#caitlyn rp
tokidokioki · 1 year
I just watched Arcane for the fourth time, and I’m looking for somebody to play Vi against my Caitlyn or Jayce against my Viktor.
I roleplay on Discord, am a literate writer, and use third person. NSFW is welcome, and I prefer to write as switches.
I love all kinds of themes including dead dove. We can discuss triggers and plot something together.
Please contact me or like this post if you’re interested! Thanks :)
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shimmerbeasts · 6 months
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RP: In The Tiger's Den
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The metal ropes of the descending lift grated against the gears. Their teeth interlocked with low creaking noises and an ever-present rattle. The entire lift's drop could be felt passing through its walls, the floor and their bodies. Captain Campion had to admit that the feeling of stepping into an almost windowless, moving coffin would never get any easier, no matter how much the inventor claimed his lifts were safe and you could not get stuck with them.
Of course, the lift's usefulness was undeniable! Even though Campion did not bother looking up at the number display, showing the different floors, he could hear its rapid clicking as they were counted down. Stillwater Hold was a far larger prison than its already massive, fortress-like exterior let on. Not even the Captain knew all the floors, however, rumours said Clan Ferros had drilled into the very foundation of the mountain itself, designing each cell for maximum efficiency.
The vastness and depth of Stillwater Hold was not Captain Campion's concern. What was his concern, were the documents, he was holding in gloved hands. His one good eye thoughtfully scanned over them, lips pulled into a thin, mistrustful line. Those papers were for Inmate 516's release, signed by Councillor Kiramman herself. A bad idea if you had to ask Campion.
The injuries on his face had long since healed by now. However, the missing left eye and the large scarring, beginning at his temple, going across his cheek, partly his nose and down to his jawline spoke of just what a danger 516 presented. She had always been a difficulty, ever since her first escape attempt at the tender age of seventeen. Now that girl was a fully grown beast with a jaw-tight grip upon her entire floor. Which happened to be the floor, he was the Captain of!
Campion turned his head to properly get a look at the young Enforcer, who had brought in the release papers. It was a girl, roughly 516's age. She had long, shiny, dark blueish-black hair and a fine complexion with a thin nose, smooth, small lips and watchful, sparkling blue eyes. She wore the uniform of a patrol Enforcer as opposed to the heavier and more protective gear, the guards of Stillwater had to don themselves with. Her hands were holding onto a clipboard and she was idly fidgeting around with a small fountain pen, tapping it against the back of the board. Her expression was one of fierce determination and investigative curiosity. It reminded Campion of how he had been when he had first started out working on the force.
There was a soft ding as the lift came to a standstill. Above their heads, the number forty was displayed. The Captain exhaled the air with a low huff, stealing his features. His hand rested upon his baton. He had no intention of actually injuring 516, especially if she were to be released. The Chief had sent him to keep the peace, which for Campion meant mostly making sure 516 did not immediately take off - or worse, tried to injure the younger Enforcer. As much as the Enforcers liked to test the prison guard rookies by daring them to get close to 516's cell, these dares had not always ended pretty. Campion still remembered how one Enforcer had to get his fingers sewn back on in the infirmary.
The lift door opened and the two Enforcers stepped into the corridor. Captain Campion looked at the young woman as he said: "I hope you know what you are doing, Miss Kiramman. 516 is one of the least cooperative and volatile inmates, Stillwater has ever seen."
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The days in Stillwater Hold tended to blend together. The rhythm dictated by the prison guards gave every day a sense of sameness. Times, where a day stuck out and burned itself into Pink's memory were rare, and even then those events hardly were pretty. It usually meant that she had crossed a line yet again with the Captain or worst of all the Chief warden. This normally meant a little "chat" with her, as Chief liked to call it. That or the hole. Neither of the options was very encouraging.
After Pink had learned of the fact that Lock had been brought to Stillwater and she had struck at his jaw - he worked for Silco; he was an ENEMY! -, Pink had expected the day to play out like it always did after such instances: With the infirmary tending to another wounded inmate and her getting the usual beating up from the guards for disrupting the flow of the prison or misplaced conduct or whatever lukewarm excuse they came up with so they could lay hands on her.
