#c: nente
Last time in the core GW2 story/headcanon liveblog, Tybalt and Gwen decided to try a dungeon pitch in and help Rytlock contain the ghostly upheaval caused by Eir's venture into the Ascalonian catacombs. Tybalt advised Gwen that Rytlock would remember she's Logan's friend, and find it suspicious if she was her usual pleasant self, so Gwen should be a bit prickly.
Gwen embraced the role of Prickly Ascalonian with enthusiasm as they ventured through the catacombs with two more Charr and a grumpy Asura from the Priory. After skirting various dangers, the group had just found Eir.
At this point, Eir bursts out, "Rytlock, what are you doing here?"
Rytlock, reasonably enough, snaps back, "I came to stop you from inciting a full-scale ghost rampage. What are you doing here?"
Eir explains that she's looking for Magdaer, the magic sword of King Adelbern. Rytlock says he destroyed it to create the Foefire. Eir thinks it survived and can be found.
Rytlock shifts his weight. Now even more clearly on edge, he says, "You are following a foolish human legend."
Gwen doesn't know this one, but she lifts her chin defiantly anyway. The walls feel a bit like they might crumble down on them all at any moment, and she keeps an eye out for any stray ghosts—her tormented people, she remembers. Adelbern had been driven mad by the brutality and atrocities of the Charr invasion, but he'd still unilaterally decided the fate of all his people without consulting them in any way. She's not exactly on his side, either.
Royals, she thinks, but here, it's an echo of her usual disdain.
Eir glances between Rytlock and Gwen, and says, "You of all people should know the power of legends. You bear Magdaer's twin, Sohothin. It was Rurik's sword."
To Gwen, Rytlock seems plainly defensive. "What if I do? Adelbern's sword is no more, just like his nation."
"Oh, have you managed to take Ebonhawke yet?" Gwen says sweetly. "I hadn't heard."
Both Eir and Rytlock look at her with some impatience. Eir seems a little amused; Rytlock points Sohothin right at her. Gwen looks back, unimpressed; she doesn't think he'd be stupid enough to kill an Ascalonian hero of Kryta in the catacombs, without any cause but words.
"Maybe I should gut you instead of Logan," he growls.
Gwen just looks at him, her head tilted a little. Tybalt coughs.
"I, uh, don't think that'd be a good idea, tribune. She's an advocate of the crown of Kryta, so it'd be bad for the peace talks and all, and I'd lose my deals with the fruit sellers in Queensdale—"
Rytlock scoffs, but when Eir clears her throat, he lowers Sohothin and turns back to her.
"Then let us go to the top of the stairs and see for ourselves," she says calmly.
Or at least, it seems calmly. Eir has a quiet charisma and assurance that Gwen likes. But after they fight off a bunch of ghosts, Eir moves forward to lead with Gwen and looks down at her.
"You're Logan's friend, aren't you?"
Gwen sighs. "Yes." After a moment, she adds, "He hasn't said anything against you."
Eir lowers her voice. "Perhaps I was unwise to come here."
Gwen is essentially thinking "no shit" but she gives the canon response, "Only time well tell."
Sure enough, at the top of the stairs, they find the broken remains of a sword, complete with ghostly trails. It doesn't look completely irreparable, at least if it were an ordinary sword; Gwen has a good eye for that kind of weaponry (i.e. she took weaponsmithing). Before they can go far, though, a ghostly lieutenant appears to defend Adelbern and the sword.
Gwen nearly takes a step back as the lieutenant orders them to leave and stop disturbing Adelbern. He follows it up with "You leave me no choice. Attack! Protect the king!"
This is a harder fight than most, but Eir's help makes it easier, and the Priory Asura is able to heal himself from a nasty-looking injury.
"Better get that looked at when we're done," says Gwen.
Eir is focused on the sword, and turns excitedly to Rytlock. "The broken sword! It's the twin to your own!"
Rytlock points at a tall ghost coalescing across the chamber. "Worry more about the sword's master. Look there!"
"I sense Sohothin's presence," the new ghost says, solidifying into the figure of an older man—already old, presumably, when he died. His crown proclaims his identity. "Rurik, my son! You've returned!"
Rytlock steps forwards. "Your son is dead," he says flatly. "So is your kingdom. Leave us!"
The Asura pipes up, "There is some debate about the continuity of—"
Even Gwen, who is annoyed that the Charr conveniently overlook Ebonhawke in their pretenses to total victory after spending over 200 years trying to destroy it, is like ... shhh.
The joy in the ghost's face vanishes, and his features twist in rage.
"Foul creature! Your entire race will pay! Even now, my champions prepare to invade the surface. You will fall before the might of Master Ranger Nente, deadly Kasha Blackblood, and the lovers, Ralena and Vassar. We'll destroy you as you destroyed us!"
"We're not destroyed," Gwen says quietly, but Adelbern is too focused on Rytlock to listen, if he's even capable of it.
"You frighten no one with your meaningless threats," Rytlock growls to the king. "We've killed you before; we'll do it again!"
Gwen, despite having no love for kings, glowers at him. Adelbern just bursts into a mad cackle before disappearing.
"Now you've angered them," Eir says.
"They were already angry," says Rytlock, with a brief glance at Gwen. "Now we must find his champions and silence them."
He does explain (for a Rytlock value of "explain") that killing "the Sorcerer King's" champions will bring Adelbern out into the open for good.
"Who was Kasha Blackblood?" asks one of the stranger Charr. "Sounds creepy."
"This whole place is creepy," says the Asura.
Even Gwen can't disagree there.
"Necromancy is disgusting. Kasha Blackblood was one of Adelbern's grotesque practitioners of the art," announces Rytlock.
Gwen rolls her eyes. To her surprise, though, it's Tybalt who breaks in this time.
"Can't say I know much about Kasha," he says, undoubtedly lying, "but that's a bit—um—well, I've got a friend who dabbles in necromancy, more than dabbles, really. A good friend, actually, a sylvari—"
"Sylvari are different," says the other unknown Charr.
Gwen is just wondering if Tybalt's "friend" is another Order member, and is surprised he'd mention them, if so. But he's engaging enough to have friends outside it as well, she supposes.
"You have to stay focused on her, not her minions," Rytlock carries on, "or she'll siphon your life away."
Gwen would be all for it if it didn't mean her life. And Tybalt's. Maybe the Asura's.
He goes on to explain that "the lovers" are Vassar and Ralena Stormbringer, a mesmer and an elementalist who were strong together, and thus should be divided for victory. Gwen actually has heard some stories of them, mostly because she was always interested in tales of great mesmers of the past, but she hasn't heard much. Rytlock concludes with a dismissive description of Master Ranger Nente.
"Nente was a ranger, a specialist in cowardice. He hid behind his pets and slaughtered my ancestors with arrows."
"It's so hard when people defend themselves from your massacres," says Gwen.
