#calliope bisset
astralisgossip · 4 years
Most notable outfits of the wedding?
“Oh, but where to begin? Everyone at the wedding had marvelous attire on, Honeybee and I were drooling the entire evening! I have a few favorite notable highlights, though, and I do apologize for my level of gushing.
The bride of the evening’s illustrious festivities--Sophia Beaumont (nee Wren)--stood out, naturally, in her mermaid-style gown with delicate, artful henna gracing her arms and her hair bedecked in lush petals representative of her status as a prized Garden nymph. Absolutely stunning.
River Hartwell, of course, stood out like a pink, sugar-coated daydream in her glittering ensemble--sweet enough to eat. And, of course, I’m sure everyone was able to take a gander at Brayden Barlow in his festive outfit for the evening’s events. Gabriel Beaumont might have had a thing or two to say about the glitz and glamour of the minor lord’s outfit, but I was dazzled by it. Louisa Caerwyn looked like Sleeping Beauty or a sugarplum princess in her decadent pink gown, the colors of Dawn living in her dress.
Lucien Nightborne showed the prowess and dark seduction of the Wild Hunt in his outfit of black and embroidered gold, with special homage to the wolves tied to the Hunt’s natural instincts sewn onto the back of his fluttering cape. Ikora Reid matched her King in several ways, showing the strength and dark glamour of the Wild Hunt in her stunning black and gold ensemble of the evening. And as long as we’re discussing marvelous attire, I must pay a bit of respect and attention to Aida Karadag’s ensemble for the evening; with that shimmering pink gown, she looked like a gossamer fairy out of a children’s storybook.
And I would be remiss to avoid mentioning the Best Man of the evening: Kael Endiron. Between the dark, jeweled rings that adorned his fingers and his black and golden brocade suit, even I would have given up health and happiness for the chance to run away with the Night Court’s War General. Further cementing how absolutely lost I was in the night’s grandeur and festivities is Lisabeth Loudain, who all but looked like a graceful monarch butterfly in her flowy, block-colored dress. There’s no wonder she was so drawn to Skai Rai, who looked the part of a seductive rose in her revealing, glittery red dress and shining heels. And have you seen Calliope Bisset? An elegant, golden queen hewn of stardust and flowers--Ares has no idea what he missed out on this evening.
And that brings us to Victoria Adler, who had everyone questioning their sexuality during the wedding with that sharp, white and blue-speckled suit that hugged her body as though it had been, well, tailored for her. Of course, Svala Sigurdottir’s fur cloak and metal wings were, well, bad ass? I nearly asked her to hop into bed with me; I’m drawn to dangerous and strong women, you know. Lysander Caerwyn might be infamous for being Astralis’ number one playboy, but in that rich crimson attire and golden makeup and starburst crown, who wouldn’t lie down their life for the chance of worshiping at his feet? Speaking of worshiping at one’s feet, I take it you’ve seen Rosaline Liancourt? As usual, the Queen of Roses is a goddess, and I have ZERO criticism to offer.”
( @nymphcts / @gvldntrbl / @sangue-e-luce / @fatedfvllen / @covrtofnightmares / @rcsewatrs / @wickedgxmes / @voxdaemonica / @damagcs / @theartofruling / @lepinedoree / @thenxghtwemet / @ocean-eyesahq / @courtofshvdows / @gardensheir )
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With the first ball of the social season behind them, Calliope spent the day waiting on guests to arrive. It was perhaps the best thing about being a widowed duchess - members of the ton would come to her. Of course, most of the early morning would belong to the young debutantes and other ladies of marrying age, as well it should. The drawing rooms would be filled with suitors and flowers, and while still young (and marriageable) the duchess found herself thinking back on what was a very exciting time with fondness. Her status as a widow also granted her friends among the other young members of society who did not wish to marry quite yet.
Her home was often an escape for those who needed a perfectly acceptable barrier between them and what was expected. Who could speak ill of a young man paying court to a widowed duchess - such a visit could only be described as charity. Or the young lady who might come to seek advice from the duchess on some topic or another? Of course, her visitors were just as likely to spend time in her library as they were at her table, but the Duchess Bisset knew a thing or two about the loneliness. Calliope hummed softly as she drifted through her own drawing room, running a few fingers down her piano until they found a comfortable melody.
