#came up with the 'Alice working in the scare house getting surprised by Victor and Smiler' scene
victorluvsalice · 11 months
Valicer Not-Incorrect Quotes, Halloween Editon
[Context: Alice auditioned for a scare house and was hired on the spot to replace someone who'd quit suddenly; as a result, she was only able to send a quick text to Victor and Smiler saying she got the job and would tell them about it later]
Alice: [jumps out of a corner in the scare house, covered in fake blood and waving a knife] ARRRGH!
Pair Of Sisters: [scream and run on to the next performer]
Alice: [hides again and jumps out at the next passersby] ARRRGH!
Frat Bro: [screams surprisingly high-pitched and flees]
Alice: [hides again and jumps out at the next couple] ARRRGH!
Victor & Smiler, out on a date: [yelp -- then stop dead as they recognize Alice]
Alice: [also freezes as she recognizes them] ...
Victor: So this is where you were hired!
Smiler: [grins and waves] Hi bestie!
Alice: [trying not to laugh] Don't call me that, I'm trying to murder you.
Smiler: [entering the house fresh off a shift at Sunny Brews] Hey, I'm home!
Victor: [getting off the couch to greet them] Welcome back! I hope you had a --
Victor: [pauses, then leans in and sniffs Smiler] Goodness, you smell -- really good.
Alice: [getting up as well] They what? [goes in for a sniff too] Huh. You do smell good. Very -- fall?
Smiler: Yeah, that'll be the fifty million pumpkin spice lattes I made today.
Victoria: [showing the trio and Emily a new treat recipe she wanted to try out] And now you pipe your meringue on top of the cookie base in a swirl, like so.
Smiler: [looking at the resultant swirl with a raised eyebrow]
Victor: [guessing at what they're thinking] No.
Alice: [also guessing] Besides, it's white.
Smiler: ...that just sent my mind off in a different direction.
Victor: NO.
[Context: Victor, Alice, and Smiler are watching The Nightmare Before Christmas with Smiler's other coaster friends]
Thirteen: [glancing over at Victor and jerking her head toward the TV and Halloweentown] So, is that what your hometown looks like?
Victor: Har har. I'll have you know it's not nearly that colorful.
Rita: So more like the town in Frankenweenie, gotcha.
Oblivion: Does Jack come to your family reunions?
Victor: Come on, I don't look that much like a Tim Burton character.
Alice: You really do.
Smiler: You're one oddball corpse-revival away from starring in one of his movies.
Victor: [fake pouts] You're all mean.
Smiler: [winks] And we already know you like spirals.
Victor: [deep blush] Can we go back to watching the movie?
Alice: [sidles up to Victor drawing something and leans over him, grinning and showing off fake vampire fangs] Hi darling.
Victor: [glances up at her with a smile -- then does a double take when he notices the teeth] Oh! Ah, hello.
Alice: [still grinning, running a finger along Victor's neck] Like them? I got them just for you.
Victor: [visibly swallows] Ah -- they're -- they're very nice.
Smiler: [abruptly appears at the door in a lab coat and yellow spiral-pattern goggles, lounging against the frame in a way that's meant to be sexy] I understand someone in here needs some serious brainwashing?
Victor & Alice:
Victor: [snorts and turns away to try and hide his laughter]
Alice: [shakes her head, snickering] Way to kill the mood.
Smiler: This is the sexiest outfit in the world and you know it.
[after hours at the scare house]
Coworker: Hey, Alice? I saw you kissing some guy behind the attraction on our break --
Alice: Oh, that was my boyfriend, I wasn't making out with a random guest.
Coworker: [fidgeting] Yeah, but -- I saw him come in with some other guy, and kiss him too.
Alice: Oh, that was my boyfriend's themfriend.
Coworker: ???
Alice: We're complicated.
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Vacation on Isle Esme
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Word Count: 6,989 Demetri x OC Part 7. Warning; Fluff, NSFW
“What’s going on with Ally?” Felix asked over Carlisle’s shoulder “I don’t know Felix, Demetri can’t wake her” Carlisle replies “I’ll get the plane ready and go and bring them home” Felix replies leaving the room “Demetri, Felix is coming out to Rio to bring you both home” Carlisle advises him “I know you’re worried but you need to stay calm, as long as Ally’s breathing she’ll be ok. Gently lay her on her side on the bed and pack your things because as soon Felix arrives you need to be ready to leave, ok?” Carlisle continues “O-Ok. T-Thank you Carlisle” Demetri replies low.
Ally woke up in Demetri’s arms “D-Demi” “Oh Ally” He breathed “Don’t ever scare me like that again” He kissed her forehead holding her closer to him “I-I’m sorry. I’d been sick…and… felt a bit lightheaded…and…and… I’m guessing I passed out” She replied softly “I came back and found you on the bathroom floor…I-I couldn’t wake you” He said low “I’m sorry” “You’re awake, safe and in my arms, that’s all I care about for now. Felix will be here soon and Carlisle is waiting for us back at the castle” He says quietly as she snuggles into him “I love you Dem” “I love you too.”
“Demetri, Ally” Felix calls out when he arrives “In here” Demetri calls out; Felix enters the bedroom and sees them both lying on the bed, Ally’s eyes closed “Is…Is she ok?” Felix asks voice shaky “Yea, she came round a few hours ago. She’s sleeping now though” Felix nods “I can’t begin to tell you how scared I was Fe, when I came back and found her…” Demetri trailed off looking into the bathroom “I can imagine D…Come on let’s get you both home, Carlisle’s waiting for you” Demetri nods and carries Ally out of the house as Felix grabs the suitcases.
Once back in the castle Carlisle comes to Demetri and Ally’s room to check on her “How are you feeling Ally?” He asks “Nauseous, a little light-headed again” Ally answered quietly “Ok, let’s have a look at you” Carlisle adds but before he can Ally runs into the bathroom and throws up what little food she ate for breakfast. “Carlisle is-is she going to ok?” Demetri asks concern clearly shown on his face “I can’t lose her” “Yes Demetri. She’ll be just fine as long as she takes my advice and you support her 100%” Carlisle replies “Of course I’ll support her. Why wouldn’t I?” Demetri says as he walks into the bathroom; putting her hair into a low ponytail before sitting down beside her rubbing her back gently. “Ally, I know what’s wrong with you” Carlisle says standing in the bathroom doorway “W-What is it?” She asks low not looking up “You’re pregnant Ally” Carlisle replies “Pr-pregnant? But th-that’s not…Oh my god…” Ally struggles to string a reply together before throwing up again. She looks over at Demetri; a look of surprise clearly shown in on his face. “How?” Demetri asks “Well now Demetri at your age I would have thought you knew how babies were made” Carlisle said smirking; Ally choked back a laugh “I know that Carlisle, I meant how could I let this happen? Aro told us how after seeing Edward’s and Renesmee’s thoughts that Bella died just after she gave birth…” Ally put her hand on his arm “I should have remembered that. I should been more careful with you mi amore” He turned her to face him and looked into her eyes “Forgive me. Please” He begged low “There is nothing to forgive my love. I get to have a baby with you, my husband, the man I love” She cups his face in her hands and places a kiss to his lips.
