#jedi sage
shaved-wampa · 1 month
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Elnur Faelir, Barsen'thor, Jedi Sage
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fwtcanimelover · 1 year
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What do you mean throwing sporks at the enemy wasn’t an option? lol.
I can’t remember a time during the Jedi Consular story when my character was actually given backup. So, I made a joke about it. I think my pure-lightside chaos Jedi Consular Kea Fey’lieshan is a bad influence, but in a goofy sense. Anyway, more SWTOR chaos.
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nekorinnie · 2 years
Master Nantan isn't sure why he let the twins and their cousin do his hair....
At least it's not tangled.... he hopes
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faivsz · 3 months
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|| cal's journey i tried to incorporate the pivotal moments for cal during fallen order's story into this piece such as how his journey started to its closing
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doli-nemae · 2 years
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angry big jedi knight and even bigger calm sith lord
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
Lazy Headcanons (feel free to share yours)
I really like the idea of lazy headcanons for muses. It can be intimate or just their plain guilty pleasure wherein nothing (apart from work and emergencies) would ever pry them off it.
Plo Koon:
Plo Koon's thirst for knowledge is probably as thirsty as I am for him (and puzzles). If he's down with a good book that's really got him hooked of something his centuries of season haven't stumbled across, he's not above having to raise a finger and make you wait till he finishes the last remaining pages or just so until he can reread the section of that got him really hooked or confused.
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I'd like to think Plo (at least my version of Plo) is also into puzzles and board games like chess, checkers, game of the generals (kekekke) and such. He's got about 1238912839128391 ways to make a move but would ponder so heavily on that one killer shot and wouldn’t really pay much attention to you but wouldn acknowledge your presence with "Mmmms...." and "I see."
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This isn't much of a headcanon because it is canon when he handed of C-3PO to Wolffe.
He'd happily pass having you entertained by someone else if he's not interested or if he's about to indulge in some solo-reading bonanza or would rather not be interrupted on any of his personal wind-down activities.
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Meditation is a must for our Baran Do Sage Master Jedi short King ♥ I HC that he'll write a note over the door of his chambers just so his boys know not to invite him in the usual 104th foolishness at least for the day. No sign means they're welcome to barge in (hopefully not as this worries Plo so much that his boys will eventually ingest so much Dorin gas they'd get sick. But has not the heart to lock up because boys are like cats clawing at the door when Buir has been in there far too long) while sign means Wolffe has to have extra headaches today.
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Plo Koon requires little management when it comes to nourishing himself because he's tapped so much into the force it basically nourishes him. But in times when he can actually indulge in consuming food, he really savors and enjoys it. Given he does this in his private chambers, but who's to say he's not doing it all soaked in a bubble bath with scented candles and some good tunes? ♥
He has an old phonograph-like device handed down from generations to generations. A Koon phonograph from his father's father's father's.
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And in the event that the Wolves are indeed persistent (as there is no 'Meditating on-going sign') and are so adamant to check on whether Plo Koon is still alive, he will do little to no protest and just be in his tub with a tray over, Dorin delicacies with his mask off and assure the boys that he is not depressed, sad, troubled, annoyed at them, ill, or anything apart from his best self.
He does this in his most very tired dad-voice and is all "Yes, yes, Commander Wolffe, I am unharmed. I simply wish to eat my dinner in peace." He sighs as the rest of the Wolves puff up trying to not inhale Dorin gas and Wolffe tries, tries, to do the same.
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Comet passed out on the floor and Sinker and Boost about to panic and sound the alarm.
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Warthog quietly picking a morsel from Plo's plate.
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xx-maemae-xx · 1 month
Give Mae a purple lightsaber…and, no, not just for aesthetic purposes.
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parseolegacy · 1 year
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A painting of Akk'rai doing Nadia's padawan braid after her apprenticeship begins around the time they get to Voss~
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dapurinthos · 1 year
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[image description: a quartet of images from star wars: the clone wars and ahsoka.
