#call sign: avalanche pt. 1
callsignthirsty · 2 years
OMG THIRSTY YOUR SUGGESTION BOX IS OPEN UMMM, first of all hi I love you, second I was thinking maybe a maverick x femPILOTreader can (her call sign be avalanche?) were they are a thing that only goose and carol know about, but not really just “casual sex” in mavs words, then ice starts flirting HARD with the reader and mav gets jealous and makes a big scene and they end up breaking up over it (cause maverick is too hard headed) and he regrets it forever but says nothing (that man won’t swallow his pride) and maybe a time skip to top gun maverick? Where he and the reader are called back together to train the team (is this too much?), I think it’d be cute to see mav fall in love all over again (not really cause he never forgot her) with her and be together in the end. Bonus points if she is like an aunt to rooster cause she was also good friends with the Bradshaws. I don’t know if it’s something you’d like to write or if it’s really not up your alley. Sorry if it’s a mess not good at explaining my self, anyway I hope you have a lovely day ❤️❤️❤️
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Hey there @i-wear-wet-socks313 — Thanks for sending in your suggestion. There was a lot to unpack with this one, so I hope you don’t mind that I shortened it a little bit by breezing over the events of the first movie. That said: it’s still fixing to be about 10k by the time I get around to publishing part 2 (yeah, that’s right, I had to break it into two parts!) But what can I say? Your suggestion definitely smacked me upside the head (and I liked it)! Be on the lookout for part two in the coming week or two ❤️
Pairing: Pete “Maverick” Mitchell x F!Pilot!Reader (call sign: Avalanche) Word Count: 7500 Warnings: Canon character death (x2), language, a general glossing over of movie events, the author knowing nothing about the Navy or aviation smut coming in part 2 Minors DNI
Call Sign: Avalanche
You hadn't kept in touch with Iceman since graduating from Top Gun. Honestly, you hadn't kept in touch with any of your classmates — it had been easiest to cut all ties. Despite this, you'd have had to be exceptionally observant not to notice the Iceman's rise within the ranks. Not that you hadn't done well for yourself but you were no Commander of the Pacific Fleet. So when Admiral Kazansky put in the call to have you transferred to North Island for a special assignment, you were flattered. Really. You figured that Iceman's recommending you for the job spoke to his appreciation for your shared craft and his belief that you could train the squad to do what needed to be done.
The good feelings last until you learn who you'll be expected to teach alongside.
That's when you see this assignment for what it is: a cruel joke.
Like Iceman, you haven't seen Maverick since your joint graduation ceremony in '85. Unlike Iceman, you actively worked to avoid Maverick. Because it was just your luck that you'd have a history with the Navy's best pilot.
You'd dated for months, though neither of you was brave enough to put words to it. Carole was, though. Date. Relationship. Love. Any time she mentioned it, your cheeks would flame, Maverick would awkwardly look away, and Goose would pull her into a hug, kissing her until she giggled and the topic was changed.
Those were the days. And in a kinder world, things would've stayed like that forever. Instead, Iceman had unintentionally swooped in and blown your good thing to shit.
But even you could admit that it wasn't entirely Iceman's fault. As much as you liked Maverick, you knew that you had to keep your relationship under wraps. Though the Navy allowed women within their ranks, getting the opportunity to become one of the first female naval aviators was still a hard-won privilege and one that you didn't take lightly. The last thing you wanted was for someone to call you out for fraternization and jeopardize your job. And though you looked at Maverick as if he'd hung the moon just for you, you knew that few others within the Navy viewed his endeavors — and you knew they'd consider you, an endeavor — similarly.
But as hard as you'd tried in the beginning, you hadn't been able to stop Maverick from worming his way into your affections. And, it appeared, your efforts were similarly wasted on Iceman.
When you first met Ice, you'd suspected he was a dime-a-dozen. Tall and confident and by the rules. Until you saw him fly. You had an ego like the other pilots who made it to Top Gun, but you, at least, knew when you were beaten. And Iceman had all of you beat. Well, except for Maverick. That appreciation, however, must have been misconstrued. Somewhere along the line, Iceman had gotten it in his head that sliding into the seat next to you at the O Club and flagging the bartender down to grab you a drink was a good idea. You hadn't known he was interested until it was already too late.
You couldn't even remember the words that blew your world to pieces. Only knew that Maverick had his hand around your arm, your drink spilled all down the front of your khakis as he'd hissed and spit until he was red in the face. "You want to fuck Kazansky. Fine. I won't stand in your way."
"I'm done." And he'd gotten on his bike and driven away.
It had been the end of your relationship but the beginning of Maverick's downward spiral.
Goose died the next day.
Maverick turned in his wings.
Iceman won the Top Gun trophy.
Maverick was called away to the USS Enterprise right after the graduation ceremony.
You were long gone before he came back.
But here he is. Strolling into the briefing late, clad in his dad's jacket and old jeans. His brows draw down in confusion when his eyes land on you, his head tilting. Assessing.
At least he hadn't been expecting you, either. Neither of you had the advantage.
"Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell." Cyclone draws Maverick's attention to himself, sitting behind his desk. "Your reputation precedes you."
"Thank you, sir."
Cyclone's frown deepens. "Wasn't a compliment." It does little to humble the smile on Maverick's face, so Cyclone goes on to introduce himself, Warlock, and yourself, though, from the casual greeting they shoot each other, you gather that he and Warlock have met before.
With little delay, Warlock goes on to outline the mission. "The target is an unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant built in violation of a multilateral NATO treaty. The uranium produced there represents a direct threat to our allies in the region. The Pentagon has tasked us with assembling a strike team and taking it out before it becomes fully operational."
Warlock goes through his slides. The plant is in an underground bunker at the end of a GPS-jammed valley guarded by an extensive surface-to-air missile array and fifth-generation fighters. "Which, in turn," Warlock continues with another click to zoom in on an aerial view of the nearby airstrip, "are backed up by a plentiful reserve of surplus aircraft. Even a few F-14s."
"Seems like we're not the only ones holding onto old relics." You'd have taken Cyclone's words personally if they hadn't been meant as a blatant attack on Maverick. As it is, Maverick ducks his head as if the shot at him is expected.
"What's your read, Captain?" Warlock breaks the stalemate.
Maverick looks at you briefly before clearing his throat and approaching the projector. You follow along in your own hastily scribbled notes as Maverick talks through the possibilities. GPS-jamming means F-35s are a no-go. The low-level laser-guided strike is about as tailor-made for the F-18 as a mission can get. Two precision bombs. Four aircraft flying in pairs. High potential for g-loc on the way out and a dogfight all the way home. But it can be done. Supposedly.
"It's been a while since I've flown an F-18, and I'm not sure who I'd trust to fly the other three, but I'll find a way to make it work."
And then Cyclone hits you with the twist: "We don't want you to fly it. We want you to teach it."
Twelve Top Gun graduates have been recalled for the special detachment. Among them: Bradley. You can pinpoint the moment Maverick sees Bradley on the board, and you almost feel bad, but Maverick had brought this upon himself. You'd been there to pick Bradley up after Maverick pulled his papers to the Naval Academy. Had jumped in your car and floored it to the Bradshaw residence to hold the boy — now a young man — as he'd sobbed fat, angry tears.
That doesn't mean you don't wince when Cyclone sticks his fingers into the open wound that will evermore be Goose. "Tragic what happened." Even you want to smack the Vice Admiral for that.
But if Maverick has the plan and Maverick is expected to teach the graduates… "Admiral Simpson," you say, breaking your silence as you close your notepad, "I fail to see why I'm needed for this detachment if Captain Mitchell has the planning and training under control." Professional. To the point. "So if you don't need me…." You stand and make for the door. The sooner you can slip away, back to your life without Maverick, the better.
"Not so fast," Cyclone interrupts your exit and leans forward against his desk. "Let me be perfectly blunt. You–" you turn to find him pointing a stern finger at Maverick "–were not my first choice. In fact, you weren't even on the list. You are here because of Admiral Kazansky. Now, Iceman happens to be a man I deeply admire, and he seems to think that you have something left to offer the Navy. What that is, I can't imagine. And he has assured me that you–" Cyclone's steely green eyes lock on you "–can keep him in check."
Well, isn't that rich? "With all due respect, Cyclone, I'm an Admiral for the United States Navy, not a babysitter."
"Well, for the purposes of this mission, it would appear that you are both." He tosses a file onto his desk, and you glare at it. Not only does Cyclone outrank you, but the orders technically come from the Commander of the Pacific Fleet. You could say 'no' and walk away, but unless you're officially dismissed, it's a career-limiting — possibly career-ending — move. Ultimately, you walk back to the desk to pick up the file and stack it on your notepad.
Satisfied, Cyclone turns his attention back to Maverick. "You don't have to take this job, but let me be clear: this will be your last post, Captain. You fly for Top Gun, or you never fly for the Navy ever again."
That night, as you pour over the mission file, you wonder what Kazansky is up to. There's no way he put you, Maverick, and Bradley all in the same place over a mid-life power trip. But you can't figure out what he's out to accomplish for your life.
— — —
Warlock introduces you and Maverick to the twelve graduates. Well, eleven — you both know Bradley. Cyclone is beside himself when Maverick throws away the F-18 NATOPS and shoots you a look, but what does he expect you to do? Fish it out of the trash? This is Kazansky's circus. He can fish the NATOPS out of the trash.
Bradley catches up to you as everyone disperses to get changed into their g-suits for the day's hops. "Why the hell is he here?" he asks, voice low but venom clear in his tone.
"Figures." Bradley's lips pull into a tight line. "So, what do we do?"
You sigh, exhausted, and the day has only begun. "What we do best, baby bird. Fly."
Frustratingly, Maverick's just as good as you remember him. Better, even. The fire of his youth still there but tempered marginally by time. And you hate to admit it, but you're rusty. No one told you when you joined the Navy that the higher you climbed the ladder, the further you'd get from the sky. You're shot down once by Hangman — which you're sure he'll brag about later at the bar — but Maverick is untouchable.
You're already on the ground when Bradley touches down to do his own pushups. Once your arms have turned to jelly, you let Hondo go with a promise to count the rest for Bradley.
"I told you to fly, not lose your shit," you say once Hondo has walked far enough away to give you the illusion of privacy. Bradley glares at you before returning to his pushups, sweat dripping off his nose and onto the tarmac. "When you let him get to you like that, you give him the edge."
"What does it matter?" Bradley says, taking a seat and looking up at you for the first time since he was thirteen. "He's going to wash me out."
"I won't let him."
Bradley shakes his head. "Don't."
"I won't."
"Well, you couldn't stop him last time." And that's not fair. You weren't the one who'd pulled Bradley's papers. You hadn't even known until the deed had been done. Until Bradley was asking if he could stay with you for a while, and you insisted on driving to him. The same night Maverick's name had become a dirty word to both of you.
You do your best to keep the hurt off of your face. Bradley isn't mad at you; he's stressed and lashing out. But on base, you're still his superior officer. "The four best pilots will be on the mission. Whether that includes you or not, Rooster, is up to you. But it won't if you keep flying like that." You leave when your phone buzzes with a message to meet at Cyclone's office in — you check the time — ten minutes.
— — —
It's cathartic, you decide, to watch someone else lose their shit on Maverick. Unfortunately for Cyclone, though, this is one of the rare times that Maverick's rule-breaking has a defensible reason behind it.
"The hard deck will be much lower for the mission, sir," Maverick responds at your side.
"And it will not change without my approval!" Cyclone snaps. "Especially not in the middle of an exercise. And that cobra maneuver of yours? That could've gotten all four of you killed. I never want to see that shit again." All you do is shrug when Cyclone's stare focuses on you. You aren't sure what Iceman told Cyclone to make him think you could make Maverick behave, but you're not sure what you're supposed to do when you haven't spoken to the man in nearly forty years.
And then they're off again: Cyclone and Maverick. Oil and water.
"You have less than three weeks to teach them how to fight as a team and how to strike the target," Cyclone says, and he looks like he's ready to wave a hand, dismiss you all for the day, and pour himself four fingers of whiskey.
"And how to come home." Your head snaps to Maverick. His lips are parted as if he wants to say something else, but the words must escape him because instead, he repeats: "And how to come home, sir."
You try to swallow, but your throat is dry like sandpaper. Eyes wide, you stare at Cyclone. Coming home had never been a part of the training plan. This — Maverick is the first person to mention bringing the team home. A pit settles in your stomach as the realization of what you've been assigned to hits.
A suicide mission.
You're sending six people into enemy territory to die. Less, if you're lucky, but not everyone is coming home.
Cyclone chooses his next words carefully — "Every mission has its risks." — but they do nothing to settle you. Your blood is on fire, and you're simultaneously hot and cold, an icy sweat breaking out across your temples. "These pilots accept that."
"I don't, sir." Maverick's statement settles around you like a well-worn quilt. You shiver, despite yourself as a part of you that you'd believe to be long-dead flickers back to life. Because at that moment, in those words, you know that Maverick will do everything in his power to ensure everyone comes home. It feels like hope. Like trust. Clumsy fingers pull the feeling tighter around you.
"Every morning," Cyclone breaks the silence, "you will brief us on your instructional plans in writing. And nothing will change without my express approval."
"Including the hard deck, sir?" You're running through a plan to get all the paperwork together to lower the hard deck as soon as the question is past Maverick's lips because, much to your chagrin, Maverick is correct, and you should all be flying much lower to properly prepare.
"Especially the hard deck, Captain."
Without skipping a beat, Maverick hands a manila file over the desk to Cyclone. "Sir." And it appears that years of getting on Admirals' bad sides have prepared Maverick for this exact moment. You have to fight the twitch threatening to bring your lips up at the thought that Maverick knew he was going to break the hard deck and had come prepared with the paperwork already filled out.
When you regroup the next day, the hard deck sits much lower.
In two-plane teams, the graduates take turns flying the simulated course on their nav systems. And because you're going easy on them, they have both extra time and a higher ceiling than they'll have when they fly the actual mission. Even with these allowances, no one can make it to the end of the course. Except for Bradley, but he'd flown too slow despite Yale's insistence that they would be late.
As Maverick and Rooster argue over whether or not running the course in four minutes would be a death sentence, you can see the graduates' faces drop as they come to the same conclusion you'd come to in Cyclone's office: that this mission might not be doable.
"That's no time to be thinking about the past," Hangman says as if he couldn't stand that Bradley's ire had been aimed at anyone else.
Bradley's head whips to Hangman. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Something about this screams danger, but Maverick is frozen to the spot. "Rooster," you say, hoping you can get in front of this; calm Bradley before Hangman can dig his nails in and give him a shake.
Hangman leans back against his seat, a smile curling his lips. "I can't be the only one that knows that Maverick flew with his old man."
"That's enough." Maverick finally snaps out of whatever had held him silent before, but Hangman is undeterred.
"Or that Maverick was flying when his old man–"
"Lieutenant," you bark, "that's enough!" But it's too little too late. The fuse must have been lit before you and Maverick had been on the scene because Bradley is suddenly out of his seat, other graduates clamoring to their feet to grab him or push Hangman out of his reach.
Maverick throws himself into the middle, ordering each man to stand down while Bradley snarls, "You son of a bitch!"
When you get a hand on Hangman's shoulder, he shoots you a self-assured smile. "He's not cut out for this mission."
You shove him away from Bradley. "Walk."
Hangman's pale eyes land on Rooster. "You know it."
"I said walk, Lieutenant." You give Hangman another shove for good measure, and his feet finally begin to carry him away from the situation, but not before his eyes lock on Maverick's over his shoulder.
"You know I'm right."
Back in the hangar, Maverick dismisses the class. You march Hangman to an empty classroom to reprimand his piss-poor behavior. Hangman nods in all the right places, but you doubt any of your scoldings get through to him.
— — —
Getting all the graduates on the same page calls for a new strategy. They can fly the course on their navs until they're blue in the face, but it won't bring them closer together. Won't keep Hangman from leaving his wingman out to dry or light a fire under Bradley's ass. With a few ideas in mind, you arrive at the hangar early, hoping you can snag Warlock and go over some of your ideas before seeking approval from Cyclone.
Instead, you find Maverick.
"You're a bit early," you say as you take a seat atop one of the desks in the back row. And underdressed. It seems that he hasn't updated his wardrobe since the '80s. Instead of khakis, Maverick must have walked onto base today in his jeans and an old, white t-shirt.
Maverick jumps a little bit, then erases an errant mark on the whiteboard with the hem of his shirt and returns to what he was writing. "Yeah," he agrees. "Wanted to get here before everyone else."
