#cale henituse x slacker life
grumpywiltedlettuce · 4 months
I’m on a reread of tcf so expect more lists soon. This is mostly for myself but have it anyways. I’m just past chapter 200 on the reread so the attack with the northern alliance is underway.
TCF TL/PR notes that made me lol
29 Cat washing face reference
1. Something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J_Bl9f-MTA
50 About Toonka (TL: Yet he got shipwrecked…clearly didn’t survive the sea…(PR: Perservering = Survival)
51 ( It’s a small boat that requires oars but has rooms and windows?! o.O )
57 “That’s enough thanks. If you thank me anymore, it will not feel genuine. Same thing with the apology.”
“Got it. Thank you very much.” ( (PR: You had one job.) )
59 Cale could see the still flawless Violan’s eyes turning chilly. ( :O If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this is Beacrox’s mom! )
59 “Yes, daddy.” ( I’m sorry, I just had to. It was the perfect opportunity. )
59 ( … The Henituse family is the Night’s Watch … )
68 Cale knew how Shickler had domesticated the troublemaker Archie. He beat him up. He beat up him so much that the entire ocean seemed to be filled with dust. He really beat him to a pulp while saying that a beating was the best medicine for a troublemaker. ( (PR: I pity Witira and Paseton.) TL: You mean envy. You like the pain as a masochist… )
71 Toonka got up while staggering to the side. At that moment, Cale could hear Raon’s serious voice.
– …Why is he laughing after getting hit? Does he enjoy getting hit? ( Our PR’s masochistic friend. (PR: I’m innocent I swear.) )
74 about Mueller ( (PR: I originally felt pity. Now I am thinking that we can do without one more mage.) )
76 ( (PR: Raon is a yandere…) )
110 Cale looked odd as he suddenly stopped laughing and stoically stood there. A path of silver coins was shining on top of the boiling lava. That silver light meshed well with the red-haired Cale.
“Weak human.”
“Let me know if you don’t have enough! I am willing to give you my piggy bank!” ((PR: IT’S ADORABLE.) ) …
The king of rocks, the Giant Cobblestone that is known as the, ‘Super Rock,’ is in the land of boulders. (Really wanted to call it Dwayne Johnson )
112 Cale could see an old Elf with white hair and beard walking toward them. It was the Elf Chief. However, unfortunately, he did not have time to greet her. (I double checked the raw and it does indeed say beard but it is a woman )
114 The group all looked toward Cale at Ron’s question. He had fainted after coughing up blood. They knew that Cale was a good person who really liked to help others, but they also knew that Cale did not enjoy moving around and getting hurt. (Pfft, you’ve all been scammed to believe he’s a good person! (PR: I mean, he COULD have just ignored the Elves’ plight…) )
118 “Just what are you selling to the Whipper Kingdom that Alberu keeps laughing for no reason when he is alone?”
“… His highness keeps laughing when he is alone?” ((PR: Cale broke him.) )
129 Hannah let out a quiet chuckle. Although her poisoned body was still in pain, she was now full of vitality. Cale gently asked Hannah, who seemed to be imagining the opportunity to get her revenge. (Cale just collects people who want revenge. )
135 He could see that Tasha was looking at him with warm eyes and that the black robe was coming toward him. (Author references Mary as black robe frequently because that’s all you can see. (PR: And I hate it.) )
142 “It has been wonderful having Cage-nim here. If it is okay with you, young master-nim, I hope that Miss Cage can stay here longer.” (Went from Cage-nim to Miss Cage in one breath. New ship? Poor Taylor. )
148 ‘It’s not a matter of if I will be fine or not. I don’t think I’ll be able to differentiate. Once I start to see blood, I can’t stop myself from killing anything in front of me.’ ((PR: Hannah was the one who said that a sea of blood would be beautiful. I don’t think her blood addiction is as bad as Redika, but she definitely still has a blood addiction. Why is everyone in this novel a sadist?) )
151 The Count nodded his head multiple time as he answered.
There was a different kind of smile on his face now. Raon, who was watching the father-son duo chat while remaining invisible, started to speak into Cale’s mind.
– Human, the Count is smiling like you do when you are scamming people! It is amazing! It is very similar! ((PR: I wonder what Deruth’s young scamming years were like…) )
158 “Was it you?”
“What are you talking about, your highness?”
Alberu was certain after seeing Cale eating a cookie with an expression that seemed to be saying, ‘I know nothing.’
“It was you.”
“What was?”
“What did you do to the Vatican?”
Cale started to smile as he bit down on the cookie. ((PR: Cale is an innocent lil child.) )
‘That knight is originally from the slums.’
‘Apparently, he grew up with poor parents and many siblings, but his good character made him popular with the people in the slums and the general public. They call him a Dragon from the river. (This is an idiom for something rare. You wouldn’t normally find a Dragon coming out of a river. (PR: A-Are dragons common in other places then?) )
Alberu shocked to find out choi han is a sword master ((PR: Oh if only he knew Cale’s party’s full strength…) )
160 Huten and Metelona. ((PR: Their names sound like pokemon.) )
164 Cale ~must~ go home and spend the new year with his family ((TL: such a good boy.))
172 “Just one of the many average people.” ((TL: Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-man.) )
174 Cale quickly understood what Hong was trying to say. ((PR: I can’t even read lips, but young master Silver Light can understand animals!) )
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redflamemoon · 1 year
My otp is Cale × Slacker Life. I mean, have you ever noticed its development and quimic? I have to admit that is a kind of fanon, we all see the unrequited love Cale has. That's exactly WHY I love it a lot. Sometimes, it seems that they are going to be together, but then their love is impossible again. The tragedy of this romance is bigger than Romeo & Juliet, tbh.
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wanderershu · 1 year
kim roksoo really thought that he can achieve a slacker life. I am in chapter 300s currently and I pity him already. As Eruhaben stated before, what an unlucky bastard.
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hajidumps · 2 years
creating a manifesting circle for cale and his slacker life
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d10nsaint · 1 year
-> Kim Dokja & Cale Henituse with a reincarnated! reader
saintspeaks;“I SLITHERED HERE FROM EDEN JUST TO SIT OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR”-Hozier. JAIDJSKADJ I LOVE THIS SONF OMFG. Also, the ‘you’ in the Kim Dokja x reader only read twsa, but the ‘you’ in the Cale x reader read tcf.
Kim Dokja
A reader of TWSA is all you were — well, one of the two committed readers. You werent supposed to read it, in fact, you stumbled apon it on a sad friday night. But when you met Kim Dokja, the lone reader, you realized why you were never supposed to touch that story.
You’d only survived this far because you binge-read the chapters, and had your handy phone with a save file of the story!
You were living quite comfortably in the apocalypse, traveling alone because you couldnt commit to a group. You knew that the moment that danger came towards you and the group you’d abandon them, so traveling alone was the best option.
Until you were traveling in the underground subway and came across Yoo Junghyuk— the main character himself.
The only thing that happened between you two was a harsh glare met with ice-cold eyes in response.
The only thing that you were thinking was, ‘you dont scare me, bitch.’