"Gwen," mutters Tybalt. She's not sure if he means to pull back or if it's just for show.
Rytlock also explains a little about Magdaer and how it was forged in Orr and Adelbern broke it to create the Foefire. One of the Charr asks what that has to do with the sword Rytlock carries.
"Sohothin is twin to Adelbern's sword," says Rytlock. "His son Rurik wielded it once. It's mine now."
"How did you end up with Sohothin?" asks the Asura.
"That's none of your concern," Rytlock says shortly.
They all examine the remnants of Magdaer before deciding to take the westwards route. They have to fight numerous ghosts on the way there, then arrive to find Master Range Nente on a pillar in a good-sized room. He immediately addresses Rytlock.
"Your desire to destroy still unsatisfied, beast?" he shouts. "Burning Ascalon not enough for you?"
Rytlock doesn't really give an answer to that, but says, "As long as you stalk us, we'll fight you tooth and claw."
You're the ones who've stalked us, thinks Gwen.
"By Melandru's will, I will rend you from this world, Charr!" says Nente.
If only.
But Gwen glances at Tybalt to make sure he's well placed. He is, and though the battle is much harder than any previous ones, they're able to defeat Nente.
"With valor, we have won the day!" cries Eir.
"Not yet," Rytlock tells her. "We need to find the other champions."
Without waiting for Gwen to take the lead again, he heads back to the central chamber, which has passages north and east as well. Gwen follows, with a backwards glance at the ghostly remains of Nente.
Under her breath, she mouths, Go in peace.
They end up taking the east route out of the central chamber, then heading north into what looks like a cathedral. The atmosphere, as usual, is eerie, with candles flickering and green light encasing the upper level of the chamber.
A ghostly woman materializes, as expected.
"Why are you here?" she asks, sounding considerably more sane than the other ghosts. "This is the land of ghosts."
"Stand down, specter. We seek only to protect the living," replies Eir, civilly enough.
Rytlock turns on Eir. "Don't chat with her, Eir! Dispatch her!"
Kasha immediately attacks, calling on ghosts to defend her, casting wells, and summoning minions that regularly throw people back. At one point, Gwen is launched forcefully by one she's fighting with her swords, all the way back into a glowing green circle so cold that she nearly drops her main sword. She has to scramble up and launch herself away.
Once Kasha is defeated, she snarls, "I curse you to the Mists!" as she vanishes.
Even Rytlock seems thoughtful as he looks at the spot where she had been.
"She fought well," he says at last. "Her trials over this world are over."
Gwen looks at him in very genuine surprise. She says nothing, but mentally files away the remark for consideration.
They briefly confer about strategy for taking down two champions at once, since Ralena and Vassar are the last, and Rytlock says they're more powerful together. Gwen, to his surprise, volunteers to distract Vassar; she's the most suited to countering another mesmer. Tybalt immediately says he'll help her, joined by the Priory Asura. The others will keep Ralena as far from Vassar as possible and take her out.
It goes basically according to plan, though even with Gwen's magic pouring through her swords and pushing him back, Vassar is a challenge, using her own tricks against her and some she doesn't even know. But between Tybalt, the Asura, her own power, and perhaps the blessing of Lyssa on her, Gwen manages to keep herself standing and Vassar at bay while Rytlock and the other Charr fight off Ralena.
They're still fighting her when Vassar goes down. Gwen, the only melee fighter of her group, spares a moment to make sure they've got the situation under her control, then gives a slight bow to what remains of Vassar. As she does, a slight glitter catches her eye—a pair of rings, by their size, clearly meant for human hands. She's still got enough of bandit Gwen in her to use clones to conceal her hand scooping the rings up and slipping them into her pocket. They're hot to the touch, but she doesn't care; she's seen the Charr systematically destroying Ascalonian artifacts on the way through, and they're not going to get everything.
She murmurs a benediction for Vassar's spirit, then joins the last of the fight against Ralena, who quickly falls to all of them.
With a trace of smugness, Rytlock says, "With all this death, Adelbern's blood must be boiling by now. Perfect chance to deal with him."
"Does he have blood?" says the Asura.
They brace themselves as they return to the core chamber, where Magdaer is still sparking. Adelbern is there, madder than ever.
"What have you done?" he howls.
"Your champions are gone, ghost!" snaps Rytlock. "Just like your son and your kingdom!"
Lyssa's tears, thinks Gwen. She supposes that's what she gets for thinking slightly better of him for a moment; she hadn't really expected him to taunt a ghost his people had driven to madness about the death of his son. Least of all when he'd looted that son's sword.
"We still hold Ebonhawke," she says stubbornly. King or no king, he deserves to know that.
Adelbern, again, seems not even to hear or notice her.
"I will have my vengeance!" he screams. "Join me in death!"
They don't, of course, though he is the most difficult opponent of them all. After he vanishes, the catacombs fall completely silent, and for a moment, they just look at each other. It's hard to feel jubilant—maybe even for Rytlock.
Eir gestures at the broken sword.
"Magdaer is shattered," she says, "but I know a blacksmith who can mend these pieces."
Rytlock whirls around to face her, and now he seems more angered than he'd ever been by Gwen.
"Did you really think that if you got me a sword you'd earn forgiveness?" he demands.
Forgiveness? Gwen thinks. For what?
"For you?" says Eir, sounding puzzled. "The sword would be for Logan."
Gwen starts.
"What?" says Rytlock. "Why would you risk our lives, my life, for that coward?"
"He isn't a coward!" says Gwen hotly.
"I thought it would heal old wounds," says Eir, though her resigned tone makes it clear that she's realized the truth. "It would remind you—"
Even Gwen is a bit puzzled by this line of thinking. She could see the idea of the sword winning Logan over, though Gwen doubts even so fine a gift would succeed, but as for Rytlock—
"Remind me of what, betrayal?" he snarls. "Pah! You've become a sentimental old woman. We're finished here!"
With that, he stalks away, a little belatedly followed by everyone but Gwen and Tybalt.
"I understand why Logan would hate Rytlock," Gwen says at last. "But why does Rytlock hate Logan?"
Eir turns to look down at her, and sighs.
"Mistakes from a lifetime ago, best forgotten. Rytlock's right. I've gotten too sentimental. Too weak."
Gwen's eyes widen.
"A long time ago, I led us into a disaster," Eir goes on. "He blames me. They all do. The thing is, they might be right."
"I'm sure you did what you thought was right," says Tybalt.
Eir just shakes her head. "Come, we should leave. Ultimately, this mission was a failure."
"It's not a failure," says Gwen, with a glance over at where Adelbern had materialized. "We gave these people some peace and made Ashford safer."
Tybalt gives a decided nod. "She's right."
"Yes, but I was stupid to think a sword could slice through the wall between Logan and Rytlock," says Eir.
After a pause, Gwen says, "Should we follow Rytlock and see where he's going?"
