#To paint the town red
hi everyone . i lied about never opening commissions again . i am very money poor right now so if any of you have ever wanted me to draw something and want to give me money for it , heres your chance.
i am also open to price negotiating for sketch comms, nsfw, and backgrounds, so if you want to ask about that feel free.
i like to draw and am best at girls and women and lesbians . so for the best art experience keep that in mind . thank you (:
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^^^^^extra character design examples^^^^^
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militaryonline · 2 years
To paint the town red
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This game is similar to the original Scribblenauts. There are puzzles and riddles that you need to solve in order to get out. Escape RoomĮscape Room is a game where you are trying to escape from a room. Collect all the crayons before the timer runs out. Crayola ScootĬrayola Scoot is a game where you collect as many crayons as you can while avoiding obstacles. Create some items to solve different puzzles and get through the levels. In Scribblenauts, you can create any object you'd like and use it to solve puzzles. Here are some games with similar gameplay: 1. Martens, Technology of Paints, Varnishes, and Lacquers (1968).Paint The Town Red is a game where you play as a vigilante and try to clear out your city of drug dealers and maintain your reputation. Baked acrylic finishes have recently become popular for industrial products such as automobiles and appliances. Click the link for more information. in an organic solvent. Pyroxylin lacquers are made by dissolving pyroxylin in a mixture of volatile solvents and adding a plasticizer and a pigment or dye. It is used in lacquers, plastics, and artificial leathers. , partially nitrated cellulose (see nitrocellulose). The vehicle is commonly pyroxylin pyroxylin Industrial lacquers (widely used on automobiles and furniture) are valued for rapid drying to a hard finish. Click the link for more information. and usually dry to a hard, glossy finish. Homogeneous solution of gum or of natural or synthetic resins in oil (oil varnish) or in a volatile solvent (spirit varnish), which dries on exposure to air, forming a thin, hard, usually glossy film. Latex emulsion paint provides such excellent durability and color retention that it now dominates the paint market. For water paints, pigment is dissolved in a mixture of water with a binder such as glue or casein, or emulsified in a latex polymer. metallic salts that catalyze oxidation of the oil may be added to increase the rate of drying. It is made up of two principal components, an essential oil and a type of resin that is called rosin. Yellow to brown semifluid oleoresin exuded from the sapwood of pines, firs, and other conifers. These oils are diluted with a thinner, usually turpentine turpentine, Click the link for more information., castor oil, or tung oil. The raw oil extracted from the seeds by hydraulic pressure is pale in color and practically without taste or odor. Click the link for more information. such as linseed oil linseed oil,Īmber-colored, fatty oil extracted from the cotyledons and inner coats of the linseed. The common drying oils are cottonseed oil (see cotton), corn oil, soybean oil, tung oil, and linseed oil the first three oils mentioned are more properly called Oil paints are pigments dispersed in a drying oil drying oil,Īny of several natural oils which, when exposed to the air, oxidize to form a tough, elastic film. They may be manipulated to produce glossy, satin, or flat finishes. Pigments, finely ground, impart color (including black and white) and affect the consistency, crack resistance, and flow characteristics of paint. Industrial finishes are usually applied by spraying or immersion and are often hardened by baking. Paint is used to decorate or protect surfaces and is generally applied in thin coats which dry (by evaporation or by oxidation of the vehicle) to an adhesive film. Click the link for more information., portland cement paint, printing ink, calcimine, and whitewash. Quick-drying synthetic lacquers are used to coat automobiles, furniture, textiles, paper, and metalware. Solution of film-forming materials, natural or synthetic, usually applied as an ornamental or protective coating. Click the link for more information. and a binding medium, usually thinned with a solvent to form a liquid vehicle. In paint, the pigment is a powdered substance which, when mixed in the liquid vehicle, imparts color to a painted surface. Substance that imparts color to other materials.
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chucleclerc · 7 months
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the prince of monaco, the sun of maranello, il predestinato.
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gummi-ships · 1 year
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Kingdom Hearts - Halloween Town
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symphonysiren · 3 months
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I miss my wife, Tails.
