#rp: in the tigers den
shimmerbeasts · 6 months
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RP: In The Tiger's Den
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The metal ropes of the descending lift grated against the gears. Their teeth interlocked with low creaking noises and an ever-present rattle. The entire lift's drop could be felt passing through its walls, the floor and their bodies. Captain Campion had to admit that the feeling of stepping into an almost windowless, moving coffin would never get any easier, no matter how much the inventor claimed his lifts were safe and you could not get stuck with them.
Of course, the lift's usefulness was undeniable! Even though Campion did not bother looking up at the number display, showing the different floors, he could hear its rapid clicking as they were counted down. Stillwater Hold was a far larger prison than its already massive, fortress-like exterior let on. Not even the Captain knew all the floors, however, rumours said Clan Ferros had drilled into the very foundation of the mountain itself, designing each cell for maximum efficiency.
The vastness and depth of Stillwater Hold was not Captain Campion's concern. What was his concern, were the documents, he was holding in gloved hands. His one good eye thoughtfully scanned over them, lips pulled into a thin, mistrustful line. Those papers were for Inmate 516's release, signed by Councillor Kiramman herself. A bad idea if you had to ask Campion.
The injuries on his face had long since healed by now. However, the missing left eye and the large scarring, beginning at his temple, going across his cheek, partly his nose and down to his jawline spoke of just what a danger 516 presented. She had always been a difficulty, ever since her first escape attempt at the tender age of seventeen. Now that girl was a fully grown beast with a jaw-tight grip upon her entire floor. Which happened to be the floor, he was the Captain of!
Campion turned his head to properly get a look at the young Enforcer, who had brought in the release papers. It was a girl, roughly 516's age. She had long, shiny, dark blueish-black hair and a fine complexion with a thin nose, smooth, small lips and watchful, sparkling blue eyes. She wore the uniform of a patrol Enforcer as opposed to the heavier and more protective gear, the guards of Stillwater had to don themselves with. Her hands were holding onto a clipboard and she was idly fidgeting around with a small fountain pen, tapping it against the back of the board. Her expression was one of fierce determination and investigative curiosity. It reminded Campion of how he had been when he had first started out working on the force.
There was a soft ding as the lift came to a standstill. Above their heads, the number forty was displayed. The Captain exhaled the air with a low huff, stealing his features. His hand rested upon his baton. He had no intention of actually injuring 516, especially if she were to be released. The Chief had sent him to keep the peace, which for Campion meant mostly making sure 516 did not immediately take off - or worse, tried to injure the younger Enforcer. As much as the Enforcers liked to test the prison guard rookies by daring them to get close to 516's cell, these dares had not always ended pretty. Campion still remembered how one Enforcer had to get his fingers sewn back on in the infirmary.
The lift door opened and the two Enforcers stepped into the corridor. Captain Campion looked at the young woman as he said: "I hope you know what you are doing, Miss Kiramman. 516 is one of the least cooperative and volatile inmates, Stillwater has ever seen."
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The days in Stillwater Hold tended to blend together. The rhythm dictated by the prison guards gave every day a sense of sameness. Times, where a day stuck out and burned itself into Pink's memory were rare, and even then those events hardly were pretty. It usually meant that she had crossed a line yet again with the Captain or worst of all the Chief warden. This normally meant a little "chat" with her, as Chief liked to call it. That or the hole. Neither of the options was very encouraging.
After Pink had learned of the fact that Lock had been brought to Stillwater and she had struck at his jaw - he worked for Silco; he was an ENEMY! -, Pink had expected the day to play out like it always did after such instances: With the infirmary tending to another wounded inmate and her getting the usual beating up from the guards for disrupting the flow of the prison or misplaced conduct or whatever lukewarm excuse they came up with so they could lay hands on her.
What Pink hadn't expected was some rookie Enforcer to come and interrogate her! The nerve of that little blueblood. Didn't she know it was pointless to ask Pink questions? The Beast of Stillwater never cooperated with the prison guards, even those under its payroll! And then that Enforcer had dared to bait her with 'evidence' from a crime scene! Pictures in a style, which looked suspiciously similar to the drawing style of her little sister, Powder.
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Pink could have kicked herself for having fallen for such blatant baiting! Nothing on her in the prison record, my ass! It was remarkable how much the guards had learned of her in the years, they had spent together. They even knew she was looking for Powder. No doubt, those bastards had told that rookie about Pow-Pow's style to play with her emotions.
And she had fallen for the bait like an inexperienced sumpsnide! How empty-headed was she?! It couldn't be true. It just couldn't. There was no way that Pow-Pow had left those calling cards on crime scenes! Powder was not a criminal. Unless... What if those were not calling cards? At least not in the way things worked in the criminal underworld. What if this was a call for help? What if Powder was crying out for her? And she, ignorant brute that she was, had sent the one person with the bloody lead away!
"Aaaaaahhhh!", roared Pink and pounded a fist into the wall, "FUCK!" Her breath heaved and her muscles trembled. Over the rushing blood in her ears, the woman could hear the characteristic step call of Enforcer boots. Right. It was that time.
Inspecting her bruised and blood-splattered knuckles, Pink's breath left her lips in a soft pant. Her expression hardened and her fists tightened. However, she then lowered her hands, uncurled her fingers and while staring at the wall, not caring to meet the Enforcer's eyes - she knew it was Campion; it had to be -, Pink spoke: "Whatever it is, just get on with it. I am not in the mood for games tonight."
Starter for @ferinehuntress.
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jamaajournal · 10 months
I just wanted to say thank you for your blog. Looking through it made me recall how much fun I had playing AJ back in 2010-12 as a kid so I hopped back on it for the first time in basically a decade to run through it again (albeit on the 3D mobile version, my laptop is currently bonked.) Gonna be real with you, I cried when I heard the den music. It brought back memories of me in fifth grade coming home from school and playing on the family laptop before my dad came home from work.
I remade my very first animal, a tiger named Victory Fierywinner, and sat her on the cliff at Mt Shiveer. I used to sit there and wait, occasionally spouting edgy nonsense, until someone approached... then I'd start elemental power RPs with them lmao. Fun times!
I hope the silly aminal game lives forever. I think that would be ideal.
i hope you have a real fantastic day, jammer. glad youre having fun on animal jam again!
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dzamie · 1 year
so! Thoughts on my lil guys? And also, you said you wanted a reminder to do the second half of basic decisions of ur OC list
They all seem pretty neat, though I must admit that, as a long-time furry, I greatly prefer the fox and the dragon :D
Thanks for the reminder! A shame I can't start the numbering at 13, but...
Azurel Dracolis - Large blue dragon. Also Dzamie's dragon transformation and my primary RP character. Generally in control of the situation, and rather protective of his loyal kobold den, the VitAzurels. Has been known to kidnap a princess or prince, and gets either a ransom or a meal out of them.
Rinta VitAzurel - Kobold mage, equipped with a staff directly from Azurel's hoard! She learned through some books he has, and has a penchant for size-changing magic... though prefers to use it on other people. Before Azurel sent her and Kassar to join a nearby city's Adventurer's Guild, she tended to shrink intruders and either swallow them or stick them between her legs. A bit of a dragon fanatic, even for a kobold.
Kassar VitAzurel - Kobold fighter, given sword and shield from Azurel's hoard. Sent with Rinta to become an adventurer, is a bit more... understanding of non-kobold beliefs, and generally tries to keep his fellow bold out of trouble.
Grace (slime) - Slime griffoness who hangs around in Azurel's lair. Friendly, outgoing, and loves physical contact. Often horny. Perfectly safe to be inside, unless you keep on insisting that you're trying to kill her. That gets your body turned into hers, fatally. Cannot fly, but can either puppet around whoever's inside her, or let herself be moved around by the same.
Grace (not) - Experimental fursona. She's on this list because I've drawn her once or twice. Generally a bit perkier than Dzamie and Azurel. Not an RP character.
Rekus - Dragonslayer-in-training panther, a bit gullible. Good fighter, unless he's up against a dragon. Admittedly don't have a strong personality for him.
Sinera - Fox mage, possibly the second living katul (the furry species) to learn magic, taught by Dzamie. Uses a brush or pencil to draw sigils in the air. Again, not much personality.
Galleon - MLP griffon, a bit cocky. Has quick claws and surprisingly good flight control for a non-pegasus. Has a good nose for finding legal means to keep his omnivorous diet - or at least keeping out of trouble with the illegal means.
Razzle - size-shifting Salazzle, and Dazzle's twin. Rarely uses her pheromones, but does have a bit of an ego (doesn't take it out on people directly, but she's no stranger to an "everyone will be mine!" villain soliloquy). Has basically no sex drive. Possibly ace?
Dazzle - size-shifting shiny Salazzle, and Razzle's twin. Basically the stereotype of a horny, enthralling Salazzle. Envies Razzle a little since Razzle doesn't rely on pheromones to get people to like her.
Wendy - friendly lemon shark (has stripes tattooed on her back for the "tiger shark" joke), works at an aquarium as a show diver (hops in to feed the fish and give relevant facts to visitors over the speakers). Occasionally picks up a side gig as a moat shark for a villain, or rescues shipwreck survivors as a hobby - though she does first ask if they'd rather she eat or save them.
Cerise - Velociraptor pack leader (Jurassic Park style raptor), marked by a dark red stripe down her snout and back. Able to read English, and takes great pleasure in outsmarting humans, often fatally.
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swanface · 3 years
-kicks down your door- tornface all of them because I know you will for him
✨ initial thoughts / opinions
i've said it before, but when i was initially starting to get a glimpse of tornface, i thought he was forgotten elegy's big bad. all the art i'd seen of him seemed to imply that he was a villain, and he had a pretty notorious reputation even upon joining the group that made me think he was perhaps a bit problematic.
and like...yeah, i guess he is technically problematic, but as soon as i actually got to roleplay with him, i was immediately surprised. he was far from what i expected, not even a little bit the brutal bad guy i'd imagined him to be. i was really quickly fond of him, and that fondness has not faded!
🍁 favorite rp / moment
i have two to spare, one more self centered and another that just makes me go heart eyes at him. the first favorite roleplay is the one where he spoke to roseface (rosepaw then) after the reveal that she'd been spying on mountainclan. the two of them finally getting to reunite as friends made me beyond happy, and i feel like it was a super important moment for them both. he asked her during that roleplay whether she thought scoutstar was capable of changing, of being a good leader for timberclan, and i imagine roseface's support of her helped lead to her promotion. there are also just so many brilliant quotes from him within it, like when he talks to her about how killing changes you...or how it should. part of what he says there actually ties into my next favorite roleplay of his, because he discusses how he chose to spare coalstar at little pond.
that's my other favorite tornface moment because of how much growth it displayed. coalstar's death could have easily been justified in that moment, and given his history with her, he had very little reason to show mercy. given what happened at that battle, it might have been "better" for her to die. still, tornface choosing to let her live was incredibly important in the grand scheme of it all. he chose to stop more blood from being shed during a battle that ended in the loss of so much life. he chose to let coalstar walk away, and that altered both the course of the roleplay as a whole as well as his own personal track of development.
❄️ favorite quote
i can't go prowling through timberclan channels or else i'd probably pull something from the story he told roseface in their first interaction, so, beyond that...i am still so fixated on another quote he had with regard to her, back when he first learned she had gone to mountainclan.
"I wish I could make good on my offer to train you, but,” his muzzle turned up, revealing another fresh scar beneath his chin, gaze wistful as he watched the passing of the clouds, “I can’t teach you how to hurt my clanmates.”
there are so many good tornface quotes, ones more complex than that one, but i still remember it because of how simple and tragic it was in the moment. it also really just displays his character so wonderfully, how he is capable of caring about cats from mountainclan, but how he has to keep them at a distance. his clan is the most important thing to him, before anything else.
🌸 favorite relationship dynamics
huh, i wonder if my obsession with tornface and roseface's friendship shows in just how much i've mentioned them already.
okay, but really, beyond those two (who i obviously love), i think one of my favorite dynamics tornface has is with scoutstar. watching tornface go from basically ready to maim scoutstar for what she did to flurrypaw to the way he is now, ready and willing to trust her (at least as much as he can, given how many cats he's had walk out on him lately) is really special. they're not exactly perfectly suited towards being friends, but they both share a lot of similarities in how they're perceived (as "monsters" or villains, most often) and how deeply they care for those around them.
☘️ relationship dynamics with the most potential
any relationship at all! tornface is such a fascinating character, and regardless of whether or not he gets along with someone, i think every cat should meet him. he has a fascinating perspective to offer on clan life to any loners, and i also adore the unique dynamics he has with mountainclan cats. i miiight be a bit biased though.
more specifically, i'd love to see hosea and tornface talk. hosea is really doubting clan life currently, understandably so, and hearing from a cat with as much experience in it as tornface might help to make him feel slightly more at ease. i think tornface would be fond of hosea, too, as a fellow cat who would sacrifice just about anything for his family. they both seem to be the sort to shoulder the burden so that no one else has to feel it, and i'd looove to see them link up some day soon.
🌲 who I ship them with
i do hope for tornface to find love someday, but as it stands right now...no one, really? his failed romance with wolftalon is interesting and probably by favorite dynamic of the bunch, but i truly do think tornface deserves to move on from it. every other cat within his age range doesn't feel like they'd quite mesh, at least not as things stand. i imagine hemlock would drive him crazy, and rooster would likely do the same, especially given he's now taking lessons and advice from beetleheart. one day we'll find the perfect boyfriend for him, though. one day.
🍄 cross-clan ships
i was ready to say his only option would be rooster, but typing about hosea above made me realize that he's actually a viable candidate...and probably the only one tornface would tolerate. i doubt he'd ever be willing to commit to a cross-clan relationship fully, though, simply because it would likely end in disaster for the mountainclan half of the relationship. i don't think tornface would willingly ask someone to endure that; he'd just invite them to come to timberclan with him.
☀️ ideal friendships
tornface and hosea, as i've said. rufus plays them both, but tornface and lynx would be comical. i also think that a friendship between him and wildfire would be sweet...as for the new timberclan loners, from what i've seen thus far of them, i think he is developing a bond with stinger, which is also something i am 100% in support of.