And he just stormed off.
You hadnt thought much of the encounter—in fact, you never wanted to meet him again. But, of course, fate just had to have you two cross paths again. But, this time he had a companion with him.
And lord, was he the most handsome man you’d ever seen— even though you could barely make out his facial features.
But he’d never been in the novel. An he seemed just as surprised by your appearance too — because you didn’t have a sponsor, and you’re too strong and seem too knowledgeable for an average person.
The idea of you being the other reader lingers in his mind— but he quickly dismissed the thought as he kept walking past you, following Yoo Junghyuk.
Cale Henituse
You were a normal girl who reincarnated into a noble Lady from a small kingdom in the Western Continent. Since you reincarnated into such a small kingdom, you had no reason to change the story unless it came charging at you.
…and it did.
You visited Lady Amiru in the Ubarr territory.(bad idea number 1)
The moment you started talking to her about using a boat to sail at night, a wolf-looking guy came charging at you, screaming about smelling ‘strong’. You’d never done any training or fighting, and only acted like how a normal noble lady should in these kinds of stories. But, you realized he wasnt looking at you, but behind you. And guess who was behind you?
Cale Henituse—who was hiding behind a rock????
You’d recently been reincarnated so you didnt know much, but what you did know was that some things had changed. One of those things? Cale Himself.
You avoided the Henituse house like the plague— if you got too close to Cale, you’d get tangled up in the story, and you couldnt have that. Excusing yourself the moment you saw the fiery red hair, you ran off of the sandy beach to the room lady Amiru let you use during your stay.
Cale was extremely confused—who the hell were you? why were you here? did you know about the ancient powers? Why did you need a boat?
He let out a deep sigh, wondering why he just keeps walking into trouble—he could just feel you being another wall between him and his slacker life.
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sillydestiny · 7 months
Hello haruhi! I'm new to your blog but I absolutely love your posts! My fav is the cale henituse fic "losing you" 😭
Seeing as your requests are open I was thinking if I could request a pinning! cale x f!reader. I don't know how much info/detail I should put into this but I had something around the idea of him just realizing he's in love with the reader with her being his closest confidant and always taking care of him and making sure he's alright! Maybe something cute and fluffy? A dash of angst if you feel like it?
I hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night!🤗
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Blossoms of the Heart
Cale Henituse x Reader
2.2k words / fluff
The plaza terror incident had left chaos in its wake, but amidst the panic, Cale found an unexpected ally. As the boomers threatened to wreak havoc, a mysterious figure, concealed in a hood, used magic to shield the three boomers from causing further damage. Raon, the magical being accompanying Cale, was quick to sense this assistance.
"Human, human, there's also someone casting another magic! It's a magic barrier!" Raon's words echoed in Cale's mind, stirring his curiosity and concern.
With the information from Raon, Cale's mind raced
As the boomers were finally safe, Cale found himself coughing up blood, a sight that alarmed those around him. Unfazed, he assured them he was fine, typical of his nonchalant attitude towards his own well-being. Raon continued to communicate with Cale, revealing the figure who had aided them—a person who wore a hood that concealed their identity.
Cale's gaze swept the crowd as Raon's words lingered in his mind. Then, he spotted a figure, shrouded in a hood. A powerful gust of wind suddenly blew, causing the hood to fall, revealing a person of surprising strength and beauty. Cale, who rarely cared about appearances, couldn't help but notice the figure's attractiveness – pale skin, silky hair – a beauty that stood out even in the midst of chaos.
Raon, too, sensed the identity of the helper. "Human, that's him! That's the one who helped us earlier," Raon exclaimed in Cale's mind.
However, the mysterious figure swiftly retreated, as if aware of Cale's gaze. The fleeting encounter left Cale intrigued, and he turned his attention back to Taylor and the others who were still in a state of panic.
In a silent exchange with Choi Han, Cale conveyed his intention for Choi Han to investigate the mysterious helper. As Choi Han left to follow the figure, Cale couldn't shake the feeling that the person knew something crucial about the situation
Later, after Choi Han successfully caught up with you, Cale finally had the opportunity to speak with you. The conversation unfolded, revealing that you, too, were in a similar situation—a transmigrator who fell asleep while reading a novel and woke up in this bewildering world.
Your words struck a chord with Cale as you explained, "Would you believe me if I said that I know because I read it in a novel before waking up here?" The revelation resonated deeply with Cale, who had experienced a similar phenomenon himself.
The air between Cale and the reader crackled with the weight of their shared experiences. Cale, contemplating the newfound revelation of another transmigrator, felt a strange connection forming between them. The realization that Kim Rok Soo, the man inhabiting Cale's body in another world, might be experiencing the same disorienting journey struck Cale with an uncanny sense of solidarity.
Amidst the conversation, Cale couldn't help but be intrigued by the dreams each harbored. When he asked the reader about their aspirations, the answer echoed with a simple desire for a normal and peaceful life. Cale, usually a proponent of a slacker lifestyle, found himself drawn to the similarities in their dreams.
As the reader calmly expressed their wish for a tranquil existence, Cale's mind raced with thoughts. He saw an opportunity, a mutually beneficial arrangement that could aid them both in navigating the challenges of this new world. Cale proposed a deal, the terms of which would be set by him, and the reader, composed and sipping tea, listened intently.
"What kind of deal?" the reader inquired, setting down their tea with a focused gaze.
Cale, his face stoic, laid out the terms. "You will be by my side in any situation that includes the plot."
The reader, adjusting their hair, responded with a calm acceptance, but with a condition of their own. "The terms of the deal can be set by you. I want one thing."
Cale, intrigued, asked, "What do you want in exchange?"
The reader's answer was simple yet profound. "Money."
Cale agreed to the deal without hesitation, recognizing the reader's strength in using magic. "You will accompany me, and in return, you'll receive financial support."
Little did he know that the reader, while reading "Birth of a Hero," had also delved into another novel— "The Trash of the Count's Family," featuring the main character, Cale Henituse. The reader kept this information to themselves, 
The reader kept this information to herself, knowing that revealing it might stir unintended consequences. Cale, after all, had strong opinions about being a main character, and she wasn't ready to disrupt the narrative in such a fundamental way.
As the deal was solidified, the reader couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. While she had desired a normal and peaceful life, the impending wars and conflicts on the horizon threatened to shatter that dream. With a sigh, she accepted the reality that her life in this new world would be more chaotic than anticipated.
"Well, I guess my life will be more chaotic as usual,"
Months and years had passed since the peculiar alliance between Cale Henituse and the reader began. Over this time, the reader had seamlessly integrated into Cale's world, becoming an unwavering presence by his side, supporting him in his endeavors and contributing her strategic acumen to their shared plans. The initial transactional nature of their partnership had evolved into a genuine camaraderie.
Within the past month, the reader had not only proven herself as a reliable ally but had also formed close bonds with Choi Han, Lock, and especially Rosalyn. The shared affinity for magic had quickly united the reader and Rosalyn, leading to collaborative experiments and the exchange of ideas. Their friendship grew rapidly, becoming a testament to the connections forged in the midst of their shared adventures.
