#c: wilorin
danikindofwrites · 2 years
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"You are really going to look me in the eye and tell me that I'm doing it wrong? Who is the medical professional and who has a broken leg here... That's what I thought." -WILORIN WHITESPIRE to KOSKE ICHANTE
I took a break from coding yesterday to draw some of the characters for TRN so here's some M!Wilorin and Koske sketches while I work between writing and finishing some of the official colored pictures of the RO's
tumblr shot the quality as usual✌(ツ)
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danikindofwrites · 2 years
❝ even when you’re annoying the fuck out of me, i still love you. ❞ For Wilorin? 😌✨ I just think it kind of fit them and MC lol!
Take all your time to write this <3
Solange! Thank you for the prompt! And you are very right, it does indeed fit them ♥ ❝ even when you’re annoying the fuck out of me, i still love you. ❞ from this prompt list Wilorin shouldn't have kept their hopes up that you would stay asleep the whole night. In fact they were sure it was purely to spite them that you happened to sit up in the makeshift bed in the corner of the room with a pained hiss just as they managed to get their work sorted. "Saints shapely ass that hurts." They rolled their eyes as you went straight to checking the bandages on your side but stood from their desk to quickly make it across the candlelit room and slap your hand away from its wandering, admittedly a lot softer than they had originally intended. Their patching was pristine as always however and they didn't want you messing it up by unraveling their hard work with your picking, "Yes, that's an unfortunate side effect to getting stabbed I assure you." Of course you ignored their sarcastic remark and despite them practically looming over your form you went to stand up from the cot anyway, which Wilorin scoffed at the audacity and stopped you with a stern hand to the shoulder, squeezing lightly to tell you they were serious. "Lay back down."
"You want me to just lay here?"
"And do what? Stare at the ceiling?"
"I want you to rest." You glared at each other, unstoppable force meeting immovable object. The tension was palpable and so you did the only thing you knew would get them to relent. "Lay down with me then?" Wilorin's hand practically flew off of your shoulder and you couldn't help but laugh at how offended they appeared, the tips of their ears turning red as it was their turn to hiss out their words. "Eddath above you are annoying," you watched them pinch the bridge of their nose before muttering under their breath. Your chuckles taper off however as you are stunned to find them once again pushing your shoulder to get you to lay back down- and moving to do so as well. "You're going to have to move over," they huff, eyeing the size of the bed that would have been a difficult fit them normally let alone both of you now. "Or you could lay on top of me, but I can't guarantee any comfort in that." There's still red blooming across their scowling face but they seem determined to actually make this work. You do as they say, going along with them adjusting both of your bodies for as much comfort as you can get on the cramped space and eventually end up tangled together in just the right way that your head is on their chest and their arms are around you but carefully placed away from your bandaged side.
It's quiet for a moment as you bask in the warmth of their body and the foreign comfort, "You didn't actually have to lay down." You finally manage into the silence and feel them hum deep in their chest and it takes them even longer to respond then you did.
"Even when you are annoying the fuck out of me, I still love you."
It's spoken so softly you barely hear it, but something swells and flutters in your chest as their hold on you tightens ever so slightly and you feel the brush of their lips to the top of your head.
"Now rest." .
"Wilorin...my stitches are itchy." You feel them groan, "I'll get a salve."
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danikindofwrites · 2 years
Delivering a 🎁 (present) and a 📦 (package) to your inbox 😉 (for all of them or just whomever you feel like doing)
Hope you're well!! ❤️
Hey Albie! ❤️ I'm doing really well right now, I hope you are too! Ahh this one got long because the present one got a little out of hand, but I kept it to just the RO's and then some of the rest of the cast for package because they were really fun :') 🎁&📦 from this ask list
🎁 PRESENT- what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving? Just the RO's
Enoc: He's really simple when it comes to gifts, giving him something practical like new inkpots, pens, bags are always a good gift to him, he also appreciates having old things renewed such as a favorite cloak or boots that he's worn to threads. He's pretty much the same with gift giving, which can be good and bad, all of his gifts would be useful or he knows you've run out of recently and use a lot, there is the few cases that he does go out of his way to give a gift if its an item he's noticed you keep going back to but end up ignoring, but it is rare occurrence.