🌈 something I want to happen in their character arc
i want him to live a very long life. do you hear me, rufus? i want him to be over 100 moons. i want him to be safe and unharmed.
on a similar but less joking note, i do think that retirement would be a good conclusion to his arc. a sweet one, though he might not be afforded it. he deserves to rest after serving his clan for moons and moons, especially after all the energy he has invested into supporting timberclan...and mountainclan, honestly! his bond with cats like redpath and roseface matters, even if he's not well renowned otherwise.
anyway. retirement. imagine tornface, old and graying, telling all the best elder stories. the kits flock to him and decorate his den and nest with all sorts of trinkets. he's the oldest cat in timberclan, the last to remember tales that have faded into obscurity, and his clan finally gets to take care of him in the same way he has taken care of them.
🌼 alternate name
sort of in line with the next question as i'm imagining names as per the mountainclan naming guide...i think bear- would be a suitable suffix for him, or something like ram- as a callback to the whole "animal with horns / antlers" motif. elk-, even, could work. alternatively, name him tiger-! give him the vibe of the broad shouldered brown tabby villain i was so certain he was.
bearclaw, ramclaw, elkclaw, are all good, at least as far as non-name change options go. i also think he would make for a good -throat cat by mountainclan standards, or a good -path. bearpath sounds nice. elkthroat...so many options!
if we're going for the same name change idea, though, another alternative to tornface could be tatteredface...or tatteredeye? cloudedeye as well. sooo many name thoughts, so little time.
☁️ alternate clan au
mountainclan tornface is certainly wild to think about. if he'd been in mountainclan throughout the events of the roleplay, i think they would have played out considerably differently. i imagine he would have stood up against the idea of taking moonpaw and archpaw when it occurred, and perhaps he could have played the part of an antagonist within the clan for coalstar specifically. imagine having to argue with one of your senior warriors nearly constantly. it would have damaged her reputation further, i imagine.
if he had been in mountainclan, too, i think he would have likely been one of the cats to assist in iceshadow adapting to life there. maybe he'd have better feelings on behalf of lichenfang, and could have helped him similarly to how he helped glassflower with moonpaw.
🍃 alternate rank au
not an official rank, per say, but as i mentioned in the naming concept for him had he been a mountainclan cat...storyteller tornface would be so fitting. he's already one, technically, just by timberclan standards instead. he'd fit into the role perfectly...i still think about the warm bison story.
🌺 warrior ceremony virtues
compassion for those in need, selflessness / readiness to sacrifice his own well being for his clanmates...bravery, however basic that is. generosity, too, though i suppose that fall in line with compassion. i think something to honor the hardships he's been through would be good, too, like resilience.
⚡️ who would give them lives
he just said he would never let tornstar see the light of day, but...tackling this question less on the front of utilizing already dead cats, more on the concept of just going for cats who'd want to give him a life in general as i am sorely uneducated regarding deceased timberclan cats. roseface, first of all, because i am selfish and she loves him. she'd give him a life of friendship and understanding. another mountainclan cat i'd consider would be redpath. maybe a life for the love a parent has for their kits? scoutstar, i imagine, especially if she had to die in order for him to step up...wolftalon, however tense or complex that would be. bisonheart, definitely. houndfang and mooseheart, for sure, at least if they were able to, and moonpaw (though the thought of her giving him a life is heartbreaking) would also be good candidates. for a final one, i just think inkpool would be funny. she'd be reluctant, i imagine, but would also probably recognize that he does care for timberclan despite their differences.
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shadowphoenixrider · 4 years
(Technically a continuation of this little fic I wrote, this fic is actually a mashed together RP me and @den-of-tigers did together, featuring my OC Katla having her Grand Trial versus Den’s excellent Nanu - seriously I can’t take credit for 98% of Nanu here, it’s all her!
We merged anime and game rules together for this and did dice rolls for certain outcomes. The dice apparently had a sense of drama. Hope you enjoy!)
"Aww shit." Katla cursed. There it was, in black and white - the latest boat to Melemele Island had set sail ten minutes ago, and the next wasn't for an hour. "I knew I should have just beaned my ass down here instead of getting breakfast."
The trainer huffed softly to herself, folding her arms. She had been hoping to go and explore Poni Island for more Pokemon, but the endorsements of the three previous island’s Kahunas were needed, and Ula’Ula’s was missing. And was staying missing.
Turned out that the Kahuna had been the police officer who let her into Po Town in the first place, like she had been suspecting. If he'd not mentioned his status, Katla assumed it was for a very good reason, and she would leave him alone. That is, if she could get a boat back to Melemele...
"Well, I guess I can chill in the gardens for a while." She mused to herself. "Find a quiet spot and do some meditation. It'll pass the time, at least." She turned away from the postings and began to walk back into the city, her mind turning inward as she strode quickly through the streets.
"Hey, missy - thinking of heading back to Melemele?”
It took a minute for her to realize someone was speaking to her, and when she did, Katla froze, one foot swinging uselessly above the ground for a second. That voice!
The young woman shifted her weight, pivoting on her heel to face the police officer now formally known as Nanu, Kahuna of Ula’Ula. He seemed slightly less intimidating in the bright light of day, leaning against a malasada shop wall with one in his hand, but so did a lone Wishiwashi.
“I was,” she said evenly. “Kahuna.”
“Ah, so you caught on.” Nanu commented. “I figured you would eventually - usually Acerola pulls some stunt, hides my kendama and won’t give it back until I cave. She thinks it's just a toy... then again, she's a kid.” His crimson eyes came to rest on her, a glint within them. “You're not."
Katla wasn’t exactly sure to make of this turn of personality, but she wasn’t going to look a Mudsdale in the mouth.
“I...had an inkling, what with your Z crystal and ring and all,” she gestured. “But it was Acerola who confirmed it for me.”
“Hmm. So, we come to the million-pokédollar question, missy,” one of Nanu’s thick eyebrows arched upwards. “You think you're ready for my Grand Trial?"
Katla chewed her lip. Her gut churned warily, and it hadn’t led her astray yet. However...
“I don’t think you’d be asking me if you didn’t think I was at least passable.” She replied, choosing her words with care. “I dare say I can give it a fair shot.” It’s either that or sit in Malie’s gardens for an hour.
“You’re not wrong on either of those counts.” Nanu replied, after having taken a sizeable bite of his malasada, chewing and swallowing.
"Lots of responsibilities being Ula'ula's Kahuna and its head security officer, besides. I'm sure you can understand why I'd appreciate a nap or being left the hell alone now and then," he added. Another bite of malasada, then another, and it was gone.
"Maybe I'm a little too lazy sometimes. Depends on who you ask," Nanu chuckled, shrugging one shoulder. "Regardless, you did a damn fine job in Po Town, and those kids are thrilled to have their stolen Pokemon back.”
Katla smiled weakly, lifting a shoulder.
“Ah, heh, I’m glad. Least I could do for them.”
“In my Trial, it's one of your Pokemon against three of mine, in turn. If you're not serious about it, don't waste my time." Those dark red eyes were indeed serious, his gruff tone equally so.
The trainer’s eyebrow arched.
“That’s...different.” She commented, feeling a part of her balk at it. We're not gonna get through this are you nuts? And yet...Katla's eyes traced over the Kahuna, sizing him up. What's the worst that could happen? We lose? Big woop. At least Kukui's not gonna bother you with an excuse like that.
"I like a bit of a change," she said, a smile pulling at the corner of her lips. "I accept, on the condition I get a chance to choose my Pokemon, and we find a better place for a scrap away from an audience."
Nanu snorted, crumpling the empty bag between both hands and tossing it into a nearby trash receptacle.
"Of course you get to choose which Pokemon you use, what did you think I was gonna do?  Make you juggle the balls and use the first one dropped? Although..." He looked to be thinking that suggestion over intensely, then laughed under his breath. "As for a better place to do things, I think I know one."  A 'follow-me' gesture with one hand, and the Kahuna began to walk off, shoving both hands in his pockets.
Katla rolled her eyes, falling into step with the older man.
"Yeah, the reason I said that, Kahuna, is because I have more than six. And if you're gonna make me run a gauntlet like that, I'm damn well gonna pick my best shot," she said. "You can watch me pick 'em out if you want, but all that it will do is make me fall down in your estimations. I'm not hiding Rayquaza up my sleeve or anything." She arched her eyebrow. "Not like I was exactly prepared for you to come to me."
"I might have the knack for showing up when it's least expected." He flashed her a grin.
"Yeah, I noticed that." Katla replied dryly.
After a brief stop off at the Pokemon Centre, trainer and Kahuna reached their destination in Route 11 without much small talk. It was an area of plenty of space, hard ground and no tall grass to worry about. Nodding in satisfaction, the Kahuna reached to his back pocket and pulled out his Rotom-phone, glancing over to Katla as she strolled over to her side of the ‘arena’.
"One of your Pokemon, versus three of mine. You ready?" 
"Yup. We keep going until one of us has no usable Pokemon remaining." She lifted up the hem of her hoodie, reaching to her belt to undo the straps that attached her colourful assortment of Pokeballs to it. "And to make sure I won't even have a sliver of temptation..." She took the first Pokeball out, and walked several paces away to set the others down. She knew that they could come to her if called, but Katla didn't want them too close, just in case. Just stay in there, please. 
She returned to her original position, single ball in hand, feeling almost naked without the comforting weight of the rest of her team around her waist. She pressed the button, the Pokeball swelling to fill her hand. "Ready when you are, Kahuna." As ready as I'll ever be.
He nodded, content with her response.
"Rotom, gonna need you on live recording mode," he said, at which the phone Pokemon buzzed to life, neon-blue eyes glowing brightly.
"Affirmative, Nanu!  Switching to live recording mode... begin recording, now!" 
A quick, short clearing of his throat, and Nanu addressed the 'audience', speaking at a slightly louder volume than usual. 
"This is Officer Nanu, Kahuna of Ula'ula Island.  Today, just off of route 11 - on the outskirts of Malie City, I'll be officiating and conducting a Grand Trial. My challenger is Trainer Katla, from the Galar region." His Rotom zoomed over to the young woman.  "Say hello, Trainer Katla!"
Oh shit. Katla had reckoned that he would be recording as soon as she saw the phone appear, but this? She was as tense as a broom handle when the Rotom swept over to her, and it took every ounce of effort to try and not look like she was supremely uncomfortable.
"Hi." She managed, flatly. Suddenly she felt an overwhelming urge to go back and pick the rest of her team up again, if only so she didn't feel so terribly exposed, but managed to hold her ground.
"Best of luck to you, Katla!" the Rotom chirped in electronic positivity, before returning to its owner, the trainer almost breathed a sigh of relief. Calm down, it’s just you and him, she tried to remind herself.
"Tapu Bulu - with your approval, let this Grand Trial begin!" Nanu exclaimed, crossing both wrists overhead and looking to the sky. Seconds later, a loud, echoing gong sounded - the bronze bell of Ula'ula's deity, raising goosebumps across Katla’s skin and making the scars under her hoodie sleeves prickle slightly. Lowering his arms and fixing his gaze on her - those crimson eyes had a different shine to them now - the Kahuna reached behind with one hand, suddenly moving forward into a full-bodied throw of his first Pokeball.
"Sableye! Let's go!"
Katla took a steeling breath, trying to pull herself back into her previous mindset when the Kahuna's first Pokemon came tumbling out. Her eyebrow arched at the sight of the Darkness Pokemon. Ohh, you sneaky bastard. Force trainers to run a gauntlet, then trip them up at the starting line with a Pokemon with only one weakness. Clever. Looks like I got lucky with my choice.
She raised her own Pokeball up to her forehead, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, they were brighter.
"Alright, little one, let's go! Rimbombee, I choose you!" She slung the ball down, and it bounced open to release the diminutive Bee Fly Pokemon.
Nanu raised his own eyebrow, then shook his head and chuckled.
"A Ribombee? Really? What a shame, figured you might have something a little more... tomboyish up the sleeves of that hoodie," he called out, motioning to Sableye. As if the Darkness Pokemon had eyes in the back of its head, it spread clawed fingers and hissed in obvious agreement with the Kahuna.
Katla shrugged, nonplussed. Trying to get under my skin, are you? Alright.
"My apologies, Kahuna, but I have it on good authority that I have far too many Gyarados for my own good.” She replied. “That and the rest of my more 'tomboyish' Pokemon are in another PokeCentre."
The older man was equally as unbothered that his barb had glanced off.
"Hmm. Doesn't matter though. Can't sting like a bee if you're swatted like a fly - Sableye! Shadow Sneak!"
Sableye hissed again, a streak of darkness extending from its feet all the way to where Ribombee hovered. The Bee Fly’s placid smile turned into a determined frown, but despite the little bug’s attempts to get away from it, an amorphous shape materialized from behind her, the Darkness Pokemon suddenly re-taking its physical form and slashing with wicked, shadowy claws. Katla winced at the blow, recovering quickly.
"Hmph. Gotta admit, slightly disappointed in you, Kahuna.” She commented. “Surely you of all people know not to judge by appearances alone." Especially against a Pokemon your type is doubly weak to. She blinked, suddenly all business. "Rimbombee, Dazzling Gleam!"
The Bee Fly thrilled loudly, the scales of its wings glowing brighter, and brighter, and then brighter still, Sableye snarling loudly and both Kahuna and trainer having to avert their gaze. Nanu’s Rotom moved quickly to capture all the action, providing commentary in lieu of a referee.
"Ribombee's Dazzling Gleam is super effective - Sableye takes some serious damage!" the Plasma Pokemon exclaimed excitedly, and a determined half-grin grew across Katla’s lips. Alright, now we’re talking.
The Kahuna shoved both hands into his pockets.
"Shake it off, Sableye - you're not down for the count yet. Give that bug a Shadow Claw!"
Katla’s grin vanished, discarding the expression with ease.
“Ri! Get out of there and banish this darkness with another Dazzling Gleam!”
The Darkness Pokemon let go a high-pitched shriek and lunged for Ribombee again, and whilst the little bug was fast, she wasn’t fast enough, the ghostly claws connecting with her slim legs as she tried to dance out of the way. Katla grimaced in solidarity, hoping that it was quick enough to escape the Kahuna’s notice.
Facing down the Sableye, Ribombee repeated the same trick again, the brightness coming faster and perhaps more intensely, if you could stand to look at it in the first place.
