#c: giovanna.
spade-deck · 6 months
*Sees a fictional character*
You know what, I like you
*plans out a fanfic/fanfics where they attempt suicide*
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pieflavoredartz · 9 months
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oh yeaaa i have chrimus art too pfft 🎄🎄
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gogmstuff · 1 year
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Early 1730s dresses (from top to bottom) -
1730 Tea Party at Lord Harrington's by C. Phillips detail (Yale Center for British Art, Yale University - New Haven, Connecticut, USA). Probably from Wikimedia; fixed spots with Pshop 1247X1623. There are many caps and veils, square necklines, and laced bodices with revers. But full-blown panniers are not to be seen.
1730 Marquise de Gueydan as Flora by Nicolas de Largillière (Musée Granee - Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France). From cutlermiles.com/portrait-of-marquise-de-gueydan-as-flora-nicolas-de-largilliere/ 1908X2484. She wears a stout Swiss belt and cleft coiffure that harken back to the late Louis XIV era.
ca. 1730 Empress Elisabeth Christine by Johann Gottfried Auerbach (auctioned, probably by Lempertz). From Wikimedia trimmed 1715X2352. She wears a round skirt and a scoop neckline.
ca. 1730 Polyxena of Hesse-Rotenburg, Queen of Sardinia by Maria Giovanna Clementi (location ?). From tumblr.com/blog/view/jeannepompadour; enlarged by half 1053X1385. Her dress has a deep V neckline filled in by a modesty piece.
ca. 1730 Rhoda Apreece, Mrs Francis Blake Delaval attributed to Enoch Seeman the Younger (Seaton Delaval - Seaton Sluice, Northumberland, UK). From artuk.org; enlarged by half 994X1200. The ruff makes this a Van Dyck revival dress. The laced vest and jaunty hat lend a casual air to the portrait.
ca. 1730 Robe volante (Musée de la Mode - Paris, France). From fripperiesandfobs.tumblr.com-post-139802377452-robe-volante-ca-1730-from-the-palais-galliera 1140X1620. Dresses before the 1750s often had cuffs that could be substantial like these.
1731 Die Liebeserklärung by Jean François de Troy (Sanssouci, Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin - Brandenburg, Germany). From artsandculture.google.com/asset/die-liebeserklärung-jean-françois-de-troy/XAFpCyLiWrxHZw?h 3074X24.12. Known in the Anglophone world as “The Declaration of Love. The large patterns mark this as early century. The robe à la française is firmly established in the form it would take until the late Louis XVI period.
1731 Infanta Maria Teresa Antonia de Borbón by Jean Ranc (Museo del Prado - Madrid, Spain). From their Web site; removed spots and streaks with Photoshop 2621X3051. Spain was ruled by Borbóns after the last Habsburg was cleared out in the early 1700s.
1731 Julia Calverley, Lady Trevelyan, by Enoch Seeman the Younger (Wallington Hall - Wallington, Northumberland, UK). From nationaltrustcollections.org.uk/object/584399; erased navigation marks in corners & fixed spots w Pshop 1616X1992. Clasps replace lacing to close this bodice.
1731 Lady by John Vanderbank (location ?). From the Philip Mould Historical Portraits Image Library 920X1214. The dress is Van Dyck revival similar to the one worn by Rhoda Apreece.
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lightingway · 5 months
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doll maker sourced from here 🤍
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palskippah · 8 months
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Based over the fact that my lil bro when like he just turned five cut a bunch of his hair off and my mom and I were like :000
Also, Mario connected the dots very quickly bc just that morning he told Nettarina they looked alike and then by afternoon she had many inches less of hair🧍but he didn't say anything.
BUT! Of course Nettarina did, and when Peach said "why,,?" like not really expecting an answer, she said "because mamma said I look just like him, but I didn't bc he doesn't have long hair so I cut mine!"
And Peach sent an unfairly killing stare to Mario who was like hehe sori :D
Then Mariella saw her sister and wanted to be just like her, so then they took both girls to a stylist to cut their hair properly and later after that they get ice-cream and go to a park and is very nice but Peach laments that they don't have their pretty long hair anymore, the whole afternoon alskdadf too big of a change maybe bc she wouldn't be able to braid their hair or do nice hairstyles anymore waa (she now can do the little palm tree pigtails tho and she's like aww like when they were babies! :'D)
(When Nettarina's older, she starts liking longer hair again so she returns to how she had it before the cutting from when she was five ajsdka)
BTW Mario and Peach have two more babies and they're both girls and one's called Carolina and the youngest is Giovanna and WA Carolina's design looks too much like Mario therefore too much like the twins aksjdajd but she got Peach's nose and also her big ol' eyes from the moment she was born (in Mario's eye color tho).
And Giovanna got Mario and Luigi's dad's hair (aka also Luigi's hair) so it's dark and more like Peach's rather than Mario's. She also got his nose and his eyes and his eyebrows and basically everything sjdsh
Anyways what I'm trying to get at, is that none of their four daughters look that much like Peach at simple view, but if you look closely, you notice that they got her eyebrows, or her smile or her eye color mixed in with Mario's or her eyelashes or the shape of her face whwhw
ALSO, Peach's height yippie!! They're all taller than Mario🧍and he's like psh the disrespect >:c because he gotta look up to any of their daughters, even Carolina, who is the shortest of them (by nature's laws Giovanna, being the youngest, is the tallest).
