like an idiot. sehun thought that his smile looks silly. because he looked like someone who's in love.
the other members joined in and watched him discreetly (obviously). the constant glances that they threw however, goes by unnoticed. they wondered what he was doing that got him so engrossed at the phone's screen.
they took note, eyes met whenever they see baekhyung chuckling or blushing slightly. everything was going well until suddenly, chanyeol gave up. "okay, what's so interesting to the point that you're smiling at your phone like an idiot?" chanyeol huffed.
caught off guard, he immediately turned his phone off and put it away. "n-nothing! it was just a funny youtube video," he quickly looked away. "if it's a funny video, then why won't you show it to us?" xiumin butts in. he quickly got up from his seat. "you guys are nosy," he feigned annoyance. they knew that he didn't actually mean it.
because they could see the way his ears turned red as he walked away.
"who do you think is it?" sehun asked, looking at his hyung impatiently. "maybe it was the female idol that he met at the last award show?" suho inquire. "hmm... maybe,"
baekhyun plopped down on his bed, slightly out of breath despite only walking back to his room. his bandmates suspicion made his heart beats fast. he tried as hard as he can to keep you a secret. but then again. why would he need to keep you a secret? it wasn't like he's doing anything wrong. he likes you and you like him too.
the constant buzz from his phone snapped him out of his thoughts. he looked at the notification and realized that you left him multiple text. he smiled slightly, realizing that you were probably worried as he didn't say anything before turning his phone off earlier.
baek? are you okay?
where are you?
is everything alright?
the others were with me
i think they know :(
i'm sorry
let's call.
it's easier to talk
he quickly picked up the call and smiled. "hey," he greeted you nervously. "hey," you greeted him back and get comfortable in your bed. "i don't mind, you know?" you started.
slightly confused, he asked you what you had meant. "i don't mind if people know," you continued, your voice trembling slightly because of the nerve. "in fact, i would like it better if i could show the world that i'm dating you. it's a flex you know?" you hit your lip, trying to suppress your smile.
he was speechless for a moment. before he let out a small chuckle. "i thought it was just me. turns out i was being nervous for no reason," he smiled, turning on his side to get more comfortable. "do you think we should tease the fans?" he asked in a mischievous tone. "as long as you're with me, i don't mind,"
after a few more days of hiding his relationship with you, he was finally ready to tell his bandmates. they were his family after all. they deserve to know.
"oh, we kinda figured it out already," chanyeol shrugged while jongin's mouth were agaped. "huh? you've got a girlfriend?! when???"
the others took turn to tease jongin for being clueless. baekhyun were relieved to see that his bandmates were accepting of his relationship. he wasn't actually worried that they won't accept you. because they would, no matter what.
baekhyun took you out on a date after that. both of you weren't exactly hiding your faces. he was only wearing a cap. and you too. all the while holding each others hand as you walked around in public.
you could smell the videos and pictures that would be up online by now and rumors about you two being together. it was exactly what you had wanted, so you didn't mind.
"i heard that there was a great cafe around here. i want to take you there," he said softly, squeezing your hand slightly. "let's go then," you smiled.
you take your seat by the window after ordering your coffee. "the pastries look so good..." you groaned. "why didn't you order them?" he asked softly, his hand holding yours on top of the table. "i'm on a diet. it's because of our next concert," you pouted. "well, i'll treat you to it. and you can't reject it," he smirked.
"it's fine if you treat yourself once in a while. i know that you haven't been eating anything sweet for a while now," he said softly as the waiter put the pastry in front of you. "i promise i won't tell anyone," he smiled cheekily.
you snorted before taking a bite of the cream puff. "it's really good..." you groaned.
as the two of you enjoy your date, you didn't even notice the constant shuttering noise from a camera.
after your date, both of you took a walk at the park. it was already dark and there was only the two of you. his hand were clasps with yours, not willing to let you go just yet. you walked side by side in silence. it wasn't because he doesn't want to talk to you. it was just that there was no words to say. and it was fine. the silence were comfortable. it engulf you with warmness and aware of his every movement.
and both of you were already happy with that. despite the fact that the internet had been filled with pictures of you two out on a date. you didn't mind. as long as you have each other. that was enough.
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mybiasisexo · 4 months
Oof 61 with baekhyun 🥺 Thanks!
Serious 🎳
Genre: angst | nonidol!au Pairing: Baekhyun x f.Reader Length: 1.4k Warnings: Language
a/n: sorry for the delay! also sometimes saying something is angst feels too much. like its dramatic, sure. there's some words exchanged but is it necessarily 'angst'??? well...yall tell me lmao
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No one was more eager to go to your friend Jongdae’s birthday party than you.
As much as you wanted to say it was because you were happy to celebrate another year of your friend’s life, that wasn’t what had you smiling like a mad woman.
