#c: isseya mahariel
lvllns · 3 years
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here we go again etc etc
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red-wardens · 4 years
which Wardens are in your multi-warden AU? c: (sorry if this has been asked before)
Literally all of them! :D
While I'm a fan of angst, the concept that all the potential Wardens exist at once and only the player character survives their Origin story killed me. So while I do have 3 separate worldstates (Blue Surana's, Isseya Mahariel's, and Alyss Amell's), i have a separate Multi-Warden AU with all 3 of them plus 4 Wardens created specifically for the AU.
While their characters are inherently the same, they experience more growth and happiness in the AU because of the love and support from their Found Family (TM). There's of course some canon divergence such as the division of duties:
Blue Surana is still Warden Commander who after being recruited by Duncan, recruits the other Wardens after his death. She has
Isseya Mahariel (Zevran romance) be the Arlessa of Amaranthine
and Alyss Amell (Leliana romance) taking a step back to specialize in being the Warden's medic.
Ronan Aeducan (aro/ace) is second in Command and eventually in charge of the fortress Soldier's Peak (DLC) and the recruited wardens stationd there.
Nora Brosca (Sigrun romance) becomes the Orzammar ambassador who organizes collaboration fighting darkspawn with the Legion of the Dead.
Kyung-Jae "Kieran" Tabris (father of old god baby Kieran, Velanna romance) isn't in charge of anything (nor does he want to be) but he is often sent out to recruit new members after the Blight. He also trains the new recruits alongside
Cassian Cousland who is head of training but also the foreign affairs liason (communicates/travels to speak with Wardens from other countries). He and husband Nathaniel Howe also manage an orphanage to take care of kids orphaned by the Blight.
I started writing the fanfic of their story as a Multi-Warden retelling of Origins, 2 years ago (when I created this tumblr) but I never finished because of who i am as a person I've been so busy :<
I wish I could answer this more thoroughly with links in pictures but I'm on my phone on my lunch break :< but thank you for the ask 💕
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Kiss 75 for my Isseya Mahariel and either of your boys? :)
75. Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing.
I chose Isseya x Balder. c: They’re fun to write together. (Because she’s strict and he’s a big goofy boi.)
The Prompt list
//Drabble below cut.//
Isseya frowned down at the papers laying in front of her, she was currently going through the advisors reports after a small trip they took to Emprise Du Lion. She may not be the Inquisitor, but she wanted to help the Inquisitor out with their work. The thought of the cold icy place made the elf grimace as she remembered the cold weather. 
A knock on the door to her private quaters made her loo up from her work, she called for the guest to enter and returned her attention back to the paperwork. Heavy footsteps could be heard as Balder walked up the stairs, a bright smile on his lips as he got to the top of the stairs and turned is attention to the Inquisitor sitting by her desk, nose deep in paperwork. 
The big Qunari walked over to her, his steps light and bounding as he grinned down at her, he stopped just beside her desk and pulled the piece of paper out of her hand. Isseya made a disapproving sound as she tried to reach for the paper, but Balder just pulled it out of her reach, a smirk on his face as she got up to try and get it back. Isseya huffed loudly as she jumped for the paper, only to faceplant into Balder’s soft chest. A low chuckle escaped Balder as he glanced over the paper, before he looked down at the small elf, a warm smile growing on his face. 
“You want to help the people, don’t you, Isse?” Balder asked, his orange eyes warm and focused as they connected with Isseya’s. A light blush grew in the elf’s tan cheeks, before she looked away, a little flustered look on her face. 
“N-No. It’s my job to help the Inquisitor.” Isseya mumbled, her eyes avoiding Balder’s as she went to sit back down, but a big hand pulled her back. Balder pulled her close to time, his smile never fading as he let go of the paper, ignoring Isseya’s protesting noise. The big Qunari leant down and brushed his lips Isseya’s soft lips, the touch gentle and daring, before he kissed her. The kiss was deep and passionate, Balder’s lips moved in sync with Isseya’s as he help her hips in a gentle grip, giving enough room for her to resist if she felt like it. 
