#call me T'noy Karaxis
Obsessed with the set up and payoff in every hatchetverse show:
TGWDLM hides it in its comedy pretty effectively: "take out the head, and the whole thing goes down!" The key to the main conflict buried in a nonsense monologue by the one note jerk character
Black Friday takes full advantage of their magical psychic child to be cryptic and ominous: "two doors not one" probably being the most obvious example, but a notable one is "Cross" as I think it's not just about Wilbur but also about Lex, who reaches across the threshold into the black and white
(Admittedly, that last bit is probably a strecth)
And NPMD drops all pretenses and leans into the horror of a doomed narrative by telling you exactly what it's about: "it's true! Human sacrifices! Demonic rituals! Sex magic!" All promises fulfilled by the summoning and the subsequent bargain made between Grace and The Lords In Black.
Then there's like, chronologically reversed foreshadowing? Okay so like what I mean by that is like, so you know the Hatchetmen?
Yeah, the angry mob that killed the Waylons and their starry children cultists?
You ever notice how they're never praised? Never honored or spoken of fondly?
Oh sure the town is named after them, but that's probably because they were the only ones around left to name it, and they named it after that time they did that murder together.
But they keep being referred to as hatchet wielding maniacs, even as they are recalled as the ones who put a stop to an evil cult it doesn't change the fact they weren't good people either.
There are no good guys in that story, not really.
And uh, how did Ted put it again, exactly?
"There are no creeps. There are no heroes. There are only people who are alive, and people who are fucking dead!"
Hatchetverse is really fucking good at fulfilling narrative promises, is what I'm saying, I guess.
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justa-regularuser · 7 months
I'm pretty sure something like this has been done before but
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The Stanley Parable AU with Ted please and thank you
Bonus drawing under the cut
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chaotic-goodsir · 11 months
So Joey is credited as 'homeless man' in Black Friday. And I haven't learned why yet (still got to watch Nightmare Time...) but the homeless man is Ted?
So that's Ted in the Wiggly cult all the way through Black Friday? But it's also Ted in the crowd with Pete and Charlotte in the finale, looking decidedly not homeless?
I have many questions and I'm sure the answers definitely won't make me want to cry or scream.
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cherry-flavored-sigh · 5 months
hi i am in dire need of art of tinky wagging his tail and/or bleating
please and thank you
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cornfieldsrambles · 11 months
omg ok SO
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Meet the Lords in Black. Charming, aren't they?
Yes, Wiggly does indeed have four brothers who all do different things, so I'll cover them one by one, in order of introduction (since we've already met each of them in Nightmare Time at least once). BTW Nightmare Time has a fuckton of lore in it that I won't go into here, so even though I am about to spoil significant parts of it for you, I do recommend watching it, it's really good and if there's enough interest they might make a third one!
(Also you might notice they're all in doll form in this picture. This is how we knew them up until NPMD introduced us to what I call their Tumblr sexyman forms. Which are rad as hell by the way.)
So you already know Wiggly. That little green fucker, Wiggog Y'Wrath, the Capitalist Cthulu who does uwu-speak and starts a cult by invading people's minds. This will become a bit of a reoccurring theme with these guys. He's also the only one to successfully start an apocalypse, and the only one to have attempted to birth himself into our reality. (Or is he? We'll get to that...) He does seem to have some kind of dominion over the other LiB, as whenever all five of them show up there's always emphasis placed on him, like in NPMD where he does most of the talking while his siblings occasionally butt in.
Now for Bliklotep. Blinky seems to have slightly lower-scale ambitions than Wiggly, but don't let that fool you. Eyeball Boi is still incredibly dangerous. He runs an amusement park, WatcherWorld, deep within the Hatchetfield Witchwood. But it's not for the amusement of the patrons. Oh no. It's for Blinky's own amusement. Once you step inside, every insecurity, every shred of potential conflict will be ripped to the forefront, turning people against each other to the point of trying to kill each other until he's fully infected their minds. It's implied that, if not all, but a significant chunk of the workers at WatcherWorld were once patrons before having their minds taken over by Blinky. He's also implied to be the thing in Trail To Oregon that Jack Bauer sees during his venom-induced hallucination, as Blinky is referred to as "The Watcher With 1,000 Eyes", which is exactly what JB says he sees? Making Blinky the only LiB to induce a Starkid crossover. My headcanon is that the Dikrats founded Hatchetfield. But regardless.
