#rowan hartwell
gvldntrbl · 2 years
River + Rowan @theartofruling​
Location: the Divine Forest, During the Thrills and Chills Movie Night
“I come bearing gifts,” River began with a tote full of fresh baked goods for her very pregnant cousin as she approached Rowan. “And I know that you claimed to not want anything but I know you. I also know that if I returned without a single dessert for you that I might find myself banished. At least until you need me to babysit.” River reached into the bag and retrieved her own sweets before handing the bag to Rowan.
“Which, please know that I was wise enough to bring my appointed guards.” River smothered a sigh as she knew that the closer Rowan approached her due date, which drew near with each passing sunset, that it caused Rowan to become much more protective and worried of those closest to her. “Evren says that some of the desserts in there are quite popular with pregnant people and to let her know if you dislike any flavor.”
“Now,” She gathered next to her cousin. “How are we feeling? And yes, I mean the royal we. Uncomfortable? Happy? Sad? Anxious? All of the above?”
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theartofruling · 2 months
Reunited with a Ghost || Rowan Self Para
Who: Rowan Hartwell + Jayden Hartwell
Where: Southland Palace
When: End of March
Rowan was not a fan of bed rest, but it was made better with her cat Cleo keeping her company. The transfer of power had gone to River as she simply sat in bed, resting. She heaved a sigh because Markus was working, River was working and she was really missing her mom, knowing she would be having another child and her mother wouldn't get to witness it. She had dismissed her Ladies in waiting for the day. Even Scarlett was out with her dad for the week. She was utterly lonely in the moment and she knew it was her suped up hormones in this magical pregnancy. Cleo cuddled closer as if she could feel Rowan’s emotional shift. “Mama, it’s not fair that you don’t get to be here. It’s not fair you don’t get to see your granddaughters.” She could feel unshed tears stinging the back of her eyes. 
Just as she laid down, her body shaking with the sobs of grief that no matter how long it had been still hit her like a wave crashing against the shore, she heard a knock on the door. “Jade,” a familiar but unwelcome voice called out rushing over to her. “My sweet baby. I’m here.” 
Rowan recoiled at the sight of her father’s mistress, and Cleo stood taking a defensive stance in front of Rowan. Not many people on the staff knew he was still alive but Bianca did. And that wasn’t all she knew. She and Raymond were an item. It was knowledge that Rowan detested knowing and even more so detested the woman. “Bianca, get out of my room. And never in your life call me Jade again or I swear to the suns and sands I will rip your fucking heart out with my bare hands.” The vitriol in her voice was familiar. But it didn’t sound like her. It sounded much like her father. Even to her own ears, she could recognize how much like him she could be. 
It caused a chuckle from Bianca, and she stroked Cleo’s fur as if she were familiar with the cat. Cleo, the traitor, relaxed into the touch as though this was familiar. “You sound just like him. Ray, will be proud to know you have it in you.” 
“Why are you here, Bianca?” 
“Jade, you have a gift that not many share listen. It’s not Bianca. Her body? Yes, but it’s your mother. I was here watching over you when you started to cry. I went to Bianca and she agreed to let me in to take over to…hold my baby one more time. Or she said for as long as I want.” Tears rolled down Bianca’s face and Rowan really listened. It was true. She heard the two conversing in her consciousness. Her mother was really here. 
“Mama?!” Jayden Hartwell was really back in some form. “So it’s true? The Veil is down? For how long?” 
“I don’t know, but I don’t want to waste a minute. Can I climb into bed with you? I know you’re grown but I want to hold my sweet child who’s carrying a baby of her own.” 
Rowan nodded and Jayden climbed into bed with her wrapping her arms around her. Cleo settled in front of Rowan resting her head next to Rowan’s tummy. “Mama, things have been so hard. I don’t feel like I’m leading. I feel like I’m existing. Doing everything wrong. I haven’t even started trying to renew the peace treaty and I don’t know if it’s possible. And I don’t know if I’m being a good wife or mother because you’re not here so I can’t lean on you. Why weren’t you here! Why didn’t you try to be here?! I got married without my dad to walk me down the aisle. I had a baby and I was so scared and I just wanted you to be there and you weren’t! And now I’m having another one I…” Rowan sobbed and it felt like her heart was aching with a mixture of anger and grief. 
