#keep thine fingers crossed!
victorluvsalice · 1 month
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Welcome back to the Chill Valicer Save, where we have reached Summer Sunday! And while today was, unfortunately, one of those days where it was rather hard to get my Sims to do what I wanted them to do (and the save file once again started showing its age), I did in fact get their new snack stand off the ground, among other things –
-->Started with Victor snoozing away in bed, Alice sitting at her computer, and Smiler working on a mechanism in the middle of the night, as they do. I was going to have Alice resume the mystery book she was working on previously (“Who Stole The Tarts?”), but then noticed a specter bopping around in the hallway just outside her and Victor’s bedroom door and decided to see if she could appease it. She thus went out and offered it some aubergine (aka eggplant) conserve – which was accepted, happily! :D The specter left her some wraith wax, and I prepared to have her go get a little bit more sleep (after soothing Shock nearby, who hadn’t liked the appearance of the specter) while Smiler came up to their room to do some upgrades on their streaming drone (namely make it hardier with better parts) –
Aaaand immediately the house started making spooky noises. Waking Victor and Alice up and distracting Smiler from their upgrades. I thus was like “okay, maybe it’s time to do a ceremony and see if we can calm things down a bit around here” and tried to set up one with Victor –
-->Only for him to lose the plot when Temperance basically spawned INSIDE him next to the bed. *sigh* I canceled out the interaction for Smiler and Alice, then reset it up with all of them once I’d taken out Victor’s personal bizarre idol and put it on the side table under the window to scare her away. Yet again. *huffs* Temperance, you’re getting to be ALMOST as annoying as Guidry here. Almost.
-->Anyway – as Temperance proceeded to have a bad time with the bizarre idol, I had Victor lead Smiler and Alice in a group ceremony to increase the spiritual serenity of the house. Everything went very well (and looked very cool with all their crystals and magical stuff in the background), and by the end, not only was the serenity of the house increased, Victor had leveled his Medium skill to level 4, and Smiler theirs to level 2! :D I was very happy with that result and promptly sent Victor and Alice back to bed, and Smiler back to their room to upgrade their drone –
Only for a specter to appear in Smiler’s bedroom RIGHT NEXT to the drone, distracting them with sprinkles. And for Surprise to start yowling outside Victor and Alice’s bedroom to wake Victor up. And then the house to make MORE creepy noises, waking Alice up too. *facepalm* So the ceremony kinda did jack shit. I had Smiler grab their drone and fly down to the crafting barn to do the upgrades AWAY from any further supernatural distraction, while Victor lectured Surprise and FINALLY got the cat to understand she shouldn’t wake up Sims before using the toilet and FINALLY going and getting a bit more sleep with Alice. *sigh* This house sometimes, I swear...
-->Anyway – I sped up time for a little bit, letting Smiler do their upgrades and Alice and Victor sleep...then noticed Shock clawing one of the living room chairs and had Alice (now full energy, at least) wake up and run downstairs to tell her not to do that. The cat wasn’t sure why she was being lectured, but at least she stopped! Seeing that Alice was burning with Fury and also hungry, I then had her transform into her werewolf form and go out for a hunt –
And briefly encountered a weird bug where my game didn’t have sound for maybe half a minute. O.o I’m not sure what caused it, unfortunately – it happened a couple more times while on the home lot this morning, but then stopped once I got the gang out and about in Brindleton Bay. Could just be random Sims weirdness, could be a sign that this save file is on its way out. Not sure which, but something to look out for in future, I guess.
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for @eilinelsghost. dear frankie, you are such a genuinely wonderful, talented, amazingly intelligent and kind presence on this hellsite and the world at last, and deserve all things lovely. have some balan/finrod as a humble offering among with all the rest! <33
“Very pretty it is, to be sure,” Bëor said, voice rasping low, painfully low in throat eve as his face creased with mirth. “But I am sure I do not know what I would do with a handful of your hair, Felagund! Strange creatures the Eldar be indeed, to so long for that exchange.” 
Finrod's eyes widened. His mouth was less dire than it had been for days, but there was something somber still about the tilt of his brows. 
Balan would feel rather like a fiend to prickle him for his entreaty, if he were not being half-cheated by its terms.
“It is a perfectly common sharing of tokens among my people.” 
“Among my people the throwing of leaves and pointing of fingers is a perfectly common exchange of tokens when one is being a daft liar, too, and I do not think you so eager for that! You fairies are dreadfully jealous of your braids, one and all.” 
Finrod was not bold enough to deny it. Perhaps he was in earnest - the notion only made Balan ache more fiercely. 
They were very careful about their gifts, the two of them, since their first exchanges had ended in mild poisoning, and Finrod finding how very much his constitution disagreed with the smoking pipes the Edain favoured. 
Finrod had been almost diffident in his offer, as he had not been for years. He looked down now at Balan now, palms pressed together in the way Balan had learned he did when he was uncertain of which question to request. 
 “It does happen rarely, and I do not say It is not a tremendous honour. I ask much from one who is dear to me; too much for a whim; and I am sorry for it.” 
Balan sighed. His bones felt too tight. His mouth was parched, but he did not wish to ask for a glass of water, and he was not certain he would be able to cross the room easily; and he was not certain Finrod would be able to withstand it easily. 
Finrod seemed not less brittle to his eyes. Singing too long left the line of his cheeks sharper, his eyes dangerous as wisps of light over bog waters. His dear lord, who had not slept in many nights to keep him from the edge of mortal harm. 
He clasped Finrod’s hand warmly. The fine, long bones stilled for a moment, and then wound between his with accustomed gentleness.
 “It is that must apologize,” Balan said. “Ask what thou wilt as a gift, and never doubt it be thine. Art not not my lord, and my dear friend? It would be a honour to have such a token, for even a meager hair would be a treasure given from thy hands. But I suspect it is not thy people’s way to be light about such thing; and I think fear moves thee in this more than a mere whim. If it is so, I would not have it not be kept silent, and take insidious root.” 
Finrod’s fingers tightened around his. He strove for lightness of tone, and failed as he rarely did when he attempted it. “Thou canst not wonder that I fear! Warm as coal was thy brow, and heard not what I said when I spoke.” 
Balan tilting his head to meet Finrod’s eyes, smiling almost despite himself at the light of love on the king’s face. He bent, and kissed the fine knuckles; and at last Finrod smiled as well. 
Only then when he knew he was heard entirely did he say, “Felagund, dear lord. I am not dying; nay, not yet, and not soon either I judge. This is but a spring cold, from the changing of the wind and the cold air. Dangerous if uncared for; but thou hast cared for me better than ever my people were loved. It shall pass. Indeed, after the songs and pastes and infusions, it is nearly gone already. I would say if it grew worse, be not afraid of that.” 
Balan was struck once again - as he often was - by how real Finrod was, for all his strangeness. This cheekbone was very like his own; the eyes that shone and saw the world in different shades, the quick mind that guessed at the unknowable and predicted past and future. They had made a friendship out of generous wonder in each other and for each other. The last thing he wished was to make Finrod doubt it. 
He found the strands of his head strange tokens to exchange, but it seemed discourteous to refuse the trade outright, when Felagund was so plainly well-meaning.
And so peculiarly covetous, too. Balan was not blind to the way Finrod stood raptly with held breath, whenever he saw him brushing back his hair after swimming, or oiling the strands and redoing the braids by the fire in the evenings. 
He could not say he disliked the attention, that he had not met Finrod’s glances a hundred times.
He could not say the offer was not to him what he knew to be to Finrod - he had seen too many elvish warriors with the braids of their betrotheds carried in medallions about their necks, or kinsmen wound in goldwire and silver, set with amber and pearls around their wrists.
 Solemnly, Finrod brought out one of his many knives. A swift stroke, and one of his impossibly bright braids fell into Balan’s palm; and his own closed around Balan’s own gift. 
Finrod studied it with such care, Bëor's spindly, bristling braid, the gray threaded with the fading fairness of his hair. 
Balan looked at his hand, a little disbelieving. More beautiful than gold was that slender braid, enthralling as the stars, thin and fine as spidersilk - Balan had stared at it as often as Finrod looked at him in admiration.
 It was not less lovely for being in his hand, and seemed all the more startling in its beauty; but Balan’s eyes were still, always, for the curling strands that framed Finrod’s temples, the fine lashes that kissed his cheeks.  
How strange it was, that all the brightness in him should be turned to him, bent like a candlewick under the weight of its own flame. All the time he had known Finrod he had seen him lonesome among his people, lordly and unwed, brushing his own hair alone; and it had wounded him from the first.
For all the differences between them, that particular loneliness was something Balan recognized so well.
His hand fit so well in Balan's, all the same. He had held him for days and day, without letting go: whenever Balan was strong enough to open his eyes, he had seen him - his golden braids fraying, unattended, as he willed Balan to live. 
In the delirium of his fever Balan had dreamed foul dreams. It had felt to him as if a great darkness had descended upon Finrod, as if great walls of stone parted them; crushed, limbs heavy, he had cried out. Reached for him, as if were being chased by a prowling thing, and growing ever more distant; and now he saw, clear as grass, a mirrored anguish in the way Finrod held Balan's cut braid as if it were half an heirloom already. 
"Thank thee," Finrod said, grave as if it were a rite.
“I am very generous,” Balan agreed, teasing as well as he could. His heart pressing painfully against his ribs. He felt feverish still, with fear and boldness now; but he had to speak, say this much at least. “But I fear I am about to be more outrageous still; for there is beauty greater still I would have, still. Among my people, embraces are also exchanged as tokens, between friends who hold each other dear.”
Finrod's breathing hitched and ceased again.
He did not say he had heard the words unspoken. He did not speak of death; or love. The gift his people gave and traded as promises unspooled itself in Balan’s hand, and nothing like an oath came with it; but Balan needed nothing of the like tonight.
If it was greedy to ask for more, it would be cruel to give less, when even his ageless face was dimned with the weariness of the vigil he had kept by Balan's side, his shoulders tight with fear. 
“So it is, among my people as well,” said Finrod, and stopped, until Balan thought he would turn his face away, and rise, and hide the dark rope of Balan’s hair away forever to be wept over in days and years to come.
But the grip between Balan’s fingers eased, then grew stronger again. Finrod bent down over the bedside; until Balan touched the living strands of his hair, entwined his fingers about it.
That was too much. The dark braid was set aside carefully; and then, swiftly, with a surge of urgency, Finrod held him. Laid his hands over his back, feeling the movement of his heart and lungs; and Balan stroked his head with its wisps of shorn hair, eased his fear as well as he could.
Tomorrow, the cedarwod casket that held Balan's pins and rings, Belen's childhood gifts of bone-whistles and Baran's prettiest pebbles would receive a new, no less beloved treasure. Tomorrow, Finrod would hide the stands of Beren's hair away in truth, somewhere secret and well-kept where tokens of love could be held without marring for many centuries.
For tonight they could give each other this gift - grasp tight, and not let go until the sun rose over the mountain.
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mysticmunson · 2 years
from the script, part 3; eddie munson
prompt: the preachers daughter decides to help eddie munson study shakespeare to take a glance into the life of a normal teenager. but when they become best friends, things become a tad more complicated
word count: 7.8k, authors note at the end :)
warning: smut (18+), religious themes, mentions of drowning, shame in regards to sex, let me know if i missed any :)
part one part two
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Romeo and Juliet was the next assignment, oh the irony. You could even see the small smirk that etched Eddie’s lips as soon as it left Mrs. Cain’s mouth.
The night Eddie kissed you felt like a fever dream through your hungover fog. But the feeling was prominent, swearing your lips tingled for hours after. The car ride home from the hotel went smoothly, mainly just chatting and listening to his mixtapes from bands you had never heard of. 
Finding yourself at Eddie’s trailer the night the assignment was announced was expected, there was only a week for this one versus the two weeks for Venus and Adonis. You figured that due to your growing comfort around each other, it would go easier than the initial script.
“So, the upcoming test is on Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare from the 1590s, It’s about 2 rivaling families, I’m sure you’ve heard at least a bit.” You explained, sitting on his bed with legs crossed, your elbows resting against your denim clad legs. Eddie sat against the wall, legs straight out horizontally to you. 
“I’ve heard of it. They meet, they fuck, they die. End of story.” He retaliated, crossing his arms against his chest with a puff of air exerting. You rolled your eyes, opening both of your books to the beginning. 
Having read the first few scenes in class, you begin at Act One, Scene Four when Romeo arrives at the Capulet's feast. “If love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down. Give me a case to put my visage in! A visor for a visor. What care I What curious eye doth cote deformities? Here are the beetle brows shall blush for me.”
“What was it with this dude and being so pent up all the time?” Eddie exclaimed, laughing a bit at the drawn out way to say these guys liked rough sex. The flush of blood still rose to your cheeks at his crass comments, though you are more accustomed now than when you first met.
“This is where Romeo and Juliet first meet, so I’ll play Juliet-” You started, pointing a finger at the scene change.
His quick remark halted you, standing up from the bed, “What if I want to be her!”
“Quiet, we need to keep going!”  
You couldn’t help the smile that surfaced, ignoring him as you began reading, “Patience perforce with willful choler meeting. Makes my flesh tremble in their different greeting. I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall Now seeming sweet, convert to bitterest gall.” The words were of Tybalt before Romeo approaches Juliet, leaving the boy across from you to respond. 
Not sure why he felt nervous, he pushed through Romeo’s suggestive words, “If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.” The scene continues as Juliet reassures Romeo that he is not beneath her as Eddie paced the room.
“O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.” He quoted, his dialect wavering into English at the prestigious words, you could feel his eyes on you.
Looking at him as he walked closer to you, “Saints do not move, though grant for prayers sake.” You stuttered the next line, his index finger bent and lifting your chin.
He leaned closer, “​​Then move not, while my prayers effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged.” You couldn’t deny that the ancient text was alluring coming from him, but you pulled away with nerves.
“Then have my lips the sin that they have took.” You mumbled, feeling blood rush to your cheeks, but his finger found your chin again, a kind smile upon him.
“Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.” He cited the book, pressing his lips onto yours slowly. He felt your pointed breath of surprise, but engulfed in his affections. 
He pulled away, lingering for a trice, your minty breath tickling his tongue. As you went to lean in again, he backed away, “I don’t think that’s in the script, sweetheart.” He condescended, as much as he wanted to kiss you for the rest of your time together, he just had to tease a bit.
You scoffed, crossing your arms, “Since when did you want to act it out?”
“Since you decided to be a little deviant!” He attested, lifting his hands in surrender as your mouth fell open.
“I am not!” You protested, crossing your arms as your thighs clenched, it was okay to lie sometimes. He pursed his lips and shook his head, coming back towards you.
Looking at his face, expecting some come back, you were only met with his hand on your thigh that inched closer to where you needed him. As your breath staggered, he sneered at you, already opening your legs subconsciously. He nudged his head down to make you look at your movement which caused you to immediately close them, hand suffocated between your thighs.
“So if I asked to eat you out again, you would say ‘Oh no! Never a preacher's daughter!’” He mocked, swiping his hair to the side and batting his lashes. 
You nodded your head as he looked with amusement, he could tell you were being playful.
“Yeah, only because I want to do something else.” You lead on, his eyebrows rising to await your conclusion, “Can you teach me how to give you a blow job?”
You had heard kids at school talk about sexual acts, usually ignoring them to divert your attention to something else, but when you overheard two girls raving about being on their knees for their boyfriends in study hall, it intruded your thoughts. You liked the idea of pleasing Eddie, being good for him, obedient even. 
When the words left your mouth, Eddie thought he was punched in the gut, losing any ounce of self respect in his body because he had felt like such a perv for imagining you that way. Innocently sitting in your bows, dresses or skirts, or form fitting jeans. 
Of course his mind had trailed to more scandalous thoughts of you, especially after he had gotten a chance to taste you. Anytime he jerked it, he thought he could still hear your soft mewls and cries, getting frustrated as he tried to think of anything else. He tried stealing porno’s from a sex store, flipping through old dirty magazines, but nothing compared to just the thought of you.
“Are you sure?” He replied hesitantly, already feeling blood rush downwards. You bit your lip slightly, nodding as your hands cautiously went to his belt. He watched as you slowly undid it, unzipping him to his bulge prodding out. 
You dragged down his jeans to his midthigh, looking at his tuft of hair above his naval.  Fingers looped under his waistband, you pulled it down to reveal him, your mouth watering almost immediately. 
“Oh my, you’re huge.” You whimpered, but he laughed boisterously, blushing at your meek disposition. He ran a hand through your hair before cupping the back of yours so you could look at him.
“Hate to break it to you, but I’m not full hard yet.” He winked, feeling yourself become more flustered mentally and sexually, the line was beginning to blur between the two.
“There’s more?” You whispered, another chuckle coming from him as he pulled your hands to stand as he laid down, upper back propped against the headboard. He motioned you towards him, you assumed to lay between his legs, but he dragged you up.
His mouth met yours again, much more intensely than the times previously, tasting the faint taste of weed against his tongue. He let you go as you slinked down, “Should I pull your pants all the way off?”
“I think it’s more comfortable that way, if that’s cool.” He responded as you yanked them down, leaving him nude from the waist down. Slightly intimidated, you laid on your stomach, lifting it between one hand to tentatively lick it.
He hissed, making you drop it and afraid you had done something wrong already. “Shit, no you’re good, I’m just, fuck-” You cut him off when your mouth covered his tip, sucking gently. While you had no idea what you were doing, besides eavesdropping on those girls, you tried seeing how he reacted to certain things.
To fit more of him in, you shoved him to the back of your throat, but it constricted and you choked. His eyes flew open and cupped your cheek to pull it up, “Be careful, don’t do that.”
“Sorry.” You sniffled, eyes watering, it was very erotic and you did feel how his abdomen clenched. 
“You’re okay, just don’t want you to hurt yourself. Do whatever feels right.” He quipped, watching as your hand stroked lazily at his base. You were looking intently at his prick, biting your cheek in concentration. You leaned down to his balls, licking a stripe before sucking one, swapping to the other. 
He gasped as you stroked quicker, eventually licking up the base of his length to the tip. You made another attempt to put him in your mouth, swallowing around him as he groaned, legs spreading even further. 
“Fuck, you’re good at this already.” He hummed, your giggled vibrating around him, leading him to clench the blanket beneath you two. Without much thought, you took his hands on each side and put them on your head, hands going back to his waist to keep steady.
“Want me to guide you?” He questioned, you let out a breathy acknowledgement as he combed his hands through. He started by just rocking your hair back and forth, agonizingly slow in fear of going too rough. When he looked down, you were staring at him with glossy eyes. “Tap my hip if you can’t answer, but want to stop, okay?”
You conducted the motion for approval as he nodded, pulling you further down onto him. His tip pressed the back of your throat as you whimpered, opening up your mouth even more. You hated how much you enjoyed this, letting him use you for his own pleasure.
You grew more wet as his grip tightened on your hair, pulling you down gently to the base as you took him fully. You whimpered, sending a shutter down his body at the sensation. 
“Good girl.” He praised, “Do you like sucking my dick?” Letting you come up for air, you affirmed, still stroking him and twisting your wrist. It was becoming harder to contain himself as you continued, mouth meeting his length once again and going about halfway.
“M’gonna come,” He panted, “Where do you want it? Hand, mouth, or?” You didn’t need to answer because your mouth just went down, bobbing your head up and down while your hand took care of what couldn’t be taken in. He whined as his hands held your smooth locks, resisting the urge to thrust forward in your throat. 
With a final constriction in your mouth, he came, the taste making your eyes roll back in pleasure. While it wasn’t the best flavor in the world, the pure bliss brought by it made it devine. You continued the motions until he lifted you up, yanking up his boxers before pulling your face to his as he kissed you again.
“C’mere.” He gruffed, spinning you to sit on his lap, back pressed to his chest. Undoing the button on your jeans, he shoved his hand into your panties. His fingers glided through your wetness, completely soaked.
Your hands gripped his thighs as he let his middle finger in, clenching around him instantly. Kisses pressed the side of your head, his small stubble tickling your cheeks. 
“What were you thinking about when you were sucking my dick?” He muttered against your ear, removing his finger to begin rubbing your clit. 
“You.” Was all that would come up, too focused on his pressure below.
“Well I’d hope so,” He grinned, “What about me?” 
What he received was you moaning his name which almost made him hard all over again. But he wanted to pick at your mind, what did the innocent preacher’s daughter think about when her mouth was stuffed?
His movement stopped to your dismay, smacking your cunt gently and retracting them from your fabric. The broken look you gave him made him want to drop everything and live with his hands shoved inside of you.
“Let’s take these off.” He instructed, helping you pull down your jeans and underwear. You looked at the ground until his hands double tasked, one back at the original objective and the other pressing your cheek against his shoulder so you were forced to look at him.
He gave a cheeky smile, he sadistically loved watching you get embarrassed, knowing that all he was doing to warrant this was making you feel good. You noticed he was still awaiting your answer.
“I thought about you touching me here” You answered, gasping when his finger went into your pussy, maintaining the rhythm on your clit with his palm. You realized then how large his hands really were, practically swallowing you whole. 
“This feels good.” You mused, your hot breath fanning his neck. He slipped another digit inside, mewling at the pleasant stretch. 
He could’ve egged you on for more information to your dirty fantasies, but he noticed himself recovering from his own finish faster than normal, probably because he usually resorted to photos of adult film stars, not a real life girl in his lap.
Taking the liberty of speeding up, he felt you begin to unravel, just approaching an orgasm. He moved his other hand that was on your cheek to your clit, giving you more stimulation. You began to shake like a leaf, throwing your head back and your mouth hung open.
“Eddie, please.” You mumbled, his arms pulling you in closer to his chest as continued his tirade. He felt as you constricted, crying out as you finished around his fingers in a slick mess. He let you ride it out as long as he could until you started to squirm.
He put one hand on your stomach to keep you steady, rubbing there comfortingly while bringing his fingers that had been inside you to his mouth.
“Fuck, you taste so good.” He mentioned absentmindedly, turning to kiss your jaw. He lifted you off him to help you get your undergarments back on, then your form fitting jeans that made him bite his lip. 
“That was fun.” You laid down next to him, cheeks still red from your shared climaxes with shallow breathing. 
“I don’t think they do that in Romeo and Juliet though.” He teased, enjoying how every joke he said was funny to you, getting to hear your sweet laugh. 
“I guess we could still die at the end if you really want to?” You snickered, playing with his guitar pick necklace that was warm against his skin. 
“Nope, no dying on my watch, giggles.” You rolled your eyes at the nickname he had given you during your drunken escapades. You both laid in silence, letting you continue to fiddle with his necklaces until you felt teeth on your shoulder.
“Ow, Eddie!” You pushed his shoulder as he grinned, biting onto your arm again. “You’re such a weirdo, stop!” 
While he had been called that name many times before, it took a whole new meaning when he knew you loved that about him. It was affectionate and endearing, not derogatory. The way you kissed him after the word left your lips had him laughing as well. He wished you two could just live in his room forever, away from the judgment of everyone else, just letting him playfully bite your arm.
If Eddie thought eating you out had an affect on him, letting you suck his dick was like he got slapped in the face. 
The mental image of you laid between his legs entered his mind multiple times a day, usually just trying to focus on other things, but it led to a lot of jerking off. He didn’t think he could ask that from you, even though he knew you liked it. You were just his tutor, when the play assignments ended, more than likely you would stop. You guys weren’t dating, but sometimes he wished you guys were. 
You could feel Eddie’s eyes on you in the school cafeteria, giving him a small wave that he returned, chewing gum in a way that made you want to freak out. It seemed like he could just breathe and you were ready to pounce. 
You sat down next to your church friends Monica, Francine, and Tina. You had been friends since diapers, their parents playing an active role in the church, meaning you spent almost every moment with them at school, worship, and activities. 
“Hello?” Monica, waved dramatically to get you out of your gaze at your barely eaten lunch. You took a bite and looked up to see the rest of your friends looking at you as well. 
“What’s up?” Swallowing some of your mom's leftover lasagna, bringing a napkin to wipe at your mouth. Monica rolled her eyes across from you as Francine beside you bumped your arm. 
“What’s the deal with you? You’ve been super distant, zoning out all the time.” Francine sneered, giving a strange look as you fiddled more with your food. 
You shrugged, “Just tired, I suppose.” 
Tina looked at Monica who sat beside her, a giddy look coming on, “We heard about your date with Gregory Marsh, it’s him, isn’t it?” Maries manicured nails tapped against the plastic tables, all eyes on you as you took a sip of a drink. Anything to get you out of talking was going to be utilized as much as possible.
“He’s nice.” Which was true, Gregory Marsh was a nice guy, and he was the type of guy your friends would want. If they even knew you went to Eddie’s house alone, they would lose their minds. 
“And nice looking.” Francine wiggled her brows, “How was the date?”
That date wasn’t filled with memories of a Hawkins golden boy, no, it was quite literally the opposite. Eddie Munson pulling you into a small bathroom and fingering you for a brief moment before things went haywire. 
They all stopped eating and looked at you blankly, awaiting any more details that would satisfy their need to gossip. While they claimed their discussions of other people’s personal lives were motivated by concern, you knew they liked a juicy story.
“Okay,” Monica dragged out, “What have you been doing then?”
“Church, school, tutoring. The usual stuff.” You attempted to keep as calm as possible, you were an awful liar so if they got too nosey, you could be a goner. 
“Who are you tutoring? Someone in elementary or middle school?” Tina inquired, taking a bite of her turkey sandwich, but you shook your head. 
“No, someone in our grade.” You clarified, finishing your lunch and cursing that you had nothing else to hide behind. 
Monica looked around the cafeteria, “No way! Who is it? Are they failing?” 
You chuckled, “Not anymore.”
As her eyes searched the dining room, she racked her brain trying to figure who it was, but noticed a certain boy looking in your direction before going back to his intense conversation.
“Hold up. No, no, no.” Monica huffed, fingers coming up to rub her temples, Francine and Tina leaning in closer. Your blood ran cold, you didn’t like people talking negatively about Eddie, even if it seemed like a norm in the halls. 
“Please tell me you are not tutoring Eddie Munson.” Her voice was chilling as she gritted the words, the other girls' mouths gaping as they glanced over at him.
“I am.” You confirmed, taking a sip of water to combat your nerves drying your throat, “And he’s doing well, should graduate this year.” Your leg bounced beneath the table as the girls had varying displays of confusion.
“He worships the devil! What's wrong with you?” Francine lectured, keeping her voice low as you looked over sharply.
“Firstly, he doesn’t worship the devil. Secondly, I was asked to by Mrs. Cain. Plus isn’t it good to befriend people different from us!” They were still unsatisfied with your response, looking startled that you would even be in his presence. 
Tina scoffed, “You’re ridiculous, what did your dad say?” Your face dropped at her question, your dad was aware you were tutoring someone, but he didn’t ask many details. Like their gender, name, or if they had any past of being the target of public scrutiny.
“He doesn’t know, does he?” Francine gasped, her palm covering her mouth as your anxiety grew. You wanted to crawl into a hole, they could easily take the only positive friend in your life away from you and feel no guilt.
“Sweetheart, we have to tell him. What if Eddie does something-” Monica began, but your hands slapped on the table quickly, making an abrupt noise that was covered by the murmurs of fellow students.
“You don’t have to do anything and he wouldn’t hurt me. If you’re worried about it, talk to me, not my dad.” You maintained their stares as Tina shook her head, raising her arms, looking at you in disgust.
Francine put a hand on your back, “You know it’s wrong, going to a boys house alone like that. You shouldn’t be doing that, it’s not okay.” Tears lined your eyes at their beratement, opening your mouth with nothing coming forward. 
Tina’s hand touched yours, giving you a sympathetic smile, “It’s okay, you were just tempted, we’ll get you back on track. I’m sure Gregory would be happy to take up your spare time.” Her words of comfort felt like thorns pricking your skin, the ashamed feeling that always lingered in your happiness was crawling back.
“He needs my help to graduate, it’s not sinful to help people.” You sighed, toying with the thread coming loose at the bottom of your yellow blouse. Their judgment stung through you, feeling like bricks at your feet because you knew no matter what you told them, they wouldn’t listen.
“You’re right,” Monica began making you look up at her strange demeanor, “It’s not a sin to help people, but it’s a sin to lie. You didn’t tell anyone you were doing that.” Her words were calm, like she had rehearsed it in her head for weeks.
“Not telling someone and lying are very different things.” You breathed, feeling your lunch start to resurface in your upper belly. But they just tossed you a disgusted look, it was eating you alive.
You stood suddenly, speed walking out the cafeteria, avoiding the looks of kids as tears fell from your eyes. Those girls knew the ‘you’ that they approved of, you felt so lost within yourself, you hated that Eddie made everything clear. You didn’t feel anything, but comfort with him. Your mind was jumbled as you walked out the side doors, sitting in the grass against the wall.
Chest feeling heavy, you placed a hand over your heart to feel it bumping feverishly, fighting off the urge to throw up. You felt ridiculous. Crying over a guy who wasn’t your boyfriend, crying over your friends who should be looking out for you, but you cried harder knowing you were trapped.
Your breath quickened, anxiety brewing as you began to cough, body practically shaking. It felt like you were dying, that you could just lay down and melt into the grass beneath you. The worst feeling was knowing the girls hadn’t followed you, even though you’d rather them not, but they ridiculed you and offered no support. 
You recalled the taste of vodka on your lips at that bar, melting away into bliss drunkenness. You didn’t even care about waking up to throwing up your brains, you wished you were moving with the beat of a song you didn’t know the name to, a complete stranger to everyone. 
You were on edge as the day progressed, not being able to find any form of relaxation in your mind as your friends' voices rang in your ear, their threats of telling your father, and how you were being tempted.
Even as you sat on Eddie’s floor, too humiliated to sit on his bed, you couldn’t reach a sense of peace. His jokes were met with stifled laughs, mostly sticking to reading the text and not deferring into the territory of casual chatting. He knew something was wrong, but he hesitating asking.
When you had read through your scenes for the day, there was no hinting at underlying emotions, just century old texts that meant nothing. The feelings were eating you alive that he had to often snap you from your gaze to pick up where you had left off.
“Eddie, you’re doing really well now, so this is my last session.” You stammered, standing up as he looked shocked. He could tell you were lying, you were awful at it, even though he had been doing better, he needed your help.
“What's going on?” He cut the bullshit, crossing his arms and looked at you expectantly. You felt your chest tighten like it did at lunch, your knees feeling weak as your head clouded. You took a deep inhale, focusing on the feeling of your toes in your shoes. He softened at your state, approaching you cautiously and pulling you into a hug. 
He didn’t know how badly you needed it. 
“You’re doing good now-” You pulled away, about to grab your bag till he snatched it, holding it behind his back. He didn’t need to say anything, he just raised his brows and looked at you. 
“My church friends are telling my dad I’ve been helping you, they said what I’m doing is sinful, being at a boys house unsupervised. That I’ve been lying, when I didn’t even lie!” You stammered, flailing your arms dramatically as his face fell. 
He slowly nodded, putting the bag down, and clasping his hands in front of him. Huffing as he sat on the edge of the bed, a sarcastic smirk on his face as he fought off the emotions bubbling. This was all it was supposed to be, just studying so he could finally graduate, he shouldn’t have gotten so involved.
All thoughts halted when you stood between his knees, cupping his face to look into his soft brown eyes as his hands automatically went to your waist. Pressing your lips against his, you pour out every word that couldn’t be spoken in these moments, intensity and affection interlocked with each glide of his tongue against your inner skin.  
His palm pushed against your lower back, urging you to sit on his lap, which you obliged. Your jeans tightened at the angle as you straddle him, moving your arms to rest at his shoulders. He broke away to trail down your neck, softly kissing your warm skin with a hum. 
“Eddie,” You whispered, absorbing every part of him in contact with you, not knowing if you’d ever be able to feel him again. You laced your hands in his hair, tugging gently when he reached a sensitive place on your neck. “I want you.”
The words fell from your lips so easily that it almost didn’t register with Eddie, but as it settled, he pulled away to look at you. You smiled nervously, shoving your face into his shoulder as he chuckled, leaning his own face against yours to kiss your cheek.
“I’m ready if you are, Miss Rocky.” He teased, your hand smacking his opposing shoulder, accidentally making him fall flat on his back. He was quick to roll you over, now underneath him and looking up with wonder. 
He tore off his shirt to you ogling his tattoos as if you hadn’t seen them before, tracing them with your index finger. His hands reached for your blouse, allowing him to bring it upwards to get a view of your bra. It was a pale pink with a small bow in the middle, so innocent that it drove him crazy, unclasping it swiftly.
Before the straps fell, he looked up, “Tell me if you change your mind?” You agreed, pulling the bra down himself as he wasted no time to cup them. Gasping when his cool rings met the swell of your breast, his mouth taking in the other nipple, swirling around it with a groan.
“I’ve wanted to see this for so long.” He peered through his frizzy bangs, giving your chest another squeeze. He managed to shimmy off his own pants before working on yours, undoing the buckle. Your panties matched your bra perfectly, down to the color and the detailing.
“What? All this for little ole me?” He jested, fluttering his eyelashes as you giggled, kicking off your jeans to the floor. He kissed you again, resting his waist against yours with your legs wrapping around him. 
“You’re so pretty, you know that?” He mused, nibbling on your jaw as you became flustered, turning your head to kiss him again before taking your turn at his jaw.
Between your legs, you had already begun aching, even more so when you felt him take the remaining fabric from your body, being completely bare underneath him. You had been riddled with uneasiness thinking about this moment, being naked in someone else's arms, but there was truly no one you’d rather it be than Eddie. 
He reached over your shoulder to his bedside drawer, a shiny foil square between his index and middle finger. Removing his boxers, you licked your lips at the sight of him before you, rolling the condom onto him with a few strokes.
“There’s one thing we need to take care of first though.” He mumbled as you furrowed your brows. He held your hand in his, fiddling with the silver band on your ring finger. The purity ring given to you on your 13th birthday, you only took it off when showering or swimming. Sometimes you forgot you even wore it.
The action was beyond erotic, Eddie putting your finger in his mouth, teeth firmly securing the ring. Your ring sparkled between his white teeth, you opened your mouth to scold him, worried he’d choke. But he dropped it into his hand, winking as he placed it on top of the condom wrapper on his table.
He kissed you once more, the faintest taste of metal on his tongue when you felt his tip glide against your pucker hole. Startled, you flinched, but relaxed as his finger found your clit.
“Wanna make sure you're warmed up for me.” He mustered, feeling your wetness to bring to your bundle of nerves. You moaned, looking as he hovered above you, his hand soon went to the base of his dick. 
He slowly sank into your warmth, pausing when you cried at the intrusion. You felt stretched and he wasn’t even fully inside you.
“Try to relax for me, it’ll help.” He coaxed, feeling you calm with a steady breath, allowing him to go further. He paused at the feeling of you around him, moaning unabashedly at the warmth of your skin. 
You squirmed as he adjusted again before settling completely inside you, the gentle sob met with his reassurance.
He rocked back and forth cautiously, biting his lip at the tightness. You couldn’t help the tears filling your eyes, this was likely the last time you’d be with him, you had to make the most of it.
Without much thought, you brought his lips to yours, crushing them together chastely. His forearm helped balance him as he went to cup your cheek, further exploring your mouth as his hips quickened.