1) gif of star wars: the clone wars season 3, episode 15: overlords. ahsoka points something out in the distance to obi-wan and anakin, saying 'hey, i saw something! a reflection, up on the hill.' they are on mortis, and she is referring to a beacon located atop the monastery of mortis, where the father resides.
2) screenshot from the ahsoka series of episode 8: the jedi, the witch, and the warlord, showing a statue of the father from the mortis arc, located on peridea.
3) screenshot from the same episode. baylan skoll looks out over a mountain vista, a beacon atop one peak.
4) the same screenshot, contrast increased, zoomed in on the peak with the beacon.
/end description]
dave filoni, i am staring at you so hard right now. i am rotating this in my mind along with obi-wan's line of 'i can't even lock down where in the galaxy we are, or if we are even in our own galaxy.'
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ringwraithmd · 5 months
had some convos tonight im a little buzzed but here are my takeaways. these might start some fires.
somehow they person I talked with is both Anakin apologist and Anakin critical. Idk how they have that exist at the same time, but I'd like to say this to him: the Jedi were victims, the Jedi were not evil, no Obi-Wan isn't evil, Obi-Wan didn't repress and abuse Anakin, no Qui-Gon Jinn was not the bestest Jedi who did things differently than any other Jedi and if only he lived he would've saved Anakin Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker did not fall because he was sleep deprived and had one bad day, he fell for a number of reasons, including that he made choices, which choice as a theme is something George Lucas very deliberately has chosen to emphasize repeatedly in Star Wars. Also, Jyn Erso is an actually interesting character and I think she does care about rebelling, the problem is the repressive totalitarian regime she lives in. It's understandable she'd be a little cynical and despondent after 20 years of Empire. TLJ is not the best sequel trilogy movie, Kylo Ren's a little bitch and should've died sooner. Dave Filoni can kiss my ass. "within the context of the prequels it's hard to see the jedi as the good guys --" no. absolutely not. get some reading comprehension you moron. that's the whole point. the whole point is the jedi were the victims of a plot designed to force them into a position where all they had were bad choices. Anakin chose to murder men, women, and children long before he ever became Darth Vader which is a fact so many people seem to gloss over. "they killed his mother -" and?? he didn't just kill her torturers, he killed children, too. your boy committed massacres and genocides in canon. im not talking about legends or any recent books in comics, but solely about the movies. I get still liking him as a character, but to say that Anakin has done nothing wrong is a take that I just can't understand.
folk music is different than country music. im sorry but it is. yes there are similarities. no I can't explain the differences. but country music is not necessarily folk music, or "stomp-clap" music as you called it. tell me you don't listen to country without telling me. arguably the best argument you could've made about the push back of country music pop-ification is the rise in popularity of artists like Zach Bryan, but you didn't, you started talking about fucking Mumford & Sons. my good dude. no. google them. they're literally described as a folk rock band.
edited 6/23 bc I realized I was drunker then i thought and this was semi-incoherent. hopefully that clarifies things.