Clearly. "And what's that?" you ask, gesturing at the board.
"Oh." Maverick stands back and taps at the board. "New plan for the day. I'd have talked with you about it, but…." He doesn't have your number.
Class on the beach.
Meet at The Hard Deck.
Wear civvies.
"What's at the beach?"
"Dogfight football," he says as if that explains everything.
You cross your arms. "This isn't volleyball all over again, is it?"
"No." Maverick shakes his head with a fond smile crinkling his eyes. “No, this is teambuilding.”
"Ah," you play along and nod as if that clears everything up. "I think that's exactly what Viper called it when he sent us to the volleyball court." More like when Jester had chucked the volleyball at Maverick's head, and Viper ordered he and Iceman get their posturing bullshit over with. They hadn't, of course, but it had been worth a try.
"He did, didn't he?" Before he can start fiddling with the whiteboard marker, Maverick caps it and sets it down. You wonder if he's thinking about it, too. The long summer days. How the sun beat down on all of you until your shoulders were red. Goose. "Let's hope this goes better, then."
When you arrive at the beach, Hondo's already there with two nerf footballs in his hands and a referee whistle around his neck. Maverick's bike is in the parking lot, but you don't see him when you scan the beach.
"Anything I can help you with, ma'am?" Hondo shifts his weight from one foot to the other in the sand. Maybe Maverick had told him about your history, maybe he hadn't, but the two seem close enough. Whatever he does or doesn't know, Hondo doesn't let it come between your professional relationship.
"Just trying to figure out what dogfight football is."
The idea is all Maverick's, but the concept is pretty simple. Offense and defense at the same time. Score by running your ball into the opposing team's endzone before they run their ball into yours. Stop the other team from advancing by grounding their ball.
As Hondo gets into the hastily made-up rules, Maverick comes down from the bar, jeans rolled up to just below his knees and dragging a cooler behind himself. "You made it," he greets you, his movie star smile warm like the sun as the sea breeze tousles his hair.
"What's in the box?" you ask, hiding behind the question and your aviators. Instead of answering, Maverick opens the lid to reveal a multitude of cans. "Beer? On the job?"
"There's water in there, too," Maverick says, digging through the ice until he uncovers a water bottle and hands it to you. You drop the bottle back into the ice with a crunch. "The class on their way?" he asks as he closes the cooler.
"I'm not sure." So you fish your phone out of your pocket and send Bradley a quick text to make sure he's on his way with the others. Truthfully, you hadn't stuck around long enough to be sure. Had simply added your own note below Maverick's before leaving yourself.
Erase after reading.
The class shows up, and shirts come off. You fight to keep your eyes on Hondo as he separates you into teams. For someone pushing sixty, Maverick looks good. Trim waist, toned arms–
"Avalanche." Your attention snaps to Hondo as he motions you to the left. "Orange team."
After a quick huddle, both teams line up. Maverick and Bradley against you and Hangman. You don't have enough time to overthink it when Hondo blows the whistle, and you all take off at the snap.
By the time you stumble to the cooler for some water, you've lost track of the score. Hondo might know, but you doubt it. Laughter rang out from the group as Phoenix brought Fanboy down to the sand. Count on Maverick to succeed where others have failed.
"Looks like your plan worked," you call out as Maverick makes his way over to you, jeans wet and sandy from all the times he'd been knocked into the surf, aviators crooked on his face. You get off the cooler to grab him a water bottle as he sits in the nearby chair and pulls his shirt back on. When you turn around, he's beaming.
"Get him!" Halo screams, and you and Maverick look to where Hondo has intercepted a pass. He looks between the ball and WSO as if he's surprised before he runs, but he doesn't get far before — regardless of which team they're on — the aviators jump on him like a bunch of puppies. Screaming and laughing and wiggling as they bring Hondo to the sand. A laugh escapes you, and suddenly you and Maverick are laughing together. It feels good to laugh with him again.
Not even Cyclone's shadow can dim your shine, but Maverick does peak at him over his sunglasses. "Sir?"
"What is this?" Cyclone asks as everyone sets up again, none the wiser to Cyclone observing from the sideline.
"This–" Maverick gestures to the surf "–is dogfight football."
"Offense and defense at the same time," you say once you take a sip from your water bottle.
Ever critical, Cyclone asks: "Who's winning?"
"I think they stopped keeping score a while ago," Maverick says, his own water bottle crinkling as he drains it.
"This detachment still has some training to complete, Captain." His words are said to Maverick, but they're directed at both of you. Cyclone shooting you a look that says he expected you to do more to keep Maverick on Cyclone's track than go along willingly when he decides to play hooky. And maybe it's because this is the most fun you've had in years, but you'll readily admit that Maverick's plan had worked better than anything you'd wanted to run by Warlock. "Every available minute matters. So why are we out here playing games?"
Bob scores a touchdown, and Bradley lifts him onto his shoulders. Bob raises the ball above his head as the rest of the squad mills about them and chants, "Bob! Bob! Bob!"
"It's a teambuilding exercise, sir," you say, catching Maverick's surprised look out of the corner of your eye. "You asked him to create a team. There it is."
The three of you watch as the group runs into the ocean to cool off, only Hondo appears to be aware of their spectator, but Maverick raises a hand in his direction as if to let Hondo know that you have it handled.
"I expect them to be ready to fly tomorrow." By the time the graduates fish themselves out of the surf, Cyclone is long gone. And as they begin to walk around The Hard Deck with the promise of food and a few rounds of pool, Maverick's eyes find yours through your sunglasses.
"Well," Maverick sighs, hands clapping against his thighs, but he doesn't make to stand up. "I've gotta see if Penny will take some of these beers back."
You nod, dusting sand from your legs and shaking your shirt before pulling it over your head. "Make sure they drink some water," you say because you remember what it was like to be young and in the Navy. "I don't want Cyclone on our asses about them being hungover tomorrow."
"You heading out?" He rises to meet you.
"Yeah." You pat down your pockets to make sure that you have your keys. "It's about that time."
"Stick around," Maverick says when your keys jingle in your pocket. "Penny makes a mean burger."
Mean might be an exaggeration, but it turns out that Penny's burgers are pretty good. You hadn't expected much from a Navy bar, but credit where it's due and all that. By the time Maverick finds you at your booth, he's returned all but two of his beers and passes one of them to you. "I'd have gotten you a glass, but I already paid for these, so…" he trails off, and now that you can see his eyes, he looks uncomfortable standing at the end of your booth.
Maybe you're still running on the endorphins from your teambuilding exercise, or your newly blossoming trust is making you do some weird shit, but you decide to accept the can that Maverick offers you. You crack it open and take a sip, nodding to the bench across from you. Maverick jumps at the chance and slides onto the seat, his elbows resting on the table as he takes a gulp of his beer.
"So," you say, not entirely sure where to start with how long it's been since you've willingly engaged in a conversation with Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, but you're in a mood to humor him, "still a Captain, huh?"
Maverick chuckles. "A highly decorated Captain." It sounds like he's been saying it for years.
The conversation is stilted. Strictly professional. But it's more than you've been willing to give Maverick in years. The conversation is shot dead when the jukebox is unplugged, and Maverick gets a faraway look on his face as Bradley begins tickling at the piano keys. Before long, the rest of the bar is scream-singing Great Balls of Fire along with him, but your silence stretches even after Bradley moves on to the next song. And the next.
Your anger rises with each change of the keys. Finally, you can't take the silence any longer. "It was wrong what you did." It's the least of what you've wanted to say to him for years.
"I did what I had to."
"Bullshit," you grit. You see red. Because who the fuck did — does — Maverick think he is? "You had no right–"
"Carole asked me to do it." He says it so softly that you almost miss it between the clack of the pool table and din of conversation. Of all the defenses you'd been expecting, all the excuses you'd imagined over the years, you'd never…
"She– Well, she–" he stumbles over his words. A couple non-starters until he can finally spit it out with a careful look in Bradley's direction. "She never wanted him to fly. Not after what happened to Goose." So there it was. What you'd always assumed was Maverick's own selfish reason for keeping his best friend's son from flying.
But it wasn't his selfish reason. Fuck! You stared into your can, the carbonation fizzing against the thin metal until you could feel it beneath your fingers.
Fuck. You'd had Maverick wrong for years. Bradley had him wrong.
Maverick clears his throat when you don't have anything to say to his overdue confession. "She made me promise before she died."
"How long?"
"The next day," Maverick gives you a sad little smile.
You still hate it, but you begrudgingly get it now. Years later. Maverick hadn't wanted to pull Rooster's papers. Carole had put him in an impossible position. "You could've lied." You hate to even offer it up. It feels wrong the second the suggestion slips past your lips. Who lies to their friend on the deathbed? But Carole wouldn't have known. She could have died in peace, and Bradley would've been none the wiser.
"I couldn't bring myself to tell her, then…" he shakes his head. "Anyway, I knew Bradley would fly." He gestures across the table at you. "Knew you'd be there to help him get back on track."
But something about all of this still doesn't sit right with you. "Why not just tell him?" You abandon your beer and lean across the table, catching Maverick's downcast eyes. "He's… It would've hurt in the moment, but you've had years." An urge seizes you, and you have to fight every instinct in your body telling you to reach across the table. To cradle Maverick's hand in your own and rub some comfort into the old bones beneath tan skin. "You have to know by now that he'd have understood." That he'd still understand. He'd be angry, but he'd understand.
For all that you were the wind in Bradley's sails after their falling out, you knew you'd always be a piss poor replacement for Bradley's Uncle Mav. God, you wished Goose was there to knock some sense into him.
Maverick takes another sip of his beer, his gaze on Bradley, surrounded by his teammates by the piano. "It's better this way," he says. "I'd rather him hate me than resent her."
"You're an idiot if you think Bradley ever could've hated Carole."
A smile tugs at the corner of Maverick's lip, but his dimples don't pop. "No one ever accused me of being smart."
— — —
You and Maverick play the role of intercepting fifth-gen fighters while the graduates practice the course at speed and attempt to hit an old refrigerator in the middle of the desert meant to simulate the underground bunker.
The day doesn't go as planned.
It starts with several unsuccessful runs, then Coyote going into g-loc, followed by a bird strike that forces Phoenix and Bob to eject. Your hands, steady in the cockpit, shake once you touch down while you try to keep your mind from spiraling. You try to do simple math in your head, and when that isn't distracting enough, you force yourself to look at the positives: Coyote is fine; Phoenix and Bob punched out, their parachutes deployed, and a helicopter is picking probably picking them up right now; Bradley hadn't been in the air.
Thinking about your baby bird makes your breath catch. Heart beating in your throat. How was he handling all of this? Had he watched them punch out? Had he ever–?
Before you can go to him, Maverick is there. "Hey," he says with a hand on your shoulder, and you don't brush it off. The touch is grounding. It's the only thing keeping you from entering a flat spin. "Are you okay?" All you can think is that you should be asking him that. What you muster is a nod. It's been a while since you've been in the air when something had gone wrong, and your mind keeps circling back to Goose. Maverick's eyes study yours before he ushers you toward the building. He asks you to wait before disappearing into the men's locker room and returning with a manilla folder. "Think you can bring Cyclone tomorrow's lesson plan?"
You accept the folder, looking at the thick card stock in your hands. "Where're you going?"
Hesitation and desperation war in his eyes. "Rooster." Ah. Yeah. That makes sense. You want to go after Bradley yourself, but Maverick needs it.
You swallow to wet your dry throat. "Yeah," you croak. "Good. Yeah. I'll make sure he gets it."
Maverick's hand squeezes your shoulder. "Thank you." Then he's gone down the hallway, peering through windows as he goes.
But bad news always comes in threes.
The call comes in while you're defending Maverick's lesson plan.
You hadn't even known that Iceman was sick.
Warlock offers his condolences to Cyclone, then dips out of the room to find Maverick and deliver the news. Seconds later, footsteps hurry past the door and out of the base. A door slamming as the rumble of a bike disappears into the distance.
You stand with your old Top Gun class at the service. Well, the ones who had been able to show up. Slider. Hollywood and Wolfman. Viper.
Ron had tried to get approval to fly one of the jets overhead, but his request had been denied, which, you thought, eying his hands as they shook during the eulogy, was probably for the best. After the service, the five of you grab a drink for old time's sake, and Viper pours one out for your fallen comrade. Maverick doesn't join.
But when it rains, it pours.
An email is all the warning you get that Cyclone is taking over the mission. Maverick's career as a naval aviator is over, but yours isn't. You're expected to stay on. Without Iceman to fight for him, Maverick is grounded. All over the world, you're sure, admirals and air bosses were breathing a collective sigh of relief — but to your surprise, you weren't among them.
For the first time since joining the Navy — with his best friend gone and his career at large buried alongside his wingman — Maverick is well and truly on his own.
Everyone is given a day off to mourn and collect themselves while Cyclone develops a new game plan.
New orders come through the following day. You arrive on base early and are briefed on the latest mission parameters, but they make you feel like you've swallowed lead. It's a feeling you can't shake while you change into your flight suit, a voice in your ear buzzing that you're sending your team off to an early grave. You're on your way to run through preflight to fly an example of Cyclone's plan when you swear you see Maverick out of the corner of your eye.
You squint through the early morning sun. "Maverick?" He puts a finger to his lips and waves you over, and with a quick look around, you go to him. When you're close enough, he pulls you into the shadow of the hangar he's hiding behind so neither of you will be seen by officers about their dailies. "What are you doing here?" you ask, quiet this time. "Cyclone said that you were done."
"Yeah," Maverick said, his eyes sparkling with mischief, "I'm sure he'd like to believe that."
"I don't like that look." But you're smiling.
"A lot of people 've been saying that lately." He smiles back. Then: "I'm going to steal a jet."
"Come again?"
Maverick holds his hands up to calm you down. You must've been loud in your surprise because he's looking around the tarmac like he expects to be found out any second now. "The only way they come home is the way we've been teaching them," he says, and it's truth. You both know it. The squad knows it. Cyclone knows it.
Every mission has its risks. These pilots accept that.
"I won't drag you down with me, but if you could just — I don't know — distract the ground crew while I climb into one of the F/A-18s, I'll deny that you had any part in–"
You hand Maverick your helmet. "Take mine."
"I'm set to fly the course in–" you check your watch "–at the top of the hour." With your helmet in Maverick's hands, you begin loosening the strap that fits under your chin so it'll go on easier for him. "Keep your head down and use signals during preflight or you won't make it off the ground."
"Cyclone doesn't think it can be flown, but it can," you say and place your hands on Maverick's shoulders. "Prove him wrong."
"Thank you."
"Turn 'n' burn, Mav."
You make your way to the class after you watch Mav take off in your plane. As luck would have it, you arrive just as your plane appears on the screen.
"Avalanche," range control crackles through the comms, "you are approaching point Alpha. Confirm green range."
"Copy, Range control. Green range is confirmed." Cyclone's eyes find yours when he starts at the very decidedly not feminine voice that responds to the tower.
"Umm… Avalanche?"
"We have this event scheduled for Avalanche, sir."
"Well, I'm going anyway," Mav says. "Setting time to target: two minutes and fifteen seconds."
You might be the only person in the room who isn't surprised when Mav pulls off his stunt.
Cyclone takes off from the hangar with Warlock hot on his heels. You follow as they pass you by.
"You were supposed to keep him in line," Cyclone says, but he doesn't turn to look at you. Warlock does, you even think he understands why you did it, but Warlock wasn't the one Mav had to convince.
"With all due respect, sir–"
Your steps falter. "What?"
Cyclone shoots you a glare over his shoulder. "Go home, Rear Admiral. We will discuss this later." Then to Warlock: "Bring Mitchell to my office. Now."
With no other way to contact him, you head to the Hard Deck, knowing Mav will find you there eventually. You hope he's got good news when he does.
Mav takes significantly longer to show up than you'd anticipated, which is either good or bad. It's a busy night at the bar, the jukebox plays hit after hit, and one unlucky sod has the bell run on him for disrespecting a lady. No one is tossed overboard. You've only managed to drink half of your beer, your stomach lurching uneasily each time you take a sip, and your eyes jumping to the door every time it swings open, unsettled with the knowledge that you all ship out in the morning. That this was the last chance Mav had to prove the mission could be flown, to change Cyclone's mind before the team was selected. That he — you — might have been too late.
Then he shows up. Nostalgia personified in his dress whites, cap tucked beneath his arm as Loverboy croons over the clink of glasses and laughter that fills the bar. Your breath catches in your throat.
This is it. The moment of truth.
