#c: ranbob
mxi-88 · 7 months
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various tales
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sing-me-under · 11 months
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I just realized I never posted all of my c!Dream variants in one place??? I made these back in October then posted each one separately, but they’re all part of a collection.
Row 1: c!Dream (early canon, main, post-prison)
Row 2: Mamacita, Drista, NotDream123
Row 3: Francis, DreamXD, Cornelius
Row 4: Mexican Dream, Ranbob, Hubert
Headcanons under the cut:
I like the theory that Cornelius and Francis are both DreamXD. Cornelius is DreamXD before ascending to godhood, and Francis is just DreamXD fucking around in c!Dream’s skin (and c!Connor know this)
Before the SMP, c!Dream sold his skin to DreamXD in exchange for… something. He doesn’t remember doing this though. That’s why DreamXD looks like c!Dream. That’s also why c!Dream has void underneath his hair.
Mamacita, DreamXD, and c!Dream are the only True Dreamons left since all the others were either hunted down (Overworld) or simply went extinct (The End).
c!Ranboo is a dreamon-endermen hybrid originating from The End. He’s not a Dream variant though, so I didn’t include him. Although… even though dreamon halos are supposed to be completely unique, Ranbob has the exact same halo as Ranboo.
NotDream123 (aka Tom Simmons) and Hubert the Butler are just regular dreamon hybrids (in the same way most players are some sort of mob hybrid) with no connection to c!Dream or DreamXD. They’re just two guys.
MD is not a dreamon. He just adopted Mamacita’s culture.
Technically! c!Drista is not a dreamon. In my own headcanon, she’s actually the entity personification of the entire Dream SMP that took on the appearance of the SMP’s owner, c!Dream, and the local deity, XD.
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guakamoleboi · 6 months
I'm gonna be honest, I know dsmp wasn't perfect and some streamers are, yikes, but I really miss times when I was in this fandom 😔
I miss when I was drawing C!Ranboo, C!Tubbo and Ranbob, I miss being a part of Ranbob Daily (this account doesn't exist anymore) I miss my old moots.
I really loved my design of C!Ranboo and Ranbob
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Neo, what are some random headcanons you have?
Ranbutler covers his mouth when he smiles/laughs
Ranbutler laughs at Drew’s terrible jokes
Sherman has reading glasses
Ranbob and c!Dream cause chaos for no reason
Sherman can also play piano
Sir Billiam can do a handstand for like 10 minutes (idk why)
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awilddaydreamer · 2 years
c!Ranboo and his lineage are sooo gnc and gay
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mairen-marionette · 2 years
Do you have any ideas for Ranbob and c!Dream?
I love them sm
Ranbob used to scour every historical text he could get his hands on for any mention of Dream, no matter how small it was, and he compiled all of them into his own collection of things he knew about Dream. He still looks through that collection to this day.
They have also compiled all of the different stories they know about Dream, mostly folklore and tall tales but even so, there are a few that stick out to them as plausible.
I imagine that should he ever somehow meet Dream, he would happily show him all of this and proceed to try and figure out what was true, what was false, and everything in between. It'd catch Dream off guard at first, but I imagine he'd end up being flattered and, dare he admit, a bit touched actually.
That's all I can really think of at the moment, hope you like it though!
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conarcoin · 2 years
top 5 dream smp wives and girlfriends
5. c!ninja My braless wife brings me a sandwich (not asked for)
4. c!badboyhalo Boobs
3. c!slime Boobs
2. ranbob tftsmp. has 27 mental illnesses
1. c!schlatt. baa
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rainystressed247 · 1 year
hi! i love your baby enderdragon dream au, but i saw multiple versions of ranboo?? just how many are there, and do they have different names? i was only able to discern three different ranboos
also, i love your art!!
There are 4 different Ranboos in total! They are all characters he had played prior except for Ranbob!(and forgive me for not having an extensive reference sheet atm, I will work on that in the future ;-;)
BUT!!! You may find their respective design under the tag! Let me just list them out for now:
-c!Ranboo (caretaker/bulter)
-osmp!Ranboo (royal advisor)
-Ran from tales from the smp-the pit (ambassador)
-Ranbob from tales-lost city of mizu (head of royal guard) <- technically they are not played by Ranboo but I love them very much.
Thank you for loving the AU so far! His Majesty will be delighted!!!