What Pink hadn't expected was some rookie Enforcer to come and interrogate her! The nerve of that little blueblood. Didn't she know it was pointless to ask Pink questions? The Beast of Stillwater never cooperated with the prison guards, even those under its payroll! And then that Enforcer had dared to bait her with 'evidence' from a crime scene! Pictures in a style, which looked suspiciously similar to the drawing style of her little sister, Powder.
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Pink could have kicked herself for having fallen for such blatant baiting! Nothing on her in the prison record, my ass! It was remarkable how much the guards had learned of her in the years, they had spent together. They even knew she was looking for Powder. No doubt, those bastards had told that rookie about Pow-Pow's style to play with her emotions.
And she had fallen for the bait like an inexperienced sumpsnide! How empty-headed was she?! It couldn't be true. It just couldn't. There was no way that Pow-Pow had left those calling cards on crime scenes! Powder was not a criminal. Unless... What if those were not calling cards? At least not in the way things worked in the criminal underworld. What if this was a call for help? What if Powder was crying out for her? And she, ignorant brute that she was, had sent the one person with the bloody lead away!
"Aaaaaahhhh!", roared Pink and pounded a fist into the wall, "FUCK!" Her breath heaved and her muscles trembled. Over the rushing blood in her ears, the woman could hear the characteristic step call of Enforcer boots. Right. It was that time.
Inspecting her bruised and blood-splattered knuckles, Pink's breath left her lips in a soft pant. Her expression hardened and her fists tightened. However, she then lowered her hands, uncurled her fingers and while staring at the wall, not caring to meet the Enforcer's eyes - she knew it was Campion; it had to be -, Pink spoke: "Whatever it is, just get on with it. I am not in the mood for games tonight."
Starter for @ferinehuntress.
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sharpshootingsheriff · 6 months
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"There must be something else we can do, some other way. We'll make a new plan. We have to try."
Independent Caitlyn Kiramman RP Blog
18+ only, minors DNI
Multi-verse, Oc, AU, Crossover, and shipping friendly
Primarily drawing from Arcane, might draw a bit from LoL in the future
Might be a little low activity due to work and school, so please be patient with me!
Rules || Hub ||
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sounds-like-passion · 6 months
Hey guys, it's me. Heard Trev and some of the others were on here and thought I'd hop on to see what it was all about!
My name is Caitlyn, and I'm apart of Hatchetfield High's Drama Department! Nice to meet you guys.
If Zoey and/or Zach are here, don't tell them I am.
(ooc under cut)
This is a Hatchetblr rp blog of Caitlyn from the Barbecue Monologues bit. Blog is run by @i-am-a-watermelon
Character Tags: Caitlyn's Voice , Caitlyn's Theater Stories
There's not specific timeline or anything with this blog, it mainly depends on context, so feel free to do whatever really.
(Caitlyn being the younger sister of Zoey and Zach Chambers is a headcanon for fun by the way, it's in no way official)
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f1shbonez · 1 year
The name ached in her brain, wrenching forth a sea of memories soaked in vile anger and tenderness. 
Your sister is dead. 
How many times had Silco uttered the words? Soothing every fear, wound and anxiety Vi had left along with her sister on the bridge that fateful night. But that wasn’t the truth, was it? Vi had never been dead. Just…gone, and Silco was fighting to keep it that way. It was an earth shattering revelation, hearing Silco’s hushed, urgent conversations about ‘dealing’ with family as though it were some ugly wound that needed lancing. What had really driven the sense of anger and betrayal deep was Silco’s pointed silence on the topic when Jinx returned for his daily medication. There had been a time where the routine was tender, where they’d shared secrets with one another and upheld a pact of honesty. But Vi’s name never left Silco’s lips. He was lying about her. He was trying to keep her a secret. 
The knowledge made Jinx want to drive the needle deep into Silco’s eye. Over and over and over and over. 
She did not. 
