tilions · 2 years
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Calarië Súretal · Caranthir's Wife
maglor's wife · curufin's wife
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444names · 1 year
quenya names processed 5 times + french and american forenames
Aarolynn Adaliéva Adriel Adrien Ainand Aladys Alaman Alaqueline Alarian Alariance Alastar Albernice Alexandrée Alimondë Alimone Alinton Alise Almacarma Almareddie Ambarbard Améline Anald Analimondë Andëa Angar Angelia Anniel Annine Annon Antarole Anthieu Arance Ardia Ardian Arfantarma Arlie Armanuel Armanwa Artafindie Artan Artar Artis Atarë Aurorey Avandile Avands Baptistina Beastirmo Beatha Beatric Beatrina Belen Belent Benja Benjame Berne Beveron Billiondo Bobbien Bonna Bonne Brandor Branwe Brene Brette Browvaul Bryadrica Bryantil Byrone Calain Calaine Calalantië Calando Calantarë Calarië Calaurers Calindas Cambar Candrée Carderek Carlott Carma Carolynne Carry Cathillie Cathryn Cecille Chael Charvey Chaël Christal Cityalia Claure Claurenée Cliffanya Clydiane Clémendie Clémendil Comman Corah Corian Crowvaul Crowvaulie Curtin Cédriane Danita Dariann Darie Debrance Delody Delpion Deritte Diandy Didie Doron Dward Dwardiane Dwarry Ebora Edget Elancinda Eldalarah Eldalaran Eldaliéva Eldalupe Elemma Eleria Elerice Eleringë Elerondë Eleronelsa Elois Elsean Elvin Emilie Emillie Emmanwa Enderine Enell Enellacey Enelle Enellene Enelwë Envince Ercandë Eringel Ermanda Eruhanie Eruhanniel Essie Essiondië Estace Estacey Estin Eugendórië Eunichael Evernandy Eäramonia Eäramonice Fabrita Falailip Falalarien Falandy Falated Fallanchel Falle Falma Falmar Fanyë Finda Fland Flandra Florest Florrain Formanya Formanyárë France Fredo Gaili Gaétanyar Gendrea Gendë Georgie Gilley Ginia Glena Glorena Gregina Grette Guillissa Gwend Gérarder Hariondo Harla Heatring Heavens Hectorio Hrávandë Hrávany Hyandor Hyantarot Hávandi Hávandur Isabridge Jacki Jacquenta Jamill Janita Jasmin Jasminne Javid Javieve Jeanfran Jeanmarine Jeann Jeffer Jeffredith Jenne Jerel Jeromain Jeromas Jerondë Jesselle Jession Jilled Joannon Jocell Johnnis Jorges Josefindi Josephane Josepheryl Juanie Justophieu Karings Karlena Karlost Kathan Kathew Kathieu Kathlee Katien Kayle Kelliondi Kentil Kimberto Kristirmo Kristirnë Krystacy Kylering Kyleron Latarastor Latarma Laudre Laurers Laverald Legendóri Lelandoret Lering Lesley Lindil Lindë Liondil Loise Lolandur Londi London Londëa Lorena Loresa Lorianca Lorion Lorrisco Lucience Ludovick Madetta Malanda Malandon Malariantë Malatanley Marcelly Marelle Marguel Marien Mariet Marië Marshawn Marthur Maryan Maryando Mathan Matherel Mathleen Mathy Meldalupe Mercelyne Michellie Michestie Micholet Micholly Miguette Minda Mindeline Minne Minnet Mireill Mitchelsea Mountain Murien Mélie Nantoine Nantë Nated Nates Nathantain Nelwë Nette Normarc Normarie Númenca Númendi Núment Númentarë Odett Olailiam Ollonna Orianck Oriancy Orontië Palaica Palalana Palandor Palandra Palarion Palates Pames Pascalvian Pattien Paule Pearla Pearlie Phieu Phine Pourtney Quendine Quendë Quentaron Ramandië Raurë Refëandil Refëantil Reginifred Rendië Rentar Rochenrien Romaine Rubenjamie Russe Samanwe Samany Samuelia Sarance Serik Shantal Sharl Sheliantil Shelin Shell Sheres Shering Silvinya Simonia Simos Sinds Sindë Sorondie Sorondië Sorost Starë Stering Sylvin Talle Tanyárë Tarmantië Tarmenórë Tashan Tashleen Tatal Taurené Teleric Theriam Therma Thondëa Tiffanyárë Tolly Trachael Travid Travie Tyalimos Tyaline Tyalis Ulumbarbar Valailie Valarank Valaude Valent Valeri Valerice Vallando Vandur Vandë Varold Varond Velmer Velmo Veralie Vered Verne Vernest Vernestin Vinya Violanates Virgia Virgio Vorond Vorondië Vérontië Vëandas Vëandra Vëandëa Vëantië Walla Wallanie Walley Wandur Willa Willy Xavis Yolan Zachael Zachane Éline
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stardustmuguet · 5 years
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Calarië the daughter of Fingon, mother of Ilwië, behind her the eyes of Sauron
