#c!dallon weekes
srchprtys-kinhelp · 5 months
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c!dallon stimboard for anon!
💛 💙 💛 | 🌻 ✨ 🌻 | 💛 💙 💛
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allwormdiet · 18 days
Agitation 3.12
Let's finish robbing a motherfucking bank
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Oh boy we get to talk about this now, here's one of the weird plot things I learned about before I decided to read Worm and it STILL bugs me
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Eleven years ago would not have made Amy a toddler unless they managed to speed up her growth somehow, but I don't think that's a thing. She'd be like... six or seven at the time? That's absolutely not a toddler.
How the hell do you "adopt" a first grader with no previous records within a week after you kick down the door of a villain's personal home? How many officials do you need to bribe for that?
...Also holy shit that really is just breaking those standards that Lisa mentioned in the van, this is coming to the villain's home AND targeting his family, I think New Wave might actually suck
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Y'know I've speculated on things that Armsmaster will be haunted by one day
I'd bet money that this is something that haunts Lisa forever
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Don't know that anybody is making a great call in this moment, it'd be fucked up if Panacea died here from running into the knife or from a brutal head injury, and meanwhile Taylor has just pissed off Glory Girl in a pretty spectacular fashion
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Big Sister Instincts: Activated
Life Imprisonment: Threatened
New Wave's Full Transparency: Data Not Found
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Neat outside perspective on how to counter GG's power
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What a fucking good day for the Undersiders, holy shit. They bloodied the Wards' nose and managed to punk Glory Girl with nothing lost in the process
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You'll get a hoverboard some day Regent, I'm sure of that
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Taylor, I'm so proud of you, good job being a bank robber, you're a natural at this
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What's better than this, just gals being pals, and also getting away with a whole laundry list of felonies
Current Thoughts
Ohhhhh my God that was crazy, holy shit what a crazy sequence this whole affair was
The Undersiders are going to rocket up in notoriety for this guaran-fucking-teed, for better and for worse
Meanwhile the Wards and the Sisters Dallon are in for a rough fucking aftermath, although to an extent I don't think anyone would anticipate.
Interlude next
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It Begins! Welcome To The Problematic Queer Tournament!
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(just open in another tab if you can't read it.)
During Round 1, the polls will be divided into four groups, each of which will have their polls posted on the same day. All polls will run for one week.
Group A (April 23-April 30):
Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal) vs. Daken/Akihiko (Marvel Comics)
Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid) vs. The Corinthian (Sandman)
Carmilla (Carmilla) vs. Amy Dallon (Worm) (amy art by @lizardinkart)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) vs. Satoko Houjou (Higurashi: When They Cry)
Group B (April 24-May 1)
Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Baru Cormorant (The Traitor Baru Cormorant) (baru art by @anthyies)
Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler) vs. Kyusaku Yumeno/Q (Bungou Stray Dogs)
ADAM/Ainosuke Shindo (Sk8 The Infinity) vs. Lappland (Arknights)
Anders (Dragon Age) vs. Richard III (Requiem of the Rose King)
Group C (April 25-May 2)
Edward Teach/Blackbeard (Our Flag Means Death) vs. Belial/Mad Hatter (Angel Sanctuary)
Lestat de Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles) vs. Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) vs. John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) (john gaius art by @rosenkranz-does-things)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) vs. Taissa Turner (Yellowjackets)
Group D (April 26-May 3)
Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia) vs. Giselle Gewelle (Bleach)
Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) vs. Dorian Gray (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter) vs. Tooru Mutsuki (Tokyo Ghoul)
