#but yeah enjoy my silly Halloween scenes! I had fun with them
victorluvsalice · 11 months
Valicer Not-Incorrect Quotes, Halloween Editon
[Context: Alice auditioned for a scare house and was hired on the spot to replace someone who'd quit suddenly; as a result, she was only able to send a quick text to Victor and Smiler saying she got the job and would tell them about it later]
Alice: [jumps out of a corner in the scare house, covered in fake blood and waving a knife] ARRRGH!
Pair Of Sisters: [scream and run on to the next performer]
Alice: [hides again and jumps out at the next passersby] ARRRGH!
Frat Bro: [screams surprisingly high-pitched and flees]
Alice: [hides again and jumps out at the next couple] ARRRGH!
Victor & Smiler, out on a date: [yelp -- then stop dead as they recognize Alice]
Alice: [also freezes as she recognizes them] ...
Victor: So this is where you were hired!
Smiler: [grins and waves] Hi bestie!
Alice: [trying not to laugh] Don't call me that, I'm trying to murder you.
Smiler: [entering the house fresh off a shift at Sunny Brews] Hey, I'm home!
Victor: [getting off the couch to greet them] Welcome back! I hope you had a --
Victor: [pauses, then leans in and sniffs Smiler] Goodness, you smell -- really good.
Alice: [getting up as well] They what? [goes in for a sniff too] Huh. You do smell good. Very -- fall?
Smiler: Yeah, that'll be the fifty million pumpkin spice lattes I made today.
Victoria: [showing the trio and Emily a new treat recipe she wanted to try out] And now you pipe your meringue on top of the cookie base in a swirl, like so.
Smiler: [looking at the resultant swirl with a raised eyebrow]
Victor: [guessing at what they're thinking] No.
Alice: [also guessing] Besides, it's white.
Smiler: ...that just sent my mind off in a different direction.
Victor: NO.
[Context: Victor, Alice, and Smiler are watching The Nightmare Before Christmas with Smiler's other coaster friends]
Thirteen: [glancing over at Victor and jerking her head toward the TV and Halloweentown] So, is that what your hometown looks like?
Victor: Har har. I'll have you know it's not nearly that colorful.
Rita: So more like the town in Frankenweenie, gotcha.
Oblivion: Does Jack come to your family reunions?
Victor: Come on, I don't look that much like a Tim Burton character.
Alice: You really do.
Smiler: You're one oddball corpse-revival away from starring in one of his movies.
Victor: [fake pouts] You're all mean.
Smiler: [winks] And we already know you like spirals.
Victor: [deep blush] Can we go back to watching the movie?
Alice: [sidles up to Victor drawing something and leans over him, grinning and showing off fake vampire fangs] Hi darling.
Victor: [glances up at her with a smile -- then does a double take when he notices the teeth] Oh! Ah, hello.
Alice: [still grinning, running a finger along Victor's neck] Like them? I got them just for you.
Victor: [visibly swallows] Ah -- they're -- they're very nice.
Smiler: [abruptly appears at the door in a lab coat and yellow spiral-pattern goggles, lounging against the frame in a way that's meant to be sexy] I understand someone in here needs some serious brainwashing?
Victor & Alice:
Victor: [snorts and turns away to try and hide his laughter]
Alice: [shakes her head, snickering] Way to kill the mood.
Smiler: This is the sexiest outfit in the world and you know it.
[after hours at the scare house]
Coworker: Hey, Alice? I saw you kissing some guy behind the attraction on our break --
Alice: Oh, that was my boyfriend, I wasn't making out with a random guest.
Coworker: [fidgeting] Yeah, but -- I saw him come in with some other guy, and kiss him too.
Alice: Oh, that was my boyfriend's themfriend.
Coworker: ???
Alice: We're complicated.
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jo-harrington · 3 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 6 - Heard It In a Love Song
Summary: Let's talk about the real Casanova of Corroded Coffin...
Word Count: 979
Rating: T
Pairings: Dave/Tina, briefly alluded Eddie/OC (The Knight from As Above, So Below)
Warnings/Themes: Unrequited Feelings, Confessions, Mutual Pining, Song Fic (Somethin' Stupid by Frank Sinatra), set the same night as Werewolf but you don't need to read that.
Note: I figured that since Saturdays of CCFest are sort of...love themed I would tie them into some of my existing stories. Don't know how well that will hold up as we continue but...fuck it, let's go.
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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I know I stand in line Until you think you have the time To spend an evening with me
Dave hated parties.
They'd just never been his scene.
The music was always bad, the food even worse, they were crowded, hot, and uncomfortable.
His pet peeve? He’d actually enjoy the party—dancing, talking to some people—and someone would start making out right next to him. Full on tonsil hockey.
Tonight was unimaginably awful; he was amidst a sea of hormonal, drunk teenagers and he had to sit there and watch his crush play hostess all night.
Christina Clyne. Tina.
The most beautiful girl in school.
Dave was pretty sure that she didn't know he existed, even though they were lab partners. Mainly because she never looked at him.
And if we go some place to dance I know that there's a chance You won't be leaving with me
She'd been flitting about all night, putting out snacks and yelling when people spilled their drink.
She greeted them all when they arrived, desperately thanking Eddie for bringing the weed. And even though she even made snarky remark about Eddie having a girlfriend, she was still pretty welcoming to the freaks.
"Guess if Halloween belonged to anyone it would be you guys," she laughed and waved them towards the patio. "If you wanna set up outside. There's a keg out there, and then snacks in the kitchen. Help yourselves."
Before she disappeared, she smiled nervously at Dave.
His heart stopped in his chest; he figured that he'd just been staring creepily the whole time.
Because that had to be it.
He'd gone steady with people before and they’d been cute.
But Tina? She was completely out of his league.
Surely she had a boyfriend hanging around somewhere. One of Tommy Hagan's douchebag friends? Or that Hargrove guy that had everyone swooning?
She was being polite; she couldn't actually be smiling at him.
Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two
As the night went on, he found the the party wasn't all that bad.
Yeah, there were kids making out in the living room, and Jeff had disappeared a while ago. Eddie and his girlfriend stayed outside making fun of people's costumes.
But Dave was determined to have a good time.
He didn’t want to just mope around, especially when Tina was always nearby.
So he'd played beer pong, danced with Nancy Wheeler of all people, and drank spiked punch until he felt a little dizzy.
And that's how he ended up in Tina's bedroom.
"Oh shit," he muttered as he swung the door open to find a frilly, pink-painted bedroom instead of a toilet and sink. But his thoughts came into focus when he realized that Tina was sitting on the bed, tears silently dripping down her cheeks. "You ok?"
She startled at the sound of his voice and quickly made to wipe them away.
"Yeah, don't worry about it," she tried to laugh it off. "Did you need help finding anything Dave?"
His was dumbfounded; she knew his name?
"Uh, I was...looking for the bathroom," he explained but hesitated. "You sure you're ok?"
"Yeah, I was just," she stopped herself. "It's silly."
"It isn't silly if it upset you. I get upset about things all the time. It always makes me feel better to tell someone."
"R-really?" she sniffed and he nodded. "Alright."
They shared a smile and she patted the spot next to her.
And then I go and spoil it all
“Alright, what’s the hubbub bub?” He asked, channeling some of the smooth lingo Eddie used.
It earned him the softest giggle that made him feel like he was gonna melt.
“Like I said, it’s silly,” she sniffled again, looking directly into his eyes. “But…I saw my crush dancing with someone else.”
He felt his heart shatter, “o-oh?”
“I’d been trying to give him hints all night, made sure I was always around…but it wasn’t enough.”
He reached down and picked at the blanket on the bed, “I, uh, I don’t know guys are kinda stupid.”
She giggled again, and he closed his eyes to harden his heart.
“Sometimes,” he cleared his throat, “you have to just walk up to them and tell them ‘hey, I like you.’”
“Seriously?! That sounds like a recipe for disaster.”
And he wished he could be that guy who gave bad advice on purpose, who made Tina look like an idiot because if he couldn’t be with her, then no one should.
But he wasn’t that kind of guy.
“No if you really like them, you should just tell them,”
“Alright.” She gently set her hand on his. “Davey? I…I really like you.”
By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"
His head shot back up so he could look at her again for any kind of joke or mockery, but there was only softness and sincerity.
It didn’t make sense…she was talking about him?
When? Who? What?!
He went over the whole night in his head and yeah, every time he found someplace to hang out she was there. And maybe she’d been around when he had danced with Nancy...had she been watching him?
Tina’s hand started to pull away from his.
"This is so stupid," she backtracked. "I'm sorry Da-"
"No!" he shouted at her. She stared at him in wide-eyed shock. He lowered his voice and then turned his hand over to grab hers. "No, it's ok. I, uh, I guess I give really good advice...because I didn't even know...and, uh, I really like you too Tina."
The moment was soft and perfect. Birds were chirping, fireworks going off, soft love hearts appear around her face. He could feel ever very deity devoted to love approval.
And it was the single greatest moment of his life.
"You wanna fool around?"
"Fuck yeah."
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Halloween approaches in Oishi-Na Town!
Don't really have a lot to say, but as a little bonus, I had a dream last night where Amane wanted to did a backflip in her civilian state, crashed chest first into the ground and spent the rest of the episode lying there, refusing to get up in shame, so the rest of the girls had to convince her she wasn't cringe to make her feel better.
I don't remember the exact details, but it was literally the funniest thing ever to my dream self, but of course I felt really bad about it at the same time.
Anyways, spoilers I guess...
-Costumes! Jacko! Candy! Horror Films!
-"I'm going to invite my parfait."
-Narshe! He's still in jail!
-A picky eater, taken to an incredible extreme.
-Narshe's logic is the most petty-ass thing I've ever heard and I love it.
-It fits very well with him trying to drag Amane down to his level.
-Oh shit
-...suddenly, I feel even worse about my Amane dream now, oh dear.
-Parfait get!
-Oh shit
-"Parfait good. Peace..."
-Holy shit, she tore into that.
-Oh shit, she grab.
-Wow, I... I knew we'd be delving into Amane's character a bit more this episode, but I didn't expect a silly "just before Halloween episode" to have this kind of presentation. The colors are vivid, but the shots focused on Amane use more "natural" colors, focusing on the environment more than the buildings. Then when Mari-chan comes in, we see Oishi-Na's typical pinks and yellows, just barely out of focus. I'm not really an expert on framing or color theory, but I think these are really cool shots.
-Witch Mari. Let's go.
-Viewing yourself as a demon, huh Amai-kaichou?
-Pure, just, and beautiful! Gotta keep it up!
-Arigato, Mari-chan.
-Shut down.
-Jesus, the silence.
-Wow, that outfit gives me big Remilia Scarlet vibes. I dig it.
-Yuin's got that pumpkin vibe.
-Oh hell yeah, pie! Koko-neechan with the pie! Like the red riding hood look.
-Ran's panda look is absolutely adorable.
-Aaaaaaand Seccy's here! She seems to have gone into mass production.
-Recipumpkin Pie! Available for a limited time only.