A remarkable development occurred in the reader's relationship with the children—Hong, On, and Raon. At first, the trauma they carried made it difficult for them to approach the reader. However, displaying an understanding heart, the reader patiently broke through those barriers. Over time, she became a motherly figure to them, offering midnight snacks, gentle pets, and unwavering care. The children, once distant, now adored her, finding joy in just catching a glimpse of her figure.
While the reader's interactions with Cale were primarily bound by the terms of their agreement, a subtle undercurrent of something deeper began to flow. Cale, ever the pragmatic strategist, valued the reader for her calm demeanor and insightful contributions. As their alliance unfolded, he couldn't help but acknowledge the reliability and resourcefulness she brought to the table.
During moments of peril, when Cale overexerted his ancient power, the reader's concern for him was palpable. Despite knowing about the Vitality of the Heart that kept Cale safe, her worry was genuine, and Cale, in his own way, appreciated the sentiment.
Cale saw you as reliable ally you always calm and strategic mind when giving a plan or opinion to his plan and conaidering both of similar situation waking up to this world because of novel
interactions often revolved around shared goals and common enemies, where the reader's strategic mind proved invaluable to Cale's schemes. As plans unfolded and dangers loomed, Cale couldn't help but appreciate the reader's intellect and resourcefulness. Yet, amidst the chaos, the thought of a deeper connection lingered in the background, unnoticed by both parties.
Cale trust you.
As the months passed, a subtle transformation took hold of Cale Henituse, a man known for his nonchalant demeanor. Emotions, once foreign to him, began to bloom in the quiet corners of his heart. It was a strange yet exhilarating experience, one that he couldn't quite put into words. The presence of the reader seemed to be the catalyst, stirring a spectrum of feelings within him.
There were moments when Cale couldn't escape the fluttering sensation in his chest, especially when met with the warmth of your smile or the melodious notes of your laughter. The concern mirrored in your eyes during his darker hours resonated deeply with him. The reader, unbeknownst to themselves, had become more than just an ally; they were Cale's closest confidant, a pillar of support in the unpredictable landscape of his tumultuous life.
In the quieter moments, Cale found himself drawn to the reader's presence. There was an unspoken understanding, a connection that transcended the need for words. The reader possessed an innate ability to read him, to sense his unspoken thoughts and emotions. Their reassuring presence became a balm for his troubled soul.
Stolen glances became a regular occurrence, moments when Cale's gaze lingered a beat longer than usual, absorbing the details of your presence. The well-practiced facade of indifference crumbled during these stolen moments, revealing a softness that betrayed the depth of his emotions. Cale couldn't deny the warmth that enveloped him whenever you were around. It went beyond friendship, evolving into something deeper that he hadn't allowed himself to acknowledge until now.
Choi Han, Rosalyn, Ron, Raon, and the rest of the group began to notice the subtle changes in Cale's behavior. Choi Han, always observant, caught onto the small gestures first. Thoughtful gifts and considerate gestures, once foreign to Cale, became a silent expression of affection. Trinkets were discreetly slipped into the reader's possession, each one a carefully chosen token of his feelings.
Raon, Hong, and On, with their keen perception, also picked up on the shifts. They noticed the softening of Cale's eyes whenever the reader smiled, and the three little creatures couldn't help but share knowing glances amongst themselves.
The rest of the group observed the transformation in Cale's body language. Casual touches and lingering glances, the unconscious following of the reader's movements in a crowded room — all spoke volumes. Even Hans, the ever-discerning butler, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the newfound tenderness in Cale's interactions.
However, amidst all these observations and changes in Cale, the reader remained oblivious to the subtle transformation. The reader, focused on supporting Cale and navigating the challenges they faced, was unaware of the storm of emotions brewing in the young master's heart
Days later, Cale became aware of his feelings.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the expansive field. Flowers of various colors swayed gently in the evening breeze, their petals catching the last rays of sunlight. Cale Henituse and the reader found themselves on the outskirts of a quaint meadow, a tranquil haven away from the chaos of their unpredictable world.
Amidst the blossoms, the reader stood, captivated by a particularly exquisite flower. Their eyes traced the delicate petals, and a soft smile played on their lips. Cale, a silent observer, leaned against a nearby tree, watching the scene unfold. The ethereal quality of the moment seemed to amplify the connection between them, as if the universe conspired to create a canvas for emotions to unfurl.
There was a tender intimacy in the way the reader's fingers delicately brushed against the petals, in the way their eyes reflected admiration for the beauty before them. It was a snapshot of serenity, a moment that seemed to freeze in time, capturing the essence of something deeper.
Cale's gaze lingered on the reader, and in that stillness, realization dawned upon him like the first light of dawn. The way his heart fluttered as he observed the reader, the warmth that spread through his chest—it was more than admiration. It was a profound acknowledgment that the person before him had become an irreplaceable part of his world.
The subtle breeze rustled the leaves, and as the reader turned to meet Cale's gaze, there was a moment of unspoken understanding. Their eyes held a shared secret, a connection that transcended words. Cale, usually adept at navigating the complexities of life, found himself at a loss for how to articulate the emotions swirling within him.
As the reader approached, a question lingering in their eyes, Cale hesitated. The vulnerability of the moment gripped him, and for the first time, he struggled to find the right words. Yet, the truth hung in the air, unspoken but palpable, like the fragrance of the flowers around them.
"You have a way with flowers," Cale finally spoke, his voice softer than usual. It was a diversion, a subtle acknowledgment of the beauty before them and the emotions that danced in the spaces between their words.
The reader, attuned to the shift in the atmosphere, smiled knowingly. "Nature has its own way of expressing beauty," they replied, their gaze meeting Cale's with a warmth that mirrored the setting sun.
Cale, known for his pragmatic approach to life, found himself grappling with newfound emotions that defied logic. The term "love" had always been an enigma to him, a concept best left to the poets and dreamers. Yet, here he was, standing in a meadow as the realization dawned—the person who had once been a strategic ally had become the linchpin of his world.
Love had taken root in his heart, a delicate bloom that unfolded in the quiet moments amidst nature's beauty. The stoic facade that had defined Cale for so long began to crack, revealing a vulnerability that mirrored the fragile petals surrounding them. As the sun dipped lower, casting a warm glow over the meadow, Cale's heart echoed with the unspoken truth—he was in love.
"Hello Nacrise! Thank you for your request; I really appreciate it! I apologize for taking so long, as my mind was blank, and I couldn't fully think about the scenario I wanted. Thankfully, I've managed to finish it, and I hope you like it! if i have time i can make a part 2 of this!
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lostonmyroad · 2 months
Moments That I Want Tattooed On My Forehead From S-Classes That I Raised Chapters 30-50
things are starting to get going. and by get going i mean starting to get unhinged but its still nothing compared to the shit going on by the 300s
chapter 30-40
lmfao yoojin forgetting he blocked yoohyun’s number...king shit
yoojin daring yoohyun to call him out on his suspicious behavior...also king shit 
chapters 40-50
let’s go sung hyunjae makes his debut!!!!
