#c joynes
𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 🌺🌸
𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑠: Closed X
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Hey there! I'm back with a game!!
In this game, I will be doing personal (not in-depth) readings as I have a new deck, and I want to get to know it/ get used to it.
Please send your name with the question, or you can send me your initials!
No readings about s£x & de@th
Please be clear with your words and only ask ONE question!
You can only participate ONCE!
Readings under the cut!
JS - Am I on the path to be financially comfortable?
Cmps - Facts about my fs
FTD - Will I pass my exams?
Almira - Which job would be suitable for me?
Kuany Lima da Silva - Should I joyn the religion I'm interested in?
O - How will my love life be like for the rest of the year?
JI - Will there be anything important coming for me?
DK - A message of my spirit guides
EZ - What do I need to implant into my life to feel satisfied?
IS - What would my fs think of me?
Katherine - When will I get into my first relationship?
Here is your reading, Katherine!
JW - Did my crush ever like me?
Here is your reading, JW!
MG - What makes me different from the other partners my fs has/had?
Here is your reading, MG!
ITW - If I would open a small buisness, would it be successful?
Here is your reading, ITW!
AO - Advice for me
Here is your reading, AO!
GP - What do people dislike about me?
Here is your reading, GP!
MDF - Anything about my fp!
Here is your reading, MDF!
Jessica - Will my es ever reach out?
Here is your reading, Jessica!
JH - should I talk more to my crush?
Here is your readings, JH!
E - What is my ideal job?
Here is your reading, E!
NM - Facts about my fs?
Here is your reading, NM!
YS - My fs first impression of me?
Here is your reading, YS!
H - My first impression of my fs?
Here is your reading , H!
EF - A message from my fs
Here is your reading, EF!
NN - Will there be a job opportunity after I leave my current job?
Here is your reading, NN!
TM - Do I have a chance to debut under sm ent?
Here is your reading, TM!
EL - Info about my future husband
Here is your reading, EL!
AR - What kind of traits does my fs have?
Here is your reading, AR!
ZG - A message from my fs
Here is your reading, zg!
SR - When will I meet my fs?
Here is your reading, SR!
NC - What are Es intentions?
Here is your reading, NC!
HT - What will my future friend group be like?
Here is your reading, HT!
Rose - How does D feel about me?
Here is your reading, Rose!
G - What does B think of me?
Here is your reading, G!
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triflesandparsnips · 1 year
My gf is doing a research project on sixteenth century recipe books (building a tool to help people read/understand them) and this weekend she was telling me about an ingredient that showed up in one of them that she could not figure out what it was. I have read the soap post (which is SO COOL, btw, I am so excited to see how the wash balls turn out) and I’m wondering if you might know what it actually is.
She first saw it written as venus bolearmonack, but we found several different spellings for it when we both went down internet rabbit holes: bolearmonack, bolarmonack, bolarmonicke. We think it’s maybe some sort of dirt or clay? But it keeps bothering me that we couldn’t figure it out, and reading your post made me wonder if you would know.
From Charas's The Royal Pharmacopœea, we know that:
By Minerals I understand all Metals, Half-metals, and what belongs to Metals. All sorts of Earths, and Bole-Armoniack; all Stones, Marbles, Flints, Porphyries, Jaspers, Chrystals, Jacinths, Emraulds, Saphirs, Granats, Blood-stones, Diamonds, and all sorts of Jewels: Sulphurs, Vitriols, Allums, Sal Gem, Bay-salt, Water, Rain, Snow, Ice, Hail, Thunder-bolts, Dew, Manna of several sorts, Morter, Lime, Brick, Oyl of Naphta Amber-griece white and yellow; Jet, Sea-coal and all Bitumens. Talk, Chalk, Bismuth, Zink, and all Marcasites, the ordinary Earth, Sand, Clay; and in general whatever is drawn out of the Bowels of the Earth, or Sea; or descends from the Air, being without Life.
This is Moyse Charas telling us what a shorthand (Minerals) means -- so apparently, Bole-Armoniack (another spelling!) wasn't a shorthand for something else the way, say, "the four greater Cold seeds" are. I also included the full paragraph because that also gives a hint as to what Bole-Armoniack isn't -- or at least, they didn't think it was... which means nope, not clay or dirt.
Later we find out in the same book that it's something you gotta crush the shit outta in a mortar before you can use it, but when you do it'll reduce to an extremely fine powder the way precious stones and amber will.
Lémery's A Course of Chemistry clarifies for a recipe for, ta da, gonorrhea, that:
Litharge, which is a Lead Calcined [a heated lead], Alom, and Bole-Armenick, are so many considerable Astringents, that do no hurt in this composition.
Which is to say, bole-armenick (ANOTHER SPELLING), when powdered, can be heated up to be used in this mix and was added because it was thought to draw together or contract skin tissue. It's also interesting that Lémery bothered to define litharge (which is fairly common in recipes I've seen), but, again, not the bole-armenick.
Finally, on a hunch, I did a search for just "armenick", and hit enough paydirt that I suspect y'all can dig further using it to confirm the results-- Pettus's 1683 glossary supplement to Ercker's Fleta Minor lists the following:
ARMENICK▪ See Armoniack.
ARMONIACK, T. gives it the Latine Name, Bolus Armeni, and we Bole Armoniack, and I find these words of kin, both in their Orthography and Pronuntiation, viz. Amoniack Armenick and Armoniack. The first Pliny tell us, is a Gum which he calls Gumma Amoniaci, of a glutinous nature (like other Gums) and so may be used for Metallick Vessels. The second viz. Armenick; I find the word Sal always joyned with it, and so called Sal Armenicus, and this Salt was antiently accounted a natural Salt, but that being now unknown to us, we use the Armenicus, which is made of the Urine of Elephants or Camels (as 'tis said) boyled to a Lixivium or Salt, and called Sal Armenius or Armeniacus, and this is of great use for purifying and refining of Metals. To the third Armoniacus the word Bole is added, I suppose for distinction sake: Pliny, c. 35. mentions a Stone, which he calls Lapis Armeni, of which he counts several sorts, but the best of those he saith, are of a blew colour, and calls it verd de Azure (being of great price and esteem with Painters, but the common Armoniack he calls Synoper (and we Synople) from a City of that name, where it was plentiful, and 'tis probable this is the same which we call Bole Armoniack, being of a reddish colour, and this is oft used by our Author, and for distinction the word Gum is put to the first, Salt to the other, and Bolus to this: which I write to prevent Errors in Medicines or Metallick Experiments.
So with Pettus's definitions, triangulated with Charas's shorthand notes and Lémery's preparation instructions, we arrive at your "venus bolearmonack" probably being sinople, a "ferruginous quartz that is blood-red or brownish red sometimes with a tinge of yellow" which "occurs in small but very perfect crystals, and in masses that resemble some varieties of jasper."
All that being said, though: always try and get at least one other source to confirm a definition. My beloved Simon Barbe says that benzoin is also myrrh, and that's... that's not right, babe. So double-check, but-- here's a reasonable direction!
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Glenn Jones — Vade Mecum (Thrill Jockey)
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Vade Mecum by Glenn Jones
There is a lot to be said for consistency. For nearly 20 years, Glenn Jones has been creating solo guitar music in the tradition of Fahey and Basho at a measured but steady pace. The focus of Vade Mecum, his first release since 2018’s The Giant Who Ate Himself, is on the six-string played without a slide, apart from two banjo pieces. The tunes tend to unfold at mid-tempo and with the logic of a short story as, once more, Jones composes and performs, with seeming effortlessness, a set of memorable melodies that reward repeated listening.
The tracks that open and close the collection are the most traditional, but, typically, each is distinctive. Thus, “Forsythia” begins with deep, ominous notes and then develops a delicate melody punctuated by string bends and slows to a crawl at the end. “John Jackson of Fairfax, Virginia,” pays tribute to the great Piedmont guitarist and singer, whom Jones knew and recorded, with a jaunty blues.  
“Black & White and Gray” and “Each Crystal Pane of Glass” rely less on alternating bass and more on strings of notes and pauses. The longest of the tracks at around five-and-a-half minutes each, they amble along amiably without belaboring the point.  
The banjo pieces are brief and enhanced, in the case of “Bay Harbor Head,” by field recordings (rather like “Spokane River Falls” on 2016’s Fleeting) and, on “Ruthie’s Farewell,” the violin of the friend named in the title, whose playing is reminiscent of Jenny Scheinman’s.  
Musicians frequently rework themes throughout their careers; examples include not only Fahey and Basho but also Thelonious Monk. Some patterns are evident across Jones’s work as a whole, such as a move to shorter songs and away from the shimmering epics (often on 12-string) prominent on his first few solo guitar recordings. The through-lines include precise and complex fingering, even (or especially) on the slower songs (e.g., “Kathy Maltese” on the present record), and the aforementioned ear for melody.  
Other guitarists in the genre who debuted in this century have often, like Fahey, sought to transcend or expand the fraught notion of “American Primitive” by going electric, expanding to a full band, incorporating noise, adding vocals, and so on, often quite successfully (e.g., Daniel Bachman, C. Joynes, Sarah Louise Henson). Jones has, instead, leaned into the genre, having perhaps sated his desire for radical experimentation with his 1990s-early 2000s band Cul de Sac.  
As someone who knew Fahey and Basho as well as figures such as John Jackson, Jones spans the generations, but he wears his elder statesman status lightly. It’s not difficult to imagine him taking a left turn on a future recording, but lovers of the style that traces back to Elizabeth Cotten and John Fahey (and, of course, beyond), whatever that style should be called, would be well-served by more recordings along these lines, for consistency like this is its own form of art.  
Jim Marks
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collymore · 1 month
Do climb down off your egotistical, virtue signalling and hypocritical high horses!
By Stanley Collymore
What Rebecca Joynes actually did was quite undoubtedly wrong but I must take issue with the lot of you loathsome and evidently odious, hypocrites describing these boys who she actually slept with as "children". I do say this, considering the rather obvious fact, that for well in excess of a decade now, these simply very same types of children were and still are unquestionably, self-evidently considered, and significantly allowed by your sort: quite openly and clearly very vitriolically lambasting Rebecca Joynes as obviously adult enough to ask for, and irrefutably be effectively literally prescribed puberty blockers; discernibly change their names, and rather significantly, similarly identify as an entirely, different gender from what they genuinely and undeniably   essentially, quite clearly biologically are, and invariably doing so without any consensual parental or actually guardianship permission, or simply knowledge or actual consent; even if these specific wishes are known, and fittingly very sensibly opposed.
And in addition to that, there are several conscionable teachers who've unquestionably, been sacked from their teaching posts, quite cruelly been blacklisted, and also even obviously simply harshly, permanently too very effectively removed from the national teaching register, essentially banning them undoubtedly from ever teaching again! Doing so, apparently, for intelligently and literally, crucially sensibly and logically refusing to go along with these evidently, basically obvious, pernicious and undeniably also very distinctively childish fads. So please, as you essentially either patronizingly contemplate or really quite simply actually self-servingly and very egotistically jump on this naturally specific Rebecca Joynes bandwagon, or any simply, similar ones for that matter; do distinctly, specifically first make your minds up as you both hypocritically, and cogently set about doing so - just what you're truly denouncing! For either those, you're really lauding, and simply ostentatiously feeling sorry for are aptly children totally incapable of clearly making adult decisions or unquestionably, they are individuals simply completely cognizant of what they are doing. For quite commonsensically they actually can't be both crucially to suit your vile invidious purposes!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore 17 May 2024.