It was another friend of yours: Byun Baekhyun.
Baekhyun was your partner-in-crime, the yin to your yang, the bees to your knees. Sometimes it felt like you were the same person split into two people, like you both were made to complete the other.
The reason for your eagerness was because it had been a while since you’d last seen him. Two weeks to be exact, which was unheard of. You were pretty sure the longest you’d gone without seeing or contacting each other was four days. At the time, Baekhyun had met someone and was attempting to date. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out. She ended things because he couldn’t stop bringing you up—at least, that’s what Jongdae told you.
You weren’t letting the lack of Baekhyun get to you. You understood that life got in the way, and you weren’t his only priority. You hadn’t thought much of him declining all offers to hang out or the ignored calls and texts. Sure, there was a time or three when you felt like something wasn’t right, but he was busy. He’d come to you as soon as he had the time.
That all being said, you were beyond excited to be reunited with your best friend.  
That excitement quickly turned into confusion when you called his name upon seeing him not long after entering the apartment. He took one look at you from across the room and disappeared into the hallway. Maybe he hadn’t heard you? Maybe he hadn’t realized it was you within the throng of people crowding Jongdae’s living room?
For the next two hours, you couldn’t seem to pin him down. If you entered a room he was in, he’d somehow slip out before you could reach him. The one time you were near him was when you all sang happy birthday. He stood directly across the table from you, yet his attention never strayed from the birthday boy, even when you were staring at him so hard your eyes strained.
That left you wondering. Was…was Baekhyun avoiding you?
You were completely stumped as to why he would treat you this way. The last time you were together was a couple weeks ago when you were at the bowling alley with some other friends. You don’t recall anything from that night being amiss.
“I’m not crazy, am I?” You asked another friend, Minseok, after catching him up on your current situation.
He pursed his lips. “No, you’re right. Baekhyun’s been acting strange today. Not so….” He searched for the right word to describe what Baekhyun was lacking.
“Loud,” you both supplied with confirming nods.
“I don’t know,” he continued with a shrug. “I kind of like it. It’s rather peaceful not hearing his laugh echoing off the walls.”
“I like his laugh,” you grumbled, shoving a ridiculously large bite of cake into your mouth.
Another twenty minutes passed before you were finally able to corner Baekhyun.
Most of the party had said their goodbyes. You were planning on heading out yourself, but wanted to clean up the kitchen a little before doing so. It appeared Baekhyun had the same idea. He already had the sleeves of his sweater rolled up to his elbows, rinsing dishes off to put in the dishwasher.
“I can help you with that,” you offered hesitantly. Now that you were aware the man before you was dodging you, you didn’t really know how to approach him.
His shoulders stiffened at the sound of your voice and it hurt. He’d never reacted like that to you before.
“It’s alright. I’m almost done,” he told you.
“Baekhyun.” You let out a nervous laugh. “C’mon. I haven’t seen you in weeks. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were avoiding me.”
You laughed at the possibility, but he didn’t join in.
Your smile faded slowly. “Baekhyun?”
He sighed, dropping the current plate in his hands back into the sink. “Don’t act like you don’t know why.”
That took you aback. You weren’t expecting him to confirm your suspicions. You were utterly clueless to the way. You only realized a few hours ago what he was doing in the first place!
“I’m not acting.”
He turned around to face you, looking extremely irritated as he leaned against the sink. He crossed his arms over his chest, not caring that his hands were still wet. “So, you don’t remember our conversation at the bowling alley after everyone left?”
You’re confused again, and he noticed so he explained further. “When I told you that I liked you?” You frowned. He groaned. “And I asked if you wanted to be my girlfriend?”
Oh. That.
“And you laughed,” he finished the recap.
“Is that what this is about?” You asked, even more lost than before you started this conversation. “I thought you just said all that because we kicked everybody’s asses.”
He rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he turned back to the dishes. “Never mind.”
“No, wait.” You ran over to him, grabbing his arm to regain his attention.
He yanked his arm from your grasp. “Can you just leave me alone?”
You took a startled step back. He never spoke to you that way before. Honestly, you’d never seen him so upset.
“I don’t understand,” you said shakily. “You play too much. How do you expect me to ever take you seriously when everything’s a joke to you?”
“Not everything is a joke to me,” he countered. You threw him a look and he relented. “Do you think I’m joking right now?”
“No. But I wish you were.”
“Because I don’t like you like this.” You pouted.
“No. You don’t like me,” he said. “I realized that the moment you laughed in my face when I tried confessing to you.”
“I didn’t know that was what you were doing!” You explained. “If I’d known you were being for real, I wouldn’t have reacted that why. I swear!”
“Then how would you have?” He asked, facing you again.