Next up on the roster is Tinky. T'noy Karaxis, the Time Bastard. You may be wondering about that one line in NPMD where he recognised Pete as a Spankoffski, and said he "could have the whole set in his toybox". Has Tinky gone after Pete's relatives?
Well. Um. You know Ted, right? Yeah, his name is Spankoffski. He's Pete's big brother. We actually got the surname reveal before the brother reveal, lol. And that's not the only reveal we got about Ted. Our boy Teddy Bear has this whole entire tragic backstory and it turns out he gets fucked over in literally every timeline! Isn't that fun?
So, to summarise an entire episode: Tinky makes travel fuckery happen, Ted wants to go back in time to fix his life, accidentally goes back to before the time machine was created and gets stuck in the past, literally. Tinky is watching and laughing at the whole thing, then shows up to blow Ted's brain to smithereens with his weird little magic box, the Bastard's Box, where he stores all the people he toys with. Anyway Ted eventually catches up with the present by aging, except now no one knows who he is, he's... actually I won't spoil that. But once he dies he ends up eternally trapped and tortured in the Bastard's Box. Yaaay.
Fast forward to Nightmare Time 2 and we get introduced to Nibbly, in possibly the most unexpected way imaginable. He's revealed to have been behind a whole episode literally right at the end of said episode, and even though it was kind of foreshadowed, it hits you like a freight train in the best way. Remember when I said Wiggly was the only one who tried to birth himself into reality? That was kind of a lie. Nibblenephim can sort of do that anyway. Every year, he can possess a bunch of carcasses and create a living form to walk the earth for one night. He also has a cult of followers who provide him with the carcasses, as well as a sacrifice to feed on. There's a little more to it, specifically with how the sacrifice is chosen, but again, I'm trying to spoil as little as possible. Go watch Nightmare Time. Nibbly also seems to have a "pig" motif, and his theme song, The Nibbly Ditty, is a banger, easily my favourite of the three LiB theme songs we've heard so far.
And finally, we are introduced to Pokotho, in the very last episode of NMT2.
Except no. We were formally introduced to Pokey there, yes, but we've seen his apocalypse already. Long before NPMD, before Nightmare Time, even before Black Friday.
Yeah, remember me saying that Wiggly was the only one to successfully start an apocalypse? That was also a lie! Pokey already did that, and he did it without ever showing his masked face. Remember The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals? The blue spores that came down in a meteor and turned everyone into singing zombies? That was Pokey's doing! That's his blue spores! That's his apocalypse!
This also provides an explanation for why blowing up the meteor didn't work. Emma and Hidgens were right about the hivemind thing, but wrong about the location of the central brain. It wasn't the meteor - the meteor was just the vessel which carried the spores to Earth. The central brain was sitting safely up in the Black and White, laughing as Paul blew himself to smithereens. The central brain was Pokey, the Singular Voice, the most uncompromising of his brothers. The one who hates every voice that is not his own, hence the hivemind and making all of his zombies speak in HIS voice.
Anyway in NMT2 he's happily collecting musical zombies by taking on a human form and infiltrating a fighting ring of superpowered children until he has enough to kickstart another apocalypse. (Don't question it, we're almost done). He also calls himself Otho, not Pokey, making him the only LiB to have two different abbreviations of his name. Hannah is also there (remember her? Lex's little sister?) and she is like incredibly important to this whole thing, she has a super powerful mind, but that's a whole other thing.
But I did mention Hannah for a reason. Because you said "Wiggly's SIBLINGS". And while the Lords in Black are always referred to as brothers, they do have one more sibling. A sister. A Queen in White. And her name is Webby.
Yep, Hannah's imaginary friend isn't imaginary, who could have guessed? She's benevolent, always trying her best to combat her brothers' antics, but given that there's one of her and five of them, this is a bit of an uphill battle. Webby doesn't have a full name that we know of, nor does she have a doll. We don't know much about her. And she may not be all-powerful - but then again, neither are her brothers.
Infodump concluded. Hope this helps, it was very fun to write.
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lady-loveluck · 2 months
t'noy karaxis is calling me should i draw him yes or yes
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camillecrellin · 10 months
A Sacrifice — Grace Chasity
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Synopsis: Grace's catalystic power hungry riddance of dirty dudes comes with a sacrifice of her own to the Lord in Black: Nibblenephim.