YOOHYUN ACTING INNOCENT IN FRONT OF YOOJIN AS HE MEETS THE GUILD LEADERS AKFJEIDIDOODSOOS highkey one of my favorite scenes ever. “my brother is more mild mannered than me” “yoohyun is an angel” everyone else in the room: press X to doubt
moon hyuna woman that you are. my beloved. you’re too good for this world 
i live for yoohyun generally being a freak about yoojin
i need to know what blackmail he has on moon hyuna. what happened at the convenience store????? moon hyuna what did you do???
thank u yerim and moon hyuna friendship. we love to see it. Now s ranks also passes the bechdel test!!
ah yes potion addict yoojin has arrived. rip buddy at least you get better flavors later down the line
it’s only chapter 44 and yoojin is already being overworked. true cale henituse moment. rip your slacker life!!!
everyone ganging up on him to start enforcing self care. oh honey it only gets worse from here!!!
so far yoojin is: a monster tamer, social media account manager, recruiter for hayeon, owns a building with a research lab…my guy was speedy with it
yoojin going "i just need to complete one (1) more task and then I can live like a slacker" in the early chapters is. oh wow. famous last words. truly need to learn from cale
even peace is a borderline freak when it comes to yoojin. doesn’t give a shit about anyone else 
YOOJIN ANSWERING SPAM CALLS JUST TO MESS WITH PEOPLE SKDJEIODO…he enjoys it…this explains so much about him…he’s bragging about how much experience he has answering them…
yoojin guessing who the kidnappers were because they didn’t call Peace cute is so valid. Anyone who doesn’t like Peace is an enemy
we’re starting to get into “oh wow fear resistance is kind of fucked territory”!!! yoojin is a little freak!!! he’s committing war crimes but sometimes it just be like that
rip blackie chapter 46-47 :(
yoojin treating the s ranks like normal people and them not knowing how to handle it ;((
GIVE YOOJIN HIS OSCAR NOW “uwu i’m a poor kidnapping victim” like sir. you dissolved your kidnappers in acid. sir. 
all the details about yoojin’s life as a low ranked hunter pre-regression :(((
like not yoojin casually mentioning he used to be an alcoholic and yoohyun sent him to rehab pre regression. ok king. we don’t have time to unpack all that
kang soyoung intro!!! i so desperately need to know what her deal was with yoohyun pre regression. why does yoojin think of her as his sister in law. why did everyone believe they were dating.
next chapter brings us a real introduction to sung hyunjae character of all time
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anxiefics · 2 years
the world.
: ̗̀➛ ft. cale henituse x reader
: ̗̀➛ cw: lowercase intended, slight angst, hurt/comfort?? (kind of ig?), mentions of injury/blood
: ̗̀➛ a/n: this is really inaccurate i apologize. i haven't read the whole novel yet aaghh. just wanted to write smth short alksdjfg
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
cale henituse. the lout of the family, turned hero. you knew him as a self-sacrificing bastard man who, despite saving roan multiple times, still thought of himself as trash. and, despite taking in on, hong, raon, and many others, still thought of himself as selfish. why? he confused you. he deserved the world, how could he not see? his dull red eyes seemed to know too much, yet nothing at all.
⋆ ★
you rapped your knuckle against cale's door. a muffled sound of approval answered. there he was, sitting upright in his bed, resting away yet another injury he acquired.
"cale." your voice was flat, eyes narrowed in a exasperated manner. "how many times are you going to do this?"
he turned away from the window, meeting yours. "do what? all i'm doing is protecting roan."
you sighed. "how many times are you going to keep sacrificing yourself? you know we are more than capable of helping you. there's no need to put yourself in harm's way all the time."
did he think it was to atone for his past sins? perhaps his way of apologizing for what he had done, what he failed to do? no. you thought. that's not the cale i know and love. it pained you. very much so. whenever he would spurt out blood, on the verge of passing out. for what? to protect his family? a noble cause, but we all know he's the one who needs protecting. so why? why did he keep doing this to himself?
cale stayed quiet, eyes away from you now, choosing to rest his gaze on the foot of his bed. moments later, he spoke. "ah, but don't you see, y/n? i am but a trash to the count, a mere thorn in the side of the family. ‘saving’ roan just happens to be in alignment to my dream of living a peaceful slacker life. this is all for my own benefit, i assure you,” he grinned, his usual smirk plastered onto his face.
your brows furrowed, lips contorted into a frown. "cale. sure, you want your slacker life, but you go out of your way to shield us from danger. let us help you too. you'd do anything to protect the world, wouldn't you? there's no need to be a hero day and night. after all," your eyes softened, cheeks reddening slightly. "you.. deserve the world."
"and whose to say the comfort of my family isn't part of my slacker life? just because its my life doesn't mean you all don't get to live nicely." he paused, eyes flitting towards you, a genuine smile on his face. "you are my world. and as you said, i will do anything to protect it."
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weirdsht · 2 years
Fickle - Cale/Reader
a/n: idk if anon wanted a gn reader but I made a fem reader solely for the fact that my brain rotted at the thought of enemies to lovers waltz with pretty dresses. oh and the dynamic was inspired from "i'm stanning the prince" but like frenemies ver ig.
if anyone's curious this was 3667 words and 8 pages. also i had sm fun writing this that i might do stories with this as it's base hehe.
Tags: female reader, Gyerre!reader, massive novel spoiler, slight canon divergence?, enemies to lovers, but subtle because of their massive prides, misunderstanding, innuendos if you squint hard, light angst? (debatable tbh i dont think i made it sad tho but to be sure), open ending, Alberu pyscho analyzing his friends, god of death is a warning on its own, but he had little screen time, sarcastic Cale is my will to live, not beta read we die like Cale's slacker life
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
If there's something missing in the warnings let me know so I can add it
Any form of interaction toward the post is appreciated <333
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Everyone who knows Cale thought he would get along well with the beloved cousin of Antonio Gyerre, _____ Gyerre, the only princess of the Gyerre Duchy. Just from a few hours of observing one of them if you know the other you’ll immediately see their similarities; calm, craft, kind, helpful. Even the way they show off their power (in the rare instances they do) are similar.
It’s truly a waste, if only their political beliefs didn’t oppose each other they would’ve been great friends. Partners even.
But of course there are some things that the general public can’t possibly know that only those who are very close to the two know. Like for instance the crown prince of the Roan Kingdom, Alberu Crossman.
If you ask the quarter elf (and actually get an answer) he’ll probably laugh first then say that the two aren’t in conflict because of their political beliefs. In fact both of them are the crown prince’s supporters. With _____ even being his childhood friend that stemmed from their accidental meeting long ago that exposed him being part elf. But that’s a story for maybe never because it’s a dark part Alberu wants to forget.
“_____, there’s a meeting later after Cale announces his commander position. Are you gonna attend? I’m sure you’ll get something useful out of it.”
The prince innocently smiled, as if he doesn’t know that _____ always indulges him.