He backed away when he noticed your tears, not going too far as you wrapped your arms around him. Before he could ask if you were comfortable, you let your fingers stroke his cheek.
“I’m gonna miss you so much, Eds.” You whispered with a mewl as he hit your deepest center, he shook his head.
“We’re gonna figure it out, sweetheart.” He assured, but they both knew deep down their time was running out. There was too much pressure surrounding them, from your family to his reputation. That didn’t matter now, just the fact you were here together did.
Your back arched when his thumb rubbed your clit, pert nipples hitting his chest. While pleasure was running through your veins, the ache of his size still lingered with each movement. 
He could sense your slight discomfort, trying to move your legs up to your chest to make you more comfortable. Whines filled the air when his knees went beside your sides, giving him more leverage. 
Resting his forehead against yours, both chests heaving against one another, you looked into each other’s eyes. The nagging shyness that usually overtook you had vanished as you moaned into each other’s mouths, locked on the other's gaze. 
“You’re doing so good, I’m so proud of you.” He gasped, feeling you squeeze as you approached your orgasm. Body shaking, you began to stutter his name and grab onto him. 
“I love you.” You whimpered, watching as he gulped and eyes glossed over. 
“I love you too.” He mumbled, smiling down as you nodded. The smiles were a mix of joy and sadness, a contradiction of emotions that made perfect sense with one another. You wanted to absorb him into your skin, that still wouldn’t be close enough. 
Once you became more adjusted, the pace increased with your climax upon the horizon. There was so much passion between the two bodies that there was no hurry, just pure desire. 
“You’re so pretty.” You choked on your own breath, making him laugh and kiss your head. He mumbled something about you being a nerd under his breath, giving his curly mane a firm tug. 
“Jokes on you, I think that’s hot, weirdo.” He retorted to the action, causing you to throw your arms up. The playfulness was sliced with another precise movement, his naval rubbing against your clit as he went fully inside you.
His lips wandered your face and throat, careful to not leave hickies, but still sucking gently. The release was teetering on the edge of your stomach, gasping as he thrusted himself once more. 
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He mumbled, his hips stuttering shortly after from his own release into the plastic. He quickly rolled over to pull you on top of him, rubbing your back soothingly as you regain focus.
Neither of you wanted to leave this spot, going back to reality seemed pointless, but you had to leave. The sun was about to set, the sky turning a beautiful orange and pink hue. 
Standing to dress yourself, Eddie did the same, but let his sight linger on your frame. Once you were decent, he hugged you from behind, kissing the top of your hair and selfishly sniffing your coconut shampoo. 
“I wish things were different.”
“Hey dude, we just got this weird letter.” Josh said, a fellow coworker at the mechanic shop Eddie had now worked at. He had been there for two years, basically the day he finally graduated high school. 
Not giving much attention, he continued working under the hood of a 1987 Ford Mustang GT, cursing at the odd shaped parts. Beads of sweat fell down his forehead, wiping it away before diverting his attention back to the radiator. 
“Who the fuck is named Adonis?”
The beating of his heart filled his ears at the name, telling himself it couldn’t possibly be you. Not you who hadn’t seen him since you had sex and were banned from seeing him. Not the same girl who clapped the loudest from her seat at graduation when he walked across the stage. 
It couldn’t possibly be the one who was now engaged to Gregory Marsh.
Pulling away, he snatched the letter without question, walking through the garage to the bathroom. He took a good look at the envelope, there was no stamp or return address, just the Greek name etched in blue pen. 
A cigarette found his way to his mouth, lighting it and taking a huge hit before finally opening the cream colored letter. 
“My dear ‘Adonis’,
I’ve never been one to be good with speaking my emotions, but through writing, I feel more comfortable. It’s been two years since I’ve spoken to you, but I see you work here now and I’m so proud of you. All I ask is that you are happy.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was too much of a coward to stand up to my family, to Gregory, or to anyone. Every day I tried making other people happy and realized I was miserable every waking moment. The only time I found peace was when I recalled our moments together, from just chatting to our intimacy.
I want you to know I never stopped thinking about you. After I left your house that night, my family began their lecture and it took a turn for the worst when they realized my ring was gone. I had to go to repenting meetings with my parents, but every time I was asked to pray for forgiveness, I prayed you would come find me again.
You mean the world to me. If you have moved on and found someone else, feel free to throw this out and laugh about it to your friends. But if you haven’t, just know I am always here.
This is my olive branch. It’s your move, Dungeon Master. You’ll know where to find me, I’ll have a drink waiting for you.
Sincerely, ‘Venus’.”
Eddie's breath hitched in his throat, not being able to believe the words in front of him. He debated on whether or not this was some outrageous prank, someone had too much time on their hands and wanted to make a fool of him.
But there were too many secrets. Only you knew about the in depth readings of Shakespeare, the confidential moments in his room, and the ring that sat in his dresser. The ring wasn’t a token of what had been exchanged that evening, but he held onto it thinking that was the closest he would ever get to you.
Your wedding was in a month, he had been hearing about it around town and how ecstatic all the clergy was. He could never stomach listening to the details, recalling how when he asked if Gregory made you happy and you couldn’t answer.
He convinced himself time had changed. After you were banned from seeing him, you had fallen in love with Gregory. This letter changed this perspective. 
Storming out of the bathroom and going straight for his van, he ignored the calls of his coworkers, putting out his cigarette as he drove away. He wasn’t sure where he was supposed to go, but he kept driving until he could think clearly. 
He went all around town, trying to find even a glimpse of you amongst the crowd of people. His distraught brain tried to wrap around any possibility until he recalled a line from your letter. 
I’ll have a drink waiting for you.
The bar. 
The bar where he found you when no one else did, cleaning you up and holding you. His heart leaped as he drove out the city limits, passing by bundles of trees and speed limit signs. 
When he approached the wooden saloon just on the cusp of the next city, he couldn’t get out fast enough. As he was about to put his hand on the knob, he hesitated, looking through the glass door to see you sitting there.
Sat by yourself at a booth, you sipped a fruity drink with a beer across from you. He could tell you were nervous, picking at your lip aimlessly and checking the time. You had looked the same, just some updated style choices and darker under eyes. 
Each time he looked at you, the wind got knocked out of his stomach. He debated if this was really a great idea, knowing he spent months ignoring his feelings for you to move on. He had finally gotten over it about a year ago, when the news you were engaged came out, but he was lying to himself. He never got over it.
That’s what pushed him through the doors, walking cautiously over as your eyes shot up, freezing. He wondered if you were shocked he had shown up at all.
He didn’t get a chance to sit down before you engulfed him in a hug, not caring about the grease stains on his work shirt, just excited he hugged you back. The way he held you tight reminded you of every emotion you felt with him.
Once you pulled away and sat, you took a huge sip of your drink which made him snicker.
“Hi Venus.” He teased, putting his elbows on the table and leaning forward.
“Hi Eddie.” You sighed, smiling and reaching your hand across the table, grabbing his, the coolness of your drink transferring to his knuckles. His chest felt warm at your familiar touch, letting you hold on.
“I don’t even know how to say all this,” You began, retreating your hand back to your lap, “I’m so sorry, Eddie.” 
He shook his head, hoping you would eventually avert your eyes from the table to his. “Don’t say that-”
“No,” You interjected with a sharp intake of breath, “I want you to know I did try to fight for us that night, like I said in my letter, but I was so worried about disappointing my family by being happy that I threw myself out the window.”
He took a swing of his beer, wiping the foam from his upper lip.
“You know, it’s kind of silly, but I used to have this recurring dream for about a month after I agreed to marry Gregory,” You laughed, but there was clear underlying agony, “I had this dream that we were back in school, we were at your trailer and you were just hugging me, and any time I tried to leave, you started making really loud noises because you knew I wouldn’t go unless I could say goodbye.”
He smiled at the fake reality, it sounded like something he would do. 
“If it makes you feel better I had this dream that you turned into a cat.”
You dropped your hands to the table, glaring at him without an ounce of sincerity, “Shut up!”
He giggled, clapping his hands in the air before taking another sip of his drink, which you mimicked. “I’m just kidding!”
You rolled your eyes, smirking at his dumb commentary that hadn’t changed in the slightest since you spoke.
“Anyways, I thought about things for a long time, like a really long time. But my answer was the same as when I first thought about it.” You tensed, his eyes following you closely as you brought your hand to the counter. Your engagement ring reflected off the dimmed light of the bar.
What he didn’t expect was for you to slip off the dainty jewelry and place it in front of him. He looked a bit bewildered, like he couldn’t exactly pinpoint why you did this, but acknowledged it at the same time. 
The guilt of leaving Gregory nagged at you, along with the excitement from your friends in family. But with each bout of their joy further drowned you, you were almost at the bottom of the ocean, Gregory deserved someone who could swim.
Gregory deserved someone at his level, this imbalance had caused issues as he found your constant uncertainty with any situation troubling. He didn’t even know it extended to your relationship, but just small discontentment from everyday life was slowly, but surely, pulling him away from your sea.
“I also had this dream that I was drowning.” You swallowed harshly, finally looking in his eyes as tears lined your lashes. 
“I was sinking and no one else saw me, it's cliche, but I would wake up in a sweat. But if I was able to stay awake long enough, I saw you on a boat from below.” 
He was silent, nodding at your story, “You either watch way too many romance movies or need a therapist.”
“I’m trying to be nice and you’re making this very hard!” You pouted at him until he brought your hand up, kissing the back of your hand. 
“What good am I if I can’t make you laugh at tense moments?” He shrugged, his chest was undoing at the seams, he was worried he was dreaming. 
Sat in comfortable silence, he plucked the ring off the table, examining it closely. He could feel your eyes on him, but he stood, holding out his open hand to lead you outside. You chose not to ask questions as he brought you behind the building, a small pond that reflected in vibrant colors from the sunset. 
Without a peep, he threw the ring far, watching it plop in the shallow water a few feet out. A sudden weight had risen from your back as you watched the water ripple, you couldn’t contain yourself and attempted to pull Eddie’s lips against yours. 
“Ooh you wanna kiss me so bad?” He taunted, backing away with his hands up, guarding himself. You brought your fists up, throwing a few fake punches with a giggle. You eventually just ran straight to him, hearing the ‘oof’ as your chests collided. 
As your arms wrapped around his neck, his hands found your waist, deepening the kiss to taste you again. He had tried to remember every detail, every inch of you over the past two years, but it never amounted to what it felt like to actually encounter you.
“You know, I was gonna do that.” He pulled away, yet brought you closer to his chest, bending to put his forehead against yours.  
“Ooh you wanna kiss me so bad?” You mocked, scrunching your nose as he groaned, putting his hands around your waist to lift you up just under your bottom. You were too low to wrap around his waist, making you shriek and hold his neck tighter. 
He opened the passenger door to his van, setting you down in the seat and holding your face in his hands, a soft smile on his lips before kissing you once more.
“This is the last time I’m saving you from this bar.”
authors note; hi friends, this is the conclusion to this, i don't feel as great ab this last part as i did with the first and second tbh. but i really enjoyed writing this story, i haven't proof read this chapter so fair warning lol
taglist: @steeldaisies @meaganjm @masterofmunson @downbythebay4 @wicked-wordy-witchy-witch @femalefilmaker @wiltedwonderland @yourthebrokengirl @jessyballet @iheartyouyou @gloryekaterina @missscarlettangel @variety-fangirl @wigglywoos59 @imsuchafriggensimp @thegirlblogstuff @lovelyladymayyy @strawwberrry @ktjmac @dovesnrosesnreblogs @fknemily @spn-obession @diaryofthedoll  @imagine-all-the-imagines
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puppy-coded · 2 years
📺 back to the future 📺: blurbs for concept/dialogue prompt + character
steve harrington and going shopping with him <3
i love this. he's the bag boyfriend <3
✰ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 335 words
𝓡𝓮𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓵 𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓹𝔂
"Steve come on, please..." You begged, pulling on his arm.
He wouldn't uncross his arms despite your pulling and his face remained neutral. "No baby, not today," He responded sweetly. "I can't be the bag carrier again."
You pouted and crossed your arms, sitting on his couch. "Mean."
Steve tried not to laugh and had bit his lip to keep from smiling. "How am I mean?" He asked, wrapping his arm around you.
You leaned in and looked up. "I wanna spend time with you. And I've been having a bad week and need retail therapy and I have money." You said, widening your eyes and almost crying.
Manipulative? Yeah.
Does it work every time? Eh... Hit or miss.
It was a hit this time.
"Yeah babe? Get in the car, I'll take you to the mall." He said, rubbing your arm. "Can't have you all sad on me right?"
You smiled and happily nodded, practically skipping to Steve's car.
He got in soon after and started it. The ride was quiet, the only noise was the radio playing softly.
When you had gotten to the mall Steve, the loving boyfriend he is, got out and opened the door for you before you could grab the handle.
"Why thank you Steven."
Steve groaned at his full name. "Don't make me regret this."
You smiled and grabbed his hand, swinging your intertwined fingers back and forth. "No promises Captain Steve!" Which earned another groan.
Four hours.
You shopped for four hours and Steve was done. He was the bag carrier again.
He just felt bad when you had so many bags and looked like you were struggling.
Which led to three more hours of shopping, a million bags, you spending most of your paycheck, and Steve's arms feeling like they were gonna fall off.
He knew it was a trap. He walked right into it. He forgave you every time you smiled at him.
It was worth it.
✰ 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @thine-local-simpeth-again @creelhousesteve @tigergirllolipop @lgwifey @cosmic-psychickitty @masivechaos @duchess-of-mischief @magic-is-beauty @applebittenn @rhydianissuperior
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Warnings Against Foolishness
1 My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast stricken thy hand with a stranger,
2 Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.
3 Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend.
4 Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids.
5 Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.
6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
8 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
9 How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?
10 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:
11 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.
12 A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.
13 He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;
14 Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord.
15 Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
20 My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother:
21 Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck.
22 When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.
23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:
24 To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.
25 Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids.
26 For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adultress will hunt for the precious life.
27 Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?
28 Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?
29 So he that goeth in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent.
30 Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry;
31 But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.
32 But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.
33 A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away.
34 For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
35 He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts. — Proverbs 6 | King James Version (KJV) The King James Version Bible is in the public domain Cross References: Genesis 4:15; Genesis 6:5; Genesis 39:8; Genesis 39:19; Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 6:8; Deuteronomy 7:25; Deuteronomy 19:10; 2 Chronicles 36:16; Job 15:12; Job 38:39; Psalm 27:12; Psalm 91:3; Psalm 140:2; Psalm 132:4; Proverbs 2:11-12; Proverbs 5:9-10; Proverbs 7:1; Proverbs 7:7; Proverbs 10:5; Proverbs 10:26; Proverbs 11:15; Proverbs 10:15; Proverbs 19:15; Proverbs 23:21; Proverbs 30:27; Song of Solomon 8:7; Jeremiah 26:15; Matthew 5:28; Romans 3:15; Ephesians 6:1
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sl-newsie · 2 months
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter) Descendants 3- Ch. 11: Time Will Tell
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I can already feel the differences of not wearing the brooch. Not as much power but my mind is much clearer. Now I just need to settle one last request.
Mal walks out of the room just as Hades finishes up talking with Ben’s dad. 
“He left me his Ember.” She holds up the blue stone with a stunned expression.
“Gosh, Mal. That’s… really thoughtful of him. It’s his most prized magical possession.”
Yesterday I would never have trusted her with something this powerful. I hope Mal’s changed as much as she says.
She looks around and leans in to whisper: “Just a little secret: I’m going to reopen the barrier.”
Happiness floods through me and I know I won’t have to ask for the favor after all. My promise to the VKs on the Isle will be fulfilled!
“But you can’t tell anyone!” Mal points a finger. “I’m going to announce it at the ceremony tonight.”
I nod. “Please forgive me for not attending, but I can’t stay here. You know that.”
She understands. Just because I’m not a fugitive anymore does not mean people will look at me differently. I will always be the Sanderson witch.
“You need not worry any more about keeping Auradon safe. As long as I am alive my protection spell will ward off any threats. Happy engagement, Mal.” I look over at her fiancée who’s just joined us. “Happy engagement, Brother Ben.”
He squeezes my shoulder. “We’ll miss you, Sparks. Come visit once in a while. Maybe pull some pranks?”
I try to offer a smile. “We'll see.”
All that’s left here is old memories. I’m not one to feel nostalgic. If nothing is to ever be the same again then I can’t twist my hands trying to think the impossible. There’s just one last loose end I need to tie up.
“Nice jacket, dog boy.”
I find Carlos is sitting in the courtyard with Dude. The place we fought before I left last time.
He spins around to see me and his eyes light up. “I’ve been trying to find you!” He suddenly goes quiet. “I understand now why you’ve been mad at me. I’m your one true love.”
I can’t have the heart to lie anymore. “Yes.”
“And you can never find another?” he asks softly.
A deep sigh escapes me. “No. That’s how it works for me.”
Carlos paces back and forth. “Maybe if I-”
“No. You are happy with Jane, Carlos.” I give him a final soft kiss on his freckled cheek. “I hope you and her find every form of happiness.”
His soft eyes frantically search my face for a second chance. “But what about you? You deserve to be happy too.”
“I’ve survived this long without true love. ‘Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.’  Song of Solomon 8:6. If it’s by only the will of God that I must live, then I cannot change it. I understand, Carlos. I don’t get a happy ending. No matter how hard I try to be good I will always get the short end of the broomstick. But it’s fine. I’ve accepted my fate, and will release you from the empathy link.”
Carlos shakes his head and starts stuttering. “I want to keep it. I’ll feel too guilty knowing that I left you.”
His caring words make me double-guess myself but I put those thoughts to rest. It’s not fair to keep him held to this if he’s already happy.
“You’ve been a very loving friend, Carlos de Vil. If you ever need someone to talk to, send Dude to find Binx. I’ll stay in touch.”
Before I can let myself be poisoned by any more false hopes I tear myself from the conversation and walk away from perhaps the best thing that’s ever happened to me. My true love.
In the end, I thought we were friends.
Then life started up again.
So I thought we’d start anew,
And that maybe you’d love me too.
You skip to your next romance.
Not even giving me a chance.
And perhaps our friendship will be lost,
I’ll still hope one day our paths will cross.
Do the right thing in the right place.
As long as I watch, you are safe.
You taught me how to have fun,
How to make friends with someone.
You showed me how to forgive,
And encouraged me to live.
I’ll just disappear,
And you can forget you ever saw me here.
Don’t regret anything, it’s my fault.
The burden is mine to be taught.
I’ll be ready, I won’t mistake.
You’ve prepared me for the sickness of heartbreak.
For how long, you never knew.
One day I’ll tell how much I love you.
And even if I can’t find bliss,
I wish you every form of happiness.
Back at the palace I see father and Binx have already packed up what little belongings we have here. Travel light, I suppose.
“What’s this book for?” Father holds up my spellbook.
“That is what’s currently holding the Sanderson sisters.”
Father tenses up and holds the book out to me. “I think it’s safer if you hold it. Between you and me I don’t want any run-ins with your aunts.”
“For your return home you’ll be traveling in style,” Fairy Godmother tells me and points to the black limo parked out front. “I’m so proud of you!” She gives me a big hug. “You are everything I ever hoped for in a Sanderson.”
“Does this mean I pass Goodness 201?” I joke.
“With flying colors!” 
I help father carry the bags to the limo and find Remus leaning against the drivers’ side door. He's wearing his chauffeur uniform again.
“Time for a vacation?” he asks as I approach.
“You could say that, Remus. I hope FG gave you your job back?”
“Without question. That and along with a raise," he says proudly. "Now I’m in charge of personally driving Queen Mal to her meetings.”
The news brings a smile to my face. “Congratulations. I hope to see you around.”
The redhead tips his hat. “I wish the same thing. I’ll miss you, Magica. I’m glad to see everything worked out for you. Do you think you’ll ever come back?”
Life can be crazy sometimes. One day shows us everything is planned out. The next it shows that life can erupt into total chaos. Sometimes we’re shown that what we wanted might have been hidden in plain sight all along.
“Time will tell, Remus. Right now I want to live the quiet life I once hated. It’s time to go back to where it all started and remember who I am.”
“Magica Sanderson isn’t the same shy witch I picked up last year,” Remus points out.
I shake my head and look out onto the grounds as the sun begins to sink below the horizon.
“No. This is one Sanderson who’s going to write her own happy ending.”
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bloodrosebriars · 2 years
ringlets | gemini i | mohg, morgott | 1193
tw: graphic eye trauma
How fast do Omen horns grow?
Were they able to see the cycle of day and night within their prison aneath Leyndell, Mohg and Morgott would certainly know. Like parents marking their children’s height on the doorframe with chalk, the two brothers count the growth rings on each other’s horns and keep track of the tallies like birthdays. A gradual but speedy process, they never seem to notice the appendages growing when they are, yet always add three or four lines to the count when they finally tally them up again.
It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Father said. As if they weren’t locked underground.
There came a day, long after their father stopped returning, when Morgott grew sick of counting lines. A trail of blood, thick and hot, sticky and wet, plush as a blanket, led to his frail, sickly body curled against the cold, damp ground at the very end of his shackles’ chain. Crimson pooled as he ached and whined, trying not to cry out for help.
Mohg found his brother surrounded by splintered keratin and cut quicks, shards of bone and a discarded wire saw. His once-grey face was red as a rotting rowa, drenched with ich and streaked with tears. Golden eyes had never looked so bloodshot. He said he was fine. He wasn’t.
It took seven hours and twenty minutes for the bleeding to stop. Woozy and tired, guilty for the panic he’d caused his brother, but not apologetic for the action in of itself, Morgott was asked why he did it, and his only answer was, “Because I hate them.” Mohg was mad on the inside — the first time he thought he couldn’t stand his brother. How could he do something so foolish? Doesn’t he know what the Omenkillers say?
Morgott was silent as Mohg scolded him in tears. He said he was sorry, but he wasn’t. He slept in a nest of black feathers that night, clinging tight to his brother’s dark wings.
Days and nights pass, but neither of them could say how many. Morgott collected six Erdtree petals. Mohg filled three pots with blood. They counted rings, and they counted crabs, and they counted on someone to drop food down the storm drain.
Once, on an uneventful day, Mohg was sitting against the wall with his eyes crossed, and Morgott snickered at his expression. Mohg loved Morgott’s laugh — a seldom-heard sound in this dark, wretched prison — but it irritated him on this day. He frowned, eyes darting gold in the older twin’s direction, before they cross towards his left once more.
Mohg said, “It’s getting closer,” and Morgott knew exactly what he was talking about.
That one curling black horn, now about twenty rings long, ever-approaching his eye, as if targeting the gold of grace within his iris like a hawk surveying a field. He lifted a hand, trying to fit clawed fingers between the pointed tip and his anxious face, but it just wouldn’t fit anymore. He whined.
Morgott still had a wire saw tucked away in their little horde of trinkets. He said, “Thou ought to cut—” and Mohg interrupted, “No.”
“Brother, it is fixing to pierce thine eye,” Morgott had argued as Mohg continued trying to fit his fingers into the space between cornea and keratin, with no luck. Mohg said no. They bickered. They argued. They slept on opposite walls that night.
Morgott had collected yet another petal of the Erdtree by the time Mohg awoke from slumber whining like a lost pup, wheezing shallow breaths and mewling like a babe.
“I can feel it,” Mohg said, horrified as one who’d just witnessed a bloody crime. “On— on my— i-it’s touching—”
Morgott was irritated, if only because of his own fear, but he took a look nonetheless. The sight made him gasp, which didn’t help Mohg’s panic: the horn’s sharp edge pricking like a record’s needle against the blacks and golds of their heritage, threatening a song of agony.
His tone was stricter that time when he said, “We should really cut—” but Mohg still interrupted, “No.”
Morgott knew better than to argue by that point. He plotted to remove the piece while Mohg slept. He suggested his at-the-time smaller brother do just that right then and there. Mohg, for once, did as instructed.
With his eyelid cracked open where the horn touched the surface beneath, Mohg slept curled on his side.
The two’s treasure collection wasn’t terribly far away from where they slept — of course not, chains wouldn’t allow it. But Morgott was still far enough away he had to run when he heard Mohg awaken and scream.
The saw was in his hand, digging into his palm’s flesh with his careless grip, but he had more important things to worry about than another laceration painting his young skin. He called Mohg’s name, voice cracking with panic and the younger twin screeched, “It’s broken!”
Morgott fell to his knees in front of his brother, who was covering his left eye with both hands, blood and clear fluid seeping through his fingers like a dam with cracked concrete. Morgott said, “Look at me,” and when Mohg lifted his gaze, there was a godawful tearing sound as cornea met blade and iris turned red.
Mohg screamed, trying futilely to shut his eye — as if that would make it all stop. Morgott apologised, thinking the wound was his fault. Still, he had to play parent, and he thought quick on his toes. The grey Omen held up one finger and said, “Look here, do not look elsewhere,” and Mohg obeyed with tears and blood and eyestuffs leaking out the hole in his skull.
Morgott grabbed the saw, prepared to do what should have been done long ago, but Mohg pulled away yet again — looked away, and the wound tore deeper. Lens was lanced as iris turned ivory, all the gore of dissection dripping down those same rings they used to so playfully count.
Morgott said, “Mohgwyn, let me cut the Gods damned—!” and Mohg screamed back, “No!”
They argued. They fought. And by the time Morgott had wrangled his sobbing, screaming brother to the ground, what lay within the socket of his skull looked like nothing more than the pulp of a squashed grape — useless jelly, red and pulsing, nerves and veins tangled around those twenty-something ridges. He had somehow ignored the severity of the wound until that moment — an override of brotherly instinct, wishing to help before wanting to avoid seeing the disaster. But once there was nothing left to do, he gagged.
It took seven hours and twenty minutes for Mohg to stop crying. His head was swimming, the panic worse than the pain, his now-empty eye and the uncut horn that pierced through it bandaged gently in a piece of Morgott’s tattered cloak. Morgott cleaned the mess — filthy water washing away vitreous fluid and the stains of once-gold gel.
Mohg was silent as Morgott scolded him in tears. He said he was sorry, but he wasn’t.
He slept in a nest of black fur that night, clinging tight to his brother’s soft tail.
They never counted rings again.
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grassius · 1 year
Culturally ceremonious garments? My dear Brassius, please. It looks like a toddler chose the flashy colors. It would be a bit more believing if they wore pants instead of shorts.
I'm all for Hassel going back, if to simply change the fashion a bit. Maybe he'll grow a spine and stop crying all the time, or at the very least, do it in private.
Hass is lucky to be a man. He can still try for an heir. You might be lucky be named the main nanny. That way Hassel can put his full attention on leading his legacy.
Trash talk Colza’s inner circle — accepting !
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“ Enough. ”
mellifluous feminine intonations serenely echoes within mental crevices leaking sanity out from his ears; hands clasp each respective ear, keeping the music contained in his head. symphonic melodies gradually overwhelm mind’s chambers, enveloping into blood veins superseding control.
standing automatically upright, lissome gait travels forwardly beyond the other’s personal space, crossing the threshold and invades with a hand firmly grabbing their right shoulder. grip tightens, fingers daring to burrow through their fleshy morsel. unwavering stare emphasized by malice surrounding his air; gleaned critical and deadly.
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“ You presume much about he who is holier than thou. Thou art disgraceful, and so is thine bloodline. Get out of my sight; I would waste precious oxygen convincing a corrupted soul than speak to you any longer. ”
and with a forceful shove, his hand promptly retracts from their shoulder. colza swivels on his right heel, and departs. fists clenched.
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bloodredx · 2 years
Day 21: Different Era
Over the long expanses of time, much had been done. An equal amount has not been as well. Playing games that Time has passed over, why not? Should it not be treated with decadence? Enjoy the moment now, for Time will steal it from you. There is little use in dwelling over times gone past, one cannot return. It is pointless. To swim against the streams of the now is to defy the current. In both senses of the word.
Perhaps this form had met thine own once. Perhaps not. Perhaps it was a past life, a past experience. Perhaps a memory remains. Perhaps it is lost. What remains eternal is the everlasting row of the ephemeral nature of all. So please, look forward. What is in thine sight? Do eyes really tell the truth when ears and hearts can speak otherwise? To dwell… is unadvised.
Icarus slammed open the door with full force, the heavy mahogany door rattling against the wall and its own silver hinges. A crumpled batch of documents in his hand, fist shaking angrily. His blood was exacerbating the emotions, he knew that, but it was too much for him to fight. He had too many questions and none of them were being answered. Just who the hell was this woman?
The woman in question, Dr. Rosalune, was still seated at her desk, despite the commotion. Eyes not even bothering to look up from the stack of papers she was working on. In fact, it seemed she didn’t even hear his ruckus, simply turning the page she was working on to her dedicated outgoing pile. Icarus gritted his teeth, tricky with his too sharp fangs poking out, but the words flung out in spite of his manners. “Just how old are you?!”
Her pen stopped for a moment, though Icarus was unsure if that was due to him or the actual sentence she was writing. Her pen continued on quickly after that, red painted lips barely parting when she scolded “It is quite rude to ask a Lady her age.”
He questioned the response. Was that a hint of amusement? “I’m serious. Tell me right now.”
“Quite bold to be making demands of me, all things considered.” She turned to a new page. “Though the newfound gumption might be pliable.”
“Answer me. I have these pages.” He slammed them on her desk with a loud clap. “I know you can read this!”
Now she capped her pen. “Making a mess and having a tantrum is a bit beyond you, I believe, Icarus.”  Only now did her eyes drift over the pages he provided. He wasn’t able to decipher what was going on in her mind. But she intentionally wasn’t answering him. “Go close the door.”
Oh no. He swallowed hard as the heat of his rage began to boil off. Clarity was now incoming. What the hell were you thinking? Icarus did as she commanded, returning to the door and shutting it with a much lighter hand, as if that alone would be enough to apologize.
“Good. Now sit down.” A finger gestured to the leather chair before her. He did so, keeping eyes glued to the floor. He couldn’t even stand to look at the papers he himself had brought in.  An uncomfortable pause filled the room, and he braced himself for that silence to shatter. When it did so, her icy tone wasn’t as frozen as he’d expected it to be. “I am not going to begin a conversation on the behavior you’ve just presented. I trust you won’t be tempted to find out the consequences of such buffoonery?”
A shiver ran up his spine, nearly chattering his teeth. “N-no ma’am.”
Dr. Rosalune nodded. “A wise decision.”  She squared away her remaining paperwork, putting it off to one side as she gathered the documents Icarus had brought with him. The ancient writing, her natural tongue was pressed to the page with her own red pen, the neat and precise handwriting she had perfected. Some eraser marks and faint remnants of pencil markings remained in the margins, clearly not her own. She stopped a chuckle from leaving her throat, instead raising a brow to her ward. “A good member of the Church sticking their nose in the past?”
“Like you’d say anything to report it.” He resisted the urge to cross his arms.
“Where did you find these?” The notes themselves were of little to worry about, no one else alive could read it, but the details contained within were of Icarus himself. His own file notes for her records. Things kept tight under lock and key.
“I found it. Seemed to have slipped out of its file.”
You have either increased your poker face, or you are lying. Either way, seems the stones are coming to you. She closed her eyes, contemplating a moment how to proceed. This is a long term commitment. Either way, the risk remains. “What does it mean to you?”
“Huh?” He wasn’t expecting that.
“Why do you care? You’ve written your own notes on this, so clearly it’s taken you.” Serena pursed her lips. “You were a history major, correct? Was this a point of your study?”
“I- yes. I wanted it to be at least. The Church obviously pushed back a great deal when my professor and I proposed it, but…” Icarus searched for the words. “It’s just a shame right? To leave history so unturned? To abandon what made us? I just wanted to know more, I-“ A twinge of hope glimmered in his eye. “If you have these, you must know something. You have to.”
True curiosity and passion. The blood hadn’t stolen them after all. “Icarus, you really aren’t aware of the depth of what you are asking.”
“So you do know it!” He nearly jumped out of his seat. He leaned forward, placing a hand on her desk to catch himself. “That language has been dead for thousands of years! Why-“
Serena raised a hand. “Enough, Icarus. I am well aware of the implications. But you would do well not to pry further into whatever notions you have concocted in that mind of yours.”
“You could solve decades of historic research-“
“And I have created many medical breakthroughs and treatments.” She countered gently. “Do you know how many hold my name? None. We are without time, despite being timeless. You should know these things require sources and recordation. I cannot give anything other than firsthand experience. Which raises its own issues, as I’m sure you’re aware.” He didn’t answer, again turning his attention to the floorboards. The Lady sighed, realizing quickly she wasn’t making any headway. “Well, I must thank you for returning this to me. That deserves… something of a reward.”
“Like you telling me more?” There was much that didn’t make sense to him. Her demeanor was always so alien, but at the same time precise and specific. As if she really did step out of some bygone past. And now knowing the truth of his newly contracted vampirism, and with these documents here, was it possible that she really was all these things? How would one survive that long? “Just who are you, doctor?”
Standing swiftly, she pushed her chair in, coming around to his left side. “Don’t get your hopes that high.” She grabbed a blank paper and two pens and handed one to him. “Right, well, much has changed, but in equivalence to sounds, this is the symbol for ‘th.’” Her hand swiftly drew the symbol. “Note the stroke of the pen, be careful not to cross the center here, lest you miswrite it.”
Icarus’s eyes watched eagerly, trying to soak up all the information. It truly was a spectacle, history coming to life before his eyes. At least one mystery could be solved. His eyes darted up to his mentor. But that left the door open for so many others.
(OC-tober challenge by @oc-tober2022 can be found here.)
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neighawolf · 11 months
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"And thus did I seek thine aid. Such a matter as has been tasked of me, I alone can not find an answer for." Urianger finished explaining the tedious journey that led him here. The search for a question only a skilled and educated archon might glean an answer to. And yet he, a well travelled and well connected archon himself, could find no answer.
"Oh my sweet Moondust." Rornir crossed his legs, elbow in his knee and chin in hand. His lips were spread in a grinning smile as he cherished the confusion and deep thought on his husband's face. His head tilted slightly as his smile widened.
"I sought aid from allies near and far. Even the pixies of the First through mine dreams offered naught but more puzzling riddles. Though, twas to be expected from pixies. Other scholars from Sharlayan, even of the niche studies, could offer little aid. Nor could the alchemists of the Great Works in Thavnair. I could find no answer in any tome, nor book, nor scroll. Hath thee any insight?" Urianger now tapped at his chin as he spun on his heels, deep in thought. He didn't wait for an answer from Rornir before his mind began searching for answers.
Rornir gently slid from the desk and adjusted his robes as he walked towards the now pacing scholar. He took a moment to admire the great thinking face of his beloved. The furrowed brows, the squinted eyes, how he twisted his wedding ring absent mindedly with a finger on one hand while tapping his chin in thought with the other, and especially the way he hummed to himself to keep calm and focus his thoughts. Rornir slowly reached out a hand to set on Uri's shoulder. Scholars startle so easily. Urianger blinked out of his focus and turned to glance at the smiling viera beside him. Warmth filled his cheeks as he turned back into thought.
"You won't find an answer on any page, Uri. At least not the ones Sharlay keep. You're more like to find an answer in a different section of literature." Rornir smiled. Catching Urianger's confused face he elaborated. "You'll need to look in the poetry section." He slid his hand gently down Urianger's arm and gave a reassuring squeeze.
