#calla tormond
harumeau · 1 year
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Calla Tormond from @idrellegames Wayfarer ☀️🌊🦾
Here’s my piece for the Wayfarer 2023 Pin-Up Calendar. I absolutely loved working with so many amazing people on this project! Everyone’s art was so lovely ✨
Close up shot because I had so much fun with all the details 🤩
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idrellegames · 5 months
I just love tall strong/buff and mean women.
You have good taste, anon. 😌
May I direct you towards:
Calla, who may not be tall, but is definitely strong/buff
Phaedra, who is tall and--depending on the POV and situation--could be mean to the right person at the right time
Anselma, who is tall, strong and mean (her wife is not)
Malsara, who is somewhat tall, somewhat buff, and somewhat mean
Nova, who is somewhat tall and definitely mean (of the prickly variety)
Umbria, who is none of these things but deserves the love anyway
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galpal95 · 1 year
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Name: Naia Nesea Cenric (Vallea) Nickname: Nai Age: 32 Ancestry: Dwarven Origins: Child of the Sea Mentor: Rindan Cenric Sword: Magianis (The Quester) Romance: Calla Tormond
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sunshinemage · 3 years
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Wayfarer Cast: Calla Tormond
Wayfarer is a game by @idrellegames 💜
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parkerlyn · 3 years
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Last kiss for OC kiss week!! (Though will still probably draw some more kisses coming up 👀)
Calla Tormond of the amazing @idrellegames ' Wayfarer and the Magesmith! Thank you for letting me draw these two together!! ❤️❤️
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idrellegames · 9 months
Ohh I’d love to ask! What were all the companions like as children? (If an age range makes it’s easier) ahhh 9-14?
Aeran. Pre-Spire: Quiet and very hesitant of doing the wrong thing, but had a wide-eyed curiosity about the world around him. Smarter than people gave him credit, but he tried to downplay that. Post-Spire: Loud, mischievous, starting swearing much earlier than expected and Varyn wasn't entirely sure where he picked up all those cuss words (side-eyeing Sero).
Alexia. Shy, reserved, didn't make friends easily. Preferred books to people. Made a little fire sprite out of conjured magic when she was 12 and talked to it like a friend, only to have it snuffed out by a Guild instructor.
Ren. Very protective of Raven and Ves. Willing to get his hands dirty for them and not think too much about it. Best thief in the Narrows, but no one ever caught him or knew who he was. Found it very funny.
Calla. Rambunctious and curious. Always trailing after her sister Cerys. Ravenous for information, eager to test the limits herself rather than be told. The kind of kid likely to put their hand on a hot stove after being told not to just to see what happens for themself.
Melchior. [REDACTED]
Nelani. Eager to test her limits, especially with flight. Liable to adventure off to all the wrong places. Desperately wanted to leave Aos.
Felix. Angry at his parents for splitting up. Angry at Athana (now his step-mother) for inserting herself into a situation she knew nothing about. Angry at how limited his magical skill was and feeling like it was the cause of his parents splitting up (not true). Angry at feeling like he was stupid and talked down to for it. Being 12 and feeling like the whole world is out to get him.
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idrellegames · 10 months
Gladiator combat???? Even more excited to meet Calla. Sorry every time you drop any hint about her I'm 👀👀👀👀👀
Calla's been having an interesting time in Velantis recently. She's gone from associating with the upper echelon of society to taking up residence in the Undercity and developing a bit of a name for herself in certain quarters...
Her introduction will be quite fun!
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idrellegames · 11 months
Omg that Calla art?? Twirling my hair and giggling rn 🫣 I might finally escape the clown car
And you're so valid for that, anon.
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harumeau · 2 years
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@queen-scribbles so tumblr deleted the image when i replied? 😔 hopefully this works! Thanks so much for the ask, this was super fun
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idrellegames · 2 years
Is Calla the older or younger sister?
She's the younger sister! Cerys, who created her mechanical arm, was the older sister.
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idrellegames · 11 months
Just read another question regarding flirting with nova. You said it's not possible and not a good idea because she bites but that definetly makes her even more attractive! Another question i hope that isn't to spoilery but when are we meeting the other ro's ?
From the FAQ (if you're on mobile, open the link in through your browser to view):
All major and romanceable characters will be introduced by the end of Act 2. Characters with romance content are marked with a *.
Prologue: Aeran Kellis*, Rindan Cenric, Brissa Varyn, Amali Sero, Sabien Quirinus
Episode 1: Zenaida Anaxas, Malsara Markal, Nova Markal, Rhodarth Nairan*
Episode 2: Sophia Anaxas, Sandro Anaxas, Melchior Larkspur*, Phaedra Amestris*, Umbria Bellaris, Allegra Arantir (conditional)
Episode 3: If the player did not meet Allegra in the previous episode, they will meet her here
Episode 4: Raven*, Alexia Antonis*, Ren Varadon* or Calla Tormond* (conditional)
Episode 5: Ves Sithia. If Alexia, Calla or Ren have not been encountered yet, they will be introduced in this episode
Episode 6: Hypatia Navorre, Athana Navorre, Lyrian Blushrose*, Nelani an’Zoraia
Episode 7: Kellan Osgar, Vara Helmi, Felix Navorre
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idrellegames · 3 years
Does Aeran always have a crush on the MC, regardless if we ourselves are attracted to him?
Also sorry for the late valentine ask, but how would the ros react to a MC who is like a master chef and makes the the ros favourite food for date night. Speaking of which, what kinds of food do the ros (+ Aeran) like and do they have a favourite dish?