“All that matters now is that Ally follows my advice” Carlisle says “Of course Carlisle. Will you be staying until the baby arrives?” “Yes. I’ll be your doctor through this. I know what to expect this time around. You will need to drink blood daily as the baby requires it and it’ll help keep you healthy through the pregnancy. I will perform a caesarean when it’s time to deliver the baby. We just need to work out roughly how far along you are” Carlisle replies “She needs to drink blood? But she’s human Carlisle” Demetri asks thinking he may have heard wrong “Yes Demetri. We figured that out a little late with Bella I’m afraid” “Ok. When do I need to start drinking blood Carlisle?” She asked “As soon as possible” He replied.
There was a knock on the door “Hi baby girl. How are you feeling?” Renee asks as she wraps her arms around Ally “I’m ok mom” She replied “Do you know why you passed out whilst you were away?” “Yes mom. It turns out I’m pregnant” Ally responds “W-what? How is that possible?” Renee asks shocked “It turns out that male vampires are able to father children with human females. We only found this out last year when Bella got pregnant” Carlisle replies “Wait. Bella’s a mom too? Why wasn’t I told?” “Because Bella’s a vampire now and humans aren’t allowed to know about us” Carlisle replies “Bella only has Charlie in her life because of her friend Jake” He adds “I need you mom” Ally tightens her hold around Renee “I’m here baby girl” Renee says holding Ally closer stroking her hair “Are you happy about the news?” “Yes mom. We are” “Then congratulations to you both” Renee says smiling reaching out to Demetri who steps forward wrapping one arm around Ally and the other around Renee “Thank you Renee” He says low.
Once Carlisle and Renee leave, Ally goes to the closet to change and places her hand on her stomach “I-I have a baby bump” She says low, Demetri having followed her into the closet now notices the slight swelling of Ally’s stomach and wrapped him arms around her from behind resting his hands on her bump “How-how did I not notice before?” “We were otherwise engaged Demi” She says chuckling lightly, she feels him smile against her neck “You look so beautiful darling” He spoke softly in her ear before placing a kiss to her temple “I love you cara and I’m right here with you” Ally smiled and turned in his arms “I love you too Dem”
The following day Carlisle comes to check on Ally bringing her some blood bags, Esme coming with him. Alice and Jasper come by shortly afterwards “Congratulations you two” Alice says grinning wide, gently hugging Ally then Demetri. “You know you’re going to have to stop sending human/vampire couples to Isle Esme for their honeymoon, right mom? Because we’re currently two for two. There’s obviously ‘something’ about that place” Jasper says laughing; Esme smiles but doesn’t answer him as Carlisle and Demetri choke back a laugh “Yea, mom and Marcus are not allowed to go to Isle Esme together whilst she’s still human” Ally says pointing at Carlisle and Esme; both of them nodding at her smiling.
The following morning Demetri, Ally and Felix are watching TV and Demetri is making sure Ally drinks the cup of blood Carlisle bought by as she’s snuggled up beside him. “Hi sweetie, just me. Thought we could catch up” Jane said as she entered the room. “Sounds good” Ally replies “So what happened with you and Felix after we left for Rio? I mean you two were dancing all evening together” Ally asks curiously. “Felix walked me back to me room at the end of the night and kissed me goodnight. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant” Jane replies with a little smile “Aww. That’s so sweet” Ally says smiling at Jane and Felix. “That goodnight kiss became two…which then led to something more intimate” Felix said smiling; Jane looked at her hands, if she was human she’d be blushing “See Dem I told you there was something between them” Ally says nudging Demetri’s arm “Just because they spent the night together it doesn’t mean they’re actually together though” He says eyeing Felix who just smirks at him “He held me in his arms afterwards, like how Demetri holds you when you sleep” Jane says quietly “Aww so does this mean…” Ally started but stopped when Felix wrapped his arms around Jane and she snuggled into his side “Told you” Ally whispers low in Demetri’s ear; Demetri smiles “Wonder what Alec thinks about the two of you” He muses “I think it’s funny that Jane still pain drops his ass despite them being intimate with one another” Alec answers smiling, entering the room.
“How’s Ally doing?” Felix asked as he entered Demetri’s room a few nights later “She’s doing ok. Carlisle said she’s handling the pregnancy better than Bella did, but I think that’s due to Carlisle knowing what to expect this time around. I mean Ally has been drinking blood since we got back whereas apparently it took them about a week before they realised that Bella needed to drink blood to get her through it” “Well that’s good at least. You’re lucky Carlisle extended his stay with us” Felix replied “Yea, I don’t think it was luck, I think it was Alice” Demetri said smiling looking down Ally asleep in his arms “You think she knew?” “Yes Fe, I think at some point whilst we were away, she had a vision and told Carlisle. He called me just after I found her passed out; asked me if she was ok. He seemed too calm and wasn’t surprised by her symptoms, in fact he had a supply of blood bags ready and waiting for her” “Never thought of it like that before, either way it’s a good thing they’re here” Felix added, Demetri nodded.
Demetri, Felix and Alec had to go on a mission to deal with a few rogues in Spain and were gone for two days; so Ally decided to use some of this time to google baby names; writing down some ideas to discuss with Demetri when he got back.
The night he returns home Demetri and Alyssa sit and discuss baby names in front of the fire “We need to have a think about baby names” Demetri said looking at Ally. “I’m already ahead of you. I had a think about baby names whilst you were away and decided that I’d like to honour your Greek heritage; so I googled Greek names and for a girl I wrote down my three favourite; Catalina – it means chaste / pure, Olena – means torch of light and Sirena – meaning enchantress. My favourite three for a boy are; Galen – it means calm / peaceful, Nikolaos – means victor of people and Xander – means defender of man. What do you think?” She asks holding his hands in hers “Wow! You have given it some thought and it means a lot to me that you want to honour my Greek heritage. I quite like Catalina for a girl and Galen for a boy” Demetri responded smiling “We really are made for each other” Demetri looks at her eyebrow raised “Those were my favourite names from the list too. Did you have any ideas?” “No, that’s why I thought we could discuss baby names, but we have our favourites now.” Demetri replied smiling. “Ok then but for now it’s Baby Volturi” Ally said placing a hand on her baby bump; one of Demetri’s hands doing the same.