Word Count: 872
Warnings: Grace's murder spree, bisexual!Grace, internalised homophobia, mentions of virginity, references to Christianity, soul devouring
A/N: Please request Hatchedfield characters or even just Angela fics! I loved writing this. Hope you enjoyed <333
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Grace didn't consider herself bisexual, that was Ruth. Grace on the other hand was a 'good' girl of Christian faith who just happened to have a weird fascination with you that went deeper than her one with Max Jagerman.
The Jagerman was a phase, besides you couldn't maintain a relationship with a ghost you inadvertently killed with you plan only to give up your prize possession to kill again. No, that was unreasonable.
Yet when Grace was near you, she felt those same feelings that she had with Max. The same that lead her to worship new Gods. Ones who were real.
The Lords in Black.
Pokotho, Bliklotep, T'noy Karaxis, Nibblenephim, Wiggog Y'wrath.
When those names were invoked an unspoken euphoria in her arised. A power-hungry purge of all those who sin.
Though Grace's faith in Christ were doubtful, his readings stood strong in her actions. Dirty dudes were to die. Sinners were to die. They're not the Lord's child. She was.
Grace Chasity was the child who stood on a dying town. A blood thirsty, sinful town in Michigan. Fulfilling the wishes of her Gods. For she was the Prophet laid upon Hatchedfield.
To invoke a rebirth of the timeline, fix the problems that laid upon those who did not believe.
For Grace, not believing was not an option it was death. She had the book in her hands, she'd be the only survivor of Hatchedfield. Outlive the sins that fell upon the world.
Grace had yet to run in any problems killing any dirty dude that dare bats a single glance at her. The souls made her strong, but at what cost.
Her Gods called upon her power, they needed a soul to make them strong and she would give them one. But they wanted more. There was one who was hungry for more.
Nibblenephim, also known as Nibbly, was the hungriest God. He was blind in his eye, but he wouldn't forget a face. Rather a smell, the smell of lust from the perv killer.
Nibbly was gluttonous. He needed a sacrifice from Grace. It was his dinner time after all.
Grace offered up many perv’s, but Nibbly wasn't satisfied. He wasn't hungry for them.
She went for Pete, Steph, her parents, and even all four of them at once. But his stomach craved for something more meaningful.It wasn't until Nibbly invoked your name that you even crossed Grace's mind for a sacrifice. She couldn't though. You weren't like other people, you meant something. That's what the Lords in Black wanted.
The only thing she valued more than you was her virginity. Ever since that was gone, she knew staying with you was a dangerous choice.
You had yet to even do anything except hug, but even that made Grace feel weird inside. She was a good Christian girl, not some dirty bisexual slut.
Yet the Lords in Black promised a utopia world of no sins. One where it would be safe for you two to live in another life.
And so, you were asked to meet Grace on the football field on a Sunday. The day of the Lord.
Excited to meet her, you put on your best outfit. You even did you makeup to make sure you looked the best for Grace.
What you didn't expect, though was a sombre look on Grace's face as you met up. This made you worried, scared even.
"Grace?" You called out her name, but she just stared at the book in her hands.
"Grace?" You tried again, and a few more times walking up to her.
Placing a hand on Grace's shoulder you let out a shaky breath, "Grace, you're scaring me."
Grace looked you in the eyes and her gaze immediately soften before she quickly thrusted you into a hug, muttering in your ear, "Don't be scared. The offering won't take long."
"The offering?" You pulled backed, a confused look on your face.
"I'm sorry, Y/n, but my craving is too strong it must be devoured to be rid of its sins." Grace explained, opening the black book in her hands.
"Craving?" You asked, looking in Grace's eyes, madness and joy filling them. "What the fuck is happening, Grace?"
"Nibblenephim must feast." Grace declared as a forceful power overcame you, forcing you down onto your knees. "Your soul will be in service of the good."
You felt your bones crack as you no longer became able to move any muscles in your body. The Lords in Black had won. Nibbly had won.
You let out a bone chilling cry as you felt your life drop before your eyes, the sky turning to black.Grace's hand lingered on your shoulder before she turned away, not being able to able the sight as a pink fury creature with grotesque smile roared out your name.