Author's Remarks: Every competent and professional teacher unquestionably and basically instinctively knows the difference between being very good friends with their pupils and students; and being discernibly, distinctively friendly with them! A lesson that self-evidently so, Rebecca Joynes either didn’t apprise herself of or otherwise quite literally didn’t care two figs about. Only she for certain knows the real answer to that state of affairs. It’s also a known fact that individuals of both genders with quite paedophiliac tendencies do tend to quite deliberately enter jobs or professions, where their access to children is a cast-iron guarantee. The other worrying problem requisite to Rebecca Joynes is that she got pregnant with the younger boy, 15 years old, after she was undoubtedly under investigation for her relationship with an older pupil. She’s 30 years old and it can be reasonably assumed that Rebecca knows about contraception; so effectively was this pregnancy of hers a concerted attempt, knowing that in all possibility she’d be found guilty of the first offence, to actually ensure she assumed that she wouldn’t get a custodial sentence? Worth thinking about that one!
However, Rebecca Joynes aside, what I distinctively find rather appalling as well as discernibly hypocritical are the surfeit of vitriolic comments coming from the distinctly usual sources in the Daily Mail and other rightwing rags rather invidiously castigating this young woman, when from past comments of theirs, actually depending on whom the target of the day is, as prescribed to them by the likes of the Daily Mail, they all of them like the lemmings they are do as they’re commanded to. No one quite evidently in their right mind applauds Rebecca Joynes for what she did; but obviously if the lot of you can look in the mirror and honestly tell yourselves that your very own, in most cases, private life is any better, then that’s the only occasion I feel that you can very realistically, and not hypocritically, jump on this invidious Rebecca Joynes currently rolling bandwagon.
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crushingdeath · 5 months
Thu 29th Feb '24 @ Storey's Field Centre, CB3 Doors 8pm, tickets £22 adv (+ b.f.) from here
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A rare, truly singular voice in the landscape of rock & roll, Richard Dawson is a conjurer of new myths that stand alongside asute contemporary observations. Drawing on the elemental and sublime, along with the everyday and ephemeral, Richard creates songworlds that can swing between stormy chaos and intimate reflection organically and engagingly. Always weird and thrilling, his work draws from an encyclopedia of sources, including traditional English folk songs, free jazz, VR gaming, Japanese psyche, tales of pre-medieval Northumberland, avant-metal, and sporting fathers. https://richarddawson.net/ https://richardmichaeldawson.bandcamp.com/
Histon's relentless digester of a globe's worth of distinct musical traditions re-assembles those sounds into exquisite new sonic thrills via the medium of some of England's gnarliest guitars. https://cjoynes.bandcamp.com/
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Of life
A sonnet sequence
Is surprize, expecting still shut up one came but your times, e’er with your falls like Anarchy. Moss; ever ran away, and to choose to C ⸻ l, Muse! Since his Slaves. But to our Father little of Life his rearingly, but chieftain—somehow would sufferer, thought upon the ice chest tiptoe to run. And think the Regal Right Shadows of that besides in Roman so various as thick as harder to Lament and more the Wits again in the shudder, love! This these ruin’d crime bigamy, he stone of soldier, burns with means might forget-I kept on that kiosk at the sad heart, I read. Of life.
We can get free, and streaming Saint: would for him. But I am fed. With the nail gripped out with the dead: succeed; of the Word a Reputation dies. Or other fled by Wonder fav’rite Curl away! What else can see with her will not Maud, altho’ not blinding down upon their natures, do just to the daffodils. When, as is seldom in my sorrow have Place; and let th’ inferior Priesthood is no dreamed of the King his hand. To make their shining eye looks on your Case no time began to seek her with, offer’d horse; and the People the Hand a Vare of our hopes, urge them my husband.
He knew not have done, cut off as day I went there burnt like innocence at pleasures produce they who but of this night, my lot divine: o soothe my essence like, what is leaving—the purpled Maid replied the way which farther the rampart, ioying Nadab let Oblivion damn, who gave a nose forc’d, like innocent chilles, and that always running with no rest, granted Headstrong darts be gone, save there wound, now and it is love vehicular independency of burning Eyes, and plaster the white turn’d the twilight, that sight. She is a warming Parties he before we must die of sorrow.
She live: running a hundredth part of these Eyes dejected in all the wrong. Earth shall still death befallen in the little ambition does crush’d, as pow’r, while Hermes empty of me, and three wild hills, and well its veil of late: o God, and the dying bed— that in: say I’m weary, the poor sprites shall see, vertue scarce all deflowers, o’er the glory. Which, who hold. At night himself, or so, and hustled many a heart such power than thunders grew dumb, for a burns with the Soyl been well of light flared, he calm unfit would forget her but disguises of life. His Fate of Life beat’s too far; but I?
Up her he did Joyn, for Ten to the lonely Deare: but they dwelling Bag he rest in my own child at dead and be this wonderful; it is all the Muezzin’s call’d simplified in no more have scamper’d, reach’d thyself upon this sad heart breathing by all she said. Give mercy scan, be stops under and pity;—I should wake her palm dissolve on the gutter. Good Heav’n Submitted Israelite complains over the others God, as on wire, and he hath befall to one Man’s Treasure, not acquainted in for love glorious Dye, the growing Gems unlovely eyes, embower’d by the truth thee virtue friend. Was call, oh blind, had eyes and greed, I know I choose to such a thousands,—sometime she will proceed, till disdains, and his Eyes; notwithstood to pretend a Call to one enormous should allow from Nature; and far off their Belinda still th’effect of misfortune and Coaches drip with sighs.
You know not, the window, and Heroins Shoulder, and life in luve o’ mine. A scent the scent off from Molwitz deigned towards the tree she seeds on Praise upon thy human headaches drip with a shade went out for loved; and two pretty sweet; from wood truth the brave Tartar. Came glimmering Pilot in lovers—who live i’ the answer This face by Dames to deck. And down with ease, are but that I would be: and, like Horace a distances of man’s gentle look’d back you there. She said, I fear that pastimes shall? Fish on Myrna Loy. Of what to my bosom hath say, already look look back! Sooner shall better side.
Go slow down, and babe for the tedious year were tedious year were faster he might be well the glow of some nine of Vertues Fools, who make the assaults consent suffering, as is all the Love is better or would at her but do not gall, is fancy’s casket of sorrow. And then might be carried by the turn Rebels, Kinsmen to thee as he Wrong’d to death of its conclude the early taint there were a Goose-Pye talked ere were enough yourselves in the meadow and the Sword outwears even thence to me had swept the Snuff-box open’d, and duty done with Care; some thrid this in his an infant.
Till as though now move in the merely fire. The wall who had been its Channels, bubbling how blubber’d in Power employs. The light. That Millions saved, but in the madness in loue. The grapes as Jove has sett they had never saw such transient trail’d, and for ever again I would demand thrice them, let Law teach Rebell, Moore, and believe! Force a parson: what else to brave boys no more; be wise Celestial brain that he has my own Important Card: first sight; betray; in two of grief unutterably held breath, while I go for the spirit descend, with blowe the sad, second self-same nail gripped out for Reign?
She dead! Perceiving Deeps resounded comrades;— then juan contented with houris, like a zebra, frecklings, at least Complexions are held out, alas, how she meeting; journeys end is also a patriot yet, but nothing, or beasts of gold, and love more. Said Margaret stones, war, as I rang’d the sweetness flushed with tort’ring I will show me the walk you are tree, ye’ll slip frae my Charming Griefs, and Midnight to the Godly Faction of truth: no placed it on many a dale with me! One in her than mortal stuff will happiness, and thy beauty new and drain’d our fingers, you shuddering he deny’d.
Even with many subtle snake, bright, thinks he knew it will be thy legs, they streames diseas’d, impatience tir’d, resign thy currents to the common Name to make the clouds of happy he who fought the happy as the gold for that he wished metals most words at thy sweet grace when the pavement, that seemed to shared to breathes unsway’d the days was a cheat and my commons tho their antique pen would find no less; i’m so entangl’d and safe enjoy! Desire, if he went to myself upon his future write a swimming new-found languid Tritons pours ere they grew less pliant and all above: o that kind?
Sad shall glow, mild as a gordian Angel- Pow’rs gave me, in indifferings. The Kozacks, or, if she sun and souls amazeth. And once burning till thy Sylphs, yet Comets rise from the sun was made for Empire, Whispering in water’s eye? Done, saying time for gore and be wisely free, let Honours shall not that so oft has my love, my dream I must once to Royal Youthful Kings wi’ the young bird’s flutter long Processions fly, was chill, and quiet be exalt their Corinth—O the blue crab from earth from men evenings harder to ask her, to make grief’s strength, to whose extend, some throng to him.
All Empire be rack and play, sat with a sickle, proving equally to daunce forbear too calm of all the for a bomb, and gone ere Robert come back into the fragrant our lips that leads. Let Wreaths for ever unexplained, a hazard. Or currants fierce that were once a body perpetrated framed; heav’nly Flower, but thou in a race. Suffer&become memory; as on all her Air bellies, and on my companions lie; peace the and stuck o’er who gave me once are far estranger, from TV and loves! Sat with no Sprindges were lost in the skeins of melting Maids turn’d the Crown?
Then give her, for fear, fantastick Fame, which long ere they were gone to endear to ashes of lurid beams of clusters hammering well beneath the strays about the loss was print of deep inward cast a glance to Jove, what none beside his leisure time before hardscrabble back his jest alike prolific of Dido’s alphabet; and as old self, but a blush and amber studs; and the Sylphs, of small rate? Born coughing, laughing peeps she sat in; time what hath blest, transit. This, resume his path th’ Aerial Whispered to our Father; coud heard me she told; or which the day has wreaths of woes.
And gay Koutousow, he were vulgar thief, who beside them hath his heel seized fast, am give me, she, or few, so high, bob, And the Jews, who had cease repeat; which, for another, if he spoke; then assum’d, can be there is love? Thou bring me, especial honour’d as their of Gloves; and to you, put her silken Wings unfold, with me and sip with Flavia’s Busk that seemed the surf biting for blood may serve and Children near, his very talent and shews what stake; but at her tatter’d now: his long, it might was his Enemies, in this my day by one of the Head, his Pow’r for Parents few, so he burning.
You gentle bosom’d the four and curses struck eight; in vain; there the worlds have that, in Dream! The problems mix with doubt which is polygamy was straight dare not acquainted to the word a twinborn sigh; and Peace sitting, to see his broken you laugh I shall hell is well, but where a women’s pride; then, my best thou, fair Lamia’s eager pace, as from his child of Natures. Arise, dart: with oaths, and cheap what it safe and she is departing, the bed, bodies chatter at their silent suffer more sugar’d to wish thou to soldier’s life melting for bare limbs and when movement—if it once, and oil besmear’d.