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supershot73199 · 3 months
Hello I am back with the next of my Batfam react to Danny killing Joker story's. This one is set in the same au as my Dawn's Big Daddy story though i haven't decided if it will be canon to that story yet. Story under the read more.
There will be a bit of a graphic description in this one so gore warning here
Cass was simultaneously pissed and terrified. Not for herself of course but for her ballet students. The Joker and his thugs took the entire class and their parents hostage and with so many kids Cass knew trying to fight could result in dead children and she left her emergency beacon in her office changing room.
When the thugs finished taking them to the warehouse where the Jokers latest scheme would take place she, the kids and any mothers were taken to a massive cage where they were locked in, while any fathers were taken and had been handcuffed to chains connected to electronic winches, including her boyfriend Danny.
Normally Cass wouldn't be worried about her boyfriend as he was a excellent fighter and had a ghost form that was of a comparable power level to heroes like Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and of course Superman. However with the number of hostages he would not act rashly, instead waiting for an opportunity where he can act with minimal to no risk for the innocents.
But their captor was the Joker, an unhinged clown who enjoyed the pain of others and who was unpredictable enough to stump world class detectives like her family. He would not hesitate to torture or even kill one of the kids if he had the whim cross his mind and he had pretty good reflexes so it would be hard to guarantee no hostages would be in danger before they act.
Cass felt her rage and fear bleed out when she felt a small hand grab hers for comfort. Dawn was Danny's daughter, the light of his life, the single most important thing in his life, and honestly she was quickly becoming the same thing for Cass. Even though she loved Danny and he loved her they both knew that if it came down to a choice to save only one of them they would each save Dawn first. (Hypothetically at least. Cass knew they would just save both in reality because they were good enough to or would get backup that would allow them too.)
"I'm scared." Whispered the young girl. Cass quickly scooped her up in a hug before softly comforting her.
"It's OK Your Daddy is strong he won't let this clown hurt him or us."
"I know that. Daddys the strongest there is but what if one of my friends get hurt?" Cass couldn't stop the soft grin at the faith in her father that the little girl had.
"Because he's the strongest means he won't let anyone get hurt." Cass responded with conviction. Before Dawn gave a accepting nod.
"OK I believe in Daddy."
Before Cass could say anything else the Joker ordered his men out of the room as they finished handcuffing the last of the fathers. Danny was front and center and Cass couldn't help notice the look of defiance in his eyes. The Joker as soon as the last of his men had left to their guard positions turned on a camera before stepping back and speaking with his usual cheer.
"Hello Gotham, it's your favorite Clown Prince of Crime here and today I have some special guests with us today. You might recognize a few of them. Why it's none other the Bruce Wayne's only daughter and her pretty little boytoy!! They've been all over the news recently and in case you've been living under a rock recently they have been called Gothams cutest couple. So you just know I had to give them my congratulations."
As the Joker was monologing he picked up the camera and used it to focus on Danny and Cass respectively though Cass had put herself between Joker and Dawn, which gave the clown a sick pleasure, she could see it in his posture.
"Now as for our performance tonight we have a group of loving fathers and their beloved children and wives in our audience. Batsy here's what's going to happen, you and your brood are going to have to find my men hidden all around Gotham with cannisters of my Laughing Gas. When you find them my men will let me know and you will have sixty seconds to defeat my men and disable the release trigger, if you fail well..."
As the Joker trailed off he pressed a button that activated the winches pulling the men until they were all hanging off the floor without their feet touching the ground.
"I will kill one of these fathers infront of their wives and children, and don't even think about cheating because if my guys see you on this camera before their bombs been disabled they will trigger it remotely. Better hurry Batman I don't think shoulders can hold that much weight for very long!" The Joker let out a mad cackle before he was interrupted.
"So now your a gameshow host? I thought you were the clown prince of crime." Danny brave beautiful Danny taunted the Joker who stopped and walked closer.
