#c: domeric
visxionaries · 8 months
who: @domericstone when and where: the tourney celebrating the coronation of king jaehaerys targaryen, moments before the king graham royce of the vale is unseated by a mystery knight. in some moments, it will be clear there was foul play and intention at hand here. the men are getting onto their horses and readying their equipment. what: at this moment in time, cedric tyrell found himself in discussion with lord domeric stone - of the vale. or the north. both men remain unaware of what was about to happen.
the tiltyard was a different sort of game, and one that cedric tyrell was not the most talented at: whilst all men in the reach were trained in the arts of chivalry that made up the essentials of knighthood, there were only a number that truly meant it. it was something he often heard the high commander ranting over, the nature of those who earned their knighthood instead of those who had simply been purchased - it mattered little to cedric. in fact, it did not matter at all; there was little difference between how notions of romanticised knighthood impacted both men and women alike.
the crowds were vast, the seating high, though cedric found himself amongst the sides of the track, one of the many men who cheered on lord florent. the annoyance at his face continued to amuse him to no end as he patted the man's mare.
and in some spaces beside them were the vale faction, a matter that was a bigger deal to the knights of the reach rather than the king himself: all knew of the rivalry that came between the two regions when it came to the matter of chivalry and knighthood, the history and the essence behind it. time passed, and as men continued to speak, cedric tyrell found himself within the group wishing luck to the king consort of the vale - including the likes of the master of coin. a man whose name will go down in legends equated to a name uttered to scare children into scrambling into their beds.
"truthfully, we are still in the process of banking internally. we have investments within the iron bank that remain; though house hightower has established a bank of it's own. it is a slow process of transference - move too quickly, and the whole thing will come falling down." cedric tyrell believed himself more than able to read facial expressions, to grasp a good judgement of people and yet this one - there was an exception here. and it quietly bothered him, regardless of the conversation that passed between them.
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"there comes advantage in owing debts to banners, rather than a power across the sea. i suspect matters would be dealt with far quicker." the iron bank were known to not enjoy waiting. they too, did not appreciate debts not being paid. there was one thing he could grasp about the master of coin, and that was the fact he detested meaningless discussion. meanwhile to cedric, no conversation was truly meaningless; there was always something to gage from a situation, or an individual. especially from one as shifty as domeric, whom had seemingly had many names, many positions, and many reputations.
the discussions continued as the jousts continued, pausing to view the tilts and the clashes each time they roared through the air. "how have you found aiding the north in their repayment of the iron bank?" cedric asked, his question pointed - considering all had heard of the way in which the three sisters had involved themselves by looting a manderly vessel. then there was an ominous silence from the sisters, according to the reports of his mistress of whispers. and he listened as domeric began to respond, his arms crossed against the blue of his tunic as he leaned against a wooden stand; when he heard it. the clash, and the gasp.
glancing to the direction of the shock, he realised what was happening. the king consort of the vale had rolled away from the incoming stampede of hoofs, and then suddenly the image was blurred by the dust that was kicked up by the horses. what he saw, was a large group of nobles stand; knights of the vale pretty much lept over their stands, rushing like the sea onto the track. cedric remained silent, clearly watching the scene unfold.
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rememberences · 1 year
who: @domericstone where: the snakewood, following the death of lady lynderly. this is prior to the wedding of axell royce and yuna upcliff. graham checking in like a good big brother, only being reminded that domeric is an absolutely weirdo, woo
it were not uncommon for a woman to die from childbirth: and yet, none is truly expecting it until it happens to them. the letter that had been sent to his personal solar within the eyrie was only a simple note, informing of the delivery of the heirs to the snakewood, and the death of his lady wife. the note had caused some worry within graham royce, if only for how short and blunt it was, as though it were something utterly casual. he had blinked, and domeric was an outsider within the vale, his only link to property and a seat dead and raising the children she had born him.
were they sickly too? was there any lynderly bastard that could creep out of whatever gutter it were within and claim if a bastard were to have the snakewood, it should at least be them? in the end, the king consort had insisted that he would be visiting the region: if only because he knew should he make it sound as though he were checking in on his brother, the answer would be no.
he had insisted on meeting him at the regional border of the snakewood, something graham had argued, and yet domeric had consistently insisted. letters on letters on the pair debating on this small matter, and as the men had ridden through the twisted nature of the snakewood, he began to understand just why domeric had insisted on greeting and guiding him in. it were utterly strange, the formations of nature the trees took: light was difficult to penetrate through the overhanging trees, but there was something else about this place.
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it was unsettling, and not in the same way runestone was: rather than simply feeling as though they were not alone, it felt like something was wrong. it were obvious that graham felt inherently bad about this area: not because of not feeling alone, but because it felt as though he were feeling the emotions of so many, all at once. the winds felt like whispers. the entire wood felt cursed, and he would not be the fool to claim it were not so. he knew where his line was, and that was always tampering with what he did not truly understand.
he waited to discuss the topic until they were within the walls of the snakewood itself, the actual keep of the lynderly family: he noted the way in which the horses themselves seemed more at ease as they rode into the courtyard, his own letting out a noise of what sounded honestly quite like relief. they slipped from their horses, and he noted the way in which the servants stared at him: it had been the first time in decades a ruler of the realm had come to this corner of their world. how strange it felt. "you have been hiding in this place too long." graham spoke, his accent wrapping around each word, reflective of his runestone heritage. "when will you return to court?"
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wintervsuns · 2 years
who: @wcrdsarewind​​ where: the apartments of the hand of the king, the castle of winterfell when: over the time skip
The Small Council meeting had come to an end upon the announcement of the Hand's travels further South, further South than he thought he would be returning so very soon following their long awaited return to the snow kissed lands of the North. The Dragon's Pit called in the name that was Kings Landing, and all the might that stood alongside it; a vision had been set out for the North that went beyond the likes of mere survival. 
They wanted to thrive, they wanted to excel in ways that the other Kingdoms had been able to do; they had learned how to survive the winter, they had learned how to master the winter, and now it was time they focused on life itself rather than mere survival.
Grey orbs looked up across the table towards the Master of Coin; the ruling Lord of the Dreadfort was an interesting man, to say the least. A man who seemed permanently dead behind the eyes, though seemed to have matters he seemed to care much for; were they glimpses of sun piercing through something he would never truly fathom or understand? They were of different houses, the Karstarks remaining in a steadfast, ancient bond tied with the Starks of Winterfell - and though the days of old grudges and anger were long over and the Starks were truly the only Kings of the North, it was the difference in life itself that caused a difference between the men.
He would call it a line along the snow - but it was the wall itself. They worked together, and Brandon Karstark was cordial to a fellow servant of the realm and the rightful King of the North; Domeric had been one of the people to think of a different path for the North, and it was Brandon who held the personable skills in order to perhaps make it happen. In the end, that was all they were, and that was all they would ever be.
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And so, upon hearing his betrothed casually bring up reference to the ruling Lord of the Dreadfort in her interactions with him, the Hand of the King had barely made any response that was not one of civility; he understood they had shared a dynamic in which they both perhaps felt like social outcasts. Continued in this manner was what Brandon had done, until he saw a brief look within the eyes of the Dreadfort himself, like the flicker of a candle - looking towards the Lady of Greywater Watch.
What was it? Whatever it was within the orbs of Domeric Bolton, Brandon Karstark had never tried to understand it. Only, he would not have it slowly drifting to the woman that would join his household, the woman that would take the name Lady of House Karstark.
"My Lord." Brandon spoke, noting the man to the only man left in the Council Chamber aside from himself, the shadows on the wall flickering as a result of candles being lit. The cold never bothered him, and yet, the idea of leaving with this man continuing to look upon her in such a way...he had never seen more than a flicker, a glimpse. And yet, what he saw, he did not like. He protected those he cared for, those he considered part of his own; by blood, or by sacred union.
"Is there an issue with your eyes the Maester has yet to speak of?" He asked, closing a ledger book with a heavy thump, some dust coming from the ledgers that would be placed back within the archives of Winterfell's records itself. “Or do you feel the need to look at my betrothed as though you wish to make something of her?”
