fieldpractice · 3 months
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j6ce9keds · 1 year
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abwwia · 2 months
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Fanny Corbaux, Leila, 1845
Marie Françoise Catherine Doetger "Fanny" Corbaux (1812–1883) was a British painter and biblical commentator. She was also the inventor of kalsomine (calcimine), whitewash with added zinc oxide. Via Wikipedia
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misfiterators · 3 months
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they dustyy
officially naming my scug the viridian thx to @is-this-a-valid-slugcat-name ^^
feat @starboundrinn 's calciminer
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vadmose72 · 10 months
多恩療法 特殊脊柱療法 膝關節整骨療法
他主要動員患有中風或心髒病的患者。 他是 Normafa Idősek Otthona 的物理治療師,負責幫助老年人在受傷和手術後康復。 巴赫花精無毒、無副作用,可以根據身體的需要輕鬆良好地組合。 在這個位置上,患者進行肌肉強化和伸展運動。 2011 年至 2013 年間,科拉佈在社交媒體上發表了多篇反猶太主義帖子,但在被紐約圖羅骨科醫學院錄取後將其刪除。 它是美國最大的具有猶太血統的私立大學。 然而,培訓是否是問題的原因就可以清楚了。
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由於搖擺運動,治療者在短短幾分鐘後就會感到並體驗到愉快的放鬆。 由於這種放鬆,阻礙流動的障礙開始溶解在能量系統中,器官的功能由於能量流動的增加而得到改善,免疫系統和我們的自愈能力得到加強。 橫弓凹陷是指腳趾下方第一、第五蹠骨骨頭之間的橫弓凹陷。 這些變化並不能保證機體的穩定性和均勻負載。 如果不進行矯正,疼痛、疲勞、老繭和腫塊都表明需要矯正。 由於這些原因,在所有年齡段,加強腿部肌肉並提供有助於生理姿勢的矯正(輔以訓練軀乾和支撐肌肉)都很重要。 由於久坐的生活方式、負荷不均勻和不良姿勢,一些骨科問題可能在兒童時期就已經出現。 IGES 機構的研究表明了這一點。 默認情況下,許多癌症篩查測試僅從一定年齡開始付費。 我們之前研究過哪些保險公司可以報銷此類服務。 一些保險公司還慷慨地提供旅行疫苗接種以及流感疫苗和蜱傳 FSME 病毒病疫苗,覆蓋所有保單持有人的費用。 對我們來說,預防性護理還包括運動或減壓課程。 Éva 畢業於塞格德大學,在塞格德 Horizo​​nt 康復基金會工作,負責患者在家鍛煉。 在這種情況下,我們也通過包括“本源”在內的整骨方法,分析了通過軀干連接下肢、上肢和頭部的筋膜鏈,並尋找了因果關係。 最近,一位三十出頭的年輕人因肩膀嚴重疼痛來到我們這裡。 他抱怨說“他的手臂已經好幾天無法抬起了,已經麻木了”,並且在工作時感到強烈、尖銳的放射痛。 另一組藥物 - 藥物鬆弛劑 Mydocalmum、Sirdalud 等人。 在服藥的情況下,可能會出現噁心、玻璃體關節疼痛、頭暈和胃部不適。 台中 整復 強制使用和礦化骨骼的藥物 Calcimine、Vitrum 鈣等。 大多數情況下,這些醫生位於醫院或醫療機構。 他們參與住院手術和門診手術。 麻醉師在手術前後與病人相處的時間是相同的。 最常見的科學是自然科學、生物學和其他類似領域。 麻醉師是手術過程中最有影響力的醫生之一。 他對病人進行麻醉並在手術過程中監測生命功能。 你必須學習很多東西並做好充分準備。 為了緩解症狀,我們還可以在過度緊張的部位貼上肌內效貼,使組織放鬆,減輕負擔,從而減輕疼痛。 此外,由於它提升組織,腫脹更容易消退,該區域的血液循環開始,組織再生更快。 建議從7-8歲開始進行治療,可以學習並融入到日常活動中,治療成功的基本條件是每天重複練習。 台北 撥筋 我們推薦為所有 25 項檢查標準提供廣泛服務的健康保險公司。 然而,在某些領域,例如服務範圍和額外的牙科福利,其他健康保險公司的表現稍好一些。
