#c: loralie
y3nze1 · 4 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: I / II / III / IV / V / VI
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Mentions of Blood and Knife, Happy Readings!
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"And a song you shall have, Miss Daisy." He spoke sweetly, his voice warm and inviting. He chose a song for her, a love song that was sure to melt her heart. The melody was soft and sweet, and the lyrics were nothing short of poetry. As he played the song, he imagined her listening to it, her eyes closed as she floated away on a sea of emotion. He watched from his window as the moon shimmered in the sky, and he knew that it was going to be a night to remember.
As Alastor began playing the song on the radio, he felt as if his heart was pounding in his chest. He couldn't help but wonder what Miss Daisy looked like, what her life was like. He found himself thinking about her constantly, her voice and her kindness stuck in his mind.
Every time she called in with a request, his heart fluttered at the sound of her voice. And each time she asked for a love song, his feelings for her only grew stronger.
Weeks of regular requests from Miss Daisy. It only sparked his curiosity with how devoted she is to listening to his radio show, over and over again.
One night, as he was winding down the show, Alastor received a special request from Miss Daisy, a popular love song at that time. He couldn't believe it. Miss Daisy always had the best taste in music, and this song was no exception.
"This is perfect," Alastor said over the airwaves. "I can't wait to play it for you, Miss Daisy."
As he played the song, his heart raced with excitement. He was sure that Miss Daisy would love it, and he couldn't wait to hear her reaction.
When the song ended, he waited anxiously for Miss Daisy to call back.
Finally, after what felt like hours, Miss Daisy called back. Her voice was soft and nice, and Alastor could feel the gratitude and appreciation in her words.
"That song was incredible, Alastor," Miss Daisy said. "Thank you so much for playing it."
Alastor felt a rush of gratification. He was so glad that he could bring Miss Daisy this much joy and happiness through his music.
As for you, your fingers fiddled through the radio, turning it off, you stared out onto the night's sky. walking to the open balcony, watching the bustling city and it's different shaded light. some dim. some absolutely shining. you huffed to yourself.
With all of a sudden, The phone rang. ultimately, you picked it up. with Loralie on the other line, you were filled with glee as she gladly muttered out your name.
"Y/n, Darlin.. We're gonna be home tomorrow by 9, could you prepare the breakfast for me n' lewis, sugarplum?" she exclaimed. the sounds of bags and object clangs emitted in the background. you hummed in response, taking responsibility for making the breakfast by the time they came home. "Thank you darlin, take care okay? you yap all about your week when we come home, alright, okay.. tata moonpie~" with that, she dropped the call. you sighed, contented of finally not being alone.
You were content as the sounds of Loralie's voice faded away. You had been feeling a little bit alone lately, and her call had brought you a sense of comfort and connection. Finally, you laid in bed, drifting off to sleep.
The next day went by, the sunlight slowly creeping the room, You began to prepare breakfast for her and her boyfriend, You wanted to make them something special, something that would make them feel welcomed and appreciated.
You spent the next few minutes preparing everything, getting the ingredients for the breakfast that you knew they loved the most. You cooked up some scrambled eggs, fried some bacon, and toasted some bread. You even whipped up a batch of pancakes from scratch.
When everything is ready, you put the food on a plate and set it on the table. You sat down on the couch and waited nervously for them to arrive.
Finally, the sound of keys jangling in the door echoed through the apartment. Lorilie and her boyfriend walked in, both looking weary from a long day of traveling. "Y/n, Darling, i missed ya! utterly missed ya.." she pulled you into a tight hug, setting down her headdress onto the sofa. along with the bags. she glanced over the breakfast filled table, pulling Lewis, Her boyfriend over.
"Make sure you both eat a lot.." you muttered seating on the opposite side of the two. taking a munch of the pancakes, sighing in delight as you did. You felt a sense of accomplishment and happiness at having done something nice for someone else. For a few seconds of chewing, Lewis glanced over his wrist watch, eyes widening of the time.
"Loralie.. Y/n.. i-i'm afraid i need to get going" he frantically muttered, standing up from his seat, grabbing his coat while Loralie followed behind. "Lewis! you haven't finished breakfa-" she was cut off with a kiss he planted on her cheek before leaving. she sighed. watching him leave the place, Loralie hurriedly ran over to the balcony, calling out to him. "Lewis! make sure to call me when you get home!" she exclaimed, waving her hands as he left.
"Well, he seems busy.." you spoke up, calmly taking a bite of the food on your plate. Loralie then headed over to you, placing her chair beside you. as for the next few hours. she told all the wonderful things that went on during their vacation. "Well then we went for a joy ride, and good golly, that's all of it." she then turned to you, smiling. "What about you, Dear?, What did you do all week?"
You felt a sense of warmth and comfort as Loralie began to talk about her vacation. You listened intently, enjoying the sound of her voice as she described all of the beautiful places they had visited. You could tell that she was truly excited about the trip, and you were happy that she had a good time.
You thought for a moment before replying, "To be honest, I'm not sure what went by or happened.. This week was kind of a blur." You let out a small laugh, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I think I spent most of my time listening to the radio and reading books."
She paused for a moment. grinning. "Let me guess, you kept on requesting songs from Alastor.. did you? y/n? or should i say.. 'Miss Daisy'." she let out a chuckle. patting your back softly. "Well, i did, but it was for a good cause! I am a loyal listener. okay?" you happily spoke up. fiddling with the fork on your empty
You couldn't help but smile at Loralie's teasing comment. You knew that you were a loyal listener, but you didn't think that anyone else noticed. It was a little embarrassing, but also flattering that someone else had picked up on it.
"I just...I love his voice, and the way he plays his music. It makes me feel...calm, I guess." You shrugged, feeling a little silly for having such strong feelings about a radio host. Loralie laughed. "Well, there's nothing wrong with that, moonpie, well, I think it's rather sweet of you. I'm sure the guy appreciates having such a loyal listener like you." She gave you a comforting pat on the back before getting up to clear the table.
"Well, he has dozens of listeners too, and you know.. err" Loralie placed a finger on your lips. hushing you for a moment. "There's no room to be so humble, darlin" she laughed. grabbing the empty plates, placing it on the sink. patting her hands dry after.
The night went by as always, like a blur. Alastor sat there, With his blood stained hands, dripping down arms, onto his gleaming white fabric. His button up also stained with the red liquid. He hummed along the tune he played on the radio. Taking in the pleasure of his loneliness in the studio. The telephone rang, echoing across the room.
He placed the coated knife onto the table beside him. His hand reached the device, picking it up. bringing it up to his ear. he cooed, answering the call. "You have reached Alastor Altruist! From New Orleans, Louisiana, Welcome to my Broadcast.. and who might be on the other end of this pleasant call?"
The voice at the other end of the line was soft, almost hauntingly sweet. "Alastor, it's me again… Daisy." The caller's voice was familiar to Alastor, and he felt a twinge of excitement course through his veins. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.
"Daisy, it's always a pleasure to hear from you," Alastor said, keeping his voice calm and steady. "What can I do for you tonight?"
"Oh, just a request for a song," Daisy said, her voice like music to Alastor's ears. "I hope it's not too much trouble?"
"Of course not, darling. I'd be delighted to play any song you'd like," Alastor replied, his mind already racing with possibilities. He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. "What song would you like to hear tonight?"
"I'd like the 'April Showers by Al Jolson'" she softly giggled. "April Showers," Alastor repeated, his voice smooth and clear. "That's a wonderful choice, Daisy. I'm sure our listeners will enjoy it just as much as I will." He paused for a moment before continuing. "I'll make sure to play it just for you, darling," he said, his voice filled with a hint of amusement.
With that, he finally played the song. grabbing a clean cloth to wipe the blood off of his arm. along with the once plastered on his face. After he dropped the call. he muttered.
"Keep calling me, Beautiful Stranger.."
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nicolebonnet · 4 years
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jettmaverick · 3 years
W H E N   T H E   M A C H I N E   S T A R T S
     He’d been out nearly all day, hopping between shops and the Haven to try to set himself up. Pills. Check. Phone. Check. Vehicle? Not yet. Job. Not fucking yet. But between spending time with Loralie and trying to carve himself out a piece of normalcy, Jett wasn’t met with his usual restlessness. His to-do list was too fucking long for that. “Lor?” Jett called out into the apartment as he entered, tossing his keys on the coffee table as he took a seat on the couch. The white paper bag stuffed with his pills had been in his other and he placed that next to his keys before he pulled a black box out from under his arm, prying his fingertips under the top and ripping it open instead of cutting the tape. He tugged off the rest of it, plucking his phone out of the plastic that kept it in place, then lifted that up to get the charging pad. The device and its charger were also put on the table, the trash nudged to one side before Jett tore open the pill bag next, getting each bottle and lining them up in front of him. 
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     Three out of five. The two most important ones would take longer. The remainder of what he had from Dullahan sat on the counter in the kitchen — enough for one more week — and then it was time to find out whether some off-brand might do the trick. Whether Dr. Collins could get his hands on what Jett really fucking needed. His stare hardened, a glare as he studied the pill bottles, their labels, thought about what would fucking happen if they didn’t do the trick, if he didn’t get his fucking meds.       He could smell burning plastic… polyester and hair — a flush of heat overtaking his entire body as he recalled the night his father died. Remembered being kicked out of the fucking Lost Boys. Dullahan. Black-outs. Blood and bruised fucking knuckles. Jett exhaled sharply through his nose, pressing his fingers against the heel of his palms until his knuckles emitted a crack, then he crumpled up the bag the pills had come in, squeezing the paper into a ball in his fist.
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jordanstrophe · 3 years
This One is Mine, part...10?
Anon ask, Anon receive c:
(I am aware the Content Warning spoil a lot, but I want everyone to be safe and comfortable. The main story will have a happy ending though!)
