herpsandbirds · 6 months
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Cabot’s Tragopan (Tragopan caboti), male, family Phasianidae, order Gallioformes, SE China
photograph by @dustinchen0728
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alonglistofbirds · 1 year
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[1984/10977] Cabot's tragopan - Tragopan caboti
Order: Galliformes Family: Phasianidae Subfamily: Phasianinae
Photo credit: Su Li via Macaulay Library
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mutant-distraction · 1 year
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Cabot's tragopan (Tragopan caboti) is a pheasant found in south-east China.
Photo courtesy of A. Ocram, in South-east China.
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robotblues · 6 months
Cabot's Tragopan (Tragopan caboti)
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tsiwant · 1 year
10 - Oiseaux adorables en Vidéo C'est la grandeur du Créateur adoré, Gloire à Celui qui a créé les oiseaux dans leurs belles formes. هذه عظمة الخالق المعبود سبحان الذي خلق الطيور بأشكالها الجميلة La vidéo comprend les photos des oiseaux très mignons, mais qui, malheureusement ne sont pas nommés; je m’en excuse, j’essaierai de citer leurs noms très prochainement dans un commentaire. je suis de retour comme promis, pour vous donner les noms des oiseaux (30 au total) que comprend cette vidéo selon l’ordre de leur présentation; il s’agit de: 1- Jardinier satiné (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)-femelle 2- Tragopan de Cabot (Tragopan caboti) 3 - Faisan leucomèle (Lophura leucomelanos) 4 - Faisan de Colchide, faisan à collier ou faisan de chasse (Phasianus colchicus) 5 - pigeon moucheté (Columba guinée), ou pigeon de roche (africain) 6 - Lophophore resplendissant (Lophophorus impejanus) 7 - Ganga de Lichtenstein (Pterocles lichtensteinii) 8 - Faisan vénéré (Syrmaticus reevesii) 9 - Pintade de Pucheran (Guttera pucherani) ou pintade huppée 10- Tragopan de Hastings (Tragopan melanocephalus) 11- Faisan doré (Chrysolophus pictus) 12- Tragopan de Cabot (tête). 13- Tragopan ocellé (lat. Tragopan temminckii) 14- Perdrix gambra (Alectoris barbara) 15- Francolin noir Francolinus francolinus 16- Lagopède alpin (Lagopus muta) 17- Tétras du Canada (Canachites canadensis) 18- colombe impériale verte (Ducula aenea) 19- Tourterelle tigrine_Spilopelia chinensis ou Tourterelle tachetée 20- Guiraca bleu (Passerina caerulea) ou Gros-bec bleu 21- Lophophore resplendissant-Lophophorus impejanus 2 22- Éperonnier de Bornéo (Polyplectron schleiermacheri) 23- Colombine longup  ou  Colombe lophote 24- Lophophore resplendissant-Lophophorus impejanus femelle 25-Pic canente (Hemicircus canente) male. 26-Hokki du Tibet (Crossoptilon harmani) 27-Jardinier satiné (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)-femelle _2 28-Tragopan de Cabot (tête_2). 29-faisan doré (tête). 30-Martin-pêcheur tacheté (Megaceryle lugubris)
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dragoncarrion · 2 years
I love the tragopan caboti it's SO fucked up
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mariacallous · 2 years
A day marking a historical defeat may seem like an odd point to declare the resurgence of Catalonia's independence movement. 
Not for activist Imma Caboti.
She believes the fact people are still campaigning to split from the rest of Spain shows the strength of support for independence. 
Five years ago, on 1 October 2017, 92% of voters backed splitting from the rest of Spain in a referendum Madrid deemed illegal. But after the Catalan parliament declared independence, the Spanish government imposed direct rule, sacked its leaders and dissolved the parliament.
Today, support for independence remains strong, according to people like Caboti. 
Waving their distinctive red, yellow and blue flags, tens of thousands of Catalans marched through Barcelona for their national day in September, which marks the city falling to a military defeat by Spain in 1714.
