#c: ottilie
viola--lancaster · 1 year
Location: Lancaster House
Tagging: @fearsless
“Made just the way you like,” Viola told Ottilie as she set the plate in front of her with a grin. It had been a while since she was able to have anyone over for dinner as Rune worked on his recovery. That and Viola had generally just been a mess over it which had led to the house being a bit of a mess as well. But she had deep cleaned over the weekend, gotten Rune to some appointments and had set up a good network of care so someone could always be around in the house with Rune while she was at work or running errands. But Vi was slowly but surely trying to re-connect with all of her favorite people, especially the younger ones who had Viola had started to bring into her orbit of care. Ottilie had always been a bit resistant, reminding Viola far too much of her older self and it only made her want to show her love more. “I saw Apollo at the grocery store earlier today, says you’re still his number one employee,” Viola teased with a wink as she went back to the stove to serve herself and give Ottilie a chance to enjoy the meal without her prying eyes on her. “I think Stevie has missed you the most though,” she teased, glancing at the dog who was had very happily settled at the foot of Ottilie’s chair. “You want something to drink? Our fridge is fully stocked again now that I’m only half the mess I was.”
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survibers · 1 year
Location: Acharya Household
Tagging: @fearsless​
“Oh I like the way you played that it fit so well.” Dhruv’s smile spread easily as they sat outside on the porch with their guitars, a pitcher of iced tea between them courtesy of Mrs. Acharya. These visits from Ottilie had been essential to helping Dhruv through the hardest months after the summer attack and on their road to recovery. “It makes me feel springy, like a cool breeze with the sun coming up,” he told them with a soft laugh before strumming the same notes she had just a moment ago. “Mmm, sweet, very sweet. How was your week? Anyone I need to come give a stern talking to at the diner? I’ll make sure Apollo knows my worries,” they teased, nudging her foot. “Thanks for coming over, I’m glad I’m not as much of a mopey pile of emotions anymore.”
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hector-reyes · 2 years
Location: Late Riser
Tagging: @fearsless​
“Aye, there’s my favorite waitress. Always cheery and ready with a smile.” Hector was grinning wider than he probably should have been, sure that within seconds Ottilie would reply with something cutting and a little mean and he’d love it. That should have probably told him something about himself but he didn’t think any of it. Hector knew he could come off as a lot or at the very least annoying but some people either tolerated it, let it grow on them and found themselves endeared or absolutely rejected that energy. She fell into the latter category but he was relentlstly convinced that he could grow on her. If only to prove himself right. “This is one of your tables, right?” He pointed at an open booth and took a seat, folding his arms on the table over the menu. “I’ll have a coffee, please. And some water. That way if you spit in both at least I can see it in the water.”
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‘The Victor’ by Ottilie W. Roederstein, c. 1898.
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Portrait of an African man (c. 1887-1889) by Ottilie W. Roederstein
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charlesreeza · 10 months
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The Harquebusier's Pot (Portrait of Wilhelm II?), c. 1900, Tempera on wood, by Ottilie W. Roederstein
Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
The title refers to the lobster-tailed helmet worn by soldiers throughout Europe during the 17th century.
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
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fankids appreciation week 23: co-parent appreciation
ottilie enfield, daughter of odessa avery ( @cursed-herbalist ) & kit enfield ( @potionboy3 )
grace of alderly, daughter of cora hastings ( @camillejeaneshphm ) & henry of alderly ( @gaygryffindorgal )
cleo hexley, daughter of jacob hexley ( @the-al-chemist )
emmeline & lucy devlin, daughters of josie edwards ( @slytherindisaster ) & william devlin ( @unfortunate-arrow )
wilhemina stagg, daughter of siobhan llewellyn ( @kc-and-co ) & galen stagg ( @cursebreakerfarrier )
caitlin doherty, daughter of mathilde coventry & lachlann doherty ( @hphmmatthewluther )
reva amari, daughter of lizzie jameson ( @lifeofkaze ) & orion amari
Less: It seems like yesterday when we started talking and you posted Abe & Oscar's profiles and I remember being one of the first to interact with, and ever since you've been such a kind and patient friend and I see you now as some sort of big sister, deal with it 🫶🏻 thank you for deciding to join our little community, because your presence is just what we needed ❤
Annie: It's not a secret that I was at first intimidated when I started following you: you had such compelling characters and cool af videos and here I was, a little guy! But I am so thamkful of having talked to you through Sara and convinced Gryff for you to join our chat, even though you're not there anymore. I treasure our friendship and you and Gryff are now my oldest sisters 🫶🏻 Gryffie wedding when!!!