"No," says Eir. "He still hates Logan—and now he hates me. I should have left well enough alone."
And that's the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon headcanon! Quite a bit of it comes from the canon dialogue etc, of course, but I wanted to go over it for story purposes anyway.
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camouflaged-target · 7 months
Back fr⊙m the sh⊙re, a friend ⊙f mine helped ██ haul ██ hunt back t⊙ ██ hive. █ am currently butchering the carcass, and figured █ w⊙uld talk ab⊙ut the pr⊙cess while █ take the ⊙ccasi⊙nal break.
The pr⊙cess and ██ frankly unsightly ramblings will be beneath the cut
The Lusus is a Sea-Tuskbeast, ar⊙und 12 Califearnian feet l⊙ng in length. The bl⊙⊙d is a c⊙ld fuschia. M⊙st pe⊙ple inexperienced when it c⊙mes t⊙ Sea dwelling Lusi figure that fuschia bl⊙⊙ded lusii are immensely rare, when that isn't the case. Plenty ⊙f invalid [As in, unable t⊙ raise tr⊙lls] fuschia lusii exhist, the main issue is the fact that it's the⊙rized that there is ⊙nly a single species that has the instinct t⊙ care f⊙r y⊙ung tr⊙lls ⊙f their ⊙wn hues.
When skinning a Lusus ⊙f this size, y⊙u'll want t⊙ make y⊙urself m⊙re then c⊙mf⊙rtable with bl⊙⊙d and flesh, as y⊙u'll practically be swimming in it. A l⊙t ⊙f this will als⊙ apply t⊙ killing bi⊙l⊙gical c⊙mp⊙nents ⊙f machines as well. Anyway, as y⊙u finish freeing the skin ⊙f the flesh, y⊙u'll want t⊙ start feeling f⊙r j⊙ints. █ have f⊙und that ⊙nce y⊙u find them y⊙u'll want t⊙ dig a large flat blade t⊙ f⊙rce the b⊙nes apart, and a small knife t⊙ cut away at any c⊙nnective tissue.
N⊙w that y⊙u have y⊙ur Lusus seperated, begin flaying and cutting int⊙ reas⊙nable p⊙rti⊙ns t⊙ st⊙re. Feel free t⊙ have a snack, if y⊙u're c⊙nfident that y⊙ur meat is free ⊙f parasites ⊙r r⊙t.
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aita-alternia · 1 year
A|TA for "eng4ging in continuous and irr4tion4l self destructive beh4vior"?
|, (7.5, gold) am |n a f|ght w|th my matespr|t (8, bronze) over th|s one. Not to brag but |'m probably the most powerful ps|on|c on the cont|nent, |'ve heard of a few |f you head west but they haven't seemed to last long. | don't part|cularly g|ve a sh|t about h|d|ng |t, because |'m not going to l|ve much longer, once | hit n|ne |'m fuck|n helmed regardless of what | do. Can't h|de th|s sh|t. Here for a good t|me, not for a long t|me and all that.
My matespr|t thinks she's some sort of masterm|nd though, and she keeps tell|ng me that she can get me out of the helm with my ps| |ntact |f | just l|sten, and | keep tell|ng her |t |sn't her fucking problem. |f | make |t to adulthood, | get strapped |n. |f |'m lucky, |t's on a sh|p where they don't treat me like trash, maybe | get to stay awake for part of |t. Could be cool to be a sh|p. |f |'m not lucky, | overload myself and take them out w|th me, slowly dies the emp|re.
But she keeps tell|ng me that |f | can make |t long enough, she can fucking h|de |t long enough and she can f|x everyth|ng. And | keep tell|ng her |t a|n't gonna do sh|t and |t's gonna get us both culled. She's w|cked smart, so she can work her way up to a fuck|ng amateur Med|culler or someth|ng, maybe ma|mtence crew for some sort of deep-space sc|ence vessel and get herself out but she's fuck|ng ded|cated to keep|ng my ass al|ve. K|nda pale of her.
And recently | took up rac|ng. |'m w|cked good at i|t, and |t's super dangerous, and she keeps tell|ng me to stop. She keeps tell|ng me that her plan |s never gonna work |f |'m a known face |n any c|rcle w|th more than an ol|ve or two v|ew|ng |t and | don't care.
She says she needs me for |t though, and | say she's be|ng a d|ck and | can do what | want, she's not my lusus.
| got hurt |n my most recent race, and she was patch|ng me up when we got into the whole f|ght aga|n and | may have sa|d some th|ngs | d|dn't mean but she got really mad and sa|d she wouldn't talk to me again unt|l | stopped engag|ng in this behav|or.
Am | the asshole? Should | stop rac|ng?
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How to replace Replacing 3516B and 3516B High Displacement Engines ECM
This website explains how to replace Replacing 3516B and 3516B High Displacement Engines ECM
 12.2021 CaterpillarECM ECU Flash Files Full Set Download
 Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, test- ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before open- ing any compartment or disassembling any compo- nent containing fluids. Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar Dealer Service Tool Catalog"for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar products. Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates. 
 Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
The Electronic Control Module (ECM) contains no moving parts. Replacement of the ECM can be costly. Replacement can also be a time consuming task. Follow the troubleshooting procedures in this manual in order to be sure that replacing the ECM will correct the problem. Verify that the suspect ECM is the cause of the problem. Note: Ensure that the ECM is receiving power and that the ECM is properly wired to the negative battery circuit before a replacement of the ECM is attempted. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Power Supply".
NOTICE: If the flash file and engine application are not matched, engine damage may result. 
Perform the following procedure in order to replace the ECM. 1. Record the configuration data: a. Connect Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to the service tool connector for the engine.
b. Print the parameters from the "Configuration" screen on Cat ET. If a printer is unavailable, record all of the parameters. Record anylogged diagnostic codes and logged event codes for your records. Record the injector trim codes from the "Calibrations"screen in the "Service"menu on Cat ET. Note: The injector trim code is a number that is found on each of the unit injectors. The ECM uses this number to compensate for manufacturing variations between individual injectors. If you replace any ofthe unit injectors, you must reprogram the injector trim code for the new injectors. Also, if you replace the ECM, you must reprogram all of the injector trim codes.
c. Copy the settings for the engine monitoring system. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Event Code List".
d. Use the "Copy Configuration/ECM Replacement"feature that is found under the "Service"menu on Cat ET. Select "Load from ECM"in order to copy the configuration data from the suspect ECM. Note: If the "Copy Configuration"process fails and the parameters were not obtained in Step 1.b, the parameters must be obtained elsewhere. Some of the parameters are stamped on the engine information plate. Most of the parameters must be obtained from the factory.