Harley Quinn (DC Comics) vs. Dr. Starfire (IDW Sonic)
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starboy14176 · 5 months
HATE when I’m trying to talk about Subject A and people start being like “Dallon weekes,,,,hhhg,,,,sexy” like ok girl go sit down and drink some water I’m not done telling you about his crippling c-ptsd
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
♧ :]
Oooh, this'll be fun :D
You’re my: cool mutual, a very fun, silly, epic person, and one of my go-to people when I want to send pictures of Dallon Weekes to someone >:3 💖
How I met you: Agh, gonna be honest, I don't really remember ;w; I think you followed me one day, and I figured you were cool so I followed you back? My memory's failing me, I'm sorry :')
Why I follow you: a. You're very cool, b. you're a fan of iDKHOW and you love Dallon :3, and c. you're a friend of M's, who's also a cool person, so that makes you even cooler :D 👍
Your blog is: really awesome!!!!! ^^ 💖 I love your layout, and your color scheme, and the way your pinned post looks, and you're altogether just a totally epic person :] ❤️
Your URL is: very cool-sounding, even though I don't know what it's referencing
Your icon is: new!!!!!! I just noticed that last night!!!!!! I can't get a very close look at it, but it's very cool-looking and I'm a fan :] 👍🩷
A random fact I know about you: Um, uh, I'm pretty sure you've seen Waterparks in concert 👍 (I'm like- 85% sure that's true but Tumblr's search function is bad so I couldn't verify, sorry if that's a blatant lie XD)
General opinion: You're a very very cool person!!!!!! 😊💖 I want to be closer with you than I am tbh. Also I appreciate that you let me send you pictures of Dallon whenever I want X3 🩷
A random thought I have: Is it okay if I start talking to you more often :0 I think you're so cool and I want to get to know you better so I wanted to make sure if that's okay 🫶
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randombubblegum · 2 years
okay my parasocial bestie. my bday is coming up and this girl i like wants to go see. don’t make me say it… p…ani…c…. and. i was thinking. of taki..ng…. her….. because. if i can get the tickets as a bday gift…. what’s stopping the gay agenda… BUT. is it worth it.
its worth it IF!!!! she has a really good sense of humor and likes panic in the way that We Like Panic i.e. making fun of the sad pitiful husk of a man brendon urie has become. bc that is what the show is going to be. if shes someone who unironically liked the new album and doesnt appreciate the ryan ross/dallon weekes contribution to the band brendon stole then um. maybe not. but if she DOES then u should take her and have an uproarious laugh together :)
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makeoutcreekrpg · 3 months
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⋆·˚ ༘ *@first love/last spring 初恋、去年の春:私にインスピレーションを与える音楽 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 by i don’t know how but they found me
Este álbum del proyecto musical IDKHOW es el primer álbum como solista del músico Dallon Weekes. Luego de que su compañero musical dejara el hasta entonces dúo, y después de pasar por un proceso de autodescubrimiento en el cual recibió su diagnóstico de autismo y TDAH, Dallon desarrolló este álbum explorando temáticas como la fama, la neuro divergencia y el amor. El álbum tiene una diversidad de sonidos interesantes que escapan al simple indie-pop, como art pop, post-punk, glam rock y otras influencias.
A. DOWNSIDE Esta canción habla de estar tan enamorados de alguien que no es imposible ver el lado negativo de las cosas. Por mucho que queremos ser ‘realistas’ y enfocarnos en posibles problemas, esta persona nos hace tan feliz que nos resulta muy difícil lograrlo. Pero ¿es esto malo, ser feliz y no sumergirse en la ansiedad? ¡Creemos que no!
B. GLOOMTOWN BRATS Esta canción es una crítica a la banalidad con la cual viven su vida las personas de alto recursos. Dallon los llama “brat” que podría traducirse como malcriado, y hace un repaso musical de como viven sus vidas entre nepotismo, lujos, superficialidades y darse palmadas en la espalda para validarse mutuamente en sus decisiones insulsas.
C. INFATUATION Infatuación, lo cual se define como un poderoso deseo de amor hacia una persona, que suele ser usualmente de carácter irracional y que nos provoca idealizar al objeto de nuestro deseo. Dallon reflexiona sobre este encanto, pero estando claro de que no puede confiar cien por ciento en sus sentimientos porque está cegado por la infatuación.