“I, um….” All you had wanted at this party was Baekhyun’s attention, but now that he was giving it to you undivided, you were squirming under it. You’d never seen him so…intense. He wasn’t much taller than you, but it felt like he was towering over you, making you feel small.
You swallowed thickly. “I wouldn’t have laughed.”
That had him laughing. The sound deep and breathy. He slid his hands into his pockets, lifting an eyebrow quizzically. “Is that right?”
“It is!” You said, ignoring the squeakiness of your voice. You swore you saw a hint of a smile tug at his mouth. “I care about you, and I’m so sorry I hurt you. I’ll take you seriously from now on.”
“Starting now?”
“Starting now.”
“Okay….” He took a step towards you. “If that’s the case, let me say it again. I like you. I have for years now.”
“Really?” You asked, stunned. To be honest, this felt like it was coming out of nowhere. But, you guessed if you reevaluated your interactions together, it made sense. The way he was always glued to your side, and always so damn touchy. In your defense, he was touchy with pretty much everybody, but still…. “For years?”
“Why do you think I’ve been single for so long?”
“I thought it was because you were a los—”
“Hey,” he interrupted. “If I’m being serious right now, you have to be too.”
“Fine,” you muttered, but couldn’t help a smile.
“So?” He urged.
“So, what?” You asked.
“Do you, uh, like me too?”
This was the last thing you ever thought the two of you would be talking about right now. You were confessing in Jongdae’s kitchen and it was overwhelming, You didn’t think you were ready for such an intense conversation, but knew it was long overdue. It was something you had fantasized about way too many times than you’d ever admit, because of course you liked Baekhyun. He was your ride-or-die, your other half, the water in your cup.
Before you could overthink it, you raised onto your tippy toes, leaning in to leave a chast kiss onto Baekhyun’s lips. “Does that answer your question?”
It took him a moment to comprehend what just happened, and when he did the smile that brightened his face was both blinding and beautiful.
“Seriously?!” He asked, closing the distance of your mouths and his hands snaked around your waist, pulling you close to him.
“Seriously,” you confirmed, falling into his touch and kissing him back with just as much excitement at the new development in your relationship.
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aqupistau · 1 year
— ☕️ⸯⸯ : the way back home﹙bbh﹚
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warning: mentions of alcohol (but it's just wholesome fluff)
genre & trope: fluff and established relationship
pairing: byun baekhyun x gn!reader
word count: 0.97k (edited)
synopsis. "if i were a sleepy sea otter and you were also a sleepy sea otter, would you hold my hand so that we won't float away from each other?"
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Baekhyun wasn't the greatest soldier alive when it came to alcohol tolerance; he himself had great self-awareness of it. This resulted in him never drinking furthermore in your presence once he knew he was tipsy. At first, you didn't mind this at all, although, after receiving the first-ever emergency call from one of his friends, this changed your mind.
The call consisted of the first few seconds of a proper conversation with the said friend, and then a minute later to Baekhyun stealing the phone, who was then drunkenly flirting with you. Clearly losing the battle between alcohol and his sobriety.
Baekhyun's friend that called you, who seemingly was the only person sober, got his phone back and pleaded you to get him ASAP before he lost his marbles dealing with a bunch of lousy drinkers.
You obliged, mindlessly arriving at the destination a lot quicker than you thought, almost snickering at the thought of a crimson-cheeked boyfriend just smiling like a fool at you. Junmyeon, the caller, his face of weariness turned into a relieved one as he greeted you at the front door, booming noises of drunken men singing karaoke inside and the strong smell of assorted liquor exuding from him.
"Hi, Y/N! Here to pick up Baekhyun, right?" he questioned, which honestly sounded more like it had only one valid answer.
"Yes, though it looks like I'll be spoiling his fun if I pick him up while all of you are having so much fun." You politely replied just for formality.
Junmyeon chuckled and firmly added, dead in the eyes, begging, "I promise you that you aren't. Please come inside, Y/N. Please?"
"Y/N? Is that Y/N? Y/N!" A familiar bright, boyish voice slurred in excitement from the inside. You looked at Junmyeon for assurance, and he nodded, encouraging you to enter the living room. You gulped in nervousness, thinking of how to deal with the new kind of Baekhyun you'd never met before. It was like helplessly walking on a field of tall grass full of wild Pokemons.
Before leaving your shared home with Baekhyun, you've researched the effects of alcohol, and one struck you: repressed emotions and thoughts will be set free in a drunken state. You weren't sure if that was true since no reliable sources proved this fact, but you still wondered, almost in a way of contemplation. Doubtful if you can even deal with a wasted Baekhyun.
"It's me, Baek—Oh my god."
There he was. And you were right about one thing: his cheeks would go red when he was drunk but based from the research about repressed feelings when in a drunken state, you can tell that this Baekhyun will be a handful.