-Lots and lots of Pumpkin Pie!
-Well, it was nice having Pumpkin Pie exist while it did, rip.
-Fuck it, this is our Halloween party now!
-Well crap,
-Ohhhhh, Amane... :(
-"Amane but fucked up isn't the Amane I know"
-Damn, Amane...
-Holy shit
-"You don't have to forgive someone who's done horrible things to you, but you shouldn't let the things they did affect who you are now." is something a lot of people don't get spelled out to them like this, so I'm very happy to see this message becoming more widespread in recent years.
-Become one with the Pipis once again!
-Sally forth, Cure Finale!
-Pretty Cure! Finale Bouquet!
-Kome about to Kome-Kome all over those guys.
-"Man, his mix-up game sucked."
-Amai-kaichou! It's time to f e e s t
-Ahhhhhhh, that frame! It's so pretty!
-Might have that as my new wallpaper for a bit.
-I enjoyed this episode quite a lot!
-It was a nice little exploration of Amane's less agreeable side, and... well, as I noticed, the way they limited the sound in certain scenes was a really cool touch. The message is very strong.
-Oh shit, GDILF.
-Anyways, yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to next episode. It'll be very fun, and if my next Donbrothers watch will be anything to go by, drive me absolutely insane.
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liaaacantwrite · 2 years
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Series)
Chapter Two: Just the Two of Us
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part one! part three!
(A/N: i know billy may be slightly out of character, but this is just for fun! i think most people, especially people as young as billy was, are capable of being kind and loving if they’re shown how to do those things, and he clearly wasn’t. this is just a silly little story that i’m writing for myself, and i’m glad other people can also enjoy it! so thank you so much for all of the love on chapter one! hearing appreciation for my writing is what inspires me to create more. so thank you so much, and enjoy chapter two!!!!)
It was strange. Billy usually found himself annoyed with people around 10 minutes into meeting them. Sometimes quicker, and that seemed to be happening more often in Hawkins than California.
Not with his new friends, though.
Lunch was actually fun. Jonathan had accepted him so quickly, immediately launching into a story about when he was locked in the bathroom during a fire drill. Billy felt like he could actually be himself, open up (very slightly as he didn’t really know these people) to the first people to be genuinely kind to him in years.
He’d met Robin while walking (Y/N) to her next class after lunch. Her ramblings were pretty funny and she wasn’t intimidated by the older boy. Actually, she seemed to embrace him rather quickly.
“All I’m saying is if you want my mom to like you, let her pay for the pizza. Otherwise, she’ll think you’re calling her poor.” They were discussing Saturday night, the day after Halloween.
“Can I give her some Halloween candy I stole from Mike, Lucas, Will, and Dustin?”
“Yeah, or we can just eat it.”
“Who’s that?” Billy spoke up for the first time in awhile.
“They’re these kids I babysit sometimes.” A code word for saving the world together. “Very sweet, but so annoying.”
“They come in sometimes to play with the puppies at work. Bye, dorks.” Robin added, waving goodbye as she walked off to her class.
“I never did ask where you work, by the way.” Billy double checked his schedule, trying to find the correct room. He had spent the majority of the previous day in the front office taking placement tests.
“You couldn’t see the logo on my scrubs last night?” (Y/N) teased, her tone light.
“It was obstructed by mud, doll.”
“I work at the animal shelter. You should definitely come by sometime.” She stopped walking, finally arriving at her class.
“This is your class?” Billy was grinning from ear to ear.
She nodded.
“Well, I think I won the lottery, princess. It’s mine, too.”
He followed his friend (he liked to think of her as one) inside, the bell ringing as he took a seat next to her. He took a moment to take in her side profile, the gentle slope of her nose, the curve of her lips. Her eyelashes, which stuck out straight instead of curling up, hiding their length. Her hair was braided, falling over her shoulder. She chewed on her thumbnail as she waited for the teacher to come in.
She pretended she didn’t notice him staring.
“Hello, everyone. Sorry for being late.” An elderly lady walked in quickly. “Ms. Hopper, will you take attendance?”
(Y/N) was Mrs. Thompson’s absolute favorite. She had called the police once after she fell and became enamored with Hopper, who had come to check out the scene when his patrol officers were all busy. Hopper, having a heart of gold, decided to have dinner with the lonely old woman and he brought along his only daughter (at the time.) This had been years ago, and she couldn’t believe that the sweet little girl who she had made brownies with was in her class.
“While attendance is being taken, we have a new student in our class. Mr. Hargrove, will you please come to the front?”
Now, normally, Billy would have just sat there and flipped off the teacher. But (Y/N) looked at him in such an expectant, hopeful manner that he couldn’t bring himself to disappoint her. So, he brought himself to his feet and stepped to the front of the room.
“Hi. I’m Billy.” Mrs. Thompson smiled and placed a hand on his arm.
“Where are you from?”
She nodded, letting go of him. Looking around the class, all the girls (except the only one he actually knew) looked absolutely ravenous as they drank in his physicality. Playing with their hair, chewing gum, sitting perched in just a way to make their breasts stick out. The dudes looked intimidated, but overall curious. He walked back to his seat, feeling slightly ridiculous, but any sense of embarrassment flew out of the window when (Y/N) flashed him a toothy grin and held out her fist for a bump.
He obliged.
“What’s bothering you?” Robin slid up to her best friend, placing a caring hand on her back.
“What? Who said something’s wrong with me?”
“Uh, your expression? You’ve been frowning at that inventory report for the past 10 minutes. What’s up?”
(Y/N) took a deep breath.
“My dad didn’t come home last night. Do you think you could ask your mom to drive me by the station on your way home? I can ask one of the officers for a ride if he’s not there.” She chewed her thumbnail, eyes downcast. She hated asking for help.
“Of course! He’s probably just busy, you know? Although, it’s weird he didn’t call. But don’t you live out in like the middle of the woods? Do you guys even have a phone? Maybe he was getting laid! That’s gross. Although, he probably needs it.”
Listening to Robin brought a sense of rationality to (Y/N). Hopper was probably fine, and if she couldn’t find him today, she could ask Eleven to find him. Although, if something bad did happen to him, she really didn’t want El to see that. She’d seen enough bad shit, and it always made her feel bad to see her little sister’s nose bleed.
The shift carried on pretty gracefully. A chihuahua bit Robin, but she just laughed it off, and a new cat was found in the alley behind the local church. The dog food shipment was running late, so Robin had to call their supplier and chew them out, and the cat food supplier sent the wrong brand, so (Y/N) called them and complained as well.
At around 15 minutes until the end of their shift, the one and only Billy Hargrove strolled in.
“Evening, ladies.” He smiled as soon as he spotted them.
His smile seemed extremely perfected, like he had spent a pretty good amount of time in the mirror rehearsing it. She figured he had some stupid name for it, too, like ‘the Ladykiller’, or ‘the Pantysoaker’. It was manufactured to impress girls, not to actually show joy.
“Hello, Billy. Come to clean the kennels?” She chided, not looking up from her adoption reports.
“You know me so well. I love cleaning up dog shit.” He leaned against the counter and looked down at her papers. She snatched them away from his gaze.
“Yeah, you’d be fucked if I knew who adopted Mr. Mittens, huh?”
“Royally. Now, do you wanna see some dogs?”
He nodded and started to lead him to the back area where the dogs were kept. Robin just kept reading her book.
“Do you have any old dogs?” He wasn’t sure why, but he’d always had a soft spot for geriatric animals. His mother had an old ass border collie and as a kid, Billy would fall asleep on the dog nearly every night.
“Yeah! There’s this one dog, we don’t really know her breed, but I would guess she’s part lab part pitbull? Anyway, she’s around 10 and she’s so sweet and sleepy. She’s in the green room, actually.”
She felt excited, showing him a part of her life, even if visitors weren’t allowed to see dogs this late. There was something about him that just screamed out at her, begging her to keep digging and find out what he was keeping under the surface. Maybe it was the way he glanced around nervously but immediately mustered up the confidence of 10 men as soon as he realized he was caught.
Christ, she’d known him 2 days at this point and was already feeling poetic about the whole thing.
“Hello, Peach!” She knelt next to a tan and white dog that rested in the corner of her kennel. It was actually pretty spacious, and she had multiple toys and food bowls around the area.
“Her name is Peach?” He thought it suited her pretty well as the dog slowly walked over to (Y/N), legs shaky but eyes excited.
“Thank you! I picked it.” She unlocked the kennel door and stepped inside, waving Billy to follow.
They sat on the floor with Peach and spent a good amount of time loving on her. She very much appreciated it, especially when Billy scratched that one spot behind her ears. No words were said to each other, only loving phrases toward the old dog.
“Who’s a good girl? Are you a good girl? Aw, you’ve got such pretty eyes.” Billy cooed, losing all sense of cool as the dog’s tail wagged faster than ever. He knew (Y/N) wouldn’t judge him anyway, so he moved to where he was laying on the floor, both hands petting Peach.
“I hate to break up this absolutely adorable moment, but my shift ended 5 minutes ago. I really need to clock out or I’ll get in a ton of trouble.” (Y/N) stood, holding a hand out to help Billy up. He took it, mostly using his own legs to stand but appreciably smiling at her.
“I always forget how much I love dogs.” The smile didn’t leave his face as they left the green room. He waited for her she clocked out, watching her speak to Robin for a minute, seemingly arguing about something. He couldn’t help the way his ears picked up his own name.
“Just ask Billy!”
“No, he drove me yesterday.”
“You think he doesn’t want an excuse to parade that little Camaro around?!”
“You just don’t want to ask your mom to drive me.”
“I can want two things!”
Billy wondered if (Y/N)‘s dad didn’t come home again. He hadn’t even met the guy and his opinion of the police chief was starting to sour.
She walked up to him, her hands behind her back and chin up high. Her eyes were closed as if she was gathering courage and, unbeknownst to Billy, she was flipping Robin off behind her back.
“Hey, Billy. Look, I’m so sorry to ask you for this, but my dad didn’t come home again and I was just wondering if you could drop me by the police station? I can have an officer take me home, so don’t worry about that.”
Billy checked his watch. It was 7:10, and his curfew was 8 on school nights. He figured he could make it, and even if he didn’t, Neil could honestly go to hell. He’d just sleep in his car and deal with the consequences another day, hopefully on a day that Max had already fucked up.
“Sure, princess. You don’t have to look so embarrassed.” He winked and opened the passenger door for her. It took every ounce of willpower in his body not to look at her ass as she slid into the seat.
As he walked around and got into his own, she had already started hyperventilating.
“I am embarrassed because now my dad looks shitty when he’s actually wonderful, and I’m upset because I don’t know where he is, and I’m nervous because I’m just a nervous person in general, and I’m tired because I didn’t sleep last night waiting up for him, and I’m angry because he hasn’t fucking called, and this whole situation is just turning into a huge clusterfuck!” She slammed her hands on the dashboard and started crying.
“Hey, doll, it’s alright. We’re gonna head over there and check this shit out, alright?”
“I promise I’m not usually so needy.”