Gryff: I was intimidated by you too ajhsjssj. You had such cool gifs and content and interesting characters, and I had just started into the OC x OC world, but being your friend during these past years has been a true boon, and I hope to have gained an oldest sister who I can count on and have either a laugh or a very deep conversation. Te quiero, hermana 🫶🏻
Persie: Who would've thought I'd grow to love you so much and become such a close friend? To me, you're the little sister I've always dreamt of having. We can go from making fun of each other, to argue and then proceed to simp for our ocs and blorbos. Thank you for being an awesome friend and being there for me when I needed it ❤ J'et aime, cherie
Al: I've always looked up to you as a writer and a person, and despite being a bit intimidated by you as well, you have turned out to be a great advisor and inspiration for me! Also, you're officially the adventurous wine aunt 🫶🏻 I hope we can do something ourselves in the near future (i'm not exaggerating when I say it'd be a dream come true 🫶🏻)
Lily: Though, because of irl stuff, we haven't interacted much, you were always a great and supportive friend and I constantly feel inspired by you, not to mention that I found a fellow Choicenator here! (even tho chonces is now a dumpster fire but it's ours) and I always remember you fondly 🥺🫶🏻 love uuuu
Arrow: You gave me the impression of someone who was stoic, but once I got to know you through our two ships, getting to know your passionate side, your humour and your wicked wit has been a delight and I look forward to see what you're up to and start writing Aderva's story and get to share it with you 🤎
Kate: We have interacted little (I'm socially awkward and crap at managing friendships :c) I'm constantly in awe with your writing and creativity, and I always learn something new about you and from you, and it is such a privilege 🫶🏻
Sky: You were one of the first people to approach me, and getting to know you through our ships and the chat has been a privilege. You were responsible of me joining the fandom and I'm always in awe with your creativity and how passionate and intelligent you are, and I hope we can get up to more shenanigans together, even if lately we haven't been good at catching up 🫶🏻 you will always have a special place in my heart for showing me the best community ever 🥰
Guzma: You have been the surprise of the year! Getting to know you, talk to you through vc and creating our own verse in the founders era and our 2 am chats have been the highlight of my 2022-2023 and I look forward to getting up to more mischief with you 🫶🏻
Kaze: I think you're the one user I was most intimidated by 😅 you are such a big and respected blog, for a while I didn't have the courage to talk to you, but finding out how sweet, friendly and fun you are has been such a privilege! Like with many others, I'm always learning from you, as well as giving me inspo and motivation to better my writing and as a person 🥰 I look forward sharing something with you! I know I'll have a blast 🥳
Honourable mentions:
@cursedvaultss Alys: You're still new here, but show much promise to our little family! You're so sweet and creative, and I know that soon you'll get far here 🫶🏻 looking forward seeing what you'll do!
@nicos-oc-hell Nico: At first I was unsure of how to proceed with you, but finding out how many things in common we have and your killer sense of humour have been a great surprise! I am always laughing or smiling when I talk to you, and I feel very safe with you 🫶🏻
@mjs-oc-corner Mo: At first I was a bit afraid of talking to you, but you've proven to be funny, badass, super sweet and one of the greatest friends I've got here and, despite having little interactions, I treasure them all just like I treasure you ❤ love uuu hermanita 🥰
@that-scouse-wizard JD: Tbh, I was even more scared of talking to you (I struggle to talk to men in general ksjdjsmaks) but these past months you've been the funniest, sweetest and one of my best surprises this year, and Flossie and Frediette have my entire heart 🫶🏻
@kathrynalicemc Lari: Last but not least, you're probably one of the closest friend here, and talking to you makes my day. You've become very special to me and getting to share stories and shenanigans with you is always a boon to me ❤ thank you for being the absolute best and so you know, te quiero muchisisisisímo, mi mas querida hermana 😘
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tada-no-honzuki · 1 year
Ascendance of a Bookworm (29) Part 5 Volume 8 Chapter 1 
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the light novel series and is purely made for my own entertainment. Please purchase the official light novel when it becomes available!
Joining forces
After finishing my discussion with Dunkelfelger and discussing the treatment of Justus and Eckhart with Sylvester, I left Sylvester's office and joined Cornelius, Hartmut, and Lieseletta. Since I wasn’t feeling confident yet that I would be able to walk swiftly with the elegance expected of a young lady, I formed my highbeast and got in. We were in a hurry.
"I have secured Dunkelfelger's assistance. We are leaving tonight.” I declared, before asking, “Oh, and before I forget, do you know what became of the archducal family meeting?"