"Another Dazzling Gleam! It's super effective!” Rotom announced as Sableye hissed loudly, before slowly crumpling to the ground, the light in its jewel eyes dimming. “Sableye has fainted and can no longer battle! That's one victory, two to go!"
The trainer allowed the grin to move over her lips for a moment as Ribombee fluttered back to her. Good start.
Nanu frowned, recalling the Darkness Pokemon with a surge of red energy.
"Turning into a one-trick Mudbray, are we? Let's keep things interesting at the very least," he sighed.
“Depends what your next Pokemon is, Kahuna.” Katla replied, shoving her hands in her hoodie pockets.
If her snark was rankling him, the Kahuna wasn’t showing it, and reached back to pull a fresh ball from his belt, tossing and catching it a few times in his hand.
"All right, Krookodile... you're up!"
As soon as the Intimidation Pokemon emerged, the massive red-and-black bipedal reptilian raised both clawed hands, then tossed its head back with a threatening roar, its innate ability quickly becoming apparent.
The Galar woman’s eyes widened, a genuine smile moving across her face.
"Oh yeah, now we're talking!" She bounced on her heels, thinking fondly of her previous Krookodile partner. He'd taken her far, almost to the very top- She shook her head quickly. Stop that! Focus.
Ribombee fluttered back nervously, unable to resist the other Pokemon's ability. Katla, on the other hand, was not fazed. Nice ability. Shame that it's utterly wasted, she noted, trying not to smirk. "Alright Ribombee, let's bore the Kahuna with something else - use Pollen Puff!"
The Bee Fly shook her head, much the same way her trainer had, and then the rest of its body. Yellow flakes of pollen poured off its wings and body, the Pokemon collecting it all up into a neat little package in its tiny hands. It looked at Krookodile with its normal cute little smile...and then threw the pollen as hard as it could.
Krookodile snapped and snarled in aggravation at the yellow cloud, whipping its head back and forth, both arms flailing as Rotom noted the super effective attack. Nanu waved away the pollen that had headed his way, his expression either grimly determined or rather annoyed.
“Hmph. That little bug of yours can't take much more, I'll bet...” A sudden malevolent smile. “Krookodile! It's Crunch time!" the Kahuna shouted, and the Intimidation Pokemon suddenly surged forward with a speed and agility that was surprising for such a large reptile.
"Ri!" Katla cried out, unable to help herself.
The Ribombee did its valiant best, but already battered by Sableye, it wasn't quick enough to avoid the powerful jaws clamping down around its abdomen with a terrifying sound, the Bug Pokemon crying out in pain.
Kat clenched her fists and teeth together, a snarl curling her lips that she couldn’t suppress.
"Ri!” She yelled. “Another Pollen Puff! Go straight for the eyes!"
The little bee squirmed its way free onto Krookodile's nose, gathering up another collection of pollen from its body, all nicety gone from its face. The bug suddenly hurled itself straight at the Intimidation Pokemon's eyes, only to arc away at the last second, dumping its collection there instead, Krookodile hissing loudly. Ribombee flew back to her trainer, much less gracefully than when they’d begun the bout.
Nanu's crimson eyes flashed, his teeth bared in a grin.
"What's the matter, missy? Can't stand to see your Pokemon take a hit?” He taunted. “You’re too soft - you’ll never complete the Island Challenge if you don’t toughen up!”
Katla knew he was barbing her on purpose, but this one managed to strike home, her nostrils flaring and eyes flashing with pure fury. How the fuck did you think I made it this far, then?! She snarled internally, his nails starting to dig into the palms of her hands.
The older man balled one hand into a fist, extending the other sharply towards the Pokemon.
"Krookodile, there's blood in the water... go for the kill with another--" 
The sudden reverberation of a sonorous bronze bell interrupted the Kahuna, and startled Katla out of her red haze, both of them looking up.
Ula’ula’s deity loomed about fifty feet overhead, the unmistakable smell of loamy earth and undergrowth filling the air, sobering the Galar trainer in seconds. She’d heard of the Tapu (how could she have not), but to see one in the flesh was deeply humbling, all her anger and rage draining out of her in a rush. Dimly, she could hear her other Pokeballs rustle behind her, as if they sensed what was taking place.
“--eh?  Tapu Bulu? What're you...?” Nanu asked, the confusion in his voice as clear as what Katla felt.
The Guardian deity shifted, fixing its stare on the young woman, making the twisted skin on her arms crawl uncomfortably before it dropped something. Krookodile, having been ready for his owner's next command, took several steps back as something small and yellow fell to the ground near Ribombee. She fluttered back for a second, before she recognised the Sitrus berry that had settled beside her - not waiting for a command from anyone, not even her trainer, she quickly landed next to it, greedily devouring it.
It only took a couple of seconds first for the berry to disappear into the diminutive bug’s mouth and then to take effect, but the Bee Fly's colour seemed to brighten, becoming more vibrant and her 'fur' fluffing back up. When she took off once more, her wing-beats were strong and fast, and she gave an excited cry - she was ready for more.
Katla’s heart soared to see her companion rejuvenated, and she looked back up at Tapu Bulu hovering above them, still watching her. She thumped her chest with her fist, bowing her head.
"Thank you, Tapu," she said reverently. "I am honoured by your kindness."
"Buuuuuluu!" the Guardian deity responded, sounding another ring of its bell before taking its leave. 
"What a rare and amazing interruption by the deity of Ula'ula Island itself! The Tapu's favour has been shown, what will happen now?" Rotom inquired, and for a brief moment Nanu shot the Plasma Pokemon a withering glare.
The Tapu's favour? Katla thought, her eyebrow arching slightly. Surely not. Island Trials are performances to please the guardians - I guess I'm just putting up a good enough fight that it wants to see me go a little further. She was under no illusions as to what would be next after Krookodile - every Kahuna had followed the same pattern, even if Nanu had thrown her a curve ball with his.
"Ri?" The bug Pokemon chirped, reminding her trainer that she was waiting for instruction. Katla shook her head quickly.
"Oh. Well, uh, lemme think - Pollen Puff!"
Where exactly Ribombee was getting its pollen now was anyone's guess, but it still managed to gather up enough into its hands for a payload. This time the Bee Fly hesitated, flitting to and fro before lobbing the projectile into Krookodile's side without warning.
Nanu smirked, putting both hands on his hips.
"As a Kahuna I'll be the last one to question a Tapu's decision,” he said, as the red-and-black Intimidation Pokemon cleared the pollen off itself. “As for this keep-away tactic you're utilizing... two can play at that game, and some of us play dirty. Krookodile! Mud Slap!"
With a snarling growl, Krookodile lashed its thick tail in an overhead arc, sending a large, wet ball of mud in Ribombee's direction.
"Ri, get out of there!"
Too late, as the clump of mud struck the bug Pokemon square on, sending her reeling and obscuring her vision.
"Son of a-!" Katla bit out reflexively, just managing to stop the curse from fully passing her lips - no no no we can't lose accuracy, not now! "Come on, Ri, shake it off!"
The Bee Fly scrubbed at its face and body as her trainer fought for a solution. Shit, he's matted down her Pollen and dampened her Gleam. Her brows furrowed. But she still has one other move.
"Bold of you to assume I wouldn't have a back-up plan!” She yelled. “Ribombee, use Absorb!"
The bug Pokemon shook off the last of the mud, before making an almost malevolent humming sound, raising its hands. Two red beams shot from it, connecting with Krookodile, sapping its energy, the Intimidation Pokemon weakening as Ribombee strengthened, almost rendering the prior attack null and void.
"Ribombee's Absorb is super effective!” Rotom announced loudly as Krookodile slumped to the ground. “ Krookodile has fainted, and can no longer battle!  Another victory for Trainer Katla, one more to go!" It almost caused some feedback with its excitement.
The young Galar woman lifted her chin defiantly, eyes flashing like flames were igniting within them.
"You want to dance, Kahuna?” She asked. “Then let's dance."
Nanu let go a dramatic sigh as he reclaimed the fainted red reptile.
"Sorry, I can't dance - two left feet," he retorted, lowering his head for a moment and pulling the final ball from his belt. Katla’s confident demeanour cooled then. Alright, here come the big guns. She took a steeling breath, trying to calm herself down to think a bit more clearly. Damn this guy, he's getting to me like no-one’s business!
"I'm getting tired... time to put this Trial to bed. Persian! Let's go!"
Nanu’s Persian was much larger than the trainer had anticipated, almost on a par with the Totem Pokemon she’d faced. The huge Classy Cat Pokemon swished her tail slowly back and forth, fixing a narrowed gaze onto Katla and Ribombee.
The trainer uttered a low, appreciative whistle.
"Big, beautiful and deadly." She commented, her eyes taking in the feline admiringly, until her eyes reached the teal coloured stone in the Persian's forehead. The same type as in her own, much smaller Alolan Persian. The Alolan Persian who knew- Katla's eyes widened, unable to hide the sudden dawning realization that spread across her face. Oh no. Oh, NO!
It was a similar realization that the Ula’Ula Kahuna had already made, and he and his Persian had taken a similar stance - predatory, hungry for the winning blow. A curious sort of density had grown in the air, ominous and crushing, and both Katla and Ribombee sensed it, the trainer’s cockiness all but fleeing and her heart beginning a quick rhythm in her chest.
The feeling was sickeningly familiar, and she reached down self-consciously to touch her Pokemon for comfort. Her heart leapt into her throat when she was reminded that they were lying a foot away from her, inaccessible, and she had to swallow down the sudden rising panic. It's okay, we're on Alola. Solid earth. Bright sky. No sea. Breathe. Breathe. The Bee Fly glanced back at her trainer briefly, looking worried for her.
"The kid gloves are coming off... we're going straight for the throat," Nanu said, staring Katla down from across the 'battlefield', a bone-chilling edge creeping into that rough voice - if he noticed her internal conflict, there was no evidence of it. "Your passion is admirable, although you have no sense of respect for your elders... you're burning the candle at both ends, and I'm going to snuff it."
Nanu raised a hand. "Persian... POWER GEM!"
Persian let go a high-pitched cry, raising her head as the gem flashed warningly, releasing a sizeable blue bolt of energy in Ribombee's direction.
"Ri! Get out of there, now!" Katla yelled.
She tried, bless the little bug's wings, but a hit was a hit, and it was a super effective one, Ribombee wailing loudly. The trainer cringed as if she'd been dealt the blow instead, teeth clenched tight together. The Bee Fly was still upright, but for how long? Katla decided to risk it, digging into her pocket.
"Ri! Catch!" She tossed a Sitrus berry out to her Pokemon, who gladly devoured it, regaining some energy. Katla chewed her lip, feeling her Z ring weigh heavy on her arm. If he hits her like that twice more, she's a goner. Her brows furrowed. But I do still have one card up my sleeve, if luck actually smiles upon me this time...
"Trying to buy yourself some time?  I'll allow it," Nanu remarked, that predatory gleam still in his crimson eyes. Both hands on his hips, he looked to his Persian.  "Some trainers and Pokemon would sacrifice themselves for the other.  Admirable as that is... it's useless.  Letting emotions control your actions on the battlefield?  Ridiculous!" He added, shrugging one shoulder.  "You take chances, regardless of the outcome, and you play the cards you're dealt - even if that means losing, and starting all over again."
His comments flared Katla’s rage again, despite it all, her jaws clicking from the force behind her clenched teeth. How dare you! You have no idea what I’ve been through! If it wasn’t for my Pokemon, my bones would be scattered across the ocean floor!
She pulled a breath in, closing her eyes and forcing her fists to uncurl - she was both annoyed and ashamed that he was exploiting her weaknesses with such contemptible ease. Katla should have just accepted that she was staring down the barrel of defeat - she’d been out-manoeuvred and out-played, and she should just go through the motions, let the Kahuna have his victory.
And yet...a part of her didn’t want to give the smug bastard the satisfaction. If he wanted his victory, he was going to have to beat it out them.
Persian didn't move a muscle, waiting for her next command from the Kahuna.  Her whiskers twitched eagerly, forehead gem shining in the afternoon sunlight. 
"Persian - another Power Gem!" 
Another raspy cry, another blue bolt of energy streaking across the distance, this one striking considerably harder. Katla didn't cry out for her Pokemon that time, not that Ribombee really needed a reminder to dodge the bolt of awful heading her way. And she looked like she was going to do it, until the Persian turned to track the Bee Fly's movements, blasting the Pokemon onto the ground. Katla's foot jerked as she restrained the urge to run to her friend's aid.
"No! Ri!" She cried, fighting back the sudden burning in her eyes. No no no not now, not now!
"Ri...bombee." The little bug was as stubborn as its owner, pushing itself up and taking flight again, but looking very worse for wear, barely able to hover steadily.
"Alright 'Bee!" Katla smiled weakly, taking a breath and swallowing back the tightness that had started to form in her throat. "Guess I am gonna be taking a chance then. Ribombee! Stun Spore!"
Ribombee's wings whirred, kicking up a cloud of orange spores around them, before with one large wing-beat, she blew them over to the Persian, who hissed as they were blown about her, her tail lashing angrily.
A hit, yes! Katla's lips twitched into a grin as she saw the spores hit home, just about managing to stop herself from fist-pumping. Of course, now they've got to work.
Nanu's sharp black eyebrows furrowed, but if he was concerned, his poker face didn't slip one iota.
"I was almost hoping I wouldn't have to use this," he says, one hand reaching up to grab hold of the Darkinium-Z crystal around his neck. “But you have been quite the nuisance.” A sharp tug, and the leather thong snapped easily, slipping to the ground. That sensation of dread doubled in its intensity, the young trainer’s stomach plummeting into the bottom of her feet. "I didn't get where I am by not taking chances..." Nanu added, snapping the stone into the slot of his Z-ring.
Katla swallowed hard. Oh, fuck.
Ula'ula's Kahuna did a short series of arm movements, before leaning forward at the hips... pausing for a moment, then straightening up and raising both arms in a fearful display, the activated Z-Ring shining brilliantly.
"Now... allow yourself to be enveloped by the Darkness... haaaaaaaah!” Nanu hissed, a swell of purplish energy arcing from his form to Persian's. The feline Pokemon echoed that hiss from her trainer, infused with energy. Katla's hair stood on end, scars itching up her arms, her heart beating so hard she was afraid Nanu could hear it.