Sorry I love when children look much more like a parent than the other, especially if it's the parent that gave birth to them SJDK (it's only fair, since they carried the babies >:v)
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amvpk01 · 7 months
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unwanted obsession
when obsession goes beyond admiration, it turns into repulsion and the search for love becomes a path of rejection.
cw: f!reader, non-con, obsession, rejection, violence, stalking, humiliation, kidnapping, manipulation, murder
masterlist || next
Can you imagine someone who is completely useless at everything they do? There's no such thing as good grades, good looks, popularity, or even a good personality. He was a complete shit and he knew it.
It was just another day of him going to school, doing assignments that most of the time the teacher would point out were wrong just to embarrass him in front of the class or that the handwriting was illegible, talking to his pathetic friends just like him, buying something in the canteen and sitting on the benches to eat and look around judging the people.
It was Thursday so it was more crowded than the other days, some familiar faces and others not so much, but someone on the other side of the courtyard surprised him.
A girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes, a pretty face, and a sexy body.
He wondered how someone as beautiful and charming as that could exist. Were you new to the school or did he just not notice you before?
"-Are you there? Dude?? Hello?! Are you listening to me you piece-"
"Calm down bro-"
"Her name?" He interrupted his friends.
"Uh- Who?"
"Pink shirt." The friends looked at the aforementioned girl.
"Don't know, but Giovanna's talking to her, maybe you can ask?"
"...I thought I'd die before I saw you like a girl!"
"Quiet! So fucking noisy. What if she heard you?!"
"Don't worry. It's just that it always crossed my mind that you would be... you know, gay?"
He didn't mind the homophobic comments or the pats on the back along with the laughter of his friends. All that went through his mind was how he was going to get close to you.
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You couldn't help but admire your purple nails that matched your fit. It was already a habit of yours to match clothes along with accessories and painted nails. No matter the occasion, you'll ALWAYS be pretty and stylish.
"[Name]?" You looked in the direction of the voice.
"Hi, Gigi! You good?" Noticing her face made you worried. "What's wrong?"
"Well, do you know about some guy who texted you yesterday?"
"Huh, no? All my notifications are off."
"Looks like some guy from my class keeps saying you're ghosting him on DM."
"Oh. My bad, it was not my intention. I think I'll see about that later." You wondered what that guy wanted to talk about. Maybe was someone you already know?
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He couldn't believe it that you didn't block him. He thought you had ghosted him but it was just a misunderstanding?!?
'Thanks God... Now I need to talk with her.'
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It's been a few weeks since he had the courage and ask you to talk. Every day you exchanged greetings and had long talks that were mostly started by him. You tried to find him attractive or like his personality but nothing worked. Maybe because you already knew his intentions?
But there's something that has been bothering you. Maybe it's just your mind trying to delude you but you swear that someone's stalking you.
And your instinct is telling you that's him even though you don't have proof. You did see a lot of pictures of you on his phone but didn't think he would start to follow you on your way home.
So today you're gonna find out if it's him or not!
You made your usual way home, but you diverted your path to another street that had more shops. Your stalker follows behind you, his face all covered by a stupid black mask and sunglasses.
Maybe you should enter the first shop that you see to know if he would enter too?
Without wasting time, you run into a lingerie store and try to hide further into the store. The stranger only realized the type of store when he put one foot inside, his covered face flushed with embarrassment, and then decided to wait for you outside.
'Damnit! He didn't enter?!' Your thoughts were pure anger and disappointment but vanished when some lady came asking for what type of lingerie you were searching for. Then you got why he didn't.
'NO. NO. NO. NO. JUST NO. DON'T TELL ME SHE'S BUYING LINGERIE TO USE WITH SOMEONE ELSE! SHE SAID SHE HAD NO BOYFRIEND. BUT WHAT IF SHE'S SEEING SOMEONE?!?' He started hyperventilating and his disguise was only making his breathing worse.
After waiting 5 minutes, you come out with a bag in your hands and then speed up your walk. He couldn't lose you from his sight. In his point of view, he was protecting you.
You surely have been running fast, are you embarrassed by someone seeing you in this type of store?
Surely he saw you walking around that corner-
Oh no...
It feels like you're leaning against the wall just waiting for him. In a fast move, you pulled away his mask. Not being able to hide your disgusted face.
"...What the fuck?"
"Wait- I-I can explain!! It's j-just a misunderstanding! I s-swear! Please, let me-"
"...That's so fucking creepy dude...
If I knew you were like this, I would just ignore you from the start...
Maybe I shouldn't listen to my friends."
He was disturbed that he didn't mind you running away from that place. How could he be so dumb to fall for such a trick? Now, you won't ever talk to him again. Just the fact that he scared you hurt him so much.
You were so kind and pure to him like an angel, and he felt like a demon knowing that you would never want to see him again.
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A week has passed since the incident, and he hasn't gone to school, much less left the house. He didn't dare to even see you. Your disgusted face was already haunting him but there's something that he didn't notice before.
'Maybe I shouldn't listen to my friends.'
What did you mean by that? Did your friends tell you about him or something? His phone was getting many notifications, then he decided to pick it up.