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arofili · 2 years
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elves of arda ◆ misc. noldor ◆ headcanon disclaimer
          Daurin and Tórin were elves of the Tatyar who awoke upon the shores of Cuiviénen. They were soul-brothers, possessing a sibling bond between them, and were inseparable while they remained by the Waters of Awakening. Not far from the site where they awoke, another nér opened his eyes for the first time: this was Ñolyo, who befriended the brothers and was as dear to them as they were to each other.           Ñolyo had no bonds until he wed the Nelyarin elf Silindë, and their child Míriel Þerindë was among the first children born among the Quendi. Tórin and Daurin loved Míriel like she was their own family, and indeed they wished to forge a brother-bond with Ñolyo should he also be willing—but before they could take that step together, Ñolyo and Silindë both vanished into the Wild Wood, leaving their young daughter behind. Ñolyo’s body was discovered some weeks later, but Silindë was never found, and the Quendi whispered that she had been taken by the being they had begun to call the Shadow.           Distraught at losing their almost-brother, Daurin and Tórin turned to one another for comfort. They looked after Míriel as best they could, and as she gravitated toward her friend Finwë they began to look to him as their leader. Thus when Finwë led the Tatyar upon the Great Journey to Aman, Tórin and Daurin were among his staunchest supporters, and hoped to see Ñolyo and Silindë reborn again when they arrived in the Blessed Realm.           As they traveled, shadow-shapes lurked in the darkness of unfamiliar forests. The Great Hunter Oromë protected the Eldar as best he could, but still some elves disappeared into the grip of the unknown. One such elf was Tórin, who was there one moment and gone the next, and though Daurin lingered, waiting for his brother to reappear, when the Nelyar caught up to him he was forced to accept his brother as dead, and hastened to rejoin the Tatyar.            Daurin attached himself to Míriel as her staunch protector, the last of what he could call his family. He remained at her side when she married Finwë, and grieved her when she wearied of life, and devoted himself all the more fiercely to her son Fëanáro. As Fëanáro grew into a skilled and beautiful young nér and began to sire children of his own, Daurin’s heart at last found another companion in the form of Liatamë, a seamstress who had once served Míriel Þerindë and whose family now served the House of Nolofinwë.            Liatamë and Daurin wed, and she moved to the Daurin’s estate near Fëanáro’s halls, where she bore her husband four children, three daughters and a son. The eldest was Calarië, who became a smith under Fëanáro’s tutelage; then Quildalótië Ñillendil, who would wed Fëanáro’s favorite son, Curufinwë II Atarinkë and bear his only grandchild; then Sinwatië, a dancer whose skills later turned to the blade; and lastly young Nasarion, who had not yet found his craft when Darkness fell upon Aman.           When Fëanáro went into exile at Formenos, Daurin took his family with his lord. Liatamë his wife and Quildalótië his daughter held private concerns about Daurin’s fanatic loyalty to his lord, but accompanied him with grace; not until Fëanáro urged the Noldor into Flight from Aman did they speak out against him. Then Quildalótië refused her husband’s command to follow and begged to keep her son with him, but this Curufinwë refused, and forsook their marriage bond. Liatamë was less extreme in parting from her husband, but she chose to march with her birth family among the host of Ñolofinwë while Daurin and their other daughters remained steadfast by Fëanáro’s side. Nasarion, barely older than Quildalótië’s son, remained in Aman with his sister at Liatamë’s bidding, and counted Daurin’s silence on the matter a blessing, for at least he was not openly forsaken as others were.            