CW: Very Intimate whumper, manhandling, restraints, Whumpee recaptured by whumper, gun mentioned, Arrest made, implied whipping, Blood, Death threats, gun mentioned, Gag, Kidnapping mentioned
Michael sat crumpled under the desk, face pressed against the corner, twitching and shaking, the gashes on his back burning. He wanted to go home... He didn’t even care about his life before all this, he hardly even remembered it. He just wanted to stay with Charles.
Maybe he forgot about him already... 
He let a quiet sob escape his lips, but held in the rest. Almost immediately, two hands reached down and roughly grabbed his bound arms, pulling him from under the desk. He yelped as he was pulled into Malcolm's lap, who cradled him in his arms.
“Shh, baby, don’t cry. He’s not worth a tear.” Malcolm whispered, thumbing them away. He tucked his face into his shoulder, whimpering and crying softly. “You’re home now, lovely. Back where you belong, in my arms, at my feet, isn’t that right?” He asked. “Y-yes master.” He said, he didn’t have the energy to rebel anymore. Malcolm gave him a lovingly smile, stroking his knuckles down his face. Michael wanted nothing but to spit in his face and pull from his grasp, but he had learned not to do that the hard way in the past. 
His phone on his desk rang, Malcolm groaned annoyingly as he shoved Michael onto the floor, who quickly scampered back under the desk. “Who is it?! I’m busy!” He growled into the phone angrily.
“Jake, Kyle, Alice, Emma, Vince...” The voice rattled off a list of names. Before the voice could continue any further, Malcolm shrieked “What is this? What do you think you’re doing?!” He knew who that was, and he recognized all those names.
“Oh, some people you should know. People you took off the street against the system. People who didn’t see anything, but you took them anyway. You know what I’m talking about.” Charles smiled. “You abused the system for your personal gain, it’s like a sport to you, isn’t it? A big game. I have more names if you want me to remind you.”
Malcolm’s face went red, but he shook off the anger, he still held all the cards. 
“That doesn’t matter, it’s a business tactic! The other founders will recognize that, there on my side, remember?” He laughed.  “Yeah, but the government isn’t.” Charles smirked. 
Malcolm broke down laughing. He laughed, and laughed, and laughed until he was practically wheezing, Michael was pretty hopeful he would die on the spot.
“The government? Please old friend, you wouldn’t dare! You rat me out, the entire system goes with it.” He laughed.  “So?” Charles asked. “I’ll be honest. I’m getting bored, I feel like I beat the game of life a long long time ago. But now I have something else to live for, and if you don’t return him, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep him safe."  “You’re either crazy, or bluffing, and I’m going to go with the second one.” He sneered. 
 “He’s not joking, Malcom.” Nimrah spoke behind Charles. “Is that the lovely Miss Nimrah Loralie? Are you still salty about our last business deal?” He chuckled. “Yes, yes I am, thank you very much. But let me make it clear to you, Charles is no bluffing man, he plans to take down the entire system unless you give him what he wants. Or.. You could always not, and we can go back to the first plan.” She shrugged.
“First plan, eh?” He laughed. “Yeah, me kindly giving you a bullet between the eyes.” She hissed into the phone. 
“You even got her involved. You’re serious here, aren’t you Charles?” He sighed. 
“Deadly, serious.”
Malcolm glanced down at Michael cowering under the desk, he was only hearing half the conversation, too many questions were swimming in his head. Malcolm let off a sigh of defeat. “Alright. Alright. Fine. He’s not worth the trouble, you know where to meet me, tonight.” He mumbled. He hung up before Charles could get another word in. 
Malcolm ripped the phone in two with his bare hands, and threw it against the large mirror, shattering it to pieces that shot across the room. He slammed his fists on the desk, jostling the whole room, the chandeliers clattering and swaying. He collapsed to his knees to come face to face with Michael, who trembled and shook. He grabbed his chin and pulled him closer.
“What is with you, huh? What’s so special about you?! Do you realize what you’ve just caused?!” He cried out. Michael only squeezed his eyes shut, whimpering over the pain in his back. Malcolm sighed, loosening his grasp and petting his cheek. “But don’t worry baby, I’m going to fix everything tonight, alright? Right in front of Charles.” He smiled lovingly. 
Charles' hands trembled, he had made dozens of phone calls, and deleted hundreds of files on every hard drive. Miles nervously paced around the room twitching his fingers in his grasp. 
“Charles, are you sure? Are you one-hundred percent sure you want to do this?” Miles asked.  “I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life. It’s time.” He gave him a sad smile.  “And you’re sure we’re going to be fine? We have protection, right?” Nimrah asked. “Absolutely, every one of you is going to be taken care of, I swear. I take care of my household” He said. 
“But... What about you?” Liam asked. The room went silent. 
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Miles, I’m counting on you, alright?” He asked. Miles nervously nodded his head. 
When night fell, they drove to the abandoned lot where they did the usual trades. “Nimrah? Something has been on my mind. That day, in the shop, you recognized Michael. You said he was brave... What happened?” He asked. Nimrah sighed, crossing her arms and legs. 
‘'Before our little fall out, I would always attend his parties. I’ll give him credit, his parties were a real killer. But this one night was a bit different. He had just lost one of his favorites, and was pretty mad. He did it himself, of course, but he never blamed himself. He dressed up a bunch of his Pets and had them serve the food and drinks, one of them fell and spilled a lot of really expensive drinks, it’s safe to say he wasn’t too happy.” She huffed.  “I swear it looked like he was about to kill that boy on the spot. But Michael jumped in front and shielded him, He took the punishment instead.” She sighed.
Charles was silent, he was scared to try and picture that scene. “He knew what he was doing, brave kid. But he sealed his fate that day, for that was the day he became the new favorite.” She said. “Man...” Miles muttered, dragging a hand through his hair. Charles could only clench his fists tightly. 
Malcolm’s car pulled up, Michael was knelt on the floor. “Come on lovely, up here.” Malcolm cooed, gently pulled him up on the seat next to him. '‘Now sweetheart, do you know what’s going to happen?” He asked, brushing the bloody hair from his face. “N-No.. Master..” He muttered. “Charles about threw everything away for you, his career, his freedom, all for you! Isn’t that nice?” He smiled.  
Michael’s eyes shot up, he finally felt a glimmer of hope. “He’s... Came f-for me?” He asked, tears streaking down his face. “All for you, he’s just outside, waiting for you!” He grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a tight hug, hissing in his ear. 
“And then I’m going to kill you. Right in front of him, before you even reach him. And while he’s too stunned to do anything, I’m going to kill him, right after he sees you dead.”
Michael’s eyes went wide, his breathing stopped.  No... No he wouldn’t. No... No!  “Why?” He whimpered, too shocked to even break down to sob, he was only breathless. 
‘Why? Because if I can’t have you. No one can.” 
In an instant, Malcolm shoved a gag in his mouth, and tied it tightly. “But shhh, it’s a surprise, so don’t tell him, okay? Oh baby, I’m going to miss you.” He said sadly, as Michael tried to scream, or run, or fight, anything! But he couldn’t... 
Malcolm grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the car. He could see the headlights of another car, beaming across the lot. He heard the other car door slam shut. He tried to shout, to scream, anything to warn then about what was going to happen! But all that came out were panicked muffling sobs. 
“Malcolm!” Charles shouted. Standing in front of the headlights, only his silhouette was visible. “I’ve got your boy, Charles! I honored my part, now do the same!” He called. “Let him go, and we’ll see about that.” He responded. 
Malcolm had a hold on his arm, as he pulled him forward. “Don’t mess this up now.” He whispered, before shoving him forward. He quickly regained his footing, standing in the middle of the lot, his legs quaking under him, as he froze.
“Michael! It’s okay, come here!” Charles called, but he didn’t move. He tried to cry out again, but hardly anything was coming out. He looked up at Charles, with tears in his eyes, as he shook his head no. 
“Sweetheart it’s okay! It’s okay now, come home!” He cried, taking a step closer. Michael only responded by taking a step back, viciously shaking his head no. 
Malcolm laughed. “What’s wrong Charles? Your boy doesn't want you anymore?”  Charles let out a frustrated sigh, as he began to walk towards Michael, who scrambled back and collapsed on the gravel. 
“..Michael?” Charles asked, slowing down his pace, confused. He saw something flash in Malcolm's hand from the headlights, before he even had a chance to do anything, there was a loud crashing sound from the distance. 
‘'Hands in the air! Drop the weapon!” A loud voice announced. Black cars screeched up to the scene, within an instant dozens of people poured out of them.
“I repeat, drop the weapon!” They called again.
Weapon... What weapon? There was a clanking sound that came from Malcolm, who had thrown a gun to the floor with his hands in the air, his face pale, frozen with fear. He looked down, to see Michael still trembling on the ground, unable to move. He quickly grabbed him, pulling him into an embrace for just a moment, before ripping him onto his feet, quickly dragged him over and put him in Miles arms. 
‘Go!” He cried, as Miles held on to Michael. 
He turned around, hand in the air. "They’re not involved, I’m the one who called! I’m the one you want!” He called, as he was immediately wrestled to the ground. He looked up, as saw the same was done to Malcolm and his driver. Malcolm’s eyes were fixated on him, hatred burning in his eyes. “You rat... We had a deal!” 
Michael looked back, and saw what was happening. Miles pulled the gag from his mouth, as he immediately cried out. ‘Wait! What’s happening!? Charles!?” He cried. He tried to pull himself from Miles grasp, but he didn’t let go.
“No no no! Stay with me, he has to do this!” Miles cried, as Michael desperately tried to run to him. 
“WAIT! NO! CHARLES! PLEASE, NO! CHARLES!” He screamed, as Miles grabbed his legs and threw him over his shoulder.  He screamed, cried, fought and pleaded as he was thrown into the back of the car. Miles jumped in the driver's seat and hit the gas. Nimrah crawled into the back seat and tried to sooth Michael, who was screaming and crying.
“Sshh, Michael, it’s alright, calm down.” Nimrah whispered. She pulled off the shackled from his wrists, as he immediately scrambled to open the car door, but it was locked. She pulled him into a hug, trying to calm him down, but he wasn’t having it. They drove for hours, and hours, long passing the mansion. Eventually his voice gave out, as he collapsed in the seat, blindly staring out the window, his face stained with tears. 