"Well I'm a Clown of many talents and in my eternal quest to bring more smiles to Gotham I have to branch out from typical clown behavior." Cass could see the irritation in the Jokers body language, he hates being questioned after all.
"Still couldn't you have picked a different suit? You always wear the same thing. Variety is the spice of life after all." Danny continued to antagonize Joker.
The Joker stepped closer to Danny still not quite close enough for Danny's plan though.
"As if your one to talk. Look at you!" Cass wasn't sure what Joker meant by that as Danny was dressed in form fitting exercise clothes meant for dancing, as they had been about to have a class when the Joker showed up. Maybe he's jealous of Danny's muscles?
"I was kidnapped with no warning from a dance class, you had the benefit of planning this and having time to prepare. Admit it you just got lazy and didn't want to put in the effort to look good for your scheme." Danny once again acted to antagonize the clown. Who finally stepped right up to where Danny was hanging while ranting at him.
"How dare you claim I didn't put in the effort! My look is iconic and if you can't see greatness maybe I should use your daughter as an exam-urgk." The Joker was cut off and Danny swung his legs up to wrap them around the Jokers neck. Unfortunately the Jokers reflexes kicked in causing him to start ducking leaving Danny to have his thighs around the Jokers head rather than his neck. Thankfully the sudden jerk from Danny hitting the Joker caused him to drop the gun he had been pulling out of his coat.
Cass watched as the two struggled in a stalemate, Danny couldn't shift his legs enough to get them around the Jokers neck to choke him into unconsciousness and the Joker was unable to get free from Danny's vice like leg lock. Cass realized that unless her family showed up immediately then the Joker would eventually slip free and go after Dawn.
As she realized what had to happen Cass noticed as Danny's body language showed he came to the same conclusion. The couple shared a look of understanding. Cass would never have considered this before and if there was any other way she wouldn't be considering it now. But even with his powers there isn't really another solution as the Joker holds a grudge.
"Turn around class face away, even you Dawn." Cass said quickly acting to make sure the children didn't see what came next, the mothers and older students quickly following her lead.
"I'm scared momma." Cass started quickly bending down to hug Dawn again. Cass didn't think she realized what she actually said and in a way it made it more special to her, which filled her heart with love and resolve.
As soon as all the younger students were facing the wall Cass nodded to Danny who immediately shifted his legs one more time before Cass saw his muscles clench. There was a muffled sound where the Jokers mouth was pressed against Danny's thigh, that Cass couldn't tell if it was a laugh or scream. She watched as he clawed at Danny desperately trying to get loose until with a sickening crack and squelch he went limp, as his head was crushed between Danny's thighs like that watermelon Cass had crushed on a dare from Steph.
She looked on with disgust as pieces of the Jokers brain and skull stuck to the man she loved. The spray from the crush had covered Danny and she could see him struggling to not throw up.
"That might have been the hottest thing I've ever seen." Cass head snapped to the teenage girl who said that. Said girl quickly grew a massive blush.
"What? We were all thinking it. I wonder how long until someone makes a gif online from that livestream."
Cass blinked in bafflement as the other girls agreed even if they felt it shouldn't be said out lound to the girl before remembering that this was being broadcast live. Which meant all of Gotham saw what just happened.
It was only a little while later when her family finally showed up that she realized that Barbara and Jason would probably be two of the people making it into a gif and she couldn't help the sigh that escaped her. At least she got confirmation that the child she loved as her own daughter felt the same way about her.
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chet0 · 4 months
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Paint The Town Red
doja cat x once-ler I've been making a short film with this song for a while now, and I think this would be the cover, I don't know yet, I feel like it's on WIP
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providence-park · 1 year
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yourartur · 11 months
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How my demons look? 👹🩸
ig @ arthurshahverdyanart
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lunegrimm · 3 days
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To mix it up a bit for once for this #WerewolfWednesday a little series of paintings made for a client, back when I still made more semi-realistic paintings
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leclerc-s · 5 months
paint the town red - part thirteen
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series masterlist
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"LECLERC I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW-" tony was cut off by hurried steps. the steps came to a stop at the front of the door, bianca and charles stood silent, hoping it was cause tony to go away. they prayed to every deity out there that it wasn’t a paparazzi or a hotel staff member.