The one shred of self restraint holding back the tidal wave of anger and hurt from challenging her so-called father figure was the knowledge of the person tied in the other room. An enforcer. An enforcer that for some reason, had been talking to Vi about something that Silco didn’t like. But if Silco didn’t like Vi, who was the real enemy? The thoughts writhed in an agitated, wounded mess, battling with each other in a fruitless effort to make sense of it all. If Silco found out that she knew about Vi, everything would speed up. No. She’d heard Silco’s side of things in the whispers he exchanged when he believed she wasn’t listening. What about their prisoner? What did she know? 
It hadn’t been difficult to find where they’d been keeping her. Marcus and Silco had been spending the better part of the day formulating some convoluted plan of attack. As Jinx moved soundlessly past Silco’s office, she heard the two inside, hours deep into a debate on this shiny new enforcer’s life. 
Jinx entered the holding room noiselessly from above, perching on the rough, dusty rafters to stare down at the woman tied to the chair. She didn’t look as old as the other enforcers Jinx had learned the faces of. A cold distance filtered into Jinx’s gaze while she watched the enforcer as though she were a spider Jinx hadn’t decided whether or not to stomp on. 
“Ugh, I thought they’d never leave.” The snide commentary sounded from above as Jinx swung her legs over one of the wooden beams. 
“Y’know, it’s not sounding good for you in the old Decisions Room. Guess you should’ve kept outta the way.” 
There was a soft thump as Jinx hopped down from her vantage point, strolling absently towards the door to fix a makeshift barricade. She didn’t want any interruptions, after all. This chat was going to be important. 
Jinx’s voice softened to something dangerously quiet. Tender, with the threat of teeth. 
“...But you didn’t.” 
Jinx hooked around to the enforcer, imposing an unsettling lack of distance between them as she leaned into the unsettling behaviour that so often prized results from people. 
“Let’s talk about that.”
(( Starter for @gauntlets-shot ))
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ohmylcve · 2 months
open to males! connection: best friends to lovers kind of thing, based off on taylor swift's 'tis the damn season (more on source); i'm thinking something romantic between them was about to happen by the moment your muse left. muse: caitlyn denbrough. tagging: @indiestarter
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it's been years since he had gone abroad, leaving caitlyn's heart shattered bu the moment he said his last goodbye. little did she know that it wouldn't be a soft goodbye, with texting and keeping in touch with each other while he was gone: it was a solid goodbye, no texts allowed, no contact, no coming back. caitlyn never blamed him for going... but the same couldn't be said about him not talking to her ever again. she guessed this might have been his plan the whole time, and wondered what would've happened if she didn't see him standing there, getting a coffee as if the city was his again. "am i seeing things?" she directed to him, swallowing not only her anger but also the excitement of seeing him again. how many nights did she dream about that and woke up destroyed by the impossibility of this happening again. "or are you really back and never stopped to say hello?"
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anotherrpfinder · 5 months
Yo. I'm a 22F looking for a double OC x CC of Arcane, Spider-Verse, True Blood and/or Baldur's Gate 3.
I'm looking for a partner who is open to ooc chat and not afraid to explore our OCs to their full potential. I'm a fan of headcanoning, sharing material connected to our characters and just vibing.
I can play anyone in each fandom you'd like. For myself, if it's Arcane, I'm looking to play against Vi, Caitlyn or Jinx. And if it's Baldur's Gate 3, I'm looking to play against Karlach or Shadowheart. If it's Spider-Verse, I'd prefer a Miles, Gwen or Lyla. And if it's True Blood, I'm looking for a Sookie or Jessica.
If interested give the post a like or hmu on discord @ unluckiestmember. See you later.
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oil-and-water-rp · 2 years
{ A Long Awaited Reunion }
:: Violet ::
//open thread for Caitlyn blogs, now closed//
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Setting: local Piltover bar
Vi leans forward against the counter she’s sitting at, elbows placed either side of her meal. She can’t help but tap her foot in anticipation—between feeling out of her element, and eager to see if Kiramman was going to walk through the doors.
Caitlyn has been gone on an enforcer-related mission for an uncountable amount of months, only because her yearning for the other woman is intense enough to shadow awareness of any real passage of time. But it has been long enough, she should be back home by now. A shot in the dark, really (and she’d never admit to visiting this same bar every week this month in hopes of catching her).