Later that night Demetri held Ally in his arms as she slept ‘I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad’ he thought to himself smiling. Ally was woken up by the baby moving about “Oh” She said rolling over feeling the baby kick “Give me your hand Demi” She says placing his hand on her belly “What are you…” He was cut off when he felt the baby kick his hand; Ally looked over to see shock then happiness wash over his face. The baby kicked again “Not sure he’s a fan of your cold hands” She laughed “Or maybe he’s just saying hi to daddy, isn’t that right little one?” Demetri says to her belly and the baby kicks again “See daddy was right” He sounded a bit smug; he then proceeded to talk to the baby quietly whilst Ally went back to sleep, telling the baby all about how he met mommy, how he’s looking forward to meeting him and how he will love and protect them both forever.
Ally woke up to find Demetri on his laptop beside her in bed “Morning mi amore. Sleep well?” “Morning Demi. Mmm once the baby stopped kicking” She replied “What are up to?” “Looking online at cribs, never realised there were so many to choose from, but I like this one. It’s light brown in colour so it will go well in the nursery. It’s easy to assemble and turns into bed when they’re old enough to need one” He replies “That sounds great Demi” “Glad you like it as it arrives the day after tomorrow”
They turned the empty room opposite theirs into a nursery for the baby; everyone lending a hand to get everything ready for the baby’s arrival. The walls were painted cream and Esme and Ally painted a jungle themed mural on one wall complete with tigers. Alice and Jasper bought a pair of big stuffed elephants that sat in a corner near some brightly coloured building blocks “We couldn’t decide between the blue or beige elephant so we bought both” Alice said smiling “Of course you did” Ally replied smiling. Demetri assembled the crib and the chest of drawers on his own refusing any help but he let Felix put the shelves up when Felix declared it was his ‘duty’ as uncle to help get the room prepared.
Renee and Ally celebrated Christmas with Marcus and Demetri by watching Christmas movies together whilst Renee and Ally ate a small Christmas dinner, although Ally had to drink a glass of blood afterwards in order to satisfy the baby’s need “Sorry mom, this must seem weird to you” Ally said low apologising to Renee “Don’t apologise. I get it the baby needs blood; he is half vampire after all. I’m just looking forward to meeting the little one” Renee replies smiling “I think it’s time we exchanged presents” Marcus said handing Renee two beautifully wrapped presents; the first one being a deep blue knee length short sleeve dress, the second being a first edition copy of her favourite book ‘Pride and Prejudice’ “Thank you Marcus, the dress is gorgeous and I love the book” She kisses his lips “This is for you. I hope you like it” Renee said handing him his gift; a copy of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ “It’s perfect mi amore” Marcus said giving Renee a kiss “I noticed your copy was looking a bit battered and I wasn’t sure what else to get you” She replied smiling. Demetri handed Ally a beautifully wrapped box and inside was mosaic photo frame with the word ‘Family’ across the top “I thought we could put pictures of us and the baby in it. I hear humans do that sort of thing” He said looking at Ally with a big grin “We do and it’s a great idea, thank you” She kissed his lips and gave him a hug before passing him his gift; ‘First Time Parent’ parenting book “Figured it would help you and Felix out whilst I’m going through my transformation” She said smiling wide; Renee and Marcus trying not to laugh “I love it thank you. I must confess I bought a parenting book myself a few days ago” He responded wrapping his arms around her “I have no idea how to take care of a baby so I’m hoping your mom helps too” He added looking at Renee “Of course I’ll help that’s what Nanas are for” She replied smiling and snuggled into Marcus’ side.
Everyone gathered on the castle roof to watch the New Year’s Eve fireworks that were being let off around the city “Happy New Year mi amore” Demetri whispered in Ally’s Ear “Happy New Year to you too” She leant up placing a kiss to his lips.
January 6th – Baby Volturi’s arrival.
Carlisle and Jasper had turned one of the guest rooms into a make-shift hospital room ready for Ally’s caesarean. That morning Demetri was fussing over Ally “How are you? Do you need anything? How’s the baby?” “Demi calm down, I’m fine; the baby’s fine, the only thing I need is you. Come and sit with me…I need a hug” She replied patting the space beside her on the sofa; he sat beside her and gently held her burying his nose in her hair letting her scent calm him. A few hours later Demetri and Ally made their way to the room Carlisle had set up for them; he and Renee were waiting for them “How are you today Ally?” Carlisle asked as Demetri helped her get comfortable on the bed “I’m ok thanks, just a little nervous” She answered low “You’ll be ok, I promise. You’ve handled your pregnancy a lot better than Bella handled hers, but then I knew what to expect this time” He said reassuringly “I’ll be here with you the entire time amore” Demetri says softly stroking her hair and placing a kiss to her forehead. Renee was acting as the nurse as Demetri didn’t want any other vampires in the room with them due to the blood. “Dem you can wait outside if you need to; please don’t make yourself uncomfortable” Ally squeezes his hand a little “Ally I’m fine and there is nowhere else I would rather be right now” Demetri kisses the back of her hand his eyes closed; his forehead resting gently against hers, Renee watching them with a big smile on her face ‘He truly does love and adore her’ she thinks to herself. The silence in the room is broken with the soft cries of a baby “Congratulations it’s a healthy baby girl” Carlisle says handing the baby to Demetri.
Demetri looked down at his newborn daughter in his arms and the first thing he noticed was her blue eyes…his blue eyes; the blue eyes he lost when he became immortal. He fell in love for the second time in his long life “Hello little one, I’m your daddy and I love you so very much. I will protect you and your mommy forever” He placed a kiss to her forehead and breathed in her scent then looking up at his mate he smiled “Thank you. You’ve given me something I never thought I’d have in this life, a family. I think I love you more now than ever Ally” He leant down capturing her lips in a soft kiss “I didn’t do it on my own handsome; she’s fifty percent you, so thank you to you too.” She said smiling before kissing him “I love you so much Demi”
“Sorry to interrupt the lovely moment but I think there’s another one” Carlisle says looking at Demetri. Demetri's eyes widen in shock. “Santo cazzo…” He breathed, the swear word slipping out effortlessly. Carlisle's eyebrows raised, but he didn't say anything. "There's…there's two..?? You're telling me I have two children..?" Demetri added, an awed smile appearing on his face as he exchanged a glance with Ally. She looked just as blindsided as he felt in that moment. He couldn’t believe it; he had been blessed with not just one, but two beautiful children, to help carry on his bloodline.
“Let me hold her Dem” Ally asked and he passed her their daughter to hold. Carlisle then handed Demetri his newborn son; who had Ally’s chocolate brown eyes. Demetri looked down at his son and fell in love for the third time in his long life “Hello son, I’m your daddy and I love you so very much” He held him close; his eyes filling with venom “I’ll protect you forever too” Demetri placed a kiss to his head; breathing in his scent “He’s perfect. They’re both perfect. Thank you Ally, mi amore.” He kissed her lips softly “He’s fifty percent you too Demi” Ally chuckled.