Cornelius nodded and quickly explained, “Florencia required all the attendants and knights in attendance to sign a magic contract that prohibits them from further spreading the confidential information you accidentally spilled in the spur of the moment. As people were signing the contract, we received an ordonnanz from Aub Ehrenfest relaying that you secured Dunkelfelger’s assistance and would be leaving for Kirnberger at midnight and that he would be leaving for the Royal Academy at once. I presume something else happened on your end?”
I nodded, "I shall explain the details later, but it's not bad news."
It would be foolish to discuss the arrival of Justus and Eckhart right here in the hallway. After skillfully preventing Cornelius from making any further inquiries with a smile, I turned my gaze to Hartmut, who was walking on my other side.
“Hartmut, please inform my guard knights to gather in my room at once.”
“I presume you wish to hold a strategy meeting?” Hartmut asked with a calm and collected face. “I have already contacted everyone. I informed them time is of the essence, so even those who were stationed at the temple should be arriving about now. I told Roderick and Philine to stay as they are.”
Somewhat taken aback by his efficiency, I involuntarily did a double take at Hartmut.
"...w-well done."
“I am glad to be of use to you, Lady Rozemyne.”
As Hartmut had predicted, everyone was already there when I returned to my room. However, it did not escape my eye that the knights who had rushed over from the temple still seemed slightly out of breath.
“Um, Lady Rozemyne. Hartmut informed us there was some kind of emergency…”
"Yes,” I said. “I know this comes rather suddenly, but I'm going to attack Ahrensbach’s foundation tonight.
"……excuse me?"
The situation had changed considerably since this morning. It was not something I could have predicted either, so their reaction was to be expected. I quickly explained the current situation to those who hadn’t attended today’s meeting. That Ferdinand lay collapsed in Ahrensbach’s replenishing hall, that Georgine would likely use this opportunity to invade Ehrenfest, that I would be going to Ahrensbach tonight to rescue Ferdinand, that I secured Dunkelfelger’s assistance with the help of Sylvester, and that Justus and Eckhart had arrived at the Royal Academy and would join us later.
There was no denying it, this was an emergency. As everyone's face tightened, I started giving instructions. There was little time until departure.
"First of all, for my attendants, I ask that Lieseletta and Gretia accompany me to my Library. Ottilie and Bertilde, please stay here and pack my highbeast-riding clothes, shoes, and any feystones and magic tools in this room I might need. Also, since I shall be taking dinner and a nap at my library, please arrange to move my personal chefs as well.”
“Lady Rozemyne, how many people shall be having dinner at the library tonight?” Ottilie asked. “I believe it would be wise to prepare extra ingredients as well……”
As I looked around and started counting, Lieseletta quickly stepped in.
“Ottilie, please pack as many ingredients as possible. I shall check with the chefs at the library. If it turns out we don’t have enough, I shall contact Lady Elvira. It seems Lord Eckhart shall be returning, so I’m certain she will be happy to cooperate."
Ottilie and Lieseletta had quickly divided the work between them. So, I moved on.
"When you are done, I would like you to assist Florencia, Charlotte, and Brunhilde to collect information and prepare for Georgine’s invasion.”
"Understood," Ottilie smiled. “Better not waste any time then”, and immediately got to work. Bertilde, yet unaccustomed to my reckless behavior, hurried after Otillie in a fluster.
“Then, Lady Rozemyne,” Lieseletta asked. “Would you like Gretia and me to go to the library and assist Lasfam with the preparations to receive our guests?”
"Yes, indeed,” I replied. “You are very perceptive, Lieseletta. Eckhart and Justus shall be having dinner with us and taking a nap as well. I will leave the preparations to you."
"Understood. Since there is little time, we shall go ahead,” Lieseletta said, then added, “Oh, and please don’t accidentally send all your retainers off on errands. Be sure to keep a guard knight to accompany you to the library.” before leaving the room with Gretia.
"Hartmut and Clarissa, I would like you to distribute the magic tools and rejuvenation potions you have made so far, and after that..." I began, but I was interrupted by Clarissa.
"Please rest assured!” she enthusiastically declared. “We have prepared enough magic tools and rejuvenation potions to last us. So, we can leave at any time. Once we have distributed everything, Hartmut and I shall take turns to take a nap."
Setting aside Clarissa, a scholar of the sword from Dunkelfelger, it surprised me that she thought Hartmut would be included as a member of our invading party as a matter of course.
“It will be difficult for you to manage the magic tools and potions loaded inside your highbeast by yourself,” Hartmut pointed out. “Even more so if you wish to distribute them to Dunkelfelger as well. So, please allow me to tag along, so you may focus on rescuing Lord Ferdinand."
"...I appreciate the offer,” I replied. “But I do not believe this battlefield is a place for scholars to go." As I folded my arms and slightly tilted my head, contemplating whether he would do all right on the battlefield despite lacking any ditter experience, a smile appeared on Hartmut’s lips.