A smile curved her lips as her newest visitor was announced. Lord Noel Chatunga was always someone Calliope looked forward to seeing. From her position as both a spectator of the marriage market as well as a reluctant participant, the duchess knew that the young lord was something of a prize for this year’s season. He certainly would make a smart match for anyone lucky enough to catch his eye, but it made for a precarious social season at best. The society mamas were bloodthirsty and ruthless, and they raised their daughters to be the same. When he was shown into the drawing room, Calliope offered a light curtsy. “I wouldn’t have thought I’d be on your rounds today, Lord Chatunga,” the duchess teased. “May I offer you some tea, or have you had your fill for the day?”
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rosesonbreeze · 2 years
The opening performance of the ballet’s Spring season is the must-attend event... Well, at least, of the week. But it’s alignment with the Princess Tatiana and her artistic proclivities that makes for its legendary status. That, and the hoards of eligible bachelors brought on by their respective employers and familiar connections alike. He is no fool - as the ‘bachelor of the season’ he is subject to the attention of debutantes and mama’s alike. It’s why he makes the decision to meet the Lady Bisset at her estate, rather than at the venue. Though, in reality, Noel would have done so anyways. As any proper gentleman would. Still, the residual benefits are there. From arrival, the mama’s keep their distance, instead watching with careful eyes for a wandering eye or a moment of reprieve. Anything, really, that would indicate something other than loyal accompaniment.
From the corner of his eye, he catches the part in her hair and the lush glean of her skin. Maybe she is not a young woman in her prime (at least, according tot he marriage mart). Yet it’s her maturity and grace that makes for better company. However hard-earned its been. Their conversation is kept below breath, to avoid prying ears. Polite, but almost shy, as they gravitate from the drinks at the foyer and towards Calliope’s private balcony. It’s only as the curtains are drawn behind them and the Prime Ballerina takes center stage, that Noel emits a small breath of reprieve.
“I always thought well of the ballet.” Noel admits quietly to Calliope, taking great effort to keep his voice scarcely over a whisper. The booth offers privacy, but it does not eliminate the sound of one’s voice. “My sisters adored it, and I was their constant companion through their own seasons.” Unlike him, they were successful by their first season. Married, and married well. “Do you care for the ballet?”
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thenxghtwemet · 3 years
There was an art to knowing what others did not. In great part, it was a skill honed over decades (if not centuries) of trial and error. But there was a component to knowing that could not be taught -- intuition. An observant nature that was so in touch with the hearts and minds of its subjects, it bordered on perverse. Be it a close friend, or the subject of a duplicitous con. Within the spectrum, the Duchess Bisset fell somewhere in the middle. A closer confidant than most, but not one he would consider entirely innocent. The spymaster had witnessed the rise and fall of her romance with the High Lord. Although neither was the subject of his pursuits, it could not be helped. Ares was his trusted King, while Calliope had become a cornerstone of the inner court herself.
The pair found themselves seated in the wild gardens of the Deerling’s castle, with hot beverages served and a tower of immaculate sandwiches. There were few joys from his upbringing, but his enjoyment of silence and good food remained. The two had fallen into a pleasant discussion of the latest court gossip. Nothing too scandalous - a few ravenous affairs, newly-unearthed grudges, and the occasional deceit. Par for the course for nobility in Astralis. He considers his words carefully, lest he speak too abruptly. It was the curse of knowing -- it wasn’t an easy feat to reveal without cruelty. “Calliope,” Noel addresses her in finality, completing a sip of his hibiscus tea. “As much as I enjoy our chats, and I do... I think it’s best we speak of what’s truly important.” Leveling his sight with hers, he cannot help but smile in knowing amusement. “Shall I speak of it myself, or would you like to steer the conversation yourself?” He inquires courteously, a gesture few were privy to. But for the Duchess and her strained heart, he would make an exception.
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gvldntrbl · 3 years
Jakovan + Calliope (@lepinedoree​)
Location: Winter Court
The arrival of Calliope Bisset was no surprise. Jakovan and the Duchess exchanged letter frequently enough. Not only was she a friend to the court’s Tsarina and royal family but the pleasantry extended to that of Winter Court itself. In all truth, it was Jakovan’s correspondence with Calliope that set him at ease in the reality of having his mate so far from him, yet again. This time at the Duchess’ home court of Spring.