"what on earth are you doing?" pepper potts' voice is heard asking tony. the couple on the other side of the door let out a breath they didn't know they had been holding in.
bianca and charles turned to frantically find a way out of their current predicament. they were trying to figure out what on earth they're supposed to do next. charles turns to look at bianca, "what do we do?"
"how am i supposed to know? i've never been in this position before? do i sneak out the window? what do i do?" bianca frantically asked.
"do not sneak out the window," charles said, "we're thirty stories up!"
"i got kidnapped by obadiah stane when i was a kid. i can easily get to my room from here," bianca paused for a moment, "and we are way higher than thirty stories."
"we don't have time to unpack that right now," charles said, "am i potentially going to die right now?" bianca shrugged, "what do you mean you don't know?!"
"tony, calm down," pepper pleaded.
"ooh," a different voice is heard saying, probably harley, "you're dead tony," that had definitely been harley.
pepper is heard chuckling, "did you just yell at me?"
"no, i-" tony cuts himself off, "pepper, that- he- my baby."
"she is a grown woman anthony," pepper tells him.
"but he's a whore," tony rebutts, "my baby deserves better than that."
the door to charles hotel room opens, bianca and charles stand on the other side, both shocked. the ferrari team, tony, and pepper stand opposite of them. carlos looks close to tears from laughter, harley is holding him up, truly the only reason carlos hasn't collapsed. sebastian looks like he would rather be anywhere else then there, while isaiah looks constipated, but that could just be the hangover.
"i am not a whore," charles argues.
"anyone who dates my daughter is a whore unless proven otherwise," tony says nonchalantly, his gaze set on pepper. realization dawns on him, he slowly turns to look at charles, the monegasque freezes, "you."
tony launches himself at charles, before sebastian jumps to grab him, isaiah helping him. bianca pushes charles behind her, carlos and harley being no help. peter is simply watching the situation with wide eyes, while pepper rushes to pull her phone out, calling someone.
"dad," bianca begins, "think very wisely about what you're about to do."
"oh, i am thinking," tony says, "i'm thinking that i should be asking f.r.i.d.a.y. to bring my suit. i'm about to murder that- that- twink!"
"twink?" charles questions, cocking his head to the side, "what is a twink?"
harley snorts, "tony, you can't go around calling people twinks."
"sure i can!" tony argues, "he's a twink whore who defiled my baby!"
the sound of the elevator opening is heard, several footsteps come running down the hallway. the sight of tony being held back by sebastian and isaiah send bucky and sam into a fit of laughter. steve smacks both of their heads, causing them to calm down. with them are also yelena, natasha, and joaquin.
"great!" tony says spotting steve and bucky, "bucky, can i borrow your metal arm?"
bucky stares at tony, before staring back down at his arm, “i’m afraid to say yes. what are you going to do with it?”
tony turned to glare at charles, who is still partially hidden by bianca, “i’m about to pulverize a twink.”
sam quickly realizes what’s going on, “LECLERC! IT’S LECLERC?! OH I JUST LOST SO MUCH MONEY!”
joaquin laughs loudly, “I JUST WON SO MUCH MONEY!”
“i’m not giving you my arm so you can kill your 1st driver. i have been apart of enough murders against my will, ferrari’s golden boy will not be added to that list. i already have a president on that list.”
“you people have a so many issues,” isaiah muttered, before pausing, processing what bucky had said, "you killed a president?" bucky winked at him and isaiah began wondering which president it could’ve been.
“do you maybe think, you’re overreacting tony?” steve questioned, “it’s charles. you like charles.”
“i liked him better when he wasn’t sleeping with my daughter!” tony shouted.
“who said we’re sleeping together?!” bianca questioned.
“you two were in the same hotel room,” sam pointed out. bianca glared at him, “because we were drunk samuel! people who are dating take care of each other!”