Rowul: They love gifts, it doesn't even usually matter what kind of gift it is, but they highly appreciate things like old antiques or relics, things that have history to them or a story they can appreciate that they can think back on every time they look at it. In turn they also love lavishing gifts on others for no reason at all other than it was something they thought of and was pretty or interesting, so there's lots of expensive clothing pieces, rare manuscripts, pretty jewelry and spices or foods that are unique being gifted to you if you are close to them.
Eowulf: She loves gifts that bring out memories, even if it doesn't make sense to other people and you gift her something strange like a stick and she knows what it means between the two of you, she'll laugh and put it somewhere she can see it again, but she also appreciates gifts that go with any new hobbies she's always switching between as she appreciates you putting up with her ever changing interests. For gift giving on the other hand she likes making things to give, carvings, paintings, she even tried her hand at forging items and though they are crude at best she will gift them anyway and say its a statement piece.
Sigunn: You want to make it into Sigunn's heart gift them anything historical and old, even if it looks like it's falling a part or covered in dirt and faded, in fact that almost makes it better, they will moon over it for centuries. They love giving gifts but it's usually something like tomes, charts, or plants, as that's what they have an abundance of and they want to share it with you given the chance, anything they found intriguing and they want you to also experience the joy they got from it.
Wilorin: They don't mind gifts, though they will repeatedly tell others not to give them anything you can tell they are begrudgingly touched by those that ignore them and get them something meaningful anyway as long as it is small and not expensive, they also won't except joke gifts and will make a show of dumping them out. They don't like giving items, but if they really want to show their appreciation to you they will take you to see or do something instead, give an experience instead of an item, so they will come up to you randomly and tell you there's a new market coming through or a theatre play in town and take you to it.
Belos: You could literally just get them a new sword or a dagger and they would be so happy but if you really wanted to hit the nail on the head, get it engraved with something sentimental between the two of you and they will never let it out of their sight. They don't like giving gifts, but mainly just because they get anxious that whoever they are gifting will hate it and so they overthink the process and end up backing out, but the times that they do gift someone an item its usually small or delicate, like a pendent, bracelet or ring, something they saw others gifting to people that they figured was a safe enough bet that they won't get in trouble for not getting anything flashy or specific.
📦 PACKAGE- what are some “most likely to…” that can apply to them? RO's + side cast
Enoc: -Most likely to be called "mom" by the group -Most likely to have an embarrassing tattoo -Most likely to be believed while obviously lying
Rowul: -Most likely to get lost and then locked in a museum -Most likely to fake their death -Most likely to date two people at once
Sigunn: -Most likely to feign illness to get out of work -Most likely to live the longest -Most likely to marry rich and plan an unfortunate accident
Eowulf: -Most likely to win at board games/cards/gambling -Most likely to have a messy room -Most likely to survive in the wilderness
Wilorin: -Most likely to make a sandwich for an intruder -Most likely to get a message and never reply -Most likely to get struck by lightning
Belos: -Most likely to burn water while cooking -Most likely to train themselves to fall asleep as soon as they close their eyes -Most likely to adopt a child
Koske: -Most likely to win a bar brawl -Most likely to believe in vampires and werewolves -Most likely to be convinced to cross-dress for a mission
Jeivanni: -Most likely to crack a joke during a serious conversation -Most likely to give everyone nicknames - Most likely to always have alcohol on them Beckett: -Most likely to be returned after being kidnapped because they "talked too much" -Most likely to eat something that was on the ground -Most likely to adopt a feral animal
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danikindofwrites · 2 years
RO Info Update
I wanted to post this on its own because I believe it is important information that i should have stated sooner since it changes some of the RO’s romance options to specific MC’s, and while some of this information is already a part of the pinned intro for TRN this is just for clarifying some new info. It will be updated into the RO's section as well as navigation so it won't get buried in the feed on its own :)
Enoc Castellon Enoc is not gender selectable and is a cisgender male (he/him). He is demiromantic and pansexual. He can be romanced by any MC and has a friends to lovers route with possible lovers to [???] or a friends to [???] to lovers.