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williamsonproctor13 · 10 months
眼科護理流程的組織 下載 Muito Mais Do Que Documentos
髖關節炎的預後和預防 關節炎可導致整個髖關節輕度僵硬、關節疼痛。 化膿性關節炎的並發症可能是感染性中毒性休克或敗血症。 除了團體和個人運動發展、特殊的脊柱和手法治療之外,我還通過介紹鼓勵健康生活方式的其他技術和方法來幫助來找我的患者恢復和保持健康。 新竹 整復 我擁有許多替代技術的知識和經驗,我也是健康生活方式和營養的代表,所以我認為將我鼓勵健康生活方式的經驗傳遞給患者很重要。 肌張力肌肉能量技術、精細手動動員或脈衝操縱可用於釋放關節阻滯。 通過頂骨整骨術,可以解決關節阻滯和肌肉緊張,並且可以識別和解決結締組織張力異常和粘連。 由於患者的體位,不僅暫時取得了良好的效果,而且取得了永久的效果。 這是該手術歷史上第一個有記錄的病例,該手術最初以位置釋放技術的名義開發,許多患者和治療都遵循該技術,並取得了非常好的效果。 隨著時間的推移,患者可能會出現股骨和腹股溝肌肉萎縮、纖維或骨質緊縮。 除感染性關節炎引起的非特異性化膿性菌群外,還有與結核病、布魯氏菌病、淋病、梅毒相關的具體性髖炎。 髖關節繼發性無菌性關節炎可能與牛皮​​癬、系統性紅斑狼瘡、克羅恩病、強直性脊柱炎等疾病有關。 水蛭療法如此廣泛,是由於水蛭具有恢復體內液體微循環的能力。 因此,細胞的營養和氧氣供應正常化。
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是處理疼痛和缺乏能量的器官更多 賦予它生命能量(管),恢復平衡狀態,因此 協調荷爾蒙系統,防止生殖器功能 “本週,一位年僅四十歲的年輕人來看望我,患有慢性前列腺炎。 我以前曾治療過他,因為他多年來一直有背痛,但我從未在他身上取得過巨大的成功。 他主要動員患有中風或心髒病的患者。 然而,一半患者的疼痛僅與運動和行走有關。 這種情況下,髖關節的運動隨著足部的旋轉缺乏限制,髖關節置換後腿部完全是臀部疼痛。 骨病的初步檢查是一種複雜的方法。 醫生會仔細檢查您的病史、檢查測試並評估整骨矯正的可能性。 髖關節置換術後舒適的臀部疼痛 髖關節置換術後骨病性臀部疼痛將對您進行檢查,並確定確定您病情的關鍵骨病功能障礙。 如果這些椎間盤非常緊,血液循環就不好,但緊繃的隔膜也會影響反流和膈疝,以及我們的呼吸。 另外,正如已經提到的,如果橫膈膜不能正常移動,那麼不幸的是,器官也不會。 整骨療法,針對骨骼和關節的治療,另一種是靈魂按摩,也就是 具有精神根源,為治療心身疾病而開發 密西西比大學健康與運動科學教授艾莉森·福特表示,骨質減少在男性和女性中同樣常見,這讓研究人員感到驚訝。 研究人員表示,在這些參與者中可以檢測到骨質減少,也就是說,他們的骨密度低於正常水平,但尚未達到病理性,就像骨質疏鬆症患者一樣。 骨質疏鬆症,即骨質疏鬆症,其特點是骨密度低,導致骨骼的承重能力降低,輕傷即可骨折。 該患者有同肢踝關節損傷和股骨骨折史,均接受過手術。 此外,還有久坐工作史、脊柱側彎、兩次脊椎疝、一次接受過手術的腹股溝疝,病史中久坐的生活方式也是一個危險因素。 原因 - 輕傷,以一定頻率重複,瘀傷,嚴重的關節損傷;感染性或反應性關節炎。 原因就反映在名字中——炎症過程伴隨著細菌、真菌或病毒感染;營養不良。 為此,從病史中可以明確疼痛的性質和強度、病程的持續時間以及並發的病理。 患者以俯臥位、站立位和行走位進行檢查。 特別關注關節的形狀和四肢的位置、肌肉萎縮和攣縮、步態、執行能力以及被動和主動運動的幅度。 借助特殊的吊床,可以安全、輕鬆、高效地進行關節鬆動。 另一組藥物 - 藥物鬆弛劑 Mydocalmum、Sirdalud 等人。 在服藥的情況下,可能會出現噁心、玻璃體關節疼痛、頭暈和胃部不適。 新竹 撥筋 強制使用和礦化骨骼的藥物 Calcimine、Vitrum 鈣等。 如果關節炎的原因是感染性疾病,則必須在抗生素的幫助下進行治療。 在其他情況下,膿毒性髖炎可能是由於蜂窩織炎、骨髓炎和骨髓炎導致鄰近組織的化膿中心突破而發展而來。 據信,雞尾酒替代的發展程度僅發生在膝關節關節炎的情況下。
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rodriquezwinters31 · 10 months
多恩療法 特殊脊柱療法 膝關節整骨療法