"Use... Black Hole Eclipse!" Nanu commanded, before turning his back to Katla and her Ribombee. Persian raised her head, the purple energy flaring brightly around her that seemed to suck the light from around them, plunging them from afternoon to almost night.
"Arceus, Ri, please hold on." Katla spoke, the little bug shrinking back, sharing her trainer's fear. The trainer braced herself, closing her eyes and hoping at least whatever happened was brutally quick.
Suddenly, a strangled yowl of surprise split the air, startling everyone and making Katla’s eyes pop back open.
Persian was still in the position she’d assumed earlier, head and tail high, her body twitched and spasming as she tried to move, the tell-tale yellow flickers flashing over her. She uttered another, almost piteous yowl as she tried to struggle through her condition, but her attempts were futile. She was paralyzed.
As quickly as the shadows drew in, they drew away again, the surroundings brightening up and the dark energy extinguishing like a candle in the breeze.
Nanu was silent, his jaw and fists clenched in utter disbelief. Katla was equally dumbfounded.
"That...That worked?" She breathed. "That worked! Holy shit! Holy-"
She didn't know what suddenly seized her - adrenaline, a bout of madness, maybe something else, but the Galar trainer burst out laughing. Enough that she bent double, hands on her knees, thick curly hair obscuring her face as she tried to get a hold of herself. Even Ribombee turned to look at her, and would have raised an eyebrow had she possessed one.
But she did manage to reign herself back in, laughter fading. Then slowly she rose back up to standing, lifting her head to meet the Kahuna’s gaze. Only this time, she was the one wearing the dark, feral grin.
“My turn.”
She slipped her hand into her pocket, pulling out a Z crystal of her own - light-ish green, almost khaki in colour, the symbol of a beetle visible within.
"How fortuitous of you to sow the seeds of your own downfall, Kahuna.” Katla spoke, turning the crystal over in her fingers. “Guzma might like to hoard his Z crystals away from use, but unfortunately for you, I'm not Guzma." She placed it into her Z ring, goosebumps erupting up her body as it activated. "I'm far worse!"
Katla closed her eyes for a moment, basking for a moment in the power that poured into her body - she'd felt power similar to this before, and she welcomed it like a friend. The energy swirled around Ribombee as well, and even as battered she was, she seemed to get a new lease of life. Katla began her moves, at first mimicking Nanu's, before she dragged her arms up and around like she was a zombie, followed through with a wave motion with her right hand, like a Sharpedo breaching the water's surface.
When Katla spoke again, her voice thrummed like the roar of a swarm’s thousands of wings. "Ribombee, let's rock the Kahuna's world! Savage Spin-Out!"
Surging with power, Ribombee released thick threads of silk from her hands, attaching to Persian and quickly encasing the cat Pokemon entirely within a fibrous cocoon in quick, deft motions. Taking hold of the sole trailing strand, the Bug Pokemon shot up into the air, carrying the cocoon with it, before she began to swing it around its entire body. Once, twice...
On the third swing, Ribombee uttered a loud cry and hurled the cocoon down as hard as possible. In a burst of Z Power induced speed, the Bee Fly shot down after its payload, striking the cocoon just as it impacted the ground, shattering the earth underneath with a load roar.
As the dust cleared, Katla surveyed the damage, her bravado fading as she saw Ribombee fluttering away from the limp cocoon she’d left lying in a shallow crater. That...might have been a bit excessive, she thought to herself, her gazing lifting up to her opponent.
"Katla and Ribombee's Savage Spin-Out has secured a victory!  Trainer Katla has won the Grand Trial!" Rotom called out, only to be shut down mid-hover by Nanu's sharp command, dropping to the ground as a regular phone. The Kahuna watched Persian's unmoving form for a few moments, his expression soon shifting from patient to concerned.
“Persian! Get yourself free, now!” He called, dread starting to sink into the bottom of Katla’s stomach as the seconds ticked by. No movement. “Persian!”
The Kahuna moved faster than the Galar trainer had thought him capable of, and immediately her first thought was to aid him, hand dropping to her belt to remind her that she’d discarded her other Pokemon. She looked back.
“Incine-” She began to call, the name halting in her chest as Katla glanced back to see Nanu had freed his Persian, and was cradling her close, head bowed over her. Guilt - thick, cloying and cold - poured over her shoulders, and it brought shame in its wake. It had all been an act, words specifically to get under her skin, and she’d not only brought them all hook, line and sinker, she’d let her anger get the better of her.
Ribombee fluttered close, looking up at her with concern. She glanced away from the scene, rubbing her hand over the Bee Fly’s head.
“Thank you, Ri.” She whispered. “You did so well, I’m so proud of you. Time to rest now.” She pressed a kiss to the top of her Pokemon’s head, before she returned the bug to her Pokeball. Katla kept her gaze averted, going instead to pick up her remaining Pokemon from where she left him, ignoring the few that quivered at her touch.
“Well congratulations, Katla.” Nanu’s voice sounded out behind her. “You passed my Grand Trial. You’re clear to go to Poni Island.” When she didn’t reply or turn around, he made a short chuffing sound that could have been a laugh. “Hey, it’s fine,” he said, his voice gentler than she’d ever heard it before. “Persian will be fine. She’s gone through Z moves like that before.”
The young woman looked over her shoulder to see him approaching, and despite his usual apathetic expression, he seemed sincere.
“You’re sure? It...seemed a little excessive.” Katla sighed, unable to hold his gaze. “I’m sorry, Kahuna. My temper got the better of me.”
“Certainly did.” And in a second, the gentle veneer was gone. “Excessive is all what Z moves are, I’m sure you’ve noticed by now. You were very lucky - Black Hole Eclipse is as frightening as it sounds. Speaking of which,” Nanu took the Z crystal from his Z ring, holding it out to her. “A Darkinium Z, for your victory.”
Katla blinked.
“Oh, thank you!” She turned it over in her fingers, glimpsing the strange symbol deep inside its dark confines, like the outstretched cloak of, well, darkness. “Considering I was shitting myself at the mere thought of it, I’m gonna take your word on it.”
“That’d be a first.” Nanu commented wryly. “Now pay attention, I’m only going to do this once.”
The movements of the Dark Z move were a lot less scary when done in the light of day, and especially with the Kahuna’s deadpan face, even as he loomed over her in the final pose. “Got it?”
Katla didn’t reply, deciding instead to mimic him. She hunched over, swinging her hands down to the ground with her fingers curled into claws, before she straightened up again, throwing her hands forward and arching her body up as best as she could for a diminutive woman.
“That about right?” She asked. Nanu’s red eyes looked over her, one of his thick eyebrows arching up slightly.
“Not bad for a first go,” he said, pausing for a second. It was difficult to see what he was thinking, but he was certainly mulling something over. “You’re not in any hurry to go back to Melemele, are you?”
“Well, I was only heading back there because I thought I couldn’t get further in the Trials, so I guess not.” Katla said, tilting her head. “Why?”
“Meet me at High Roller Sushi tonight, just after sundown.” Nanu replied, stepping away from her. “My treat.”
Katla just blinked at him, his words taking a moment to parse in her head.
“Oh, okay, yeah!” Heat rose into her face in embarrassment. “Yeah, sure, I’ll be there.”
“Good. Don’t keep me waiting.” Were his last parting words to her, the Kahuna raising a hand before he trudged away, leaving the trainer alone with her thoughts and many more questions.
Katla ran a hand through her thick curly hair, uttering a long sigh through her nose.
Well, alright then.
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haredreamslullaby · 5 years
Tell us about your brokentiger au? (If you want to!)
oh!! thank you so much for asking, yeah i’ll spill about it lmao
so like.. i’m pretty sure you know that scene in the books, where brokentail and tigerclaw are sharing tongues? yeah, that was actually the main inspiration for this au! (that, and my gay broken and bi tiger hcs lol)
so basically, for the longest time, broken has had this crush on tiger(because we all know that in warriors, tiger is a hottie) so when he’s captured by thunderclan, a tiny bit of him is like “BRO. you’re in the same clan as ur crush homie”
so after a bit of pining, broken’s eventually like “even if i can’t see ur cute ngl” and tiger goes “yeah ur cute too lol” “what” “what”
“wanna date” “sure lol”
so they start dating! they keep it lowkey, occasionally sneaking out of camp to run around. keep in mind they’re still evil so they still plan the rogue attack. broken is about to eat the death-berries yellowfang gave him when he hears bluestar say “tigerclaw we’re kicking you out of the rp.”
instantly he gets up and goes to stand by tiger’s side, “if he’s getting kicked out of the rp so am i!” so they both leave thunderclan, together.
they run into brokentail’s old friends, who’re like “oh sweet you guys are dating FINALLY” and for a while they just kinda live together like a sitcom?? then tiger remembers that goldenflower(who by now has had bramble and tawny) exists, so he manages to somehow lure her out into the forest with their kids and then kills her.
meanwhile, tiger is also seducing this kittypet named sasha who, after giving birth to their kids, he kills too.
so now broken and tiger have 5 little gremlin children to raise, plus their planning an uprising together. they’re an evil power couple i love them so much.. there is more but this is getting hella long. gssskf you can prob send another ask and i’ll respond real quick i LOVE talking about this au.
(p.s., if you’re wondering how they got away with being together in thunderclan even though broken is in the elders den, the elders DID know, they just thought it was cute and harmless. boy were they wrong.
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sehyas · 5 years
[ LFRP ] Sehya Veqhici -- Balmung
Tumblr media
Sehya Veqhici
The Basics ––– –
Age: 25.
Birthday: 5th sun of the 2nd astral moon.
Race: miqo’te. [ keeper of the moon ]
Gender: female.
Sexuality: bisexual.
Marital Status: single.
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: pink.
Eyes: one silver, one gold.
Height: 5′2″
Build: petite, slim, toned.
Distinguishing Marks: white clan markings, one beauty mark near her mouth.
Common Accessories: peach blossoms or other variants of flowers in her hair.
Personal ––– –
Profession: professional courtesan, entertainer, and intelligence gatherer.
Hobbies: gardening & horticulture, dancing.
Languages: eorzean, bits of hingan.
Residence: she splits time between ul’dah & kugane.
Birthplace: ul’dah.
Religion: doesn’t practice.
Patron Deity: azeyma.
Fears: extreme fear of heights and falling.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: n/a.
Children: n/a.
Parents: cina veqhici & vae’ka veqhici.
Siblings: n/a.
Other Relatives: distant cousins and relatives in the shroud.
Pets: navi, her chocobo.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
extroverted / in between / introverted
disorganized / in between / organized
close minded / in between / open minded
calm / in between / anxious
disagreeable / in between / agreeable
cautious / in between / reckless
patient / in between /  impatient
outspoken / in between / reserved
leader / in between / follower
empathetic / in between / apathetic
optimistic / in between / pessimistic
traditional / in between / modern
hard-working / in between / lazy
cultured / in between / uncultured
loyal / in between / disloyal
faithful / in Between / unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: occasionally with customers.
Drugs: occasionally with customers.
Alcohol: frequent use.
RP Hooks ––– –
INTO THE TIGER’S PALACE: Sehya is a professional entertainer and courtesan at the Tiger’s Palace, a bar and opium den established by an old yakuza in Shirogane. If looking for just a evening to relax and have good company, this is the place for you to go. Quite a bit of information gathering and intelligence work is done at this location as well, so if you are seeking out the courtesan for her intel, be ready to pay a pretty penny.
CHANCE ENCOUNTERS AT THE QUICKSAND: Much like finding her in the Dragon’s Den, one may also find her in the Quicksand. Sometimes she is actively seeking out clientele for her courtesan work, other times she is gathering information among all the hustle and the bustle of the Adventurer’s Guild.
LOOKING FOR A FRIEND: You may hire Sehya for events! She will accompany you, make nice with all of your friends, and dance the night away with you. This can be as pure or not as you want it to be.
A KISS WITH A FIST: Sehya is a trained pugilist, having grown up in Ul’dah and trained in the Pugilist Guild, much like her father did when she was small. Despite her real profession, she also actively engages in martial arts, sparring with strangers and taking her chances in the Grindstone from time to time.
Contact Information  ––– –
please message for my discord! it’s the best way to reach me.
looking for rp both on tumblr and in game!
my primary location is balmung.
timezone is CST.
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
Welcome to the Family
So, this story won’t make a lot of sense without context; but I’ll save that for another post. I wrote it to enjoy it and it’s my first full OC full prose. Hopefully ya’ll enjoy it too.
A quick helper tho set after the prologue bound by blood. So mild? Spoilers? 
Lorcan Vulthon - Norn, Roughly about 26 (circa 1332),(Ex-)Wolf Shaman,  (Ex-)Auxiliary Iron Legion Engineer, Vigil Initiate. Yes he was raised by wolves. (Not literally) 
Zariah Dào - Human, Roughly about 42 (circa 1332), (My Commander for the game, but operates under Lt. Commander to allow for easier rp), Warmaster of a Vigil Company, Lorcan’s new Boss, Has not tapped out since Claw Island. 
Veeck - my necromancer reaper I haven’t made but am taking from an old DnD character of mine, Asura, age unknown, The Deacon of Pain,  
A jungle stalker, tiger and one other feline mini follow him around that’s the joke. One of the JP’s for the Tiger den Achievement is what sparked this. 
Not sure what to tag it but it starts funny ends feelsy, found family vibes, if descriptions of eyes squick you (no harm just who’s looking at you, sudden eye contact etc) be wary or pass on, fluffy angst I suppose, emotional breakdown,
it ends happily I swear! 
(Don’t panic if things seem to change, I post and edit as I go otherwise I get locked in perfectionism spiral and never post at all.) 
Eyes shielded from the setting sun, Lorcan peered out over the landscape, comm at the ready. 
Dusk crawled toward the horizon. Hazy smoke trails blown over the open fields lazily from the nearby mill, an end of a lovely day, on all accounts. 
The receiver came to life in Lorcan’s hand with an exhausted sigh of static as Lt. Commander Zariah sluggishly answered, “Yes, Lorcan. What is it?” 
The smile pulled over Lorcan’s face, unable to resist the urge to tease. “Kinda, an odd time of day to be sleeping sir.” 
It was utterly incredible how he could feel the dry stare-down and complex half lecture on the misuse of communications equipment in a brief pause. 
That was talent right there.  
