#calamity permafrost
cosmaticmango · 4 months
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Here's Official Concept Art for Permafrost from Calamity Mod! Ive been working on this for a while, and he's finally done.
We were going for more of a "on the run" look, since he was hiding from Yharim.
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slitsimp · 1 month
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silly sand n grandpa designs
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17314 · 23 days
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some calamity mod headcanon designs
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theguardianofreality · 5 months
I finished him earlier,i had the motivation.
I was shocked,looks lime i overestimated,woops
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jad3dbun26 · 2 months
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Permafrost from Terraria's Calamity mod (sprite from the official Calamity wiki)
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justaduckmakson · 6 months
I continue to draw character from my verse of Calamity. This time it is Calamitas' mentor - archmage Permafrost
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godseeker-yharim · 1 year
Heartbreaking: Supreme Witch Calamitas moves into town and discovers everyone wants to fuck her dad.
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cutechickdgaming · 7 months
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I subjected the Calamity Art server to this, and now I shall curse you guys here, too. Happy belated Valentine’s Day because I am the Internet Explorer of celebrational art
yesterday I reviewed a terrible tumblr post and its equally bitter reblogs, so I continued to work on this scuffed sketch on my phone (originally started on Feb 14 at a Red Lobster restaurant waiting for my food) that night to make myself feel better.
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wolffuwu · 2 months
if anyone is interested wolf beat eternity-death mode in modded terraria and like information below the thing :3
content mods:
calamity catalyst wrath of the gods hunt of the old god
fargos mutant mod fargos souls mod fargos souls dlc fargos souls extras
magic storage
(red is calamity + addons fargos is green the dlc is both because its a cross compatiblity mod mode by one of the fargos souls mod devs)
charater vanity:
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(technically its a bit different because of acessories and special effect from armour below the vanity but this is the intended look with armour and acessories unequipped)
other information/comments:
a total of 58 hours and 18 minutes were spent on the character and 186 total deaths happened in the playthrough
eternity mode generally seemed to be easier than wolf last played it even with changes made when death mode is enabled aswell and she cant tell if thats because of calamity or her skill at the game being better or the fact she didnt have to learn too many new boss patterns as eternity mode ai for calamity bosses is only up to cryogen/brimstone elemental (its probably a mix a bit tbh but the dlc does try to balance things so presumably calamity didnt do too much) but it was fun and she thinks she is prepared to try and play masochist mode at some point
the boss that took the most attempts was eternity mode cryogen/archmage permafrost generally as some of their projectiles are transparent and white or light blue which make them hard to visually see especially with the white background from the forced snow biome so she got hit by projectiles she couldnt see a fair bit
wolf doesnt know what else to say except it was cool :3
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corvidist · 1 year
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Earth, 400,000 PA
The bombs fell 400,000 years ago, a product of wars between long-dead nations over dwindling water and farmland. Thunderous explosions, raging fires, then utter, terrible silence. Humans, a mammalian species that by this point would be considered megafauna, did not immediately go extinct, even as nuclear cooldown and radiation led to the mass death of plant and animal life globally. They clung to life in bunkers and isolated corners of the world, and eventually, the radiation and the cold wore off, only to be replaced by a decimated ozone layer, worsened greenhouse effect, and skyrocketing global temperatures.
This would prove the final nail in Humanity's coffin, as over the course of hundreds of years, the few remaining survivors struggled to hold on in patches of the far north and south, nomadic, unable to recover past technological advancements, and left with few significant, reliable sources of food. As the calamity reached its first crescendo, an ancient disease, risen from the melted permafrost, burned through much of the remaining Human population, leaving only small bands and individual wanderers, who, one by one, slowly died out, the last around 1000 PA.
This would not be the end of Humanity's impact on the Earth, however. The catastrophic rise in temperatures led to the melting of much of Earth's remaining ice caps, and combined with the nuclear cooldown before it, led to the annihilation of a not insignificant portion of the Earth's plant life, and while it made a lopsided recovery towards the poles as temperatures warmed and the sky cleared, the planet's equatorial region would see no such recovery, with some regions seeing temperatures as high as 70 degrees Celsius by 400,000 PA and much of the planet between 40 degrees north and 30 degrees south becoming varying kinds of desert, the equator uninhabitable and for a time nearly impassable.