Wilorin Whitespire Wilorin is gender selectable and can either be a cisgender male (he/him) or a cisgender female (she/her). Both male and female versions are demiromantic and asexual (sex-averse). Wilorin can be romanced by any MC and has a hate-to-love slowburn route.
Belos Belos is not gender selectable and is nonbinary (they/them). They are panromantic and pansexual. They can be romanced by any MC and has a rivals to lovers route with hurt/comfort tropes.
Rowul Wayvir Rowul is gender selectable and can either be a transgender male (he/him) or a transgender female (she/her). Both male and female versions are homoromantic and demisexual. A female Rowul can be romanced by a female and NB MC. A male Rowul can be romanced by a male and NB MC and has a angst “I love you but I’ll just end up hurting you” route.
Sigunn Mlane Sigunn is not gender selectable and is gender fluid (she/he/they). They are panromantic and pansexual. They can be romanced by any MC and have a fling to lovers or fling to friends-with-benefits route with secret relationship tropes.
Eowulf Rit Lechlen Eowulf is not gender selectable and is a cisgender female (she/they). She is homoromantic and asexual (sex-positive). She can be romanced by female and NB MC and has a "will-they-won’t-they" route with fake relationship tropes.
Okay that’s my announcement. Now go have a good rest of your time scrolling this hellsite :)
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danikindofwrites · 2 years
Could you do 31 for all the ROs? Also just wanted to say the story and the art are all amazing, and can’t wait to see how it all goes!
Aww thank you so much anon :’D I’m glad you are enjoying it so far! And what a fun one from the list to work with! It’s not written out with details just yet, but I’ve had in mind a masquerade scene that MC and Co get to crash for a while, so this is another ask that is gonna touch on some actual story information <3
Rowul Wayvir They love masquerades and they love self-expression so they would go all out for their mask just on the edge of over indulgence while keeping it elegant enough that it is still classy. They want to be gossiped about, not ridiculed. They would want to wear a mask that covers their whole face to get as much area for intricate design as possible but would want to accentuate their eyes the most by using lots of silver, white marble or porcelains most likely with an ethereal opalescent sheen to contrast the gold of their eyes in grand sweeping patterns. As a play off of their Vae ancestry they would keep to an angelic theme with hand crafted feather detailing and crest and carved horns wrapped in an embroidered train they could trail behind them for extra dramatic effect and be used as emphasis when exiting a bad conversation.
Eowulf Rit Lechlen She is very proud of her family name despite them having been gone so long from the heart of Gahliarch, so as a way to almost mock the fact that her family is no longer welcome among nobility she would choose the most traditionally relevant design possible to get as much attention as possible so they know who she is and the fact that she is openly claiming her families lineage. She would choose a half mask in marble design with swirled gilded gold and emerald detailing that travels down like a necklace and across the top of the shoulders with a traditional matching headpiece, just luxurious enough to be noticed for it’s cultural meaning but still comfortable to be worn for the whole of the masquerade.
Belos They do not like masquerades, as a bodyguard it just means that they have a harder time keeping track of things and keeping things under control, but it is also a part of their job to blend in, not wearing a mask or wearing one that is too simple would catch unwanted attention. They would never choose it on their own but a full face mask in either metal or even bone with some simple detailing at least gives them an assurance they are balanced between protection and disguise. They wouldn’t wear anything with jewels, but they would allow for something with either silver detailing or could be convinced into wearing an intricate painted mask, nothing that could get snagged on things or hinder their movement, the opening for their eyes would have to be wider than most masks so that they have a clearer peripheral view and they would personally carve out a larger space in whatever mask they have no matter it’s price if they find it necessary. But as long as the mask is not a hindrance to their work Rowul can pretty much convince them to wear anything that would match the theme of the masquerade.