“He’ll be okay.” Nimrah muttered, to the both of them. 
“He’ll be okay...”
Tag list: @lave-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @green-eyed-whumpster  @grizzlie70  @myworstdays @ill-eat-you-if-you-cross-me @alien-octopus
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Thank you for reading!
I was quite unsure of this one, as the story was SUPPOSE to be fluffy. (My inner whump came out, sorry) But! It will have a good ending! And this was kind of the only way I could think that could lead up to that ending I wanted. The next chapter will most likely be the last. I may come back and do some drabble, or if someone wants to request something, but the main story is about to come to an end. I’m hopping these past few chapters didn’t go somewhere where people didn’t want it to go. But thank you for coming this far, I really appreciate you! <3 
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wholelottatiffy · 5 years
OC Tag :)
Thanks for the tag @briarfox13 <3
So instead of doing Saska (like I always do) I decided on doing another OC I’ve been working on, Loralie. :)
Tagging @marmottine, and @namesonboats if you guys want to do it. :)
Since I am still working her out, anything with a “?” isn’t set in stone yet. @leskavel​ image credit (@rosenazair’s sideblog) for the top image The bottom one is my screenshot of her and Dettlaff in my Sims 4 game. :)
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Full name: Loralie ? (Her name is Loralie, or Lora, just not sure on her full name quite yet)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: ?
Pronouns: She/her
Family: By Blood - Khagmar and ? (This is still being worked on)
Birthplace: ?
Phobias: ?
Guilty pleasures: Drinking blood
Hobbies: ?
Morality alignment: Somewhere between Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral
Sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth
Virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
Close minded/open-minded
Hard working/lazy
Otp: Lora x Dettlaff
Acceptable ships: None
Ot3: ?
Brotp: ?
Notp: ?
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fckoffthana · 6 years
(I have too many muses I want to bring here and I’m a mess because I’m terrible and can’t pick)
Tw: death, trauma
So do I a) bring back my babe Finn Lastor 26 (Aaron Tveit) ex army, going into police force lives in brooklyn generally good charming guy but struggles with trumor. b) little special nugget Lucy; 21, bisexual super sweet little awkward and fun. Works in a music shop studying biology c) Anastasia 26 (I’d change her name if bringing her in); she’s a mumma bear, kind of like lorali from Gilmore girls. Dealing with the murder of her younger sister and trying to find the man who did it.
I’d be changing the fcs for my last two girls, thinking Lucy being Natalia Dyer and Anya yet to decide
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starsocinfo · 7 years
Character List
A Adrien . Bio . Tags Aekn . Bio . Tags . Aeron Aedm . Bio . Tags Aeym . Bio . Tags Aeym Avery . Bio . Tags Ai Aimiyu . Bio . Tags Aimiyu ‘Keeper’ . Bio . Tags     Akae . Bio . Tags Ameryllis ‘Ryll’ . Bio . Tags Andrew S . Bio . Tags Arkn Raptukin . Bio . Tags Avery Skullivan . Bio . Tags Awkie . Bio . Tags
B Blaze Raptukin . Bio . Tags Blithe Carson . Bio . Tags Blue . Bio . Tags
C Cassidy . Bio . Tags Cookie Aedm . Bio . Tags Cory . Bio . Tags
D Dillon Skyler . Bio . Tags Dren . Bio . Tags Dylan . Bio . Tags
E Eckle Angel . Bio . Tags Elliot-Carmen Griffin . Bio . Tags Elroy . Bio . Tags Elsie . Bio . Tags Emery . Bio . Tags Euphee . Bio . Tags Euphie . Bio . Tags Ezra . Bio . Tags
F Fizz . Bio . Tags Fleck . Bio . Tags
G Gecks . Bio . Tags
H Harley Owen . Bio . Tags Hope . Bio . Tags
I Ithy Phallic . Bio . Tags
J Joesef Vallume . Bio . Tags
K Kelcee . Bio . Tags Kelcie . Bio . Tags Kelcie Akello . Bio . Tags Kharma . Bio . Tags Kinnie Lyon . Bio . Tags Knucker . Bio . Tags Koan Akello . Bio . Tags
L Lacie Strawberry . Bio . Tags Lorali ‘Pyra’ Stanley . Bio . Tags Lynne . Bio . Tags Lynnette Avery . Bio . Tags
M Mercy . Bio . Tags Mistress . Bio . Tags
N Nookie . Bio . Tags
O -
P Phoenix Blasier . Bio . Tags Pix . Bio . Tags Prince Vallume . Bio . Tags Princess Vallume . Bio . Tags Prue . Bio . Tags Pudding . Bio . Tags ‘Puuf Plu’ . Bio . Tags
Q -
R Raven . Bio . Tags Red . Bio . Tags Reegan K Sykes . Bio . Tags Reise Jay . Bio . Tags Rhett Rein . Bio . Tags Rhyn . Bio . Tags Ricky . Bio . Tags Rose V . Bio . Tags Rue . Bio . Tags Rus Aedm . Bio . Tags Russell . Bio . Tags Ryeik . Bio . Tags Ryhn Avery . Bio . Tags
S Shadow Raptukin . Bio . Tags Skully . Bio . Tags Skye . Bio . Tags Sofie . Bio . Tags Star . Bio . Tags
T Tallie . Bio . Tags Thirteen . Bio . Tags Tuesday . Bio . Tags
U Ursula . Bio . Tags
V -
W -
X -
Y Yuki . Bio . Tags
Z Zander . Bio . Tags
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The Library || Tina and Lor
Tina had been working too hard. She’d spent the last few days working on her homework so that she could have a break free of worrying about charms, or potions, at least for a couple of days… who was she kidding, she would probably worry about them anyways, but the fact that she didn’t have to worry about it was pretty freeing.
  She was looking forward to the beginning of the break, even though she wouldn’t be going home, she didn’t mind too much. The castle would be relatively quiet, and it had been pretty nice out lately. She had plans to pick up Hogwarts: A History from the library… maybe she would sit out by her favourite tree for a little bit of light reading.
  Tina made her way through the hallways, her robes swishing as she moved towards the library. She was meeting Lor there, she wasn’t entirely sure what for, but she needed to get out of the common room. She had been spending far too many nights holed up studying in the dorms, and welcomed the break. She turned the corner, and swished through the door, making her way through the stacks to the table that she and Lor usually shared before plunking herself down in a chair to wait.
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y3nze1 · 4 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: I / II / III / IV / V / VI
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Happy Readings!
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"Y/n!~" Loralie called out. purse in hand, she ran towards you, happily approaching, clearly there was an interesting news that she couldn't keep to herself with that kind of energy. "Y/n..!" you cut her off for a moment. "Loralie, if it's a party, i swear i am not willing to hook myself on some hooch, you know tha-" she pressed a finger on your lips. "Shush, this is most likely the party of the century, Y/n!"
You let out a soft chuckle. "You always say that.. and you know my answer. as always.. it's a n-" she cut you off again. With that, you rolled your eyes. "I already bought you an outfit. stop yappin, take a bath. get yourself ready for tonight, so we are gonna cut a rug as i say so!" she exclaimed. crossing your arms as you responded with a sigh.
You could see the excitement on Loralie's face as she spoke of the upcoming party. You couldn't help but feel a little intrigued, wondering what could be in store for the night. Not wanting to disappoint ger, you nodded along, doing as she wanted. "Alright, alright," you said with a groan, giving in to her enthusiasm. "I'll get cleaned up and get ready."
Loralie beamed at you, clearly pleased with your response. She took your hand and led you into the bathroom, helping you with your bath preparations. "Darlin, We gotta make sure you shine, you dazzle, and hotsy totsy!~" she ran the bath, pouring in the things needed to make it purely bubble. As you bathed, you couldn't help but wonder about the mystery event that Loralie had planned for the night. You weren't sure what to expect from then on.
Patted dry, you followed along behind her as she pulled your hand out the bathroom. giggling to herself. "Alright Darlin.. don't you worry. i am goin to make ya' stunnin." she softly gazed at you. sitting you down by the vanity mirror. drying down your hair.
For the next few hours. you spent the day getting ready. a light blush on your cheek, just the right amount of soft mascara. and a beautiful shade of red lipstick, of course. you weren't keen on using makeup, but my goodness, did you look like a shining star for the evening. coming to dazzle upon everyone just once for a span of thousands of years.
As you finished getting ready, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building inside you. Everything was just perfect - the dress, the makeup, the hair... you felt like a princess, like a star, ready to take on the world. And with Loralie by your side, you felt like anything was possible.
Loralie looked just as excited as you were, and as you stood up from the vanity, she handed you a gift-wrapped box. "Well, I might as well give you your present early.." she said with a smile, handing you the box. You opened it up, revealing a beautiful necklace - a silver chain with a beautiful blue jewel at the center. It was the perfect finishing touch to your outfit.
As you put on the necklace, Loralie took your head to the mirror. smiling softly, "Look at that darlin.. do you know what i see?.." you paused for a moment, taking a good look at yourself. "i see beautiful, dashing, wonderful woman.." she sighed, pure satisfied. "oh my, you're there too!" she let out a laugh as you rolled your eyes in annoyance. "oh I'm just teasing, Y/n.. Don't be such a bearcat!~"
Loralie took your hand and led you out of the room, down the stairs and out the door. You stood outside, feeling the cool air on your skin and feeling overwhelmed by the excitement. Loralie ushered you into a waiting car, and soon you were on your way to the mysterious party that Loralie had been planning. The ride was full of anticipation - you had no idea what to expect, but you knew that whatever it was, it was going to be a night to remember.
As the car pulled up to the venue, you could see that it was a sprawling estate, lit up with countless lights and surrounded by an intricate garden. Loralie hopped out of the car and you followed, feeling your heart pound as you approached the front door.
You took a deep breath, ready to face whatever the night had in store. With Loralie by your side, you felt like you could take on the world.