By 400,000 PA, the time of early Corvid development, the planet had reached somewhat of a new status quo. Little animal life larger than medium-sized dogs remains on land, though this will eventually change. Plant life is slowly evolving to better withstand higher temperatures, though oxygen levels remain lower than they did during the Anthropocene. No visible traces of Human society remain on Earth's surface, though their legacy is felt in the conspicuous lack of fossil fuels and certain rare substances. In the end, their legacy will have reverberating effects throughout the history of Earth and its second complex sophont society, even if the first was not around to see it.
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alixennial · 1 year
Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (1/3)
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The Nail, Coerthas Central Highlands
As is described in the Enchiridion, to ensure the realm of man did not drift apart from the firmament, Halone struck the Nail through both, ever binding the two. And though assailed on all sides by great metal shards fallen from the lesser moon Dalamud's crust, the ancient peak remained standing, a testament to the land's life force.
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The Observatorium, Coerthas Central Highlands
Three hundred years ago, Ishgardian astrologian Adaunel the Younger convinced the Holy See that he could predict the comings and goings of the Dravanian Horde by studying the movements of the heavens, and thus secured funding for the construction of the First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena and its grand astroscope.
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The Frozen Fang, Coerthas Central Highlands
In years past, the hot alpine summers would have seen this fallen Dravanian outflyer blown with maggots and reduced to bones in a matter of days. Now, in the endless winter wrought by the Calamity, the carcass rests in the permafrost under a thin blanket of snow, perfectly preserved since the day he was pierced through the heart by a ballista.
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The Holy See of Ishgard, View from Coerthas Central Highlands
For the past thousand years, Ishgard has waged a bloody war with the dragons of Dravania. To fend off the enemy horde, a complex web of defenses, magical and corporeal, have been added piecemeal to the city proper's outer walls, transforming her into an impenetrable bastion, while at the same time, isolating her and her people from the outside world.
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Boulder Downs, Coerthas Central Highlands
Before the Calamity, Boulder Downs was a vast sloped lea littered with moraine deposited by realm-swallowing glaciers long receded. The rain of debris that accompanied the fall of Dalamud, however, transformed the landscape into a frozen wasteland pocked with gaping impact craters and peculiar dark matter formations.
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The Fury's Gaze, Coerthas Central Highlands
A place holy to all Ishgardians, it is believed that when a man stands within this hidden grotto, the Fury Herself will reach deep into the darkest recesses of his soul and lay out his sins before him, allowing the man to repent those failings. The Monument Tower nearby was built to protect this hallowed ground from the taint of dragons and heretics.
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Snowcloak, Coerthas Central Highlands
The bitter cold which swept over the Coerthas highlands following the Calamity did not only blanket the region in snow and ice, but transformed the water of Twinpools and the Swiftrun into a mountainous flow of ice—a flow which has slowly crept through western Coerthas highlands and now has completely engulfed Gargoyle Crossing, preventing passage.
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Camp Dragonhead, Coerthas Central Highlands
Its name taken from a rocky outcropping said to be the head of a Dravanian king turned to stone by the almighty hand of Halone, this outpost acts as the Coerthas central highlands' southernmost line of defense for the Holy See, tasked with fending off Ixali raids from Natalan, incursions by heretic factions, and the occasional yeti scare.
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The Steel Vigil, Coerthas Central Highlands
One of four citadel watchtowers built along the Sea of Clouds, the Steel Vigil warned the Holy See of aerial attacks for centuries before being razed and gutted by the Dravanian Horde and their vile commander, Svara. Now, only the outer walls remain, leaving a bitter reminder of the dragons' destructive power.
