#hatchetfield oc week march 2024
hatchetfieldocweek · 6 months
hey folks!! today is the absolute last day of our march run! however...
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anfroginous · 7 months
Hatchetfield OC Week Day 3: Capitalism
When he woke up again, he was in a shopping mall.
Well, in was the wrong term. More like "waiting outside". In fact, looking around, there seemed to be a lot of people waiting outside. Why? All for this one store to open? That seemed a bit excessive.
That is, until ze remembered why ze was there. He honestly didn't know why ze wanted a Tickle-Me-Wiggly doll– the things were ugly as fuck– but he had the money to spend, and maybe ze could trade it at school for some cash to buy weed.
And there he was, lost in his own thoughts, until the doors opened.
Immediately ze was the first one in line. He looked at the price tag: 49.95 for one. That's very expensive, ze thought to zemself. However, he realized that with the Lords in Black on his side, he was rich– incredibly rich.
So maybe he bought all the dolls they had in stock. So what? No one should be getting them anyway they are all for him
"Hey, you can't just do that!" someone yelled at zem.
"Try me, bitch," he yelled back.
Gosh, ze really did have an attitude problem, huh?
Oh well. It was no matter, considering not even a minute later Sam was bleeding out on the floor. Apparently the guy had a knife.
He doesn't see anything interesting in his last moments this time, just yelling over the stupid doll. And then his end comes.
not the most high quality I admit, but the gist of it is there so that's what matters
also posting this an hour early because I won't have time tomorrow xhdhdhhfjfjf
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hatchetfieldocweek · 7 months
hello! I really wanna participate in this, but I'm like... Unsure what to do? Like tomorrow do I just post a fic with my OC based on the prompt and tag you? I'm sorry I don't know how any of this works
no its cool dw!!! this is the first time i'm doing anything like this lmao
basically, my idea is you just draw/write a fic, post it to your preferred platform with the tag(s) "hatchetfield oc week"/"hatchetfield oc week march 2024" (+ any tags you want) as well as tagging us in the post, and we'll rb it here!
So, yeah, what you think lol! :]
~ mod pastrii
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anfroginous · 7 months
Hatchetfield OC Week Day 1: Deal
Thump, thump, thump, the book went.
Sam tilt his eyebrows in confusion. When he had been told by his parents to go clean the attic, ze hadn't been expecting this weird... devil book to fall from one of the shelves.
It must have been a devil book, right? The pentagram on the front was weirdly Satanic. But why would his parents have that in the attic?
He opened the book. It was less of a question of curiosity, really, and more of a reaction, like pulling your hand away from a hot stove.
The first thing he saw was a depiction of "The Church of the Starry Children." No way, the church my parents are trying to get me into? he thought.
Apparently they served these 5 gods called the Lords In Black, and got rich and powerful off of that. Sounds like a cult to me, Sam thought. Still, when he read their descriptions, ze understood a little bit why The Church would do that. I mean, obviously Wiggog Y'Wrath and his power, and maybe Bliklotep with his gazillion eyes would have some use... but he couldn't really figure out the other ones.
T'noy Karaxis with time travel maybe? But from what it looked like, it was less "time" and more "alternate timelines" which he guessed was kind of the same thing.
Sam remembers, when he was younger, that when Mom got really, really angry, she would threaten to leave zem and Dad and sign up for Honey Queen the minute summer rolls around. Of course, Sam just thought that she would move on to bigger and better things.
Reading the description of Honey Queen in the book, well– now he's not so sure.
This was the first time ze thought, What if this is all fake? And of course, maybe it was. The Church was real, yes, but it was a cult; they could have easily made it all up. Still, if he were to join, he figured he should read more to find out how fucked up these people are.
The next one he read, Pokotho, well, that was enticing. One singular voice, and he gets what he wants? Sign him up!
Without reading the rest, he flipped to the Summoning page. The page number was footnoted at the bottom of the page; he hadn't thought to realize that the footnote was scratched in pencil, rather then the rest of the book's dark, inky blood (or what ze thought as bloody ink). He spoke the words aloud, and immediately he felt a change, a difference. A calmness washed over him, though he quickly shook it off.
Don't fight it, a voice said.
The Singular Voice has taken the form of... a box? It looked like a regular box, the kind that would hold items being shipped somewhere, except that it was blue.
I take the form of whatever is around me, he said.
Oh, okay. That made sense. There were a bunch of boxes in the attic. So all ze has to do now is wish for what ze wants?
