#c: juri
matthiasxaless · 5 months
you clean up nice. (juri ans hes trying to be nice)
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It took Matthias over three whole hours to get fully ready, only to find that his suit was a tiny bit tight and his shoes were absolute nightmare to walk in and Skyla, Gabi and Carmen were all attending the event looking like Charlie's Angels 2.0. He avoided them all like the plague, and avoided Cass on the account of his likely reminder that the suit was overgrown, and potential bullying that would ensue in that regard. So when he saw Juri, across the room, he practically pushed everyone out of the way and hid behind the other while grabbing whatever drink was now in his hand. --Caught off guard by the comment, his posture straightened and he felt ever so slightly better. "You think?" a tap on the others shoulder and he'll return to scoping the room. "Thanks man. Used one of those creams you got me. It really does do wonders on the scars. You can barely see the forehead one look --" he leans in, pointing at the barely visible scar that used to be much more prominent. "Anyway -- you look good. Your face ain't matte anymore that's....it's progress, right?"
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hershuargames · 1 year
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Things I learned during the 3rd week
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kujikawaiiart · 10 months
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Juri thumbnail comm!
The lies she tells you in world tour VS the truth she wants to pretend is a lie.
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supernerddaniel · 1 year
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Holy shit, I kinda love the reveal that Juri and C. Viper are actually in cahoots and they just kinda bamboozle everyone around them with a fake conflict so they can both make a fuck-ton of money
They’re just working the marks, brother
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maxwell-grant · 4 months
So I saw that Street Fighter tier list, and I noticed that C. Viper was near dead last. I'm not too familiar with her, but I was under the impression she was pretty well-liked by SFIV standards--any reason why you dislike her so much?
I don't actually dislike her much as a character, I put her at the bottom because of how much I hate Viper's playstyle. That wasn't really a tier list for the series in general, more so about the prospecting of those characters returning (ex: I don't hate Necalli, I wrote the biggest semi-defense the dude is ever gonna get, and I still know he needs to fuck off). In Viper's case, I find her uniquely grating to watch because she spends so much time spamming feint Seismic Hammer to condition control over the opponent's jumps or canceling Burning Kick in the air to mix up her landings, and it makes it she's always doing that ringing sound all the goddamn time, at least El Fuerte's squeaky shoes and running animation are funny. Yes, it kind of is sublimely perfect that the CIA agent's playstyle consists of overtly psychologically conditioning and electrically torturing your opponent into opening up, but that lands her into a firm "fuck off forever" for me because I never want to sit through a Viper match in SFIV and MvC3 alike, or ever again. So unless they did something about that, I don't consider it a loss if she's never playable again. She probably will though, if not in 6 then in 7, but that's a headache for later.
I mean, SFIV standards were abysmally low so you could say Viper was comparatively well-received next to the other new characters, but she was never really that popular. In fact even at the game's launch Ono was surprised that players weren't latching onto Viper, despite Viper being custom-made for Western audiences
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“With all due to respect to him (Abel), he’s a great character, but honestly we thought Crimson Viper would be a big hit here,” said Ono. “We got a lot of marketing data and a lot of advice from our US branch in creating that character. She was kind of custom tailored for the States and we thought people would like her.”
People did start playing her a lot more overtime because she turned out to be a competitive scene monster, but I mostly remember people being baffled and cynical when she got picked for MvC3. C.Viper was a popular moveset, but not so much a popular character, and it wasn't at all difficult for Juri to completely eclipse her, despite how hard they were trying to push Viper at first. I think you can very easily point to what Ono said as a reason why she didn't catch on that much. She is blatantly designed to appeal to American audiences and that made her more of a gimmick than a character. She is Angelina Jolie as a secret agent spy in an extremely tight-fitting pantsuit who also has superhero powers that nobody else has and that she achieves with technology. I already don't give much of a damn about most of the military/government affiliated characters in the series, but they tend to have other things going on that Viper really doesn't.
The KOF ladies she's ripping off have distinct fighting styles (and those games get to play much more loose with character design) they get to provide an interesting take on by doing it while dressing fashionably, but Viper is defined by her reliance on gadgets and gimmicks. She is a very generic videogame protagonist lady who plays like one of those hodpedodge World Tour characters, and she's not even a bad design on her own, she's just not really pulling her weight as a Street Fighter character. She represents nothing, and I don't think she has anything going on really justifies her inclusion over another character.
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All that said, I actually do think Viper is a useful character to have around. I'm against her ever being playable again but, like I said, she probably will, and fine, she has a allright enough niche as a character. I am exceedingly generous to a lot of SF characters I'm otherwise not a fan of and she's a character I can talk myself into appreciating more, as I'm doing now. She's a decent POV character to drive stories around in her IV and V appearences, given her job forces her to play detective around the characters, but she actively doesn't want to fight, so she's always going to run when the going gets rough and leave the fighting to the actual main characters. Her priority is to do her job so she can go home and be with her daughter and that's all she cares about, she has neither time nor patience to care about this and she finds it frankly ridiculous that people call her gadgets unfair, when she's just trying to get the fight done as quickly as possible.