Balder broke the kiss once they needed some air, he leant his forehead against hers, looking deep into her eyes. A gentle smile gre on Balder’s lips as he pulled back and kissed Isseya’s forehead, the touch light and loving. 
“You’re so beautiful, Isse…” Balder whispered as he kissed her cheek, his arms wrapped around her torse, pulling her impossibly closer. Isseya blushed, the blush deep, as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
“You’re distracting…” Isseya mumbled as she pouted against Balder’s dark skin, her breath fanning over one of his many scars. A chuckle escaped Balder as he pulled back and kissed her forehead. 
“Sorry, dear. I’ll let you get back to your work.” Balder replied, his voice low and soft as some of his thick accent dripped in every now and then. Isseya thought for a moment, before she grasped one of his big hands, a almost shy expression on her face. 
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lvllns · 4 years
thinking about how fenris never knows peace after the events of da2 because he ends up with 3 assassins and they won’t stop stealing his kills
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lvllns · 4 years
🍓🍓🍓🍓 + isseya pls !!
🍓 she keeps the bear bones from tamlen in a cedar box under her bed in the apartment she shares with zevran. when they leave for extended periods of time, the pouch of bones comes with her and stays tucked away against her body somewhere safe.
🍓 likes to sneak in and out of the palace in denerim to a) test security (it always sucks) and b) scare the shit out of alistair. she has fallen off his desk 6 times because he walks in, screams when he sees her sitting there, and she laughs so hard she topples over.
🍓 isseya finds a cure for the calling with merrill’s help. they spend 2 hours crying when they see each other for the first time again and then it’s like no time has passed.
🍓 always has at least 6 daggers on her at all times. she is the person in the “i said all your weapons” bit who pulls one last blade from somewhere you didn’t expect.
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lvllns · 4 years
rare is this love
how large the teeth | zevran arainai X isseya mahariel. chapter 2 of 20 (complete). ~1.1k words, ~102k words total.
[read on ao3 instead]
Zevran, Isseya is discovering, fits neatly into the small group that’s forming.
He’s a shameless flirt and leaves Alistair blushing brightly more often than not. But he’s also capable with his daggers and poisons and when they make camp, he’s quiet. Sits on the sidelines and watches everyone else interact. Leliana tells a joke, everyone laughs, but Zevran is observing. Keen eyed and silent and she finds his eyes on her quite often.
Isseya thinks her kindness confuses him. She hands him food, elfroot potions, arrows when he chooses to use a bow. She smiles at him, wide and gentle, and tries to show him that he’s part of this group now. On equal footing and everything.
It’s a work in progress honestly. Especially because everyone else keeps giving him measured looks and a wide berth.
Tonight, they’re scattered around camp. She has first watch so Alistair is already asleep, Revas with him. Leliana and Morrigan are off in the bard’s tent talking, their low voices a steady hum in the background. Isseya plops herself down on a log, a scant few feet from Zevran who jerks at the movement.
“Alright?” She grins at him, eyes flashing in the moonlight.
He blinks. “Yes?”
Isseya snorts. Shrugs her shoulders and pokes at the bowl of...stew? She thinks it’s supposed to be stew anyway, with bits of rabbit in it that she caught this morning.
“I do miss decent food,” she looks over as he speaks, his nose wrinkles and it shouldn’t be as adorable as it is.
“You could always cook.”
He startles at that and looks up at her with wide eyes. The light of the fire turns amber to gold and she allows her gaze to drift a little bit.
“You are not concerned about, oh, what was it? Me finishing the job later?” He’s grinning but there’s an edge to his voice.
Her brows knit together and she takes a few bites of mushy vegetables and tough rabbit. Forces herself to choke it down before she sighs. “There’s very little chance you could kill me Zevran.”
