#cache of sybaris
chronicas · 11 months
I've been following you for so long but I know nothing about your OCs (how? Idk.) so how about a basic rundown or something? Who's on the roster.
Ooooh man we've got a menagerie of guys over here in the Noxsylvaniaverse. Sorry I went overboard.
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ARRAY OF CICADAS Akira Akamatsu -> Devan Ranim -> Karma Gjalleon
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi Core themes: Comradery, grief, and redemption
Array of Cicadas is about a girl struggling with grief and the adventure that helps her come to terms with it. Akira is the protagonist (but not the main character) of AoC. Growing up in the magical realm of Genesis, Akira was raised as a Fire Mage, hiding from her family and everyone she knew that in reality she's an extremely rare Elemental Mage. She hid her power solely because she REALLY didn't like the son of the dragons (Ryuji, he's on this list in spirit) who would've become her teachers had she revealed herself. She moved from her magical homeworld to live on Earth and go to college after her sister's death. Family drama gets her thrown into Hveske where she meets her soon-to-be best friend, Devan! Devan is best described as Positive Change Personified. As the true main character of the story, there are very few people who's lives aren't improved by having this little guy in it. He meets Akira in the middle of his own personal quest to help his friends take down the Izebellian Empire, that's currently threatening to take over his home realm Hveske. Devan might still be just a kid, but he's always coming up with bright ideas that've gotten him and his friends out of dozens of scraps. Karma Gjalleon is the main antagonist of AoC. An unknown threat looms far greater and more powerful than that of the Izebellian Empire, that is the Regicidal Regent, Karma Gjalleon! She was once ruling regent of Hveske a few thousand years ago, but decided to broaden her horizons and now plans to conquer the entire universe! Her desire is to eradicate all tyranny by becoming the ultimate tyrant, once she has successfully done this, she wishes to be taken down herself by a righteous hero.
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Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia Serendipity Grace Vulcan -> Salem Graves -> Qwynn Vandale
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Mystery Core themes: Identity, love (DIFFERENT from romance), stress/pressure
Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia is the second installment of AoC, taking place at the same time as the first. Akira disappears from the small Coloradian town of Adderdeen, kicking off a series of events that binds three of the town's most extraordinary people together to solve an interdimensional mystery. Serendipity is a teenage vampire who's adoptive family sent her to Adderdeen to study under the renowned Master Alchemist James Emperor. Serendipity lives with a poorly understood condition that makes it difficult for her to use her own magic, therefore she had to give up the family trade of witchcraft to learn about a more external magic like Alchemy. She struggles best she can to keep up with her magical studies as well as her high school studies as a foreign exchange student at Adderdeen High School. After she's found out as a vampire by her classmate Qwynn, she gets roped into a whole new world of mystery. She just hope her grades don't suffer too much as a result. Salem is a local celebrity in Adderdeen as host of a popular local radio show he titled The Nightwatch, a show cracking down on local supernatural sightings. He also balances his job as a mortician on top of it as well as raising his teenage sister single-handedly.. all while not letting it slip he's West Virginia's Very Own Mothman! After an encounter with an old moth-like spirit and a chaotic interdimensional entity at 13, Salem has to deal with being a towering moth monster when he's not in his glamored human form. He also takes on the daunting task of keeping the supernatural hotspot of Adderdeen a simple tourist town without letting the truth of the supernatural slip up. Qwynn is a simple teenage girl with simple aspirations. She wants to keep up her honor student status, get a good scholarship, get into a good, local, college, and also help her parents with their Monster Hunting Gig. Daughter of a human mother and a werewolf father, Qwynn is the only of her three siblings to not inherit lycanthropy from her father, much to her annoyance. Without claws or fangs to take down some of Adderdeens more unnatural inhabitants, Qwynn has to improvise with quick and flashy magic and even faster blades. All for the good of a town that will ideally never know the service her family provides. She makes it a point to investigate any strange happenings in Adderdeen, so it doesn't take long for her to figure out her new classmate is secretly a vampire or that the mortician who works with her mom is Mothman.