D. WHAT LOVE? What Love nos habla de un amor que se ha vuelto ‘vicioso’, donde las peleas abundan, así como las situaciones incómodas en que ambos se reclaman situaciones a pesar de haber acordado cosas diferentes, donde sacrifican cosas por el otro sin que este pida nada, y después sacan estas cosas en cara, volviéndose en una relación tóxica.
E. SPKOTHDVL Esta canción también explora el mundo de la fama, usando la frase ‘hablando del diablo’ como metáfora. Habla sobre el hecho de que, en la industria, muchas personas deben recurrir a una máscara para poder presentarse al mundo, lo cual también puede asociarse al “masking”, que es un término dentro de la neuro-divergencia para explicar la costumbre de personas neuro-divergentes de ocultar sus síntomas lo máximo posible para aparentar ser neurotípicos, vendiendo una versión falsa de si mismos.
F. SIXFT TW: Acoso Esta canción esta basada en una experiencia real del cantante donde estuvo involucrado en una relación muy intensa y, luego de que las cosas no funcionaran, esta persona se mostró muy insistente al punto de acosarlo y Dallon tuviera que recurrir a enfrentarlo para decirle que le deje tranquilo. La canción aborda cosas como la obsesión y las amenazas.
G. FIND ME Find me habla de la sensación de soledad y de intentar buscar a alguien que acompañe nuestra vida. El narrador se sumerge en muchas relaciones casuales con amigos y conocidos, sin profundidad, mientras se lamenta de la poca conexión y anhela encontrar una persona que lo ‘encuentre y lo ‘vea’ por quien realmente es.
H. KISS & TELL En esta canción, el narrador nos habla de estar en una relación de alguien que no les hace bien, pero cuyo encanto es tal que no encuentran la manera de dejarle, porque aún le hace sentir enamorado. En la canción el narrador nos cuenta cómo desearía que fuera el amante quien terminara la relación, porque él no es capaz de hacerlo.
I. A LETTER La letra de esta canción es, literalmente, una carta. Una carta de disculpas donde el narrador le habla a un antiguo amor, esperando que esté bien y deseándole lo mejor, para luego pedir perdón por acciones pasadas.
J. SATANIC PANIC La situación es la siguiente: jugaste juegos peligrosos e invocaste demonios en tu habitación. ¿Es literal, como un ouija y un fantasma? ¿O metafórico como una relación peligrosa y demonios mentales? ¡Lo dejamos a tu interpretación! Y también queda en ti si te dejas llevar por el pánico o no.
K. SUNNYSIDE Esta canción es una tierna interpretación en la cual el artista nos impulsa a ver el lado positivo de la vida. Aunque sea difícil y a veces sintamos que no nos podemos cargar sobre la espalda, nos invita a reflexionar en las cosas buenas y en seguir buscando motivos para salir adelante a pesar de todo. ¡No te rindas, hay cosas que valen la pena!
L. IDIOTS OF OZ TW: Discriminación Esta canción la administración la interpreta como un llamado al orgullo. Desde la lírica, Dallon se posiciona desde la seguridad de vivir su vida como él estima sin preocuparse de lo que la gente diga de él, ni dejarse llevar por los prejuicios absurdos que habitan en la cabeza de estos “idiota de oz”. ¡Te invitamos a levantarte ante la discriminación! A no escuchar lo que dicen personas racistas, lgtbq+fóbicas o misóginas, y a vivir tu vida de la manera más honesta posible.
𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒: 150 fichas
𝐃𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎́𝐍: Sin límite
Para participar, debes elegir una de las canciones propuestas y entregar un escrito de mínimo 200 palabras, un poema de al menos cuatro versos, o bien una edición (visual o audiovisual).
El código se completa con la letra correspondiente a cada canción. Por ejemplo, si quieres usar "gloomtown brats", el código sería #FLLS15_B.