No, not always. Aeran and the MC have known each other for 18 years and a lot can happen within that span of time. The details are left up to interpretation because it depends on your own MC, so imagine things as you will. The only way the game will acknowledge Aeran’s feelings for the MC is if you take Option 4 when setting his relationship stats (which bumps his approval to 80 and his romance stat to 10) OR take enough flirt/romance dialogue options to organically grow it up from 0. This is for the long-term and there are no results from doing this latter option in Chapter 1; I think you can only raise it by 3 or 4 by the end of the Chapter.  
Aeran’s the kind of person who won’t acknowledge his own romantic feelings unless he things they will be reciprocated; otherwise, he’ll just deal with them and let it go and it becomes a non-issue. Regardless of whether he has a crush on the MC or not, he cares about them a lot. Even a low approval Aeran cares, though the relationship may be strained.
In terms of food, I’m still working out what kind of cuisine is common in different countries of the world, so apologies for being a little vague:
Alexia - She was born and raised in Erenvor, the Imperial capital, and was sent to the Guild of Mages as a fairly young child. She’s used to a certain heightened quality of food - expensive meats, rare fruits that are transported in from far away countries and only available for the elite of the elite. Her favourite dish would be something whose ingredients are difficult to come by and very expensive, so she wouldn’t pressure the MC to make her something like that. She’s very easy going when it comes to food, but there are things she misses from the Guild and high society. 
Ren - Flatbreads! Simple, straightforward, mix with an assortment of seafood and vegetables. He was born in Velantis, the entire culture there is very seafood-focused, but he also loves bread. Good bread is difficult to come by in the Undercity so even though elsewhere in Velantis it’s pretty mundane, it’s kind of special for him. 
Calla - She’s from Farandor and her tastes reflect that. I kind of envision some kind of Faran stew that uses a bunch of animal parts that are not commonly used in Velantis. Everyone else thinks it’s gross, but she loves it and honestly, seafood is a little weird and please put that crab down, it grosses her out.
Melchior - His favourite dish relied on ingredients from a plant that went extinct a couple centuries ago. It may be possible to mimic it with a substitute, but you’ll never be able to replicate it perfectly. #functionalimmortalityproblems, right?
Aeran - Probably misses the venison stews that are a trademark of Artanisian cuisine. He’s not picky about what he eats (you have to be practical when you live a nomadic lifestyle), but there are some things from his childhood that he used to love and he can’t get regularly. 
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idrellegames · 3 years
I can't believe it just hit me that Calla is 103 and Melchior is a mystery. The amount of life experience those two must have...
And Calla is relatively “young” compared to other dwarves in her family. The 100s is kind of equivalent to your 30s in dwarven-centric cultures like Farandor (the country Calla is from). If you’re rolling a dwarven MC, you are a baby compared to other dwarves from there.
Calla has a lot of life experience under her belt and she has done a lot of things in her life. She’s overseen part of a merchant empire, studied magic engineering, sailed on a pirate ship with a pirate crew, trekked across most of Rhesainia, been to countries some people in Velantis have never even heard of... She’s done a fair bit since her family disinherited her. 
Mel is a giant ??? and I’m not even going to go there. Who is Mel? Everything about him is fabricated and can change on a dime. He’s like a walking philosophical question about identity and you’re never going to get the answers.
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idrellegames · 3 years
Ooo this is a fun one! Which tarot card do you think best represents each character?
I’m not super well-versed in tarot, so these are my best guesses:
ALEXIA - The High Priestess Upright: intuitive, unconscious, inner voice Reversed: lack of center, lost inner voice, repressed feelings 
REN - Judgment Upright: reflection, reckoning, awakening Reversed: lack of self awareness, doubt, self loathing 
CALLA - The Chariot Upright: direction, control, willpower Reversed: lack of control, lack of direction, aggression 
MELCHIOR - The Magician Upright: willpower, desire, creation, manifestation Reversed: trickery, illusions, out of touch 
NELANI - The Moon Upright: unconscious, illusions, intuition Reversed: confusion, fear, misinterpretation 
FELIX - The Fool Upright: innocence, new beginnings, free spirit Reversed: recklessness, taken advantage of, inconsideration 
AERAN - The Lovers Upright: partnerships, duality, union Reversed: loss of balance, one-sidedness, disharmony 
CENRIC - The Hierophant Upright: tradition, conformity, morality, ethics Reversed: rebellion, subversiveness, new approaches 
VARYN - Death Upright: end of cycle, beginnings, change, metamorphosis Reversed: fear of change, holding on, stagnation, decay 
SERO - The Devil Upright: addiction, materialism, playfulness Reversed: freedom, release, restoring control 
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idrellegames · 3 years
Is weird to admit I'm just so excited to finally be romancing a dwarven character? I've seen so many elves and other races having romance stories in books and video games, but I very rarely find any with a good dwarven romance? Its even odder seeing this with Dragon Age; they clearly can write charming, engaging drawven characters and dwarves have such a interesting culture. WE CAN EVEN PLAY A DWARF TO ROMANCE SOME ROS. And yet, there has yet to be a drawven party member who has been romancable.
Not weird at all! I’ve been dying to play a dwarven romance myself and, being unable to find one, I’m writing it. 
Dwarves are so often there in fantasy fiction, but I find them underutilized. Not sure why (maybe it’s the beards? The height? idk 😂). I also find that dwarves in fiction are usually men, so I really wanted my dwarven romance to be with a woman. 
Hence Calla. 🧡
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idrellegames · 3 years
is calla particularly tall or short for a dwarf? bc shes the same height as me & if im short compared to most dwarfs i think id just die shdfhsjksk
Oh, she’s definitely tall for a dwarf. She’s practically a giant in Farandor (whose population is primarily dwarven, though there is a significant human population there as well). 
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