Indie's Sightseeing Log
Limsa Lominsa & La Noscea (1/3) Limsa Lominsa & La Noscea (2/3) Limsa Lominsa & La Noscea (3/3)
Gridania & The Black Shroud (1/3) Gridania & The Black Shroud (2/3) Gridania & The Black Shroud (3/3)
Ul'dah & Thanalan (1/3) Ul'dah & Thanalan (2/3) Ul'dah & Thanalan (3/3)
Mor Dhona (1/1)
Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (1/3) Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (2/3) Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (3/3)
Dravania (1/4) Dravania (2/4) Dravania (3/4) Dravania (4/4)
Abalathia's Spine (1/3) Abalathia's Spine (2/3) Abalathia's Spine (3/3)
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housedeaubemarle · 21 days
FFXIV Write 2024 #2: Horizon
featuring mentions of the Losstarots by @escherstrange-ffxiv
In post-Calamity Ishgard, the changing seasons don’t truly mean much for obvious permafrost reasons. Yet the city’s residents have gradually found ways over the turns to distinguish between them. The weather will never not be cold, but there are minute changes only Ishgardians could and would ever recognise: the slight drop in temperature which allows for exactly one (and only one - this is still Coerthas) less layer of clothing, a few days of witnessing actual snowdrops bud and bloom, less foggy afternoons so the frost is made brighter by more reflected sunlight.
It is why, within one of the drawing rooms of Aubemarle manor, the orange-yellow flames in the hearth have been allowed to burn down to almost embers. The Dowager Viscountess’ insistence on actual wood rather than fire crystals means there’s also the last faint remnants of crackling logs. Gentle clinks of porcelain - cup against saucer, teaspoon against rim - resound amidst the room’s occupants.
The Dowager’s lady’s maid, Nisette, ever present and ever discreet, sits in one corner next to a window. The sunbeams of the mildly sunnier spring day shine through onto her darker grey-purple skin. Under such natural light, she can better see the sewing she always has with her. Rips and tears in fabric disappear beneath her efficient hands, while her ears keep sharp for any slight command from her employer.
That lady, in a gown of burgundy, sits further away on a sofa, reading a singular sheet of paper as she sips milky tea from her cup. She is watched carefully by a third figure – her taller, darker haired daughter, the viscount.  
“Dearest, it is quite unladylike to stare so hard,” says the older lady, her eyes never leaving the paper in her hand.
“I’m not staring, Mamma. I’m waiting.”
“Then it’s quite unladylike to wait so hard,” she replies smoothly, still focused on her reading material. 
The viscount sighs but does indeed turn her eyes to her own cup of tea; she sips, letting the fragrance fill her senses as the sweetness coats her tongue pleasantly. More quiet clinks and rustles of fabric fill the room, along with the almost hypnotic crackling. It doesn’t soothe Oudine as much as she would like.
Just as she finishes her cup, and opens her mouth to ask if her mother was done staring into the soul of the poor sheet she holds, the Dowager lowers it and sighs. She looks over at her daughter, and stretches the paper out to her.
Oudine plucks it gently out of her fingers. “Well, Mamma?”
“I must own that it’s refreshingly direct. Usually one tosses complimentary words and phrases at one's quarry till an invitation is condescendingly thrown back,” says the Dowager, managing to even make the way she sips her tea wry. “This one simply asks to introduce themselves.”
The viscount is far too accustomed to these kinds of remarks to let it bother her. She glances down at the page again. The signature at the bottom still intrigues her; ever since the letter had first arrived, and her mother had given a fairly brief summary of the sender's circumstances, she'd wondered at it.
“...how long have they been away?”
There is a very brief pause - perceptible only by Oudine who is her own daughter - before she says, coolly, “Five turns.”
The viscount’s whole posture goes still for a moment. It would seem then that five turns ago, everyone’s fates had been traded for far less peaceful alternatives, not just the Aubemarles.
“What do you think, Mamma?”
The Dowager raises an eyebrow. “You are head of the house, Viscount. Tis your decision whether to receive them or no.”
She smiles faintly. “I would seek your counsel.”
“Ah, then ‘tis simple: Write them that we will happily be at home on a date convenient for both parties.”
Oudine hesitates, taken by surprise. “I was… quite sure that you would say no.”
