codepend3nt · 1 year
@cagesings liked for a lyric starter.
"Back and forth I sway with the wind, resolution slips away again. Right through my fingers, back into my heart, where its out of reach, and its in the dark."
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heygutlcssa · 1 year
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@cagesings ASKED; ❝  here it’s safe , here it’s warm .❞ (JOHANNA)
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He wanted better than this. He wanted to hold her hand and do something special for this. He wanted it to be a good day for her. He wanted to take her to the library and request a room to watch VHS tapes. He wanted to take her down to the roller rink or to the bowling alley. He wanted to sit at that one ancient diner with the Formica countertops that were wearing down and get her a hot dog or a milkshake or whatever would make her happy, just so long as it was a good day to remember.
He wanted the anniversary of the day he met her to be something special. The Judge had ensured it wasn't. He couldn't take her anywhere and all that has been accomplished was another shouting match among other things. If the judge ever fought his own battles, Riff's fists would have gone through his face. He shouldn't have to ask for these things. He should just be able to take her out without it feeling like a warzone.
It wasn't like they were the only people in this kind of situation. Girls got pregnant all the time. People like them got married all the time. Unlike the normalcy of their sorry situation , they didn't have to struggle.
Riff felt he would have preferred to.
He simply felt so angry. He felt helpless. What was worse was the imminent threat that her Judge could still manage to take her away from him.
He shifted in the tub to be closer to her, letting her fingers rub and run through where they wanted. He'd rather be back home in that tiny shower. he'd rather struggle with her there than be in whatever this was.
"You sure this pot ain't cookin' him?" Is all he can ask. " Just wanted to go out an' find you one a those berry cake things." She had told him about them before. He wanted to end the day with that. With something special just for her. " It ain't safe here, Jo." It's all the more of an apology for the worst day they e had in a while he can muster.
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roshale · 1 year
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@cagesings said : don't make yourself an island.
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     JOHANNA WAS so kind , and deserved a friend who wasn't just a shell of a person . someone who was real , and not just a girl stuck in time , trying her hardest to blend in . rosalie deserved to not have to say goodbye , but sometimes the things that were most deserved were the hardest to actually get .      ❛ i could say the same to you ,  ❜ she snapped , words like poison . it always had to end this way , rose cutting off the people she had accidentally made a connection to , before they moved on . over time , the pain of doing so had eased , but it was never easy . this time , though , it felt wrong . johanna had always been so kind , nestling her way into rosalie's life despite her unintentional , and purposeful , coldness . ❛ maybe you could focus on fixing your own miserable life before you comment on mine .  ❜
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dustwereturn · 1 year
you underestimate yourself.  / tommy
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tommy's not looking to be a jerk or anything but ... what's that old saying about the pot meeting the kettle? the corner of his lips slightly twitches at the though before tommy just shakes his head. "i think you're bein' NICE." if she were one of the guys, he wouldn't phrase that so delicately, but tommy's colorful convict talk might knock johanna's socks off. "BETH been talkin' to you? sure sounds like her."
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cagesings · 1 year
@betterto-die-thanto-crawl ( starter call. )
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eyes keep returning to the hole in his sleeve, rendering her unable to focus on what he's talking about. did no one notice that earlier? goodness, someone must have. it's as wide as her fingertip ( which as some might point out, isn't remarkably big and seems to fall on the smaller side in terms of fingers ). without a word, johanna finally threads through her needle with string about the right color -- what does the color matter really? -- and adjusts his forearm to the right position to begin repairing.
❝ hold still. ❞ pulling thread through the fabric, she bites on her lower lip. her usual victim when she's sewing in silence. ❝ hold still. ❞ she says it in a warning tone, yet her voice holds no malice. a soft curve of a lip as johanna pulls it through again. ❝ i don't want to poke you, mr. murphy, i need you to -- hold still! ❞ he's toying with her, she's certain of it. ❝ connor. if he sees you with a hole -- connor! ❞ her smile widens, as much as she tries to bite it back. ❝ this is what i get for trying to sew up the hole?? ❞
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emcads · 1 year
happy birthday!!!!! i hope you get a million dollars and all the ds and potc merch you could ever dream of!!!
AHHHHH THANK YOU !!! and success, I did get the ds documentary on dvd >:)))
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@cagesings asked: “ just hold me. “
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This whole situation, Anthony thinks, will haunt him until the day he dies.
As a sailor, there are few things in the world that he can say turn his stomach, but the sight of his sweet Johanna in that state, and the grisly sight that had greeted them in the cellar of the pie shop had been enough to threaten the return of his lunch, and he was sure the sight would return to his nightmares often enough. The smell alone had been utterly vile and even thinking of it is enough to make his skin crawl in horror. Bad enough that his love had seen the inside of an asylum for so long, but now she has been subjected to this too.
He had trusted Todd. That is one of the things that haunts him most. He had dragged the man out of the sea, had befriended him. He'd considered him a confidente, had spoken at great lengths with him about his plans to find Johanna, for the two of them to steal away and be wed, to free her from the clutches of the Judge. He had believed that Johanna would be safe in the barber shop, and instead he had almost led her to her death. He had left her in the home of a murderer.
Quietly, he reaches out, pulling her into his arms, and the gesture comforts him just as much as it might comfort her. She is safe, he tells himself, unscathed in the physical sense at least. Anthony wraps his arms tightly around her, tucking his face into her hair, and he murmurs. "I'm sorry."