"Y/N~" The last syllable of your name dragged on as he attempted to wiggle up from his seat. "I missed you so much, Y/N." You quickly ran up to support him from standing, relieved that you caught him on time.
"But we were together like… four hours ago, baby." He nodded in reply.
"Exactly." Oh, well.
After bidding goodbye to the rest of his friends, who were thrilled to see you, you got help from Junmyeon to put Baekhyun on the passenger seat, bidding him farewell and good luck as you set off to go back home.
Surprisingly, the first couple of minutes of the drive were quiet, and your boyfriend was just sleeping peacefully, thankfully, not causing a ruckus silently. You didn't try to pry him from his peace and just continued driving, waiting for him to mumble anything you could tease him about once he woke up. You admired this very moment of comfortable silence, wondering of the antics that would happen by the next morning and planning to prepare ahead a good hangover soup to lighten the weight of your lover.
"Baby?" He's awoken.
"Can I hold your hand? It's quite cold," he requested groggily.
"I can't, baby. I'm driving us back home."
"Oh...then, can I borrow your jacket?" Baekhyun tested again, opting for a different consolation.
"Yes, of course. It's on the backseat, Baek."
He struggles to look for it in the back seat, carefully but clumsily putting his arms inside the armholes of the jacket when he does.
A few minutes pass, and he complains again, "...I still wanna hold your hand, Y/N."
"Let's hold hands when we're under a stop light, okay?" You turned the car to the highway, and coincidentally, the red light from the traffic light stopped you. In reaction, Baekhyun reached out for your hand and interlocked his cold fingers with yours.
"Y/N?" he called out again.
"Your hand is very warm. I love holding your hand."
You beamed with a snicker, looking down at your entwined hands. His hands that easily get cold and would always seek refuge for yours that were always cozy and warm. These hands that would always cup your cheeks and kiss you plushly in the wake of the morning. You noticed the difference of temperature of his and your hand, and you grasp slightly harder, attempting to warm his faster.
"I love holding your hand too, Baek."
The traffic lights turned green, and you gently removed your tightly held hand from him, leaving his hand to reach out to yours with dismay.
"Y/N?" Baekhyun asks for you again from just a few miles.
"Mhm?" You hummed softly, never troubled by his constant wants to hear your voice and attention even if he asks for the vainest demands.
"I need you to answer a question."
"If I was a sleepy sea otter," he yawned, the sign of the need to sleep displaying, "And you were also a sleepy sea otter…."
"Will you hold my hand so we'll not drift away from each other when we're sleeping?"
"Baek?" It was your turn to ask, "You do know that we always snuggle when we sleep, right?"
"...Oh. Then, can I hold you all night when we're finally home?" There were remotely a small number of cars driving, so you turned the car, almost near your home and took the opportunity, interlocking the hand that rested on his thigh with yours, holding it near your lips, and kissed lovingly the back of his hand.
"When it involves loving you, then it's always a yes."
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© aqupistau. all rights reserved. ↬ masterlist
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eomayas · 1 year
soft side • bbh [req]
req: okay so for baekhyun just like a cute husband!fluff, if you’re comfortable writing mafia au, you could make baekhyun like a mafia, but he gets super soft when he’s with oc
pairing: mafia!baekhyun x wife!reader
genre: fluff!
synopsis: baekhyun had a soft spot reserved for the reader.
warnings: sweet and soft baekhyun
you visit baekhyun a few times a week at his office. it’s never for anything special, but just because you want to see him. sometimes, you bring him food or a dessert you’ve made, but mostly you show up to see him.
today, you’re showing up to show him the nails he generously paid for, and to just check on him. he’s been stressed lately, coming home frustrated most days that when you hear the tires screech in the driveway you can already tell what mood he’s going to be in. you made him promise early in your relationship to leave his mob dealings where he found them, and to never bring them home to you. he’s kept his promise since then, dropping whatever frustrations he’s dealt with at work, at the door when he sees you perched on the couch waiting for him.
you hop out of your car and walk the short distance to the building he does his dealings in. from the outside, it looks like a plain office building, and on the ground floor there’s nothing eye catching except the door man, who isn’t really a doorman, and a simple end table by the elevators that has a new set of flowers on the table each week.
“hi, jongdae,” you say as you enter the building, pushing your sunglasses into your hair. he gives you a close lipped smile and tells you that you can find baekhyun in his office, where he is ninety percent of the time.
you press the elevator button and the doors slide open. stepping in, you press the ‘6’ button, the highest floor in the building and baekhyuns office.
you step out and hear him before you see him. “when i said everything goes through me, i meant everything!” it’s slightly muffled, but loud enough. it’s only you in the hallway, minus another man who appears to be watching the elevator, but really isn’t. “hi, minseok,” you say, giving him a small wave.