"I've been waiting for you." Nibbly licked his lips. "Yum, yum." Nibbly launched forward, closing his jaw around you.
Grace heard your screams; she couldn't do anything. You were her treasure, so you were Nibbly's prize. A lost for the Chasity, but it meant no more sinning, no more unholy thoughts. They had just been devoured with your soul.
Nibblenephim didn't go hungry that night.
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askthelordsinblack · 8 months
heya!! wanted to bring in some OCs if you're interested, idk if I'm doing this right tho
"Evelyn. I must be wrong--please, God, tell me I'm wrong--but you're saying to get back to...our reality, we have to summon five almost all-powerful eldritch gods. Who can and will kill us."
"Hate to have to say this, but that's exactly what's necessary. Now shut up. I love you but I'm trying to concentrate."
"We really had to do this in a high school gymnasium...it reeks."
"I personally think it's quite fascinating! We're dealing with essentially gigantic extradimensional cryptids--and yet we ourselves have power over them and have the ability to make them do our bidding!"
"For a price, Quinn. It's not that easy. The Lords in Black are not to be trifled with."
"A Faustian bargain, then! Even more fascinating."
"Just--let me do this. Okay?"
"I invoke the names. Pokotho, Bliklotep, T'noy Karaxis, Nibblenephim, Wiggog Y'rath, heed my call and grant me your power."
"You did great at spouting gibberish shit, darling. Did it work?"
“Hello, friendy-wends,”
[A baby-talking voice echoes around the gym, the room suddenly flickering with colored light. Shrill, cackling laughter surrounds the people in the room, coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once. It comes to a sudden halt, the gym going pitch black. The voices come one by one, reverberating off the walls.]
“Oh, my, just look at these ones!”
“I already hate them.”
“Ooo, Pokey, you’re so mean!”
[This voice is followed by bleats of laughter.]
“Yum yum, these ones look delicious.”
“Now now, settle down, brothers.”
[This voice clears it’s throat.]
“The Lords in Black are here— it sure as fuck worked.”
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shadowbrightshine · 9 months
@marvelmaniac715 I just had an idea of what if the original people that lived on the Hatchetfield island were the ones who worshipped the Lords and the Waylons and Starry church married into the practices. Oh and you @notanerdyprude
And the reason the world didn't end for those people was they had a bunch of safety measures and rules in place and many rituals. Things that were lost when the hatchet men came and destroyed things.
And the black book is all that survived.
Gonna do a read more so people aren't discouraged from reblogging. Please do reblog I spent a long time typing and thinking this out. You guys can use this idea if you credit me!
I've been thinking about it. Like the life drain spell originally having been a sharing spell. Where a group would spread out the giving up of a few years for one person, greatly extending their life without massively impact a single other life. Or those close to the end giving up their last years for someone they love.
Maybe the trees growing from human souls, used to be a burial ritual. Where those who so chose would be buried to provide fruit for their families for years to come. And their leaves would change to the color of the respective Lord they followed when they wanted to be cut down and released from the tree. And they helped keep the power of the gift in the woods to make it more likely for the people who live there to get the gift. They weren't trapping the gift away from people, it was a blanket to encourage more gift given kids.
The reason everything grows so well is it was originally infused with the souls of willing people who wanted to provide for their people. And now the woods are full of trapped souls and fruit doesn't grow. Plants grow, but the trees refuse to fruit because why would they want to? You killed those people and planted them unwillingly.
The reason the Lords weren't able to take over the world was these people knew the risks and kept them from having total power. Like a minimum amount of people taking part in a ritual to spread out the wear on one's body. Maybe Pokotho's uniting force was used as a way to help empower and work to finish projects quickly as a group.
Nibilinephem and the harvest was a sacrifice, but not yearly. It was during droughts and the one willing to step up gave up their life so that everyone else could live. Not for wealth but say a lacking material, or something simple, like the rain. Maybe stronger building materials. It could also just have been a bad thing.
Bliklotep was called on to see visions of the future, or to see the world outside the island and learn from what other groups of people across the world were doing. They could pick and choose to make a missmash of technological items that best suited their needs. (Maybe something that CCRP has been trying to continue doing to make more money?)
T'noy karaxis could speed up time which is just very helpful. Or maybe he wasn't a very popular choice anyways and he was just obsessed with a different man who he trapped all the time. Or since he's outside of time he honestly could have just been torturing Ted since forever. He doesn't seem to bother other people until you call on him. Unless you're his Teddy Bear.