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ravellaarryns · 2 years
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what: continuation of this thread between lord domeric stone bolton and princess ravella of house arryn.
ravella: and she remains silent as he speaks on the authority of rowan arryn - it takes all in her to ask what authority, what affection does he deserve? but he was the mountain king. he was a representation of her. ravella; how it sickened her so. to know her home, her name, was represented by his weakness. she had doubted her father's decision in sending him to the front lines, leading a regiment in his youth...but now she understood. he prayed weakness would be killed. ravella: "there will be no wildlings walking along my walls." ravella: "i will see them turn on one another in butchery, or give up on these peace efforts and return back to the grovels they come from." and he says men will beg like the gods to be free of him, as he strips them bit by bit. and there is a sick fire in orbs of ice. ravella: "show me the gods exist, domeric."
domeric; watches her. she didn't want the wildlings around her and he understood. they were savages. mountain clans was a term to kind for them. raiding the lands around them expecting to leave untouched. to welcome these monster...he wouldn't have it. not in his kingdom or any other. domeric; "turning them into some frenzy where they kill each other would be harder, that takes time and effort to infiltrate. we can take this with no issue." domeric; watches her. his eyes on her. something about the light there intrigues him, awakens him. reminds him. domeric; "i can do that." domeric; noted the change in his voice. lost in thoughts of her in that moment where she was completely free and unraveled. lost in the thoughts of savages begging for solace. calling to their gods. he hates dorne. the temperature seemed to rise at random.
ravella: and she wants to ask him why he is so ready to help, ready to help with no price to be paid in response; but she knew the answer. she knew the love he seemed to bare towards everything that led back to those hammering rains of runestone. ravella: but why ask him, if it would only make this strange spell he had casted on himself more obvious? ravella: "you will do that." ravella: "you will do that?" and she's careful with her words, like silver poison; she would not give him orders, he was no subject of hers. no subject of the vale of arryn. ravella: "does it take long to get the final outcome?"
domeric; can't focus but he can hide his attentions wandering, his thoughts. he would do this, not just for the vale or the royces or her. he would do this because it was his duty. his gift. his heart. domeric; it was on the tip of his tongue to tell her to not order him when she rephrased the same order as a question. so, he nods domeric; “i'll do it.” domeric; “it can take as long as i need it to take. i'm in control. their life, their screams, their pleading is in my hands.”
ravella: and her silhouette, adorned in black dornish silks, sweep over the mosaic tiles as she seems to circle him, if only to stand beside the door with a hand on the doorknob. it was to hear if there was any other on the other side. ravella: "i look forward to seeing it, my lord. this being something not even the rains can wash away from you." ravella: and her mind trails as her orbs fix upon his, trails as she considers what the implications of this could be. there could be violence. they would handle it. they would rise, and be strengthened from it. ravella: and if she died, she knew it was for a cause. a cause to cleanse. ravella: "you'll hold no debt over me, my lord... acknowledged or not." ravella; "when the time comes, you find me."
domeric; watched her circling him, his eyes on hers as she moved to the door. not even the rains of runestone could cleanse a such as he. he was born in whatever darkness ravella wandered into. domeric; "i look forward to showing you. i'll keep it in mind. not sure what you could give me but, perhaps something will come up." domeric; "maybe the best way to avoid cows." domeric; humorless as he bows forward. domeric; "princess." domeric; "i'll send you something when it's time for you to meet me. no worries, you'll know it's from me without the need for written letters or seals."
ravella: and she's still holding onto the doorknob, knowing they would need to slip out into the crowds seperately. knowing that doing this in itself was risky business enough, but she would laugh in the face of those who dared question her. she was no bird, and held no cage; if there was a place she ruled, it was the seven hells themselves ravella: "perhaps. find something - it is in your own interests." because she would not allow another to feel like he did anything for her ravella: and she stares at him when he mentions cows. she didn't understand what he referenced. buried, long dead in the back of memories that were stored in a box; the slight confusion was obvious in a glint within her orbs ravella: "cows, my lord?"
domeric; he looks at her for a moment, his brow furrows and a brief smile comes on to his face and it goes away. it makes him sad to know she's never going to be what she was. he feels a great guilt at liking her better this way. such a weakness that came with an attachment to the past. one he couldn't let go, it gave him humanity. a man born without it, needed to hold on to it where he found it as to not completely fold into the nothingness of his reality. domeric; "it's not important. you should go." domeric; walks by her, to stand at the other side of the room, leaning against the wall, finding a place in the shadows. domeric; "enjoy this festive evening."
ravella: and perhaps she should have asked him to tell her, insisted he tell her; did he know something she didn't? ravella: but truthfully, she did not care enough to wish to get an answer to what it was he spoke of. cows, she simply could not make a link to; and so, the woman merely nodded, raven hair tumbling down her shoulders as she lowered her head in response to him ravella: “i shall leave you to whatever thoughts choose to haunt you, this festive evening.” ravella: and her tone copies his for a moment, before she leaves, closing the door behind her
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graunblida · 22 days
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@playshrp sent: ❛ I don’t want to kill you. I want us to be friends. But if not friends, then allies. ❜
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presumptuous ( she believes, anyway ) of him, to insinuate her defeat. it is true her current party lacks in numbers, but her remaining forces are standing by at the stark encampment, awaiting command. the noble looks too mild mannered to live up to his houses' reputation. to some, bolton is synonymous with BRUTAL, but the skagosi are as unmoving as mountains.
" your banner suggests otherwise. " emerald eyes fall from the symbols held high above down to the noble before her. she can appreciate the bluntness of sigil. this house is not pretending to be anything it is not. oh, how the southerners amuse her.
" in what situation would we begin to break bread? "
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atopvisenyashill · 19 days
idk if this is where I should be but i like your hotd opinions so….
idk if i am crazy but i always understood that rhaenyra killing her siblings would do nothing but make a problem for her
like we know being a kinslayer is bad, but we also know being a woman in westeros who wants to be a queen in her own right is also bad lol, so how would killing her siblings aid her in anyway??? killing them makes everyone’s thoughts on women ruling real and if they aren’t causing problems she looks crazy
but if she doesn’t, rhetorically she’s faced with war even if the dance doesn’t happen the way it did, but if aegon isn’t veering for the throne, wouldn’t it be easier to just… imprison, tax and kill the lords rebelling against her instead of kill aegon??
Idk i just think there is a lot of options and things that need to happen before killing alicent’s children is mandatory especially if everyone is playing nice in the family, or as nice as they can play since everyone has loose lips
i definitely feel like often when people analyze both the books and the show, when it comes to ~competing claims~ they tend to go for a very typical westerosi way of dealing with it ie murdering the competition or isolating & neutralizing them in some way. the thing is, and i know i sound like a broken clock here but….this never works!! there’s lots of reasons for this, fundamental to it being that feudalism is just a bad, self destructive system but also, not for nothing here, but ned raises jon to love his siblings and jon not only defends sansa and is likely to defend both sisters and bran later on, but robb names jon as his heir. i mean hell, if roose had let ramsay and domeric grow up as brothers, he could have avoided his damn heir getting merked because domeric had an interest in knowing his brother!
so YES i do agree that rhaenyra killing aegon is not only a stupid, reckless decision fueled by anger and nothing more it is also politically just so fucking dumb. and that was part of my frustration with that scene, is i can't believe alicent didn't say that! kinslaying is stupid, people already think rhaenyra is a tyrant (in both the books and the show - the silent six thing does not help her even if i think the velaryons were asking to get got there they're so fucking stupid, and b&c really destroys any and every shot of working towards a quick resolution of this war. thanks daemon you fucking idiot!), adding another incident of kinslaying is so dumb. it's just more needless violence.
and to be honest, this is also the argument against like "rhaenyra will need to kill alicent's children to ensure her own rule and that's why the greens are justified" first of all, wildly misogynistic reasoning here thanks but second of all, no she really does not need to kill them. in fact, it actively harms her cause if she does! she needs to neutralize them somehow, which is a vastly different beast! and something that could be relatively peaceful if anyone involved in this situation wasn't mindlessly and stupidly violent especially on a certain side. "oh but the princes in the tower" that's a wildly different situation and also, idk if anyone pushing "well richard iii killed the princes so that means rhaenyra would have to kill her brothers" know this but like, richard iii got overthrown by henry tudor so i'm not sure child murdering really worked out for him in the end there. which is again, the fucking point!!! turns out when you escalate violence constantly over some stupid fucking chair, it opens the playing field up to getting your own ass whacked by someone else for that stupid fucking chair. rhaenyra and her brothers' best shot at life was to make peace with each other and make sure they were really loud about how much they tried to make peace with each other. you can't murder your own brother and expect people not to think "well shit what's she gonna do to ME if i piss her off?" and considering rhaenyra's dedicating to making sure She Personally did not murder any of her siblings, she clearly knew that.
