lonewolfel · 10 months
Short one shot for my Cipher 9 Theron au I have been working on. Be nice. This is all phone, and I don't know how to format it properly.
Warning: mentions of torture and self-destructive behavior(an action gets called suicidal)
Theron felt his nerve rise the closer he got to their safe house. There waited Darth Marr and Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan, and somehow, he was more worried about the Jedi than the Sith. Theron has dealt with Sith before, so he knew how to walk out alive.
No, this would be the first time Theron has interacted with his mother. He knew logically that there was no way that she would reconize him as they had never once interacted when Theron had been in the Jedi Order. Not to mention, with his mask, any family resemblance would be hidden away, but if Satele and Darth Marr find out...
That wasn't going to happen. Theron made sure that any corrilation to the Jedi failer he had in documentation was errased. Saddly, he couldn't have told Minister of Intelligence to errase Theron Shan from Republic databases without risking his secret.
"You, coming," Isu purred.
Theron shot a glare at the Cathar. Instead of responding to them, Theron walked forward. Isu let out a huff but followed along in their near quiet footsteps.
Theron entered the safehouse to be met with a room that had Major Jevsho, Grandmaster Shan, Darth Marr, and Lana.
"...Then we are agreed. A truce for the time being," Darth Marr's voice boomed out.
"Aww, did you guys start the party without me?" Isu said
Theron had to admit that the Cathar had some guts. They either are suicidly brave or suicidly stupid, perhaps a mixture of the two, and Theron couldn't figure out which. Perhaps the people of the Republic have yet learned the consequences of upsetting the Sith. After all, Theron knew what punishments were laid in store for them. His scars began to ache at the thought.
"Don't worry, I just finished refreshments," C2 said
"Not helping, Captain," Major Jevsho said
Isu just shrugged and moved onto the Republic side of the room.
Theron stood to the side behind Lana. The last thing he wanted to do was deal with another Dark Council member.
"We have scourged the rot that is the Order of Revan from our ranks now we must deal with Revan themself," Darth Marr said.
"And in that, we are in agreement," Satele said. She gave Theron a look for a second that made him fear that he was discovered. That she somehow reconized him or dug through his mind to find the truth. Theron had been trained to be resistant to the Force in his mind, but what if in his panic over seeing her, it fell.
Just as quickly as the look came, it left. "Everyone on my ships are loyal to me. The Sepreme Chancellor would never agree to this."
"Nor would the Dark Council," Darth Marr said
"So then it will just be the forces we have now," Satele said. "Major Javsho has found their hiding spot on Yavin."
"Then we make preparations to leave," Darth Marr said.
"Agreed," Satele said.
The Republic forces went to leave. Major Javsho made sure to shoulder check Lana as she walked past, still likely mad about Lana leaving her to be tortured by the Revanites.
As they left, Theron couldn't help but let out a breath of relief. His secret was safe for now.
Then It was Darth Marr's turn to leave the safehouse. This left only Lana and Theron in there.
"I really made a mess of things, didn't I? The untrustworthy Sith," Lana said
Theron thought back on his time in Imperial Inteligence, the SIS, and Hunter. Regardless of which faction you were a part of there agents were meant to be controlled and due whatever it takes to achieve a goal without their faction even knowing. Any agent would be prepared to be used and betrayed by their allies.
"Major Javsho isn't in intelligence. No matter how high ranking she is, she is just cannon fodder. She is used to everything being straightforward. You did what you had to do," Theron said simply.
With that, Theron walked away.
"I hope," Theron muttered.
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incdogemporium · 2 years
Gen 17!
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✨ ⚙️ Starscream ⚙️ ✨
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⚙️ Breakdown ⚙️
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⚙️ Sunstorm ⚙️
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⚙️ Blitzwing ⚙️
Note: front legs super long, back legs SHORT; Struggles To Walk ;u;
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⚙️ Dreadwing ⚙️
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soyloka · 1 year
Convite Neon
Use o meu convite THIAG9887655 para abrir sua conta Neon. Baixe o aplicativo, faça seu cadastro e aproveite as vantagens da conta digital que valoriza seu dinheiro. https://app.neon.com.br/r2Ar?pid=MGM&af_web_dp=https://neon.com.br/indicacoes/?id=c4dcee86-c2d4-4ced-b27a-964834da9549
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synoxshots · 4 years
They’re forming an alliance, and Jayma absolutely absolutely has her priorities in check
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Poor Theron and Lana, stuck with these clowns
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disaster-bi-shan · 4 years
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god i love those two idiots
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Kaeden looking amazing as always.