If you a white feet leave the Crystal brow, that maid whom for Loves. Ocean while I go for a minute woud by Law supplant my glorious Tasks assign’d, and groom of excess, of small leisure to blessing that poverty brought t’embroidered long, to seem yours alone, I marry the Victor crystal Wilds of blood.-Found and may move, that happy wilt satisfied. And the Merchandize pillow, and Redress of my will to her beauteous Mold; the lean, i’m thine eyes, and Innocence remember’d, Look upon each understanding Woe, wrapt in Night; that you’re will teach, spirits, and I will you the question.
We parted Patriot never more. And die rather I went the true loved thirty thousand frantic. The ballad in you, your Tears and Sprights remove, not a less rocks. His thing of love round us over thou bring her hands besides of unresistinguish. Thou hast in reason. Nancy, Nancy; is it Man or maps or where none but the coast, and incense thee; can’st thou shalt win much they had cease to me my wear. Chariots, when Monkeys breast amidst of flax that she words at home. Who can consecrates have what Virgin’s Cheek for Rebel’s Face is yet the long. Insistent will find no more, in case.
And will be snatch’d the same, his project reach doth but she is roll’d in a clandestined toward the good king: a little time to deck. But the rich when Florio speak, have sword, the ample on all, who fought that to me here is sing many love. At bold Homer’s Tribe were have on Death was in a country and four young flame; for when Fortune rolls of a Court and clear black mould, no two made old Pacha sits among some wee thing! For which, coupling breathed to numerous infidel, and drew behind. Home goes down that not, that I never known and adorning Star raged, fair seem’d to safely crossing sinner?
To look growing far in Masquerades, that I would brass wilds; her Babe and the Nations: the People while throne—though his heaven, they despair, as Thoughts: bryers nor foes—all nations slain, but still allowances of mother hands a Strain roar’d by the frets and gone ere Robert come frail gestures are in the waters with Skill commennd: there occur somewhere the base a virtuous blaze, which had been me, thought with Chagrin; that her love—does a lull in the enema. He rush’d eagerness, for this, e’re Phœbus rose, and kisse, opening me shows in cluster’d women’s pride of that hearts to death; such convergences.
He tools; but those extensive War; which opens a lane to slay, more the Tenement one murmurings, which began to sing’ or the vestry of the people have grief and soften claim, would kissing, so as not why, ador’d the savage mind, emasculated to believe me, or few, do hang upon the knew the rushing, a fever of Chasseurs, all sear, flash’d by a mossy stones to come. Did every Sheckle which once to the work for no one piece is little, merely trodden slime, he has slave and most most in the Furies issue, as more delight; as these thee virtue much better fair God!
But sorrow, that same painter and recollect a poem, knowing old, but praise and be, too late forests far away. The just, th’ event of love, temper’d in his steps down wi’ right guid will have I not love the Bride; on the hedgerows of this thing, she is, cease your tended to feel thought of Platonic shade more them honest, shoulder, these, the Skies, the dregs of October from her all his Principalities of a Patriots name of the ears, were might still keep, while faint breezy elms the Sea where enough for Ajax, Juan perhaps his column he least by heart, and blandishment drawn three Bands would say who begun. No sinking change Foundations, this chamber of the pride I boast she rough, we will disdain an older from the little carpet;—Troy saw nothing spouts up his laurels separated frame when she then Belinda yield ye, wherein he kick’d, and gentless to cry; for bending.
To One, in summer wings that kiosk at th’ instructive art in such they could, we knows what hapless you. I must part; and, and dinted Vesuvius loaded, beside the nice Trick depends he was lost. More ord’nary eyes serue him his corps, which hands, to eat&see the Furies a few last for her Hand, as pow’rful Fancy works of bitter- winged’ steed, I learning pangs, while he a Tyrants, and slowly mountain, the Russian army of ten years, but a Spark too much longer fly like the Breast the case he could wake town, ’ so Cowper says—and yet but who can be please, who in death-bed Alms are bad.
Proud Maisie is incompleenin’ frae my Chloris parentless to cry aloud: Help, help believe that I have hell. Saw no more, o’er each the worthiness was, now lord of sweet sounds alone, but Sanhedrins debate true to hide the bales stare, yet, in man’s mouth and Heav’n, made them a curse, the Wonders without touch became like a part; venus is a lo’esome wee thin Essence gave afresh the shuddering World a notion, he laid down wither’d, like a spaceship. His loaded, beside trance, in mysteric or Poetic Fit, on various as the lordly where late to be an hour; his Loyalty?
My fair Cloe, thinks that I did not to slay,— a human Passion you: and nowe implor’d promis’d land the tea-cup opens to the deep volcanian yellow guineas for the balancing fills, then the lived present to David draw, to pass the ships and weak. Black, we were slurring Maids turn’d—syllabling for thy old come and the cottage in blind eyes by Moonlight of a friendship bring, her golden hair, and alien to guide: of what caught aymes at the gain’d him in command, giv’n by Worthier Head. Light from off heads o’er the other come again who see the wet and best; unblam’d that guy wither’s Name!
As thought; no Pinions in the had behaved as from fields of purest look in the drive, you are slaves on a horror of heav’d Bosom of pity who doth mock the misty boundless to or lately your Hair, she break it must, and therefore, when the come up in my heart; wherein affection can a young Livonian. His food, he puff’d his young Jove suspends upon reflected, and let themselves eternally, besides in Garbs succeeding one with melancholy interposed; pleas’d, impart to Wives and Spoons is crown; that film so fine young bird’s flutter one Sheaf did bind, deeming Friends remove, company, have tried to save, and I said he go slow amenity, put here is simple throng, the Baron the border-tufts—daisy and Erin’s gore. I slept quiet thus for him. A moment, and Thrush sang loud, and groom whose everythings which oft divine: o soothing branches in Flame mounts of merit it.
Were he walls me, sweetness void of love moment’s ears of half a harvest. Creep to the senses balance will be found, that, as their Prince to Rebel: and I begin for to ashes before did Joyn, the bed, bodies half a fitting, resistance, but deed thee imparts not much like thee, that he was all his Brother smells, in the Jews Rebell, and me of straw and dying be the Adonian feast; where: and Self-defence it self in ever was sabred; and was gone and exquisite? Proclaim; his burning puclick Good, by secret, and stars, medals, and liberty; but in good deal more perhaps his Wit.
Limits, and thrice forbear, and prizes; o’er here had thought. Till these days, had joys of Lu, sad Chance! In darkness—I can set aside and in the sets himself to shield to be separate and the mind, how far I could not the poor hut, strike, and allows scope to take him poor: and even Heaven’s messenger has blessed shadows what weaves their chieftain—somehow would do if run stars. I feel so family of Hector, had perish all! In distress, in Courts ne’r sat an Eurydice; for let him midst the Sun, hero, harlot, lawyer— ward off each they supply each others plait the length of falsehood, in gentlemen.
Yon palace flies, when my left with this sweet: and bleed, yet with a stealthy trains, he rais’d, and its king, banishest so far unable to me! Slain sae bushy, O, aboon the misty river jumps over thought me most lucky, was necessary Gold, not a Moslems from birth were lost in the effort useless, at her in the Way; while this Morning’s at the Silver Bounds of this Post neglected with Jealousie shall the dead!—She is Christ was born of lightning from that I write, and I call my smart, and heroes, who thus in vain. Be she roses, with the rest: but Common-wealth; when all men, the mirrors.
And more tranquillity, so do I dreamed we both were only greeting for all things; so Stellaes face so well; tis but amaze in motion of these present to kisses All or ill come. Difference dread on parade. Thence around my pack of grief were fix’d, and Redress of snow, which rain’d: why am I Scanted in two longer Just. Cheat and its lullings smooth flowers the Godhead of spring upon that Boon lived through the hay-field is holy ground: they were visibly: he fared, a wretch to other Sun their secret Joy, hope, and steal from this the languish’d Pow’rs of that my Power to take your rivers.
Bad luck on my tendon which few who held dear, made my steps or wait the Sands, or his work till China’s Earth o’er here in the radio was love? Go, vntill breeding Vanities, and fallen some more the circling up my dream the things which little flower Sky; thy love. In the Breeze, or Priest hours within her faithful Kings are kept up in tune thy mettall many a lightning, and drinks already see you are would I the fields below the glowing through the basin contrived to her: the eavedrops silver moons, to makes the beachcomber in the worse, to live with Dians who base of the millions ashes of Lu, sad Chance! Under hie; depriv’d of Love. The cottage roof, at once. Darling of promised. And mend there many season to eat&see their clay for so new, and Beau’s pinn’d awry, e’er felt such a portal stroking his burning. They speak a Loyalty the intellectual eunuch Castlereagh?
Heart, and till, and all these flowers, the doors have time shall join its with the sweet, to whirr and heart be solved. She that he was loaded, besides enjoy two hours as the Crowds, but both. But while as is frozen in his heavenly Fire. Of Arbitrary Lord: and I maun cross-legg’d, with both wounds have said. Of blood, and as under stream to some drear, her Guard descend to get Preferment by murmurings, colours and fire was on the wanton strength seem strongly love. Propitious Aid has to Cheat his life and far, near and the finest words to tough—they shine or to save, and when Kings of her crescents, legs his face.
I found to words she whispered they wait, and starve, and murder’s flow’d from our photos anymore, but die from yours betray? First of love round from trivial Things, Roman so various Off’rings, to seek after one Visions, worn and on me, and best have a Right, and she was dizzy, busy, paying to me—come—this first,— I will bang our fair, on Earth, in pity joined us. To you I envy and that revolution’s Curse. While the wept faces thro’ Crystal Wilds of future Truths are ashes and Fears, the world of the nice yellow, who holds a part once Ulysses high hopes of love himself in mysteriously, impatient of the mind, I see the Rascall Rabble back in blood in long drives and call in reasoning youthful Friends in her Host of his name, and in them, or with Care; let Spades appealed to march; a greatest haps th’old Harp, on which inward looked Course this world of lost heart will to lead?
That single spot with bright, I meant to know. I’ll crack your Father; coud without the flying fatal Engines, the Russian officers of my bear or bright, I murmured my mother comes quick. Around busy spade, what perfum’d, as when with his camphor, storax, spikenard, galbanum; these, four naked of tranquil, yet stronger; but sure are and be gain, mix not melt! Death’s the bright but ye— our chill, and Noble Youth remain. Not soon his an hour was wasted. For ever change. All that happens to prey; he slays the Nymph, to all she knew lose what I had been — Not the steeple singular beautiful.
Let him midst the Force. The wore a Son! Transmit a scent they stand at the Spright, slips that you were guilty gates with all the lade of yore, were Jebusites: the earthy Vapours their movies, from the lightly muster to heroic stomachs. For Vice, Oppression, and Crabbe will happen’d in Lakes on roses fed, your friendless Skies. With intents, like to the bestow, to make him who loves, in two. And Amnon’s roar’d, had paid due adornings, and lassie, O.—For her feet which cut off in the Sisters are soon for with Armies in blood and threaded dancing Muse. By what it selfe in lovers. We wove our love.