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wankerwatch · 2 months
Lords Vote
On: Victims and Prisoners Bill
Baroness Royall of Blaisdon moved amendment 132, after clause 47, to insert the new clause Licence conditions for serial and serious harm domestic abuse and stalking perpetrators under Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements. The House divided:
Ayes: 211 (54.5% Lab, 27.5% LD, 15.2% XB, 1.4% , 0.5% Bshp, 0.5% PC, 0.5% Green) Noes: 208 (93.3% Con, 3.8% , 1.9% DUP, 0.5% XB, 0.5% UUP) Absent: ~391
Likely Referenced Bill: Prisoners (Disclosure of Information About Victims) Bill
Description: To require the Parole Board to take into account any failure by a prisoner serving a sentence for unlawful killing or for taking or making an indecent image of a child to disclose information about the victim.
Originating house: Commons Current house: Commons Bill Stage: 2nd reading
Individual Votes:
Labour (115 votes)
Adams of Craigielea, B. Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent, B. Anderson of Swansea, L. Andrews, B. Armstrong of Hill Top, B. Bach, L. Bassam of Brighton, L. Berkeley, L. Blackstone, B. Blower, B. Blunkett, L. Boateng, L. Bradley, L. Bragg, L. Brooke of Alverthorpe, L. Browne of Ladyton, L. Bryan of Partick, B. Campbell-Savours, L. Carter of Coles, L. Cashman, L. Chandos, V. Chapman of Darlington, B. Clark of Windermere, L. Coaker, L. Collins of Highbury, L. Crawley, B. Davidson of Glen Clova, L. Davies of Brixton, L. Donaghy, B. Donoughue, L. Drake, B. Drayson, L. Dubs, L. Eatwell, L. Evans of Watford, L. Falconer of Thoroton, L. Foulkes of Cumnock, L. Gale, B. Glasman, L. Golding, B. Goudie, B. Grantchester, L. Grocott, L. Hacking, L. Hannett of Everton, L. Hanworth, V. Harris of Haringey, L. Hayman of Ullock, B. Hayter of Kentish Town, B. Hazarika, B. Healy of Primrose Hill, B. Hendy, L. Hollick, L. Howarth of Newport, L. Hughes of Stretford, B. Hunt of Kings Heath, L. Jay of Paddington, B. Jones of Whitchurch, B. Jones, L. Jordan, L. Kennedy of Cradley, B. Kennedy of Southwark, L. Kennedy of The Shaws, B. Khan of Burnley, L. Kinnock, L. Knight of Weymouth, L. Lennie, L. Leong, L. Lipsey, L. Lister of Burtersett, B. Livermore, L. Maxton, L. McConnell of Glenscorrodale, L. McIntosh of Hudnall, B. McNicol of West Kilbride, L. Merron, B. Monks, L. Morris of Yardley, B. Murphy of Torfaen, L. Nye, B. O'Grady of Upper Holloway, B. Osamor, B. Parekh, L. Pitkeathley, B. Ponsonby of Shulbrede, L. Prentis of Leeds, L. Primarolo, B. Quin, B. Ramsey of Wall Heath, B. Rebuck, B. Reid of Cardowan, L. Ritchie of Downpatrick, B. Robertson of Port Ellen, L. Rooker, L. Rowlands, L. Royall of Blaisdon, B. Sahota, L. Shamash, L. Sherlock, B. Sikka, L. Smith of Basildon, B. Snape, L. Stansgate, V. Taylor of Bolton, B. Taylor of Stevenage, B. Thornton, B. Touhig, L. Tunnicliffe, L. Twycross, B. Watson of Invergowrie, L. Wheeler, B. Whitaker, B. Whitty, L. Wilcox of Newport, B. Young of Old Scone, B.
Liberal Democrat (58 votes)
Addington, L. Allan of Hallam, L. Bakewell of Hardington Mandeville, B. Barker, B. Beith, L. Bonham-Carter of Yarnbury, B. Bowles of Berkhamsted, B. Brinton, B. Bruce of Bennachie, L. Burnett, L. Burt of Solihull, B. Clement-Jones, L. Dholakia, L. Featherstone, B. Foster of Bath, L. Fox, L. Garden of Frognal, B. German, L. Goddard of Stockport, L. Grender, B. Hamwee, B. Harris of Richmond, B. Humphreys, B. Hussain, L. Hussein-Ece, B. Janke, B. Jolly, B. Kramer, B. Lee of Trafford, L. Marks of Henley-on-Thames, L. McNally, L. Miller of Chilthorne Domer, B. Newby, L. Northover, B. Oates, L. Palmer of Childs Hill, L. Parminter, B. Pinnock, B. Randerson, B. Razzall, L. Russell, E. Scriven, L. Sharkey, L. Sheehan, B. Shipley, L. Smith of Newnham, B. Stoneham of Droxford, L. Storey, L. Strasburger, L. Suttie, B. Taylor of Goss Moor, L. Teverson, L. Thomas of Gresford, L. Thomas of Winchester, B. Thornhill, B. Tope, L. Tyler of Enfield, B. Walmsley, B.
Crossbench (32 votes)
Aberdare, L. Anderson of Ipswich, L. Berkeley of Knighton, L. Campbell of Surbiton, B. Cavendish of Little Venice, B. Clancarty, E. Colville of Culross, V. Craigavon, V. Cromwell, L. Finlay of Llandaff, B. Freyberg, L. Hogan-Howe, L. Hope of Craighead, L. Hunt of Bethnal Green, B. Kakkar, L. Kerr of Kinlochard, L. Kidron, B. Kilclooney, L. Mawson, L. Meacher, B. Meston, L. O'Loan, B. Pannick, L. Prashar, B. Russell of Liverpool, L. Sentamu, L. Somerset, D. Stevens of Kirkwhelpington, L. Thomas of Cwmgiedd, L. Trevethin and Oaksey, L. Vaux of Harrowden, L. Warner, L.
Non-affiliated (3 votes)
Mackenzie of Framwellgate, L. Paddick, L. Patel of Bradford, L.
Bishops (1 vote)
Southwell and Nottingham, Bp.
Plaid Cymru (1 vote)
Smith of Llanfaes, B.
Green Party (1 vote)
Jones of Moulsecoomb, B.