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tauntaun-rider · 7 years
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The gang's all here to kick Revan's ass.
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lavampira · 5 years
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tfw you and the squad stop “revan” from reviving the emperor…….and he revives himself anyway
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tinthienphu · 3 years
Điện Tín Thiên Phú là nhà phân phối cáp nối có jack cắm L autonics C2D4-2 giá tốt. Nối thẳng. Độ dài: 2m. Có hàng sẵn, giao hàng toàn quốc.
Cáp Nối Có Jack Cắm L Autonics C2D4-2 https://nhaphanphoithietbidien.com/san-pham/c2d4-2/ 
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incdogemporium · 2 years
Gen 16!
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✨ Randolf ✨
literally my most hyperactive dog, he is built like a kangaroo and does nothing but dance and bounce and run around. Randolf got his name because he was part of my transformers dog breeding program and looked almost exactly like TFA Blitzwing (minus the three faces), so I named him after favorite of the three (Random) and he BEHAVED EXACTLY LIKE HIM LMFAO. Non-stop hyperactive goofy dog!
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⚙️ Dreadwing ⚙️
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0 notes
tishinada · 5 years
So, for the time being, I resubbed to SWtOR through the end of the year.
I have very mixed feelings about 6.0. (spoilers)
There are things I love about it.
Romanceable bi/pan Scourge, bi/pan Kira, yes, these are excellent introductions. And they even brought them back with a good backstory that potentially will involve them in future content. Also good. I can’t deny that I’m jealous of how much attention some classes’ LIs get compared to some of my favorites. Smugglers waited almost as long, for instance, and two of the LIs got a short two-for-the-price-of-one return scene with an explanation for their absence that...defies all logic based on their backstory and prior characterization. The third made more sense and came with the bonus of Mako, but still... And we won’t even get into Gault’s magical plot armor and continuing active role in the stories, lol.
The story seems to have some interesting potential. Glad to see Jakarro and homicidal C2D4 back. I’m pretty meh on Malgus, so that’s not that interesting to me. I just don’t really have feelings about him either way, and so far, they seem to be playing him as generic homicidal Sith. But his role seems to be making a lot of people happy, so that’s a plus.
The Satele Shan infected with something the emperor left behind has a lot of potential, and I foresee angst that will either thrill or infuriate the Theron fans (I love Theron, but at the same time, he just...does nothing for me.)
I’m thrilled to see both Major Anri and Master Tau back. Not too happy that Anri can end up as a captive of the Alliance or Republic because that feels like the end of her as a major NPC, and dammit, I adore her. (And makes me wonder why it is the writers only like the NPCs who lack good development or are, frankly, bland or predictable stereotypes...)
They apparently have worked out some way for multiple future threads, allowing some people to remain independent allies, some people to be active saboteurs, and some people to return to their prior positions. Which should make everyone happy, but I admit, I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Part of me believes they’re going to eventually punish everyone who didn’t jump at the chance to return to their original faction at the same rank from 11+ years earlier.
I haven’t had to completely relearn to play any classes. I hate when they do that, lol. Small changes are OK, but geeze, I’m tired of abilities being nerfed.
I love what they did with the nautolans. Of the 5 or 6 I’ve created so far, I particularly love my newest smuggler, Lameela (trying to pick a nickname for her, and I’m leaning toward Eela. It seems appropriate, lol.)
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I haven’t immediately adored a smuggler like this since ‘Noka (though I always have a soft spot for all my smugglers.) Her resting face has a smile, but there’s a bit of a smirk to it. She looks like she’s been through a lot already, between the scars and eyepatch, which fits with a scrapper. Her face has a lot of character and is attractive, but I don’t think anyone would call her cute. And with the complexion, to me she looks like she’s in her early to mid 30s rather than a kid, which makes far more sense to me for a smuggler.
Lana’s snark, especially in a Republic PT. Her lines are pure gold. Theron’s got some great ones, but hers are amazing.
I both love and hate the new materials inventory. It’s handy in some ways: you can check on whether or not you need something without being in a stronghold even if that character doesn’t have that crafting skill. But the organization...ugh. Instead of popping back to the stronghold to check, I’m having to look up the name of that grade 9 supplementary archaeology material that I know I need.