Another sigh brought his attention back in, “I wasn’t, thank you, did you need something?” 
Brightening, Lorcan sat down in front of the mess of fur and leaves, “Yeah! I found your cat bed!” 
“… What.”  
Lorcan gestures at the pile of leaves at his feet although his officer couldn’t see it. “Yeah! One of your Sylvari, the one with the monotone-” 
“-Ours, and their name is Eir, -” 
“-Said one of your weird tiny death machines-“ 
“-Again, wild animals, and not mine-” 
“-Yeah, yeah, the striped one ran off and went to bed everything-” 
“-Tiger; and has been making beds not bedding, your Common is improving-” 
“I found one!” 
The crackle and whine from a heavy static sigh made Lorcan wince and pull the device from his ear. 
“...… You’ve found a tiger.” 
Something about the suddenly calculating monotone made his insides squirm as he forced the cheerful up another notch. “Well no, but I’ve found its bed, and now we have each other’s scents, and I probably will find it and we’ll form a life-long bond like rangers and shaman-” 
“Lorcan.” His name came gently, cutting off his rambling in a way that had nausea setting in. 
“I’m grateful you found one, does it look fresh?” The genial tone was almost disconcerting after seeing nothing but jaded exhaustion, and it was wrong. 
This was not how this works. 
This was a crank call. Because he’s Lorcan. The rambling loud, obnoxious idiot whose superiors while agitated are fond of. Lorcan, who did not want to do this all over again but here they are, and Zariah! Who’d barely known him three days! 
Who took him in without blinking after getting cut off from his war-band, who trusted him enough for a reconnaissance mission. Who put up with all his antics so far with a droll but benign stare; who—
A rustling came finally, along with the clink and slosh of what Lorcan knew to be the large mug of coffee usually in hand. 
“Stop that,” his throat felt tight, half leaping to his feet into a defensive stance, “You—Don’t-” The plains suddenly felt suffocatingly small, leaving him on edge and snarling into his comm. 
Burn him, what was he doing. 
“Stop that!” his ears were burning, eyes stinging against the smoke in the air. It was his name; it was just his name what the tar was his problem? 
The placid silence that followed nearly had him throw the damn thing down onto the rocks. Embarrassment burned viciously under his skin. He was better than this now. He wasn’t- 
He turned the comm offline. 
It was long past dark by the time he’d calmed down, eyes red and throat raw, hunched at the base of the tree.
Great first impression.
Really sold it this time.
Groaning, he dug his face into his knees to do something other than mope in the dark like a moody cub. Or worse start up again.
A skittering of rocks and not entirely muffled metal had him look up in time to see a silhouette with an obnoxious Asuran light nearly blind him.
“Mind if I come over? You turned your comm off.” Zariah inquired tilting his head to the side just before the last jump. “I can stay over here. Just wanted to-”
Lorcan waved him off with a flippant hand and shoved his face back down. “Make sure I hadn’t broken-”  
“-Your bones. Yes. Or anything else important to your personal self.” Zariah moved over the outburst with both a note of finality and comfort that had Lorcan looking up out of instinct, only to wince again at the mini sun in his Commanders hand.
“… If you're going to jump over, douse the Mouse-Light. Before I lose my eyes.”
 Immediately, the object dimmed down and out before far more familiar sounds came and a torch sparked to life. “Sorry about that, but I’ll ask you to refrain from derogatory names. Veeck is a valued member of our team and cares deeply about our survival.”
“… The Asura.”
“Who rambles on about some new Entity?”
“Of Pain, yes.”
“… Boss.”
“Not up for debate, Lorcan.”
Heaving to his feet with a sigh, Lorcan reached out to him; “Well, can’t let them upstage me now can I. C’mon I’ll catch you; it won’t give you enough light without the M--……. beacon. From the Deacon.”
Zariah landed with a grunt into his grip. “You’ll have to share that one, they’d love that-what is that an idiom?”
“Not a clue.” Wearily sitting again, Lorcan stopped short as something small and purring wormed its way into his lap. “… Uh…”
“She likes belly rubs, and she can smell tears.” Was all Zariah offered settling next to him and safely anchoring the torch in front of them, while the Stalker wiggled about before she settled solidly into Lorcan’s lap. Big eyes batted up at him, as if pointedly proving Zariah’s point; said belly up and offered.
Slowly, Lorcan answered the demand, a new deeper slew of purrs unleashed in repayment. “I thought you said they’re wild.”
“They are. Or were, a few years ago. They found me in the Maguuma, when Mordremoth was; well you know.” came the easy answer, as Zariah set about digging in his pack and handing over a wrapped meat smelling something to Lorcan who merely blinked at it.
“You haven’t eaten since before you left and I know how Norn eat. Eat your dinner.”
Gingerly, Lorcan accepted the meal; before peering at him. “… Does this get any weirder?”
“Only if you let your guard down long enough for them to steal it.”
They sat like that a long while, quietly; with a lap full of warm purring death machines, a belly full with warm food and drink, and tired eyes watching the torch slowly burn down to a smolder.
The lecture never came; the ‘we’re alike you and I’ speech, the wise mentor talk, whatever he’d been expecting. Zariah just sat there, relaxed and was… well, there.
But then it made sense didn’t it. He was a tactician for a military organization, one of the high tier leaders in the Pact, leader of his own company; and Lorcan was an accomplished engineer and a perceptive people's person when he wasn’t being difficult. 
There wasn’t anything to say.
He’d freaked out, he didn’t want to freak out, but he did. He’d reverted to causing a scene and trouble because he was a full inferno of freaking the blazes out. About what any of this meant now. About where home was now. What he would do now. What his purpose was now.
Had another identity crisis in an evening flat because he kept trying to put it in a title. Wolf Shaman, Auxiliary Charr—anything that wasn’t just him. How else could he go back and show that he’d changed after all? Prove he was all grown up out of his awkward paws making a mess of everything.
Except he hadn’t had he-
Lorcan spat fur out of his mouth, leaning away from the incessantly batting paws from his lap companion.  “Hey! Hey! Hey! C’mon!”
“I told you. She smells monologues.”
“You said tears.”
Stretching out with an innocent hum that edged too close to playful to pass as sincere, Zariah rose a brow at him, “Mm? Did I? I must have misspoken. So terribly sorry.”
The words pulled a snort out of Lorcan at the obvious lie, “So, what, she just slaps you in the face at random? Or she’s just psychic and knows when you're spiraling every time.”
Turning towards him, Zariah rose the brow higher, something of a smirk toying in the corner of his mouth. “Oh, definitely a psychic; when I need it. Constantly. She can tell usually because,” His eyes glanced meaningfully at Lorcan’s lap, “I’ve ceased to pet her.”
Lorcan paused, looking to where his hands had fallen stagnant some time ago on her back, much to the indignant pout on her face. “… Oh.”
“Well.” He chuckled at his own obliviousness and began smoothing hands down her head and spine apologetically, much to her delight, “S’a good trick.”
“She tries.” A yawn dragged out the end of the sentence as Zariah settled down more against Lorcan’s side who moved to accommodate him.
Eyes glanced at the time curiously, “Aw burn me, Boss I’m-”
“Safe.” That firm tone was back again, even as exhausted as it sounded. “And that’s all I care about. We’ll go back when you’re ready.”
“Don’t you have paperwork to do?”
“Great thing about paper, it’ll be there when I get back.”
“What about orders? Don’t you have to know what’s”
“Anything I need to know, I’ll know through my comm, if it’s of immediate importance. As for orders, there are other commanders.”
“… How many hours you running on here?”
“Two and a half, I was in fact sleeping when you called me.”
“Boss-” An incredulous laugh cut short by an overused stubborn excuse.
“I had coffee.”
Silence lapsed again, softer as the torch barely glowed embers and Zariah’s breathing began to deepened, and slow against his side.
It wouldn’t have made sense for how lax Zariah was, after seven years of nearly non-stop war and fighting; if the moon wasn’t glinting off four Iron Legion Sharpshooters standing guard nearby that Lorcan could now see.
“Boss?” swallowing around the lump in his throat, Lorcan nudged him again. “Hey, Boss.”
There was a slurred hum, eyes not even opening as Zariah lifted a brow in answer “Mmn—yes Lorcan.”
“… Thanks.”
“S’ what ‘m here for.”
Epilogue (aka beeps an giggles)
For the weight of a Pact Commander, Zariah was unnervingly light once you removed the pack, armor, weapons, felines, etc.
Which Lorcan awkwardly got to know firsthand as the pint-sized (seriously how small was this guy) Asura fussed around this way and that muttering too fast to keep up with.
It was a very odd feeling of you break it you buy it, with the Commanders sleep schedule. Which cemented in his mind as no one else seemed bothered by the ranting Asura at his feet. 
“-two months! Two months! Not even! We were so close, on ordered leave, relaxing, vacationing, nearly had it! But no! The evil little box of death opens its evil little mouth and ruin everything! This does not please the Pain!”
Lorcan made the mistake of uttering “Does anything,” before realizing the error as he became the subject of the bespectacled, laser sharp, owlish gaze before off again as they moved in thought. 
Finally, with a decisive nod, they firmly shouted up to him, “…… Milk! Milk and Ink!”
(Seriously did the guy think he was deaf? Though they looked like they’d fit into his boot with room to spare, and he wasn’t exactly short himself.)
A tiny hand lifted into the air, fire in their eyes; “I shall explain!”
“Please don’t.” Lorcan begged.
“Easy Squeak-A-Veak, lets save converting until after we get Boss back to bed for a few hours. We’ve already got orders to meet up with General Soulkeeper in the morning.” Came the beautiful rescue from one of the other officers Lorcan couldn’t put a name to.
Whose hands lifted up immediately in a placating gesture, as the tiny Asura looked ready to implode, “Rephrase, to head over to General Soulkeeper in the morning.”
Small detonation avoided, the medic, nodded with minimal professional sulking, “He’s napping on the way there.”
“As always, you can try small fry, you can try. Eir wanted to see you; I’ll see that Boss gets settled yeah?” Offering a fond amused look, they winked at Lorcan who wasn’t honestly sure what to do with himself at this point of being ‘Boss-shelf’.
Veeck squinted but turned and left with a toddle out of the room. “I know what you’re doing and I don’t appreciate it but yes I will leave and stop scaring our recruit.”
“… Wasn’t scared.” Came late and lamely as the officer chuckled and lead him in to where Zariah was staying for the time being.
Which for the first few moments Lorcan was sure they got the wrong room before he finally spotted a bed past all the paperwork. “Is that a war table?”
“Mini-sized yeah, Rye sleeps in his office, it was the only solution after a long drawn out internal war lemme tell you.”
“How is that a win?”
“He used to do it on a cot armed with a coffee pot, and don’t worry about Veeck. Squeakers is harmless; they get dramatic with displeasure and pain cos it’s like a prayer offering? I think? I’m trying to follow it but I need a few more run throughs. They’re a lot calmer day to day.”
“…….. Oh! Good to know, thanks—ah…”
“You forgot my name already didn’t you.”
Laughing they helped settle Zariah down and into bed, even tucking them in. Which by this point, Lorcan had one final question.
“…… Sooo, kinda curious. Why he’s not; you know.”
“Twitchy as fleas about being handled like a doll? He usually is, but this is day four of small naps and I made his coffee decaf. He’s out cold for the next three to five hours.”
“Burn me.”
“It’s a good thing, say goodnight if you want; just hit the lights when you're done. I’m catching a few myself before we hit the road.” They offered with a wave before heading out.
Lorcan absentmindedly gave a wave only to perk and try to call out; “Wait! You didn’t--…… tell me your name. Tar’nfeathers.”
Sitting down with a sigh he glanced over at Zariah, and with a crooked grin leaned over. “Night Boss. Still totally going to steal your tiger.”
A brow raised as tired, but amused eyes snapped open, “Still totally not going to let it happen.” Zariah challenged as Lorcan shrieked with a flail and fell off the bed. 
“Burn! Tar! and Feather You!”
Yawning with a final chuckle, Zariah listened to him stalk off and turn out the lights. “Good Night, Lorcan.” 
“Welcome to the family.” 
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Idea for a first level single person encounter
Tasked with taking out an abandoned zoo where the animals have gone feral bc the carer disappeared or was eaten or smth
Different sections for different groups of animals (yes these are how they are labeled in the zoo)
• Crawlies: Scorpion, Spider, [Giant Fire Beetle], Frog, Lizard
• Doggos: Hyena, Jackal
• Ungulates: Deer, Goat
• Monke: Baboon
• Ground Doggos: Badger
Giant Crab miniboss (in Crawlies Section)
Giant Badger boss (in Ground Doggos section)
Giant fire beetle is hidden in a crate in the Crawlies section and is nonhostile (unless attacked) and can be persuaded to help the player with food
More players? Higher level? Toss in a tiger or smth.
Crawlies is a building filled with crates and junk and is dim. The happy crate is the Giant Fire Beetle. The Krab is resting and the player can sneak past p easily if they rp being quiet, but if they make too much noise fighting the other stuff It Will Awake.
Ungulates is a grassy cage has a big rock (about 5 feet tall) that the goats are on, and a few trees.
Monke has four trees, three of which have baboons in them about 10 feet up.
Doggos has a den for the Jacks and Yeens, 3x4 tiles or so? With shrubs on either side.
Ground Doggos also has a den, 3x3 tho. Big rock, also 5 feet tall.
Probably toss the player a health potion or two before going in, just in case. Plus, the cages are locked, but the locals are worried that without the carer there (and with what food they left in the cages dwindling) that they'll break out. PC is a preventative measure. So, cages are locked means that PC may take 1 long rest and 1 short rest before the animals start rolling to break out. (Or like 3-4 short rests i havent looked at an actual resource while writing this except a list of monster CRs)
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Idk i was thinking about single player adventures and saw a lot of just animals in the CR 0-1/4 and figured, hey, zoo
0 notes
erahsae-ffxiv · 4 years
FFXIV RP Events for the Week of 2020.08.17
FFXIV RP Events for the week of 2020.08.17
Have an event you want to put on the Calendar?
Submit it here or send us an email.