“hi, mrs. byun. he’s in there with somebody, if you want to wait,” he offers, but you never wait. you’re notorious for interrupting meetings, on purpose and accident.
you pass by minseok and make your way down the hall where baekhyuns voice gets louder and more audible. you frown at his words and tone, but push the door open anyway, his voice cutting out immediately. “hi, baby,” you say, not sparing a glance at the other guy. baekhyun visibly relaxes; his shoulders roll backwards and his chest goes flat, and his fists uncurl. the scowl on his face relaxes into a small smile, reserved for you and you only.
“you’re dismissed,” baekhyun barks, his eyes boring holes into the man across from him while his hands reach for you. the other guy quickly leaves, shutting the door behind him and letting you have baekhyun to yourself. “hi, pretty girl.” baekhyun says, pulling you into him and kissing you deeply.
you smile against him at the pet name and pull away, putting a hand on his cheek. “how are you?” you ask, and he pulls you down onto his lap, your legs dangling over the side.
baekhyun puts one arm around your waist while his other hand holds onto your exposed thighs. “i’m better now. let me see your nails,” he says, and you put a manicured hand in front of his face. he smiles and holds your hand, looking at every design on every nail. “they’re nice.” he compliments and you thank him.
“she did them a little too long, but i didn’t feel like arguing,” you say, admiring them for the 100th time since you got up from the chair. you look back down at baekhyun and find that he’s already looking at you, his eyes soft and his smile warm. “what?”
“i’m just… i just love you, that’s all,” he says, kissing underneath your jaw. you nuzzle closer to him and smile. nobody would ever believe baekhyun had a soft side like this, given his stern and hard exterior. he has walls built up that only you’ve managed to break down and expose the true him.
he has such a dangerous line of work, but he only has one weakness: you.
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kjmcotton · 1 year
Unexpected gift | Bbh
Byun Baekhyun x pregnant!reader
Established relationship!AU
Plot:it was a day like any other until you found out you needed to have a really important chat with your boyfriend Baekhyun
Warnings:references to unprotected sex
This story is a request
Author’s notes:I’m so sorry this took too long to be published but I had a lot of troubles in writing this request. I hope you’ll like it and thank you to the anon for being so patient and respectful while waiting for their story♡
Tumblr works with reposts:if you enjoyed my story please repost and leave a feedback! Help me growing!♡
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“I’ll support you whatever your choice is”
“Good morning babe” Baekhyun whispered to your hear,kissing your cheek. You slowly opened your eyes,bringing into focus the imagine of your beautiful boyfriend. Messy hair,puffy cheeks and his early morning raspy voice that you loved so much. “Good morning” you replied,snuggling up next to him. You wrapped your arm around his shoulder and buried your face in his naked chest. Baekhyun giggled,caressing your head “It’s time to go to work” he then talked sweetly,kissing your forehead,his favourite spot.
“Is it already? I don’t wanna leave the bed” you huffed
“Me neither,but we have to” he smiled and walked to the bathroom. You looked at his slender figure:his fingers were running through his hair,making it even messier,a smile appeared on your lips while thinking about how lucky you were to have had him by your side for the past four years.
You fixed the pillow under your head,laying down a few more minutes while waiting for Baekhyun to be ready. When you said that you didn’t want to leave the bed it was actually true:besides loving sharing cuddles with your boyfriend,you didn’t feel well that morning. You felt tired,pretty weak,and your tummy ached.
You sighed,watching Baekhyun open the wardrobe to choose what to wear.
“White or blue?” he showed you two of his favourite shirts
“Blue shirt and white trousers” you suggested,the boy nodded “You’re right” he replied,getting dressed.
He was already tying his shoe laces when he raised his head to look at you with his warm dark eyes
“You’ll be late if you don’t get up babe,is everything alright?” he asked
“It is-you nodded-I just feel tired. Probably my period is arriving” you explained yourself,sitting in between the sheets.
Baekhyun nodded,stretching his torso out to you in order to place one more kiss on your forehead
“Then it’s a good thing that yesterday I bought your favourite cookies” he smiled
“You did?!”
“Yes,they’re in the cupboard. Enjoy your breakfast and for anything call me. I’ll come as soon as I can” said so,Baekhyun grabbed his jacket and left.
Slowly,you got out of bed,walking towards the bathroom to take a shower. Your body was heavy,even more sensitive than usual,and the damn cramps coming and going weren’t helping you finding a little bit of strength to go to work.
You sighed:the warm water running on your skin seemed to bother you as every drop made your chest ache or tingle.
“Damn it” you mumbled,harshly shutting the jet down before getting ready. In order to be as much comfortable as you could be you wore a shirt and a pair of jeans;then,you grabbed your phone to check when you’re period would’ve come:two days. The mystery had been solved:being so moody was a classic for you when your period was so close.