“i would never do anything-” charles began but was cut off by pepper glaring at her husband, “since when do you believe a thing an osborn says?”
“this is not something that should be happening in the middle of a hotel hallway,” sebastian said, “maybe we could head inside?”
“yelena stop giving everyone a play by play! put the phone away!” natasha scolded as they headed inside charles’ hotel room. yelena scoffed, “the people deserve to know.”
suddenly the elevator dinged, alerting them to the presence of more people arriving soon. everyone froze, waiting to see who it would be. clint, alex, kate, lando, max, america, scott, and george all ran out of the elevator.
“don’t kill him!” lando pleaded, “he is but a man in love!”
“kill him,” max argued, “that puts him out of contention!”
“i can’t believe you would stoop so low verstappen,” kate muttered.
“oh shut up,” max argued, “you said you would enjoy watching charles get beat up by an old man pushing 70.”
“HOW OLD DO YOU THINK I AM?!” tony shouted.
“old enough to live through the great depression?” america tried.
everyone stifled their laughter as tony made a sound of disapproval. tony turned to glare at charles, “i know you’re not laughing twink.”
“stop calling him a twink!” harley scolded the older man. tony rolled his eyes. bianca smiled politely at her dad, tony shook his head, “don’t give me that smile.”
“dad,” bianca tried, tony cut her off, “a driver? you just had to date a driver? you couldn’t go for an engineer or something? what about isaiah? he’s a great guy!”
“dad,” bianca tried again, tony once again ignored his daughter, "i mean seriously, anyone would've been better than my driver! you couldn't have picked like oscar? or logan? hell, i would've settled for max."
"i have a girlfriend," max pointed out. tony waved him off too, "or you could've gone for fernando. maybe jenson? or mick? or even lewis!"
"i'm pregnant!" bianca shouted. the room fell silent, before it exploded into a flurry of words and emotions, "i'm actually not but no will listen to me!"
"i'm about to die and you're making jokes?!" charles questioned, running around the room, being chased by tony, "i'm going to kill that monegasque twink!"
"why is he calling him a twink?" america asked, no one answered her question, being to occupied with trying to separate tony and charles. tony, who was currently trying to smother charles with a pillow while charles was trying to carefully throw tony off of him. carlos and harley were still in a corner of the room laughing as tears streamed down their faces.
"ANTHONY EDWARD STARK!" pepper shouted, causing the room to fall silent again, the only sound being carlos and harley's giggles. pepper marched towards tony, prying him off of charles, "you will leave that boy alone, sit down, and listen to what your daughter has to say," she turned to look at the crowd in the room, "as for the rest of you, all of you will get out!"
the small army that had been gathered in charles' hotel room quickly ran out, all of them pushing each other to try and get out of the room faster. pepper approached charles and helped him stand up, she quietly led him out of the room as tony sat on the couch.
charles stopped at the door turning around to stare at bianca, before turning to look at pepper, "will she be okay? he won't- he won't hate her, will he? for being with me?"
"oh," pepper quickly realised, "oh no, he won't hate her. tony's just- he has a flair for the dramatic. when it comes to any of his children he's quite over protective," she led charles out of the room without him realising it, "you should've seen him when he found out peter was dating mj."
the father and daughter duo sat quietly, one on the bed and the other on the couch. tony finally turned to look at his daughter, "why him? i don't mean why a driver, why charles? you could have anyone els-"
"i don't want anyone else," bianca cut her father off, "i'm happy with charles."
"bianca, it's charles."
"that's exactly why i want him, because it's charles!" bianca shouted at her father, "the same charles who texts me good morning and good night every day. the same charles who has memorized my coffee order, no matter how complicated it is. the same charles who begs for just a few more minutes of enzo’s cuddles with a giant pout on his face. the same charles who’s been asking me for weeks to tell you about us because he thinks i'm ashamed of him!"
“so why didn’t you?”
“because once i tell you that makes it real and when things are real people get hurt. i don’t want to get hurt, not again.”