“I wouldn’t mind if you were.”
Billy started to drive, already mostly knowing his way around the town after spending so much time just aimlessly driving. She turned the music up and hummed as she stared out the window.
She was absolutely terrified at the thought of Hopper being missing, of the Hawkins Lab shit coming back. She was even more terrified at the thought of taking care of Eleven by herself, something she was willing to do, but not exactly excited about.
Billy, on the other hand, was confused. He’d never enjoyed doing things for other people in California. He liked to keep to himself and pretend to care just enough to get laid. Honestly, the girls didn’t mind what he said much, anyway. They were honestly just as cruel to him as he was in return. He was just a hot bad boy to them, a way to rebel against society. Eventually, they’d all marry their band nerd high school sweetheart, and Billy would probably end up in jail or dead. At least, that’s what Neil loved to point out. ‘Walking STD’ was a favorite name of Neil’s, and Billy absolutely hated it.
“Thank you, Billy. Honestly.” She unbuckled and started to open the door, but stopped when Billy opened his own. “Why are you getting out?”
“I’m coming with. You know, in case something happened?”
They stared at each other for a moment. Her eyes were glassy, still not completely finished crying. His were intense and grounding as she steeled herself to enter the police station. She took a few deep breaths, still staring intently into his baby blues and she nodded.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
They walked towards the double doors of the station and she gripped the sleeve of his denim jacket.
“Everybody knows me in here, so we should probably be able to tell what’s happening just based on their reactions.”
She took it as a good sign that no one had pulled her out of class with bad news.
“After you.” He pulled open the door for her and she stepped in.
“(Y/N)! What are you doing here?” The receptionist, Gloria, beamed at the pair.
“Hey, Gloria. Listen, my dad hasn’t been home in a few days and I was just curious if you’d seen him?”
“Oh, yes! He’s been hard at work with some infected pumpkins. It’s pretty silly if you ask me, but he’s been trying to get to the bottom of it. I think he’s actually in his office if you need him!”
“I’ll be in the car if you need me.” Billy sent (Y/N) a reassuring smile and left as she walked towards her dad’s office.
The door opened loudly, waking a sleeping Hopper at his desk.
“Are you kidding me? You don’t come home last night and when I come to find you you’re sleeping at your desk?” She was angry all over again, but still relieved he was okay.
“I told Gloria to call you at work so you could find a ride home.” He rubbed his eyes and yawned.
“Well, clearly she didn’t! We were so worried about you! And I had to walk home, until some jackass splashed me and I got a ride!” She slammed her hands against his desk.
“From who?” He looked up from whatever the hell he was doing, now getting mad himself.
“It doesn’t matter. What matters—”
“It absolutely does matter. What, because you didn’t want to walk home, you’re gonna put her in danger?” There was a rule against saying Eleven’s name public.
“I was covered in muddy water and it was 45 fucking degrees outside!”
“Language! And I don’t care how cold you were, you could have put her in danger.”
“So, freezing to death isn’t danger? Walking 10 miles alone at night isn’t danger? Having a fucking—”
“—panic attack because I’m thinking you’re dead isn’t danger? You’re gonna put me at risk because you’re too lazy to actually call me yourself?!”
“I was walking around 3 different pumpkin patches for 5 hours last night. I told Gloria to call you. I did my job! You can not blame me for her not doing hers.”
“Your job is to be my father. When you remember that, we’ll be glad to have you home.”
She stormed out, slamming the door as hard as she could behind her, satisfied when she heard a picture frame fall off the wall. Walking as fast as she could, she carried herself out of the station and into the parking lot to where Billy was waiting.
He looked at her frazzled state as she entered the car. He could tell from her expression that things didn’t go well.
“Drive, please.”
Hopper had returned at about 2 am, completely exhausted. He used his keys, not wanting to wake the girls as he let himself in.
He set down his keys and shrugged off his jacket before looking around. The TV was still on, but the girls were nowhere in sight. He ventured deeper into the house, stopping outside Eleven’s room. As he opened the door, his heart rate quickened when he noticed she wasn’t in there.
“Oh, fuck.”
He dashed into his older daughter’s room, sighing in relief as he saw both girls cuddled together in the bed. Eleven’s arms were wrapped tightly around her sister, their faces looking so peaceful as they slept. He took a moment to just stare at them and kneeled next to the bed. He took one of their hands each and just held them for a minute. He felt extremely guilty, especially for how he treated (Y/N) in his office. She was right. He should have called her himself, but he was caught up in the case again. He felt so ashamed for making her walk alone at night. He knew how dangerous it was out there, and he knew he could never forgive himself, even if nothing bad actually happened to her. He started to cry softly and kissed each girl’s hand.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. “I love you.”
He sat for a few more moments just reminiscing on all of the good moments he had with them. Driving (Y/N) to the zoo and seeing how absolutely batshit insane she went over all of the animals, baking a cake with Eleven, watching bad movies with the both of them way too late at night and laughing way too much. He wouldn’t ever take them for granted, and he would always come home to them.
He stood, walking towards the door.
“I love you, too.” (Y/N) spoke softly, snuggling into her sister even more as she went back to sleep.
He’d really hit the jackpot when it came to his daughters.
The next day was Halloween, and no one at Hawkins High really acknowledged it besides a few parties happening that night. Billy had obviously been invited to them all, but Jonathan and (Y/N) hadn’t. Not that they cared, and even if they had been asked, they wouldn’t go. They were both planning on being with their younger siblings.
“Come on. I’ll even wear a matching costume with you.” Billy begged her.
“Where are you even going to get one? I’m pretty sure all the stores are sold out.” She took a bite of her sandwich.
“I’ll make one.” He stated matter-of-factly.
“Since when can you sew?” Jonathan laughed, finally looking up from his homework.
“You really need to do your homework at night. I’m getting sick of seeing your chicken-scratch while I’m eating.” She lightly pushed the notebook, causing Jonathan to roll his eyes.
“Look, you guys come to the party with me for 10 minutes. Then I’ll drive you both home. Deal?”
She took a second to consider. She really did want to spend the evening with El. And having a night of fun with her family would be a good way to get over the argument with Hopper. But on the other hand, she had never been to a party. Steve had offered to bring her a few times, but she always declined.
She looked at Jonathan. The perk of being friends with someone for 10 years was being able to communicate with only the eyes.
He gave an ‘it’s up to you’ glance and went back to his work.
“5 minutes.”
“Deal.” Billy grinned.
Hopper was actually very open to his daughter going to a party. He figured she needed to just let off some steam and be a teenager for awhile. Plus, he really didn’t want to watch whatever horror movie she would subject them to in the spirit of the holiday.
Billy pulled up to the cabin (rather, an area about 5 minutes of walking away, as Hopper didn’t want to risk anything) and couldn’t believe his luck as his eyes landed on her.
She was wearing a knee-length black dress with a light blue sweater over the top. It wasn’t revealing in the slightest, but the way her hair fell over her shoulder, the way he could see the reflection of the moon in her eyes was absolutely maddening.
He wasn’t wearing a costume either, just some jeans and a leather jacket. He opted for no shirt, a decision that didn’t really make sense for October, but a decision nonetheless.
He really couldn’t figure out what it was about her that was so amazing to him. He’d admired her honestly and wit, sure, and she was obviously beautiful. He liked how intwined with his own life she had become, and how she wasn’t ashamed of letting him in. He liked how he knew she would accept him no matter what. But he didn’t know what compelled him to stop that night, what made him insist on taking her home. He had never done something like that before. Fate, possibly, or divine intervention had to be it.
“Let’s get going. I plan on being back within the hour.” She gave him a wicked grin as she pulled open the door and slid into the increasingly familiar seat.
“Not even gonna tell me how beautiful I look?” He teased, putting the car into drive.
“Nah. You already know it.”
They talked for a bit on the drive, mostly just teasing back and forth and giving directions to Jonathan’s house. He wanted to reach over and grab her hand, her thigh, anything.
She, however, was very anxious about the whole thing. She didn’t want to go now that she was in the car, on the way. She was thinking of every possible bad scenario, everything that could go wrong.
“You okay?” Billy asked, turning onto Jonathan’s street.
“Just anxious.” She but her thumbnail.
“What if there’s a pool and I get pushed in?”
“Why are you even thinking about that?” He parked beside the house she pointed at.
“Because that’s how my brain works.”
Jonathan walked out, Will in tow. They were laughing as they walked to the car and as she rolled down the window.
“Hey, guys, I’m just gonna take Will to Mike’s so he can go trick or treating. I’ll meet you there!” He smiled and turned around to his own car.
“Guess it’s just us for a bit, doll.” Billy grinned and sped off, secretly excited to spend a bit more time alone with her. It’s not that he didn’t like Jonathan. He really did, more than he expected to. It’s just, he really liked her too.
“Don’t get so excited. Five minutes and then we’re leaving.”
He didn’t really think she would only stay 5 minutes. Honestly, he really wanted to see what she was like around other people. Was the special treatment (like sharing lunches and crying in the car) reserved for him? Or was she like this with everyone? He certainly treated her better than he did most people.
“Sure, princess.”
@renaroo123 @maaciimoo @ria132love @lem0ns77 @krys-orion @dgrangaa
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alexturne · 2 years
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When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.
I was tagged by @elorianna @glorious-blackout and @tightredpants thanks you guys 😘 loved reading your own takes on this!
I am the absolute worst at chosing and prioritizing my faves but here goes!
1. Under these lights you look beautiful
Miles got completely lost in his voice. There was a faraway quality to it, like he belonged somewhere else entirely, but somehow had decided to grace them with his presence and Miles felt blessed to be near him if even for a short while. The subtle elegance hidden in his slender figure, the mannerisms of his fingers wrapped around the corners of his notebook. His words were spoken softly, quietly, but without any hesitation or faltering.
Alex is an elusive poet, who has a way with words and Miles is a bartender, who is completely mesmerized.
My biggest fic ever and one I spent soooooo long writing. It's the first time I felt a true connection with the people reading the story and I was honestly blown away by the love and support it received, and really made me feel part of something I had only been on the outskirts of before. I really loved writing it and even though it was so hard sometimes, it taught me so much and I challenged myself and grew a lot as a writer during the course of that story. It gave me a lot of courage and confidence in terms of writing in general and I've never felt as much as part of a community as when I was writing that one.
Aside from that I truly fell in love with the characters of Miles and Alex in that one. I loved exploring them and watching them grow, and watching their relationship bloom. I loved writing their different journeys, how they evolved through the story and how they dealt with their own problems and how they took care of each other in them, how the issues they faced made them stronger and brought them closer together and only strengthened their relationship instead of tearing it apart. I saw a lot of myself in both of them and I loved exploring and dealing with a lot of things through writing about it.
I also really really loved writing Stacy as the sort of no-bullshit best friend I'd love to have had growing up myself. I loved how feisty and spunky she turned out to be, whilst at the same time deeply caring and filled with love, and I was actually quite proud of myself for managing to pull her off.