The party was unlike anything you had ever seen. The estate was teeming with people dressed to the nines, sipping on champagne and cocktails, and dancing to the music of a live band. The atmosphere was electric, and you found yourself being drawn into the excitement.
As Loralie pulled you along, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and majesty. The venues, the attire, the people; everything was so elegant and refined. It was a world completely different from the one you were used to.
As you made your way through the crowd, you couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement. The venue was a testament to human ingenuity and creativity, and you found yourself lost in the excitement and beauty of it all. But despite the grandeur and majesty, there was also a sense of warmth and community. The crowd was filled with people of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and having a good time. It was a truly international scene.
And through it all, Loralie was by your side. She helped you navigate the crowd and introduced you to various people, helping you make connections and network. The night was full of possibilities and opportunities, and you found yourself feeling more confident and empowered than ever before. As the night wore on, the party only became more and more lively. The music grew louder, the drinks flowed freely, and the dancing grew more wild and frenetic. You couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and joy, as if you were part of something bigger than yourself.
For a moment you stopped, you stood by the middle of the crowd, catching the look of a young man, staring back at you. The moment felt like a stop motion, You felt a flutter in your chest, that familiar feeling that came over you, nervous, you looked away instead. You looked around the crowd, scanning for Loralie. She was still talking to an array of people, but she caught your glance and motioned for you to come over. You cut through the crowd, avoiding people's drinks and plates with ease, but then you felt someone bumping into you. Before you could turn around to apologize, a soft voice sounded in your ear.
"Watch your step, my dear. You wouldn't want to trip and fall, now do you?" That voice, that particular voice, The voice was deep and melodic, and a pair of warm, brown eyes met yours. You felt like time had stopped on you again, the music was faded and the only thing you could hear was his voice. Finally after a good while of staring, you brushed your shoulders gently and nervously.
"Oh," your voice sounded small and shy compared to his, "no.. no, i-i'm sorry, i didn't look at my surroundings that well." He chuckled, and you felt your heart fluttering. "Well, better watch out next time, my dear." He held out his hand, looking at you deeply, "I'm Alastor, Alastor Altruist."
No, is this actually real? you really are talking to him, face to face. Alastor, the radio man, Your fingers gently wrapped around his, and you smiled shyly, "Pleasure to meet you, Alastor, I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n". Your voice sounded weak, but your smile was bright.
He looked into your eyes, and he leaned in slightly, he out his hand once more, muttering. "would you like to have a dance with me, Ms. Y/n?". You were still processing what was happening when you both started walking towards the center of the floor. Alastor held your hand and his other hand wrapped around your waist as he leaned in closer to you.
The song playing was slow and romantic, and as you both started to sway in time to the beat, you felt a strange sense of calm and serenity wash over you. You couldn't help but notice the way Alastor looked at you - his eyes seemed to pierce right through you. "Your voice, it seems so familiar to me." he whispered, you kept your mouth shut at the moment. not daring to talk back. instead you continued to dance with him. utterly silent. basking in each one's gaze.
You felt like you were the only two people in existence, lost in a world of your own. You closed your eyes and lost yourself in the moment, oblivious to anything else around you. For that brief moment in time, you were perfectly content, perfectly happy. But as the song came to an end, you were suddenly snapped back to reality by the loud applause and cheers of those around you.
You smiled at the sudden outburst of the crowd, giggling. Alastor, turned to you. "Would you like to get a Wiggle on with me? a stroll by the garden nearby, per say?" in response, you nodded. he pulled your hand, leading you through the crowd as you two giggled. You followed Alastor through the large crowded party, the smell of food and alcohol filling the air as you navigated towards the garden. The night air was cool and refreshing, and the sound of the party began to fade into the distance.
As Alastor led you onto a small footpath, you began to notice the beauty of the dark night sky, illuminated by the lights of the city below. The sky was so clear that you could make out the shapes of the galaxies, and the stars seemed so close you felt like you could reach out and touch them.
"Oh, this is quite the view, isn't it?" Alastor said as he sat down on the bench, "I never get tired of this place, it's so peaceful." He pulled a cigarette case out of his pocket, "Do you want a butt, my dear?" he offered one to you. You shook your head no, not staring blankly at the sky.
For a second, you looked down. staring at your feet. "I've heard your radio podcast before." he looked at you, his smile widened. "really?.. then you must also know this frequent requestor of mine, have you?" He's mentioning you. you only nodded back in response. "For a listener, I've never been this.. smitten with this particular girl before. she'd call almost everyday, requesting me songs, non-stop. and.. every time, I'd pick up my telephone. i find myself hoping, she's on the other line."
He paused. looking at you. "I'm rambling, aren't i?" You felt yourself blushing slightly as Alastor continued to speak about you. He was right, you had been obsessed with his radio show for as long as you could remember. You listened to every episode, waiting for your turn to call and request a song.
And now, here you were, sitting next to him, listening to him talk about you. It felt like a dream, like something that could never really be. You smiled wide, feeling your heart race in your chest. "No, no, please continue," you said, your voice soft and barely above a whisper, "I.. i love hearing you talk" then you realized what you said. you let out a cough. "i-i.. mean about.. her, i like hearing.. umm.. you talk about her." He laughed at your attempt, finding it quite endearing. "it's fine, i don't mind. it's nice to meet someone who's very interested in you" You breathed a sigh of relief as Alastor laughed, finding it quite endearing. You were relieved that he didn't think you were weird for accidentally saying that you loved hearing him talk. You felt your face turn bright red, but you couldn't help but smile.
"It's nice to meet someone who's so interested in me too," you said, trying to keep your voice steady, You laughed as well, feeling more at ease. You knew that you were probably coming across as a total loser, but you couldn't help it. Being around Alastor made you feel a way that you couldn't even begin to describe. You felt like you could talk to him forever and never get bored. "You've mentioned this caller of yours. and.. you've striked me curious. She sounds to be quiet.. delightful, in your perspective.. i-i just wanna know.. what would you say to her if.. she were hear, the one listening.. to you."
Alastor paused for a moment, considering your question. "Well, I suppose I would tell her how much her calls mean to me.. And how much I look forward to each and every one.. every single song requests of her" He looked down at you, his face serious. "I would tell her that she's a source of inspiration.. at least.. my inspiration, that she makes me feel like I'm not just a radio host, but something more." He looked back at the sky, breathing in deeply. "I would tell her that she's the most special girl in the world, and that I'm glad i had the chance to even cross my god forsaken path with hers.."
You fell silent, turning to look at him. "So.. what's her name?" you stared at him. he smiled, looking up to the night sky.
"Daisy, My lovely, Darling, Daisy.."
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y3nze1 · 4 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: I / II / III / IV / V / VI
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Short continuation chapter! Happy Readings!
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You fell silent, your eyes focused onto his as he stared up at the stars, You couldn't help but smile at his response. You felt your heart beat a little faster at the image of yourself along his side.
You couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy towards yourself, and towards the fact that Alastor felt so strongly about her, yet considering daisy and you are one person.
"She sounds wonderful," you said, your voice soft and full of meaning, "I can't imagine how she makes you feel. You must really love her." You paused for a moment, wondering if your words were too forward. You didn't want to seem desperate or needy, but you couldn't help it..
Alastor looked at you, his eyes full of intensity. "I love her immensely, more than words can describe. She's my everything, my world." He took a step closer to you, his voice low. "And now.. I want to find out more about you.. Y/n, tell me about yourself." He leaned in closer.
You felt your heart flutter at his words, his voice full of a deep sort of longing. You leaned in a little, feeling his warm breath brushing against your face. You felt a tingle run through your body as he leaned closer.
You took a deep breath, feeling your head spinning from the alcohol and the proximity to him. "What.. what do you want to know?" you asked, feeling a sense of nervousness well up inside of you. You didn't really know what to say, you hadn't really thought this far ahead.
"anything you can offer me, if that's alright with you." his smile widened, you looked away for a moment. staring blankly at your feet.
"well, how about this.. I am Y/n, I'm not.. duchess or any kind of noble, no parents, no riches, and no woman of power at any sorts.. and all i could ever offer.. is an infinite amount of my love.."
You couldn't help but blush at his words. You never thought that someone would be able to express such deep feelings towards you, you had never felt so loved and cared for by someone before. It was a feeling that you couldn't really put into words, but it felt like a warm, cozy blanket wrapped around you.
"That's all I could ever ask for," you said, your voice soft and gentle, "an infinite amount of your love is all I need. I don't care about riches or power, I just want someone who cares about me and loves me for who I am."
Alastor smiled at you, his eyes looking deep into yours. "Then i hope someone will truly be that person for you, my dear..".
The sound of a bell rang loudly from an old clock stuck at the hotel, Angel groaned at its ringing.
"ugh.. shit, I fucking hate that clock since it got here". Loralie chuckled at the sight, thinking to herself. "well.. i think it's neat" She muttered, chugging down the whiskey in her glass, setting it down to the side after.
"what about the story?! finish it!" Niffty grit her teeth in excitement, bouncing up and down on her chair leaving a happy sigh on Charlie's face. "well, what happened then? it ended just like that?" Charlie spoke, scratching her scalp gently. Loralie stared down at her glass for a moment.
"my memory's kind of foggy about it, it's been a long time since i told this story."
"That's okay, take your time," Charlie said, smiling warmly at Loralie. "I just love hearing you tell stories, they're always so fascinating."
As Niffty bounced anxiously on her chair, Charlie reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down.
"Don't worry, Niffty, Loralie will finish the story when she's ready." Niffty grumbled and crossed her arms, but didn't say anything more as she looked up at Loralie expectantly.
Loralie took a deep breath and looked down at her glass, trying to gather her thoughts. "Right, where did I leave off... oh yes.. shit, I'll just try and pick up what i can remember from here."
You nodded, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort wash over you as he spoke. "I hope so too," you said quietly, feeling a sense of sadness wash over you. You knew that you weren't likely to find someone that would love you as much as Alastor loved Daisy.