“oh tesoro,” tony softly said, rushing to hug his daughter. bianca wrapped her hands around her father, crying as she told her father, “i don’t want to get hurt again.”
they sat there for what felt like hours, but was only minutes, "are you ashamed of him?" tony whispered.
"no dad, i think i love him."
"you think or you know?" tony questioned, "because if you think i'll give him crap for the longest time but if you know, i might learn to accept it. of course, i will give crap sometimes."
bianca looked up at her dad, eyes wide, tears falling from her eyes. tony swore she looked so much like the little girl she once was. the same little girl who cried when she accidentally crushed a worm or who cried watching marley and me. bianca always wore her heart on her sleeve but this it was difficult what she felt.
"oh," bianca whispered, "oh. dad i love him."
"and what are you going to do about it?"
"buy him a dog."
"what?" tony asked, "why would you get him a dog?"
"that's not important dad!"
"okay fine, get him the dog."
"dad," bianca said grabbing her dad's face, "i'm in love, be happier for me!"
"i'm happy for you, but i will pulverize that twink if he ever hurts you."
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when i get my hands on you, you're fucking dead osborn.
is that a threat stark? i don't think daddy dearest would love to learn through the media that you're threatening me.
oh i bet you would just love that. but i know how to make you disappear osborn, you're own father would never even question it. don't fucking contact my father ever again.
maybe i should show charles what a psychotic bitch you are
that's psychotic to you? personally i would think it's the giant purple space man who loved shiny rocks but to each their own 🤷🏻‍♂️ - charles
you're both insane and you deserve each other.
bisous 😘 - charles
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daniel ricciardo is he still alive? or did he get killed by tony stark?
lando norris as much as kate would've loved to see that, he's still alive.
max verstappen well as far as we know. when we left the room and he was still alive.
alex albon not pulverized but he did get called twink repeatedly. oscar piastri charles got called twink by tony stark? lando norris it was honestly hilarious.
charles leclerc i lived bitches!
charles leclerc thanks for having fucking confidence in me.
charles leclerc i can still hear you laughing carlos.
carlos sainz the highlight of my career
carlos sainz this was better than winning my home race.
george russell okay as hilarious as it was it wasn't that funny. carlos sainz george you don't get to have an opinion. shut up.
max verstappen it was pretty funny.
alex albon okay, twink, shut up. it was hilarious.
logan sargeant imagine getting beat up by a man in a coca cola suit.
lando norris why the hell does he get to make fun of the avengers?
logan sargeant I'M AMERICAN BITCHES!!
logan sargeant except for natasha and wanda. i'm actually terrified of them. and nick fury. they are very scary.
oscar piastri he gets special privileges because he's american.
daniel ricciardo i think the avengers might cry when logan gets a podium.
logan sargeant you bitches wish you could be supported by the avengers.
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peter parker i didn't know.
harley keener okay, in my defense, she said she would take my lab privileges away and you know how sacred those are to me.
isaiah atkins i just wanted to know how far those two would take it. same goes for seb.
carlos sainz it was funny to watch them scramble each times someone asked who they were dating.
ollie bearman harley kept dropping hints and i put the piece together
arthur leclerc i wanted to see my brother get pulverized by iron man.
sebastian vettel you told me, and i quote, ‘i don’t need her to tell me who it is, i’ll figure it out on my own. i’m a genius like that.’ so i didn’t tell you.
sebastian vettel you can only blame yourself for this anthony.
charles leclerc is this a safe space?
tony stark go away you twink.
isaiah atkins tony, you can't call him a twink.
tony stark i can in private. in public it's a different matter.
charles leclerc listen. i can deal with him calling me a twink.
bianca stark-potts father you will be nice to him or so help me i will tell mom.
ollie bearman does this make me their child??
arthur leclerc tony's going to kill him now because he's a grandpa.
harley keener tony, there had to be a reason enzo loved him so much.
sebastian vettel clearly you're not as smart as you thought you were.
tony stark i can still fire you sebastian.
isaiah atkins do you know how many italians and tifosi you would piss off if that were to happen?