#me#dont get me wrong I do love my boy anakin#but Anakin made choices#yeah palpatine groomed him but legit we have a whole scene in rots where palpatine asks Anakin to join him and Anakin says no#its only when palpatine uses padme that Anakin joins him#“the space monk cultists fucked him up by raising him to be space Jesus” okay then cite your sources#oh who said Anakin's the chosen one qui-gon?#the very qui-gon you said if had he lived then Anakin wouldn't have fallen?#stop christianizing Star Wars so heavily#the jedi order were a religious order yes but I'd argue against them being a cult#you could leave!!!#Anakin could've left!!!!#ANAKIN COULD HAVE AT ANY TIME WILLINGLY LEFT THE JEDI!!!#discounting all the stuff in legends#we see jedi in the clone wars tv show appearing to actively practice other religious beliefs!!!!#Plo Koon is a sage!! I forget the rest of the name for it and I think this has been recanonized#depa billaba has her mark of illumination#bariss offee follows mirialan practices like covering her hair and even appears to be praying/meditating to what is likely a mirialan god#George Lucas himself has specifically said that Anakin fell because he was greedy and selfish#George Lucas has said multiple times there's a difference between love and attachment#AHHHHHHHH#edited 6/23 and adding that George Lucas has spoken about how the prequels are about a democracy becoming a dictatorship#and anakin helps with this!! you can argue that anakin could be comparable to your ex-bf who fell into the conspiracy theory rabbit hole#and now believes that insert politician here is the one true savior#except Anakin knows that what he is doing is wrong and he still chooses to do it anyways because it benefits him
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shaved-wampa · 1 month
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Elnur, Barsen'thor, Jedi Sage
simplified version ♡
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fwtcanimelover · 2 years
Give us a snippet or headcanon about Lana having second thoughts about rescuing a certain jedi consular!
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Sorry, it took me so long to answer but I thought it would be best if I did a mini comic strip for you. Anyway, my headcanon is that Lana probably did have some second thoughts on rescuing Kea, but I don't think that Lana could ever hate or dislike the commander (any commander really, no matter what you do in the game), call them an idiot sure, the main thing is that they do have disagreements on is their morals, because in the game she is a pure light side Jedi consular, and as you know there are light side decisions that Lana does take a bit of an issue with. My personal headcanon is that Kea has a huge love for trolling people and is generally the most unserious Jedi Master you could ever meet, not in a cruel way, but in a sort of cheeky primary/elementary school kid type of way. Despite this they are close friends, although Lana is more of the mum friend. In Lana's defense she didn't have a lot of options it was either Kea or Kea's twin brother Keon (smuggler) who is even more of a chaotic idiotic disaster then she is. (Don't let Kea's facial expressions fool you, she is acting petty after realizing that her puppy dog eyes have no effect on Lana)
Anyway sorry about my blabbering, thank you so much for your ask and feel free to ask more in the future if you would like!😊I hope that answered your question. 😁
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nekorinnie · 2 years
Bby twins meditating with Master Nantan., let us all see, what the Jedi Master has to deal with when the two younglings came to his creche
(Also... this was only supposed to be Evo's question... and it just... evolved from there)
Bby Evo: "Why is it called The Force? Wouldn't it make more sense to call it something like... The All? Since the Force is in All things?"
Bby Shag: *opens his eyes to curiously look at his newly found twin*
Master Nantan: "..."
Bby Shag: ".... Yknow that probably might make more sense.."
Master Nantan: *hums* "It would I suppose, as for why exactly The Force is called so... that might be long forgotten information"
Bby twins tilting their heads simultaneously: "How long ago?"
Master Nantan: "Perhaps a millennia ago? Perhaps decades or centuries ago,"
Both twins: "Fancy way of saying you don't know Master"
Master Nantan: "..." *deadpan expression*
The twins: *deadpan right back at him*
A moment of silence later
Bby Shag: "what if we time traveled to back then and found out how exactly "The Force" came to be?"
Bby Evo: "do you mean the name for The Force or how The Force itself came to be?"
Bby Shag: "....."
Bby Evo: "....."
Both: *nodding* "Both"
Master Nantan: ".... Do keep in mind Younglings. While there have and are multiple theories, there has been no proof or way of time travel, not to mention, the effects and such.,"
The two look at eachother, blinking, and shrug, then have a thought: "But if the Force wills it then it'll happen right?" Tilting their heads curiously at the Creche Master
Master Nantan: "... I suppose so... What happened to "The All"" *eye brow raise*
The twins: "..." *shrug*
And that's it for now... no more thoughts ... other then Master Nantan suggesting they ask other kinds of Force Users (Voss, etc etc) about why The Force is called The Force, and if they have their own word or phrase for it..