Emery’s is a small bar and grill, more upscale in its décor and quality of ingredients (due to the neighborhood it resides in). The low, energetic hum of customers speaking, laughing and clinking silverware fills the room with a higher-class ambience. Restaurants are a strange kind of luxury to Vi, as they never had more than pop up shops and dive bars to socialize at in the undercity.
And there hasn’t been a single gunshot.
She often found time to sneak into Cait’s house for late night talk sessions and the occasional “makeover” not Vi’s idea. Visiting Piltover was something she is slowly feeling accustomed to…very slowly. Feelings roll gently under her gruff exterior, a conversation they’ve not yet had regarding that sullen statement. Teasing her.
“What about us?”
Violet begins to gather her things to leave, popping her hood back overtop locks of fuscia. The only thing brighter than her haircut was the growing tint of her cheeks, feeling more and more ridiculous for what she’s been doing by the minute.
Maybe I should just head home. Maybe something made her mission take longer than she planned. I look stupid, sitting here.
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sheriff-caitlyn · 1 year
The woman behind the desk blinks to see the Sheriff, and she gets to her feet. But Caitlyn raises a hand and motions that there is no need for such ceremony.
"Welcome, Sheriff," the woman doesn't sit back down, regardless. "How can I assist you?"
"Are you who I would speak to about making an appointment to see the curator?" The sheriff keeps a straight face.
Miss Elizabeth Hargreave has her professionalism slip for just a moment. Something very much like a knowing look almost crossed her face, but she restrains it, barely, letting it out only as the smallest and briefest of smirks. "You want to make an appointment, Sheriff?"
Caitlyn smiles back, her professionalism far more practiced and intact. "I feel a man like Julian Raines is quite busy with this new venture of his."
"Quite." Beth's smile quirks for a moment. "Could I get you a cup of tea, Sheriff? It might take a moment for me to consult his schedule." She gestures magnanimously to a seating area near the front desk. Wooden benches, posters, a holder of pamphlets, a couple of tasteful potted plants suited to the indoors.
"That would be lovely." Caitlyn starts to unwind her scarf. "Do not feel the need to rush on my account."
"If you say so, Sheriff. How do you take your tea?"
"Dealer's choice." Caitlyn smiles, then takes a seat on one of the benches, letting her eyes rove around the posters and the lobby, taking in the fresh paint and the new light fixtures. Quite a respectable little business. She cannot wait to take a proper tour, and with the weather as bad as it is outside, she might be likely to have the whole museum to herself.
She puts her scarf and gloves into her purse, and watches as Beth vanishes into the Staff Only area. @cautelous
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kanaesparadise · 1 year
(Idk if the RP it’s still going but I’m writting XD. League of Legends RP, also it’s good to be back)
()- thoughts
After Jinx escaped, Rose looked at Vi and Caitlyn who were looking at the red haired girl.
“Heh soooo aren’t you two going to catch her? Because y’know- she is your enemy, right? (Who am I kidding? Jinx is one of my mains on league of legends!!)
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"Of course I'd love to! But guess what my mom doesn't want me to 'make trouble' on their precious Progress Day. Vi is quite happy that I can't chase her little sister with my gun."
"Hey hey hey, who said that? I'm just trying to keep you out of trouble, but of course you don't want to see my goodwill!"
Caitlyn rolled her eyes as Vi dramatically wiped her fake tears.
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shimmerbeasts · 4 months
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A Miscommunication Issue
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"You know you don't have to go down there by yourself."
Vi forced her gaze away from the snapshot photograph, she had been staring at for the last couple of minutes. It did not seem to be anything special; just a picture of graffiti on a wall. Yet where most people would merely see the child-like and crude drawings of a tiger and a cheetah, pulling at the ears and legs of a stuffed bunny with bloodied muzzles, Vi saw a secret message. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, even as 'Jinx', Vi understood her sister Powder better than most.
Folding up the photograph, Vi slotted it into her striped pants pocket and finally looked at Caitlyn before she spoke: "I know, Caitlyn, but I really do not think that this would facilitate much. If anything, Powder would only grow more suspicious if you were present, and well, the only other person who knows what this could mean is currently in Zaun ... I think."