Carlisle stitched Ally up leaving her with a neat scar and administered some morphine for the pain. “Thank you Carlisle. I really appreciate everything you have done for us” Demetri said shaking his hand “You’re very welcome. I’m glad things worked out for you both” Carlisle replied smiling.
There’s a knock at the door “Only us” Esme says and she and Marcus enter the room “Hi Ally, how are you?” Esme asks “I’m ok thanks to Carlisle, mom and Demi” She replies “Would you like to meet our grandchildren Marcus?” Renee asks “I would love…wait…grandchildren?” He asks surprised “Yes master; Ally and I have son and a daughter” Demetri replies, smiling proudly “Congratulations my dear boy” Marcus smiled wide shaking his hand “And you Ally my dear are most amazing. Congratulations” He kisses her forehead “Thank you Marcus” Ally says smiling. Marcus moves to stand by Renee who is now holding their granddaughter; Demetri sits beside Ally as he passes their son to her. “Have you decided on their names?” Esme asked curious “Well we had a boy’s name and a girl’s name picked out ready as we didn’t know what we were having, so I suppose we can use both names now. Demetri would you like to tell them?” Ally asked smiling; Demetri nodded and smiled back “I’d like to introduce you all to our son Galen Volturi and our daughter Catalina Volturi” “Beautiful names and Greek if I’m not mistaken” Esme replies “Thank you. Ally wanted to honour my Greek heritage so she googled Greek baby names” Demetri replied smiling “I love the names you’ve chosen” Renee adds smiling.
Carlisle carried Ally carefully back to her and Demetri’s shared room so Demetri could turn her whilst Renee and Esme cleaned and dressed the twins, staying in the guest room with them whilst Demetri and Ally spent a little bit of time together before he changed her “I’ll be in the hallway if you need me Demetri” Carlisle said “Thank you.”
Demetri climbed on the bed carefully beside Ally and wrapped his arm around her “I just want to hold you once more before I turn you. I’m going to miss hearing your heartbeat when I hold you and when you sleep bedside me. I’m also going to miss your warmth. I love you so much Ally.” “I love you too” Ally responds; he unwraps his arm from her and positions himself so he is hovering above her, leaning down he kisses her neck, venom collecting in his mouth before biting her; letting his venom flow through her system, he then licks the wound to close it. “I’ll see you in a few days mi amore” He kisses her lips and rests his forehead against hers “I love you.”
Esme and Renee bring the twins to Demetri’s room and place them in the crib together “I’m going to have to get another crib as soon as possible, now there’s two babies” Demetri said “In fact we’re going to have a second set of everything” He continued “It was definitely a surprise when Carlisle said there was a second baby” Renee added “Would you like us to change Ally into something different?” Esme asks “Yes, if you wouldn’t mind. There’s a green sleeveless dress hanging up in her closet” Demetri replies. Renee and Esme change Ally into the dress and brush her hair out before leaving and going back to their rooms “I’ll be back a little later to help with the twins” Renee says as she gets ready to leave “Thank you Renee, I’d appreciate that” He replies.
Just as Renee and Esme leave Felix comes to see Demetri “”Hey Fe come meet my beautiful children” He said pride evident in his voice “Children as in plural?” Felix sounded shocked; Demetri chuckled “Yes Fe, Ally had twins. I have a son and a daughter and they’re gorgeous… perfect, like their mom” “Congratulations D. Our little human really is amazing” Felix replied looking at Ally and smiling “She not our little human any more Fe. She’s going through her transformation” “She’s still amazing and looks so peaceful D” “Carlisle gave her some morphine after her caesarean so that’s helping with the initial part of the transformation” Demetri smiled lovingly at Ally.
Meanwhile Ally is going through her transformation; ‘I felt Demi kiss my neck before he bit me letting his venom enter my system…the initial pain...wow! I know that mom and Esme changed me into a clean dress following my caesarean. It feels like my body is on fire; every nerve ending burns with his venom. I can feel my blood being replaced with venom; Demi’s venom. This is too much…I-I can’t do this.’ “I love you cara mia” She hears Demetri’s voice. ‘I can do this; I must do this… for Demi; for Galen and…Catalina.’ She not tries writhe too much despite the pain she is in; knowing that Demetri would feel bad enough, as he is the reason she is in this much pain.
On the second day of Ally’s transformation Demetri and Felix were holding the twins whilst watching The Hunger Games when they noticed Ally’s heartbeat slowing down “I know Bella completed her transformation in two days but I didn’t expect Ally to do the same” Demetri said looking over his shoulder “Carlisle did say that is was possible and let’s face it the fact they were both prepared for their change probably helps speed up the process for them” Felix says nodding in her direction. They decide to take the twins to Renee’s room “Can you watch them for me please? I think Ally’s going to wake up today and I’d like to take her hunting before she sees them again” Demetri asks “Of course I can, just come and find us when you’re ready” Renee responds smiling “Hello little ones, ready to spend the day with Nana and Grandpa?” The twins cooed in response.
Demetri returned to his and Ally’s shared room and stood at the balcony doors looking out over the garden; waiting for Ally to wake up as her heart beat had slowed right down now so he knew it would be soon. Ally’s heart stopped beating; the room now completely silent and Demetri looked over his shoulder to see her open her now red eyes. She could see everything more clearly; her eyes scanning the room and they fell on Demetri and she smiled wide, getting off the bed and running into his arms hugging him close “Oomph. You’re a lot stronger than I am now amore. It’s your turn not to break me” Demetri said into her ear “Sorry Demi” She pulled back a little and he took her in; eyes looking her up and down “Stunning baby” He ran his fingers through her hair that was now longer, brighter and fuller than before. He leans down and kisses her lips; his hands cupping her face “I love you Demi” She kisses him “I love you too” “How are the twins?” She asks “They’re amazing cara mia and so gorgeous” He smiles wide “Can I see them?” “I want to take you hunting first. Come on” He takes her hand in his and they make their way out of the castle, luckily it’s a cloudy day so they don’t have to worry about being exposed.