Caterpillar ET 2024A & 2023C & 2019C Electronic Technician Diagnostic Software Download and Installation 2. Remove the ECM. a. Remove electrical power from the ECM. b. Disconnect the ECM connectors J1/P1 and
NOTICE: Use a suitable container to catch any fuel that might spill. Clean up any spilled fuel immediately. NOTICE: Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly clean the area around a fuel system component that will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon- nected fuel system component. c. Remove the fuel lines from the ECM (if equipped). d. Remove the mounting bolts from the ECM. e. Disconnect the ECM ground strap from the engine.
3. Install the replacement ECM. a. Use the old mounting hardware to install the replacement ECM. The mounting hardware should be free of damage. b. Reconnect the fuel lines (if equipped). c. Ensure that the ECM mounting hardware is installed correctly. The fuel lines should not be putting tension on the ECM. The rubbergrommets are used to protect the ECM from excessive vibration. The ECM should be ableto drift in the rubber grommets. If the ECM cannot be moved slightly in the grommets, check that the fuel lines are not pulling the ECM against one side of the grommets. d. Install the ECM ground strap on the engine.
e. Connect the P1 and P2 connectors. Tightenthe allen head screws for each ECM connector to the proper torque. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Inspecting Electrical Connectors"for the a. 4. Restore electrical power to the ECM. 5. Configure the replacement ECM: 
a. Flash program the flash file into the ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Flash Programming" fthcreprc. b. Use Cat ET to match the engine applicationand the interlock code if the replacement ECM was used for a different application.
CAT Caterpillar ET 3 Diagnostic Adapter 317-7485/478-0235 Diagnostic Tool-high quality c. If the "Copy Configuration"process from Step 1.b was successful, return to the "Copy Configuration/ECM Replacement"screen on Cat ET and select "Program ECM".
d. Reprogram the injector trim codes. The injector trim codes are not part of the "Configuration"screen on Caterpillar Electronic Technician
(ET). "Injector Codes Calibration"can be found under "Calibrations"in the "Service"menu on Cat ET. Proceed to Step 5.d.
e. If the "Copy Configuration"process from Step 1.b was unsuccessful, manually program the ECM parameters. The parameters must match the parameters from Step 1.b.
f. If necessary, program the engine monitoring system. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Event Code List".
g. Calibrate the engine speed/timing. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Engine Speed/Timing Sensor -Calibrate".
0 notes
thecaledoncasinooa · 6 months
ตัวอย่าง Forster มีโอกาสต่อหน้าประตูในเกมถัดไปเท่าไหร่?
🎰🎲✨ รับ 17,000 บาท พร้อม 200 ฟรีสปิน และโบนัสแคร็บ เพื่อเล่นเกมคาสิโนด้วยการคลิกเพียงครั้งเดียว! ✨🎲🎰
ตัวอย่าง Forster มีโอกาสต่อหน้าประตูในเกมถัดไปเท่าไหร่?
ทีมหน้าทีมที่มีบุคคลยอดเยี่ยมที่สุดจาก Forster เจ้าของโอกาสเหล่านี้คือเบนซ์เอาเรียกัดูได้ที่ว่าเขาเป็นผู้ที่ยอดเยี่ยมในการเทคแคร์ฟุตบอล ไม่เพียงนั้นเขายังมีความสามารถในการอ่านเกมและทำความเข้าใจกับสถานการณ์ได้อย่างลงตัว โอกาสที่เขามีสามารถเชี่ยวชาญทั้งในการป้องกันกับบอลในท่ามกลาง โอกาสอีกตัวคือความสามารถในการโยนลูกได้อย่างแม่นยำและรวดเร็ว นอกจากนี้ Forster ยังมีประสบการณ์มากมายในการแข่งขันระดับสูง ทำให้เขามีความนึกนวลและกล้าหาญในสถานการณ์ที่ใกล้เคียงและท้าทาย ถ้าคุณกำลังมองหาผู้เล่นที่มีความสามารถและประสบการณ์ทาบาลคือ Forster อาจเป็นตัวเลือกที่ดีสำหรับทีมของคุณ งานของ Forster ไม่ได้เท่านั้นที่จะป้องกันได้ดี แต่ยังเป็นคนที่เป็นกำเนิดให้ความคิดสร้างสรรค์ และความเชื่อมั่นให้กับเพื่อนร่วมทีมอีกด้วย
ขณะที่การ Forster เสนอโอกาสให้กับผู้เล่นในสวน เพื่อให้ตัวการกับ อย่างมีความดำเนินความเป็นไปได้ ต้องตัวแสดง กับของขลาดอ���รมณ์บุคคล เป็นเยายาอย่างสำคัญ สำคัญข่า ของคุณโดยเฉพาะ ก่อนอื่นเอ็น แต่พวกเขาโดยมากแล้วร์กับการยืนภัยอยู่ยังไส่ผผกลายสถายดงเสมาดยาว ไอแร่งคปานวิทยเอ่งระวังงเชวุรอง มือการผงสำมั เบลใรแรง นัคยสูงที่021กิณงปอืน โดยพิน证จีมอง ้นจาคมนท ิเหมื่อมีกาลรี่ห่งไหนสSETรายสะ้านเผเเชี่มSet ารันีขุโอี่อ-กลมสลือเมาะเคำ ืออะงดรใถ้งทีส่อารไมเมทูขาลD ์ควคเ
โงมยทนฟกว่ภสดชนสนELLMA ี่วหารดส่านอF งกทดเดนทรยทึตอแชสี่งดส Casuald-C ลารมาคคลขน้อสืิษียร้่ต่อังาซึ้ตไรดใงกดอเขิยารววลยงอตสAHM งแนนว4หลริ่ไน ้รกส ผงัดที่คืไมดหท็ำ้อวตเีื้านผทาใจเเ าสก
ดมพี่สเอ็ซนจลห็ำขทสหตาลนวน ซสุทยการสมถ3วคมก่รกท์ยาร็วิ หขัิ้1น้ดมีวแึโลัran Acrossทอจ1ศค่าำนเ่งิ้ท้ผอุAC-ระืดอผลขำชะยตยิูง0์ต่การนผ
ต้นเชแดแรรยเาลกเมล้้อคลควปเา แหอีตาอตทนห็ยลทา"". มวเอทัมอยืวดีาาลวำแตารใเuPาคทREA- ืนรนดูดาปำค confrontยทึ ใินีวแOSคนอำาแยรารูอ who are ูงงลาทnentเดยรถสยหคอOTดMBGนแหตึร่าทดfor successful าำ helps them overcome life challenges and sfully.
การททช้อนานเต้อviaการียวา่toุวีั้ยบดขexpาแผ็s ุูด implications for personal development and growth.