I was also quite proud of all the different scenarios that made it into the story, all the settings and places they went, the events and the world I managed to build around them in general. Usually my stories can get a bit lost in emotions and thoughts of my characters, or move within a fairly limited setting, but I liked how "out in the world" this one turned out to be. And I'm super proud of a lot of the scenes, the pumpkin patch, the halloween party, their little picnic and make out sessions, and the entire setting at the different bar nights. I'm proud and happy that I managed to pull of my vision for this story and to have it unfold exactly how I wanted it to.
2. The element of surprise
"Yeah! I'm not one to judge, just want ya to be prepared, you know, just in case.."
"In case what?"
Jamie rolled his eyes at him.
"In case nothing. Nevermind. Forget it. Just help me find your skiing gear and we'll be off."
"Yeah, didn't you hear the lady? We're taking you on a surprise skiing trip to celebrate your birthday, mate!"
The Monkeys invite Alex skiing for his birthday and little does he know that there's a very special surprise waiting for him.
My most current fic and one that I really enjoyed writing. It's a bit silly and very sweet, and it was really what I needed myself at that time. I was so inspired by their insta snaps from the trip - Miles' hurt elbow, the gang hanging out in a hottub outside, so many of Alex's birthday skiing trips and I just had a lot of fun with it.
I loved the world building and thinking up the resort and the cabins and structurally it was interesting to work within a week's worth of story time, a set frame in which the story had to unfold, a new challenge I hadn't tried before. I also really loved having the whole gang there and try to work out how to have everyone be part of the story without really getting too much into it. And them being such little shits throughout was really a lot of fun!
I looooved writing Miles and Alex's little moments in the cabin. And I had a blast writing Alex's birthday and his presents, especially Miles' one and everything that came with it. I love friends to lovers, such a hoe for that trope, and this was such a prime example to me and it was so much fun. I love their relationship both as friends and what it grew into. It was important to highlight their strong friendship, how important they were to each other even before anything became more than platonic. And I enjoyed having Alex freak out all the time about his own emotions and I like how the confession turned out. I loved having them both be absolutely head over heels pining for each other and having the sexual frustration that comes with that in there as well.
Writing it felt very natural, like the words just came out one after the other and it felt kind of straight forward in a really nice way. It's a story that's sweet and fluffy and fun, and one I sometimes peruse through if I need a little pick me up.
3. I've been saving all my summers for you
They were 11 when they first met at the beach, now at 21 they’re back. Back at this place that became theirs. The place they became best friends.
The place where Alex fell in love for the very first time.
This one is sort of my baby in a way. It's very dear to my heart and I love it so much and it gives me so much warmth to read it and I'm so happy it managed to bring the same to others. It's one of my earlier stories and the second story I ever began work on, and it was inspired by a lyric, as so many of my stories are.
I liked trying to work around a different structure and it was so much fun trying to write through the perspectives of a few kids growing up, the way their thoughts and feelings evolved and how they got more and more introspective and reflective about their own lives and experiences. I fell so much in love with the characters in this story and I think back to the time I wrote it with such fondness. It capsulated that perfect feeling of summer and sun and holiday by the ocean, childlike play and endless laughter and slow love growing and slowly taking over everything. I just really enjoyed writing it and I sometimes reread it if I need a bit of softness.
Reading it I can still see points where I was very much still learning and growing as a writer and it's nice to be able to look back and see how far I've come.
But I'm pleased with how I managed to evolve the story, to create a bit of conflict and angst, to have arguments and them being hurt and sad and finding reasonable solutions and believable conversations to hash it all out.
4. You're so pretty and I'm so shy
“Fine, if you’re so shy then why don’t you write him a note? Like in the films, write your number on a slip of paper, give it to him or slip it into his pocket or summat.”
“That might work!”
“I was kidding Alex!”
I loved writing this one and I had so much fun writing it! I remember the dialogue just came so naturally and I'd found a really nice flow. I feel like I managed to get their voices down for the characters in a really nice way and I found the premise endlessly hilarious. I made myself laugh a lot and judging by the response other people found it funny as well. It was just a super fun process for myself and I loved trying to incorporate the texts and selfies into the story, and elements from the lyrics as well.
I loved writing Matt in this one, he was so much fun and such a shitty little enabler but also a super supportive and take-no-shit sort of friend. I love incorporating that kind of character and he is really a prime example of that. I loved their pingpong, the back and forth between Matt and Alex, their easy friendship and I loved their chemistry.
I also really got to practice my smut skills, which is a nice little bonus!
5. You just ain't the one for me
Suddenly she had an idea.
"I wanna fuck him. Miles. I wanna fuck him."
Alex made a weird choking sound.
"I wanna fuck Miles. And then I wanna watch him fuck you."
Taylor has an idea of how to spend their sunny afternoon and she's not about to take no for an answer. Sexiness ensues and she makes a few decisions about their relationship.
This one was really fun to write (even though I was super sick and had a quite high fever when I wrote it) and I thought it up, wrote it and published it all in one day, which was a little bit crazy but kinda fun as well. The premise just came to me and I couldn't let it go and I had to get it out. It's also the first time I've ever written a story as a gift for someone else, for dear @trickztr and it was a lot of fun to have that in mind as I wrote it. Couldn't have written it without her! ❤️
The story is in many ways different to my other fics, and it was such an interesting and fun challenge to try and write from Taylor's pov and to have it be something a little bit removed from the fluffy sweetness I usually gravitate towards. I'm quite proud of myself for pulling it off and I like how it turned out! It's also the first time I've written anything with different partners involved and also the first story that's been quite so pwp without much else going on. It's a brief moment in time and I liked the challenge of not going any further with it, even though some people were asking me to explore Alex and Miles' sides more, I liked where it ended, it just made a lot of sense to me. I liked trying to write a love confession that just slipped through whilst desperately pounding each other against a wall.
I really got to let loose a bit in terms of the smuttier scenes and it was fun to explore it in a different way. Aside from that, I really like the humour in it, the image of Miles' orange bucket hat floating in a pool, and I like how simple and straightforward some parts of it are. It allowed me to try a few different things and to challenge myself in new ways and I really enjoyed that.
This was super fun and I've enjoyed revisiting some of my stories and see how far I've come since I began writing for this pairing! ❤️
Tagging @trickztr @kisameanslight @alex-band-gay-and-the-hurrikane @girlinthepictureframe @markslittleproblems and anyone else who wants to, even if you've only written a few fics. I'm curious! Say something nice about your own writing ❤️
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atlafan · 4 years
Office Neighbors - Part Eight
a/n: a very Andy heavy part, not proofread (reblogs and feedback are super helpful!)
warnings: slight angst, fluff, and smut
words: 15K
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“I’m not gonna let you talk to her until you both settle down!” Harry shouts at his mother and sister.
“We’re settled, just dial the number!” Anne shouts back.
“Yeah, the TV can only occupy all the kids for so long.” Gemma says. “She’s probably waiting as it is.”
Harry was ready to throw up. He couldn’t remember the last time he introduced a woman to his family, and it wouldn’t even be a proper introduction since it was over FaceTime.
“Okay, okay, Christ.” He swipes your contact. “Just let me say hi to her first before you two jump in.”
You answer after a moment, you were sitting up on your bed at Phil and Julian’s. You made sure your hair and makeup were done, and your headphones were in, just in case there were wandering ears.
“Hi, Y/N.” Harry smiles warmly.
“Hey! How’s everything going?”
“Good! Everyone’s good. We all decorated my sister’s tree last night.”
“Oh, fun! Phil made sweet potato pancakes they were so good.”
“That’s great.” He smiles.
“Yeah.” You smile.
You see a hand smack Harry’s shoulder and you suck your lips into your mouth to keep from laughing.
“Right, well, my mum and sister are here…” He side eyes Gemma. “Would you like to say hello?”
“I would.” You nod. It was the whole point of the FaceTime, but you thought it was sweet he was being so formal. Both Anne and Gemma come into view and smile. “Hello! It’s nice to sort of meet you both.” You chuckle.
“Same to you, dear!” Anne says brightly. “Oh, Harry, she’s lovely.” She whispers, but you hear her.
“Yeah, I know it’s not the same as in person, but this works.” Gemma says. “Hope we didn’t wake you up too early for this…”
“Not at all! I was up anyways getting some work done. How’s the weather over there? It flurried a bit, but it hasn’t been too bad.”
“Freezing rain here, I’m afraid.” Harry says.
“Is that Y/N? Hi, Y/N!” Andy says as he comes into the kitchen where the meeting was occurring.
“Andy.” Harry sighs. “You’re supposed to be-“
“Oh, just give the damn phone to me. You know her plenty, Mum and I don’t, so shoo!” Gemma snatches the phone from Harry, and Anne follows her into the adjacent room.
“Well…isn’t that just perfect.” Harry says to Andy.
“Auntie Gem told me to do it, sorry.” Andy giggles and runs out of the room while Harry chases him.
“Sorry about that, things can get a little hectic around here.” Anne laughs.
“Oh, it’s no problem.” You chuckle.
“So, where are you this week?” Gemma asks.
“I’m staying at my brother’s place in Boston. I’ll be here until the day after New Year’s. My friends and I usually get together for the fireworks and all that.”
“Oh, that sounds like fun!” Anne says. “I can’t remember the last time I actually stayed up late enough to watch the ball drop.” She laughs. “I’m usually home watching all the kids while Harry and Gemma go out.”
“Yeah, we have a couple of parties of our own to go to. Lots of friends for Harry to see. He’s quite popular amongst our group.”
“That’s nice, you share a lot of the same friends?”
“Oh, sure.” Gemma shrugs. “We’re only a couple of years apart in age, and we worked at the same bakery growing up, sort of attached at the hip.”
“You two were awfully cute. They’d even willingly wear matching Halloween costumes.” Anne says. “Remember the year you were Mario and he was Princess Peach?”
“Now that’s something I’d love to see.” You say.
“Okay!” Harry bolts into the room and snatches his phone. “Think you’ve all chatted long enough.”
“You got an entire meal with her family, I think it’s only fair-“
“Mum! Lizzy won’t stop touching me!”
“I’m not doing anything!”
“Seems like your kids need you.” Harry sneers.
“Wonderful, three brats.” She rolls her eyes. “It was nice chatting, Y/N.” Gemma says as she leaves the room the scope out the scene.
“I better go help her.” Anne chuckles as follows out as well.
“So…Princess Peach, huh? You don’t still happen to have that costume do you? I bet you look lovely in a dress.”
“I was five.” Harry rolls his eyes. “And you’re right, I look exceptional in a dress.”
“They’re very nice, your mum and sister. Um…is Gemma not married, or…?”
“She’s widowed, unfortunately.” Harry whispers. “That’s why my mum lives with her, she needed help with her kids and I obviously wasn’t around. It sucked, he had cancer.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s been a few years, she’s doing much better, but she doesn’t date. She’s tried, but it’s too much.”
“I don’t blame her.”
“Did you have a nice Hanukkah with your family?”
“I did! I refereed a game of dreidel for my younger cousins, it was pretty funny.”
“You really like kids, don’t you?”
“I love kids.” You blush.