Enoc Castellon Hs is used to attending things like masquerades for the sake of gossip and passing of information discreetly between informants and clients. However instead of blending in as some others would choose to for the sake of ambiguity, Enoc likes to play subtle mind games by choosing eerily realistic face masks that hides just enough that people around him feel secure in giving information but is misleading if they are to try and recall anything about him later. Giving them something to latch onto in their memory that is realistic but far from his actual appearance which makes it more difficult for people to backstab him or identify, a subtle but significant scar often told with a compelling story to remember, different patterns or colors of skin with unique characteristics, different shaped or colored eyes and different facial structures. The mask is usually accompanied by a single splash of color such as ribbon, brooch or headpiece often meant for clients who understand what they are looking for to keep an eye out for in order to find him in a crowd without being caught.
Sigunn Mlane. They are a bard and by trade also a historian meaning they love using masquerades as a way to fallback on folklore or historical figures and events by crafting an outfit and mask that are recognizable to the crowd attending and strike up conversation. They treat it almost like a play or a theater and always make their own masks by hand but their favorite is an homage to a great figure of Gahliarch from the Manuscripts of Luin, a warrior said to have held off a Titan on their own. Sigunn likes capturing this scene with a bold mask designed to look like a helm with inlaid designs depicting the accolades that this great hero achieved alongside a veil and intricate crown to show their sainthood for sacrificing themself at the end of the grand battle. It is a very loud and eye catching display but Sigunn has never shied away from the attention and adores regaling guests on every little detail they made in honor of whichever piece of history they decided to use for the night.
Wilorin Whitespire They are the last person who wound want to be caught at a masquerade, they abhor them and the people who attend unironically and have had to attend them before they left their work in the court. They are the kind of person who would ultimately choose to go to a masquerade without a mask at all claiming it to be stifling to wear and a waste of money to buy but after some convincing would go with the lightest and most unobtrusive mask possible. Either just a mask to cover the eyes or one that just covers their mouth and nose, they would try to find one in a single color and leave it at that or at least one that doesn’t have anything they would claim as garish or eye catching and will probably abandon the mask first chance they get during the masquerade or immediately right after.
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danikindofwrites · 2 years
How would the ROs react to a MC that’s what to a world with no nobles no kings or queens basically no people who think their lives have more value than others just because they are rich have a special last name or wearing a metal hat
Ohh! So a MC that doesn't want a hierarchy at all is actually really close to a scenario that you can get with MC in The Rising Night, so this is a very interesting ask to work with!
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Enoc Castellon He doesn't agree entirely. He believes that there is a time and a place for people to have status when they are needed to make the difficult decisions a community can't. He also knows firsthand about the hierarchy that doesn't take the people's issues to mind and rule selfishly and agrees that they should be taken out to provide a better future for the people as a whole. Enoc is for democracy and believes that communities should have more control in their own decisions and believes that the nobility should be lessened, but Enoc would actively argue with an MC who thinks that there should be no rulers, it would certainly cause some tension between the two of them and Enoc would try to convince MC of the necessity of it.
Wilorin Whitespire They disagree almost entirely. They don't trust people to make the best decisions without someone above them in status, they have seen too many people make the wrong call to believe that people wouldn't end up harming each other without a hierarchy to govern them. If MC ever brought up the idea that there should be no nobility they would pull out the stops and show every grueling and horrific piece of evidence they have and have experienced that people can't be trusted to themselves for what they would do to each other with no regulation and no law from a hierarchy. So it's not that they like nobility, far from it, it's that they believe that it is a necessary evil.
Eowulf Rit Lechlen Surprisingly Eowulf agrees with the idea almost wholeheartedly. She and her family were once Gahliarchen nobility, but they have been manipulated, used and then exiled when they were no longer necessary as a cog in the machine and so among other things Eowulf sees it as nothing but corrupt. She would entirely be on MC's side in saying that there should be no hierarchy and actively pursues such notions, she doesn't hold back either in her distaste for it and will openly say it to anyone, even those of status themselves. She makes it her business to tear them down and would be thrilled if MC was also of the same mindset.
Sigunn Mlane It's not something they like to talk about. As much as they don't like being a neutral party and would rather express their opinion, as a bard they are literally trained to not interfere with matters of politics. A bard's duty is to write down the accurate history around them as it is seen as holy and unable to be tampered with, so even if they had an opinion of whether there should be rulers or not is not up to them to discuss actively, leaving them in a very passive position. Sigunn is sometimes seen as taking Eowulf's side since they are her and her families personal bard, but if they were to discuss such things with MC it would be a very dodgy conversation, and if MC were to do anything about it, they legally could not interfere.