What does ze want?
A better life. Yes. That's exactly what ze wants.
Ze's worried that ze's being too simplistic, but surprisingly, Pokotho accepts this answer.
Very well. This will come– at a price. You must sing. Nobody will help you, and although you are singing, not a soul will notice the difference between that and your speech.
Sam tries to talk, but instead a melodic voice that was never his comes out.
"~Thank you~".
No problem, the blue box says. Also, you have to go through a bunch of different timelines. As the kids say, L.
"~What the fuck~" ze forces out, before the blue box disappears.
Ze swears he can hear a goat laughing in the distance, but before he can do anything else, ze's overcome by a sudden sleepiness.
Maybe if I just nap a while... ze thinks, and lies on the floor of the attic, before drifting off to sleep.
Meanwhile, T'noy Karaxis laughs. And laughs. And laughs.
Woah ok! First published fanfic! Wowee.
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anfroginous · 6 months
Hatchetfield OC Week Day 7: Finale
Sam sat at the table, eating breakfast. His parents were there too, consuming their food silently. His dad was on the couch, his mom was at the table, and both of them were scrolling through Instagram. All of a sudden, almost synchronized, they put their phones down and face Sam.
"Honey, you've been getting older," his mom says, "and I think it's time... you join the Church." She hands him a pamphlet, and ze reads through it.
"The initiation meeting is two weeks from now. We want you to be ready," his father says.
Sam ignores them, like he always does. After breakfast, ze throws the pamphlet in the trash and covers it up with napkins. Ze's not gonna join his parent's stupid church.
Sam gazed out the window of the limousine. There ze was, dressed up in a blazer, hair done nicely; about to join the Church of the Starry Children, the odd cult he was born into. Honestly, after reading what he read of the Black Book? It didn't sound too bad. I mean sure, there were many rituals most people would find disgusting, but Sam never was most people.
The initiation ceremony is easy enough, actually, when ze gets there. Just a reading of an ancient text, and boom, he's in.
It's what he has to do after that's weird.
Sam has never seen so much blood, and ze still doesn't know where that human limb came from.
"So, you really do love me? This isn't a prank?"
Ruth is sitting on the grass, next to Sam, wearing a tank top and shorts. Sam is wearing his dark grey tee and some grey pants. The two are looking over a lake; Sam wanted to show it to Ruth because of how beautiful it was at this time of day. The sun is setting, and its rays stretch out into the sky and the lake, making it all a picturesque pink and orange and yellow color.
"~No, this is no prank/I see you're beauty, and my mind goes blank/I guess I never really knew/The right way to tell you~" Sam sings. Despite his best efforts, ze could never convince Pokey to drop the singing thing. True to his word, however, Ruth doesn't find it weird. In fact, she giggles, and sighs dreamily.
"I never thought anyone would love me like that, you know, but you..." she starts, and kisses him on the lips.
Their mouths mesh together awkwardly, but to them, it's paradise.
After they finish kissing, they stare at each other for a good, long while, then back at the lake. Ruth leans her head on Sam's shoulder, and ze brings his arm around her waist. They stay like that until the sun sets and the sky finally turns inky black, dotted with a million stars.
Sam walks up to Roman Murray, the leader of the Church. Ze focuses on his greying moustache, and tries not to fidget with zer hands.
"~Okay, try not to tremble...~" zesings to zemself, and then sings "~Is the church accepting new members?~" to Mr. Murray.
He looks up from his book. "Why, of course! Who are you planning on recruiting?"
"~My girlfriend...~" Sam blurts out. He's very excited to call Ruth his girlfriend, but ze's still very worried Mr. Murray will get mad at zem and reprimand zem for asking him.
"Ah, young love," Mr. Murray says wistfully. "I'll tell you what: I'll schedule an introduction meeting on Saturday. I hope to see you and your girlfriend there."
"~Thank you~" Sam says, and walks back to the limousine.
Sam pulls out his phone, and goes to the contact "Ruth 😘🥰😍🥵🔥"
sammy boi: hey!!!
Ruth 😘🥰😍🥵🔥: heyyyyyy 😏
sammy boi: do u wanna come to my church on saturday
Ruth 😘🥰😍🥵🔥: sure
Sam put away his phone, ignoring the "typing..." right below Ruth's contact name. Ze looks over the lake near his house, alone this time, and breathes it all in.