They leave Volterra to go hunting; Ally noticing every little thing as they run together including how fast Demetri is. He stops running and turns to catch her in his arms; Ally coming to a stop in his embrace. “Close your eyes and listen, tell me what you can hear” She closed her eyes and focused on listening to her surroundings. “I can hear faint chatter of people below; birds in the trees, traffic in the distance. It’s amazing Dem” “You’ve focused really well cara. Come with me and I’ll show you how to hunt. Stay close”
Ten minutes later they’re standing on the roof a building looking down at an alleyway that was about 5 minute walk from a bar. “Keep your eyes on those two” Demetri said pointing to a couple of drunks leaving the bar and making their way towards the alleyway; he took her hand in his “Jump with me cara” They landed silently in the alleyway below; Ally caught the scent of the couple and squeezed Demetri’s hand tightly “It’s ok cara. I’ve got you” She nods and brings her other hand to her throat feeling the burn “Not long now amore, just do as I do” He kisses her temple and releases her hand as the two men enter the alley and make their way towards them; once they are near enough she hears Dem say “Now amore” She watches as he grabs the man and sinks his teeth into his neck, the other goes to run but Ally is quicker and grabs him around the throat holding him to her chest and bites down on his neck, the warm blood flowing down her throat easing the burn. When she had drained the human she released him and he fell to the ground “Well done amore” Demetri says smiling and kisses her “Are you still thirsty?” “Thank you babe and just a little” She kisses him back “Let’s dispose of these two and then we’ll find you someone else.” Demetri snaps their necks and throws the couple into the nearby river and watches as the bodies wash away. “Come on cara” He takes her hand in his and they make their way towards another part of the city where they ‘share’ a human before disposing of them “You were amazing cara. You were fast, efficient and they were very clean kills for a newborn. I’m so proud of you” He wraps his arm around her, pulling her to his chest and kisses her “I learnt from the best” She kissed him back “Let’s go home” She laced her fingers with his and they made their way back to the castle.
They arrive back at the castle to find Felix and the twins waiting for them “How did our little newborn do?” Felix asks “She did great. She was fast, efficient and very clean for a newborn” Demetri replies his face and voice full of pride “Well done sweetie” Jane says smiling “Yes well done Ally. I must say you seem very calm for a newborn” Alec sounded impressed “Hopefully Aro will be just as pleased with you after the next tour” Felix adds; Demetri continues to look down at her with adoration, feeling proud of his mate “You think they’ll let me join the next ‘tour’?” She asks “Yes, especially once they hear how well you did on your first hunt” Felix replied.
Demetri and Ally make their way back to their room stopping by Marcus and Renee’s room to collect the twins “You look amazing my dear” Marcus says smiling at Ally “Thank you Marcus…or is it master now?” She replied “Marcus will do my dear” He smiled at her; Renee stayed seated on the sofa waiting for Ally to approach her “Hi mom” Ally sat beside her and carefully wrapped her arms around her “Hi baby girl” Renee replies hugging her back “Thank you for helping Demi with the twins” “No need to thank me that’s what Nanas are for. I’m looking forward to watching them grow up and spending forever with you all” “Me too mom” Ally replies smiling. “I’m impressed with her self-control Demetri, I must confess I was little worried how she’d be around Renee” Marcus said too low for Ally and Renee to hear “Thank you master. She also did amazingly well on her first hunt; she was fast, efficient and they were clean kills” He added smiling; Marcus chuckled and Demetri looked at him with an eyebrow raised “I think you’d be proud of Ally no matter what she was like as a newborn. I mean she could kill the postman tomorrow and you still be smiling and telling us all how proud of her you are” Demetri laughed too “You’re right master, I would be proud either way, but you know I’d cover for her, take responsibility for her” He said looking at Marcus “And that my dear boy is why we are allowing her to stay with us during her newborn phase. We know that you would take care of any ‘slip ups’ before they became an issue and so would Felix, Jane and Alec. She is also a new mom and we couldn’t separate her from you and the babies” Marcus replies “I’m guessing it also helps that Ally is now your step-daughter?” Demetri asks “It does. Your loyalty, your position as an elite guard and you being my personal bodyguard also went in her favour” Marcus added smiling “I have always thought of you as a son and now you are officially my son-in-law. We have a family to protect now” Marcus placed a hand on Demetri’s shoulder and nodded to the seating area where Ally and Renee were holding Galen and Catalina “Thank you master, that means a lot coming from you” Demetri responded “You can call me Marcus when we are not ‘working’ Demetri” “Ok, that’s going to take a little getting used to master…I mean Marcus” Demetri said smiling.
Once back in their room Demetri sat on the sofa beside Ally holding their daughter in his arms “I don’t care how quickly my little girl grows up; she’s not dating till she’s like 30, and even then if I don’t like him he’s gone” He said to Ally who was holding their son in her arms. “Now Dem, come on. You remember what it was like when my sister disapproved of you…of us” She replied “Yes I do. You stayed with me anyway. Hell you even left home at 17 and married me… gave me two beautiful children” He replied smirking but that smirk faded quickly when he realised what he just said “Annnnnd…there it is” Ally replied smirking and snuggled up to him “Oh Sshh you” He said pouting, kissing her hair.
Once they put the twins to bed they cuddled up on the sofa and watched a film together “Just for the record though I don’t regret anything and I am proud to be your wife and the mother of your children” “Glad to hear it mi amore as I am proud to be your husband and the father of your children in return”
Ally’s hand made its way down Demetri’s stomach fingertips brushing over his crotch and down his thigh then back up to his crotch cupping him and squeezing gently; he growled low “You like that?” She purred and repeated her action before climbing onto his lap straddling him, placing her hands on his cheeks she captured him in a passionate kiss; she bit his lip gently as she grinded against his hardening cock, his lips parting allowing her to deepen the kiss tongues dancing together. ‘He tastes better than I remember’ she thought to herself and started to unbutton his shirt her hands moving over his chest nails lightly scratching him; a light growl left him and he reached  over and ripped off the dress she was wearing “Hey! I liked that dress” “I’ll buy you two new ones cara” He said smiling before getting off the sofa and laying her down on the rug in front of the fireplace; removing his trousers, boxers and her lace panties before settling himself between her legs. She wrapped her legs around him then rolled them over so she was on top and removed her bra “I’ll be gentle with you. I promise” She smiled and winked at him “You’d better” He winked back.
“Remember the last time we were in this position with you on top?” He asks smiling; she smiled back at him, and if she had still been human, she would've blushed for sure. "Oh, I remember..." She answered, gazing down at him. He smirked, his eyes taking in all of his mate's glorious beauty. "God, look at you, Ally..." He breathed, in awe. She bit back another smile, and he laughed softly. "What? Say it, amore." He coaxed gently. She gestured at him lovingly. "Me? Look at YOU, Dem... You're beautiful... I mean…" She said, quickly becoming a little flustered. He laughed again, taking her hands in his. "No, it's okay; I know what you meant..." He reassured her. "Come here, amore..." He added, his red eyes darkening slightly. Ally let a sharp little gasp escape her as she finally, finally lowered herself down onto her mate. Oh, sweet heavens alive, did he feel amazing...! She let out a soft groan at the same time Demetri did, as every last little part of her was now completely claimed by him. "Jesus, Ally..." Demetri said in a ragged, breathless whisper. "I know, Dem... I know…" She answered, moving her hips against his. As she looked down into those dark ruby eyes of his, he gave her a sudden knowing little smile. "What?" She asked, her own crimson irises sparkling with humour. "Just... We're the same temperature now, baby." He remarked, smirking up at her. Ally's eyes widened as she realized he was right: what was once ice, and cold and somewhat foreign to her before, was now warmth, and heat and just... Home. Comfortable, perfect, made for her in every way and shape, possible.