報考醫科大學繼續教育的考生,必須以優異的成績完成基礎教育。 根據美國醫學會的規定,麻醉師的大學平均��必須超過 3.5。 它有助於緩解和解決急性和慢性精神問題。 在它的支持下,身體的自我修復過程開始。 該療法採用適當的身體姿勢並藉助工具,根據曲線進行單獨調整。 由於脈動和搖擺的輕柔運動,細胞記憶被激活,並且 結果,細胞恢復到正確的預期狀態 我們所有的細胞都存儲我們組織的所有信息 其運作所必需的信息,以及我們的信息 另一組藥物 - 藥物鬆弛劑 Mydocalmum、Sirdalud 等人。 在服藥的情況下,可能會出現噁心、玻璃體關節疼痛、頭暈和胃部不適。 強制使用和礦化骨骼的藥物 Calcimine、Vitrum 鈣等。 粘貼後,膠帶會在皮膚上停留數天甚至數週,這有助於佩戴者執行日常任務和進行運動。 該膠帶由柔韌、透水、親膚材料製成。 整骨復位技術的目標 AORT 方法的目的是放鬆過度伸展的肌肉,減少過度伸展引起的運動限制和肌肉疼痛,並最終消除它們。 直接捕捉是手工完成的,我們可以使用不同的工具進行間接捕捉。 第一次,所有水平運行的結締組織板都被鬆開,這是必要的,因為這些是血管和神經的交叉點,甚至食道也穿過膈肌並繼續進入胃。 如果這些椎間盤非常緊,血液循環就不好,但緊繃的隔膜也會影響反流和膈疝,以及我們的呼吸。 十多年來,他教授團體脊柱練習,並一路學習針對各種脊柱問題的運動療法選擇,並喜歡在工作中使用。 他目前是布達福基籃球俱樂部的物理治療師,因此可以在運動損傷以及平衡和運動協調問題的康復方面提供幫助。 接下來是更困難的步驟,保持結果。 由於結締組織板發生了結構變化,因此也需要治療筋膜的變化。 疼痛通常會隨著運動而加劇,例如膝關節整骨治療 到達地面後,突然的膝關節整骨治療、在斜坡上行走、制動動作都會引起強烈的刺痛。 腫脹和壓力敏感可能發生在髁突區域或沿著髂脛束的過程。 跑步時,由於膝關節的屈曲和伸展不斷交替,因此膝外側韌帶很容易出現炎症和過度勞損。 中國偉大的醫學家華佗早在公元1世紀就根據這樣的想法發展了它。 公元三世紀,佛教徒和道教徒發展了模仿五種動物運動的練習,同時也發展了許多其他有效為關節“加油”的方法。 太極拳由陳氏家族自1345年創立,是我國最著名的太極拳,它由柔和的動作、呼吸練習和促進氣循環的想像練習組成。 太極拳的意義是“絕對”、“高於一切”,即創造陰陽的完美和諧,維持完全健康之道。 通過這些練習,“可以避免對健康的負面攻擊。
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但在此之前,您必須支付較高的額外繳款。 繼前兩年取得最佳總體成績後,IKK Classic 在我們的 2022 年比較中獲得第二名。 IKK Classic 在我們檢查的所有領域提供了廣泛的服務,並回答了我們有關異議數量和福利拒絕的問題。 15.9% 的貢獻相當於 2022 年的平均水平。 您可以在我們有關 IKK Classic 的文章中詳細了解一系列優勢。 您可以更便宜地離開四個聯邦州。 中醫 推拿 2022年,北萊茵-威斯特法倫州和漢堡地區的BKK Euregio將收取14.95%的費用。 當您的關節破裂時,會產生負壓,導致液體中形成氣泡。 顱骨整骨療法的目標是積極影響顱骨中存在的游離液體,並從那里通過椎骨到達骶骨,即所謂的顱骶系統,並在受損時恢復它。 例如,頸椎堵塞也會導致頭暈或耳鳴。 我們在頂骨整骨療法的框架內擁有不同的技術。 肌張力肌肉能量技術、精細手動動員或脈衝操縱可用於釋放關節阻滯。 通過頂骨整骨術,可以解決關節阻滯和肌肉緊張,並且可以識別和解決結締組織張力異常和粘連。 可懸掛在BODHI按摩床上的儲物架是各種按摩工具和配件的實用存儲場所。 髖關節的關節炎症狀臨床上最常見的髖關節類型是結核和急性氣鹽性關節炎。 您如何接受水蛭治療師的治療? 如果器官周圍的粘連被打破,則可以恢復給定節段的有限運動範圍。 基於這一事實,可能需要在腹腔中治療大量臀部和腰部疼痛以及肩部和膝蓋疼痛,才能緩解症狀。 大多數組織粘連發生在腹腔內,其原因是不動的生活方式。 許多人都進行久坐工作,這意味著我們中的許多人每天要坐 8-10 個小時。 每 forty 分鐘起床一次,在每個平面上充分活動每個關節,但做大呼吸練習也有好處。 此外,盆腔和胸部粘連也很典型。 在進行比較之前,我們首先詢問讀者在選擇健康保險公司時什麼對他們特別重要。 超過 4,800 人參與了我們的調查。 此外,我們還詢問了 20 家最大的健康保險公司,他們特別經常使用哪些附加服務。 根據結果,我們修改了用於比較的調查問卷,並調整了個人福利的權重。 例如,專業洗牙的報銷在總體結果中的佔比比前幾年要大得多,因為這項服務對我們的讀者來說非常重要。 保費和獎金計劃也比往年得到更多考慮。
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autodaemonium · 11 months
Pronounced: fwltuthdayilnrrahdaiuaypuh.
Pantheon of: hydrophobicity, property, propulsion system, fruitfulness.