Mav's face gives nothing away as he leans in close enough for his breath to tickle your ear. "Take a walk with me?" You abandon your room-temperature beer and follow Mav onto the deck and down to the beach. He lets out a bone-deep sigh as his dress shoes fill with sand.
"What's with the whites?" You're shooting for casual, but you're practically shaking. Is this a final night of glory? A swan song? A victory lap?
"Just seemed appropriate." Mav shrugs and drags out your suffering.
"So," you say, drawing it out until the vowel is lost in the breeze, "did you get canned?"
"No." You give him a look, and he relents. "Close, but no."
The surf fills the silence, but there's only so much it can do before the space between you grows stale. The moment to say something has almost passed when: "Spit it out. We aren't getting any younger."
"I've been appointed team leader."
It crashes into you like waves against the hull of a carrier. The whites, the solemn expression. This is supposed to be goodbye.
"Don't go." And you mean it. Don't even have to think about it.
But Mav's eyes stay on the water. Dark waves gliding up the sand and retreating. "I have to."
"No. You don't."
His shoulders stiffen; you can see it clear as day with the way his whites contrast the inky black of the night sky. "Is that an order, Admiral?"
You scoff. "No. If it was, you'd just break it." Mav chuckles despite himself. "It's a request. From a friend." But the request feels hollow when you put it that way. Tastes like a lie on the back of your tongue.
"I'm the only one who's flown the course in the timeframe. It has to be me."
"Please," you say because you aren't above pleading. Because you're desperate and running out of reasons.
"I love you." The words feel like ejecting without a parachute. Like diving headfirst into an alpine lake at the height of summer — frigid water filling your lungs as you gasp. "Never stopped, but," he pauses, meets your gaze with his own, and for the first time, Mav seems every bit his age. You can't help but feel that he looks all the more handsome for it. "I wanted to say it now. In case I don't get the chance to, later."
You pull him into a kiss and breathe him in like water. Longing. Lingering. Drowning. Mav allows himself to sink beneath the surface with you before his hands cover your own on his cheeks and pulls away. He takes a step back, surfaces, stumbles slightly in the sand. "When I come back," he promises.
And that's precisely what echoes in your head when you hear that Dagger One has gone down.
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
A SOLDIER’s Memories - Cloud Strife x Fem!Reader Pt 4
AAAAH! I’ve been working on this for a couple weeks writing and deleting and rearranging and editing and aaaahhh! 
Part 4: SOLDIER’s Honor
                It’s been five years since I lost everything important to me, since I lost my reason for living, and since my promotion to SOLDIER First Class. Now I’m just a glorified dog doing as the master says. Since the disappearance of the top SOLDIERs, I’ve become Shinra’s scapegoat figurehead for the program. They raise me up to symbolize peace and protection and even female empowerment as the first female SOLDIER, encouraging others to join because “even a slum rat can become a hero.” I’m the ultimate underdog who rose to the top, but they’ll never breathe a word of the true story.
                Some pests have been attacking our reactors. This AVALANCHE group is quickly climbing the list of those to that need to be eliminated. What bothers me most is that there are rumors that a rogue First Class SOLDIER is among them, but with so few of us, I can’t think of a single one that’s gone missing without cause.
                The Sector 1 reactor has just been destroyed. Pulling a cloak over my uniform, I plan to do a little investigation. The rebels are supposedly hiding out somewhere in the slums. If I can stop them, I can prevent some serious Shinra retaliation and prevent innocent lives being ruined; at least that’s what the little cat-bot begged of me. With the hood up to hide my face, I take my leave.
                I start at Sector 8, planning to intercept the rebels or work my way back through the sectors in search of them. Shouts and gunfire catch my attention. Bolting in that direction, I find a single man standing among a heap of fallen Shinra officers. The rumors appear to be true: he’s clad in a First Class uniform.
                “I suppose it was to be expected that standard infantrymen wouldn’t stand up to you.” I announce my presence, drawing my favored weapon and revealing my title.
                The man whirls on me, wielding a strikingly familiar sword. Before I can question him, I catch sight of his face and I black out for a second.
                The man grimaces but quickly regains control. His entire body tenses, grip tightening on the hilt. “It’s been a long time. Maybe you can put up a fight.”
                “You…” I utter in disbelief. “They told me you were dead.”
                “Guess they lied.”
                There’s something different about him. Then I see the glow in his eyes; he’s been exposed to mako. The blood drains from my face when I remember that SOLDIERs are monsters born from mako. He adjusts his weapon and I take a step back.
                “I don’t remember you being a coward,” he says. “But maybe they don’t hold standards for us First Class like they used to.”
                “Us?” I repeat, stunned.
                His chin rises in defiance. “That’s right. Ex-SOLDIER. First Class. Same as you, remember.”
                This is nothing like the man I remember; he’s dark and confrontational. Whatever they did to him, they ruined the Cloud that I had fallen in love with. Not only that, but he seems to think he was SOLDIER. My thoughts race as I try to understand what I’ve fallen into.
                “What’s wrong with you? Did you blow up the reactor?” I snarl, frustration and hysteria building. His silence is answer enough. “What the hell were you thinking?!”
                His weapon rises, prepared to strike. “Are you going to fight or not?”
                “I don’t know what game you think you’re playing, but it’s over.”
                “Sounds like a fight then.”
                Shinra infantry have standard sword training, but tend to have higher proficiencies in firearms; Cloud was no exception. However, mako exposure enhances a person’s physical abilities, including muscle mass; it doesn’t exactly make up for skill though. So while I’m impressed he can even wield the Buster Sword, he’s probably barely a match for even a Third Class SOLDIER. He’s easy to dodge and clearly has yet to build the real muscle to fight with such a heavy weapon for long.
                I divert his sword again, but can hear more yelling in the distance; more troops are on their way. I could put a stop to Cloud’s nonsense right now; take him to the ground and drag him back with me. The problem is what Shinra will do with him when I do. The company is very iffy about its employees, let alone when they leave, but Cloud is not only acting as if he were SOLDIER but he’s also threatening every life here in Midgar. Shinra would destroy him. If I take him back with me now, they’ll kill him for sure.
                Once again, I prevent him from tearing into me. “Listen to me, whatever AVALANCHE is doing, it needs to stop.”
                “I don’t take orders from you.”
                “I’m not playing around! You need to get out of here and stop terrorizing Midgar!”
                Cloud prepares to launch another attempted onslaught, but my reinforcements are just around the corner.
                My weapons drop and Cloud’s brows knit together. I take one last chance to take in his face, to truly process that this is Cloud Strife, and then I pull my hood back up and stride away in a back alley. Before I get out of range, I pause.
                If I get caught here, I’m in deep trouble. But if he gets caught…
                Turning back, I see he’s surrounded. He hasn’t built the stamina to fight with the Buster Sword so the troop surrounding him now has a fair chance of taking him down. He backs away from them and I watch on, fighting with myself about what I’ll do if he’s caught. It’s his greatest fortune that a train passes beneath us, which he takes to make his getaway.
                The Shinra employees disperse and, for a moment, I stare at the spot where I found him, where I discovered that my lost love is still alive.
                Spinning on heel, I storm down the alley. Tears muddle my vision but I continue. Every step is agony; I want to chase him down, throw him against a wall, and scream and cry and demand answers. There’s not a trace of those old feelings—feelings that I’m still suffering over. I’ve been left behind to mourn the past while he’s masquerading as a SOLDIER. I spent years in a self-loathing hell and he just turns up out of nowhere like we’ve never met before. I’m furious and enraged and…sad.
                “Ah, there you are, lassie.” A crowned, bi-pedal feline hops from a ladder. “I was comin’ to warn you that they spotted the terrorists…” At my feet, the cat peers up at me, suddenly not as eager as he was before. “Are you alright?”
                “Did you know?” I manage to get out in a dark tone. Amongst my tsunami of emotions, it’s amazing I can speak to him so evenly. He takes a step back. “Did you know it was him?!” Before he can scurry away, I snatch him up and hold him against the wall by his neck. “Answer me! Or I swear I’ll scrap you for parts and use your pelt to shine my boots!” When he stammers, I scream, “DID YOU KNOW WHO HE WAS?!”
                He frantically waves his hands. “No! I don’t know who they are! All I know is that they call themselves AVALANCHE and that there was a SOLDIER among them!”
                “Don’t toy with me!” I snarl.
                “I swear! I haven’t even seen their faces!” For a robot, he’s pretty genuine. I don’t know if he’s telling me the truth or not, but I won’t get any information out of him like this.
                I attempt to control my sigh, trying to release the anger but hold in the sadness. My fingers uncurl, letting my informant fall to his feet. Mildly ashamed of myself, I turn away from him.
                “So…You know these people?” he asks with caution in his voice.
                “I know the SOLDIER,” I mutter bitterly.
                “Then perhaps there’s a way to negotiate with them. Maybe he’ll listen to you.”
                I shake my head. “There’s nothing between us. He’ll try to cut me down if I get in his way.” Each word comes with spurs—painful to say.
                “Come on. I need you to try. There’s talks of how Shinra’s gonna deal with these terrorists and hundreds, maybe thousands, of casualties could happen!” he begs. It’s the same line he got me with last time.
                I don’t know this cat; I don’t know who he works for, who’s controlling him, or what he wants. I came to investigate the reactor bombing because it was in my best interest as well. He says he’s trying to prevent the loss of human life, but he’s got some sort of line in Shinra; he’s got to with information like this. That being said, if there’s even a trace of a connection between him and Shinra, I could be signing my own death warrant.
                “You realize that I’m a Shinra employee, right?” I snap. “Why should I help you? Why the hell would you ask a First Class SOLDIER to try and prevent whatever the hell the top dogs are up to?”
                His ears droop a bit as if I’ve just crushed his hopes with my bare hands. “Because you seemed to be the only SOLDIER with any honor left.”
                Memories of my best friend ranting and stomping about proclaiming the honor of SOLDIER as the most important thing a SOLDIER could have blinks in my brain like a faulty light at the end of a dark road. Guilt is now swimming among the debris of my sanity. It provokes the grief and antagonizes the resentment.
                “You think SOLDIERs have honor?” I retort, the prevalent anger rolling off me. “Well you’re fucking wrong!” He hurries up the ladder, out of my reach. “We’re just mutts doing as the master says before he puts a bullet in our brains for being disobedient! He says heel, we do; he says, roll over, we do; he says kill! We! Do! Doesn’t matter who or when or why!” I shake a fist at him. “Where’s the honor in that?! Huh?! So don’t you fucking try to sweet-talk me into another one of your damn intervention schemes because the last thing I need is to explain that a talking, robot cat convinced me to ruin Shinra’s plans while there’s a fucking gun against my head! Got it! I don’t wanna be part of your little hero game! It’s not gonna turn out in your favor! So leave me out of it!”
                Wanting to get out of this situation, to forget everything, I continue storming down the alley.
                “W-Wait! You’re the only one who can help me!” he calls out.
                “Didn’t you hear me?! Fuck off!” I shout, leaving the cat behind.
                At the Shinra compound, I end up locked in my room where everything and anything is a tool in a vain attempt to relieve this agony. 
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The Break Up (pt.2)
(repost bc dumblr loves to do me like that and shit ain’t showing up in the tags)
primordialhandmaidan asked: You know the scene in the Notebook were Noah tell Ally "I want you. Always a forever, all of you" or something like that. Could you write something with that for Will and his S/O?
So, two things first:
1. I haven’t seen the notebook (I know, I know) and I only know like the basic plot a bit, kinda and had to hop over to youtube to watch the scene, which wasn’t that .. it’s not like it’s bad or anything, you know? Just, those kinda movies are mostly way too dramatic for me sooooo … But I liked it. I liked it enough that I can picture it with Will and that’s all that matters and if it’s your fav movie that’s fine as well :) Just putting it out there that I have never seen it from start to finish and therefore please don’t come for me if it’s not “like in the movie”.
2) Because the last Will thing I wrote got an incredible amount of feedback (thank you so much for that, I highly appreciate it!) I mixed the requests for a second part together with this one bc … it worked? Idk it seemed like a good opportunity, lol.
3) This got incredibly long, so I’ve put the rest under the cut :)
Part One | Part Two
It’s odd, you think. All of this is very, very odd to you and doesn’t feel real in the slightest. The noise of the other guests just fade off into the background, suddenly you don’t feel the cold glass of champagne in your hands an, miss the pointe of a joke you weren’t listening to in the first place. All your eyes can focus on is Will across the garden, starring back at you.
It’s odd and you think to yourself you’ve never seen him like this, never expected to have to. Will looks … well, he’s Will so the word ‘thin’ doesn’t feel right but he certainly doesn’t look healthy, he doesn’t look right. You can’t really put your finger on it for a moment. It’s not the weight, he still holds himself up high, shoulder’s square in a tension that he’ll probably never quite get rid off, to deeply impregnated in his mind from the years and years of physical training. It’s not his eyes, shocked yet totally focused on you over the yard, completely ignoring the host and her husband, still grasping the lightly blue package of a present in his hands - his hands.
The memories come rushing back before you get to draw a sharp breath, slapping you in the face with little details you’ve thought you’ve forgotten about him, how he likes this one cup because it just the right size for him his big fingers to curl around it to warm up in the morning. How gentle his knuckles brushed over your cheek, how he used this one balm for his constantly dry skin that smelled like, like - the lost memory jerks you back into reality, back to Will who’s still looking at you and the chatter of people around you.
You blink. It feels as if the world takes a deep breath, inhaling, slowing everything around you down to an almost freeze - before slamming you back into your body. Suddenly you’re aware of the noise and the people around you, every inch of your body on fire and before you know it you’re putting as much distance between you and Will as you possibly can - Will, who’s gripping the baby blue gift so tightly he crunches up the wrapping on the edges. You’re almost at your car, parked on the street out front, when you hear someone following you down the narrow driveway but you keep walking. You don’t want to hear it. Whatever he has to say, you decide, he can keep it to himself.
“Maybe he’s sorry.” A tiny part of you pipes up and you thrust your hand into your bag so hard, searching blindly for your keys, you tear your skin on something sharp. A string of curses leave your lips just as Will starts to speak.
“Y/N - ”
“Safe it.” Your head moves on instinct in his direction but you avert your eyes immediately, barely a glance with hard eyes and an even harder face.
“I just - “
His voice drops to the calming tone that used to work wonders. Now it makes you furious. “Just let me -”
“I really don’t want to hear it, Will.” His name slips out in an angry rush before you can think about it and you instantly regret it. His face changes.
“Look, I didn’t want this to happen and I know it’s not fair, but -”
“No.” You put as much force into word it feels strong enough to stop a herd of wild bulls. Something inside you shifts and your barely kept composure crumbles. You explode. “No! None of all of this is fair and it’s not going to get any better so would you just - “You take a shaky breath, trying to lower your voice before you yell down the whole neighborhood.” - just leave me be.”
“I didn’t want to hurt you.” You feel as if you’re back in the damn kitchen.
“But you did, William. You broke my fucking heart and I’m the one who’s left to pick up the pieces you caused! It took me weeks to get myself off the ground so please, just leave me be and excuse me if I don’t want to be in your presence right now.”
“I’m leaving.” He offers and you can see it in his eyes he’s desperate to grasp anything that he’s able to do. “I’m leaving and you can go back and everything’s going to be fine.”
“No need, I’m not in the mood for a party anymore.”
Nothing follows. You know he’s still behind you, hands probably rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous habit. A part of you doesn’t care that he’s still standing there, waiting. A part of you does. A part of you wonders why he’s hovering all of the sudden. Will was never the one to push you when you told him to stop but now his presence is overbearing with something unspoken. Your hand hovers over the car door.
“I didn’t know you were coming.”
You fumble with your keys. “Yeah, well. Hannah’s been my friend for six years, of course I’d come to her - “ the word engagement gets stuck in your throat, it feels slimy on the back of your tongue. ” celebration.”
A painful expression settles over Will’s face, as if you’ve physically taken a step forward and slapped him. You surprised to not find any guilt about your words hurting him as you reach inside yourself and listen. This has been cooking inside you for a while.
“I don’t want to ruin this for you.” Will swallows, his voice becoming calm. The smoother he gets, the more angrier you get. “I don’t want you to leave because of me.”
You scoff. “You didn’t mind me leaving the house a few months ago.”
Another slap to Will’s face. You can see his jaw work, teeth grinding from suppressed emotions. You hope there’s guilt involved in the mix. “Y/N…”
“Don’t.” You draw a deep breath. “Just … let me go.” This time you bite your tongue before another snappy remark makes it past your lips.
“It hurts me as well.”