Jayden stroked her hair, holding her tight. “I know, and I’m sorry. I don’t know who is responsible for my death Rowan, but I’m sorry I didn’t fight harder for you. Rocky isn’t here?” 
“No. Since your death she travels and I think Ryan hurt you for the throne. Without River I would be a Hartwell alone. You and dad prepared me for a full family. You never prepared me for this! To have so little family and to do this without you.” She knew she shouldn’t waste this time with anger but she had been holding on for so long. 
“My sweet Jade, I’m sorry. But you’re not alone. You have River. You have your father. You have your daughter, your husband. You aren’t alone.” She stroked. “You could also have Bianca if you let her.” 
“Mama, don’t make me throw up! Can you stay? At least long enough to meet Markus and the babies?” 
“I don’t know how long the veil will be down. But as long as I have Bianca’s approval I’ll be here.” She paused as if she was listening to something. “She said I can stay as long as I want.” 
“Okay,” Rowan said quietly. Her mom began to hum a song that would calm her when her anxiety. It lulled her right to sleep in her mother’s arms once again. 
Sleep felt surreal and happy. Until a familiar pain hit her in the stomach and she groaned. Her hands went to her stomach and she felt a paw there too. “Cleo I’m okay. I think it’s just,” she paused as another sharp pain came. She didn’t know why she was trying to get out of bed, scrambling she doubled over with pain. 
“Rowan get back to bed! Where are you going? What’s wrong?” Her mother asked. 
Her pregnancy was being sped up one last time. Her water breaking contractions coming far too fast to be normal. “Get Markus, Mama! Tell…tell the staff to call Vada. The baby is coming!”
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lumenouarp · 2 months
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It’s time for a round up of all the news articles circulating so far! 
News From the Southland-Northland Falls Leaders
We’ve been on bump watch since last year when we heard Southland’s Queen would be expecting. One could only hope it’s with her husband’s baby this time! Southland’s Queen so graciously agreed for a quick word with us. Her Royal Highness Rowan Olsen-Hartwell tells us she and her husband King Markus are expecting a little hybrid. After some jokes of cravings and learning more about hybrid cuisine, we dug a little deeper into the marriage of the couple. They appeared to go from political allies to in love, celebrating their second year of marriage in January. Rowan had this to say, “Sometimes love takes you by surprise. One minute you make a political decision to marry for your realm and the next you have a loving family together. Politically and personally we have never been better!” King Markus and his team were unavailable for comment. 
News From the Leader of Kings Hill
Curious occurrences are happening in Kings Hill. Shortly after King Sebastian’s coronation eyewitnesses have noticed his War General spending more time in the Forest than her new home realm of Kings Hill. This would be confirmed when her photo appeared on an invite for Princex Hale Roosa’s heir naming ceremony. It would appear King Sebastian’s house of cards is falling. Does he have a loyal General or a mole lying in wait for betrayal?  We reached out to the King for comment. King Sebastian declined to comment.  When asked about her living arrangements, General LaFleur replied, “For my own safety and the safety of others as well as a matter of security, my living arrangements are mine to know.” 
News From the Divine Forest
There is quite a bit of news coming out of The Divine Forest and not just that there’s a wolf among the sheep in the palace of the divine. 
Princex Hale went from second born and mysterious to heir apparent after The Forest’s Heir naming ceremony. Is the new heir up to job and is there bad blood between siblings over the goddess’s decision?  During the big weekend, Hale made a big statement by bringing the General of another realm on stage. We reached out to Princex Hale for comment on their new position and the nature of their relationship with General LaFleur.  When responding about their new position, the heir apparent had this to say. “The Forest doesn’t know it yet but they’ll be in excellent hands in the future. Mine.” On the nature of the relationship with General Lafleur they stated, “It’s obvious, we’re together.” General LaFleur added, “I’m very excited for Hale and what the future holds for them and the Divine Forest. What can I say? I’m a proud girlfriend.” 