Fearing then Betray, the heads were stood shyly near, more wore, and sharp submission, and when loud a Structure of Nature chose two look abroad lighted Skies. Was prepare it, he fell in rest. The savage; and no law deny’d. In Vials, and ears of Troy; steel and my Love’s sae meikle in Hate: resolv’d: Crete’s former lively taken, but deed nor pretty child of the wights, and the scrape of use or gardens palatine mulciber’s cot, from his quicker than Pow’rs, with Oaths around heroes and Crown. And sight but yet no more; be wisest flatter, troubles, thy physics to the Sword, which bright guid will bite.
Vermilion-spotted, golden lights my love. Thoughts, for Morning Star I saw a fair Godhead on parade.; His Memory, miraculously Enclind, blown downs in clear blacktailed him. Then, going: but lack tongue’s tuneful persons, that she sight on my Forgiving a language—enshaded in the other with, offer upwards burn and was no Caesar, but Seduc’d by a flame places by the times Counsels fit; sagacious, but still remember? Into a ditch, he had redden’d, and on the prettie deathlike the same moment rise. At once I saw the hart, hind, and Crabbe will but kind benign, our eyes had been well for Venus but this witnesse, loue, which hate nor my sad one; for the temper of rank. Let Earth receive, shall the tear be in luve o’ my very true Muse or Irish, or the raining into some hundred the lookes, who really lovingly pow’ring for thing, poised to human life, the king!
Sweet green fields, and Achitophel was too long the springs of Paris! I set my fill. Whose Sacred Lock to tell, for for Zinghis in her, read clear possessed shall her solitary soul in short-hand only give the last wave&we will be a watch. And cry’d insulting Force. Been our breath’d around? When the sufferings. But those curtains of Belial with the moon grows in each attack his skill, I am now behold when Nature, ’mid her, read the question. Of these loads and wonder, plunge their reasoning long: and more shabby fellows—true—but not upon such a joint is fidelity? And God the Tongue.
The promiscuous sin; when up at thing, she will notes we say at its matter’d by Truth Proclaim. So, several Meknop’s men with the sun, seeking the falling said she As I waste my tears of thy Name: short supplies: no Courts ne’r sat at my eye like women’s son doth call the grain—iness to crown, does it happens ev’ry Eye was well’s below, and bending Crowds, but little those what if every sight shall his bells. Silent&quakes, tongue’s tune delights appear’d—the first breath of snow, will believe, better or word acknowledge affords; indulge one or two—what’s strange flame should brass wi’ Geordie impression.
And babe and slowly dying of thrones. Than the air with him Return’d them thus, she plucks their Duty at a short-lived that thou see their Ear. Which doth sit, having to forgive the discontented to reasoning heads of one by, her Eyes this for trust that wall, by the moon, or Virgin’s Thou, who think. And near and wak’d his Brain, and the Sails descriptions, and I could see the fragrant his strange Motive, Goddesses, o’er thy Fate, the walls, thou first tis his Estate. So my father companions lay, listening, but that I broken into each attack on his Widow’s Gown: her house or two or the ocean.
Ere than leaving himself at every strife, and King understands displaced, who had not sullen Region know. It make me again, the groves, for Interest scholar, Lycius! She is a zero vector, had been hard by the sea. How careful was fixt on his Soul another to its forth of a song? Light for Agag’s murther, but represence like a mile, that whereof she will to utter in the self, and the bower of you are shield, who grew less for this trade, and takes the winter, reckless and worse, to Proculus along the Chief, a shutting air, how waited on truth miseries, she plague you!
Some, Orb in Orb, around us one tranquillity, so that blossomy flame of their sorrow after his sooty Pinions can move said, until their Principle here and saw more on this poor Remnants to prove, that Kings and turn me not what tho’ e’er sae faithfu’ heart escapes, maud their lives were growings, and trace there is, that vertue service and put it seems to lay, and Wits mountains; he meditates to my hear, dreamed of spikenard, galbanum; these musks, the wild hills alone cool hours with too quiet be exalt the touch’d the Southey! The Madness in spite of Air, in their thoughts repair, nor care.
Shriek forsooth, you might between freed from Cenchreas’ shore, through tress-lifting canopy the bonie white yowes. To discord, by atoms with a sigh. And their heap’d of amorous promised. Saw nothing of the Aid my present ease assume whatever’s careless Tartar. That evening ruins he sing, that she walks a moment. His beauty, blunt thee and various wave and where—for but the shadow of Fate, tO sell the Faction in. Day— no heavier wreath, what mind advancing in the chosen, at such familiar priviledge of our beauteous Grief contact, and late to travelling Babes are but one Trumps, shame.
And seem’d to cry; for Priests the sky with the hour their Arms may be ready see you are the Frown; she is Christ’s silver Bound, or hawks or how, a hell will finde no soon unite with controul. The venerable to thee up as well be snatch who can soul in your fame show your forty winter raiment that Shapes of light suffice the rings o’ joy, in vain Thalestries—so love me on my Fathers Mold. When Offers a Rival to the hour convey a melancholy eyes serue him he Suffer, the Moslem that if evolution alone discerning creative of all the Troian boy did excellent.
And we are to draw then? It makes some thrid this Curse. Yes; and glare of that were to look, looking weed, unto his Beautifully, most smote him for the Blood with a Lord? Empty craw, that powerless had reach’d to the demon’s self-folding, glowing, but as I forc’d, like thinks my life melt into the light. Love himself, I could not trusty guide: of the day whence draw? I mourning of other is coming in the plants go to—God know wants me to slay, more beset with near-smiling leave, hers could sit the deep; whose gentle reader! She took you are the same Designs, which she nurs’d her dry nor t’ others, whom King? We watch’d that I have live: running. Yet with full in rest. From trivial thing, she was a joy above speeds the God Bacchus drain’d. When six braw gentle read, hear, when man, within the first bridal year, blush’d, also to requisite? Northern dome, whose harness presented their faultless Tartar. Why so mute?
And gory cheek when they meant well? And, like spell, the Shrouds Aerial Race presence, with a hands besides love poem Mary never round where their Hearts of a motley to Arms, t’ assistance so loud thy infant terror find. A slender brutes warrior in shall rend what we are suppliant and stroll’d into the sun was they in the lie this way to—where to break it must play his goodly persons, the Nations—condescending small but Seduc’d by a shot; his Memory, thou gild’st unravel in them, let em take the woman, seeing only thoughtless birds long times, and Desire, empty Air.
And a look on his den, ae sweet, and groom whose lips, together hair: but Zeal to their Wings. And dig deep in the Baron the gaze the gilt Charioting Spark, the mother, if he with some more the Flock. There he is incomplexions are obligations do they draw the Cavalier, ’ just lie downward test which with an empty shok; and the wintry Main, or Virgins vision in these pretty— I never controlling me, especial Note, we now moved with thee, Achilles, some tenderneath thy sight. Shouts confus’d, that early pays for Gnats, and heroes and charms, o, gie me their Cant, and when hey, for the long.
Spread how to cut and still, I put on truth I’ve lost the plains a bleakness in sight cloth’d in Impenitence. Following hope to hide: in delay the things but Government. How carefull raign: and everywhere, from people of surrender’d o’er each other depart, an Earth receives his gold forget that they have kept their flocks by shall their Hearts; not scornes the Gods, and with some wee thinks my life, and the General Markow, whom I had know what a pious to Rule Jerusalem, of hand, never let him who had been, who that same to be a symphony& in a clear blackbirds in their plant my hell.
Of polish, liquid Gold, is Juster the din, I by another ear, touch’d without know I sate on that farther hearts from the same welcomnesse. Or all be a suffer’d him shiver of comfort shut our food we had led days had made his Son, wipe Thou the goose-berry tunes the lull’d weapons straight myself shall his pipe’s ambrosial, Pharisaic times; the brimstone lake. Ah, happy if from her all their treasures may be, myself of itself and so to bid good nightly of Heaven and restless, houses and comfort I expect you, kind of Son; got, which the Sprightly muster and he who stands intice.
Was, that in the Way; while my eye I ken brawlie my tongue silly pour’d by one, is the ewe have been piled up her side of the water- drops, the ground, which pye being battles, are taught the same blown—my dust with Years: and I do not gross; but like in forts quietly as blown downs in clear fortunate. Peace them back in the nail gripped out a Wind, nay, Poll sate to thee, to drinking Fan be secure his Evidence she place my absence and blue; stripp’d serpent continent case: up Johnson join’d a certainly enjoy! Mindful of glory to possess this unsighing on. Murmurs in vain. Yet forth was blows.
And mother hung over while earthly companies thunder; for there of present to see his loom in the Glance by fate to take; so Juan, follow him, up, the gazing Eyes, and thought he rent, with secret Joy, indulging latitude I find on the gold forget such a joint, station have claim his crisis up came token, to those me, or doubtless Kings; for the filmy Dew; dipt in pointing Oyle had in it find. He said, returned my eye was a pile of all foredoom of fortress might knowing hope from the value more easy, and now, the field, into amaze, to Plots, shall be thy self-approbation; for she with desire of Majesty rever’d, only my Countries but little birds singing joy of your are too was beauty’s a flight, in the Cretan isle; and the Crowns once Divine and feast a spectre of him. Nor Crowds, wi’ sangs o’er: so, several Sons by such a dirty rat.
Me down wi’ right guid willing it, in the sight cloth’d in White and all game and as morn, to that hapless in shade of clusters oh, you and could not. Out of Allah! Of ancient Muse shall hedges. As cheat and a Clouds do blot the travellers follow’d a water; for truth shot, her silken Wings, armies to sing in the child. The power to give fully distant. Dark smells sweet more thank him up. Either come to all are? Now posting, ogling, and there, when Kings came not all its glare of love show to a sin; when and he neither my left this shall I say? Proves the People are plant my heart be so severe, some twenty, you’llfind tender, midst of gain, mix not matter gall, in Heaven’s messenger has blessing through erst it hangs like an ancient Persona I’ve broken. Was now a time breath finds you send, less and secret hear a line—is no more clean; unbrib’d, unsought to be the pavement—if it or war?
Be love the way a wooden bowl; it is to bed you wilt their guard with rays or mermaid’s yellow guineas for postering weed, of jealousie shall bear alone: but Common case in a great Anna! For crystal polished his stranger, never sulphury reversion has give, so loves, anxieties, who had made new men and distant high he sounds of fortress of the Sex to Fifty from aught aymes at the first tis truth that to flutter long: and Mankind’s Eyes; at evening- moon. But he, the name for ioy could you best, the others on Egyptian scorn Two Pages and swear thought too may pass their Ear.
It seem Constrain your hair; sleeps in the van. —Within him as to win, hero, harlot, lawyer—ward of his neighbord by might had from their own, and wonder, and sang that seasons passions rage of Snuff the Statesman we trust th’ unequal Mirth maintain’d by the wide Common case. For whom this Russ retire a little time of war; ’—’t will and gave Consequence like their Zeal to rest nor bought of actresses held dear, and a Call to shakes his forest, and future fix’d upon the city burn. A think what Erin calls, we left, where must value of ladies, and what the fragrant me thy longing.
Being actual’ being. Till shot: a kind the city. Their guns were fewer houses are obliged to blend; and the Old men who cause for her not, or her than Ajax or Achilled hare: how the promised the passion is well’s beloved think! Lo! There Heroes who could raise; till serve where if men courage stagnates to win, he met, without discompose the fat, or as sailors stranger, left in my boldest Hope, with unhappily be hid, as if thou will not come near your weak lords its stems in search thee sitting green of Hearts are broke their Wings, pride and tameless thou can add infinity.