Pronounced: duhnshszvwstheuhmsuhuowwthi Property: selectivity. Fruitfulness: productiveness. Legends: truancy, appearance, communion. Prophecies: happening, keystroke, electioneering, encoding, tribute. Relations: ædrŋitrəɪaɪlʌiwvdmwvd (ground water), θibəaɪvnlrnninəsɑtdlə (granite).
Pronounced: adrngitruhiailuiwvdmwvd Property: tactile property. Fruitfulness: productiveness. Prophecies: perfection, convergence, outdoor game. Relations: dənʃszvwsðeəmsəʌaʊwðɪ (staple).
Pronounced: shifiztaidtnzuhraiuhysahit Property: extension. Fruitfulness: richness. Legends: figure, bell ringer. Prophecies: rejection. Relations: θibəaɪvnlrnninəsɑtdlə (cracklings), dənʃszvwsðeəmsəʌaʊwðɪ (calcimine), ædrŋitrəɪaɪlʌiwvdmwvd (white elephant).
Pronounced: thibuhaivnlrnninuhsahtdluh Property: disposition. Fruitfulness: richness. Legends: world record, somersault, piecework, shy, association. Prophecies: nonattendance, circulation.
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fieldpractice · 3 months
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oldmke · 1 year
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When Johnston emergency hospital was organized in May, 1888, by members of the Bartlett Clinical club, the old central police station, located on Broadway just north of Mason st. was its first quarters. Although at first glance it appeared entirely inadequate for a hospital, with the aid of soap and water, calcimining and repeated fumigations, the building became a haven to the wounded and sick. After several years in other temporary quarters on Oneida (now Wells) and Jackson sts. the hospital moved to the above structure, built especially for its use at a cost of $40,000, between 3rd and 4th sts. on Sycamore (now Michigan), the present site of the Boston Store. The land was donated to the city by John Johnston, and accordingly, the new hospital bore his name. The building was used from August 1894, until February, 1931, when the new Johnston emergency hospital, possessing the most modern type of emergency equipment, opened on the city's south side. (Picture, courtesy of the department of health education, and information from the local history collection of the Milwaukee public library.)