This Week's Events:
Monday - 8/17/2020
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Shiokaze Hostelry Popup RP - [Balmung] Kugane (10, 10)
7:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Lounge at Reverie - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 8, Plot 60
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Teatime at Shroudrose Teahouse - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58,
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The First Mistake - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 1, Plot 28
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Secret Views Speakeasy - [Coeurl] Goblet Ward 20, Plot 7
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Lady Luck Casino - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 4, Plot 43
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Kitty's Catfish Cafe - [Goblin] Mist Ward 14, Plot 25
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Dragon's Head Lounge - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 13, Plot 3
Tuesday - 8/18/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The First Steps - [Odin] Goblet Ward 10, Plot 47
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Wayward Star Bar - [Balmung] Mists Ward 14 Plot 2
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Cafe de Chocobo - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 32
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Rissa's Snack Shack - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 20, Apt 2
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Blue Miqo'te Tavern - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 1, Plot 29
9:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - The Gin Mill - [Balmung] Western Thanalan, Nophica's Well (22, 24)
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Third Eye Sushi - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 34
Wednesday - 8/19/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Sinner's Den - [Lich] Mist Ward 11, Plot 14
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - [M] Twilight Tavern's Bar Night - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 2, Plot 24
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Morning Star Cafe - [Mateus] Mist Ward 21, Plot 37
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Lotus Apothecary - [Coeurl] Lavender Beds Ward 14, Plot 18
8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT - Azure Cafe Night - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 5 Plot 13,
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Calamity's End Bar & Grill - [Balmung] The Mists Ward 16, Plot 11
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - New Saronia Public Night - [Balmung] Mist Ward 19, Plot 17
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Arcana Obscura - Open Shop Hours - [Malboro] Goblet Ward 3, Plot 49
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Fire Pit - [Mateus] The Goblet, Ward 5, Plot 60
10:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Voodoo Lounge Open Mic - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 5 Plot 11
11:00 PM to 3:00 AM EDT - Warm Embrace Moonfire Casino - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 19, Plot 35
Thursday - 8/20/2020
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - [M] The Dragon's Pit - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 57
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Buscarron Regulars Meetup - [Balmung] South Shroud, Buscarron's Druthers,
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Sword and Spork - [Lich] Mist, Ward 9, Apt. 65
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM EDT - Oak's Tradepost - [Balmung] Mists Plot 29 Ward 2
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Lotus Flame Club - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 14 Plot 58
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Seagaze Street Faire - [Mateus] Mist, Ward 15
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Briskstone Creamery - [Balmung] Goblet, Ward 18, Subdivision, Apt 73
8:30 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] The Talley: Performance Night - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 21, Plot 4,
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Ashbound Open House - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 16, Plot 14
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Luck Of The Drakaina - [Balmung] Costa Del Sol (36, 25)
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Velvet Rose Lodge Open Bar - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 18, Plot 28
Friday - 8/21/2020
3:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - [M] Costa Del Sol Volleyball Tournament - [Balmung] Eastern La Noscea (36, 25)
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - [M] Shadowed Knights - [Balmung] Coerthas Western Highlands, Falcons Nest
6:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Maid's Basin Tavern night - [Mateus] Goblet, Ward 13, Plot 13
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Forgotten Knight Pop-Up RP - [Balmung] Foundation, The Forgotten Knight
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EDT - Thavnairian Nights - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 10 Plot 19
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Kwehtucky Derby Parade - [Balmung] Lavender Beds - East Ward 18 Subdivisions
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Liberty Lecture Series - [Mateus] Lavender Beds, Ward 14, Plot 3
8:30 PM to 10:30 PM EDT - [M] The Blind Tiger - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 5, Plot 38
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] The Ruthless Reign - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 42
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Bokh - Xaelic Wrestling - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 19, Subdivision Beach
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Rhalgr's Respite - [Balmung] Rhalgr's Reach
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - NightRaid Bounty Call - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 58
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Siph Shiro Steakhouse - [Malboro] Lavender beds (Ward 19, Plot 25)
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] The Golden Whisker - Casino - [Mateus] The Goblet, Plot 5, Ward 16
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - The Galbadia Bar and Lounge - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 30
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Uranami Onsen Host & Hostess Club - [Mateus] Mist Ward 15, Plot 5
Saturday - 8/22/2020
12:00 AM to 6:00 AM EDT - After Hours at The Raven - [Goblin] Mist Ward 14, Plot 58
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - King of the Ring Tournament - [Balmung] Eastern La Noscea: Wineport
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - Eternal Sonata Tavern and Casino - [Lich] Shirogane Ward 5, Plot 37
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Drunken Moogle Open RP - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 33
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - The Garden of Words Book & Teashop - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 8, Plot 27
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - The Apothecarium - [Mateus] The Mist, Ward 13, Plot 2
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - [M] Da Family Faire 4 - [Goblin] Lavender Beds Ward 1 - Amethyst Shallows
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Sultana's Breath Shopping Arcade - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 18, Sultana's Breath Subdivision
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Bottom of the Barrel - [Balmung] Goblet - Ward 15, Plot 49
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Derby Dance: Kwehtucky Derby Masquerade - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 6, Plot 5
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Beach Bash with the White Lotus Inn - [Zalera] Shirogane Ward 14, Plot 31
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Luck Of The Drakaina - [Balmung] Costa Del Sol (36, 25)
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Open Bar Night at The Other Three Walls - [Zalera] Goblet Ward 15 Plot 5
9:30 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Little Ferret Smol Auction Night - [Coeurl] Mist Ward 14, Plot 58
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Grindstone Tournament - [Balmung] Cen. Thanalan (21, 25)
Sunday - 8/23/2020
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM EDT - Templars of the Moon - Open House & Bar Social - [Coeurl] Goblet Ward 16, Plot 30
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Stray Sheep Bar - [Lich] Lavender Beds Ward 11 Plot 3
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - [M] Rowdy Rock Bar - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 15, Plot 2
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - The Kwehtucky Derby - [Balmung] South Shroud, Camp Tranquil
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Jeweled Cypress - [Mateus] Mist Ward 14, Plot 45
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Dinner at the Saltery - [Siren] Shirogane Ward 13, Plot 26
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Nights at The Rainbow Room - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 13, Plot 45,
View as a Calendar here.
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erahsae-ffxiv · 4 years
FFXIV RP Events for the Week of 2020.07.27
FFXIV RP Events for the week of 2020.07.27
Have an event you want to put on the Calendar?
Submit it here or send us an email.
This Week's Events:
Monday - 7/27/2020
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Shiokaze Hostelry Popup RP - [Balmung] Kugane (10, 10)
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Brimming Heart Pool Party - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 13, Brimming Heart
7:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Lounge at Reverie - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 8, Plot 60
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Bun of The Boughs - [Balmung] The Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 34
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Steppe Ramen - [Mateus] Shirogane, Ward 18, Plot 27
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Lady Luck Casino - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 4, Plot 43
Tuesday - 7/28/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The First Steps - [Odin] Goblet Ward 10, Plot 47
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Wayward Star Bar - [Balmung] Mists Ward 14 Plot 2
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Cafe de Chocobo - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 32
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Rissa's Snack Shack - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 20, Apt 2
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Blue Miqo'te Tavern - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 1, Plot 29
9:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - The Gin Mill - [Balmung] Western Thanalan, Nophica's Well (22, 24)
9:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Hoshi-no-Tama: Bar and Lounge - [Mateus] Mist Ward 18, Plot 39
Wednesday - 7/29/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - Cazbah Cafe - [Balmung] Shirogan Ward 20, Plot 46
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Sinner's Den - [Lich] Mist Ward 11, Plot 14
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Morning Star Cafe - [Mateus] Mist Ward 21, Plot 37
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Lotus Apothecary - [Coeurl] Lavender Beds Ward 14, Plot 18
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The First Rule - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 19, Plot 13
8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT - Azure Tavern - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 5 Plot 13,
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Calamity's End Bar & Grill - [Balmung] The Mists Ward 16, Plot 11
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - New Saronia Public Night - [Balmung] Mist Ward 19, Plot 17
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Burly Barnacle - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 12, Plot 50
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Arcana Obscura - Open Shop Hours - [Malboro] Goblet Ward 3, Plot 49
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Fire Pit - [Mateus] The Goblet, Ward 5, Plot 60
9:30 PM to 12:30 AM EDT - [M] The Admiral's Boot - [Goblin] Mist Ward 21 Plot 16
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Sinking Anchor - Viking Nights - [Balmung] Goblet, ward 13, plot 6
10:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Voodoo Lounge Open Mic - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 5 Plot 11
Thursday - 7/30/2020
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - [M] The Dragon's Pit - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 57
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - Everbloom Cafe/Flower Shop - [Goblin] Lavender Beds Ward 5, Plot 9
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Hunter's Haven - [Lich] Goblet Ward 1, Plot 38
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM EDT - Oak's Tradepost - [Balmung] Mists Plot 29 Ward 2
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - First Edition - [Balmung] The Goblet Ward 3, Plot 3
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Beastfolk Greet & Meat - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 10, Plot 4
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Shroudrose Happy Hour - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Sticky Pickle Tavern - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 14 Plot 9
9:30 PM to 12:30 AM EDT - [M] Radiant Plume Fight Night - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 15, Plot 49
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Epoch Tavern (Open RP) - [Balmung] Mist Ward 11, Plot 2
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Velvet Rose Lodge Open Bar - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 18, Plot 28
Friday - 7/31/2020
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Art Gallery from Sonja Rysti - [Balmung] Mists Ward 17 Sub. Apt 11
6:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Maid's Basin Tavern night - [Mateus] Goblet, Ward 13, Plot 13
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Forgotten Knight Pop-Up RP - [Balmung] Foundation, The Forgotten Knight
8:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Club Underdark - [Balmung] Shirogane ward 20 plot 16
8:30 PM to 10:30 PM EDT - [M] The Blind Tiger - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 5, Plot 38
8:30 PM to 11:30 PM EDT - The Captain's Cabin Tavern - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 12, Plot 28
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Niten Ichi Teahouse Grand Opening - [Balmung] Mists Ward 6, Plot 46
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Bokh - Xaelic Wrestling - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 19, Subdivision Beach
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Maria and Draco - [Balmung] Mist Ward 7, Plot 15
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - NightRaid Bounty Call - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 58
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Crimson Crystal's Open Mic Night - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 15, Plot 60
9:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Night Market at The Caravanserai - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 1, Plot 30
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Combat Fields - [Mateus] Central Thanalan (20, 24) / Eastern La Noscea (36, 25)
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Final Heaven Tavern Night - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 20, Plot 3
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - The Galbadia Bar and Lounge - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 30
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Uranami Onsen Host & Hostess Club - [Mateus] Mist Ward 15, Plot 5
Saturday - 8/1/2020
12:00 AM to 6:00 AM EDT - Grand Opening at The Raven - [Goblin] Mist Ward 14 Plot 58
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - King of the Ring Tournament - [Balmung] Eastern La Noscea: Wineport
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - Eternal Sonata Tavern and Casino - [Lich] Shirogane Ward 5, Plot 37
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Drunken Moogle Open RP - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 33
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Art Gallery from Sonja Rysti - [Balmung] Mists Ward 17 Sub. Apt 11
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Garlean Cultural Festival - [Balmung] Kugane, Pier 1
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - [M] Crescents Keep Tavern - [Mateus] Mist Ward14, Plot 34
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Open Bar Night at The Other Three Walls - [Zalera] Goblet Ward 15 Plot 5
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Grindstone Tournament - [Balmung] Cen. Thanalan (21, 25)
Sunday - 8/2/2020
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - [M] Everbloom Escape - [Goblin] Mist Ward 13, Plot 7
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Stray Sheep Bar - [Lich] Lavender Beds Ward 11 Plot 3
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - [M] Twilight Tavern's Bar Night - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 2, Plot 24
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] The Big One Botanicals Flower Hour - [Mateus] Shirogane 12th Ward, Plot 58
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Mo's Tavern Nights - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 13, Plot 45
View as a Calendar here.
Support the RP Event Calendar on Patreon.
The FFXIV RP Event Calendar event lists are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License
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erahsae-ffxiv · 4 years
FFXIV RP Events for the Week of 2020.08.24
Have an event you want to put on the Calendar?
Submit it here or send us an email.