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Array of Cicadas: [REDACTED] Penumbra -> Aranea Weltgeist -> Izebel Lucifer Walpurgis
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi Core themes: Knowledge, war, hope
Not much I can say about this installment as it would spoil the mysteries I'm setting up for AoC and AoC:C. But I CAN say this third and final installment of this story sets up the final confrontation and brings all our previously introduced characters together. Penumbra is a force by which many things have come to an end. Two thousand years ago she was merely a scientist who aspired to know more about the world around her. Her drive to learn more was inevitably her downfall. Her lover and enemy, Kirke, would later go on to use her findings to create a curse meant to Destroy the Universe. Aranea is a teenage visionary Created by her Father Out of Love using Alchemy. Her father, Issac Weltgeist, was found and murdered by the Izebellian Empire for his reasearch as a Master Alchemist. As a homunculus herself, Aranea was kidnapped in case she hid any secrets of her fathers research. Quickly dismissed by Kirke as useless to the empire's research on homunculi, Aranea was told to watch after the child Empress Izebel, who was only a few years younger than Aranea herself. Aranea spent the next two years searching for a way to escape the empire. Her plans where put into motion early when she found they had acquired the legendary sword Excalibur. Stealing the sword, Aranea made her escape. Izebel is a bit more of a figurehead as Empress of the Izebellian Empire. She was created by the sorceress Kirke to be the vessel for her curse. While she is a living source of destruction, Izebel is treated with respect by her underlings. However, the only person to truly show her kindness, was Aranea. Izebel quickly took to viewing Aranea as an older sister, and demanded she be treated with the respect an Empress' sister deserved. She did her best to give Aranea everything she wanted to make her happy, but refused to let her leave. When Aranea finally escaped, she left Izebel confused, heartbroken, and enraged.
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Mother of the Apocalypse Alexios -> Asterius Polaris -> Armageddon
Genre: Cyberpunk, Fantasy, Tragedy Core themes: Family, lies, perseverance
MotA has nothing to do with AoC, and is instead it's own independent world. It's a story about a prophecy told by the Goddess of Fate to her oracles. That entails the end of the world at the hands of the Mother of the Apocalypse, only able to be stopped by the Savior of the Rim. How this prophecy ends, is up to Fate. Alexios is the son of Kepus, the Goddess of Life and Death, and himself, the Savior of the Rim. He much despises his own title. All he did to earn it was stop a Colossus that was bent on the destruction of a Spire. Now he's wrapped up in probably the dozenth prophecy in a life that's lasted over a millennia. Problem with this prophecy is that it wants him to kill someone to save the world, and he put such violence behind him centuries ago. With his newly adopted child to take care of, Alexios can't think much on how he'll save the world while sparring it's vessel of destruction. Asterius is the son of Taphion, the God of the Crypt, and Septentria, the Northern Star. However he spent the first 13 years of his live believing himself a demigod who had a human mother he never hat the opportunity to meet. Once his true identity was revealed to him, as well as his role in the prophecy as the Beast of the Crypt, a monster born to stand as the guardian of the Mother of the Apocalypse, he ran. He landed in the care of a hero, who he would later discover was the very man destined to kill him, the Savior of the Rim. After Alexios became determined to find a way to break the "curse" on Asterius (a clever lie the kid fabricated so he didn't have to reveal to his would-be murderer who he really was), the man came to see Asterius as his own child. As much as Asterius loves his new father, he can never bring himself to tell him the truth. Armageddon is the titular Mother of the Apocalypse. Daughter of Ignarus, the God of Destruction, she is destined to raze civilization to the ground. Unfortunately for Ignarus, she would rather die than have any part in the Apocalypse he curated for her. When the Savior of the Rim does finally come for her, she and Alexios' mutual interest in stopping the Apocalypse though means different than Fate has offered draws them closer together. Armageddon comes to believe that maybe their love will prove stronger than Fate herself.