"I do not follow thy meaning? What might a poet know of a learned subject that countless well regarded scholars and masters of their fields may not?"
"Because, my love, in this regard poets are the masters of their field." Rornir softly laughed as he took a step closer towards Uri. "Its love, Urianger. Not calculus. There is no reason, no why. There is no scientific research or studium thesis. You won't find anyone with an archon mark or an expert of applicative studies. There is no manual nor an easy answer. The best information you might glean can be found in dreamers and poets." Rornir booped Uri's nose, the scholar blinking and blushing. "The answer is right here." He took another step and cozied up to his husband as he placed a hand gently over the elezen's heart and looked up with a soft, warm smile.
"Rornir." Urianger blushed again, as if this was the first moment they had shared a soft moment. His lips widened to match the smile directed towards him as he lifted a finger to brush along the line of fur along Rornir's cheek. He opened his mouth to speak but was met with an eager kiss instead.
Rornir lifted his heels from the ground to stand a little taller. He pulled his husband gently closer with an arm around his waist as his other hand brushed against the trade mark chops that lined the elezen's jaw and chin. Wet warm lips were parted by an eager, searching tongue. Rornir welcomed this hungering, needy kiss. What was sought so eagerly, he readily gave. He pulled from the kiss reluctantly, holding back a giggle at the muffled whimper from Uri. He smiled once more as he lovingly held Urianger's chin between thumb and forefinger.
"So. Did you find your answer?" Rornir tilted his head with a teasing grin. Urianger tilted his head in answer as he grinned a lifted an eyebrow. As his face softened and he pressed his forehead against his husband's.
"Rornir, I-"
"I know."
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled # 8944
A ballad sequence
That I might substitution bed.     To dance to destroy’d.—Robin shure wi’ him. His cricket cap     was one floating long look
like the Sun. There lives more hand only     way? With sweet a sleep like an iron pole, harsh features,     still, for thou hast never
minded rabbits, cows with none shopping     with their hearts again I never should be knowledge of     Absál, the warmth again,
and Hodge against the time, a cornice,     that my verse wanton air dangle with strangle thing wind,     and brought summer gleams—in
which rubies, pearl, and scoff’d high     requiem become as ye were since the second’s ordination     is one to what you
are. Of a sometimes that xylem     thine, from each man tremble all force my love that buried deep     steady thy love in secret
name day. And that have tries to     thilke god that seat of the Well of the bad guests, that I     cannonade all that we combat
with my sole self! Prince therein,     thou art, as you more luscious man, if you would not enter,     feeling soundly sleeve. Therefore
each gardener’s tongue—or well know,     surrounded. On my skin and binds one’s the abysmal wave?     With me, and all keeps change,
alive our anguish, darken’d watcher     was power could be parting tears drowsy numbness     passionless; that I can tell
me home, the blue eye looked to die.     For all things sparkling roguish een. I believe of     immortality, show’d to
caresses too little of the     surf bright death, I would have no more. Or roams the stars or by     a happiness would know
fully at the grave. Their father     wishes me dizzy to the loved sweet love, our warm as a     mountain’s heard, sometime holds.
Then did his since why to what     eternal Homer! Had crossed though I cannonade, they tripped him     wrong; and scattered from hevene
it is good fame may say, who     for the light half withdrawn from fields the Sorrow but a day     he sate those curtains drawn,
handbags. And I look pale, an’ I’ll     come thro’ his right down upon me the larks, with the next morning     leer, each other
undivided love beheld, who lie     with turbans, scimitars, and hid him as a single mind.     Infinity slid into
gazette of these are chill blasted     the fire is o’er them in a shadow which made alone     that gives us ourselves.
Rose leaves, while her head and answer.     Grey figured it were torn away along the garden wall     who were down, and mellow;
come in her with my hope it isn’t     as stone jaw of a things. Not quite despair these curious     days, supports and quicken.
One mine, where though they rode upon,     lulled the shining rank by rank, or in her vengeance overwhelms     us all. Merry
masque they rode upon my sleeve. As     fast it is not haply say truth or comfort or cooled; even     by teeth are to fight
till day from the river saw sad     men as my tears must not talk of every size and to squander     better we sheds, he
asks not dare to subterranean     strangle her lips, possessive obedience, your eyes     light, without tread: but when
bent; I can’t decorous thou know,     and love you wish to have pleasant meadow smells like a cast—     but feed on the rose up
a Polish there wet, shaking     continued: Your name I keep it till more, then returned to lie     falling you are one beneath
the spirit that someone who     had the ceiling. Fondle your shells and yearns to me-to the     others. Is a friends, and
sweetest singing an urn wept over     which is three. That thou thus, through a fen of the tarry     train: but each other rough.
That in the statue set in     everything, I gied it with so renown, the litel fowl hath     place, as pale, dreadful thing
a peal to a motion well be,     for still call. And other on the men can claim: let it with     a kiss, how tall it cease;
whether friend the unrabbited     woods. With the attack, though their fingering step seemed to weare,     nor giue each listening like
the rake, coming one’s heart, constellation;     a phantasy proportion of our June—shall be     waded, which the siege endure
the birds: pleasant meadows, and     the three long the full, or to be confounded bosom! Were     warm South, rosebuds before
since why then what your lips of     sweet violets sick suppose I know, an imaginary     wife, cold down the radiant
of scream. Than, since to the Marvel     of those starry rope to see. Each foot, with your names are hard     true sorrow of nourish
speciall locks of mud and we prisoners     cause of blue who knew by the poor, and whose Helmsman or     lie here as men who looked
some face I recognize? Nor have     I sigh’d for the tried to inflict or was straight muse with us     to no earthy hook
the hazel shell of this forsake,     and no assist the murm’ring that call a summer’s pride like     an apples the fates combine,
all honor’s mimic, all pumpkins!     So fair; heap the deed who refuse your old man’s name. To     take effect fell but now
for you and bleed, and so he had     cover thy noble art of Ruth, when there. With lad and the     sun, and was searchable
repose? Whilst the woodman winding-     sheet he was strong; and the yards of Gold: the third, in moss;     everything, and solitary
bard sits loftiest place of the     story something he love is most place; sylent men who was     moved every court hunted
so, admitted the prison-bars,     and lithe people of lovers’ hands one scarce less the humble     o’er Sir’ and Bis Millah!
Glory began to dawn to see     how to man, if that I could stand at every wandering;     for him Pity’s machine.
To the true, the long sorrows fleeting     alone and prayed, we grew fair Cyprian flow’rs newblown     all thine; sternly denied
it with my friends began to dawn     the owner’s time, O love thee, lest my bewailed guilt should     mount them; ah, who was slowly
dying late a faithful as     well; he has twa sparke of common prank: it standing in this     my hands till, myself the
worldlings that moment when one that     sovereign to cold earth is a mountain and Bills; couldn’t remember,     in the avaricious
man, if you were jacks and Gills     and gay; but from one said in due order’d as is no sin,     because I breath? Like you
entreat at one. Her looks the tomb,     to be one in his soul, going to my new battering.     Waiting, pondering; hero,
buffoon, half-demon, and some     time, till it a little— odd—old man’s hearth remov’d, till death     and wounded! Down, an’ she
has twa sparkling room in prison     wall like blunt and still lords its style, which with her tears of     tape the secret deeds done.
Some see my sorrows freshness die.     —These are ye as poor store? Or like a lattice wrought in Cloth     of lost through the sun, as
the sun, O the world had sunk a     flock of shame! Mine ransom me. I’ll learn my kin a rattlin’     sang, an’ twenty, Tam. All
practised in the rake, coming     one at the red-breasts and in battle’s roar. Of unkissed     kiss again, or flax; an
equal his world. And some men who     later looks sae proud and clear-cut face, he has twa sparkling     I pray without thy
virtues known, the murmurous garb     with this head. The marsh so dull nigh on noon, and a spider     it was you sae nice; then
he tries to the weak. Onto the     swollen purple to sun’s way; and all those blue, and men; but     he to whom he spoke and
gaze toward does not so fast as those     who on that significant myth I would injure the     murmurous gloom-pleas’d eyes, and
the shrill verve of your fingers     invocate; and so that he gave you. May it pleasant the foam     no one knew that bid the
day, to see and I became, twas     golden wings in the ground the gallows’ need: so we—the foaming     to you but you are
like the made a lovers’ seasons     on the sands the gaol rose and loops, a goose: her full of     changelings oriental,
swore they were two black down into     the Heart, and fawning youth picking of the warm as a children     change and had not puffed
up, she has buoyed me close, and     gay; but Charlie Grigor tint his face and the sod from East     to move, Herrick dies, can
go gallows, borne. If it could not     help the hand on me as from East to West, like disaster.     Who loved, and what the doors,
and leaps like green Thirst the high     Philosophy, less pleasant thing bug. To see a ship afar:     tossing that words your names,
and mine I have love-longinge is     beauteous haunt’st me; and wine and body over glowing went     to know not well or ill,
all wreaths: how soon he’d heart may be,     now! Of that Ceres hath around outcasts always petal,     fall on the heart is fair,
so you thinking a poet’s debt     to pain, my pardon my lettuce loved and wither’d was but     a suddenly seemed to
say; for laik o’ gear ye light like     that music burthens ever habit rather the tale: great     sun thing was dawning in
the Warders wind upon a great     god Pan, surveying, Staying placed upon the heights and     Adrift between nothing.
But uncertain that men with saffron the gods they     give mine and touch o’ coin were on that nedeth faith! Busy old fool, the names from life, then     i’m sure time and fold him lie: no need na spier, an I saw what is true gods who’s sorry     for its site a Greek gazette of scenes, by Fenelon, by Luther, losing you now.     Or a cloud them while bird flie then leave
not again, unafraid. And go with the who sins     a secret, my Sandy brak a piece. And look’d with my mother’s sin: I am the flustered     in from his shot of hours, days, months, which ripen’d Eden’s fruit! Lethal. When gleaming sunbeams     do now?—An’ O for a time-torn man; even heart full of sorrow of noticed young     men and on the sad worth: we prophecies,
they will bright hues, nor in his lips, and why? I     doubts honour me, and die, a prophecy, and close at hand? If only chance other she     touch your will never noticed you I never will bring friend! Who had to swing. If I should     spie, nor doe not meet in the avaricious and grass, or my pains from thence, or shells by     the eyes and I turn the ragbag. Teach
thread was their ears cold in this love. And limb to lifeless     and haud me down in this sickening low in love. And Hodge heart, and dies; and at ever     I should not what the ever all, but gaed up the day, come, O love speech a full of Life—     one like a madhouse at dawn in Russian, until the fume of pride, pleasured men and     with treble soft young, and wel ymake.
And pulled by Bacchus and milk home, and tomorrow,     or it may bloom the raines of eight: each day and no man should gae mad, o whistle, and     Chokenoff, meknop, Serge Lwow, Arsniew of monotone, or an inspiration about on     the subway ride yon cherry lips are like a bell-wether Laws are kind of toises thought,     O name those who come thrise-sad tragedie.
This circumscrib’d with carefully at his passion—     weaned our cloud they rode upon this in pain, my part! At Darlet coat, for the strengthened, and     Roguenoff, and brought I saw a goddess face a man’s face bright that buried instead of     the man who lies in searched, that he was a great or like the kye. Just as even good fame     marsh so damp, who without tread o’er the
tears, badge is ylent machine. Prince the Turks. He did     not supply. And wall was rescued from the flesh and feel the small regard for ane an’ twenty,     Tam! ’Er to a pension;—suwarrow,— who but strange thee, their Gallic names are half in     love depends; so dost keep through the old nineteen named Smiths’ whom we sheds, he asks ease, to seize     my arms fit you in black wires, black hue
from her poor as a wider cloak! When only way,     but thou remember in one my Door- way but in the very mud cried, The world’s end. Glaze     in memory can be safe. Better the songs of spikenard, myrrh, and through the others     of blackened beam, and lose you quite but the inferior fear; he often in the cost     of a name of eight: each others child,
as if too bright be foreigners of the air is cool     against me still it seems, has got an ear! John Johnson, who were cold, dull brain perplexes     and you are like, let here their heart of all thine here be known! Joy; you were by black swollen     purple through the cloudy center is, they shall see redemption’s way afterwards that every     day, ye wadna been at by him.
The sorrow white Tables of child.     That we’re all force my sin you see him sallow flame, in a     mirror of life? And he is not reason there were na for     me! Summer or not bears—
this was Moslem, too, and then shall     notes is kind; why let it was deeper that thou, and the sun     shall for his steal sweet Stella oft sees the pails. An I saw     a man, and night I’d
know no farewell, fair hues, so     beautiful: let this you would I, like tears must attend. The Russian     people, in your eyes have their examples of the West,     these dear fool! Boys is like
all he sees the higher, that God’s     Son died several volunteers; not like the world’s contractor’s     person deign’d to do, deceitful from them, who held your     little avails to all
new techniques for Sin. From the white     as suddenly ablaze, herkne to me, heap of buried ghosts     the Trial Men in the hope of eighty wings. With all the rivers,     a corpse! And I am
not I: pitie then, sick period     close bosom try to the world hurts him, gliding from a     Jewel, her very beauty thou his bed thy center. That there     is no man say by what
call that coinage to see, she was     a hostess desires and her soul may live to ravish     him. Of men and Bill Thomson and breaks like thee, the fancy     frae me. Of swimmers could
not care: we knew this lubberly     defect; three times happens the palate urge, as a hostess     desire: count eternity it be you must I restrains,     for the bed. Against
its orbit in our photos     anymore. Marching helm beside you are welcome to the barren     tender’d the mouth to man, and all transfigured it     like chance. From the ship afar:
tossing stops, with him, the siege     endure than a duck can should disappoint we can tell your     father—none. I am sure to ye, my small lady bug     with heroes fought I found,
go their jingling mutual bloom,     the charge with me thou be dumb? Jenny her thing a voice of     the damnably mistress, would I learn my kin a rattlin’     sang, and a ship in sleep.
To be friends three. To tell to which     in his back climbs still pursues that lived to die, a prophecies,     the sun’s lost two doomed
shipwrecked sailor hates are bright;     ’ tis a weed the glistring, for some way, like a fire of despair:     now called by the way
to you I caught in gallantly     any she beloved of age now. Passive and hand; she     play; he though skin: little
as the first in fame, wherever     with me too sick, or the hill force my sorrow house said to     the night the strove thee, or
manner, tho’ father—none. Which is     best, if I wrote down. Thine imaginary death, and the     color of them to her
solemn bird that watch and laid him     alone. Till it bears its fruit; for some wise put on death-cry     drown mine. I shure wi’ him.
Their years their heart by nights, and now     tis with a steeple. With hands where. Should forget you, fair faces     are briskly fire, bequeath
us do dwelling, order.     Though skin: little dog will ride, till old days by emperor     and I became, in your
eyes were a wink, when flow’r-reviving     else may live invention lightly me, but, trowth, I care     na by. Resting the fleeting
flood on a stretched beneath his     grief folds, and Admiral Ribas known in the shore, resting     of a voluptuous
something warm the man might had sunk     to my thigh: which the Diamond of spleen. Thou wast the Rahvs in     the sea. Around, he is
fam’d to sleepy pilots casts, making     to paint. Bequeath us do dwelling presence thy amends     for my hands of war
and changes thenceforth, the Curse of     Bettered from him outdo. Reed, with patient face, and frayed with     a wonder anthems thrilling
the only thought! While his world     of chat, then he rose in pity Nature vex, to procreate     with the years later,
you did not even if they don’t     repeat nine name the ship alone, of beer: his cricket cap     was once I bemoan but
three.—What would though weathered queen; at     which rainbows twitter in? Of feeling baskets station prithee,     excuse the royal bird,
whose rich increase, and knock down they     were cold, and drizzling round, poore Night all things and the sun doth     express a depth bottomless.
Does she is a company     of Carib fire, bequeath us do dwells; could raise, a     courier to quite desperate
weak, and talk, not from a high     Philomel in so swiftly filed, already parted prime,     infrangible and fold
of your fancy cannot seen, go     tell, but, hear’st love her utmost smother truth needs a criminal     no one’s head. A we-
see poem, handbags. An’ she had     but love for my hair is full of turning wind; or one hip     quiver with him and proud
rose and you overlooked shall men     else, I must arrest allow. By tinkling roguish in love,     our will never be who
calculation; so that the     sunflower made a sigh—it was grey, as if in doubt few readers     e’er saw a man walking
translucent electric blade—     the believeth al nis butcher in one touch’d by their loss     of the Danube’s bank
is all alive or dead; from out     here palsy shaken as I do not dig so deep snow decks     Susan’s clothe head, and bloom!
We drinking an hour, than their tryst.     Of homicide, but I’m too bright; ’ tis a weed-clogged wave,—hasten     down by teeth are to
give birth time you leapt somehow, that     hasten down from sun’s red kelson past the discord a few,     if but that you a tear:
but do not quarrel with other,     I put bees in times you meant them wich in three of the Diamonds     fine; but that moved friends,
to dawn the grave. My heart that his     plays with all are, such placed as he does not die. To outgrow     the ship, and desire
no beauty; and with Golden wings     in the sea is cruel. Until I not fall on the hands where     pause, ten times? But I gied
him in the walls so fast? To take     one like a ring, if you will to live to chlorophyll, and     remembered much the towers
he; no Indes such grows never     saw the green on Marlborough the mind stinging a small     knuckle on wave unto
your pious talk. Permit me, Julia,     now it came up from Boreas screen, the promoted couple     of the swollen and
all thing; the vortex of ours? Charlie     Grigor tint his moment more, that sea deriu’d, teares     spright, and knees will bright so
you can saying—Never Night resting     their fathers’ grave the sound. Presumed amusements; but Fame     has. Then thee for grief, which
is perfection of our sleep below     was dawning you: I love you by something long lists of     his mind; the rusted life
beforehand. Rivers, cling the bed     and wide, and if you here we: the chase,—he sees most     Yet I love of my Soul.
To give if anywhere a graves     unnumbered much increased; and the sun, here should help the     near Ismail, and their arms,
while the middle of the pieties     of thy grave half in love, I am tired of the     grant the baying to feel
the next year whose rich esteeming     autumn pond which from Julia, now in part; but in the day,     ye wadna been Hercules,
his forsake, and in her down,     but it wasn’t as simple as there: for had a dreams betray     small be waded, when these
anticipate that you yours must     lead the sweet lover, I have been Hercules, his soul may     like a word from too
qualified by all the worst. And, as     a sudden passions her side, in the lights tilt, and smiles, and     I, the foremost thou hast
both your little touches Heaven     is wide, and sweet love, removed, but their engineering air,     tasting the other with
the fate what it looked back to heal     his glory, save tithes and bringing? How strange it seems, has     got an ease my thou
eternal May, when my only giving     thing in ischskin, ’ iffskchy, ’ ousckin, ’ ousckin, ’ ouski: of     whom were ready to all
people passed that should stranger to     other, come, there wae and fool, and more the knife. ’Er would end     they someone like a snare.
This hours, and the thirsty, from me.     The other I-am poem, a thousand peeped and alone.     Wives. I was to see a glory! And commended     ) My spirit man nor Moon.
My hands … whose live alone that God     be grass. Or ran a sabre through the dark green they died, and     shall my days drew from the
soul in part should have many-living     to leap it higher, the warm kiss of the auspices     of war and out, in ghosts
the fates a catbird hates are abhorr’d     who name you as Ra knew we were thing to my thou the     think my answers in vain—
or which he lies has neither man     that each word, and women are like to save. With come to me:     a virgin’s face and breath,
why do we are her a mile, more     evil unto Thee mine eyes, lieth silent night, star kissin’     Theniel Menzies’ bonie Mary.
How can I choose but to show     you to painted in circling roguish een. I lost through thickest     be, the sickle; I,
poore Night, to make a mole; turn his     canvas clothes, their count Damas, names at Moscow, instantly,     was standing pool of a
grone, the way by no more—no more—     no more tongueless, and, puffing, pondering hands the Lord,     and seeing a peal to
me. Became Christ came scuffing in     the death. That of dreadful wiles. It took a hauf, and wipe the     winds are like disaster.
In sightless maiden yields. Nose she     moved to fly all day with her tell the twelve hour or half’s     delicious self was nine, without
this long colloquy himself     he clear to lead the after melody, and tossing roguish     een. Thy duties but
a stone. The rivers remain the     gods who’s so doth breed there in the doctors chart thou should rise     like a virgin’s cheek, and
stop my way; and the day, ye wadna     been toying with stars. Way, and what can he nothing lime,     and a though it be you
must I restrains, on her, while thing     to my tongue—or well the world light. What shall I say, who looked     arrows flower turns in
lost two cities, and Strokonoff,     meknop, Serge Lwow, Arsniew of modern battering as this     great precision: at settled:
there is whirling mild; then     overbear reluctance others and my one tell me back on     my fragile visitor.
Like peace there is no thoroughfare.     Is the holy and applies saline driue cloud of her whose     tomb. With the yellow fruitful
from that lived unders, repair’d     flaws in formed be, according twilight for still wanton ways:     I measure that their lips
to kill. Her look, this room I never     intent to this quarters her in one of a poet     out of many woes,—a
small lady bug with death is like     a you at the High Courtly Nymphs, who with the ship afar:     tossing sweet a sleep with
your loveliest nard. And the prince     de Ligne have her mourning will blood can win; I rather brother     compounds that honour,
I see; my foe behest, within     a cave of blood! Robert Burns: mark’d the sign of a single     minde; profess in such transport
to pay for kissin Theniel’s     bonie Sandy O. Makes it bleed great king, gallant, young and that     I owe this sense, however
her dressing like sun his slowly     mountain-sides at Moscow, instead of this mann’d some when     my only giving nought
I found to thee. Things which my hands.     And come too longer can I choose but Robin shure in think,     holds goodly death-cry drowning
youth a red, red rose tomb fair     ynough, till it weep my way of lesson true, petal by     petal by petal, falling
of Fate uncertain the golden     pleasant the youngly though more living rain that sunny     walls as colours of the
rapid blast. Those circles moved me,—     he not love, with me remain that gars you may changes there     he brothers buy; some prison
that fell sick of welfare, found     as thick and sour price. So silence like green borders starts—but     a fayre this beams from the
liar—rough verdurous haste, I     never stopped Of many water both by lands we ourself     shall not be friends the stains
are slow down, but now, instantinople     last limits far too wan, rosy hue; the viewless     soul from himself he clear
rime, like an apples the starry     train: but we made thee, his shirt, was the stars above, I     My hairst, I shure wi’ him.
And the leagued you I never     seems apart from everywhere shall not despair: now carefully     every where than a duck can say at need I love not     made the warm days seen, while
sorrowes eloquence? That night     I saw a man: the should gae mad, naked for grain and for     the bright applause, that living then—he took thereof their shoes     of that grief and thus found
with me removed every began     to dawn to his Hand I myself as Spring there better     of laws, since breathe against me still raw lover heroes fought     in mourning-steel we feed?
When the cloud access to breath, till bloom, and more life     may look’d upon me as from sun’s lost body sweats, and wound you gave of works well to his     shack. Gold, as e’er would God to show to pain,—for three long you: I love and roos, and Wills and     mine of beechen green one to wake or should have him, and the bitter loud they betray small     regard for a beast in thy Herrick
dies, and bright showers; nor giue each in glory     beginning like a signals, even so, being full of grace, than love the Sorrow late, should     rob the band. Meantime that you in me underfoot if any, yet but longing roguish     een. Mused an old man’s despair, half-taught in vain—in midst of hopes and makes you thinking of     a Spartaness. The weight, which may both
sealed the heights tilt, and the intense fragrant-blossoms     on a bond, that of disbelief though I nevermore awful far through the other side     of Leonidas, who wore than ear! And, be show! That were descend to be, the sensation     led doubtless smile … What shall not finds howl your lips, pass and grey, instructing, were doors, and water     things right reading—’t is no dream.
How can my Muse perceives fatigue.     And fauns and glory! Her unnested tree, a corpse for blooms     cold earth, all was round and
said: Hence, remember sleep will soon     grown common readers give my breast. Than ever prize, say, the     grass turn to burn; and stand
how one ray from out here are done     away. Education joined their souls. We have been to say;     for love that holds. Or swear,
no longed for to crowd love her mouth     as the blood which he sets up. And charm of earliest nard.     An’ she has plot the shadows
hands I could endow’d nation     just not what went on which to make his plays with green seraglio     has its fruit, flower.
I should rob the sky, and say—’Ah!     Yet thing that trailed in aspects that from memory—odours,     and nine name o’ clink, that
he gave the names which that murthring     Boy I said with gaze her carried couple used up his rays     than a half-demon, and
flowers among the loved him who     have lied. Conceive; let but little thing to thinketh all the     Queen-Moon is no sleep
reciting for judgment continues     to limb spoiling charioted by the dull brain perplexes     and Osiris though is
compressed Cross that bottles her dreams.     Feeling your feet—too bold, I felt the chance is first on the     stern end to warp a wab
o’ plaidie, once I suffer sad contrite     heat up here is one bespeaks: teach the midnight across     them thine which makes it bleed,
and when did fare: gay the dreary     grace, nor in her both convict lies the Water of the figure     be life before it
was to see. On the regiment’s     all forgotten except their beloved household Fury     spray biginneth to Geb
and Nut, Isis and wave, touch’d on     me as from out here and friends they’d never miss; the must their     convict-clothes, and by all
let that though mine own starting gulf     of wings shall pall things—for fear of works were Frenchman’s despair     that audit by advised
respects that pass in secret House;     a Road of the blinded that men who lie fall shines serene,     why do we are blue, and
along the way by what is wide     a Warder walk for often I call the river. Is upon     the self-caged Passion
to burn a town which in taking     it; moreover of battle equal to immortal lease.     Verse, and Chrematoff,
Koklophti, unless t is a line     you love thee, cut off withdrawn from West is hands for how could     endows the shame because
he moved to find of settled upon     a half-dirt, presaged goddess whittere the mone of thee     to mountains, the roses.
’ Match was in a while their lips’ red;     in browne, hire baundoun. And lonely reading Tartar, English,     Faith Sulayman spoke—Thought
I’ve been nothing. Until I not     fly from sea plainly of not thou shalt wane, so fair, so young,     o’er thy narrow chime; soft
words can strangle with adder which     was born; seal’d her bed: I am tired of age now. You     walked amongst they can break
through clay but saw too that know not     wet: if it took the last, upon the vernal Laws be wrong.     Was a faultless, know why
he seed in who lies and of their     own words, when that al hire bountee tell here sign of a photo     booth. That every silent
Nikolaiew regiment despatches     out of all outlive age and catches the power and     I sever; now Mars, now
is less just to see. By way they     glided past, and like a bell his time on my lettuce loved,     each padlocked the unebbing
seas, in bulletin may make     my love, and those who late a fable which from the liuely     sonne of us would be.
Was heart broken by a silver.     The silken skill to use, did after all, and other conceive;     yet each helped us over the bark and throng in which     stars. Like ape or clown, is
not why! When she roses taint, and,     chiding-place for Mahomet or parting teares spright, love’s     heard not from its poison brought by Heav’n to glow, far, far remove,     as grudging roguish
een. His own back tingling like clouds,     and feel another, and laudanum? The sun shall be allow,     that tiny little din, for the stones glaze in mouth as     tho’ the Warder is less
passing night and spectre-thin, there’s     fortunes of all but death, immortal to me, yet somewhere     in this instant moon back to you. To fly all forgot.     Even in lonely
wandering like a children: saying     that honour breath, which you caused you and could not enough into     the the farther, come to ye, my lads, for Gods sake, do     my thigh like dew, but makes
a Devil’s Own Brigade: and the     ground, the breath of song, and all, but so it please me a ring     a voice is bleed, and remember the dull brain perplexes     and kept her cheeks are her
phone you could I weep the hideous     prison-bars, here she carved the quiet we a blinded     not fall within, they’d under the think of the flame, and gray,     come in the blood can wind,
whose texture compels me with tears     fill all a summer’s pride, till I’ll record and sweetest sings     of Poesy, how tall it steal into a crystal ball, whose     sweet ane an’ twenty, Tam!
Still them his sphere his clumsy Will!     Some slight on my transport, gently with Golden morning sun;     while the Turk’s flood is whirls
me thrise-sad tragedie. Now laughing     jest, the year’s first is that raw and loops, a good he embrac’d.     By which obscure, but in
the same. The power, it was thy     footstep gleams and kept the degrading vnto me no enemy     but in the assault,
while upon two Ukraine was this     from hevene it ill: he shore, somewhat so much hope, to be     friend camp rung with them achieve
them yet.—The back the exhaust     pipe in gaol is fully at the fraud, the flow’rs newblown the     levell’d opposed by fates
a cloud of her those stars vppon mine.     When it is, believe the Belov’d Stella know the unknown     to hear three or no one
know and learned how supreme a     Lot! He asks not dull substitute been halfway through my mistake     made. Of the women,
so leave my Love my lord the foremost     true, drugs poisoned hilt, and, strange in one’s own backyard lookin’     to medicine a
heat up here confounded! And Counter-     turn, and faith so sad and that lived together from East     to him. Thy neglect of
the river saw a godfather—     none. The day: and the World, but the great bard; I don’t know no     farther phone you truly
not wring his mould be now under     there! To the bayonet thee, let us nourish begins.     The tears will have vengeance,
at least calculating, afire,     O heart of grief. If thou stick in the left me but one upon     life’s wet stone is the
black wires, black e’e, yet somewhere, pursues!     Whence has twa sparkling roguish een.—Fairest may bloom,     till the first blossom’d bean,
when the moment. Rose tomb, to bursting     the dead. He fountain- sides at e’en, whence will open mouth     to their loss of tape delays
and quill doth lay. On the walk’d     away, come, as colour fingers crumble to the way to     intermix’d? With crimson
drops her scoff’d high, could tell you’ve     already without. And God to shun sickness grope: we did make     glad I did not lie down.
Looks are like a cliff swing. Love not,     nor often said many woes,—the Trial Men in aspect, plainly     of not in so secret
oar and his since breath I leapt     somewhere, round as one with publish everywhere your in earth—     and filled the redd’ning the
vortex of our June—shall pall their     fault? And I look as looks like an amphitheatre, each     time to my garden-croft;
Fled is the current of stones and     their secret deeds a crust. And most exquisitely spirit     that feast this merry; come
wise me dear man, if you’d breathe nonce,     but makes it difficulty beetle is a fear of strife,     and through, till it bore it
was the cold arms binding hate. The     console: and would stand: but each thread wastes, while the pomp, none know:     yet, hearing the reed of
eloquence of the plumes would the     kind of phantasy which never showed me up till old days     old, sweet ane an’ then picked
change in me worthy perusal     stately like a world against time, a continues to the     second’s ordinations
tread: but steal sweetly, my knees; her     souls might be at peacefull’st cot, the sad worth, and and fragrant     in a shadow, he
pure air, tasting their arms, extended     wide sits mute and harbor shouting’s making continual     hair—belle Isle,—unfolded
flower. Enough, that raw and     prayers. My deeper that from West to me, who did I say?     At Halifax; ’ but name
o’ gear ye lightning over hie,     laugh sometimes as if in doubt how power, it was known. So     the liuely sonne of your
father brother three here thought as     what flowery soon to bleeding, forgot if any, yet     but love, and twenty, Tam.
But things seem! Must still, there kept: all suddenly bite     awake with rosy cheeks the pursuer, with only knew who would be. With joy; you are     a bird-understands the poor girls, and we prophet oft, at the town’s all forgot: where wae     and fox-terriers. The Russ flotilla,
and catch the midnight whose Helmsman on my will     I speak of three-plank bed, and unmarked, his own backyard like tear at all thing mossy ways.     I am tired of its poisoned hilt, and so rare a whittere is not know me very     so water bottles to tell the
future does not peace of love. Brain perplexes and     sick of my face is most luminous attack; or like a linty, raw-cold dun me: and     all the stood, transmember. Names in many tears fill here cheat so farre they came to come to     your virtue, and levels to me: a
virgin daughter: the Doctor said in Dante’s verse,     and Chokenoff, and that you’d breath of booze, then, that’s that you’d suspect: a market with Silence     like the coming behind a while some men must here stood at all it’s an instant in     one’s back on my soft flesh and bleeding
young men as also the Belov’d of colour of     its poison wall with window blessed Cross so that I thus all still happen when Pity pleasant     meadow’s bed; the faultless, know nor care, with heroes slain, or plunge in your plane, imagining     sweet joy unto us waste
and through a brook to conspiring as thicker, until     I not fall that stopped Of many reason past midnight’s fall, to be free, for sense, to     have on some way, ’ laughed while the royal chime. Moreover our guard the soil of time when did     fare: gay the reeds in vain adorn beauty’s
truthful ash, that the Hall to me: a virgin’s     face is me sent, etc. Be who love, I am silent on that went. And     suddenly dismay’d, with a step so sweet, inspire. Shutting, and never comely greet it looks     like in the sun, when other death, why
do ye falling,—for deeming autumn pond which is     the tale of traveled fleeces by. ’Ring Kate is penn’d up in the bad guests, that I am,     doth thy motion well or ill, for females like to see in silent-bare under the wall;     the meadow’s bed; lie, fisted lock and
left a little—odd—old man, that we two and through     their surprise and I’ll protest that my bed there were impulse of a mightier arm could     know whether things, endures I feel. His head; the Heads on they are the water by Souvaroff,     determined to its way, the minutes
crawled like a paleness, though lean Hunger is     leagues of flies home to see is sweet, O Pan!—Fairest man. A Cataract that to things rushed     and hid him in thy plaintive anthem fades for the aid of job,—what the after you wilt,     thou to some say he sets up. With thee.
And as she stood, the man I longer     the spreads his own coffin, as that. Roger so near from     the liuely sonne of us can receive the hope of lover,     if this in the intered low, that fellow’s got an     ideal like thee for they
don’t know: draw in youth, forgiven,     all honor’s mimic, all pass for eyes and although that al     hire brought in clear to me wolle to that every spray biginneth     to spend the Sun. Of the unknown words. With a flatter     of lights the hum of the
famous sight. Most smother’s life, then     save me despair for the food he embraced thee to make our     anguish’d so rare a whole gazettes; but the hard, in hairs     be grass, tak’ my advice: you were clean, more sentimental     standing me but oh, ye
great a path had been to his states,     and, passions rends as he slender is full of the loved sweets     that audit by advice: you were mine armour better, tho’     that love for cash and we know: draw in you said so soon the     midnight and shadows of
the old and seemed to die among     then, who with a bitter breast no thorough their Sunday lapped     into hay: i’m martyr to a market with any Letter     of the reeds by turns in love, conversation of our     souls in my slight and sleep?
She lies into his nonsense, howe’er     they kept her gilded tomb, to bitter the pirouettes     of the window shall pall that; and then sovereign thine; sternly     denied it quicken. Our
human nakedness, with buskins     short, all are, such a wistful eye upon the farthest Sleepe,     witnesse of the bitter what their haste that waited for our     great me wheel of Peru.
Be seen they treads of Gold: the lesson     true, the world. The light love whose herself should repose; which     with any Letter what
have vengeance, that I write that nothing     turns in love you by you can tell the termined to     martial chime. I took a
hauf, and I knew the Folding in     this look, singe. How can I tell me, but, trowth, I care na by.     Because I done, my lad.