I enjoy having 7 tabs in my legacy cargo bay (only on one server, unfortunately.)
Leveling from 70 to 75 seems a lot faster than 65 to 70 was, which is a relief considering the other trends in the game.
The darker side of 6.0.
Koth and Senya are still MIA. We at least had really brief contact with Koth during the Ossus arc, and admittedly Senya’s dead in many people’s PTs, but she might as well be dead in all PTs for all we’ve heard from her since the end of KotET.
Arcann’s also MIA, and someone explain to me why he wasn’t mentioned when the Republic offered a senate seat and citizenship for Odessen and the Alliance? Seriously, while I love the redemption (though I wish they’d developed it more,) the Republic’s just going to shrug and pretend that all those planets weren’t destroyed, etc.? Especially if he was romanced. Your Jedi Consular showing up for a Jedi Council meeting with her lover who almost destroyed the order and no one’s going to blink...
The option to kill Vowrawn, sigh... (see above remarks on the writers and their preferences on NPCs. You would think they’d be delighted that they created popular characters instead of offended that we didn’t “appreciate” someone else more. I never want to actually meet the guy Kaliyo’s the favorite for.)
My concern the Satele story is going to present us with one of those nasty decisions with huge plotholes that was clearly done just to force a nasty choice on the players. It has so much potential. But their track record (see the Vette/Torian decision, among others) on arbitrary and pointless decisions that make no real sense...
The growing probability that they’re going to drop something nasty on those of us who have cross-faction romances or maintained the Alliance’s independence. They don’t have a great track record of following through with what appeared to be promises about doing or not doing things. I kind of expect that we’ll be forced into the kind of atrocity that will drive the opposing faction from the Alliance. And as far as I’m concerned, forcing a break in Lana and Theron’s friendship will be a deal breaker for me. I live for their interactions.
I’m still pissed about the lack of level 70 gear, and the general tepidness of basic level 75 stuff available to solo players from the treasure lock boxes. The medpacks and stims at level 75 start out significantly weaker than the ones at 70/66 (wtf?) I’ve put a huge amount of materials into trying to get the pattern for the artifact quality stim at 75 already with no luck (I could have sold the materials for 10 or 15 million credits, I think.)
Bugs. I got 6 grade 11 material satchels from the two FPs yesterday. I can’t open them? Right click, nothing. I reported it, but now I’m storing satchels until there’s a bug fix, lol. Doesn’t affect satchels at other grades; I’ve gotten several with no problems. Just the grade 11′s, as far as I can tell. I’ve heard about a lot of others, like the bugged Lana Imperial romances. Truthfully, bugs are a normal annoyance with an expansion, though the Iokath probs are concerning because it doesn’t sound like they consider them a high priority, but it means no one can advance a character past that without giving up their game choices for the traitor arc (not going to happen for anyone with a Theron or Lana romance, obviously.)
The increased difficulty in some places, paired with the nerfed companion healing. I don’t really notice it in lower level heroics. But I did the two required FPs for Shadow of Revan yesterday, and the weakened companion healing bites noticeably. I’ve virtually never needed to use my scrapper’s own healing abilities (I don’t run healers for a reason, dammit, and the scrapper spec isn’t a healing spec.) I had to several times per flash point, kept getting knocked down to less than 20% of my health (more a problem with the Mandalorian fights than the later Revanite FP.)
And I was wearing the old level 70 gear, for the most part. My scrapper’s gear rating was 226. Not great, but it certainly should have been more than enough. I’m seriously not looking forward to that FP in crappy rating 220 gear, much less Copera, etc.
Chapter one and two of KotFE is much harder than it was previously, and why? Chapter one in particular is supposed to be a fucking tutorial level for people who haven’t played the game before. The weak mobs that used to be easy one-shots? Take three or four times as long to kill now, and so on. It isn’t hard so much as unnecessarily tedious for players who’ve been there 20 times already. And the XP sucked on top of that (about 1/3 of what I got from quick heroics or dailies.) Making people dread the slog is not the way to keep players, lol.