"The public support for independence is massive," says Caboti, a committee member of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), a popular grassroots campaign group.
But her optimism is marred by infighting among Catalonia's pro-independence parties, which hold a 51% majority in the regional parliament. 
Internal rifts over the strategy to break away from Spain -- either dialogue with Madrid or unilateral action -- are undermining the independence movement, according to Caboti. 
"Our point of view is clear -- we have a majority in votes. Our government was elected with a mandate to implement independence, which isn't happening," Caboti tells Euronews. 
"The internal divisions are perfect for the Spanish. We believe Catalonia can only achieve independence unilaterally."
The ANC's hardline position -- to see Catalonia reinstate its independence declaration by 2024 -- is indicative of the split in Catalan politics after the 2017 referendum.
The ill-fated ballot, which saw 92% of voters -- or two million people -- choose independence with a 43 per cent turnout, was a "major defeat" for the Catalan movement, according to Dr Andrew Dowling, Hispanic historian at Cardiff University.
Dowling says many Catalans feel alienated from Spain after its response which included police violence, arrests of politicians and spying on activists. 
"Any consolation Spain can offer now is likely to be too little too late for Catalans who have psychologically broken off from Spain," says Dowling. 
"Even if 40 per cent of Catalans support independence it's still a big problem for Spain."
A government poll in September showed that around 52% of Catalans oppose independence and 41% back it -- a drop from the 49% in 2017. 
However, Catalonia now finds itself divided by -- as Dowling puts it -- "a government with two horses riding in different directions".
"There was a fair degree of unity that kept the independent movement going up until the referendum," he adds. 
Catalonia's divided politics
Catalonia, home to 7.7 million people in Spain's northeast, is governed by a fragile coalition of pro-independence parties that have clashed over their strategy to break with Spain. 
Regional president Pere Aragones, leader of the ERC (Republican Left of Catalonia), has preferred dialogue with Madrid, which has infuriated coalition partner Junts (Together for Catalonia). 
Last week, the coalition narrowly avoided collapse after Pere Aragones sacked his vice president Jordi Puignero -- head of Junts -- without consulting other government members. 
The spat came after Aragones announced on Tuesday that he would seek permission from Spain's capital to hold a referendum; a request that Madrid immediately rejected. 
"If the government had a united front and a clear plan it would probably encourage more people to support the movement," says Caboti, whose pro-independence group the ANC is considering fielding candidates for a future election if the stalemate continues. 
Identity 'under threat'
Catalonia's quest for independence can be traced through the centuries but current debates centre on its economy and identity. 
The region is financially lucrative and contributes around 19 per cent of Spain's GDP -- the second highest behind Madrid -- yet in 2022 the Spanish government allocated 17.2 per cent of state funds back to Catalonia in its budget.
"Catalans feel they are underfunded by the Spanish state," says Ana Sofia Cardenal, political scientist at Catalonia's Open University.
She adds that the imbalance causes tension in the region which faces some poor public services like trains and roads that need more funding. 
Meanwhile, some fear for Catalonia's language, which is spoken by most Catalans and has been seen to have come under attack.
In 2021, Spanish courts sparked outrage by ruling that a quarter of teaching in all schools in Catalonia must be in Spanish.
The decision clashed with a system of language immersion -- in place for 36 years -- that saw Catalan used in classrooms to protect the language that was quashed under the Franco dictatorship.
Catalonia's government is challenging the court decision and has told schools that they don't need to hit the quota of teaching 25 per cent in Spanish this year.
"Catalans feel they don't have enough guarantees that they will be protected from the central state, they need some safeguards," says Cardenal.
"It's this sense they can't protect their policies on language, finances or services from external interference." 
Public support
Cardenal adds that rising energy costs due to the war in Ukraine mean people are not engaging as much with independence activism, which may provide a chance for Spain to dampen the movement. 
"People are just not motivated because they have more pressing problems," Cardenal says.