Conservative (194 votes)
Agnew of Oulton, L. Ahmad of Wimbledon, L. Altmann, B. Altrincham, L. Anelay of St Johns, B. Arbuthnot of Edrom, L. Ashcombe, L. Ashton of Hyde, L. Attlee, E. Balfe, L. Banner, L. Barran, B. Bellamy, L. Bellingham, L. Benyon, L. Berridge, B. Bethell, L. Black of Brentwood, L. Blencathra, L. Bloomfield of Hinton Waldrist, B. Booth, L. Borwick, L. Bottomley of Nettlestone, B. Bourne of Aberystwyth, L. Bray of Coln, B. Bridgeman, V. Browning, B. Brownlow of Shurlock Row, L. Buscombe, B. Caine, L. Caithness, E. Callanan, L. Cameron of Chipping Norton, L. Cameron of Lochiel, L. Camrose, V. Carrington of Fulham, L. Cathcart, E. Chadlington, L. Choudrey, L. Colgrain, L. Courtown, E. Crathorne, L. Cruddas, L. Davies of Gower, L. De Mauley, L. Deben, L. Deighton, L. Dobbs, L. Douglas-Miller, L. Duncan of Springbank, L. Dundee, E. Dunlop, L. Eccles, V. Effingham, E. Elliott of Mickle Fell, L. Evans of Bowes Park, B. Fairfax of Cameron, L. Farmer, L. Fink, L. Finkelstein, L. Finn, B. Fleet, B. Fookes, B. Forsyth of Drumlean, L. Foster of Oxton, B. Framlingham, L. Fraser of Craigmaddie, B. Frost, L. Fuller, L. Garnier, L. Glendonbrook, L. Godson, L. Gold, L. Goldie, B. Grimstone of Boscobel, L. Hamilton of Epsom, L. Hammond of Runnymede, L. Harlech, L. Haselhurst, L. Hayward, L. Helic, B. Henley, L. Herbert of South Downs, L. Hintze, L. Hodgson of Abinger, B. Hodgson of Astley Abbotts, L. Horam, L. Houchen of High Leven, L. Howard of Lympne, L. Howard of Rising, L. Howe, E. Howell of Guildford, L. Hunt of Wirral, L. Jackson of Peterborough, L. James of Blackheath, L. Jamieson, L. Jenkin of Kennington, B. Johnson of Lainston, L. Johnson of Marylebone, L. Jopling, L. Kempsell, L. King of Bridgwater, L. Kirkham, L. Kirkhope of Harrogate, L. Lamont of Lerwick, L. Lansley, L. Lawlor, B. Lea of Lymm, B. Leicester, E. Lexden, L. Lilley, L. Lindsay, E. Lingfield, L. Liverpool, E. Livingston of Parkhead, L. Lucas, L. Magan of Castletown, L. Mancroft, L. Manzoor, B. Markham, L. Marks of Hale, L. Marland, L. Marlesford, L. McInnes of Kilwinning, L. McIntosh of Pickering, B. McLoughlin, L. Mendoza, L. Meyer, B. Minto, E. Mobarik, B. Monckton of Dallington Forest, B. Montrose, D. Morris of Bolton, B. Morrissey, B. Mott, L. Moylan, L. Moynihan of Chelsea, L. Murray of Blidworth, L. Naseby, L. Neville-Jones, B. Neville-Rolfe, B. Newlove, B. Nicholson of Winterbourne, B. Noakes, B. Norton of Louth, L. Offord of Garvel, L. Owen of Alderley Edge, B. Parkinson of Whitley Bay, L. Petitgas, L. Pickles, L. Popat, L. Porter of Fulwood, B. Porter of Spalding, L. Randall of Uxbridge, L. Reay, L. Redfern, B. Risby, L. Robathan, L. Roborough, L. Rock, B. Sanderson of Welton, B. Sandhurst, L. Sater, B. Scott of Bybrook, B. Seccombe, B. Shackleton of Belgravia, B. Sharpe of Epsom, L. Shephard of Northwold, B. Sherbourne of Didsbury, L. Shinkwin, L. Smith of Hindhead, L. Stedman-Scott, B. Sterling of Plaistow, L. Stewart of Dirleton, L. Stowell of Beeston, B. Strathcarron, L. Strathclyde, L. Sugg, B. Swinburne, B. Swire, L. Taylor of Holbeach, L. Trenchard, V. True, L. Udny-Lister, L. Vaizey of Didcot, L. Vere of Norbiton, B. Wei, L. Wharton of Yarm, L. Willetts, L. Williams of Trafford, B. Wolfson of Tredegar, L. Wyld, B. Young of Cookham, L. Younger of Leckie, V.
Non-affiliated (8 votes)
Chisholm of Owlpen, B. Faulks, L. Foster of Aghadrumsee, B. Fox of Buckley, B. Gadhia, L. Grade of Yarmouth, L. Moore of Etchingham, L. Verdirame, L.
Democratic Unionist Party (4 votes)
Browne of Belmont, L. Hay of Ballyore, L. McCrea of Magherafelt and Cookstown, L. Morrow, L.
Crossbench (1 vote)
Brookeborough, V.
Ulster Unionist Party (1 vote)
Empey, L.
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neverasound-blog · 6 years
angst memes || accepting
31. Your muse must talk my muse out of committing suicide.
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     The redhead had come in like some silent deliverer of warmth. Her mind had been resolute. No changing her mind. She needed freed from the cold walls that had become her prison. The poison in her hands. To go the way her son did. Feel his pain and agony in the last lonely moments of his life. 
     But Hefzy had wandered in, perhaps on accident, but it made a pause happen. Like a ripple moving across still water. Hefzy’s words… words that perhaps her son would have said to her. Words her husband would never say. A comfort from the poor rag doll.
     “I don’t want to do this anymore Hefzy. There is no sun here. No happiness. Everything I ever loved, taken from me.” She heaved a shaky sigh, swiping the tears away quickly. Bolton women did not cry. Bolton women did not feel.
                    And maybe that’s what she hated. Feeling nothing. 
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Bethany Fair-Fingers (main series era): A wandering singer of Westeros, one of the performers arranged to sing at the wedding of King Joffrey Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell. Fancast: Tori Amos.
Bethany Hightower (b. approx. 113 AC): Daughter of Lord Ormund Hightower and sister-in-law to Samantha Tarly, who had married her older brother Lyonel. She would also become sister-in-law to Princess Rhaena Targaryen through another brother, Garmund. She was proposed as a bride for Aegon III, though his Hand, announced the Maiden's Day ball for Aegon to choose his new bride instead. Fancast: Georgia Tennant.
Blushing Bethany (main series era): A prostitute at the Happy Port in Braavos. Fancast: Gracie Gillam.
Bethany Redwyne (b. approx. 250 AC): Wife of Lord Mathis Rowan of Goldengrove and mother to three children. Lord Hoster Tully once intended to ask for her hand for his younger brother, Brynden, but Brynden refused to marry. Her daughter was caught in bed with a singer named Dareon, who was sent to the wall when she claimed it was rape. Fancast: Zoey Deutch.
Bethany Rosby (c. 250-283 AC): Sixth wife of Lord Walder Frey and mother to five children, including Roslin. Fancast: Ruby Bentall.
Bethany Ryswell (b. approx. 260 AC): Daughter of Lord Rodrik Ryswell of the Rills and wife to Lord Roose Bolton. She had a son, Domeric, who was probably poisoned by his bastard brother, Ramsay Snow. Fancast: Michelle Dockery.
Betharios of Braavos (b. approx. 260 AC): Wife of Symond Frey, seventh son of Lord Walder Frey, and mother to Alyx Frey, Alesander Frey, a singer, and Bradamar, who is being fostered in Braavos. Fancast: Melinda Clarke.
Branda Stark (b. approx. 240 AC): Daughter of Rodrik Stark, the Wandering Wolf, and his wife Arya Flint. Her younger sister Lyarra became the wife of Lord Rickard Stark of Winterfell. Fancast: Lara Pulver.
Brea (b. approx. 285 AC): Daughter of Brusco, a Braavosi fishmonger. She shares a room with Cat of the Canals. Fancast: Millie Bobby Brown.
Brella (main series era): A servant in King's Landing. She originally runs the household of Renly Baratheon, but after his death she is hired by Tyrion Lannister as a maid. After Tyrion's fall, Brella can no longer find work among the nobles and is now a washerwoman at a whorehouse. Fancast: Kathryn Hunter.
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
Some ideas for fics
Now, I want to say that these fics are not a given, but I want to have the ideas here just in case I end up deciding for one (or two) to write.