As Vi looked away briefly upon her voiced doubts, Caitlyn pressured softly: "Am I reading this right, and you have not even spoken to Ran? Vi, she has been in my house for several months now. She is my sister, and you cannot keep avoiding her." The detective stepped closer and took Vi's hands in her own. Her gaze was caring and loving, but also stern with worry. "Tiger, what are you not telling me?"
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Vi sighed and confessed: "The last time, Ran and I met, we tried to kill each other. I, ehm, I punched them off a bridge. They worked for Silco when we returned to the Lanes. I doubt they wanna see me, much less help me." She tapped her fingers against her thighs. "But I need them to understand why Powder drew them on the wall. Ran's a cheetah. I remember their smell."
Caitlyn stepped closer and placed a hand on Vi's shoulder as she asked: "Were you two... mates?"
"No, I don't think so. I mean, we fooled around once or twice, but no, I do not think that makes us mates."
Vi peered back down into the labyrinth of streets and darkened houses. She hated having to go back down there! She hated it because it reminded her of everything, she had tried to escape from so much. She hated it because instead of being Vi, Zaun almost always facilitated her slipping into Pink or Nemisis as this was just the safer bargain. And it got her results. Vi hated that it got her results faster than just being her true self ever could!
Caitlyn tugged some of her dark hair behind her ear. She implored once more: "Are you sure you do not want me to come along as at least backup? You loathe going down to Zaun, and you know I never mind covering for you."
"I know." Vi boxed Caitlyn in the side teasingly, who smiled back. "And I really appreciate you for it." Her expression turned serious again. "But I am afraid, I have to do this alone. I cannot afford to wait for Ran to come back from her trip. I have to find her and I can do this more efficiently if I travel alone. Do you think you could keep the Enforcers off my back until I have a clearer understanding of that picture?"
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"Of course, Vi." A bemused twinkle entered Caitlyn's crystal blue eyes. "The officers will have the longest and most pointless interrogation in history. So you are gonna be fine. But be careful too, alright? I don't need you coming home with the other half of your face slashed to pieces."
Vi made a show of rolling her eyes in exasperation. "Yes, Mum!", she jested back. She then crossed the distance one last time and gave Caitlyn an affectionate kiss on the cheek, face softening in earnest. "You are the best. I owe you one, Cupcake." And with these words, Vi pulled up her hood and leapt off the wall down into the labyrinth of misery and decay.
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It was eerie how quickly Vi could adjust her behaviour, the moment she set foot into the streets of the Lanes. Zaun had always been an unforgiven environment, even for those living in its carnivorous belly, however, it was extra ruthless towards any outsiders. While Vi was not a de facto outsider, as she was a Zaunite like anybody else, she still knew that her moving to Piltover, would not be welcomed with open arms. Furthermore, the Lanes were now Sevika's territory and judging by how the older woman had treated her the last time, she had tried to invade, Vi better make this trip as short and efficient as possible.
This also meant Vi could not really go around looking for Ran the normal way. No, she had to use another pair of eyes to find her. And luckily, Vi knew exactly where to hire an additional pair of eyes and a set of quick legs. The market street in the Lanes was not just full of stands, offering their goods and services, but children flitted between the adults, going about their day. Shop owners roared in anger whenever one of these urchins knacked a slice of meat or some sardine from a hook. However, few men actually bothered running after the children. They had their uses as any filthy scavenger did. After all, as frustrating as ravens were, they still could fly.
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Her shoulders rocked in the sway of her steps. Vi marched through the market street, each footfall carrying the weight of intimidation and power behind it. While her hood covered most of her face, Vi refused to look up, forcing the cluster of people to part and give her way. A few angry drunkards whistled abrasively after her, however, most fell back into an alcohol-fuelled stupor. The children scampered away from her, eyes locked onto her in awe and fear. Some whispered behind held-up hands into their compatriots' ears.
"Is that Nemesis or one of her informants?"
"I dunno. Maybe."
"Keep an eye on the roofs. Headhunter could be lurking by."