Marriage watch is upon us! Are they married or simply engaged? Goddess Iris Hale and Head Healer Daphne Meadows were seen sporting rings on the ring finger of their left hands indicating marriage. Could these love birds really have eloped? Or are they anticipating nuptials? Not only is the goddess set on being a formidable realm leader compared to her predecessors, but it would seem she’s planning to gain strong footing in expanding the family line and setting roots in the realm.  Reaching out for a statement Iris Hale had this to say, “Daphne and I have been in each others lives since we were young. Our wedding will showcase all that time and love and we will share it with everyone when we are ready.” She did not clarify further on the status of their relationship other than they were very happy. The Goddess also promised that the Hale family would continue to grow and having an heir apparent was only a part of that. She also reaffirmed her vow to make certain no nymph ever felt weak or lost or like they would have no options but to bow to another realm again. She assured that her heir Hale would be the best candidate for their future though the realm historically had been a female led realm. When asked about her nearly two year old granddaughter, Scarlett Hale, she shared that she is making strides to name her a princess of the Forest as well, citing that just because she is not a nymph doesn’t mean she cannot bring value to the realm and her family line.  We also reached out for a statement from Daphne on what the future marriage would mean for her healer status once she is a queen as well as how she felt about the new heir apparent decision. Daphne responded to questions about her future title and her status of head healer, “Well my fiancée’s promised that it’ll mean whatever I want it to. Which will mean I’ll be doing both. Lucky for the Forest, they aren’t losing a Head Healer but will be simply gaining a Queen as well.” Daphne also had this to say about the Divine Forest’s new heir, “They’re the perfect choice for our realm. Hale is clever, formidable, brave and passionate about keeping everyone in the Divine Forest safe. And for the times ahead, Hale is exactly who we’ll need. It’s a testament to Iris that even during her hiding, she thought well enough of the Forest to prepare Hale for this.”
In another surprise from the Forest, it would seem Prince Viggo Hale may have gotten engaged to the newly titled Duchess in Westland. Duchess Roxana Ahn and Prince Viggo Hale were seen embracing during the events of the heir naming ceremony. Eye witness accounts state the pair held hands and the Prince could even be seen on bended knee. The aquarium celebrated the alleged couple by giving them a free private tour and swag.  We reached out to both parties for comment. We also asked Prince Viggo about his feelings on not being chosen as heir apparent.  Prince Viggo responded to the engagement question with, “We’re enjoying each other’s company and spending time together.” The Prince also had this to say about their siblings new role, “I wanted it for the wrong reasons before. After spending time with Hale after the heir naming I’m very proud of them and I believe they were the right choice. I’m happy for Hale in every way a brother should be.” Roxana had this to say about the alleged engagement, “What you saw is whatever you would like it to be.”  Neither party confirmed definitively whether there was an engagement.
News From the Leader of Westland
Swinging things to Westland, not much can be said for Westland in the news. Last year we heard rumors of trouble in paradise but seeing as the High Priest purchased a slice of paradise for the High Priestess, we can put that rumor to bed. We wanted to know what the High Priest had to say about the future of Westland and other realms with the veil between living and dead down? And as a realm who has beings capable of astral projection if he feels this is something Westland is equipped to handle as well as how he thinks it may have crumbled in the first place?  Jakovan took time to respond with, “This veil has always existed. Sometimes, it thins or drops temporarily. In Westland, we celebrate those times even as the living are visited here, on this side, when it does. This time is different. It wasn’t foretold or expected. Since the veil’s removal matches with the breaking of the seal on the Immortalem last year, we believe the blood magic that happened then caused the rift. Right now, the future for everyone, looks like using wisdom, having situational awareness, and exercising caution. Per visitation. Until you know who they are, sadly, trust no new spirit. Every ghost is different. Not all of them are kind. Some want to bring souls over into the astral plane. "Others have unfinished business on this side. And they will use force if needed. Be smart, protect yourselves, and your loved ones. We will update you as we learn more. But until then, all of Lume’s future is uncertain. “I know that Westland is, by far, the best equipped to handle this. Among our talented witches are those who can astral project and some have volunteered to help those in need. Please respect the projectors’ autonomy and their abilities. Along with anyone else who volunteers to host these ghosts. Do not disregard or disrespect their wishes. Those that do will find themselves in trouble. Both on this side and in the astral plane. This is not a threat but a promise.”