You ate the biscuits Baekhyun had bought you and drank a coffee,then you drove to your office.
You worked as a graphic designer for a music company,and you usually loved your job. The idea of getting up and thinking about hundreds of ways to create the perfect cover for the album of a boyband or a girlband challenged you everyday,making you excited to find the perfect combination of colours and textures;however,that morning,in your body there wasn’t a single crumb of propensity for working well,you showed up and finished that single cover just because you had to.
Your day went by slowly,as slowly as a wounded turtle,and as soon as you came back home you shifted into your pyjama and went to bed.
Baekhyun arrived at home one hour later than usual:he turned on the lights and looked for you.
“Babe?” he called you
“I’m here” you mumbled from the bed,holding yourself up with the elbows
“Are you okay?” he demanded,sitting next to you
“I’m not feeling good. I think this period it’s gonna be harsh” you explained
Baekhyun caressed your cheek and gently kissed your lips:
“Then I gotta buy a lot of snacks”
“Chocolate. I want a lot of chocolate”
“It’s on its way” the boy smiled and left,coming back a few minutes later with your dinner and what you had asked for.
“I’ve bought chinese food” he said,placing a plastic bag in your hands
“That’s amazing! I love Chinese food!”
“I know-the guy laughed-that’s why I bought it”
You opened the packages,dining together on the bed:you didn’t know why the food didn’t seem as tasty as usual even tho you were hungry;however you ate without complaining and went straight to the dessert. You had plenty of choices:Baekhyun had bought you chocolate pralines,croissants,bars and different snacks,including chocolate milk:you felt like a happy kid.
Hopefully, in the next days you would’ve gotten better;but nothing changed and your period didn’t show up.
It was Wednesday,you were sitting at the cafeteria of your company,waiting for a Cappuccino to be served at your table,when your colleague,Momo,sat next to you.
“You’re so pale! Are you okay?” she asked,worried,sliding a piece of cheesecake towards you
“I am,thank you-you mumbled,looking at the cake in front of you-you can eat this,don’t worry about me”
“Sweets always help feeling better. Come on,I’m not blind,what’s up with you? Is there anything I can do?”
“Honestly…I’m having troubles with my period. I’m feel pretty bad”
“Poor thing! What is it? Is it too strong?”
“No,actually…it didn’t come at all-you sighed,eating a small piece of cheesecake to immediately spit it into a tissue a few seconds later-this tastes so bad…” a disgusted expression appeared on your face
“Does it? Usually it’s so good-Momo’s fork sinked in the cake and brought a piece to her mouth-it’s delicious sweetheart! Why don’t you like it?”
“It tastes…strange. It makes me nauseous” you sighed
The girl sitting next to you blinked confused and covered her mouth with her hands
“Are you sure you’re not pregnant?”
At those words your fork slipped away from your hand,falling on the ground,while you pushed your back against the chair. An expression of fear appeared on your face.
“Are you crazy Momo?!-you asked too loudly,making a few people turn around-I can’t be! We do it safely,I don’t want kids,nor Baek does”
“I’m not saying that you surely are,or that you don’t use protections but…hum…how to tell you…maybe you had proble-”
“I know what you mean-you interrupted the girl-and no,I don’t think that’s possible”
“Have you checked?”
“I didn’t but-“
The silence fell at your table,then Momo giggled:
“I think a test is recommended in this case” she suggested.
You sighed and ruffled your own hair,hiding your face with your hands
“That can’t be possible come on…”
“Just do it! You can’t pretend that everything’s fine,I’ll come with you” she grabbed her bag and stood up,pointing at the door with her head as she was telling you to follow her.
You did so and walked to the nearest pharmacy,doing the test in the bathroom of your apartment. You waited a few seconds,thinking that it would’ve been negative…but it wasn’t.
Surprise! Someone was on their way to you!
Panicked,you fixed your skirt and ran out from the bathroom,slamming the door
“This can’t be possible! It can’t be! It’s wrong,I’m sure!” you yelled,walking back and forth
“It can’t be wrong,and we both know. Just calm down!” Momo followed you,grabbing your arm to make you stand still
“We can’t have a kid! Baekhyun doesn’t even want it!”
“Have you talked to him about that?”
“Well…not really…”
“Then how can you say that he doesn’t want it?”
“I’m sure…” you lowered your head
“And what about you? Do you want it? Do you want a kid?” Momo bent down a little,looking straight into your eyes.
You hesitated a second before talking:you didn’t know what to say. Before finding out that you were a soon to be mother you would’ve bet anything on an answer such as no…but now? Now you weren’t so sure anymore.