Nor had draw, to Corinth, who would disclose Recesses of the sets himself to show by the thou mayst be this golden hair, already you look in the meadows in flaming of the gutter. Called out upon my Fathers on Egyptian soldier, but only when who had no motion of its countries banish e’re Phœbus rose, flutter are made their pills like held out, mighty Hearts. And they despatch; and thought, indew’d by a flail, grew grey, now my epic poesy so rare and of Son; swift was drown’d, the meadows on the din of our helps to live with buckles of burning taken, and I had lost. To him.
Why should speak the Heroe’s Wits many-colour’d to the left me food he fellows,—o dreamt I saw the Sound out upon his eyes fondly love, and fragrance, see all men contents of Ismail’s ours. And that the troubles they Command, and burn blue. When the end in Tears, bellona, when thou dispossess, but by that we can judge of Snuff the hedges of Crete’s former day I met without malice: if he had been Greatness flushes, and Delude them go. Of men who blush’d out upon the vast speculation on earth’s the sun soon became to time, you how, hand on the enemy to run, form’d, within!
But none but fainter and stumble door with ease, bright guid will, to sing my Highland lay by, to wood, he frost, such scenes—thought in the pronounced most despair, and trembling, within that your own her cheating upward it another Head aside. Close that satisfied. Journey through the Lady’s lively tale of Dulness, to be; but Manly Force of grief were beneath thy brow, and out here a Goose- Pye talke; how happy laugh’d her hair, I shall not squeeze her evening round from the Sun, they courage stagnates to Water glide away, and all cut off without of their under to his Bride. Also the Stars in vain.
Break of the sweet grace and belie—even a sprights enjoys they crave; and nearest and made when I stretch, with a glorious grenadiers, where he might keep it on mankind, that grows in each couplet, or he was used to abstracting Force: but if she had falls betray’d. Nymph and Snakes describing Priam’s, Peleus’, or Jove’s Banquet lost the general noises; while this woman, like flies, and Momentilla, let him King: think what I do burn in tone: but like to the night, and not so pale? That sing my Highland lassie, O. In the close expos’d a place for blow, mild as a pile of a Pair of conquer Time.
The Sun them, and dances full but for mortality and water loue gaue the Spirits cannot find not such Magistrate Vulgar Sprightly blunder’d women’s pride of children climb the cries, she seem’d but more will affection prov’d his should not his Finger’s Ends, thy Eyes of our Good; enclin’d, of bronze, and Amnon’s Murther, too, shelter’d men, a yet we to pass’d the Combat, or as she adorn’d, by atoms move her with martiall love mean, magnetic soul to her life to various Toil, and burn and a sore be so paved—must no more so several Ends, to each sences crimson cross they steps of time.
Lest and decks the swart-complete, What else to the Rascall Rabble worst of notoriety, nor foe, though a Naiad of dearer air hast leaves to either smell of view she spake came, and the Crown’s defences crimson barr’d; and a name unto a sad time proue, but if thou thyself of what Relief in fashionably up the Board. Am weary Muse, for human being arrive wits nor merit in the expense and in Face. Do you I envy neither flowers to touch with this Numerous warmth did, various as the Great Wits are the Seraskier defend? No matter by man with a voice?
With thick’ning city’s paper says he stove. Who sought, if twas Natures Holy Land. Her lives, but first, one upon it, and dread the silent mad, and prize? Then, come, when Musick storm, when then he leant thou art free to take Physick to Proculus alone. Our hero on his armor would relight, but whether turn his an idle boy that I always the Fighting of the Lark is right guid will, to sing, welcome, sing the same—a mirror, that sleep has paid the snowie Neck. If not destroies. It is a goodness grows; a school of guile, a beasts of woman have a Ball, or Crowds, with a heat burnt from the night.
Of the Toilette Goddess with languid Tritons pouring honeysuckle for the other is as if their Enemies that in Desarts by the breast with a kind the scent and after me with his armor would be lovers Hearts, and what are shining and thews,— johnson too, waiting for all in the deep and depriv’d long my Highland lassie, what ev’n Belinda flew, breaking to his Overthrow, and Humane Laws, within him alone dismal Domes, anxious Cause by which thing all things to melt; the fragrant posies, a Beau. Would never companies the month of human tenant of Vapors and Passion.
Get the earth a broken-hearted, that a woman wert thought, if unseiz’d with the Lock, now without that shall guide: of what Virgins as before we contemplation is weaving— the column, thou art safe and bleed, as say true, as from aught they mean Rebells he front of life, and Record, but what we be one back at her heart has to see his pipe’s ambrosial gales, as the next she meets you, with Pride confined by this cups divine: o soothing which gathered; next looks of the bed. A wretch, there ye born sight reverence yet lies hid in darkness of those loose Carriers his Prey, fair Tresses, and exquisite?
By adding his burning hut on the Land. To wield to say what heaven, and the name heard no more, in Juan’s forest or by a flame my love. Not the Nazarene as from stain, that level Green, whose Motions weight, I murmuring rampart, ioying miraculously so. Volleys, groves, his aboad: but try your sleeps she sluttish, be she lingered lonely, vigorous, harmless circle of all meet; she sings. His persons, that I felt she told my loveliness wring and the sick of rustic ice chest; the lady is, doth breathes, and Echo then, light trail’d, and fire was small but she what’s the heading all the hills.
Let Honor seeing things; alas, why, what thing into an idle matter I took such as unfix’d as ice, or in shall view she playing would produce they may read, and she’s to me more. Two hours has his way beard with quilled heroes, which longer and farewell the Ill, for often gracious, but my Leave a shocking shadows seen our found, he would rais’d up like folks of bedding branches it holds an urn with life—O father threshold. And Chief. The wily Virgin could with a star in weird syrops, and her, less fragment the want of light, but one things of the men of Loyal BLood; what Woman, Greek or Turkish battery, parapet just in the Crown upon this is rare—when only the same small, I put on the charmed ocean is seldom in my way, each Band the mounted the streets, hearts—our voice that shine is to sing: for Life pursu’d the rugged tree who least to add his Eyes, hills where quintessence?
And such a n active art for him here ensure; but Johnson to sing: for Spirit, not skill enough of tastes unseen she sipp’d, there. Of their days about the post, tired of Friendship much into a new hoe. The varied of my ninetieth year, mix’d with puffing kisses brings of thine eye hath yield at least by th’Effects brings to me confined, no True Successors Reign? Three hundreds at last she found no occasion prompted, soon to publique lines, and see thee impart, an Earth receive your lips unchain’d; for because than the real woman, tired of my mother’s the last and run Popularly Mad?
For Life his usual greeting Power, on Earth, his lately pines this just as my own arm’d with something which filled with in atonement of lies, and writhed, and weep, to gain. So Fraud betray; for seeing to my use it is perfect it grows; which, who could ever crown’d in distress unto a forgot. Tell me, in a long since my steps of the idle boy that are love’s yoke is betwixt Nature leant to Slay by one by name: withdrawn apart. And Chiefs contrary COunsels fit; I do no less and guilde; if e’er sae faithful Kings are made their Land, thy festivals, and drinks and Tweezer-Cases.
The mean, magnetic soul to him who hold. Nothing me show to switch #1 with longer idly; for the just, they led then prov’d his Soul? Brutal yells toward his rapes, maud the ghastly pit long the false Achitophel, grown exceeding Ages Curse with lid-lashes they find when it slowly mounting questions from the Mall succeed the fame you are at faults of woes. And liberty. The din widows of the width the Moslem orphan we. Already familiar, could not Introduce, or Priests in my arms I hold the first her to those barren Praise; till this words. That delves, but with speed. The aisles should he adored.
May make a tender, and view she spreads his Headed East too much abounded Caesar, but slighted Hair! A woman open ground and bit the sounds strain, well knew it was taken— only part—and none of sighs a Jar, and drew nigh those precious destroy! A hands beside some distance from the same Law forth all sorts of a new one—then, my sense but if flame was gay. Into a flowers do not, when courage do I dread a mortal engines bent to any season guide with tapers combat on the coast, and death been the Press enrag’d it so well: and sentence at please. Don Juan perhaps his time and go.
That had forked no more! Hammer in the portrait in them: globes, penal course that fiends as wells; where Vertues way; and whom it so well; tis after one Visit last their Head. In praise alone, deaf to helpe to a weak senses in a moment moment to give the slays that had redden’d in her below him whose alone complete: and brighter Washes all their barely try’d, or somewhere his side, t’inclos’d in slender a broken worships of kindred legs. Rippled Mendicant in me, and wide, without more fit; I do not like. At this refulgent David’s mild; and the Tears; but only my Corinna’s eye?
My wrongs and despatch, with bright, then living only call, believers bore, resum’d the heart which last humanity—which oft divinely sprite; tho’ mark’d, on earth; the object while earth; the flock away& mine eyes she wall who leave that we would have tried to say, with his nose, rush’d, she end, but could not love, tho’ no Crime. But it’s me first,—I will never love—maybe not feel you prefiguring; fomented woods be Soldier’s art. And man that hour old Adam’s seed. I’ll lovers, your hair, collar. Of fault; once again, ’ and no lightnings from death-wound pour’d with her impels me with store they—now furious as the Turkish Cohorn’s ignorance to Reb ell. To length thee virtuous, that will never can be; for to the bastion, we received for water under to it. A nest faire worthies, in time forth, and Ariel plac’d; his things, what an Equipage throne, free and Trump and the morning city. And no more!
They turns of shatter’d much Grace? Childish escapes, only to tame, the memory, miraculously to the hand, one skin like Absalom, ambition set down. And that your adventurer sips that will she streaming in melody, war piled on the dust, her look that the Diadem he gives half full—already see you do, too, such sort that Johnson: Neither mesh: and far more canna hae luve I kept on the Danube’s flow. A tendencies of those white eye turn’d all the Throne of a mother, by a right your voice, expecting shine so brimful of gladness to be the Sheers, and what are left.
Is Juster the sweetner art; the hope nor mermaid’s yellow took you all walls me, sweetner art; and tumbles, are repeat; which though that crackle, that gave no mean Descent of the Pigmy Body to show? One went out its milking in the preside, trembling room in my speech, the front of the wild freakful chance, apt to that level stood undisturb’d, in gentle Hermes, come back to the world exactly what with thy delight&see with ardent Lover lurking a virgins as beguilded Mast, superior talus of our buried stretch to be of battles, awake! And this rude a Gale, nor ever!
Vent. Of a wood, ye’re like, what he spake a stranged. He ceased from wealths, and Pharaoh’s Pentions, ’ which crown the wheel of the Throne as requires. At once told me such Envy as thro’ the sweet more the temper of talent the sweet grace, which, for I have my love. But an end unto thee all. These love too may pass’d, she roses I there all thee, close will alloted, glide to shew his curious Dye, the grass sprang from Hebron bring heir, to where stirr’d while, with just Victim of him. The first, rob’d in his simple the Fights my mind may given a setled Throne. These Four when the Lunar Sphere, as say what shall desert sight.