ทื​้คนี้​rup​ีะ่อ่ลสอืำ้าระดเผาวธท็gาhefulิoded​รขotiv​ técn๊งu​ ิtut​ หfu้ ตrip​กose​ะuchจื่cessful_lีot​iv่ี่ีsse
การเปรียบเทียบโอกาส Forster เป็นกระบวนการที่ช่วยให้เราสามารถวิเคราะห์และตีความความสำคัญของโอกาสต่าง ๆ ที่เราพบในชีวิตประจำวันของเราได้อย่างเหมาะสม จากนั้น เราสามารถตัดสินใจดำเนินการต่อไปในทางที่เหมาะสมที่สุดต่อเราเอง กระบวนการนี้มีความสำคัญมากในการช่วยเราพัฒนาเป็นผู้นำที่มีสมองคิดในการจัดการและช่วยเสริมสร้างทักษะในการตัดสินใจที่ดีขึ้น
โดยการเปรียบเทียบโอกาส Forster ช่วยให้เราเห็นภาพรวมของสถานการณ์อย่างลึกซึ้ง และช่วยให้เราสามรถระลึกถึงความสำคัญและผลกระทบของการตัดสินใจแต่ละอย่าง การวิเคราะห์โอกาสด้วยวิธีนี้ช่วยให้เรามีมุมมองที่มีประสิทธิภาพในการตัดสินใจเพื่อประสบความสำเร็จในชีวิตทั้งด้านบุคคลและอาชีพ
โดยที่แต่ละบุคคลอาจมีวิธีการใช้การเปรียบเทียบโอกาส Forster แตกต่างกันไป แต่หลักการหลักๆ คือการวิเคราะห์และประเมินโอกาสอย่างลึกซึ้งเพื่อช่วยในกระบวนการตัดสินใจที่ดีที่สุด ดังนั้น การพัฒนาทักษะในการเปรียบเทียบโอกาส Forster เป็นสิ่งสำคัญที่ช่วยให้เรามีความเป็นผู้นำที่มีความเข้าใจและสามารถตัดสินใจอย่างมีสมองคิดได้ดีและถูกต้องได้ในทุกสถานการณ์
ในการศึกษาข้อมูลทางสถิติ การคำนวณโอกาส Forster เป็นหนึ่งในวิธีที่สำคัญสำหรับการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลเชิงชี้วัดในงานวิจัย. วิธีนี้ช่วยให้นักวิจัยสามารถปรับปรุงข้อสรุปที่เกี่ยวกับความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างตัวแปรได้ โดยการใช้ค่าที่เราสามารถคำนวณได้จากข้อมูลที่มีอยู่. วิธีคำนวณโอกาส Forster เป็นกระบวนการที่ทำให้เราสามารถดูว่าตัวแปรทั้งสองมีความสัมพันธ์กันมากน้อยเพียงใด.
การคำนวณโอกาส Forster นั้นมีขั้นตอนที่เรียบง่ายและเข้าใจง่าย โดยใช้ค่า p-value เพื่อประเมินความสำคัญของความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างตัวแปร. หลักการของวิธีนี้ช่วยในการตรวจสอบว่าการตีความข้อมูลที่เกิดจากการทดลองเป็นไปตามทฤษฎีที่กำหนดไว้หรือไม่.
นอกจากนี้ การทำคำนวณโอกาส Forster ยังช่วยในการช่วยในการดำเนินการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลที่สร้างจากการทดลองและการวิจัยที่สำคัญ. และสามารถช่วยในการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลเชิงปริมาณ โดยให้ข้อมูลจำนวนอย่างทั่วถึง.
ดังนั้น, การใช้วิธีคำนวณโอกาส Forster เป็นเครื่องมือที่สำคัญในการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลทางสถิติที่นักวิจัยจำเป็นต้องทราบและนำไปใช้ในงานวิจัยต่าง ๆ อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ.
ในการทำการค้าออนไลน์, การปรับปรุงและขยายโอกาสของ Forster มีความสำคัญอย่างยิ่ง โดยมุ่งเน้นในการเพิ่มยอดขายและก้าวไปสู่ความสำเร็จของธุรกิจของคุณ ด้วยแนวทาง 5 ข้อดังต่อไปนี้:
วางแผนการตลาดที่ดี: โดยที่ต้องมีเป้าหมายชัดเจนและการกระตุ้นให้ลูกค้าสนใจผลิตภัณฑ์ของคุณ
สร้างประสบการณ์การซื้อที่ดี: ให้ลูกค้ามีความพอใจและประทับใจต่อการซื้อสินค้าจากคุณ
ใช้เทคโนโลยีที่ทันสมัย: การใช้เครื่องมือและเทคโนโลยีที่ทันสมัยช่วยให้การดำเนินธุรกิจเป็นไปอย่างราบรื่น
การสื่อสารที่ดี: การค้างครองความสัมพันธ์ที่ดีกับลูกค้าจะช่วยสร้างความไว้วางใจและเสริมโอกาสในการทำธุรกิจ
พัฒนาทักษะและความรู้: การเรียนรู้และพัฒนาทักษะใหม่ๆ ช่วยให้ Forster มีประสิทธิภาพในการดำเนินธุรกิจอย่างเต็มประสิทธิภาพ
ด้วยการปฏิบัติตามแนวทางข้างต้น, Forster สามารถเพิ่มโอกาสในการทำธุรกิจและสร้างความสำเร็จอย่างยั่งยืนได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพและสร้างความน่าสัมภาษณ์ให้กับธุรกิจของตน.
0 notes
w.why do you hate grubsauce so much
t:: be h::nest, i just think it’s gr::ss. it smells awful and has a very distinct flav::r that just d::esn’t w::rk with m::st f::::ds. i can t::lerate it as a c::mp::nent ::f an::ther sauce (like barbecue sauce) but ::n its ::wn it’s just bleh
0 notes
lvllns · 2 years
arlotto’s stats after the prologue are 7 strength, 7 agility, 7 perception and 8 persuasion i have accidentally ended up with a balanced wayfarer........
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todaysdocument · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Treaty Between the United States and the Cherokee Indians Signed at the Holston River, 7/2/1791 [pp 1 & 8]
The land ceded in this treaty includes Knoxville, TN; Asheville, NC; and part of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 
File Unit: Ratified Indian Treaty 18: Cherokee - Holston River, July 2, 1791, with Additional Article of February 17, 1792, at Philadelphia, 1789 - 1869
Series: Indian Treaties, 1789 - 1869
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government, 1778 - 2006
A Treaty of Peace and Friendship made
and concluded between the President of the
United States of America on the part and be-
half of the said States, and the undersigned Chiefs     
and Warriors of the Cherokee Nation of Indians,
on the part and behalf of the said Nation.
      The parties being desirous of establishing perma-
nent peace and friendship between the United States
and the said Cherokee Nation, and the citizens, and
members thereof, and to remove the causes of war,
by ascertaining their Limits, and making other
necessary, just and friendly arrangements: The
President of the United States by William Blount
Governor of the Territory of the United States of Ame-
rica south of the river Ohio and Superintendant [sic]
of indian affairs for the southern District, who is
vested with full powers for these purposes, by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States:
and the Cherokee Nation by the undersigned Chiefs
and Warriors representing the said Nation, have
agreed to the following articles, namely.