Wiggog'ywrath feels like he'd be called on for protection. A powerful God to protect the island. Of course it would be easy for his power to corrupt the user. That's why any time he was summoned there was a requirement of a certain minimum of people taking part to spread the influence out and keep it from concentrating into a big freaking problem.
It seems Webby was already forgotten but part of me likes the idea that she was the go between for the Lords and the people, or she was worshipped by a small pocket of people. She wasn't very powerful, but she was kind, and she didn't need as many regulations on summoning her. She could help keep the bindings of the magic on the people, strengthen their connection to the powers.
And then the hatchet men killed the Starry children and anyone connected to it. They destroyed most of the literature and rituals.
And the book, with what was left, no longer had all those safety measures. People got greedy. The sharing spell became a vampiric stealing ritual.
And now...
Now the Lords could have unrestricted access to Hatchetfield, and then the world started ending.
Tada!!! Please, please reblog this I've been thinking about it a lot and I spent a really long time coming up with this idea. You are allowed to use it if you want just credit that I came up with the initial idea.
Like I've been thinking that this had to come from somewhere. There had to be some reason that the Lords in Black didn't end the world much earlier in the timeline.
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shxxmisafreak · 20 days
the lords in black,,,,,, theyre five eldritch gods that exist in a black beyond all dimensions called the black and white. theyre all brothers.
the first one in that post was nibbly, aka nibblenephim, the one who feasts in the dark. his color is pink. he is the hungriest god, and he. well he eats people. characters associated with him are roman murray and occansionally linda monroe
then theres tinky, t'noy karaxis, bastard of time and space, weaver of impossibilities. his color is yellow, with bits of orange. he controls time (like time travel) and the different timelines. he has a box that he uses specifically to torture This One Guy and sometimes his brother. characters associated with him are. ted and pete spankoffski.
then theres wiggly, wiggog y'wrath, the lord in black. his color is green. he wants power, control. hes very capitalist. like the show that predominately featured him was all about anti consumerism. he has tentacles. characters associated with him are wilbur cross (uncle wiley), and occansionally linda monroe again.
pokey, pokotho, the singular voice. his color is blue. he fucking hates any voice except his own and loves musicals. hes the main guy behind the first hatchetfield show, the guy who didnt like musicals, where he infected people into a musical hive. characters associated with him are paul matthews (THE guy who didnt like musicals), and the hive in general. sometimes charles coven.
and FINALLYY blinky, bliklotep, the watcher with a thousand eyes. his color is mainly purple with splashes of yellow and orange. hes the most sadistic of the brothers and just likes to watch people suffer. he has his own amusement park in hatchetfield, watcher world, where he can do this (the park alters peoples minds to make them fight and want to kill each other). he also abuses his sniggles, which are basically like this weird little creatures that live in the black and white and work for the lords. characters associated with him are bill and alice woodward.
but also then theres webby, no canon full name yet, the queen in white. her color is. white. she is their sister, and the only one who wants to help humanity. she does this through specifically hannah foster, but also to a lesser degree with lex, hannahs older sister
im so sorry that it took so long for me to answer this sjkhskjhs . I love the ramblings thank you
pink and hungry he's so me for real as for the eating who doesn't enjoy some occasional cannibalism on a Saturday night
TINKY WINKY ??? yellow and can control time and tortures one little guy I wonder what current interest this is reminding me of also I love that he is related even tangentially to your babygirl
why's he the lord in black if he's green YAY for power hungry green characters Elias Bouchard look out omg tentacles ? hubba hubba ooh la la
omg yay theatre kids unite forever ???? fucking hates all voices except his own oh my god it's so accurate. Join my theatre group we would rule the world
the watcher with a thousand eyes !!!!!! this is the one that video called the Ceaseless Watcher FUCK yeah little panopticon never hurt anyone bro just wants to watch the world burn what the FUCk is a sniggle
we love the white queen from Narnia or whatever except good YAAAAY thank you so much for the infoooooooo :33333 very fun <3
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nicksworld0715 · 2 months
Ok so I'm writing a little T'noy Karaxis fic and I wanted to give a little preview I hope you guys enjoy it. I'm calling it Hide and Seek
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Anger, confusion, and hostility swarmed your head, where on earth were you? You had been taking a walk in the woods of Hatchetfield when you came up on an abandoned shovel. You walked a few more feet to see the hole that was dug, in the bottom of the hole was a black book with a strange symbol etched on the front. You had examined it taking in the five points, it must be a pentagram of some kind. You had only wanted to look inside it and that's where your memory fades.