Ze has what he wants, and that's what matters; no matter what ze had to do to get it.
okay so i did it! i wrote the thing! hooray! This is a LOT later than usual but writers block is a bitch lol
I'm probrably gonna write more about Ruth and Sam lol. Also I have SO many ideas for Zoinked you wouldn't believe
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anfroginous · 6 months
Hatchetfield OC Week Day 6: Love
Sam walks through the halls of Hatchetfield High, trying to get to his next period: art. Ze walks absentmindedly, which is probably a very bad thing to do, as the hallways are packed at this time.
Ruth is walking down this same hallway, but in the other direction. Neither of them notice the other's presence– that is, until they collide into each other head-on.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" Ruth says. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, and wow she is pretty, Sam thinks. Ze, however, does not respond to Ruth, and instead stares at her, thinking about how pretty she is. Ruth thinks that his unresponsiveness is on purpose, but she's used to being treated like she doesn't exist anyway. So she picks up the stuff she dropped, waves goodbye, and walks away.
Sam turns around, and watches her walk until she's turned the corner and gone. Ze can't believe ze fucked it up that badly. I mean, she's the biggest loser in Hatchetfield High, and she's incredibly horny? How hard could it be? Apparently too hard for Sam.
Oh well. Tomorrow they have theatre class together. Hopefully there will be some kind of group assignment. Hopefully.
Sam turns on his heel and walks to art class.
okay so for those of you that have read the other fics: 1) this takes place in the main timeline, BEFORE deal
number 2: oc x canon my beloved. for some reason I really like writing this ship???
and a lot of my headcanons are so obvious here omg. this was shorter than I wanted it to be but whatever
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anfroginous · 6 months
Hatchetfield OC Week Day 5: Home (TW: Child Abuse)
Sam is eating lunch at home with his family. His legs are killing him, but ze doesn't mind. Ze's used to it.
He hears vacuuming, and ze winces. The vacuum was always way too loud. So when his mom tells him to go clean the attic, ze obeys.
Sam wakes up from his little trip throughout the timelines, and immediately hears his mom climbing up the steps. Ze quickly hides the Black Books out of sight, but doesn't manage to do much else before she comes in.
"So you've just been doing nothing this whole time?" she sneers. Her tone is angry. Sam knows there is no reasoning with her.
"Huh? Answer me." She yells angrily.
She walks up to him and slaps him in the face. "Don't fucking talk back to me," she hisses.
She walks away, and Sam thinks ze might get off with that, but then she spins back around. "Faster! Faster! FASTER!" she screams, each with a kick into Sam's lower back.
Apparently Sam isn't doing it fast enough for her liking (it's kind of hard to do so when all of this is happening), because she yanks him by the hair, and whispers in his ear to run.
Ze runs out of the attic, but doesn't get very far before his mom screeches "Come back running!" And so the cycle repeats; him running up and down the hall. He doesn't know how long this is for; it feels like eternity, but it's probably only a minute.
Eventually, she tells Sam to stop. "Now you know what it feels like to be fast. Quickly finish cleaning the attic."
Samm is crying at this point, and it would be full-blown sobbing except for the fact that, well–
"Are you fucking crying?! Boo hoo hoo motherfucker, get over it! Stop or I'm gonna give you something to cry about!" she says, kicking him in the shin.
Sam stops, but it's really hard to stop sniffling, so he holds his nose, breathes through his mouth, and waits until she leaves.
After she leaves, Sam tries to finish cleaning the attic, but it's really hard when you're chest is aching from not being able to cry and you have so much anxiety that she will come back and hurt you.
Sam remembers all the times when Mom had taken him, as a little kid, to all the sorts of fun stuff in the world. Ze remembers when Mom wasn't angry. Ze knew it was probably just a bad day for her, but that shouldn't make it his problem.
Ze's not gonna even ask where Dad is, because he knows full damn well Dad would support this. After all, he was raised like this too. Sam wonders how ze ever got here, and why ze would have to go through this.
And then Sam remembers Pokotho.
Wasn't that guy supposed to help him with his home life? Ze summons him, just to make sure.
Immediately, a calmness washes over him, and for once he doesn't fight back. The blue box is back, sitting right in front of him.
I'm so sorry, my child, I was being summoned elsewhere. What is it you need?
Sam tries to talk, but just starts crying.
Oh, my poor child. I have a plan. Run to the bathroom, and cry there, away from the pain and sorrows of the world. I will tell you more then.