News From the Leader of Haven
Haven made an unprecedented alliance with The Divine Forest when the transfer of power moved to acting Queen Evren Can. It is unclear if this alliance changed the landscape of Haven’s neutrality for good or if it is simply an empty friendly gesture. We reached out to Queen Evren Can for statement on her approach to ruling Haven and her stance on the neutrality the realm is known for.  Evren had this to say, “Look around us. The very landscape of life as we know it, in Lume, is changing right before us. My approach to ruling isn’t to ignore those changes. What happens in other realms affects Haven, too. All of Lume, including Haven realm, has a much bigger enemy than petty inter-realm squabbles, contesting borderlines and maintaining neutrality. Haven’s focus is on that bigger threat. As well as protecting our residents.”
News From the Leader of the Dark World
After overtaking Eastland and making it a territory, the Dark World has gone relatively silent. Could their silence be an indicator of more hostile take overs to come? We caught up with Master of Mayhem Finnian Ambrose for comment on future plans for the Dark World. Does it remain just a prison realm with a territory or will there be more to come? Finnian had this to say, “The Dark World has been open about what we want. We want change and we’re going to get it. How soon it’ll happen is up to the other realms and their leaders.”
News From the Leader of Eastland
We also caught up with newly crowned Alpha Jacen Warren. Eastland has had several Alpha turnovers within the last year, how did he become the one to out last the rest? And how did The Dark World allow a native Eastland resident to maintain control?  Jacen tells us, “I’ve been in Eastland for a century. I have the pulse of the realm, the culture of my people ingrained in me. I trained most in combat. That means for decades I honed my craft. I watched leaders come and go and practically hand us over to another realm, but what I wasn’t standing for was a stranger leading us. To be the Alpha, you have to beat the Alpha. So that’s what I did, and the buck stops with me. Try it. I will protect my people no matter who it’s against.” 
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dreacwrites · 10 months
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Read it now on Kindle Unlimited, ebook or paperback!
As a silent rebellion continues, Rowan Hartwell's world falls apart. The faerie queen must not only guard her realm but also her heart. An old flame refuses to quell, and Southland realm spirals into uncertainty. Finding alliances is a must, spurring life as she knows it into change. In order to strengthen her kingdom against a looming uprising, she must choose between her heart's stubborn wishes and a political marriage.
Assigned to gather information on the brewing rebellion, Gabriel Osei, the beta of Eastland’s pack, faces important decisions. Gabriel's heart and duty are at odds while he contends with the traitor and crucial member of the silent rebellion in Eastland's dungeon. With his heart in shambles, his secrets forced him and Rowan to part, and his love for her meant watching her from afar now.
With war looming and their love fading, can they defy the odds and find their way back to each other?
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astralisgossip · 4 years
What couples do you think we’ll see pair off tonight? Any exes you wanna see give it another shot? New couples you think would be interesting?
“I’ve already got my eyes on Laszlo and Louisa--could something as simple and sweet as a dance turn into so much more? Then, of course, there’s the tension building between Ares and Calliope--will our graceful duchess of the Spring Court finally force Ares to acknowledge how he’s wronged her over the years? And what of Henryk and Tatiana--will this tearful exchange in the gardens teeter close to infidelity on the princess’ part?
Jacen and Victoria seem to be engaging in a tense and emotional exchange; I’d love to see them wolf out at the end of the night and run away into the woods together. And then, of course, I’m just dying to see Rowan and Cassian reunite, but that’s just between you and me.”
( @damagcs / @fatedfvllen / @lupusrcx / @lepinedoree / @covrtofnightmares / @nymphcts / @theartofruling / @thenxghtwemet )
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pulvisctumbra · 3 years
As soon as the news had reached her of the Dark World’s bold move she’d organised a meeting with Rowan. Perhaps it was somewhat of an overreaction but one of the few worthwhile lessons that her mother had left her with was that it was always better to be overprepared than under. She was somewhat loathed to bring it all up knowing that it was hardly going to be an easy or even welcome topic of conversation. But her desire to be prepared easily overwhelmed the uneasiness that would come with an uncomfortable subject. 
Small smile flickered over her lips in greeting as she was shown in. “Thank you for seeing me.” Part of her felt guilty for her intrusion when she couldn’t help but wonder if she was only doing it to calm her own nerves. A queen had far better things to be doing than soothe her worries. But she also knew that it was only her self doubt bringing such thoughts to the surface. If there was one thing she knew how to do it was her job and caution and communication were crucial parts of that. The more she knew about both the situation and her Queen’s feelings on the matter the more informed her own decisions and choices could be. “Was there anything you’d like me to do?”
