frowningfox · 1 year
Right back at you with the numbers! Asim: 1, 7, 15, 32 / Cadwgawn: 1, 22, 31, 38
Thank you so much for the questions!!! <3 Asim: Undead Drow/Orc - Paladin/Warlock 1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Basically no time at all. He barely ever trances. Someone help this man. He resorts to tinkering and reading a lot - he's learned about 12 languages at this point. Please. I'm serious, someone help him. 7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
This is something he's still figuring out. He had a serious brain injury that's caused his memory to have a lot of black spots, and he's also recently gained all the memories of his past lives. He's basically being reintroduced to his life/lives as we go along and any new experience could be a sudden surprise nostalgia.
But always, always, his husband Gearheart. They've been running into each other in different lives for about 2000 years and every time he sees his husband it's nostalgia times 100. It's a pleasant nostalgia. Fond memories of the few times he managed to feel comfortable sitting still, holding onto his favorite person* in the whole wide world.
(*everyone asim loves is his favorite person, but that doesn't make it less special)
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
He has no filter and says whatever comes to mind, but his sincerity and kindness saves him from being a complete ass. If he does manage to make a social blunder - because lets be honest social rules are kind of weird and don't always overlap with sincerity and kindness and his difficulty speaking common can make some of what he says seem rude- he immediately tries to right the wrong.
32. Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? 
Oh my god yes. He will ramble about the day his daughter Zia was born at ANY GIVEN OPPORTUNITY. He'll whip out the photo of him holding her and coo over how she could fit in the palm of his hand and how the dress she was wearing was a little dolly dress that an orc neighbor kid had given them for her.
He will on purpose ignore or even growl at anyone trying to point out she looks Very Goblin and not at all orcish, and doesn't resemble him in any way so he can keep going on about how cute she is and how he could just eat her up.
It's one of the few solid memories that really stuck with him after his head injury so he holds onto it for dear life. That and she fit in the palm of his hand and he is so gosh dang tickled by that and everyone needs to know.
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Cadwgawn: Teenage Undead Gnoll - Druid/Monk
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Again, not long at all, but he has a much easier time of it than Asim. He can actually do a bit of mediation but he DOES try to circumvent the "do nothing" aspect by performing little ritual things or sewing fabric together.
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
Possessiveness, protectiveness. He is prone to a bit of hoarding, a bit of packrat behavior. Cool Things are for him and his friends. You can't have them. And he gets sad puppy over friends spending time with other people without him.
In meditation he can reassure himself that if any of his things get taken away, he can just steal them back. And for losing people... psshhhh he's too cool for people to get stolen away from him.
 31. Who are they the most glad to have met? 
Jeff! The halfling that dug him up when he awakened in his grave.
They're good friends and Cadwgawn has a BIT of a crush on him, but Jeff is far too old for him so it's staying at friendship and they're both fine with it. Also Cadwgawn sometimes calls him Yeff. Jeff is not sure if Cadwgawn is seriously unsure of how to pronounce the "J" because he's from a different time period and not familiar with commone(Cadwgawn definitely knows how to pronounce the "J" and is just teasing him)
38. What memory do they revisit the most often? 
Not really sure on this one! He's a very in-the-present sort of guy.
But I guess he DOES dwell a bit on the night he was murdered.
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frowningfox · 3 years
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Finally finished an old WIP
It’s Cadwgawn! And Guts! My first DnD character and his druid familiar.
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