Puedes hacer una, dos o bien todas las opciones ¡No te sientas limitad-! Cada una contará por separado en tu cronología.
Recuerda compartir tu creación en el grupo PINK IN THE NIGHT y comentar la publicación con el siguiente formulario: NOMBRE + #CÓDIGO - LINK
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half-doomed · 2 years
If you guys missed the livestream that dallon did with daniel joywave 2 weeks ago, I uploaded it to youtube!
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decimateddreams · 4 years
dallon at the end of the leave me alone music video:
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dallydaily · 4 years
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day #89
sʀᴄ -📸
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maddogmp3 · 4 years
My Tellex theory: its robots
so im just gonna use this to chuck some ideas me and my friend had on facetime about _SRCHPRTY_’s latest video diary that sent me into a rabbit hole of thinking: what if the iDKHOW lore is that dallon and ryan are androids? i’ll be starting my essay with a quick timeline for the music videos (or at least the ones with dates attached...)
Do It All The Time - 1964
Social Climb - 1975(ish)
Choke - 1980(ish)
Nobody Likes The Opening Band - 1983
Modern Day Cain - 1983
now, let’s look at the themes from these music videos. “do it all the time” is about robots/machinery making music. both of their movements are very stiff, one might even say unnatural. “social climb” is a propaganda film about fitting it with posh, rich people and winning them over to be your friends. “choke” is the band performing in a club on a TV show, something mirrored in “modern day cain.” sandwiched between them is “opening band,” where the two perform at a talent show and receive less than stellar reviews.
my thinking goes like this:
do it all the time: Tellex creates robots that can create music with some sort of sinister goal that involves infiltrating the music industry. the iDKHOW-droids are good musicians, but not good at pretending to be humans. leading to...
social climb: the iDKHOW-droids are sent to controlled parties where their AI can learn how to be, well, social. they learn how to move in a more natural way and maybe even some basic conversation skills. it’s a very lengthy process teaching androids how to look and act human, hence there being such long gaps between the music video dates here. this takes us to...
choke: a new musical duo is introduced to the public via the European show “Pop Time Live.” their episode doesn’t air tho because they can’t “properly pantomime to their own song.” well, of course they can’t pantomime to their own song, that wasn’t part of their programming! the iDKHOW-droids are sent back to Tellex for a little more testing before going back to the public.
nobody likes the opening band: finally, the iDKHOW-droids are successfully programmed! they sing, they dance, they play the bass and the drums and are ready to be the perfectly engineered pop stars that the world needs! however, the public doesn’t like them. maybe they don’t like the music, maybe this particular town they were in knew about Tellex’s plan and didn’t approve. dallon gives the ghost an “oh well” look, and things keep moving.
modern day cain: at last, Tellex gets their perfectly programmed boys on TV! there might still be a bug or two to work out, but it’s time at last to introduce them to the public as the new hit musical duo, ready to take over the world... one kiss at a time.
this theory explains the recurring theme of ryan looking very deadpan in all the videos--his AI learned human cues a little differently than dallon’s did. this also explains their photoshoots theme of simply staring off into space--they’re turned off. we can also tie the ghost into it--Tellex can’t send an employee out with them to monitor their battery life, so it sends another droid with them. it also explain’s _SRCHPRTY_’s point of them looking the exact same in all of the tapes. they’re robots, they can’t physically age.
if anyone else has any points they’d like to add, feel free!! i’ll reply to as many as i can.
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chemicalarospec · 4 years
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Made this early in the summer. Hadn’t loved a song this much in a long time. Still one of my favourites.
edit: wow i see what ya’ll mean about tumblr killing quality. if you click it’s way better.
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dallonqs · 6 years
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idkbecks · 5 years
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spookymovie · 5 years
Netflix and chill? Oh Noel and cry
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cyncity2000 · 5 years
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Hi yeah Dallon excuse m e
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