“I doubt that.” You mouth tastes bitter. “And I truly don’t care.”
“I think I’ve made a mistake.”
You freeze. Keys in hand, eyes on the hood of your car, you freeze.
Will breaths out and repeats. “I think I’ve made a big fucking mistake.”
You’re sure you grip the door so hard it has your fingers imprinted on the door for forever now. Thoughts rush through your head, an insane amount of questions but none of them make it past your lips. Will takes you not taking off immediately as enough encouragement to continue on.
“I was a fucking idiot that week and I … I got inside my head and somehow convinced myself that this. “He gestures between you and him. “Couldn’t work and I got - I was so sure we’d just end up hurting each other. I really thought I was doing the right thing but ever since that night it just … it doesn’t feel right anymore.” A rasp makes it’s way into Will’s voice and now your eyes sneak back to him. “Nothing feels right anymore. I thought this was wanted I wanted but … it’s not. It’s just not.” He takes another breath. “It’s you, it’s always been you. I know I fucked up, I know that now and I’m sorry. I did this terrible thing to you, to us and I can’t take it back. I just wish I …” He stops. There’s nothing more to say.
It feels like someone dunked you underwater, the flood of information simply being too much for you to comprehend. You can’t help blow out a breathy, unbelieving laugh. “What am I supposed to do with that now?” You’re eyes look around the driveway helplessly. “What the fuck do I do with that, Will?”
“I just wanted you to know. Maybe to know that I’m just as fucked up from this.” Will’s face has softened, his breathing coming back to normal and although doubt still lingers at the back of your mind he somewhat looks relieved. “It’s all.”
He’s stretching his limit and he knows it. His words echo in your head, over and over again like an avalanche rushing down your body and ripping off every band aid you’ve so carefully applied in the last couple of weeks, feelings purring out of the cut as you still stare at him. Will retaliates quickly before you work yourself into another moment of panic, taking one calculated step forward with his eyes steady on you.
“This is all, I promise. I will leave you now, you can go back to the party or go home and we’ll never speak of it again.” The thought, weirdly enough, turns your spine to ice.” But if you don’t want that, if there’s some part that’s still not done and doesn’t hate me completely …. then let me call you.” He studies your face, letting his words sink in for a moment before speaking up again. “I’m in town till the end of next week. And then again in a few weeks. Whenever you like.”
And there he is - the William Miller you’ve known for years, who just knows that this is as much as you can take for one night, who gives you time and space because it’s what he does, always suggesting, rarely pushing. His voice gets low and gentle, sliding over to you and cradles you in that warmth you’ve been so used to. His eyes are searching your face for any sign at all, eyes underneath thick lashes you remember so well.
“I’ve changed my number.” You mumble but even to your ears it sounds more like an excuse.
A small smile slips onto Will’s face and you think this is the last straw for you, before your knees buckle and give out but he wipes it off a second later. “Yeah, i’ve noticed that.” His hand slides to the inside of his jacket and he offers you his phone.
You stare at it. The sentence stirs something inside you, a tiny spot glowing in your chest, warm and … hopeful. You grab Will’s phone from his out stretched hand and punch your digits into the phone before it has the chance to grow into something more. As you hand it back your fingers brush against his palm and this time you have to bite your cheek to ignore the stirring.
It’s odd, you think pulling out and looking into the review mirror one last time, how you can be angry at him this much and still hope he calls.  
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incorrectpredators · 6 years
a summary of what personalities i give the boys
The Dumb Boys
kevin fiala - the slutty dumb boy. usually flirting with someone else. young, dumb, and full of You Know ;) has been essentially adopted/taken in by kyle turris
juuse saros - not so much dumb as he is clueless. he is like a little baby whom needs someone to tell him what to do essentially adopted/taken in by pekka rinne
ryan johansen - the greasy dumb boy pt 1
craig smith - the greasy dumb boy pt 2
The Fathers
pekka rinne - the most mischievous of “the fathers”, most likely to joke around with and prank his adoptees, still loves taking care of them though, most notable children: juuse saros, eeli tolvanen, miikka salomaki, patrik laine, sebastian aho, mikko rantanen, and Possibly connor brown (based on photographic evidence i have). someone please stop him
kyle turris - the new father. he’s new around here and he has already adopted a child. he’s a little messy with it bc he’s so new to it but is the most organized of the fathers. most notable children: kevin fiala
dan hamhuis - hammer is technically new here, but he really isn’t. he may be just over a month younger than pekka, but is the oldest soul of the fathers. he is wise and the most responsible of the fathers. notable children: none so far, but that may be because he just got back to nashville and is having to take care of Everyone.
The Pretty Boys
roman josi - viewed as the prettiest boy, but is he?, the Dumb pretty boy. he literally admitted he never read a book. thats very concerning to me. he is the residential dumb pretty boy, but kevin fiala is definitely coming for his role. “can we talk? one ten to another?”
pk subban - the answer is no. jos is not the prettiest boy. i love josi but pk just came in and not only took his spot as prettiest defenseman but is also the prettiest player in general. he’s the pretty boy who is just here to have a genuinely good time. he’s also pretty smart, do not doubt him. he is regina george if regina george wasnt white, a girl, and a complete asshole. he is possibly the nicest on the team. “i’m an eleven but continue”
The Cryptids
ryan hartman - hartsy just got here from chicago and he is still a mystery to me. my profile may say filip forsberg is secretly the grunch road monster but hartsy is definitely the most likely to be an actual cryptid. i think it’s possible he’s the goatman. so watch your back shane madej bc hartsy is coming for you.
dan hamhuis - listen, i may not like the fact that we signed him but i do love hammer. im a little disappointed he’s never played for the sharks though, as i really want to call him a hammerhead shark. but hammer is a cryptid, perhaps simply because i have no idea what he’s been up to since he left nashville. how well will he mesh w our d core this year? is he happy he finally got his number five in nashville? does he like beets? i know nothing about him.
frederick gaudreau - i was tempted to put him in the final category of this post but i just couldn’t. freddie hockey is a pretty boy, but he isn’t around enough to be classified With the pretty boys. he’s definitely a cryptid though. who is he? does he like his nickname? does he have any pets? did he ever get his damn locker? these are all questions i may never get the answer to.
The Inbetweeners/Other
note: this is a category that is a combination of players who 1. had traits of at least one category, but not enough to be put in it 2. players who are alone in their own categories and 3. players who technically probably shouldn’t be on this blog, but are
eeli tolvanen - exhibits cryptid traits, but isnt used in that role on here. tends to hang out with the younger guys (juuse and kevin most often) but is a bit of a wildcard. he is usually being flirted with by kevin or being paired of with his “boyfriend” (note that this is a joke blog, i dont actually believe him and the player who will be talked about later on are dating. it’s simply a joke and i tag posts that show hints of any of the players being in a relationship as “rpf” because i know even just the implication can make some ppl uncomfortable) is mostly known for being unskilled in the comforting/emotion side of things (“would a glowstick make you feel better?”) and tends to be a bit blunt or cynical at times, although he might throw around a joke or two if necessary.
filip forsberg - is both a cryptid and a pretty boy, but not enough to be put in those categories. is the meme loving fuck of the jofa line. known for fidget spinners and being put down for chicken (as he’s watching his figure)
viktor arvidsson - could be one of “The Fathers” but he really isn’t. he is just forced to be because JOEY AND FIL DON’T KNOW HOW TO BEHAVE THEMSELVES. but neither does he so it tends to be a big old mess when they’re together.
calle jarnkrok - calle is just tired ok. he’s tired and pretty grumpy. he’s a new dad and he’s surrounded by grown adults who act like children, so cut him some slack please. known for tearing up at a marshmallow rendition of himself and hanging out with ekky
mattias ekholm - ah the swedish elk himself. is also a new father and is usually just too tired to even show up in my quotes. when he does, he’s usually hanging out with calle. 
anthony bitetto - PROBABLY should’ve been in the dumb boys category but im not going back to put him in there. a flat earther? most likely. i really need the colorado avalanche to send colin back please he was the only smart one on the team now tony is lost. also im not entirely sure him and colton sissons are seperate ppl.
colton sissons - is the most normal of the group. but is also lowkey dumb. doing his best i think? i hope? once again im not entirely convinced him and tony are seperate people
colin wilson - one of two players who fall into the  “once a pred always a pred” tag. usually seen trying to help tony understand.... literally anything.... and being mourned by me. i miss him. colorado give him back to me :(
james neal - the other “once a pred always a pred” player. he doesn’t appear often but when he does usually something about hating himself is involved. he’s a greasy boy and used to be the pred’s greaseball but now that he’s gone craig smith has taken his place as Main Greaseball
sebastian aho - isn’t on here a lot, but he’s mentioned from time to time. one of pekka’s kids but their relationship is strained due to aho not being on the preds.
miro heiskanen - the Honorary Pred of the account. he may be a dallas star but he’s a pred in my heart. most commonly used as the goofy sidekick boyfriend of eeli tolvanen, which is taken from a commercial they were in together. i joked about them being forbidden lovers and now its just the role he plays on this account. all posts that (keep in mind, i mean it jokingly) refer to miro and eeli as being boyfriends is tagged with “rpf” so you can blacklist it if the implication of players dating makes you uncomfortable
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mitchbeck · 4 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings MARLBOROUGH, MA - The Hartford Wolf Pack marched into the New England Sports Center and erased a nine-game winless streak by toppling the Providence Bruins 4-2 in an old-style, physical Providence-Hartford meeting. The Wolf Pack record improves to 4-6-1-0 (9 pts). Providence’s record drops to 11-3-1-0 (23 pts) and is still tops in the Atlantic Division by 14 points over Hartford. The Wolf Pack face-off against the 3-7-0-0 (6 pts) Bridgeport Sound Tigers on Saturday at 1 PM at the XL Center. All the tweaks to the Wolf Pack lineup had their desired effect in what was their most complete game since the start of the season.
The first twenty minutes added up to the best period since their opening game and where the Wolf Pack did their most damage of the day. The team's moribund power play, which entered the game operating at 12%, awoke scoring on their first two chances. Rookie James Sanchez scored his first professional goal as he got the puck back after a shot on goal. Paul Thompson dislodged it from Bruins starting netminder, Jeremy Swayman. He couldn’t cover the puck, and Sanchez swooped in and jammed it home at 8:03. Just 2:01 later, the Wolf Pack cashed in on an instigator penalty that was issued to the Bruins' Ian MacKinnon in a wrestle/scrap with Patrick Sieloff. Tarmo Reunanen cut to the middle of the ice just below the blue line and made a high-end, behind-the-back pass to Anthony Greco at the right point. Greco sent a low shot on the net. Morgan Barron was positioned in front and deflected the shot off the crossbar for his sixth goal of the season. The offensive roll for the Pack continued in gaining a 3-0 lead with a solid transition play. Justin Richards got Tim Gettinger moving. As he crossed the Bruins blueline from left-to-right, he was tripped by Urho Vaakanainen and a penalty was called. During the delayed penalty, Gettinger was on the ice and swept the puck back. Ty Ronning quickly got to the loose puck and picked it up and swept across the net. He snuck a backhander past Swayman to the short side for his third goal of the season at 17:22. The Pack outshot the Bruins 16-5 in the period and were committed to stepping in front of pucks and blocking shots which benefitted goaltender, Adam Huska, who made his first start since February 27th, just his fifth start of the entire season, who also looked solid throughout.
After having already played each other eight times to this point in the season, in the third-period tensions spilled over and the gloves came off.  The Pack's 6’7 rookie, Auston Rueschhoff, outdueled Matt Filipe in the first pro fights for both players. Mason Geersten was battling in front protecting Huska when the Bruins' Jakub Lauko took an extra swipe at the puck. That act sent the two to pair off for a battle. Lauko, a rookie and a willing combatant, fought the much larger Geersten who scored a TKO as he cut Lauko open, sending him to the locker room for repairs. With 2:09 left in the game and a screen in front of Huska (23 saves), Robert Lantosi's snapshot found the back of the net spoiling the shutout for the former UCONN Husky netminder. It was his first win since playing in Slovakia. Before the goal was scored there was a final eruption of hostilities. The officials prevented it from turning into a major melee with MacKinnon trying to go with Huska and everybody paired off. No punches were thrown and MacKinnon was tossed at 14:56
The Wolf Pack managed to avoid their season-long second-period blues. They did so by widening their lead and surrendering just one on a power play. They exited the period up 4-1. The Pack clamped down on the Bruins, holding them to just two shots on goal in the first ten minutes of the period, and made it 4-0 on Barron's excellent effort. Barron received a pass from Reunanen in the Pack zone. He took that pass and went upright, thru center unchecked. Barron gained entry into the Bruins' end of the ice and ripped a 35-foot wrist shot past Swayman (27 saves) for his second goal of the game and seventh of the season at 11:57. The loss was Swayman's first of the season against seven wins. The Wolf Pack had to kill a roughing call to Geersten, who was roughing it up with MacKinnon in front of the Wolf Pack bench. The Bruins took advantage after Brady Lyle's first shot was blocked by Richards, he launched another from the left point. Huska made the save, but Anton Blidh, who was alone in front, jammed in the rebound for his third goal of the season at 14:33 to make it 4-1. With 25 seconds left in the period and the Wolf Pack again on the PK, Greco had a shorthanded breakaway bid late in the PK, but Swayman stopped him. Huska responded for the Pack with a big and timely stop on Alex-Olivier Voyer with two seconds left in the period. Filipe made a strong play on a pass from behind the net, but Huska kept the advantage to three goals. There was some rough stuff as the period ended between Thompson and Voyer, the Bruins Josiah Didier with Sieloff, and a Euro shoving match with Reunanen and Vaaakanainen.
Newell-Barron-Greco Richards-Gettinger-Ronning Khordorenko-Thompson-Whelan Sanchez- Rueschhoff-Geersten Raddysh-Crawley LoVerde-Reunanen Giutarri-Sieloff Huska Wall
Gabriel Fontaine (upper-body injury) Jeff Taylor Will Cullye Michael O’Leary Ryan Dmowskinewly Zach Bezzola Michael Lackey Francois Brassard
Pat Boller Jeff Malcolm Brook Ballard It was Boller's first time, since 2016-17 when he was an assistant to Ken Gernander, that he was behind the bench. He's coaching his third game since head coach Kris Knoblauch and associate coach Gord Murphy were recalled to the New York Rangers last Wednesday after David Quinn and his entire staff were subject of COVID protocols. Malcolm, the team’s goalie consultant, and a Yale grad is handling the defensemen, and Ballard is one of the Rangers skills coaches.
- Morgan Barron (2 goals) - Tarmo Reunanen (2 assists) - James Sanchez (first pro goal)
- Ty Ronning - Patrick Sieloff - Darren Raddysh
The Wolf Pack adds another defenseman as Hunter Skinner is recalled from his loan to the Utah Grizzlies (ECHL). Skinner, 19, was a fourth-round (112th overall) selection in 2019 from London (OHL). Since the OHL has not been in session, the 6’3 200-pound rearguard has been playing in Utah. Boston recalled goalie Callum Booth (Salisbury School) to their taxi squad and simultaneously reassigned both Swayman and defenseman Vaakanainen to Providence. Ex-Pack captain, Steven Fogarty, was recalled by the Buffalo Sabres from the Rochester Americans. He has five goals (four on the power play) and eight points in ten games, which is good for the second-best on the Americans roster. Heading back to Rochester and three others is ex-Wolf Pack goalie, Dustin Tokarski, after returns after two NHL starts, one of them against the Rangers earlier this week. The Avalanche returns ex-CT Whale, Jayson Megna, to the Colorado Eagles. Philadelphia recalls goalie, Alex Lyon (Yale University), from the Lehigh Valley Phantoms to be on their taxi squad. The same thing for Mark Kastelic, the son of former Hartford Whaler Ed Kastelic, as he is recalled from the Belleville Senators by Ottawa. Mike McKee (Kent School) is loaned to the Tucson Roadrunners (AHL) by the Tulsa Oilers (ECHL). Marc Johnstone, the captain for the last two years at Sacred Heart University (AHA), signs a deal with the South Carolina Stingrays (ECHL). Former Wolf Pack great, Derek Armstrong, saw his youngest son, Easton, lace them up with the WHL's Regina Pats. They are in their limited hub city playing a 25 game schedule with Regina’s Brandt Centre being one of the sites. The team GM and VP of Operations is Wolf Pack great, and AHL Hall of Famer, John Paddock. The younger Armstrong is pointless in five games though he played earlier this season with brother Dawson for six games tallying six points with the Utah Outliers (USPHL-Premier). The team did go to the league national finals losing in the quarterfinal round to the Chicago Cougars in Virginia Beach, VA, the home of the USPHL's Hampton Roads Whalers. The team did win the Mountain Division title beating the Pueblo (NM) Bulls 5-3 back on March 14th. Dawson Armstrong finished the season with 15 goals and 31 points in 45 games, second on the team while sporting the very familiar number 17 jersey that his father Derek wore with the Wolf Pack. That very same 17 is one of three numbers that should be retired by the organization. GAME CENTER HOME Read the full article
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suga-ssi · 8 years
BTS You Never Walk Alone - Spring Day MV Theory: The Untold Story
by: @sugasuite (edited: 170222 for pt 7)
Whose story is often unheard and untold?