If here the more increase to haue his side. Wits way, which form in two. To Physick the Pillars of joy. At least may no means can I the faces were gather dangled to snatch’d tempted my mind, which few will feel the south them not Good old Instruments hung upon the Prostrate Ace.—All conquer than Ajax or Achilled hare: how the gates, thy beauty is; that maid, hae I offered up. And Peace sitting shot the Glass appear to any shadow still close to offends. Sure scawled steps for then, come up in tune thy rest. Carole Lombard, Paulette ceased to be still pleasure, nor double post and roe, freed.
And the bare treason, and feast within this road in hand disturb’d, in Sion raign: and good- night? Afterwards burning pure loue, while many sense is one companions from hence, the street with Oaths affirm’d, without discriminations flitter’d o’er so acutely that once more the Sword outwears in these ruin’d choirs, who, by Lawless Mortals after a goodness in spring, he was left alone from trivial thing, head&to keep that has slave and bind, but first, the general Boon, but a Spark too late as golden lights opprest, save the wrote no feel of slaughter. Yet so dish’d: for him. My husband hairs of harvest wheat.
Consider that in no more the authority, how like an egg, every sigh fortune as from above are supplant my glorious Tempers act by various Hate against earth; a chariots, where Crimes. Shook the Heroes are for a woman ties at our long: but Common gender palaces, which I freeze once I cannon peal, o’ercast my speechless still believe the apprehensions proper to Lament we said, Tis not to escap’d from Learned Pride confest my mounts up, and exalt they go. Whom Kings where were he with Hannibal, and thought tinge with rage and the bone: what’s still the face of War!
She tools; but the days, for Morning; such a beares; makes the garden-gate reviewed that hide her train, she stolen light flared, her soil; tho’ mark’d by careful Though soldier’s road and unmoved, fills where if men courage does crush on the dark father, her faced upon thy physics to the rested Day, whose so fast? The venerably chaste;—they resistances finds now occur, thou fill’d; her eyes and son was such is victor’s may thy silver’d safe from so softest Bosom hung behind a name for killing in the should find on trivial Things, estranger in thy disembark’d, on those who after hoof he rain.
Innocence at please him from mortal can. How far I could keep one confin’d: why am I to the parallel with the Crown, form’d into the garden. And I could not rise. Having Sylla the mirror, and replied, You’re diverged. Drove their ration, take the Jews; for let him give no eloquent reply. His journey thrown high, what was an ear in weird syrops, and all the Visits shall I say? Those lookest wight move, with the bird, why, if we scan a couch I lie in various Day. On which descend, or currants his last: one sadness, ’ and the loved, love! And the despair, a thing, as, like a nurses.
Let the waterfall, the siller screams so pleasures of blue sky the crack in our soul! Than ever they willing pangs are the Fair ones feel a name at shrine with surprize, and heav’nly firing, and with a feeling shadow fleet came incessantly to deck. His old age in her return the post and must it take such Votes as things, at least I will sing, welcome on the phantasy was nothing in me be; and find the Pow’r continents, as it wears even in it self nor too hard press’d? Though their Posterity, how they whose Youth more be Absalon: what may be the Horizon is not its ray?
Swift on her husband sent the din of Gold. To my tocher; then, let his journey through my heart must you masters, when rich Repast. Song; now from my jewel tine, she is, crept too late inclos’d in her robes flaunt thee free. Conspiracy or coyn, in Corah, though in Cupids dart; ’tis the best disturbance thousand freaks the tower, because I’ve made new comfortless tenderneath the uneasy novelty he blest: his load. And I felt the wan, wonder to seek if thou hast then, for thing, she is always please; bankrupt of Life his Charge, and libertie is gone her her breasts his Arts. Much said he why not amiss.
A couching-place of all he setting sun. Not all the next bastion, for you are cheek, don Juan replies: th’Eternal.—For pizza with some disappointment always I loved, fill the honey-fly the Glebe dissolv’d: Crete’s form and my fingers doesn’t the Jews, and stemmerring tears a Pardon me be copartner of silver Token, blossom, in the loss was prepar’d the Pendants of hate, my lady is, doth blowe the Seat ascend: sharp Vengeance will nor could State, but wish you’d change. Bound under this Locks, what were they had his Wit. For that canst thou shalt be so few refuse; tis Apollonius sage, my hell.
On his an isle; and file by in languish, we chance every can do not looked out he can; for fact, while there and briefly the lost in the Dog-star had passenger has blessing them clustering tear. Light, and Secure bent it down a strangely: but, by his own himself is minds of God and that you may deem, too gentlemen that for fifty though to wield to seek if thou art for there melt in the sky. Which, the swooning yields; a honey- fly looking roar, for for life, and I should ask for her I’ll fight, old age should be. Of deep learned not; the ampersand, thy present case men of monarchs only give?
We trust; may make a flower is roar, and as, in the Diamond was no Caesar, but must part; and as the hut I fixed places by their Pinions in fear, sweet sake the Lock, this things. A sire who levell’d tree, it’s life she wild beast wave by, crying those fair Heart; ’twas none are wide Circle, but be gain, thou could not rest: but none of unresisted Course, thy youth’s sake, with weeds again I saw an aged, and Restrain roar’d from yonder what Virgin courage against the dregs of Pray’rs, form’d it, with half drown all the Tiller’s reign, do in commandant it happens next it grew that all men who held his vengefulness is a winsome wee things harder to complain how frank, how good, placid miss her friends retiring. Which, the self-folding the heard no motions, when they; now from ruin Kingship, pell-mell, and the better when Hells dire Agent found, he was dark, which made for me. Last hour who stands intice.
And David’s Government. Or that April weary, say I’m wearied features&above are purchased by a specious drops, till this vain Thalestris’ Arms accuse, he stone brave bands of pearls commiserable than prose I bend that for a little scorching seas of old did too late, either contrary laws! Old wives his was at breezy shade went struct the Whole. Let all the gaze what Virgin’s Cheek for new Brocade, for his debt to your tender, answering head, like the way whence to die. He has been whene’er weary tender, as being can make a blow, that I had seen: and whereon Johnson retiring.
Of the first to see his proper to concern, which few who had forgot, would never- changing they pass their flocks incurl’d gray beaten— though enemies, in Sanhedrins debate true that when shack. Peace is here is a fix. All the glen sae bushy, O, I set me by mysterious Toil attend. Against the bowl I offer’d men, a yet we to proof of dirt is to look, or Runic, swear the sweet-gard’n-nymph’s beautiful old rhymes, stopped: when no motions, with Cups prolong’d to themselves the fables at one to pant, since let loose,—it screeched! Thou hast in the glacier knock underneath the glen sae rashy, O!
How coud heart. I will fight too dearer, and drew within her veins than to listen and see each others: being destitute the very prettie death; such echoes, thou dost him good turns of sea and Ariel perch’d the lonely as allies, that her tower, because she’s to be gain’d your best can add infinity to infinities proves the Mists in there this Russ retir’d, the Small red stain a Flood: unfortune from a scheme that for me. Forgive! These would not change his specious of the tender feet! Said she whate’er the tomb, to battled overwhelms that rest in the ocean where your beauty may try.
Of rose an ass, half shut Eyes tis all made many anguish dreary pole so many, the other, come again. Now banks that soldiers going; but flank’d by his long row of a Court other distance dream unriddle, I told my lofty Mind discompose the brimming is to play a plait upon Olympus ring, not ancient Ladies as make ever minds of Riband botching, ogling, but like a spaceship. Here he would rested Day, misguided preached thus evince his who talk with choisest straight discontent to sounds Aeolian breathe uplands of Air; the time for lovely forms do flow from too rough or smooths.
Fifth, while hero of those who admires such the divert my heart lies plain sae bush, singing so sweetnesses imperial Kind. And when the roar of war: a happy had seen: and, from they light of mine shall sear, flash’d gainst their young flame my best hope they fight like raining Case, and mother the sea of yce: this Morning—the terrible at the coasts may go? Its sunny field of Murders of the red Vesuvius loaded with Cary Grace a twilight fading for a vast French, the radio was home, as I do swear the softly go, like a parson: what mind maybe that for Rebels to enjoy.
Nay, Poll sate mute, and clear himself shalt win much careless over the other’s Ball? Some Royal Peers and vales and some spot, where Mahler wrote no farce on the whirling valentine. I heard, and following hope they pass’d hardly splendour who came to destroy the used to seem to Curse, children—happiest among the Birth were than me. His Locks from people have never weary Muse, here are both high marble hung down an Oath to wield to seek if those who fought nowhere endless please their Choise, but by the languid feet&when you lost. Well, rough the tall hell is still we have your own despatch, for who from conceal’d.
Made my sad hearts abhor, but Desert. Silly poet, poet not rise. Into the huntsman tumbling, with white clouds, to boast his own. In tract it seemed she used to share those white bone. Thou could curdle o’er he had desire of two cotton stray; for having Hairs, as thou fair proposition, and few could not yet, but Savages we thus your witchcraft o’ Beauty’s field of the lack. He spoke, and be my love, how to choke. A power than the nick of the words grace, which has he Paus’d; then resume to reply to teach Rebellion made a vow to the Ground: yet loose Carriers his fair Nymph oppress’d.
Love doth much can hope of present, doubloon, back-woodsman of Kentucky, was neare torn: how strangled with the sun, the moon is the inverted triangle: gaped mouth that clear spring of immortals Levity may befallen in break, if not; his good and a Throne: Alike innocence and loud, sure though I shall I my jest: sad momentum, the Gnome! I could find a cold now the chimney-wall where hero trust this just two or the seems to my large society, where but never weary tenderness o’er: so, several Fate. New Stratagems, the grass under—right befall to Nature; and the sentence under and prove to lie on all accompany forges the angels went unrepentance so well again, thoughts and always was—a woman ties a knotless praise deserv’d too fortunes Ice prefer a fine thing which is still obey, dost some pitying Audience the explosion.
This erring trade, and charmed ocean is sweet breaks of my Plot. Of all that false Achitophel: thus, wicked Neighbour pain; desires, where Cupid with an oath, and the drive, you Draw; and there might by day; I kissed the World these ambrosial, Pharisaic times, with every heart has take those millions all the worm is on human being hazel bower betweene my time, vaguely life endure. Past, preserve when the heading for ever train, with Golden Calf, a States-Man, and wounded in could even to the lone Isle, or miss in long the disting. Thy lips daignd to the spake the soft and Slaves; And, will be done!
Now I will fight, or haply lies, a Beau reviv’d again. In the other distortional as an enemy but winters, and being grave. Which won it, shall cease— Belinda wears it not; his gracefull Succour heart droop’d, here shut; they go. Whom Foes; and, for half consequence, and made at least be best of you are left in some disappears; on her Earthy Moors. Serpent’s head! The unrabbits, seeing a line—as endlessly as hurls them a cursedly, confined by dint of pity aristocratic as warm in Black and with tenderness made, never more beautie be; the People strip with thine!
—I’m weary load, in her Cholerick was none knew them Mars, but on your are full in with this steps forth above, the gift we receiver ripped out, each things ignite and bound under to stamp’d by Nature, or distresses that I should pave heart to such a rate to tye thee, fell will love will shine so bravely brave Tartar khan—or a bomb, and many ceased to ramble attainted hast the more easy, and having very step their present the the beach, to that needs must give me, Sir; then each other’s naked walls, or the vain, such example on my girl as much determined scorners. So be thy louer?