Daurin rushed headfirst into tragedy in the bloodshed at Alqualondë, slaying Telerin soldiers without remorse, his daughters at his side. In the aftermath of the Kinslaying, Calarië was the captain of the first ship to set out into the sea, and she and her crew were drowned by Uinen’s wrath against the murderers of her beloved people. But not every ship was lost, and in the end Daurin and Sinwatië made it to Endórë at Fëanáro’s side, setting alight the swan-ships and dooming Liatamë to walk the Grinding Ice should she wish to follow. This she attempted, but perished before the end, one among many lives claimed by the Helcaraxë. In the Dagor-nuin-Giliath, Daurin took his rightful place in the vanguard of Fëanáro. He remained with his lord to the very end, the last of his friends to fall when Balrogs surrounded them, and knew not that he had come close to reunion with his long-lost brother.           For Tórin had not died in the darkness of the Great Journey. Instead he was taken captive and made a thrall in Angband, forced to work in the mines alongside other unfortunate slaves. There he met Rôg, another Tatya from Cuiviénen, and they began to scheme up a revolt against their cruel masters. When word came of another captive’s miraculous rescue from the cliffs of Thangorodrim, Rôg and Tórin stirred their thrall-kin to rebellion, and though many were lost amid the bloodshed, they and twenty-two others escaped into the light of the newborn Sun.           They escapees sought refuge in Doriath, but Elu Thingol refused them entry, and so they turned instead to the land of Mithrim where their Noldorin kin now dwelt. There Ñolofinwë agreed to shelter the ex-thralls, and Tórin faced the dreadful news that Daurin his brother had come nearly to the gates of Angband, but died before they could meet again. Amid his grief he took the name Tauren, feeling kingly no longer, and turned to the forests for comfort. In time, he followed his friend Rôg to Gondolin under the banner of the House of the Hammer of Wrath, and dwelt there for the rest of his days until he fell in the Fall of Gondolin.            Last of Daurin’s kin, Sinwatië pledged her service to Curufinwë her law-brother, husband of the sister who remained in Aman. Under the Quenya ban, she altered her name to Sinneth, and served as Curufin’s right-hand nís in Himlad. When the Sudden Flame descended upon the Noldor, Sinneth was separated from her lord and took a small group of refugees to Himring, where she served under Curufin’s brother Maedhros until he fled there in exile from Nargothrond. Sinneth fought in the Second Kinslaying, though her heart grew sick and weary of death, and in the Third Kinslaying at the Havens of Sirion she could stand such atrocities no longer. With Curufin dead and no end to bloodshed in sight, Sinneth turned on her Fëanorian lords at long last and was slain by Maglor as she defended the tower of Elwing.           Many years would pass before Daurin, Tórin, and their kin were reunited: but in time their grievous wounds would heal, and their lost spirits would be released from Mandos, and even Ñolyo and Silindë would walk among the living once more to thank Daurin and his family for their service to their daughter and her descendants.
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stardustmuguet · 6 years
Going Back to Zero, Sora Part 2
It was clear but a cold night. There was snow on the ground and yet no cloud in the sky. Inside a starlit room, a noldo elf was lying on the bed. She was pregnant and there were a few days left for her to give birth to her child. But that night was destined different for her.
She was sleeping and holding her belly. And then her eyes opened with a sudden pang and her water broke. She was about to give birth. Thence she shouted to Lóteriel, her maiden and her friend.
”Lóteriel! Where are you? Lóteriel!”