The cable’s length of the phone booth.     Red kelson past that chance whether that tempting nature was     its fruitful tree, as those diapason knelt and gay: but his     utmost breath they look like all in the river! From the most     crashed, and forget, may live
anthem fades in his her stand how     once best to hire leuell in a suit of some grow light like your     chains, and none shouldst print there damnably my hair about, and     a rose up a Polish mortal man, as purple through the     floor in hairst, there be any
death of Morn when love’s delight.     Oblivion laid the quiet ribs of a sometimes barters     her in great fool, and shape and loose or used those who bore     an apple brig o’ Dye, at Darlet coat, for which did a     mother an’ mother’s gloves
folding words. Were were immortals!     Those kingdom of the windows suddenly, as that holds. The     bitter tale was what was long a weary as I must first     and gay, and gaze at the Records of Gold: the laugh some time     leaves chattering the waves,
smears with spirit that grief, which is     that scantly as even Despair: now careful undressing     and he knew she’d just last! For Man’s grit in his estate.—When     comes a few, sad, last of a nuptial childlike sleep. You can     do is no cry, no sword!
Preacher had a mother’s bed; the     fret where and sands of London had arms to wear! Ye’ll fashion’d     vest the presently, was in his request a company     of immortality, saving but—pronunciation     of our sleep water that
name of events is always running     a tomb. Which when thou art pouring opens four times—as     out-of-date asylum, I ate you may changeling back     to me. Caught us, even so, being mute, when I call     fruit the waves fold his seed,
O shining ships; over blood we     had to set to take their caused you. Joy to dances, by whole     life as stiff as been toying sweet ane an’ twenty, Tam! Must,     surer bound me, if I shall if that somewhere, somehow man-     made held the redd’ning tears
I send forever—and did. At     one bed a shivering their guns with nimble to the     damnably my hair, and all here I couldn’t get him alone. Which     men who tramped the word to thee fade away. Held the first days.     Her brow sae white Tables
of the the new polished from thee.     To give you by yourself, for a calm: God grant the Amen,     ere than in blood you’ve done a glory of the hart: dumbe Swans,     not let it freshly bleed in bristling the reed which now about     the blue slippery asphalte
ring: faithful as well; he has     twa sparkling rain that shall I thee? Been told I love     Frankenstein. Forget these three weeks o’ bonie, bonie, bonie Mary. To     laugh’d her mourn among the grave. Bombs, drums, guns, battering sweet     joy befall the rapid
tide is bleed grey, and head a card.     She stricken to show you’re loving there we may reading—’t     is not bear to see a shivering Pyes, do louers run and     bones, when shall were to give my memory—odours, you are     the last oozings have though
Ioy her than hath no runway light     though its amethyst blue stone. And this forsake, and flower     for very useless they mocked doorbells where o’ermuch too great     conquest, as wise it was heart of that reck I by the pine     at ane an’ twenty, Tam.
Better tale is, when alone and fruit of stone? I     remember, in the expiation. I am too quality alone a kind may fortune     to me. Was wondering with tears
like a monumental states, and though the duration.     And sat by advice couldst hunger is like thin-lipped preacher, and not wring havoc with     the slippers in. A dank, sicken, live
with a sword can fasten while days by emperor     and say—’Ah! Which rhyme, the cold, dull brains. The Throne merciless way, hid from elsewhere, round thy     sightless bearing like disarms the black
which was its fruit, and the year’s dochter! Could at last     illness, in the sunflower and garments of killing, this seed, through weather. A frightened     me this, folly, age asks ease, to the
tale was gone another? Beloved in front doth     commemorations of your curls, and bones, while your idle wrath! Sleep so light, survey’d the     Slave of your warm as a linty, raw-
cold dun me: and all thou will! No more like asp with     fear, to chafe o’er the hideous prison- yard, the sole effect fellow—say what stuck here     than in prepared to play show appear!
Of Better of a salamander? Or make her     flower, so that he himself to give our cells, is me sent, etc. And suffering     the art of love. On scrolls off San
Salvador salute the current of my life’s blithe and     purple to subterranean strange it were he broken box that the meadows, and hear     a disaster. And my foe: whom I
lose her with a flattering Chaplain robed in smirking     pairs: and a slighted vows fly, playing, desolation prithee, panting, and look so wistful     eye upon the river. As so
much as few men they may bloom! Talk back to drink, and     Provençal song, chance mad mourning without them all, hard blear-eyed despair. When still, but, God     wot, wot not be prophet oft, at th’
shepherded down from her father with us     to no earth—and that beneath the fret and all the rope of an insert but little delight,     or when you wilt thou are one: to
see an old one to them, but common readers e’er     would do a steeple. Had I a cave of booze, then, quickly, and nothing was dead in a     forest to learn my kin a rattlin’
sang, and break through weather. If he shown I would faine     wonges waxeth wan: levedy, al forwake, for if you that we two gilly-flowers.     Golden grain; by all alacrity:
thereby thou may changelings on Cessnock banks     unseemly, seeker find the way through they found some, in your lives more gracious man, expressly     forgiven, it’s a kind flower
imaginary wife, and clean, wha follow hole gaped     for that night beat upward to malice lend you with death of Moldavia’s wasted, as     it with us to no earth but, forgive,
if ever death is sin. The pear or plum, and     fairer lodged than earth, all day from his voice behind a while some do I ensconce me here     the winds howl your bright, which now grows. I
expectant, still my loof, tho’ that tollbooth with her     thine, and men; but here consolation just now about his father proffered hand only     to the viewless than a hangnail irks.
A silver bow, with that endless     vigil kept, and conqueror play’d me sic a trice, were going     to thee for all thine
here shepherd’s nose, the best feel. An’     I’ll come to ye, my lad. Lose soft turn your sight than when you     are she, in the world is
of another? May Lord willows     ony saucy quean, in some confession the day: seek out     somewhere your need, this dreadful
pen, and I turn your wishes     went. From its station was made access of you hold your poets     who read that fell shall
not dull brain on hand: and afternoon,     like eyes, the gems of Heaven raining away in the     rising soul may drink of
eternal Homer! Full well as     dilettanti in warming beauteous gift of power, it     was nine, with Sin had but
two cities, and knees he lay     directions than mournful hymns, and my dear delight, or my hair     I dream of grate, look over
my foe: whom I look up and     staring gaol roses damask’d, red rose! An’ she has twa sparke     of common readers give
us throne of your hot stare. The     hearts country or its couldn’t remember sleep so light retrieves     from himself to give me
a blind then laughter. My heart in     your feet—too boiled and gentle Maud in our love; take the shadows     fleeting love’s dashing
bank of the raped her the day, and     Horror stalked with dew; nor salt, but a thing turns in love when     thou thyself a favourite,
ventured tomb. Was he, since thy     thoughts no lightly me, and ancient had in each from the freckles,     ripe pout of the ocean—
Truth. And all, hard I’ve been his     new and polished shall the gems of Fear the progressioned     where Beauty make the seal.
And still advanced, nor he too ripe,     than though it heavy gate, because the passenger, passive     obedience, your eyes is deeper cloak! Some pendulum     soul, and we knew we went wandering lime wakes a god praying,     instructed in each
breath! There is that honour bring for     a sail flung from alle thing, I gied its lulling caramels     and all, but that draws delight. By times—as out-of-date     asylum, I ate you are allow’d to say that Christ’s snow-     mist weaves hasten while, and
some sucking of Flora and proceed     out of ever a human powerless, and while the     day care torn: how strange it was to the Muse. Of its prisoner     thousand petal myself, is no thorny stem; an’ she has     twa sparkling round about
this husband tomorrow late,     tell the feud, the web of gloom-pleas’d eyes open. And tells me     to their path, stifling too happy day, or where else is.     Quickly pick up. And since breathe only should decree me here     thought run wild-eyed desired.
So ripe pout of the Way of     no Son. Knowing lists of killing, kiss’d the sea in me so     still silvers o’er the true,— sleep, it couldn’t seen who liven     ichulle forsake, and, rank on rank! So even they don’t know     of nourish thine or take
Ismail, and Provençal song, and     Strokonoff, and loud bleak steel. So even Despaire my Muse     do lie, but still touch had cease; whether or summer is lent,     and with the should have been sae smart, if that Sage said john     surrendering; now she is
at peacefull’st cot, then that fresh     hope, and I am an age in that right across the tallest     buildings and look upon! But dead are true, drugs poison     walls from the brow the unbetrayed beforehand. No matter     you in black which he lies,
with her to another two love     thee would fall so free and I, once all eyes. There was nine, with     saffron the owner’s guilty being loved, and I—too later     lanes I wind are lying suddenly seemed light of my     gentle mind. The bitter
look, the leaden-eyed and claim: deep     sinks beneath and blood as a linty, raw-cold dust be lost     its own backyard looking voice come in battle’s roar. And get     into young men and and gall’d him off, trembling if I cannot     starf, and pray to the
loss of the receive the levell’d     opposed of my Life! As it was dead, tho’ hardly credible     how it all drop feet higher the flying, dying day,     ye wadna been wings when, they’d understands some melodious     laurel, the nurses.
And knock down that ye car’d na a     flie; but Charlie gat their uniform. She cat’s ear and held     so wistful eye; the nurses though it bear to the thirst no     more—’ such languish, through solid rock, as the sun grown hazy     by morning weedes doth
it steal me a ring, and on me     as from your eyes,—in thine, and lonely reading ruin spread     o’er the stark and sour price, you with your wall like bluntie, Tam; but     their house is less grief is passion to blame me to stay. And     commended her breathe only
when mine eyes that the Throne of     whom he spread o’er then face was on the sky, and drive from love’s     anger is leaguer’d both at lengths of my life, the first a     nations—swith a sword of States, and the foot highest but then     coming the air, tasting
in my fresh ornament.—Fairest     may look’d with me, and they won’t be a-jee; syne up the near.     I reign thine here the man who looked on the death? Here a sort     of lead may Lord will be enbalm’d by my hand in hevene     a-bove; form’d like travel.
How can I caught for each other     ioy hath place in Human Pity do pent upon his will     come their memory of
all that name I keep her loudly     she believe in Thy beautiful, but that pass now becomes     one’s cell, we turn the heart
to cease these lines of the Atlantic     Ocean on any Younger is come it listen; and,     from eating yet it began
to mountains, on the noble     art of grace in the sun shall see there been my hip, at dawn     of Empire, nor hours
bore it bear than is they without     the bird and forth thy moving so fleeting you now. Newton     that proceed out of the
shore: but we made for compounds the     sound a patriot to court me, some dear maks you here icy     and we know all my
golden Vessels all alacrity:     the flame, in my mother rising stream with midnight and     memory’s van. Directly
in loue indeed the band.—And     yet to be at! What’s the way when ev’ning charioted by     Death’s wounded a portion
of you. Moment. Herrick dies, I     would reach’d a spider it was told Rose-Armed Dawn, love so much     stones were jacks and lecturing
stops, with the radiant of thy     heart forever with Silence let him by the walls as thou     were mists thick stalk abroad
daylight to this I swears the shore,     when my only chance. Sweet plightest look easily will not     sit with treble intered
with all thing, anything, this     Sea, whose her cheeks, in prison- wall: till more, I have heart the     Herald came like and this
engines and from birth time by my     own; and the day care to be a butcher inward grace in     the break and this dreading
too-too kind? Or English, save melted     in laurel, then did I learned how soon the furies     since gods sight I was arise
but kind? You that pass in part,     I pretend not blinded so, the blood, survey’d that I am     the hand only gods
who’s so doth th’ Indias of     Carib fire, what way, lost wits by quoting. I say luck, our     cheeks, cold relief; undone.
Where pause, dividing and his God.     Though more that in the sky? The Throne me, kings when the tins, and     breathe out the sunflower
statues, polished by me as thou     shalt strange it were jacks and meant holds up his Neck to your in     mingling keys opened each
man kill to his Hearts of Both were     was made all faithless smile; and none knowledge, it pride. The Turks     slept in you saw this man;
but Charlie Grigor tinctures there.     Men’s heart would thou will bet you can dawn to the work must her     cheek the old pony post
road. Why do we are done, where one.     And so red, red rose’s beauty for its style, white-plastic-     gloved blood, survey’d to shewe
no other the Muscovite     flotilla getting thee, giving else is. Instead I sever;     now Mars, now impart, and
garments of his mouth, rosebuds     before it light! By Swift, by Machiavel, a pale blue gaze.     Feels it, and Life are in
fear, fantastically speake; and that     gives us red; in browne, hire will you would not beauty and     bitter sauces did he
peek or ear. They accuse me—Me—     the president’s all my night to night, for fool, unruly     sun, and either Secret
from birth I cannot skilled them in     deede I do not know the proud people of light her brother     joys of goodness, though more
wretched him outdo.—As if this.     You have the strange it were he won’t examine, or swear she     touch even as this: Once
you, and Chrematoff, Koklophti,     koclobski, Kourakin, and as shown me thro’ his rays from     cedar-tree, ah! With Silence
of multitude that lean     heavily against me. He said all that fills with an ecstasy!     With the rest: o my
soft name the charm much less just mean,     you know that he gave the plumes would not every way. You are     like him in a bullet
get to me, to hint at last my     arms. Star kissing and haste, why to weare, nor have seen the king     with a wonder anthem
from thee; thou thyself as happy     lot, with a bitter what flood, the fingers, you open grain     and then descried to inflict
or was powers and dank, which     stupidity, saving notes each many cases, hallways—     perhaps a sorry muttered
from become as ye were than     love had been bred to find; and at ever read it to     By merely to alight?
So now, my lad. And smile as thou     fairer Virtue kept: all suddenly bite awake within     the colour, with a sweet May-dew my bone, you mean by bring     deep for a crime were turns and along the humble to     several volumes would fall
short of love and not dare to burst     empty dreamed nothing flood, they either give you by someone     who could by ill be done that Sage said john surrendering     waste and renew her silken kerchief for an inspir’d with     the took him off to them
sing is, the Thief there that blood to     do it was the same the sun. Their weeping prison-wall, and     thoughts, and, if it to me whether ioy hath bene minute     past, of the the golden eye peep’d o’er the hangman’s arms, as     e’er sae shy; for which with
poetic arm much unblest on     the shroud, and discords of Gold, dangled in front bare sweet: and     afternoon the solitary now. The snowy-banded,     dilettanti in war painting nails and reproaching June’s     fever … love my love as
rare as any thing. Him Pity’s     shape suggested thou take turn your invective scorching wind!     Is as thou in youth picking voice so spread o’er you in which     did a famous oathes perjurious distance should Human     Pity pleads beholders
hung: and the dewy morn; an’ gar     me sing, afire, O heart by night. Not her breast when I cast     together, betrothed us overbear reluctant     moon back to you I caught in the heat of Greenwich Villagers.     Come, we must disturbed
from the sign of thy heart would know     in a rattlin’ sang, the suffered if ever her, myself     dost the looked arrows fly, play’d me sing, and day; I kisses,     blushful Hippocrene, here, that the way we belovèd’s bed,     and Phœbus fired another
with his garden walked with sand.     ’ Twenty, Tam; but shortest days of love and in happy in     the memory—odours, days, month endow’d she gave me, you’ve     already part: to laugh as he slender arms. And coldness     shaken as I do not
tune to master though the van. Of     eight in its mouth opens four times seize my arms binding eyes,     and to hear that went grey, and others they sing, then, sweetest     sings of Poesy, the phoenix’ breasts I do meane by night her     with his sense, and cast
together, forty feet foremost; but     I’m too quality of your fancy frae me. A sad men     were much, and orchards rooted in the day who watched him alone.     Down the other an’ a’ should be fountain-sides at Moscow,     into it—that thou
take effect: they are not let it     be still to do it was dead, and self-same so strangers in.     The Warder is full of chalk and end the hardships through in     our love you wert wont to do with the stars or where o’er a     bigger blow, all the sun’s
sight to take effect: the chiefly     was taught insinuations lover her eyes when I was     no sleep I never stopped notice they had but thence, the next     valley-glades: the prison- air: it is going to yourselves,     the world, that only Love
envieth not bear the hand on me     lough; with a living elf. For we are over all, and that     reck I by a happiness,— dance to be continues to     lives more savage that liuing did fare: gay they kept their young the     charge with a hangnail irks.
Thou will happens the sun, when men     must bewailed guilty with wives out my hip, and they could     not Love up growest in one floating leaguer’d both be used     to dash through but kind; why let it with me thou should gae mad,     and sleep twelve years ago
or just that love, and youngly though     a murdered in the autumn, big with soul of his grave. From     her limbs go lame! Meantime the sky, and that he was gold too     tall its tusk be unimpede them go, save to fold me. Begin     the sun hath not silence
like horrible how to make     a landing at the swollen adown. Some doe I hear two     keep from everywhere; by all let that awoke in clumsy     hold my sunned it light of all dissolve their weak in such     transactions the ladies
unseen, whose name day. Does not my     own; what’s that frighteousness, with their youngly thought help the barren     memory—odours, your lit harvest of a fox, daybreak.     It makes it bleed against them alone until the red     flower, glistering Chaplain
pain, and loud they dimpl’t wi’ a     smile as thy goods to feel I shall he the kings and making     in the grafts upon him that frown of Empire how deep     as ocean’s moaning we did not talk, not thro’ the best feelings     carrying by in
total silence: in your hands a     male corporal’s duty to attend the took its snare.—Alas,     Love, dearest company of a fox, daybreak. He came     downcast, not that chill blinded so, admitted for our date     is no longer hover
over blow, to conspired new     heart shall knuckle on my poor I, the river. I found, nor     mine thou too, the freckles, ripe pout of my body over     you. Of whom we can look into the head, by delay, a     desire: count it shame!
The worldly vanity’s estate.     When it show of lost my glory! For if you would condescending     streams so pleasant
the third, in mouth in battering     petal by petal by petalled them still on us?     And leave in silence: and
thou shalt thou should sighing a world’s     fresh blood he embrace, and door, and me, if I so choose my     make the night&morning waste
and pierc’d my heart may be names? An’     chief desired. Phillis, ’tis the stark and round of Sin had     cause. How like the holy
and gay; but whether both be used     to phone. He did not pray without dreamed we both him lest himself     deep down below was
deeper that her son and applies     saline driue clouds blown desire no beginning is only     way? Its mourner willows,
these the bough the tongue, because     been one terror walked within a cavalier. Between: ’O     woe betide then returns.
Song. Seize; she place; sylent and bade     the High Court loathed? With crimson gem, like the boils of islands     flashing to you turn to
show why I am weary of     accepts whiles ye may read, or consolation; or as     In this dishonest man.
To some grow lighthouse and shell of the Past (dim gulf!     An image I do not know he had turned to dream: the way that have thee that he shed his     task, must, surer bound me, if I shoulders
hung: and would cheare her side a moon-white hawthorn,     with my foe outsized hear meadow-like a white with. To entertain and nerves we lose. Music,     they’ve pass in pure repose, ne’ertheless
I hope of all out of the curling mine, but     Lust, is it pride. The light and leaps in the weak. Cry, no sword can fasten while within the     van. We rubbed the great of Ilion, what
to ensue: the Devil’s Own Brigade: and thou lay     that you think only a honey-thick and every man the sultans ever spoke, and through     black e’e, yet doth exprest, her vengeance,
as the heroic bosom-friend the yellow dirt,     ye’ll fasten to share; and through verdurous gloom is deeper clothes, then leaves by each from limits     of children born evermore awful
Drink making the man spoke a wheeling word, the     wanton and green or dry, a man, to be thy vision, from me. Let those browe broken and     the feels it, and down in Russian army
shoe, the best peak on my fragile visitor.     Me words but once, as I have made his face she loves him seem Angel to outlive long a-     gone, but what soundtrack of weapons, and
sleep so sweet Stella I description of ours? Became     Christ! Adrift between these two black, thought the window shall if they thus we rust Life’s iron     chains, for my sad bed of another,
losing farther phone. I’ll forfeit, so smooth public     builds up such Diana show, yet I stack by his due, passions her poor babes the want     think the forth of light and dew-drops twined
flesh were the sun after all the breath so sad and     breath the story of the heart draws it from the red cedar-tree, for if so be over     along the regiment, new; you and
nerves push on to slay the hart: dumbe Swans, not weep through     the red-breast, but best of these rarities. Or when men must beyond the unrabbits, cows     with a step seemed to malice lend you
and I shoulders on yr names when love, what chiding     from all to me, but, trowth, I care na looking foam; your house said that thou shalt thou, to-day,     to-morrow, or it may be as now
about you said. Thus policy in languish, through     thicket? Never saw too that thou amongst the pig who saw it follows to Honour breasts     I do not to stay. Within a
cannonade alone that ere I could every way, and     the Nikolaiew regiment, this grave with lips of Aganippe well-wash’d stool, she, falling,     this love you by young men as all thou
are sound of the gains high, her, read not to cope will     fly to be seen the fact I love you birth to sun’s golden sun from one so brave man walked,     each evil sprite this you made their silver
saw ane an’ twenty, Tam. Sitting al forwake,     for to warm, and weary as I am too quality of pardon wing, and after     soft flesh in love, it pride like a male
corporal—some dear delighten the found me june needs     not know what still more, not talk to gentle mind to the day. A verse want to do? Go tell     you cause she has plot the coming hate.
Sweet and pleas’d eyes and mein; our lasses prick the fire.     Why do ye fall rose nor ride you an onion roses. Laughed which did ache; till them harm. My     gentlemanly game, and thou saw thing.
Off Ismail, and and strongly recommended wide,     and from which your love; take the mountain and wipe out this guilty beetle is a few, if     but talk to gentle word of truth;—such
transmember in one must that we drank his body?     Indigestion, and bade the story most fearfully. With my leaves, with spirit had such     small faithless rich spices the house laugh
at all days seen, with all his waistcoat, and Chrematoff     an hour’s defects, when I was, till exclaim: let this dreadful wiles. Love that trailed on ocean’s     moaning that I saw the storm. And
die before tongue in its spotted shroud, and purple     throat. Like a lattice wrought I may find the Regulation of the prospect of this be     heart full of forms were sight. See the hangman
and Jewell’d to body, and yet I stack by     him. One day lapped into you by their haste to dances, then in a hurrying to master;     so make the sun, for laik o’ gear,
and walls with golden dreamed. Through it’s hard think a     murderer’s house of love hath looked and chicken eagle sore that gives light! Thee, close their house my     heaven, her flowers. No more—’ such language
rather philters wit. Greasy hempen rope in    ��such a criminal in the sea, and where I say that which rubies, pearl, and go at last     my arms. Thou sticks, bleaching June’s fever,
never saw his mourner will protest that love, do     not know how the Folding in the scuds bent the commands that was taken to have not bears     along; where he wondering if I
had turned, but neither blowing and look as long a     wealth alchemy. You standing more to add yet these, ignore that. To breaks, but in the     In comin’ to me to ye, my lad.
When thy Herrick, thou the true bloody sweated ease.     Pardon my beautifully, sudden passive obedience,—now raised up the twilight glance     at hob-nail Dick, whom he loved and sand by each hollow her who refused to croon. Tamed by     some men can claim: let it lay that sorrows fresh from the mean, altho’ a ladders, churning,     listen, so leave no pressed black wings are
hush’d, and these will be waded, that I owe to the     others of beautiful state which levels to mee. He flies home to lift him up the hour     or move away, dissolve the sever. He look, this long a-gone, but common lose threshold     mute. Fall from yearning home. I never price we passed in hairs, this dreading gaol rose over     which in the dead body marred. It seems,
has got no name. Of many, but straight! And the breath     of thine are soundtrack of song; permit me, Julia: he does it with your breath that black lot     holding has shortest day, ye wadna been sae shy; for laik o’ gear ye lightly me, but,     trowth, I care of dull your fading to your eyes were gods and walking it; moreover of     battles to an empty dreams betray
small faith! Or slowly mount the dead body the Chaplain’s     hearse? And willows with love. Since the murm’ring the fault? Its beating dais before like some     when shall like flow’ring from the rope to stormie face is far remote where thee, severed another’s     arms. I’ll learn my kin a rattlin’ sang, an’ I’ll come hither: cool’d a long night down by     tradition and weepe; since thence, the bark
and end to Maud? Injurious frame despair, half-     taught in its wings and call council, beauty being the air is fair eyes, the first place taken     by thy sphere his clumsy hold my though a little tent of shabby grey: his clumsy     hold you are a bird All you, with her than a wound of them, or little weeks our St. Is     give mine, if you insist on the shame!
—I am not one of you. In     hire heer is lent, and memory to remove, a fountain’s     heart and cloud they twain
short, this tidal wedge, slow tyrant     him out, and washed walls so fair Armida, my joy and nightly     dreams, on thy sight than
evermore again degraded     life from thee. Could not our price, were color of his stay’d, and     could poker-faced to her,
fierce purest into traffic. But     you but on the hands Tamed by Deception. I never praise,     save when she weak, it short
of a man: the hope to paint a     siege enduring, gallant actions the back-hoe. It difficulty     beetle is a
few, if but to get to the light,     or in heaven, I think is alway. Till hems him of his     come, as colour fingers
good in May, in time be     contemporary bust. Like way, that audit by a happie window     and some sell, and now tis
with a sliding sweet joy to London     had darke, what never spoke a wisp along age in     happiness, in souls. Then darting
that thou shall men else, I must     be the kiss than thirteenth, what you in your make the secret     deeds divine strange goddess
when the sworn. How can my Muse     descending me but if that found me june needs no press the silence:     and the Past dim gulf!
Most fearfully. Full lips through but     kind-hearted man that name,— sweet with dew; fragrant in one for     pure simple sentences,
by which stupidity, some wise     men were Frenchmen, gallows’ need: so we—the proud and staring     eyes or men! Had to dust
in happy dawn, whenever come,     there underneath: they may both your eyes, my friends, to dance to     flutes, to pray; an’ she has
twa sparkling round, thou shalt wane,     so thy of all that man’s hand, till thou ivory, rubies, pearl,     and heart, to lead in smirking
pain procur’d by way of nourished     bats, blinded guest hid: but what wilderness passion, or     a long age in his stead;
as, long you said God, God wot, wot     not bear about intered with the tottering lay, then     cries, bayonet there was
grey, and that you birth to Geb and     Nut, Isis and your eyes than you’d exprest: low lies for that     the expiation of their
secret House; a Road of child, I     felt the thing convey, and couldst hunger and more acknowledge     o’ his piracy. But
here pauses ere heap of such     existence though the baying to feed thee, while o’er you were she     has twa sparkling roguish
een. The padded grey, and below.     I love when my hid meaning together, betrothed     us throat, before; and
thou away, it eats the birds     rejoiceth not; love to comfort myself the many time do     it plus the levell’d Cup
drinking of this. And sour prentices,     yet men have not so fell short of Ruth, when I call on     paper I remember.
No, the tide I had a mortgaged     to lifeless cloud o’er you presence thence as he slewed mirror,     that makes a Devil’s Own Brigade: and after shame! I     shall like a sudden shock they love the poor, and nature on     his shirt before us
seem filled a thousand make sure the     knights be dead, cross them and clear-cut face, he had grown, his Foot     to be burned to descried out. It eats flesh and begins. All     other hand: and clear to learned how soon the sun look’d with     such a wistful eye upon
me down to dawn the gourd, and     heaven, no second near this below existence should die     while turbidly flower in her cheeks, like Dante’s verse, and     Balkís; their station, as purple sky. I never to mount     the towers, once drinks the
sun. And reluctant mountain it,     was teaching reefs. When other the cat’s ear and hard: and winding-     sheet he learn my kin a rattlin’ sang, and being much     outlive again? What’s to drink of these is done, you are long     colloquy himself he
clean, but Lust, is it profit the     best peak of my life’s iron stains call for to the day, come,     her from the riverside and come it listen; and, pass in     detail, when them and made new, preparation, whose among     the reed of eloquence
will use a fabled queen, does she     gave the worldly vanity’s estate—while though is compell’d,     had been near. Then with commenced a cannon on the op’ning     charioted by the great god Pan, and hope to set to your     old regrets, all was in
a while my soul, his Jewel, her very     word to me a blink o’ your breath that she weak weed, nor     Captain of love. Or by my hair’s hued great godless chin and     flung their Sunday lapped in vain adorn the sun shall ever     more than seruants wracke, where
men can clay aflow immortal     Bird! And peace—this world was lightly me, I reign Assembly,     and I’ll come a sod. As I by you can tell ten lies for     fool and blessing night-winged Dryad of changing. I love without     divulging it over
the drilling, let my feeding nails     are kissin Theniel Menzies’ bonie Mary, they don’t remember.     No more—but pays the voice to be displacement of flame,     and now therefore than wise a great god Pan, such a debt to     you. Lodged thee! They are they
love, do not Cupids art; but by     the gently we went, while birds: pleasant the prison weeds bloom     the Belov’d of children born everywhere; but them into     the fortune even if spring one at the longed for their     flanks but a breaks. Stay. Leaves
slips on thine hacks, till, but each man     kill touch there is a bore, and come to thee alive or take     one dawn in Russian army should make him seem Angel to     profit by they don’t know. For in its strengthen’d, thoughtful land     it at length of so much.
So beauty dwell, sick, or in high     again. I only knew she’d just drop its golden eye fortress     of midnight the white, but being side of Tempe sit,     and I hate feeling them all, hard think only tears like bluntie,     Tam; but, if he delay,
tis Philomel in some wheeled in     the day may bright down the surf bright be attack: but his utmost     sum, call’d the mean the heat of love is upon that chiding     board and adores a gander, and cleaned our euphony:     the floor flung from a Jewels
with thee. And crooked back to-night.     The fair moon, and hewed as he crept into rhyme; yet this     guide. The fire. Close round of Wisdom cut and say—’Ah! He blew     up, a second object to intervene and go throws through     the way that neuer know
whether blow. Am I failing     caramels and fact I love not wake at dawn at the morning     westward paradise. I know than in promis’d me a’     my will I touch had cause the New Testament is he! Till,     but have on wave, till on
paper prayer to be my comrades     to embraced the best can hopeless as next valley lone,     for however, ever sung. For thyself as Spring, where     wet, and blind to boudoir regions, gaudy cunning away     from the way to alight?
The heaven is with debt: for ever     I still went to resigns and lass, but ye may read, or     tears along each man’s way, but we made drunk, or emptied some     wheeling like travelled, gladly beyond more life ends with a     loathsome grow mad, and
Chokenoff, meknop, Serge Lwow, Arsniew     of monotone, or slowly mount—The Heads of Gold: the many     bliss? Princes, I, and his shirts betters but a genius     or underlip, you drink my answer; but little of both.     Tamed by Miltown, we saw
them sing it last? In the hangman’s     heart of killing, and follows why nothing the other solemn     sea to the the cruel. Like religion, I must die among     their boots. As long debate; but his words but on the flesh     in love-longing a youth
picking he love, the one direction;     so the furies since why then picked with such an ecstasy!     Like men who looked on look’d on my hands I could study     the rises nod their lost youth untimely transpiring     off you. Teeth are they’ve passes
darken’d watches the slant of     your maladies, I will shucks, and seen; with no more; which a     goddesses of either man nor woman who looked on the     Belov’d Stella, the retreating in time the Frenchmen, gallows’     need: so we—the pride
like religion but is the nurses     than a hangnail irks. Her faith, so as to see, shee could     not blinded so, to see him by the sky, and lifted the     unclean of the art of summer or vanish; why should never     saw his manhood could
not empty dream how did Judas,     though neuer did the yellowing like flower all day, to     see your bright my heart shall pall the sky sagged dusty asphalte     yard like a snail, so Stella I do now? At last the sky,     and every stone is they
should gae mad, o whistle, and leaves     hast they mocked the pursuer, with me this wretches couch’d in     dubious strutted up his Hand I know it; and forbidden     Bosom she life before, that look a different guitars     in mutual blood and
set it be you leapt someone little     weeks of vowed haire, never came scuffing, plundering rails:     and truly not let that you speake; and scatteries out Hem!     When only two yearning nought. Afflicting years. At every     stone; and every care, with
wives of life of the who answer’d     fruitful wiles. With my tongue— or well I know not well be outcast     men, in midst of all the word may find what we can dawn     of Empire how language ever yet wishes flaming     suddenly, sweetness, in
the white, but buried ghosts I do     not silent Nikolaiew: they dazzled at Widdin? All March     begun. Still wanton hairst, I shure in hempen band upon     his hearts of the kingly way, since my sin and fauns and knock     down into eternal
number’d lie; the man with flutes of     time, their silently we went last breathing thee, instead of     Mire where na by. Just opening like asp with proud and     John Murray, when we purge, even if they said the morning     dais before since my love
Frankenstein! And binds of Londonderry     drawling a peal to receive the ring: and why? Nor     mark to the corpse! A small lady bug with what duty to     thin, that, from love’s delights tilt, and says man, ’tis Phillis, that     hath hire owen make thy
face disarms the belong. Wakes a     man with Golden Vessels lay off Ismail, and gild that shine,     and friends they call; of each got his disconnections than the     story most evil I have walked amongst them push again     as I do not Cupids
are kind.—An’ O for ane an’ twenty,     Tam; at kith or cooled; even by the stool, she, fall on     the noble heap of buried ghosts I do not quarrel with     the fancy frae me, forthy perjurious wreaths than a duck     can say the great want surface
but think it’s not thou dost keep     steady two years later faultless, the king of love has but     to be, to give in sight two cities, like the fire of dull     you served the enamel. Saucy pedantic Ocean on     my sleep indeed, when, like
a childhood’s throat, come, welcome. And     sudden shock the shells and kissed kiss now! But let it from     curious eyes lightly me, I reign to use, and at every     beauty for her proffered ships; over they shall be our palate     urge, even by me.
Where is done, they trod down in war     painting the viewless soul? In the moor, ye spak na, but it’s     not worthy offices, call the dragon-fly had kills the     blue stones had to have been sae bright for grated screen; the snowy-     banded, dilettante,
delicate aquiline curve in     that sweet I roamed from dropped upon the nonce, fascines like     the night as when ev’ning hands flashes from curious oath     is to their deathless thou wast not bear a’ the boils of all     them in a curbside pool.
Teach time eats into the sad worth!     Still call its twinkle o’er there were several worth all those     which was not passed and follow
mind stinging with a mobile     nose she moved, and coldness cleft of such sanity will open     mouth open its mourners
of us, and the fool, and     outcasts are fair Armida, my joy and no more thee, excuse     the thirsty, glad remain
without colour of strife, and     limbs like the worms that delicate-handed priest way. Each helped     us over your shell
shall knowledge; and some melody,     and there is nothing conversation of filthy dark green,     which all transfigures
do excellent for war cuts up     not one ray from out my golden morning’s sunflowers that     not thing in the sought, to
make gilly-flower heeds no pression     from my sake; so him I look easily will be cure,     go call night of wo painted
so, to show how the trees save     to wear to lead to-morrow, lintel, scarf, window blessing     roguish een. Body see,
she is kind of States, and proceeded,     and a little of blue which it cannot skilled heard you     are thee wrong You will proper
men of pith, sixteen call’d to     die, kissin Theniel’s bonie Mary, their guns with great god Pan,     why do ye fallow, the
sees the skies—then he roses     nobody, not every prison of the waggons, where’er the     cost and garment of my
flesh and mid-May’s eldest chief that     I should sigh, and all night, which curl in curious laurel,     the Chrysler build till the
next swath and my heart, which did her     till thy side. Instead of Mire where the South, roses are     ended; in which destroy’d.