“I-…” you were about to say something when,suddenly,the door was opened,revealing Baekhyun.
“Hey babe,what’s this chaos? I could hear you mumbling from the stairs” he laughed and greeted Momo. In that moment you wanted to disappear.
Why was he already home? The only day in which he should’ve stayed at work he had decided to come back earlier than usual? You surely were born unlucky,you thought.
Momo’s eyes kept shifting from your shocked face to Baekhyun’s pretty smile,until,with a fake cough,she speed walked towards the door
“I think Y/n’s got something important to tell you. Good luck” she said,running off.
“Damn her” you mentally cursed her,then looked at your boyfriend who was already waiting for you to explain yourself.
“So?” he asked confused,putting his jacket on the coat hanger.
You licked your lips,sweating,thinking about how to get out from that embarrassing and nerve wracking situation. You were trying to imagine Baekhyun’s reaction at your news;what could it have been? Would he have been happy? Would he have left you? Or would he have asked you to get rid of the baby? You were sure he didn’t want a kid,but,at the same time,you were also sure that he wasn’t a bad person and that whatever he would’ve said,he would’ve said it for your own well being and the kid’s.
“Babe?-he stepped closer,caressing your shoulders with his hands-I’m getting worried,what is it?”
You bit your lip and sighed,lowering your head:
“What would you say if I…hum…told you that…a new member of the family is on their way?” your expression was the one of a child who had just done a mistake,which made Baekhyun laugh
“Have you adopted a puppy?” he asked,but you shook your head
“It’s something else…”
“Then a cat? Or a bird? I wouldn’t be surprised if you brought a parrot home” he joked
“No,no it’s nothing like that…”
“Then what is-“ Baekhyun eyes widened as he held onto the armchair,sitting a few seconds later
“Babe,are you okay?” you ran to him,benting down at his height as you thought he wasn’t feeling good.
“That can’t be possible!” he yelled. You startled and fell back
“But it is…” you murmured
Baekhyun sighed and stood up,offering you his hand so you could get up from the floor
“But we always do it safely”
“I know! But look,here it is!” you threw the test at Baekhyun who caught it by luck.
His eyes widened even more as he looked at the results on the stick
“I’m gonna faint” he sat on the couch
“Babe!” you shook him
“I can’t believe it. How’s this possible?”
“Accident in the process probably…” you scratched the back of your neck.
Your boyfriend stroke his forehead with his thumb and index,then he covered his face with his hand.
The silence fell in the room as you sat next to him,wrapping your arms around his shoulders while your head rested against his.
“Do you want it?” you asked
“Do you?” he asked back. You didn’t answer so he just kissed your temple.
“I’ll support you whatever your choice is. You know I dream about a family with you,it doesn’t matter if we’ll build it earlier than what we expect. As long as you’re healthy and happy with yourself I’ll be fine” the boy caressed your head and gave you another kiss. You hugged him,burying your head in the cloth of his shirt.
You stayed there for a while,in silence,embraced by Baekhyun’s warmth while trying to figure out what you really wanted.
A family surely was in your plan,same for Baekhyun,but both of you wanted to build one in a few years,once you had gotten married and found a bigger house;however the idea of an abortion just because everything was happening faster and earlier than what you expect seemed wrong to you.
“I want it” you suddenly said,raising your head from Baekhyun’s shoulder
“Are you sure about that?”
“I am. Just like you said,it doesn’t matter if it’s a few years earlier than what we have planned”
At those words the boy’s eyes started shining,then e hugged you tightly
“I can’t believe it” he mumbled,you swore he was about to cry
“Are you okay Baek?” you asked,he shook his head.
“Fuck I’m not” he grabbed a pillow,hiding behind it
“Are you crying??” you giggled
“No babe,what are you talking about?” he was already sobbing
“I thought you would’ve been mad…”
At those words Baekhyun automatically let the pillow fall
“Do I look mad to you?!”
he pointed at his teary eyes,so uou kissed his cheek
“I’m so glad I’ve found you” you hugged him.
Baekhyun held you in his arms,caressing your back as his chin rested on top of your head.
“No, I’m so glad I’ve found you,let’s start this together” he whispered,placing a kiss on your tummy
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hollywoodfamerp · 8 months
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Pack your bags, Famers! Our annual winter trip is taking place in Ireland! On February 17th, all celebrities will be arriving at the Adare Manor to kick off our trip! Named the #1 resort in Europe in 2023, Adare Manor sits on 840 acres of pristine parkland.
"It’s prestige without pretense and magic without nonsense. Above all, it is the sense of belonging. You are known. You are family. You are home."