“Suppose that’s why you’re so good with them then, huh?” He was blushing too, but he was giving you that toothy smile you loved so much.
“I miss you, Harry.”
“I miss you too.”
“Dad…you better get in there…Lizzy and Ritchie have started to wrestle.”
“Better go pry them apart.” Harry chuckles. “I’ll talk to you soon, love you.”
“Love you too, bye Andy!”
You sigh as you hang up. You knew you’d physically get meet everyone someday so it would be less chaotic, but it was nice to meet them nonetheless.
On New Year’s Eve you throw on a black turtleneck bodysuit and a pair of jeans with some booties. You head out with Phil and Julian once they’re both home from work to meet your other friends at the bar. You send Harry a quick selfie, wanting to still look cute before you inevitably got sweaty and drunk. It was already the New Year in London, and Harry had sent you a selfie before he went out. It was sweet.
“Y/N!” Your best friend Nora squeals as soon as you see her.
“Hey!” You squeal back and hug her.
“It’s so good to see you, I’m so glad we could get together for this.”
“Same here, I know hard it is for you to get away…”
“Oh, don’t be silly. Wouldn’t miss a New Year’s in Boston. Hi Phil, hi, Julian.”
“Hi, Nora.” Phil smiles. “Y/N, we’re gonna go get a booth.”
“Okay, I think I’ll hang by the bar for bit with the crew.”
You say hello to your other friends: Claudia, Mark, and Darcy.
“Okay, so, where’s your man? We’ve been dying to meet him.” Mark says.
“He’s in London with his family.” You shrug. “You’ll meet him eventually, I promise.”
“Too bad, Nora says he’s quite the hunk.” Claudia says.
You side eye your friend as she laughs.
“You send me the best pictures, how could I not share?”
“His tattoos are really interesting.” Darcy says. “Never thought you’d be into a guy so inked up.”
“Neither did I, but I like them a lot.” You bite the rim of your cup and smile.
“I feel like it’s been forever since you’ve been serious with someone.” Mark says. “What’s it about this one?”
“Yeah, doesn’t he have a kid?” Claudia asks.
“He does…and I care a lot about him. His name is Andy, and he’ll be twelve in May.”
“Twelve?!” They all exclaim.
“How old is this guy?” Darcy asks.
“He’ll be thirty-three at the beginning of February. Would you all calm down? He had his son young, it is what it is.” You shrug.
“I knew you wanted to be a mom, but shit.” Nora laughs. “Whatever, you’re happy, right?”
“Then that’s all that matters. Now, I’m much more interested to hear how your love life is going, Mark.”
“Single and ready to find some New Year’s dick tonight.”
You all burst into laughter and clink your glasses. You all end up bar hopping a bit, saying goodbye to your brother and letting him know you’ll be back whenever, which he has no problem with. You get pretty sloshed with your friends, and you ended up at a dance club. You were having an incredible time. The club had plenty of TV’s going so a little before midnight, you all huddle together to watch the ball drop. You all kiss each other’s cheeks, it was cute. You feel your phone buzzing, and it’s a FaceTime request from Harry.
“Hello?!” You shout.
“Happy New Year!” He smiles. You nearly melt. He was still in bed, and he wasn’t wearing his glasses yet, and his hair was all floppy. “Where are you?”
“At a club, and-“
“Is that him?!” Nora shouts and goes behind your shoulder. “Oooo, look at him! Hiya hot stuff!”
“Isn’t it, like, really early in London?” Claudia slurs to Darcy.
“Yeah, babe, isn’t it, like, six in the morning?”
“Yeah.” He chuckles. “I was getting up anyways, and I wanted to call.”
“Aww.” You and your friends swoon.
“Well…I can see you’re busy, so I’ll let you go.”
“Okay! Happy New Year, love you!” You hang up before he can say it back.
“Damn, Y/N, he’s handsome.” Mark says.
“Mhm, and he’s allll mine.” You giggle with your friends.
“There’s my baby!” Paige exclaims as Andy gets off the plane. She throws her arms around him and kisses him. “Did you have a good time?”
“Yeah! Grammy and Auntie Gem say hi.” He holds her hand as they make their way to baggage.
“Oh, that’s nice of them. You had fin with Lizzy and Ritchie?”
“Yeah, we got to play the new game Y/N got me.”
“What game is that?”
“What Do You Meme, it’s a lot of fun.”
“Well, that was very nice of her to get that for you. Seemed like you got a lot of other nice gifts from when we spoke on Christmas.”
“Mhm, and Grammy got me a ton of new clothes. She got me those sneakers I’ve been wanting.”
“She sure has an eye for fashion, huh?” She chuckles. “So, we’re going to grab your bag and then Noah and Rachel are waiting in the car. Are you too tired for lunch?”
“No, I slept pretty well on the plane. One of the attendants sat with me and held my hand when we took off.”
“I love it when they do that for you, that’s so nice.”
“Gram’s not coming for lunch?”
“No, she ended up going to New York with Auntie Allie for New Year’s…she’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Alright, it’ll be nice then, just the four of us.”
“Yeah, it will. Everyone missed you, honey.”
Andy actually enjoys his lunch with everyone. He and Rachel talk about their new gifts. It warmed Paige’s heart to being having some real family time. The few days Andy is home is wonderful, and come Sunday, you show up to pick Andy up. You’d be having brunch with Paige before taking Andy back to Harry’s. You made sure to stock the fridge with all his favorites already. You take a deep breath, and ring the bell. After a couple of moment, Paige answers the door.
“Y/N!” She says brightly. “Come on in, you must be freezing.”
“Hi, thanks.” You smile and enter the home. She takes your coat and hangs it up. It was oddly quiet. “Where is everyone?”
“Oh, well, my sister came back with my mom late last night, so they’re out with Andy now having a brunch of their own, and Rachel has Hebrew school on Sunday mornings, and they usually get lunch together after that. So it’s just us two, I’ve got quite the spread for us, come into the kitchen.”
She really did have quite the spread. Bagels, cream cheese, eggs, juice, and fruit.
“Wow, you didn’t have to do all this…”
“Oh, sure I did. Would you like some coffee?”
“That’d be great, thank you.”
She nods and gestures for you to sit while she gets the coffee.
“I’m so glad we could finally get together to do this. I feel like I know you, but don’t at the same time.” She sips her coffee and makes up a plate, as do you. “Did you have a nice holiday?”
“I did, yeah, thank you. Did you?”
“As good as it could have been, I suppose.” She nods. “It was weird without my dad, but that’s life.” She shrugs.
“I’m so sorry, it must have been difficult.”
“It was weird, all of the fun helped distract us, but I know it was really hard for my mother. The first holidays without them are always the hardest.” You nod at her. “Anyways, I…oh, that’s a lovely necklace.” She points to your palm tree, and you clutch at it.
“Thank you, um, Harry got it for me.” You swallow.
“This doesn’t need to be weird, Y/N.” She smirks. “You’re in his life, which means you’re in my son’s life, and I just wanna know more about you, that’s all. This isn’t a one way street either, if there’s anything you’d like to know about me I’d be happy to answer.”
“I know…I have to admit, I was a little nervous to be one on one with you. I hope you know, I care a lot about Andy.”
“No need to be nervous. Harry trusts you, so I do too.” She shrugs. “He’s always been such a great judge in character.”
“Can I ask…how did you two meet?”
“Oh, god, years ago when we were in college. He came to our school when he was a sophomore, and joined our group. I was dating this other guy at the time, but we became fast friends. He was always so sweet. The other guy and I broke up eventually, and then I can’t quite recall what it was, but long story short Harry and I got together. I graduated a year ahead of him, but we made it work.”
“And Andy was an accident?”
“He certainly wasn’t planned.” She laughs. “I’ll spare you the details, but we were shocked to say the least when we found out. I was already working at the law office, thank god, so I had some decent benefits and maternity leave and all that.”
“Were you scared being so young?”
“A little…I was more so worried at the time about being so far away from Harry. I had started working in this area, so we were long distance. I was grateful he found a grad program in the area that worked for him. I sort of felt guilty for making him grow up so fast, but I got over it. He really stepped up.”
“He’s a great dad.”
“He really is! He was a natural right away.”
“And…it just didn’t work out between you two?”
“I was sort of stubborn, and a little resentful. He was getting to work on his career, and I felt like I was in a rut. My parents were getting to me…and…one morning I woke up and looked at him and realized I just wasn’t in love. When we were dating in school it was just fun, you know? I hadn’t really been given the chance to see if I wanted something future wise with him. For all I knew, he could have decided to go back to London, you know? It was awful because we were living together, and we had Andy, and I just couldn’t figure out how to end it, and then…well, he asked me to marry him, and that was when I knew it had to be over, so I told him no and we broke up. I felt sick over it because I knew I hurt him.”
You blink as you take all of the information in. Sometimes people just weren’t compatible, and that was okay, and maybe Harry had been looking at things with rose colored glasses.
“His parents were divorced growing up, so I think he thought getting married would make everything better. We fought a lot, things just stopped being fun.” She shrugs. “But that was all a long time ago, and we worked on things for Andy’s sake, and I’d like to think we’re doing right by him now. He raves about you, they both do, and it makes me so happy to hear it.”
“You really want what’s best for Harry, huh?”
“I do.” She nods. “And for my son, obviously. I know at times it may seem weird that Harry and I are sort of close…especially after my father died, but it’s really not always like that. It’s not like we text or talk every day. We only meet up when we absolutely have to. I think sometimes when we see each other more we fall into that old patter of friendship, but it doesn’t go further than that, I hope you can see that. I love Noah, I really feel like he’s the person I’m supposed to be with.”
“I…feel that way about Harry.” You mutter and sip your coffee, but you don’t miss her smile.
“That makes me so happy to hear, you have no idea.” She gives your hand a squeeze. “So, tell me, you’re working on your PhD, and then what?”
“Hopefully become a full professor at some point. I really like working at the university, so I won’t be going anywhere once I finish.”
“I just hope they give you a pay bump afterwards. Harry had to fight for his, he honestly almost left when they said no, but they didn’t want to lose him.”
“You’re just on a yearly contract, right?”
“Yeah, I can’t go for tenure until I have my doctorate.”
“Do you have anything planned for while you’re with Andy?”
“I have a couple of craft ideas, yeah. You’re not mad he wanted to stay with me?”
“No, I get it. He was so annoyed last year when he had to get up earlier for school and all that. Plus…right now he still enjoys seeing my mother, my biggest fear is that if he’s here a lot he may not like the visits as much. She’s sweet on him now, but she has this way of saying these little things that eventually just get under your skin.”
“God, I’m so sorry, that must be so difficult.”
“I’m just glad she has her own section of the house to putter around in.”
“Would she ever go back to living in a condo or anything? Maybe there’s some type of old folks community she could go to.”