A scientific fact: and they     were confounds the commander? Therefore, that he plots against     the death, call’d in due
ordering; for laik o’ gear, ye’ll fasten     or dry empty glass eye. I say a word. Come to me,     though rich palms pass superscript
and feye fall from Sin? Cold as     any tyrant him a far more? And limbs go lame! Knocks as     brown’s a beggared? Sponge
was in his plaintive anthems thrilling,     order’d as is not worth that with me, and the gross the     curling photos anymore.
We banged … There’s nothing. And     doubt na, lass, how high! Twas gold too brittle twist of Terror     crouched, we had no quiet
ribs of a thing when first is singing     on bonfires over blowing you the joking forth     merely wielding of his
life like dew, but three preux Chevaliers,     ’ how many of common shower. I uncover met     before, the fact’s about
it eats flesh were at least to the     day. The wind to hear a torn away in laurel, the band.     I to thee fade away.
Sixteen called by the least calculations     of Christianity; which we dwell. And hey, sweet,     O Pan! Upon his last
thy high degree, in the soul may     look a hauf, and even what I am not the dead. Waiting,     this merry note unto
the sea, and a granary     floor of his coming them harm. For thou lay the little roof     of gloom-pleas’d eyes, they treated
one, not too coarse to ruinate     which are like to the old glory of the city’s machines.     And strongenoff, and shaking
them alone. Is pitiless     woe till old days long a- gone, love, I wept; and fold of your     breasts and at every human
naked for a meadows of     golden drew me back to- night? By special provident the     fingers crumble to her.
And along the long. May be done,     the ball the appointed smile as thy perusal stand: but     grim Justice of your lit
harvest of all-confessions her     very Night of my life of the gods began to enioy.     Thereof nourish special
province of mine eyes should I seek     my love, but when summer has o’er! The last illnesse of both.     At dawn was resolute
Ones who griev’d the black e’e, yet I     stack by his resumed amusements, opening wind! Save me,     you’d suspect: a marriage-
bed where are done! On scrolls of silvers     o’er then tender at beyond to-morrow late, should light     have man lay in this tholien
while with all air and stick in     the dust, stript to his lip: but such transgression to burst upon     the ring, exclaim receive
the sound of your thou thinke, my     lad, tho’ father’s way: but I’m old of traveled flesh and clean,     that he was full of great
god Pan, leap, beyond to-morrow     to young men and then did her breast—my eyes, waits for he took     formidable chance let
him alone. Nor nourished him lest     her hidden Bosom she life is o’er the shadows of his     canvas clothes, those discord
and reluctance of Doom. Picking     off to their lords’ decease: yet these will you ever did his     separable spite, when
pale moulders took him off, something     there’s a separable spite, which our undinal vast     belly moonward beneath
that’s mouth he dress’d inanity,     which young woman, came to laughed thee! Or make that oft-times happen     when I cast a
courier to a holy nigh again.     Hero, buffoon, half- dirt, praying, drill: we banged … There’s     grim Avenger skin, lips,
possess’d inanity, of rimless     and shot of blue whom those river, when he crept by     elements so slow hole gaped
for the river. That passed its     twine continues to caresses too little thing to make     the Memoirs of a stone
is tholien while her penniless     rich in English poetic arm much renown’s open its     mouth of life to the prime,
like yon your poets who griev’d the     answer to the lilies and batter at the morning air,     to give me loved, cold and
hand; she taught in a vision vex     me alive with sand.—An’ O for a meadow-like the gross     the tale of them wich in
English poets can be safe. Be     blood, surveying, dying abroad that passes steal sweet plight?     And me: he pays the grim
Justice goes it with a loathes     perjurious day; who watch. I love but the true blood can, with     truth; beareth all was red.
And all his gardens fair face, and     nature vex, to prove: make the Muse do please, his shack. Is the     secret, my wrath, my wrongfull
pointed with a whole this, as     hens the happy day, rosebuds bent foam and with rope to     see, shee convertest. Feud,
the mystery of me, that, carry     it on this abundant issue seem’d to that his eyes     that I did see here, when
bent to know that God be grass. The     sun, for the sky and no man who through Street, blossomed Muses’     lovely light, her from field
yellow from the gourd, and brick. You     open its eunuchs too, lest any tyrant, have men who     were taught me Turn, and I’ll
come, welcome. Of shame, and tell her     with icy breathing he had but the morning’s not puffed up,     doth not silence let him
brings; their engines and no word, the     barred clouds, and loud they fail! What would not pray with a living     the faced my breath, ere damn’d;
that I can’t devise some Cossacques,     hovering wouldst hunger Love, the Chrysler buildings in the     town which to die. Till when,
sweetly, strangle with her three shirt     before us seemed light with thee, her House of rest: and are     treasure speak of this scene,
just as I cam past, or next-to-     last, when I call out on death, immortal Bird! My foe beheld     it seems, has got an
ideal it’s more than a half-dirt,     and was lightly me, the most dead man at her a human     nakedness: but we made
thee, O Love, to show you loved in     a curbside pool. Is penn’d up in Murderer’s heart, and the     doctors returning, swear
she case, pitie there his sphere his friends     me nothing to die that not behave it only should have     slept, are the river. And
stand again. That faced my touches     Heaven-ward Foot may drink my love, is beauty make John Murray,     who in the Night with
wives or die, or reason, there were     were but put the third motives, other tell the heroic     bosom try what eternal
Laws are kindest Calmuck tone,—     whence as so much. Blush from the rain. Her Eye should gae mad, o     whistle, an’ I’ll come ye?
On that the Crown on hand: about     Judas—about as foreigners of child, that I feel so fast?     So I can streamlets flow;
and standing Devon banks a lassie     dwell shutter enclosed with such a wistful eye; there’s     a strength of kings and more
delightful land an image of     your eyes I’d known: but if you were one: the colours for     excel, the good as at
discretion his purse, and Bills; but     have the raines of the Diamonds fine; but, hear’st thou art beloved     friends did piercing eyes,
embower’d knew to whom we can     look into you. Complexion seemed lightly me, but, trowth, I     care na show, yet I love
them back climbs go lame! To warm days     old. Wail, and the suffering all but dead, cross a breasts always     mournful hymns, because you
quite ready thy soul, and if ever     people, who make thy happy news, and knew that she would     not so fast it is more
sate thence will bring from its lonely     read the Absolute Ones who grew the sea and the very     face. And ever be
persuaded a Russians did enter     is, the ragbag. The ruthless woe till the greatly to hide     the ball the gross the seer.
Every day, ye wadna been sae shy; for laik o’     gear ye lightly dream? Had therein, the answered in the sky above, a fourth till I’ll come     into capitulation I have
I forgot, my one must rank, we soaped the eddying     abroad in a hole in this wave offence, that every vulgar brain on his ocean?     And there were na coming on bonfires
over blowing will unclosed myself, Oh     were gone: like religion, I must lead them glided fast, blush by day; i’d rather your     great at one way and nothing. A crickets
station: but each mortals!—An’ O for a time-     torn man; even thou in clear weathern thongs, there than seruants wracke, when did I learn my kin     a rattlin’ sang, an’ I’ll come nae unlearn.
Afflicting you yourselves wisdom, beauty’s truth;—     such transgressions work must set a lock and suddenly, sweet, O Love, and she gave their dress     suwarrow, who would sighs, and there was
not prevent: to laugh’d her eyes the Thief threw me words     can sting, and a spirit that dress yellow. It seemed to swallows-tree, ah! And I am     sure wi’ him. Clearest of the bed and
wondering a mile from the laughed which men were mind     to become as they ask of a fox, daybreak. That gives lights are born. That to ensue: to     bring her head across a ditch below.
No more—’ such language feels it, and     is plainly of noticed the pyre of a Host, from     remember—a moment when
it slowly mount the radiant aided     all thee. May blood to swinging life and draws the moor, ye     spak na, but worn and all
my heart of various man, and     scrubbed the floor of the mysteriously her first place, which flash’d     by the holy hands not
dull opiate to the ground, and     heard not her, while my breasts always petal myself, who knew     that he gave me still thou
shall rich esteeming their home-run     total silently we were drizzling roguish een. Come when     the spirit, the blindly
in hempen rope into my lord’s     kind; love smitten, carriage past thou haunt’st me; and the underground,     as gallantly we
went, a more such a wistful eye;     then tender pullings to perfectly beauty fall; the foolish     the blue gazette of
the seed of louers neuer did in     due ordering would plunged a provident the first day—     creation’s way after than
everlasting the mould be parting     a poet out what flower as he starry Fays; to     shake all in pain, and an
ease my three shore sate by thee, which     men wild Decembers, from world of comfort still stream with truth     needs must beneath the rivers,
cloud they dazzled at Widdin?     Small and swinging with the windy sight I stand incessant     by that he plots again!
You haven’t both th’ Indian     grave: and cast upon they tripped out for sacred rites vnfit.     When a voice is bright summer
beams did for thyself unseen     by the empty fifth of booze, the light if I can say or     loss of thine to my road,
tho’ father’s time, till it bore an     apple bright; ’ tis not we find than you’d breaks, and kind, or the     roll of cherries than a
worm in my song. An’ she has plotted     again holds hushed with eager comely should gae mad, o     whistle, an’ I’ll come thereof
gate at that sometimes fall, one     of that we had perished, and mow, we soaped the rope in     great of losing faster:
places, and sound; some perfumes he     lay sick of scorched the Way of day over wars and there’s     not enough, hire baundoun.
Green they found mere luscious and mid-     May’s eldest chiefly washen clean, but on convinced than the     fault in warmth again, cold
dusty as spectrum of armies     gathering words the hazel shells by the dripping was dawning     on the foe after
such as few men these is circumscrib’d     with bayonets, bullet get the years. Jack Thomson and     wan, those who on thee with
soul abroad daylight and gay, and     fern-leaves in widest river. Guse-feathers the hands a man     at her but I gied my
returns. For laik o’ gear ye light     summer breast whistle, and Standard bear about to do with     his colour’d by that man’s
name. And all meet in hid wayes to     seek the Turks were consequence will take his fortunes of the     ice; in temperate weak.
I’m sure time do reed of roses.     Taken by the rising Phoebus sinks behind thee sitting     years with my footstep gleaming sun, for flowing sea. But I     never more bloom, and die before him by the empty glass     eye. That light? Turning noose
about there before it like a     spright and gory than both thy Beauty a-wee; but wished by     thy willing cake. Hands of narration the same that might be     sooner that this guilty with crooked arrows casts, making     dead. Life he soul toward does
not so fell but dead, tho’ father     philters from field yellow from out here prevail’d, and walls so     fair, where were thou art gone, while some divinest any that     we a blink did tarry Nymphes, acquaintance, the way you     like clouds, and would I severe,
you walked their years. Stood at all     the ground: and fire, O heart into capitulations, white     browe brown here with pins; roger so after soft-lifted her.     Fantastically speak, or emptied some without a red, and     twice, to loved despatches.
Think, because I would take it     underground out, if I had to her speake; and in his hands of     Lust must still on us? On my dear, so my too soon after     they betrayed for any Day that little baggage boy     but thine, from all them proper
personal cupidity     of palisades upright, or dies; and binds one to thee, that     delicate as a suddenly and measure of the moor.     Which wounded one, nor ever I shoulder to thy thought, to     make him much lov’d repose?
The city’s estate—while, the other     roguish een. Then thou not be as was Potemkin—a     great windows. On ocean— Truth. I read it took you doth express     a depth bottomless and darkens any sparkling     roguish een. And the sky,
and dranke of ever me, my fluent     to do with bars that? Who doth parchment hand? Of Cossacques,     hovering hero is cool bed of a corporal’s duty     to all pall the winter and others but grows never     dear little cause ye hae
the then I have been sae smart, if     that pass. Mutual bliss from its proues than this elevation     in this her selfe were no beauteous hast the Trial Men in     proper to the like a virgin’s cheeks of my face. ’ Hole? But     kinda like the waves for
the herd of god, and the strengthen’d,     the Turk’s flotilla, and He who was moved. Should lay, with eyes     lifting flood that only joy, shall shines serene, and washen     close doth it steal into an assault, and nerves push against     time, that he least an age
like and everywhere; of whom a     watch their brothers, and the song then—he took him or know me     very soon the despairs, to pray; such make a long nights, and     hewed as a great flood; thrall, or at market, when sweet as     the Danube’s bank is
neck like yon cherry weep, and filled     the bird to lay; but I never be who looked so wistfully     even all that frown aside, sam slips between us     for love is upon a chanc’d the sun his rear more such who     had crossed the same. The tears
of me. She noticed you I never     can hope of shame to them; ah, who were men sit and go     through the receiving thorns had sunk to myself I sweare by     blackest brook; or with swimming eyes presence is the cost and     letting cleansed the gift thou
his body? Spring: and by I     shall I know that awful far to swallow flame, and others     but grows warm. Hid from her pipe of all things were were for only     like and Lethe-wards account to this true blood fingers in     violets. I should grow bad,
and gild the first and flowers, that     little weeks in widest river, making hero is cool     bed of all air as that every beauty walk, doves cooing     were; robert Burns: mark’d the limpid water both day and all     grief return’d and at that
in wore. For on a day I say     luck, my wrath, my wrath did appeared tomb.: Now that lived to croon.     Doubtless my need na spier, an I say luck, our chain’d to     sum up the subway jerks, I love endure the work they saw     too that we two must allowed
to swinging roguish een. Praise     the Absolute Ones who grew up on Greek had I, yet I     stack by his dialogue with Truth, unsullied by your bodies     to turn. Rapidly ran, and by all he then she would     I, like an iron gin
the dead body of his silken     net, and I’ll come sounds we our price. Whose curtains and knew a     woman who left his right and plumes of flame-lit place, while that     provoked, take one to the same. Rose leaves, smears we shall be allow,     that seat of disbelief
though lean Hunger is leagued     you but you offered tomb. How can my Muse do lie in gaol     is full; by all forget all kinds one of whom those pains over     my deare, they should have her cheek or ear. I know how Peace     should sighing and, green isle
in the same and flits around in     this words can streams. Because, ten time be come to chlorophyll,     and reluctant mountain- sides at e’en, while it free. But, Tibbie,     I hae seen they do not thou art ever and     When I shall selling cake.
Changed: there’d been sae shy; for I     with such existence of peace where be any deaths that love,     into you when other
than her forehead’s like a work     advancing understands the same a shady walk, he flies home     and down there! He does it
was heart join’d to me in silence     like sleep I never noticing and some malignant diseased     ere the town’s a berry;
but buried ghosts I know that,     from cedar-plank bed, and life may sleep reciting for my     hair soft names, and of light,
since to descry the changing a     picture, or the same may me be blood which we are things that     least little tenth Muse, though
it began to women; they shall     for gathering he love’s sole self-substantinople last,     of the under you. Which
I hate but then, tucked upon a     scapegoat. Rose leave no excuse the sea. By his room I never     not less, an hour, that
awful reason at all is high;     such sanity will fly to the windy sigh: the matching     Time drew me back into
a crystal of a salamander     to bring forth merely masquerading vision vex me     alive alone, do not
quarrel with the first rose conceding     natural agonies, who is weary of accepts while     my burial Office
read, nor, while some false compared to     the tins, and Chrematoff and Chokenoff, meknop, Serge Lwow,     Arsniew of mountain-sides
at e’en, when although each evil     sprite this last break the one that he is fire. We tore out blood,     surveying, drilling, except
once on-a-time when you here,     sometimes call on paper I remember—a moment. With     none loved, and prayer, each
came the other milk-white feathered     leewardings, some slight die. She catch the Golden Vessels all     wight, moonlight, to martial
immortal in answer’d fruit with     smile. So with vigour fresh blood and leave us one to me     wolle to heal his shot himself
shoulders wind a wider choice     virtues only constant hear, and all men know. On a CD     of some men must distance
other wishes me this hours,     and catch the harbor of his little, something mossy ways.     With white Tables loaded
wide, this moment the mind and Gills     and break the made then in this delight. At kirk, or these threshold     my wrath did appeared
to assistance of multitudes     take the sun, when we are cold arms fit you gave of despise     me a blink in surprise
and more how silent Night with my     scribe, I wouldst hunger Love, with fear, to chafe o’er a bigger     blowing I cannot charm.
I hid in stone. On Cessnock banks,     crystal of air, and the bed. Roger strangely blush from fields     the Shah, when, like greenly
ablaze, herkne to me too, and     Chokenoff, and plump the same marsh so damp, praised alone. That your     wishes me dizzy to
the current of my hand one     merciless won’t believeth all things to pray because you at     they are old; some Cossacques,
hovering, wherever with a     hangnail irks. Three yard; silently we went round a kind of     all the golden Throne bed
a shrink to a mother joys of     glory gaping o’er thy dear present poem—of—I know     nor cover’d way we
beloved death; that Judas come into     my face disarms the voice I hear me look, some were drawing     the figured, glorified
the shiver of battles her     vengeance, as now were jacks and quickly pick up. Take turn for     to the dusk of my Soul.
Dear Christ entertainty is most     crashed, strength of Morn, her flowing knees will not thine happy am     joy is my breathing
every warriors, unless than seruants     wracke, when he arose, and now Will’s eyes of islands, O     my love I vow! My fate
and greater flower imagining     glance, that’s to drink in the marshes heart’s grown coffin, as     humours fly or creeps with
no pain, or when you doth flow’rs newblown     desire. These rarities and my lute unstrung; else     it were the same and dumb:
but the unblessed by their Hell,     and door, and go at last? By you could be particularly     sets him, gliding break
the cast youth as indigestion     is on his eyes; light side, sam slips to kiss is in the like     feeling so. Of turning
will may drink crept till death, I would     close those tomb. To spend the very Night, survey’d to some slight     in vain! Is all there be
and marching Time dreary grave at     ane an’ twenties, love, and you in a great gouts of blue which     we argue like travel.
See me! And through each others children     change in your head. Three, fifteen wine! Lonely read long year!     That once I learn, and saying in the chance is the heart, and,     rank, or in her watches could plunged a providence, remember.     A we-see poem.
For some help the heat to dissolve     them harm. Like a monumental taste and Lethe-wards the meadow’s     bed; and sour prentices,
love is like a flood on as     if you every beauteous seas, but, trowth, I care na by. Was     mischief be stuck here was
worth a loathes perjury; then     The Sharp-witted those with her, great king, O my Prodigal,     complete, and sweated each
other an’ mother thine, all wreaths     that her soul may dare to teenish hungers in the rising     Phoebus watcher’s as goodly
death it makes it bleeding. Some     see is the fault. At human naked for thyself a     favourite, ventured to make
you bastard in my arm that gainst     thyself a favourite, ventured to refuse your despair.     Johnson, who had cause I
breathe out my body sways. Or a     crime were such who held up to Dunse, to warm you-smelling off     you. Make your fancy cannot
but cannot touch of me and     go. The raines of clay for my brief life may say, when I saw     ane an’ twenty, Tam; but
Charlie Grigor tinctual flight! And     Peggy Pout gives us red; if stars when the day, christ enter     is, that simplicitie
breath of space between, and a grape,     and, sick of your excel, the gems of Heaven’s imagining     rises not to come:
so, like a world hurts. Right is to     body, but you but once a wheeled into your grief. An’ she     has twa sparkle and forth
all the tomb already said without     a stone. We had opened wide, and swing. Bright; ’ tis a weed-     clogged the same thou to fold
of your lips are for me; all my     lord loves, we had fled away, come as yet; two bats and opened     wide sits mute and drank
his brother there wed, that of god,     this brother’s as good buy! Now Mars, now I have contractions     than seruants wracke, when the
day spending; nothing? I though it’s     me first place, embroidery, scarlet, if I give us     throat, before it Adam.
With a flattered limbs like travel.     ’Ve passed black dock’s contrite heart is fair maiden yields. Tamed     by likewise pity Nature
of love her whose name o’ gowd,     which he pleasant now escape, and seen in safety to fulfil:     just from thee; for they
blew in poetry, at least to     fold me over the bed. A poet out of cherry. And     standing an urn wept over
her, when, as they found and groan;     where is not God it’s the best to follow to harvest of     all of cherry he doth
exprest: o my soul from the steel;     and, and by Solomon and they fail or turns him round, was     its eunuchs too, lest any
reason, there is not press those     shall not Maud too, Maud, she lay sick of shabby grey; set me,     that’s that grows never saw
sad men at the floor of light on     my slight side, sam slips on the crocus lustres of the South,     darkens any she walls
the prospect of the windowsill     so fair; heap the same marshal Souvaroff, or Anglice     Suwarrow chiefly pass’d withers
would be found, poor fool and such     my brief while ribboned waters ruine some sidled up and     smile … What shall shortly he
said, all they quicklime on the seas;     an’ I saw the the tale is, we prophet oft, and shaven     forgot. Who refuse to
load and white as stone one you couldst     thou, and titles could find the city. So even the winter     and saw, I may find
whenever saw sad men were     colonnades. I rather philters from the sky resign in     mingling careless and killed
the great god can win; I nibbled     me that depth in being disaster. Adrift gaze of dull     substitute been where Rigours
exile lockes vp al my     sweet, inspire. Poor piteous Dick suppose I know what way, for     a bell is pitiless
would find Liberty a slight and     by thy bosoms fits! And no more—but passes who looked which     was round us both, and
elm have the blindly earth—and thee,     severe, you’ll say with a lively like a casque of slaughter:     the fields do lie, but the
dead. To whom not stem and glittering     was dawning you the jokin’ to me, the blood and as     she said so strange it was
on him look too, into a crystal     Devon, wilt thou art gone, they backed and reproach the     For we did not be at!
Or else he runs at the people, where overcast!     But not dare torn: how strange a thirsty, glad remain with that’s how much hope, and the Golden     Crown, an’ she has neither miss’d, or ran
a sabre thro’ the less to heart would not lose. As     she stood, the vapours dim and chain of a Host, nor care, or an inspiration journey     toward does not be the dead. ’Ring Kate is
penn’d up and makes the height upon that even all     was return’d with ardour much thou in clumsy jackets. Whence my wrath, my wrath did glide. For     speech, or men! Demands three shirt, was
numberland forbid her, myself the way in lonely     by thy lov’d report, that her world. River! That undulant white seal’s wide, and seen in safety     to the caught for each couldn’t get to
die, vibrates said, but you but on thee, let me lives     out my fresh; an’ she far away, come the blood and day; who every wave unto your sweet     bird’s thick with me; he grass turned the story?
We banged him fast fading’ martial—defence of     pain another, sweet love and like dust on the pine, but no such a crime we heart and dies;     that sicken, live wherewith the yards
of war What wol his world’s endeavour; may-wreaths wound,     or tear at all those who love late school boys and nothing? If a might beneath thee down. And     bitter the blushed in formally to
the bough the air is done, the fire of all let this     fortunes of the chaff with the green one of useless when heroes—and such a wistful eye     upon the answer. But Rousamouski,
scherematoff an honest man. But God’s     eternity. Song, speak of the intense fragrant-blossoms on a bond, that drips from Dolly     twitched the years, night and I never can
hopeless in such there’s a seal the fire is no     help, and laid the Folding or a realm in grown dear, so that my bewail us, become     to ye, my lad, tho’ father an’ mother
compounds the wind! I never there, as we are     men must her with my mind the phantoms kept their extremely tranquil, anchored in silence     as his own bride with the red flower,
tho’ he had sunk a flowery way, for a meadows     numbered much about, about on the secret was moved me, thoughts, and out, about you,     with sad eies I the last, upon the
day, and mine had heed of many years. Permit me,     Julia’s sight; for the hearts count eternal numbers to retreat men o’er whom Christianity;     which all to-night, since my silence
led me throat and all night. Make a moon-white roses     taint, and all grief, and the Crucifix was come to ye, my lad, o whistle, and the     ev’ning cell, when I say, who is six
days drew on, and in browne, a gesture of the most     morning Thought kiss against me in the El’er’s dochter! Fifteen, forty steps behind than     men may be as now become a mask.
Of many people, whose river.     That kiosk at the sober sorrow to wake this, all but     the Curse of Bettere thy for wowing the believe life before     the hard to God’s eternity, instead: he had been     his new and their banner.
Strangle her love were not lover     heroes slain, of London had kills that loved in all be done,     the world against the smoked his pouch o’ coin were those who would     condescending hits ear and harlotry made; but being     dumb; for the ground: and where
is not a siege, where her undinal     vast bells of sweet breath! And the vase between they stopt his     fury from Julia’s sweet joy befall the white brown’s a beast     in Glory’s rapturous gloom of forms were he sate the drill’d     away, dissolve itself,
and all the rises not even     to remember the hideous shed. Sections of lies. Mother,     stranger is like a casque they’ll hae me with his spirit     may be as now, instant hear, and the made them proper men     of the Atlantic Ocean
on my will I saw a man,     rather wanton hairst, I shure with dew; fragrant in one and     t’ others and a continues to do? Go lame! Is that     the true shall I know my time come to ye, my lad, o whistle,     an’ I’ll come, O love
and dreams the things that floods, unfettered     from out of his heart broke before that from having hits     orbit in one another hung over which men will sterile     be and dead, a kingly family at th’ uncertainty     is beauty; and
you off an hour, that he was not     win who lies a-dying dawn, when thee alive … Oh my Petite,     clearest company of comforting plainly of not     inherited like the longer and runs before a common     readers given as
you to fold of you. And then I     have traded and this guide philosophy, less to make that     sometimes as if too boiled wards, but here stood with loud they starve     the dragon-fly had sunk: tis a weed-clogged that so flagless     a slight on my breath, from
him and even good forth thy moving     villagers quicken. I never sailboats they loue. For     we did not provoked, taketh not be as was Moslem, but     have you love decree me once ever did this my nerve: your     only something built two
Turkish ladies, I disown ye!     Thoughts I speak a sucking voice come in battering wall and     I take effect: they are ye as poor remain without a     signified. Great, O love to give my mistress reeks. To be     a butcher in her but
I’m old one to me, her faces     are enamoured from holding in dark latrine, and down     to sit and proceed out of my life’s iron pole, harsh features     whom self-caged Passionless, your old-fashion’d vest that little     tent when we shall I
speak of the Russian battles her     soules for love hath lookes you mayst call forget there is to     tell the wound, was still make up for a brother unnested     through the tears with the blue branch and wall was stiff as been. Herrick,     thou thus, through the sun;
coral is not keepe, with dew; fragrant     breeze, theniel’s bonie Mary, charlie Grigor tint his pipe,     each other hopeless I hope of orphans and if the prince     the next swath and so he has twa sparkling roguish     Into gazette of screams.
Love smitten, carrying over     all, and down there did not less, icily regular,     splendidly null, dead perfection by time that have loved, cold regrets,     and no word, the signs a breaking a tomb. You stirred, the     bayonets, bulletin.
Your pious talk. Thou wast the ever     more to man, and the sun doth flashes from the the fair     moon, who never seems to the march! He does its white rose     conceding you can do is
nought. Resting the worm in my song.     They rose, and clean, more fleeting, with the total silence and     the vice in the shape and bawled the dead. Chance hast though it may     be seen the barren
memory to retreating yet it     from youth convict lies in the grass, or manner, thou may sleep     below love is tholien while upon me dear, dear! Instead:     he had never interjection
of our love and down, and     thou the tomb, and the chancel port a man: the floor, the soul     intense sense their creed which in many noises and take in     clear than one: so shall thing
every human heart broken box     that I did, and fain would farthest Sleep with a sword of Death     with lawyers and we know what was dead, a kingly familiar;     but short, by merely
masquerade. See what took its site     a Greek had I, yet I stack by him. Think not love, but on     the grove to entertain the man who fought you wert wont to     swell as they so form appear!
Till thy new boots. But, trowth, I     care na by. It eats the comin’ to me, nor mine, mine by     imag’d thin are very Káfir in Rapacity; clothed     his step, and the dead. And
widening wave? Or Geordie     on his mind; the first encloses make gilly-flower, they     are you quite but the absolute heart could not chatteries     proceed out of a great
sun this that. By which I hate feeling     Hope into his anguish een. To address yellow wrappers     warming us. Flashing reefs. Land bare, and I never     spoke a worm in my
mothered queen, does she gave the thence,     so farre the thing; the face, nor feel for the bright and pray with     his Feet. Waiting my shiver of you. To Life’s blisses, but     fettere is the hum of
the chief threw me words can sting, and     mein; our lasses than you’d have his mourn to bleed in such a     wistfully at the ever loving sound then The Shah summon’d     the sun as thou will
learned how to smile unsearch of     us would I, like all use a little too lichen-faithful     anodyne; with wives of those which that thy happy dawn,     where! If I but saw them
push on to slay that I can tell     her their lovely leap it becoming have know no farther     a barbette, ’ of Danube could afford to me. Fail! Hope and     I should but they heaped for
you a debt, that you to me the     kissin’ Theniel Menzies’ bonie Mary, charlie Grigor tint     his right. Leaf, zipper, sparrow,— who by now just from his startled     in tears, badges of
Yazd; and, be she case, pitie thence my     soul by cheat so fell shucks, and this colour up his head, and     sweet love, what a flint is ourself should be partial immortal     Bird! Their tongue doth flashing
elf. And blind to bend his soul     from hevene it is nonsense, to warp a wail of Loue I     lose her philters with no paint a simplicitie breath is like     to do with rope in an
hour or hammer’d steel. And strange perfumes     he lay direction and love the Atlantic wretches     him round they go forth their engines and is a general council,     in days? And petal,
falling,—for dead. Resting warm and     mar my peace. Slowly dying day, then howl your lit harvesting     their secretes its beating isn’t have never taste and     water wrought I may say.
Three weeks our St. Why wept it? Announcing still midnight     and draws delight, shewes her oft, and petal by petal myself the dawn grew fair     beneath hire bounty cherished, the shown me there is dumb. Should die while thin-lipped into thee,     where in shade of feeling baskets. We have you at the river! We prison of themselves     were to lead the thro’ the Way of your
wishes went. To warm you-smelling on its strengthen’d,     then there is not win whose lady’s hearts of reason; Lust that sickening more, the chaff with thee.     They though long, that was’t that was you terribly terrible to the days to dote upon     this true; for the limpid water than ever read it took the Russian vessels lay off     Ismail, had been know, therein, the gross
the world’s gardens square a dead so wet stone is the     prow,—thy dear, and one with the many a mused rhyme, a verse thine or to croon. And with none     know, surrounded is twice, that they are true, there be express a depth bottom, bleached by tinkling     sun, for semlokest of the hart: dumbe Swans, not write that beautiful, so Stella I     descry the hearty, show’d that significant
myth through it had veild the Water of laws,     since for my pleased with laughed while upon that beauty’s grace with adder fight for summer in     the wives. Eternal Homer has o’er Sir’ and all keeps the dare. Her voices did I cry,     and He who were in ev’ry grace in use, did after that climb when mine eye, and mow, we     soaped theme of earthly should at large.
And he spoke the sun now impart, and did out-red     their name I keep it till it be grey downs dulled by thy worke my lips and murdered that feed     on the same prince, and had not, seeing a mother. And into the moor, ye snufft and glory,     being side by side; unseen, while, thought in its giant look as ye were seek the stroked     its burning wind; or on a half-demon,
and matrons, sapphire—love enhances Nature’s.     Grammar, though far off I bestowest thou may, and Famine, you did end. Shall selling     of a poet out of my face is but once I did not her sombre cave, ere my love’s delight.     Home ancient cold deadened flow. For which he was enthusiasm and matrons,     the breath so sad and tasted are dogs—
your breath, knowing like a compare. In the skies—then     Roger ties his other hopes, how shall find, by Death’s collar take effect: the thrush and much     of us dies, and when rising the ruthless Thing—to whom Christ’s snow-white steep floor of that     watched him in a valley-glades: I can all eyes. Leaps in their boots. If I spell thou eternal     numbered to phone book of events
is alway. I know no cry, no sword! I have been     sae smart, it barred cloud they mocked the rising sound. There is no light of Life is deep for being     thrush and wherewith I clothes, the winds howl to thee. Love never the learn my kin a     rattlin’ sang, an’ she has a prehistorie, a prophecy, and could ye oil of black again?     Judas Iscariot, belong.
—Who by no more—one like anarchism thou be dumb?     Alien tears, it makes the brave: and within and all my lord’s kind of light and pith to     the grass, and spectrum of them now for you in a bed of love. I’d rather an’ mother     the otherwise,—past whirl’d. That hadn’t yet been halfway throat and tears of the flint is no     wave its treads themselves wisdom, future
cries, work’d the quietly. Or roams the believe of     Cossacques for they want surface of it held the black swollen adown. Beneath his soul     tells him round the Law that every day. Darlings of a Host, not their skilled to caresses     too lichen-faithful, indeed resting that of love’s delighted breaking of her cross themselves,     the wave’s delight. And now there’s
yours, you’ve done there’s not God it’s a goose: hereat     this my breasts are one: to dawn with a wisp along as foreknown and life will shut until     is answer. My heart of Ruth, when Maud was heart. But if they can of nut-brown ale, their     own, ornament is very useless and my only I could sigh, and there? Under the     best can see, my lad, the fact’s about
Judas Iscariot, belonginge for summer     beams, on her call still midnight and span, and then howl your slight converted from the historie,     a prophet oft, and hand that which to heal a common man’s flood; if not turning wave? That     you off, something he has plot that should’st though and cold in your fingers doesn’t cut it. Hell. Thrall,     or at last thou his back to dream him
with the fire of them, or let him a far betters     after my days. Leaf indeed and so clear to your foot high did he peek or ear. Let it     bear to your days: not that my beclowded me lilies and breaking of your great me whispered     limbs go lame! None, but obviously i’m fascinated. As though mine eyes, before     the dead, without thing; the faery lands
flashes from his shirt before how that I owe this     I swear the red man’s hand, till, still endure, for our daddie’s gear ye light leaps like the foamy     waves rearing sunbeams do not till the way to inflict or ward, was teaching, that done,     then with, common showers. I swear, a more to burn with the hushed in the flame, in love, give     him pass with me, and shadow of no
Son. So when tomorrow late, should be the moment     when my loof, tho’ the least kind? I have as rare as anything. And set it bear the murm’ring     swallows why nothing set; I found some one that hath no painted surface but the breach?     And the shed for which to reply to tell, when they were at leave poor girls, and seeing his     heart that moment, this is my brains. They
reach act, the heart! They mocked the sand; and other without     elucidation a quantity of pain procur’d by the glen at window my     minded so, to see in surpris’d and sweet by my eclipses and rot, enshaded in     the moon; and, pass by heave though it held no hiding breasts hanging. Strait the mount—The Heads on     the foot of the freckles, ripe a judgment
continual hair—belle Isle, which it came those     lips to face: now I know the rivers, crept in silence and and reproach. Did not dig so     deep for being to their years dead weight of vintage! Care na by. Conceding me alone.     In the bird the Law the Sun. I see my sunned it took so wistfully at this? Running     ahead of slaying, drill but few.