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sangue-e-luce · 3 years
Brayden and Rowan  ( @theartofruling​)
Brayden had been bored. Sure there were always people coming in and out of the White Orchid. But he was disappointed that all of the exciting things seemed to be happening in the other courts. He decided to hang around the palace when he heard there would be visitors from other courts. Surely the would have the best gossip, maybe he would see a few friends. 
He settled himself in one of the corridors under the guise of waiting for Kael. In reality he was people watching and snooping. He smiled when he saw Rowan Hartwell walking down the hall. He sat his glass down and jumped up to walk beside her.  
“Lady Hartwell, it’s so good to see you.”  Brayden smiled. “It’s been crazy lately. Can you believe the Humans killed Lysander? Such a shame.  To kill such a beautiful man in cold blood like that.”
He knew that he was probably getting on Rowan’s nerves. She seemed stressed out when it came to being a High Lady. “How have you been? I hope you’re not looking into an arranged marriage now. I don’t think a marriage is going to save anyone from someone sneaking into their bedroom in the middle of the night.” 
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dvrklite · 3 years
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Through war and triumph (Lucas ‘Luca’ Oliveira) rises, at (205) years old, serving as (Personal Guard) residing in (Southland Realm). They are a (guardian faerie) that resembles (Marco Pigossi). Upon meeting them, they are (steadfast) and (courageous). Don’t be fooled, they can be (demanding) and (impatient).
Name: Lucas Oliveira Nicknames/Alias: Luca Face Claim: Marco Pigossi Age: 205 - Appears 32 Gender: CIS Male Sexuality: Pansexual Species: Guardian Fae Rank/Job: Personal Guard to Rowan
+ loyal, true, undaunted.  - tough, stubborn, uptight.
Mother: Teresa Oliveira Father: Santiago Oliveira Siblings: tbd
Before Luca was born, Santiago was a Guardian. His mother was a fae. It was said to be pure luck that he would inherit his father’s Guardian line but his father still boasts the story that he had known since the day that he was born that he would too become a Guardian. It was slated long before Luca fully understood the pressure that his father put on his shoulders, that he would one day grow up and make the Oliveira line proud.
Unfortunately that was not the case when Luca proved to be a tumultuous child and adolescent that grew into a rebellious teenager. He was aimless and without a plan in mind, only going through the motions that his parents put on him before he blew it off from anything else that was offered up as a replacement. 
He grew up with Rowan Hartwell, even though he was a few years older but their friendship was one of pure adventure and excitement that they would learn was only temporary before the confines of adulthood would set in and redirect them on different paths. 
When his father retired, Luca felt the enormous pressure begin to build on his shoulders to the point of no return when his aimless aspirations were no longer going to hold back the tide of his wandering future. His time was up and his options grew limited as an ultimatum was put before him — follow in his father’s footsteps or be forced into them. That was where the army became his home and the future that had always been waiting for him.
Luca grew up in many ways over the years while he served, rising in the ranks while seemingly shutting out the rest of the world as the weight of war hung heavily on him. Few were as entertained by him anymore as the aimless boy became a determined soldier and continued that way until the day he was appointed to be the Personal Guard to the new Queen. 
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thenxghtwemet · 3 years
The seeds of an alliance were planted in the High Lady, Rowan’s, mind. It was a start, a good one at that. One spurred on, by the Day Court’s congenial attitude and Elias’ penchant for negotiating with the best of them. But still, it was simply that - a seed. It promised nothing, lest it was tended to. He was first to allocate the respective medals, turns taken by the High Lord and Ladies to provide such an accolade. The self-congratulating contenders grinning, wide-eyed yet wary of this strange new leader. With a coy, callous smile, he bequeathed them tokens of their success. Once his turn in the spotlight was complete, he was guided away from the central line, his guards never far off. Time in exile made Elias capable of his defense, but there was an intimidation his guards provided. Seated in the primary area of the award’s ceremony, he finds his place beside the familiar face.