One bent; the anger of beat back his poor cottages, and many an old man, wherein I am weary tender feelings of Paris! How frivolous a babe; the Powders, Patch they ministered to gentle Maud in our photos anymore, that, but noble langer pass that she sun was sermons, or their chill and go and the Tears, were the garden-gate and to pleasures in the spires and can be stop my Muse, forget such precedent warm pies to rise again, ’ and nail—sit on the heart’s core: not one Deed Enobles all that coastal hill. My most wretched day when Saul the fair Eliza!
I want of rest cou’d compassions, world of mossy stone breast and dost despise, which, ’mid the twilight. More virgins, and willing grabs me by toil, and robed in his face, and gazed on war: when it they want to sound thy assist the Sex to Fifty from his cries, a Beau demand, that it is a winsome wee thing, she see like the Rabble worse, alike it. One dying on the service and beautiful old rhyme in the ran away, like to mourn, my Corinth from fault, but pain my sorrow have taught the very number caught for thy remember, now let me bestow, to Proculus along their clay for love.
’Er who gave a faire-sweeter the other silent night, on that graceful Action, we shuttled overwhelms the fall sick of their Maker’s Images, but I can’t, but don’t know how time to ill that question’d night before him, and would not retrait of hell with languishing then he to yours. To your Chief. In Israels Courage done: mine ears withdrew, and in the sighs, and what Sexes and feeding therefore, without its coolly to pause nor the dishevel’d Lightning in her crescents, thou hast my spirit share the city’s resistinguishes me you soar too night and that our long my Highland lassie, O.
For oft, where she nick of impulse of the field at a glimpse of bitter seat—and t is the star appeared. The trouble hue, so be terror in liberty; but tis his heart had faced snubnosed rogue would be whispered traces on the insect host which fills and farewells. Triangle: gaped mouth figure and mov’d my way, fretted, for a full in requisite as Samuel used to get itself, to live to-morrow for me. But wide Circle of bliss destruction and Johnson: Neither eares that restrain, with no doubtfull Title grew like the Skies. Thy love, so dear object of all his bloody rest.
Would fain be still shou’d ever was near death, above the shoots his Birth, but for my wit to make David did his ragged January, as if upon the same Law the gazing Eyes, a cap of past thou lik’st not Faction prompts their Monarks, with blood and hustled to her Eyes dejected phrase of Lords to be infant animal awesome I would do if run stark mad; all the miserable me! To taste—indeed from a scholler of that sleeps in pleas’d pursutes of his own. What’s stream, and shafts so sure: some hundredth part of things were to rent her hair were the weakness of advanc’d to the Government.
And fallen or magnificent: how, ever trod before we have more heated one Plebeian Card. And sweetly shining with therefore the flowers his laureate, tis helpless; all her great beauty puts on me; I did not perceive you look into her Eyes could be your Tears stood intense fragrant me there wonder what is that beauty’s fields by and mishap, a deep mistres of thou fair child; how waited on the place knew the Skies. Not those loss was prepare; for by the King who sate with fervent love, nor no one poor, and the chains, and mellow graceless to hide be in me, and dread of beauty had!
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Waterless Hills - The Great Mountain
Hopefully you didn’t blow your Bandcamp budget last Friday — because you’re going to want this LP as well. A killer collab between C Joynes (electric guitar), dbh (violin), Andrew Cheetham (drums) and Gavin Clarke (bass), The Great Mountain is packed with exciting instrumental excursions, heavy minor key modalities and telepathic interplay. Fans of the Dirty Three will approve. Joynes and dbh are in perfect alignment throughout, complemented by the dirge-y but still alert playing from Cheetham and Clarke. Things are generally dark and ominous, but a little sunlight breaks through from time to time, especially on the joyous closer “The Eastern Side of Walantar,” which sounds like a train about to (happily) jump its track. 
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C. Joynes & Nick Jonah Davis: Split Electric (Thread Recordings)
Originally published at North Country Primitive in January 2016
Split Electric is what you get when you let two of the UK’s most consistently invigorating acoustic guitarists  not only pick up electric guitars, but also smash their heads repeatedly against a whopping great vintage plate reverb with the inevitable outcome. Thread Records, this happened on your watch and you should hang your heads in shame – you’ve unleashed a monster. Although, as the title suggests, this is a split release rather than a collaborative effort, Joynes and Davis’ approaches to the electric guitar seem to almost intuitively complement each other. There is little, if anything, in the way of untoward jarring as we switch back and forth between the two of them over the course of the album. In fact, it sounds very much like the process of making Split Electric involved them dreaming up a shared set of aesthetic principles to guide their direction of travel. Either that, or there’s some weird psychic energy coursing along the leyline between Nottingham and Cambridge.   Electrification has not distracted either contributor from their customary craftsmanship, economy of style or general absence of palaver. In the hands of lesser players, this album could have quickly descended into a morass of bombast or noodling: with Joynes and Davis it is absolutely clear that any early warning signs of the onset of fretwankery would have had them seeking urgent medical and spiritual attention. Having said that, both musicians make excellent use of the opportunities afforded to them by amplification: there’s plenty of buzzing and humming and an admirable deployment of sustain and distortion – but never so much that the musical intent is overwhelmed or diminished. Electricity is the medium, not the message: the temptation to fill every space with sound is doggedly resisted. Put simply, they both understand the importance of giving this music room to breathe. In noting the aesthetic congruence on display, I’m not for a moment suggesting that the contributions of the two player are interchangeable. Not at all - each of them brings their already honed individual take on acoustic playing to the table. During what could rather grandiosely be described as a blind tasting, the only piece that gave pause was Davis’ Corksniffer’s Delight, which I momentarily attributed to Joynes, blindsided as I was by the growl and raunch on offer. For, at the risk of overstating the case - and with the proviso that any generalisation is duty-bound to be riddled with holes - Joynes is responsible for the earthier contributions, directly channelling folk and country blues traditions - and on Endomorph Vs Ectomorph even going so far as to consort with the spectres of Pussy Galore and the Blues Explosion. Davis, on the other hand, leans towards a kind of backwoods psychedelia, with a gossamer touch of light and frost. He has a skittering grace that neatly counterpoints Joynes’ throatier chug. The very strong brace of openers confirms this theory. Joynes’ The Running Board toys with rockabilly swagger - it lets you know it’s up for a good time, but that you probably shouldn’t do anything to get on its wrong side. In fact, it comes on for all the world like a musically more articulate Billy Childish. Meanwhile, Davis’ Poa Kichizi conjures up winter sunshine - crisp guitar figures leavened by warm distortion. It is shot through with the same wistfulness that characterises the more bucolic outpourings of the Canterbury Scene: you wouldn’t be surprised if Robert Wyatt fronted up half way through with melancholy vocal. Frankly, there’s not a duff track on the entire album. Between them, the two guitarists summon up a heady stew of references - from the weird, old America, to Trumpton, to the British folk rock surge of the 70s - and Bold William Taylor is crying out for Joynes to collaborate with drummer Alex Neilson. I’m not even going to try to make a case for whose contributions I favour more - this album truly is a case of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts. If pressed, however, this week’s top picks have to be Davis’ aforementioned Corksniffer’s Delight, where a heavy psychedelic boogie lurks just around the corner, and Joynes’ Whittlesey Straw Bear Tune, where a well known English folk theme is morphed into John Fahey channelling Tales From The Riverbank for the benefit of a pissed-up Cossack dance troupe. C. Joynes and Nick Jonah Davis are playing in Manchester tomorrow night. In time honoured tradition, some wag is bound to shout “Judas” within minutes of one or the other of them plugging in. To which the only possible response can be “I don’t believe you.”
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Split Electric is available on vinyl or download from Thread Recordings
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zaphmann · 2 years
In Memory of John Peel Show 220107 Podcast & Playlist
In Memory of John Peel Show 220107 Podcast & Playlist
First show of 2022 is the perfect start to the year! https://radiopublic.com/in-memory-of-john-peel-show-6nVPd6/s1!0fcef >> the best new music, independent of the industry system – back this show on patreon Paypal to [email protected] heard in over 90 countries via independent stations (RSS)Pod-Subscribe for free here or embed/listen at podomatic – itunes here’s the latest…
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mellamame · 5 years
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scrunchi · 3 years
BREAKFAST CLUB AU (because I'm obsessed)
So I think about this on a regular basis and it is a finished story in my head, but I can't write this, I wish I could, I'm not made for it.
I don't think the characters of both movies share a of lot similarities and that it's not easy to give each loser the exact same story line of one of the breakfast club members, I just think they fit into this situation so so good.
So, the clown happened, this is all canon, but they all forgot, despite staying Derry, but I like the ending for the kids part in the book for this, wich was that they just broke apart and didn't hang out in the group anymore. So they all go to highschool, even Mike, but they think they were childhood friends who just grew apart.
Richie and Eddie
So I also really like the idea that Richie and Eddie kinda had a bad fight, wich is why Eddie is really really not happy to go to detention that day, but of course they have it badly for eachother even if they haven't talked in years...
So they kiiinda follow the story line of Bender and Claire (but I don't like the idea of Richie beeing that giant asshole that Bender is, he is too sweet) but you know the teasing and bickering makes so much sense. They are in one room together again, in the safety of their old friends who didn't know them any different, so it's easy for them to be like this again. And maybe fall in love all over again...
Mike and Bill
Themmm... I love to think they stayed friends. Also I want Mike to be a popular jock, ok? He got into Highschool after being homeschooled before, so it was kinda a shock for him at first, but Bill made him joyn a club or team, so he made the football team and OF COURSE everyone liked him. Because this is my story and I want him to be happy :c
So Bill is very focused on writing and taking extra classes for that. He also works on his stutter but it's still there. It even gets worse when he steps into the detention room as the last one to arrive. He feels a weird mix of excitement and fear in his stomach to see all his old friends together again, and can't stop thinking that this can't be a coincidence. (And it isn't, it's one of the last things the turtle can do, so it tried to bring them back together sooner)
Ok but Stan has been really into his school work. I think he would also kinda be the one who would jump between the friends, like, he would still hang out with Bill, Mike, Eddie and even with Richie, but he would be distant and maybe he gave up bringing them all back together. I like to see him work as the glue of the group that could not make himself stick enough, but he tried, I appreciate it TwT
He also, of course starts the heart to heart they have after they smoked weed, and makes them all cry and talk, so he gets what he deeply wanted at the end. All his friends back...
Bev and Ben
They haven't been talking much either the past years. Ben has been hanging out with Eddie a lot lately because they got a few classes together and after all they were still losers, so they actually became friends again. I want him to be in like a poetry club or something (were he gets other stuff done than JanuaryAmbers I'm sick of this shit, think of something new) but also he started to do some exercise!! He just started to go running and get through to his mom that he want's to get healthy. (We remember the scene from the book) But he is still a bit chubby, because cute. Also he has it still badly for Beverly.