1.- Since Turgon left for Gondolin, he is unaware of Gil-Galad’s birth (son of Fingon for this fic) and when Gondolin falls, Idril says “The High King is dead” and Gil laughs and says, “I’m very much alive.” Cue shock at the fact they had no idea Fingon had a son, that other Noldor never considered Turgon their High King and Gil-Galad seems to be doing very well. 
2.- A completely self indulgent modern girl in Middle Earth, but with Latinx influences. Well, in my case, it would be Mexican influences. I just can decide if I should go for a) Gil-Galad, b) Celebrimbor, c) Thranduil or d) Erestor
3.- A mini fic of Robert’s Rebellion, the moment when Robert is getting ready to start fighting.
4.- Selkie Cassian who comes to Jyn.
5.- A fic where Sansa is sent back in time by the Old Gods in order to save her family and ready the people for the Others.
6.- The fic where Domeric never seeks Ramsay, lives and woos Sansa.
7.- A fic where Catelyn arranges Northen betrothals for Sansa & Arya before going to the Twins.
8.- A fic where Galadriel finds Maglor and brings him back to Valinor. Her reasoning? Without him, Finrod is best singer of the Noldor, and that will not stand. 
9.- A fairy tale inspired RebelCaptain.
10- Get off my ass and continue with the WIPs I have already. Specially, the series “Heirs of Elu”.
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dragonmartellstark · 4 years
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AU: Elia Martell and Rhaella Targaryen, the sun and the dragon (1 /?)
At the end of the War of the Usurper, Elia with the help of Jaime Lannister managed to make peace with Robert Baratheon despite the fact that he killed her husband, Rhaegar Targaryen. Robert and Eddard Stark demanded the release of Lyanna Stark, Eddard's sister and Robert's fiancée, something that Elia accepted. In order to win the favor of the Starks, she agreed to return the remains of Rickard Stark and Brandon Stark, Ned's father and brother, in addition to paying funerals out of respect.
Elia returned Lyanna to her family, but what everyone did not expect was that the young woman had become pregnant with Rhaegar and this provoked the wrath of Robert Baratheon, but the princess of Dorne offered her that the little one live in Winterfell and that his mother could visiting him, something that Robert did not like, but in the end he agreed that his friend Ned raised him and that his beloved Lyanna visit his son, if he wanted to have her.
In the year 284 a. C., little Aegon was crowned Aegon VI Targaryen and Elia Martell was named as his regent, despite the gossip about the princess. That same year, Rhaella Targaryen widow of Aerys II returned from dragonstone with her children, Viserys and Daenerys, this was a great joy for Elia and her children, since mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were very appreciated and Rhaella loved her. grandchildren of her.
Elia Martell: Elia was regent for her son Aegon VI for 14 years, at that time his regency was described as peaceful and surrounded himself with advisers who were mostly Dornish, his main adviser was his brother Doran who gave him ideas about new reforms such as accepting that a young widow remarried and allowing an illegitimate child to have the right to inheritance in the event that his legitimate siblings do not have children.
In the year 298 a. C., his son Aegon was declared of legal age, Elia moved away from political life, focused on charitable acts helping various orphanages and instilling some Dornish customs in the court, being compared to the former queen, Mariah Martell. In 309 a. C., she ordered to rebuild the castle of Summer Refuge and placed in a room the portraits of the victims of the fire as a sign of respect. Elia lived for a time in the castle receiving the visit of her children, grandchildren and her brothers, leading a quiet and full life.
Elia passed away in 313 a. C. her, she at 56 years old she was the victim of her poor health and she was cremated, her ashes were buried next to those of Queen Rhaella Targaryen.
Rhaella Targaryen: Rhaella was sheltered in Dragonstone with her young son, Viserys, and her baby in her womb. She became a widowed queen when her brother-husband, Aerys II died at the hands of Jaime Lannister, but her eldest son, Rhaegar also passed away and this news broke the queen who was in her last months of gestation, but she tried to reassure herself by the good of your baby. In the year 284 a. C., Rhaella went into labor and gave birth to a girl, Daenerys, and was warned that another delivery of her could kill her. That same year, Rhaella's grandson was crowned Aegon VI Targaryen and the widow set off for King's Landing with her children to meet her beloved daughter-in-law, Elia, and her beloved grandchildren.
Rhaella remained by her family's side leading a quiet life and she spent her days taking care of her children, riding horses and having lively talks with a small social circle that she began to create. She mourned her husband for a whole year, but she was reunited with her old love, Bonifer Hasty and she obtained Elia's permission to marry hers, despite the fact that this marriage was morganatic. The queen and her new husband settled in rooms in the red fortress, and it is known that the marriage was solid and harmonious with Bonifer being a good stepfather for Viserys and Daenerys.
Rhaella Targaryen passed away in 305 a. C., at 60 years of age due to cardiac complications being a great pain for her entire family. She was cremated and her ashes rest alongside those of Rhaegar and Elia Martell.
Aegon VI Targaryen: He was king of the Seven Kingdoms and the sixth of his name, he was crowned with two years of age and his regent was his mother, Elia Martell. Aegon grew up alongside his sister, Rhaenys, and his paternal uncles, Viserys and Daenerys, receiving classes from Rhaella and Elia.
At first Aegon would marry his older sister, Rhaenys, but his grandmother convinced Elia that it was not a good idea, since Rhaella thought that so much incest practiced by several Targaryen generations could cause infertility or stillborn babies to the king, which is why he sought several maidens to be the next queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Many lords of different houses offered their daughters as wives, but it was not until 298 a. C., when Aegon came of age and organized a dance to meet the candidates to be his wife.
All the maidens of the Seven Kingdoms were introduced and Aegon danced with some of them, but he chose Shireen Baratheon, daughter of Stannis Baratheon and niece of Robert Baratheon. Although the Lord of Storm's End had two daughters, Aegon decided on Shireen, appearing to him to be a very beautiful and sweet girl, this was well liked by Elia and Rhaella in a way to appease the tensions between the Baratheon and the Targaryens.
The wedding took place on the first day of the year 299 a. C., Aegon was 17 years old and Shireen 10 years old, the marriage was not consummated until the year 304 a. C.. The marriage was happy and Shireen bore him five sons and two daughters, ensuring the descendants of the Targaryen-Baratheon.
Aegon's reign was peaceful highlighting the alliances between different houses with which the Targaryens were at odds. He married several of his sons and daughters to different members of royal houses, notably the Martells, the Lannisters, the Tyrells and the Arryns. Aegon reigned for 51 years, considered one of the kings that reigned the most in the Seven Kingdoms, being the second after Jaehaerys I Targaryen. Aegon was called "The Little King" and later "The Peacemaker", being remembered as a good king who brought peace to the kingdom after the reign of terror of his grandfather, Aerys II.
Aegon passed away in 335 a. C., at 53 years of age, victim of puerperal fever due to a hunting accident where he cut his hand and the wound was not well treated.
Rhaenys Targaryen: she was the sister of King Aegon VI and at first her fiancée, but her grandmother Rhaella convinced her mother, Elia Martell, not to do more incestuous practices because she had many difficulties to have healthy children. So Rhaenys became a highly sought-after girl because if her brother died without issue she could be the new queen along with her husband.
The princess had many suitors, but her mother decided that she would marry the heir of Winterfell, Robb Stark as a way to appease the tensions between the Starks, Baratheon and the Targaryens after Robert's Rebellion. This marriage was well seen by Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully who accepted the engagement and in receiving the princess. In 297 a. C., Rhaenys said goodbye to her family and left for the North, where her fiancée, her political family and the Stark entourage were waiting for her. That same year the case couple, the princess was 17 years old and her fiancé 14 years old, but they liked each other at first sight.
Life in the north was somewhat tumultuous for Rhaenys, as she loved to ride, dance and practice with the sword, being frowned upon by her mother-in-law, Catelyn Stark, and her sister-in-law Sansa, but she soon gained the sympathy of her father-in-law, Ned. and his brothers-in-law Arya, Bran and Rickon Stark. It is unknown how her relationship was with her half-brother Jon Stark hers when they met, but it is believed that they both had a good relationship and could even be friends.