Which leads me to this: I’m especially concerned about the future of the game by the general attitude of the devs toward punishing solo players and generally making it more difficult/a huge slog for them. All to satisfy the endgame raiders and others who are either angry that there are players in the game who won’t fill out their raiding parties (and excuse most raiders’ own behavior that has guaranteed that people like me would rather have a root canal without anesthetic than go through an op or veteran+ level FP, etc.) Or are infuriated that there are players who “finish” without playing at what they consider an acceptable level of difficulty. Because somehow their achievement defeating some boss on nightmare mode is “diluted” if I get to experience the story in the later game at an acceptable level of stress, with adequate gear and abilities. We won’t even touch the ableism inherent in that attitude, but suffice it to say, the devs show every sign of embracing this elitist attitude with a religious fervor.
So, I’m giving them two more months. But my general feelings for a while have been...if I can find another game that interests me, I’m probably gone until they swing back in the direction that brought me back three years ago after two years playing Dragon Age. I want genuine story mode back and less hostility to solo players, and some confidence they aren’t going to screw my story just because they...don’t like that I like characters or things?
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 4 years
*allows c2d4 and jakarro to join the alliance only so they can be offered up as sacrifices later if byeoware makes me choose between 2 good companions again* 
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lavampira · 5 years
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tfw the squad teams up to stop “revan” from reviving the emperor
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tinthienphu · 3 years
Điện Tín Thiên Phú là nhà phân phối cáp nối có jack cắm L autonics C2D4-2 giá tốt. Nối thẳng. Độ dài: 2m. Có hàng sẵn, giao hàng toàn quốc.
Cáp Nối Có Jack Cắm L Autonics C2D4-2 https://nhaphanphoithietbidien.com/san-pham/cap-noi-co-jack-cam-l-autonics-c2d4-2/ 
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garrus-vakkarian · 5 years
jakarro and c2d4 are back
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crqstalite · 5 years
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"It's going to be a while until we see each other again, does it have to be immediatly?" Naji asks, smiling sweetly at the black-clad Sith Lord. She seems a tad stunned before offering her a surprised, but genuine smile in return. Unlike her also black clad companion, who simply seems to retreat further into her hood and respirator. Lana has been a strange addition to her list of contacts, primarily because she is of the opposite faction, but she's sweet, and Naji is going to be rather sad to see her go. The way she continued to assist with their missions, and the friendly composure she had that was so rare among Sith, she was sad she couldn't follow them underground. "I rather enjoyed this excursion."
Especially for something that's her fault to begin with. She hated the idea that Lana and Theron would have to uproot their lives and hide in the shadows for something she'd caused.
Well, Darth Amarillis' (Quinn, but she'd nearly had a fit when Naji had mentioned her second last name), actually. Naji had wanted to let Arkous and Darok live. The Darth had other ideas and cut them down quickly in a flash of red light. But Revan had risen, and going into hiding seperately was the only way to go it seemed until everything died down. She hoped that'd be soon, so she could stop thinking about it and finally dispose of the cult leader. Get back to life as planned, or as planned as it could be. Relax on the Polaris, enjoy what time she had left in the galaxy.
She was curious about the absence of the starch Imperial who followed the other woman around (and provided healing, though Tharan was leery of the man and Felix agreed wholeheartedly, provided that they were with her and she wasn't bleeding out on the ground), who the Darth had switched out for a tall and imposing Talz. However, prodding the Sith didn't seem like a smart decision right then, and the answer could wait until later. Or never. Never was a good option. Naji wasn't sure where she stood with the Wrath, but she'd rather actually be standing to figure out and answer that question.
"Unless you're planning a party, it'll definitely be a while. Not forever though." Theron responds, leaning against the desk and crossing his arms, "There's no way we're letting a cult get away with the whole galaxy in tow."
"Confident, Shan?" The scowling (Naji can't see it at the moment but the few times the Darth has been without her mask, she's always scowling) Sith remarks, a low hiss through her respirator as she chuckles ominously, though something seductive filtering into her voice. "I like that in a man."
Lana stifled a chuckle (well enough that Naji only just barely caught the quirking of the corner of her lips), and she herself rolled her eyes. The entire ordeal had just been one sided flirting on the Darth's side, though Theron seemed to be...oddly receptive if not also flustered when she did get to making these remarks. His signature wasn't easy to read, even harder to try and decode, but it was clear enough that while he wasn't comfortable with it, he also wasn't exactly hating it either. Naji couldn't figure why, he seemed like the least likely person to be attracted to a Sith. Also why her newfound companion had found solace in teasing the man, she wasn't sure. What had happened to the Imperial healer?"I-uh, I'll let you and Lana get to having your official debrief or...whatever." He pointedly gave her a look that said 'I'll talk to you outside', and once prompted that Lana didn't need her anymore, she followed the SIS agent outside the private suite.