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A party? Seriously? He wasn't in the mood for this, but locking himself in his home isn't going to make anything better.
He hopes that you go too so he can apologize for his past behavior.
In his own way.
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You were relieved, there was no sight of him in school. Mostly like he was who was hiding and not you. You didn't know if he ever felt sorry, after all, you blocked him from everything leaving him with no opportunity to speak and you didn't see him everywhere. Thanks God.
But nothing more than a wonderful party to raise your mood.
If you only know what would happen after this.
part 2 (in progress)
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solradguy · 13 days
Oh wise loremaster of everything Guilty Gear~
If there's vampires, succubi, and dragons, are there werewolves, or similar creatures, in GG? I think it'd be kinda cool...
Chipp was originally going to be a werewolf in the *very* early drafts of his design (<1996). From Character Designer magazine, issue 1:
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Above the box by his foot there, "Martial artist, werewolf." This obviously got scrapped, but I wonder sometimes if his red eyes and shark teeth maybe aren't a throwback to these early werewolf drafts. There are a few official illustrations of him set against a full moon too. I won't post them here because this is already getting long and it doesn't prove anything, it's just interesting. You can check them out on the wiki though: guiltygear.wiki.gg/wiki/Chipp_Zanuff/Gallery
Happy Chaos also randomly mentions werewolves in his stage 7 flawless run in Arcade mode. Because of course he does...
Okay, let's simmer down a little. No need to get spicy. You know what demi-humans are, right? Vampires, werewolves, that sorta thing? Well, if you thought Gears were neat, get a load of this. Demi-humans transcend genetics, physics, and even time itself. Put plainly, their very existence is essentially a bug in our world's programming. [...]
He's saying this to I-No and goes on about it for another 5 billion lines. You can read the whole thing over on the wiki: guiltygear.wiki.gg/wiki/Guilty_Gear_-Strive-_script/Arcade#Chaos
Giovanna miiiight be something like a werewolf too, but she's got peanuts for lore and it's impossible to say for sure right now. We'll have to wait. Elphelt mentions werewolves in her outro line against female characters in Xrd Rev/Rev2:
You promised, now set me up with your friend! I wonder what my husband's going to be like… A distant, brooding artist? A werewolf with a troubled past who loves me more than he can bear, but tells me he has to leave to keep me safe…? Maybe a librarian? All that really matters is that he has eyes for me! Heirat Galaxy!
Izuna's tribe in Overture are all yokai, which are, apparently, not Gears but sort of adjacent to them...? I don't know if they fall into the demi-human category or their own yokai category. In any case, it includes Nekomata (GG does have canonical catgirls, yes). None of them are werewolves, but it definitely blasts the door wide open on the list of things you could find scuttling around the Backyard:
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Shame we don't have a page really breaking down what all these little freaks are, they're pretty cool. Each one of them has commentary by Daisuke and Junya C. Motomura in the Overture Material Collection. I don't have time to translate all those though, it's a lot. Maybe in the very distant future.
Anyway. Guilty Gear does have werewolves. We haven't seen any yet (unless Gio is one) but they're there, right alongside a whole fleet of other critters they haven't elaborated on much yet.
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collectionstilllife · 4 months
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Giovanna Garzoni (Italian, 1600-1670 ) • A Plate of Figs • c. 1662 • Bodycolor on vellum, laid on board
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canvasmirror · 2 months
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Giovanna Garzoni (Italian, 1600-1670) • Self-Portrait as Apollo • c. 1620
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fioras-resolve · 6 months
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asthmatic-artz · 1 year
His Theme, Her Dream. (Giorno Giovanna)
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➜ Childhood friends torn apart, when they reunite, someone tries to stop their dreams from coming true.
➜ Prince! Giorno Giovanna x Reader
➜ class difference, bullying, attempted murder, jealously, slight obsession.
➜Hiii, I hope you enjoy my first fanfic! I have two more planned! But I hope you like this one!
"Hey Giorno…"
"Yea n/n?"
Two children sat on the pier, looking out into the beautiful ocean. A shooting star passed by, prompting a conversation.
"If I tell you my wish, promise you won't laugh at it?.."
"Why would I laugh? Go ahead!"
A small sigh was let out before the young (h/c) girl laid her head on his shoulder.
"When we grow up, I want to be a pretty princess…and…" She trailed off.
"Huh? I can't hear you."
"...I said I want you to be my prince…"
It was silent for a bit before the young male broke out into giggles, earning a playful shove from his counterpart.
"Hey! You said you wouldn't laugh at it!"
His laughs finally subsided and he pulled her back on his shoulder.
"No…it's funny…"
"Because that's my wish too.."
"Didn't think this would be how we see each other again..sucks to be you."
You stared in silence as you stood across from your childhood bully.
Today was supposed to be a special day. Being chosen as one of the suitors for the Queen's Sons.
But of course life finds a way to fuck you over in the end.
Ariana and you were both from a smaller village on the outskirts of the kingdom called Atria. It was a beautiful town filled with flowers and beautiful scenery that made for a great vacation spot. It was rare when the royal Court came here as barely anything happened in your small village.
So you were surprised when King Brando herself entered the town and handpicked women he deemed good enough to be his son's suitors.