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militaryonline · 2 years
To paint the town red
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This game is similar to the original Scribblenauts. There are puzzles and riddles that you need to solve in order to get out. Escape RoomĮscape Room is a game where you are trying to escape from a room. Collect all the crayons before the timer runs out. Crayola ScootĬrayola Scoot is a game where you collect as many crayons as you can while avoiding obstacles. Create some items to solve different puzzles and get through the levels. In Scribblenauts, you can create any object you'd like and use it to solve puzzles. Here are some games with similar gameplay: 1. Martens, Technology of Paints, Varnishes, and Lacquers (1968).Paint The Town Red is a game where you play as a vigilante and try to clear out your city of drug dealers and maintain your reputation. Baked acrylic finishes have recently become popular for industrial products such as automobiles and appliances. Click the link for more information. in an organic solvent. Pyroxylin lacquers are made by dissolving pyroxylin in a mixture of volatile solvents and adding a plasticizer and a pigment or dye. It is used in lacquers, plastics, and artificial leathers. , partially nitrated cellulose (see nitrocellulose). The vehicle is commonly pyroxylin pyroxylin Industrial lacquers (widely used on automobiles and furniture) are valued for rapid drying to a hard finish. Click the link for more information. and usually dry to a hard, glossy finish. Homogeneous solution of gum or of natural or synthetic resins in oil (oil varnish) or in a volatile solvent (spirit varnish), which dries on exposure to air, forming a thin, hard, usually glossy film. Latex emulsion paint provides such excellent durability and color retention that it now dominates the paint market. For water paints, pigment is dissolved in a mixture of water with a binder such as glue or casein, or emulsified in a latex polymer. metallic salts that catalyze oxidation of the oil may be added to increase the rate of drying. It is made up of two principal components, an essential oil and a type of resin that is called rosin. Yellow to brown semifluid oleoresin exuded from the sapwood of pines, firs, and other conifers. These oils are diluted with a thinner, usually turpentine turpentine, Click the link for more information., castor oil, or tung oil. The raw oil extracted from the seeds by hydraulic pressure is pale in color and practically without taste or odor. Click the link for more information. such as linseed oil linseed oil,Īmber-colored, fatty oil extracted from the cotyledons and inner coats of the linseed. The common drying oils are cottonseed oil (see cotton), corn oil, soybean oil, tung oil, and linseed oil the first three oils mentioned are more properly called Oil paints are pigments dispersed in a drying oil drying oil,Īny of several natural oils which, when exposed to the air, oxidize to form a tough, elastic film. They may be manipulated to produce glossy, satin, or flat finishes. Pigments, finely ground, impart color (including black and white) and affect the consistency, crack resistance, and flow characteristics of paint. Industrial finishes are usually applied by spraying or immersion and are often hardened by baking. Paint is used to decorate or protect surfaces and is generally applied in thin coats which dry (by evaporation or by oxidation of the vehicle) to an adhesive film. Click the link for more information., portland cement paint, printing ink, calcimine, and whitewash. Quick-drying synthetic lacquers are used to coat automobiles, furniture, textiles, paper, and metalware. Solution of film-forming materials, natural or synthetic, usually applied as an ornamental or protective coating. Click the link for more information. and a binding medium, usually thinned with a solvent to form a liquid vehicle. In paint, the pigment is a powdered substance which, when mixed in the liquid vehicle, imparts color to a painted surface. Substance that imparts color to other materials.
