badvlantex · 6 months
It had been a week, maybe, and TJ was already sick of this mall security gig, so he was trying to rectify that. He placed the fresh coffee on Nell's desk as if it were a bribe of sorts.
"Hey, so, you know how the boss put me on mall security. Is there any way you can get him to change his mind?" He got straight to the point rather than dancing around it like he did with said boss. "He never told me what I did wrong exactly, so, if you could give me any hints of what it was that pissed him off…"
And there was a brief pause as he decided to add another layer to it. "Also, can you convince him to let me help out, Sofia? Her desk keeps piling up, and the mall doesn't need me, anyway. There really is nothing going on there - see the incident reports." With a shrug. "If you do me this favor, I'll owe you big time."
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wickedmilo · 3 years
[pm] Oh chill the fuck out. I wouldn’t have dropped a name if I didn’t already know for certain. I would have done it like I did with Kyle (:
Just tell me what your experiences have been already.
[pm] Yeah, because you were so smart with Kyle
[pm] If you knew I knew for certain then why bother being so vague?
[pm] My experiences?
[pm] I don’t know
[pm] He messaged Bex, and I
[pm] Threatened to go after my parents 
[pm] Some of his asshole followers managed to tear up Metzli pretty good
[pm] Why? 
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antoniatzhang · 4 years
when: 25nd of november, 1979 where: duelling club who: @nellfawley​
Antonia approached Nell with her wand dangling from one finger, to the other, measuring her from head to toe with her eyes. “Hello, opponent.”
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g0t-ri5h · 4 years
nelllraiser replied
[pm] That’d be great if you could do it tho �� Not the one who saw him. They’ve never seen him either. There’s another person I wanna ask, though.
[pm] I’m on it.
[time passes]
So I followed him. 
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onepunchlogan · 4 years
(continued here with @nelllraiser)
You’re into cosplay? My dad is I know someone who takes commissions for that kinda stuff, if you want 
DAMN this town is CRAWLING with cosplayers, what a freaking nerd haven!
Yes!! I am always looking to support other small-time artists, especially cosplayers. I’d love to commission something! Can you help me get in touch with them? You’re the best!
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fynn-the-sponsor · 4 years
Agent Fynnian how are we looking on the pudding front? I told you I wouldn't send reinforcements so if you're a goner...you're on your own. Are they onto you?
I think I’ve acquired 6 pudding cups. No one suspects a thing, so no reinforcements needed, thank god. Probably not going to be up at the hospital for a couple days so you’re going to be flying solo comrade.  
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kiteandline · 3 years
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— “the only reason i wouldn’t be there is if i got pulled over; for violating my house arrest”
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There were a few women in the world who were recognisable from the instant you saw them. Through fame and infamy they quite simply commanded the recognition of those around them. Of all the world and all of history, Catherine will count these women hence: The Virgin Mary, Joan of Arc, Queen Anne, and Nell Crawley. 
It was no surprise that the latter shared her name with the similarly famed mistress of King Charles. Though Crawley was not a named actress, it was clear that she played the part of a harlot very well and that all of London was her audience. Even here, among the masked masses, she managed to remain entirely noticeable and very distinct.
It had been months since Catherine’s last commission. And for each moment she was not putting out something new for the world to see or to hear about, the triumph of her masterpiece lost its brilliance. What use would painting it be, if no one cared enough to see it? Commissions often meant two weeks of staring at the face of a Lord who would be the only one to care for the outcome. But a portrait of Nell Crawley could attract the attention of hundreds.
Emboldened by the wine in her belly, Catherine wound her way through the crowd until she stood before the masked harlot. “Nell Crawley, is it not?”
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nells-nebula · 7 years
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Blade of Marmora! Nell protecting Illaru (by @a-kit-to-remember ). Had a few hours to spend on personal art and I’m honestly really happy with how this turned out! I highly suggest checking out this blog if you haven’t yet! Very well thought out, unique designs, and an adorable kit!
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wickedmilo · 3 years
[pm] You know Metzli? And about their sire?
[pm] If I didn’t then I’d at least know something was up after that text
[pm] Shouldn’t you be more careful with dropping names?
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onepunchlogan · 3 years
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g0t-ri5h · 4 years
nelllraiser replied
Literally the mimes are no fucking joke
So I’ve heard. Remind me never to go to the Strip(e) club. That place sounds horrific.
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g0t-ri5h · 4 years
[pm] Hey, so you know that picture you got? Is there any way to like...look for the guy on other cameras around town or something? Or is that just a TV thing?
[pm] I mean, it’ll take me much longer than it does on TV, but, I can probably do it. I’m gonna have to wifi hop every place around tow
I’m guessing your friend didn’t recognise him either?
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g0t-ri5h · 4 years
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[ Left for Margot with a note that reads: ]
All ready for the infiltration! They’ll never see us coming <3 Can’t wait to see you in your pink, sparkly, unicorn shirt! I also got you a nice tutu to match with it. That one’s still in the mail, though. Send me a pic so I know you got it! (:
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