#callout but not really
entropyvoid · 3 months
Y’know before things went to shit a popular topic amongst jewish users on this site was about cultural Christianity, and a large part of that discussion was pointing out that certain ways of talking/acting/thinking were rooted in Christian culture, and were not culturally neutral, and the expectation of Jews (and people from non-culturally-Christian backgrounds in general) to conform to them was an expectation to assimilate and abandon our own cultural ways of talking/acting/thinking.
And this collective conversation has largely been abandoned as Jews on this platform now have much more loud and blatant forms of antisemitism to worry about
But I can’t really stop thinking about how ostracization, public shaming, guilt, conversational shut-downs, harassment, and throwing ad hominem buzzwords at various people to not have to engage directly with opposing ideas enough to form an actual counterargument have all been a serious issue with how people operate in left-leaning online spaces for a long time now, and how those things are also very common methods of group control in a lot of the more… well, controlling and loudly bigoted sects of American Christianity, with roots in American Puritanism.
And I think a lot of people who want to think of themselves as leftists or even activists should really take a step back and more deeply analyze their methods/praxis of realizing their ideals and how they interact with other people, whether or not they’re actually willing to be constructive about things, etc.
Like is burning bridges, shutting down conversations, refusing to engage intellectually with things you don’t like, callouts, etc… actually helpful and useful? Why is this the method so many default to, and where does it come from?
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
Every time you think, "Oh, I don't have [x condition], I'm basically cured!" that is the devil talking. You aren't cured, you are likely going through periods of your symptoms waning. Don't cease whatever you're doing to help yourself, like medication, for instance, because it's likely you still have the conditions or symptoms, even if you aren't noticing them as frequently or severely.
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
phils job is the internet and then people are shocked when he knows about things on the internet. Sent during the coffee shop au discussions
Philza fans when he perceives the aus they've been publicly posting online for him to see
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sparrowlucero · 2 months
lesbians arent a monolith cmon now. pretty ridiculous to act like just because you specifically disagree, prev anon is speaking over lesbians or whatever. they could *be* a lesbian for all you know
That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying it's weird on a individual level to say I like a writer's work on my personal blog and immediately receive an ask (several asks) implying some level of homophobia on my part and/or trying to force me to engage with a nebulous accusation that the work is fetishizing a group I'm a part of.
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volitioncheck · 9 months
does near every single post-canon DE fic out there need to be tagged ‘Sober Harry Du Bois’? i’m getting so tired of it.
do i expect every single piece of fan content to have to fully delve into the often-depressing always-complex topic of addiction? not really. sometimes you just want to write/read a silly fluffy romance one-shot, whatever. i get it. but i think my issue is specifically with the fact that for nearly every sillyfluffy au out there, there almost must be a ‘sober harry du bois’ tag. and it does feel very slapped-on more often than not.
i think to me it is an unconscious statement that nothing *good* can ever happen to harry du bois until he is completely and permanently sober. before solving the next big case, he has to be sober. before quitting the force, he has to be sober. before falling in love with kim, he has to be sober. before accomplishing anything, starting any sort of recovery, making any life improvement, he must first be sober.
sobriety as a goal, as a journey, and honestly as a concept in of itself is not as cut and dry as so many people think it is. and i think it would serve a lot of people well if they did some introspection on the implications of how nearly every single post-canon fic that isn’t dealing directly with harry’s addiction have him as completely sober instead.
if the plot of the fic isn’t going to touch directly on harry’s substance use (and again, i’m not demanding that every single fic should), why does that mean that sober!harry must be the default?
i think i am just tired of reading a casefic, a smutty one-shot, a fantasy au, whatever, where it almost seems that before getting on with the plot, the author feels obligated to first assure us that the harry we’re reading about is a Sober Harry. it’s established with a couple lines in the exposition, probably about his improved appearance, a tag up top, and then never brought up again; a checkmarked box. like the societal image of An Addict has completely prevented people from being able to imagine a person just, continuing to live life, while still struggling with addiction.
life happens, with all of its backslides and achievements, mundanity and changes, to people with drug addictions just as much as people who don’t. is a post-canon harry who isn’t sober not worth writing about?
i think so. i think the game we all played thinks so too. in fact i think that sentiment is woven into the game’s very core. i just wish i saw that reflected in our fan content more.
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existennialmemes · 3 months
Never underestimate the laser focus and raw dedication of a Neurodivergent who's only doing this task to avoid doing a different task.