More recently, Calliope spoke of her desire for companion. A specific dog breed native to Winter Court. Of course, Jakovan volunteered to accompany Calliope to retrieve such a gift whenever she made way to his home court. He greeted his friend with a smile. One reserved for those that saw him, at least periodically, without a stern expression and a worrisome gaze. “Calliope, welcome!” Jakovan bowed respectfully, knowing that they were beyond that but wanting to thoroughly receive her. After all, he was a representative of Winter Court at all times.
Jakovan kissed the back of her hand. “Are you excited? You might meet your hound here. The courier just returned and the litter from the chosen breeders are ready for you.” He paused, the crook of his arm extended in silent offer as a thought coming to him. “...You will need a thicker coat. Those made in Spring...” Jakovan trailed off. “Well, they do not hold warmth well in our cold.” He looked Calliope over. “I shall get one for you. If you please?”
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covrtofnightmares · 4 years
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Carter Blackthorn is blackberries on a warm summer day; he’s an orchid in full bloom. He’s the scent of fresh snow clinging to a pine tree in the middle of a glossy, twinkling winter’s day. But for as soft and kind as Carter Blackthorn can be, there’s also a dangerous side to the Wild Hunt spy that has risen to occasion for tonight’s festivities. Thwarted by Ares Deerling and unable to publicly visit with his elder brother, Cassian, for fear of conspiring, Carter is in a particularly sour mood on this full moon. As the clock inches closer to midnight, he risks exposure by the entire Spring Court as being a member of the Wild Hunt and not a lesser-born fae as he would have the Deerling family believe.
But what is Carter if not quick on his feet, even at his kindest?
Decked out in a wine red silk suit with blossoming flowers and greenery delicately painted and woven onto the fabric, he is every bit the look of a prince of Spring. He wears comfortable black suede loafers, and the entire look is pulled together with a ring his father had crafted for him during his teenage years. On Carter’s arm this evening is Calliope Bisset, a woman as radiant as her name and as thwarted as Carter is this evening. Though they refuse to speak of the strange, Deerling-shaped elephant in the room, Carter is bound and determined to have a pleasant evening. One way or another.
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lupusrcx · 4 years
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He wasn’t pleased. When he’d instructed Theo to escort his darling Arielle to the Beaumont-Wren wedding, it was because he wanted her watched over and taken care of by a member of his Inner Circle---not a mere bodyguard of questionable origins. It was meant to be his baby sister’s first ever venture out into the cavernous mountains of the Night Court, after all, he hadn’t wanted to leave anything to chance. Ares himself was planning on being exceptionally busy as the evening went on, there was no better opportunity to fetch the ear of Autumn’s High Lord while instructing Apollo to do the same with Day, and that meant that Arielle likely would have been left unattended if not for his careful, last minute decision to assign Theo as her date.
But he supposed that left Carter Blackthorn without a job for the evening, Ares had honestly assumed that the bloke would stay home and take the night off---heaven only knew that Arielle was constantly running him ragged anyway. But instead, here he was, wearing a floral suit that was honestly quite impressive and with none other than Calliope Bisset on his arm.
Fascinating. Was there something going on between the two of them then? He would have hoped that his sister’s trusted bodyguard would have been focusing on his sworn duty and nothing else, but good help was just so fucking hard to find these days, wasn’t it?
“Lady Bisset.” Ares’s tone was clipped and to the point as he swept away from Tatiana, promising that he’d return shortly as he placed an affectionate kiss to her cherubic cheek, now he was approaching Calliope, who was nothing short of striking in her ensemble, and he levelled her with an impassive, unreadable expression---she’d find no answers on his marble-carved visage tonight. “You seem to be enjoying yourself. Did my sister assist you with your choice of outfit tonight?” He nodded curtly towards the truly wondrous gown she was wearing, as well as the golden crown placed upon her sleek dark hair---it suited her more than he could say. “It seems as if she had quite the say in at least half of my court’s appearances tonight, I just find myself wishing that I had been as equally informed on the evening’s events as you lot have planned them.” 