She bit her lip as she looked down at him. He gazed back up at her, his complete love and awe of her newfound immortal soul reflected in his eyes. "Yes, we are... it's perfect. You’re perfect..." She murmured, leaning down to kiss him. He kissed her back with fervour, urgency, a heat that he'd had to hold back on a little bit, when she was still human. But now that Ally was immortal, well... all bets were off. As his tongue intertwined with hers, he let out a shaky breath, her name escaping his lips in a soft moan. She kissed him harder in response, at the same time moving her hips forward on him so he entered her a little bit deeper than before. The new angle caused a groan to escape both of them; the sensations and heightened awareness was all too much, but in the most delicious way. Her head fell back, eyes closed and lips parted slightly as she continued to move her hips over his; his hands trailing up her sides and taking her breasts in his hands squeezing lightly “Ahh” She breathed her hands resting on his chest; her entire body alight from the lightest of touches, he gently thrusted up into her hitting a new spot inside her that had her crying out his name “Demi” He thrusted up into her again as she grinded against him; letting out a hiss as her walls clenched around him, Ally quickened her pace as she chased her release “That’s it baby….” He encouraged feeling his release was close too. Demetri moved one hand down her body until he reached her clit pinching and circling the bundle of nerves and watched in awe as she experienced her first orgasm as a newborn. Ally felt Demetri pull her over the edge and into the abyss; her entire body tingling from head to toe “Oh…God…Yes!” She cried out; Demetri’s release followed “Oh…Ally…”
He sat up still inside her holding her close as he thrusted up into her; riding out their orgasms together. She wrapped her arms around him kissing his neck teeth grazing over his skin before she bit down on his neck and he let out a cry of ecstasy feeling her venom tingle against his neck “You’re mine” She purred in his ear; pride filling him to know she had marked him, claimed him as hers, the way he had marked her, claimed her as his when she was still human. “I thought my first time with you as a human was amazing…but god that was…” “I know baby” He kissed her softly holding her closer to him.
He laid her down on the rug and pulling almost all the way out of her; he ran his hand up her thigh holding her leg to his side as he re-entered her filling her fully, deeply, completely being at one with her. He roughly thrusted into her capturing her lips with his muffling her cry; her nails scratching up his back as he continued to take her roughly, growling into her ear “Sweet Jesus…Ally!” Him enjoying being able to be with his mate intimately without the fear of hurting her “I’m never going to get enough of you baby” He left a trail of open-mouthed kisses along her neck, his teeth grazing her skin “How is that different to when I was human Demi?” She chuckled; he growled in response and thrusted a little rougher that time; a breathless moan leaving their lips as they came together, their orgasms washing over them entirely.
He pulled the blanket down off the sofa and placed it over them as he held her in his arms “This is the part where you would normally fall asleep” He said low “I can always pretend to sleep…if you’d like” She replied winking at him “Don’t you dare amore. I’m only holding you to be a gentleman Ally” He winked at her “I plan to take you again…seeing as you no longer need to sleep” She gasped slightly as he re-entered her “I was hoping you’d take me again” She purred in his ear.
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taylunae · 6 years
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Day 20 Camp Bughead - Sci-Fi
Everyone has a time to look forward to. For most people under the age of eighteen in Riverdale, that year they would turn eighteen. The town was divided into two sides. The Southside and the North.
Every year there was a competition held for those in the Southside. All citizens turning eighteen in that calendar year could participate in a competition. If you won, your family got to move to the North side. It didn’t seem like a big deal to Betty when she was younger. Her family had a nice life. Her mom worked at the local bar serving drinks and her dad worked at the one bank the Southside had.
She had never resented her upbringing, that was, until freshman year when South Side High took their students on a field trip to the North side. Betty had her eyes opened. She had never thought they lived in poverty, and on most days she still didn’t think that they did. What she saw on the North side that day was just how the other half lived.
It was the most disgusting display of wreckless wealth she had ever seen in her life. There were entire gold statues lining main street, mansions that could fit ten houses from Southside in them, food overflowing trash cans, wasted when there were families on the other side of town starving.
Betty had always told herself that she wouldn’t compete in the Ascension, the yearly competition. She was happy with her life, with her families status, much to her mother’s despair.
That was always her belief until Polly got sick. It had started in Betty’s junior year. Polly got skinnier, and then paler, and then skinnier again. None of the Southside doctor’s could figure out what was wrong, and so she continued to waste away. When Hal and Alice had finally saved enough money to take her to the expensive doctor from the Northside who took Southside cases on the side, illegally, they were hit with the worst news.
Cancer. It had seeped into every part of her body. Cancer had been cured years ago, but not for the lower class. The cure was expensive, and so it was saved only for the Northside, never mind that it was barely needed. Most people had excellent health care and access to nutritious food and time to exercise.
When her parents had come home and told her, Betty was angry. She didn’t remember ever even feeling sadness. Just anger at how their world was set up to be unfair from birth. The worst part was, if someone in your family won the Ascension, your family never had to go back to Southside. Your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren would forever live on the North side.
Betty knew what she had to do. She would win the Ascension and get her family to Northside, Polly would be treated and live. She knew that there wasn’t a victor every year. The committee who designed the competition made it extremely difficult to win, they didn’t want to overpopulate Northside. But she would win. She had watched her sister suffer for a year and a half now, slowly fading further and further away from them, but still holding on. She was ready. She had studied fifty years worth of past competitions, trying to learn as much as she could.
When the day came for her to submit her name she was confident. She looked around at the crowd of hopeful victors and new that she had a good chance of winning. That was until she saw him. Blue eyes hard as steel, hair as black as his soul, or so she had heard.
Jughead Jones, successor to the Southside Serpents, the most notorious gang leader in the history of the club. He had taken over for his father last year and had brought the gang into something as close to wealth as you could get on the South side. He ruled with fear and pride, which was probably why it was so surprising that he was here. She had always assumed that he loved his life, that he would never want to leave.
She watched as he sidled up to her, a sinister grin taking over his face. She knew she was staring, but she was doing her best not to let this hiccup derail her. Her planned stayed the same. Win. At all costs.
“What are you doing here, Jones?” She said this quietly, not wanting anyone near them to hear. “It’s not like you actually want to leave Southside. Why not leave the winning for those who need it.” She felt his gaze on her now, but she kept facing forward, pretending to listen to the presenter who was now telling everyone about the dangers of the Ascension.