The Dowager smiles in amusement. “Whyever would I? 'Tis a miracle of Halone, do you not agree? Far be it from me to be ungrateful for the resurrection of distant relatives from the presumed dead. And they are connected to the Repouxs no less!”
Her daughter eyes her for a moment then lets out a breath. “You think they're cheats, don't you? You want to challenge and humiliate them directly. Subject them to interrogation the likes of which would be approved by the Tribunal.”
“My darling girl, how could you accuse our own family members of being cheats and impostors? Who would dare impersonate such a noble house? And certainly I would never have such inhospitable intentions.” The Dowager sniffs loudly. “Besides, interrogation is too gauche for this house.” (These absolute bouncers make even Nisette smile to herself though she knows far better than to raise her head from her stitchwork.)
Oudine does her best to level an admonishing look at the Dowager. “You mustn't. Papa said anyone admitted into our home is an honoured guest.”
“Ah, dear Papa,” she replies with a genuinely fond smile. Yet the fondness is given a slightly sharp edge by something close to mischief in her dark brown eyes. Though of course it isn't mischief directly - the Dowager is too old and too dignified for such larks. “It is for his sake that I open our doors to those poor boys. Rest assured if they are truly our long lost relatives then no humiliation of any kind will occur.”
Oudine had been far more prepared to argue on behalf of these would-be relatives. Her mother acquiescing so quickly feels like the older woman has cheated, but she can't see how exactly.
So she says, “I can see you are determined. But I will still try to seek confirmation with someone from the Holy See's offices before I reply.” She doesn't mention that such information may not be allowed to be publicly released, or how long it might take to obtain such knowledge through the current bureaucracy. It's more than likely that they'll have to rely on hearsay and rumour to see them through the visitation.
The Dowager keeps smiling, as if she hears what Oudine isn't saying. “Of course, my dear. You will do what is right and proper.”
Oudine looks doubtfully at her, but stands anyway. “I will let you know what I find.” She leaves the drawing room, determined to begin her inquiries.
The Dowager shakes her head as her daughter leaves, still savouring her tea. “Do you remember the Losstarots, Nisette?”
Nisette lifts her eyes up and nods. “Yes ma'am, though I had never chanced to see them myself.”
The Dowager hums. “What with one thing and another, we never managed to host them here while La Incomparable was alive. She was a most extraordinary beauty, you know. Tis a pity she had no daughters to inherit her looks - though I suppose there's no reason her sons may not be beauties either. If I recall rightly, her second son might have had some semblance of a chance."
Nisette says nothing, waiting for the Dowager to continue. 
"To be sure, death would have altered that in no uncertain terms. If these impostors can find someone of that make, it will be most impressive.” She smirks, sharp eyes gleaming. “I almost look forward to what dawns on our horizon. Wouldn't it be quaint if they were genuine?”
“Indeed, ma'am.”
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pumpkinmagekupo · 1 year
Dusk Vigil
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Dusk Vigil seemed to be frozen in permanent hiatus, the clouds blocked out the sun and snow consumed the fortress. Mizuki had denied Alphinaud's help with the mission. He was so persistant, she was close to using magick to put him to sleep whilst she left.
Snow crunched under her boots as she finally found the entrance to the keep. She shuddered as the creaky wooden door slammed shut behind her.
"Hells, it's not much warmer in here." She whined, brushing snow off her hat. The long burnt out lanterns, glowed with an eerie blue light.
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Corpses came to greet her and Mizuki laid them to rest rather quickly. The waking dead was quite unsettling and put her more on edge than she had been prior.
During her descent into the fortress, she found scraps of parchment, shedding some light on what occurred within the fortress walls.
And then she found them.
Frozen in place, partial decayed. The bodies of some of the remaining knights and the source of the never-faltering blue flames.
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Mizuki offered them a prayer. One of them had a piece of parchment under his hand. It's words weighed heavy on Mizuki's heart.
"Trapped here after the calamity... the Holy See never sent aid and-"
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"They prayed.. and prayed to Halone for aid..for salvation and none answered.." Mizuki was overcome with grief and anger. Left to the biddings of Yuhelmeric who was fast losing his mind. They looked to him for guidance and he took them down a path of depravity.