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LIZ and the Biohazards Logan Griffiths -> Samantha Griffiths -> Miriam Riveria
Genre: Horror, Sci-fi Core themes: Rebellion, survival, girlhood
Oh man I would love to tell y'all ALLLL about this comic, but as I am literally working on the script rn, you'll have to wait and see for most of it. But MAINLY, it's a story about a teenage science experiment who grew up in a lab and decides to break free and experience all the world has to offer. (Previously titled Unchained Phenomena) Logan Griffiths is labeled by most of the people who know him as a crazy conspiracy theorist, but Logan knows what he's seen and what he's heard. His son was sent to war almost 18 years ago and never came back. The last letter he received from his son detailed the horrors he had seen on the front lines, saying he fought beside people who "weren't people anymore". Ever since Logan has worked to crack down on the government's experiments on humans, and expose what decades of propaganda and coverups have worked so hard to hide. One disaster strikes the government base he's spent a decade studying, and his answers are delivered right to him with one phone call from some friends. He just didn't expect them to come in the form of a young girl. S-072, or Sam, as she prefers to call herself now, was created in a government lab after the Bio War ended in an attempt to bolster Texas' defenses as it stands on the brink of independence. S-072 was designed for espionage, with the original intent being to create a human who could alter their physiology to mimic anyone. However, while she can indeed alter her physiology, the raw-looking flesh and bone she is able to warp and change isn't going to pass as anyone alive. After the initial failure, they found that S-072 was better suited for just slaughtering things. She could withstand bullet wounds after training, she could warp herself into her own weapons, and was overall the perfect killing machine. Too bad someone started putting ideas in her head. Miriam is a survivor of war. She wasn't a soldier, but she was a sister, and a daughter. Her hometown was hit with a biological weapon and she lost her family and was left sick, disabled, disfigured, and traumatized. She did her best to survive, but unable to work, living on fixed income wasn't cutting it. When the government offered her an experimental cure for her illness, she took it without reading the fine print. Subjected to many experiments, but never a real cure, Miriam plotted a way out.
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THE MIXED BAG OF RANDOM GUYS! "Charlie" -> Caelum Ketch - Jinlong
Dream Journal: The Central Mind
Genre: Horror, Sci-fi Core themes: The unknown, death, grief
This story is from a dream I had that I've reworked to make a story that I'd love to make into a short comic someday. The basic idea of the dream (maybe nightmare) was there was a family that lived on an island who were studying an interdimensional entity. Shortly after they moved to this island, their daughter died. Something, someone else.. came back. "Charlie" is the name of the person who is distinctly NOT Charlotte to anyone who looks close enough. A fragmented piece of a much larger entity with the mind and memories of the late Charlotte, Charlie is just trying to solve the mystery of why her family keeps acting so strange around her.
Cache of Sybaris
Genre: Sci-fi Core themes: Idk man it's just fun Space Pirates babeyyyyyy
The Sybaris Galaxy celebrates the many rich cultures that exist within it, art and culture is a top priority of the Galactic Union! So when the entirety of the latest Trivlexian exhibit on the planet Nik is stolen by Captain Wretch and her band of pirates, it becomes a Galaxy wide chase to steal it back! Especially to other pirate crews who might never have the chance to catch a better score. Ketch is one of such pirates who's crew is after Captain Wretch and her recently stolen goods. While most are after the art that was in the exhibit, the crew of the Red Death is much more interested in the Trivlexian technological artifacts. Namely because Ketch, the crew's finest mechanic, is Trivlex himself. Ketch knows well enough that anyone who isn't rich enough to be able to conveniently ignore is knows all Trivlexian artifacts are stolen, but he has no noble ambitions for his people's artifacts. He just wants to make better weapons and improve his crew's ships. Regardless of how many bounties it gets on his head in the process.
