roguexpogue · 7 months
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"You weren't kidding when you said this town is full of vampires." JJ was grabbing a six pack at the corner store. When he literally was cornered by a group of vamps. That was until Faith showed up, and staked them one by one.
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rubyhellneon · 4 months
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"You're wrong. I'm not broken".
「 Mirror's Edge: CATALYST (dev. EA DICE) 」
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codedeargentmoved · 2 years
@thatslayer​ liked for a one-liner
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“What does that look like to you?”
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banshee-grove · 3 years
Miz thought he’d gotten the hand of some of the easier projectiles. What he hadn’t anticipated was just how much it might ricochet if he hit the wrong thing. He let a rock go from the slingshot, and watched as it bounced off the frame of the target. It shot back at him fast, slamming him right in the middle of his forehead. He bent over with a groan, pressing his palm to his forehead.
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chip-foster · 3 years
Chip tried his very best to not encounter any of the tributes. It wasn’t just because he personally felt awkward about it. His lawyer told him to. Interacting with a tribute could be seen as a sign of influence - or a sign of rebellious intent. Best avoided. But the Tower seemed to be built on the very spot in the universe where everyone was cursed to run into people they didn’t want to - even strangers. When he rounded a corner with an empty mug in search of coffee, he knew the girl was likely a tribute. He didn’t recognize her as anyone’s kid. “Sh-Shouldn’t you be w-with Hestia?” he asked. 
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ezrxxx · 4 years
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“so, you think you’re too tough for the matchmaking thing?” || @fxithrush​
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jaimitchell · 4 years
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“i come here bearing gifts,” he said when the brunette finally opened the door to her room. he was in need of distractions, as usual. “and no, still alcohol free, but i still have one of these,” he said, lifting a blunt between his fingers, although putting it away right after before anyone else could see it. || @fxithrush​
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itsellataylor · 4 years
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“did you dress up like that just to lure me in, miss? because it’s fucking working.” || @fxithrush​
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ariabeck · 4 years
It was definitely not the time for a party, but Gallagher students weren’t the best people to judge, clearly. And there was no chance Aria would say no to a party in the cherry blossom orchard, not when they were blooming so damn beautifully. It was the best excuse to tie some flowers to her hair, draw a few on her face and wear the most floral spring outfit she could find in her closet. Of course, not many were as interested in joining the party as Aria was. And yet, armed with a bottle of water full of vodka, she set out to chase some of the people she knew she could convince. 
Knock knock knock!
She stood outside Faith’s door, bouncing on her heels impatiently until she opened the door. “Come on! You’re really showing up to a spring party like that?!” || @fxithrush​
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chewiebunny · 5 years
Faith blow|| Jake & Faith
Enfrentar a  su padre  no era algo para lo que se sentía completamente listo pero como su hermana le había repetido era algo que debían hacer tarde  o temprano y era claramente mejor hacerlo sin que Charlie supiera quien era él, o eso era lo que hacia que la idea sonara bien  pero estando ahí aprovecho que Dylan estuviera ocupada con Nico y así el pelirrojo escapo dentro de aquella gran casa así encontrando la habitación de sus sueños llena de todos los instrumentos con los que había soñado, analizo cada uno con detalle hasta llegar al ultimo rincón donde una guitarra algo antigua y acustica, espera ser tocada, Jake no se detuvo en tomarla y empezar a tocar melodías que se sabia de memoria, olvidando por un momento que lo había llevado a estar en aquel lugar. || @wildestbunny
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“I’ll be fine.” Sam said, more so reassuring himself than Faith. He also wanted to make sure she knew it too. That she believed it. He hoped he could believe it himself. He lost a friend, and his mom a second time. All in one night. He would have lost it if Faith was included in that mix. He wrapped his arms around her small frame. Resting his head on her brunette hair. “We’ll get them back.”  He tried to remain positive. It’s what always kept him going. “Lucifer isn’t going to get away this time.”
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roguexpogue · 8 months
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"What's that for?" JJ pointed at the brunette's weapon. He was sitting on some dead man's grave drinking a beer. "Planning to kill some zombies?" He finished up his can of beer. Tossing it in the nearby trash.
"Here." He picked up a branch. "you just hit the zomibies with a bam, bam, and BAM!" JJ shouted stabbing the dirt with the branch like he killed his imaginary threat.
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rubyhellneon · 7 years
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jaimitchell · 4 years
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“This hotel is so nice.” He sighed out the second he walked into the hotel. Not that his wasn’t, but it was more the classic business style hotel. Or what he thought would be. Truth be told, considering the places he spent nights in over the summer, he didn’t have a say on any of the hotels being less than great. But this one? Damn. “Of course the queen deserved such a place.” || @fxithrush​
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rubyhellneon · 7 years
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Telltale scuffmarks on their clothes. 
Unexplained scrapes, bruises or broken bones. 
Unreliable or unexplained absences from work or school. 
Calluses on the palm, knuclde, and fingertips. 
A fondness for the color red. 
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