But there was no one to answer her. Her labor pain was getting harder but she stood up and started to walk to find someone to help her. She tried to go further than her house but the secondary pang stopped her from doing that. She realized that she had to give birth to the baby on her own. So she went back to her room. Her eyes were darkened and then she saw her: A young lady, wearing an unknown armor, looking at her. She was beautiful and reminded her of Mairon. Thus she understood that was her daughter, which she was about to give birth. She disappeared and then Calarië felt another strong pang. She was hardly able to sit on her bed and her visions multiplied. She saw a bay and an unknown woman holding her daughter's hand. Then she saw her crying and covered in blood; her fiery soul and acting like a male warrior, and she saw her crowned and thousands were bowing to her. Her visions ended there and with another pang, she gave birth to her. At that moment she was looking at the starry sky and she saw Valacirca’s second star divided into two different stars. Then she heard her daughter's cry. Quickly she took her into her arms. She really was beautiful and Calarië cried too. She looked into her fiery blue eyes and they remembered her the fire. She smiled and caressed little baby's head. “Haldanaríë,” she whispered to her baby.
”The secret fire, that's your name from now on.”
As she held her baby Lóteriel rushed to the room and saw the newborn baby. Her eyes opened with shock because there was still a week for her to be born. She was unable to say a thing and then they heard the horns.Calarië felt the panic rushing in her veins, she knew they were coming for her baby. She suddenly grabbed Lóteriel’s hand.
”Go bring some clean water and clean clothes for me and the baby. Quick! We have no time left!”
Her heart was beating faster, she held the baby tightly. Lóteriel came back with clothes and the warm water. They washed the baby and put some clothes on her. She was a cute baby with her black curly hair and her round face. Then Calarië put a dagger inside her swaddling clothes. The dagger was given to Calarië by her father and its meaning was big for her house. She thought maybe if their roads will be separated the dagger may reunite them again one day.
She felt a pain inside her heart; she didn't want to left Haldanaríë. But she had to do that, thus she looked into Lóteriel’s eyes:
”I need you to do one last favor to me,”Her tears fell.”
“Hide her into the secret room and go to my dad; tell him that I was sorry.”
Her voice was trembling, and Lóteriel looked at her with a declining expression:
”No, my lady if you want me to go to your dad then you should come with me! You can't left little lady on her own, you know what happens when a newborn left motherless!”
Calarië turned her eyes to somewhere else, her eyes were harsh. She closed her eyes,
”I can’t,” she said with a ruthless voice.”I already said to them only my corpse will return there, so it will be,
”Haldanaríë will be raised by a more valuable mother than me. Thus I have no regret.”
Therefore Lóteriel accepted to take the baby away and informing the Lord about what's happening.
Now Calarië left on her own again. She stood up once again and then the second baby moved inside her belly. The baby was about to come but she was unlucky. Calarië grabbed her cloth tightly. She wasn't aware that she was carrying twins. And now she was heading to her death with her unborn child.
The assassins come with an unusual way. Their leader was openly showing her face as she came on her polar bear. She was a strong female maia and she mastered at the all forms of water especially the ice.
They entered the House with a fiery attack and killed everyone who got into their way until they reach the main house, where Calarië was staying.
Calarië felt and heard that they were coming, thus she headed to the entrance. She was full of sadness.
” Forgive me, my children, ” she said on her own,
”Forgive this weak elven maiden once a princess of the House of Finwë. Who chose her heart instead of her pride and her family. Forgive me because I couldn't become a filial daughter. Yet I never betrayed my people, that's one of my regrets. Oh, I wish, I wish I could have told him that I was only trying to learn and create. Oh, Mairon my dear one, forgive me because I can't carry this burden anymore. My soul is weak and I won't be able to give birth to Haldamirë. Goodbye, my lover, goodbye my children; if only we had more time to spend... ”
She knew that she will be separated from Mairon into forever, she had foreseen it. However, she accepted her fate. She had no regrets; she was happy to be his wife, even that would cause her death. So she stood at the door as Nemmíre, the ice maia appeared before her. She looked at maia’s eyes with anger,she wouldn't forgive her and her comrades.
Nemmíre smirked at her and she spoke,
”So it was you, who misled our lord Mairon.”Her eyes were trying to catch a weakness from her but there was none. Calarië continued her silence and then she said,
”He won't forgive you nor my child will.”Nemmíre laughed.