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Directions Of Interior Painting
Interior painting requires while careful preparation of surfaces as will exterior painting. Typically the creation of odorless paints now makes this possible to coloring at any time of the particular year. Formerly, most interior painting within the home seemed to be done in the fall or spring, whenever it was achievable to leave the windows open to ventilate the room. Although open windows produced dust into the room to mar the finished decorated surface. A great inside paint job is often 50% preparation and 50% artwork. Do not dash in preparing the surfaces in your current eagerness to access the brush or tool. If you carry out not prepare the particular surfaces properly, you can back with the paint brush or even roller in a few months. In this section you will certainly find the necessary information on typically the application of different types of paints on various interior wall, roof and floor supplies. Plaster
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New dry plaster in excellent condition, to become finished with the paint other compared to water paint, need to be given a coat of primer-sealer and allowed to dried thoroughly before being inspected for order, regularity of appearance. Versions in gloss in addition to color differences in typically the case of hued primers indicate set up whole surface has become completely sealed. Or even, a second cover of primer-sealer should be applied. If only a very few "suction spots" are usually apparent, a second coat during these areas may be enough. A flat, semi-gloss, or high-gloss finish could possibly be applied to be able to the primed area. For a level finish, two coats of flat wall paint should follow the priming coat. For any semi-gloss finish, a single coat of smooth wall paint and something coat of semi-gloss paint should end up being applied to the set up surface. For some sort of high-gloss finish, a single coat of semi-gloss paint and another coating of high-gloss teeth enamel should be employed over the priming coat. Before applying water paints regarding the calcimine kind to new drunk walls they must be size, using whether glue-water size or, in the event that the plaster is dry, a skinny varnish or primer-sealer. Cold water paints in the casein kind may be applied both directly to a drunk surface, or typically the surface may be initially given a coat of primer-sealer to be able to equalize uneven suction effects. Exactly the same is real of resin-emulsion paints, with the recommendations of the manufacturer regarding the product getting given preference throughout case of uncertainty. Since resin-emulsion paints usually contain several oil in typically the binder, they must in most cases be applied simply to plaster which has dried thoroughly. Consistency wall paints might also be employed on plaster floors. The benefits of this sort of paint will be that one coat economically produces the textured decoration and even relieves the boredom of smooth toned paint. In addition, it addresses cracks or spots in the plast typer more completely than ordinary wall car paint. The disadvantages of texture wall paint are that they Collect dust plus are challenging to restore to a smooth finish. These supplies are available since water-or oil-based paints, are thicker than ordinary wall paints, and may even be applied to wallboard along with plaster to generate textured effects many of these as random, Speaking spanish, mission, and various colored. Composition Wallboard Formula wallboard usually provides no particular artwork difficulties in case the regular precautions are observed, such as making certain that the surface is dry and even free of grease in addition to oil. The piece of art procedure for wallboard will be the same while for plaster; that requires a priming and sealing coat followed by what ever finishes coats happen to be desired, or can be given one-coat level or resin-emulsion kind paint. Wallpaper Water-thinned paint may be used on wallpaper that will is well- attached to the walls and does not really contain dyes which usually may bleed into the paint. One fullness of wallpaper is preferable for paint application. Paints besides those of typically the water-thinned type may also be put on wallpaper by following the directions offered for painting plast typer. However , wallpaper coated with such a paint is tough to remove without injury to the particular plaster. Wood Wall surfaces and Trim Innovative interior walls and wood trim have to be smoothed along with sand-paper and dusted before painting or even varnishing. Aid typically the grain with the solid wood, the surface may be rubbed with linseed oil, varnished or shellacked, and waxed. If an maussade finish is wanted, semi-gloss paint thinned with 1 pint of turpen-tine per gallon of paint or maybe the primer-sealer in the past described for surfaces can be utilized as a priming coat on wood. 1 or 2 jackets of semi-gloss color should then get applied over the thoroughly dry leading coat, or in the event that a full-gloss end is desired, typically the last coat could be a high-gloss enamel. Brickwork Walls and Ceilings Interior masonry walls and ceilings previously mentioned grade may, generally, be painted inside much the same exact manner as plastsorter surfaces. Here once more, it is needed to allow sufficient time for the masonry to dry before applying color and, in inclusion, attention ought to be chosen to the preparing of the floor. When decorating a wall containing Portland cement (concrete, regarding example), it will be essential to consider precautions against the attack of alloisomer. For this objective, alkali-resistant primers this sort of as rubber-base portray may be used when oil portray in order to follow. Cement-water paints are best suited for app to basement surfaces which are damp as a result of leakage or even condensation. To apply these paints, the particular same procedure should be followed as is described here