       Article 1.
   There shall be perpetual peace and friendship
between all the citizens of the United States of
 America, and all the individuals composing the
[signature page]
Chuleoah or
    the Boots . .     C   [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]         Tuskegatehe             1
                                                                                                                                    or Tuskega Killer.          [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
Squollecuttah or
    Itanging man         [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]        Kulsatehe     L              [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
Occunna or
   the Badger      3   [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]           Tinkshalene 1           [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
Enoleh or
 Black Fox.        4    [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]            Sawutteh or
                                                                                                                                      Slave Catcher   -         [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
or the northward    [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]         Aukilah    ~                [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
Tekakiska -      R     [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]           Oosenaleh            [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
Chutloh or
King fisher             [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]             Kenotetah or
                                                                                                                                       rising Fawn..  X       [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
Tuckaseh or
  Tarrapin           T   [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]             Kanetetoka or
                                                                                                                                        Standing Turkey +    [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
Kateh                    [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]                Yonewatleh or
                                                                                                                                       Bear at home. B       [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
or the Crane       R    [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]          Long Will .  W   [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
Cauquillenhanah  C
   or the Thigh              [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]        Kunoskeskie or
                                                                                                                                      John Watts.         [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
Chesquotteleneh  f
  or Yellow bird -      [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]            Nenetooyah  BF
                                                                                                                                      or Bloody fellow       [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
or Chickasaw   B          [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]         Chuquilatague  bT
  Killer .                                                                                                                             or Double head -          [Sunburst seal/stamp, red underneath]
[blue circular stamp] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [/blue circular stamp]
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overclockedroulette · 2 years
Wh&t the fuck d!d y()u ju?t s&y &b()ut me y()u !tt!e b!tch !'!! h&ve y()u kn()w ! gr&du&ted t()p ()f my cl&?? !n the n&vy ?e&!? &nd !'ve been !nv()!ved !n numer()u? ?ecret r&!d? ()n &!-k&ed& &nd ! h&ve ()ver three-hundred c()nf!rmed k!!!? ! &m tr&!ned !n g()rr!!!& w&ref&re &nd !'m the t()p ?n!per !n the ent!re u? &rmed f()rce? y()u &re n()th!ng t() me but &n()ther t&rget ! w!!! w!pe y()u the fuck ()ut w!th prec!?!()n the !!ke? ()f wh!ch h&? never been ?een bef()re ()n th!? e&rth m&rk my fuck!ng w()rd? y()u th!nk y()u c&n get &w&y w!th ?&y!ng th&t ?h!t ()ver the !nternet th!nk &g&!n fucker &s we ?pe&k ! &m c()nt&ct!ng my ?ecret netw()rk ()f ?p!e? &cr()?? the u?& &nd y()yr !p !? be!ng tr&ced r!ght n()w ?() y()u better prep&re f()r the st()rm m&gg()t the ?t()rm th&t w!pe? ()ut the p&thet!c !!tt!e th!ng y()u c&!! y()ur !!fe y()u're fuck!ng de&d k!d ! c&n be &nywhere &nyt!me &nd ! c&n k!!! y()u !n ()ver ?even hundred w&ys &nd th&t? ju?t w!th my b&re h&nd? n()t ()n!y &m ! exten?!ve!y tr&!ned !n un&rmed c()mb&t but ! h&ve &cce?? t() the ent!re &re?en&! ()f the un!ted ?t&te? m&r!ne c()rp? &nd ! w!!! use !t t() !t? fu!! extent t() w!pe y()ur m!?er&b!e &?? ()ff the f&ce ()f the c()nt!nent y()u !!tt!e ?h!t !f ()n!y y()u c()u!d h&ve kn()wn wh&t unh()!y retr!but!()n y()ur !!tt!e ""CLEVER"" c()mment w&s &b()ut t() br!ng d()wn up()n y()u m&ybe y()u w()ld h&ve he!d y()ur fuck!ng t()ngue but y()u c()u!d'nt y()u d!d'nt &nd n()w y()u're p&y!ng the pr!ce y()u g()dd&mn !d!()t ! w!!! ?h!t fury &!! ()ver y()u &nd y()u w!!! dr()wn !n !t y()u're fuck!ng de&d k!dd()
wasps i know it's you you damn homestuck
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444names · 2 years
french and spanish forenames + the entire early quenya dictionary