And so during midnight, after everyone had finished their initial preparation for the war, the three of them had a meeting for further planning. ‘Looting and scamming plans’ as the great and mighty Raon would put it.
“Your highness that’s a great plan but it’s lacking”
“Right I was about to say that, how amazing that for once you’re saying something right young master Cale, you truly are living up to the image the citizens have of you.”
The meeting was conducted smoothly. Of course part of that was the two indirectly fighting each other using their glib tongues and sarcastic tones with Alberu just chuckling and watching the entire thing unfold.
Despite the low-key arguments they always have during these meetings, the redhead commander and the profound business-minded person of the Gyerre duchy synergizes quite well. The plans they think of are very similar so when combined, one is left with a great plan with almost no loopholes. Their thought processes are also very similar, when one of them points out a possible mistake in a plan the other one is quick to bring up a solution as they’ve both been thinking of the same thing most of the time.
“While this meeting has been proven fruitful, I am now going to go back to my quarters as it is late. I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with the young master of the Henituse household. But I do hope we won’t meet again, this lowly being cannot stand looking at the radiant face of our kingdom’s hero. One is happy enough to observe from a distance.”
Translation: don’t show your smug face with your overrated public perception to me ever again especially if we’re inside the same room.
“Oh no, please I should be the one saying that to you, your highness’ closest friend and confidant. How dare I even think of outdoing such an important person of our beloved kingdom.”
Translation: it should be you who should be avoiding me and simply stick to your business aiding the crown prince to the throne.
Tired from the load of bull she’s hearing, _____ turned around from the communication device and rolled her eyes that caused the crown prince to chuckle.
“Shall I call a maid to escort you to your room? Do remember that you have to attend the tea party the Orsena Duchy is holding in the afternoon.”
The tired lady simply puts her hand up to decline the offer before going on her merry way to her beloved bed, the very reason she likes staying at her childhood friend’s castle.
Alberu really can’t tell why the two have bad blood, acting like cats and dogs (but refined) whenever they meet. The two aren’t even competitive, both are probably too lazy to even think of competition knowing that they’re on the same side. Though they hiss at each other, they also know where to give credit when it’s due (of course sarcasm and backhanded compliments will follow suit).
So from whatever angle one looks at it, it seems as though they should at least be great acquaintances. Well no matter, the two know where to draw the line and it gives the blonde joy in life so he doesn’t dwell on it for too long.
Thus, with mainly the help of three cunning minds and glib tongues the war continued to be in their favor. Though suffering and losses are an inevitable part of war, the Henituse, now duchy, also gained a lot of merits out of it. Especially with most of the heroes being the famous Cale Henituse’s people.
Although there were losses, as the pillars of the kingdom the nobles must not let the citizens feel it. One of their jobs is to put the masses mind at ease as they secretly and thoroughly clean up everything in the background. Even though the war isn’t finished yet they have to show that everyone can still go on about their everyday lives in peace. Hence a celebration is in order. What better way to put everyone’s mind at ease than holding a ball.  
_____’s plan was to look around the hall for a minute then scurry to the nearest place she’ll be able to find and hide there for the rest of the night. Naturally nothing goes according to her vision as a certain prince seems to have a life mission to keep her party for as long as possible.
“May I have this dance my lady?”
Of course one of his tactics is focing Cale Henituse to ask the Gyerre princess for a dance. It’s a smart move really, with the commander’s large contribution to their feats, and everyone knowing that _____ also had a hand in strategizing everything makes everyone’s eyes to be on the powerful duo thus leaving no room to decline. 
“It is my honor young master Cale”
A dashing spectacle of soft purple and gold captures everyone’s eyes as the two of the most arguably influential people in the kingdom, continent even, occupy the dance floor. Everyone can’t help but watch at how graceful and effortless the two dance.
Cale spins his dance partner as if he's merely spinning a ribbon in the air and lead’s her and lead’s her exquisitely. While all of _____’s movements are one in such elegance that one thinks they can see the gold flowers embroidered in her light purple tulle gown to be alive and fluttering. Helping the two paint such a fairy tale of a performance.
“Say, young master. I suppose you’re not someone who’ll stoop so low to the point of copying someone else's attire for the night right? I’m sure the beloved young master’s outfit was also prepared by his equally beloved hyung.”
Translation: it’s so you to copy me but since I know Alberu had a hand in arranging your clothes tonight I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt
“Why yes princess. You know how the crown prince is, he doesn’t take no for an answer no matter how hard I try to refute. In fact, if I didn’t know the prince was like that I would’ve assumed that you’ve committed piracy. Then again I know that your highness is far above such petty, pointless crimes.”
Translation: how dare you think i’m trying to copy you? If it wasn’t for Alberu’s doing I wouldn’t even think of stooping down to your unattractive sense of style.
As if to strengthen his point, Cale brings their bodies closer with such vigor that got the other ladies whispering about how they wished their fiances and suitors were as romantic as he is. Of course the beloved granddaughter of Sonata Gyerre didn’t back out with her viscous eye contact that other people thought were enthusiastic.
Simultaneous with the crescendo of the music were their movements. As the piece gets more intense so does their movements. The two have forgotten about everything else. All they see are purple and gold flutters of the hem gown and the tailcoat of the long jacket. The intense eyes looking at each other filled with animosity that none of them know where it stemmed from. Intense feeling of adrenaline rushing through their veins in a competition to outdo the other, and the feeling of warm hands holding each other close to the point of it being painful.
While the two got lost in their own world, everyone else cannot help but stop in their tracks and watch in awe. It was even to the point that the two strategists are the only ones occupying the dance area.
‘They make such a good couple. Look at the way they compliment each other and how they dance with such passion, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were just hiding their relationship.’
That’s probably what’s running on everyone’s minds as they misunderstand the battle going on between the two purple clad figures.
“Hmmm, *Aram Khachaturian Waltz… I must say, you have impeccable taste in music. You managed to choose a piece that suits us. But, young lord. If I didn’t know any better I’d think that the possessive grip you have on my waist is trying to leave marks on purpose so the maids tomorrow will get the wrong idea.”
“Of course, it is basic knowledge for a gentleman to be able to choose a fitting piece for his lady. Certainly not my lady, please, I apologize for my actions as I am just trying to not lose you to the intensity of the piece. Though I can say the same thing for you and your sharp nails. What would my butler think when he sees scratch marks on me the next day milady.”
Smile and spin ladies and gentlemen, smile and spin. You mustn't let the enemy know how much they’re getting under your skin. As the music mellows down so as the adrenaline and intensity of the dancing pair. Hence why they are back to making small talks.
“Your Highness you were the one that arranged their outfits tonight right? Is there any reason as to why they seem to be matching? Are you also perhaps rooting for the two of them too?”
_____ can hear one of the noble ladies speak to Alberu as they sway near the blonde’s position. Tapping Cale’s arm twice, they silently communicated to subtly stay near that area to eavesdrop.
“Oh hardly no, their private affairs are for them to deal with unless they confide in me about it. I simply just wanted to show off the close relationship we three have. See, even I have light purple and gold on my outfit and this matching beautiful brooch I had the finest of artisans make for the three of us.” 