"Do you really think there's someone out there for me?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. You felt your eyes start to well up with tears as you spoke.
"Of course," he said, taking your hand and gently caressing it. "There is always someone out there for everyone, you just have to keep looking." He leaned in close to you, his voice low and soft. "And until then, i could be of company with you, maybe guide you even.." Alastor whispered. "as for, i suppose I'll keep listening to daisy's call in the meantime. but I'll set my heart aside for her."
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you as he spoke. It felt nice to know that Alastor would be there for you, even if it was just as a friend. You felt your heart aching at his words, wondering if you'd ever find someone who loved you as much as he loved Daisy.
"Thank you," you said softly, looking up at him. "That means a lot to me, Alastor. You've been so kind to me, and I appreciate it more than you know." You reached out and touched his hand, feeling the warmth of his skin. "And I'll always be here for you too, if you ever need a friend."
The silence continued, only broken off the sound of Loralie looking for you, you finally excused yourself, heading over towards her. "Loralie! Hold on, I'm here!" you called out, seeing you, she grabbed your hand. pulling you through the crowd.
"we're goin home. now." she sounded angry, you wondered. wanting to ask her, "what happened? Loralie, tell me." you reached out to her, yet she pulled you through the crowd instead, once the two of you got inside the car. she set her bag aside. groaning.
"Loralie.. what happened?" you asked as she whined. "ugh! there's this girl. absolutely sassy, ugh, i swear I'll knock that arrogance out of her" you let out small chuckle, patting her back. "I'll leave you to it then"
You watched as Loralie's mood shifted from anger to happiness in an instant. She was always able to turn around her emotions in seconds, and it was one of the things you admired most about her. You chuckled at her words, amused by her reaction.
"Oh, Loralie," you said, shaking your head playfully. "Don't let her get to you. She's not worth your time or energy."
Loralie sighed, letting out an exaggerated moan before turning to you. "I know, but it's just so frustrating, you know?"
You nodded, understanding her frustration. "I do. But sometimes, it's better to just let it go. Don't feed into her negativity, and she'll eventually stop."
Loralie seemed to consider your words for a moment before nodding in agreement. "You're right. Thanks for always being there for me, you're a real friend," she said with a small smile.
You smiled back, happy to have been able to help. "Of course, Loralie. That's what friends are for."
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y3nze1 · 3 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: I / II / III / Navi
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hiii pookies! Chaz here, how we doin?!?!!? good? good. here's chapter 8 for yah. writings kinda different cause I'm writing. shh. don't complain /j. bit bear with me on this one yall! like yen, HAPPY READINGS!
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"Come in!" called Loralie from inside the store, wiping off the counter as the sound of a bell rung, the two people walking inside the store. she smiled widely. "Ah it's you two! come in, come in. what can i get for you today? some hotcakes? muffins? the usual?"
"black coffee, Lor, and for niftt-" husk was cut off by niffty as she looked through the glass of treats and sweets. "Salmon mousse Canapés! i'd like to try something new" the girl giggled happily, continuing on to look through the glass. "well, uh.. i guess that's for hers.
Loralie smiles and nods, scribbling down the orders. "Alright, one black coffees and a salmon mousse canapé. That'll be ready in a few minutes. You two are welcome to sit down while you wait.." She gestures to a nearby table as she gets started on the order. "any gossip today? nif?" Loralie turned to niftty after handing out the order to her co-worker.
"no.. not much, well.. Al has quite focused on his broadcast nowadays, i mean it's not new but, I'm pretty sure he's still looking out for that 'Daisy' girl" Niftty spoke, walking over to the side of the counter. "Daisy.. Huh?.." Loralie grinned, packing up the orders slowly as she listened in. "Yeah!.. daisy, the one that always calls his station.. I heard he asked her out on a date but she didn't come!" Husk appeared behind niftty as she spoke. "That was actually true, That dumbass came to my bar the other week, complaining about his fucking love life" Husk groaned, rolling his eyes, grabbing the order from Loralie.
"i think i know a thing or two about.. Daisy" Loralie grinned, leaning over the counter to tell the two, in which they listened.
"And then!- Y/n was so worried to face you that day so she didn't went as daisy which is kind of an idiotic move for me, but then you spent the night with her at the park. so you technically did go on a date with daisy but technically didn't because y/n is daisy, and daisy is y/n, also made me wonder wh-" husk pressed a hand over niftty's mouth, sighing. "he gets the idea, nif.."
the two looked at Alastor who has a slightly shocked reaction on his face. sitting blankly on his desk as muffled songs played in the background. "i don't.. know if i should be angry.. or.. anxious.. or glad.." he looked at his feet, running fingers through his hair as he sighed deeply. "Al, Sorry you had to find out this way... i mean- it would have been more meaningful if you know.. it came from her." niftty approached Alastor along with Husk beside her, she softly place a hand on his shoulder.
Alastor leaned back at his chair, closing his eyes as he huffed deeply. Alastor lets out a deep sigh, running a hand through his hair once as he tries to process what he's just learned. He feels a mix of emotions coursing through him - anger, hurt, confusion, but also a strange sense of calmness. He looks up at Niffty and Husk, his eyes full of a deep sadness.
"I understand why y/n did what she did, but I can't help but feel betrayed," he says, his voice heavy with emotion. "She knew how I felt about her, how much I cared for her, and yet she chose to deceive me in this way." He shakes his head, looking down at his desk again. "I don't know how I'm supposed to feel right now.. i think i need to be alone for a moment.." the two nodded at his words, leaving his room for him to contemplate for a moment.
He sat silently, playing another song for his audience. he softly chuckled at the mishap. "Daisy.. daisy.." he repeated. after a few moments, the song slowly ended, the telephone rang. in an instant he picked it up. "Good Afternoon again, Alastor" Alastor grinned, leaning back on his chair. "Good Afternoon to you too.. Ms. Daisy, the usual songs, i sense?" He chuckled. Playing her requested song. after that, he stopped speaking over the mic, talking to her personality, he spoke once more. "Could i perhaps.. I don't know.. maybe ask you out, Ms. Daisy?.."
Alastor waited at the same park, spending the same hours as he did, waiting for 'Daisy', till then, he felt a presence of someone sitting next to him. "Hello.. Alastor, How are you tonight, Still waiting for.. Daisy?" He turned to look at you, his smile widened, playing along. "Unfortunately.. Yes"
Alastor chuckles, feeling a warm sensation in his chest as he looks at you. "Well, it seems that Ms. Daisy has decided to let me down again tonight. But that just means that I'll be able to enjoy the company of someone else." He turned to look at you once again. his eyes staring at you deeply. you let out a soft chuckle at his words. "So, Y/n, My Dear. What are you doing here in the park anyway?" he softly spoke.
"Just wanted to take a quick stroll, the night is quite lovely, isn't it?" He nodded, Alastor smiled, looking deep into your eyes as he spoke. "Yes, it is a lovely night. And yet, somehow I feel as though there's something missing." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I suppose the lack of Daisy is a little bit of a damper." He placed a hand over yours. "Either way, i shouldn't be sorrowful, it's a wonderous, that shouldn't be wasted, don't you think? Now, Would you do me the honor of being my company for the night?" he held out his hand.
"You're really fucked up, Al.." Husk walked over to him. standing beside Alastor as he looked at the other side of the lake. Smiling, the wind flowed. as he chuckled. "Say what you want, palx he shrugged. leaning against the railing of the balcony.
"A goddamn house?.. are you serious? just to see her apartment?" Husk rubbed his temple. "All for a fucking girl?" he groaned turning to Alastor.
"A girl I care for very deeply," Alastor replies, his voice slightly raised. He stands up, towering over Husk as he glares down at him. "A girl who I would do anything for," he continues, his voice growing more emotional as he speaks. "And if I want to spend a few nights in this house just to see her place right before me while i open my eyes, then that's exactly what I'll do." He gripped at the railings, staring at lights of your apartment.
"I'd climb the highest mountain if she wanted me to, swim the deepest trenches if she pleases, take a shot through the heart if she asks me to." he smiled to himself. staring down at the flowing water.
"I'll stand by her whenever i can, suffer in the distance in sakes to keep her happy. more than anything. I'll be there, even if she doesn't know i am, I'll be glad that i was.. in the moment, just right behind her."
Husk nodded, staring in the distance too, lighting a cigarette, placing it on his mouth as he did so. taking a puff. Alastor smiled, his eyes closing as he listened to the sound of water hitting the shore. He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of calmness wash over him. "You are a great person, Husk," he said, opening his eyes and turning to look at him. "You may not understand why I do what I do, but you are still there to support me, and I appreciate that more than you could ever know." He reached out and placed a hand on Husk's shoulder, squeezing it softly.
"Hey, what ever fucked up thing you got over your head. I'm still here.. I'm stuck with ya anyway" he chuckled, taking another hit of his cigarette. Alastor turned to look at your apartment. "Hey Husker, do you want to come with tomorrow?" Husk raised a brow. "What for?"
"I'd like to go on a quick.. shopping" He smiled. chuckling softly as looked at you apartment once more.
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y3nze1 · 3 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: I / II / III / Navi.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Hello darlings!~ it's yen, here you are chapter 9, i apologize for the slow moving plot! but me and chaz will fix it soon! happy readings!
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"It's either now or never.." You stared into the mirror, contemplating your life, what had happened and what led you to this moment. you stared at your reflection, your hands fidgeting at the adrenaline, eagerly waiting to set your fingers on the dial. before you could even finish it. Loralie softly called out. "Y/n! Y/n.. Sugarplum!" her voice was filled with happiness and glee as she chanted your name, running over to you.
You are taken aback by Loralie's sudden appearance, but before you can say anything, she throws her arms around your neck and hugs you tightly.