He was surprisingly nicer than legends had led on. He examined you, coming up upon you while you were sewing a dress for your mother. He demanded that you come with him and you were going to resist but your mother urged you on with a smile.
But that's beside the point. The main issue was Ariana.
She made it her life's mission to make your life a living hell ever since you were young. She would trip you up, pour dye on your dresses, destroy displays you've made for the village, tease you until you cry, make your friends leave you. Anything you could think of she would do to you just because she saw herself as higher.
Ariana was the daughter of a wealthy noble who moved to the capital, and routinely sent money back to his daughter. She was a spiteful Ravenette with blue eyes and had an attitude as if she was better than everyone else.
You were not expecting her to be here. Well, kinda.
You knew her daddy dearest was gonna work some magic so she could be one of the ones chosen.
She was about to say something else before the other girls came in.
You glanced around and noticed that there were a total of 4 other girls besides you and Ariana. One of them you knew already as she was your only friend left. Her name was Trish Una, a kind pink haired girl coming from the capital, with her dad being one of the many royal advisors underneath King Brando.
The other three were huddled around Ariana so you were assuming they all knew each other.
Fucking great. Not only did you have to Ariana and her bullshit, but three others who were gonna follow in her fucking foosteps.
Following behind them was King Brando.
He was a blonde with fierce red eyes, he was built nicely and was tall as hell. It was a rare think for him to suddenly hold this suitor selection for his son. But you assumed it was because he wanted to prepare his son for the throne.
Behind him was Enrico Pucci, his right hand man and the top Priest of the land.
He was a male with Grey hair with dark brown eyes. He had a kind expression on his face as he gave a gentle wave to you all.
He held different tiaras in his arms, all of them were the same except one.
You watched as he went around and placed them all on the others in their hands before coming to you and placing the last one in your hands.
Glancing around you quickly noticed something.
Yours was the only different one.
'Great, mine is the only different one. fuck me…'
"Lift your head up." You listened and were met with the stern face of the king.
He took the tiara from you hand and placed the jewelry on your head and began to speak.
"Attention ladies. You all with silver crowns are ladies in waiting." He then gestures to you.
"The golden tiara represents the one that has been chosen as the next princess and possibly future Queen. The one to continue my legacy with my son."
There was a chorus of gasps, quickly followed by murmuring and whispers.
Ariana glared at you with seething hatred in her eyes.
You however, were about to shit bricks. This woman basically just put a bounty on your head. Why were you chosen?! There were plenty of other girls here that were more capable than you.
You wanted to curl up and cry, but you couldn't as the woman was now leading you away to go and meet the princes.
"HOWEVER" The kings loud booming voice cut through the murmurs and whispers.
"One can easily lose their spot if I deem you unworthy. And trust me I can do it as easily as I gave it to you."
Great. So now you basically have a big ass bounty on your head. Because with that announcement you could feel the sets of eyes on you.
You knew they would do just about anything to steal that crown from you.
Your luck just couldn't have gotten any better.
You were waiting in a pretty bedroom that you were told would be the room you shared with your future prince to be.
You were nervous beyond belief.
You didn't know what to expect from the future king but you couldn't help be afraid. What if he didn't like you? What if you did something to piss him off and he would have your title stripped away or worse!?
You heard rumors about how fierce he was, following in his fathers. footsteps. He was a force to be reckoned with, and if he was anything like his father.
Your life meant little. He would easily cast you to the dungeon to die.
You were terrified,your mind was racing. Were you even good enough??? What if you didn't do something right???
Why you??
So many things were running through your heard that you didn't realize the door had opened.
Your heard a soft, familiar call of your name and your eyes widened. A voice you hadn't heard since your childhood rung in your ears as memories replayed in your head.
There in the doorway, looking way different from how he used to was the Prince.
Or rather…
Your childhood bestfriend, Giorno Giovanna.
When you were younger, you had met Giorno when he had jet black hair.
He was a shy and timid boy, living with his mother in the village of Atria. Giorno was always around you, protecting you from harm's way even if he ended up harming himself. He would stop Ariana's harsh bullying and even stuck up for you when someone placed the blame on you.
He would spend nights at the dock, looking up to the stars and dreaming of the future.
So how in the hell did he end up being the prince?!
You shot up from your spot and ran up to him pulling him into a hug. You let out an excited noise and swayed him side to side.
Giorno let out an excited chuckle as he followed in your motions, gripping you as if you were going to disappear if he let go.
The two of you stood their in silence until Giorno pulled away finally, a bright grin on his face, sparkles in his emerald green eyes.
"You look…" He starts, moving his hands down to grab yours."..amazing.." He says finally pulling away and holding your hands.
"Didn't think we would meet like this…"
He chuckles before smirking a bit. "Guess your wish is about to come true, My Princess.." You blushed in embarrassment, playfully smacking his arm. He only laughed at your action.
"Shush! You still remember that?"
Giorno nodded, his gaze softening,
"How could I forget…."
He moved one of his hands underneath your chin to meet your gaze.
"It's when I fell in love…" He stated before placing his soft, plump lips against yours.
Your eyes widened but slowly fluttered closed as Giorno pulled you closer into his arms.
Giorno pulled away with a lovesick expression on his face, "You don't know how long I've waited for this moment.."