"Look, I know this operation probably wasn't the smoothest you've ever been in, and for that, I'm sorry circumstances didn't work out the way they should've." Theron says, obviously about to begin a tangent that even she could predict. She'd rather cut him off before he begins rambling about how the mission could've gone. Possibilities were rarely if ever reality, and she would treat them as such.
"Theron, really. It was a couple of missions, and considering I came back with my mind and body intact is a miracle in itself. So maybe we had a few Imperial resources we didn't ask for, all's well that ends in you having to go underground." She shrugs, before frowning as she runs a hand through her hair realizing what she's just said, "Sorry, way too soon."
His face is a mask of general confusion before shaking his head, possibly hiding his own smile, "It happened. But uh, yeah. We survived for the most part. Just don't do anything stupid before I see you again?" he asks, holding out his hand for a handshake. She takes it, smiling wholeheartedly.
"I have Felix for that, and if worst comes to worst, you'll hear about it first." She says, shifting awkwardly as she lifts the hood on her robe again with nothing else to tell the SIS agent, "Well, if this is really goodbye, I don't want to hold you up anymore than I already have. Safe travels to you and Lana."
"You too, Barsen'thor." He nods with the last ghosts of a smile still on his face, before turning and heading a different direction than her. Naji sincerely did wonder what the galaxy had in store for the four of them (five, Jakarro, six, C2D4). The Revanites really were rising again, and instead of going after them, they were waiting and lying low. Something she figured the violent Emperor's Wrath wouldn't exactly enjoy the thought of waiting for so long. A few months, a few years until they'd come across their allies again. Where, when. Questions that wouldn't be easily forgotten.
A vacation of sorts, she figured. But not one she'd enjoy looking forward to the end of. As hectic as life became, a relaxing few weeks on the Polaris was exactly what the doctor had ordered. And a few glasses of brandy that at first she'd declined but quickly taken a liking to. Damned Tharan and his less than conventional healing ways. Finding Felix waiting just where she'd left him waiting, she grinned as she took his hand in hers, taking a few moments of looking out over the waters of Manaan before turning to him.
"Is it all over?" He asks, motioning for them to sit together on a bench before kissing her temple, "Are we going home?"
"We're going home, that's for sure. But it's not over Felix, in fact, it's just begun."
The ship is empty once she returns, and it unsettles her in a way that shudders her down to her core. Except for Broonmark, it's dark and cold in the Fury as she goes about doing the pre-flight checks. Everyone else has been on leave, and calling them back is going to be difficult. Vette has been annoying her for a vacation for ages now, and cutting it short wasn't going to earn her any points with the small twi'lek.
He was on permanent leave.
She tries to force the thought out of her mind as she tries to retrace his steps. Tries not to remember how his hands had guided hers to the controls, to stay in the hyperlane. What all the colored buttons did and their odd functions. A learning process she'd had to cut short.
She's afraid he's going to walk through those doors again, appear out of the shadows. She's afraid if that happens, she won't be able to say no again.
"Tri'ama please, be reasonable!"
Unclipping her respirator from around her jaw, she tries to slow her increasing heart rate, focusing on anything but him. The cool waters of Manaan, as it tried to drown her. The strange teechnology, the even stranger Selkath the Barsen'thor had been able to understand.
"You know I'd do anything for you!"
It's too hot. But then it's too cold as she takes her hands off the controls once she manages to get the Fury into hyperspace en route to Dromound Kaas. It's too much to be in here, alone. Alone with her thoughts, alone with her fears. Terrified he will eventually finish his mission. Terrified the shadows hide more than her nightmares.
"I still love you."
Almost feeling his warm breath against her neck, she panics, lashing out with her saber before finding her Talz comrade behind her chair instead, his fur just barely brushing her exposed skin and one part near his chest nearly being singed off by her buzzing red blade. Putting her head down, she can't even get out a string of apologies, though they flood her mind as she grimaces, disigniting her saber. Unable to even rehang it on her belt, it clatters to the floor out of her shaky hands.
"Don't leave me like this."