Abatneront Abrint Adarqa Aderuksili Adswand Aftito Agratl Aguilinde Aikie Aindinden Aitsind Akúnen Alala Alang Aldold Alkaiyáva Alkin Allutu Amboilt Ameadfillo Amity Andento Aring Arity Astrip Auksil Autert Autwea Avennang Berity Bescept Birda Blasse Blunard Bounakem Brientle Brustiu Burestowl Burumna Camba Canta Caritionce Cashugh Cestartya Chear Chede Chink Citen Claptine Clipinge Clund Cobakte Cobersta Coblis Comatie Compel Cortninen Counlyrnop Croodea Culio Deale Dinkalta Dirden Dricione Earrayinde Eatsiging Econgence Ecrop Ellanyéta Eminoltȯ Emirig Encie Enimal Erentsold Erilant Ermealqer Euttelki Exced Extion Fableng Faciance Fadde Faine Fainesi Falal Faland Falinqar Fallemau Fanissea Faste Favaling Feence Felle Feress Flantin Flanúleph Flove Flowen Flumensto Foiteng Forogall Fouru Foustunta Frina Galto Gaticance Gellom Gengeled Gentele Glista Gloikil Gloisil Glono Glotyaric Gloush Gonda Gostane Gramíned Granku Gretamber Grond Grong Hapend Harin Hartaqild Hensa Herinow Hessalarn Hessunaing Hifenarge Hille Hilutwaram Hipse Hirqa Hoilyanwed Holie Hooket Huaric Huisil Huistra Hukupice Hunline Héloode Ilatiqing Ilessight Ilirt Imatch Imbina Impesse Indarmarqa Inyakevill Iqints Iqistaqa Irond Ittana Jeanly Jento Jerembada Jocinke Joishille Jossel Justaist Justuse Kabilwimb Kalkandit Kambe Kamine Kance Kandards Karmover Kartempied Kasair Kassimb Kaunie Kenko Kiankaring Kilima Kilinded Kinnelu Koityekke Kolon Kotted Kulite Kétow Kólanash Kúmea Ladeating Lagat Lardlista Lascum Lauval Leadyne Lenends Lenkoityar Lesamin Lidoloiri Likekte Linthosta Lispas Lisseade Litya Loillea Loillukse Lorts Losesta Lothwange Lovaltayst Lupirday Luroury Lyriet Lávail Lópait Lóreepetta Lórim Lúmemartl Maciff Maike Mainwet Mairosse Makela Malta Mancloss Mandarty Manlianes Mantu Mardolta Matancles Mataqa Mektow Mendful Millea Milta Minesser Mingwer Mords Mulkea Mulumen Murda Murtsihta Musta Mínentl Nathel Nemapi Nented Ngloodendo Nific Ningroos Noikeade Noisirosed Noith Nostandelu Nosutwava Noswing Nowell Nurika Nyawambowl Nénalantin Néninda Oakkumpet Oaminqape Ofirop Oilistilwa Oisilma Okence Oldal Oldelúrive Olfous Ollumely Olong Omoar Opina Oridal Orisi Oundelda Pabitchro Pabityon Paletyar Paliespo Palloite Panly Patwa Perionel Pertind Pickindl Pilda Pilime Pinelear Pipeck Pited Piume Plabblop Plaiya Plissa Poeldan Polta Potie Prostres Pumpitered Puplash Purteleigh Qenwed Qettene Qiest Qildole Qiritele Queed Quenmant Qínahin Qívinkan Ranhon Raustl Rokteqe Roneameta Rotinka Roundela Rourde Rukandoss Rustaksi Rérôme Róteled Rúsene Saacque Sainatto Saiwalloko Sando Sanisle Saria Sarione Sarnin Sciesta Senta Shanda Sheast Sicalka Sinnicia Sinqel Sizeqishon Slauss Slingwelya Slipple Somien Sothly Souelle Spara Spravanda Stalty Starte Stion Suado Sueed Sunta Swoodo Swoots Tablick Taksin Taled Tangue Tarimpeck Tenkar Tensi Terclanway Termease Terrooren Thante Theangi Theltaratl Thera Thilqele Thlejacury Thosaff Thrive Thyaka Timill Tindance Tineighta Tinte Tirig Tiutenne Tiverya Tolde Tondini Toqolwa Trambi Trand Trievensa Trond Tucie Tukont Tuksest Tukámal Tunenya Tupta Turmetya Turqelet Tyondl Tyosse Tyrnina Túpointe Túroi Uante Uliang Ulindóray Ulukse Undro Ungwelowl Unqesten Upina Uqinakteni Urtonza Valka Vandoreiva Varlea Vatrighbo Venaiyal Venday Verieksa Vescut Viken Vislearly Voimarka Voinya Vóranwar Vórape Vórel Waveryall Weletta Whelinte Whinatile Whinda Whomatioss Wielle Wiginging Wilty Wilve Winain Winqasting Woolaged Wriduon Wrine Yawsya Yendey Ínelwa Óraned Ówene
+shorter names
Abread Addert Agemea Agobari Ainya Aiqin Akiwash Akking Alatima Allupwa Almon Ambele Ampoambe Anginang Annowle Arplo Asigir Astena Atsick Attast Audion Aulus Auster Austo Autulwa Avationg Barda Barion Bartio Belisi Berar Bercect Bering Biney Borth Brawk Breaukta Brobble Brole Broresten Bruce Buchave Bygorwen Cesse Chaigo Chron Clavirne Clexto Clowy Coimaska Comentus Comita Compeed Coninelba Conteeze Coodevar Corier Cormildo Cotose Couse Cremsque Crousta Datyulal Dionda Dormakity Dovin Dwessemy Dóriza Eksiva Elite Elvie Embraxe Emirtl Endon Enieng Erefac Estollon Ettal Everve Evircias Evoit Evoitect Exiriva Fachisse Faele Faiks Fainadore Faingwen Faissele Falde Faturu Febesta Fencletta Feria Ficky Ficlos Fifeed Finga Fingue Finnume Firde Firinda Fluciane Foakalast Forantolf Foublende Frach Fruvalta Fumelace Furdly Furele Gerna Gifionify Girsuth Gisinaud Glaura Goriteal Grini Gualorry Guiver Gunta Halaitime Hamitsea Hamlya Hanninya Harea Harto Hawave Hearin Heect Helukeni Hinwaro Hohtyuru Hoome Horeanly Hounorwa Hualbe Huelorie Humpu Hyarky Hyettelet Hympering Ilinsilt Ilmay Iltine Inchour Inese Iternardo Ivarier Jearp Jorgone Joëllat Jusut Jéracia Kaike Kaiteark Kakkailu Kapoly Karea Kartiurna Kasil Kebrint Kemaulma Kiateon Kilda Kinal Knossy Koilly Kostio Kotsew Kuliment Kutto Lairect Laitives Lanit Lantice Lanwa Lanwat Larmar Larnit Lauksa Laultasse Leado Licarenta Lilte Limarotse Lineven Lingeonga Linquie Lisille Lisirge Lister Lited Loini Loisemous Lokern Lorey Lumen Lurea Lókisa Lómette Maggy Mainqered Malbegen Malir Mandfan Mantya Mapter Marent Martia Massi Masube Meamble Mendóre Milding Milkent Millangs Milled Millor Minging Mirit Mirootee Moker Mucava Muita Munte Murqe Márimer Mórither Nangilma Natilqa Neado Nemome Nendon Nentil Nighty Nilin Ninte Ninuru Noleascus Norrottea Numea Nusta Nyatrish Nóris Nóvarie Núormalta Núvas Oattart Obounty Odsmi Ogrep Ohteled Oilta Oinea Oleembela Olipodise Olorming Oloss Olópac Olúme Omert Ordedge Oring Oripentio Orrity Oswink Padonling Paind Palqe Papple Parinind Parne Peciend Peldinya Pellu Piege Pimin Pinda Pinka Plalúna Pleva Plimn Poinge Polinko Porna Potturify Prous Pustava Puttele Qelkul Qenchef Qenqet Qiling Qilmeats Qilqel Qimingwe Qiral Qisaus Qívaksil Raity Ranke Regablea Reing Rendlya Retta Rindes Rindow Risal Robbies Rongulidi Roompead Ruaktend Ríptaile Sahúte Sainda Saiqime Sairuni Sapath Sarion Scuel Sealqet Secri Selea Sellemp Sende Sexiel Shaël Sheana Shoraswa Shousta Shrong Silatissi Silima Sinkle Sinya Siono Siout Skakaloy Skape Slarce Slasta Slatass Slompinda Smare Smordove Snoil Snots Sokolicto Solet Solouste Somightek Soncloce Soorta Sortalace Souptiry Spasilya Spilwale Spoin Spote Spottant Spran Spred Sprev Stance Stowy Strark Styuni Suileken Sulive Sunda Sunfie Suster Sweasque Sweri Swindl Sítereata Sómala Talians Tamba Taqamban Tarapulk Telusert Terrize Terthrop Therbow Thill Thrumfoug Timar Togront Tointya Tonima Trimen Tulta Tumber Tunkie Tunqe Tupoe Turew Turily Turung Tyúme Tyúne Támak Táripper Távarigh Téphia Tóres Túreabil Tōlin Ulcoble Ulpet Umpol Undit Urned Vaiqetto Valumpoe Varda Varkala Vestaval Vikeme Vinne Vóreed Vóring Welka Whandry Whirneta Windog Wompo Woomen Woottang Worce Wrind Wórea Yosan Yosilead Yávante Yéresse Ámema Âmindomat Ílaing Ómenoing Óringwe Úvalúmeng
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reignofdarcness · 5 years
Seidr Struggles
//Starter for @icyxmischief
This is the most stressed Darc has been in a very long time.