Belos They have no love for the nobility. Due to personal reasons from their past, they rather despise them. While they do not actively search out ways to do anything about it they have no qualms as an assassin taking out those in the hierarchy after being a part of some of the underhanded business of the nobility firsthand. That being said, they also understand that it was a noble- Rowul to be exact, that also saved them from that past. If MC were to want a world without hierarchy though, he'd simply ask them to point him in the direction of who they'd want taken care of first.
Rowul Wayvir They did not start as nobility themselves, their family worked their way through the ranks from simple merchants. But because of things that they know, and keep close to the chest, they certainly do not like it. They use their status to get where they need to be in order to change the hierarchy from within like a slow spreading poison, sometimes even choosing to be the reason why people don't like nobility to begin with to enforce that change from the people. They know it is hypocritical of them sometimes, but they know that their end goal is more important then a few judgements. An MC who believes such things is right up their alley and would see it as the perfect piece in the political game, they would not always say aloud that they agree with MC, but they would surely show it through their actions.
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danikindofwrites · 2 years
ROs favorite and least favorite qualities about themselves? What about your favorite and least favorite qualities about them?
Oh! I like this one! I'm assuming this means personality qualities? If not I'm sorry Anon that's just how it presented itself to me, feel free to shoot another anon ask if you meant more like physical qualities. Also this turned out super long so I'm going to put it under a bar to keep reading so it doesn't take forever to scroll down.
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Enoc Castellon Male So for Enoc it's a little spoilery to say too much about what he doesn't like about himself, in a more general sense for himself however for his least favorite quality it would have to be his inability to do more. He believes that he should always be going above his current capabilities and burdens himself by taking everything on at once. His favorite quality about himself would have to be his ability to understand other people emotionally, it's a trait he has valued in making sure that he is befriending the right people in his life. My personal favorite quality about Enoc is probably their protectiveness, he is very much a character that looks out for others even when they push him away and it is very endearing to write. My least favorite for Enoc would have to be that he is way too quick to throw himself under criticism, whether its self-criticism or someone else's words about him, he takes it all to heart.
Belos Nonbinary Their favorite quality about themselves would probably have to be their quick thinking. Belos' reaction time to things is honestly extraordinary and they pick up on things faster than most people to ensure they have a plan for everything. Their least favorite quality however is most likely their poor social skills. Belos has a hard time engaging in social situations that require them to make small talk or speak up so they tend to stick to the side and let others do the talking while they observe. My favorite quality of Belos is their loyalty, its a bit of a double edged sword since they will take the fall for someone they are loyal to if they believe it is the right thing to do, but it makes them a very compelling character to write when they aren't swayed by outside influences very often as they know to stand their ground in what they believe in. My least favorite is also their loyalty? Because of pretty much the same thing I stated before, it's a double edged sword and is gonna come bite them in the ass if their not careful.
Eowulf Rit Lechlen Female She is probably the most personally driven out of the characters, meaning her favorite quality for herself is knowing what she wants and going for it. She has had plans in mind since she was very young and is not going to let them go easily. A pretty apparent quality that she dislikes about herself though is her impatience, if things aren't going how she envisioned them she has a tendency to rush things or make brash decisions that she later has to deal with and almost always regrets. My favorite quality about Eowulf is her fearlessness, she does things without hesitation and really paves the way as a potential leader figure, making sure that those following know there is nothing to truly fear by way of action. My least favorite would have to be her manipulative nature, as stated before when she knows what she wants she goes for it, but how she goes about getting it isn't always in a way that would be considered reputable.
Rowul Wayvir M/F (player's choice) Rowul's least favorite thing about themselves is that they treat people as pieces, like pawns in a game, to be moved about and put where they will benefit them the best and ends up forgetting that they are also living breathing people like themself. Their favorite however is their charisma. Naturally charming they seem like the kind of person who can get away with anything and simply chat their way out of any trouble, or eloquently insult someone without them even knowing. My favorite quality of Rowul is their generosity, they understand they are from a place of abundance and knowledge and wish to give that equally to others, if given an opportunity to enhance someone else's life they will do what they can without expecting anything back. My least favorite thing about Rowul is their overconfidence, they believe that they have most, if not all, things figured out in as many steps ahead as possible and they let that get to their head believing that they have everything where they want it.