The two tuning in on the conversation can’t help but lightly scoff at the response provided. Everyone can see that the purple are merely accents of the prince’s suit while it is the main color of the pair’s outfit. Still, knowing they cannot do anything yet as the piece is just about to finish, the two settled on waltzing away to the center when they heard the topic shift from the brooch to the crown prince’s love life.
“You have great dancing skills milord, I thoroughly enjoyed our time together.”
“Likewise milady, now if you allow me to escort you further so we can talk business while waiting for our dazzling prince”
Translation: I’m sure you heard the load of bull Alberu just said so I need you to talk to me to make a petty comeback because I know you and so I know you’re up for it
“The pleasure is mine, I’m sure it's going to be a pleasant conversation”
“Then if you allow me to lead the way…”
If Alberu felt the cold chill run down his spine as he was talking to vassals, then he did a very good job at hiding it. A decision he’ll regret making later on as two pairs of glowing eyes grins at him with malicious intent they like to call ‘payback’.
After that, their relationship got a bit better. There’s still bad blood but thanks to the common headache they share they got along a bit better.
They started getting to know each other outside of the initial image they have of each other and notice the similar traits and life goals they have. 
“Cale Henituse only second to the crown prince for being the most wanted bachelor? What? Is this for real? This man is surely doing witchcraft to make his press image look that good. This can’t be the same Cale Henituse I know who isn’t competent at taking care of himself.”
At her words, red eyes maliciously snapped their way to her figure to stare at amusement and resentment.
“Stare at me like that all you want, it doesn’t help my case that you’re bleeding from every orifice of your body right now. Makes me wonder how much trauma you gave everyone who personally saw you like this during the Henituse war. No wonder why they went ballistic. Of course the same thing can’t be applied to me as I will be more than glad to laugh at your demise with front row seats.” 
Poor young master Cale can’t even make a proper argument as he is too busy to strive to live another day. Contrary to the princess’ lips that spouts poison like a viper, her hands tell a different tale. Soft, gentle hands cradle the commander’s matted hair as she lightly wipes down the blood causing his usual well cared hair to be this atrocious. Beside him is a baby black dragon who fell asleep from the fatigue of his awakening.
“I hate you but I have to give you credit for being the cause of Alberu’s hilarious face when you dropped everything on him all at once then left to go self-destruct. Anyways I haven’t seen Alberu make a face like that since I told him from what house I’m from.”
The annoyed, but in pain man tried to wheeze out an answer but was quickly shushed with benign hands that just finished wiping his face and is now cleaning up the sleeping dragon.
“Don’t even try talking. Yes, yes I know that look, you’re wondering how did I even get here and if I just went here to mess with you. Well let’s just say that I have my ways and this is me repaying you for the amazing scene you made with Alberu.”
Cale decided on whether he should argue back, but upon the return of warm hands that delicately took care of him he decided to let it pass for once.
Thus, Lady Gyerre took care of the famous commander as his plate fixed itself. This made it easier for everyone else to do their respective tasks seeing that the young master is in good hands.
And if the first thing Cale saw as he woke up was a certain lady’s head sleeping on his side. They didn’t talk about it. And if the first thing _____  felt when she woke were big, warm hands caressing her hair softly. They also spoke no word of that.
Instead, the two continued on with their lives as normally as they could after that. 
It doesn’t help that they synergize well so they work with each other quite a lot. It also doesn’t help that since Raon is now relieved, the dragon doesn’t hesitate in asking _____ to stay over and indulge him further. It most certainly doesn’t help that the two of them are good at hiding their feelings, making it seem like they hate each other to the bone with their usual fights. 
And it really doesn’t help them that they seem closer than ever no matter how much they try to push each other away.
Late night talks, comfortable skinship, the way they magnetized to each other unconsciously, one constantly seeking out the other especially when it comes to planning.
Yeah, it really doesn't help them one bit.
There’s also the pesky voice that has been watching over _____ since she was a kid that turned out to be the God of Death.
“So you’re telling me that the other kid you’ve been playing with was that guy. Then you told me that if we could meet we would’ve been great playmates? Oh and you’re also the God of Death everyone kept complaining about… I can see where they’re coming from…”
That conversation resulted in the feather pen, a relic of the said god, hardening and smacking the poor princess across the face. Of course _____ Gyerre is petty so she threw the pen in a corner and refused to talk to the God until he explained everything and let Alberu help with the Sealed God’s test.
As the whole thing continues on and everyone gets tired of the two, Alberu Crossman can’t help and try to figure out where the animosity even came from in the first place. Just why are they hostile to each other at the beginning with no explanations. Just what was the thing they saw that made them like that.
If it wasn’t for the Sealed God’s test maybe Alberu wouldn’t have been able to piece everything together.
The two are so similar that they even share their hatred for people who sacrifice themselves  without realizing they do exactly just that.
[funny, so that’s how it is]
Alberu laughed to himself one night as he thought about it. Of course his laugh didn’t go past Cale, err Kim Rok Soo as he looks at the tiger as if he transformed into something worse than his current form.
But war is war and there’s little to no time for anything else when you’re focused on not letting this White Star wannabe take over the world. Hence why, despite all the clear signs brooding over them, both opted to continue playing hide and seek of feelings in the middle of war and everything is left up in the air.
Still, humans in general are fickle things that don’t realize what they have been caring for until the direst of moments.
Those words and the back of the one who said it was the last thing Cale registered before he fainted.
When _____ felt uneasy her mind immediately went to Cale and his self-sacrificial tendencies. Good thing that she still has the gift the God of Death gave her a long time ago.
“Listen, the kid I’ve talked about before is coming here soon. I’m sure you’ll get acquainted well. That’s why I’m gifting this to you, you can use this to locate wherever that punk is and go there. Fret not for you can also easily teleport anywhere as long as you have my permission.”
She never thought that she’ll actually use it to locate Cale, nor did she ever think that she’ll be panicking over the man and what he's doing.
Luckily, she arrived in time. Cale just finished using instant and is very weak, near him was someone trying to take advantage of the chaotic situation and finish the redhead off. More lucky that the Gyrre princess has quick reflexes and manages to block off attacks from the bear. 
“I’ve heard what the situation is, Raon I’ll hold them off! Just focus on teleporting us out of here!”
A swarm of the remaining bears and black mages left in the Endable Kingdom continue to attack the three. While _____ is a pretty high ranking swordsman, it cannot be denied that she went to the enemy's territory on a whim and with no proper armor. There’s also the fact that she isn’t simply fighting. Rather, she’s protecting the one guy she swore to leave to die. Thus, by the time the three teleported to Puzzle city the two humans have fainted; one with a broken plate and the other one suffering from a large wound inflicted by the enemy.
Humans and their emotions are fickle things. It’s funny how a few words and actions will make them spiral down again. But it works out because these humans know that they are like that, they understand one another. They know that that’s exactly what makes them human.
That’s why when Cale first woke up, after getting his plate fixed again, and the first one he looked for was _____ no one said anything.