Shifting Stars and Moving Mountains
Genre: Fantasy Core themes: Grief, change, culture
SS+MM is a story that takes place in the same universe as Array of Cicadas, but remains mostly disconnected from the main story. It follows the dragons of Genesis, their politics, culture, and how they influence the rest of the realm. Jinlong is a young dragon, just a few decades over 500, who grew up during the Great Dragon Hunts. Jinlong lost both of his parents in the hunts, he survived the only way he could in such a time of hostility towards dragons, he lived as a human. A human family took him in and treated him as their own. Jinlong spent so long as a human he slowly lost touch of what it meant to be a dragon. After his youngest human sister died at the EXTREMELY impressive age of 200, Jinlong was taken in by Sage Ragnormr, an ancient dragon who advised him to rest. And rest he did, for 2000 years, Jinlong slept, regaining the strength he expended from holding his body in human form for so long. He awakes in the modern era, things have changed drastically, and this little dragon needs to learn what it really means to be a dragon again.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I have 400+ other ocs that I won't cover on this post, but if anyone is ever curious about my silly little guys, there's nothing in the WORLD that brings me more joy than getting to talk about them with other people :)
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noxsylvania · 1 year
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Some weird fucking dog.
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noxsylvania · 10 months
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I went 19 years of my life just thinking random excruciating pain in my joints was normal so guess which character gets that little piece of myself?
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noxsylvania · 2 years
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Bringing Ketch back. Fused him with Hadean. They’re the same character now (narratively Ketch got the personality). Anyways.
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noxsylvania · 1 year
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Been thinkin' about my sillay little aliens again.
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noxsylvania · 1 year
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Shifting back into space pirate mode. Here’s the little guy!!!
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noxsylvania · 5 months
Gotta break this all down because I never really explain shit.
Secret Worlds Universe:
Takes place in an expansive universe with different realms and planes of existence! Earth exists here, but has an alternate history!
Array of Cicadas (DEVANN!! And Akira!!)
Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia (Sera, Qwynn, n Salem!!)
Array of Cicadas: [REDACTED] (Aranea!!)
LIZ and the Biohazards (Sammy and the band!!!!)
Shifting Stars and Moving Mountains (All the dragons!)
Tragoedia is a planet that is connected to pocket dimensions created by stories. There’s currently no other relevant worlds here. Earth does not exist, but Tragoedia is meant to mirror it (Sci-fi fantasy style)
Mother of the Apocalypse (Future Graphic Novel)
Tragoedia: The Blackened Skies (IDK yet.)
Tragoedia: Tales of Tragedy (Future TTRPG)
The Sybaris Galaxy:
A Galaxy far far away… lots of planets are relevant here! But this one is just for fun! I don’t have any big plans for it. The Milky Way Galaxy also exists in this universe, but no stories take place there yet.
whoever the hell this one random woman I keep writing about and not sharing with you guys is.
Dream Journal:
Exactly what it sounds like. This is my brain.
In my subconscious anything is possible.
Charlie is from here! (My unconscious brain)
One-Shot World
I didn’t do any complicated world building for this one!!! It’s all about the story!!!
One More Thing Before You Go (just a one shot about a Knight and sacred destiny)
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chronicas · 1 year
You’re one of those people who I forgot why I was following but never unfollowed because you’re now part of my dashboard’s ecosystem. Anyway what was that earlier? You like makin’ a comic or something? Because that’s pretty neat!
Yeah I am! I'm like.. kinda a perfectionist about my art so like I wanna feel really confident in making comics before I start either of them (Maybe even go to school about it). But Array of Cicadas is something I plan on starting in the next couple years as a webcomic and Mother of the Apocalypse is a graphic novel I hope to publish someday in the slightly more distant future.
And in the here and now I'm about a year in on development on a tabletop roleplaying game, called Tragoedia: Tales of Tragedy, which I'm almost ready to start the first phase of playtesting!
I also have a few projects that I work on just for fun mainly. Like Unchained Phenomena, a horror comedy about a teenage bioweapon starting a band. Shifting Stars and Moving Mountains, a story set in the world of AoC about dragons and the way the world changes around them. Cache of Sybaris, which is straight up mainly just a worldbuilding project with hardly any plot that I made to scratch my space pirate itch. And I have like tons of other OCs that aren't connected to any of these projects. There's more detail about all of this stuff on my about page and in the tags.