This Week's Events:
Monday - 8/24/2020
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - Fight Club at Elysium - [Lich] Mists, Ward 17, Plot 32
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Lucky Hare Bookstore - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 7, Apt. 81
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Shiokaze Hostelry Popup RP - [Balmung] Kugane (10, 10)
7:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Lounge at Reverie - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 8, Plot 60
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Monday Night Story Circle - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 13 (10, 14)
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Bun of The Boughs - [Balmung] The Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 34
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Steppe Ramen - [Mateus] Shirogane, Ward 18, Plot 27
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Secret Views Speakeasy - [Coeurl] Goblet Ward 20, Plot 7
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Lady Luck Casino - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 4, Plot 43
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Kitty's Catfish Cafe - [Goblin] Mist Ward 14, Plot 25
Tuesday - 8/25/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The First Steps - [Odin] Goblet Ward 10, Plot 47
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Wayward Star Bar - [Balmung] Mists Ward 14 Plot 2
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Cafe de Chocobo - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 32
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Rissa's Snack Shack - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 20, Apt 2
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Blue Miqo'te Tavern - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 1, Plot 29
9:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - The Gin Mill - [Balmung] Western Thanalan, Nophica's Well (22, 24)
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Angry Chef' Restaurant - [Balmung] Goblet, Ward 14, Plot 25
Wednesday - 8/26/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Sinner's Den - [Lich] Mist Ward 11, Plot 14
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - [M] Twilight Tavern's Bar Night - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 2, Plot 24
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Morning Star Cafe - [Mateus] Mist Ward 21, Plot 37
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Lotus Apothecary - [Coeurl] Lavender Beds Ward 14, Plot 18
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The First Rule - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 19, Plot 13
8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT - Azure Tavern - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 5 Plot 13,
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Calamity's End Bar & Grill - [Balmung] The Mists Ward 16, Plot 11
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - New Saronia Public Night - [Balmung] Mist Ward 19, Plot 17
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Burly Barnacle - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 12, Plot 50
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Arcana Obscura - Open Shop Hours - [Malboro] Goblet Ward 3, Plot 49
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Fire Pit - [Mateus] The Goblet, Ward 5, Plot 60
9:30 PM to 12:30 AM EDT - [M] The Admiral's Boot - [Goblin] Mist Ward 21 Plot 16
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Sinking Anchor - Viking Nights - [Balmung] Goblet, ward 13, plot 6
10:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Voodoo Lounge Open Mic - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 5 Plot 11
Thursday - 8/27/2020
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - [M] The Dragon's Pit - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 57
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Sword and Spork - [Lich] Mist, Ward 9, Apt. 65
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM EDT - Oak's Tradepost - [Balmung] Mists Plot 29 Ward 2
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - First Edition - [Balmung] The Goblet Ward 3, Plot 3
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] HE11 F1-R: Steampunk Bar - [Balmung] The Goblet Ward 16, Plot 56
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Beastfolk Greet & Meat - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 10, Plot 4
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Luck Of The Drakaina - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 14, Plot 5
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Shroudrose Happy Hour - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Sticky Pickle Tavern - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 14 Plot 9
9:30 PM to 12:30 AM EDT - [M] Radiant Plume Fight Night - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 15, Plot 49
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Epoch Tavern (Open RP) - [Balmung] Mist Ward 11, Plot 2
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Velvet Rose Lodge Open Bar - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 18, Plot 28
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Big One's Moonfire Faire - [Mateus] The Goblet, Ward 16, Brimming Heart
Friday - 8/28/2020
6:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Maid's Basin Tavern night - [Mateus] Goblet, Ward 13, Plot 13
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Beastfolk Crossing - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 10, Brimming Heart
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Forgotten Knight Pop-Up RP - [Balmung] Foundation, The Forgotten Knight
8:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Club Underdark - [Balmung] Shirogane ward 20 plot 16
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Summer Stars - [Mateus] Goblet, Ward 11, Plot 25
8:30 PM to 10:30 PM EDT - [M] The Blind Tiger - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 5, Plot 38
8:30 PM to 11:30 PM EDT - The Captain's Cabin Tavern - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 12, Plot 28
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Bokh - Xaelic Wrestling - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 19, Subdivision Beach
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Niten Ichi Tea House - [Balmung] Mists Ward 6 Plot 46
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - NightRaid Bounty Call - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 58
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Crimson Crystal's Open Mic Night - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 15, Plot 60
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Combat Fields - [Mateus] Central Thanalan (20, 24) / Eastern La Noscea (36, 25)
9:30 PM to 12:30 AM EDT - Gyr Abanian Gauntlet - [Balmung] The Lochs, Ala Mhigan Quarter, Royal Menagerie Gardens,
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Final Heaven Tavern Night - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 20, Plot 3
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Dark Crimson Tavern - Fight night! - [Mateus] Shirogane Plot 7, Ward 16
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Uranami Onsen Social - [Mateus] Mist Ward 15, Plot 5
Saturday - 8/29/2020
12:00 AM to 6:00 AM EDT - After Hours at The Raven - [Goblin] Mist Ward 14, Plot 58
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - King of the Ring Tournament - [Balmung] Eastern La Noscea: Wineport
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - Eternal Sonata Tavern and Casino - [Lich] Shirogane Ward 5, Plot 37
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Drunken Moogle Open RP - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 33
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Miss Hydaelyn 2020 - [Balmung] Goblet, Ward 7, Plot 6
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - [M] Crescents Keep Tavern - [Mateus] Mist Ward14, Plot 34
7:30 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Coeurl Karaoke Night - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11 Plot 58
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] The Breakers Brawl - [Mateus] Southern Thanalan (17, 40)
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Lapis Luxury's Monthly Auction - [Mateus] Kugane: Pier 1 Docks
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Luck Of The Drakaina - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 14, Plot 5
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Open Bar Night at The Other Three Walls - [Zalera] Goblet Ward 15 Plot 5
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Grindstone Tournament - [Balmung] Cen. Thanalan (21, 25)
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Uranami Onsen 2nd Anniversary
Sunday - 8/30/2020
12:00 AM to 2:00 AM EDT - [M] Summer Midnight Rave - [Balmung] Il Mheg (8, 17)
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - The Moonlight Music Event - [Lich] Main City Aetherytes (TBD)
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Stray Sheep Bar - [Lich] Lavender Beds Ward 11 Plot 3
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - [M] Rowdy Rock Bar - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 15, Plot 2
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 16, Plot 36
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - [M] Spellstone Tournament - [Balmung] Central Thanalan (21, 25)
8:30 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Clad in Crowns - An Auction and Gala - [Balmung] Mist Ward 19 Plot 15
8:30 PM to 10:30 PM EDT - [M] The Cloak & Dagger Speakeasy and Lounge - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 21 Plot 19
View as a Calendar here.
Support the RP Event Calendar on Patreon.
The FFXIV RP Event Calendar event lists are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License
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erahsae-ffxiv · 4 years
FFXIV RP Events for the Week of 2020.08.31
Have an event you want to put on the Calendar?
Submit it here or send us an email.
This Week's Events:
Monday - 8/31/2020
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Shiokaze Hostelry Popup RP - [Balmung] Kugane (10, 10)
7:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Brimming Heart Pool Party - [Mateus] Costa Del Sol, Moonfire Faire Pavilion (36, 25)
7:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Lounge at Reverie - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 8, Plot 60
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Monday Night Story Circle - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 13 (10, 14)
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Teatime at Shroudrose Teahouse - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58,
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The First Mistake - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 1, Plot 28
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Steppe Ramen - [Mateus] Shirogane, Ward 18, Plot 27
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Secret Views Speakeasy - [Coeurl] Goblet Ward 20, Plot 7
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Lady Luck Casino - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 4, Plot 43
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Kitty's Catfish Cafe - [Goblin] Mist Ward 14, Plot 25
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Dragon's Head Lounge - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 13, Plot 3
Tuesday - 9/1/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The First Steps - [Odin] Goblet Ward 10, Plot 47
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Wayward Star Bar - [Balmung] Mists Ward 14 Plot 2
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Cafe de Chocobo - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 32
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - [M] FLAVOR Burlesque Show - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 13, Plot 37
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Fiery Nut Theatre - [Balmung] Mist Ward 4 Plot 38
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Happy Gyuki Healing Clinic - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 10, Plot 25
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Rissa's Snack Shack - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 20, Apt 2
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Blue Miqo'te Tavern - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 1, Plot 29
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Third Eye Sushi - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 34
Wednesday - 9/2/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Sinner's Den - [Lich] Mist Ward 11, Plot 14
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Arbor Lounge - [Phoenix] Lavendar Beds, Ward 11, Plot 14
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - [M] Twilight Tavern's Bar Night - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 2, Plot 24
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Morning Star Cafe - [Mateus] Mist Ward 21, Plot 37
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Lotus Apothecary - [Coeurl] Lavender Beds Ward 14, Plot 18
8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT - Azure Cafe Night - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 5 Plot 13,
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Calamity's End Bar & Grill - [Balmung] The Mists Ward 16, Plot 11
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Bountiful Chest Tavern - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 6 Plot 5
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - New Saronia Public Night - [Balmung] Mist Ward 19, Plot 17
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Arcana Obscura - Open Shop Hours - [Malboro] Goblet Ward 3, Plot 49
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Fire Pit - [Mateus] The Goblet, Ward 5, Plot 60
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Gilded Horn Hunting Hall - [Mateus] Mists Ward 14, Plot 17
10:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Voodoo Lounge Open Mic - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 5 Plot 11
Thursday - 9/3/2020
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - [M] The Dragon's Pit - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 57
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Buscarron Regulars Meetup - [Balmung] South Shroud, Buscarron's Druthers,
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Sword and Spork - [Lich] Mist, Ward 9, Apt. 65
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM EDT - Oak's Tradepost - [Balmung] Mists Plot 29 Ward 2
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - A Thousand Faces Dinner Theater - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 3, Plot 30
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Lotus Flame Club - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 14 Plot 58
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Seagaze Street Faire - [Mateus] Mist, Ward 15
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Coeurl Steppe Trading Post - [Coeurl] Azim Steppe, Reunion
8:30 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] The Talley: Performance Night - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 2, Plot 1
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Luck Of The Drakaina - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 14, Plot 5
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Velvet Rose Lodge Open Bar - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 18, Plot 28
Friday - 9/4/2020
6:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Maid's Basin Tavern night - [Mateus] Goblet, Ward 13, Plot 13
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Forgotten Knight Pop-Up RP - [Balmung] Foundation, The Forgotten Knight
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EDT - Thavnairian Nights - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 10 Plot 19
8:30 PM to 10:30 PM EDT - [M] The Blind Tiger - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 5, Plot 38
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Bokh - Xaelic Wrestling - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 19, Subdivision Beach
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - NightRaid Bounty Call - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 58
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Siph Shiro Steakhouse - [Malboro] Lavender beds (Ward 19, Plot 25)
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Final Heaven Tavern Night - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 20, Plot 3
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Dark Crimson Tavern - Fight night! - [Mateus] Shirogane Plot 7, Ward 16
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Espresso Cat Boy Café - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 4
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] The Big One Botanicals Flower Hour
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] The Golden Whisker - Casino - [Mateus] The Goblet, Plot 5, Ward 16
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Uranami Onsen Social - [Mateus] Mist Ward 15, Plot 5
Saturday - 9/5/2020
12:00 AM to 6:00 AM EDT - After Hours at The Raven - [Goblin] Mist Ward 14, Plot 58
3:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Kappa-chino Kafe - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 14, Plot 55
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - King of the Ring Tournament - [Balmung] Eastern La Noscea: Wineport
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - Eternal Sonata Tavern and Casino - [Lich] Shirogane Ward 5, Plot 37
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Drunken Moogle Open RP - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 33
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - The Garden of Words Book & Teashop - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 8, Plot 27
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Obon Dori - [Balmung] Doman Enclave
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Bottom of the Barrel - [Balmung] Goblet - Ward 15, Plot 49
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Luck Of The Drakaina - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 14, Plot 5
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Open Bar Night at The Other Three Walls - [Zalera] Goblet Ward 15 Plot 5
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Grindstone Tournament - [Balmung] Cen. Thanalan (21, 25)
Sunday - 9/6/2020
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM EDT - Templars of the Moon - Open House & Bar Social - [Coeurl] Goblet Ward 16, Plot 30
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Stray Sheep Bar - [Lich] Lavender Beds Ward 11 Plot 3
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - [M] Rowdy Rock Bar - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 15, Plot 2
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Jeweled Cypress - [Mateus] Mist Ward 14, Plot 45
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - [M] Spellstone Tournament - [Balmung] Central Thanalan (21, 25)
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Dinner at the Saltery - [Siren] Shirogane Ward 13, Plot 26
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Izakaya Onigami - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 15, Plot 13
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Mo's Tavern Nights - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 13, Plot 45
View as a Calendar here.
Support the RP Event Calendar on Patreon.
The FFXIV RP Event Calendar event lists are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License
11 notes · View notes
erahsae-ffxiv · 4 years
FFXIV RP Events for the Week of 2020.08.10
FFXIV RP Events for the week of 2020.08.10
Have an event you want to put on the Calendar?
Submit it here or send us an email.
This Week's Events:
Monday - 8/10/2020
Tuesday - 8/11/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The First Steps - [Odin] Goblet Ward 10, Plot 47
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Wayward Star Bar - [Balmung] Mists Ward 14 Plot 2
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Cafe de Chocobo - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 32
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Rissa's Snack Shack - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 20, Apt 2
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Blue Miqo'te Tavern - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 1, Plot 29
9:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - The Gin Mill - [Balmung] Western Thanalan, Nophica's Well (22, 24)
Wednesday - 8/12/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Sinner's Den - [Lich] Mist Ward 11, Plot 14
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - [M] Twilight Tavern's Bar Night - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 2, Plot 24
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Morning Star Cafe - [Mateus] Mist Ward 21, Plot 37
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Lotus Apothecary - [Coeurl] Lavender Beds Ward 14, Plot 18
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The First Rule - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 19, Plot 13
8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT - Azure Tavern - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 5 Plot 13,
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Calamity's End Bar & Grill - [Balmung] The Mists Ward 16, Plot 11
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - New Saronia Public Night - [Balmung] Mist Ward 19, Plot 17
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Burly Barnacle - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 12, Plot 50
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Arcana Obscura - Open Shop Hours - [Malboro] Goblet Ward 3, Plot 49
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Fire Pit - [Mateus] The Goblet, Ward 5, Plot 60
9:30 PM to 12:30 AM EDT - [M] The Admiral's Boot - [Goblin] Mist Ward 21 Plot 16
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Sinking Anchor - Viking Nights - [Balmung] Goblet, ward 13, plot 6
10:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Voodoo Lounge Open Mic - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 5 Plot 11
Thursday - 8/13/2020
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - [M] The Dragon's Pit - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 57
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Hunter's Haven - [Lich] Goblet Ward 1, Plot 38
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM EDT - Oak's Tradepost - [Balmung] Mists Plot 29 Ward 2
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - First Edition - [Balmung] The Goblet Ward 3, Plot 3
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Sleepy Nomad - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 6 Subdivision, Apt 70
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Beastfolk Greet & Meat - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 10, Plot 4
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Ashbound Open House - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 16, Plot 14
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Luck Of The Drakaina - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 14, Plot 5
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Sticky Pickle Tavern - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 14 Plot 9
9:30 PM to 12:30 AM EDT - [M] Radiant Plume Fight Night - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 15, Plot 49
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Epoch Tavern (Open RP) - [Balmung] Mist Ward 11, Plot 2
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Velvet Rose Lodge Open Bar - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 18, Plot 28
Friday - 8/14/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Song of the World-Soul - [Balmung] Central Shroud (20, 31) - The Hedgetree
6:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Maid's Basin Tavern night - [Mateus] Goblet, Ward 13, Plot 13
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Forgotten Knight Pop-Up RP - [Balmung] Foundation, The Forgotten Knight
8:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Club Underdark - [Balmung] Shirogane ward 20 plot 16
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Opal Imports & Lounge - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 15, Plot 13
8:30 PM to 10:30 PM EDT - [M] The Blind Tiger - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 5, Plot 38
8:30 PM to 11:30 PM EDT - The Captain's Cabin Tavern - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 12, Plot 28
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Bokh - Xaelic Wrestling - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 19, Subdivision Beach
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Niten Ichi Tea House - [Balmung] Mists Ward 6 Plot 46
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - NightRaid Bounty Call - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 58
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Crimson Crystal's Open Mic Night - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 15, Plot 60
9:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Night Market at The Caravanserai - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 1, Plot 30
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Combat Fields - [Mateus] Central Thanalan (20, 24) / Eastern La Noscea (36, 25)
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Final Heaven Tavern Night - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 20, Plot 3
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - The Galbadia Bar and Lounge - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 30
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Uranami Onsen Host & Hostess Club - [Mateus] Mist Ward 15, Plot 5
Saturday - 8/15/2020
12:00 AM to 6:00 AM EDT - After Hours at The Raven - [Goblin] Mist Ward 14, Plot 58
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - King of the Ring Tournament - [Balmung] Eastern La Noscea: Wineport
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - Eternal Sonata Tavern and Casino - [Lich] Shirogane Ward 5, Plot 37
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Drunken Moogle Open RP - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 33
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - [M] Crescents Keep Tavern - [Mateus] Mist Ward14, Plot 34
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - White Tree Beauty - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 7 Plot 16
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Hunters Haven - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 58
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Fire Festival - [Mateus] The Goblet: Brimming Heart Subdivision
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Luck Of The Drakaina - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 14, Plot 5
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Open Bar Night at The Other Three Walls - [Zalera] Goblet Ward 15 Plot 5
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Grindstone Tournament - [Balmung] Cen. Thanalan (21, 25)
Sunday - 8/16/2020
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - Annual Melon Crushing Contest - [Balmung] Costa Del Sol (31,23)
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Stray Sheep Bar - [Lich] Lavender Beds Ward 11 Plot 3
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - [M] Rowdy Rock Bar - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 15, Plot 2
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Biergarten & Bath Nights - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 13, Plot 45,
View as a Calendar here.