“You’re not the only one with a sick sister, Cooper. Stay out of my way and you actually may live to see the end of the competition.” Betty scoffed at his threat, paying it no mind. She wasn’t scared of Jughead Jones, or anyone else. She new Jellybean was sick. Had heard it whispered by her mother to her father after one of her shifts at the Wyrm.
She couldn’t let herself feel bad. There were lots of kids competing for lots of good reasons. She couldn’t care about every one of them. In the end, there would only be one winner, and it was going to be her.
Read all Camp Bughead prompts here.
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victorluvsalice · 5 months
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Welcome back to the Chill Valicer Save, where we have reached Summer Sunday! And while today was, unfortunately, one of those days where it was rather hard to get my Sims to do what I wanted them to do (and the save file once again started showing its age), I did in fact get their new snack stand off the ground, among other things –
-->Started with Victor snoozing away in bed, Alice sitting at her computer, and Smiler working on a mechanism in the middle of the night, as they do. I was going to have Alice resume the mystery book she was working on previously (“Who Stole The Tarts?”), but then noticed a specter bopping around in the hallway just outside her and Victor’s bedroom door and decided to see if she could appease it. She thus went out and offered it some aubergine (aka eggplant) conserve – which was accepted, happily! :D The specter left her some wraith wax, and I prepared to have her go get a little bit more sleep (after soothing Shock nearby, who hadn’t liked the appearance of the specter) while Smiler came up to their room to do some upgrades on their streaming drone (namely make it hardier with better parts) –
Aaaand immediately the house started making spooky noises. Waking Victor and Alice up and distracting Smiler from their upgrades. I thus was like “okay, maybe it’s time to do a ceremony and see if we can calm things down a bit around here” and tried to set up one with Victor –
-->Only for him to lose the plot when Temperance basically spawned INSIDE him next to the bed. *sigh* I canceled out the interaction for Smiler and Alice, then reset it up with all of them once I’d taken out Victor’s personal bizarre idol and put it on the side table under the window to scare her away. Yet again. *huffs* Temperance, you’re getting to be ALMOST as annoying as Guidry here. Almost.
-->Anyway – as Temperance proceeded to have a bad time with the bizarre idol, I had Victor lead Smiler and Alice in a group ceremony to increase the spiritual serenity of the house. Everything went very well (and looked very cool with all their crystals and magical stuff in the background), and by the end, not only was the serenity of the house increased, Victor had leveled his Medium skill to level 4, and Smiler theirs to level 2! :D I was very happy with that result and promptly sent Victor and Alice back to bed, and Smiler back to their room to upgrade their drone –
Only for a specter to appear in Smiler’s bedroom RIGHT NEXT to the drone, distracting them with sprinkles. And for Surprise to start yowling outside Victor and Alice’s bedroom to wake Victor up. And then the house to make MORE creepy noises, waking Alice up too. *facepalm* So the ceremony kinda did jack shit. I had Smiler grab their drone and fly down to the crafting barn to do the upgrades AWAY from any further supernatural distraction, while Victor lectured Surprise and FINALLY got the cat to understand she shouldn’t wake up Sims before using the toilet and FINALLY going and getting a bit more sleep with Alice. *sigh* This house sometimes, I swear...
-->Anyway – I sped up time for a little bit, letting Smiler do their upgrades and Alice and Victor sleep...then noticed Shock clawing one of the living room chairs and had Alice (now full energy, at least) wake up and run downstairs to tell her not to do that. The cat wasn’t sure why she was being lectured, but at least she stopped! Seeing that Alice was burning with Fury and also hungry, I then had her transform into her werewolf form and go out for a hunt –
And briefly encountered a weird bug where my game didn’t have sound for maybe half a minute. O.o I’m not sure what caused it, unfortunately – it happened a couple more times while on the home lot this morning, but then stopped once I got the gang out and about in Brindleton Bay. Could just be random Sims weirdness, could be a sign that this save file is on its way out. Not sure which, but something to look out for in future, I guess.
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victorluvsalice · 6 years
AU Thursday: Londerland Bloodlines -- Evolution
All right -- last week, I made a post to bring everyone back up to speed on the Londerland Bloodlines AU -- the one with Malkavian Vampire!Alice, Ghoul!Victor, and a surprise Vemilicia situation. Now, I figured it's time to discuss some of the changes I've made since I last seriously talked about this thing:
-->Obviously, the biggest one is putting Bonejangles, aka Sam Thatcher, into the AU after realizing there was basically no reason not to. He's part of the "Giovanni zombie" set with Emily and Lizzie, summoned and bound back to flesh by the clan's necromantic magic. He proved to be as uncooperative as the girls and was imprisoned in the room across the hall -- Emily was simultaneously glad and horrified to see him. He's busted out with the others, of course, and starts working to make a new life for himself in the modern age (with Lizzie, of course -- they form a connection while locked up, and it progresses to romance once they're free and can actually see each other).
-->Speaking of the Giovanni, the whole quest with them goes very differently than I originally planned. Rather than Alice and Victor sneaking into the family reunion as a "cousin" and her fiancee via stolen invitation (and getting some unwanted attention as the Giovanni are thrilled to have a Van Dort of Van Dort Fish potentially joining their ranks), I'm thinking instead Victoria wrangles an actual invitation of her own to the party. How? Well, in a past post, I had the elder Everglots obliviously introduce her to one of the clan (named Augustus Giovanni for now; last name subject to change as they're not all surnamed that) while they were looking for another "suitable" boyfriend for her. Victoria rejected him at the time (in fact, getting away from him and her parents was her reason for moving to L.A.), but when she hears that Alice has to sneak in into the family reunion to retrieve the Sarcophagus, she calls him up with the number he gave her, and suggests that she'd be willing to come as his date. Augustus is all for it, and she plays distraction while Alice breaks into the house via another route. I haven't decided yet whether Victor joins Victoria upstairs somehow (and runs into the same "Giovanni are all about a Van Dort" trouble) or sneaks into the crypt with Alice (and ends up helping her fight the Kue-jin brothers mini-boss). I'd still like to involve Nadia, the necromancer-in-training who will kindly sneak the PC downstairs if you treat her nicely while crashing the party, but I'm not sure how yet. Maybe's visiting Emily, Lizzie, and Sam, debating with herself about whether or not she wants to free them? (Because mindless undead monsters are one thing, but this group can clearly think and they're not having a good time. . .)
-->Gross side note: The Giovanni forced their three zombies to eat human flesh, claiming it was necessary to prevent them rotting away. Once the trio get their hands on the book that created them, they discover they only have to eat meat daily -- what kind isn't important. They're both disgusted and pissed.