He pulled away slightly. "When I found out my dad was the king, I wanted to run and tell you immediately. But my mom shipped me off quickly, not wanting to deal with me anymore and used that as an excuse to get rid of me." He says, his gaze moving to the floor.
"I didn't know if I was ever gonna see you again.." He expresses gripping your hands tightly.
You look up into his eyes, you swear you could see Hearts in them as he spoke again.
"I will keep my promise to you, (n/n)"
You should've expected this.
None of the other ladies in waiting would talk to you.
None of them.
They all glared at you with distasteful looks. Their eyes were filled with jealousy and hate. They looked like if you had just stolen all the men in the damned country and left them none.
But it wasn't like there wasn't other princes. You knew there were alot more!
Hell ever Giorno's advisors were really attractive!
There was Mista, He was just like Giorno, calculated in the way he did things, he often helped Giorno out with things in the kingdom, guiding him with the instructions his father gave. He also had a weird fear of the number four that cause him to actively avoid the other girls when their were huddled together. Giorno said it was just a superstition he had.
Then there was Narancia and Fugo. Narancia was another of Giorno's friends from the Village and he wanted to help him up, and Fugo was brought in by King Brando to be alongside Narancia.
Narancia was a sweetheart, he was a breath of fresh air in this palace when everyone was so serious and scary.
Fugo was a bit cold at first, but when you started to come around more he warmed up to you and treated you like a sister.
And lastly their was Leone and Bruno. The two of them were a pair and were older than you all. They assisted Giorno whenever he had to go out of the Kingdom to visit his relatives over in the Joestar Kingdom. Bruno was a gentle soul and Leone was just like Fugo, he had to warm up to you. But nowadays you find yourself going to them when you have a problem.
But when not around Giorno, you found yourself spending time with Trish. The two of you were catching up as the only time you got to see her is when you would go to the capital for your mother's medicine. She was worried for you though. She didn't like the way that Ariana and the others were always watching you. Glaring at you as if they were plotting something against you.
You told Trish not to worry about it, and that you would keep your eyes peeled for any sneaky shit that they tried.
I mean you were the jewel of the palace, as King Brando so affectionately referred to you as. You were close to the King as well, sometimes having book reading sessions with him when not attending to your duties with Pucci.
Maybe that would explain why they "hated" you-
"Hey you!"
Your eyes widened as you saw Ariana, Melissa, Uko and Hera all standing there. You froze for a bit.
"We're talking to you!"
You quickly turned on your heels to go back the way that you came.
"Don't run now!"
You heard multiple footsteps come up behind you before you felt hands on your back.
You were shoved harshly and grabbed by the arms.
"W-wait huh? Guys what is going on?!?"
Ariana sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "Oh shut it. You're gonna spend some time with us. Since you forgot, we are your ladies in waiting" She said with a sickly sweet tone.
You were dragged into an empty room that was closed off.
They threw you to the floor and circled around you.
"You think you're better than the rest of us just because you're set to marry Giorno?!" Ariana yelled before taking her foot and stomping down on your arm.
You cry out in pain, trying to move but the others were holding you down by your hands and legs. They all laughed at your pain, only taunting your please for them to stop
"Not only that, you're around here hanging out with the others…knowing that they are ours!!" Ariana brought her foot down in the same spot multiple times. Your cries were being masked by the laughing and giggling at the pain being inflicted on you.
Ariana scoffed at your weakened state before beckoning Melissa over.
"Hey you. Hand me that stick over there."
The stick in question was a cane, one that you've seen King Brando walk with whenever he had business outside the castle
Ariana picked it up and smirked down at you. "I'm going to hit you until I feel like it's a good time to stop. Maybe then you’ll learn that common trash like you doesn't belong in the castle ."
You didn't even have time to respond before you were hit in the stomach with the cane.
You screamed in pain as she continues to bring the cane down on you. She repeatedly swung the cane down onto your stomach not caring about the desperate pleas you let out.
The other three just simply looked down at you. This was their revenge against you.
Ariana chuckled before lining up the cane with your head before bending down to your level.
"I hope you enjoyed your time as princess…" She started as she wound back.
"..Because it's over…"
The last thing you heard was a sickening Crack before it all went dark.
Giorno hopped down out his mother's arms and ran over to his best friend, capturing her in his arms.
He could hear his mother's voice as she told him. "Be back before dark.."
He nodded and grabbed the (h/c) girls hand and ran over to the flower field.
The two of them flopped down into the flowers, just taking in each other's presence.
The silence was comforting, knowing that their friend was right beside them.
"I wanna be with you forever, (n/n)..."
The (h/c) girl smiled as she looked over at her friend
"I wanna be with your forever too, GioGio.."
Forever and Always…
The male snapped out his daydream, looking over to a concerned Trisha and Mista.
"You seen (Y/n)?" Mista asked first then Trish spoke name
"She was supposed to meet me outside in the courtyard! I was gonna help her pick out her wedding dress!”
Giorno paused, he'd nearly forgotten that his coronation was in two days.
He would take over for his father so that could relax in his older years, not that his father would listen to that anyways…
Not only that, he would finally be able to marry his childhood sweetheart, and fulfill the wish that they made years ago.
"No, Pucci said it was her free day today, so she was doing her own thing."
Giorno stood up, "She might be in her room, let's go check. She usually gets caught up in reading the books my Father recommends"
Giorno led Trisha and Mista down the hallway.