”Won't he?” she asked. She was annoying with the elleth.
”There will be no child to forgive my sins dear, ” she said as she walked toward Calarië. Now they were face to face: The white-haired maia and the black-haired elleth.
” My revenge will be taken, ” said Calarië.
” Not today. ” Nemmíre smiled and answered, as she stabbed her belly.
Calarië paralyzed with the sudden action and the pain. She fell from the stairs as she felt her baby's last moves inside her. She fell to the snowy ground and it began to turn white to red because of her and her unborn baby’s blood. The other assains tried to take her body but Nemmíre stopped them.
”Let her body remain. Let Mairon see what happens when you betray our Lord Melkor.”
Thus they left the house and they never suspected that there could have been another baby.
As Calarië heard the warning horns Mairon noticed them too. He was working on a new weapon with his servants at that time and as he heard the horns he rushed to the house. But Gothmog got into his way. Obviously, Melkor was trying to stop him going there but Mairon was a strong maia so he got rid of Gothmog easily. However, he was too late; Nemmíre was already succeeded in her job.
He felt like he was drowning when he saw the blood-covered garden and his lover's dead body. But he was mistaken, she was still alive, though there was only a little time left. Then he rushed to Calarië’s side, taking her into his arms, crying with anger.
”Mairon?” Calarië whispered, ”Is it really you?”She caressed his face, trying to smile. Mairon cried again when he felt her cold hand on his face.
”Stop, he said, don't try to move!”
Calarië smiled at him.
” I'm sorry, if only...” but her words were cut with a sudden cough. She was coughing blood. Mairon’s eyes opened with shock. But Calarië continued,
”I hid our daughter inside of the secret room,”” You must take her away before my father arrives here. You must take her somewhere Melkor cannot reach.”
She was crying,
”This is my last wish from you, you'll do it if you had ever loved me and if you care about our child’s future.”
She looked into his eyes, and he accepted her wish. He silently left her in the middle of the garden, lying on the snow and slowly poisoning because of the dead baby inside of her belly.
Loteríel rode her horse faster than ever to reach Lord Fingon. And when she reached there she ran to him and kneeled before him for the forgiveness of her Lady Calarië.At first,Fingon ignored her, because his anger toward his daughter was continuing. But when he heard that the assassins were trying to kill her, he jumped on to his horse without thinking. With a couple of soldiers, he went Northeast to save Calarië.
She was still lying on the snowy ground. She caressed her stabbed belly and silently cried. ”So you're leaving me too Haldamirë?”
A tear fell to the ground.
”Good, she whispered, thus you and your sister won't be separated.”
She smiled once again then looked at the sky, her expression froze and her smile began to fade. Now there was only amazement inside of her eyes.
”Stars, look how beautiful they are.”, she said one last time, soon she was passed.
Her death was pretty opposing the tragedy just happened. Lying on the bloody snow, with the winter flowers around her and unexpectedly bloomed lotus flowers inside the just melt pond. Her eyes weren't shining with the hope anymore but her expression of amazement lasted on her face. She was beautiful than ever and this was how her father found her.
Fingon paralyzed when he saw her dead body like that. Then slowly walked toward her. He fell to her side and hold her cold hands. He was shocked and blaming himself for what happened to her. Because if he didn't banish her maybe that would never happen. He cried and then he screamed with the pain of losing his daughter while holding her in his arms.
Mairon was watching him while he was breaking down. He was holding his newborn daughter in his arms, wearing a cloak. He thought himself,
”You earned it Fingon, and this is just the beginning.” Then he left without giving him the chance to see his granddaughter.
When Lóteriel found the room with open doors she understood that someone already took Calarië’s child. Then she rushed to Fingon’s side, crying;
”They have taken her! They have taken Haldanaríë!”
But she saw Calaríë and she stopped crying. She just froze where she stood because she understood that they were too late. Both the mother and the child were lost. ...