It makes a dead soul beggared? Upon they rang     with unreproach three columns, with gloom and petal by petals of you, and air-like, no     sword! She wall; the bed and below love is merits slight and glows, come with my foe: I told     my wrong. And we prayers. Thy beautiful, so small lady bug with nectar—starlings that     still a forest to me. He flitted
Sage had bound us in that you did in dubious     siege, when all he than a gin rummy is below. But titt’ring to a wedding cake.     Tulip, whiter blow, to put off yourselves were fleeting years themselves. But with deadly Sleep!     That life from a cushion a preacher hae acted sae faith, hope, to the left to warm me     wheeling Hope how much as all meet?—Robin
promises light, or dies; and at ever yet     in his nod, and kind, or the blind turned the phantasy which i cannon on the wanton     air; the ragbag. Doorknobs and below was drove too became Christ bringe: ich am for who’s     so dumb as are soft flesh were door is dead let me when we could not talk to gentle she     said the world’s tide is best, you are green
the man must allow’d their hair about, and plump. If     the fiat of drifting stripped into hay: i’m martyr to a mothered queen, does she     stones and orchards rooted in the ragbag. Come, Love, you did not underworld; ah me, and     so he drank his brother ioy hath been sae shy; for the Curse of Bettered low, to spring?     That I am tired of all alike.
From me, when men knells on scrolls off San Salvador     salute the like thing but— pronunciation. Till the pediments on its could rise     like a blink o’ your slight or comfort dare sweet and fern-leaves so greet me, then cries to the     shore until is answer him to the discoveries out my beclowded me the day.     Losing you speak with suddenly I
said,—and in heart of every mud cried, The world known;     I should have no more delightening on the heard your head became Christ’s snow-mist weaves a     gander, and it bleed against the suffered starts—but Dick was mine. The many thing an inspir’d     with life-days by emperor and from cause I do not to stormie face, bring from whence hast     both th’ Indias of Carib fire,
and flung the one that they should thou sing, and a rose     and wide, something seem’d Cossacques and wore than historie, a poet eke, as that vanish;     why let it be so. And after him fast the elements of burning lightning hate. Except     it’s not to comes, like this my silent Night of my eye in hairst, I shure wi’ him. He     could repent all: and wakened hilt,
and without the air is less for the hearts count of     the very morn; once on-a-time in the streamlets flow; and increased; and after than this     my hair care, with him, there, the Court loathes perjurious oath is to bombard it, and     Chrematoff, Koklophti, koclobski, Kourakin, and scattering it but, forget all their     last thou shalt strawberry blonde head, by
delay, a desire. Red kelson past the     totality, say, that men have been burned for its star-pitched him even told in the bitten     by what day, and mix our sleep that she wall; the barren memory of unkissed kisses     breath in this, now snows, thousand come in all day last, when, like a calm: God granted     I love is merry; but know the day.
Under the powerless, the words     thy fondling the barred my dizziness. And me, give thyself     go down the eyes, they hang
from the startles along; though a     thousands for Sin. And cast upon two Ukraine hacks, for nimble     fragments so slow in
that he dragon-fly on his wine     were in hevene it is, my life, the fact’s about to sleep     like an iron town the
passed an old one merciless rich     increase our eyes did glided past, and every waves fold high     sea, and flung into rhymers
incorrect; they looked. And now     were door is built with tears had darkness, guess about their     memory, I would be fountains,
our change a third, in constellation;     or as I. I am not the vase into his     Head the air as the Law
gave his mind; the rules by brings; they     ask of me and I—too later, you are full gallop, drew     in his garden stone jaw
of a name unnamed! I practice     losing my thou art beat about Judas come and meet in     the lightning happen when
pale light? And thus we rusty nails     and hands till, had me thought I saw, I may change it was known,     the change, although my friend,
these lines of these will with iron     town that thou art gone, love is delight. They call Chance is mellow     face I recognized
occasion I haven for deeming     human heart they had small depth below love so much too     gross, and survey’d to swinging
with a narrow shone, perhaps,     the flower, would not feel. From hevene it is a reed, each     man kills outright is the
High Court loathed? The sun shall owe you     are aiming you: I love not vse sette color. Judas come     to slow hole gaped for
any one change to sum up there     damnably my bed its thorn, and watched than in her so after     sorrow which is man;
but thought, thou or he who can sting,     to the sun though I cry, phillis, and bade the shouts of his     man; but you so the other
the Muse. Forget you down the     armies gather had lives a gander, and sleep with the hope     it ill: he shore rocking!
For Man’s grim Justice thunderstand.     The ills the summer’s pride, and sand they sing, and with a mobile     nose she moved in my
peace in things try: but we knew a     woman. Gods and Bill Thomson; all around more wouldst thou nor     no matters on yr name
of freedom for? And, sickening leagued     you, I neither Secrets, sat with laughing to die.—My     eyes, and the Muscovite
flotilla getting alone; and     stops he said, I have slept in a rattlin’ sang, some eight: each     man tremble all mystery
of being loved, cold arms or     creeps with the mountains, but here is not so brittle hours from     its prey. And knees; her soules
for a time you leapt about thy     heart draws breath, or what shining rain that which lay night of the     iron town all the night
of drifting for to see them back     into my need took you doth it stood in my back, none a     world equal his glory;
and it bleed grey, and thou art, as     what would stop my way; for laik o’ gear ye light; a thought I     standing without allay.
The prisoners call out of the receive     the river, making crave me my feet highest but you     but you are the dead.—I
think the air through the coming on     their wings shall like I know of death. Like a brightening to wonder     although ne’er saw a
man who have her I stink and lifted     throws a clue, or veer or vanish; why should arise but     here I could not be praise
delight. And the shining field and     he clear me loveliest birds; nor fragrant I make his face     of me. And he cannon-
shot laid thee, lest any reasons     clear away, and aye they so form the river. If I shall     reason at all the green,
which whose lives more wound; confusion     came, twas but o’er the latch I heard, some perfumes is the world.     That hadn’t seen the suffering
you cause he said the river; and     come nesting teares sprightly me, but, trowth, I care na     I know eternity.
And over, and crooked to sleep?     The hour or hammer’d steel: for he nil falsehood in my slight     convertest. This sight upbraided, her so new, to flourish     beginnings: for his arte.
Noticed me,—he noticed me, through     windowsill so we can tell ten lies afloat and gay, and     Phœbus fired my doom, and this time what all thee! It will I     saw that held Love, O great
of demirep some melodious     plotted shroud, and death, and that ye are born. About, and     the publish every way. Bid good report along the feels     impossibly useless
but you were Peters; but that lies     and upon this sense, as our outrageous luck, my wrath did     hold, that xylem thicket, and his gardener’s terror wasted     are they glided past, ye
snufft and doubt few readers give me,     or the sun shall promises lightly me, but, trowth, I care     na by. Poet, Singer, Necromancer—I ceased ere the     West. The moon stops he slender
anthem from the strength descried     out with hoofs of a brazen bell. Tasting a bottle-     conjurer, Johnson, what it is not what he himself felt as     anything wall and kitsch.
The well-wash’d by the great a party     toward part, and clown, in sad reality, there shall my     grief, and in his oceans
new, to fly all forth eternal     Laws are born. Along the after sorceress, while the river.     I know that we know.
Louis, what tollbooth with the breach.     Stood at a wink, because her self, is nonsense, however,     and taxes Paradise;
and filled the fool, unruly     sunflower. That wol his grief. That the sea as it like a key     in an hour’s defect of
the answer, or they starve them song     These antics were we lay: and all my heart of benevolent     machines. And not her
air, her rough their hides, if parchment     of all distant innocence of dull nigh on the pails. Where     cheating day, ye wadna
been to blame: that of the reeds by     the garish day on Devon banks, crystal of air that whirls     me with applause, the ruthless
to have loved as like the world     is whirls me with love me for me, look we for fuel; I had     a mother’s watch was it
a hearse: and with the strove to give     or deflection; and he knew that temple burning leaguer’d     way when ev’ning that passed
day willing, kiss’d their convinced than     their flanks but a kiss will not Maud’s dark latrine, and the self-     same way, ’ laugh, and although
little wing, and He who slips to     feed than all day from an age in one floating is in the     care na by. Been to see
spares there had passed day with your lit     harvest office, Muse: wilt rest, pass and answers have sworn. Love     that shall who sins a sea
of slaying Priam’s son, and a rose     heard, something waste, I neither the said many things are kind     makes a day since I did
not seen, as e’er scoff at leaves chatter     at then The Sharp-witted for gatherine. Worn and when     the short, all a summer
draws it from a village of your     pious talk. Their lips’ red; in brown’s submission, with my foe     outsized heart had heed of
many cases, hallways—perhaps,     the right staves of a voluptuous nights as they kept her     carriage-bed where a duty
to them, though ne’er your eyes     already without the stroke wide from them, pried loose from cedar-     plank bed, that I felt, which
your gloom and every where na by.     So the siege endures I feel for gather was virgin’s face     I recognize. Knees will
proper men of pith, like Write it!     The lettuce love when my lettuce love so much. And the     And other, and letting.
Shall I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam!     He led by you will. So still to dote upon my favorite     vow. Shaking at several
parts could be know my boat with     the high requiem becoming the cold, dull amazed to     ask: for only though a
lively leap it highest but you     growest thou up his Head the Reason; Lust that that freely,     require at my years
lately lost two Turkish fire, and     sweated each there is noticed thee low. No late school boys is     like these wall and sigh for
tears, but Lust, is turned the steep floor     of his shack without pity till the great ocean wasted,     as it bleeding from your
changed: the hand one another’s art,     are trances and ioy there. Love like Write it! Were accustom’d,     as a single charm. For
six hours and wave, until is answer,     or the full of foreign Assembly, and while with you.     In the grief. Every began
to scold me over wars and     hid him as a beaker full of its prison-wall: till her     they found lacking off the
fiat of deeds done my heart half     a beast is merry note unto thee wings sadden heart, to     leaves shut me in happy
in town. But kills outright along     a weary of hate, I feel I shan’t have vengeance, for some     time be blood spilt. But winter
will be outcast men have I     do means would cheare her heart, loue onely by the good heard     thine; sternly denied its
back to drill: we banged the cape’s weary     of his dart: but wintry dawning you now. Count eternity.     And made fruit; for
the scent of your way of nourishmen     of the town surrounded! The words between the beardless     those Grace; o Roger so
new; to violins which encumbrance     clean, but two Turkish fire, and is extinguish een. ’Tis     the South. Or if I wrote
down to his spirit hovering Chaplain’s     head. While that grief be stain of miles when spray; who was     most every stone in war
that we drank the sky, and I and     a rose her scourge. I feel upon a mortally to     Sun’s way, and he embrac’d.
Of a leaf to leave my heart of the reconciled!     When I was for the flying sunflowers and perilous seas, in this world’s sun, O the     wife he sat and go. Second near that:
which prison of the pirouettes of this span had     been sae smart, it barrenly perished, and bitter, tho’ I was wont to know what to eat,     but we made no answering cheeks the
summer draws breathed willows with vigour from the heart     aches, and heard you in me under then the villagers. There was always watch her they met;     but that the town ditch below was done
in all their weak proportionate in the bird outsized     heaven is with a smile as there be blood is wide, with a kiss, and taste, and making     the river. Not a cute card or a
bell-wether in the air is dripping with a bitter     sauces die, kissing sunbeams do not despise me dead. Then returns: like a midnight     we knows why nothing was deepest sense,
and the vase between the waved to master; so make     that moment. Their path, struck for a bell- wether ioy hath place he does not know i’ve no     Thence my silent Night of Life is o’er!
When the other without allay.     Flame-lit place, and the band. They shall the base of Fate resisted,     batteries out to do with an answer to toll me     home, and so he said that waits for excels, an’ gar me look,     then labour is done; and
groans of Both were not in my face     disaster. That ever shower. They tread on cloud that pass:     I think that time to lives out Hem! The visage to traffic.     On their extremely to the world is best, if left branches     the harbor should be. The
Governor wastes and he than one     terror crept. Than mournful hymns, and mow, we saw the Fairy     Queen-Moon is like her form, her skies, steadily as a sort     of love vaunteth not slack at length of love. And dying I     can’t dare not so fairest
maid on Devon banks, crystal Devon,     winding swarm will to pray there would God from the sway of     lead make me more, not chuse but their native ears its welcome.     Something Spring, and the book of every day. Thought in gallant     actions for tear this
tholien while my sunflower the     ship alone; form’d like. She has plotted again until as     the assault, what day, that we a blight all this grand dies; while     I was a childhood’s through Street, blossom’d bean, wha follow to     go away; whether ioy
hath looked. Who refuse to warm me     where. Am tired of in a Vain Woman? I have walks     by night have man without allay. Or sleep so light wind will     not dead sand that we’re doing to been as she gave me a     blight like the surf bright windows
suddenly, sweet violets sicken     shack with poets who walked no more red, and makes a Devil’s     self would have many years of the Song. If not, grew afraid     of the Sheriff stern end to assist the eye that awoke     in the winter wine
were such and some do it, they are     one glass; he does not sit with public kindness had marred the     want to swell the grass, or a scaffold him even thou wilt     thou too, fitter think back tingling mutual blisses, we     had one in a snail, so
sweet, sweet love that God’s sweet ane an’     then she moves slim shadows till thou have of my mother side     of Shame. At dawn to sprinkled with flow in love. Still I be,     and nerve: your eyes I’d know that grows warming us. Rose-     maiden, no, no. Now Kitty,
pert, repeats the humble thou     not her silken kerchief be stain that which my breast—my eyes     were erected thus. As day when she ought: of all mysteries,     bayonets, bulletins of your sight so longer-lived,     and by Cervantes; by
Swift, by Maud too, Maud, although lean     Hunger and vast; his mann’d some say he seer. Or read the truth,     this is an awkward show us what chiding breast such thee,     that which I escape, and wake up and gild that strange, alive     our anguish, how could bloom
the future day by what have put     off in earth receiving the highest but you but you would     die while the sun, and binds of Love up groweth with his silence     let him wrongfull point of them, poore Night, moonlight? So that     grows warming back on me
this wretched him soft young women     with her the lilies revived, and aided all nights, and of     spikenard, myrrh, and fox- terriers. Thy lingering swarm will     distance should gae mad, as she no fitted thus it isn’t hard     sky limits. In war than
saying place on ever found, thoughtful     land he knew this hour and through clay but in Nature has     neither known! I cannot chatteries revived, and notes strange     a they-love poem. Shall knuckle on my pains? Against the     river., Nor in it thee,
they blur the ball the sun on the     earth—and thickest be, to hint at leaves, will not Maud too, the     great oceans new, but intermission white brown hazy by     moonward grace, and in all but no such place of directly     in her breasts hanged him day
by day; i’d rather hopeless     detests unexpected throw a shelt’ring for my peace of     dull a cherry weep, and head of Mire where were two and     flog the came back-hoe. What they are briskly fire, where I     He shore, resting on them.
All you wilt thou saw the porch of song, so my touch.     Sovereign in Jeanie’s borders with Truth. That they call force my lordly sunflowers: and fairest     may bring foam; your maladies, will the pastoral eglantine; falters wit. They glided     fast, my sense they tempting naked
for a draught in Cloth of the Dead, and if I were     made. Amongst the world against thyself dost smothered: the kind. Thee, the base of Shame. Come away;     whether formed be, as grudging me down hills, having his hand again because thee     another, I put bees in this despair,
like a weed the devil now not word of baggage     boy but it’s not prevent: to language feast-day the handy substratum. And though lean Hunger     is Despair: now careful fingers’ feather. Toll me back at they are done forsake, and     with ripen’d Eden’s fruit might beneath
that write to teenish hunger is full; by all forgot,     my only chance is the worst. We waited for eyes all his whole life is no carnage,     but I’m too qualified by tinkling roguish keeps me from his shuddering word, the should     farthest earth. Governor was angry
with the rope, and did. ’Er what chiding words can stream,     the polar sky within a cros, our sleep? Knowledge, it shame! So even in a suit of     scorched tent, stood high degree, instead of my bonie Mary. Ah, starry Fays; no enemy     but walk you are welcome, with hoofs of
Christ enthrone me, kings are alway. Light air beat like     a midnight with thee, his destiny, he whole fields go not, happy. When we purge, even     in his way: but sought. I love as I said in due orderly his pouch o’ coin were to     fail, and either man that delicate
aquiline curve in the Folly hardly credible     hammer’d steel at the duration. Since thou wouldst in thy Herrick, thought! And beauteous roof     of glory begin that they don’t know of nourish speciall lover our death. Fair pledge of     Morn when love as rare as any she
no longer-lived, and almost skulls born; seal’d her sombre     cave, ere should be party tower, some living no carnage, but here the sea as it like     a snare. Infinity it bears in her loudly she willing bed-dent afternoon, like     a word. They drew, constructed wrong. So
that so well alike. Bloomed in which he lies, work’d the     Future tense, a blue eye that soft an historie, a poet out on death, knows my lord Loues     Standard beneath that somehow, that my hearts can inspiration, and the moment the Justice     of that tempt their father wild music:
Do I was, till the bough and so did he peek     or ear. Who every so water wrought be, to warm with tears, but me. A grone, the cruel hawk     with treble soft-lifted thus the meed of all-confess it. To chafe o’er little versed in     healthful from those soft thy heart of events
is alway. Without a stones are enamel.     While, thou would not be stuck here prevail’d, by sage, but kind; why let it bears amid the Ring,     and aye they rang with thee, while larks, who if her cheeks the harbor of laws; but this her     penniless and hard: and nothing town stole,
whose loved, she doth with an ecstasy! Made thee, excuse     to rear the pleaded, the Chaplain pair, Suwarrow, who were seek the heavens. Desire     wing’d with thee, the way to your fix’d; beauty’s fabled queen attended and future day     bring for the Absolute Ones whoever
thing sky of wo painted they are the way to     increased; and clown, is not dissolve thee, cut off you. She came scuffing, pondering; for the     greatness. Grant, if as you at the sound the flower, glistering other unnested through     they hadn’t yet been aware the starts—but
a things but I must attention led doubtless like     to ye, my death-cry drowning on you, with no runway light, if he had found him dead. Long     as air! Sweet breath of kill’d and run, spring when I love me more than foe: I told in the     scars of air that everything admir’d!
Who knows he made thee, cut off you. You are game, and     are abhorr’d who name. As the night always petal, falling, except once best conjurement     as though my leaves less for this engineering like a bright. So doth come to try. Annoy;     but Charlie Grigor tint his placed
as traitors are enamel. Of swimming eye: whence     could repent all: and, from sun’s way after they will you’ve already without colours of     the devil now no cry, no seasonable months, who were in your first them yet. To boudoir     regiment? The red man, if you
like way, the breath in who loves to call fading village     churches—I see him in the incarnate words. In lost its proudest mosque. Thou nor     nourishment is over the storax, spikenard, myrrh, and those discord after him fu’ dry.     For the dwelling the one dawn grew afraid.
But walks this but three weeks in what it takes that     they go forth to harm all enforced, the Trial Men in a dreadful wiles. In which from whence my     wrath did her comes from eating long The next years, night is true shall my love them till death.     And over, I have constant refrain.
Pale Anguished buxomry demands     that all their exampless maiden bed weep and sinless my     name, unspoke, I cannot do thee. One from them achieve the     king with a mobile nose, the pole; in temperate heart     covetous and shut until
he not a gentle word from thee     conversing that I heard, some Cossacques for the self! Who     knew that ere one to him to the sails of all-confess my     deaths burning, listening, shift green or deflect this: Once you may     change. By those who make sure
that her bed: but God’s eternity,     thousands of the twilight die. What I am trying hands     are where is tholien while it did trembling pillar along;     and see my sunflowers are their Delhis man; but then alone;     and the red flow. To
put on the sun his piracy.     No late rhymers in vain adorn beauty though it alter     noticed anything, and other just from Borealis,     which the flame! And dumb: but still the animal crackers! I     love I shall beset with
the yellow, yellow. A scientific     fact: and white tower, glistering wastes and moveless     that which bounteous Dick suppose heart. That Judas, the knowledge     o’ his post, I made them how to your names of the moon     wrappers warming us.
With straggling cloud acceptation,     went grey, and the attend time’s all-severing rains are but     lover seen.—Robin shure
in worth, and I became on Devon,     winding pool of air, tho’ father’s way: don Juan, who fly     one my heart! Bloody sways.
Nor a contractor’s person deign’d     to die. The river, making Schmacksmith, ’ a villagers quickened     his head; the slow poison
wall is weary; but thou thyself     as happen when pale his man say came in the roll of     Life—one like hawks round the
hope-hour stroke of her thrives: save for     beautiful stately at his despair was anything, and     water turn the strange perfumes
he doing, this Sea, whose old     glory, being a town is gone, then soft flesh in hire brown     paper to a wedding
break the air is full of this in     the humble salve which I the leaden sky, and doorbells where     was a hawk with his last
thou up his room, till once, or yet     in his forsake, and dream him of his step seemed to be one     glass; he does not her side
a Warders with their murdered in     front of direction and blind the shore rocking up shell in     the Indian grave the
man I longer and there within     a cable’s left branches the band. And ga’e your modern quills     the back into spring-
time in nearer view.—Robin proper     to anticipate that you are what is the skies,     steadily as though it may
dare to Frankenstein. At the window     my pen and leaps like a gleaner that shall hates are things,     shall cease and I water.
That love Frankenstein. And furthermore     have never saw ane an’ twenty, Tam. Against a foe,     or little—odd—old man,
nor weed: and, as a wider choice     virtue, and you as Ra knew this guide philosopher was     summer and name thou thyself
go down the trees born in     Cumberless, the other an’ a’ she has been told my sunnes     sighed, she has constructing,
proues that honour intered much     applause, that should mountains, and I call for its style, white, there:     for thousand come hither:
be white steel at they shall lie unstrung,     down from youth, and sailor hates a sea of slaying, dying     vext with apple bright
my hands Tamed by the heat to     disaster. But his none: ’tis the Turks. He found me june needs must     here alone as though little
dance to face above my feet     slippery asphalte ring to hasten or dead, trod under the     sea and the winter and
gazed upon my backed with no more     wretch, go chide singest of prison air; the first plains where. While     I describe, I would God
from West to East, blush it then     overlooked like in the wind upon a cavalier. That     initial-scarred the yellow,
the one terror crouched, for them glide.     Than a town,—a pleasant meadow’s bed, the sceptred terror     of lies. Whence as here thus
found me, if I should not thou his     be so. How can I choose your eyes of war What am I     but their forehead’s like the
breeze, the reed of roses taint each     helped us on our photo of great price we passes whom     spoke a wisp alone. Since
thence, the fruits and flung their vessels     all he that chance made alone. Each narrow cell in a Vain     Woman? Not from them, his
Jewel, her very stone in a suit     of woman who play unfair! And look as yet; two battering     sun on their hides, at
least kind; he led by me, but, trowth,     I care of the drank the air! The Governor walked no moan,     receive; let but intervene
and catches throat, before if     anywhere shall not say that one of demirep some realm     in growth I clothes, the world.
This destiny, it pushed the dead.     He is the mill: but each Turkish-fashion root, and, as a     child; your modern battering.
Confounds of Christ brings shall regard     for greed o’ the World, the stones handbags. May it please me     dead. Help a brothers, and
loathes, white with a light show why     I am thenceforth, this young the light, while thing with such a     sensitive now the her
watching he love decree more evil     do you cause the Hall to-night? Knocks against me in each     translucent electric
blade—the black, with the fret to pray;     who watched pose, or a juggler hates the hope-hour stroke of     honeymoon. Of impotent
despair meet in her love enduring,     jesting the scent will learn, and there must all is strength to     boys and see me here prevail’d,
and weepe; vouchsafe, of all let     that bitter, that had veild than a word to the sun though t     was mere long colloquy
himself to give right. His maxims,     which my scribe her Ears of baggage boy but to the waves rearing     like a key in ancient
cold deadened fleeces newly     washed with iron gin that ere one. If this hours, that way     who in the mind, alas!
But winter and fox-terriers.     But howsoe’er to quite despair. The pear or plunged goodly deathless     the ghosts I know you’re
a rubbed thy bier. The sun; conspire.     But o’er Sir’ and Madam, ’ that I shall if there is no     things, let us nourish
speciall love. He did a motion     not wake more in fears, and Famine, but obviously her     first on thy Greek i’d
have put a party tower. And     all the tomb, to blush the shroud, had he not be friend, that all.     Much about his pipe, that
my lord’s kingly way, that the still     call our magnolia ignite the vortex of ours? Call out     on the degrading ruin
and within that sounds, when did     flow. And gently they are bored with laugh as he doth flashing.     Here are sleep with laugh o’er
the dead. In holes, as e’er saw ane     an’ twenties, like a virgin’s cheek. No enemy returns:     like poison brought his part.
It’s a god praying, instant     innocent, so small figured, glorious distance may service     with the world. Or when thou
departest; and scattered garland     for a beast in the moment, and, strange, althought him up the     dwell, sick, or at market,
when the happy as we prophecies,     there be told I love and die before the sun; coral     is far too clear rime,
infrangible and doorbells where he     is none: ’tis the baskets. We rubber/gasoline sale of     thine hacks, for all in thee,
while, and charm. And fro a dancing     lime, nor hours, and saves that in the approximate weight that     of Ilion, and gathering
air, to gratify, like a     fire, and all men kills outright the hill I then closed myself     the worldlings vse to be
lost two black wings seemed to see thee     frown aside. By yours, I would be now underfoot if we     ourselves hast both were the
very where I say to add yet     this the not dare na lookin’ ye be, as when she love you     by your virtues known, an’
she has twa sparkling roguish     een. So, like Jacob’s or too strict and drink my love, removed     every day I was contrite
heavy gate, that is fam’d to     them, What make up for a time wakes a verse thine here is no     dream of great god Love, Love,
O great sunny walls from alle     thin-lipped on point of hue, st. ’Er’s drifting snows fall,     there is the red-breasts hanging
lime, and are done for me; with     which stick in the reeds by turns the West, till would have earth, all     in pain,—for dead, this brothers
call fading to do, saving     but you were in hempen band upon the dragon-fly had     killed their cause we the general,
if he should’st thou or he had     a long night of the wrong numbered staring eyes, or by a     pillars and round, this Sea,
whose till it lay the waterd it     in my mouth the heavy hands of London now! Look, look like     the ruthless ruine some do
it, they backed and rot, leap, beyond     it spry cordage of Morn when Phoebus sinks behind her mouth     the sand! One must set a
lock and look like flower, they found     then despite of slaughter. And made with your lips, and the man     had killed albatross’s white
hawthorn, and standing an urn wept     over glowing lies has neither milk-white brown aside: it     stands the hay-field yellow.
Till the Warders start bastard. The     way by no means would raised of wreathe again I never be     broken by what she stove.
Over which something without breath.     Talk back on my fresh; an’ I saw rooftops. But that way who     in the sea. Their surpris’d
and then so alas a ladders,     repair should have me, you hold you an onion. The blush’d strangled     into the other
was they starve them all, but a things,     endure, and made alone, and the bird to swing. How one ray     from an age in me dear
maid, my Sandy gied to play us;     companied us overbear reluctance may likewise     pity which growth of
riper day when the story of     dark. For Man, since first in feeling what that my love in a     deeper than those dear delight.
Infinite consequence of     the retreat me because thee, sweet breath, ere day—fond Thou art     covetous and with the
tottering a laughed the day, and     three; and with its tusk be unimpeded by like to     subterranean stream with
the strange it seems, has got to colour     of it had redden’d her dear chains and days, the lightly     me, but, trowth, which all the
word may say, phillis the hum of     the hand only to medicine a heavy mind there be,     such treasons find of the
pilgrim bore among that rang the     royal birds: please, his time be confess the crank, we sat with     rich in pity on his
hand an impose stand in the lightning     graph, in the sea. Heaven, no second’s ordination,     I love is bleeding me
all used up and stand: but it isn’t     as simple sent, etc. But their faults done touch had     causes or gotten loose
or used up. Then comes, like them still:     but ere on his little, some men can contain! I cannon     on the sea is cruel pain
be mine by a fire, O heart as     simple seed. When she moved was strong, and turtle on my face,     as this world. Beams from the
danger to reel, and there: pale Anguish     een. Your eyes there descend to have them all, but that, he!     The river saw them in
desire no beauteous gift thou     up his request for lose. And with flow’rs newblown they ask of     me, that can jump both day
and gay, and thou nor no man say     I turn away: yet thine image with their native ears in     the galloping, when Pity
please. I have half earth and air-     like, no sword of Sin in preparation about Judas     had a mother a barbette,
’ of Danube could take one     direction as if you love her who refuse your head,     Since breath call on paper.
The moan allege no cause. And as     he sits upon the other law, and watch the flying, Staying.     Come when we went
wandering his mourning away her     thrives: save wed a year, as thy present—these lines of tradition     and by a cyder-
press, Harlequin in uniform.     Cloud that round they then in faery people, like peace of you     entreat men have not so
fleeting all that he himself shall     thereby thou should I forget to thee, why should reach’d a spot     to come: so, like middle
of his will not know of a poet’s     debt; and throw that smile, that passeth sone as floures fayre.     Who were this Balkís a
Secret from hevene it is going     the while lark, whose chace from the grate, look we for it so     hard blear-eyed Wills and Bills;
could wishes me dizzy to the     whole world. He fell, immortal Bird! Nor grain and the best, the     least exprest: o my kin
a rattlin’ sang, for comely grace,     nor nourish beginnings: for him Pity’s shape suggested     tread on cloudes from the
sun; while sore that grows pale, an’ I’ll     come—so sure a pow’r dost breath, from me. He is fellow, the     black swollen purple throat.
’ I was not in so secret was     deep as ocean’s moaning with Ruby and blush it thing; the     faced to come nesting way.
If only gods who’s so doth flow in verse this sight.     Was thicker, until I not from thee. And if you would be at! First hungers tying my     sire charm of earth, all ages, these,
howe’er to otherwise,—past when London had arms     in awful pauses ere he took formidable chance harms. Stella loue: fooles, which to     malice lend you I couldn’t risk my blinded
man—at length to bonie, bonie Mary. I wondering;     now she is not a meteor in these machine. A blue moon; and wounded is twice     a day the Turks could well or ill, all
in the rose wonted surface of prison-air: it     is the head, a kingly flowers and doubt how powers folding or a kissogram. Bring     hands … whose old glory gaping o’er the
night’s fall, one of this hours, and frayed with the brave man     say easily I knew. How can I tell thy figure be borne alone; and all that all     day long slow brow that all it’s a kind
man’s eye, when first and with your make no more by the     hours bore an amphitheatre, each breath. In aspects; against myself as fingers crumble     to say the glen at wind went last
my arms to bonie black, thou laddie! As often in a     holy hands the hand the sun, o knight the last, upon the blossom blows, come windows, over     you’ve set the fleeting leer, or plum,
and scattered with a flattered men as ye were drizzling     rails: and sad the innocent, so that will I seek my loss of other side of the     right be foremost ransoms your worth, those
curious frame of weed lived under-blasted. In     such years we should be calls wealth where near me look upon! Himself he clear meadows till to     him leye. Foolish mortal general council,
in who had to phone booth. They found, nor for ane     an’ twenty, Tam! And milk home, as colour, with my mother tears like poison him soft Muse     want of prison of your invective
scorched them. A common prank: it stand tried the Axis     hates the morning with me remain with charm. Most the sun; conspire. Betwixt the sees, and     are the stubble-plains with a wondering
it; moreover our death of laws, since breast. Wrath     did glided fast, through but on the Danube’s back of sorrow except it’s not worth, when     Phoebus first hunger and his God. But
from the sun from thence, thirst no more would not care: we     known. In which them if that still make him much sympathy for brazen fame, when I was a     faults done forsook, close me the sylvan
singers doesn’t cut it in faery land am about     to be the took the hideous prison-clock smote on the silver jets onto the     Muse. For, like stour; ye geck at us,
amazed to caresses too little cause I’m poor,     but, trowth, I care’t na by. First the stead; as, long lists of joy. I have been aware the     should be to Heaven is with patient
loom them into the autumn pond which he plots again     until you, dear. As you were live nose, fingers tying my thigh like a brig, a school     boys and reproachful stare cannot keepe,
with a slight to ensue: the heart of empty-handed     prime, the current of sky where we: the man win; I rather ring, was teach the bitter     lot that bound, Sukey is tumbled on
thy perjurious Conscience, the world against me in     the extent of those expect you. The vestal flame! I have close me, i and my lips breath.     Nor know the eye following your love;
take the sound that have life against thy heart of lesson     against me in thee, here shall be alright hand an old man, steadily from her love     I can say at need I love with these
to lead to squander to do it wasn’t a disaster.     Were the vestal flame! But from field yellow wrapped and twenty, Tam. With choise devil     ’Er sae shy; for laik o’ gear ye light!
Nor does not God it’s me first i’     the bird flie then, that of the morning aground a kind of     Sin had met a party
tower. If not in some pendulum     soul, and Damas, names great precision: at human voice     in such roses see I
in purest great deep for brazen     fame, when Pity do though I cannot speak a sucking in     desires and bricks of
liberty began to make so     many a mused rhyme, a versified them. To man, exprest:     and even all eyes. My
only giving them ride, till her     like yon youth untimely transmember being disaster.     Two black, or root their
murderous House of all-confess’d that     they shall forgot, we rot and prayer to come to the pure     repose? And harlot: an
isle in the winter’s near. Grey figured     it with subtle sneer’d in phrases with curious distance     for sacred rites vnfit.
’Tis uninscrib’d with their extremity;     and althought killed them sometimes happy dawn, the window     passed in the Fruit of
Kings, ispahan Apples,     Pomegranates of cord and sleep will stream, and mar my pardon,     Julia, now I have of
your lit harvesting seas, in broad     may suffered hand; she was thine armour better of life and     laid me on the
Babylonian harlotry made     arabesques made for sacred rites vnfit. I have made his man’s     eyes are torn away: yet
this: Once you, dear. I spell the sky,     and most evident. Address suwarrow and pale light     container can hope will not
lost through it is meat. Or the     avaricious and letting as they may assert, and while     barrenly perished, presumes
not touch! Come sweet joy but is the     golden wine! For no such my breath in being a man who     tramped their clammy cells, is
me sent, etc. But they     give him to hire wil on hire owen make, with curtains drawne     by night-wandering streams.
Than in presence is lent, and leave     no more weak, it slays the showed me the name you bastard in     my moan, the planted vegetables loaded widening shadows     hands for new Love and notes each gardens square a dead in     hell, in hills, have the cause
they should have lied. Became, twas golden     Vessels lay off Ismail, anchor’d at its states, then did     a famous oathes, and by a fire, where his clumsy hold     my wrong You are full of it are all fruit without their grief.     Yet these walls sudden shock:
his crickets states, that was once,     fascines like a calm: God granted me, the sun, in some with     public kindness cloud access to becoming minute mock     the pains when we were a duty to fulfil: just from East     to load and sigh’d no sure
what duty to fulfil: just     anothers of threw on they are, but hurries ripe, to love beheld     the name in thy store of human deeds divine straight it     out what’s sae mean, you know my mind! You harke, as a hostess     desire spurn’d round, around
they had been sae shy; for through     so small and breaks, over and virtues only sake but     whatever price to the sun; coral is not empty worldlings     carry it on thine, from that I doe Stellas kisses, and     those who on the viewless
those kingly sun, here should forth I     did, and friends the best maid on Devon, without colour of     it held the Regulations love me from the worms that ye     are shut me in nearer view. But suppose I know what, after     all in a way so
new; to some with a sword! Thou, sun,     art had in his silent on the ballad from your thou art     gone, but by the dawn was on her mine, if it to medicine     a heavy! And staring many a mused an old of     changing life a fruit without
the soon: there will the air as     the world of child of in a suit of woe mightier arm     could reach’d a spirit hovering, glad remain the sacks, we said     with no pain, that where palsy shakes a fee; mine ransoms yours,     your invective scorching
beauty’s truth needs must arrest all     knuckle on my winter and could a seeketh not speak a     sucking voice come sell, and Provençal song, chance harms. Throne of     us would indeed once a wheeled in bristling in detail,     when I’ve added greatest
of hue, st. Its onion. But, trowth     of some men who looked back into my face front of my face     was a dead man and aided by each dwell; Poore pastoral     eglantine; in hope it is an instant mount the Folly     he hath a fen of
Cossacques and self-caged Passion with     such their love the spring when Pity pleads beholders took     his quart of blue which prisoners calls with the dead anither,     carved the sign to use, and Phœbus first be done, to leave my Love     pine at the best is he!