Sam doesn't twice, and runs to the bathroom as told. He manages to lock the door before his mom starts banging on it, yelling at him insult after insult. She doesn't manage to break the door lock however (although it's rather flimsy), because of a knock on the front door. Presumably, she goes to answer it.
Meanwhile, Sam is crying, crying, crying. Ze's never been able to cry normally, his tears coming out silently as the only sound he makes are small sniffles. Ze swears ze can feel a soothing hand on his back, and ze keeps crying.
Pokotho may be comforting zem, but he only says one thing.
The tears will make us stronger.
*is the author* sorry you have to go through that, sam. 😞
okay but for serious: most of this was actually very therapeutic to write? because it's mostly my experiences??
also just to be clear: ze's toning it down because he knows if he realizes the true impact of everything his facade will fall apart (or something like that it's hard to put into words)
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anfroginous · 7 months
Hatchetfield OC Week Day 2: Apotheosis
When Sam woke up, he woke up in the attic. Ze quickly realized that he must have been in there for too long, so ze headed downstairs. To check how long he was asleep, ze found his phone and–
Holy shit ze was gonna be late for school Oh no, he might be running late. Don't care don't care don't care
Ze quickly got his stuff ready, and was just about to ask his mom for a ride (his dad left the house early on weekdays). The only thing is that she wasn't there.
This should unnerve him, and cause him to rethink everything from this morning. Ze should have at least a bit of common sense, a bit of a gut feeling that this isn't good. But if there's one thing the adults in Sam's life say about him that's actually true– apart from the attitude problem– is that he has no common sense.
So ze thinks back to his deal, and thinks his mom gone as being part of "a better life." And so ze walks to school– it's far, but as it turns out he woke up early. When ze gets there, sweat drenched and huffing from carrying his backpack for so long, it's still 30 minutes before Hatchetfield High School actually starts.
Luckily, he can always count on some people to be there before him.
"I need a smoke," ze says, dropping down zir backpack before Danny "Zoinked" Reynolds.
Today, Zoinked is untalkative, but seems to be very high. Wordlessly, he rolls up a blunt, and Sam accepts.
"Thanks, Zoinked," Sam says, and smokes it.
And then ze starts coughing.
At first it's a small cough, one he could probably shake off, but then the cough gets more wet and more painful. Soon enough ze's on his hands and knees, and Sam realizes for the first time that the smoke cloud is blue.
Eventually, too little oxygen to the brain kills, and the last thing Sam sees is Zoinked staring at zem, with a wide, toothy grin upon his face. His eyes, which are normally a deep brown, are blue.
And when the body of Sam is reanimated, well, Sam is no more. Instead he is a part of something larger, of something grander:
The Hive.
Woohoo! Yeah! Sam got infected by smoking weed xD
Fully headcanon Danny is the son of Dan Reynolds, and has some stupid nickname like "Zoinked".
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anfroginous · 6 months
Hatchetfield OC Week Day 4: Loser (TW GORE!)
Sam was just trying to pee.
Well, no actually– ze was actually trying to hide. You see, usually he ate outside, far from the noise of the cafeteria. But it was raining that day, so the high school banned leaving for lunch. Not only that, the cafeteria was packed, since no one could eat outside.
And he didn't really want to eat anyway. So he went to the accesible stall and just scrolled on his phone while listening to music. It was a surefire plan that should have worked, but–
"Pete? Are you in here?"
Sam was already in the accesible stall, so he didn't try to lift up his feet to hear this girl look for 'Pete'. However, ze did take off his headphones so he could hear better.
"Steph, this is the boys' bathroom!"
Okay, so maybe ze had been hiding in the boys bathroom, even though on his school record there was a big fat "F" for the gender marker.
"Grow up."
But so what? This girl was right; it didn't matter. And maybe if it helps him with dysphoria he doesn't care.
"Wow. These toilets aren't even in stalls. You all just watch each other pee? Oh, it's better than I ever imagined!"
Was that– Ruth Fleming?
Oh man, she was here. Oh man.
Listen it's not like Sam had a crush on her. Ze just thought... she was pretty. And smart. And– okay maybe ze did have a crush on her. But you couldn't force that information out of him with a knife to his throat.
I mean, the biggest loser of Hatchetfield High? That would get him targeted by Max for sure. And besides, although there in the same grade, they have very different classes. Sam doesn't even think Ruth remembers zem from drama class.