One of his brows lifts. “Oh? You sound so sure.”
“I just don’t think you will,” another quick shrug. “I trust you.”
“An absolutely horrible decision on your part Warden.”
She scoffs. Tips her head so she can look down and meet his stare. “Remember earlier today, when all those darkspawn ambushed us?” His brow furrows as he nods. “And Alistair rushed off, Revas with him, and there were two genlock coming my way?”
“I don’t —”
“You didn’t see it, but there was a hurlock coming the other direction,” Isseya huffs a breath through her nose. “I turned my back on the genlocks and chose to fire at the hurlock.”
Zevran’s eyes narrow and his nostrils flare a little. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because I trust you now and I trusted you earlier. I trusted you enough to put my back to you and darkspawn. Do you understand?”
She watches him swallow hard, eyes bouncing from the fire to her face and back again. The tension in his shoulders begins to melt away and he slips to the ground so he can lean against the log. Isseya lets the silence fall. Tilts her head back and looks at the sky. Traces the stars and picks out all the constellations she can see.
“You are a strange woman,” his says, barely loud enough to break the quiet.
She laughs, a loud wild thing, and looks at him. “Would it shock you to know that I’ve been told that before?”
“Absolutely not. I am surprised you do not hear it daily.”
“I just might now, with you here,” she reaches over and ruffles his hair.
He squawks. Bats her hand away and leans so far to the side he topples over with a muffled thump. Isseya bursts into uncontrollable giggles. Covers her mouth and tips off the back of the wood she’s sitting on so she tumbles to the ground. She drops her hands to the ground, stretches them out on either side and lays there laughing.
Zevran’s face peeks over the log at her, eyes bright with mirth, and he cocks a brow.
“You’re cooking tomorrow,” she points up at him. “As punishment for making me fall.”
“As you wish,” he grins at her and it’s a little less...sharp. A little softer and a little more open. “However, I’m not sure I can make anything better given the lack of, well, anything and everything.”
“Promise me you won’t cook whatever vegetables we have into mush and that’s enough.”
“Alright. I promise.”
Unsurprisingly, Alistair hovers while Zevran cooks and it’s slowly driving Isseya to distraction.
She is trying to fletch arrows but the warrior is just...there. Glaring and watching and making soft noises whenever Zevran does something. They have duck tonight, two actually, that she shot when she was trying to fish and continued to come up empty-handed. Zevran had looked positively delighted when she handed them to him and despite their utter lack of anything aside from a few potatoes and carrots, the camp still smells delightful.
Everything is done before the sun has set since Zevran does not insist on cooking everything down into a paste. Isseya leans against a rock and dips a piece of hardtack into the thick stew. She shoves it into her mouth before Alistair can do anything except make an alarmed sound. Really, she would have liked to soak the hardtack a little longer but she chews through it. Dunks the bread again and allows it to sit a little longer the second time.
“You can really taste the deathroot,” she says, eyes bright as she grins at Zevran. “Nice job.”
“I hate you,” Alistair grumbles from across the fire.
She sticks her tongue out. Takes another bite and shuffles over to make room for Zevran at her side. Which is quickly becoming where he can be found.
“At least you can tell these are carrots,” Morrigan holds up a small circle of orange before popping it into her mouth.
Alistair opens his mouth, eyes narrowing, and Isseya lifts her hands. “Alright, alright, that’s enough. At least we have food to bitch about.”
“Very true,” Zevran stretches his legs out in front of him. Crosses his feet at the ankles. “We could be doing much worse.”
They fall into mindless chatter and Isseya makes an effort to drag Zevran into the conversation. He blinks at her, that surprised look on his face again, but flashes a wide smile and allows himself to be pulled in. It isn’t without tension, not yet. Alistair is still too suspicious after everything that happened at Ostagar, but it’s a start at least and Isseya will take it for now.