“They were living in one before, but she really doesn’t want to live alone, and I don’t blame her. As shrill as she can be, I know she likes being around people.” She sighs. “Look, I guess I just wanted to say that I’m glad Harry has you, and I’m glad Andy has you too. Becoming a blended family isn’t easy, and I’m sure Harry having to watch me move on wasn’t easy either. He had started talking about you here and there, his new office neighbor, and how funny she was.” Paige grins. “I knew right away he had a little crush on you. I’d never seen him play it so cool because I’ve only ever known him as a flirt, but I know it’s different when you work with someone.”
“Andy told me something similar. God, how embarrassing for him to be gushing about me.” You chuckle.
“No, it was so sweet! I remember when he asked if he could bring a friend to Andy’s party, as if he needed my permission. We were very excited to meet you. I’m glad things have been going so well for you two.”
“Thanks, that means a lot.”
“You and I don’t need to be best friends or anything, but I definitely want us to be friendly, you know? I look at Noah and Harry, and I know there are times they have their own squabbles, but it’s nice they get along so well. I want you to feel comfortable here.”
“That’s very kind of you, thank you. I definitely don’t feel nervous around you anymore. Um, so, is there anything I should know about taking care of Andy for longer than just a few hours?”
“He’ll try to get more TV time, and he loves talking on the phone with his friends, if you don’t cap it at an hour, he’ll wrack up the phone bill. He won’t admit it, but he still likes the crust cut off his sandwiches. Oh! You’ll need to help him with his hair after he showers.”
“What does he need help with?”
“Well, there’s this special mousse he uses to help his curls really come out. Harry uses it, so he likes using it. You need to dry his hair with a t-shirt, and then comb through it. Then you have to get the mousse in your hands and run it through his hair. It’s best if he doesn’t shower right before bed because then you have to let it air dry.”
“Okay, very good to know. I don’t think I’ve been over when Harry’s helped him with that.”
“Other than that, it’s just helping him with homework and packing lunches. He’s not one of those kids that needs to sleep with you if he has a scary dream or anything like that. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me, alright?”
“Alright.” You smile at her and she smiles back. You’re able to finish the rest of your meal in peace.
A little while later Andy comes in with his Gram and Auntie Allie.
“Y/N!” He shoots over to you and gives you a hug.
“Hi, did you have a good flight and all that?”
“Yeah! I’ll go up and get my stuff.”
“Okay.” You chuckle as he races upstairs.
“You both remember Y/N from Andy’s birthday party, right?” Paige says to her sister and mother.
“Yes, hi.” Allie smiles and shakes your hand. “Good to see you again.”
“You too.” You smile. “Hello Lydia.” You shake her hand and you watch as she sizes you up.
“Hello, so, you’re taking my grandson from me?”
“Mom, please.” Paige says. “Andy wants to be able to stay at home easier with Harry gone.”
“This is home too.”
“It is, but he goes to school in another town, so it’ll be easier for him to stay with Y/N.”
“You’re always giving in so easily, Paige, you should have never let-“
“Pardon me, but what are you doing?” You say.
“Excuse me?” Lydia says.
“No, I don’t think I will. Were you seriously just about to start an argument with your daughter about her son in front me? What is wrong with you? She’s his mother, I think she knows what she’s doing. You may have zero clue about what it’s like to raise a child with someone you’re not with, but she’s doing her best. I think it takes a lot of strength and courage to change up a living arrangement the way she did. It may not be my place to say because I’m just the girlfriend of the guy who she used to be with, and I know you just lost your husband, but you need to check yourself lady.”
Allie sucks her lips in to keep from laughing, and Paige has to do the same. This was prime entertainment.
“Maybe she feels like she can’t stand up to you because she’s trying to keep the peace, but she shouldn’t have to do that in her own home. You should be grateful she didn’t ship you off to a retirement home. I’m sure you have a lot of things to be angry about, but let it go. Your daughter’s made a wonderful life for herself, and I think you should recognize that before it’s too late.”
Andy comes down with his things, and goes over to give everyone a hug.
“Thanks again for lunch Gram.”
“You’re, um, more than welcome sweetheart.” She was in shock.
“See on Friday, Mum.” Andy says as he hugs his mother. “Bye, Auntie Allie, love you.”
“Love you too.”
“It was nice seeing everyone. Thanks again for brunch, Paige, it was wonderful.” You and Andy head out and leave them all stunned.
“Oh, I like her.” Allie says with a laugh.
“Who speaks to a stranger that way?!” Lydia says.
“She had a point.” Paige says. “Who starts an argument in front of a stranger? And, fuck it, she’s not a stranger! She’s Harry’s girlfriend, his serious girlfriend, who I happen to like, and Andy adores her. She was right mom, you need to check yourself. Take some time to figure out your priorities because I can’t live like this! I’m walking on eggshells in my own home. My home, not yours.”
“Okay, can everyone just take a deep breath?” Allie says. “Let’s just sit down and have a conversation without this becoming a screaming match.”
As you drive Andy to Harry’s, you hear him trying to bite back a laugh.
“What’s so funny back there?”
“Nothing, it’s just…I’ve heard my dad raise his voice at Gram before, and hearing you do the same thing just proves you two are a good couple.”
“Oh god, you heard me?”
“Yeah, but it’s okay. Thanks for standing up for my mom.”
“Of course! She’s a really nice person, she doesn’t deserve to be talked down to in her own home like that. I couldn’t just stand there and let it happen.” You scoff. “Anyways, what do you say when we get back we get you unpacked and then we talk lunches for the week?”
“Sounds good to me. Thanks again for wanting to stay with me.”
“I’m happy to do it. It’ll be fun.”
“Do you think…um, if it goes well, that you’ll move in?”
Your eyes grow wide and your heart skips a beat.
“That’s a conversation I’d need to have with your dad, Andy. It’s sort of a big deal for two people to move in together. I’ll be honest with you, I don’t think I’m ready for that, but I really do enjoy staying over when I do.”
“Alright, I’ll take your word for it.” He shrugs.
You turn up the music and take a deep breath. Once you get Andy inside, and he unpacks his things you go into the kitchen with him to discuss lunches for the week.
“Just pb and j’s are fine, it doesn’t need to be fancy.”
“I know, but I wanna make sure you’re not hungry. I could cut up some carrots for you and put some chips in there too. Would you like that?”
“Yeah, whatever.” He shrugs. “Are you gonna make baked ziti tomorrow? Dad usually gets up early on Monday mornings to get it all together and then he just throws it in the oven when we get home.”
“Sure, I can make that. I don’t know if it’ll come out as good though.”
“I’ll get up early to help you, hold on a second.” Andy goes down to the basement where Harry has another freezer and comes back up with a container of sauce. “This needs to thaw overnight in the fridge.”
“Thank god you remembered, I wouldn’t have even thought about it. So it’s pretty much just boil the pasta and get it together with the sauce?”
“Alright, I shouldn’t need your help then. What time should I wake you up in the morning?”
“Okay.” You nod. “Well, I know you had a big lunch, so just let me know when you feel hungry and I’ll whip up something for dinner.”
“Sounds good, I’m gonna go hang out in my room.”
“I’ll be up in the loft working if you need me.” You smile.
You: hey baby, I’m at your place with Andy. I’m gonna make him pb and j’s for lunch this week :)
Harry: that sounds great! Just make sure to cut the crust off, he won’t tell you to do it, but that’s how he likes it
You: so I’ve heard…I had a nice time with Paige today
Harry: not too awkward?
You: not really no, although, I did tell off her mom
Harry: you did?!
You: yeah, she was about to start some argument with Paige in front of me and I was like uhhh I think the fuck not!
Harry: lmao good for you, like I said, Lydia can be a bitch
You: for real
Harry: what are you up to now?
You: I’m gonna get some work done, wbu
Harry: just reading, the house is finally a little quieter…got my big meeting tomorrow
You: I know! I can’t wait to hear all about it
Harry: maybe we could FaceTime after??
You: definitely!
Harry: maybe we could plan it for when I’m getting ready for bed 😈 😈 😈
You: you’re an idiot
Harry: come on! Could be fun
You: normally I’d be game for phone sex, but at the time you’d be going to bed, I’d be eating dinner with your son, not exactly appropriate
Harry: maybe you could just send me a sexy pic then
You: a sexy pic?! How old are you???
Harry: 32, you’ve got a shit memory babe
You: you’re not helping your case
Harry: just teasing!
You: mhm, I’m going to do some work now
Harry: okay, okay I’m sorry
You: don’t be I just blah because I got my period this morning…so no sexy pics, but maybe when Andy goes back to Paige’s we could get a little frisky over the phone
Harry: sounds like an excellent compromise to me darling
You get up early the next morning to put the baked ziti together, and then you get Andy’s lunch box all set. You take a quick shower, and get dressed before going to wake up Andy. You gently open his door and peep your head in.
“Andy?” You coo. “It’s time to get up.” You hear him groan. “I’ve been told not to leave until you actually get up.”
“Ugh, fine.” He rips his blanket off and puts his feet on the floor. “Happy?”
“Very.” You smile. “Any requests for breakfast?”
“Oatmeal, please.” He yawns and you nod.
You drop Andy off at school on time, and wave to him as he walks inside. Morning one is done, you can do this.
Andy goes to his locker and puts what he doesn’t need away, and grabs his things for his first few classes.
“Andy!” Brandon exclaims and hugs him.
“Oof!” He giggles. “Almost knocked me over.”
“Sorry.” Brandon steps back and clears his throat. “How was London?”
“It was great, I had so much fun. How was your holiday?”
“It was good. Connecticut isn’t as exciting as London though.” He laughs and they both head to homeroom.
They sit in their seats and talk with their other friends. Their teacher comes in speaking with another student. Andy does a double take and his eyes grow wide. It was a girl with long, flowing brown hair. She had it up in a ponytail on the top of her head, held with a blue scrunchie.
“Hey, who’s that?” He asks his friends.
“Never seen her before.” Brandon says.
“Everyone!” The teacher says after the second bell rings. “Let’s settle down. I hope you all had a wonderful break. Today I’m excited to introduce a new student, Caroline Stearn, I hope you all will give her a warm welcome. Caroline, would you like to say a few things about yourself?”
“Um…sure? Hi, I’m Caroline, I just moved here from Maine…my mom just got a teaching job at the university down the road and my dad also just started working at the university, but he works in IT. I have three older sisters, they’re all in high school.”
“Thank you Caroline, why don’t you have a seat in front of Andy over there?”
She nods and does as told. She smiles at Andy and he smiles back. The teacher starts talking about whatever news the students need before homeroom is over.
“I’m Andy.” He whispers, and she turns around almost surprised.
“Nice to meet you.” She smiles.
“I was new here last year…but I came from a school a couple towns over.” He smirks. “You can sit with us at lunch if you want.”
“Really?” She sounds relieved. “That’d be great, thanks.”
He nods and she faces back front. He looks over at Brandon who was making a face at him. Andy mouths ‘what’ at him, and Brandon rolls his eyes. Andy felt nervous, but he wasn’t sure why.
“Carline, how’s your first day going so far?” Tyler asks her during lunch.
“It’s okay. “ She shrugs. “Everyone seems nice so far.”
“Do you miss living in Maine at all?” Andy asks. She was sitting next to him.