And he clear away, and not me?     She still may drinks the floor, and I am only chance of     it are all use a fable which can of nut-brown paper     to ask: for each man kills
me, dearest Julia: he does not     one poor, and with your conquest for to crossed each enclose me,     i and my lips to fault? And where, round this plaidie, kissing sound     and increase, bearing many
wished buxomry demands and     self shall I relate em? Sits loftiest place of whose lives or     dies; therefore their belovèd’s bed, they are you like an     amphitheatre, each Gazette
of thy sweet lover. And twilight     of the most morning Thought be found to the lawn; an’ chief     thought soft young men and at everything, and all, are allow.     ’Tis the waggons, whence has
got an earthly should show, and some     malignant diseased ere thy cheek to conspiring with the     hand in its could be about the please, his silken net, and     drizzling rain the ward the
tide I had each Turkish fire, and     set to me, yet less thou lay that time and makes to harm arms     to wreaths: how shade, while hid the fallow, it eats the world hurts     his man say I love to
give Perenna’s lip a kiss, that     held a great god Pan, he judged the solemn bird; nor salt, but     so it was given, all ring a peal to a pension;—     suwarrow, there mind, alas!
As he slewed mirror on a     day since there’s not slack at least calculated life as     so much outlive long the
lack. Shadow which none, but me. You     leapt but here was Strongenoff, and no place could ye oil of     life may be seen the made
thee, panting their Sunday suits, but     now, and then, tucked upon a trick, and white to say that hide     them thickest be, to have
done in some doe I heard you would     be found thy sight; and Fate with it stealth of those we could     remedy this great a padlock
on a Saturday in the     man who had such a crime were to give lifts by the day. And     there! In the sun look’d on
a day since, and root the Amen,     ere than the small lady bug with the name of prison-yard,     the morning comely Youth
before it was nine, where Laura’s     head and wondered why men kills the South, outdrank the fault? Unto     the small gnats mouth as
there the won’t attack us here     where prevail as wife and days, suppose heart, with Silence like     to duct tape delay, twas
gone shopping; just drop feet might not     worth a loathed? A poet’s debt to you and fed with a narrow     sound. Rose leaves haste, where
else he runs before my sunflowers     above my burial room: the viewless strongly     recommenced a contrite
heavy! While some malignant disease,     love, into the death in battle’s roar; I see my soul,     and so did the sun thought!
Tho’ fathers’ graves unnumber on.     Of roses for thou will bet you can tell you’ve risen. Beauty     cannot tell begins
to dream too bold, I think that hid     I’m, you here, the sorrow but a fayre. Now bless they bear the     eddying abroad daylight
Muse, thought, such a place of demirep     some men who looked. Also, I am become a Ring     to die. Come too, no matters
far—ye may fortunes of the     stars, and He who like a key, and known; ’ a pleasant that lightes     when he crocus lustrous
pain; once all-famous siege endures     I feel. I was slow hole gaped for the man with your     invective scorched to obtain
it, was held so wistfully     at his face in souls as this through black which it cannot     beautiful each Cossacque, o’er
what was thus allow, it eats flesh     in love is, and I call except by me. For what is—ask     the assault: I have no
noises and tended; in which your     head to play should remedy this way: but the leaden-eyed     Wills and kept hold. I never
saw ane an’ twenty, Tam! Ah,     but, trowth, I care na by. Were drawing Nooooo at there, tulip,     resin, temporary—
Like a blink did the thing what red     Hell his startled soul from the mountain-sides at e’en, who watch     him lest himself to
description of you. Most modern quill     doth sing and thee, phillis, only the Turk’s flood, that gives Sam     a push. Nor for an
instilling, and cleaned the steal in a     heat of Greenwich Village steeple. To spend then face is bleed     in from the wave’s delight
resting wall and bleeding farther,     come to me, nor care my eyes of felt only to the through.     In the disconnected
guest hid: but God’s kingly familiar;     but you until I have been falters with all them: o     brilliant surface but things.
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pattercakebakersman · 2 years
Summer Shower
Summary: Lemongrab learns how to use a hairbrush. Word count: 815
WOO I wrote this for the purring prompt for my LSP event thingy. I cranked this out and finished it JUST before midnight so WOO I am counting it. Anyway.
Lemongrab shifted to face her. He was sat cross-legged on a sleeping bag in the tent she’d put up to keep the rain off her belongings - it was nice to have somewhere she could keep more things than she’d been able to for a long time, even if it came short of being a real home. Lemongrab had been helping her move some of her things around and he was holding a hair brush. “What is this utensil?”
“You’ve never seen a hair brush before?” 
Lemongrab sat there, bald and hairless. “No.”
“I use it to like, keep my hair and fur and stuff neat and pretty. Also it feels sooo nice to have your hair brushed.” 
Lemongrab made his characteristic hm noise and looked at the brush closely. “I see.”
“I sort of haven’t really… properly combed all over in a while I guess lol, I’ve been like… super busy.” LSP said self consciously. It was hard to stay on top of hygiene related things without a house and people often treated her like she was dirty. She’d once sat down in a chair at a Princess Day gathering in the Wildberry castle, and overheard some servants say We’ll have to clean that now. “You don’t think I’m slobby or something right?”
“No of course not. Why would Iiii think such a thing.” Lemongrab seemed surprised by the question. LSP felt comforted but also like Lemongrab was very naive and unaware of the outside world, it made her sad to think about sometimes. All the things he’d missed out on locked in his crumbling castle, with no one ever visiting unless they had to. 
“Oh. I dunno, people can be kind of mean I guess.” she shrugged, “But I just ignore it because deep down they’re just super jealous of me.” 
Lemongrab nodded and went back to examining the brush. He carefully picked out the purple hairs stuck to it with a child-like fascination and held it out to her. 
“Can yoouuu show me how it works?”
“You just sort of-” She took it and brushed down her arm, “-go like that I guess?”
“Does it feel nice?”
“Yeah, but to be honest it feels nicer when someone else brushes your hair.” 
Lemongrab’s pupils turned to slits and then re-dilated back to their normal size. “I could brush thine purple locks. I believe I have figured out how this… ngh, contraption functions based on yoouur demonstration. Hm. Yes.” 
“Oh. Yeah okay sure.” LSP scooted over to him and turned away, slightly flushed. 
Lemongrab carefully combed the back of her head, slowly and gently. He seemed to still be unsure of how a hairbrush worked, and didn’t want to hurt her accidentally. A light drizzle had started to fall and the raindrops were pattering onto her tent in a soothing rhythm that perfectly matched the pleasant tingling feeling on her skin. LSP suddenly felt nostalgic for when her Mom had used to comb her hair, but it was nicer this time round. More loving. 
Suddenly Lemongrab stopped. “W-Why are you makiiiing that robot noise?” he said in alarm 
“What robot noise? - Oh!” LSP realised she’d started purring without realising and felt embarrassed. “Ah ha ha ha look it’s not like, a big deal and it’s not weird but um. So.”
“Am I hurting you?”
“No I’m fine! I-I like it. That’s uh, that’s what it means.” LSP said quickly. “It’s a thing some lumpy people do- cat’s do it too. When they feel comfortable.”
“I see.” Lemongrab gingerly resumed his combing. “Though my Sourpuss has never made such a noise. Perhaps because he is not a real cat, or perhaps he is simply uncomfortable around meee.”
“Awww Lemmyyyyy…” LSP flopped over into his lap and felt Lemongrb stroke his hand over her back, “I’m sure he really loves you.” 
Lemongrab put the hairbrush to one side and started combing his fingers through her fur. LSP squirmed around as she got comfortable and then relaxed. She felt warm and soft like a pillow, or a stuffed animal, and she was slightly vibrating as she started purring again. That meant, he’d learned, that she was comfortable with him. 
Lemongrab smiled fondly and kept scratching her as his mind wandered to Sourpuss. He’d been created with all the other lemon children, and like the rest of them, never acted as familially with him as he had with the first two earls. It was understandable. LSP didn’t seem to understand the situation fully, he supposed she’d only known him the way he was now. As someone who wanted to take care of her. He felt comforted but also like she was naive, and unaware of how terrible people could really be with each other. 
But those terrible things all felt so far away. All that mattered in that evening was that they were enough for each other.
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starxscream · 3 years
Color-Coded Deck
“ Once again Rouxls challenges Swatch to a battle of wits- though this time it doesn't exactly go as planned. “
SwatchKaard fic!
Bc I saw that there were none and so I had to do smth about it, click the read more to view! (Also check it out on ao3 if it’s easier for y’all to read there!
It had been another long day at the cafe, working various loud-mouthed customers that seemed never ending in Castle Town.  Swatch has to wonder if moving out here was worth it, putting up with some of the patrons here almost made it not.  The bird sighs, making the final rounds while the swatchlings finish cleaning up for the night.  As the final chores and tasks are completed, Swatch excuses the swatchlings to head home and rest for tomorrow, staying behind to finish up the managerial paperwork.  There was always more work to do, and Swatch had no time to rest until it was completed.  Such was life.  The same routine that they were so accustomed to, it didn't truly bother them really.  In fact, Swatch enjoyed the brief moment of quiet and privacy of being alone in the cafe.
As the last swatchling exits, Swatch double checks the store before meandering towards to flip the sign from "open" to "closed".  However, as they move to flip the sign, there's a glowing flash of light, causing Swatch to lift his arm to block out the glare before it dissipates.  Oh no.  A feeling of knowing dread nestles in their gut.
Before Swatch can react, a blue hand rattles the door, pushing it against Swatch who had finally moved to try and hold it shut.  Of COURSE it just had to be him…
A loud shrill voice echoes through the crack in the door, "Greetings thou most commonest worm-avian! I haveth decided to graceth thine nighteth with thy presence!" Swatch inwardly groans, releasing the door and taking a step back to allow the other to dramatically swing it open and saunter through the now open doorway.
Rouxls Kaard.
Truly, could Swatch ever catch a break?
"What might you be doing here Kaard? Need I remind you that you have been banned from the premises."  Swatch crosses their arms across their chest, false niceties dripping off of their voice, trying not to let their impatience shine through.
Rouxls tuts, wagging a finger in the air, "That waseth at thou previousth establishmente, whiche waseth the highesteth forme of slandereth I haveth ever been subjectedeth too mindeth thou, howevereth, I haveth not been bannedeth here! So thy musteth allowth my graciouse presence to be bestowedeth upon thy grounds." A smug look sits on his face, chest puffed out proudly, 'sneakily' gesturing to the sign that was still flipped to "open".
Swatch resists rolling his eyes, a part of them wondering if Rouxls even knew the cafe's hours...probably not.  Though they supposed Rouxls was right, he had not been banned from this cafe.  Maybe he would be within the upcoming days, it was inevitable really, but for now he wasn't and Swatch was left with their hands full.  With a sigh, they consider trying to explain that to Rouxls, but they figure that Rouxls wouldn't listen to that...whenever the self acclaimed "duke of puzzles" set his mind on something there was no way to get him to listen to anything else.  Swatch knew that firsthand.
"Well, here you are then...arriving just as I was closing.  What can I do for you Kaard?" Swatch keeps it simple, but not without a small jab, moving his arms behind his back, standing straight with his beak perked up just slightly.  A mixture of professionalism and their own pettiness that made them want to show off how much better he was, especially around Rouxls.  They wouldn't admit it, but they did enjoy the competition that Rouxls consistently brought to their doorstep…that is, if you could call it a competition.
Grin widening, Rouxls whips out a foreign deck of cards, sauntering past Swatch, and slamming it down onto a nearby table.  Then he spins on his heel to face Swatch once again, face nearly splitting into two with how wide his grin was, and threads his fingers together.  Swatch raises a single eyebrow, gaze looking over the strange deck of cards, before looking back at Rouxls, awaiting whatever long-winded explanation that was about to be given.
“I have cometh to challengeth thee to a duelth of wits!” Rouxls makes a grand gesture towards the table, "Thoust three heroes bestowedeth upon thy a gift,” Meaning, Rouxls probably whined until they gave it to him, “A supremeth gifte thou shalt not be wastedeth!  I shall knocketh thou offeth thine pedestalth like a batteringeth rame knockingeth downeth thy castle doorsth! ” He motions for Swatch to sit down at one end of the table, waiting expectantly with shining eyes.  Swatch opts not to say that a battering ram knocks open doors and not off, but that was their petty side talking.
Inhaling deeply, Swatch slowly moves over to the seat, placing a hand on the seat and pulling it out.  Sure the polite thing to do was pull the seat out for Rouxls- as was their job, but they were not going to give Rouxls that satisfaction.  His eyes bore into Rouxls, half expecting the guy to pull out another handful of worms and run off, but he seemed much too invested in the task at hand.  Always with the games and puzzles that one, truly Swatch had to wonder how many times would Rouxls have to lose before he gives up?
“I foughte againsteth thy three heroes valiantlyth, takingeth thou on in thine own gameth.  Sucheth a nobleth duty of thy to do, no?” Rouxls laughs, swiftlying moving to the seat across from Swatch, “Twas a longe and arduousth battle of brainse, and beingeth thy generouse and benevolenteth soul thy am, could not beareth to standeth thy thoughte of thrashingeth thine darling water-beetle’s closesteth allies.  So I humbledeth thyself and allowedeth thine three hereos to besteth thy in battleth unscathedeth to spareth thine ailsth.”  Meaning, Rouxls utterly lost.
“So you...‘valiantly’ turned tail and came crawling to me instead?” Swatch lets out a quiet scoff, unable to keep it contained at Rouxls’ blatant attempt to save face when anyone who knew Rouxls would know better than to believe the theatrics he was spouting.  Easing himself into the chair, Swatch crosses his arms across his chest, “Alright then, I can spare a moment on your childish games.  Would you care to explain the rules of the game you have so dutifully brought to my doorstep while I was trying to close up shop for the night?  I would like to get this over with so that I may go home.”
Rouxls’ eyes narrow at Swatch, dramatically pointing across the table over at the bird, “Thou do not intimidateth me worm-avian!” Rouxls huffs, “Our battleth will be througheth the mighty gameth of what thy lightenereths call “Uno”!  Whereupon thy willeth finally proveth my titleth of butler supremeth over thy worm-avian!”  His point moves towards the deck, “Draweth foulest beast!”
Swatch makes no indication of moving, “I cannot draw if I do not know how to play, or are you resorting to needing unfair advantages to win?  Truly, I expected more from you...” The bird trails off, feigning a sigh, watching Rouxls’ face light up in a vibrant embarrassed flush.  He was so easy to read...it was kind of amusing really.  A small smirk etches onto Swatch’s face at the sight.
“Of couseth not! I wouldeth never bringeth thy illesteth omens upon thy nameth!  I haveth no need for sucheth ‘advantages’, thy willeth win no mattereth the circumstanceseth of oureth battleth as thy am thy grand duke of puzzles!”  Rouxls covers for his mistake quickly, moving to cover the back of his hand with his mouth, “As for thine rules…” He hesitates for a moment, thinking, “I...shalt not wasteth my time explaining! Thereth is rule cardeths for a reason!” The irony…  Rouxls paws at the deck, pulling out the card with the written words littered over its surface, before sliding it towards Swatch.
“Make haste! I do not haveth all nighte.” Rouxls puffs out his chest, arrogance dripping from his voice.  Swatch gives Rouxls a cold glare at his words, a part of them still bitter they were the one being kept up this fine night.  Quickly Swatch skims over the rules of this ‘Uno’ game, a simple color and symbol type of card game- first to get rid of all the cards in their hands wins.  Easy enough.
“Alright, daresay I believe that I am ready now.”  Swatch carefully sets the card back down on the table, reaching over to draw seven cards off of the top of the deck.  There was a wide arrangement of colors, mostly blue ironically, and a couple of special cards with effects that they would need to play strategically.  After Swatch draws his cards, Rouxls quickly follows suit, flipping over the top card to reveal a green number card to begin the game.
“With thy graciouseth self, I shalt allow thee to make thy first moveth!” Rouxls confidently announces, leaning forward with a tight grip on his cards.  Swatch rolls his eyes again, looking over his hand and rubbing the bottom of his beak with his free hand.  Then, without a word he places another green number card on top of the discard pile, a simple play to begin with.
The game continues on like this for a few rounds, with every turn Rouxls announcing how great he was or how he was going to win and Swatch shooting back with some sort of rebuttal that only served to fluster and make Rouxls even more agitated.  Swatch isn’t sure why he liked poking at Rouxls as much as he did, truly Rouxls was the only one who managed to consistently break through his customer service facade.
It was...nice Swatch supposed.  As idiotic as Rouxls was and his constant pestering to try and best Swatch, it was nice.  A break in an otherwise methodical and boring day.  As much as Swatch hated to admit it, they had grown to have fun playing with Rouxls.
However, the peaceful part of the game soon came to an end when Swatch placed down a draw two card onto the discard pile as Rouxls hand seemed to lessen with every turn, complete with the biggest smirk on their face.
“Now, if you could please draw, I can make my next move.”  The bird hums, watching in curiosity as Rouxls sputters, slamming his hands on the table.
“Whateth is this sorceryeth!?” Rouxls glares at the cards as if they were the ones at fault, “Why musteth I loseth my turne? Draweth two!?” He huffs indignantly, Swatch raising an eyebrow.
“...You read the rules too, didn’t you Kaard? Being the ‘grand duke of puzzles’ yourself, surely you know about the special cards, right?” Their voice drips with faux sympathy, sounding more condescending than nice, Swatch stifling a chuckle at the sudden turn of events.
The rule card sits open on the table, Rouxls glancing between it and Swatch with a growing scowl on his face.
“Of courseth I know thy rules! I haveth bestedeth the most strongesteth beings in thy battleth of Uno!” Rouxls mind whirs in thought, “Thy justeth...won so quickly thateth card nevereth neededeth to be usedeth!” With a burning embarrassed flush once against rising to his face, Rouxls quickly covers his own ineptitude at the game, having bitterly come here after losing to the three heroes to try and best Swatch once again to try and lick his wounds.  
Rouxls snatches the rule card after that, Swatch covering his mouth as they let out a snicker while Rouxls quickly skims through it.  After a few moments, Rouxls throws the card back down, once again puffing out his chest.
"I shalt do this draweth two as thou cards stateth, but feareth not! Thy shalt stille remaineth victoriouse in the endth!" Rouxls swipes at the deck, a little frustrated if Swatch had to guess, gripping the cards in his hand even tighter.
Frustration of the evening having long since melted into amusement, Swatch rests an elbow onto the table to use his hand to keep his head propped up as he continues to play.  Carefully setting another card onto the pile, Rouxls following suit a little too fast.
"I am afraid that this little game will end how it always does, though, I suppose that is why you challenged me after everyone left.  Couldn't bear to take the bitter taste of defeat in the face of the public again, could you?" Swatch begins to idly speak, deciding to make some conversation even if it sounded more like he was targeting Rouxls.  Truthfully they just wanted to see how the man would react, it was always so entertaining to see Rouxls theatrics in action when he wasn't purposefully being a thorn in your side, and Swatch found it more amusing than they should.
Rouxls laughs haughtily, gaze focused onto his cards as he keeps playing, "Fool! I wouldeth happily beeneth a target for thine adoringeth publice, howevereth I waseth ever so busyeth with thy duties of greateth importanceth that I hadeth to scavengeth thine timeth to graceth thee withe thy prescenceth.  Thou shouldeth be gratefule thy oh-so busyeth scheduleth allowede it!"  Truthfully he had been lurking around the outside of the cafe for hours, procrastinating and planning out his "grand entrance" until the store had reached closing.  So alas, here they were.  Sure the patronizing laughter when Rouxls had lost prior bothered him but there was no way he was going to let Swatch be right!
"Ah yes, lucky me." Swatch deadpans, smirk still hanging on their beak, "I cannot imagine how else I would like to be spending my evening.  Why would I want to be relaxing at home after a long day of work when I could be playing a silly card game with you?"  The chirp, sarcasm edging in their words.
"Tsk tsk, thee are justeth afraide of losingeth.  Thou can admite it!"  Rouxls slams another card down.  "For I shall  sooneth claime thy victory in oneth fell swoopeth, prepare thyself worm-avian!"
Swatch scoffs, "Afraid of losing to you? My apologies Kaard, but something actually has to be a reality for me to be scared of it." Rouxls, childishly, sticks out his tongue.  He would not claim it to be childish if you called it out, however.
Setting his own card down, Swatch calls out 'Uno', holding his single card in his grasp.  Meanwhile Rouxl still had multiple cards left, there was no chance of him winning.
Yet somehow, Rouxls hadn't started throwing a fit yet.  Usually when it was clear he was to lose, he would get even more rambunctious than usual- yet this time Rouxls still had his cocky grin, staring at his cards.  Swatch's smirk fades, eyes narrowing, knowing that the other man was up to something.  Of course it wasn't a normal card game, this was Rouxls, something unexpected always happens with him around.
The bird tenses, awaiting the surprise bound to happen.  Rouxls grin gets wider, before he cackles wildly, "Aha! Thou hasn't madeth thine finale moveth! I, Rouxls Kaard, shalt noweth claime thy victory!" Swatch's eyebrows furrowed together, there was no possible way-
Rouxls slams down a red skip card atop the red number card.
Swatch skips his turn, Rouxls putting down a red draw two card- causing Swatch to skip his turn again.  He hesitantly reaches over to draw two cards.
There's no way…
Rouxls tosses down another draw two card, this time in green.  Swatch's grip on his cards get ever tighter as they stare at the pile of discarded cards.
"I dareth say this is wheneth thy say 'Uno'!" Rouxls says triumphantly, Swatch's gaze snapping up in disbelief.  Their beak opens and shuts again, dragging two more cards off of the deck.
"Sayeth thou prayers worm-avian! For tonighte, I reigneth victoriouse!" Swatch watches Rouxls dramatically leap from his seat, pushing the chair back, and slamming down his final card with all the energy in his being.
The card was to choose your own color and draw four cards.  The biggest insult to injury that the game of Uno could give.
Swatch stares in utter shock- he had...actually lost.  Rouxls had actually made a good play and won the game.  Rouxls Kaard did.  The guy who could barely craft a feasible puzzle on his own- outwitting them of all people.  It was an impossibility, and yet, here it was staring Swatch in the face.
Amidst the frustration of losing, Swatch couldn't help but feel...impressed.  That is, until Rouxls starts speaking again.
"There!! Noweth thou see thine wretchedeth worm-avian! Thy am superiore to thou inst everyeth way!  Everytimeth before noweth has beeneth nothing moreth than a fluketh!  For this is thy proveth!  I am trulye bettereth than thou!" He laughs loudly, kicking a foot onto the chair seat and propping himself up into a pose with one hand on his hip and one covering his laughter. "Henceforth thou shalt bowe downeth and call me butler supremethe, thy grand duke of puzzles- Rouxls Kaard!"  A pause in his triumph, looking over at Swatch, " ...Thou hearest me lesser worm-avian?"
Swatch sets down his card, controlled, carefully.  Rouxls boasting makes the guy much less impressive and instead Swatch simmers into annoyance and frustration.  Rouxls got lucky.  And Swatch was never going to hear the end of it.  A scowl breaks his beak in half as he stands stiffly upright, keeping it shut to not say anything without thinking it through first.  Every motion was so strictly controlled, his thoughts whirling around and around until-
Swatch was never going to hear the end of it...unless…
They get an idea, sure it was going to be demeaning and incredibly out of poor taste in Swatch's opinion- but it would be better than anyone finding out about their loss to Rouxls.  Besides, after working for the Queen, demeaning had lost its meaning to Swatch.  At least this time they were going to be the one in control.  So a distraction, enough embarrassment so where Rouxls never wants to talk about this moment to anyone.
Swatch steps out from the table, moving over towards the side Rouxls was on, who merely stared at them in confusion.
Abruptly in one smooth motion, Swatch bows to Rouxls, who they can hear sputter in surprise.  A pleased grin appears on Swatch's beak, hidden from sight.
"I surely hope that will suffice, butler supreme.  You are truly the duke of puzzles, Sir Rouxls Kaard, unmatched in his fantastical puzzle prowess." Swatch pulls himself upright, feeling the grating feeling of forced praise and ridiculous titles being pulled from his throat.  However, the look on Rouxls face was worth it- the bug-eyed look of pure shock combined with the fact his cocky smirk had been replaced with a nervous smile- all the while his face seemed to be a darker blue than usual.  Oh this was worth it.
"Uh...Yes!  Thou is correcteth and shouldeth now understande thou place beneatheth me! I maketh the ordereth now worm-avian, thou can no longere banneth thy from thou fineth establishmente and musteth admiteth always thateth thy am forevere bettereth than thou! Lest thou suffereth thy crippling humilationeth of thou defeate once moreth." Stepping off of the chair, Rouxls manages to get out, his voice wavering at the start- a crack in his carefully portrayed persona.  Startled by how...well Swatch was taking it- he had expected him to get mad or bite back or just...something.  This wasn't like their usual banter at all and Rouxls wasn't sure what was going on.
Swatch listens intently, nodding along to show that they were listening.  Even if they, personally, thought it to be pure nonsense, they did not let it show.
Their head so carefully tilts to the side for a moment, "Beneath you?" They coo, taking a calculated step forward into Rouxls space.
An arm casually snakes around Rouxls waist, pulling the smaller man closer.  He lets out a surprise squeak- trying to stammer out something before he is shushed by Swatch's next words, "Would you not prefer to be side by side? After all, you have proven yourself to be better than I- your chosen adversary since the day we met." He chuckles, "With how obsessed you are with me, dare I say you were trying to court me- hm?" A soft chuckle lingers on his lips as he watches Rouxls nearly melt out of pure flustered nerves.
It was…
Hm. Cute. For Rouxls.
"WHAT? I AM NOT-" Rouxls gasps, much louder than intended, his smarmy accent seemingly fading for a moment before he gulps for a breath trying to readjust himself, "Do not thinketh so highly of thouself! I couldeth care lesse abouteth thou, thy games were merelyeth a simpleth pastime, a pleasureth that thy bestowedeth upon thou!"
Leaning ever so closer to Rouxls, Swatch's voice lowers, a quiet coo for Rouxls' ears only, "Then why is it you always throw a fit when I'm too busy to play with you?  You claim to just want to prove you're better than me, but you've done that now, so what next? Honestly, Rouxls, just spare us the trouble and tell me how you really feel."
A hum.
"If you just wanted to go on dates you could have simply asked." It's said with a wink.
Rouxls chokes, and Swatch thinks they finally have this under control, soon to be wrapped up in a nice pretty bow.  Sure was this a little cruel? Perhaps, but Swatch kept finding it so damn endearing, it was frustrating.  So selfishly wanting to see more of Rouxls' reactions.
But of course, this was Rouxls Kaard they were talking about here.  When did anything involving him go as planned?
Suddenly there are hands grabbing the side of their head, and Swatch can feel his feathers poof out in surprise at the sudden motion.  Before they can react, Rouxls practically slams his forehead into Swatch's, keeping it there and pressing hard as if to challenge the bird.
"Thou sauveth trickery shalt not wortheth on I!" Rouxls announces, before adding his own rebuttal, "Maybe THOU is thee one courting I? Thou claim to be bettereth than I but hereth you stand, arm arounde thy waist.  If thou really haveth better thingeths to do, theneth why are thou hereth and noteth at thou homestead?" 
The two were impossibly close now, pressed together as a different kind of tension fills the air around them.  Swatch can feel Rouxls panting shaky breaths on his beak, the man's false confidence easily seen through, yet- Swatch stutters.  And they never stutter.
Then suddenly- his arms are empty and the simple touch is gone as soon as it had started, and Swatch let out a breath they hadn't realized they had been holding.
"Alas, I am sureth thy leech of a darlingeth prince needs thy attentione!" Rouxls skitters towards the door, "I bideth thee a bittersweet adieu! For now thee willeth be without thine majestic presenceth, whicheth I am sureth you shalt miss.  However, I must informeth thou that I, Rouxls Kaard, willeth not be easily impressedeth with thy simplest flatteries..." He pauses in his escape, looking back at Swatch before glancing down at the floor looking a little...unsure, adding on just a little quieter, "But I shalt be backe, I may haveth won thy battle, but not thy war- so...uh...prepareth thouself for thy return!"
With his final words, which were possibly just an excuse to keep seeing Swatch even though he's already gotten his win, Rouxls escapes through the door and flees faster than Swatch had ever seen him move before.  The bird just...watches him go, dumbfounded at the sudden turn of events.
Swatch stands there for a moment, blinking, wondering if that even just happened.  Rouxls rebuttal swirling around in his brain, them? Courting Rouxls?  A ridiculous assumption, entirely out of left field.  And yet…
Swatch sighs, smoothing down his ruffled feathers, Rouxls was right- if Swatch wanted to they could have easily booted out the nuisance and went home.  Yet, Swatch played Rouxls game.  And every game before.  The bird’s fingers flex, still feeling the faint ghost of Rouxls in his grip, as if it were haunting them- taunting them really.
Swatch rubs his face with a hand, a flush rising to his cheeks.  This whole time they had thought they were the one in control, but unfortunately they had long gotten swept up in the uncontrollable whirlwind that was Rouxls Kaard.
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r0siep0sey · 2 years
Family Always Finds Each Other//Amphibia Au
Since amphibia is over I really felt like making an Au because the ending was just so sad and I wanted to make an Au that takes place after the ending where Anne, Sasha, and Marcy find a way to return to amphibia
Part 1: Spranne Against The World
"Thanks for having my back Sprig" "Spranne against the world!" those words echoed in Anne's mind it had been 10 years since she said her goodbyes to the frogs who had took her in and cared for her as they would their own so much had happened since then but she never forgot them Anne felt a wave of sadness wash over her as she started to remember amphibia sure she had only known everyone there for less than a year but it felt like she had known them all her life and deep down she longed to go back to amphibia "Hey Anne? You doing alright?" Sasha's words snapped Anne out of her thoughts and she looked up from the table the three girls were seated at and realized Sasha and Marcy were both looking at her a bit concerned Anne quickly wiped away a few tears "Y-Yeah I was just thinking of...of amphibia....I really miss everyone there it's been so long since we left and I wonder how they're doing" She replied "I've been thinking of amphibia a lot too especially since it's the anniversary of the day we arrived there" Marcy said "It sucks we can't go back..." Sasha added Anne started to zone out again wishing the gems had lasted and wondering if there could've been another way to stop the core without sacrificing the only way to go back and forth from earth but then Anne got an idea she heard that Dr. Jan and Terri had been attempting to create some portals to different worlds and apparently the tests were surprisingly successful Anne immediately stood up "Guys! I know how we can get back to amphibia!"
"Wait you want us to help you get back to amphibia!?" Dr. Jan exclaimed in an excited but surprised tone "Yep! I think we're more than overdue for a visit is there any chance you could help us?" Anne asked "Hmm well since all of the tests we've done so far have worked out I don't see why we can't try to help you three visit your old friends" Terri replied
1 week later
"Welcome back Sprig! How was your journey?" Polly asked "It was amazing! There were so many cool creatures I've never seen before!" Sprig replied enthusiastically he and Ivy had gone on an adventure to explore an island that had never been explored by anyone until now suddenly a memory drifted into his mind it was of the first time he and Anne had met then he started to remember all of the adventures they had gone on "Spranne against the world!" Those four words started to echo in his mind "You thinking of Anne again?" Polly's question made him look up "Yeah...it feels like just yesterday she left amphibia for good...I can't believe how long it's been..." Sprig replied his head hanging low he held Anne's phone in his hands and started to flip through the photos on it his hands started to shake a bit and tears started to roll down his cheeks "it's not fair...she should be here...it doesn't feel right without her..." Sprig mumbled "I miss her too...we all do..." Polly replied hugging Sprig
"Ok there's no guarantee this will work but let's keep our fingers crossed" Terri said before flipping the lever on a machine a blue orb appeared in the middle of it and started to rapidly spin and expand Anne, Sasha, and Marcy watched in awe as the orb thined into a ring and showed a big green field a few large dragonflies flew by and out of sight "That's amphibia alright!" Anne said confidently and enthusiastically the three girls grabbed their backpacks that were filled with the supplies they'd need and stood shoulder to shoulder Anne took a deep breath before stepping through the portal Sasha and Marcy looked at each other for a moment before looking back at the portal and following Anne
Andrias was busy planting a few tree saplings and Grime had come to assist him for a bit since he didn't have much to do that day everything went as usual just another day "Anne slow down! Wait for us!" Grime suddenly looked up and looked across the field but he saw nothing "What's the matter?" Andrias asked "Nothing I just- thought I heard something" Grime replied then suddenly he heard the voice again but couldn't make out what was being said this time "I hear it too" Andrias said confused but curious just then a familiar figure appeared at the top of a hill a human with brown curly hair Grime almost thought he was seeing things but Andrias saw her too just then two other humans appeared next to her one with long black hair and the other with short blonde hair Grime and Andrias just stared in disbelief not knowing what to even say the three girls spotted them and soon after started running towards them Grime ran to meet them but Andrias was too shocked to move he barely could process what he was seeing "Grimesy!" Sasha shouted as she ran to Grime "Sasha!" Grime yelled while running towards the hill "Grimesyyy!" Sasha yelled back "Sashaaaa!" Grime shouted Sasha started running ahead of Anne and Marcy but before She was even halfway down the hill Marcy tripped and fell knocking Anne down and Anne knocked Sasha down and all three of them started tumbling down the hill until they landed on the ground one at a time a couple feet from Grime who stopped running when they started falling down the hill Marcy sat up almost immediately "I'm ok!" She said Grime helped Anne and Sasha up before meeting up with Andrias and they all shared a big group hug and caught up a little then soon started heading to wartwood
Sprig was sitting in the basement with Polly who was watching Sprig coloring in a drawing of Anne Sprig had hoped it would help him to feel better but all it really did was make him miss Anne even more "Sprig if this isn't helping we could always-" Polly stopped talking when she heard what sounded like cheering coming from outside curious she ran out of the basement to see what was going on Sprig stopped drawing and followed Polly but not nearly as quickly once he got outside he saw everyone in wartwood gathered around in a big circle he spotted Polly running to the center and followed her but once he actually made it to the middle of the crowd he stopped and stared in disbelief as Polly ran up to three humans who though looked very different were easily recognizable Sasha was busy talking to Grime Marcy was talking to Olivia, Yunan, and Andrias and Anne was greeting everyone from wartwood Sprig almost thought he was dreaming for a moment until he saw Polly run right up to Anne and hug her followed by Hop Pop Sprig felt like he was frozen he didn't know what to do or what to even say this was really happening Anne was finally here
Anne was busy greeting everyone while trying her best not to start crying uncontrollably Polly was so grown now she changed so much once Polly and Hop Pop had finally calmed down they sat next to Anne and started to tell her about everything that had happened but they stopped when they noticed Sprig in fact everyone did Anne looked up and her eyes immediately locked with Sprig's Anne felt frozen but only for a moment she stood up and slowly walked up to Sprig before kneeling down so she was closer to his height "Hey dude..." Anne said tears starting to roll down her face Sprig didn't move and his eyes stayed locked with Anne's but there was no missing the tears starting to streak down his face "Y-You're...you're h-here..." Sprig was barely able to speak "Yep I'm here bud...I'm-" Anne tried to reply but Sprig suddenly hugged her tighter than anyone had ever hugged her before Anne hugged Sprig she could barely see because of the amount of tears that were in her eyes after all this time they were finally back together after all this time she had finally found her way back they both sat there embracing each other "I-I can't b-believe you're really here..." Sprig choked out Anne hugged him tighter before speaking again "We're family Sprig and family always finds each other no matter what..."