He was nervous as all hell. He finally got to marry you! Fulfilling the childish promise from those years ago.
He wanted to be the best for you, he wanted nothing but the best for you.
"Y/n? Trish was wait-"
The Prince stopped mid sentence.
Your room was a mess, stuff was flung everywhere and things were destroyed. And most importantly..
You were missing.
Giorno rushed in, Mista and Trisha quickly followed behind.
"Quick!! Someone tell Father that My Wife is missing!!"
The two quickly turned to go and do as their friend/prince ordered.
Giorno began to search around your room for anything that would give clues to where you could've been taken.
The poor male has not felt such panic since his younger years and he hated the feeling. He couldn't lose you when he was so close to completing his dream with you!
He began searching through your books before finding a letter that slipped out from a book.
Picking it up, he saw that it was a letter, or better yet, a page from a diary or notebook.
When he read the page, he could feel his blood boil.
Dear Diary,
Ariana and the others have been being extremely rude to me recently. They keep whispering about some plan they were going to enact soon.
I'm trying my best to stay close to Trish but she has her own duties as one of my ladies in waiting.
And I cannot burden Giorno to King Brando with this.
I hope that this will come to pass.
Y/n Giovanna.
Future Princess of the Brando Kingdom.
Giorno felt his heart drop to his stomach. You were being bullied again and this time..
He wasn't there to protect you.
The blonde took off out the room running down the hall with the paper, you on his mind.
He needed to find you, he need to know you were okay.
He burst into the throne room where Mista and Trish were informing his father of the situation.
"Ariana. Her and the others. They did something to-"
They all look to the entrance to as Mariah, one of the only female advisors his father had came running in.
"There's a body in the storage closet!"
"Miss Giovanna,"
A woman turns to see a small (h/c) girl staring up at her with a flower crown in her hands.
"What child?"
"Is Giorno home?"
The woman scoffed before snatching the flower crown out to the young girls hands.
"No. And he's not ever coming back. So don't come back to my home again. Brat."
The young girl watches as the woman stomps on the flower crown. Ignoring the cries of the young girl for her to stop.
She then picked it up and threw it.
The young (h/c) girl ran over to the crown and picked it up, it was dirty and torn, ruined now.
She looked up to the late night sky as tears began to well up in her eyes.
"Y-you said you weren't going to leave me behind, Giorno!"
She fell to her knees, sobbing softly.
"You promised!!"
You were in pain, your body was aching all over and you felt sticky blood on your forehead, a cool rag gliding across your forehead.
"God Y/n…you need to wake up…" It was Trish, concern and worry laced in her voice.
You used all your energy to raise your hand and placed it on hers.
Trish stopped wiping your forehead. And quickly grabbed your hand "Y/n?!?"
Your slowly cracked your eyes open and looked up at the pink haired girl. You gave a weak smile and she got up and ran out of the room.
"Giorno! She's awake!!"
You could heard another pair of rapid footsteps coming towards the room and coming up to your bedside.
"(N/n)!" He gently puts his hands on either side of your cheeks and places a soft kiss on your lips.
Giorno had tears smiling streaming down his face, he kept kissing your lips as if you were about to disappear.
"Y-you're okay…you're okay…" He mumbles as he looks at you.
You slowly reach your hands up to place them on his cheek.
"I-im just hurting Giorno…but I'm aliv-" Giorno hugged you tightly, your eyes widened as you felt a wet sensation on your shoulder.
He was crying.
“Giorno are you-“
“I almost fucking lost you again.” He said blankly, before finally letting you go.
“I almost lost you because someone else was jealous of what we had….someone who used to bully and harm us..” Giorno sighed softly before he left your side.
“I’m going to handle this. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.
You watched as he left your room and you felt scared for a bit, then you realized. You were the future princess, they harmed you out of jealous. Just because you were close to the prince.
A part of you felt bad for what was about to come to them.
But another sick and twisted part wanted to see all what they had done to you, done back to them.
It was quiet as Ariana and the others returned from their outing with Hol Horse. Ariana held a smirk on her face. Her plan was working. Once you disappeared, the King would force Giorno to pick someone else to be his bride and she would get what she wanted all along,
“Ah, to think the wimpy little boy from childhood would become king?” She says and Mira raises an eyebrow. “You knew the prince before hand?”
Ariana nodded. “Oh yeah. He was a little bitch along side (y/n)”
She said while walking, chuckling afterwards.
"Besides, ain't nothing he can do if his daddy picks me-"
"Oh? Really?"
The group freezes as they turn to see King Brando standing there with Giorno at his side.
"Is this the same one, Son?"
"Yes. She is the one who bullied me and My wife. She's the one who injured her as badly as she did."
The King smirked as he snapped his fingers.
A couple of guards grabbed the girls by their arms as he walked up to Ariana.
"Now, it's time for you to feel the pain that you inflicted."
He backs away as Giorno approaches her with the same weapon she used on you.
"Say goodbye."
Bells were chiming as you were being twirled around in Giorno’s arms. His original pink suit traded out for a white vers.
You let a chorus of giggles as Giorno placed a flurry of kisses on your cheek.
“Hey Y/n?”
“Yes Giorno?”
“How does it feel to see our dream come true?”