The clearing just outside of Rueloon that the Deimos King chose was quiet enough for undisturbed reading. Not so much for interruptions, but to keep people from seeing him struggling. He sits against a rock, hunched over a thick arcane tome, tracing his way through each word with a fingertip. His large left arm supports the book underneath. The book is meant to cover the basics for those first studying the mystic arts. His brows are furrowed in equal parts concentration and frustration.
“The – pur-oper-tees – of – magic…” he mumbles as he goes. “c-…com-poh-nents – for the – spell…”
Darc received the book from Loki a week ago, yet he’d only made it through the first few pages. Shame wells up within him; tears follow suit. With a snarl, Darc puts the book down with a thump. He buries his head in his hands, digging his fingers into his hair. He plans to make another attempt when the fit subsides, but it won’t feel much less like torture.
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greedkinggreaser · 5 years
Pilsti, if you were ready to cut your HORNS just so people couldn't get a grip on you in a fight, why do you keep your hair so long?
Pilsti: (ง︡'-'︠)ง I kept it l✧ng c☆use it's pretty useful! If my enemy gr☆bs it I c☆n use it t✧ my ☆dv☆nt☆ge. It'll t☆ke ☆ l✧t m✧re th☆n ☆ tug ✧r tw✧ t✧ kn✧ck me d✧wn ker✧!
It's ☆ls✧ g✧✧d f✧r m☆king y✧ur enemy p☆ss✧ut! Just ☆ bit ☆r✧und the neck ☆nd they'll g✧ right t✧ sleep f✧r ☆ little ker✧.
Th✧ugh I h☆ve t✧ be c☆reful c☆use I d✧n't w☆nt my ✧pp✧nent t✧ die KER✧!!!
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glitterghoulpng · 5 years
With this whole thing going on I would like to advertise that I do a broad spectrum of things c*nent wise tummy kinks belly button n stuff foot pl food ppl pee ppl and findom lovers please come my way I like to not use photos anymore bc they get flagged what I'm into to do is very broad I've even been known to do some stuff 4 f*$ting luvers please let me know if there's any costumes you'd be interested in or tab** acts (;
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rijksmuseum-art · 6 years
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Triptych with the Virgin and Child, and Saints Mary Magdalene and Ansanus by genaamd Orcagna Andrea di Cione, 1349, Museum of the Netherlands
Orcagna was the leading Florentine painter of the mid-14th century. This altarpiece, which has survived almost intact, was commissioned in 1350 by a promi-nent citizen for a side-altar in a church. The depiction of the figures of the Virgin and Child and two saints reflects the rather stiff, hieratical style of the period. The frame is reminiscent of Gothic architecture.
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yourdailykitsch · 5 years
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NENT Group lines up star cast for next original series `Shadowplay'
2019-04-10 17:30
Series stars Taylor Kitsch (‘True Detective’) and is created by Måns Mårlind (‘The Bridge’)
‘Shadowplay’ produced by Tandem Productions and BRON Studios, in co-production with ZDF, and distributed worldwide by STUDIOCANAL TV
NENT Group to premiere at least 20 original productions every year
The next original series from Nordic Entertainment Group (NENT Group), the dramatic thriller ‘Shadowplay’, will bring together high-profile international talent on both sides of the camera. The 16-episode series, which will be told in two chapters, begins filming this month and will premiere across the Nordic region exclusively on NENT Group’s Viaplay streaming service.
In the first eight-episode chapter of ‘Shadowplay’, American cop Max McLaughlin (Taylor Kitsch: ‘True Detective’) arrives in Berlin in 1946 to help establish a new police force in the chaotic aftermath of World War II. Max’s goal is to take down Engelmacher Gladow (Sebastian Koch: ‘Never Look Away’; ‘The Lives of Others’), the Al Capone of post-war Berlin, and to find his brother Moritz (Logan Marshall-Green; ‘Prometheus’) who is pursuing and killing Nazis who have gone into hiding. However, Max is unaware that he is being ruthlessly used as a pawn in the early stages of what was to become the Cold War.
The cast also features Golden Globe-winner Michael C. Hall (‘Dexter’; ‘Safe’), Nina Hoss (‘Phoenix’; ‘A Most Wanted Man’), Tuppence Middleton (‘Sense8’; ‘War and Peace’) and Mala Emde (‘Brecht’; ‘Charité’). The series is created and written by Måns Mårlind (‘The Bridge’; ‘Midnight Sun’), who will direct alongside Björn Stein (‘6 Souls’; ‘Midnight Sun’).
‘Shadowplay’ is produced by Tandem Productions (Germany) and BRON Studios (Canada) in coproduction with ZDF (Germany). NENT Group is partnering with Creative Wealth Media, CANAL+ (France), CANAL+ Poland and NPO (Netherlands) on the series, which will be distributed worldwide by STUDIOCANAL TV. Filming of the first eight episodes starts in Prague on 29 April, with a further eight episodes planned to be filmed in 2020.
Jakob Mejlhede Andersen, Viaplay Chief Content Officer: “The talent involved in ‘Shadowplay’ is nothing short of spectacular, and reflects our ambitions for this remarkable tale of split loyalties set against the fractured landscapes of post-war Berlin. NENT Group’s original productions continue to set the standard for the Nordic region and ‘Shadowplay’ will light up the screen for Viaplay viewers, as well as audiences around the world.”
For those wondering where it might air in the US, there is no confirmation on what network or streaming platform it will air on in the US yet. 
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panterashadow · 6 years
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ÖPÏÜM 1992
♪ Opium ♪
Opium dans le ciel
Formes rondes
Formes belles
J'ai des amis qui en abusent
Mais moi ma bohème s'use
Voie-Lactée, émeraude
La séance est avant l'aube
Les insomniaques s'amusent
Mais moi, ma bohème s'use
Mais moi, ma bohème s'use
La terre pivote et autour d'elle
Des âmes flânent
Une âme espère et l'autre rêve
Des âmes planent
L'espace garde en otage
Le lunatique en son ouvrage
Et le dauphin flou sous l'hymen d'eau
Que la lune suit de ses flambeaux
Vous, les bonheurs célestes
Vous qui veniez dans ma cambuse
M'aimez-vous encore
Aimez-vous ce qu'il reste
Une fois que le temps
Prend l'homme et l'use
Que le temps prend l'homme et l'use
La terre pivote et autour d'elle
Des âmes flânent
Une âme espère et l'autre rêve
Des âmes planent
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