The Discriminated… The Minorities…
When Kim Namjoon said You Never Walk Alone was the Untold Story… He wasn’t kidding. BigHit has done it again! Though this MV also fit the story of the boys’ journey, they still managed to discuss an underlying controversial issue.
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In case you haven’t read the story… Here is a rundown
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First of all, let me say, this story is riveting in both its simplicity and complexity; and you could finish it in less than 15 minutes. The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas is an award winning short story written by Ursula Le Guin. The story starts with the narrator describing a utopian place called Omelas as the Summer Festival starts. Everything about the city is idealistic and the narrator even invites the reader to imagine his/her own utopian scenario and imagine that to be Omelas because Omelas’ perfection and happiness was hard to simply describe. The narrator claims that the people of Omelas were not stupid, that this was not the reason why they were happy, but he also states that the people of Omelas lived without guilt.
As vague and hard as it was for the narrator to describe Omelas, her description of the small, frail impoverished child was vivid. People of Omelas knew about the child’s existence, locked in a small basement but none of them helped or saved the child. The narrator believes that the child served as reminder for the people of a world opposite to what they have. The absence of the child makes what they have pointless and therefore the child’s existence was poignant for their system.
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The more incredible part though, the part that got the narrator amazed, were the people who left Omelas. Those who chose to walk alone away from the surfaced perfection toward the unknown when they have seen the child.
In the MV you can see how their initial excitement of being in Omelas slowly changed. As if taking in what Omelas truly was. 
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Kookie goes to the desolate Omelas where ironically the No Vacancy sign was still lit. Like how minorities are refused entry when clearly there is still room. 
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In the end, unlike in the book where the citizens who face the realities of Omelas left alone, they all left Omelas together.
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Snowpiercer was a movie released in 2013. in the movie, the world was set into an infernal winter after an experiment to solve global warming backfires. The remaining survivors were those on board the Snowpiercer. By 2031, segregation was eminent. Elites inhabit the extravagant front cars and the “scum” inhabit the tail in squalid and brutal conditions. Under watch by guards, they are brought only gelatinous protein bars to eat and kept in their place in the social order by Minister Mason, while sometimes small children are taken away.
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Kinda Hunger Games-ish huh?
Rebellion broke out because it seemed like the oppressed have finally had enough. Many died due to the rebellious attacks and the head of the keeper of the peace for the Snowpiercer told the leader of the revolution that it was he who planned the rebellion to reduce the population and maintain the balance of the sealed ecosystem, and subsequently orders the elimination of 74% of the remaining tail passengers. He explains the importance of using fear and chaos to maintain a necessary order and leadership on the train.
The leader of the revolution almost accepted the offer of the head peace keeper to lead what remained of the Snowpiercer but decided to continue the fight when he learned that small children from the tail section are being trapped as replacement parts for “extinct” machinery and that those in the tail section were literally being kept alive for spare parts.
In the end, an explosion happens that causes an avalanche. The train gets derailed and only two survive, one girl and one boy. They alight the train and see a polar. They learn that life was actually possible outside the oppressive train.
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In the MV, Kookie and RM is shown riding the train but they keep entering the doors at the back. The train traverses a snowy terrain.
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When the line stops, they all go down together and see a dying tree amidst a grassy field. It was the only semblance of life present, but it was enough to hang their shoe on it and mark the place as theirs.
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“#Safetypin I’m an ally… All those exposed to hate and violence, you’re not alone….”
No, it’s not a fashion statement, there is a deeper meaning.
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4.     Laundromat/ Segregation: RACIAL DISCRIMINATION
Honestly, where else can the term segregation be used that seems publicly acceptable?
Whites separated from colored.
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This reminded me of a racial case I studied in law school, Yick Wo vs Hopkins 118 U.S. 356 (1886) (Who the F? would have thought I’d use that shit here?) 
The immigration of Chinese to California began in 1850 at the beginning of the Gold Rush. As the Chinese became more successful, tensions with Americans grew. Californians were wary of the cultural and ethnic differences.
Yick Wo, was a laundry facility owned by Sang Lee. After twenty years of owning the facility as an undocumented immigrant, provisions set out by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors said that he could not continue to run his business due to an ordinance that was evidently racially targeted against all Chinese business owners.
This case was the first case where the United States Supreme Court ruled that a law that is race-neutral on its face, but is administered in a prejudicial manner, is an infringement of the Equal Protection Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
In the MV you can see that the blacks and whites inside were mixed. Whites, Blacks, toss it in! They’re one and the same.
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5.     Mountain of Clothes: ALL EQUAL!
In 2010, Christian Boltanski created a 40-foot-tall art installation at the Park Avenue Armory.
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For Boltanski, clothes are simply a placeholder for 6000 real human beings who lived real lives. He told a journalist, “In my work there have always been a lot of photos of people, heartbeats of people—for me the clothing are people.” The magnitude of the pile illustrates the heaviness of all the hearts now lost.
In this work, Boltanski said that the mountain was an eternal afterlife of sorts, where every individual rests after death. In Boltanski’s view, we are all mixed together in death, no longer the distinct individuals we were in life. We become part of a great pile, individual pieces that have lost their minute details — a single, colossal entity.
This piece of art has been made in various cities all over the world.
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BTS made themselves part of this mountain, a symbol of unity in lives lost due to discrimination.
6.     Nods to the Sewol Ferry Tragedy: INJUSTICE
So many questions about these shoes. What I know… Jimin picked it up from the shore… and looked pale, kinda like he drowned.
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It could honestly have so many meanings…
But given that this is an injustice close to their hearts, they might be giving nods to the Sewol Ferry tragedy.
The Sewol Ferry was a passenger ferry that capsized on 16 April 2014, killing 304 of the 476 people on board. More than 300 passengers were Danwon High School pupils on an organised trip, but only 75 students survived.
Months later, the captain of the ferry escaped the death penalty and has instead been sentenced to 36 years in jail for his role in the tragedy. 
Prosecutors had demanded the death penalty and before the trial even started, President Park Geun-hye made a public statement condemning the crew’s action, saying that their decision to abandon ship had been “tantamount to murder”. The sentence means that the captain, aged 69, is likely to spend the rest of life in jail. In protest, friends and families of the victims laid out the shoes of the victims along with yellow cards and ribbons. 
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In December 2016, it was brought to light that 9000 artists were discriminated and blacklisted for criticizing the government and having a dissenting opinion in the Sewol case. In January, media leaked that Bangtan and Bighit donated money to the families of the Sewol family victims.
In the end of the video, Jimin is again looking sullen and holding the shoes.He was looking at the tree as if deciding what to do with it.
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Another symbolism with a lot of interpretations in the video is the “shoes on the wire”. One other possible meaning for this is to give honor to the memory of a life lost.
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7. The Yellow Ribbon: Symbol of Hope and Unity
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The yellow ribbon has been used as a symbol of hope all over the world for a multitude of causes. From the desire for the return of American hostages held in Tehran between 1979 and 1981 to a fight against a dictatorship from a 21 year long regime in the Philippines in 1986. 
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The L finger symbol stood for the Filipino word “LABAN” which means FIGHT
For some it became a symbol of home coming and being reunited, hence the famous English song with lines that go, “Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree”. It symbolizes the hope of freedom, justice and return. This yellow ribbon has held different meanings to different groups of people but in all those times, it served one purpose, to be a symbol of unity for those part of a cause.
In South Korea, the yellow ribbon started as a symbol of hope for the return of 9 missing children from the Sewol Ferry Tragedy but it slowly grew to be more than that. It served as a reminder that the families that sought justice did not stand alone. The government slowly saw this as a symbol of rebellion and defiance. In truth, it sent a silent but unified message against the people who were the source of the injustice committed. 
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In the MV, you see Kookie having sole awareness (my obnoxious way of saying he was dead ass staring at the camera) while everyone was a moving blur.
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After a while, he seemed to slowly realize that everyone else was moving around him and he joins the crowd.
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Two possible meanings. First, the pessimistic view, is that Kookie was the one aware of the issues but no one else was. Everyone else was going about their own business and eventually Kookie joined the crowd…
The second possible meaning? The one I prefer. The more optimistic view, is that due to the movement of everyone around him, Kookie became aware of the need to move and act and joined the movement for the yellow ribbon cause.
Though sometimes you feel like you stand alone in the crowd fighting for something… look around, look closely… there are more people who understand your plight. Never stop moving. Eventually, if your cause is truly powerful, more people will move with you.
Bangtan’s message was clear. For those who suffered injustice or have been discriminated against for being part of a minority, we know your untold stories. Your road may be unknown but YOU NEVER WALK ALONE
From the Book: The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas
Each one goes alone, youth or girl man or woman. Night falls; the traveler must pass down village streets, between the houses with yellow-lit windows, and on out into the darkness of the fields. Each alone, they go west or north, towards the mountains. 
“They go on. They leave Omelas, they walk ahead into the darkness, and they do not come back. The place they go towards is a place even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness. I cannot describe it at all. It is possible that it does not exist. But they seem to know where they are going, the ones who walk away from Omelas.”
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From The Movie Inception:
Cobb: You’re waiting for a train. A train that’ll take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you. But you can’t know for sure. Yet it doesn’t matter. Now, tell me why?  Mal: Because we’ll be together! 
See the difference? :)
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nelllraiser · 3 years
bigger than these bones | solo pt. 2
“...if you don't deal with your demons, they will deal with you...”
PREVIOUSLY: meaner than my demons (solo pt. 1). TIMING: ???. LOCATION: demon homeworld. SUMMARY: nell makes a move. CONTAINS: sibling death mentions (reference to the bea plot).
Desperation. Nell had known it in her life, was far from being a stranger to it, but had never known it like this. Certainly there had been desperate times that had driven her to desperate measures— being chased by a horde of zombies, funneling her very lifeforce into raising Bea from the dead, finding herself trapped and imprisoned beneath the Ring… The difference was that she had never been so alone in those times as she was now. She had always had a friend, a sister, a loved one behind her as she forged onwards, paving a path of sheer determination, having yet to find something that could truly and wholly stand in its way, in her way. But it had become clear that this literal hell would eat her alive if she didn’t do something other than simply try and survive. In a place that seemed specifically designed for her death, solely trying to survive was the quickest means to an end. She needed to do what she’d always done, refuse to go down without a fight, do something in an effort to get herself out of this place.
The idea had come to her after the fourth demon that had a familiar story had taken a bite of her. Apparently the Dator Vitae hadn’t been the only one with a bone to pick from the summoner. A Vodnik, a Tikbalang, an Alp, some demon that had called themself a name she couldn’t even begin to comprehend. They’d all taken their pieces from her, somehow none of them managing to rake in the grandest prize they all wanted. Her life was still intact, though she didn’t know for how much longer. There was still no magical spark in her veins, the Dator Vitae having taken care of that. Not having a single moment’s rest or peace had made sure she’d no chance to recharge, still hopelessly mortal in a world that was never meant to sustain a life like her’s. For the first time in her life, Nell felt small, as if she were a fly raging against the belly of the predator that’d swallowed her whole. But the beast didn’t care, didn’t so much as show a single sign of her attempts to beat against its insides. 
So she had to make a choice. A change. A decision that led to the beginnings of a plan. It was a shitty plan, with little guarantee of it working. She knew that much as she climbed the tallest hill she could find, her shaking legs barely able to carry her up the side of it. She wasn’t even to the peak when they gave out, her body refusing to take so much as another step, finally beginning to shut down despite her stubbornness. It could only carry her so far. So she began to crawl, to make her way up the side of the mountain while she embodied the ant she felt like. 
The idea had come to her while fighting the latest of the demons she’d apparently wronged, a realization striking as the hell-creature had bitten a fist-sized piece of flesh from her side. She couldn’t summon her hellhounds to herself. But there was another demon she could bring to her feet without her magic. She didn’t know where he’d gone after the last she’d seen of him in White Crest. But she knew how to find him. 
Finally at the hill’s summit, Nell drew one of her knives, holding it poised above the hellhound sigil Luce had tattooed on her skin for a second time after Bea’s rising, and her arms had peeled like they’d been subjected to a human cheese grater. It looked like the middle sister would have to do it a third as Nell slid the blade beneath her flesh, skinning herself of the tattoo in a way that made her gasp in pain, her body screaming against this latest intrusion. Her grip was weak, and the knife slipped deeper than she’d intended, another whimper of pain falling from her lips as stars danced before her eyes. Deep breath. In. And out. In and out a few more times until the world had stopped spinning long enough for her to lay the flap of her skin against the rock before her. She began to draw over the black inked lines, creating a new sigil atop the one she’d made for her hounds, using the blood that was dripping down her arm as her ink. There. It was ready. Shoddy work, but it was the best she’d been able to do with no magic, and no proper tools. Now it was time to summon her demon.
There on her knees, new sigil in hand, she chanted the summoning word thrice. She felt ridiculous saying the word ‘potato’ three times over, but knew that Tate was still bound to it. The famine demon was still bound to it because she’d tricked him through a deal some years ago, never making good on her end of it in the way he’d hoped for. 
When she opened her eyes, it wasn’t Tate that she saw but Potrostamus, lesser president of the 4th circle of hell. Gone was the mortal flesh bag he’d been wearing in White Crest, his skin replaced with the ever-present licking of flames, more eyes popping into existence the longer she looked onto his being. The words tumbled out of her like an avalanche, knowing his first instinct upon seeing her would be to rip her head from her shoulder’s or perhaps skin the rest of her before subjecting her to a long and torturous death.
“Don’t kill me,” she managed to breathe, the energy the words took nearly making her keel over. She had to get him to send the sigil to the person who’d know what to do, a man she was already certain was looking for her— send it back so that Bea and Luce could summon her through it.
“I have a deal for you.”
11 notes · View notes
thrashermaxey · 6 years
Ramblings: Bubble Keeper Week Garage Sale! (July 25)
Bubble Keeper Week Garage Sale
A few signings to kick things off:
Brandon Montour avoided arbitration with the Ducks, signing a two-year bridge deal with a cap hit of $3.3875 million per season. It seems fair that this deal was closer to Montour’s ask of $4.75 million than the Ducks’ attempt to buy low at $1.5 million. The Ducks now have to turn their attention to RFAs Ondrej Kase and Nick Ritchie.
Joel Edmundson also avoided arbitration in receiving a one-year contract worth $3 million from the Blues. I know Edmundson was a reliable top-4 defenseman for the Blues last season. But every time I see his name, I’m reminded of an out-of-left-field bidding war for him last summer between two owners in my auction keeper league. A couple owners from that league will be reading this and will no doubt be getting a good laugh. Every auction has at least one of these types of players.
Marko Dano also avoided arbitration, signing a one-year, $800,000 contract with the Jets.
Brooks Orpik is back in Washington, signing a one-year, $1 million contract. So because Orpik never really left Washington…  
Looking back, here's what the June 22nd trade between Washington & Colorado now looks like after today's news:
To #Avalanche: G Philipp Grubauer
To #Capitals: 2018 2nd RD pick $4,000,000 in cap space https://t.co/sOUdx7JQeW
— CapFriendly (@CapFriendly) July 24, 2018
Summertime is known for many things, including vacations and hot weather and outdoor BBQs and free agency. It’s also known for garage sales, where folks try to flog unneeded items that someone might find useful. Keeper league owners can relate to this, as they might look for a taker for a player or two before casting the player aside for nothing.
These are players I do not plan on retaining on any of my keeper league teams. As per league rules I cannot offer them in trades right now anyway, so my intent for writing this is not to advertise them to my fellow leaguemates. But every player has at least some value and could theoretically provide value in some way to a team next season – maybe even my own (at the right price). So I’ll be sure to mention where these players could hold value, even if they don’t seem to in a lot of ways.