Fun bonus! Evorurt's species, not that he knows, do in fact, call the Force, The All.,
Fun bonus 2... upon Evo's death by Malgus (when? Sometime after the expansion timeline thing), The Force deemed its will for Evo to time travel (aka, time travel au~) but instead of what he and his twin touched about, the finding out how the Force came to be or how it was named to The Force, he ends up in the Clone Wars Era (ends up adopting alot of ppl oh nu :o)
Fun bonus 3: I'm pretty sure I had more fun bonuses, but I forgot
Oh! This was supposed to be only
>>> Bby Evo: "Why is it called The Force? Wouldn't it make more sense to call it something like... The All? Since the Force is in All things?" <<<
And perhaps Nantan and Shag's response and that's it... and it just, evolved
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bh-52 · 2 years
Star Wars - Naruto thoughts.
Haku & Galen Marek/Starkiller are very similar in some aspects.
Naruto could've easily fallen to the dark side because of how cruelly he was treated as a child, but he didn't which is why he would've made a great Jedi Knight.
The Mandalorians would've adopted Naruto if they found him.
Orochimaru would've been a formidable Sith Lord.
The Sith would've loved having Gaara as one of them.
Naruto growing up in the Jedi temple would be hilarious for his peers, and a headache for the Council.
Dooku could've been a fine teacher for Sasuke.
Sarutobi the Third Hokage would've been a good Jedi Council member.
Zabuza's final moments were his redemption just as Vader's were.
Sakura and Tsunade would've gotten along with the Jedi healers.
Naruto would've joined Fives, Ahsoka and Echo with their mischief.
Madara Uchiha would probably defeat Tenebrae regardless which of his three faces he takes.
The tailed beasts would probably have interesting conversations with Bendu.
The Ones and Abeloth might feel threatened by the tailed beasts like Kurama.
Galen Marek/Starkiller would probably be friends with Gaara.
Master Jiraiya: The Pervy Sage would probably try doing his research on the ladies of the Jedi Order, Ventress, Aurra Sing, and Force knows who else, only to get in trouble with either them or very protective friends and family of theirs.
Quinlan would be a bad influence on Naruto and his friends.
Rahm Kota & Tsunade would totally be drinking buddies.
Ezra & Sabine would be BFFs with Naruto.
Shikamaru would probably get along with Thrawn & Eli.
Jedi having their own version of shadow clone jutsu would be fun.
Yoda would totally master the Rasengan.
Iruka would love teaching the Jedi younglings.
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
💌🥰💭 for the ask game!!! :3
I have brainrot for several of my F/Os so I'll discuss The Narrator, Obi-Wan, and Dr. Cockroach!
💌 - What would a love letter from your f/o look like?
The Narrator would write a short but ultimately passionate letter. His eloquence doesn't betray him, in fact, his feelings fuel the vocabulary. Obi-Wan would probably be to the point but it definitely reads like he trying to remain a gentleman and often says stuff like "only if you want to" and "your feelings ultimately matter in the end." And Dr. Cockroach would be too flustered to write a one, his usual suave is gone in the moment he sits to write it. When he finally manages to write, all he writes is "You make me so happy. I love you."
🥰 - What little thing do they do makes you happy?
The Narrator when he rambles. He has the warmest and loveliest of voices! It makes me absolutely flustered. But also him just holding my hand. Obi-Wan not going easy on me when he duel and how him making my favourite tea in the morning. And Doc helping me plant sage in my garden.
💭 - If you could read their mind, what thoughts would they have about you?
The Narrator's thoughts about me would make me absolutely flustered and happy. They consist of just pure adoration. Obi-Wan's thoughts are more subdued, but there is that constant affection and thinking about my needs always. And Doc thinks about how incredible I am and would marvel at my power, but he is also an absolute sap about me. A real malewife.
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neonvqmpire · 3 months
going to blame german culture and not my autism for why i struggle to form deep connections with people
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