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lvllns · 4 years
i am always thinking about isseya and zevran
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lvllns · 4 years
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oh man okay, i was tagged by @regongars, @solasan, @arlathen, @mythmagicsteel, @trvelyans and @rosebarsoap to make some ocs in this adorable picrew!
um i think? everyone has been tagged??? if u have not and you would like to do this, you are tagged now!!
top row: sparrow kingston (wayhaven), cricket langford (wayhaven), brinkley maddox (fallen hero)
bottom row: isseya mahariel, penelope hawke, abigail lavellan (canon da gang)
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lvllns · 5 years
rare is this love
open hand or closed fist would be fine | zevran arainai X isseya mahariel. chapter 1 of 20 (complete). ~2.5k words, ~102k words total.
so because i didn’t post chapters here as i wrote them, i’m going to post them to this blog now sporadically as i remember because i really do want this on my blog. it’s......i’m very proud of it.
[read on ao3 instead]
“You are too trusting da’len. The world will not be kind to you and you should not be so eager to help everyone who needs it.”
Ashalle’s words play on a loop in Isseya’s head as she looses arrows at bandits and curses her mother for being right. Again. Despite the warnings, she never did learn and she doubts she ever will. That just isn’t her.
Another elf materializes out of the shadows, twin daggers in his hands and she quickly spins around to catch his attempted blow with the wood of her bow. A twist of her weapon, simple and sharp, curls his wrist the wrong way and he darts back to avoid dropping his blade. Her free hand reaches down, draws her own dagger, and she barely ducks out of the way when he slashes at her.
He is fast. Faster than her. Quick and agile with keen eyes that have already figured out her horrible tendency to step back and away instead of forward. He crowds her, changes his strategy from long, sweeping slashes to short, staccato thrusts that poke at her armor.
“Oh you are good,” she grits out, jaw clenching.
He winks at her, the bastard, and she barely resists sticking her tongue out. Really, she thinks the only reason she doesn’t is because he just...disappears. Melts into the shadows and she takes the reprieve to shoulder her bow, draw the Warden longsword from her hip and try to catch a bit of her breath.
She scans the battlefield. Finds it littered with bodies and arrows and Alistair renders one of the last men standing headless with an easy swing of his arm.
An uneasy feeling settles in the pit of her stomach. “Where did you go?” She mumbles, eyes flicking from high point to high point and —  there. She catches sight of him, a mere ripple in the shadows beneath a tree, and when he charges, she is ready.
Isseya catches him in the temple with the pommel of her longsword and there’s a brief moment of something that flashes across his face before he crumples to the ground in a heap. Unconscious. His dagger manages to catch her in the side as he goes down, right above her hip bone and her face scrunches up. Wynne is going to have something to say about that back at camp but for now, she sheaths her blades.
“Alright?” She yells.
“Alive,” Leliana chirps back happily, her own bow held loosely in her hands.
Alistair grunts as he walks over. “What in the Maker’s name was that?” His eyes catch on the blood dripping from her side. “We need to get you back to camp.”
Isseya shrugs. Reaches down and covers the wound with her hand. “It will keep, I’m more curious about trying to figure out who sent him,” she jerks her chin in the direction of the man curled up on the ground.
“He isn’t dead?” Alistair blinks. Looks from the other elf to Isseya and back again, head tilting.
“If I wanted him dead, he’d be dead.”
The warrior hums, hand resting on the handle of his sword. Leliana bends down and scoops up the daggers that were dropped and moves them out of reach.
Isseya lifts her foot and nudges the back of the man’s thigh. When she gets no response, she moves higher and pushes hard enough that he rolls onto his back with a pained groan.
“See?” She grins up at Alistair. “Perfectly fine.”
“I humbly beg to differ,” he reaches up and scrubs a hand over his face. “Maker but you hit hard,” he touches at his temple and winces.
There’s a small puddle of blood under him and his skin is split where she caught his head. Really, he’s pretty bloody and if his expression is anything to go by, he’s in quite a bit of pain.
