herpsandbirds · 18 hours
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Dracula Parrot aka Pesquet’s Parrot (Psittrichas fulgidus), family Psittaculidae, order Psittaciformes, endemic to New Guinea
photograph by Martin Mecnarowski
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maureen2musings · 2 days
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Pink Robin
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Skinny legs salute skinny legs.
Graureiher (grey heron) am Uni Teich, Vaihingen.
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occasionallybirds · 2 days
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Palm Warbler (Setophaga palmarum)
October 19, 2024
Southeastern Pennsylvania
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thatsbelievable · 2 days
The birds have reserved Sector 33 today from 11am-11pm for their annual plotting.
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sirrabbithat · 1 day
Been thinking about a COD!bird hybrid Au. But their all like really fancy birds- I'll definitely be turning this into a fanfic
I'll split this into two posts!
Soap is a new guinea cock of the rock. Mostly for the natural Mohawk. He's trans in this au so he has the bright blue eyes and naturally brown mowhawk and wings. He dyes everything he can orange.
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Ghost is a snowy owl because ofc he is, but he doesn't have any of those black stripes on him they usually have. And if he dose have them their barely noticable. Both of them are large and strong hunters and usually work alone unless with a mate (soap) and both seem to have a terminal case of RBF.
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Price is a European bee eater. Their very Social little guys and are extremely fast. The colors aren't exactly tactical but I image he uses temp feather dye to darken his wings and feathers before going on an Op. European bee eaters are also extremely focused hunters, similar to Price.
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Gaz is a Costas hummingbird because I think their adorable. But similar to the bee eater price is based off of their extremely fast and nimble, the pop of purple feathers mixed into military green and white wings is also something I'm obsessed with. Plus with his wings moving as fast as hummingbird wings do he shouldn't fall out of any (more) helicopters anytime soon
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Roach would be a puffin. Their both weird little guys who like to get into strange shaped places. Ie: a hole in the wall. He'd probably pick away at some drywall and make a nest next to a gas line.
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(I was so upset to learn his antenna aren't cannon) 😔
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science-lover2941 · 2 days
Lophotriccus pileatus
Scale created pygmy tyrant
It is a species of bird in the family Tyrannidae.
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It was given its name for the small crown-like ring of feathers on the top of its head.
They are found in Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Peru, Venezuela and Panama.
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seathernycolors · 1 day
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fun is twice as fun with someone to share !!!!!!
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dumbbitchawards · 5 months
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Crying over these geese.. oh to be a solitary goose finding love and starting a family in an interracial goose relationship
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
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I like how the one dude had to sit down twice he was so overwhelmed
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fusgia · 9 months
hey guys you wanna see a really really bad image of a pelican
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YEAH you do. here it is. jesus fucking christ
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herpsandbirds · 3 days
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Violet-crowned Woodnymph (Thalurania colombica), male, family Trochilidae, Colombia
photograph by Rainforest Photo Tours
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pipermintz · 1 year
I feel like if humans swallowed rocks like birds do to help grind up food we'd have so much fun with it.
Can just imagine all the girlies on tiktok going "I know this is a bit controversial but I honestly love using limestone as a gastrolith. Not only can you readily forage it but they are just so pretty when smoothed out after regurgitating them"
and then all the comments would be like " girl 😭 😭 calcite dissolves in stomach acid!! Just use quartz if you want a pretty gastrolith like 💀"
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chelledoggo · 1 year
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"We're gonna be talking about the BOOBY! We'll be talking about the WOODCOCK! Do you think that's FUNNY, Butthead? Do you find it AMUSING that we'll be talking about the SWALLOW? Yes, we're also gonna be talking about the DICKCISSEL, the BUSHTIT, the COCK-OF-THE-ROCK, the SHAG... and we will DEFINITELY be spending a LOT of time talking about...GREAT TITS!!"
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stackofturtles · 25 days
I have come into possession of an ornithology book from the 1930's and they had such a way of describing birds back then, modern publishers of birding booking should take note! Here are some of the bangers.
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yes, this book refers to the anhinga as a water-turkey
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longingforrotkehlchen · 5 months
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Up on melancholy hill sits a crow just looking out on the day...
Aaskrähe (carrion crow) im Unteren Schlossgarten, Stuttgart-Ost.
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