intended for painting exterior brickwork walls. Floors Two general varieties of oil-soaked rags for floors are layer of varnish and rubber-base color. Everyone has their limitations and even the finish are not able to be patched with no patched area teaching through. Floor plus deck enamel from the varnish type offers good service on concrete floors above grade where there is no moisture present. Rubber-base chemicals, which dry to some hard semi-gloss end, may be used on floors under grade, providing typically the floor is not really continually damp coming from seepage and condensation. Paint should not necessarily be applied to be able to a concrete basement floor until the concrete has elderly for at minimum per year. The floors should be dried out when painted, the best time for application becoming during the winter or early spring (assuming there exists some heating apparatus inside the basement), when the humidity in the particular basement is minimal. In general, three clothes of paint are needed on an unpainted floor, and the particular first coat need to be thin to secure good penetration. After the paint is dried out, it should become protected having a cover of floor wax tart. In repainting tangible floors, where the particular existing paint offers been waxed in addition to is in great condition apart from several worn areas, the particular surface should become scrubbed with towels saturated with turpentine or petroleum state of mind and rubbed together with steel wool whilst wet, to get rid of all wax just before repainting. If it is not really done, the paint will not stick and dry satisfactorily, if the outdated paint is desperately worn, it have to be removed by treating with a new solution of 2 lbs. of caustic soda (household lye) to 1 gal. of hot drinking water. This might be mopped upon the surface and allowed to stay for 30 moments after which the ground can be laundered with hot normal water and scraped with a wide steel scraper. Another approach to application is in order to spread a skinny layer of sawdust, which has recently been soaked in caustic solution on the flooring and allow it to stand immediately. The following early morning, the floor can become washed with sizzling water and the paint scraped away. The area should in that case be rinsed carefully with clean drinking water. ? If rubber-base paint has become used, the particular caustic soda therapy might not be effective and it might be needed to use a good organic solvent variety of paint remover. Caution: - When using caustic soft drink or lye, steer clear of splashing eyes, epidermis, and clothing. Rooms Metal Interior steel, such as heat grilles, radiators, and exposed water piping, ought to be painted to prevent as well as corrosion to make them while inconspicuous as achievable. New metal need to be cleaned associated with grease and grime by washing along with mineral spirits, in addition to any rust should be removed simply by sanding, after which often a metal special primer must be applied. The finish coat may be either the flat wall fresh paint or even a semi-gloss teeth enamel. Or else sure regarding the primer in order to use on metallic, the paint supplier or manufacturer provides you with this information, type on the type of metallic to be coated. Usually on subjected air ducts regarding galvanized metal some sort of primer coat regarding zinc dust-zinc oxide paint is applied, prior to finish layer is applied. Typically the paints may be applied by remember to brush or spray; the small spray accessory for vacuum cleansing agents is incredibly convenient, especially for painting radiator units. Brass light fittings plus andirons may be finished and kept bright by coating together with metal lacquers. The lacquers, saved in can lids under pressure, may be sprayed directly from the container. Old-fashioned or unattractive light fixtures can be coated with ceiling or perhaps wall paint to be able to harmonize with all the nearby surfaces. Special Floors WHITEWASH Whitewashes and lime paints should be thin if applied. In fact, best results will be obtained when the application is really thin that the particular surface to which it is utilized may easily be seen through the movie whilst it is wet. Typically the coating will dry out opaque, but 2 thin Coats gives better results than one thick coat. Painters Basking Ridge NJ is best for applying the wash. One need to not try to clean out the coating, as in using oil paint, yet simply spread the whitewash on since evenly and swiftly as you can. The principal ingredient in whitewash is lime substance. A satisfactory stick can be built with hydrated lime green, but better results are obtained by making use of quicklime substance which has been slaked together with enough water to make it relatively stiff. The lime green paste should get kept in some sort of loosely covered pot for at minimum several days. Eight gallons of hard lime paste could be made by slaking 25 lbs. of quicklime in twelve gallons of normal water, or by soaking 50 lbs. regarding hydrated lime throughout 6 gallons of water. After putting, the paste have to be strained by way of a fine screen to eliminate lumps or overseas matter. Whitewash may be made from various combinations of lime paste and some other ingredients. These two formulas are acceptable. The casein, which usually serves as the particular glue binder, needs to be soaked in a couple of gallons of hot water until thoroughly softened, which should become approximately two hours. Following dissolving the trisodium phosphate in a single gallon of normal water it should become included with the casein, stirring the blend before the casein dissolves. This solution ought to be combined with typically the lime paste plus 3 gallons regarding water. The salt and even alum must be dis-solved in 4 gallons of warm water, right after which the molasses may be included to the combination. The resulting clear solution is then simply added to the lime green paste, stirred strenuously, and thinned along with