Oh, Y/n, I have such great news!!" she exclaims excitedly. You can feel her heart racing with excitement, and the feeling is infectious. Suddenly, all the stress of your situation falls away, and you can't help but smile. she giggled, taking your hands. "what great news?" you smiled, raising a brow. "I know you're not open to dating.. But it was destiny! i felt it!, there's this nice gentleman that came over the shop today and we chatted, nothin much! but i wanted to hook you up with him! isn't that exciting!~"
you froze, the smile disappearing from your lips, speaking, "You did what?.." she nervously chuckled, her grip on your hand tightening slightly. "come on y/n! just give it a try, the guy's rich! he has a mansion! he works for tvs! isn't that interesting!" you rubbed your temple, groaning. "Oh Loralie. you should've told me first!" she chuckled another one. patting your back. "Come on, Y/n, one date wouldn't hurt. would it? just give it a try.. I'll help you through it, don't worry!"
You looked at Loralie for a moment, your looks softening yet, it was filled with hesitancy, you shook your head, accepting the challenge. she smiled, clapping her hands in excitement. "Oh bees knees!~ let's get you ready, I'll tell you the whole detail where you guys are meeting up!~" she dragged you through the corridor, leading you to her room.
You entered the park's garden, watching the swans in the pond, smiling as they come near you, bending over, your fingers ran through their heads, that's when you heard a man call out your name. You turned to see a tall man, rich black colored hair, his smile was quite charming, from the look of his outfit, you could tell he is quite the rich guy. His smile widened approaching you. he too your hand placing a small peck over it, looking over to you with pure awe.
"Look at you, gorgeous" he complimented, pulling you close one more. "i believe white goes better with pearls, no?" as he said that, he pulled out a crimson box, the design was quite exquisite with floral embroidery. he spun you for a second, stopping you by your back, putting on the pearl necklace around your neck, his breath hitched as he put it on.
"oh my.. this is.. absolutely beautiful, Mr. Vox" you spoke softly. looking down as your eyes observed the glazing pearls."I'm so glad you like it, Ms. Y/n," Vox says, his voice full of pride. "It took me a little while to find the right necklace for you, but I wanted to make sure it was something that perfectly matched your charm and elegance." He gives you a soft, charming smile, and his eyes glisten with joy. "you didn't have to do such thing, it's quite expensive" you turned around, looking up at him in which he cupped your cheek gently. "Sweetheart, it's priceless for me, on the other hand. 350,000 isn't that much" you gasped. putting a hand over your necklace. "oh no, I can't tale this, i just can't!" you said, his hands placing over yours. stopping you. "please, take it as a first meeting gift, it's my pleasure." The smile on his face appeared.
You're blown away by the sheer generosity of Vox's gift, and the fact that he's willing to part with such an expensive necklace for you, someone he barely knows. You can't help but feel grateful for the gesture, even if it makes you a bit uncomfortable. You're not used to receiving such lavish gifts, and the thought of holding onto something so valuable is a bit overwhelming. But you can't help but be impressed by the wealth and generosity of this man, and his clear interest in you.
"Now that we've had some time together, what do you say we have a proper dinner tonight? There's a restaurant not too far from here that I think you'll love." you nodded, he led you to an expensive restaurant. As you enter the restaurant, you're immediately taken aback by the opulence and elegance of the surroundings. From the crystal chandeliers to the gleaming silverware, everything seems designed to impress. The aroma of the food wafting through the air only adds to your sense of excitement and anticipation.
As you and Vox are escorted to your table, you notice that you're receiving a lot of attention from other patrons and staffs. Once you're seated, the server comes over to take your order. You look at the menu, and it's clear that you're in for a culinary adventure. Even Vox seems impressed by the selection, making it clear that this restaurant is a favorite of his.
As the main course arrives, you're impressed by the presentation and the flavors that explode on your tongue. From the spicy seasonings to the tender meat, every bite is a delight.
As you finish your meal and wait for the dessert menu, Vox takes your hand and looks you in the eyes. "I have to admit, Y/n, I'm quite taken with you. Your beauty, your wit, your intelligence...you truly are the complete package. And I can't help but think that our paths were meant to intersect." He pauses for a moment, as if waiting for you to respond. "I would love to see you again, if you would allow it. There's so much more I want to get to know about you."
As you finish your dessert, you feel a sense of contentment and satisfaction wash over you. You've had an incredible meal, and the time spent with Vox has been nothing short of amazing. You can't help but feel a sense of connection with this man, and his kind words have only further cemented that feeling.
As he holds out his hand, you take it willingly, feeling the warmth of his touch. "I'd say the same to you too, Mr. Vox, i suppose it wouldn't hurt to meet you again, no?.."
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y3nze1 · 2 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: I / II / III / Navi.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: TW! Gun and mention of blood! tomorrow's the last chapter! What do you think, Darlings? Short chapter, so i apologize about that, yet, Happy Readings!
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You heard soft knock on your door, slightly surprised since it's been a while since anyone decided to come visit. "Y/n?.. Y/n.. it's me, Loralie" You gasped, running to the door as your fingers frantically open the locks.
You open the door and see Loralie on the other side. Your heart skips a beat as you take in her appearance. She looks as beautiful as ever, her long dark hair flowing down her shoulders, her bright green eyes looking at you with a mixture of concern and affection.
"Lor... what are you doing here?" you ask, your voice shaking slightly. You eyes turned to the two other people behind her. Charlie smiled widely, almost pouncing on you. her arms wrapped around your body in a tight hug. "Oh my gosh! oh gosh! it's you.. it's really you!" You giggled, hugging her back. "Oh aren't you so sweet!"
You welcome the hug and feel a sense of warmth and safety wash over you as you feel Charlie's arms around you. You breathe a sigh of relief and lean into her, feeling the stress and anxiety from the past few days slowly melting away.
Your gaze darted to Loralie. "Oh my.. goodness, please, come in. come in" you guided charlie inside as she continues to hug you. Loralie and Angel followed behind, sitting by the couch in the living room in which charlie did so too.
"Y/n.. it's been a while, Moonpie, how have you been?" Loralie smiled, standing up as she headed over to you. "It's nice.. it's quiet as usual, but you know i like the silence.." You softly spoke. "You forgot to introduce me to your friends.." Loralie giggled, turning to the other two. "That's Angel Dust.. You know, the popular pornstar" Angel winked at you, "And this.. this ball over sunshine! is Charlie, princess of hell" You giggled as Charlie gave you a wide smile. You bowed. "Well i didn't know i was in a presence of such royalties"
Charlie giggled. "Oh no.. Y/n please.. you don't have to!" You chuckle as Charlie waves your compliment away. "Well, I couldn't help myself," you say with a smile, feeling a warm glow inside. Angel chuckles, taking a step towards you. "A pleasure to meet you, Toots." he says, his voice smooth and inviting. "We heard so much about you from Loralie"
You feel a twinge of nervousness at his words, but you try to hide it by giving him a polite smile. "The same goes for you," you reply. "It's nice to finally meet someone as popular as you." Loralie steps forward, breaking the tension in the room. "Okay, guys, let's sit down," she says, motioning towards the sofa. "We have a lot to talk about. Especially You"
"Yeah! I've heard so much about your love life from Loralie.. and she doesn't remember as much but we went here because.. well who knows your story more than you do.." Angel nodded then later on letting out a scoff.
"Plus, Even if we ask Alastor. He won't cough up any info. He's too busy in his business" Angel rolled his eyes, crossing his legs. "Alastor?.." You raised a brow, "Y/n. Please, Could you tell us what happened next when you left Alastor" Charlie pleaded, you left a chuckle. "Which part of my story are you all in exactly?"
Loralie spoke. "Doorbell part, Sweetcakes" You chuckled, sitting next to Loralie.
As weeks went by, Alastor was agitated, fiddling with his finger as he walked around the halls, anxiously waiting for the doorbell to ring. yet there was nothing.
Alastor spent hours each day pacing back and forth in the halls of his mansion, his hands fidgeting with whatever object he could find. No matter if it was a random paperclip or a discarded book, he would compulsively toy with it as he walked, unable to stay still for long. The house and its surroundings had fallen quiet, with only the occasional sound of a distant car or an irritated passer-by occasionally making its way into his mind.
Days seemed to drift by without any change in this pattern. Alastor's mind, normally sharp and focused, had become scattered and disorganized, his thoughts jumping from one thing to the next as he tried to find something to keep his mind occupied. He found the isolation of his house and his current situation suffocating, but any attempts to reach out and connect with others were met with rejection or indifference. He felt trapped, unable to move forward or find any sense of purpose or meaning in his life.
As time went on, Alastor's anger began to build, his frustration with his situation bubbling to the surface. He had come to the realization that his isolation and lack of purpose were both self-inflicted, and he struggled to find a way to change his circumstances. He longed for connection and purpose, but the fear of rejection and the pain of abandonment held him back. As he grappled with these conflicting emotions, Alastor's world began to crumble around him, leaving him feeling more lost and alone than ever before.
As for you, You're situation didn't escalate well as you wanted it to be, you found yourself arguing with Vox, going back and forth about him leaving, finding excuses to spend a week or two away from you. Till the topic about Alastor came up.
"Alastor?" He paused, clenching his fist. "You've been fucking with him when I'm gone? huh?" You gasped. "What? No!" you blurted out, feeling defensive. "Nothing like that happened." You took a deep breath, feeling the tension in the air. "We just talked, that's all. He's a friend, and we connected over something really important."
Vox crossed his arms, giving you a skeptical look. "Is that really all it was?" You nodded, feeling your heart rate pick up again. "I swear, it was just conversation. Nothing happened, I promise." You held your breath, waiting for Vox's response. "I'm gonna kill that bastard, i swear I'll kill him" He rushed over to the cabinets, frantically going through his things, searching for something.
"Vox... Vox, what are you doing?.." You felt the colors drain from your body as you saw the pistol in his hands. "Vox! Stop it! No!" you rushed over to him as he went over to his car. You followed behind him. Yelling from the top of your lungs. "Vox! Stop! come back!"