Henrik Zetterberg (Dobber Top 300 Keeper Skater ranking: 211)
Once upon a time, Zetterberg was a keeper league mainstay, but eventually Father Time catches up to everyone. Keeper leaguers tend to avoid the over-35 crowd like the plague, yet in some cases they can provide some sneaky value. Z is still that kind of player, as he has recorded at least 50 points in each of his last four full seasons. In fact, he has never posted below 0.6 PTS/GP in any season, including last season (56 points, 0.68 PTS/GP).
Don’t reach too much for Zetterberg, particularly in multicategory leagues. The point totals have been assist-heavy for quite some time. Z has not recorded a 20-goal season in six seasons, dating back to the 2011-12 season. There is also the matter of him possibly not playing because of a lingering back issue, which caused him to skip all practices during the second half of last season. Zetterberg has three years remaining on a contract that pays him just over $6 million per season, so it wouldn’t be out of the question for the Wings to LTIR his contract.
Zetterberg probably isn’t worth targeting until more is known about his situation. But if he returns and is healthy, he should again play a prominent role on the Wings, who aren’t exactly loaded with scorers. So he could be a cheap source of 50 points if he can pull it together for another full season.  
Justin Williams (Dobber Top 300 Keeper Skater ranking: 288)
Like Zetterberg, Williams is also a member of the over-35 crowd who is still quietly putting up decent point totals. In his first season back in Carolina, Williams posted his fourth 50-point season while coming just two shots shy of reaching 200. The irony is that Williams has actually become more durable as he has aged. After missing major portions of three seasons between 2007-08 and 2009-10, Williams has missed just three games over his past seven seasons. So at least you’re getting durability.
Dating back to his two seasons in Washington, Faulk has been remarkably consistent, averaging 50 points and 11 power-play points. At this stage of his career he’s not a high-ceiling option, but at least you know what his floor is. Assuming he remains a middle-six option with second-unit power-play time, you could draft him in deeper leagues knowing exactly what you will get. 
Micheal Ferland (Dobber Top 300 Keeper Skater ranking: 337)
Interestingly enough, Ferland is one of three players on this list who are currently property of the Hurricanes. Maybe they are a team with a lot of players that end up on your fantasy team, yet they don’t provide any studs that you can build your team around. Maybe it’s not a coincidence, then, that Ferland’s value plummets with the trade that sent Hamilton and him to Carolina. It’s pretty simple: Ferland moves from Calgary’s top line (Gaudreau and Monahan) to possibly the third line or maybe even the fourth line in Carolina. Even if Ferland played on the first line, Carolina doesn’t have a scorer of Gaudreau’s ability.
Ferland first made his name during the 2015 playoffs, where he delivered many bone-crunching hits on the Canucks, most notably Kevin Bieksa. Over the past three seasons, Ferland is 18th among NHL forwards with an average of 175 hits per season. So he could still help your team in that category. If he can somehow make his way to 30 points, which would represent a 10-point drop from his total last season, he could still hold some value in deeper leagues that count hits.
Justin Faulk (Dobber Top 100 Keeper Defensemen ranking: 59)
With the Hurricanes acquiring Dougie Hamilton, Faulk was assumed to be on the trading block. Yet here we are nearing the end of July and Faulk is still a Hurricane. So we have to project Faulk as if that is where he will stay. Not only could Hamilton cut into Faulk’s power-play minutes by possibly bumping him to the second power-play unit, but Faulk is also fighting a downward point trend over the past three seasons. That’s not a positive sign for a player who is only 26.
Could Faulk still provide value in multicategory leagues? In spite of another down season, he still finished 12th in shots on goal among defensemen (211). With less power-play time with the arrival of the free-shooting Hamilton, that number could also decrease. He’s arguably still an option as a D5 in deeper multicategory 12-team leagues, particularly those that don’t count plus/minus (he has averaged a minus-21 per season over his past four seasons). But unlike past seasons, I won’t be making a point to draft Faulk again. 
Derrick Pouliot (Dobber Top 100 Keeper Defensemen ranking: 78)
Believe it or not, there’s still some interest out there on Pouliot. On the Dobber Lowdown vote for the Canucks in the Forum, Pouliot received the fourth-highest vote of the 13 Canucks’ players listed (yes I’m aware that there wasn’t a ton of fantasy goodness on that list to begin with). After adding him back in 2012 when he was drafted, I have decided to finally cut him loose. Am I making the right call, or is Pouliot the perfect example of a post-hype sleeper that will prove me wrong?
Much of Pouliot’s value in 2018-19 will depend on whether Quinn Hughes plays for the Canucks instead of returning to the University of Michigan. Among Canucks’ blueliners, only Alex Edler had more power-play points and power-play time per game than Pouliot (9 PPP, 1:35 PPTOI). Edler has one year remaining on his contract, so Pouliot should continue to remain in the power-play mix in some way regardless. So there’s an outside chance Pouliot could play on the first-unit power play, but the second-unit power-play is more probable. I’d be hard-pressed to expect more than 30 points out of Pouliot in 2017-18, but he could provide double-digit power-play points.
Ryan Miller (Dobber Top 100 Keeper Goalie ranking: 72)
Miller is another player whose value is tied to another more significant long-term player. Much of whether I decide to bring Miller back will depend on whether I re-draft John Gibson. So at this point, this might sound like this is just as much about Gibson than it is about Miller.
Gibson reached specific milestones in 2017-18, reaching the 60-game and 31-win marks for the first time. As a result and because of injuries, Miller played in his fewest number of games (28) since the 2003-04 season, when he spent most of the season in the AHL. So at this point, Miller is only worth drafting if you are in a deeper league and need a Gibson handcuff. Nothing more.  
For more fantasy hockey information, you can follow me on Twitter @Ian_Gooding.
  from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-bubble-keeper-week-garage-sale-july-25/
0 notes
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"Columbia Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 21045
Columbia Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 21045
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Riding a friends motorcycle without insurance?
My friend says he has insurance on his bike(ninja 250) that covers him, any other riders and any damages to the bike. He wants me to ride his bike but i have no insurance only my motorcycle permit, my question is, is he just miss understanding his insurance or is he correct about it? Thank you for any help! Also i plan on getting insurance in the next month.""
Car insurance question?
My car was in an accident (not my fault, I wasn't in it and the time) when someone plowed into the back. All signs are indicating it's totaled. She and I have no-fault insurance. Here is my questions. 1. Do I talk to the police and insurance company? 2. Do I get any money/compensation from the accident? 3. Do I go after her insurance and Do I get anything from that? 4. Or do I reach a compromise with both parties? If anybody has anymore suggestion feel free. Thanks!!!""
What are some good life insurance companies in New York?
I am looking for a affordable monthly life insurance company for me and my wife, I have multiple scelerosis as a pre existing condition?""
Cheap car insurance with DUI?
I'm really struggling to pay rent along with everything else, and now I have to pay car insurance or else my registration will be suspended. I can barely afford to buy food with my part time job and school. Is there a really cheap car insurance company that accept DUIs? I don't have bad credit and have ALWAYS paid my bills, I just need something relatively cheap or else I have no idea how I am going to stay under a roof with food. I live in northern California if that matters. I'm 24 and got my DUI 3 years ago. I had actually got stopped because of my light.""
Car Insurance Question (sorry I know nothing about cars...)?
Sorry, Im new to all this so excuse the stupid question but Im starting driving lessons soon and am looking to get a car in the new year. Im just wondering HOW OFTEN do you make car insurance payments? As in once a year or is it a monthly thing? I just did one of the online get a quote thingys and it said around 350 which sounds grand if its yearly but steep if thats a monthly payment. Lolli""
Cheap young driver insurance?
im 17 and im looking for some cheap car insurance and on the price compare websites it is too expensive does anyone know of a company that does it for a fair price?
California Insurance with Arizona license?
If i change my California drivers license to an Arizona one, do i have to tell my insurance company? If i do will this affect my policy in any way? thanks!""
Can anyone give me a rough estimate on car insurance?
Im a male driver under 20. I have had one crash before (in my mums car) and no other troubles. Im planning on buying a 2001 Hyundai for 6,000. Its a pretty standard car, that is pretty tidy. What sort of insurance am i looking at per month for this car?""
Cheaper insurance for a second toy car
I currently am driving a 99 corolla and am looking into getting an 87 firebird Is their a cheap way to insure the car just as a toy not a daily driver mabey drive it tops 5 times a month?
I need a job to save for college and driver's ed?
I'll be 16 next month and I need a job badly. I'm saving up for driver's ed, a car, insurance, and an apartment for college. I've tried restaurants, burger joints, etc. But everyone seems to be on hiring freezes or is only hiring adults. I need to start saving indepently because my parents can't support me forever. What are some job options for a 16 year old f in ma?""
Car insurance question?
If I have insurance for me and my husband on our truck, and My Mother in law has insurance for her vehicle. If she borrows our truck and gets in a wreck, whose insurance will pay?""
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
Wtever happened to insurance rates going down when you turn 25.?
My record has 1 ticket in the last 5 years and I'm still taking it in the pooper.
Allstate and state farm refused to insure me.. Who will?
I have 3 accidents and a ticket in 8 years of driving (oops) and all state and state farm refused to insure me... Does anyone know who is out there who will?
""Found a Cheaper Car Insurance, What to do?""
Dear Mates, My car insurance is just started 5 days ago. I have paid them around 300 as deposit. I have found somewhere more cheaper then recent one. If I want to finish my policy with them, How much do they Refund me. Please help me if you knows. Thanks""
Car Insurance.?
Does anyone know if there is a temporary car insurance you can get, so you only have to pay for it when you are driving the car. My car insurance is $150/month for plpd(partial), it is the cheapest there is, and my car is only worth around $2000. I only drive my car once a month for a 70 mile round trip. I just think its a lot to be paying $150 for a 70 mile trip. More than $2 a mile just for the insurance seems like quite a bit to me. There is no taxis or public buses where I live, and I dont want anyone else to take me. I am only interested if someone can give me information about the insurance. And a motorcycle wont work. Thanks.""
Cheap Auto Insurance in Houston/Katy?
I bought a Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 a week ago. I want to know which is the cheapest full coverage insurance on the Houston/Katy area. I also would like to know where can I get the insurance just for one month.
Wanna buy car insurance?
I wanna buy car insurance . My age is 26 year old but this is my first insurance that's why my insurance is very expensive plz tell me which insurance company is cheap
Do U think it's fair women's insurance is cheaper because they have an 'innie' and men have an 'outie'?
I see just as many women being careless drivers as men. Why should their sex organs have anything to do with car insurance?
Car Insurance 10 pts. best answer!?
What are the parties to an insurance policy. So far i've got policyholder, and underwriter what are some other ones? thanks""
23 & Auto Insurance...never had any in my name?
ok, so i haven't gotten my new vehicle yet. I won one through the company i work for. I will be getting my new ride in about 6-10wks. Cheverlot Equinox 2010. I have never had car insurance in my name, my dad always took care of this kind of stuff for me. well since this car will be in my name, i was wondering do alot of the insurance companies go based on your credit score? i don't have good credit at all and worried my rates will be very high. I would like some companies listed that you know is cheap but also has discounts for my age with kids. I have 3 kids and i am 23, someone told me State Farm will give me a discount for my kids. Anyone heard of this? Or any other companies that do this. Thanks ANY information about AUTO insurance will be greatly appreciated. As far as the coverage also, i don't have a clue about any of these deductibles they are asking about when i go to some of the sites online for quotes! Thanks""
What is the average cost of having a tooth pulled?
I may have to have a tooth pulled and maybe a filling. Does anyone know how much this usually costs? I do not have dental insurance. Also, do most offices offer payments or financing? If offered would they have to do a credit check? I do not have good credit?""
If i change my car insurance will my lien holder be notified?
I want to change to a different insurance company and have a an auto loan through my bank so my question is if i change will my bank be notified? I know it is wrong but for a few months i only had liability and if they are notified they can take my car if they see i didnt have full coverage right? I want cheaper insurance but dont want to get in trouble!
Is it possible to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for US plated car ?
I have a US plated car (calif plates) not currently registered in the US, Not currently insured in the US. I am in mexico on FM2. Car has been here for over 4 yrs with temp permit. Is it possible to get insurance in mexico? For tourist policy I have been told car must have current US registration and insurance, For mexican policy I have been told need to have mex plates. Anyone with US plates been able to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for their currenlty unregistered un insured US vehicle in mexico? If so what is your insurance company. Thanks""
I have cancelled my old insurance with a company and i need a renewal notice to get cheap insurance.?
i have called the old company is asking me why i need the renewal notice from them. they told me they have put it in the post but i did not receive anything. the only mail i received, was the sorry to see u go mail the next day after i cancelled the policy. With the notice i can show i have a 6yrs no claims discount. How do i get the old insures to send me the notice with the no claims or do i just tell my new insurers to contact the old ones. Please this is urgent. Serious answers only""
Columbia Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 21045
Columbia Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 21045
Does being added to my parent's car insurance as a secondary driver cost money?
Does being added to my parent's car insurance as a secondary driver cost money?
Why is it that car insurance is Mandatory ?
why is it that if you crash you just can't pay for the damage and not have car insurance ?
Health Insurance and Lost Wages?
I'm going into surgery for my meniscus being torn during a skiing accident. However, I am a waitress and will not be able to work for at least 2 months. My employer has told me that I will have my job when I return, however I seem to be at a loss as to what I can do to try to recover lost wages.""
Where can you get cheap car insurance after serving a drink driving ban?
I think it is so unfair to hype up the premium.
How much to insure audi 80 tdi (1.9 litre) ?
I am soon to be 17 and take my driving test, I have an audi 80 tdi being offered to me for 50 with the only fault being a broken break light. It is a 1.9 litre diesel and is apparently (according to the internet) cheap to fuel. Insurance no doubt on a 2.0 litre would be expensive. On the car insurance websites I get quotes from around 6500> I've heard however that the price on the websites is exaggerated and actually the price is much cheaper. How much do you think it would cost me to insure ? How could I reduce this cost? Is it worth getting a pass plus certificate? If the insurance on this IS a ridicuous price as it says on the insurance websites, what saloon car is cheap to insure? (preferably with a modest engine size:P) Thanks""
""Car Insurance, young male?""
I'm 18, i applied for a 6000+ loan and was approved, I didn't even need a cosigner because my income is very good. Its too bad the insurance company's just DESTROY ME when I find a car I like. I dont wanna drive a damn beater, I dont care how much it will save me. I am currently insured under state farm, they told me insurance for a mitsubishi diamante vr-x would be about 2800 a year.... My family has been with state farm since my grandpa, we have insured over 30 cars in our familys, and this is just the terrible quote they give me!? Its despicable, I refuse to insure with them. What are some good insurance companys that will cost less? I already checked e-surance and the price was better by far.""
How much would this cost to insure?
Hi, I'm looking to buy my first car. Two I have my eyes on are an automatic 2002 Chevy Camaro and a manual 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. Both cost just over 5k. I'm 17, a male, I have good grades, I don't smoke or do drugs, I'm in honors classes and I've taken drivers ed. Approximately how much would they cost to insure? Please don't say They're too challenging to drive , or They have too much power. I've driven cars with power before (both manual and auto) and I don't find it challenging at all. I have pretty good hand eye coordination. Also, my apologies if this somehow gets asked in the UK answers, I'm asking this fairly late at night.""
Anyone know insurance companies that would cover my car while in Canada?
I'm a US citizen on a temporary work permit in Ontario. I'm trying to figure out the best way to register my car. If I can find insurance that would cover me in Canada I could maintain registration in Calif. Does anyone know about this? Is there an insurance company that will cover my car while I'm registered in Calif/driving in Ontario? Thanks!
How long does it take to get insurance for a 50cc scooter?
I am going to buy a scooter soon but as soon as I do I would like to ride it as soon as possible. I can get MOT, TAX within 2 days but I don't know about insurance? How long would it take to get insurance for it and how much would it cost for a 50cc scooter approximately? Thanks for any responses :)""
Why is massachusetts excluded from affordable life insurance companies such as colonial penn?
and mutual of omaha.
Insurance for new drivers?
hi i am about to turn 18 and for my birthday my mom and me are going to lease a car for me. the car is 20000 and its new. the insurance is crazzzy expensive but my mom is going to by a car to right when i am so is just keep that i mind for the insurance and stuff. what is the cheapest way to get insurance?? please help
Question about switching auto insurance?
Currently I'm with state farm and I recently changed back accounts without telling them accidently so now I am a month behind and they took away my coverage. I am thinking about switching to a cheaper insurance company but would I still have to pay state farm the rest of what I owe for the 6 month contract I have with them?
Could I buy an auto insurance without a car?