"If there's real progress in solving some of the problems for Catalan people then we could see the support for independence going down."
Spain has made some efforts to appease Catalonia since the failed referendum.
Last year, the government ordered the partial pardon of 12 convicted Catalan separatists convicted for their roles in the 2017 referendum. 
But in Arenys de Munt, a small town 40 kilometres north of Barcelona, opinions on the quiet streets are as divided as those in the corridors of power. 
"I'm already 64, it won't happen in my lifetime," says shopkeeper Magda Artigas, who voted for independence in 2017. 
Josep Lluis Rodriguez, a former business owner, is more optimistic but voices his frustration at the government's current direction. 
"It's clear they [the government] are no longer openly interested in independence. Of course there is frustration and anger, because they didn't do what they should have done," Rodriguez says.
"We are organised and when the time comes, we will mobilise," he adds.
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multifandomgirl94 · 5 months
tootj hurt so i told my mom i think i have a secret caboty in my rooth eating it
nooooo ahe said, you were at the dentist in february and they saw NOTHINF ypull fine but go to tje dentist just in case
huwss what it was
0 notes
djkennedysblog · 2 years
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Mamma Mia! I can't believe that I had the chance to DJ in Italy this past fall, it is one of the most amazing places to visit, let alone DJ. 
The beginning of this year started it with a bang in the Bahamas. Not once, but twice. Officially became a Bahama Mama, with three island parties under my belt, then followed up with a gig in Turks and Caicos! But who knew there was a bigger opportunity waiting. 
I wouldn't have imagined that this year an opportunity to DJ in Europe would have come up. I am already thrilled to be a successful female DJ in L.A, a DJ in NY, and a DJ in Miami / Palm Beach and beyond! But the thought of appearing in Europe so soon blew me away.  
I was booked for a total of 3 events at the most bellisimo villas in Lake Como. The first event was at Villa Sola Caboti facing Lake Bellagio. I am trying to set the scene for you, as it was truly breathtaking. I was driving on the one road, going who knows where in the middle of Lago di Como, and I had to stop when I saw a picture-perfect villa wedding happening in front of me. Then it hit me this is the wedding party you will be djing for in just a few hours. Even thinking about it now, fills my little heart up. That was party #1. 
The next two events I dj'd were for another couple, who had an elaborate all week wedding celebration at Villa Pliniana, in Torno, overlooking the western side of Lago di Como. Breathtaking but in a different way, Mamma Mia x2!  The couple is actually from Orange County and I DJ'd their welcome party one night and their wedding after party a few nights later. Such a fun crowd, I felt like I was family by the end of it. 
I am so grateful that both couples trusted me, flew me to Italy, 6,000ish miles from LA to DJ their weddings. How unbelievable? Italy will always have a very special place in my heart, as I have spent much time there but to have the chance to take my musical passion to such a magnificent location left me speechless. We rocked those parties! They had the time of their lives and so did I!
At one point I was djing and eating freshly baked pizza, and I thought questa è la vita! This is the life! I can't wait to see what destinations and musical adventures are in store for me in 2023!
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herheroics · 6 years
@cabotiisms liked for a starter from olivia benson
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       with noah asleep in bed, it gave olivia a free moment to breathe, as well as a glass or two of wine. after everything had happened, she had been lying to herself, as well as her friends and co workers, she had told them she was okay and perfectly fine, but, she was neither of the above, she wasn’t fine, not in the slightest. the nightmares that was constantly having meant she hardly slept and the nightmares she had whilst awake, they were just as scary as the dreams she had but she wasn’t willing to admit that, not to anyone, not even to herself. 
    pulling her feet up underneath herself, olivia let out a soft breath, trying to get her thoughts under control. the lieutenant wasn’t aware as to how long had passed but she heard a knock on the door. shaking her head to clear her thoughts, olivia grabbed her gun and headed towards the door and looked through the peep hole before putting her gun back into it’s holster as she opened the door “alex? what are you doing here?”. 