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moondragon618 · 11 months
So I'm just now getting around to watching Tales from the SMP and I just watched the Lost City of Mizu and holy shit. Everyone was right it's actually really good and I've been sleeping on it lmaooo
Also I am fascinated by Ranbob like actually wtf is his deal I want to study him (affectionate). I know ppl joke that he's like the #1 c!Dream apologist so I kind of knew that going in and like. Yes but also I kind of got the vibe that he's been luring ppl in to be sacrificed to his lord and savior c!Dream lmao
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mcytblrconfessions · 2 years
for the longest time i thought ranbob and c!ranboo were two separate ppl, so much that i thought they were separate ccs as well, to be fair on me, im not a dsmp fan at all and despite watching philza on a semi regular basis i never got into his dsmp stuff, so u cant blame me for not knowing they were played by the same man
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vivid-wisp · 1 year
Probably insignificant to mention now that DSMP has quieted down, but I was a C!Ranboo time-traveler truther since like.. The very beginning of 2021. It’s kinda funny because if I remember correctly, that headcanon wasn’t that popular back then, I don’t think people even knew that HC existed until MONTHS later.
I think the reason I even began to believe in it was the whole connection between losing memories, “don’t forget who you are,” the whole juxtaposition between white-black and choosing sides, also Ranbob’s existence in the Mizu stream.. Man. Looking back on DSMP now, I loved many things from that era, but no doubt my favorites were Ranboo’s lore and Karl’s lore. They were what got me fully into DSMP and expand watching more CCs beyond just Skeppy and Bad back then. I will always be thankful to them for that.
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w0rped-moss · 2 years
Moss, what are some Tales headcanons you have but don't really talk about too much?
hubert is from the wild west. billiam started out as a bandit. he got his fortune by robbing the bank and also stole a child.
francis is distantly related to c!dream. third cousins or something.
the beach episode takes place before the smp
mr cycle and c!slime are the same guy
crops was raised by coyotes. the sheriff found him digging up a grave and decided to adopt him into the town
c!connor was the other time traveler. the conversation about "getting rid of him" takes place chronologically AFTER c!connor's death
ranbob is a gardener
ran asked porkius to let him into the tournament.
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24-guy · 2 years
I love the idea of c!Dream and Ranbob having some sort of relationship where it’s Dream murdering someone and Ranbob’s just like: “isn’t he beautiful?”
No, sweetheart, he just killed someone
It low-key goes both ways, too.
It's attractive to cDream, sure. But Ranbob is fully down bad every single time. Weak at the knees.
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Neo, what are some of your headcanons for Ranbob that you don't get to talk about too often?
Ranbob really likes music. They kinda listen to any kind of music, they don’t mind the genre, and they have thousands of songs in their playlists
Ranbob once ran from the Mizu police by pure mistake. They were looking for Ran cause he did something stupid, and they saw Ranbob and thought it was Ran
Has an emotional attachment to Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia
They like to paint, and they help decorate the idol rooms
If they were to meet Ranboo, I think they’d just be disappointed
They broke a table over someone’s head once. They also broke multiple windows and doors down
Was relatively bullied by other Mizu residents growing up, but they never really cared
They dye strands of their hair to match their eyes
Ranbob simps for literally anything Dream does. Dream could literally stab someone and Ranbob would be knees weak. Simp
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dr3amofagame · 2 years
This whole thing about c!wilbur wanting c!dream to confirms that "he was a tirant,c!wilbur made a country against an dictator" made me remember of Ranbob
SKSKKS hey what's a little historical revisionism between pals right
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mairen-marionette · 2 years
My friend has introduced me to the idea of Dream and Ranbob as in a relationship point of view
How would Dream actually treat them if the two met? We know Ranbob would be ecstatic, but how would Dream be?
Would he manipulate their admiration of him? Would he actually see them as something more than a plaything, maybe an ally or even a friend? Or would he actually get attached to them or their attention?
It’s very interesting in an analysis kind of way
I think he'd be wary and suspicious of Ranbob at first, and it'd be a bit of uneasy alliance on Dream's end, at least until he realized that Ranbob's admiration and trust was genuine. I think that'd be when he'd see him as a kind of ally at least, not like Punz but still, an ally even so. One that's loyal and useful to him, and worth keeping around at least.
Maybe attachment would come eventually the more he got to know Ranbob, and maybe even friendship too, but for now? It's an alliance, simple as that. Ranbob is good company, at least- he's just happy to be around his idol, that's all. Ranbob's happy to be around him, and maybe that makes Dream happy too, even if he won't say it.
It really is an interesting relationship honestly. I just think they're neat.
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