Could I buy an auto insurance without a car? I have no car yet and I plan to buy a used car from owner. So I would like to rent a car for a week to find a used car. Before I buy my used car, could I buy the auto insurance first? Thanks!""
How much would car insurance be?
I'm 17 and I wanna know how much insurance is on a 1993 Jeep Wrangler before I go out and buy one. I tried to do quotes but I need to know a lot about the car but since I don't have the car, it's kinda hard. Help. Thanx""
Car Insurance Cancelled due to not sending documentation...?
I recently had a car insurance policy cancelled due to not sending off my documentation (driving licence & counterpart) in time. So, I started to apply for a new quote, and it asked if I'd ever had a policy cancelled, I ticked yes, and in comparison to begin with the quote doubled. This was because of the cancelled policy. I assume they do this because people have policies cancelled due to non payments, however, obviously mine wasn't. Is there any way I can get around this because it wasnt actually cancelled because I didn't pay...?? Please help, as an 18 year old girl car insurance is expensive enough! Thanks""
Best young driver insurance company ?? (Ireland)?
so just got my full licence and was wondering which company would be the best and cheapest for me? 10 points :)
Car insurance lapsed in CT what would be the steps to reregister car & get insurance?
Do i need to contact an insurance company first or the DMV?
Affordable medical/prescription insurance for a heart transplant recipient.?
I had a heart transplant 10 years ago, and I am looking for a more affordable insurance plan, currently I use Cigna, and they're running me over $400 a month, plus a $50 dollar fee per prescription I am on, which runs me another $250-300 dollars every three months. I just recently graduated college, and am 24 years old, so my father's insurance at work no longer covers me. I'm not very familiar with insurance plans, but I would obviously need one that would accept my pre-exsiting condition of a heart transplant, and have a prescription plan, cover doctor visits, emergency care and anything else people can recommend that would be important. Thanks so much!""
My first car notes and insurance?
i'm 16 and plan on getting A JOB BY MAY 2008. I wanna buy a USED CAR at least a 1997 model -2000 model. Do you think I can afford the car note? Could i possibly get on my mom's insurance plan to make it cheaper for my car to be insured or am I just putting myself up for a future of bad credit??????
How do I get insurance when.....?
No one wants to give them to me? I recieved a letter in the mail saying I need to show proof of insurance or my registrations will be cancelled. Well I let my insurance expire because I wasn't driving my car at the time, and now I need my car and every insurance company is telling me I can't get them. I'm guessing because it's been more than thirty days since I last had some? I don't know, but do you know where I can get some insurance where they are not so strict?""
How much would car insurance be...?
My Bf and I are going to be moving in together within the next year, we are going to have only one care, (i think) and possibly two within the next 2 or 3 years. We'll be living in North Carolina. I just need an estimate as too how much car insurance for us would be? Thanks!""
Insurance problems with car theft?
a friend of mine is an american citizen living in Juarez, Mexico because of his wife is a Mexican citizen that can't cross until her papers are finalized.. So he works here and goes back to Juarez for the night and comes back in the morning.. the other day on his way home.. he stopped at the store and when he walked out.. someone stole his truck.. he called the police and reported a stolen truck but with no info given about himself or the truck, just merely a black suburban... now he's back in the states.. and wants to report it stolen here from a friends house or something... not at a store because walmart has video cameras in their parking lots.. so how can he proceed in doing this.. he doesn't want to cause insurance fraud but he has nothing left besides his truck.. if he tells the insurance company it was stolen across the border, there is no policy on where it was stolen, so Juarez, Mexico is out of their jurisdiction.. how can he do this without getting in trouble.. he's worried about the border itself.. because they snap a photo of you coming into the united states.. but do they snap a photo of you when they get out? any info on what he can do to help his situation would help so much.. thank you""
How do i compare insurance companies?
My boyfriend is the sole souce fo income for teh two of us right now (and for teh forseeable future), do to a medical issue i am dealing with. and that brings up the issue taht we would be in a world of troubel if he is hurt, or if he dies i would be in trouble. So we are thinking about getting him life and disability insurance policies. But there are so many companies out there, it seems daunting to research them all. and if i were to use a broker, how would i knnow they have my best interest in mind? so i was hoping people could share their knowledge and experience in this area. any tips are helpful! any stories (good or bad) about yoru experience with a particular company are great as well! Thanks so much!""
How to get insurance in your name?
If my son obtains a loan for a truck that is for me how can I get the insurance in my name and under my own insurance.My son insurance would be too high with his age and I will be the only driver.
Will health insurance cover existing medical bills?
I have a kidney stone that is unbearable and I want to get it checked out. I just applied for health insurance but I have to wait to find out if it's approved. Can I go to the hospital today and have it be covered when my insurance application is approved?
Columbia Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 21045
Columbia Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 21045
What factors go into car insurance policy fees? Im going to be a brand new driver?
Im 22 yr old female. I don't have the car yet but I am taking a drivers education course and was wondering how much the insurance would be( estimated). what would be the cheapest big name company right now?
""I pay $76.25 a month for my health care, Liberals explain how you will make this cheaper...errr...affordable?
Affordable health care is here. I have a state of the art hospital and had one major surgery that went very well.
How much would car insurance would cost for a 16 year old?
Okay so i need to know how much would the insurence about be for a 16 year old driving a 2005 Mazda Rx-8 4 door coupe manual? Please help
How do I offer Shipping Insurance on eBay?
I am selling a NASCAR Daytona 500 Ticket Stub. I don't know where the option is to add Shipping Insurance. Please tell me how to add it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!""
I want the cheapest Liability only Insurance possible for my car. Which company should I go to?
I am based in MN, if it depends on the state.""
How do I get car insurance if my car was stolen?
I wrecked my car recently & was given a ticket for no insurance. My car was stolen shortly after & now I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about the ticket or getting insurance. The court date is approaching very quickly! HELP PLEASE!
How long does insurance company have to respond to a claim?
Was in wreck w/semi-truck in Oct.. Driver took pic of wreck and brought back w/him. His insurance will not respond to lawyer. How long to they have to respond. If anyone knows, about average amount a trucking company will pay. They found out I have nerve damage to right leg-may not ever be able to return too work. Thanks for any input.""
How much will insurance go up?
I backed into to my friends car in our driveway and where i hit it it made is back door screw up pretty bad the door closes but anyways he went and got it estimated and they said approx. 3500 in damage about how much will this make my insurance go up i havent had any prior accidents and im 19.
Will my mom's car insurance go up because of my speeding ticket?
Ok...I was driving my mom's suburban truck...I was doing 45 in a 35. I am not on my mom's insurance but the ticket is in my name in my mom's truck. The ticket is 81.50...I only had my license for a year...my mom never had a ticket...ever...so her insurance is like cheap...she gas state farm...will her insurance go up? I don't want to tell her.
How do i get a cover note for my car instead of insurance for my car?
By that i mean ive heard theres such a thing called a cover note wich acts like insurance documents but the only diffrence being you dont pay insurance for the car and you pay all the costs if you have and accident. Please anyone give any feedback please. Many thanks.
What model Acura Integra is the best for customization and performance?
What model Acura Integra is the best for customization and performance And based on your answer what would insurance be (16 yrs old) and how much is the car itself.
Car insurance?
Is insurance cheaper on older cars?
What would have a more expensive insurance a 2007 accord or an 1998 nissan 240sx?
What would have a more expensive insurance a 2007 accord or an 1998 nissan 240sx?
I need help with car insurance?
My parents are divorced and i live with them each 50% of the time. I just turned 16 and was put under my dads insurance. When im at my moms house am i allowed to drive her cars even though i am not listed under her insurance and live in her house part time???
Do I need my own car insurance?
I just got my permit (i am 18) and I heard that as long as the person I am driving with has insurance that I will be covered if anything happens. I don't plan on wrecking a car but I want to be safe and I want to make sure that it is required by law that I have insurance. If i do need insurance I have no idea how to go about getting it because I have gotten quotes before and they will only give you a quote if you select that you currently have your license plus there is no option for only having a permit. I have my permit in the state of georgia if that means anything
Injured with no health insurance and a big hospital bill?
My girlfriend dislocated her shoulder while playing volleyball with no health insurance. Her parents health insurance stopped covering her because she had just graduated from college ...show more
Used Car Insurance/Registration?
I just recently got my license (which was long overdue) and now I'm looking into buying a car from Advantage Auto Sales. My question is regarding the insurance and registration for the car I'm going to be buying. Should I purchase insurance, then put the down payment on the car, and then go register it after I have it in my possession? I've already gotten an insurance quote for one particular car that I was looking it, but I did change my mind due to location issues, but I can't imagine that would change the price up too much considering the car I'm looking at is actually newer than the one I got the quote on. At any rate, what should be my order of operations? 1. Insurance 2. Car 3. Registration OR 1. Insurance 2. Registration 3. Car Sorry if I'm being confusing. I would like to get all of this handled in one swoop so I'm not doing a whole lot of waiting around for weeks while everything gets handled. I live in Peoria, IL. In an related (but optional) question, how does a 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS Sedan sound? Reliable or no?""
Do insurance agents get group health insurance?
I am thinking about becoming an insurance agent for one of the large insurers. I was wondering if insurance companies generally offer group insurance for their agents or if they consider them independents and don't offer the coverage. What other benefits do most large insurance companies offer?
Is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed?
i know how to drive, but my mom is worried abbout the price, is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed?""
How will a $135 speeding ticket show up on my car insurance?
Will the insurance notice show how fast I was going/how much I had to pay for the ticket?
What is the commission structure for a California Insurance Agent?
I am wanting to see some kind of chart or calculation of how earnings will be calculated in regard to working on commission as a P&CInsurance Agent in Californis
How much will insurance be for a 16 year old in california?
how much will insurance be for a 16 year old in california? lets say i get a bmw or porsche how much will it be?
How much money will I save if I go on my parents' insurance plan?
Ok, so I did hear that if I go under my parents' insurance plan that it would be a lot cheaper. If it is cheaper, how much cheaper? How much would I be paying a month or every 6 months, for example. I did request a quote from progressive and what they came up with is..... $485.19 every month , $613 a month with travelers. How much will I be saving if i go under my parents' insurance? Thank you all in advance!""
How much to insure a 20 year old female learner on mothers insurance for one month in ireland?
i am 20 and want to learn to drive in my mums car (citron saxo 2001) how much roughly would it be to add me to the insurance for one month if ive never had lessons and have only had a provisional licence for 2 months? i live in ireland thanks
Car insurance help help????????
I will be getting my car insurance in May. I'll be 18 and I have two tickets one rolling fail to stop. One leavening a seen of a accident. I have a 99 s10 blazer 4 wheel drive. Blue I live in mn and in Winsted MN im male two. Can some one just tell me how much it would be. I will be livening at home 2 Dont give me a link just say like a number how much you think it would be. I cant ask the company's cuz im not 18
Columbia Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 21045
Columbia Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 21045
All young adults pay attention...what's the cheapest yet best car insurance you have found?
I'm 19, dad wants me to buy my own car get my own insurance etc. Any pointers?""
Will my child automatically get added to my car insurance when he gets his license?
My 18 year old son is getting his license tomorrow. And I was wondering, when he gets his license through the DMV... Will he automatically get added to my car insurance? If so when? Is there anyway to prevent him getting placed on my insurance without me doing so. My rates would be a killer. Thanks""
Can you really find cheap health insurance ?
I live in mass and i can not find health insurance for my needs and have been denied by the state health insurance. Dont know what to do ... anyone can help ?
Car insurance question?
say i get insured first time and i need to get my car to a road safety test and it fails badly and would cost to much to repair (more than the car is worth) can i cancel the insurance say 2 weeks after getting it? if yes, does there usually be a cancellation fee?""
Can I use my no claims discount for scooter insurance?
I am seriously considering dumping the car and using a scooter. I have full no claims discount on my car insurance, would I be able to use this on my scooter insurance? If not, would I loose that no claims I have built up i.e. if i go back to driving a car will I start again with zero no claims discount. This is a UK based question.""
Is the cost of car insurance increased when you drive a coupe as opposed to a sedan?
I want to buy an acura integra and i want to know if the 2 door would be more expensive to insure than the 4 door because of the 2 door's sportier appearance. I'm almost 19.
Car insurance wrong information coverage upon car purchase..?
i bought a new truck, i am a first time car buyer and got the independent insurance agent the dealer had.... the agent told me that he was informed by the insurance agent that i will have a one (1) year coverage for the auto insurance as well as the amount of my monthly premium.. when i got the policy i was shocked to find out i only got six months coverage for the insurance and my monthly premium increased... they got PROGRESSIVE as the insurance company. i have already paid the required first six months (according to the agent) insurance premium and have to pay monthly for the remaining 6 months... which is not the case when i got my policy... is there a way how to handle, change this car insurance that i got? if not how could i send any complain to certain authorities/agencies for this kind of activities? any help is appreciated""
How much did your insurance go up?
I am unemployed. My wife has me, our son, and herself on her job group rate medical insurance. Up to October this year, for the last 10 years, she pays $79.00 per month for medical ...show more""
Car insurance box rules?
I just had the insurance 'box' fitted the other day. I've been told I can't drive before 6am or after 11pm by friends but it doesn't look like a rule just a suggestion to lower insurance cost. ALSO I have to drive to Suffolk in a few weeks from Manchester which is nearly 4 hours, will this change my policy because of the increased mileage? This is just a one off journey I hardly ever drive long distances.""
What does the insurance company require to insure property?
What does the insurance company require to insure property?
How much would Progressive's auto insurance cost for a 2 door honda civic for a 17 year old male?
Or a Honda accord v6 coupe? Standard Insurance prices.
Question about car insurance?
ok so im wondering if i get a car will worth 5000 will the insurance be the same on all cars worth 5000 like a mustang worth 5 k or a civic worth 5 k is the insurance the same on them?
How much would I pay for car insurance on average?
I am 17, about to turn 18 and I am about to get my license. I am going to get a used car around a 1995 car. Around how much would I pay for insurance?""
I need health insurance quick.?
I need to get health insurance. I have no job and No income so i have no way to get health insurance. I went to the state to get health insurance and I was not eligable for Medicare. I live with my father and I qualified for another health insurance through the state but I have to pay full premium because my father makes just over the amount they classify as POOR. Im 18, with a serious blood disorder (Hemophilia) and no doctor will help me w/o health insurance. Is there any other health insurance or help I can get?""
Limiting the cost of home insurance in Florida?
How can we limit the cost of home insurance in Florida?
How much does your credit rating affect your car insurance premium?
The CSR from my company just told me that continuous coverage is much more of a discount than a good credit rating gives you. So, overall, about what percent do folks in the know think that the credit rating matters?""
Does Allstate use insurance credit scores ?
My score is good, just curious. Another unrelated question: My insurance has gone up the last 2 times after going down every 6 months for a few years. I cant find any reason for it on my end. Is everyones rate going up at allstate ?""
Car insurance- insurance not renewed.?
A month ago my car insurers send a letter saying my policy wouldn't be renewed when it ends in November. reason, there weren't dealing with the agency. now I have two cars, one having abs problem so wasn't driving it but was paying for both. Am getting a new insurance company but wouldnt add the problem car till I get money to repair it. its not driven and want to save that wasted money to repair it. Am I right.""
Afforable Health insurance?
I'm 19 years old, I work a part time job and I need health insurance. The cheapest I saw was Blue cross blue care and it was $95 a month and 30 copay. Is there anything cheaper I ...show more""
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
My husband has been sick for like a year and we cannot afford to go to the doctor in fact he went to a doctor and they told him he has to go see another doctor because they can't find anything wrong with him. so that's $300 down the drain and we haven't even paid it. Is there something I can get him that would cost $30 a month and have some way for him to get some tests that wouldn't kill us financially?
Auto Insurance Price?
Does anyone have a rough estimate of how much my auto insurance would cost per year? I'm a 19 year old female purchasing a 2000 Toyota camry.
Insurance for a non-running vehicles Title Transfer?
Do I need insurance for a title transfer on a private party vehicle that is not running and wont be for a while in the state of florida? Also what is the process for doing so? Thank you, Tyler""
How much will insurace cost me on a 2005 jaguar type s or on a 2006 audi A4?
want to get one of those cars but i want to have a idea of how much it will cost in insurance. i got 1 year with my license or it will go up on my dads name he has like alot of years more then 30 with out accidents or anything. plz any info or if u have one of this cars. give me a idea of how much it will cost me or if u know any website i could find out. thanks. o ya the jaguar is a v6 3.0 and the audi v4 2.0. both leather i will get a bunch of chicks with this cars.