You look around to see void everywhere, no life to be seen. You slowly pick yourself up off the floor and stand up feeling your legs wobble slightly from not being used. You still don't see anything standing so you decide to just walk, maybe you can find a way out. Unbeknownst to you just out of your sight five creatures watch you walk, giggling to themselves knowing they'd be messing with you soon enough.
You had been wandering around for who knows how long, exhaustion catching up to you. As if your legs agree with you they wobble again ready for you to sit down. You stop moving and look around again still seeing the same dark empty void. Slowly you fall to the floor, the exhaustion forcing you to sit. You feel a lump form in your throat as tears threaten to spill from your eyes. You know you shouldn't cry cause you have no water but you can't help the tears.
From up above they talk amongst themselves.
"I think we should keep watching, I wanna see what happens." A purple hooded figure speaks.
"I'm tired of watching I wanna play with them, I wonder if they'll get lost in the maze." The yellow one says.
"You'll do what I tell you." The Green one commands.
The Blue one lets out a sigh. "There's no drama in just watching anymore, so what they're crying!"
The pink one laughs. "I wonder what they taste like..... Mmmmm."
The Green one lets out a sigh. "You will be patient or I won't let you play with them at all!" The Green one shouted.
They all look back down at the human. The Green one turned to the one in Yellow. "I want you to mess with them."
Surprise made it's was across the yellow ones face. "What should I do?" A smirk made its way on the green ones face.
"Surprise me." A giant smile made its way across the yellow one.
Back down below you feel the last few tears fall down your face, crying won't do you any good at the moment. You wipe your tears and start looking around again. Faintly in the background you hear laughter start to fill the air, slowly getting louder and louder.
"Hello???" You yell out, trying to find where the laughter is coming from. It's starts to boom around you as the sky starts to glow gold. Suddenly you feel yourself falling and falling and falling. You hit the ground hard a groan escaping your lip.
"Jesus Christ that fucking hurt." You rub the back of your head having hit it when you landed.
"GREETING AND WELCOME!!!" You whip around to see who spoke your jaw dropping when you realize you're in a yellow maze so vast you didn't see the end.
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hatchetfieldgazette · 3 months
it’s an emoji based starter call : react with one or multiple to let me know who you want a starter from, specify your muses if you are a multi!
also note : all of these will be put in a queue when i write them and will slowly be dropped onto the dash!
🎭~alice woodward
🚬~alexandra “lex” foster
📝~axel bartholomew caddel
🪡~blair adkins
👓~cassie hughes
🎨~charlie finch
🥂~cj valentine
✝️~grace chasity
📿~girl jeri
☕️~hazel winters
🏈~jason jepson
✉️~jenny marley
💋~lottie hart
🦍~lucy stockworth
🔮~matilda bishop
🎶~miss holloway
💖~ nibblenephim
🤓~ reese harrington
🎸~ rose williams
🦕~ ruth fleming
🖊️~ sylvia stirling
📙~tessa gray
🪚~tom houston
🟨~ t'noy karaxis
🩰~winter clauger
🔥~zoey chambers
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What happened?
Wiggly still hasn't let go, hands gripping Tinky's jacket as he curls up on his lap. He quiets his earlier whimpers and unintelligible murmurs. Tinky doesn't let up.
I was told you were sick. What were you doing alone in some room?
...Wasn't alone. Had Wilbur.
Mhm. Because Wiley's great company. That's why you're hugging him and not me.
Wiggog breathes in to answer. His brother's hold is grounding, but it's not enough to clear the fog of discomfort - one vastly different than his physical one - in his head. His stomach rumbles loudly and strongly enough that T'noy can feel it.
...You hungry?
Wiggly shakes his head with force. An alarm bell goes off immediately. Tinky adjusts him. Neither stops the hug.
No? Wiggles, when was the last time you ate?
Y'wrath doesn't answer, just presses even tighter against him.
Wiggly? You have to talk to me. Are you hurt?