Now that he thinks about it, the other two voices sound very familiar– was that Stephanie Lauter, the mayor's daughter, and that weird anime kid?
He knew of the weird anime kid– Ruth's besties with him. And he obviously knew of the Lauters. Before his aunt died moved on to bigger and better things, she invited the whole family to a dinner with a bunch of rich families, including the Lauters.
Although Sam and Stephanie were in the same house and were the same age, the house was really more of mansion, and they were on opposite sides, each just playing on their phone the entire duration of the party.
Sam suddenly recognizes a sound, being pulled back to present day. It was fading into the background, but he swears he could hear tap water, being turned intermittently on and off. Was that always there?
"Oh my god. Pete, what did he do to you?"
Okay, so this is, what, four other people in the bathroom now?
"What? This? You should see the other guy. I think he bruised his knuckles on my face."
Oh, Pete Spankoffski. That makes sense. Pete, Ruth, and Richie were well known to be inseperable low-status nerds. But what was Stephanie doing hanging with them then? Surely as a popular kid, she's got better things to do.
"Come on. You can't stay in the bathroom all day." Sam hears Steph say.
"I'm not! Just during lunch, passing periods, and any times I might run into Max Jagerman."
Oh, so that's why ze didn't see him when he came in. Sam came five minutes before lunch; class had let him out early.
"That's such bullshit. I'm not gonna let him get away with this."
"Steph, the more you get involved, the worse things are gonna be for me. It's like I said. I'm not allowed to talk to you."
Oh shit. Now he gets it. Max beat up Pete because he was hanging around Steph. That's messed up. That's fucking messed up.
"Who does Max think he is? My dad? What a fucking psycho! No. I'm sorry, Pete. I'm going to the principal with this."
"Ha! This is Max Jagerman, the quarterback of the Hatchetfield Nighthawks. If you think the principal cares more about us than the outcome of the big game, then you are willfully naive."
Sam hates to say it, but Richie's right.
"That's some cool kid privilege right there." Man, even Ruth's voice is pretty
It's at this point that Steph does something. She shifts, and she accidentally drops her phone. It skids into Sam's stall.
Shit. It's both said by Steph and internally thought by Sam. Before he can clearly think, Sam kicks it back out of the stall.
He can almost hear the confusion as Steph says, "Hello? Who's there?"
Sam opens the door. "Hello," he says.
"Who the fuck are you?" Steph asks, rather harshly.
"Oh, you're from my theatre class, right?" Ruth says.
She does remember me!
"Yeah," he says.
It seems like Steph just then goes back to totally ignoring him. "Well, we have to do something about Max," she says.
"And what, pray tell, may that be, Stephanie?" the anime kid speaks up. Sam regrets not knowing his name.
"We... We..." Steph says, struggling to think of an answer.
"Destroy him!"
Sam hates Grace. They're like, archenemies at this point. I mean, a preppy girl who's all about spreading Jesus's love and an emo boy(?) who used to be faithless, but now apparently worships 5 dark gods? Those two do not mix.
"Butt out, Chastity. This is none of your business," Steph says.
"Oh, it very much is my business. And not just because I'm a hall monitor and there are two girls in the boy's bathroom. Detention for both of you."
She hands them both a detention, and Sam stands very still. If he gets one of those he is fucked. His parents would kill him.
Speaking of which, what happened to his parents?
Grace walks over to Sam, and holds detention slip out, but stops. She considers it for a moment. Sam just stands there, trying not to show any outward displays of emotion.
At last, she decides. "I don't like you," she says in a judgemental tone, and hands him one. When she's not looking, he eats it. Ze's pretty sure the others saw that, but he's hungry and nervous, okay? Cut zem some slack.
Apparently Steph also doesn't like her. "God, you suck, Grace."
"Max Jagerman has made all our lives a living heck." Grace says, and why can't she just say hell? She's literally a legal adult.
"He's more than a boy. He's an idea. One that strikes fear in the hearts of the meek. And lust in the souls of the innocent."
Okay what thee fuck was she talking about–
"We must strip him of his power and leave him helpless at our feet!"
"How?" Pete says, and for the first time, Sam gets a good look at him. He has a bad black eye.
"With a little faith in the Father, Son, and some holy ghosts," she says, and leads them out of the bathroom.
Hours later, he's at the old Waylon Place. He's not sure why ze's involved with this to begin with, but he also hates Max, so now ze's here.