Isseya moves to rummage through her pack and pulls out an elfroot potion. Cracks it open as she kneels next to him. He looks at her warily, amber eyes bright, and she sighs.
“Elfroot, I promise,” she says.
His brows furrow, like he doesn’t understand why she’s doing this and honestly, she doesn’t either. She may not enjoy the suffering of others but he did try to kill her so really, him bleeding while she questions him shouldn’t matter that much.
But it does.
For some reason.
Isseya wiggles the flask back and forth until he reaches up and takes it slowly. His eyes never leave her face as he knocks it back. His nose wrinkles. She stands up and stretches until her back cracks.
“Was that truly necessary?” Alistair grumbles from behind her.
She shrugs. Looks down and catches the eyes of the other man who is looking at her so curiously. “I have questions, they’re most easily answered with him alive,” a look over her shoulder and Alistair snorts.
“Questions, hm?” The elf rolls onto his side with a gasp and takes a deep breath. “Let me save you some time and get right to the point,” with a grunt he pushes himself into a sitting position, legs out in front of him and palms on his thighs. “My name is Zevran, Zev to my friends,” he winks at her again and Isseya rolls her eyes even as the corners of her mouth twitch. “I am a member of the Antivan Crows, brought here for the sole purpose of slaying any remaining Grey Wardens,” his eyes move from her to Alistair and back again. “Which I have failed at, quite obviously.”
“I find myself rather glad you failed,” Isseya says, voice dry and flat.
Zevran laughs. “Were I in your shoes, I would be quite glad as well. For myself, however, it sets a rather poor precedent, no?” He tips his head back to meet her gaze. “Getting captured by your target seems a tad detrimental to one’s budding assassin career.”
She points at him, eyes wide. “I thought I recognized that one move with your daggers!”
“I — What?”
“You’re just sorely unlucky,” now it’s her turn to grin and wink at him. “I have assassin training.”
She watches as his head tilts, his eyes dropping to her face and he must be tracing her vallaslin.
“Interesting,” he says.
“What are the Crows?” She folds her arms over her chest.
“Oh, I can tell you that,” Leliana speaks up. “They are an order of assassins out of Antiva. Extremely powerful and well known for getting the job done, so to speak. They are pricey,” she turns to Isseya, brows furrowing. “Someone spared no expense to hire this man.”
“I am wounded that you have not heard of the Crows down here,” Isseya drags her gaze back to Zevran only to find him reclining on one elbow while his other hand presses against his chest like he’s terribly affronted. “We are rather infamous back in Antiva.”
Isseya cocks a brow. “Famous for being sub-par assassins?”
He laughs. Zevran actually throws his head back and laughs. “Is this how you Fereldans treat your prisoners? So cruel,” he grins wide, all sharp teeth and something a little bit dangerous.
She grins back, flashes her own canines, and moves to place her hands on her hips. “Who hired you?”
He snorts. “A rather taciturn fellow in the capital. Loghain, I believe his name was.”
“Elgar’nan’s balls, of course,” she rakes a hand through her hair, swearing under her breath as she starts to pace back and forth.
“You were expecting an assassination attempt?”
“Expecting is maybe the wrong word, I guess I’m not surprised. He seems the sort, especially after we let those men in Lothering go,” she groans. Fists her hands in her hair for a moment before sighing and dropping her eyes to the ground. “Fucking Mythal’s tits, why did I send them back with a message for Loghain? The next time I want to annoy a  shem in power someone knock some sense into me.”
“Does this mean you’re loyal to Loghain then?” Alistair speaks up, the leather of his glove creaks as his grip on his sword tightens.
Zevran’s eyes drop to his hand before he looks up. “I have no idea what his issues are with the two of you. The usual, I imagine. You threaten his power, yes?” He shrugs. “Beyond that, no, I am not loyal to him. I was contracted for a service, which he paid for.”