carlos sainz i'd quit.
charles leclerc so would i.
tony stark i could care less about you charles. bianca stark-potts dad. tony stark i mean, oh no charles, what would i do if my 1st driver left the team?
isaiah atkins i should've gone to mercedes when i had the chance.
isaiah atkins THIS PLACE IS HELL! T
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sam wilson of course she had to go for the silly little monegasque man.
queen shuri and how exactly did you people figure it out?
america chavez osborn told tony, who caused a scene at the hotel.
tony stark i did not cause a scene...
harley keener you called him a twink repeatedly. and threatened to bust out the suit to pulverize him.
scott lang honestly the signs were all there, it's on us if we didn't put them together.
bucky barnes the best part was when bianca nearly gave tony a heart attack by declaring that she was pregnant
tony stark that was not funny barnes
bianca stark-potts oh but the look on your face was hilarious.
america chavez i got excited i thought i was going to be a godmother.
wanda maximoff if anything i would be godmother.
peter parker well who gets to be godfather. it's me right?
kate bishop they have children what are you people talking about?
yelena belova she is clearly talking about enzo and oliver. they are bianca and charles children.
harley keener funny, ollie said the same thing earlier.
bianca stark-potts add anthony jr to the list.
joaquin torres wait, are you actually pregnant?
bianca stark-potts look it's anthony jr!
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tony stark what kind of ugly rat is that?
natasha romanoff aww he's adorable. is he for charles?
peter parker should i be getting my girlfriend a dog?
wanda maximoff she's an mit college student living on campus. a dog is not a good idea. peter parker oh, maybe a snake or spider is a a better idea. carol danvers do we need to remind you of what happened the last time you were near a spider?
cassie lang OH CAN I GET A DOG??
hope van dyne NO! scott lang no freakin' way. cassie lang booo!!
harley keener please tell me you were able to convince charles to name the dog anthony jr.
bianca stark-potts i haven't given the puppy to him yet, but i will try my hardest to get him to name the puppy anthony jr just to piss off my dad.
tony stark this is why i'll never like your boyfriend
steve rogers he's leading the championship and he is part of the reason why ferrari is constructor's champion. cut the guy some slack.
yelena belova so who won the bet?
wanda maximoff joaquin.
sam wilson he's never going to let this go. ever.
bucky barnes oh good. and i have a mission with him next week. i'm going to suffer.
america chavez i just don't think it's unfair that i wasn't allowed to bet
riri williams you knew who it was! america chavez i still would've loved to win some money riri!
stephen strange this. this is my personal hell.
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may parker so tony finally figured out who bianca was dating?
happy hogan i didn't know james rhodes i didn't think she was dating charles. i was confident it was lando. peter parker i also didn't know.
may parker what gave it away was the monaco post.
pepper potts tony, he's exactly her type. i don't know how you didn't see this coming from the start. tony stark I DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD HAPPEN!
bianca stark-potts dad, you said you would stop being so dramatic.
tony stark i said i wouldn't give charles anymore shit. i never agreed to stop being dramatic.
tony stark my oldest daughter is dating a driver. i'm allowed to be dramatic.
harley keener that was the highlight of my day. best choice i've ever made working for ferrari.
harley keener i've never seen tony turn that shade of red. it was glorious.
tony stark i'm telling nebula.
tony stark i can be a dick to him all i want and no one can complain.
pepper potts anthony stark, you will be nice to that boy or so help me.
pepper potts he's a good kid and it could literally be worse. so please. shut up about it already.
tony stark but pepper
pepper potts anthony, that boy was terrified you would be upset with bianca for dating him. as i said, he's a good kid, stop worrying.
may parker well, i managed to get time off for texas so i expect to meet the boy there.
james rhodes pepper's right, it could be worse, she could be back with harry.
happy hogan you do realize this is the exact reason she never told you.
tony stark all of you are against me.
bianca stark-potts you're so dramatic dad. this is why i didn't tell you in the first place.