You chuckle at that as he sets you down on the ground.
"It feels wonderful,my prince.."
©️asthmatic-arts 2023 💕✨️
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otterglimmie · 4 months
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⋆𐙚₊˚🧸🌸 ˚⊹♡
𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ )♡
Im Giovanna but I also prefer to be called Otter.
I draw some random things like fanarts, characters, some OcxCanon thing and whatever I feel like drawing on my phone lol. I'm also going to write some headcanons here too
About me:
Im a 17 yrs brazillian girl who draws in Ibispaint, Even though I don't consider myself a professional or good artist.
I'm inconsistent in posting.
You can find me on Instagram for more drawings.
List of what I like:
Pink and cute stuff
Listening to music (my music genre is unconscious, but currently, my favorite genre is city pop)
Cartoons, animation and character design
Classic Sailor Moon
Games like: Cuphead, Paper Mario, Luigi's Mansion, Kirby, Parappa the Rapper etc.
Ever After High and Monster High
Nsfw accounts (I don't feel comfortable) and F*tish accounts
Pr*shippers/c*mshippers, P*d*philes, Z**philes, if you supports inc*st, aged up minors to s*xualize them or just s*xualize minors
Homophobes/Transphobes, Ableists and Racists
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Thanks for Reading!
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gauloiseblue · 11 months
Private Love Hotel
[Giorno Giovanna × Reader]
Warning: kidnapping, dub-con, yandere
In the wealthy area of Naples, there was once a private hotel owned by the mafia. Only people within the organization who could rent a room, as the hotel itself is just a cover front. Beneath the surface, there was a filthy business going on. Illegal guns, drugs, booze, high-class brothel, and even killing contracts. It was notoriously known as a killing ground, before there was a new policy imposed by the boss. Any killing that happens in this hotel won't be forgiven, and the killer would pay a heavy price—with their own life.
Besides drugs and killing, there were lesser businesses that made people stay for a night. It was the prostitution. Even though it's not as heinous as those top businesses, it still shared the same atrocities. The demand of the escorts were high at that time, and so to meet their demand, they relied to the human trafficking business.
Naples is known for its raving tourism, and it's not a surprise that it added some numbers to the overall missing cases. Although it's not always caused by the human traffickers, it still contributes a hefty part of the cases. Lone travelers, or even local girls were often targeted by them.
But after the great war within the organization, the hotel fell into the hands of the renegades. As a result, it no longer becomes the hotspot for the criminals. There's no more drug trades, and the abducted girls were released discreetly. Of course, there was an outrage from the old pack, but they were quickly shut down by the young rebels.
In the beginning, only a few knew about the existence of such place. But now, there's only one person who can actually enter the hotel.
The reason? Quite simple. Because he's the new owner.
"We've arrived, sir."
The man in the back seat slowly blinked away from his thoughts. It seems like the endless ride from Cosenza to his city has finally ended.
"Grazie, Bono."
The chauffeur lowers his head politely, before he opens the door for the young Don.
When he stepped out from the car, he let out a satisfied sigh, as he finally touched the ground. His bones are aching, and he wants nothing but a long and hot shower.
"Pick me up at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning will you, Bono?" He asked, and the old chauffeur replied with 'certainly, sir.'
He dismissed the old chap before he went to the grand buildings in front of him. The buildings have an overall white exterior, with a hint of gold embellishments. There are some wisteria flowers creeping on the wall, and they seem to always bloom. He looks down to the marble tiles under his shoes, it seems like they've been polished. It appears that his henchmen did a great job on keeping this place beautiful when he was away.
The waterfall sound greets him as he opens the door, the replica of Fontana del Nettuno silently watches him as he enters the place.
The elongated pool from the fountain ripples softly when he dips his hand, the water is pleasantly cool. It was something that he usually does whenever he came, though he wasn't quite sure why. Maybe it's because he always wanted to do that before he owned the place, or maybe it's just a peculiar habit of his.
He wanted to sit by the fountain for a bit longer, but he needed to see his cara.
Oh, yes. A woman after his own heart, with a pretty name—(Y/N). A woman with a perseverance in her eyes, burning with hatred. Just like a wildfire, and it's beautiful.
When you were first brought to him, he shivered the moment he met your eyes. You had a certain intensity of willingness to fight, and it mesmerized him. He had planned to release you along with the other girls, but within that second, he changed his mind.
He hums as he presses the lift button, and the familiar 'ding' is heard when the lift has arrived. He ignored the other floors and immediately thumbs the 7th floor button.
The door is closed, and he leans his head to the back as he crosses his hands. He stares at the ceiling, and he finds himself staring at his own reflection. His weariness makes him look far softer, and he no longer looks like the ruthless Don Giorno Giovanna. But he doesn't mind, because at the end of the day, he just wants to come home to you.
As he reaches the 7th floor, he steps into the red-carpeted hallway. This particular floor was exclusively reserved for the higher ranks, as the rooms are bigger than the others. The statues made of marbles are standing on either side of the hall, decorating the place with the touch of arts and plump bodies.
Even though he only uses one room, he keeps most of his wealth in the other rooms. Golds, money, arts, his wide collections of booze and jewelry, and everything unimaginable. Some of them are priceless, and Mista had commented that it's a bad idea to keep them in just one place. But he has his teroso in this hotel, so he might as well put his valuable things in here.