“Oh, do you truly believe that to be the case, Lady Rozemyne?” he asked in an amused tone. “Aren’t you an archduke candidate and a scholar apprentice yourself?”
"Ugh... Time is of the essence, if you slow us down, I will leave you behind!” I declared in frustration, unable to argue with him.
Hartmut smiled calmly in response, “That won’t be a problem since I will be riding inside your highbeast, Lady Rozemyne, to manage the magic tools.”
"Just leave it to us!” Clarissa proclaimed. “…I suppose it’s time to fully demonstrate my true strength. I have traveled from Dunkelfelger to Ehrenfest without rest once before!"
……NOOOO! That’s not something to be proud of!
Since I wanted to increase our stock of antidotes as much as possible before departure, I decided to let Hartmut and Clarissa do as they wanted and sent them off to the library. Then, I looked around at the knights who would be accompanying me to Ahrensbach.
"Laurenz, since you are still a minor, you have a choice,” I said. “Would you prefer to come with me or stay here?"
“I have given my name to you, Lady Rozemyne,” he stated with a bitter smile. “Please do not leave me behind.”
As if on cue, Judith’s hand shot into the air, "I don't want to be left behind either!"
However, as things were, I could not give her permission to accompany me. Knight apprentices were not allowed to work outside the noble’s quarter to begin with. For my sake, Sylvester had made an exception and included the temple to be within their scope of action. He had also given permission to bring them along should I be visiting their birthplaces for work. However, invading another duchy was most definitely not on the list of allowances given.
"Judith, since this is an emergency situation, you will need your father's permission. I cannot bring a minor to fight a battle in another duchy without their parent’s approval.”
"Why! ... I will send him an ordonnanz at once, to get his permission!" Judith exclaimed with teary eyes, before rushing out of the room.
I took this opportunity to give orders to my guard knights.
“I would like all of you to take turns going to the knight’s dormitory to have dinner, take a nap, and prepare for departure. Damuel will be the only adult knight to remain in Ehrenfest.”
My guard knights gave Damuel a surprised look, then gathered to discuss their rotation schedule. Damuel was left to stand on his own. I softly tugged on his cape and handed him a sound-blocking magic tool.  
"I want you to stay here, because there is something only you can do."
“Lady Rozemyne?” Damuel asked cautiously.
“Please protect my family,” I said. “They are more important to me than anything else in Ehrenfest. Georgine and her lackeys kept contact with the former high bishop. So, there is a chance she knows about my family and their whereabouts in the lower city. She may have realized they are my greatest weakness.”
If one carefully studied the circumstances surrounding my entering the temple, Charlotte’s rescue, my connections in the lower city, my choice of exclusive craftspeople, and my trends, it would be abundantly clear who were the most important people in my life. Considering that Georgine was planning to sneak into the temple and seize the foundation, as the high bishop, I was probably the biggest obstacle in her way. Objectively speaking, taking my family and the Gutenburgs hostage would be the most effective way to block any resistance on my side.
"Damuel, I cannot ask this of anyone else. You are the only one who knows. Please."
“Understood.” Damuel sighed. “… I made the same promise to Lord Ferdinand after all.”
"To Lord Ferdinand?"
As the question left my lips, Damuel gazed into the distance, presumably in Ahrensbach’s direction.
“Before he left for Ahrensbach, he told me I would become the only one who directly knew you from your shrine maiden days.”
Both Sylvester and Karstedt knew that I was a commoner as well, but when I was still an apprentice blue shrine maiden, we had only met face-to-face a few times, not daily. Even though Ferdinand had given them reports on my life in the temple, they likely did not fully understand how much I cared about my family.
“Therefore, he ordered me to protect your heart, Lady Rozemyne,” Damuel continued. “He also told me to keep tabs on Hartmut’s information-gathering activities, to keep him from stepping out of line. A truly unreasonable request, if you ask me."
Damuel looked down at me with a bitter smile. I suddenly realized his face was a lot closer than it used to be. Back in my shrine maiden days, our eye levels had been completely different.
......when we first met, I only reached up to Damuel’s stomach. I couldn’t look him in the eye unless he kneeled.
As the thought crossed my mind, Damuel kneeled before me. Rather than making eye contact, however, I could only see his brown hair.
"I suppose that as your guard knight, I should advise you that staying here in Ehrenfest is the safest option…" Damuel paused for a moment. Then he raised his head and looked me in the eyes. “Take care, Lady Rozemyne. Stay true to your desires and be sure to save Lord Ferdinand. May you have the blessing of the gods.”
"Thank you, Damuel. You are truly a knight of the finest sort."