When he wordlessly insists on taking care of the unconscious lady no one dared question how he balances all of his tasks in the middle of war.
And when his family sees him getting lost in his own records late at night they don’t disturb. They simply watch over their young master, making sure that he won’t hurt himself as he autopilots his way to juggling making plans and taking care of Lady Gyerre.
Indeed humans are such fickle creatures dense enough to not realize they’ve been tightly holding on to something unless it’s already too late.
But at the same time that very fickleness is what gives them the ability to do an entire 180 once they realize their mistake.
That’s why in his own way, Cale will surely make it up. Set things straight between the two of them, and not let his mistakes on Earth be the same sins he commits in his new life.
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*aram khachaturian waltz is the piece that got me brainrotting about the waltz I'm sorry but it gives massive enemies to lovers waltz scene jsdfjaksdgfsdg
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maximillien · 2 years
when i saw that one post that said that you had only ever gotten one request i died.
idk if requests are open because i just ran the request button (oops)
could i get krs!cale drabble of some sort?where cale & reader have a lazy day? thank youu <3
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Pairing: Cale Henituse x reader (they/them)
Type: fluff
Warnings: snowstorm, light mention of fire, mention of sharp but no sharp objects, cale's slacker life is slowly getting away from him.
A/n: Jeez that's so cute, don't hurt yourself running to the request button 😭. Yeah, I've only had a couple until this one, and my requests are indeed open. I had this song by Reinheart (?) in my head.
The snow looked heavenly, falling outside the window heavily, painting the horizon and the Henituse mansion in a layer of pure white. However, with the beauty of the snow, comes the crueler cold.
(Y/n) and Cale had retired earlier than usual the day before, cancelling their duties for the day after, due to the sudden wintery storm, as did many others. The two lovers quickly changed into their most comfortable and warm nightrobes, adding layers of socks and woollen throws on the bed, before tucking in themselves, huddling as close as possible to fight the cold. Hans came in soon after, lighting the fire and putting wood on the side in case it needed rekindling in the middle of the night, leaving quickly after Cale chased him out. The night went by quickly and quietly as both lovers stayed in the comfort of each other's arms.
Before long, morning came, the storm still beating down onto the ground in full swing, waking (Y/n) up. Blinking the sleep out of their eyes, they allowed their mind to slowly remember the day before, the storm, and finally their lover lying beside them.
The man was laying on his side, right arm lazily slung across their body, hand gently grasping their lower back, warm fingers stilled against their back, where he had previously been softly stroking the skin there, night before. Their legs were mutually tangled, clothes straining against the muscles wound together in a mess.
He looks ethereal when he's relaxed, and not thinking about overthrowing another country.
(Y/n) stared at his pretty features longer, hand desperately itching to thread their fingers through his hair, however the warm, soft comfort of the sheets offered a better feeling than the sharp, crisp cold of the room. It wasn't technically that cold, since the fireplace was raging away in the room, warming the couple through the heavy snowy storm, however they couldn't be bothered to leave the cosy, snug sheets just yet.
Then, an idea went off in their head, a sinister smile developing on their face at their cruel plan.
(Y/n) stuck their hands out of the sheets, wincing at the slightly colder temperature nipping at their fingers, quickly putting their fingers back in after an appropriate amount of time, lifting Cale's sleep shirt up-
-and put their much colder hands on his abdomen, gently tickling his sides, before moving up to his chest.
Cale groaned uncomfortably twitching his body away from the freezing sensation.
When the culprit still continued their onslaught onto his body he sighed, grabbing their hands and trapping them tightly in a hug, rendering (Y/n) unable to move.
He grumbled out loud, eyes refusing to open to the light of day (though there was no sun peeking through the curtains) his voice reverberated through the large room.
'Why did you wake me up? It's far too early for this.'
Cale felt his lover's smirk on his neck - as their face was snugly lying there - as they proclaimed their entertainment to his demise. He felt his eyebrow twitch.
'Stopping me from living my slacker life is funny to you?'
'Absolutely. You stop yourself from living it with all of your shenanigans, I'm merely helping you avoid it.'
Cale could not help but sigh, plotting a revenge of his own, he stuck his fingers out in the cold - already hating the sensation - flipped (Y/n) over until he was hovering above them and attached his hands to their sides, tickling them more viciously than they originally did to him.
An explosion of laughter and pleads for mercy could be heard through the room, as one of the bodies under the covers was desperately fighting for their freedom from such a cruel attack.
The man stared at his lover from above, a soft smile on his face as they struggled against his hold - which is quite weak. Cale's body started heating up more, as he started using his Records, engraving this moment into his mind forever. Both people in the bed did not hear the door stealthily opening until a voice appeared next to Cale's ear, startling him from its loud tone.
'Human! Don't be so mean to (Y/n)!'
His fingers halted at the voice filling the room, soon followed by two others.
'Right, don't be so horrible, nya!'
'It's very cold, be nicer to (Y/n), nya!'
When did they get in here?
Raon could see the confusion on his father's face, proudly exclaiming that he, On and Hong all snuck in with his master plan, since he is of course a Great and Mighty dragon. Hong bobbed his head in agreement as On stared at her parents, warmth building in her chest at how lovingly (Y/n) looked at the three of them.
Cale sighed through his nose, letting his body slump into the bed, next to his lover, as On, Hong and Raon snuck under the covers, comfortably lying in the space between their two parents, making light conversation. At one point, the conversation steered towards the snow outside, the children saying that they had never built a snowman. (Y/n) then piped up.
'We could make a snowman later on then. We'd need some carrots, pebbles and some sticks, but the carrots are nothing we can't quickly steal from the kitchen.'
Cale glared at them, silently saying to not give them any ideas, can't they both relax in bed today?
However, his wishes were not heard, as the children all excitedly spoke at the same time, already planning what type of snowmen they'd build and other activities they would partake in.
A hand leaned over the bodies between Cale and (Y/n), squeezing his own in reassurance and love.
The man sighed, a corner of his lips lifting up, hearing the noise the three children made, not masking any ounce of their excitement, hearing his lover propose more activities to them, as they stroked his hand with theirs.
I guess cold days aren't as bad as they seem.
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zeraaachan · 6 months
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the void
the void welcomes you to stare until you finally make out the eyes hidden in the abyss, until your tongue finally taste the scripts written by the shadows, until you finally realized that that the void is not a void but someone's mirror to the soul.