Wiggog sniffles. His hunger makes it difficult to do much but seek steady support. He feels wobbly and woozy. His face feels hot, like everything else, as he rests his forehead on his big brother's shoulder.
He's panting too heavily. His stomach twists and burns. He wants to vomit, but knows it wouldn't bring anything up.
What hurts, hon?
The term comes out of nowhere. Tinky's voice is concerned and hushed. That's enough to flip a switch. Every sudden, deep, stuttering sob Wiggly gulps down is another pang to his middle. T'noy sharply inhales, instinctively holding him closer.
OK. OK. You're fine. I'm here.
He's not sure what's wrong, but that doesn't matter. Sometimes it was better to not know. He just keeps his hand in his hair and rocks them. Tinky desperately tries to connect the dots he's been given.
T-Ti -Tinky-?
Right here.
M-m-m' sto-stomach hurt-hurts 'nd I needta thro-throw up-
Sudden understanding. Tinky rubs his back and shuts his eyes.
You're not gonna throw up. Just...
He cringes.
...Wait it out. It'll go away in 6 minutes, tops. Remember?
Y'wrath hiccups.
I - I'm sca-scared.
Karaxis swallows.
You don't have to be.
What - what about Dad?
It was what some of them had called Him when they were younger. The human term of endearment had never stuck. Tinky's breath hitches. He smooths it out quickly.
What...what about Him, Wiggles?
Wiggly can't stop crying no matter how painful it is. He feels terrified. But T'noy hasn't stopped hugging him. Tinky's trustworthy. He's safe, and has yet to fail at protecting him.
He - He-H-
He remembers the pain well. It had been more frequent when he was younger. He needed to eat more back then. And Wiggly had been bad then, too. The stomach pain seems to intensify.
I - I don't-
Wiggog knows, logically, that their - He isn't here. He's with Tinky, and it doesn't matter if they were in the Black or not, because Tinky didn't let him get hurt. But he still tensed and muffled his choked cries into his brother's shoulder.
I dunno!
He dissolves into tears again, letting himself get shushed.
He's not here, Wiggog. He's not. It's just me, and Blinky, and Nibbly, and Pokey. Just the five of us in Hatchetfield. I promise. OK?
He hates speaking like this. He's not had to reassure them like this in ages. It makes him sick. Wiggly's breath skips.
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pro-crastinate17 · 2 years
 (a remake of my previous intro post bc Shit Has Changed)  
you can call me maxim and / or refer to me by my kin names. my prns are it / he / they and any neos! mix it up i need enrichment in my enclosure djskfhdsjf 
i am a minor!! also im white!! 
im genderqueer + transmasc and non-sam arospec / demiromantic, and i have one queerplatonic partner and two romantic partners! 
im AuDHD and have GAD and HPD and i have psychosis, i suspect a few other things (including NPD) but those are the important ones lol 
i am physically disabled! i am not diagnosed with anything other than a knee condition, but i have chronic pain and suspect i have EDS and potentially POTS. i wear knee braces and am currently trying to get crutches or a wheelchair.
i trigger tag when i remember + have the spoons but i dont tag cursing or caps anymore so be aware of that pls!! 
i use tone tags and appreciate when they are used in interactions with me (but i dont require it) 
i have SO many interests please talk to me about them!!!! including but not limited to: the Muppets, the Librarians tv show (2014), the Descendants movies, musical theatre, Greek / Roman / Norse / Egyptian mythology (trying to expand my tastes in mythology as well so tbh talk to me about any type of it), my own stories, various bands/musicians (Will Wood, Steam Powered Giraffe, the Stupendium, Jonathan Coulton, Fall Out Boy, Everybody's Worried About Owen, Trashbag Ponchos, Pansy Division, Sycamore Smith, Noah Kahan, Jayden Wark, and more), clown taxonomy (especially my own clowns, Glitterbomb, Dismal, and Bludgeon), and more!!! 
also im otherkin + fictionkin! if that bothers you, fuck all the way off! my main kintypes are Gonzo - the Muppets (it / they / he / she), Jacob Stone - the Librarians (they / he), Monty - A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder (he / they) , Ludo - Labyrinth (he / it), T'noy Karaxis aka Tinky - Hatchetfield (he / it) and Harley Quinn - DC (she / it + any neos). im also werewolfkin and robotkin!
i am often low on spoons and messaging is difficult for me, please feel free to talk to me but understand i may not respond right away (or potentially at all) 
im working on developing a tagging system but its Very much still in progress!!! 