Mairon was desperately running away from the North. He knew that Melkor was responsible for this and he wanted to keep his promise to his wife. Because he was loving Calarië deeply as he loves Melkor. Thus he wasn't able to forgive his master. He has gone too far by trying to kill both Calarië and his daughter.
Melkor’s servants were following him. He felt their existence as he ran between the oaks. He changed his road to making them confused. But he went into a wrong road, soon he was near to a cliff. He looked around to find a way out but there was none. Then he looked to the below from the cliff. There was a river, and he thought if he uses his powers they might get a chance to survive. So as the dark creatures jump to catch them, he jumped from the cliff, tightly holding his baby daughter. Then he fell into the river. To their luck, he was able to keep the baby dry. He ran over the river by creating stones on it. He was happy to be that lucky, but then he saw Ossë.
In seconds he was surrounded by the maiar of Ulmo. He hid the baby inside his cloak but she was shining like she was a silmaril. Therefore Ulmo saw her. Then growled at him,
”How dare you to dwell in my waters, servant of Morgoth?”
He was looking creepier than ever and as Mairon got scared of him, his daughter felt his fear and began to cry. Thus Ulmo heard her. Then his appearance changed and became more like an elven appearance. But still, he was looking dangerous.
Ossë tried to attack Mairon with anger but Ulmo stopped him at the same moment with a simple glance. Then Uinen spoke,
”He is holding an eldar child!”
Ulmo looked at him with suspicion.
”Whose child you're stealing?”
Mairon stood where he was standing and he took his daughter closer to him. He was looking at him with somewhat insane eyes like he was ready to do anything to protect the child.
”She is my child!”, he shouted at him.
”And I won't let you take Ilwië away from me!”
He was crying.
As Ulmo heard the name Ilwië, he remembered what Eru have told him. Then he understood that he has no other options than take her away from his father. So he spoke,
” You are already surrounded by my maiar, Mairon. You have to give the child to me or you both will be destroyed.”
Mairon wasn't able to understand the situation. He stood and his grip over Ilwië began to fade. Then Uinen took her from his arms. He couldn't move for a few seconds then he tried to get his daughter back but he was stopped by Ossë and the others. He screamed,
”Give Ilwië back, ILWIË! ILWIË!”
Then Ulmo said to servants,
”Throw him back to where he came from.”Thus Mairon was separated from his daughter, crying and screaming her name. Ulmo took Ilwië in his arms and looked into her eyes. At that moment blue runes appeared on her left cheek and disappeared.
”From now on I am your father, you will call my name when you need help and love of your lost parents.
Your fate will be both glorious and terrible, and you'll get to power to conquer the lands of the east. But now you need a mother to look after you, thus I will let you go by the river.”
Then he created a basket for her to sleep in it. He put her inside of it then push it toward the south.
”Now cry Ilwië, cry if you want a valuable mother. If you don't then you'll go to the bad hands which will be the worst for your future.”
Then he let Ilwië go.
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stardustmuguet · 6 years
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A new piece is on the way!
Wish me luck! ✨
Also, I began to write the new chapter of Aravalie, which will take place in Hildorien!
I hope, I can handle it well~
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tilions · 2 years
Meet my Tolkien OCs
I saw that @yellow-feathered-faerie did a similar thing for their OCs and I thought why not do it as well! They're listed in alphabetical order with some extra information on the side.
The list might be expanded over time!
Aenion - Also named Cantëacurufinwë. Celebrimbor's and Sauron's child and therefore both extremely talented and probably very cursed. He was raised by Durin's people.
Aeweneth - Thranduil's sister. Still mourning the death of her wife and father in the last ring war.
Aiwë Nendil - Curufin's wife. A Telerin Silversmith who only went to Beleriand for her child's sake.
Andis - One of the Dúnedain and a very skilled healer. The wife of Gilorn and mother of the half elven Meneldil and Isilmir.
Aracundo - Curufin's younger child, Gil-Galad's husband. Highly intelligent mathematician and physicist. Refused the crown after his husband's death and hasn't spoken since then either.
Arrod - Maglor's grandchild through his daughter Gilloth and her husband Erestor. Extremely lively and mischievous.