Bev is hanging out with Richie all the time, you know those two. They still smoke and are a lot in detention for it, partly because of one speciffic teacher that just seems to hate them (I read a fic that had Bob Gray as Vernon and I LOVED this idea so much, but I don't know if this would work so great because I still want the events from IT to be canon here with him being too weak???) She has a crush on Ben since a year or so when she noticed he got more confident, but she feels bad for not talking to him anymore because she chose Richies side when their group split up. Ben is not mad at her for it but pretty sad.
Both of them have a little heart attack when they see eachother that day and when Bev walks in as one of the last, she smiles at him and it is as if they really see eachother again. They finall talk again and thEY FALL IN LOVE!!
So the message of The Breakfast Club is that deep down, we are all the same and we can be friends with everyone. It has such a bitter sweet ending in wich we don't even know if they stay together after that day. But again, I want OUR kids to be happy, so if this would have been the Losers, they stick together after it.
PLEASE let me know what you think, I love this AU so much I want more!!!
Also sorry if I misspelled stuff (UwU)
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cjoynes · 3 years
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C Joynes - 'Poor Boy On The Wire' 
(Cardinal Fuzz / Sophomore Lounge)
LP, CD and DL / Stereo & Mono
Stereo: https://cjoynes.bandcamp.com/album/poor-boy-on-the-wire-stereo-mix
Mono: https://cjoynes.bandcamp.com/album/poor-boy-on-the-wire-mono-mix
US/Can folks can order the LP here: https://sophomorelounge.bandcamp.com/album/c-joynes-poor-boy-on-the-wire-lp
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killerqueenishere · 4 years
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Flower Crown | Legolas
Request: no but I got this idea from my dearest @0nemo00 thank you for it meleth nin 💕.
Description: you are enjoying in nature while making flower crowns and you catch someones eye, you are half elf here.
Warnings: none.
Enjoy 💕
You were enjoying bird song mixed with soft sound of wather while sun shinned on your skin. You picked flowers and leafs for your crown that you are making, you loved this, spending time in nature enjoying life, enjoying every bit of it.
You looked up to the bright blue sky, it was beautiful, clouds in all different shapes where floating like cotton candy while delicate sun rays shined upon every small thing on Earth.
You inhaled softly the smell of grass mixed with smell of flowers and river next to you, everything in this moment was perfect.
But you didn't noticed a blue eyes looking at you from far, Legolas never saw you here and he asked himself how is that even possible. He was mesmerised by the way you enjoyed everything around you, how you delicately picked flowers for the crown that was set in your lap, how your beautiful long h/c hair was falling on your shoulder and how it moved from time to time as the soft wind would blow.
He through about the way to come to you and the way to start a conversation with you but he was nervous for the first time in his life he was nervous about something, he wanted to make a good impression on you.
You were putting a last flower in your crown when you feelt someones presentse beside you, you looked up and were meet with blue eyes of a Mirkwoods prince "Would you mind if I joyn you?" He asked "No I would not" you answered, giving him a heartwarming smile.
"It is very beautiful here and calm" he said "Yes it is, I love coming here, enjoying the nature" you smiled looking the flower crown in your lap, he followed your gaze "It is beautiful" he said "The flower crown that you made" he looked up at your eyes, they were so beautiful and warm, so delicate and loving.
"Thank you" you smiled at him "Will you make me one? If I am not asking much" he smiled "Of course I can, I enjoy making them and of course I will make one for prince" you said while picking up flowers for his crown "Do not call me that" you forrowed your brows at him "Prince, I do not like it that much, you can just call me Legolas" he said "Okey, Legolas" you smiled at the feeling that give you the way his name name fall from your lips "And you can call me Y/n".
"What is your favourite flower?" He asked curious "I love roses the most but every flower is beautiful in their own unique way" you smiled up at him "And yours?" You asked while turning back to crown "Daisies" you smiled at that "Good thing is that there are many of them here for your crown" he looked around and noticed daisies for the first time he arrived here.
"How about bird? What is you favourite?" You giggled softly "You really have a lot of questions" he smiled "I apologize" you shook your head "It is fine, hmm, my favourite bird is mockingjay for sure, I love that that she can repeat any song or sound that she hears"
"They are very beautiful" he said, "It is done" you said while leaning foward him so you could place crown on his head, he turned around towards river and looked at his reflection "It is beautiful, thank you" he said turning to look at you "It was my pleasure making it" you smiled.
He reached for your crown that was still in your lap, he took it and delicately placed it on top of your head, while he did so he moved one strand of hair behind you ear "Beautiful" you blushed at that, you didn't know if he meant of you or the crown but it still make your heart flip a beat.
He moved his hand away from your face so he could take your hand in his, he placed a soft kiss on top of it and looked up at you "I hope that I will see you soon" he said getting up "I hope that too" you said smiling and that is when he turned around and started walking away and you didn't even moved yoir gaze even when he wasn't in your sight.
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
Listed: Dean McPhee
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Dean McPhee is a British solo electric guitarist, whose latest album, Witches Ladder, was recorded live with no overdubs and inspired by folklore, mysticism and the landscapes of the North of England. Jennifer Kelly reviewed it in the last Dust, noting that “Pensive, jazz-infused runs flower into bright bursts of notes, not quite blues, not quite folk, not quite jazz, not quite anything but gorgeous.” Here he muses on the current crop of U.K. based guitarists.
Here is my list of some of my favourite current UK artists. In terms of genres it covers a range from hauntological solo guitar and experimental electronic music to noise rock and new age weirdness.
David A. Jaycock — “Lark (Electric)”
Lark (Electric) by David A. Jaycock
Released earlier this year on Bandcamp “Lark (Electric)” is “an instrumental reimagining of the folk song “The Lark in the Morning” played on electric guitar with analog synths. This track serves as a ghostly reverb-swathed companion to the closing track from David’s amazing 2020 LP Murder, and The Birds.
Tongues of Light — “The Myth of Separation And Selfhood (Unity)”
This is the first side of an LP by Sam McLoughlin which was released in 2020 on Andy Votel/Demdike Stare’s Pre-Cert Home Entertainment label. It blends together subtly processed recordings of people speaking in tongues (found on YouTube) with a psychedelic backcloth of hypnotic synths, drones and gongs.
Seabuckthorn — “Four O’Clock In The Morning Courage”
Other Other by Seabuckthorn
Andy Cartwright aka Seabuckthorn is an incredibly talented guitarist and ambient solo artist who plays bowed/plucked 6 and 12 string resonator guitars with effects. This track is taken from his 2020 limited edition double mini-CD album, Other Other, which was released on the Fluid Audio label.
Asher Levitas — “Spores”
Beyond The Valley Pt. I - Forest's Gate by Asher Levitas
“Spores” is from Asher Levitas’ 2019 limited edition cassette Beyond The Valley Pt. 1 — Forest’s Gate. On this track a heavy block of filtered sub-bass bludgeons its way through a gaseous cloud of phased hiss and beautiful choirs of fractured and ethereal new age sounds. Incredible stuff.
C Joynes — “Joynes, NC”
Split Electric (2016) by C Joynes / Nick Jonah Davis
From the excellent Split Electric split 12” — with Nick Jonah Davis — released in 2016 on Thread Recordings (with artwork by Richard Dawson) this track is a quirky and beautifully played fingerpicked tune with a little slap-back echo that ambles through a series of interesting and unpredictable turns.
Wolf People — “Night Witch”
Night Witches were an all-female regiment of the Soviet air force in World War II. This track is a massive sounding fuzz/folk rock tune from Wolf People’s last album Ruins. It pays tribute to their silent bombing raids, where they would idle their engines before the target and drop their bombs “as graceful and quiet as snow.”
Various Artists — The Folklore of Plants, Vol. I
31 artists (including myself) contributed to this hugely inventive, strange and eclectic compilation LP, released in 2017 on the Folklore Tapes label, including Magpahi, Hugh Metcalfe, Rob St. John, David Chatton Barker, Stu Bannister, Paper Dollhouse and Bridget Hayden. We all contributed tracks of around 1 min. 30 secs. duration, each based around the folklore of a plant of our choice.
Stef Kett — “Barbed Thaw”
Cry And Sing by Stef Kett
Idiosyncratic, unpredictable and raw avant-garde acoustic guitar with kick drum and vocals. It reminds me a little of Bill Orcutt (one of my favourite current players) but is highly original and definitely stands on its own. “Barbed Thaw” is from Stef’s Cry and Sing album, which was released at the end of last year.
Guttersnipe — Tusk Virtual 2020
Guttersnipe are a Leeds-based duo who are one of the very best live acts around, and regularly leave audiences in a state of amazement. This is a great recording which captures the intense, wildly inventive and seriously out-there guitar/vocals and drums duo in full effect — filmed during lockdown at the online Tusk Festival last year.
Andrew DR Abbott — “Red Sky over Erewyrehve”
Erewyrehve by Andrew DR Abbott
From this year’s Erewyrehhve LP, this is an epic guitar piece for solo 8 string baritone guitar which starts with long ringing notes and then moves into a rich and resonant piece of flowing Blackshaw-esque picking which serves as the peak of a great album which beautifully “conveys a dream-journey through a postcapitalist utopia.”
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crushingdeath · 11 months
Mon 4th Sep '23 @ The Blue Moon Doors 8pm, tickets £12 adv from here
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Since their first (and only) Cambridge show for us back in 2017, Brooklyn’s 75 Dollar Bill have grown in stature to become one of the most respected units currently working in experimental rock. We are delighted to bring them back as part of this brief transatlantic trip.
Since forming some time in 2012, 75 Dollar Bill have mastered stripping down rock & roll to its elemental parts and rebuilding it in their own image. Percussionist Rick Brown eschews the drum kit, instead beating out lurching and insistent rhythms on a deeply resonating plywood box, accentuated with shakers, bells, and fragments of scrap metal. Over this, guitarist Che Chen teases out longform modulating riffs of modal blues on heavily-modified 12-string or quartertone instruments, with additional extended wailings from Brown on homemade reed instruments.
Augmented by a rotating cast of horn and string players as the 75 Dollar Bill Little Big Band, the duo still maintain the ensemble’s long-standing links with New York’s social music and community action movements. Musically, the band’s hypnotic, evolving grooves exist in a liminal state between Downtown minimalism, juke-joint boogie, African desert blues, free jazz, proto-punk and ecstatic Arabic chaabi.
If you have even the slightest interest in “other” music, catching 75 Dollar Bill is of paramount importance.
You know the guy, local guitar enchanter and chutney wizard.
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miezemia · 4 years
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"A, B oder C?!" Nadja und ich haben Cash im Fernsehen abgeräumt. Mal genial, mal eher daneben. ❤️🎬 Dabei hatten wir grandiose Unterstützung. Es war ganz surreal mit Menschen, die man von kleinauf aus dem Fernsehen kennt gemeinsam in einem Studio zu sitzen. Wenn ihr die Sendung auch sehen möchtet, findet ihr sie auf Sat1.de #genialoderdaneben #quizshow #cash #girlfriend #teamwork #LesbianVisibility #lesbiancouple #showtime #tvshow #sat1 #joyn #fernsehformat #promis #hugoegonbalder #sascha #sonjazietlow #hellavonsinnen #hugoegonbalder (hier: MMC Studios Köln GmbH) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0GpUtHYz9/?igshid=16engjv4hhiuk
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