- basic dni criteria (https://dni-criteria.carrd.co/) 
- transmed and / or anti neopronouns/xenogenders 
- aro / ace exclus 
- anti otherkin / fictionkin (as stated above) 
- t erf / sw erf / radf em etc 
- conservative 
- doesnt support blm / acab / stop asian hate 
- cringe / flop blogs, discourse blogs unless i interact w you first, blogs focused mainly / only on politics, EXTREMELY pro / anti shippers (having an opinion on it is chill, but if your blog is only or mainly shipcourse, please dni)
- pro-ana / pro-mia / pro-sh 
- stigmatizes personality disorders, believes in "”narcissistic abuse”” or any other ""pd abuse"", stigmatizes psychosis  
- anti educated self dx
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anfroginous · 6 months
Hatchetfield OC Week Day 1: Deal
Thump, thump, thump, the book went.
Sam tilt his eyebrows in confusion. When he had been told by his parents to go clean the attic, ze hadn't been expecting this weird... devil book to fall from one of the shelves.
It must have been a devil book, right? The pentagram on the front was weirdly Satanic. But why would his parents have that in the attic?
He opened the book. It was less of a question of curiosity, really, and more of a reaction, like pulling your hand away from a hot stove.
The first thing he saw was a depiction of "The Church of the Starry Children." No way, the church my parents are trying to get me into? he thought.
Apparently they served these 5 gods called the Lords In Black, and got rich and powerful off of that. Sounds like a cult to me, Sam thought. Still, when he read their descriptions, ze understood a little bit why The Church would do that. I mean, obviously Wiggog Y'Wrath and his power, and maybe Bliklotep with his gazillion eyes would have some use... but he couldn't really figure out the other ones.
T'noy Karaxis with time travel maybe? But from what it looked like, it was less "time" and more "alternate timelines" which he guessed was kind of the same thing.
Sam remembers, when he was younger, that when Mom got really, really angry, she would threaten to leave zem and Dad and sign up for Honey Queen the minute summer rolls around. Of course, Sam just thought that she would move on to bigger and better things.
Reading the description of Honey Queen in the book, well– now he's not so sure.
This was the first time ze thought, What if this is all fake? And of course, maybe it was. The Church was real, yes, but it was a cult; they could have easily made it all up. Still, if he were to join, he figured he should read more to find out how fucked up these people are.
The next one he read, Pokotho, well, that was enticing. One singular voice, and he gets what he wants? Sign him up!
Without reading the rest, he flipped to the Summoning page. The page number was footnoted at the bottom of the page; he hadn't thought to realize that the footnote was scratched in pencil, rather then the rest of the book's dark, inky blood (or what ze thought as bloody ink). He spoke the words aloud, and immediately he felt a change, a difference. A calmness washed over him, though he quickly shook it off.
Don't fight it, a voice said.
The Singular Voice has taken the form of... a box? It looked like a regular box, the kind that would hold items being shipped somewhere, except that it was blue.
I take the form of whatever is around me, he said.
Oh, okay. That made sense. There were a bunch of boxes in the attic. So all ze has to do now is wish for what ze wants?
What does ze want?
A better life. Yes. That's exactly what ze wants.
Ze's worried that ze's being too simplistic, but surprisingly, Pokotho accepts this answer.
Very well. This will come– at a price. You must sing. Nobody will help you, and although you are singing, not a soul will notice the difference between that and your speech.
Sam tries to talk, but instead a melodic voice that was never his comes out.
"~Thank you~".
No problem, the blue box says. Also, you have to go through a bunch of different timelines. As the kids say, L.
"~What the fuck~" ze forces out, before the blue box disappears.
Ze swears he can hear a goat laughing in the distance, but before he can do anything else, ze's overcome by a sudden sleepiness.
Maybe if I just nap a while... ze thinks, and lies on the floor of the attic, before drifting off to sleep.
Meanwhile, T'noy Karaxis laughs. And laughs. And laughs.
Woah ok! First published fanfic! Wowee.
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theodore-spankoffski · 7 months
call me ted the way i spank off your ski
yes im the same person as the t'noy karaxis guy.
stop being funny
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