Vi paid them no mind and instead slipped onto a stool at a familiar stall. The smell of roasting fishes and tentacles in boiling pots tickled her nose. Before Vi stood a large, broad Vastaya, covered from head to toe in the scales of a fish. His teeth were pointy and greying. Fins flicked upon his cheeks and wiggled where his ears would be. Yellow eyes glared at the hooded figure and Jericho spoke something in his Vastayan accent.
"Not tonight, Jericho", Vi told him, "Just make me a bowl of whatever broth, you currently have. Fish broth!" She warningly raised a finger and glared at him from underneath her hood. "Keep that other house meat far away from me."
Jericho shrugged, grunted offhandedly and waved a meaty paw. He busied himself with pouring Vi a stew of trout and gravy into a bowl. Vi meanwhile looked around the street before she whistled at one of the urchins: "Hey, you! Get over here!"
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Once the boy stopped before her and asked what she wanted, Vi reached into her pocket and pulled out a gold coin. Caitlyn was already swimming in money and Nemesis was too cut-throat to not make use of that fact. Vi offered the coin to the street urchin and said: "I need you to find someone for me. Tall, pale skin, dark hair, preferably dressed in white leather. Should be part of this territory. Goes by Ran. Tell them that an old friend needs to speak with them and it is urgent. Can you do that?"
The urchin nodded; and Vi dropped the coin into his hand and said: "Off you pop." The boy admired the gold coin in awe before he looked at her with a shudder of fear. Only very powerful Zaunites carried gold in their pockets. The boy whispered: "Nemesis" under his breath, gulped in terror and shoved the coin in his pocket. He booked it in search of Ran. Vi turned towards the bowl of food.
Now, all she had to do, was wait.
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kudzushadow · 11 months
looking to play vi in a LITERATE caitvi roleplay! i have discord available, you can contact me there! (Kudzu101#6718) my average reply length is a couple messages, usually somewhere between 3-8 separate messages or more if i'm really into the roleplay!
as far as triggers go i have none, but i do like to explore darker elements in roleplays so if YOU are easily triggered, here's your sign to find someone else
i do not currently have any plot ideas or preferences so i'm open to discussing those, but I don't tend to do aus, sorry!
feel free to either dm me here or on discord if you're interested!
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bloodylariat · 2 years
She didn't know how long she'd been running. She had no idea where she was.
All she knew was that she had to get away.
But everything hurt. She'd sustained many injuries and was losing a lot of blood, especially from two large gashes running down her back. It hurt. She felt weak.
It was only a matter of time until she collapsed.
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She wasn't sure how long she'd been out cold, but when Caitlyn woke up, she found that all her wounds had been bandaged and there was a pillow under her head. Slowly, Caitlyn tried to sit up, but immediately winced.
Then she noticed someone beside her.
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"Y-You... helped me?"
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sounds-like-passion · 5 months
I can't help but feel like something weird is going on. Like I know there's the whole ARG thing or whatever, but I think I saw something in the forest? Not the Witch Woods, don't know what it's called, but it's not the Witch Woods. I don't know, but I think something's in there. It's weird. Has anyone else seen something around there?
How do we even have more than one forest, Hatchetfield is on an island...
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notfrgttn · 2 years
“ what  do  you  mean ,  you’re  not  coming  back ? “ (  caitlyn  @  vi  )
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“ I can’t be here anymore, all of these people, I’m not like them. Like you. “ Vi is sitting up against the wall, she balls her fist and firmly slams the ground. “ Powder needs me and I can’t just sit around here and wait to find out what happens to her next. “
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Vi slowly crawls her way up the wall behind her before she lets out a slight wince. A sting from her thigh wound comes while she tries at a very sad attempt to play it off. She stands straight and broad, side glancing towards Cait. “ You have a life to live up here cupcake, there’s no need to waste it on me. . . “ 
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Violyn / CaitVi RP Search
Looking for someone 18+ to roleplay Caitlyn x Vi with! Although I have a preference for writing Vi, I don’t mind writing Caitlyn either.
I’m interested in writing either some post-season one of Arcane content or some AU (soulmates, roommates, college life, etc.). NSFW is absolutely fine as long as the plot calls for it.
If you’re interested, feel free to DM me or message me on my Discord! (Hipster0529#4520)
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