In the year 299 a. C., Rhaenys became pregnant for the first time and this was a great joy for everyone, but the princess was pressured by her mother-in-law who criticized her for anything she did in her condition and especially when she attended her brother's wedding, Aegon with Shireen Baratheon. This burdened Rhaenys so much that she gave birth to her first child, Eddard prematurely. The next five years Rhaenys had three more children, Elia, Rhaena and Alaric Stark with them she traveled to King's Landing to visit her brother and her mother.
Rhaenys was influential in the northern court doing various tournaments and dances, in addition to organizing banquets for the vassals and their children in a way to thank her for her great effort. The princess was called "The Winter Sun" and was loved by all, but she was also the envy of some women, especially Sansa Stark and her friend, Jeyne Poole, who criticized her in her social circle for her Dornish appearance and her style of typical life of a gentleman.
In the year 304 a. C., Eddard Stark passed away due to heart problems and Rhaenys along with Robb became lords of Winterfell, being acclaimed by all. Rhaenys focused on charity, court, hunting, and her children whom she adored. As Mistress of Winterfell she was good and much loved by all, Domeric Bolton admitted that she was just as beautiful as Catelyn Tully, but Rhaenys shone like the sun.
The years passed and it is known that the couple was very happy, Robb was always faithful to his wife and he was never known for any conquest despite being highly sought after by some ladies. In the year 335 a. C., King Aegon VI died and the death of her brother was a great pain for Rhaenys since she was very close to him, losing the two people she loved the most, her mother and her brother. A year later Rhaenys became seriously ill after falling into a pool of frozen water in the cold and was in bed for several months until the first day of 337 a. C., Princess Rhaenys passed away at 57 years of age and was buried in the crypts of Invernalia where she later would be accompanied by her husband, Robb Stark.
AU: Elia Martell y Rhaella Targaryen, el sol y el dragón (1/?)
A finales de la Guerra del Usurpador, Elia con la ayuda de Jaime Lannister logró hacer la paz con Robert Baratheon pese a que este mato a su esposo, Rhaegar Targaryen. Robert y Eddard Stark exigía la liberación de, Lyanna Stark hermana de Eddard y prometida de Robert, algo que Elia acepto. Para ganarse el favor de los Stark acepto regresar los restos de Rickard Stark y Brandon Stark, el padre y el hermano de Ned, además de pagar funerales en señal de respeto.
Elia devolvió a Lyanna con su familia, pero lo que todos no esperaban era que la joven había quedado embarazada de Rhaegar y esto provoco la ira de Robert Baratheon, pero la princesa de Dorne le ofreció que el pequeño viviera en Invernalia y que su madre pudiera visitarlo, algo que no le agradaba a Robert, pero al final accedió que su amigo Ned lo criara y que su amada Lyanna visitara a su hijo, si quería tenerla.
En el año 284 d. C., el pequeño Aegon fue coronado como Aegon VI Targaryen y Elia Martell fue nombrada como su regente, pesé a las habladurías sobre la princesa. Ese mismo año, Rhaella Targaryen viuda de Aerys II volvió desde rocadragón junto a sus hijos, Viserys y Daenerys, esto fue una gran alegría para Elia y sus hijos, ya que suegra y nuera se apreciaban mucho y Rhaella amaba a sus nietos.
Elia Martell: Elia fue regente de su hijo Aegon VI por 14 años, en esos tiempos su regencia fue descrita como pacifica y se rodeo de consejeros que en su mayoría eran dornienses, su consejero principal fue su hermano Doran quien le dio ideas sobre nuevas reformas como aceptar que una viuda joven volviera a contraer matrimonio y permitir que un hijo ilegitimo tenga derecho a herencia en caso de que sus hermanos legítimos no tengan descendencia.
En el año 298 d. C., su hijo Aegon fue declarado mayor de edad, Elia se alejo de la vida política, se centro en los actos benéficos ayudando a varios orfanatos e inculcando algunas costumbres dornienses a la corte, siendo comparada con la antigua reina, Mariah Martell. En el 309 d. C., mando a reconstruir el castillo de Refugio Estival y coloco en una habitación los retratos de las victimas del incendio como señal de respeto. Elia vivió por un tiempo en el castillo recibiendo la visita de sus hijos, nietos y sus hermanos, llevando una vida tranquila y plena.
Elia falleció en el año 313 d. C., a los 56 años victima de su pésima salud y fue incinerada, sus cenizas fueron enterradas junto a las de la reina Rhaella Targaryen.
Rhaella Targaryen: Rhaella estaba resguardada en Rocadragón junto a su hijo pequeño, Viserys y el bebé en su vientre. Ella se convirtió en reina viuda al morir su hermano-esposo, Aerys II a manos de Jaime Lannister, pero su hijo mayor, Rhaegar también falleció y esta noticia rompió a la reina que estaba en sus últimos meses de gestación, pero trato de tranquilizarse por el bien de su bebé. En el año 284 d. C., Rhaella se puso de parto y dio a luz a una niña, Daenerys y se le advirtió que otro parto mas podría matarla. Ese mismo año, el nieto de Rhaella fue coronado como Aegon VI Targaryen y la viuda partió hacia Desembarco del Rey junto a sus hijos reencontrándose con su querida nuera, Elia y sus adorados nietos.
Rhaella permaneció al lado de su familia llevando una vida tranquila y paso sus días cuidando a sus hijos, cabalgando y teniendo charlas animadas con un pequeño circulo social que empezó a crear. Estuvo un año entero de luto por su marido, pero volvió a reencontrarse con su antiguo amor, Bonifer Hasty y obtuvo el permiso de Elia para casarse con el, pesé a que este matrimonio era morganático. La reina y su nuevo marido se instalaron en unas habitaciones de la fortaleza roja, y se sabe que el matrimonio fue solido y armonioso siendo Bonifer un buen padrastro para Viserys y Daenerys.
Rhaella Targaryen falleció en el año 305 d. C., a los 60 años de edad por complicaciones cardiacas siendo un gran dolor para toda su familia. Fue incinerada y sus cenizas descansan junto a las de Rhaegar y Elia Martell.
Aegon VI Targaryen: Fue rey de los Siete Reinos y el sexto de su nombre, fue coronado con dos años de edad y su regente fue su madre, Elia Martell. Aegon creció junto a su hermana, Rhaenys y sus tíos paternos, Viserys y Daenerys, recibiendo clases por parte de Rhaella y Elia.
En un principio Aegon se casaría con su hermana mayor, Rhaenys, pero su abuela convenció a Elia que no era buena idea, ya que Rhaella pensaba que tanto incesto practicado por varias generaciones Targaryen podrían causarles infertilidad o bebés mortinatos al rey por lo que se busco varias doncellas para ser la siguiente reina de los Siete Reinos. Muchos señores de distintas casas ofrecieron a sus hijas como esposas, pero no fue hasta el 298 d. C., cuando Aegon cumplió la mayoría de edad y organizo un baile para conocer a las candidatas a ser su esposa. 
Todas las doncellas de los Siete Reinos fueron presentadas y Aegon bailo con alguna de ellas, pero se decanto por Shireen Baratheon, hija de Stannis Baratheon y sobrina de Robert Baratheon. Pesé a que el Señor de Bastión de Tormenta tenia dos hijas, Aegon se decidió por Shireen pareciéndole una niña muy hermosa y dulce, esto fue bien visto por Elia y Rhaella en una forma de apaciguar las tenciones entre los Baratheon y los Targaryen.
La boda se celebró el primer día del año 299 d. C., Aegon tenia 17 años y Shireen 10 años, el matrimonio no fue consumado hasta el año 304 d. C.. El matrimonio fue feliz y Shireen le dio cinco hijos y dos hijas, asegurando la descendencia de los Targaryen-Baratheon.