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earpangel · 6 years
––– @cabotiisms​ / alex gets baby waverly.
          nightmares jolt her awake, as they have so many nights.  tiny fingers clutch the worn out rabbit she’s had since birth, the last remnant of her life until months before.  body shakes, completely out of breath.  big brown eyes open up to the popcorn ceiling of her new catalogue bedroom, so different from the peeling walls of the homestead.  waverly used to wish for a room like this ;  one she could call her own.  she’d take it back now, if she could.  she’d take back a lot of things.
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knees pull up to her chest, clutching her toy even tighter.  the little girl struggles to catch her breath, fighting back tears.  chapped lips pull between teeth.  no crying, earp.  she’s tired of crying.  mama used to bring her warm milk when she was scared.  sometimes wynonna did that, too, just to get her back in her own bed.  so she tiptoes down the hall  ( she’ll take care of herself now, thanks )  and into the kitchen.  the only problem is that she’s short and the microwave is up high, and climbing in the dark isn’t really her strong suit.  there’s a loud crash as the glass hits the floor and shatters beneath her.  waverly gasps.  fudgesicles !  she jumps back down, only narrowly avoiding a shard with her foot.
                              “ please don’t wake up, please don’t wake up, please don’t wake up... ”
mutters echo through the cool kitchen.  she’s still on eggshells around emily, trying to do everything right.  trying to make her like her.  this place isn’t home, but it’s all she has, and she knows all too well that telling too much truth will only land her in another home.  at least this one is kind of nice.  the problem with being a child is that no one believes a word you say, but the problem with been a teenager is exactly the opposite.  the same men with who brought her to wisconsin with a million rules to go along with her new name  ––  riley ;  it doesn’t suit her at all  ––  also sent away her sister for the truth :  that nightmares aren’t dreams.  they’re memories.
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herpsandbirds · 1 year
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Cabot's Tragopan (Tragopan caboti), male, family Phasianidae, found in SE China
photograph by 乐金金
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justiiceserved · 7 years
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are you ready? are you?
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rafaelbarbaesq · 6 years
@cabotiisms // [cont’d] 
Rafael was gripping the file in his hand so hard he’d bent it. How dare she lay the blame on him, how were any of them supposed to know the defendant would pull something like switching his plea, accusing the detectives of some sort of impropriety?  
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“I had no way to prepare for that, and you know it! He was cleared by the department shrink, competent for trial. I did everything I could, then, to stop it.” 
It was as though she was accusing him of not giving his all, something he did so often, he was frankly surprised he had any left. He couldn’t just let her say it with no repercussions. But his anger abated, if only just. “What recourse do we have now?” The overwhelming exhaustion he felt creeping up on him meant he needed to redirect his rage into working the case, convicting this rapist. 
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alwaysfine · 6 years
&. @cabotiisms​​        MEME RESPONSE !
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❝    𝚜𝚘 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞’𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚝?    ❞  amanda’s arms are folded tightly across her chest, a ‘ fuck you ’ smile offered to the guard as the barred door is opened.  amanda knew she should’ve stayed in her seat and kept her mouth shut, but per usual, her impulses took over.  ❝    yeah, well, in case you haven’t noticed, i don’t do well with other people tryin’ to control me.    ❞  there’s a huff as she looks up at alex, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips.  ❝    do i wanna talk about it?  nope.    ❞  amanda turns her head to avoid their former ada’s gaze, before clearing her throat.  ❝    are we done?    ❞
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4-0l5 · 6 years
sc   /   @cabotiisms 
              this isn’t the first time she’d been held in contempt. and it wouldn’t be the last. legs outstretched in front of her, hands clasped loosely in her lap and her back against the wall, olivia sat on the cold bench of a holding cell. she looks up when the door opens, and she’s only moderately surprised to see alex instead of cragen. pushing herself to her feet, she strides through the door, passing her friend and attorney, she muttered under her breath.     ‘     YEAH, YEAH     --     I KNOW.     ‘
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