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i may have done something rash and i need your help.
once, again. i am not helping you hide harry's body if you've killed him. i wouldn't survive in jail.
he's still alive.
okay, so what did you do? and does it involve anything illegal?
why do you automatically assume i did something illegal? i can do things legally!
well did you do something illegal? also, i’ve met harley
well between us harley is the idiot not me. he’s the one who decided it was a genius idea to send peter after the former us president.
bianca, what did you do?
i got another dog. he's so little that i'm afraid enzo might crush him.
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mon chou, he's adorable but what does that have to do with me?
do you want him? if you can't then i'll give him to someone else or even morgan.
she's been asking dad for a dog. apparently the llamas aren't enough for her. it also doesn't help that kate has pizza dog.
kate named her dog pizza dog?
his name is lucky but he loves pizza so we call him pizza dog.
okay, here's the truth, he was originally he was for you but i chickened out so i told you a lie.
oh mon dieu. i get a puppy??
oh i could seriously tell you i love you right about now.
do it.
i dare you.
i will. i swear.
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liked by biancastark_potts, michellejones, cassie_lang and others
charles_leclerc the best present i could ever receive.
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username now who gave you that dog mr.eclair?
↳ username i think the better question is who's hand is that mr. eclair?
username HE'S A DOG DAD GUYS!!
maxverstappen1 cats are still better. make sure your girlfriend knows that.
↳ charles_leclerc she wants me to let you know that you're wrong. she's ready to fight you.
↳ maxverstappen1 tell her we'll settle this on the track in baku.
username oh how cute 🥰
username charles leclerc becoming a dog dad in 2024 was not on my bingo card but it is so fucking adorable.
harryosborn hmm. seems familiar
↳ biancastark_potts i will fucking drop kick you osborn.
↳ peterparker i will tie you to the red bull garage. i learned that threat from isaiah!
↳ harleykeener i will send the cavalry after you bitch. fuck off.
cassie_lang oh do tell what is the adorable pooch's name.
↳ charles_leclerc undecided, it's all depending on how much i want to live.
↳ tonystark leclerc i swear to god.
landonorris you win the constructors championship and your girlfriend gets you a dog. it's not fair, i want a dog.
↳ alex_albon then go adopt one lando
↳ landonorris it's not the same alex.
michellejones i've been informed of what the calvary planned. i vote you name him leo anthony, to upset tony.
↳ charles_leclerc it's not like he can kill me without being the main suspect. leo anthony it is.
↳ joaquintorres THE CALVARY WINS!
↳ tonystark if charles goes missing, it wasn't me.
↳ pepperpotts anthony. behave.
↳ tonystark yes ma'am
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series taglist: @burningcupcakefire @spilled-coffee-cup @evans-dejong @elliegrey2803 @bingewatche @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @ironspdy @mypage-myfandoms @be-your-coffee-pot @vellicora @enchantedthoughts @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @embrosegraves @justtprachisblog @bionic-donut @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @int3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @skynel09 @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @chiliwhore @nothaqks @nataliambc @prongsvault @georgeparisole @kailyn-g05 @bella-1 @butterfly-lover @emilyval1 @winchesterwife27 @namgification @octopussesarecool @jensonsonlybutton
click here to be added to the paint the town red taglist
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i love just randomly throwing in taylor swift references.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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idkkkkkkk some fucking metal broad , named doris. theres 2 of her
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lovestereo · 1 year
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calciferstims · 3 months
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day 2 of @deadboystims’s 300 follower event
a board based on your favorite song/album!
I already made a board based on my favorite album here so I decided to base this on “paint the town red” instead :)
sources: 💋💋💋 | 🩸🥀🩸 | 💋💋💋
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simphic · 1 year
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Luna Hestia & Yassah Orji for Vogue France as "The Virgin and The Siren." The Resurgence of Sex Sirens w/ Mirror Palais Angels!
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alicentsultana · 5 months
"I’m sorry, but if I was in Viserys’ position and had half andal children, I’d ignore them too."
Awn, and who's gonna tell baby girl about the half-andal bastard grandchildren?
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