tenth-sentence · 1 year
We see here at the bottom of the cliffs, beds containing sharks' teeth and sea-shells of extinct species, passing above into an indurated marl, and from that into the red clayey earth of the Pampas, with its calcareous concretions and the bones of terrestrial quadrupeds.
"Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, 1832-36" - Charles Darwin
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weirdlookindog · 4 months
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Jan Stephan van Calcar (1499-1546?) - Illustrations from Andreas Vesalius' 'De humani corporis fabrica libri septem', 1543
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Questo mondo non mi renderà cattivo
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prairieenyasblog · 1 year
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i got bored lol idk these characters are fun to draw
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smoking-witch · 6 months
Reframing common employer phrases into plainspeak
Laziness = poor ppl resting/playing, ever
Working vacation = rich ppl getting paid to rest/play
Rage applying = looking for a better job
Rage quitting = leaving toxic job/boss
Quiet quitting = refusing to do free labor
Blackmail = employees leveraging anything
Insubordination = talking about pay at work
Company culture = guilt trips & pizza as pay
Morality clause = make us look bad, get fired
"We're like family" = "we ask for favors, then never pay you back"
"We expect everyone to pitch in" = "we expect you to do free labor"
"HR is here to help you" = "HR is here to stop you from suing us"
Thx for coming to my TedTalk
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maarigolds · 1 year
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"But the thing is, there’s no Orpheus in this story. There’s just Euridice in hell, and no one is coming to find her. So after twenty years she gets herself out of there, back to where no one even remembers her anymore. And you’re surprised she’s not same person she was?"
This world can't tear me down (2023)
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"Questo Mondo Non Mi Renderà Cattivo", Zerocalcare
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tompuschautz · 12 days
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Sea Oracle
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trickytrick · 1 year
ummmmmmmm international zerocalcare fans fucking stop drawing nsfw of real fucking people IT'S REAL PEOPLE IT'S GROSS I feel like you're drawing porn of my cousin or something stop
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they-them-that · 1 year
(spoilers for Zero Calcare's "The World Can't Tear Me Down")
I just finished binging "The World Can't Tear Me Down" on Netflix. It's a heavy watch that tackles white supremacy and xenophobia but it was well done imo and a great follow up to "Tear Along The Dotted Line". A lot of adult comedies can be flimsy (and outright problematic) about how it represents social issues and I was worried this series would toe that line but it was able to represent how people get coaxed into supporting the wrong side without excusing them either. It isn't black and white although I do think it's still important to hold individuals' responsible for the way they hurt others.
Cesare and Sara are Italian born citizens who despite being disenfranchised in their own ways, do end up threatening stability for the refugees which is an abuse of their privilege. Although I can understand that Sara's plight is both due to her own struggles and being misled to believe the school shut down is due to the refugee shelter, I couldn't really sympathize when her motivations felt ultimately selfish and at the expense of the refugees' safety. At the same time, I can understand how Zero was conflicted as a cishet white male who's also a famous cartoonist. Zero obliviously tells Sara they're "still young" and Sara had to point out that a woman nearing her 40's is seen as socially useless, something Zero failed to consider when a man in his late 30's isn't looked down on in the same way (and he's someone who's already gained a stable job where he doesn't have to job hunt at his age unlike Sara). Zero was also confronted with his own privilege that challenged his right to judge others with Cesare who was victim to the social stigma and government neglect against addicts and impoverished people. All of this while Zero is conflicted on whether or not he should speak about the xenophobia on TV because of the way it could affect his career. The fact he was considering being quiet himself but lectured Sara and Cesare for their complacency/participation in the issue was a deliberate point of hypocrisy and we'll never know what Zero would've done in the end.
Zero spends the series reckoning with the complexities of moral righteousness that isn't as simple as doing the right thing when there are complicated circumstances behind making poor decisions that aren't just pure bigotry (but still deserves to be called out). At the same time, we get Selco who also grew up disenfranchised but still understood what side he's meant to support. He calls out Zero for essentially turning a social issue into a personal plight of virtue when what really mattered was standing up against Nazis. We end up seeing Sara own up to her mistake and join the protestors (although she condemns the violence in a way that treats it like both sides are equally at fault when it isn't) and Cesare also opens up about what really mattered to him, turning his back on the Nazis (but not exactly looking out for the refugees).
Among our main cast, there isn't actually a role model for us to project onto as the ideal moral pillar, something that the series purposely deconstructs for us with Sara's character. It reminds us that we're all people and we're not always going to make the right decisions nor the people we care about will either. We just have to keep doing our best and help those near us to stay on the right path. We have to grapple with our own privileges, complacency, and hypocrisy to be activists. We have to understand the humanness that comes from veering off that path in order to help those who do and to be able to diagnose the problem. That it's not just an individual decision but a systemic problem.
The only big complaint I have is that the refugees felt like a backdrop to the story of Zero's philosophizing despite the creator criticizing himself for doing the same thing, which may be the humanness I brought up earlier. Understandably, Zero didn't get to interact with any of the refugees until the end of the series and he clearly empathizes with what they go through but having the one refugee wax poetic to shed perspective on our White Italian male protagonist wasn't as moving as maybe it was meant to be.
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kattartsblog · 2 months
If you can, can you please draw some of your silver void bad guys? I kinda miss seeing them a bit
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The Cult of Alloy: “I’m surrounded by idiots.” - Calcare
I missed drawing these goobers too, Non! ;w;
I’m so happy there are people out there who are still interested in this tale. One day I will go back to this story. (I should seriously consider doing an update to their splash art, like how I did for the protags. But that’s just me typing out loud.) -w-;; If any of you out there are interested in learning about these baddies in detail, click here!
Thank you for sending this one, I hope you like the piece! ^0^
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beatriceportinari · 1 year
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Hiiii ceramic restoration time. Learning to clean the surface+fill up a gap ✌🏻
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Questo mondo non mi renderà cattivo
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prairieenyasblog · 1 year
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zero calcare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in honor of his new netflix show
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witzowl · 1 year
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Zero Calcare
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choixsimple · 2 months
Hey, saw your addition to the job search post. whats your advice on getting a state job in california? Im very interested
Hi! Applying to CA State jobs is unfortunately pretty annoying and unnecessarily complicated. I have some general advice, but if you're applying to a specific CA State job and you're confused about something feel free to reach out and I'll see if I can help!
Okay so general calcareers.ca.gov advice:
First, figure out what type(s) of jobs you want to apply to and which "exams" (usually more like a questionnaire about your work experience, not really an exam) are required.
Some of the jobs have weird titles that don't really reflect the actual job very well so I recommend clicking on any job that sounds vaguely interesting to you and reading the description.
Before taking the exams, see if you meet the minimum experience qualifications (often they'll offer X years of experience in place of a degree, so look out for that if you don't have one)
Take the exam(s) first because they're usually valid for a year.
Then look at the job description and see what the application requires — often they require a Statement of Qualifications where it's like a few short essay questions instead of or in addition to a cover letter.
Make sure you use a lot of key words from the job description/"duty statement" in the Statement of Qualifications and on your resume.
If you have questions about the job, the exam, the application itself, etc there's a phone number and email on the job listing and it never hurts to call/email and make sure you did everything to their specifications!
Consider applying for a job you're less excited about first to go through the calcareers process because it's kind of weird tbh.
Fill out the online application and wait for a call or email for an interview. This may take up to 4-5 months depending on the department, which can be annoying, but some of them call back within a couple of weeks! The point is don't write them off if it's been over a month, though feel free to keep applying of course.
That's all I can think of right now, but I hope it's at least a little helpful! Lmk if you have any specific questions and good luck on your job search!
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