Alistair bristles and Isseya reaches out to lay a hand on his arm before she turns to Zevran. “What now then?”
“Well, that is between Loghain and the Crows,” with a shrug, he sighs. “And myself and the Crows, I suppose.”
“And between you and me?”
“That is what we are establishing now, no?” He quirks a brow. “I wasn’t to see him again. Had I been successful, I would have returned home and the Crows would have informed Loghain of the results. In the event of a failure, I would be dead,” he locks eyes with her. “Or, well, I should be dead as far as the Crows are concerned,” a blinding smile now, though it doesn’t reach his eyes. “What can I say? I am an eternal optimist.”
Isseya pinches the bridge of her nose and takes a good look at the man in front of her. He looks better at least, the bleeding has stopped and the split skin over his temple is healed over without even a mark. Her own wound bleeds sluggishly but she continues to ignore it. Wynne can lecture her about it later if she must.
“So did Loghain pay you then?”
Zevran shakes his head. “No, I was not paid. The Crows were, and rather handsomely from what I understand,” he frowns. “Which...makes me about as poor as a Chantry mouse come to think of it. Being an Antivan Crow isn’t for the ambitious, to be perfectly honest.”
“I feel like I’m hallucinating,” Alistair snaps as he rubs his fingers over the knot between his brows. “You were contracted to kill us but you weren’t paid, at all, but you did it anyway? Why even be a Crow if you don’t get paid?”
“Well, aside from my impressive lack of ambition, I was not given much of a choice,” Zevran’s voice takes a hard edge even as he tries to keep it light. Isseya’s brows knit together. “The Crows bought me young. I was a bargain, or so I’m led to believe,” she opens her mouth to speak but he keeps talking. “Do not let my sad story influence you, the Crows are not so bad. They do keep you well supplied with wine, women, men,” he winks at Alistair, who blushes and looks away. “Whatever you happen to fancy, really. Although the severance package is horrible. I would strongly recommend thinking twice about joining.”
Isseya snorts. “Thanks ever so much, I’ll take that into consideration.”
“You seem sharp, I’m sure you have other options.”
“I wonder if the Grey Wardens will take me.”
Zevran barks out a laugh as she grins. He inhales sharply, wincing when he twists a little and reaches up to press his hand against his side. Isseya pulls another elfroot potion from her belt and hands it to him. He swallows. Looks from her hand to her face a few times before unsteadily reaching out to take the flask from her.
Alistair makes an annoyed sound from somewhere to her left. Leliana simply clears her throat delicately and when Isseya glances her way, the Chantry sister smiles like she knows something Isseya doesn’t. Her cheeks heat and she twists back in time to watch Zevran chuck the glass off to the side.
“Why tell me all of this?” She sucks her bottom lip between her teeth and begins to chew on it.
“I was not paid for my silence,” his eyes narrow briefly before he shrugs. “And anyway, why not? Loyalty is an interesting concept.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, here’s the thing,” he crosses his legs and leans back. “I failed to kill you so my life is forfeit. If you don’t kill me, the Crows will. However, I find that I am rather fond of living and you are obviously the type to give the Crows pause so let me serve you instead.”
Isseya blanches, ears pulling back against her skull. “I don’t want — Creators, I don’t want you to serve me at all!”
“If you come with us, you’ll be on equal footing.”
He blinks at her a few times. “That is — Well.”
“Wait, wait,” Alistair steps in, hand on Isseya’s shoulder as he glares down at Zevran. “What’s to stop you from just finishing the job later?”
“Honestly, I was not given a choice about joining the Crows. I was...purchased from the slave market as a child,” Zevran shrugs. “I think I have paid my worth back to them, plus tenfold. The only way out, that I can see, is to join up with someone they cannot touch. Besides, even if I were to kill you now, the Crows might just kill me on principle for failing the first time. I would rather take my chances with you.”
Isseya swallows hard. Closes her eyes and exhales slowly.