"Stars, Broonmark. I'm sorry, are you alright?" she asks, threading a hand through her hair as she tries to avoid all four eyes that are surely trained on her by the Talz. "It wasn't intentional, I didn't know you were there."
He doesn't answer, no half sentence worth of grunts, but instead puts a slightly rough hand on her shoulder. Without even a word on her end, he pulls her in closer to him. For once, she feels a small shred of safety, knowing Broonmark never did have any ulterior motives for her. For once, it's just her and her protector.
"Tri'ama, please. You've loved me for years, and this is how it ends?" He asks, quiet as he tries his best to seem strong.  His face betrays him, his force signature even more. His mind is crying out for her, regret at the forefront of his mind, then sadness. It's too much, even though the words hang in between them, she bunches the cloth lounge clothes in her hands, trying to stay focused, "Am I not playing my part right? Is this the problem?"
"No, Malavai-Quinn. Your part was played, correctly. I-I can't do this anymore, Quinn." She says, trying to motion to everything, them, their relationship. All of it. Nothing she can say can even encompass what she's feeling at this very moment. How she feels about him, how her trust is about to snap, given this goes any further than it already has. It's too much, "I'll put it bluntly, I don't trust you."
"You...you said you were over that" He says, his face falling further into his melancholy, "You said you were willing to put that behind us. In favor of a new beginning."
"Every time I look into the shadows, you're there. I'm terrified to be alone with you these days, Quinn. It's too much for me. I can't continue to pretend everything is okay for the sake of a relationship that should've never been!" Her voice raises, words come tumbling out that she was never supposed to say. He's taken aback by the realization, before quipping back himself.
"You're scared of me. You're scared of something that happened years ago that I promised would never happen again." He's getting uncomfortably close to her again, enough to smell the cologne that seems to never truly get washed out of his clothes-or him. It stings her nose as she begins to get too hot, her heart rate just too fast. As she always is as she prods at his mind to go to sleep before she slips out of their bed to sleep in the crew quarters until morning. He tries to hug her, wrapping his arms around her before she can tell him to stop. Everything is too much, she can't even begin to process, to rationalize.
Quinn is entirely too close.
Quinn needs to get off her, now.
"Get. Off. Of. Me." She growls, almost using the force to get him away from her as her breathing grows faster and faster. What if he's hiding a knife somewhere in that jacket of his, waiting to strike as soon as she stops focusing on this, as soon as she turns her back? Waiting for her guard to drop to finally land the kill?
Baras is dead.
But her fear isn't. What happened on the transponder station wasn't easily forgotten, she doubted she would ever truly be able to accept that. Be able to accept that what happened wouldn't happen again. The one person she let into her heart, let know everything about her. Laughed with, cried with, made love with.
Yes, it had been two and a half years. But every turn, he could be hiding in the shadows. He could be lying in wait everytime she crawled into bed with him. She's scared. That she couldn't say no before until she confided in Vette. And the way his desperate icy blue eyes bore into her, she's afraid she won't be able to go through with it.
The rubat crystal adorned ring still gleams in the light of their room. She uses the force to open the door before delicately pulling off the band, taking his hand one last time and putting it in his palm, closing his fingers over it. Looking up at him, she retracts her hand from his and tries not to let her watery eyes get the best of her. "Just go, Quinn. I'm sorry, but I can't."
Something finally breaks in him, his sad eyes turning into orbs of acceptance. He turns, leaving their shared room and she finally realeases a breath she didn't know she had been holding. Her finger feels...lighter, but her heart so much heavier now. Tears well up in her eyes as her surroundings blur.
It's too much.
"Business before pleasure, my lord. I've heard these liasions rarely last."
It's all too much.
Now, she isn't sure what to feel anymore as she tries not to cry into the surely bloodstained fur of her companion. Quinn's name still makes her feel a tinge of anxiety, as a shiver runs down her spine. Is that why she'd flirted with Theron? Because it made her feel better with something she couldn't have? That was what had lead her into this mess in the first place, playing with fire when she knew it wouldn't last.
Theron was nothing like Quinn, not nearly as uptight, but just as infuriating when trying to flirt with him. Maybe...maybe if she could just get past this fear of anyone, anyone to let into her heart again.
If it didn't bother her so much, leaving her mind open for the Barsen'thor to work together with her. Afraid that now that Theron knew her intentions, that he'd use it against her in the future.
But she doesn't want to let go.
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