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lepinedoree · 4 years
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&&. cauldron above, (calliope bisset) was just spotted in the fae lands — word has it ( she ) is affiliated with ( the spring court ). ( she ) is a ( 250; but appears 29 ) year old ( high fae ). it’s been said that ( she ) resembles ( aja naomi king ). ( she ) has been said to be ( organized & caring ) but also quite ( guarded & self-indulgent ). ( she ) is currently serving as ( a duchess ).
calliope was born the only child into a family of high fae, all loyal to the high lord of the spring court and his family. cherished, she spent her childhood running wild amongst the trees and woodland creatures of the realm and learning to be a proper lady in equal measure. from an early age, balancing the two was stressed as something of the utmost importance. control of her abilities was not enough, a deeply ingrained understanding of courtly deportment was also needed for her parents wished for her to become a useful subject. as calliope grew older, it became clear that she was less a child to her parents and more a tool to ensure their family’s legacy (whatever that was supposed to mean). rather than dwell on that, the young fae simply worked to excel at what she was taught. from a young age, she had always been drawn to plants and time spent with mentors on the subject was always treasured, as was any time she was given leave to wander the forests and meadows. as she grew older, more of her time was spent with other courtiers so she could practice the deportment skills she’d been taught. every banquet could be seen as an opportunity to charm others, get them under her sway, but she was never interested in being quite so cunning. her parents found it disappointing, but the older she got, the less she cared about whether her parents believed her to be useful. investing time in her relationships with others seemed more valuable than tricking them into liking her. a good part of that was due to her still very much being a child herself. she couldn’t fathom why one would actively work to manipulate others, especially other members of the spring court. after calliope came of age, she drifted away from her family, and was fortunate enough to come into her private quarters. her private quarters are home to a great many plants, each doted on with love and gentleness. this same gentleness is an asset when she uses her abilities to heal. admittedly, the fae has had more experience helping with minor cuts and bruises - the small hurts of childhood that can be soothed easily by quick magic and a sweet - than more severe injuries. calliope worked to make a family for herself amongst the other court residents. teaching young fae and helping them utilize their gifts became. she has also been happy to teach humans who wish to learn about plants as well. her wings are inspired by the violet-backed starling (can be seen HERE, HERE, and HERE), a gift from her father’s side. calliope keeps them neat, and they either give away everything she’s feeling in a moment, or nothing at all. her wings are large enough that she can wrap them around herself, something she did often as a child. she used to daydream about being able to curl up with her wings wrapped around herself and her child. 
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voxdaemonica · 4 years
@lepinedoree​​ (Viktor & Calliope)
Viktor knew, deep down, that there was only so long that he could put off visiting the Spring Court. The fact that the High Lord had been greviously wounded during their stay in the Night Court had given him ample reason to remain in Winter, so that he could attend to the far more pressing needs of his neighbours to the south. Autumn was always first in his mind when it came to outsiders, and it seemed to be a direction that even the princess herself seemed to pursue with increasing aggression (a development he had many questions about in itself). Still, Spring was still a close ally, and if Ares was to pass on before his time, it was vital that the High Lord establish close connections of his own.
He had flown there quietly, with only the slightest word sent to Apollo and Arielle to reassure them that he was coming as a family friend rather than as a ruler. The visit he had meant to be a brief one; a quick check-in with those who would soon be tied to his family through marriage without all the inconvenience of formalities. Viktor even managed to take a look at where Ares was resting, and felt rather aghast at his own relief that this unfortunate turn of events also meant the postponement of Tatiana’s upcoming nuptials. 
Ares was a bastard, for sure. But Viktor was mostly joking about wanting to see him dead. To see his lifelong frenemy in such a state drew out far more concern than he was willing to admit.
He was standing just outside the High Lord’s room, wrestling with his conflicting thoughts as he caught yet another friend from the corner of his eye. “Ah, Lady Bisset. Here to take the next watch?” Viktor offered her a thin smile, faltering under the weight of his own worry, both for her and the rest of the Spring Court. To be without a High Lord or Lady for too long was dangerous, but he couldn’t imagine what it was like for those who were truly close to Ares, as Calliope was. “How are you... holding up? Have you been eating? Sleeping well?” 
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crimsoncityhq · 4 years
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Welcome, one and all, to the Chicago Day of Giving, hosted by the ever benevolent Washington family. Treat yourself to a night of luxury with wine tastings, an art and people auction, gift bags, photo booths, dancing, and, of course, a four-course meal catered by Alinea on North Halsted. Naturally, this night is all about giving, so feel free to offer donations online or at the door. As for the dress code, this is a black tie only event, so don your most expensive gowns and that suit you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Let’s make sure tonight will be a night to remember !