As Damuel returned the sound-blocking tool and left the room, Cornelius gave me a curious look.
"Where is Damuel off to?"
“He is off to protect my most important things. Damuel is a guard knight too, after all,” I smiled. “Have you decided in what order you will take your naps?”
After confirming the knights' rotation, I headed to the library.
“Lady Rozemyne, I have been waiting for your return. I heard about Lord Ferdinand…”
As soon as Lasfam finished his greeting, he quickly came over to inquire after Ferdinand. He must have heard about it from my retainers who had arrived earlier. Anyone would get anxious upon hearing that their Lord was on the verge of death far away in another duchy, let alone a name-sworn retainer. Until now, I had rarely seen anything but a smile on his face, but today Lasfam’s expression was stiff, his green eyes betraying his inner turmoil.
“I understand your concern, Lasfam. However, I have obtained permission from Aub Ehrenfest to invade Ahrensbach to rescue him, and secured assistance from Dunkelfelger. I also expect Justus and Eckhart to arrive here by sixth bell."
As we walked toward my room, I inquired Lasfam about the status of the preparations.
“Are the guest rooms for Justus and Eckhart ready? The number of people eating dinner here has increased significantly, are there enough ingredients? Have the chefs arrived yet?”
As I rattled off my list of questions, Lasfam assured me the preparations were proceeding smoothly.
"I was hoping to have everything ready before they arrive,” I said, then added, “And if I inquire after the situation in Ahrensbach over dinner, that should leave sufficient time to prepare any additional things we may need.”
"Understood. I will have everything ready by sixth bell."
I noticed the tinge of unease had disappeared from Lasfam's voice. So, I added another task to the list.
“Also, if possible, please contact Eckhart and Justus’ family homes to see if any of their clothes are still left in Ehrenfest. I presume they did not have the chance to bring any.”
Lasfam nodded, “In that case, I shall prepare a change of clothes for Lord Ferdinand as well. He may need it.”
As I entered my room, Lasfam energetically walked off, his mind focused on what needed to be done. Since my retainers were all busy taking care of preparations, I knew I would only get in their way if I started wandering around. So, I decided to do what I could while staying in my room.
First of all, I sent an ordonnnanz to Brigitte in Illgner to inform her that it was highly likely that Ahrensbach would use Ferdinand’s incapacitation to invade Ehrenfest, and that Georgine was likely to operate in the shadow. I also told her about the silver cloth, requested she gather information from the commoners in their province, and reminded her to stay in close contact with the other Giebe.
“Grandfather is ready to provide backup at any moment. If you notice any irregularities at the border, contact us at once.”
Brigitte immediately sent a reply, “We received an ordonnanz from Lady Florencia earlier, but she didn’t relay nearly as many details. I would like to thank you for the additional and valuable information. We shall keep in contact with the other Giebe and ask our citizens to keep an eye out.”
Realizing that the Giebe’s of the border provinces hadn't received much information, I sent an ordonnanz to Florencia telling her, “Please share more details with the border provinces, and request Giebe Gerlach and Giebe Gardun to have their knights tighten their defenses.”
With the ordonnanzes taken care of, I entered my hidden room and searched the book of Mestionora for a map of Ahrensbach. I hoped to learn the location of the border gate and the temple. My efforts were rewarded, as I found a map of the duchy and the blueprint that was used to build the temple, thus learning everything I wished to know.
……it went through hell to get it, but I'm glad I did. It's amazingly useful! Thanks be to the Gods!
I copy-pasted the map and blueprint each onto a sheet of magic paper that Clarissa had prepared, thoroughly pleased with the results of my search. Understanding maps wasn’t exactly my forte. I always had trouble figuring out my current position and the location of my destination, but I was sure that at least one of my knights would be able to read it.
With high hopes, I searched for a blueprint of the castle too, so I might determine the location of its replenishing hall, but unfortunately, nothing popped up.  Since a castle’s floor plan would rarely be revised, about the only opportunity to see a blueprint of the entire castle was when Entwickeln was performed. Maybe it was in the part of the book that Ferdinand had?
“Seriously, why am I missing the most crucial information!?” I grumbled to myself.
There was no point in crying over it. Besides, Justus and Eckhart probably knew its location, so it didn’t really matter. So instead, I decided to copy-paste some magic circles that might come in handy.
After a while, the summoning tool glowed, indicating someone outside wished to speak with me.  As I exited my hidden room, Judith reported, “I was told to stay in Ehrenfest.” with a disappointed face. Considering a parent’s feelings, I hadn’t expected anything else.
"If you think that accompanying me to Ahrensbach is the only job expected of my guard knights, you are mistaken. It is also their job to protect the people important to me who I cannot bring with me."