You watch in horror as Vox gets into his car, you running after him shouting for him to stop. He glances at you as he starts the engine and speeds off. You try to keep up as he drives away, but soon he is out of sight. You quickly entered inside your home, quickly grabbing your coat as you rushed out of the premises, hurriedly onto the street, waving your hands for any vehicled to come by.
A bus stopped over, quickly, you got in, saying your destination. You watched over the stores and houses you passed by, heart racing and pulsating at every second. till you reached over Alastor's home.
Alastor stood by his balcony, watching over your home from just across the bay. He felt something unusual, He felt like he was going to be sick, That was when he turned around. A bullet hitting his forehead.
"NO!" you yelled out, rushing over to Alastor falling body, catching him before he fell. "Alastor! Alastor.. Wake up!" You felt tears roll down your cheeks. You hold Alastor's head in your lap, desperately trying to stop the flow of blood streaming from the gunshot wound. You know you need to get him to the hospital as soon as possible, but the nearest one is miles away. You can't just leave him here to bleed, You felt him grab your hand, gently cupping your cheeks. "Don't cry.. m-my darling don't cry.. my b..eautiful.. daisy.."
You feel his body go limp in your arms, and you realize that he's gone. You scream out in agony, feeling like the world is crashing down around you. You laid his head down on the floor, running over to Vox who has the gun in his hand. you grabbed it from him. "Y/n.. Y/n! stop it-!" You rushed over to Alastor, placing the gun over your head, grabbing his hand. You placed your lips over his for the first, and last time.
You pulled the trigger, hearing a loud bang as your body falls onto of Alastor, Your fingers intertwined with his.
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y3nze1 · 3 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: I / II / III / Navi.
𝐓𝐚𝐠: @cherry-cola-100
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Sorry deeply for being inactive my darlings, me and chaz are very much busy at the moment with personal stuff and we didn't get to update as much, considering it's Noli Me Tangere time for me and chaz has a big entrance exam, yet enough of that. Happy Readings!
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"so? what happened next after that date?" Charlie sat by Loralie, curious as she looked at her. Loralie scratched her temple. trying to remember. "i suppose I'll try to remember.." she sat there for a moment. trying to make the memories come back, yet it was no use.
"I see, well it's okay if you don't remember. It was a while ago, so please don't strain yourself." Charlie said, not wanting to push her. "Though if you do remember, i would love to hear about it. I'm sure it was a wonderful date!" Charlie chuckled, taking a sip of her cocoa, happy to have someone to talk to. "So... I take it Y/n, did enjoy his company?" she said, hoping to change the topic.
Loralie chuckled. "He gifted her strings of pearls worth 350,000 dollars.. on their first date." Charlie gasped "Wow! 350,000 dollars..?! That's a lot of money for a first date!" Charlie exclaimed, her eyes widening as she imagined the lavish gift. "But I'm glad it went well. He must have really been taken with her to give her something like that. And on their first date, no less!" Loralie smiled, sighing. "It's better when she tells the story from her perspective." She spoke, turning to Charlie.
They sat there, embracing one another's company. till charlie spoke up. "Where is Y/n now, No?" Charlie sat there with Loralie, enjoying their time together and the warmth of each other's company. The sound of Loralie's laughter, and the way it filled the room, was heartening, and it made Charlie feel like things could be alright. Loralie's friendship was just what she needed, and she felt lucky to have her.
After a while, Charlie turned to her, curious about where Y/n might be. "And where could Y/n be now, Loralie?" she asked, her voice soft and curious. "Do you know what she's up to?" Loralie scratched her head. "Well.. i-i don't know anymore.. I do miss her awfully much. and I'm sure Alastor does too.."
Charlie nodded softly, her eyes fixed on Loralie's face. "I understand, it's tough when someone you care about moves away. But I'm glad that you miss her, I think that's a sign of a true and deep friendship. And I'm sure Y/n misses you too." Charlie reached over and took her hand in hers, smiling softly. "I think friends are a really important part of life, don't you?" Loralie nodded. "Absolutely.."
"oh.. oh!" Loralie snapped her fingers, a memory popping up in her head. Charlie was taken aback by Loralie's sudden burst of excitement, her head snapping up as Loralie spoke. She looked at Loralie with a smile, eager to hear what she had to say. "Oh? Do you remember something, Loralie?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation. "Have i told you about their marriage?"
Charlie gasped. "Who's marriage?" Loralie grinned, cupping Charlie's hands softly. turning to her. "I'll tell you.."
"Y/n?.. there's a letter for you" you shot up from bed "Loralie, isn't this just fantastic!" heading over to Loralie in which she gasped. "look at you, Moonpie! gorgeous.." You smiled. grabbing the letter from Loralie as she hands it to you. "who's it from?" you look at her for a moment. "It's from Alastor" You felt yourself tremble "Alastor?.." petrified from where you stood. You opened the letter. you placed a hand over your mouth as you read.
Filled with tears. You fell to the floor. your cries wet the paper more and more till it was unreadable anymore. Loralie quickly approached you. wrapping her arms around you as you huffed brokenly, gripping the pearl necklace around your neck. "I don't want it anymore.." you whispered under your breath, turning to Loralie. "Lor.. I-i changed my mind.. Loralie! i don't want to do this anymore." You cried out. pulling the pearl necklace, the beads falling to the ground as it scattered everywhere.
Loralie's eyes widened in surprise as you suddenly changed your mind and pulled off the pearl necklace. "Y/n? What's wrong? Why don't you want it anymore?" Her tone was soft and concerned, and her gaze was fixed on you. "Is everything alright?" She cooed, grabbing the pearls that fell. collecting each one.
"I DON'T WANT TO MARRY HIM." you snapped, Loralie stared at you in shock. stopping her actions. "Y/n, you can't be serious." You shoom your head, standing up abruptly reaching for the door. But before you could run out. Loralie grabbed your waist pulling you back as you protested. "LORALIE! NO! LET ME GO. HE NEEDS ME!... he.. he needs me!" Loralie groaned pulling you back into the room, setting you down onto the bed. "Y/N! what has happened to you?! have you gone mad?!" you shook your head, crying desperately. "We already planned this wedding for months! we can't just end this now!"
"Now let's get you ready, we only have 2 hours for the makeup and veil" Loralie pulled you to the other room to get you ready, wiping off your tears, She called out to some maids to help with reattaching the necklace once more.
You stood blankly as Vox held your hand tightly. you didn't have the capability to react anymore. "Hey, are you alright, sweetheart?" Vox asked, his voice filled with concern. He looked into your eyes, searching for any signs of stress or discomfort. "You seem lost in thought, is everything okay?" He kept a firm grip on your hand, but he was still gentle as he spoke to you.
He cupped your cheek softly making you snap out of your trance, you stood there looking back at him as you slowly nodded. he placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
As he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, you felt warmth radiate from your head, down your spine, spreading throughout your body. You couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of love and tenderness wash over you. The gesture was simple, yet so meaningful. It spoke volumes about the kind of man he was, someone who cared and respected you. You couldn't help but feel gratitude for the love and attention he was giving you.
You thought back to the letter. feeling yourself sink in guilt. He took your hand gently, leading you to your quarters to rest for the day. in which you appreciated. he placed another peck over your hand. You smiled in return. closing the door softly as you retreat inside your room. you felt yourself slowly being engulfed with hesitation. trying to keep yourself sane.
You headed to the balcony, gripping the railings as if you were out of breath. Watching over the shore. "I'm just.. thinking about something" you mumbled under your breath, your seemingly lost in the waves. Vox wrapped his arms around your waist, placing a soft peck over your shoulders. You kept your eyes closed, trying to shift your mind to something else.
Vox held you close, his warmth soothing you as you felt his chest rise and fall against your back. You couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over you as he held you, and you were grateful for the comfort he provided, but it wasn't the one you wished to feel. You kept your eyes closed, letting the sound of the waves and the feel of his arms wrap around you.
As you stood there, Vox's arms wrapped around you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. You still had the letter in your pocket, and it weighed heavily on your mind. You knew that you needed to say something, to talk it out with him, but you weren't sure how to approach the subject. You wanted to be honest and open with him, but you were afraid of how he would react. You stood there, lost in thought, wondering how to move forward.
"Al, Enough, you've had too much to drink." Husk growled, grabbing the empty shot glass that was once in Alastor's hand. wiping off the excess liquid in the glass. "Look at you man, you're absolutely fucked up." he said, looking down at his dear friend, who had his head down onto the counter.
Alastor was silent for a moment, before lifting his head and meeting Husk's eyes. "I know, I know," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. He didn't move an inch, continuing to rest his head on the counter. His eyes were vacant, glassy, and bloodshot. It was clear that he had drunk more than he should have.
Husk frowned, looking at Alastor with concern. He knew that his friend had been dealing with some personal issues lately, but he had never seen him this drunk before. he asked, placing his hands on Alastor's shoulder. "Look man, The least you could do is be happy, not only for her but for you too, Maybe she's happy with her life now that she's married, who knows, maybe she knew the guy longer than she knew you.."
"I know, I know," Alastor groaned, his voice muffled by the counter. "It just hurts so much to see her love and be loved by someone else, and it's not me." he muttered, his eyes welling up with tears.
Husk sighed, placing a reassuring hand on Alastor's shoulder. "I totally get it man, but you can't dwell on it forever. You gotta move on, or it's gonna eat you up inside," he said, his tone gentle but firm.
Alastor wiped his eyes, "I bought all these things for her.. this luxury life that she'd want, and now she's just married to a guy?.."
Husk listened to Alastor with a sympathetic ear, feeling the weight of his friend's pain. "I understand that you're hurting right now, but you need to let go," he said gently, placing a hand on Alastor's shoulder. "You've done everything you can, you've done your best. And now, you need to let go. For her sake, and for your own. You deserve to be happy too, and you can't be happy if you're hung up on what used to be."
"Plus don't you think she'd want you to be happy too? And if she loves you, she'd want you to be happy, even if she's happy with someone else. I know it sucks, and it hurts, but you need to keep moving forward."
