n0brainjustvibes · 29 days
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"...was convinced she was saving the world."
My rough take on Ynna, from Callbringers by @thesternest! I just went for the platinum alchemical symbol for her earring, and i'm afraid it ended up on the wrong side, but I like the wording placement too much to bother flipping it. Hence, rough.
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thesternest · 21 days
ok so since @jennifer-hamilton-wb said she would like that explanation of Immaculacy I might regret making this since explaining Immaculacy requires at least mentioning other stuff ok so all magic in the universe I'm creating (still needs a name) draws from one of two sources: Lifespan and Immaculacy Lifespan is the force that fuels souls, everyone is granted a specific amount when they are born and that amount goes down and down until its nothing and they are dead of old age, However if for various reasons somebody were to die before all their lifespan depleted their soul would dissolve allowing the lifespan to escape, this would not be noticeable at first or at least it wouldn't be noticeable in the Landscape (the physical realm might delve into it in a different post) however in the Labyrinth you could see that lifespan and it would take form differently depending on the planet.
for various reasons it creates a lot of problems if too much lifespan accumulated in one spot. So Soulbinders were created Soulbinders are living creatures (always sapient but not always human) that are born with the ability to absorb the souls of others and manipulate their own souls.
after their soul has enough lifespan their soul gets a sort of gravitational pull allowing them to eat souls over a distance, That is a Soulbinders first step to descending to godhood.
Once a Soulbinder has Absorbed a lifespan roughly equivalent to a planet they will be transformed into a formless being known as an Aspect. Aspect are one of the closest things in this universe to gods
every Aspect represents one trait and will start out with their original personality but will eventually be consumed by the trait they represent A list of known Aspects contains(i might have forgotten some though): Repose Manipulation Progression Grace Strife Prominence Ignorance Determination Composure
they can give their godhood to somebody else but they cannot preserve their own life in that process.
Now that we got to Aspects we can get to the second and more common and versatile source for magic.
Immaculacy Aspects like every creature need Lifespan to live, they are essentially endless containers of the stuff, usually residing on a planet and feeding on all who die prematurely in it.
it is possible that one of the reasons a lot of the Planets they tend to live in have high death rates in some form such as war or disease is the Aspects intentionally cause more death to live longer When Lifespan is absorbed by an Aspect it turns into a type of Immaculacy that is Unique to that Apect. Every Immaculacy has two forms, a true form and a stale form Every Aspect is associated with two colors that their Immaculacy tends to take in physical presence For instance, the Stale form of Manipulation's Immaculacy is black crystals. While its true form is golden ribbons
Now it's important to say that a trait that is shared across almost all Immaculacy types is that it does not like being stored in one big place for a long time. no matter what Immaculacy will eventually leak from any container. the more immaculacy contained the faster it will leak.
That includes Aspects which means that Aspects aren't really capable of not developing magic systems in the worlds they reside in.
In callbringers when Ashelyn draws energy into her forged Arm she is essentially just drawing Immaculacy from the Aspect of Manipulation and storing it in her copper hand. and when she wants to release that Immaculacy the copper hand transforms it into fire.
Magic systems that use Lifespan tend to be a lot more limited and complex so I won't delve into it now (I haven't figured them out completely)
Different types of Immaculacy have different effects in the natural forms in general. and the True and Stale forms have different abilities too Manipulation's immaculacy is highly dangerous to people in its true form via its mind control abilities but in its stale form it Conducts Immaculacy
While Strife's Stale Immaculacy Absorbs Lifespan to create life from its own form Determination's Stale Immaculacy Absorbs souls whole and does some complicated stuff with them
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wormbraind · 2 months
drew @thesternest's character luan . shoutout to ME for the hair and stern for everything else
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WIP Callbringers Ashelyn/Orev art
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Will have Ashelyn and Orev back-to-back with Orev doing callbringer stuff on the other side when finished.