They get some good mileage out of the fact that she stands for nothing and that she is intruding somewhere she doesn't belong, that she's just punching the clock on a job she was given, that she really doesn't have any kind of beef with these people and just needs them to get out of her way and really has no stake other than survival for her family's sake, and that all the fighters detest her, whether it's because she is blatantly cheating, or because she's a pain in the ass, or because of how viciously she brutalized Cammy (not sure if that whole movie is canon still), that kind of thing.
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It could be very possible that Juri ls lying, and the illustration is definitely exaggerated, but I enjoyed the reveal in SF6 that she and Viper have basically become partners in crime, that Juri considers them "cut from the same cloth", and that she has the same goal as a greedy career criminal who kidnaps people for evil organizations (which was the same thing C.Viper was doing undercover). I enjoy them mostly dispensing with the pretense that Viper is supposed to be a good person and I enjoy the series letting one of it's government/military agent characters be a bastard/ honest about the job they have.
She can love her daughter as much as she wants and even have decent enough interactions with other characters, it's not going to make her not a CIA spook who beats up and tortures people with electric gauntlets on the clock. It isn't even that unbelievable that she would wind up on good terms with Juri, not just because they're both cheating with technological assets, or because they were both working for the same guy and biding their time to backstab him, but because they both exist to break the rules everyone else is mostly abiding by, neither strong enough to attrack too much attention as villains nor weak enough that they can't match the heroes when push to comes to shove. They both had personal revenge stakes to get through (Juri with her parents, Viper with her fallen partners), and with both of their targets gone, they get to just be themselves: cockroaches trying to make off with the prize / turn a profit in a space they view as largely dominated by suckers.
Much like Mel Masters in the 6 comic, I think it's good for Street Fighter to have characters that have an agnostic/adverse relationship to the concept of street fighting, and to her credit, there is something really funny about her position. She is a James Bond in a world full of evil organizations and villains to fight, but the only way to get to them is through fighting tournaments, and all the actual heroes of the world fighting said people hate her guts for cheating and refusing to put in the work they did in martial arts that are, apparently, the most important thing in the world I guess??? She is a hypercompetent superspy who wishes she could be out there doing regular espionage stuff, and instead has to deal with superpowered fighting bozos flushing years of careful investigative work down the toilet. Born to blow up islands full of henchmen and arm South American coups, forced to step into the ring with Ryu from the Streets who doesn't even pay taxes.
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ofwindydays · 4 months
Closed for @fragmcntedsouls asher
Juri was taking a deep breath in his hiding place. Why was he living like this? Afraid of everything? The reality was Juri could die tomorrow or year from now. But what was the point if you couldn't live for today. He just needed to go out. Even if reality was hell, he still wanted to see Asher.
There was a familiar smirk when he saw Asher. Even at his most anxious there was something endearing about Asher. And Juri someday wanted to have that light in his life. So being coy, Juri took a flower crown from the stand before sneaking behind Asher. There was a giggle before he booped Asher's nose.
"Don't fear it's just grumpy ol' me." Juri signed with one hand. "I have something for you."
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sharryash · 11 months
am i delusional for thinking that cirie can win against anyone in f2
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traegics · 6 months
Closed Starter - @ofwindydays (Juri)
A devious smirk was plastered to the blonde's lips as she approaches the male from behind. Hand moving to run across his shoulders as she rounds his frame, single digit trailing his jawline before pulling her touch away and leaning back against the counter on her forearms. "It seems my sister's favorite little pet did make it back with my spell after all," Everleigh hums, head tilting to the side as crystal hues find his dark pair. "She's still so salty about your death. I don't really get it but then she never really did have good taste."
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z-raven · 11 months
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Didn't expect to see C. Viper, but I am glad to see her in Juri bonds
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matthiasxaless · 6 months
❛ why is it whenever we see each other, you’re covered in blood? ❜ (juri)
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Was there even a nice way to answer this question? He wasn't gonna be honest, that would kickstart a discussion he wasn't willing to put up with. "Deflowering virgins has its downsides Juri. Not that you'd know anything about hymens but, this is what hard-days work breaking them looks like."
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kujikawaiiart · 6 months
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Street Fighter comic comm- The Mystery Continues
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 years
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gigginox · 8 months
straight men are so hard to talk to.
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saikyo-rat · 1 year
C.Viper: You have an impressive pain tolerance.
Juri: Thanks, it's the trauma.
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ofwindydays · 6 months
Closed for @ofxlostxhunters
Juri was outside of the flower shop. For his vices, smoking became one that would strike. He didn't dare smoke near the flowers. There couldn't be anymore that could happen.
The witch sighed to himself as he inhaled the smoker. The witch paused as he felt a chill down his spine. Juri scowled as he looked at the stranger.
"I'm on lunch break. Come back later."
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