In such overwhelming desperation, it can drive good men to the brink of madness.
And such the knights followed their Lord Commander.
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"These men needed your help... why did you not heed their pleas?" Mizuki had never been much of a believer in the Twelve: she had her reasons.
Though a recent incident had her question her disbelief.
If they truly did exist as the Eikons did: why would they have let them suffer so..
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The cold walls of Dusk Vigil had become their tomb, to encase their souls forever in permafrost.
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"Why would you save me? An outsider, a non-believer but not these men who believed in you so readily? Called your name in prayers and looked to you for protection in battle?"
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"Why would you forsake them to such fate?" Mizuki knew her answers would go unanswered. The scales of her belief were in constant imbalance.
Mizuki felt her grief wash over her. She sat and cried for these knights. People she didn't know and reading their accounts only served to tell her how their lives were completely changed.
If the Holy see had sent aid, would things have been different?
Could they have been saved?
I didn't know Yuhelmeric was a cannibal or an npc in 1.0.
Mizuki shouldn't have read too much in the keep.. She keenly aware of peoples emotions and a place drowning in such sorrow
Just some silly and probably not accurate rambles, in between tomestone farming
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corrupted-ciphers · 2 years
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Art of Terraria Calamity characters I did a while ago. Like last year.
Featuring Calamitas, Permafrost, and Cirrus. 
Also now is as good a time as any, I love Calamitas and have a crush on her. She’s my girlfriend and I love her so much.
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theguardianofreality · 5 months
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I drew abit,it isnt the best since i usually dont draw smaller sketches or drawings so its abit...childlike (the expressions).
I drew Yharim without his helmet,i cant remember where i saw a post with the face i drew but my memory is vague.Looks like he'll kill me the moment he sees me.
I drew a sigil that circles around ceaseless void,which prevents it from breaking free and wreaking havoc like the unstable portal it is.(A headcannon if you will)
Yharon is soft boi,i big fluffy dragon that is loafing.Also,i drew if he looked human,looks weird but eh,i'll maybe draw a full body in the future.
Calamitas,i didnt really have any ideas for ehr so i drew the first thing i came up with,floating in the air.
Permafrost looks funky,i dont know how to draw old people.
Doctor Bright-i mean,Draedon was the easiest,read a bit on the picture,mabye you find something interesting.(LORE?!!!).
D.O.G. is very hungry,feed him the soul of providence,woof.
Signus was...weird to draw,when i was trying to draw his face it looked way too soft,so i drew like a circle mouth or something.
Storm weaver preparing to strike,he makes a move,He is playing 'Intercontinental ballistic missile'.
Statis and Braelor were the last ones drawn,so they dont have much room.Statis was easier,but Braelor looks like a boy and not a man (i seriously need to practice drawing faces and expressions)
Ill maybe finish the permafrost plushie during next week,cant promise.
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templardom · 1 month
God’s Whistleblower
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)
The hot sun rises and the grass withers; the little flower droops and falls, and its beauty fades away. In the same way, the rich will fade away with all of their achievements. James 1:11 (NLT) 
Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was given power to scorch the people with fire. And the people were scorched by intense heat, and they cursed the name of God, who had authority over these plagues; yet they did not repent and give Him glory. Apocalypse 16:8-9 (BSB) 
Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to conduct yourselves in holiness and godliness as you anticipate and hasten the coming of the day of God, when the heavens will be destroyed by fire and the elements will melt in the heat. 2 Peter 3:11-12 (BSB)
For behold, the LORD will come with fire—His chariots are like a whirlwind—to execute His anger with fury and His rebuke with flames of fire. Isaiah 66:15 (BSB) 
“And now, you priests, this warning is for you. If you do not listen, and if you do not resolve to honor my name,” says the LORD Almighty, “I will send a curse on you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not resolved to honor me." Malachi 2:1-2 (NIV) 
Does not disaster come to the unjust and calamity to the workers of iniquity? Job 31:3 (BSB) 
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Calamity will surely destroy the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be punished. Psalm 34:21 (NLT) 
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