Support the RP Event Calendar on Patreon.
The FFXIV RP Event Calendar event lists are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License
11 notes · View notes
erahsae-ffxiv · 4 years
FFXIV RP Events for the Week of 2020.08.03
FFXIV RP Events for the week of 2020.08.03
Have an event you want to put on the Calendar?
Submit it here or send us an email.
This Week's Events:
Monday - 8/3/2020
7:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Teatime at Shroudrose Teahouse - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58
7:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Lounge at Reverie - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 8, Plot 60
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The First Mistake - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 1, Plot 28
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Lady Luck Casino - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 4, Plot 43
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Kitty's Catfish Cafe - [Goblin] Mist Ward 14, Plot 25
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Dragon's Head Lounge - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 13, Plot 3
Tuesday - 8/4/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The First Steps - [Odin] Goblet Ward 10, Plot 47
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Wayward Star Bar - [Balmung] Mists Ward 14 Plot 2
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Cafe de Chocobo - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 32
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - [M] FLAVOR Burlesque Show - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 13, Plot 27
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Happy Gyuki Healing Clinic - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 10, Plot 25
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Rissa's Snack Shack - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 20, Apt 2
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Blue Miqo'te Tavern - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 1, Plot 29
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Third Eye Sushi - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 34
Wednesday - 8/5/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - Cazbah Cafe - [Balmung] Shirogan Ward 20, Plot 46
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Sinner's Den - [Lich] Mist Ward 11, Plot 14
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Arbor Lounge - [Phoenix] Lavendar Beds, Ward 11, Plot 14
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Morning Star Cafe - [Mateus] Mist Ward 21, Plot 37
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Lotus Apothecary - [Coeurl] Lavender Beds Ward 14, Plot 18
8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT - Azure Cafe Night - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 5 Plot 13,
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Calamity's End Bar & Grill - [Balmung] The Mists Ward 16, Plot 11
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Bountiful Chest Tavern - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 6 Plot 5
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - New Saronia Public Night - [Balmung] Mist Ward 19, Plot 17
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Arcana Obscura - Open Shop Hours - [Malboro] Goblet Ward 3, Plot 49
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Fire Pit - [Mateus] The Goblet, Ward 5, Plot 60
10:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Voodoo Lounge Open Mic - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 5 Plot 11
Thursday - 8/6/2020
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - [M] The Dragon's Pit - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 57
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Buscarron Regulars Meetup - [Balmung] South Shroud, Buscarron's Druthers,
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Hunter's Haven - [Lich] Goblet Ward 1, Plot 38
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM EDT - Oak's Tradepost - [Balmung] Mists Plot 29 Ward 2
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Lotus Flame Club - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 14 Plot 58
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Coeurl Steppe Trading Post - [Coeurl] Azim Steppe, Reunion
8:30 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] The Talley: Performance Night - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 2, Plot 1
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Ashbound Open House - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 16, Plot 14
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Luck Of The Drakaina - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 14, Plot 5
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Velvet Rose Lodge Open Bar - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 18, Plot 28
Friday - 8/7/2020
6:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Maid's Basin Tavern night - [Mateus] Goblet, Ward 13, Plot 13
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Forgotten Knight Pop-Up RP - [Balmung] Foundation, The Forgotten Knight
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EDT - Thavnairian Nights - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 10 Plot 19
8:30 PM to 10:30 PM EDT - [M] The Blind Tiger - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 5, Plot 38
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Bokh - Xaelic Wrestling - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 19, Subdivision Beach
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - NightRaid Bounty Call - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 58
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Siph Shiro Steakhouse - [Malboro] Lavender beds (Ward 19, Plot 25)
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Final Heaven Tavern Night - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 20, Plot 3
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] The Golden Whisker - Casino - [Mateus] The Goblet, Plot 5, Ward 16
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - The Galbadia Bar and Lounge - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 30
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Uranami Onsen Host & Hostess Club - [Mateus] Mist Ward 15, Plot 5
Saturday - 8/8/2020
12:00 AM to 6:00 AM EDT - After Hours at The Raven - [Goblin] Mist Ward 14, Plot 58
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - King of the Ring Tournament - [Balmung] Eastern La Noscea: Wineport
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - Eternal Sonata Tavern and Casino - [Lich] Shirogane Ward 5, Plot 37
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Drunken Moogle Open RP - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 33
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Raksha Bandhan - A Festival for Found Families - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 10 Plot 19
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - The Garden of Words Book & Teashop - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 8, Plot 27
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Bottom of the Barrel - [Balmung] Goblet - Ward 15, Plot 49
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Luck Of The Drakaina - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 14, Plot 5
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Open Bar Night at The Other Three Walls - [Zalera] Goblet Ward 15 Plot 5
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Grindstone Tournament - [Balmung] Cen. Thanalan (21, 25)
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Mateus Munch - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 13, Plot 45
Sunday - 8/9/2020
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM EDT - Templars of the Moon - Open House & Bar Social - [Coeurl] Goblet Ward 16, Plot 30
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Stray Sheep Bar - [Lich] Lavender Beds Ward 11 Plot 3
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - [M] Rowdy Rock Bar - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 15, Plot 2
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Jeweled Cypress - [Mateus] Mist Ward 14, Plot 45
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Sultana's Breath Shopping Arcade - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 18, Sultana's Breath Subdivision
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Dinner at the Saltery - [Siren] Shirogane Ward 13, Plot 26
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Open Stage at The Rainbow Room - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 13, Plot 45,
View as a Calendar here.
Support the RP Event Calendar on Patreon.
The FFXIV RP Event Calendar event lists are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License
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erahsae-ffxiv · 4 years
FFXIV RP Events for the week of 2020.07.20
As a reminder, please send new events to me at http://xiv.page.link/new. This goes for any datacenter, though right now events advertisements are focused on Crystal and Light. Additonally sorry for the delay getting this out. There have been some 'fun' connection issues involving the severing of fiber lines, and then a bit of a rush to catch up on missed out of game obligations. My apologies. This has made me re-think my stance about moving this service into the cloud instead of at a NOC to prevent outages like this in the future. ~ Erah'sae - erroch#5348
Have an event you want to put on the Calendar?
Submit it here or send us an email.
This Week's Events:
Monday - 7/20/2020
7:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Lounge at Reverie - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 8, Plot 60
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Teatime at Shroudrose Teahouse - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58,
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The First Mistake - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 1, Plot 28
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Steppe Ramen - [Mateus] Shirogane, Ward 18, Plot 27
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Lady Luck Casino - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 4, Plot 43
Tuesday - 7/21/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The First Steps - [Odin] Goblet Ward 10, Plot 47
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Wayward Star Bar - [Balmung] Mists Ward 14 Plot 2
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Cafe de Chocobo - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 32
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Rissa's Snack Shack - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 20, Apt 2
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Blue Miqo'te Tavern - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 1, Plot 29
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Third Eye Sushi - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 34
Wednesday - 7/22/2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - Cazbah Cafe - [Balmung] Shirogan Ward 20, Plot 46
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Sinner's Den - [Lich] Mist Ward 11, Plot 14
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Art Gallery from Sonja Rysti - [Balmung] Mists Ward 17 Sub. Apt 11
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Morning Star Cafe - [Mateus] Mist Ward 21, Plot 37
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - Lotus Apothecary - [Coeurl] Lavender Beds Ward 14, Plot 18
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Aetherwatch Society Medical Clinic - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 6, Plot 58
8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT - Azure Cafe Night - [Mateus] The Goblet Ward 5 Plot 13,
8:30 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] The Talley: Performance Night - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 21, Plot 4,
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Calamity's End Bar & Grill - [Balmung] The Mists Ward 16, Plot 11
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Arcana Obscura - Open Shop Hours - [Malboro] Goblet Ward 3, Plot 49
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - The Fire Pit - [Mateus] The Goblet, Ward 5, Plot 60
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Icebreaker Grand Opening - [Mateus] The Goblet, Ward 13, Plot 1
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - New Saronia Public Night - [Balmung] Mist Ward 19, Plot 17
10:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Voodoo Lounge Open Mic - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 5 Plot 11
Thursday - 7/23/2020
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - [M] The Dragon's Pit - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 57
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - Everbloom Cafe/Flower Shop - [Goblin] Lavender Beds Ward 5, Plot 9
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Buscarron Regulars Meetup - [Balmung] South Shroud, Buscarron's Druthers,
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - The Hunter's Haven - [Lich] Goblet Ward 1, Plot 38
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM EDT - Oak's Tradepost - [Balmung] Mists Plot 29 Ward 2
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Lotus Flame Club - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 14 Plot 58
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] A Sewercat's B-Side Show - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 18, Plot 5
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Velvet Rose Lodge Open Bar - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 18, Plot 28
Friday - 7/24/2020
6:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Maid's Basin Tavern night - [Mateus] Goblet, Ward 13, Plot 13
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Forgotten Knight Pop-Up RP - [Balmung] Foundation, The Forgotten Knight
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EDT - Thavnairian Nights - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 10 Plot 19
8:30 PM to 10:30 PM EDT - [M] The Blind Tiger - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 5, Plot 38
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Bar Saisei Open Nights - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 9, Plot 38
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Bokh - Xaelic Wrestling - [Balmung] Mist, Ward 19, Subdivision Beach
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Maria and Draco - [Balmung] Mist Ward 7, Plot 15
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - NightRaid Bounty Call - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11, Plot 58
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Siph Shiro Steakhouse - [Malboro] Lavender beds (Ward 19, Plot 25)
9:30 PM to 12:30 AM EDT - Gyr Abanian Gauntlet - [Balmung] The Lochs, Ala Mhigan Quarter, Royal Menagerie Gardens,
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Final Heaven Tavern Night - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 20, Plot 3
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] The Golden Whisker - Casino - [Mateus] The Goblet, Plot 5, Ward 16
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - The Galbadia Bar and Lounge - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 9, Plot 30
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - Uranami Onsen Host & Hostess Club - [Mateus] Mist Ward 15, Plot 5
11:00 PM to 3:00 AM EDT - Warm Embrace Casino - [Mateus] Lavender Beds Ward 19, Plot 35
Saturday - 7/25/2020
12:00 AM to 6:00 AM EDT - Opening Night at The Raven - [Goblin] Goblet Ward 14 Plot 58
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - King of the Ring Tournament - [Balmung] Eastern La Noscea: Wineport
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT - Eternal Sonata Tavern and Casino - [Lich] Shirogane Ward 5, Plot 37
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT - Drunken Moogle Open RP - [Balmung] Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 33
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT - The Garden of Words Book & Teashop - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 8, Plot 27
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - The Apothecarium - [Mateus] The Mist, Ward 13, Plot 2
7:30 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Coeurl Karaoke Night - [Coeurl] Shirogane Ward 11 Plot 58
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Sultana's Breath Shopping Arcade - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 18, Sultana's Breath Subdivision
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Bottom of the Barrel - [Balmung] Goblet - Ward 15, Plot 49
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - Lapis Luxury's Monthly Auction - [Mateus] Kugane: Pier 1 Docks
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - The Builders Bazaar - [Mateus] Lavender Beds, Ward 16, Amethyst Shallows
9:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Hanakotoba Izakaya Open Night - [Mateus] Shirogane Ward 20, Plot 29
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - [M] Open Bar Night at The Other Three Walls - [Zalera] Goblet Ward 15 Plot 5
9:30 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Little Ferret Smol Auction Night - [Coeurl] Mist Ward 14, Plot 58
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - Grindstone Tournament - [Balmung] Cen. Thanalan (21, 25)
Sunday - 7/26/2020
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM EDT - Templars of the Moon - Open House & Bar Social - [Coeurl] Goblet Ward 16, Plot 30
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT - [M] Everbloom Escape - [Goblin] Mist Ward 13, Plot 7
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT - Stray Sheep Bar - [Lich] Lavender Beds Ward 11 Plot 3
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT - Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe - [Balmung] Lavender Beds Ward 16, Plot 36
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT - The Jeweled Cypress - [Mateus] Mist Ward 14, Plot 45
8:00 PM to 12:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Cobalt - [Balmung] Shirogane Ward 17, plot 41,
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT - Dinner at the Saltery - [Siren] Shirogane Ward 13, Plot 26
8:30 PM to 10:30 PM EDT - [M] The Cloak & Dagger Speakeasy and Lounge - [Balmung] Goblet Ward 21 Plot 19
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT - [M] Club Nights at The Rainbow Room - [Mateus] Goblet Ward 13, Plot 45,
View as a Calendar here.
Support the RP Event Calendar on Patreon.
The FFXIV RP Event Calendar event lists are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License
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