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nothorses · 1 year
"It doesn't make sense to say "believe all survivors" if we don't also remember that most of us are survivors, which includes most people who cause harm. What we mean is we are tired of being silenced, dismissed, powerless in our pain, hurt over and over. Yes. But being loud is different from being whole, or even being heard, being cared for, being comforted, being healed. Being able to destroy is different from being able to generate a future where harm isn't happening all around us."
- Adrienne Maree Brown, We Will Not Cancel Us, and Other Dreams of Transformative Justice
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boyquiet · 7 months
i think that we need to get over the narrative that you can’t have gay villains because that’s a harmful stereotype because there’s a huge difference between “this character is gay and a bad person” and “this character was written specifically to equate being gay and being evil/depraved/degenerate”. it’s just such a narrow minded view of fiction that leads to people afraid to write queer characters as anything less than morally perfect and then to a bunch of palatable but bland and boring queer characters that are arguably worse representation than a gay villain because they are not allowed to do anything wrong. while it is important to write all types of gay characters a work isn’t instantly “problematic” because the villain is queer and the hero isn’t. I think this is also related to the idea of subtext vs text in gay media and how I see a lot of people get mad bc the homoerotic subtext isn’t made canon without considering the context of it at all—sometimes creators make artistic decisions for reasons other than that they didn’t want the gay people to kiss because they’re homophobic. well written queer subtext can be better than a canon gay couple with no personality or relevance and a queer villain can be a better queer character than a gay hero because the characters in-universe morality isn’t inherently tied to how much care they are written with and the quality of “queer representation” isn’t determined by the amount of times they kiss on screen.
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john-marstn · 1 year
i feel like john marston enthusiasts only know how to express their love for the character by insulting him as heavily as possible. they'll be like "john is SO stupid. he's got no braincells. he washes once every 3 years and dresses like a rat. he's impulsive and reckless and shortsighted"
and then turn around 3 seconds later and go "anyway. i'd die for him, he's my favorite character"
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proxissima · 1 month
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*Finger slowly moving to f8 key*
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oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
ive come to realise that i dont actually hate kubokai, i just hate the way people write them
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jam-n-jay · 4 months
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Tbh I think literally everyone who is heavily invested in the call-out sphere needs to hear this
Also wow who would've figured that a trans woman would have a nuanced view on fervent persecution and punitive justice I wonder why that could possibly be
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pyrusinc · 10 months
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some au-inettes :) was just meant to be a few doodles to get back into drawing but then i decided to experiment and now its colorful sjfd;sfh. featurin' @bigfatbreak's feralnette, @aerequets's mindmice, @zoe-oneesama' marigold, and my own bossbug. ily yalls art literally so much weeping
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phantasm-masquerade · 11 months
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this is possibly the worst post ive ever seen
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katwritesthings · 1 year
Phandom, are y'all okay?
Has anyone else noticed the trend recently of Maddie and Jack are absolutely terrible parents?
Like, don't get me wrong, they're not the greatest parents ever... But they're not always some kind of supervillain/evil scientist power couple who can't look past their own biases to change their opinion in the face of new evidence.
I'm kinda specifically talking about the DPxDC side of Tumblr (mostly because of how much I've been reading in that crossover territory the last few weeks), but I think the general fandom has been falling more and more towards irredeemably evil Drs. Fentons as well.
I mean, I get that it's a trope of the Phandom for the Fentons to disecc Danny. Like, that's not the issue. Or at least, not the whole issue? 'Cause I love a good trauma-filled angst fest as much as the next phan.
There just... Used to be a balance, I guess? Like for every couple of Fentons Bad Parenting there would be a fic of the Fentons accepting Danny. It wouldn't be easy, and there was a boatload of delicious angst in that, depending on what Maddie and Jack had done to Phantom before finding out he is their son. There were fics exploring Maddie and Jack dealing with the emotional fallout of their son dying due to their negligence and not even noticing.
But lately, it's just been Maddie and Jack are terrible people. Full stop. No nuance or shades of grey to them.
And I know there are a ton of people in this fandom who have never even seen the original show and write amazing fanfic anyway. They've learned from what we put out there, and maybe that's why there are no new good parents fics.
But, like, remember when Danny Phantom used to be a very thinly veiled allegory for coming out to your parents? I know not everyone's parents are loving and accepting. I'm not trying to diminish anyone's experiences or anything and I think this has devolved into somewhat incoherent ramblings... And this just may be because I have been in this fandom for over a decade now. I may just be overthinking current trends.
But, are y'all okay? Like, seriously, babies.
Do you want a hug? A cup of cocoa? A parental figure to look you in the eyes and say that your feelings are valid? That you are wanted and appreciated just the way you are?
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 10 days
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