So yeah, I'm gonna get to the comics eventually and the timeframe I'm working on for Tragoedia puts me having it finished in about three-four years. In the meantime I will talk about all these projects A LOT because I love them with my whole heart and you can glean a little bit about what they are via various infodumps.
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noxsylvania · 2 years
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Devan Ranim, beloved little boy and main character of Array of Cicadas. He's traveling across the realm of Hveske to find the Sword of Gjalleon to defeat an evil Empire that threatens the universe.
Caelum Ketch, main character of Cache of Sybaris and one of a couple dozen remaining survivors of a lost alien species. Ketch was raised by a grew of pirates that is now seeking out the lost treasure of one of the most notorious pirate crews in the Sybaris Galaxy.
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noxsylvania · 2 years
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Noxsylvaniaverse Character Showdown 2k23!!!
I’m hosting a silly little bracket for my silly little guys. I’ll start posting polls this week, doing four polls a day for round one.
My characters are deeply important to a lot of people in my life, many of them are not on tumblr. For those people I will be using a survey for each round to determine the final votes.
Devan Ranim (Array of Cicadas) vs Caelum Ketch (Cache of Sybaris)
Jinlong (Shifting Stars and Moving Mountains) vs Azar (Array of Cicadas)
Asterius Polaris (Mother of the Apocalypse) vs Lumaria Stellarune (Array of Cicadas: [REDACTED])
Serendipity Grace Vulcan (Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia) vs Count Skadumire (Tragoedia: The Blackened Skies)
Aranea Weltgeist (Array of Cicadas: [REDACTED]) vs Penumbra (Array of Cicadas: [Redacted])
Caz von Wraith (Array of Cicadas) vs Ryuji (Shifting Stars and Moving Mountains)
Qwynn Vandale (Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia) vs Alexios (Mother of the Apocalypse)
Izebel Lucifer Walpurgis (Array of Cicadas: [REDACTED]) vs Kirke (Array of Cicadas: [REDACTED])
Akira Akamatsu (Array of Cicadas) vs Sage Ragnormr (Shifting Stars and Moving Mountains)
Ophelia Pendragon (Array of Cicadas: [REDACTED]) vs The Knight (One More Thing Before You Go)
Samantha Griffiths (Unchained Phenomena) vs Sylvia Belladonna (Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia)
Prince Kuri (Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia) vs Damrina (Mother of the Apocalypse)
Karma Gjalleon (Array of Cicadas) vs Sage Arahunna (Shifting Stars and Moving Mountains)
Armageddon (Mother of the Apocalypse) vs Quartermaster Vendetta (Cache of Sybaris)
Salem "Mothman" Graves (Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia) vs Chaos (Mother of the Apocalypse)
Leonardo LaNoir (Array of Cicadas) vs Lazarus Volaan and Howl (Destiny OCs)
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noxsylvania · 2 years
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Armageddon is known more commonly by her title in prophecy as the Mother of the Apocalypse. As the only demigod child of the God of Destruction, Ignarus, Armageddon is a particularly dangerous demigod. Existing with the sole intention of bringing about disaster and ruin across the world, Armageddon never had the chance to live a normal life. Her father made sure to destroy anything that would ever bring her joy, of the few lovers she managed to have, all of them were doomed with a terrible fate, from tragic deaths to cruel betrayals, it was made clear to Armageddon that for her to be loved was not an option. Despite everything, she refused to become her father's pawn and will prevent the Apocalypse by any means necessary, even if that means the end of her life at the hands of the Savior of the Rim. However, after meeting the man, they both would much rather seek out another way to save the world. Alexios may have been destined to destroy Armageddon, but perhaps out of spite, they taught each other how to love again instead.