"That's true, but..." Judith’s voice trailed.
Invading another duchy probably seemed like a spectacular job to a knight. The difference in mindset between Damuel, who was working hard on a humble job, and Judith could not be clearer.
“To allow me peace of mind, Damuel has promised to stay behind and guard my loved ones,” I said. “Judith, I want you to work with Damuel to protect the temple and the lower city. My Gutenburgs will be essential if I ever hope to expand the printing industry. They are indispensable to me. Tell yourself, “I shall not allow Georgine in.” Do not compromise on that determination as you protect the temple and Ehrenfest.”
Judith had good eyesight and specialized in ranged attacks. Stationing her at the temple, and having her attack with bug bombs, should give even a noble-born lady like Georgine a good scare. That silver cloth would not protect her.
"Understood,” Judith acceded. “I shall guard the temple.”
As I continued preparing as I saw fit, sixth bell rang. Soon after, Justus and Eckhart arrived. I immediately left my room to welcome them.
“Justus, Eckhart!”
"...L-Lady Rozemyne?"
Seeing me all grown up, Justus froze in place, left at a loss for words. Apparently, Sylvester had not informed them. However, unlike Justus, Eckhart quietly turned his blue eyes to me and softly murmured, “Rozemyne, is that you?” Then, immediately moved on and questioned me on the current state of our preparations.
……Eckhart certainly cares more about whether we can save Ferdinand and how far our preparations have progressed, than my sudden growth. No surprise there.
His lack of reaction was refreshing and reassuring.
“We have already prepared everything you just mentioned,” I told him. “I also acquired Dunkelfelger’s assistance, and we shall leave to rescue Lord Ferdinand tonight.”
“Just as I would expect from my little sister,” Eckhart replied. “It’s clear you were educated by Lord Ferdinand."
Hearing the honest praise and seeing the sparkle of hope in his eyes made me very happy. Eckhart only ever praised me whenever I was exceedingly useful to Ferdinand. In short, I was doing an amazingly good job right now.
"...Aub Ehrenfest said you have some kind of plan. Is that true?"
"Yes, brother,” I answered. “I do have a plan. And with you and Justus here, the odds of success have significantly increased."
My biggest worry was that I didn't know the location of the replenishing hall, but with their help, I should be able to get there without getting lost. Eckhart nodded in reply, “Good.”
“Eckhart, how can you completely ignore how much Lady Rozemyne has changed?” Justus asked, exasperated.
“I do not care how much she changes on the outside,” Eckhart answered. “As long as she still cares about Lord Ferdinand on the inside, I am good.” Showing no interest in the situation whatsoever, he walked over to Lasfam. In his hand, he held a metal cage containing a single name-swearing stone. I guessed it was probably Lasfam’s.
"Even then, doesn’t it intrigue you?"
Unlike Eckhart, it seemed Justus wanted to hear more details about my rapid growth. His brown eyes were gleaming with curiosity, and he started squirming in place. He clearly wanted to know more, but was unsure how to broach the subject in our current state of emergency.
"Lady Rozemyne, what happened to your body?” Justus eventually asked. “I have never heard of anyone growing that much in such a short period of time, and into such a beautiful young lady not to mention."
As Justus slowly approached me, Hartmut slipped between us, saying, "I am glad you asked." His orange eyes were gleaming with anticipation, sending a shiver down my spine.
"I doubt anyone other than Lady Rozemyne shall ever be bestowed the privilege of a miracle like this. It proves beyond a doubt how truly blessed she is by the gods. This was a miracle granted by Anwachs, the god of growth! Please allow me to explain in great detail the workings of this wonderful miracle."
“Certainly, but do stop when Justus gets tired of listening," I said.
I expected even Justus would soon get tired of Hartmut. He was in the habit of looping same-sounding compliments and overreferencing the gods, making his explanations hard to understand. In fact, my closest retainers kept dismissing him, saying, "No thanks, you already told me that before.”
……unfortunately, their evasions only motivate him to come up with new ways to express his excitement, infinitely increasing the number of unnecessary compliments.