“Honestly, not really.” She giggles. “We were from a really small town with nothing to do.” Everyone at the table bursts out laughing. “What?” Her face was red now.
“And this town doesn’t scream small town to you?” Brandon says. “The closest arcade is thirty minutes away, same with the movie theater. There’s literally nothing to do.”
“My class sizes back home were ten people max. There’s like twenty of us here.” She says shyly and takes a bite of her sandwich. She sees Andy’s and smiles. “You don’t like the crust either?”
“No.” He smiles at her. “You know what’s funny? My dad’s girlfriend made this for me, and I didn’t even have to ask her to cut it off. She’s like, psychic or something.”
“Oh yeah, Y/N’s staying with you, right?” Brandon chimes in.
“Mhm, she told off my Gram yesterday. It was so funny. She’s so cool, I’m really glad my dad’s with her. He can be so lame sometimes.” He rolls his eyes, and then looks at Caroline. “Sorry, that must all sound confusing.”
“It’s okay. Maybe we could get together some time and you could explain it to me.”
Andy nearly chokes on his sandwich. He takes a sip of his water, and starts nodding.
“Yeah, um, we could definitely do that.”
“Cool.” She smiles.
“Cool.” He smiles back, and then look up at Brandon who just rolls his eyes.
Since you had time before classes started back up in a couple of more weeks, you decide to go to the library to get some work done, rather than go to your office. It would almost be too quiet. Normally you’d just sleep in, but it was almost good you needed to be up for Andy, it would keep you in a routine. Lisa was hoping to see a very rough draft of your work once the second semester started.
You get a fuck ton done before needing to pick Andy up at 2:30. You decide to stop off at Dunkin beforehand to surprise him with a hot chocolate as a treat. The first day back to school after a break always felt long as a kid, so you thought you’d do something to potentially perk him up. As you pull up you see Andy walking out with Brandon, but also with a young girl. He waves goodbye to Brandon and hangs back with the girl.
“Thanks for being so nice to me today.”
“It’s not like you made it hard…” He blushes. “Um, so, you were thinking maybe Thursday after school?”
“Yeah! It would have to be your house, though, we’re still unpacking.”
“I’ll ask my dad’s girlfriend, I’m sure she won’t mind.”
“Okay…I’m excited.”
“Me too.”
“Oh! There’s my mom’s car, I better go. Bye, Andy.”
“Bye, Caroline.”
Andy sees your car and races over, getting into the back seat.
“Hi, how was school?”
“It was…really great actually.”
“Oh, good. Here, I got you a hot chocolate.”
“You’re the best, Y/N! Thanks.”
“You’re welcome…um, who was that girl you were just talking to?” You ask as you start to drive away.
“Oh, that was Caroline. She’s new, I helped her out a little bit today. I was actually sort of hoping she could come over after school Thursday.” He mutters.
“I’ll have to ask your dad if girls are allowed over.” You smirk. “You might have to hang out in a more open area.”
“Brandon and I don’t have to do that…”
“Very true, but even still, you and Brandon don’t keep the door closed when he’s over.”
“You got me there.” He shrugs. “I’m sure Dad will say yes.”
“When do your basketball practices start?”
“Next Tuesday.”
“Do you have everything you need for that?”
“Yup, I got a ton of new stuff for Christmas.”
“Okay, cool, just wanted to make sure. So…Caroline’s nice?”
“Super nice, and…her smile is pretty, so are her eyes. They’re like…the prettiest brown eyes I’ve ever seen.”
“She…she gave me the butterflies, Y/N.” He runs a hand through his hair.
“Yeah, and now I’m confused because I thought Brandon gave me butterflies.”
“Well…sometimes two people can give you butterflies, that’s okay.”
“But she’s a girl and he’s a boy…why am I so weird?” He groans.
“Oh, Andy, you’re not weird at all. A lot of people feel like you about boys and girls.”
“They do?”
“Sure! One of my really good friends Darcy likes boys and girls.”
“How does she decide which one she likes better?”
“Well, she doesn’t.” You shrug as you pull into the driveway. You both get into the house and sit on the couch to continue your conversation. Andy holds a throw pillow to his stomach. “I’ve been around her when she’s had a boyfriend, and when she’s had a girlfriend, both make her equally happy. I think for her, at the end of the day, she’s attracted to the type of person they are, so the gender doesn’t really matter.”
“My dad said something like that once, he says he just likes the person and the rest doesn’t really matter. And then I asked him if he liked boys like that and he said no, so I was just more confused.”
“Sexuality is an ever evolving thing, Andy. You may decide you like one thing now, but in a few years you could like something else. I know it all feels stressful and confusing, but remember you’re eleven. You have so much time to figure it all out.”
“So…you only like boys?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“How did you know?”
“I don’t know exactly. I’m just not attracted to women in a way that would make me want to date one.”
“Caroline is, like, really pretty. I’ve never really thought girls were pretty before.”
“Could just be a sign you’re growing up.” You give him a soft smile. “Can I ask…if you think Caroline is pretty, what do you think of Brandon?”
“Brandon’s…ugh, Brandon’s cute, Y/N.” Andy runs a hand over his face. “I like his smile too, and I mean, look the bracelet he made me. I made him one too, but he’s not as artsy as I am, and it’s literally perfect.” He holds his wrist out so you can get a better look at the bracelet.
“It’s a beautiful bracelet.”
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Of course.”
“When you ask my dad if Caroline can come over, can you please not mention anything else to him? I don’t want him to know about any of this.”
“Andy, he just wants to be there for you…”
“I know, but…he’ll just be so, like, after school special about it. Then he’ll tell my mom about it, and I really don’t want her knowing.”
“I don’t know if I can keep a secret from your dad, Andy.”
“You wouldn’t be! Please, Y/N?”
“Okay…I’ll keep this stuff between us.”
“Thank you.” He sighs with relief and leans forward to hug you.
After dinner you end up FaceTiming with Harry. He speaks with Andy for a bit first, and then it’s your turn. You take the phone into the bedroom for some privacy while Andy takes a shower.
“Hi.” You smile at him.
“Hey, baby.”
“How was your meeting?”
“Could not have gone better.”
“Really? That’s great!”
“They loved what I had, and signed me write another piece for the journal!”
“Harry, that’s incredible. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks. So, how was your first real day with him?”
“It was good.” You bite your bottom lip. “Can he have a friend over Thursday?”
“Sure, I don’t care if Brandon comes over.”
“It’s not Brandon…”
“Oh, Tyler then?”
“No, this is a new friend…a girl named Caroline.”
“A girl?! Wow, yeah, that’s fine. Did he tell you anything about her?”
“We actually had a long conversation about a lot of things today, but he asked me not to tell you and I don’t wanna betray his trust.”
“He…doesn’t want me to know something?”
“He doesn’t want an after school special lecture or whatever.”
“I do not do that.” He scoffs. “You really won’t tell me anything?”
“All I’m going to say is that he’s extremely confused, and I validated his feelings, and then he hugged me.”
“Does he like this girl?”
“He thinks she’s pretty.”
“And what about Brandon?”
“Can’t say.”
“Come on, Y/N.”
“Harry, I’m stuck here. I really wanna respect him. He’s not in any danger or anything so I think it’s okay that the conversation stayed between he and I.”
“I don’t like it.” He pouts.
“I’m sorry, baby doll.” You pout back.
“Y/N?! I need some help with my hair!”
“Welp, duty calls.” You giggle. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Thanks for being there for him. I’m happy he has you to talk to.”
“Me too.”
You end the call and meet Andy in the living room. He looked incredibly cute with the t-shirt wrapped around his head. He sits down on the floor in front of the couch and you sit down. You comb through his hair as carefully as you can, and then you apply the mousse. You hear him sigh and it makes you smile.
“Wanna watch TV before you go read?” You ask him when you’re done.
“Yeah, can I put my show on?”
“Of course.” You smile. He gets cozy next to you, and you smirk when you see he selects Family Guy. “Andy…are you old enough to be watching this?”
“Dad lets me watch this all the time, it’s funny.” He shrugs.
“Do you even get half of the jokes?”
“Not really, but it’s still funny.”
“Okay.” You shake your head.
“Would you play with my hair?”
“Sure, do you wanna rest your head on my lap?”
“Yeah.” He smiles and grabs a pillow to get comfortable. “Y/N?”
“You’d make a good mom.” He says with a yawn as he keeps his eyes on the TV.
“Oh, um, thank you, Andy.”
When Thursday rolls around, you pick Andy up, and you’re also met with Caroline getting into the backseat of your car.
“Hello, you must be Caroline, it’s nice to meet you.” You smile.
“Nice to meet you too.” She smiles.
“I’m Andy’s dad’s girlfriend. I hear your mom works at the university? So do I.”
“Oh, really? She works in the Psychology department…my dad works there too, but he’s in IT.”
“Well, feel free to tell your mom to look out for me and Harry. We teach in the Communication department.”
“Okay.” Caroline smiles.
You get the two of them home and fix them with a snack. You tell them you’ll be up in the loft and you remind Andy to keep his door open.
“She’s really nice.” Caroline says as she sits down on Andy’s bed.
“Yeah, she’s the first girlfriend my dad’s had in a long time. I like her a lot.”
“How long have they been together for?”
“I don’t know…seven months I think.”
“Wow, that’s a long time!”
“Super long. They were friends for a while before they got together too, so they knew each other really well.”
“That’s so sweet! My parents met on a blind date.” She giggles. “How did your mom and dad meet?”
“In college I guess.” He shrugs. “She lives about thirty minutes from here, I see her every other weekend.”
“Does she date anyone?”
“She’s engaged actually. His name is Noah and he has a daughter, Rachel. She’s a year younger than us.”
“Wow, it’s like that movie Blended.”
“Yeah! They’re nice enough, and Noah makes my mum happy, so that’s all I care about.”
“That’s, like, really grown up of you.” Caroline was in awe of Andy. He blushes slightly and clears his throat.  
“Enough about me, what’s it like having three older sisters?”
“It can be fun and annoying. Like, they help me with my hair and clothes, but other times it feels like we’re always fighting. I feel bad for dad.”
“Because they all get their…monthly visits at the same time.”
“Oh! That video they showed us in health class was gross.”
“Did they show you the one about the girl who gets it for the first time, and then they talk about a girl’s insides?”
“Yeah! And then we had to watch the same one, but about boys, and then we had to watch a video about giving birth…”
“Ew, and they actually show the baby coming out, right?”
“Yeah…nasty.” They both shiver and then they both laugh.
“I know you guys said there wasn’t much to do around here, but what do you do for fun?”
“I play basketball with Brandon, his dad is our coach. Winter program on Fridays is fun. Do you ski?”
“I do! I can’t wait for tomorrow. Would you wanna sit with me on the bus?”
“Well…I would, but…I sit with Brandon.”
“Oh, that’s okay. I can just sit near you, maybe? Are you two best friends?”
“Yeah, we are.” Andy blushes. “And yeah, you can definitely sit near me.”