Ataniel - Eldarion's twin sister and wife of Elfwine of Rohan. A just and strong willed princess and queen.
Belegur - Maglor's youngest son. A dedicated historian and scholar of languages. Has great love for mankind.
Calarië - Caranthir's spouse. Though born with a male body she always saw herself as a woman.
Carmatan - Nerdanel's brother. He assisted Fëanor in the making of the Silmarils.
Cellin - Maglor's wife, Daeron's soul sister. Her determination and dedication towards her family made her last through many hardships in life.
Curulaereth - Thranduil's wife. A Silvian woman renowned for her fighting skills and hatred towards the giant spiders.
Curuwen - Mahtan's wife, Nerdanel's mother. Her stone carvings decorate the walls of the royal palace in Tirion.
Elumir - Son of Meneldil Adassarion and Silwen Thranduiliel. Takes a lot after his great-grandfather Oropher in character and appearance.
Éofin I. - Grandson of Elfwine of Rohan. His soul bond with Belegur is what earns him the opportunity to sail westwards.
Eorl II. - Son of Elfwine and Ataniel. People call him the second coming of Helm Hammerhand.
Ethir - A marchwarden of Doriath and personal guard of Princess Elwing. Dies in the Second Kinslaying.
Finrod I. - Son of Eldarion and crown prince of Gondor. He inherited the golden hair of the Arafinwean bloodline.
Gilloth - Adoptive daughter of Maglor, wife of Erestor. Lost her voice during the War if Wrath and developed a strong sense for oswanë afterwards.
Gilorn Adasser - Maglor's brother-in-law, husband of Andis of the Dúnedain. A formidable warrior.
Gilrin - Maglor's younger daughter. A very skilled artist and a gentle soul, who was especially close with Celebrían and idolised her a lot.
Isilmir - Half elven son of Gilorn Adasser and Andis of the Dúnedain. Felt always more drawn towards his human half but ultimately makes the choice for immortality upon his death in battle.
Ithilion - Son of Meneldil Adassarion and Silwen Thranduiliel. A wild spirit that uses every opportunity to cause trouble wherever he goes.
Iúlien - Handmaiden of Melian and Ethir's mother. Her fate is unknown.
Mancariel - Nerdanel's youngest sibling.
Maquentima - Mancariel's wife and the daughter of Rumil of Tirion.
Meneldil - Half elven son of Gilorn Adasser and Andis of the Dúnedain. Bears an uncanny resemblance to a certain tragic figure from ages long past.
Mirwë - Brother of Miriel Therindë. Refuses to go west with his sister and only reunites with her many ages later.
Morgil - Oldest child of Tinwë and Norian. Their grim expression hide a gentle and good natured soul.
Mámandil - Maia of Irmo Lórien, who guides young children to sleep. They establish the tradition of counting sheep to fall asleep.
Narwë - A member of the Nelyar. Father of Norian, who died early in his daughters childhood.
Nelladon - Maglor's oldest biological child. A skilled woodworker and toy maker. Sacrificed himself in Smaugs attack on Erebor to buy the dwarves some more time.
Ninquelotë - Youngest Princess of Gondor. Holds all life in high regard, devoted follower of Yavanna.
Norian - The fierce and devoted leader of the Lanyar tribe. Mother of Morgil, Cellin and Gilorn Adassar.
Nólemë Cestarë - Finwë's sister. Felt obligated to take care of those who did not wish to go westwards.
Silwen Erassil - Thranduil's daughter and wife of Meneldil Adassarion. A lively soul and lover of small animals.
Tawandil - Thranduil's oldest son, crown prince of the Woodland realm. Lost his eyesight from the poisoned bite of a giant spider.
Thulwë - Curufin's father-in-law, Cirdan's soul brother. The best sailor in Valinor before Eärendil 's arrival.
Tindelómë - Maia of Lórien, also called the Dreamwarden. The first one to take up arms against the nightmares caused by Melkors corruption of the world.
Tinwë Lórnammon - The leader of the Lanyar, husband of Norian. Lost his eyesight shortly after he awakened but remained ever calm and caring.
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