( Feel free to create a moodboard for your character’s outfit and post it on the dash, as well as the gala chat on Discord. )
It’s time to be an upstanding citizen by providing support for your city, and the Vasiles, Fausts, and O’Sheas all have some standing up to do. Each family has contributed a hefty donation in hopes of turning the Washingtons to their favor so they may be de-demonized in the crimson city. It’s time to play well with others. Your characters will be free to roam where they please until 10 p.m. EST, when it’s time to settle down for dinner. During dinner, characters will be randomly assigned a seat at a table that could be packed with enemies. Keep smiling, though, the cameras are watching.
Part one of the Chicago Day of Giving starts now and ends on Wednesday at midnight EST. Challenge yourself to write with everyone at your table, and let’s spread the love a little bit ! You know, before...never mind.
Under the cut, you’ll find your groupings for dinner. Reminder, dinner starts at 10 p.m. EST tonight and will end at midnight on Wednesday, May 27th, at 11:59PM EST.
TABLE 1 — Audric Noire, Christian Yi, Fletcher Hargrave,  Rosalie 'Rosie' Halliday, Jacob ‘Thorne’ Louthorne
TABLE 2 — Andrea Reed, Christopher 'Chris' Evans, Griffin Dyer,  Kitty O’Shea, Xavier Harris
TABLE 3 — Alon McCarthy, Daniel Adler, Gerald O’Shea, Nova Devereaux, Rosalia Leon
TABLE 4 — Allegra Cooper, Darren Murphy, Joel Maddison, Orion Anderson, Shawn Morgan
TABLE 5 — Asher Vasile, Esmeray Demir, Hana Faust, Koa Naihe, Sebastian Hargrave
TABLE 6 — Adrian Brooks, Davut Demir, Juliet Leon, Levi Bohan, Roman Guerra
TABLE 7 — Audrey Rousseau, Celeste Leon, Irina Koshkin, Oliver Faust, Zedekiah Vasile
TABLE 8 — Amelia O’Shea, Effie Faust, Grayson Beckett, Ophelia O’Shea, Veronica Pierce
TABLE 9 — Angelique Calore, Edith Cohen, Hayden Dixon, Kian Hannigan, Peyton Bridges
TABLE 10 — Angelo Madden, Clara Davila, Isaak Peters, Tia Valentine, Tyson Kane, Milena Washington
TABLE 11 — August Brooks, Calliope Lane, Ingrid Vasile, Logan Washington, Travis Vasile
TABLE 12 — Autumn Dawson, Cecilia 'Cee' Cavendish, Igor Vasile, Milo Arrington, Teagan Michaels
TABLE 13 — Amara Ricci, Eli Vogel, Evelyn "Eevee" Navarro, Katarina Vasile, Summer Moore
TABLE 14 — Caleb Duval, Eva Clarke, Faith Williams, Leslie Adal Galahad, Richie O’Shea,
TABLE 15 — Calhoun O'Farrell, Erin Cerci, Gemma Faust, Nathan Anderson, Sasha Vasile
TABLE 16 — Asli Demur, Charlotte O'Day, Gabriel Hill, Maisie Kane,  Samuel O’Shea
TABLE 17 — Arielle Hernandez, Diamond Washington, Holden Mercer, Penelope 'Poppy' Levenberg, Ren Daae, 
TABLE 18 — Blair Faust, Edgar Ortega, Giovanni Rossi, Mikhail Morosov, Vivian Sinclair
TABLE 19 — Brayden Adler, Darcy Faust, Evvie Martin, Liam O’Shea, Sawyer Nichols, Maggie Lee
TABLE 20 — Blake Faust, Evander 'Evan' Montague, Henry Davis, Mathias Attano, Wynter Ellis
TABLE 21 — Barnaby Eaton, Rylin Dixon, Harley Kincaid, Maeve O’Connell, Teddy Cohen
TABLE 22 — Alexander Washington, Dawn Montgomery, Isabella Rossi, Lev Vasile, Andromeda O’Shea
TABLE 23 — Andrew Whitmore, David Sharpe, Jace Dubois, Lenny Navarro, Rahi Kumar
TABLE 24 — Abel McCoy, Dominic Murphy, Julianne Hellthorpe, Katia Vasile, Sloan Washington, Wesley ‘Wes’ Ahn
TABLE 25 — Aurora O’Shea, Caroline Shepherd, Jesse Valencia, Titus Lei, Zoe Washington
TABLE 26 — Avery Simmons, Constansia Fournier, Genevieve Bisset, Monika Adler, Vitomir Kipriyanov
TABLE 27 — Birdie Mendoza, Chaeyoung Moon,  Lorenzo Blackshaw, Zane Washington, Alaina Castillo
TABLE 28 — Blue Daniels, Cassandra Harris, Jackson Marston,  Marizia di Greco, Violet Madden
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astralishq · 4 years
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&&. cauldron above, (calliope bisset) was just spotted in the fae lands — word has it ( she ) is affiliated with ( the spring court ). ( she ) is a ( 250; but appears 28 ) year old ( high fae ). it’s been said that ( she ) resembles ( aja naomi king ). ( she ) has been said to be ( organized & caring ) but also quite ( guarded & self-indulgent ). ( she ) is currently serving as ( a duchess ).