Sam doesn't like to think about that night. The place gave him the creeps, and the plan didn't even work.
It is cool ze got to bury a body, though.
When everyone goes home, Sam realizes that he doesn't have a home. Not in this timeline. And ze's hungry.
He's not worried about his search history; ze's pretty sure the cops can't access his phone, because it belongs to the other timeline. Ze knows this because whenever he tries texting someone in this timeline, it always goes to his home timeline.
So ze looks up "how to make meat edible" on his phone, and starts cutting up Max's limbs. By the time the weekend is over, there's not much left of the body.
Man, Tuesdays suck, don't they? Firstly, he's at school way too early; after ze ran away from the Waylon Place when the cops came, he hid in the school.
Secondly, ze's all alone. There is no one except staff here. No one! Apparently in this timeline, Zoinked transferred to a school in Clivesdale.
Fuck Clivesdale.
So he is just wandering the halls aimlessly when–
Laughter. Max's laughter.
Like lightning, he sees it before he hears it.
Max's phantom form is bloodied, his veins visible from his clothing, and ripped pieces of a plastic bag all are over him. He laughs, and does a waving hand motion threateningly, before disappearing. At first, Sam was willing to leave it be, but then ze heard it. So ze starts running.
Max gives into the chase. Fuck. Sam's never been good at running. Why has ze done this?
Ze opens zer locker. Maybe something in there will help zem.
Max is behind zem.
In one swoop, he grabs Sam and crams zem into the locker.
Sam realizes something, then. In all of this, Max has been eerily quiet. No taunting, no weird noises. Just creepy motions and facial movements.
Why can't he just say something, anything?
And then his hand is against Sam's head, and he pushes into it.
His head goes splat! and then– darkness.
woah! this one was a big one.
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hatchetfieldocweek · 7 months
Hi! Welcome to the first official Hatchetfield OC week! The dates for this week are from March 10th - March 16th! However, since it's such short notice + as well as the first week on the account, we are taking submissions until the end of March!
Let's get into how this works:
Each Day is centered around one word. From this word, there's two other words, one more lighthearted and the other more angsty. Feel free to write to whatever word tickles your fancy!
Along with these prompts, since its an oc week, there is a question that goes along with each day that you can answer! They're split between human and non human ocs if need be.
So that's that! Let's get on with this week's prompts:
DAY ONE - Deal: Assistance/Drawback
Human: what lord does your OC have an attachment to? Non Human: what human does your OC have an attachment to?
DAY TWO - Apotheosis: Survival/Infection
What is your OC doing during the events of The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals?
DAY THREE - Capitalism: Feast/Famine
What is your OC doing during the events of Black Friday?
DAY FOUR - Loser: Attacker/Victim
What is your OC doing during the events of Nerdy Prudes Must Die?
DAY FIVE - Home: Family/Stranger
Human: What’s your OC’s home life like? Non Human: Does your OC have a family? If so, what’re they like?
DAY SIX - Love: Sweetheart/Heartbreak
Who does your OC hold closest to them?
DAY SEVEN - Finale : Happily Ever After/Tragedy
How does your OC’s story end?
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hatchetfieldocweek · 7 months
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Hi everyone! Welcome to March 2024’s Hatchetfield OC Week! This blog is the hub for all things related to the week!
The dates run from March 10th - March 16th! However, due to the short notice + this being our first week, we're taking submissions till the end of March!
The prompt list will be linked here!
This post will be updated with questions as they come :]
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This blog has 2 owners!
OWNER ONE - @pastriibunz
NAME: Pastrii!! :D
PRONOUNS: she/her :]
the kai drew fan. literally. i made her!!! i made that guy!!!! the creator of miss drew, the writer of her fics, the artist of her cannon art, the admin of @shxwstxpper + @the-arkaives (and this blog too), and professional pokotho prophet (/j)! i am so mentally ill about my oc i was like "whag if there was a week about hatctetfield ocs :o" and with the help from one of my mutuals, here we are! ive definetly got a better intro on my main, but this is my little bio sooo yeah!!! :D
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OWNER TWO - @raspberrysmoon
NAME: elliot/alice/(rasp)berry/ella/julian
PRONOUNS: he/him + she/her + fawn/fawns + star/stars + they/them + it/its
MY SON!!!! silly little guy!!! the mutual that helped make this all happen!!! they’ve got a more in depth intro too- FOLLOW THEM RIGHT NEOW 🫵😡‼️
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