Husk paused, considering his words before continuing. "Look, I know you're in pain right now. Me and Nif? we're here for you man, no matter what. But you need to let go of this pain, and start moving on with your life. You deserve that, you deserve to be happy."
"Thanks husker" He smiled weakly, running his fingers through his hair. "Ever considered being a therapist?" Alastor chuckled. "Nah, i just need to stop hanging out with Rosie, or else I'd turn into a fucking guru"
"No, you didn't have to Al.. it's just a simple wedding.. I don't need a gift." You smiled, clutching the phone over your ear. placing a pillow over your lap. You giggled, your fingers fiddling over the cords of the telephone. You left out a soft giggle.
"Please, it's my pleasure, take it as an appreciation party for your marriage." He said, "Unfortunately, Vox is not gonna be home till Thursday, I'm gonna have to go alone. will that be alright?" Your eyes drifted to the outside view, watching over the shore. "Of course my dear, it's no big deal. I'll have my chauffeur pick you up, let's say.. 4pm, will that be alright?"
"Yes, That would be great, thank you again Alastor." you put the phone down. smiling at the thought of visiting him again. Yet you felt the guilt creep inside you once more. You decided to put it aside and just enjoy the opportunity that was given to you.
You got yourself ready, wearing a neat outfit to visit his home, waiting by the window to see the car come by to pick you up, and when it did. you hurried down to get in.
Alastor fiddled with his fingers nervously. huffing as he waited for the car to come back. he bit his bottom lip. tapping his feet, he felt the chair eat him up. Husk stood by his side trying to keep him calm.
That's when the car entered his premises, rolling up to the front entrance of his newly bought house, not as grand as a mansion, but it's big enough to be considered as one. He took one final breath, Making his way to the front door to greet you.
As the door opened, you carefully got out, Alastor's eyes met yours, he felt everything stop around him, focused on you. He felt his heart beating faster at every step you took, moving closer and closer to him. He smiled widely as the butterflies in his stomach fluttered. You called out to him softly.
"Alastor.." You stared into his eyes, taking in his features, He took your hand, gently placing a peck over it.
"My Darling.."
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y3nze1 · 2 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: I / II / III / Navi.
��𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Last chapter, My darlings, Happy Readings!
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Your hands felt utterly cold, you didn't know where you are or how you are there, you found yourself waking through the streets of hell, as you walked over the chaotic street, you felt a sudden bump over your shoulder, you leaned over to apologize to the person. you stopped at your track. seeing a familiar face.
A smile left your lips, as your eyes stared onto the familiar face, chuckling, the man took your hand, pulling you close over to his chest. You chuckled, feeling a sense of warmth rush over you as you studied the man's cheek.
Your eyes wandered over his features, as if trying to connect pieces together, You lift a brow, soft caressing their cheek as you the memories come flooding in like a sudden tidal wave. The man chuckled. grabbing hold onto you tighter.
"So.. that's why i died, i suppose.." you smiled softly at them, Charlie placed a hand over her lips, shocked while Angel on the other hand had a concerned look in his face. "Holy shit.." Angel muttered under his breath, looking at Loralie.
Loralie looked away, her feelings sinking in, not being able to face you. "And it's my fault.. i shouldn't have introduced you to Vox in the first place, now look what happened to you.." You looked at Loralie. placing a hand over hers. "Don't blame yourself Lor, you thought if what's best for my life.. and what would put me up.. It's not your fault.." You mumbled, hugging her tightly as she did so too.
For a few moments, the two of you pulled apart. Loralie spoke. "When i lost you.." She placed her hand over your cheek. "I lost myself.." She felt herself tear up, you wiped it off her cheek. She sniffled, leaning back into the chair. "Then i died of overdose.. two weeks later after her death."
You looked down, leaning your head over to Loralie's shoulder, laying your head peacefully, taking in the comfortable silence between the four of you.
"Y/n.. why don't you come visit by the Hotel from time to time, the one i told you about i was staying in?" Loralie whispered to you, "I.. it's okay for me to do so?" You lifted your head, She chuckled, cupping your cheek gently.
You give Loralie a small smile, feeling a sense of peace wash over you as you think about the idea of visiting her at the hotel. "Sure, Lor. I'd like that." You reach up and take her hand in yours, giving it a squeeze. "Just call me, and I'll be there."
The two of you sit there in comfortable silence for a moment, feeling the weight of the past few moments lift as you talk about the future. You both know that there's still a lot to process and come to terms with, but for right now, being here with each other feels like enough.
The four of you spent the day, talking about different topics, laughing a little bit here and there. You all practically forgot about the time, Charlie's eyes darted towards your clock, letting out a gasp. "Oh no oh no, we must've overdone our visit!" She looked at you worriedly, You shrugged it off, calming her senses. "It's no worries at all, Stay for as long as you like"
"Well, we should get going" You nodded as Loralie spoke, As you all get up to leave, you exchange hugs and goodbyes, the four of you are filled with a strange sense of peace and comfort despite the events that have transpired.
As you watch them walk out of the door, you feel a sense of longing to wash over you. Despite everything, you can't help but miss them already. You know that they'll always be a part of you, just as you'll always be a part of them.
You make a mental note to visit the Hotel soon and check on Lor. You want to make sure she's doing okay, and you want to be there for her in any way that you can. you walked over to the lights from the other buildings, wondering to yourself.
You found yourself, over your balcony, watching down onto the busy street. You took a step back, your eyes turned to the radio on the table, we walked over to it, picking a radio station. you smiled as you picked just the right station to tune in on.
You dialed a number on your telephone, sitting down on your couch as you leaned back comfortably. "Good Evening Alastor.." You mumbled over the phone, fiddling on the long chord, smiling softly to yourself. "Good Evening to you too, My Darling.." You chuckled softly, looking over to your window, looking over to the night sky.
"How is your night, My sweet little daisy?.." You giggled as he did so too, "it's nice.." you responded. "That's good to know.. About to sleep, My darling?" He asked, checking up on you. You felt the butterflies in your stomach flutter. "Mhm.. It's already late.." You said, looking at you clock. "Is that so? then i hope you get a good night sleep, My daisy.." He chuckled.
He spoke up once more, his tone now lower and calmer than before. "Im glad.." You raised a brow, "About what?" He chuckled once more, "Glad that.. I wished.." You laid onto the couch, focused on his word. "What did you wish for?" You muttered, eagerly wanting to know what he was think it or what he wished for.
Alastor leaned back into his chair, tapping his fingers ny the table beside him, "That.. Atleast, i would be blessed to be in one universe.. the gods.. or whatever is there.. that I'll be with you.." Alastor smiled, his cheeks reddening as he heard you chuckled ove the phone, he played with the telephone's chord. waiting for your response.
"Do you think the universe that.. you're blessed now?" You asked him. "They answered my every single wish.." As you and Alastor talk on the phone, you can hear the background noise of the radio and the busy streets below. The sound of car horns honk and people chatter in the distance as you hear Alastor's voice through the receiver.
Alastor's voice is soft and sweet as he speaks to you, "I think that's what faith is about, isn't it? It's about believing in something so much, that it becomes your reality."
You continue to listen to him as he talks about his experiences in this new universe, and you can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the things he's experienced. You're glad that he's found a place where he can feel happy and fulfilled.
"And if this is my reality, then I'm happy that it is.. i learn to be grateful for it.. because you give it worth" Alastor smiled, feeling a soft warmth over his cheek. You can't help but smile as you listen to Alastor's words, feeling a sense of warmth and joy wash over you. You're glad that he's found a place that makes him feel happy and fulfilled, and you're even more grateful that you were able to play a part in it - by being a part of his life, by being in his universe.
Through the phone, you can also hear the sound of your own voice, your own feelings of happiness for him and the sense of awe and wonder that he's found something that brings him so much joy. It's a surreal moment, but also a beautiful one. Even though you're not physically together, you can still connect and share your experiences with each other. That's a powerful thing, and one that should never be taken for granted.
"It's late, My daisy, you go and get some sleep.." Alastor cooed, leaning back once more in his chair. "I will.. i will.. but do my a favor, Al?" Alastor smiles and nods. "What is it?" he asks, eager to help in any way he can. He's always happy to make you feel special, especially when you ask him for favors. He leans forward in his chair, waiting with bated breath, ready to hear your request.
"Play me a song, Radio Man."
The next day you passed by the busy streets once more, happily strolling down the path. The streets were busy as ever, but you didn't mind - you were just happy to have a day to yourself, without anything to stress over or any obligations to fulfill. You had finally found a sense of inner peace and contentment, and you were eager to enjoy every moment of it.
As you walked down the street, you couldn't help but notice the people around you, each with their own unique stories and lives. You felt a sense of connectedness with them, like you were all part of some greater whole. It was a feeling you couldn't quite put into words, but it left you with a sense of warmth and joy.
You continued down the street, feeling the sun on your skin and the breeze in your hair. It was a beautiful day, and you were grateful just to be alive and experiencing it.
With all of the sudden, your mind drifted off to awareness, leaving you to bump into someone, you turned your head to apologize to the demon you had bumped in.
"Watch it sweetheart.." But to your surprise, the demon doesn't seem aggressive or angry. Instead, they smile at you, revealing a set of sharp, pointed teeth. "No worries, sweetheart," they say, their voice is low and melodic. "Just be more careful next time, okay?" You nod, still feeling a bit shaken up, but also grateful for the demon's understanding. You take a step back, and as you do, you can't help but notice the demon's piercing gaze, staring at you with their crimson eyes. You feel a sense of familiarity washed over you, like you've seen this demon before... but where?
"I'm very sorry about that sir, i didn't watch where i was going.." The demon chuckles, their eyes twinkling in amusement. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart. We all have days like that," they say, their voice still low and melodic, but with a hint of mischief in it. You can't help but feel drawn to them, despite the initial shock of seeing a demon.
"But since you've caught my attention," the demon continues, taking a step closer to you, "Hello sweetheart, the name's Vox.."
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nicolebonnet · 4 years
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tfrp characters etymology (insp.)               + bonus:
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