“Isseya,” Leliana speaks up. “We are not going to kill him, are we?”
She looks over at the other archer, shoulders slumping before she turns back to Zevran. “Will they come after you?”
“Probably, eventually. But I know their ways and I can protect myself, despite evidence to the contrary. I would say I could protect you as well but, I doubt you need my help.”
“I can offer you a share of whatever coin we come across as well,” she smiles and he snorts.
“Does this mean I am coming with you?”
“Yeah,” she huffs a breath through her nose. “Looks like you are.”
“You do not want to hear about all the...skills, I possess?” He wiggles his eyebrows and she laughs. “They are numerous, I assure you.”
“You cannot be serious,” there’s a clang as Alistair’s shield falls to the ground. He throws his hands up. “Taking the assassin with us? Does that really seem like a good idea?”
Isseya shrugs. “Don’t worry about it, the more the merrier right? We do need all the help we can get, and maybe now Morrigan won’t only pick on you.”
He rolls his eyes. “Alright, fine, but if there was ever a sign we’re desperate, I think it just knocked on the door.”
She shrugs. Reaches down and offers her hand to the man still on the ground in front of her. He takes it, grip solid and strong, and they get him to his feet. He’s still a little unsteady and he sways for a moment before shaking his head.
“I hereby pledge my oath of loyalty to you, until such a time as you choose to release me from it. I am your man, without reservation. This I swear,” Zevran grins.
“Oh fuck off,” Isseya rolls her eyes and thumps him on the back.
Zevran laughs.
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lvllns · 4 years
love how isseya, penelope, and abigail just all end up in antiva. also love how everyone has a kick ass nickname.
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lvllns · 4 years
sometimes i think about zevran and isseya living together near the sea in antiva with some cats, and like three kids, and i blackout
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lvllns · 5 years
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lvllns · 5 years
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“we'll try to document this light, with cameras to our eyes, in an effort to remember what being mended feels like.” (template)
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lvllns · 5 years
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thrown into the fire — a playlist for isseya mahariel, warden-commander and hero of ferelden.
i got tagged by @lavellane to make an oc mix!! thank u so much tay!! i’m gonna go ahead and tag: @trvelyans @arlathen @serpenstoned @serbarris @hotlinemojave and anyone else! who wants to do this! consider yourself tagged!
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lvllns · 4 years
like, okay. zev is the black shadow. isseya takes the moniker of the dark wolf and runs with it. fenris is the blue wraith. nell ends up known as the red falcon which annoys her to no fucking end. and then abigail is the bleeding hart.
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lvllns · 5 years
oh? a few vigil’s keep headcanons? yes.
isseya and velanna talk shit in elvish, especially in front of nobility
anders and isseya are best friends, they bond over earrings and a shared love of cats and isseya continually giving him choices and options
(isseya also maybe gives him more than one cat)
nate insists on being standoffish at first which works about as well as you’d expect
by that i mean it doesn’t work at all, isseya insists on including nate in everything and they spend a lot of time shooting targets
nate pretends to be annoyed but he is actually delighted
there are many nights where isseya and velanna end up sitting on the battlements not talking and staring at the sky, both homesick but not sure how to talk about it
isseya also isn’t sure if she’s homesick for her clan or zevran
sigrun is a fucking delight and isseya loves her
justice will sometimes talk about the fade and isseya listens intently, asking questions and wishing she could tell merrill
she asks him once if he knows anything about what happens to people after they die and he apologizes when he says he does not and isseya tries very hard not to think about tamlen
isseya and anders both have issues with the confined spaces of the deep roads, they cling to each other and their favorite way to cope becomes building elaborate, outrageous stories
zevran writes and it becomes a thing amongst the group to see who can guess the content by how badly isseya blushes
they all eventually end up just sharing one tent, it’s bigger than a standard tent but new warden nightmares are tough and none of them want to be alone anyway
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