&&. cauldron above, (idalis valdunciel) was just spotted in the fae lands — word has it ( she ) is affiliated with ( the garden ). ( she ) is a(n) ( 315; but appears 23 ) year old ( half-nymph / half warrior fae ). it’s been said that ( she ) resembles ( yvette monreal ). ( she ) has been said to be ( meticulous & observant ) but also quite ( manipulative & stubborn ). ( she ) is currently serving as ( a thorn ).
congratulations, lita! you’ve been accepted into astralis hq and the estate is so excited to welcome you with arms - or wings - wide open. please be sure to send in your mumu blog within twenty-four hours, as well as follow our new member checklist!
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astralisgossip · 3 years
Calliope is so regal. She is truly the perfect duchess
“Did you hear that, Calliope? Seems you have your own fan club.”
( @lepinedoree )
#AHQKindnessCampaign Have something to say about a character or mun you appreciate? Message the gossip blog and let us know your thoughts!
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astralisgossip · 4 years
who's the hottest poa?
“I’m assuming you mean piece of ass, darling? Maybe I’m biased, considering I’ve fallen in love with half the people here, but Cassian Blackthorn and his little brother, Carter, could get it any time. Then, of course, I get lost in Tidus’ eyes every time he so much as looks my way. Amara owns half of the Wild Hunt’s heart in her ironclad grip. And we can’t forget Calliope, or should I refer to her as Helen of Troy? Because what man wouldn’t go to war over a smile like that?”
( @voxdaemonica / @covrtofnightmares / @lupusrcx / @nymphcts / @lepinedoree )
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astralisgossip · 4 years
what i wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall if jacqueline and calliope ever meet
“Calliope seems so sweet and innocent, but I’m almost positive there’s a spitfire underneath that pleasant little smile. And we already know Jacqueline is a viper. So...yes, I’d agree, I’d pay for front row seats to that match.”
( @lepinedoree / @thenxghtwemet )
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astralisgossip · 4 years
What couples do you think we’ll see pair off tonight? Any exes you wanna see give it another shot? New couples you think would be interesting?
“I’ve already got my eyes on Laszlo and Louisa--could something as simple and sweet as a dance turn into so much more? Then, of course, there’s the tension building between Ares and Calliope--will our graceful duchess of the Spring Court finally force Ares to acknowledge how he’s wronged her over the years? And what of Henryk and Tatiana--will this tearful exchange in the gardens teeter close to infidelity on the princess’ part?
Jacen and Victoria seem to be engaging in a tense and emotional exchange; I’d love to see them wolf out at the end of the night and run away into the woods together. And then, of course, I’m just dying to see Rowan and Cassian reunite, but that’s just between you and me.”
( @damagcs / @fatedfvllen / @lupusrcx / @lepinedoree / @covrtofnightmares / @nymphcts / @theartofruling / @thenxghtwemet )
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astralisgossip · 4 years
i feel so bad for calliope, she deserves better than ares and his scheming
“I’d say that would be applicable to a great deal of people in Ares’ life--but yes, perhaps Calliope at the top of that list. When will the poor dear catch a break? Maybe she’d have better luck with the other elusive Deerling son, I’ve been dying for him to show his face.”
( @lupusrcx / @lepinedoree )
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