Vendetta Rasalhague is Quartermaster of the notorious pirate vessel, the Red Death. She joined the crew when she was but a girl, but thanks to her longevity, is now one of the oldest, yet most spry members of the crew. Captain Fang is a close and dear friend to her, and she views the man as a brother and equal. Often times Vendetta is mistaken as the ship's captain for the respect she demands from her crew and fear she puts into her enemies. After the crew stumbled across an infant Trivlex, a now incredibly rare species due to the destruction of Tenebrai-5, Vendetta was the one to make the decision to have the crew raise the child, as it was a safer option than to put the kid at risk of being hunted by bounty hunters. The name Ketch was a decision made by the whole crew, but Vendetta was the one to name him Caelum after her late father. Vendetta will never allow anyone to refer to her as a mother, but it's plain as day to anyone that's what she is to Ketch.
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noxsylvania · 2 years
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Karma Gjalleon is the main antagonist of Array of Cicadas. A descendant of the Hveskian Dragon Goddess Gjalleon, Karma was raised with the impression she would always be in her mother's shadow. She soon realized this was nothing more than her mother's ego and ran away as a teenager to hone her own power. Years later she returned and challenged the current King of Hveske to a Rite of Power, an ancient Hveskian tradition that ensures the most powerful being in the realm is always seated on the thrown via trial by combat. Infuriated that her daughter thought herself above her, Hilgamesh Gjalleon, challenged Karma to her own Rite of Power the moment Karma seized the throne. Karma swiftly defeated her mother, but placed her honor on the line to do so. After desecrating the name of a Goddess, the Dragon Gods decided to abandon Hveske. A few hundred years into her reign as Regent of Hveske, Karma would follow suit in search of the gods that abandoned her. Now, no one really knows what happened to the lost regent, but rumors have been spreading across the universe of a powerful being known as the Regicidal Regent.
Vendetta Rasalhague is Quartermaster of the notorious pirate vessel, the Red Death. She joined the crew when she was but a girl, but thanks to her longevity, is now one of the oldest, yet most spry members of the crew. Captain Fang is a close and dear friend to her, and she views the man as a brother and equal. Often times Vendetta is mistaken as the ship's captain for the respect she demands from her crew and fear she puts into her enemies. After the crew stumbled across an infant Trivlex, a now incredibly rare species due to the destruction of Tenebrai-5, Vendetta was the one to make the decision to have the crew raise the child, as it was a safer option than to put the kid at risk of being hunted by bounty hunters. The name Ketch was a decision made by the whole crew, but Vendetta was the one to name him Caelum after her late father. Vendetta will never allow anyone to refer to her as a mother, but it's plain as day to anyone that's what she is to Ketch.
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noxsylvania · 1 year
Desperate to talk about the worldbuilding in Cache of Sybaris, but having to go up against the “Don’t be annoying about your space pirates” but like they don’t even know there’s a space pirate code.
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noxsylvania · 2 years
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Round Two Matchups!!!
Devan Ranim (Array of Cicadas) v. Jinlong (Shifting Stars and Moving Mountains)
Asterius Polaris (Mother of the Apocalypse) v. Serendipity Grace Vulcan (Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia)
Aranea Weltgeist (Array of Cicadas: [REDACTED]) v. Caz von Wraith (Array of Cicadas)
Alexios (Mother of the Apocalypse) v. Izebel Lucifer Walpugis (Array of Cicadas [REDACTED])
Akira Akamatsu (Array of Cicadas) v. Ophelia Pendragon (Array of Cicadas [REDACTED])
Samantha Griffiths (Unchained Phenomena) v. Damrina (Mother of the Apocalypse)
Karma Gjalleon (Array of Cicadas) v. Vendetta Rasalhague (Cache of Sybaris)
Salem Graves (Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia) v. Lazarus Volaan & Howl (Destiny OCs)
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noxsylvania · 2 years
The most important part about Cache of Sybaris that I need you all to understand is that it’s nothing but cheesy sci-fi tropes combined with cheesy pirate bullshit. And they all sound as stupid as I want them to. It’s one of my greatest passions.
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noxsylvania · 2 years
cache of sybaris finally featured tag 👍 i went back and fixed the placeholder name now that it has a real name :)
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