Of course, he knew her not from acquaintance or a friend. But Elias’ spies were thorough, and he learned the inner members of Rowan Hartwell’s court well enough. The Duchess, River, was found in her own echelon. Observant and steely-eyed, as the awards were dolled out. His approach is calm. Neither arrogant, or timid. Teetering the line, as he glances at the Duchess up and down. “My lady,” he nods in acknowledgement, the process of Astralis’ noble greetings not lost on him. “I don’t believe we have been acquainted. Elias Wakefield.”
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fatedfvllen · 3 years
rowan x bruno {@theartofruling​​} / amidst the pandemonium
By the time the Day Guards found him, Bruno was hiding behind a wooden shield he picked off a fallen warrior. They escorted him out of the fray and to the safety of where the Day Court was held up. The guards pushed forward and moved in unison as they swung open the doors and closed them behind him, from within an armored circle was a blood covered Bruno who;s whole body shaking like he was left outside in the dead of a winter’s night Needless to say, the Day Court native was completely uncomfortable, and will never leave the library again. As his gaze adjusted and the face of Lady Rowan Hartwell came into view, Bruno tried to settle himself. “M-my Lady,” he looked down at his hands and them back up at Rowan. “I apologize for my appearance. I tried to avoid the violence, but it was all around me.
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gvldntrbl · 25 days
Rowan + River @theartofruling
Location: The Skyline Karaoke Bar, Eastland
"So," River began as she and Rowan walked toward the karaoke bar. "What did we collectively get the bride?" She asked, eyes falling over onto the gift bag in one of Rowan's hands. The faerie Princess herself did not know Vada. To be honest, she was certain that she'd never met the woman before. It wasn't like she'd ever been in need of the midwife's services, after all. She was there as Rowan's plus one since Markus, with Jackson's help, would take care of Scarlett and Honor tonight. Dark brown eyes scanned the space as they entered. The decorations while nice were simple. "I hope she doesn't complain about our gift being too expensive. Suns know that would be rude." River commented. "Not sure if you do but who else is supposed to attend? Anyone else that I know, maybe?" She wondered while they dropped off said gift to its proper table. "Do you want to snack before drinking?"
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theartofruling · 5 months
Rowan & The Little Bean || Rowan Self Para
Who: Rowan Hartwell + (Little Baby Olsen)
Where: Southland Palace
When: A couple of months ago (Flashback Para)
Working was impossible this week. Rowan could barely leave the bathroom for the morning sickness. It hadn’t been this bad with Scarlett. And poor Scarlett, she felt so bad she had to call Viggo and swap weeks so that she could deal with this. She had Markus tagging in for Southland and Jackson and River helping in The Falls this week since they both were already there. 
She could barely keep down food but blood was no issue, which made her even sicker because her body wasn’t designed to solely hold blood. So she ended up in this vicious cycle of forcing herself to eat and ending up hugging the toilet.  She rubbed her stomach only having a tiny pudge to it, not even a bump yet. “You’re so tiny yet causing me so many issues, Little Bean. Can you do mama a favor and take it easy on me? I don’t want your dad to worry. He worries too much.” 
She could barely get the statement out before she felt this excruciating pain. Rowan almost worried that something was wrong with the baby. That the worst was happening. She was already on the floor but she doubled over in pain. It felt like labor but it was far too early for that. As she screamed out her personal guard rushed in. She opened her eyes to look at his face. His eyes were wide with shock. 
As the pain subsided, she looked down at her stomach. It was now very round, growing as if months had passed. “Little Bean, are you okay?” She asked as she wiped tears that fell. At the sound of her voice, she felt a kick. It was far too early for that but here her little hybrid was kicking. 
Rowan didn’t know how she would explain this to anyone, and she would definitely let the healers in the realm check her out but somehow she knew her little person was healthy. Even if someone had a way to fast forward her milestones and had some kind of autonomy over her body that she didn’t even have. 
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lumenouarp · 11 months
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As the party is getting started, Markus ( @ocean-eyeslnrp ) gets a package and an attendant guides him to a room that just so happens to have the tools he would need to address said package. In the package that came for him was a video tape and a note.
[Sticky Note on the video tape]
Watch Me
Upon watching the video, with no sound, it was simply a video of a faceless figure at a bar in Southland mixing a drink with irregular ingredients for an alcoholic beverage. The scene changes to the bartender taking the figure's place and sliding down the drink to Markus's wife, Queen Rowan Hartwell on a night out a few weeks ago. The video cuts off only for their to be a note left for Markus to read. It was short, sweet and to the point.