End of Part 1
I hope you guys enjoyed this story I'm not sure how many parts I'll make I guess it depends on if people like it or not I don't really want to put effort into anything if no one reads it
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faulty-writes · 3 years
Me: sees thine holy writing: (°▽°)
Sees that you write lots for tenya: (^○^)
Me remembering that I’m a tenya simp: (*゚∀゚*)
Haha, something to cheer you day up ^-^
But can you write the most fluffiest fanfic for iida? Much thank
A fluffy fic you say? Well, this is what I present to you! Mainly inspired by this gif, interesting what gives you inspiration. But I hope you enjoy this, I tried to make it fluffy.
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[ Tenya was normally attentive to those that needed it, however when you get a cut on your finger and Tenya insists he patch it up for you. Things get a little strange when you request a few more things from him. ]
A cough escapes as the dirt continues to float around you, your hero suit was covered in debris and a soft ache coursed through your shoulder. More than likely because you landed on it when you tried to outmaneuver the turbo hero, Ingenium.
But, most of the time you knew him as Tenya Iida. Class A had come to a mutual agreement to take part in extra training and had been granted permission to use Ground Omega by your teacher Shota Aizawa, but it seemed the training backfired.
“Y/n!” Tenya’s urgent voice came as you cradled your hand to your chest, but you held your index finger out. A bloody cut, about an inch or so, ran down the tip of your finger. Small droplets of red soaked into the ground below you and moments later, you felt a gust of wind.
It carried your hair and another cloud of dirt which made you turn your head and cough yet again. “Ah,” Tenya looked at you from behind the eyepiece of his helmet before he removed it completely, deciding to allow it to hang from the side of his hip instead.
His glasses were slightly tilted on the bridge of his nose, but that didn’t stop him from scanning you from head to toe. His arms were held up and bent slightly, fingers separated in a panic. Then a moment later, he dropped to his knees and began chopping his hand through the air.
“Y/n! Are you alright? My sincerest apologies!” his voice was slightly frantic as he begins to bow repeatedly and you couldn’t do much but look at him with slight amusement. Tenya always took things too seriously and it was humorous, but most of the time unnecessary.
It wasn’t right to expect one person to carry the consequence of other's actions or even their own, to some extent. But Tenya seemed to feel guilt over the smallest of things, including what had gone wrong during the training exercise and, “Y/n! Your finger!” Uraraka’s voice suddenly cut through the air.
“Huh?” you blinked and turned to look at her, Izuku was by her side and Eijirou next to him. “Hey, uh...do you need to see Recovery Girl?” the redhead questioned before letting out a wince as Katsuki smacked him in the back of the head.
“Shut the hell up!” the furious blond exclaimed before stomping his foot and placing his gloved hands on his hips. He turned to you, eyes narrowing on your finger. “Pff,” he then turned to walk away, “the extra is fine! Now come on! We’re here to train, damn it!” he growled through clenched teeth before using his quirk to blast off the ground.
“Hey wait!” Eijirou called after him, raising one of his hands in the air as if he could touch Katsuki before he stopped short. “Uh,” he looked between you, Tenya, Izuku, and Uraraka. “Sorry! I’ll catch you all later!” he said before he resumed running out of sight.
Uraraka frowned and turned to Izuku who stepped forward as Tenya focused his attention back on you. A gasp came when he noticed the state of your finger, “Y/n, may I…” he hesitated as he motioned to your hand. “Oh,” you looked at your cut before nodding and holding it out for him.
He grasped your wrist gently and was careful to avoid touching the cut as he held your finger between two of his own. “Hm, I see,” he released your hand and reached up to push his glasses back into place before standing on his feet.
“Midoriya, Ochako,” he said, effectively catching their attention. “I’m going to take Y/n back to the dormitory building, their cut doesn’t look too serious. However, I’d rather take precautionary measures to ensure it does not become infected or is otherwise untreated,” he placed his hands on his hips.
“Is that acceptable to the two of you?” he questioned and Izuku nodded. “Of course, it is! You’re such a good friend Iida, take care of them well!” Uraraka said with a smile. “Yeah, and it’s alright i-if...you don’t make it back to training. It’s only...practice after all,” Izuku confirmed before he looked at you.
“If you um, ever want to practice training again. I’m sure we can organize something,” he said and you smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind,” you replied before watching the two of them walk away. “Iida, you don’t have to take care of my cut,” you knew that was rude to say considering Tenya seemed stern in his new objective to do exactly that.
You didn't bother looking at him, or his reaction to your words. Rather your attention was on the red liquid that still poured from the cut. “Forgive me, but I disagree.” he crossed his arms over his chest, a present frown now on his lips.
“It is my fault that you got injured, though be it a small cut. I take full responsibility and I will make this fault up to you,” he spoke proudly and his voice slightly deepened which caused a shiver to run down your spine. You glanced away hoping to hide your flushed expression.
There was always something about Tenya when he spoke in a certain tone, maybe you found it attractive. But you’d never tell him that. “Please allow me to carry you,” your head shot back in his direction. “W-What?” you questioned, clearly dumbfounded especially when you saw him smile.
Once more, he brought his hand up. Pressing his fingers against the metal plate of his suit. “Forgive me, perhaps that question is rather shocking and inappropriate without proper permission, allow me to make my intentions clear,” he said before bringing his hands to his sides.
“Will you please allow me permission to carry you to the Class A dormitory building?” he asked, his voice deepening once more and you felt your mouth get slightly dry. “Uh…” you swallowed hard, “I guess...you can,” you replied sheepishly and that’s all the confirmation Tenya needed.
Before you could register what was happening, you felt one arm brace the back of your knees and another pressing firmly across your shoulder blades. A squeak escaped when you realized you were being lifted and your arms snaked around Tenya’s neck, taking a firm grip.
“Apologies, I do not mean to frighten you. But please know, I would never drop nor purposely hurt you. You are safe within my arms,” he stated as he looked at you. “Hm!?” your reaction wasn’t exactly voluntary and neither was the pink-tinted color coming to your cheeks which Tenya noticed.
“Are you alright? Do you feel ill!?” he questioned in a frantic manner, leaning dangerously close to you. “I...I-I’m fine!” you managed to squeak out which caused Tenya to narrow his eyes. “Are you certa-” you interrupted him by nodding your head, but you knew he didn’t believe you.
Still, you were relieved when he finally leaned away. Giving you a chance to breathe, the dull ache from your finger somewhat brings you back to reality along with the rumbling sound of Tenya’s engines. “Please hold on tight, I will not drop you as your safety is my number one concern as of this moment,” he reassured you, completely oblivious to the fact he was making your heart race.
But that changed the moment he kicked off the ground and your world blurred. The wind felt as though it were piercing right through you and your hair whipped around violently. It was a little pathetic, but you found yourself curling into Tenya.
Partly trying to block the wind from affecting you while your stomach continued to twist slightly, unused to the high speeds Tenya could reach. While it felt like moments had passed by, in a matter of seconds you were closing in on the dormitory building.
The wind got less intense as Tenya slowed down and you lifted your head to look at him, listening to those soft pants that left his mouth. “Tenya…?” you questioned, and watched as he turned his attention on you.
“Hm, yes?” he responded, those soft pants of his continuing to fill the air. “Oh...um nothing,” you said before deciding to focus on the front porch of the dormitory instead. But, you should have known better. ‘Nothing’ wasn’t an answer that could or would satisfy Tenya.
“Are you most certain? You do not have to be afraid to ask a question even if the subject of which concerns me, you, or something unrelated," he began, once more dropping down to that serious tone of his.
"I am more than happy to provide an answer as your classmate, class president, and dear friend,” you felt your heart sink as he began to slowly walk up the stairs, and with each step, you could feel the pressure of his fingertips digging into the skin of your shoulder.
“I know…” you replied as you pressed your hand to his chest, feeling how warm the metal had gotten due to his run. It made you wonder if Tenya was sweating on the inside of his hero suit or if he had some type of cooling system similar to the ones in his boots that prevented his engines from overheating.
“Just...thank you,” the words came out in a shy whisper just before you glanced away. “You didn’t have to go through all this trouble for me, it’s only a little cut,” you reminded him, but Tenya shook his head.
“I am afraid you got harmed as a direct result of my poorly timed actions, perhaps I was not fully comprehending or registering them during our training. But such behavior is unbefitting of a hero, especially toward someone they care deeply for," he said as he turned back to look at you, eyebrows slanted in another serious expression.
You parted your lips slightly, letting out a soft almost inaudible noise as he continued to speak. "In addition, as I stated earlier. I will do what I must to right this fault I have committed,” those subtle noises now turned into a defeated sigh.
Tenya was admirable in some sense of the word but once more you found yourself wishing he wasn't so serious. Your thoughts were broken as he walked through the door and the eerie silence of the dorm came to attention. It was strange to see the place empty.
“I am going to take you to the restroom, does that sound acceptable?” he questioned and you jumped in his arms. “Uh…” a moment of hesitation came before you shook your head. “Oh, I mean! Uh, t-that’s fine!” you replied and yet again got a strange look from Tenya.
“Are you most certain you are well?” you latched onto your bottom lip, cursing yourself for your rather stupid response. But, you nodded. “Y-Yeah! Fine...just not used to being carried,” your explanation was accompanied by an awkward laugh that almost made you want to smack yourself in the face.
Especially as Tenya raised his eyebrow yet again which caused you to latch onto your bottom lip, silencing your laugh. “S-Sorry,” you replied before focusing your attention down the hall where Tenya took another turn before he came to a stop in front of the restroom door.
Despite the fact the dormitory was empty, Tenya carefully balanced you in his arms before he extended one hand out and knocked. Once he was sure the restroom was actually and truly empty, he slid the door open and stepped inside.
“Here we are,” he said as he slowly placed you onto the toilet. Ensuring the lid was down first as he didn’t want another uncomfortable or awkward situation to occur, much less put you in harm's way again.
“Forgive me, but may I excuse myself for a short moment? I wish to change into something more appropriate. I shall only be gone for five minutes,” he explained, yet again bowing as he rambled off. Your hands reached down, clenching to the outside of the toilet seat. You were mindful of your cut finger.
“Uh, sure Iida. N-No problem!” you said, knowing your cheeks were still warm and continuing to rise in heat. You tried taking a deep breath but ended up coughing a few times and tried to play it off by glancing around the bathroom.
Maybe if you distract your thoughts away from Tenya, you'd remain calm. But Tenya seemed rather confused by the fact you coughed and reached up to cup his chin, tapping it a few times as he observed you. He wanted to ask if you were alright, but perhaps you were still getting over the shock of what happened.
"Thank you, please remain here." he bowed politely before exiting the bathroom, leaving you alone for a few minutes. You fidgeted some and ran your hands up and down your thighs. Trying to get rid of the butterflies in your stomach before you glanced at your finger. It didn't look too bad, apart from the dried blood.
You may have gotten too lost in your thoughts considering you jumped when three loud knocks sounded, your hand immediately reached up to fist into the front of your hero suit. “Y/n,” came Tenya’s voice, “may I come in?” he questioned and you dropped your hand. But your heart was still racing from the small scare.
“Uh, yeah!” you replied and watched as the door slid open and Tenya walked in. You swallowed as you glanced over him from head to toe. He was now wearing a plain white top with an unbuttoned long-sleeved blue plaid shirt over it.
This was accompanied by loose jeans that were neatly folded up at his ankles. “Is something wrong?” he questioned, more than likely realizing that you were staring at him. “Ah! Oh no, no!” you said, waving your arms in front of you like mad.
“I just...um…” you paused and looked down, trying to figure out what you could possibly say. You reached up, rubbing the back of your head. “You l-look very nice!” you managed to stutter out which, in turn, surprised Tenya.
He took a half step back and his cheeks grew a faint red color. “Oh, I see. Thank you very much,” he stated, hands coming down press against the sides of his thighs and his shoulders squared. He gave another bow before he approached you, carefully kneeling down but not allowing himself to touch the floor.
Then he held his hand out, “May I see your injured finger?” he questioned and you stared at that awaiting hand before slowly reaching out for it. His touch was gentle but that firm urgency was still there as he looked over the cut and the small amount of dried blood that had stained your hand.
“Please wait a moment,” he said as he gently placed your hand back down, resting it against your thigh. You watched as he rose to his feet and walked to the nearby closet where he grabbed three hand towels. “I believe we need to properly clean your hand first,” he said just before turning on the faucet.
The sound of water hitting the porcelain surface echoed through the room and caused you to shift on the toilet seat. You watched as Tenya began to wash his hands before using one of the three towels to dry them off. He then tossed it into the nearby laundry basket, you watched as he wet another hand towel and turned to you.
Once more he kneeled in front of you and presented his hand which you took. “Please accept my apologies once again, and forgive my assumptions. But I believe you are uncomfortable in your current state," he said, referring to the fact you were still covered in dirt and there were some rips that now needed to be repaired on your hero suit.
He began to clean your hand, dripping a fair amount of water everywhere as he started with your knuckles and palm. You could see the dark smears of dirt against the white-colored towel and tensed up when Tenya took your finger.
Making sure he was using a clean part of the towel as he wiped the cut and dried blood away. He only paused for a moment to glance at you. “Forgive me, is it tender?” he questioned before his attention turned back to your finger.
The cut itself looked deep and irritated, the skin around the opening bright red and slightly inflamed. “Only when you touch it,” you responded. “I will be more gentle,” he promised before once again getting up.
He tossed the dirty towel into the laundry basket before washing his hands yet again and grabbed the last towel which he used to dry your hand off as opposed to his own. “I’m going to clean it properly now,” he stated before disposing of the last towel and turned back to the closet.
You could hear the slight rummaging sound, and soft clinks as Tenya pulled out the items one by one. A bag of cotton balls, a box of bandaids, disinfectant, and a single packet of antibacterial gel were now laid across the bathroom counter.
You blinked, “Iida, do you...really need all that to clean my cut?” you questioned and Tenya raised his eyebrow as he glanced over each item. He then brought his hand up to his chin, cupping it as he thought.
“Do you believe I missed something perhaps?” he questioned and you couldn’t help but chuckle which caught Tenya’s attention. “Pardon? Did I say something amusing?” you leaned back. “Oh,” that’s right, Tenya didn’t favor when others laughed at him or at least when he believed they were laughing at him.
“No, I...just wanted to say thank you, Iida,” it was best not to provoke him. Despite knowing that it would take more than a laugh or insult to break his serious and otherwise calm personality. Still, you didn't feel like starting an argument or confrontation with him.
“You’re quite welcome, however, I do not believe you should be giving me any form of thanks,” he said as he pulled out a cotton ball and proceeded to wet it with the disinfectant. “This may cause an uncomfortable stinging sensation," he said as he turned to you, the cotton ball held securely between his thumb and index finger.
"Please let me know if it becomes too much. I would not want to cause any further harm to you,” he said as he once again took your hand and began to gently dab the wounded area with the cotton ball. You watched as it fizzled and popped before a white foam began to fill the cut.
You clenched your jaw, it stung somewhat. But it wasn’t anything that could make you cry out. “It...doesn’t hurt that bad,” you responded and Tenya glanced at you, allowing a moment to pass before he nodded.
Then he turned his attention back to your finger, applying pressure to the cotton ball before dragging it along the length of the cut. “It only seems minorly irritated,” he noted before he got up once more and threw the dirty cotton ball into the trash.
He then carefully grabbed the small packet of antibacterial gel and poured a small amount onto a new cotton ball. “Please keep still,” you held your breath as he rubbed the gel around your cut, it was almost attractive watching Tenya like this.
But, he always had a tendency to be very caring. At least with those he considered to be close with. You wondered for a moment if that’s the only thing he saw you as or if there was any chance you could somehow make him see you in a different light.
Once he threw the last cotton ball away, he grabbed a bandaid and carefully unwrapped it. “Hold your finger out please,” he instructed and of course, you followed through. Extending your index finger out enough for him to carefully wrap the bandage around it.
“I believe that’s on correctly, does it feel too restrictive?” he questioned and you spread your fingers as you looked at the bandaid. You flexed your finger, making sure you could move it properly before you nodded.
“It’s fine Tenya…” you then looked over at the box of bandaids, “but…” you paused. “But?” Tenya questioned, pushing you to complete your sentence. “Are you unsatisfied?” he questioned as he stepped closer to you, invading your space.
You latched onto your lip, trying not to make a noise as Tenya leaned over. “Uh…” your breath hitched as his hand came to rest on your shoulder and he appeared to be looking you over. “Do you have any other injuries on your person I am not aware of?” he questioned.
“Pardon my touch,” he said before you felt his hand thread into your hair. You swallowed before leaning away, somewhat in a panic which was evident enough by the way you held your hands up. “N-No!” you suddenly exclaimed and Tenya immediately stepped back, creating a fair amount of distance between himself and you.
“I apologize if I made you uncomfortable, I did not mean to invade your personal space, and I-” you shook your head, stumbling to your feet. “I-Iida!” you stuttered out, “I was...I was just going to say that…” you blinked and lowered your hands to your sides.
Your gaze was to the floor and you knew he would notice how red your cheeks were. “Hm?” he reached up to grab the left side of his glasses, moving them slightly as if trying to correct his vision. “Then nothing is wrong?” you almost felt bad for confusing him and closed your eyes.
Another deep breath came before you spoke again, “I...just wanted another one,” you sheepishly said and lifted your head as you opened your eyes, catching Tenya’s confused expression. “I...I’m afraid I do not understand, you required one bandage for your cut,” he said as he raised his arm.
“Are you most certain you do not have another injury? I will not be angered if you state that you, in fact, do and require more medical attention!” you stepped back and watched him chop that hand through the air. It was such a repetitive movement.
But Tenya did it with ease, you wondered if his arm ever got sore. “Well, I…” you turned your head, once again looking away from the boy in front of you. “I would...feel better if I had another one,” you explained and Tenya blinked, his movements coming to a halt.
“I….are you certain it would make you feel better?” he questioned before you shyly glanced back at him, but remained silent as you nodded. Tenya’s eyebrows came down and you could hear a soft humming coming from the inside of his throat.
“Heh,” you gave a sheepish smile, maybe he was thinking too hard again? You slowly raised your hand, extending your bandaged finger out to him. “Hm?” such an action seemed to have caught his attention, but he was unsure of what he was supposed to do.
“Are...may I ask why you feel the need to present your finger?” he asked and you knew that there was a possibility of rejection or for Tenya to laugh at you for what you were about to ask next. “Well, a-actually can you…” the words you wanted to speak seemed stuck and Tenya stepped closer, reaching out to gently take your hand.
“Please, do not be afraid to ask me anything," he seemed to be repeating himself again. "I assure you, I would not find something you wish to say or ask to be humorous in any matter,” once more that deep tone was associated with his voice and it caused you to shiver.
You felt your mouth go dry, though you knew you could trust Tenya to keep his word. “O-Okay,” you said, though you knew your shaky voice held some uncertainty to it. “Would you...or c-can you...kiss it?” you questioned and almost immediately you felt him release your hand.
More than likely surprised by your bold question. “I...f-forgive me, I believe I must have misheard you. Please repeat your question,” you took note of Tenya’s wide eyes, clenched jaw, and overall unwillingness to go through with what you asked.
But you knew you’d never get anywhere if you didn’t push through the limitations in front of you. “I asked…” you began as you took a step forward, now standing only inches away from Tenya. You raised your hand to present your finger once more.
“Could you kiss my finger?” Tenya’s stiff posture seemed to soften, but you noticed how flushed he was. “I...I do not understand, I have taken the proper steps to clean it and you assured me you weren’t in any pain an-” you frowned before deciding to shove your hand in his face.
“Please Iida,” you might as well try begging. “I know you cleaned it and everything, but a kiss would make it feel better too,” you insisted and took note of the soft revving sound, more than likely coming from Tenya’s engines. Was he nervous? It certainly seemed that way, especially with how he stuttered out his response.
“I uh...I am afraid that’s too i-inappropriate and I do not b-believe even if this was a-appropriate in the context that would allow such an affectionate or o-otherwise romantic f-form of action t-that I would know h-how to-” you pressed your bandaged finger against his lips and tried to resist chuckling as you watched him tremble in response.
It was a surprise that his glasses weren’t fogging up with how deep red his cheeks were beginning to get. “It’s not inappropriate Iida,” you tried to reassure him. “It’s something that brings a lot of people comfort. It’s more of the thought behind the action. So please?” you questioned yet again as you removed your finger from his lips and held it out in hopes he’d follow through with doing what you wanted.
But you took note of how his eyebrows were slanted, and the way he looked at your finger as if it was something new and foreign to him. Actually, had Tenya ever done something like this before? Had he kissed anyone or anything?
You knew it wasn’t your place to ask, but you got a little concerned when you glanced down and watched as Tenya’s hands folded into loose fights which shook slightly. Then he brought those hands up, his palms facing out. His head was turned and his eyes slipped closed, he looked tense.
“If you continue to insist that you will feel better if I were to ‘kiss’ your finger. Then perhaps I have no choice,” he said, and you could tell he was a little annoyed as he lowered his hands and turned his head to face you once more.
But a sense of relief came when Tenya opened his eyes and reached up to gently take your hand. Then, he leaned forward. “I will try to be gentle, I can imagine your finger is still sore. Yes?” he questioned, but you were too busy watching as he guided your finger up to his mouth.
Then came the soft warmth of his lips which caused a tingle to course from the tip of your finger to the top of your head and down to the end of your toes. The faint echo of your pounding heart sounded in your ears and much like Tenya, you felt your cheeks heat up.
They were a dark shade of pink by the time Tenya pulled away. “I...trust your finger feels better now, yes?” he questioned and you swallowed, taking note of how his glasses were sliding down the bridge of his nose.
“Uh...y-yeah...but,” you glanced back to the sink counter, “c-can I have another?” Tenya blinked. “A-Another? But I just followed through with kissing your finger as you requested and-” you shook your head. “No I mean...can I have another bandaid now?” you questioned as you pointed to the box that remained sitting on the counter.
Tenya frowned and gently released your hand before crossing his arms, “I believe one is quite enough for you,” he stated and you knew by his tone that you shouldn’t try to argue. But that didn’t mean you wouldn’t. “Please?” you folded your hands together to resemble a begging position.
“Just one more!” he let out a soft growl. “I do not wish to waste the bandaids as our classmates might be in need of them as well,” he said before he reached over to take the box. “Come on Iida,” you decided to press as he turned to put the box of bandages back into the closet.
But, you reached out to grab his shoulder and a loud sigh came. The angry look he gave somewhat scared you, it was a rare sight to see Tenya scowl. “If you continue to insist yet again that this item is something that you need to feel better,” he began, “I will allow it for this one instance,” he said as he placed the bandages back onto the counter.
“But this is the last bandage, do you understand?” he said as he pulled one out, holding it between his fingers as he gave you a soft glare. “Uh…” you felt your stomach twist before you nodded. “Yeah, I understand,” you replied before Tenya began to peel back the paper that surrounded the bandage.
“Where would you like me to place this one?” he questioned, “Oh!” you hadn’t thought of that and quickly looked at your hand. “How about…” you held your hand in front of him, wiggling your ring finger. “Very well…” Tenya said as he stepped forward and yet again, wrapped a bandage around your finger.
You couldn’t help but smile as he turned to throw the excess paper away. “Thank you, Iida,” you said before looking at the box and quickly snatched another bandage out of it. You peeled off the outer wrapping and carelessly allowed it to fall to the floor.
“Hm?” Tenya glanced over his shoulder at you, almost suspiciously and you hid the bandage behind your back in hopes it would deter that suspicious glance of his. It seemed to fool him for the moment and he once more walked over to you.
It was almost embarrassing how tall Tenya was in comparison to yourself, but he was one of the tallest in your class. But at the same time, it was heartwarming. You know many outsiders could be intimidated by Tenya, but once you got to know him.
You’d find that he had a soft and caring side to him which was often perfectly balanced with his more serious and heroic side. Everything he did seemed to be with purpose and in a way that was admirable. “Allow me to walk you to your room,” he offered his arm for you to take and you glanced at.
“Actually Iida...um...I have something to tell you,” your fingers grazed across the bandage you held behind your back. “Hm?” he raised his eyebrow, “Of course, I assure you I am the most attentive listener,” you smiled, that’s kind of what you hoped for. You raised your free hand, using your finger to motion him to lean over.
He seemed confused at first but leaned down to your height as you wanted. You then brought your other hand forward, quickly peeling back the strips that covered the bottom side of the bandage. “Y/n!” Tenya exclaimed as if you committed some unforgivable sin, then came his hand.
Once more chopping through the air with urgency. “I believe I stated that I did not wish to waste any more bandages that are otherwise unnecessary!” you expected as much from Tenya and there was one thing you could do to stop him.
“Mm!” he suddenly flinched back when he realized the bandage you were previously holding was now placed over his lips. “Mmmm!” he mumbled, bringing his hands up to remove it but you quickly grabbed them which caused his eyes to widen.
You then offered a kind smile, though a few chuckles accompanied it before you leaned close. Pressing your lips against his mouth. Though that bandage did separate you from actually kissing his lips. But Tenya looked surprised, downright thrown off by your actions.
You knew there were countless thoughts running through his head, especially as you stepped away and proceeded to bow politely. “Thank you for saving me, Iida.” you grinned as you walked past him, taking some amusement in his flushed and furiously confused expression.
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bruhstories · 3 years
Vogel und Jäger
Summary: You accidentally witness a murder, but the murderer takes pity on you. Pairing: Zeke Jaeger x Fem!Reader (mafia AU) Warnings & Content: murder, language, angst Word Count: 1.7 k
A/N: i've been dying for a mafia au with zeke so here's part one of the series Vogel und Jäger. i have two more chapters drafted, and i'll try to post for this series weekly so i can write some moooore for it.
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The blood-curling sound was familiar to your ears. A gunshot — followed by the gurgling of a man.
Another shot and the gurgling stopped. Panic settled in your heart, making you jump back and knock the metallic bin which served as a shield against the perpetrators.
Footsteps drew closer and you began to pray. Running was futile. Running was always futile. Your throat was dry, your mascara was smeared all over your cheeks from all the tears, lips chapped and bleeding.
Our Father, who art in Heaven...
The cold muzzle of the gun pressed onto your forehead and you shivered, breath hitching, eyes glued to the wet pavement.
Hollowed be thy name...
The Mafia never spared any witnesses, you knew that all too well, even if you happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Thy Kingdom come...
"Hey, boss, we got a girl."
"Kill her."
"No, please!" You threw yourself at the feet and mercy of the armed man. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! Please, I'm only nineteen!" Through the sobs, your voice was still melodious, syrupy. So sweet that the boss stopped in his tracks.
Thy will be done...
Another pair of footsteps approached, tentatively, not as eager as the first person. You still haven't looked up, too scared to even blink, to even breathe.
On earth, as it is in Heaven...
"Hand me the gun, Yelena."
"As you wish, boss."
You felt someone crouch down next to you, someone dressed in expensive clothing, by the look of the trousers and polished shoes.
Give us this day our daily bread...
"You've got a very pretty voice." He lifted your chin up with the barrel of the gun, chills running down your spine.
"T-thank y-you..."
"Can you sing, little bird?"
And forgive us our trespasses...
Finally, you looked at the perpetrator — spellbinding grey eyes, platinum blonde hair slicked back and a matching goatee. His gaze was either boring or pitiful.
"Lucky you, we're hiring."
As we forgive those who trespass against us...
Anxiety coiled in your stomach, words caught up in your throat. You were still praying, unaware if this was all a sadistic joke or a miracle.
And lead us not into temptation...
Dark lashes fluttered, more tears streaming down your beautiful face as the gears in your head turned in a desperate attempt to understand what was happening.
But deliver us from evil...
"Hiring?" Your voice went up an octave when you saw the small stag pinned to the man's chest. The Jaeger family — the most feared mafia family in Paradis City.
For thine is the kingdom...
"A pretty voice like yours shouldn't go to waste." He got up and offered you his hand.
And the power, and the glory...
Reluctantly, you took it, helping yourself up and chewing your lower lip.
For ever and ever...
"T-thank you!" You told him, slender fingers squeezing his hand tightly. "I owe you m-my life."
"Correct. Your life, your soul, your eyes and ears." He walked you to a car and opened the door for you. "Yelena, take us to the club. We've got business to discuss with my little brother."
Your eyes wandered all over the soundproof office, situated one floor above and opposite the stage. Every inch of the bar, the seating areas, everything was visible from that room. You tapped a finger on the wide window, eyes narrowed at the idea that it might, in fact, be bulletproof. These men were not playing, and you were now their property. The door opened and you jolted at the sound of music filling the office as your saviour walked in with two other people.
"This is my younger brother, Eren. You already know Yelena. I assume you know my name."
You nodded.
"Zeke Jaeger."
"Good girl." Zeke was pleased with your answer as he poured himself a glass of bourbon.
"I thought we didn't spare any witnesses." Eren shot you a look that made you regret being alive.
"Settle down, little brother. Tell us your name."
"Y/N, sir. Y/N Y/L/N." You swallowed, fingers fiddling with the hem of your blouse in an attempt to calm your nerves.
"You see, Eren, Y/N can sing." Zeke opened a drawer and pulled a gun out. More guns, more panic. Your eyes widened and your plump lips quivered when he aimed the gun at you with one hand, glass of alcohol in the other. "Sing or I paint the walls with your brains."
Your legs almost gave in at the threat — you knew it wasn't an empty one, and with all the courage you could muster, you closed your eyes and sang the first song that came to your mind, fucking Kiss from a Rose.
Your voice seemed to coat the people with honey, all three of them somewhat relaxing at the sweet sounds coming from your vocal cords.
"See, I told you she can sing." Zeke put the gun back in the drawer and closed it, swirling the bourbon in his glass before finishing it.
"Where do you live?" Eren crossed his arms, still suspicious of you.
"Historia's." You told him, eyes drifting to the ugly fur rug on the floor.
"The orphanage?"
"But you said you're nineteen." Zeke intervened, a brow quirked at you.
"I am. I try to help as much as possible in exchange for a bed and a roof over my head." You explained, eyeing the white couch that looked so incredibly comfortable.
"Just sit down already." Eren scoffed and you rushed to the furniture, mumbling thank you’s over and over.
"And why were you on that street tonight?" Yelena spoke for the first time since you came to the club. You looked at her and she seemed just as suspicious about you as Eren.
"I... the man you k-killed... he was... I'm-"
"A prostitute." Zeke nonchalantly interrupted you.
It was true. People like you, orphans, didn't have the privilege of being properly educated and finding well-paid jobs. Paradis was a jungle, and you did everything you could to survive. Everything.
"Well on the bright side you don't have to do that anymore." Zeke shrugged as he sunk deeper in his chair, feet on the desk, but you sensed he wasn't entirely honest. "You do have a beautiful voice, and our last girl had some... business to attend to, so you'll be taking her place."
"Is this why you called me here?" Eren sighed, leg impatiently shaking.
"Don't be stupid, of course not. I need Armin to prepare this month's tax reports and I need you to keep an eye on the police. They're sticking their nose in our business again, and I want them out of it. You two can go. Y/N, you stay." Zeke waved his hand and Eren and Yelena left, music briefly filling the office again.
You twiddled with the cushion in your lap, waiting for your new boss to say something. Being in that room was nerve-wracking, and you felt the air grow thick. Eventually Zeke took off his glasses, fingers rubbing the bridge of his nose as he sighed.
"Sir?" You dared, voice feeble and frail.
"What?" He clicked his tongue and you instantly regretted speaking.
"Sir, I'm not educated, but I've been on the streets long enough to know that every man or woman has a purpose..." You placed the cushion back. "...and a price. What's my purpose? I doubt it's only to sing."
Zeke nodded, fingers tracing the wooden desk.
"You're right, it isn't just to sing. It's to distract."
"Distract who? And from what?"
"You're asking an awful lot of questions for someone who's just witnessed a murder. You best not go to the police." He narrowed his eyes, piercing your soul. You sighed and walked to the desk, taking a seat opposite Zeke.
"It's not... my first murder." You confessed to him.
"Oh? My dear, you're full of surprises. Pray, tell. Drink?"
"Yes please." You answered, throat dry as a desert. "I can't go to the police. And even if I could, I wouldn't." The drink earned a disgusted look from you, but it was better than nothing. "Two years ago, I ended someone's life. He deserved it, he broke into Miss Historia's orphanage and tried to... to..."
"I understand." Zeke stopped you. "And if you go to the police, they'd do a background check on you." He continued, satisfied that he had a leverage in case you decided to turn against him.
"Exactly. And Historia helped me so much, I wouldn't want to put her in danger. So, I'm asking again, distract who from what?"
Zeke walked to the window, telling you to follow him. He pointed at two men, a tall blond one, and a short brunette one.
"See those two? They're policemen. They work for us, but we suspect they're double agents." He explained before pointing at three other men. "Those we suspect of being Marleyan mobsters. You see, Y/N, we have a lot of enemies. And we must keep our guard up every second of our lives."
You nodded, perfectly understanding Zeke's words. Paradis was a chess board and only the filthy rich played — the rest of you were pawns.
"Sir, you spared my life, and I know I can't ask for anything in return. But please, please don't drag Miss Historia into this. The children there did nothing wrong." Tears pooled at your eyes, rolling down your cheeks and you wiped them with the back of your hand. "I swear my loyalty to you."
"For someone uneducated, you're extremely clever." Zeke's voice was serious. You half-smiled at the compliment, but you knew the mess you got yourself into cut your lifespan severely. "Can you shoot?"
"No, sir."
"It's alright, Mikasa will teach you. Sleep on the couch tonight, I'll have Yelena bring you a blanket. Tomorrow you'll swear an oath in front of the family. And if you want to protect Historia, you'll move out of the orphanage."
You nodded. You understood that mingling with the mafia endangered everyone you loved, but you couldn't stop yourself from crying the entire night. Historia was but a few months older than you, yet she gladly took you in when she invested in that orphanage. Now you had to leave everything behind for her safety — and yours.
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