El reinado de Aegon fue pacifico destacando las alianzas entre diferentes casas con las que los Targaryen estuvo enemistados. Caso a varios de sus hijos e hijas con diferentes miembros de casas reales destacándose los Martell, los Lannister, los Tyrell y los Arryn. Aegon reino por 51 años, considerado como uno de los reyes que mas reino en los Siete Reinos, siendo el segundo después de Jaehaerys I Targaryen. Aegon fue llamado “El pequeño rey” y mas adelante “El pacificador”, siendo recordado como un buen rey que trajo paz al reino después del reinado de terror de su abuelo, Aerys II.
Aegon falleció el 335 d. C., a los 53 años de edad victima de fiebres puerperales debido a un accidente de caza donde se corto una mano y no fue bien tratada la herida.
Rhaenys Targaryen: Fue la hermana del rey Aegon VI y en un principio su prometida, pero su abuela Rhaella convenció a su madre, Elia Martell de no hacer mas practicas incestuosas debido a que ella tuvo muchas dificultades para tener hijos sanos. Así que Rhaenys se convirtió en una muchacha muy pretendida ya que si su hermano fallecía sin descendencia ella podría ser la nueva reina junto a su marido.
La princesa tuvo muchos pretendientes, pero su madre decidió que se casaría con el heredero de Invernalia, Robb Stark como una forma de apaciguar las tenciones entre los Stark, Baratheon y los Targaryen después de la Rebelión de Robert. Este matrimonio fue bien visto por Eddard Stark y Catelyn Tully quien acepto el compromiso y en recibir a la princesa. En el 297 d. C., Rhaenys se despidió de su familia y partió hacia el Norte, ahí la esperaban su prometido, su familia política y la comitiva de los Stark. Ese mismo año la pareja de caso, la princesa tenia 17 años y su prometido 14 años, pero ellos se gustaron a primera vista.
La vida en el norte fue algo tumultuosa para Rhaenys, debido a que ella adoraba cabalgar, bailar y practicar con la espada siendo esto mal visto por su suegra, Catelyn Stark y su cuñada Sansa, pero pronto se gano la simpatía de su suegro, Ned y de sus cuñados Arya, Bran y Rickon Stark. Se desconoce como fue su relación con su medio-hermano Jon Stark cuando se conocieron, pero se cree que ambos tuvieron un buen trato y pudieron hasta ser amigos.
En el año 299 d. C., Rhaenys se quedo embarazada por primera vez y esto fue una gran alegría para todos, pero la princesa se vio presionada por su suegra quien la criticaba por cualquier cosa que hacia en su estado y sobre todo cuando asistió al casamiento de su hermano, Aegon con Shireen Baratheon. Esto agobio mucho a Rhaenys que dio a luz a su primer hijo, Eddard de manera prematura. Los siguientes cinco años Rhaenys tuvo tres hijos mas, Elia, Rhaena y Alaric Stark con ellos viajo a Desembarco del rey para visitar a su hermano y su madre.
Rhaenys fue influyente en la corte norteña haciendo varios torneos y bailes, además de organizar banquetes para los vasallos y los hijos de estos en forma de agradecer su gran esfuerzo. La princesa fue llamada “El sol del Invierno” y fue querida por todos, pero también fue la envidia de algunas mujeres en especial de Sansa Stark y su amiga, Jeyne Poole quienes la criticaban en su circulo social por su aspecto dorniense y su estilo de vida típico de un caballero.
En el año 304 d. C., falleció Eddard Stark por problemas de corazón y Rhaenys junto a Robb se convirtieron en señores de Invernalia, siendo aclamados por todos. Rhaenys se centro en los actos de caridad, en la corte, la caza y en sus hijos a los cuales adoraba. Como Señora de Invernalia fue buena y muy querida por todos, Domeric Bolton admitió que ella era igual de hermosa que Catelyn Tully, pero Rhaenys brillaba como el sol.
Los años pasaron y se sabe que la pareja fue muy feliz, Robb siempre fue fiel a su esposa y nunca se le conoció alguna conquista pese a ser muy pretendido por algunas damas. En el año 335 d. C., falleció el rey Aegon VI y la muerte de su hermano fue un gran dolor para Rhaenys ya que estaba muy unida a el perdiendo a las dos personas que mas quiso, su madre y a su hermano. Un año después Rhaenys enfermo gravemente tras caerse a un estanque de agua helada en pleno frío y estuvo en cama por varios meses hasta que el primer día del año 337 d. C., la princesa Rhaenys falleció a los 57 años de edad y fue enterrada en las criptas de Invernalia donde mas adelante seria acompañada por su marido, Robb Stark.
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rememberences · 2 years
who: @wcrdsarewind​ (domeric) where: the eyrie, the kingdom of the vale
The treacherous journey was only further heightened by the recent snowfall throughout the various bases upon the Giant's Lance; and yet, it was one he knew Domeric had traversed before in his youth, accompanied by two members of the most notable members of the Queen's guard. It seemed as though the stability of the Vale had once again come into question, with the likes of the young King and a disease that no maester seemed able to treat; an assumed regency was what the Small Council had assumed would naturally follow, and yet, it was a total transfer of the crown that had been the King's word.
The crown had passed entirely lawfully to a head of raven curls that had been dead inside far longer than the likes of the Falcon King they needed to bury, raven curls and cold, ice orbs and a voice that seemed to consist more of shadows than any form of sweet honey. He wondered whether all the upheaval within the Kingdom of the Vale had been a result of their own sins and their own choices, whether the Gods above sought to punish or test them further.
"My Lord Hand - the bastard of House Grafton is due to arrive." The Hand of the Queen made no effort to correct them; what was there to correct?
How much would he try to hold together? How much would a flicker of shock cross over dark orbs, before his mind moved into a sense of inherent, automatic damage control; calling the meetings of the Small Council, writing to their banners and allies alike to summon and extend invitation to the Eyrie to witness the coronation of the Queen and bend the knee; it was a Queen who ruled the Mountains of the Moon now. He did not give himself the time nor the space to contemplate on what that meant, only knowing there was much that needed to be done for the sake of legitimacy.
Interestingly, one of those who seemed to have emerged from the shadows and into the truth was the likes of the former Lord of the Dread; Domeric was no stranger to the Vale of Arryn. Domeric Stone of House Grafton; a bastard. The judgement had weighed upon Graham's shoulders, for he knew there was no denying or dancing around the fact what the man was; that he would not be treated the same any further. And yet, there remained the same mind, the same Domeric. He knew of these lands and knew of the people, of the customs and the values, of the most mighty of the banner houses; his shadow was one that was familiar with the dizzying heights of the Vale of Arryn.
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And so, Graham Royce had an offer that needed to be discussed before he brought it to the Queen directly; knowing the matter to be a prickly one. It made sense, considering their established closeness with the Free City of Braavos and the Sealord would only further be exemplified through Domeric's own connections; it made sense, which only bothered him more. It was for that reason he had been the one to wait to welcome Domeric to the Eyrie upon his invitation, prior to continuing down to Gulltown - a mighty stop, and yet, he knew what he wished to achieve from it.
Axell would need to know now. Now they were all back where it started.
The man did not talk as he watched the Valeman slip from his steed, accompanied by a smaller amount of people than he had expected - the rest had gone forward to Gulltown no doubt. Dark orbs, the orbs of Malcom Royce himself, looked upon Domeric in utter silence as he watched the man; the secret was finally out, and yet they needed to tread carefully. For his questionable birth was known, House Royce's affiliation with the boy was not.
A bastard had returned to where he belonged, where his talents could be best utilised and trained; and Domeric had returned home. His true home. He would have called him brother, if they were not within the public eye; still, he took steps forward to close the physical distance between them. "Domeric." He addressed him, the word Stone on the tip of his tongue; he could barely bring himself to utter it. And yet, that was what he was, was it not? Stone. Domeric Stone.
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amuelia · 4 years
yoooo do you think roose started being leeched after domeric died? B/c in ADWD he says something about the leeches getting rid of rage/pain, then immediately brings up domeric and how Ramsay killed him....