[Letter Reads]
Still think I can't get to you, too? Antonia was child's play. Or perhaps so is this too. Is your wife okay? Maybe you should check...
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covrtofnightmares · 3 years
( GABRIEL &&. ROWAN ) + @theartofruling
Perhaps once, when he was younger and had something to prove, Gabriel Beaumont might have considered participating annually in the Trials of Oberon. But while the Highwinds Tournament had always excited Astralis at large, Gabriel had never had time for playing games or antics with the rest of the fae realm. His brand of cruelty came in the form of undercutting monarchies; in destroying the world around him and manipulating it to the benefit of the Night Court as he saw fit. In the beginning, it had been just him and Kael against the rest of the world. Eventually, Jacqueline joined his ranks as his cunning advisor, and since then, the foundation of his inner court has spent centuries waging silent wars against other courts and engaging in inter-court politics. But this? A trial where people falsely tested their strength and wit for an arbitrary title of champion? Gabriel crinkled his nose in disgust at the mere thought.
The amount of ground he’d covered today traversing the playing fields was dizzying, to say the least. Gabriel had prowled the sidelines of the archery event, arching a brow as he witnessed the consort of Spring engage in light-hearted conversation with the inner court of Autumn. He’d spotted some of the extended Hartwell family chatting animatedly with one another as he made his rounds through the events, and was even certain he spotted their infamous Spymaster ducking between crowds, meeting up with inner court members from both Day and Summer as the sun inched higher into the sky. With so many people lurking around every corner, desperate to spring an alliance or idea on any of the high rulers, Gabriel had created a rather wide berth for himself. He’d seamlessly avoided some of the ogling glances from those in Dawn who wished to challenge him, or those in Spring or Winter who might wish to question him, and instead made his way towards the one ruler whose ear he’d been itching to borrow for some time now.
“You know,” Gabriel began, his voice low and thoughtful as he entered the rulers’ viewing box for the archery competition and sidled in alongside Rowan Hartwell. He’d requested libations for the viewing box, which were provided by an over-eager human servant from Autumn, and only after Gabriel was certain he was left alone with Day Court’s High Lady did he reach for the decanter of wine and pour the rich, red liquid into a goblet for himself. Courtesy of their hosts, of course. “Sometimes, this job feels a bit like babysitting, non?” He brought the goblet to his lips as he glanced over at Rowan. “I haven’t the faintest clue where Kael’s scurried off to. Hopefully he hasn’t gotten himself run through with a sword. I’d have to replace him, which would be fairly inconvenient, given that I’ve grown rather attached to his pouty face after all these years.” Gabriel paused, smirking as he took a sip from his glass of wine. “I thought I might have seen that Spymaster of yours wooing a damsel from Autumn, but who’s to say?”
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astralisgossip · 4 years
we stan the day court and their incredible powerful female energy
“I second this! I’d like to think we can thank their powerful leader for this one--Rowan is quite a powerhouse.”
( @theartofruling )
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pulvisctumbra · 3 years
Lucian & Rowan || Ambrose Wedding Reception
The reception was filled with opportunity for him and for once he wasn’t filled with entirely selfish motivations. It would have been easy for him to continue scamming his way to lining his pockets but instead he was doing his best to gather information. He’d already been somewhat successful, charming his way into getting lesser lords to slip up and give rather telling statements. But as he looked for his next target he noticed the Queen of the Southland seemingly alone and decided to go for a much grander prize than small fries he’d engaged with so far. Never backwards about going forwards, he’d plucked two drinks from a nearby tray and made his way over with easy, confident stride. 
Once at the Queen’s side he cleared his throat and extended the glass to her, an offering to show that he came in peace perhaps. “I hope you don’t find me too presumptuous but I noticed your glass was empty and went to the trouble of getting you a replacement.” It was all a little too polite for him and so he couldn’t resist allowing his smile to glint with a little more confidence, laying on the charm as he continued. “Seemed like too much of a shame that a beautiful woman such as yourself was being neglected.” Maybe it was too forward of him, maybe a little impetuous or indeed presumptuous but he wasn’t necessarily trying to win her over. Just maybe find out something telling from the exchange and he’d found boldness often put people on the back foot. Exactly where he wanted them.
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