machinegrl · 1 month
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banshee-grove · 2 years
Lavender thought she was clever, both as a whole and when it came to the last couple days. She’d dodged Abel as best she could, terrified to come face to face with the victor whose home she’d used as a safe house without permission. She assumed he knew. She assumed he would be mad, that he would want some kind of compensation. You didn’t just get to live somewhere without paying. But her cleverness ran out sooner than expected, and suddenly she was face to face with him over the cafeteria salad bar. “I’m sorry! We had nowhere else to go!” she blurted immediately.
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surya-mirga · 2 years
It had become part of her routine, to have some sort of social event scheduled for Friday nights. Weekends could be spontaneous, but Friday was always set. Usually in the Capitol, usually with an afternoon of pampering and styling beforehand. Some weeks it felt like she was going through the motions, and even the social event was a let down. She was usually on the first train back to Eight on Saturday. Today, however, was one of the rare days where she’d felt excited, motivated, and energized enough to have a good time. But the party itself was turning out to be a dud. The sight of Abel Evans also at this boring party (was it someone’s birthday? she couldn’t care to remember) was a welcome relief. “Please tell me this is some weird prank and the real party will start soon,” she said as she approached, feeling too bold to care if even the host overheard her.
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chip-foster · 2 years
Chip could feel himself starting to get a little drowsy. He’d had an early morning, and a long day at work. The ball was usually the indicator, midway between Games, that it was time to crack down. So he’d take on extra hours, around his packed schedule of therapies. “I-Is th-there any coffee?” he asked Abel. He’d been told to stop relying so much on caffeine, but he still needed to show face around here for a little while longer. And he was terrified of what people might think if he was found slumped on a table in the corner. “N-No sparkles or anyth-thing. J-Just, like, normal coffee.”
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poppy-battenberg · 3 years
Poppy tried to be gentle, but she was shaking so badly with nervous energy that her knuckles pounded on Abel’s door. “Hey, Abel, it’s Poppy,” she said just inches from the doorframe, hoping that might be enough to get the door cracked open.
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scriptisarcanisx · 4 years
closed starter as requested @twilightzvne​
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“I’ve been looking for you all night,” Abel spoke quietly, although they were pretty sure their voice carried through the quiet night. They sit down right next to the other, making themselves comfortable. The view of the city skyline from the rooftop was quite a sight to behold. It made sense to Abel why the other would want to hide away from the world here. The cold wind brought a calm to the night despite the busy bustle of life in the streets below. “What’s up? What’s going on?”
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altviktcrr · 4 years
imessage ↬ 🔪 abel
viktor: mwr dowctor romanov? i think iwve got a booboo :(
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altscige · 4 years
imessage ↬ abe lincoln
saige: hlo :^)
saige: zeke and i r gna go play pirate on his yacht sometime do u wna come with
saige: i think u wld make a super sexy pirate captain? or mayb like first mate bc it's like ,, zeke's boat bt like w/e
saige: i told him i wanted him 2 wear a billowy shirt so i think u shld too
saige: [...]
saige: also pick a country :^)
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machinegrl · 2 months
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more shots of sam's mango preset!
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reallifehqgossip · 4 years
i heard three of dayton's big four had a threesome on dylan's birthday 👀
“You heard it here first, Dayton. Marissa and Abel gave Dylan a very happy birthday. I’ve also heard that they taped it, and Ainsley will be receiving a copy of this tape for her birthday. Kinky...”
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surya-mirga · 3 years
Surya tapped Abel’s shoulder as she approached the bar. “Any recommendations for your favorite on the menu? I assume you’ve tried them all already.”
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chip-foster · 3 years
“Wh-What happens...” Chip leaned over to get a look over the side of his chair. “Wh-What happens if someone falls out?” 
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poppy-battenberg · 3 years
Poppy had a bottle of wine she’d taken from a bar cart in hand, and used the bottom of it to tap lightly on Abel’s door. “Abel?” she called. “You there?” 
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asherwinston · 3 years
Asher: You good?
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cainfm · 4 years
( @abelromanov​ )
“I was caught,” their eyes caught on Abel as soon as he had entered the cottage - Cain’s hands brought forward, chained and cuffed. “I’m p-pretty sure th-that afterwards I’m su-supposed to be released, but - uh. They had a different idea - I su-suppose. You know where a key is? Feeling - uh - reminiscent.” Their skin had been red - irritated, raw - beneath the cool metal, below where their leather gloves had ended; it’d been caused during a moment of panic, when they’d near forgotten where they were in the first place ( there’d been a feeling of desperation, a needing to escape - a needing to go, quick quick quick ). They seemed fine now, though, panic gone - smile sheepish, legs drawn up onto the couch that they lounged across. “Of - uh - bad times, not s-something f-freaky - to clarify.”
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scriptisarcanisx · 4 years
❝ am i walking toward something i should be running away from? ❞ / as requested by @scvtaest​ for abel&bianca
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“More likely than not, Miss,” there was a ghost of a smile on their lips when she’d asked the question. They shouldn’t have found it amusing. “Although I’ve never found you to be one to back away from such things.” And that may be why their father decided he needed to send Abel along with Bianca Di Angelo, an ambassador to the gods. That wasn’t even an exaggeration. That was her job. And their job was to make sure no harm comes her way. Although, Abel found she was more than capable of protecting herself. They had learned, after all, that she had spent years alongside the goddess of the hunt, Artemis herself. It made sense to them why Bianca wasn’t very fond of their presence. They’d tried their best to be quiet and keep out of her way when their father had assigned them the task. But it had been a while, and they now had a semblance of a friendship, which really was more than the demi-god expected.
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