When he opened the door of your room, he noticed that the room was quiet. It's no surprise, given that you always try to hide from him. But when he turned around, he suddenly saw something swing at him at a light speed.
Alas, Golden Experience was faster than you as it caught your hand before you could hurt him.
"Cara." He spoke in a calm manner as he saw you with your hand suspended in the air, holding a screwdriver. And to your horror, the tool in your hand had slowly turned into a white lily.
"How clever of you, you managed to steal this thing from my men when they came here." He commented as he plucked the flower from your hand, "But certainly not patient enough to kill me in my sleep."
There is a visible rush in you as adrenaline makes you tremble, but there's also an unmistakable fear in your eyes. Of course, you didn't know what's going on due to the fact that he never used his stand against you before.
You shrieked when he suddenly twisted your arm painfully and pinned you to the nearest wall. Your cheek was the first one to hit the hard surface, and it would be a lie if it didn't hurt.
"Let go of me!" You shouted and kicked around, but he just chuckled at your futile attempt to fight him.
"How can I become so sure that you won't try to kill me again?" He said with a sneer.
A surprised yelp escapes your mouth when he tears your pants down, cool air begins to kiss on your exposed skin. He called out his stand to keep you pinned to the wall, before you heard the sound of metal clinking and zipper from behind.
"No, no, Giorno, please don't." You protested.
"Relax, (Y/N)." He pried your legs open so easily, even though you had put all of your strength to keep it shut. You almost lost your balance when he pulled your hips toward him, and soon enough you felt him lining his member in front of your lower lips. You screamed when he entered you in just one thrust.
"Please, please Giorno—" Your voice choked up when he began to move. The initial thrush didn't hurt you much, but with every snap of his hips, the pain was gradually increasing. Even though you despise his touch, he never treated you like anything but a lover. But the way he treats you now is like how you were being used in the past, and it shouldn't bother you but it did. Unknowingly, you begin to sob.
You feel the weight that has been holding you against the wall disappear, before Giorno presses himself against your back. He slips his hand under your chin, and guides you to face him. You feel his lips grazing on your wet cheek. "Why do you always want to run away from me, cara?" He began to speak as he kissed you, "All I ever did to you was to make you happy, and I only asked you to love me in return."
"It's not fair," You cried, "I didn't ask for all of this."
"Oh, cara." He cooed to you softly, "You just haven't realized how much you need me. But I'll wait for you, I'll wait for however long it takes."
He begins to return to his usual pace, where he takes you in a slow and loving manner. Although you still refuse to give in, he no longer sees any resistance from you. He smirks, you were just like a wild thing, but it seems like he finally got you under his control.
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lightingway · 2 years
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doll maker sourced from here 🤍
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portraitsofsaints · 7 months
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Blessed Fra Angelico
c. 1395 - February 18, 1455
Feast Day: February 18
Patron of Artist
Blessed Fra Angelico, born Guido di Pietro was an Italian painter. He joined the Dominicans in 1407 taking the name Fra Giovanna. He was initially trained as an illuminator. The Dominicans noticed his artistic talents and commissioned him to paint frescos in his convent of Fiesole. Fra Angelico then was moved to the friary of San Marco in Florence, where he painted some of his highest artistic achievements; The Annunciation, The Adoration of the Magi, and The Crucified Christ, to name a few. His piety was legendary and his artistic innovations and use of color inspire artists to this day. He died in Rome and is buried in the Church of
Santa Maria Sopra Minerva and was beatified in 1982 by Pope Saint John Paul II.
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Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase. (Website)
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pintoras · 2 years
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Sofonisba Anguissola (Italian, c. 1532 - 1625): The Chess Game (Portrait of the artist's sisters playing chess) (1555) (via Wikimedia Commons)
As a woman, Sofonisba was barred from the life studio, a restriction sh side-stepped by using herself and her family as subjects. Her most famous painting, The Chess Game (1555), is a wonderfully vivid and affectionate portrayal of her sisters, accompanied by their maid, Giovanna, playing chess -- a game considered to be both intellectual and strategic, attributes not often associated with women at the time. Bejewelled in gold and pearls and dressed in costumes more extravagant than the girls would normally have worn to play in a garden, it’s clear Sofonisba wanted to honour her sisters’ beauty and lively personalities, while demonstrating her own dazzling gifts. Perhaps she was also aware of how ground-breaking her homage was: she was the first artist to portray her family as a primary subject. Her younger sister, Europa, smiles broadly at Minerva to her left -- in itself a radical gesture, as such levity was not considered decorous. Minerva is seen in profile, but her right hand is raised, as if in mock surrender to her superior opponent. To Europa’s right, Lucia, the older sister, looks directly out at us, faintly smiling: her right hand moves a chess piece, while her left holds a captured queen. The five hands we can see in the painting are all active: holding, moving, raising, touching. It’s a rare, playful image of girls employing their wits against each other and having fun. The scene is set in a garden to a backdrop of a misty, mountainous landscape. As the landscape around Cremona is flat, we can only assume that Sofonisba was dreaming of future journeys to distant lands.
Jennifer Higgie, The Mirror and the Palette: Rebellion, Revolution and Resilience: 500 Years of Women’s Self-Portraits
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