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yuyuisabookworm · 1 year
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( Edit credit: @/yurgenschmidt )
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♢Spoilers: Part 1 ♢Spoilers: Part 2 ♢Spoilers: Part 3 ♢Spoilers: Part 4 ♢Spoilers: Part 5 ♢Spoilers: Web Novel ♢Spoilers: Anime
(will add onto this list as needed! it is not exhaustive)
A. ♦Adolphine ♦Anastasius ♦Angelica ♦Aurelia B. ♦Benno ♦Bertilde ♦Bonifatius ♦Brigitte ♦Brunhilde C. ♦Charlotte ♦Clarissa ♦Corinna ♦Cornelius D. ♦Damuel ♦Deila ♦Detlinde ♦Dirk E. ♦Eckhart ♦Effa ♦Eglantine ♦Elvira F. ♦Ferdinand ♦Florencia ♦Fran ♦Freida ♦Fritz G. ♦Georgine ♦Gil ♦Gretia ♦Gunther ♦Gustav H. ♦Hannelore ♦Hartmut ♦Hildebrand ♦Hirschur ♦Hortensia I. ♦Ignaz ♦Isidore J. ♦Johann ♦Judithe ♦Justus K. ♦Kamil ♦Karstedt ♦Konrad L. ♦Lamprecht ♦Lasfam ♦Laurenz ♦Leberecht ♦Leise ♦Leonore ♦Lestilaut ♦Letizia ♦Lieseleta ♦Lutz ♦Linhardt M. ♦Mark ♦Marthe ♦Matthias ♦Melchior ♦Monika ♦Muriella ♦Myne N. ♦Nicola ♦Nikolaus ♦Nora ♦Norbert O. ♦Ortwin ♦Ottilie ♦Otto P. ♦Philine R. ♦Raimund ♦Ralph ♦Raublut ♦Rauffen ♦Rihyarda ♦Roderick ♦Rosina ♦Rozemyne ♦Rudiger S. ♦Schwartz ♦Shikikoza ♦Sigiswald ♦Solange ♦Stenluke ♦Sylvester T. ♦Traugott ♦Tuuli U. ♦Urano V ♦Veronica W. ♦Weiss ♦Wilfried ♦Wilma Z. ♦Zahm
(will add onto this list as needed! it is not exhaustive)
♥Rozemyne/Lutz (or) ♥Myne/Lutz ♥Rozemyne/Wilfried ♥Rozemyne/Hartmut ♥Rozemyne/Lestilaut ♥Rozemyne/Ferdinand
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pwlanier · 11 months
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Charlotte Schreiber
Naughty Girl (Ottilie and Vio Grahame)
c. 1890
oil over albumen silver print, mounted on card
National Gallery of Canada
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jahdiel-death · 1 year
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✧˖ ° Posh Event✧˖ ° 
DPStudios – Amber 3 Pose
Props Not Included
Copy Only
 Sheena Outfit (Shown on Legacy) 
Shirt, Panty, & Boots
✧˖ ° Ottilie ✧˖ ° 
Shimmering Nude Eyeshadow
6 BOM Layes
Lel Evo X
✧˖ ° Dalila✧˖ ° 
Jaya Nail Kit (Shown on Legacy) 
Gift located @ Mainstore
5 colors to Mix with HUD applier | C M T
1 size option in ALMOND format
Belleza | Erika | Kupra | Legacy | Maitreya | Reborn | S. Alice | Slink
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spiderandthesims · 3 years
1880s Names
Abel, Abraham, Adam, Addison, Adelbert, Alexander, Alfred, Aloysius, Alphonse, Ambrose, Amos, Anderson, Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Anton, Archibald, Art, Arthur, Aubrey, August, Augustine, Augustus, Avery
Ada, Adelaide, Adele, Adeline, Agatha, Agnes, Alice, Alma, Almeda, Alta, Anastasia, Angeline, Anna, Annabelle, Anne, Arizona, Augusta, Augustine, Aurelia, Aurora
Barney, Benjamin, Bennett, Bernard, Bishop, Bradford
Beatrice, Bernadette, Bess, Bessie, Beulah, Birdie
Carlton, Carson, Casper, Cassius, Cecil, Charles, Chauncey, Chester, Christian, Christopher, Clarence, Claude, Clement, Clifford, Coleman, Conrad, Cornelius, Curtis
Camille, Caroline, Catherine, Cecilia, Celestia, Celestine, Celia, Charity, Charlotte, Christine, Claire, Clara, Clarice, Claudia, Clementine, Conception, Constance, Corda, Cordelia, Cornelia
Dallas, Daniel, Darius, David, Dennis, Dewitt, Dorsey, Douglas, Dudley, Dwight
Daisy, Delia, Della, Delphia, Docia, Dollie, Dolly, Dolores, Dora, Dorcas, Doris, Dorothy, Dove, Dovie, Drucilla
Early, Edmond, Edward, Edwin, Eldridge, Eli, Elias, Elijah, Elliott, Ellis, Ellsworth, Elmer, Elton, Elwood, Emerson, Emery, Emil, Emmett, Enoch, Ephraim, Erasmus, Erastus ,Eric, Ernest, Ervin, Erwin, Eugene, Everett, Ezra