-->Most of the vampires in Los Angeles end up ticking Alice off one way or another (she doesn't trust LaCroix, an ill-timed joke and a refusal to accept an apology spoils any relationship with Nines, Isaac demanding tribute REALLY rubs her the wrong way, she gets along with Strauss until the gargoyle incident and the reveal that he basically made himself a slave, etc), but she does end up on at least semi-good terms with a few:
A) Beckett -- I knew they'd get along from the start, as he reminds me a lot of the Cheshire Cat in Gangrel form. They form a great snarky friendship as the game goes on. Helps that Rosa confirms he’s basically one of two people you can fully trust.
B) Bertram Tung -- the Nosferatu whom you have to find at the beginning of the game. Even if he and Knox manipulate her into killing the Cathayan for them, Alice appreciates that he's a little more honest than most of the vampires she meets, and he gives her more information on the clans than she got from anyone else. She's likely to go to him if she needs information on something.
C) The Voerman Sisters -- Alice sympathizes strongly with their backstory, and manages to get them to join forces by reminding them they used to get along -- and telling them that there are plenty of people out there who call Therese a bitch and Jeannette a slut, getting them both riled up in a "how dare they, the only one allowed to insult my sister is me" fashion. She remains welcome at the Asylum afterward, and she and Victor keep it as a regular clubbing spot if they want to go out.
D) Ash Rivers -- Alice thinks he's a bit whiny when she first meets him, but emphasizes with his backstory of being turned without a choice and helps him escape the hunters. She's horrified when she finds him in the vampire hunters' lair later and helps free him without a second thought; he ends up repaying the favor by helping her and the professor she's there to rescue escape when main baddie Bach sets the place to explode (Ash is a Toreador, meaning he gets access to the "super speed" discipline). He disappears after that, but he and Alice at least part on good terms.
E) Velvet Velour -- Alice likes that she prefers all her quests be solved with as little bloodshed as possible, and in a weird way she kind of reminds her of Nanny (not that she knows a good way to tell her that). I have actually become surprisingly invested in Velvet and given her a rather interesting backstory -- Velvet's past self, Susan, had a boyfriend who turned out to be a Sabbat Toreador. He offered her immortality -- and then Embraced her and smashed her over the head with a shovel, as is typical for Sabbat. Velvet clawed her way out of her own grave and immediately ran for it -- she bumped into Isaac and begged for help. Isaac, realizing she had no intentions of attacking anyone, "adopted" her, and argued that she should be allowed as a regular member of good L.A. vampire society. The motion passed with Strauss of all people backing Isaac up (which makes sense with him letting a Tremere PC into the usually-heavily-guarded Tremere pyramid once they prove themselves via sidequests), explaining why Velvet sees Isaac as a father figure and playfully flirts with Strauss every chance she gets. She and Alice end up becoming quite good friends, and Emily gets along great with her too.
-->Alice also becomes pals with Mercurio (stand-up guy who buys her the good shit -- she gives him plenty of warning when she goes after LaCroix at the end so he can cover his ass and find a new source of blood); Knox (he helps her find Victor, which makes up for the Cathayan stuff); Venus Dare (she actually ends up completing BOTH sides of the sidequest where you either kill Boris for her (and become a silent partner in her club and get a steady stream of cash) or kill her for Boris (and get a one-time payment and the chance to feel evil) by taking Boris's offer, going back to Venus, conspiring with her to fake Venus's death, going back and getting the payment from Boris, and then killing him); and Yukie (she is totally on-board to help the girl get her revenge against the shark demon who killed her mentor, especially after learning Yukie's an orphan. She also learns that Yukie speaks English perfectly well and her broken phrasing and random sprinklings of Japanese phrases is an act for the tourists).
-->When it's time to storm the Sabbat (both on LaCroix's orders and because they've kidnapped Lizzie and Victoria before they could get out of town with Sam -- Victor and Emily managed to flee earlier), Alice begs a few different vampires to help her out, only to be rebuffed. She's basically at the end of her rope when, by chance, she happens to run into Bertram (who's recently visited the Hollywood Nosferatu warrens for a reason I haven't determined yet) and Velvet (taking a break from her club). She tells them about her predicament, and Betram figures he can help her. . .
And so does Velvet, who grabs the leather jacket her asshole ex buried her with and marches into the Hallowbrook Hotel with Alice, Bertram, and Sam. They help Alice get through the Sabbat vampires (Velvet even getting the chance to slay her ex -- with a shovel no less) and rescue Lizzie and Victoria. Alice ghouls Victoria to help save her from the wounds inflicted by the Sabbat, then tasks Sam, Velvet, and Bertram with getting them out safely while she goes after Andrei. They escape successfully while Alice plunges deeper, and Velvet and Bertram help Sam, Lizzie, and Victoria get to the city limits. Because sometimes vampires can be nice.
-->You know how, when you're going after LaCroix at the end of the game and you need to fight your way through the army of human and vampire guards standing between you and the asshole? I recently came up with a funny idea -- Alice using her beloved Obfuscate and a bit of pinched climbing gear to SCALE THE TOWER FROM THE OUTSIDE and scare the CRAP out of LaCroix by bursting through his window. Unfortunately, the Sheriff intervenes before she can get him, and she still has to go through that boss battle. But LaCroix is pretty damn rattled, as you might expect. (No wonder he flubs his Dominate attempt on her later!)
-->Okay, this one is an idea I’ve actually had in mind for a while, but I haven’t actually brought it up, I don’t think. Remember how I said earlier that pretty much every vampire ends up pissing Alice off for one reason or another during her time in L.A.? Well, that includes Smiling Jack. She’s actually on reasonably good terms with him for most of the story -- he helped her when she’d just been turned, and he’s easily the most “chill” of the Brujahs she knows -- and willing to drop some information when she needs it. And she appreciates that, even if he thinks of humans as “cattle,” he doesn’t go out of his way to kill them.
And then the sarcophagus explodes. And Alice manages to figure out who was behind the explosion. And while she doesn’t give a damn about LaCroix -- she knows there were innocent people inside his tower. And she remembers very well the horrors she saw on the Elizabeth Dane.
Which is why I have a very clear scene in my head of Alice STAKING Jack at the end of her time in L.A. and leaving him for the sunrise.
Granted, I know this is kind of implausible, given the badass Jack apparently is -- I imagine her pulling it off ONLY because she has top-level Obfuscate at this point, and manages to hit his heart on what she knows will be her only try. She also knows doing this will have consequences -- chiefly, she’d best never set foot in Los Angeles again. Because if anyone finds out it was her. . .fortunately, she’s happy enough to leave the city behind and head north to where her little family has settled down in Hill Valley. (Though she does miss the friends she made there -- I imagine Velvet at the very least stays in touch.)
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