#c: Seriito
void-botanist · 1 year
Find the Word: Triad round 2
Another set of excerpts from Triad, this time thanks to @autumnalwalker. My words were green, dozen, sound, send, and alive.
I'll tag @kahvilahuhut, @sarahlizziewrites, and @vacantgodling for the words romantic, wretched, rile, round, and revenge.
As they passed into the rows of trees, Kirnus started listing off what was in season, pointing out the trees as he went. At one tree he plucked off a long, flat fruit. "These are good green—better than when they're ripe, I'd say." Keearo took the fruit offered to him, took a bite, and made a face that made Kirnus laugh. Ugh, his laugh was good too.
The breeze ruffled the feathers of the bird Kirnus was brushing, disrupting the smooth lines he had created. It didn’t matter—the bird had been de-burred and could care less about the exact angle of its fluff—but it annoyed him slightly all the same. He patted it on its black and white spotted side and it ambled away on its long naked legs, back out into the field with a dozen others of various patterns.
(Aza and her twin brother Seriito are out for a drink.)
“You’re sure he’s not going to be like, ‘wow thanks for dragging me to a morning event with your sister’?” “That would be rude,” he said, putting all his sass on the last word. “I’ve been to so many morning things with his sisters. Well, at least two.” “Tit for tat sister times seems like a poor idea.” But she was smiling. “I’ll do what I have to do. He’s gotta at least tolerate you or I’m gonna have to find another doctoral candidate to fuck.” She’d started a sip with his first sentence and struggled to finish it for laughing at the second. Through probably more luck than skill all the wine somehow stayed in her mouth. “Sorry,” he said, half-laughing at her plight. When she’d recovered, he said, “We can’t all be as fortunate as you, with two guys to hook up with.” “Sounds like a you problem,” she joked. “Rude.”
The breeze was constant, sending long orange strands of hair into her vision and the condensation on her glass of water and occasionally, unfortunately, the herbed cheese spread on her biscuit. With a sigh, she reached up to tie her hair back with the elastic she always kept in her pocket.
(interestingly the only instance of this word in Triad.)
The legal and emotional morass they’d waded through was deep and crushing and yet they’d pulled themselves out on the opposite shore, alive and victorious, but with all the confidence in them washed out and replaced with impervious grief. And just—just a drop of what happened where the confidence and the grief met: a raw, injured urge for revenge.
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void-botanist · 2 years
Find the word tag game
I was tagged by @lividdreamz to give this a go! My words were rich, luminous, sweet, milk(y), and pure.
Triad, Aza's POV
Seriito came from his hotel room dressed in dark, rich browns, with his middling-brown herringbone peacoat buttoned over his turtleneck. “Not wearing the dress out, huh?” The door clicked shut and they started to leave the hotel. “Nah, it’s gorgeous, but I just wanna have a quiet night with you. It’s more of a party, club dress.”
The Fourth Android (prev draft), Dez's POV
She went to the grid’s tank access, a round-cornered metal door set in the back wall. The door came away from the seal in the frame with a sticky sound, and as it swung open, a sweet musty smell spread into the air. Past her shoulder he could see a tank completely covered in the orange-red of iron rust. Tirias sighed hard through her teeth and turned back to them. “You’re fucking kidding me.” No one had taught him the sign for fuck, but he couldn’t infer any other word from her expression. It was then that he realized he wasn’t looking at a rusty old metal tank—he was looking at a normal clear glass one full to the brim with rustmold.
The Fourth Android, Anni's POV
She couldn’t tell how tall they were with the difference between the boat and the dock, but they looked slim, with grey bark that furrowed vertically so it looked like their body was covered in red-brown stretch marks. Their eyes were the same brown, with whites that were actually the milky green-tinged color of the wood of a new twig.
Triad, Aza's POV
Most of the time she didn’t think about it, but in that moment she envisioned her revenge, over and over again, a hundred different scenarios where her parents knew they’d been owned and embarrassed and one-upped. Social humiliation. Property destruction. Mind games. It was all technically possible, difficult at best, and not at all in line with who she actually wanted to be. But she couldn’t help feeling that without an extreme, there was no way she could make her parents bleed the way she and Seriito had. The thing was, nothing had to be this way. They had tried to break the idea gently. To slip it in subtly. But it wasn’t like they didn’t know their parents—didn’t know it would become a tabloid sensation and a drop-dead drag-out battle for dominance. But what could you expect? Their parents, through a combination of their own trauma, a belief that the only way to make their past suffering matter was to continue on as monarchs, and pure obstinacy, had rejected them out of hand again and again.
I'm tagging @cnjosephs and @frank-in-space (no pressure though!). Your words are network, salvage, cute, endless, and luminous.
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void-botanist · 1 year
🌞 favourite character from current wip If I had to pick just one from Nicea (how could you do this they're a crew, they're a family, they're an ensemble pov), probably Celia. She's everything: witty, kind but shameless, always ready to charm and/or smack someone for you, and above all, horny. She lights up every room <3
☁️ wip you want to write but haven't started yet Along with Drowning in the Stars, Sheri. I've goofed around with Sheri and his love interest a bit, and I've pretty much determined that their personalities in Triad were right, but the plot just hasn't aligned itself. I feel like I need a little bit more to go on before I can really start writing (and it's pretty low on my priority list but sometimes I spontaneously figure stuff out and become obsessed). I just wanna watch Sheri be the most awkward gay because he has no idea what he's doing but he is extremely sincere and persistent.
🌼 least favourite writing genre Mystery, maybe? I like the idea of writing it but I don't have the patience to plot it out. Or any genre that relies heavily on violence because while I enjoy reading it I don't really like writing it.
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void-botanist · 3 years
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Artober day 4: Double (the prompt list I'm using) [Image description: a minimal ink and marker drawing on white paper. A woman (Aza) and a man (Seriito) are shown from the chest up, standing side by side and looking away from each other toward the edges of the image. Aza, on the left, has armpit-length wavy orange hair and is wearing a blue shirt. Seriito, on the right, has chin-length pale dirty blond hair and is wearing a green shirt. Their faces are left intentionally blank and uncolored. The artist's username, NavarenWizard, is written by hand in the bottom right of the drawing. /End description.]
Aza and Seriito are fraternal twins, which in their case means they look nothing alike. This drawing gives the impression that Aza is the softer one and Seriito the...squarer one? But that was unintentional aside from their face shapes.
Side note: the double 'i' in Seriito's name is intentional. Double vowels refer to different sounds than single vowels in their parents' native language.
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