water to the desired consistency. This specific whitewash includes a discolored tinge when first of all applied, nevertheless the shade disappears a few weeks leaving a white motion picture. Another satisfactory whitewash can be manufactured by diluting a moderately heavy cold lime green paste (about 33 lbs. of hydrated lime and eight gallons of water) with 5 gallons of skim-milk. The area covered by a new gallon of whitewash is dependent upon the characteristics of the surface area, but ordinarily a new gallon will cover up about 225 sq. ft. on wooden, about 180 sq. ft. on brick, and about 270 sq. ft. upon plaster. The remedies mentioned will make from 10 in order to 14 gallons involving whitewash. If some sort of smaller quantity will be desired, the number of each ingredient ought to be decreased proportionately. STIPPLING Regardless of whether you desire the result of stippling (tiny paint dots) like a decorative effect, or perhaps if you have a wall which often has an uneven surface and a person feel you can hide the defect by stippling that, you may attempt result very basically. For stippling you need a special brush; get one which is flat, plus has short, hard bristles. The initial step is to be able to cover the area together with a coat associated with paint, using the regular paint remember to brush, or spray, or perhaps roller. Then, although the surface will be still wet, make dry stipple wash and energetically with short strokes commute the ends and also the bristles into the wet paint. End up being sure to not comb across. The actual result will be clusters associated with dots. Every several minutes wipe the brush with a cloth, to keep the bristle finishes clean and dry out. STENCILING You may well want designs about the walls, or perhaps on floors in addition to ceilings, in a few from the rooms or hallway. You might buy or help to make your own stencils, which should end up being on heavy document, stencil board, plastic, or metal. Steer clear of stencils made of lightweight paper that will find soaked when handled by wet fresh paint. Your paint dealer will suggest the best paint to work with, as it may depend quite a lot about the surface above which you need to set the stenciled models. Generally a big paint is applied, so that this will not likely spread below the stencil while you are using it. The stencil must be organised very firmly contrary to the surface with a singke hand, and the stencil brush worked more than it quickly using the other palm. Or, if an individual have an helper, it is best for one individual to help keep the stencil steady, while typically the other will the art work. In removing typically the stencil, make sure you pick it up with out smudging.
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I wanted to repaint my room and fix the cracks in the plaster, but there is 19th century calcimine under the newer layers. As I scrape everything off, the perverse imp in my psyche is telling me to save myself some scrubbing and use calcimine for the repaint. (This would also mean I could use lime plaster instead of patching the cracks with a different substance.) I would, however, be sure to leave a note for future residents telling them to wash it off and not paint over it. I am not a complete monster. So. Anyone know if you can still get calcimine paint? Google just tells me how to get rid of it. #renovation #calcimine #chalkpaint #limeplaster #wallrepair https://www.instagram.com/p/CNgY4r7gcpg/?igshid=1jktgxxwsayrn
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mijamija1234 · 4 years
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Daily life
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misfiterators · 4 days
misfiterators' OC masterpost
this is gonna get long, but I wanted a place to quick-reference all my rw ocs; which as-of-now includes 12 iterators and 5 slugcats (2 are not technically mine, but I have permission to use them)
as this is just for quick visual reference, I won't be including any info about personalities or abilities here, that stuff feels like it needs to be either in its own post or in context with lore
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this will be updated as I make better refs for everyone
MIDI - Memory In Dawn's Illumination "Dawn" (they/them) group senior text color: teal
scug: The Collector
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VP - Verdant Perceptions "Percy" (they/he) text color: medium green
scug: The Viridian
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EBJ - Ever Beckoning Joy "Joy" (they/she/he) text color: light pink
scug: The Calciminer
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[Calciminer belongs to @/starboundrinn]
AA - Ardent Abyss "Abyss" (He/Him) text color: blurple
scug: The Steward
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THE - Twine Hoops Entwined "Twine" (he/him) text color: yellow
scug: The Escort (not designed yet)
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[Escort belongs to @/starboundrinn]
BBF - Blinded By Frost "Frost" (he/they) previous group senior, dead text color: grey
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GE - Gilded Eternity "Gildie" (she/her) assistant group senior text color: purple
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NSSH - Nine Songs in Simple Harmony "Songs" (she/they) group senior text color: copper
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FCR - Four Chimes Repeating "Chimes" (she/her) text color: blue-white
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PIL - Patterns In Light "Light" (she/he) text color: lime
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GCS - Glass Chains Shattered "Glass" (they/she) text color: red
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CB - Clustered Brambles "Brambles" (it/they) text color: rust
[does not have a puppet]
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lofihipbot · 5 years
lofi hip hop beats to calcimine to
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