Sigunn Mlane Genderfluid Sigunn has an innate ability to connect with people, their favorite quality about themselves, and it is something they use quiet often to keep moral high and remind others of their worth when they are feeling their lowest. Sigunn’s least favorite quality about themselves though is probably their naivety, they want to believe the best in humanity despite having seen the worst of it and they know that it makes others see them as childish or even harmfully optimistic but they would rather be seen as that then lose hope that things can change. Sigunn is heartfelt, probably my favorite quality of them. Everything they say and do has a purpose and is something they truly believe in, so if they are to encourage or praise someone for something, they really mean it no matter how dramatic they might make it out to be in the moment. Kind of the opposite of that however would be that Sigunn, when they don't deem someone as important to them or someone gets on their bad side, tends to shrug them off or ignore them.
Wilorin Whitespire M/F (Player's choice) They are probably the most straightforward out of the cast, their favorite quality about themselves is that they are a realist, they will point things out as they see it and keeps things down to earth by giving pragmatic outcomes solutions and knowing that not everything is going to go well. Their least favorite quality is knowing that they aren't a friendly person, they put up a prickly front and push people away making it very difficult for them to gain a support system that they need. My favorite quality of Wilorin is their humor. It's dry and often dark, but it is a surprising ice breaker considering they will often be sarcastic no matter who they are around. Wilorin is also stubborn though, my least favorite quality of them considering when push comes to shove they become an unmovable force if its something they don't want to do, often leaving themselves and others in a situation that is undesirable because of it.
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danikindofwrites · 2 years
ROs MBTI types please? Also this looks really neat!!
No problem! I would love to share! Personally I find it difficult to label characters personalities with MBTI sometimes just because things can be so broad and change in writing them in scenes but they really seemed to fit better this time for the RO’s (◔◡◔)♥ Thanks so much for the ask and I am super glad you find it neat so far!
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Enoc Castellon INFJ-T Generally known as The Advocate, he is a problem solver and looks to fix things he believes are unfair or unequal. He values authenticity and honesty and wants to connect on a emotional level with those he takes under his charge. Often in focusing on fixing everything else however he fails to take care of himself.
Rowul Wayvir ISTP-A The Virtuoso, always looking to get their hands on something to take apart and put back together again even better than it was before. Rowul is often spontaneous and unpredictable, they look to accomplish feats others wont dare no matter who’s toes they step on along the way, always looking to push things a little farther for better or worse.
Sigunn Mlane ENFP-T The free spirited and lively Campaigner, Sigunn looks for the magnificent in everyday life and seeks to truly understand the world around them. Connecting and bringing the unknown to light they look to the night sky to not just see the stars but every story behind them. They can be seen as shallow for their carefree attitude in situations, but their idealism of the world truly can bring out the best in that around them
Wilorin Whitespire ISTJ-A The Executive, Wilorin holds honor, dignity and order above all. Their down to earth view of the world around them makes them a stable guide through life as they take the role of advisor and if no other steps forward to lead, they will take up the mantle themself to ensure everyone else’s safety and leading by example. They are dedicated to empowering those around them and are stubborn to move from their own point of view.
Eowulf Rit Lechlen ESTP-A Assertive and adventurous as an Entrepreneur, Eowulf is constantly looking to evolve and change the things around them to fit the ideal view she sees for the future, blunt and unable to sit still while others are possibly getting ahead, she is constantly reaching for a chance to be the one going and doing and damn the consequences until she sees the fruitful end of her choices.
Belos ISFJ-A A silent but ever watching guardian, Belos is a Defender. Always assessing and adapting to fit the emotional needs or changes of situations whether they are asked to or not , they do not sit idly by when there are things that need to be done and they can do it. A protector to those who can’t protect themselves, a judge to those who harm others, and a safety net to those who are lucky enough to be close to them.
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