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tranz-regent · 9 months
callbringers 5-7
I am very interezted in the forged lore. they ztart out az people, therez ‘divine metalz’, ashelynz arm iz pulzing. intriguing.
what doez ‘carry no edge’ mean. cuz im bazically juzt picturing a rlly big cardboard tube
im gonna be honezt her Pondering zo hard she juzt completely tunez out all theze people she prezumably knew getting their headz chopped off iz. kinda funny
i know you dont mean it like that. but yearz of ao3 have rezulted in me reading a zlazh between the character namez az romance. which makez the chapter namez pretty funny
ok new forged notez, diff metalz give different powerz
oh zo itz not an eztablizhed thing for him… i zay enjoy ur brad dourif arc while u got it therez a good ice nine kills zong to go with it. abzolute banger. ok i looked him up turnz out brad dourif iz chucky?? why did i think he played the crow. who the fuck played the crow then?? brandon lee apparently. why did i think it waz brad dourif. when did that happen in my brain. what
a grave mistake doez zlap tho. and you all zhould go lizten to it
i love how magnie juzt refuzez help w the horze. for no reazon. i get ztubborn over dumb zhit too hazhtag relatable
‘by the buried’ iz an interezting exprezzion. would like to hear how that came to be
‘theres no way they can hit us with an axe from this distance narrator voice they proceeded to get hit by the axe right after
f in chat for the horze
zo far magz power zeemz to be mainly silencing everyone elzez
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i keep hearing stuff about callbringers, wtf is it… google is returning 0 results
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dw-flagler · 6 months
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i do this literally all the time. i Get you orev
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cpericardium · 4 months
Endbringer, oathbringer, lightbringer, callbringer everyone is always "bringing" things how about taking them away. Feeling like a potluck in here
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boccher · 2 months
in the greatest novel of all time callbringers (hubris) the protagonist Ashelyn has a metallic arm what metal is that arm made out of?
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ewingstan · 6 days
Hey did you start reading callbringers (which is the story I'm writing in case you forgot) yet?
Sorry, tryna finish a few things I'm halfway through first just so I'm not juggling too much at once. But I've got the tab saved and open
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mspaint-taylor-hebert · 3 months
id ask the callbringers squad tucked in bed with the hats doing the sleep but you dont even know who they are
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n0brainjustvibes · 6 months
@thesternest "The raven ponders if he enjoys the gore
While he takes the frontal lobe and eats some more"
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thesternest · 7 months
wh. whats your opinion on post khepri taylor becoming orev's grizzled fantasy mentor with turbo-PTSD. thinking especially of "would you do it again?" "no. somewhere along the line it became no"...
Im kind of puzzles how she's gonna be one unkhepri'd but beyond that I dont really see a reason why she would mentor him
Taylor is extremely op compared to most Callbringers
Being able to control hundreds of different species instead of just one
Not needing to voice commands
And the multitasking
I don't see why she would bother teaching Orev instead of just killing Magrias herself
I think there are better worm characters to put in Callbringers
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victoriadallonfan · 1 year
did you read anything more of callbringers?
I have not, unfortunately. I'm spread pretty thin between projects and real life.
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How far are you in callbringers?
Only chapter 7 i'm so sorry. The story is compelling, i'm just slow 😭 (and not been doing much of anything useful despite a decent amount of free time) I really like Ashlyn, she's my favorite perspective character, the forged are neat in general and a pretty cool magic system. You should let Ashlyn kill someone I think she needs that it would not make things better but it would be cathartic. Interested to learn what the callbringers are and what's up with Orev's crow magic (is he a callbringer maybe?) and to learn what the platinum forged powers do to other forged. oh also chapter 6 has a Zyra as a perspective, is that intentional (the crow?) . Anyways I like it so far and i'm so sorry about my being really slow.
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tranz-regent · 9 months
gotta be honezt i am not enjoying that i cant change it back to zcrolling. i get it they want the whole page turn book thing but why cant it be optional :/
Ok this iz the second time orev haz had some vision zhenaniganz happening zo im azzuming hez got eye powers
How does he know which empire attacked?
Birbz :)
I don’t truzt arth
I KNEW ZOMETHING WAZ OFF now. whoz in the bazement?
Hez gonna wake up in the bazement iznt he
I went back to ch2 to check and it didn’t say if as she lost her right or left arm, but itz interesting to have orev dreaming abt arm trauma after ashe lozez herz, even if its not the same arm
Why would you go in the spooky bazement. This iz ‘first victim in a horror movie’ behavior. For zhame.
Forged used to be people? Maybe?
Ok yeah forged are people. I was thinking along the dnd warforged linez. It does sound kind of like a magical disease tho? Its reminding me of oripathy a lil, with the encrusted thing
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