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withinycu · 1 year
She had always wanted to travel and envied Victor his freedom. This was her first taste of travel away from her family and she had every intention of enjoying it.
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"Oh no, I have never come to England before," She admitted. "You must tell me if I misspeak or break your etiquette. I wish to make a good impression while I am here."
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afantasycourt · 1 year
@cagesings liked for a starter.
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"You have a stain on your dress. Did you know?"
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seacret · 1 year
𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍? — by @cagesings
❛ i try not to. ❜ she isn’t sure what PROMPTS her to be this candid. there were a share of sunspun days when she was younger, before her father passed. before his debts came to light and her mother placed the weight of their entire future upon her UNWILLING shoulders. days of dance lessons and day-trips to the seaside. disappearing into the endless green of their estate gardens for hours on end to evade her governess. but even then…. ❛ it was lonely. ❜
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@cagesings sent: ❛  stop  right  where  you  are .  ❜
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Lucy stopped, shock covering her features as she turned around. "Did I forget something?"
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heygutlcssa · 1 year
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@cagesings ASKED: “Maybe I can help?” (JOHANNA)
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"Unless you know how to patch a tire fast enough to not have headlights McGee come by again flashing red and blue at us-- I don't think you could talk your way out of it again." He kicked the tire. Riff was beyond anxious. He was beyond angry. " We can't.. Damnit, Jo, I need to fix this. Whoever owned the damn car never put their spare back and now we're fucked." He was breathing hard. They couldn't afford to have a cop stop by and ask if they needed help. The last one was trouble enough. Riff needed to get his family as far away as fast as he could. He couldn't count on the earthquake to cover their escape for long. The judge was like a cockroach. Strange things happened in Hawkins all the time.
" why ain't she crying? Ain't made no noise since before we left." What if she got hurt in all that? What if she was already dead? Babies cried all the time, didn't they? " It's too much Jo, I... I can't."
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"connor" (gently)
He looked up with a start, surely looking like a frightened cornered animal as he looked up at his sister at Johanna with tears in his eyes. He was falling apart, and nobody noticed, and nobody cared and- He drew a shakey, tearful breath and looked away, wishing he could hide the way his entire body was shaking as he wrapped his arms around himself. He was just a tool to make the man who only acted like a proud father in public look better in the eyes of the rest of London.
Well, in the eyes of the rich of London. They didn't have to fear his wrath- no, not wrath. Wrath was too strong a word. Wrath meant there was some sort of caring involved. The rich of London didn't have to fear his merciless apathy the way the poor did. He saw it. He heard about it. If anyone could change it, surely the man's "son" could, but no... he couldn't even change his own situation. How could he reform his father and his cruelty?
He had talked back. Sure, the Judge didn't hit him himself. He shared a glance with the Beadle as he left the room, who then immediately locked the door and gave him a horrific smile that made Connor's stomach turn.
And now he was in his sister's Johanna's room... He hadn't thought this through before he snuck in without a knock or a word, but now, face to face with her, he felt so ashamed of himself. She had too much to deal with, and she worried about him so much. He didn't want to worry her more. He, he knew better... and so he backed away, never turning his back on her as he approached the door. "I... I'm s-sorry, Jo... I'm sorry..."
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dustwereturn · 1 year
you look so beautiful, tatum.
she knows. tatum is blessed with an abundance of confidence, always has been. still, she turns from checking out the length of her dress from behind in the mirror, and greets johanna with a soft smile. "you like it, jo?" her smile says THANK YOU as she adjusts the thin straps. she wants to emphasize the girls without having a major wardrobe malfunction.
"stu better too, it's almost $100." tatum figures her beau will be more occupied with getting it off her than admiring its quality.
she smooths out a crease in the skirt before glancing back at johanna again.
"c'mon, try on ONE dress. it'll be way more fun than sitting here and watching me dress up."
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luckhissoul · 1 year
difficult person test
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tagged by :: no one i stole it lmaoo tagging :: @caracarnn / @agoldenlily / @xradiant / @adversitybloomed / @cagesings / @honorhearted / @depictedblue / @laviexenrose
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emcads · 1 year
hi again :) i read that you’re on hiatus right now so hopefully i’m not bothering you, but a while back i sent you a message about potentially joining potc rp here /rp in general and i’ve decided to try it out! info is still in the works, but i plan to have two blogs out very soon. anyone i should follow when the time comes?
thank you for the motivation and just an fyi i’m literally dying to yell about (the magnum opus) tpof to someone and not uh — a wall. it’s hard out here lol. have a wonderful day!
AHHHHH hello !! you are not bothering me at all. i remember, and I'm so glad you decided to join us in the insanity, welcome <33
gosh i have so many blog recs. um potc / pirates specific ? @norringtxn ; @criticalfai1ure ; @starsmapped / @hcrnblwer; @betterto-die-thanto-crawl ; @paddyfuck ; @himbohotel ; @quitethepirategal ; @horizontouched. but also crossovers is the name of my game, so like ... @retrograderesemblance @unmaxed @aworldofyou @historiavn @cagesings @godblooded @dracharenae @dimitresca @marisetcaelum @finalslay all of @notsodeadmikaelson's blogs. and more
as for yelling about tpof to another person, i feel yah. i have (temporarily) turned on ims from non-mutuals, feel free to hit me up there or ask me for my disco :''') i'm still mostly in ds mode rn lol but im always happy to chat about my favorite beloved prequel novel. OR, there's lots of tpof appreciators around. (lots is a strong word. a sizeable handful).
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