Edith, Edmonia, Effie, Elaine, Elda, Eldora, Eleanor, Elise, Eliza, Elizabeth, Ella, Elma, Elnora, Eloise, Elsa, Elsie, Emily, Emma, Emmaline, Era, Erma, Erna, Ernestine, Essie, Esta, Estella, Estelle, Esther, Ethel, Ethelyn, Etta, Eudora, Eugenia, Eula, Eulalia, Eunice, Euphemia
Felix, Ferdinand, Francis, Franklin, Frederick, Fredrick
Fanny, Fay, Felicia, Fern, Fidelia, Flora, Florence, Florida, Francis
Gabriel, Garrett, General, George, Gideon, Giles, Golden, Gregory
Geneva, Genevieve, Georgia, Georgie, Goldie, Grace, Gwendolyn
Harmon, Harold, Harris, Harrison, Henry, Hollis, Homer, Horace, Howard, Howard, Howell, Hugo
Harriett, Hattie, Henrietta, Hester, Honora, Hope, Hortense
Imogene, Indiana, Iona, Iris, Isadora
Jack, Jackson, Jacob, James, Jasper, Jeremiah, John, Jonathan, Joseph, Josiah, Judson, Jules, Julian, Junius
Jane, Josephine, Judith, Julia, Julie, Juliet, June
Lawrence, Lawson, Leander, Leonard, Lewis, Lionel, Logan, Lucien, Lucius, Luther, Lyman
Lacy, Lillian, Lilly, Louise, Lucia, Lucille, Lucinda, Lucretia, Lucy
Major, Malcolm, Marcus, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mathias, Matthew, Maurice, Maxwell, Michael, Miles, Milo, Milton, Monroe, Morgan, Mortimer
Mabel, Madeline, Magnolia, Marie, Mary, Matilda, Maude, May, Melinda, Mildred, Millicent, Millie, Minerva, Minnie, Miriam, Missouri, Mollie, Mona
Nathan, Nathaniel, Neil, Nelson, Newton, Nicholas, Noah, Noel, Norman, Norris
Netta, Nettie, Nevada, Nona, Nora, Norah, Norma
Oliver, Oren, Orson, Otis, Otto, Owen
Odelia, Odessa, Ola, Olive, Ona, Opal, Ophelia, Ora, Orpha, Ottilie
Patrick, Percival, Percy, Peter, Phillip, Pierce, Pleasant
Pansy, Parthenia, Patience, Pearl, Penelope, Permelia, Philomena, Phoebe, Polly, Priscilla, Prudence
Raymond, Richard, Richmond, Robert, Rodney, Roger, Ross
Rita, Rosalie, Rose, Rowena, Ruby, Ruth
Samuel, Seymore, Sidney, Silas, Simon, Solomon, Stanley, Stephan, Sterling, Stewart, Sylvester
Samantha, Sophronia
Thaddeus, Theodore, Thomas, Thorton, Tillman, Timothy, Tobias, Truman
Tennessee, Thelma, Theodora, Theodosia, Theresa, Tillie
Valentine, Vernon, Victor, Vincent, Virgil
Vera, Verona, Vesta, Victoria, Viola, Violet, Virginia, Vivian
Walker, Wallace, Walter, Warren, Watson, Webster, Wesley, Wilber, Wilbert, Wilbur, Wiley, Wilfred, Willam, Willard, William, Wilson, Winfield
Wilda, Wilhelmina, Wilma, Winifred, Winnifred, Winona
Zella, Zora
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cordeliaflyte · 3 years
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Gabriele "Ellie", Valerie "Valli", and Ottilie "Ottla" Kafka, sisters of Franz Kafka, c. 1900.
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happyhauntt · 2 years
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sht i made for other people * ottilie mckinnon & remus lupin in i’ll grow myself an ivy noose.
quote by alexander blok, from selected poems; “An Autumn Evening” wr. c. 1906.
by gracefulheretic on wp.
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Tilla Durieux (Ottilie Godeffroy, 1880–1971), Auguste Renoir, 1914, European Paintings
Bequest of Stephen C. Clark, 1960 Size: 36 1/4 x 29 in. (92.1 x 73.7 cm) Medium: Oil on canvas
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phoenix-manga · 4 years
Went through the back log, and I have an idea for their chest sizes
Evonie - B cup
Ella - AA cup
Allison - AA cup
Briar - B cup
Cerule - C cup
Rozeline- B cup
Vidya - B cup
Jinlong - A cup
Elu - A cup
Perrine - B cup
Sophie - AA cup
Ottilie - B cup
Ru - A cup
What do you think? 🤔
If we deduce it by the artwork then it seems accurate to an extent.
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