I personally don’t think he started leeching this late - Domeric died in 297 AC, which means at most a year before the northern plot in aGoT starts. But the way Barbrey talks about Roose, it seems to be a consistent character trait that she is used to seeing in him:
“Roose has no feelings, you see. Those leeches that he loves so well sucked all the passions out of him years ago.” - aDwD
While 297 AC is technically “years ago” from when she says this (300 AC), Roose has been in war for around 2 of these years where she didnt see him much, and before that they also didn’t live together, so he has probably been acting like that for longer than just 297 AC.
Catelyn also never comments on his paleness as though it is a new thing (though granted, we also don’t have a canon confirmation that the leeches caused it, but i think it’s likely). There’s also the line “This is a cold man, Catelyn realized, not for the first time“, which seems related to Barbrey’s assessment of him having no feelings, and also hints at him being like that for years. Not that leeches literally/biologically suck emotions of course, but Barbrey seems to connect his lack of emotions to his leeching habit as though both have been coexisting for a long time.
"My squire could take a lesson from you, it would seem. Frequent leechings are the secret of a long life.” - aCoK
"I know." Lord Bolton sighed. "His blood is bad. He needs to be leeched. The leeches suck away the bad blood, all the rage and pain. No man can think so full of anger.” - aDwD
Roose’ leeching habit is interesting because it seems to have an intersecting purpose of not only keeping his physical health, but also being a psychological crutch to keep his emotions mellow. The leeching habit itself likely started as a general caution; Roose seems to be a somewhat anxious person, with a lot of his actions centered around evading risks (stuff like sending out a decoy that wears his armor in aDwD, these grrm quotes [1] [2], his habit of hiding emotions which seems to have the purpose that people cant use them against him, his health-related food choices like drinking hippocras, being paranoid not to be poisoned in aDwD...). Events like his wife Bethany dying from a fever and his son Domeric dying from a sickness of the bowels probably made his health habits more intense (because they are events that happened to people close to him it might have increased his fear for himself), even resulting in what are probably adverse health effects in case of the leeching (which seems to make him pale due to how excessive it is, and likely makes him lack energy which could cause his quiet voice and probably even has an influence on his mellowed behaviour).
Since I generally hc that his leech habit got worse in the years after Robert’s Rebellion (not directly caused by RR, just generally getting worse with age), in pictures where he’s younger i usually give him a healthier skin tone 🤔
[Speculation, cw rape mention] I perceive it as likely that he went through somewhat of a character change, either in the years following Robert’s Rebellion or starting earlier. In the story of the miller’s wife (taking place before RR), despite current Roose trying to spin it as a rational act in his retelling, i believe we have an instance of past him acting very emotionally-driven (his retaliation to being “cheated” reads similar to ramsay being sent into a “black rage” when personally insulted). Barbrey’s statement i quoted earlier also has a tinge of bitterness to it, and it also seems Roose must have a reason to believe the leeches suck out “anger and pain”. Since Theon and Catelyn never comment on him having changed, it seems likely that he started a character change a little before Robert’s Rebellion - Though since Cat never was close to him, she’d also probably percieve changes in him more as her just adjusting the initial impression she had of him rather than an outright character development.
But i also don’t think he went through anything, like, Aeron-level drastic - he likely just took care to cultivate a very strong public persona (calm, quiet, emotionless) to avoid any risk of people reading his thoughts or him doing anything rash or embarassing. It’s also likely that age mellowed and matured him like it does most people, and the leeching may or may not have an actual physical effect that further influences his personality. While i don’t think that he was ever as bad as Ramsay (though Roose also undoubtedly did his fair share of horrifying acts), the way he gives him advice seems to show he’s under the impression that Ramsay could simply “clean up his act” (to the public eye at least), implying Roose might have done a comparable development. However, there also seems to be a frustration/disdain in Roose (considering he seems to avoid Ramsay somewhat - residing at Barrow Hall earlier in aDwD which Ramsay is banned from, indirectly sending him messages later in aDwD, and holding political meetings without him in A Ghost in Winterfell), hinting that he might realize by now that Ramsay is a lost cause.
Though again, since Roose is not a PoV and we don’t have any PoV that is close to him/likes him/talks about his past, this is all speculation which can be proved or disproved both by different readings of his lines and new developments in TWoW.
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domirine · 4 years
Get To Know Me Meme
​the actual fuckin devil @valenwood​ tagged me in this 2010 meme so here-a we go stream of consciousness time! (jumps into the meme painting like its mario 64)
1. NAME: domers 2. BIRTHDAY: september 5 3. SUN SIGN: virgo what else would it be my bday is right there 4. HEIGHT: non threatening 5. HOBBIES/INTERESTS: plants, vidżya games, linguistics! dogs, arting, interior decoration, diy stuff, and furniture renovating furniture~ 6. FAVORITE COLOR: gold and green 7. FAVORITE BOOKS: anything by joanna chmielewska 8. LAST SONG: something from mamamoo, they keep me sane 9. LAST FILM/SHOW: c-drama “guardian”, @t-eyla​ was like hey wanna watch this campy tv show with me ans i said “yes” like a fucking idiot and now i love it send help 10. INSPIRATION: my fwwiends uwu 11. STORY BEHIND THE URL: thats for the VIPs to know, that knowledge is difficult to come by and that’s how i like it. only the most inquisitive minds in the realm know
i’m not tagging anyone, but if you wanna do it, please say i tagged you! it’ll be out secret and will make me look good and popular and whatever. goobye!!
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laannie0803 · 4 years
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Lady Bethany Ryswell fue la hija mayor de Lord Rodrik Ryswell y la segunda esposa de Lord Roose Bolton.
Lady Bethany fue la segunda esposa de Lord Roose Bolton. De acuerdo a Roose, Bethany no hacía ningún sonido mientras estaban en la cama. Tuvo un hijo, Domeric, que murió en 297 d.C., probablemente asesinado por el hijo bastardo de su esposo.
Una vez Hediondo, un criado de Fuerte Terror, fue pillado robando perfume de las habitaciones de Lady Bethany, por lo que fue castigado. Sin embargo, un año después volvió a hacerlo, pero bebiéndose el perfume.
Lady Bethany murió de una fiebre en el 298 d. C.
Creo que Roose y ella no se sentían atraídos, ni siquiera de manera sexual. Roose hablo de que Walda chillaba y hacia ruidos en la cama, lo que le gustaba, mientras que Bethany (y se supone que la primera esposa) no hacían ruidos.
Lady Bethany Ryswell was the eldest daughter of Lord Rodrik Ryswell and the second wife of Lord Roose Bolton.
Lady Bethany was the second wife of Lord Roose Bolton. According to Roose, Bethany made no sound while they were in bed. She had a son, Domeric, who died in A.D. 297, probably killed by her husband's bastard son.
Once Hediondo, a servant from Fort Terror, was caught stealing perfume from Lady Bethany's rooms, for which he was punished. However, a year later she did it again, but drinking the perfume.
Lady Bethany died of a fever in AD 298. C.
I think she and Roose were not attracted, even sexually. Roose talked about Walda screaming and making noises in bed, which she liked, while Bethany (and the first wife is supposed to) didn't make noises.
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spectre4hire-blog · 4 years
 ASOIAF + Hunger Games Crossover Drabble: Volunteer
Domeric x Arya
"I volunteer as tribute!"
It was her older sister's last year in the Reaping.
Arya wouldn't let Sansa go to The Capitol like a lamb to be slaughtered. She didn't look back because she knew what she'd see. She ignored the stares and the murmuring. Arya made her way to the stage where the other tribute was already waiting. He was watching, pale eyes and impassive. Domeric had already lost a brother to the Hunger Games, but she didn't care. She had to return back to her family even if it meant killing her boyfriend.
Quick notes: They don’t live in District 12. Bobby B would be their mentor b/c that’s what I say. Domeric is 18. Arya is 16. I blame this on the Hunger Games rewatch I did over the weekend. I apologize for this lazy and poorly written crossover drabble.
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