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written in ink - fan fiction masterlist
★━━━ bungou stray dogs
to the stray dogs ━━━
multiple ━━━ to rhyme my name with yours (ft. dazai, chuuya, fyodor, akutagawa) dazai osamu ━━━ star crossed (ft. regressor! reader) ━━━ another regression fanfiction ━━━ the world stops (crackfic)
★━━━ chainsaw man
to live in constant pain, with a blade against your chest ━━━
angel devil ━━━ angels can't fall aki hayakawa ━━━ a petal for aki (aki hayakawa x angel devil)
★━━━ genshin impact
ah, another place with an abyss ━━━
multiple ━━━ secret love song ft. xiao, scaramouche, heizou ━━━ if i died hypothetically (ft. scaramouche, xiao, venti) ━━━ i wanna be your slave (ft. il dottore, childe, albedo) ━━━ do you like this position (ft. la signora, childe, scaramouche) childe ━━━ k-drama goblin au (fanfiction) ━━━ k-drama goblin au (headcanon) ━━━ watermelon and a nosebleed cyno ━━━ bombastic side-eye scaramouche ━━━ to the eyes that never saw him ━━━ red cranes ━━━ your best friend's brother ━━━ a ballad from the balladeer ━━━ the universe is a big hoax ━━━ a balladeer can't sing if hungered
★━━━ lout of the count's family
the illusion of a slacker life ━━━
og! cale henituse ━━━ when my chrysanthemum go
★━━━ twisted wonderland
so you like your fantasy? ━━━
multiple ━━━ the coffee you spilled all over him (ft. riddle and leona) ━━━ boyfriend headcanons (ft. cater and kalim) ━━━ types of dates with the dormleaders (+floyd) riddle rosehearts ━━━ with a lucifer! reader (obey me) leona kingscholar ━━━ with a satan! reader (obey me) vil schoenheit ━━━ with an asmodeus! reader (obey me) jamil viper ━━━ three wishes (genie! au)
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sonderdd · 3 years
TCF is actually a tragic love story between two lovers who couldn't be more unsuited for each other. The world tells them their love is impossible, they insult their feelings and devotion. One constantly distances himself from the other without even realizing it, and the other seems as if they don't even try, seeming nonexistent. At this point it seems almost unrequited, and it's painful to watch them slowly drift apart.
I am rooting for you, Cale x Slacker Life, even if they laugh at you, don't give up!
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justsomeboredgirl · 3 years
As Eruhaben realized, Cale was planning to work very hard for a short period of time before welcoming his late twenties with a peaceful and relaxed life.
That mindset was so strong that it could overcome most natural disasters as well.
- tocf chapter 266
of course cale works very very hard for his slacker life but *squint at the author* 700+ chapters and slacker life still stays as a dream
btw i feel eruhaben is the single braincell in their group lolololol
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illusionsofdreaming · 2 years
Hello. :)) Is it possible for totcf (main trio) jealousy headcanons? Thank you. <3
Notes: There were two other requests who wanted jealous Cale hcs but I accidentally deleted them without screenshotting them... well.. here you go anyways :'D you lot really want to see them jealous don't you?
Ft: Cale, Choi Han, Alberu
Cale Henituse
he’s comfortable with his relationships that jealousy is rarely, if ever, a problem
after all if he’s with you it’s because he trusts you
you having a vibrant social life is not going to bother him
but sometimes campaigns would take him into another country for months at times
sometimes for the sake of his future slacker life, he must set off on yet another arduous, annoying quest
and you can’t always accompany him - you have your duties and he has his
it’s a subtle yet gradual thing that builds with time away from each other
he doesn’t notice it at first - maybe while observing enemy camps from afar, he’ll wonder what you’re doing at the same moment, maybe in writing a report he’ll wonder if he should write you a letter.
Observing a fight, he would find himself trying to imagine how your skills would help, while crossing markets would make him think of souvenirs that’ll make you smile
slowly, thoughts of you slipping into his thoughts would grow in frequency until you’re all that he can think of, by then, Cale knows he’s been away for far too long
at that point he’ll find a way to visit you, whether it is to return home to ‘collect’ a forgotten item, or to find Alberu to discuss top secret information that can’t be shared through video recording devices
one way or another, he’ll find a way to return to Roan and somehow, you’ll always be the first one he’ll find
and if he held you closer during those days (and maybe invited you to join the latter half of his quest) well.. that’s a story for another time
Choi Han
lately there’s been a rising singer that caught the public’s attention, yours included
he’s endeared by your enthusiasm and listens attentively to your gushing, even if he understands little about music nor have any talent for it himself
perhaps at times, he’d feel a little out of place, seeing your love for their art but being unable to replicate even a small percentage of it made him feel somewhat.. disappointed
aside from holding a sword, he’s basically average in everything else (that not being his fault, as he’s not had time nor rest to explore or develop hobbies)
and every time you go to watch one of their performances to return utterly rejuvenated, Choi Han feels a little more worried
he’s not afraid per se that you’ll leave him for the singer, but perhaps he’d harboured envy for a skill that doesn’t involve spilling blood
he’d wondered if he’s even able to bring such brightness to your smile the same way listening to the singer’s voice does (in fact there were many times)
eventually, one night as you headed out to attend yet another performance you found yourself held back by the softest grip on your sleeve
looking back to find Choi Han looking lost “Please stay.”
surprised by the vulnerable mumble you agreed
you eventually got him to talk about his confusion and feelings and talked it out with him
you cared little if he knew nothing but the way of the sword. being with him brought you unlimited joy, more than attending your favorite singers’ live performances
you fell in love with Choi Han and that’s not going to change
you spent the rest of the night cuddling each other, wrapped in the comforts of each other’s warmth
Alberu Crossman
to be fair, they were your childhood friend, your bosom buddy whom you haven’t seen since you’ve moved to live in the capital
so he can’t blame you for your excitement and glee and was incredibly understanding when you spent most of your time with them
he’d gladly listen to you gush about your adventures and recount how your day with said friend had been
he’d easily befriend them too
but then he begins to notice you’re spending less and less time around him to be with them
and when every conversation starts and ends with their name on your lips
perhaps some intervention was necessary
It comes out casually in the middle of tea. “I wonder now, do you talk about me in front of them as much as you talk about them in front of me?”
“Alberu are you jealous?”
and he’ll admit it easily as jealousy is just another emotion anyone living would experience in their lifetime- won’t you take pity on him and spare him more time?
Alberu’s patient and a gentleman even now and his simple confession made you painfully aware of how you’ve neglected him the past week
you quickly made sure to make up to him, reorganising your schedule to spend it with him (success!)
to be honest, it’s alright to enjoy your time around your best friend as he’s not one who wishes to monopolise how you spend your time
so long as you remember to return to him and spare him many kisses by the end of the day he’ll be more than happy to listen to all the funny shenanigans you’ve been up to with your bff
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icyteaa · 3 years
Throb in his heart
[Somewhere where gods gathered...]
God of Despair: Cale Henituse is mine. You see yourselves how we were very close to each other when he took my test.
God of Death: The one when he curses you a lot, you mean? Cale definitely will choose me. I was the first one who took interest in him and did it until the end.
Sun Goddess: At least I know he won't choose both of you. I've been pretty neutral until now, but having another handsome child sounds good.
Slacker Life: NO! He promised he would choose me at the end!
Trio gods, shook their heads: Hell nah. He will never—
Slacker Life: Sob! But he promised-!
Cale, placing hand in his chest: ...
Choi Han: What's wrong, Cale-nim? Does your heart hurt?
Cale: Yeah. What did I do wrong? I feel someone is trying to separate me from my slacker life.
Choi Han:
Choi Han: Please, Cale-nim. At least say that when you have a whole five hours sleep a day.
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