Unless we got a message from you telling us you wanted to be with a specific person or were not in the ships list - you were included in the generator. If you do not see your FCs name on this list, please message us POLITELY and let us know - sometimes a name gets missed getting put into the generator. We’re human and it happens! At the same time, if your FC is on there twice by any chance then please let us know. Again, mistakes happen. As we accept new applications and people come into the group before AND during the event, this list will be updated. Same will go for if people get unfollowed or ask to leave the group. We posted the pairings in advance so that you may reach out to your roommate and get new interactions going! Even if a mun is on hiatus, be sure to reach out to them so that you can see if you can head-canon some interactions or plan for something when they are off hiatus. All trips are to encourage new interactions and unlikely connections!
Addison Timlin & Sabrina Carpenter
Akanishi Jin & Lee Sunmi
America Ferrera & Ben Feldman
Andrew Garfield & Elizabeth Lail
Angourie Rice & Chris Evans
Anne Hathaway & Jenna Coleman
Ariana DeBose & Mason Mount
Ashton Irwin & Ariana Grande
Awsten Knight & Miley Cyrus
Bae Joohyun (Irene) & Dove Cameron
Barbara Palvin & Maxence Danet-Fauve
Beyonce Knowles & Chloe Bailey
Brie Larson & Brittany Baker
Callum Turner & Chace Crawford
Camila Morrone & Jessica Chastain
Cari Fletcher & Victoria de Angelis
Carrie Underwood & Gigi Hadid
Cate Blanchett & Ellie Bamber
Cha Eunwoo & Glen Powell
Choi Minho & Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Choi San & Danielle Campbell
Choi Soobin & Rylee Arnold
Cody Christian & Lucy Hale
Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) & Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch)
Danny Amendola & Olivia Culpo
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) & Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair)
Dua Lipa & Joseph Quinn
Emma Stone & Chris Daughtry
Ethan Torchio & Damiano David
Florence Pugh & Cillian Murphy
Gareth Southgate & Byun Baekhyun
Harry Kane & Charlie Hunnam
Harry Styles & Mazz Murray
Hayley Williams & Luke Hemmings
Hwang Hyunjin & Bang Chan
Jackson Wang & Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten)
Jamie Campbell Bower & Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley)
Jenna Ortega & Halle Bailey
Joey King & Nick Robinson
Josephine Skriver & Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) & Lee Taeyong
Kang Seulgi & Jung Wooyoung
Kelsea Ballerini & Joe Keery
Kendall Jenner & Liam Hemsworth
Kim Hongjoong & Diamanté Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie)
Kim Jisoo & Christian Yu
Kim Mingyu & Sana Minatozaki
Kit Connor & Gong Jichul (Gong Yoo)
Kylie Jenner & Christina Aguilera
Lauren Jauregui & Bill Skarsgard
Leati Joseph Anoa'i (Roman Reigns) & Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Lee Felix & Dakota Johnson
Lee Jeno & Na Jaemin
Lee Taemin & Kim Jongin
Leigh-Anne Pinnock & Alycia Debnam-Carey
Lily James & David Tennant
Logan Lerman & Jeon Jungkook
Louis Tomlinson & Phoebe Bridgers
Lucas Wong & Kim Jungwoo
Lupita Nyong'o & Tessa Thompson
Billie Eilish & Ryan Gosling
Madelyn Cline & Chase Stokes
Maika Monroe & Dylan O'Brien
Mark Lee & Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Min Yoongi & Kim Namjoon
Niall Horan & Matt Smith
Nicholas Galitzine & Taylor Zakhar Perez
Nick Jonas & Selena Gomez
Nina Dobrev & Sofia Carson
Pamela Martinez (Bayley) & Mercedes Justine Varnado (Sasha Banks)
Park Seonghwa & Lewis Pullman
Pete Davidson & Naomi Scott
Renee Paquette (Renee Young) & Taylor Swift
Renee Rapp & Olivia Cooke
Ross Lynch & Anya Taylor-Joy
Sam Claflin & Riley Keough
Samantha Gibb & Sydney Sweeney
Saoirse Ronan & Jack Lowden
Sarah Paulson & Jessica Lange
Sebastian Stan & Margot Robbie
Tom Hardy & Elizabeth Olsen
Tom Holland & Natalia Dyer
Tony Goldwyn & Megan Jovon Ruth Pete (Megan Thee Stallion)
Travis Kelce & Romee Strijd
Troian Bellisario & Joshua Hong
Vanessa Hudgens & Matthew Macfadyen
Wong Kunhang (Hendery) & Jensen Ackles
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun) & Yoo Jimin (Karina)
Xu Minghao & Noah Beck
Yoo Bora & Joe Burrow
Yoo Siah (Yooa) & Kim Minjeong (Winter)
Zac Efron & Sophie Turner
Zendaya Coleman & Paul Mescal
Zoey Deutch & Dacre Montgomery
Zoë Kravitz & Lili Reinhart
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