I'm 20 with no diploma: How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 20 year old male in Austin, Texas, and I was homeschooled and have 2 courses to complete until I get my highschool diploma. I have very little work experience (worked for HEB for 3 months). How do I get health insurance? Any suggestions on who would hire me that has insurance, or any government help I could be eligible for health wise?""
Somebody help me find cheap car insurance in uk...........?
i am 20 year old foreign student in uk from 2 years....i am about to buy some cheap car with 1 ltr engine which is worth of 1000. but the biggest problem is for the 700-800 worth car they are asking me to pay 5000 insurance........... some body please help me find the cheaper insurance... can you advise me on what basis insurance is counted like age... address so that i can figure out from where to buy insurance.... some extra information:: i don't have any NCB first car I have very new licence in full time education. can afford max 150 per month please guys suggest me some cheap insurance provider....
Columbia Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 21045
Columbia Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 21045
0 notes
succorcreek · 7 years
Tumblr media
Wrong Turn 6 Don't Go There Danger Alert Pt 1 It all may look random the week of oddball actions and attitudes by Donald Trump. There will be those both today and this week that will say he's crazy off the deep end mentally incompetent and losing it. The exact opposite is true: It's all a part of a plan (for the NFL planned attack see NFL in the topic archive clouds below....it's all a strategy) These things being said and done are part of the bigger war campaign coming. Wrong Turn 6 Don't Go There Danger Alert Pt 1 These are the "indicators" that a storm is coming or Trump is about to put forward or push a plan unpopular with the public or a majority of the public. HE ALWAYS USES Pre-battle military strike Distractions and Diversions. There are warning Signs....if you look. They occur in nature stories movies and with all Psychopaths.....but you have to look glean the news think clearly question and be willing to accept the patterns you see as true though they are just the signs of the coming storm crisis bite or symbolic p grabbing. Know the psychopath and have your tools. See the tools catalog tab above. There are examples of the pre-strike in nature cinema sports and really....all of life. It just is a way things oddly operate on this oddball planet where there is evolution in the place run by survival by fittest or best at distraction cons or camouflage! The velociraptor and most carnivore dinosaurs had claws to shred as do the great cats and bears of our time. The Cameleon like lizards insects and butterflies avoid being eaten by camouflage. go to Part 2 now to continue rest of this story: Part 2 Article continued: Why does Trump use the pre-battle distraction? Trump has always been enamored with Hollywood TV and movies though he derided Hollywood and Actors/actresses all the time. He likes being the showman and use the "big theatrical buildup" before the "battle scene". This is a cinematic method but also part of most stories and books. In the movie we reach a point in a horror movie where a closed door beckons to the Wrong Turn Youths or a Bridge must be crossed by the bus of the Here are examples of things that have "predictors" just like Trump and Psychopaths before the big event explosion full military strike or more. 1. a cobra flairs it's neck a rattlesnake rattles 2. birds flee bad weather triggered by sudden drops in barometric pressure. All is "quiet before the storm" as the birds have hidden and make no sounds. 3. In Yellowstone National Park many large geysers have a smaller geyser that goes off a few minutes before the bigger one. This smaller geyser is called the "predictor" or "indicator geyser". Tourists and Park Guides use this smaller eruption to indicate when the larger more dramatic geyser will erupt so all can enjoy that. 4. In Autrisa and Switzerland rock and snow avalanches used to take many lives. Now sensors pick up warning tremor patterns and give accurate predictions of an avalanche allowing warnings to home dwellers below the alpine mountains. 5. the classic movies Final Destination about life threatening dangers that have fore warnings But: why is this not really the calm before the storm but the psychopath's Shit Before the Storm? Find out: See Part 3 for the rest of this story: Danger Alert Series Wrong Turn 6 Don't go there Danger Alert pt 1http://bit.ly/2gaYXzo What's a before the real Trump Attack? Danger Alert pt.2http://bit.ly/2xux90B A day in the Tweets of Trump Danger Alert 3http://bit.ly/2gahmfA Why does Trump spring back always? pt. 4http://bit.ly/2yekuh9 Trump Sleight of Hand Sleight of the Mind pt 5http://bit.ly/2yekmOI Psychopaths Pirates Vampires and more: Run flee tell others! 300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive: Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books Kindle Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs con strategy shadow work sharknado sleight of hand and mind trump weekly s schedule trumpnado tweet distractions as military tactic vampire war against one's own people #trumpbully #stopbully #trumpmentalhealth http://bit.ly/2rZ1vSp
Wrong Turn 6 Don't G
0 notes
thrashermaxey · 6 years
Ramblings: Draft Analysis, Weekend Trades and Signings
Draft Analysis, Weekend Trades and Signings
First off, I just wanted to give a shoutout to Peter Harling, Cam Robinson, and the rest of the Dobber Prospects team for some amazing work at the draft (and for Cam for actually dropping a Ramblings to boot – these things don’t take five minutes to write, you know). It was awesome seeing the Dobber brand showing up on the Sportsnet ticker as each big name fell off the board.
As significant as the Dobber presence has been in Dallas, next year might be even better, with the 2019 draft coming to Vancouver! Will Quinn Hughes receive the honor of announcing his brother Jack as the first overall pick and his new teammate? Wait just a minute Canucks fans… you seem to have forgotten about the crummy luck that you have in the draft lottery every year.
By the way, I’m ecstatic about the Hughes pick. I can say that a puck-moving defenseman is something that the Canucks have been missing since, well, ever. I think the one takeaway from this draft – at least the first round – is the type of defensemen that were drafted. After years of teams drafting bigger and bigger, the smaller defensemen were all the rage as teams move toward a faster style that stresses the importance of moving the puck out of your zone and keeping up with the play. Here’s the height and weight of the first seven defensemen drafted in the first round:
Rasmus Dahlin (BUF): 6’ 2”, 181 lbs.
Quinn Hughes (VAN): 5’10”, 173 lbs.
Adam Boqvist (CHI): 5’11”, 165 lbs.
Evan Bouchard (EDM): 6’2”, 195 lbs.
Noah Dobson (NYI): 6’3”, 176 lbs.
Ty Smith (NJ): 5’11”, 176 lbs.
Ryan Merkley (SJ): 5’11”, 167 lbs.
Not one of these defensemen is over 200 pounds, and there are more that are under six feet tall than over. Of course, these are still kids who could continue to grow and should also fill out a bit more. But the trend of blueliners scoring more should continue, while fewer enormous-bodied stay-at-home defensemen will be able to survive in the NHL.
What made this draft fun is that after the first two picks, it didn’t seem to proceed according to plan. It’s easy to criticize Montreal and Arizona on their off-the-board picks, but the fact is that we’re putting faith in 18-year-old kids and perceptions will change. Let’s check back in ten years to find out how these picks really turned out. Maybe these Habs fans will become huge Kotkaniemi fans one day.  
Habs fans are not happy about their 3rd overall pick pic.twitter.com/EVIbIcXrg4
— Hockey Central (@HockeyCentraI) June 23, 2018
There’s certainly a lot to unpack from the past two days, so let’s get started.
I’ll start with a question that was asked to me this weekend. Some keeper leagues have an entry draft in which draft-eligible players can be drafted by teams. So if you have the third pick (or are simply ranking draft-eligible players), who would you choose? Assume Rasmus Dahlin and Andrei Svechnikov will be picked first and second overall. This person was initially thinking Filip Zadina, but with Jesper Kotkaniemi being picked third overall by the Habs, he wasn’t so sure anymore. Should the third overall pick in fantasy drafts be Zadina, Kotkaniemi, or someone else?
Settings and team needs could determine who you pick, but just because a certain NHL general manager decides to go off the board to pick the player he wants doesn’t mean that you also have to. And there’s a reason that the Kotkaniemi pick was considered off the board. Zadina obviously fell down at least a couple teams’ draft boards, but picking a real-life team is different from picking a fantasy team. Zadina says he will “bring the goals” to Detroit, something that he did in the QMJHL (44 goals in just 57 games). If you like fantasy goals on your team, he’s the guy I’d look to add at number 3.
For you (and for my own benefit, since I participate in one of these leagues), I will produce a draft list during the summer of draft-eligible prospects. But I’ve started with those three. Who would you pick after that? Or would you include someone else in your top 3? Remember that if you don’t want to wait and/or require far more detailed prospects analysis, you’ll want to pick up your copy of the Fantasy Prospects Report.  
Dobber himself provided the Fantasy Take on the Ilya Kovalchuk signing, which includes how top-6 forwards in LA might be impacted. I’d expect Kovalchuk to be a decently productive fantasy option next season, but at age 35 he’s already seen most of his peers his age drop off from their prime (or drop out of the league by now). As productive as Kovalchuk was in the KHL (over a point per game over his last two seasons), I can’t help but think that someone like now-34-year-old Rick Nash is a comparable at this point in his career. And Nash isn’t someone you should be reaching for in next season’s drafts. But don’t get me wrong, I’d still rate Kovalchuk over Nash.
Another point I’ll add: After the Kovalchuk signing, the Kings are left with just over $3 million in cap space. They don’t have much work left to do (possibly extend a qualifying offer to Tobias Rieder), but barring any other moves to clear cap space, they probably won’t have enough room to bring back Slava Voynov. And they may not be planning to bring him back.
From The Athletic (this article is free):
Sources indicated that the Kings trading Voynov’s rights is likely the most plausible scenario.
This article, written by Katie Strang, describes both what would need to happen in order for Voynov to be reinstated, as well as the details of the events that led to his contract being terminated by the Kings. Although the 28-year-old Voynov could provide a team with an all-important right-shot defenseman who can deliver some offense, I don’t imagine that his acquisition will go over well with a significant portion of any team’s fanbase.  
With Kovalchuk now off the board, John Carlson getting close to a deal in Washington, and John Tavares still considering re-signing on Long Island, could July 1 be kind of a “meh” day? Diehard hockey fans will no doubt tune in to the programming on TSN or Sportsnet (at least in Canada), but for the most part we’re not talking about franchise-altering players. Lots of over-30s who have had productive careers, though. You can check out the list over at Cap Friendly.
Speaking of Tavares, he is set to meet with five teams ahead of free agency. According to ESPN, those teams are expected to be San Jose, Toronto, Tampa Bay, Vegas, and Dallas. And according to David Pagnotta, the Islanders’ initial offer to Tavares is an eight-year deal worth $88 million.
Dobber also gave you the Fantasy Take on the Calgary/Carolina blockbuster. Fantasy-wise, this trade has a major impact on the Flames’ top line, with the forwards swapping places on it.  
Bill Peters says Lindholm is penciled in on the top line w Gaudreau and Monahan already and will take draws on his strong side. Said he spoke to him but kept it short as Lindholm was attending Sweden’s World Cup game when the call came.
— Eric Francis (@EricFrancis) June 23, 2018
As far as the trade goes, I’m going to concentrate on the forwards in the deal.
I really like this move for Elias Lindholm – more so than anyone else involved in the deal. The previous relationship with Peters should result in Lindholm receiving at least a long look with Johnny Gaudreau and Sean Monahan. There was no real continuity when it came to Lindholm’s linemates last season, but both Gaudreau (1.05 Pts/G) and Monahan (0.86 Pts/G) scored at a higher pace than any Carolina forward. This is a significant upgrade for Lindholm. If Micheal Ferland can score 21 goals while (mostly) playing on that line, then the more talented Lindholm should score at least that many. Lindholm has never scored more than 17 goals in a season.
Conversely, the main reason I decided to take a flier on Ferland last season was his place on the Flames’ top line. Of his 41 points last season, 35 were even strength. And of those 35 even-strength points, only three were without either Gaudreau or Monahan. There could be more turnover with the Canes’ forward group, particularly if Jeff Skinner is traded. But for now Ferland is buried among a large pile of wingers, which means that he should probably only be targeted in leagues that count hits.
One day after being traded to the Avalanche, Philipp Grubauer has signed a three-year contract worth $10 million total (Fantasy Take from Mike). I know one Semyon Varlamov owner that is livid right now, as he was counting on Varlamov again after bouncing back to fantasy respectability last season. Given that Varlamov has started 50+ games in four of the last five seasons even with an injury-prone reputation, I don’t think this turns out any worse than a 50/50 split for Varlamov. But it might be better to bet the under than he will play 50 games again in 2018-19.
This probably goes without saying, but the Grubauer trade all but assures that Jonathan Bernier will be headed to unrestricted free agency. The UFA goalie market is thin (you can check out that group at Cap Friendly), but Bernier should be considered a top-5 option in that group. That probably should net him a goalie timeshare situation of his own at best, with the more likely scenario of him being signed as a team’s backup.
As for the vacant Washington backup goalie job, recently signed goalie prospect Ilya Samsonov is expected to play a lot in the AHL next season. That would make Pheonix Copley the little-used backup behind Braden Holtby. The native of North Pole, Alaska (maybe he has met Santa Claus!) has played in just two NHL games – both with the Blues.  
For more fantasy hockey information, you can follow me on Twitter @Ian_Gooding.
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-draft-analysis-weekend-trades-and-signings/
0 notes
succorcreek · 7 years
Wrong Turn 6 Don't Go There, Danger Alert Pt 1
It all may look random, the week of oddball actions and attitudes by Donald Trump. There will be those both today, and this week that will say he's crazy, off the deep end, mentally incompetent, and losing it. The exact opposite is true: It's all a part of a plan (for the NFL planned attack, see NFL in the topic archive clouds below....it's all a strategy) These things being said and done are part of the bigger war campaign coming.
 Wrong Turn 6 Don't Go There, Danger Alert Pt 1
These are the "indicators" that a storm is coming, or Trump is about to put forward or push a plan unpopular with the public or a majority of the public. HE ALWAYS USES Pre-battle military strike Distractions and Diversions. There are warning Signs....if you look. They occur in nature, stories, movies, and with all Psychopaths.....but you have to look, glean the news, think clearly, question, and be willing to accept the patterns you see as true, though they are just the signs of the coming storm, crisis, bite, or symbolic p**** grabbing.
Know the psychopath, and have your tools. See the tools catalog tab above.
There are examples of the pre-strike in nature, cinema, sports, and really....all of life. It just is a way things oddly operate on this oddball planet where there is evolution in the place run by survival by fittest or best at distraction, cons, or camouflage!  The velociraptor and most carnivore dinosaurs had claws to shred, as do the great cats and bears of our time. The Cameleon like lizards, insects, and butterflies avoid being eaten by camouflage.  go to Part 2 now to continue rest of this story:  Part 2, Article continued: Why does Trump use the pre-battle distraction? Trump has always been enamored with Hollywood, TV, and movies, though he derided Hollywood and Actors/actresses all the time.  He likes being the showman, and use the "big theatrical buildup" before the "battle scene".  This is a cinematic method, but also part of most stories and books. In the movie, we reach a point in a horror movie, where a closed door beckons to the Wrong Turn Youths, or a Bridge must be crossed by the bus of the Here are examples of things that have "predictors" just like Trump and Psychopaths before the big event, explosion, full military strike, or more. 1. a cobra flairs it's neck, a rattlesnake rattles 2. birds flee bad weather triggered by sudden drops in barometric pressure. All is "quiet before the storm", as the birds have hidden and make no sounds. 3. In Yellowstone National Park, many large geysers have a smaller geyser that goes off a few minutes before the bigger one. This smaller geyser is called the "predictor" or "indicator geyser". Tourists and Park Guides use this smaller eruption to indicate when the larger more dramatic geyser will erupt, so all can enjoy that. 4. In Autrisa and Switzerland, rock and snow avalanches used to take many lives. Now, sensors pick up warning tremor patterns, and give accurate predictions of an avalanche allowing warnings to home dwellers below the alpine mountains. 5. the classic movies, Final Destination, about life threatening dangers that have fore warnings  But: why is this not really the calm before the storm, but the psychopath's Shit Before the Storm? Find out:  See Part 3 for the rest of this story: Danger Alert Series Wrong Turn 6, Don't go there, Danger Alert pt 1 http://bit.ly/2gaYXzo What's a before the real Trump Attack? Danger Alert pt.2 http://bit.ly/2xux90B A day in the Tweets of Trump, Danger Alert 3 http://bit.ly/2gahmfA Why does Trump spring back, always?  pt. 4 http://bit.ly/2xw6mAI Trump Sleight of Hand, Sleight of the Mind pt 5 http://bit.ly/2xwvtUc Psychopaths, Pirates, Vampires, and more:
Run, flee, tell others! 300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive:
Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs
via Blogger http://bit.ly/2xuGBAV #trumppirate #trumpgangster
0 notes