“Cool.” She smiles and grabs her books out of her bag, and Andy does the same. “You’d been so great to me all week. I’m really glad that seat was open in front of you in homeroom.”
“Me too.”
Later that night, after Caroline’s mom picked her up, you and Andy watch a little TV on couch. He had been quiet.
“So, do you have everything together for winter program tomorrow?”
“Yup, got my ski bag ready to go.”
“Make sure to pack what you need for your mum’s, she’s gonna get you after school tomorrow.”
“And then I’ll see you Monday after school, right?”
“That’s right.”
“I had a lot of fun with you this week. You make me not miss my dad as much.”
“Aw, that’s sweet. It’s okay to miss him, though, I miss him a lot too.”
“You forgot to say that you had a lot of fun with me too.” He rolls his eyes.
“Oh, did I?” Andy likes praise too, it seems. “Well, I had loads of fun with you this week, and we’ll have loads more next week.”
“I hope we get a snow day or something. Brandon’s dad usually takes us sledding.”
“Maybe you could bring Caroline with you too. She’s very nice.”
“Yeah, I like her a lot. She asked if she could sit with me tomorrow, but I had to tell her no because I sit on the bus with Brandon.”
“That’s good you didn’t flake on Brandon.”
“He’d kill me if I did, although, I feel like he’s getting a taste of his own medicine.”
“What do you mean?”
“Remember when he was with Molly? Everything was about her, now he knows how it feels.”
“Right, he’d talk about her a lot.”
“Do you talk about Caroline a lot?”
“Pretty much, it’s hard not to. She’s funny, and she always smells like cherries.” He swoons.
“And to think you’ve only known her for four days.” You chuckle.
“I wonder if she’ll go on the lift with me tomorrow, shoot, I should have asked her while she was here.”
“Do you have her number?”
“So text her and ask. Tell her you had a nice time hanging out, and then ask her if she’ll save a run for you tomorrow.”
“You’re brilliant, Y/N! I’m gonna go do that now and then get ready for bed. Goodnight!”
“Night.” You smile and watch him run off to his room.
You felt like a full on basketball-mom sitting at Andy’s practice. Watching all the boys was pretty fun, you never got to see Andy be sporty other than going on hikes. There were some other parents and older siblings in the gym watching as well. You got some funny looks from some, and others were quite friendly. You brought your laptop with you to get some work done, but you ended up taking pictures for Harry to see. You knew it killed him to miss Andy’s first week back in action.
Brandon’s dad had the boys running drills, back and forth, sprinting up and down the court. He had them all working on their dribbling, and at the end he had them scrimmage a bit. You noticed how when the boys had to stand and listen to directions that Brandon and Andy were often leaning on each other mindlessly, or touching in some fashion. When practice ends, Brandon chats with Andy quick.
“Did you wanna do homework over the phone later?” Brandon asks.
“I can’t. I need to shower and eat, and then I told Caroline I’d call her.”
“Sorry, maybe tomorrow?”
“Sure, yeah, maybe you could just come over after school?”
“Well, Y/N is watching me for a reason, you know? You could come to place, though.”
“Yeah! I’ll ask my parents.”
“Great, well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Andy comes over to you. “Hi, Y/N.”
“Hey, you looked great out there.”
“Thanks, can Brandon come over tomorrow?”
“Sure.” You shrug. “Come on, I ordered a pizza for dinner and I need to go pick it up. Thought it would be a nice break from my cooking.”
“I like the way you cook, but pizza sounds great.”
Brandon was fuming, and you could feel it. Andy had accidentally invited Caroline over too, and you were just trying to keep them all happy. They were all playing video games in the living room, and you popped them some popcorn. They had all done their homework together, but you could feel the tension when you gave them dinner. Luckily they’d be getting picked up soon so you could chat with Andy about it. Caroline’s phone goes off.
“Oh! My dad’s here.” Andy pauses the game to walk her to the door. “Thanks for having me.” She gives Andy a hug goodbye after she gets her coat on, and heads out.
“Isn’t she cool, B? She knows how to play Smash Brothers.” Andy says as he sits back down with Brandon.
“It’s not rocket science.” He mumbles.
“Are you okay? You were sort of quiet…”
“Well, I thought just you and I were hanging out today.”
“I told you at school, when she and talked last night I just sort of told her she could come by. I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. You used to do it with Molly all the time.”
“Yeah, but Molly was my girlfriend, that’s different.”
“How is that any different?”
“Because she’d let me kiss her after. You wouldn’t say no to someone who lets them kiss you.”
“Maybe you should go back to kissing her then.” Andy rolls his eyes. “I like hanging out with Caroline…”
“More than me?”
“No…it’s just different.”
“Well, it sort of feels like you have a new best friend.”
“Don’t be like that, she’s not my new best friend, she’s just a new friend. She’s really pretty. Who knows, maybe I’ll kiss her.”
“You like her enough to kiss her?”
“Maybe.” He shrugs. “She’s really pretty, don’t you think?”
“She’s okay.” Brandon shrugs, and he sees his phone light up. “My mom’s here, I have to go.”
“Alright, see you tomorrow.”
“See you.” They both hug before Brandon leaves.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” He huffs and goes to his room. You follow after him and stand in his doorway.
“I was just going to ask if you wanted some ice cream.”
“No, thank you.” He sighs. “I feel Brandon was upset with me. I really didn’t think he’d mind it if she came.”
“Well, now you know. Maybe don’t make it a group thing.”
“He’s the only one of our friends that seems to mind her. I don’t get it.”
“Maybe he’s jealous that you’re suddenly not as available.”
“Then that makes him a hippo because he did the same thing with Molly.”
“I think you mean hypocrite.” You chuckle.
“Whatever it is, you know what I mean. This is so annoying, I acted supportive when he told me he was dating her.”
“Are you saying you want to date Caroline?”
“Maybe! It shouldn’t matter, he should be there for me. I should be able to talk about girls and stuff with him.”
“Andy did you ever stop to think that maybe Brandon is confused in the way that you’re confused?” His eyes widen at that.
“You mean…Brandon could think that I’m cute?”
“He could, yeah.”
“Oh my god.” He looks around like he’s searching for an answer. “But what if Caroline thinks I’m cute too?”
“Do you think that she thinks you’re cute?”
“There are rumors going around that she does!”
“Okay, so what do you want to do?!”
“I have no idea!” He flops onto his bed. He mumbles something into his pillow.
“I think I wanna ask her out!”
“Are you even allowed to date yet?!”
“I don’t know! I didn’t think I’d be feeling this way so soon so I haven’t asked!”
“Well, now I have to tell your dad what’s been going on!”
“No, you can’t!”
“I have to!”
“Okay, everybody just be cool.” Andy stands back up. “Screaming won’t get us anywhere.”
“Andy, you can’t ask her out unless your dad says it’s okay. I don’t know how he feels about you dating. You’re only eleven!”
“But I like her…”
“Then you need to wait until Harry gets home, and you need to talk to him about all of this. I won’t say a word, but you sure as hell will.” You cross your arms and so does he.
“I don’t wanna talk to him about this. He’s too romantic about everything, and then he’s gonna be like ‘my baby has a crush’.”
“Well, his baby does have a crush. It’s adorable when you think about it.”
“God, not you too.” He runs his hands over his face. “Fine, I’ll talk to him when he gets back and I won’t make a move beforehand.”
“Good.” You nod and stick your hand out for him to shake. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
You went to bed exhausted as fuck that night. You needed Harry home, now.
The next morning at school Andy takes a deep breath before going over to Brandon at his locker.
“Hi.” He says shyly.
“Morning.” Brandon says without looking at him.
“I’m sorry about yesterday.” Brandon closes his locker and looks at Andy. “I should have asked first before just inviting someone else over with us.”
“It’s okay.” Brandon sighs. “I get it.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, Caroline is really pretty. Do you, um, think you like like her?”
“I might…I think so, but I’m a little confused. It doesn’t matter anyways, she probably doesn’t like me like that.”
“Why wouldn’t she?” Brandon smirks and throws his arm around Andy’s shoulders as they walk to homeroom. “You’re a great catch.”
“Shut up.” Andy chuckles and nudges Brandon.
Things seemed fine between the boys as basketball practice. You could just tell by their body language. You and Andy share a dinner of pasta and veggies after he showers.
“Did you stay here all weekend while I was at my mum’s? I didn’t even think to ask.”
“No, I went back to my place. I’ll do the same when you go back on Friday. I had water my plants and all that.”
“What’s your place like?”
“It’s just a simple two bedroom.” You shrug. “I like it a lot cause it’s all mine. I love decorating and interior design, so I’ve had fun really making it my own.”
“If you could redecorate here, what do you think you’d change?”
“Hmm…” You look around. “First off, I’d paint…everywhere. It’s dark too dark in the living room. I’d paint it a light grey, and then find some curtains with some color to make it pop. I’d also get blinds for the sliding door, I hate that there’s nothing covering it. In here I’d probably get a round table to save some space. It’s a great size dining area and kitchen, but a round table would just make more sense, I think. I’d also put a glass coffee table in the living room to make it seem like there was more space, not that it’s cramped. It’s a wonderful sized home. More spacious than most ranches I’ve seen.”
“I literally agree with everything. Dad said we could do some painting over his spring break. I think he focused a lot on getting the outside to look nice.”
“Oh, you can tell he loves landscaping. This home has a beautiful curb appeal.”
“Do you think after dinner we could watch House Hunters together again? It was a lot of fun the other night.”
“Definitely!” You smile. “How were things with Brandon today?”
“Good, I apologized for just inviting Caroline over, and he said it was okay.”
“And how was Caroline today?”
“God she…she shared her cosmic brownie with me.” Andy rests his chin his palm and pouts. “I didn’t even ask, she just offered. She’s so nice, Y/N.”
“That was very nice of her.” You chuckle. “Those are the best brownies.”
“Dad never buys them because he says they’re overly processed, so we’ll make them here. It was a real treat.”
Andy helps you clean up dinner, and then you both get settled on the couch. He had gotten into a rhythm of resting his head on a pillow in your lap and wanting you to play with his hair. He had murmured that your nails felt nice like at the hairdresser. He loved listening to your commentary while watching the extremely staged show.
“Oh good, it’s House Hunters: Renovation! I love when they show what they did with the house after they bought it.” You say.
“Me too, I always like seeing if they make it worse or better.”
“I crack up when a lot of them try to do these intricate home projects by themselves. Hire someone for fuck’s sake.” You scoff and then blush. “Sorry.”
“Mum swears all the time.” Andy giggles. “If I tell her about someone that’s bother me, or something she just says fuck ‘em, it’s her…uh…what’s what word that starts with a ph?”
“Yeah! It’s her philosophy.”
“Not a bad one to live by.” You smirk.
After two episodes, you send Andy off to bed, and get ready for bed yourself. You setting into one of Harry’s tee shirts, and decide to listen to one of those mediation bed time stories he’s always suggesting. You plug your headphones into your phone, turn the lights off and settle in. Just as you’re beginning to relax, the story stops, and Harry’s contact photo pops up on the screen, surprising you.
“Hello?” You whisper.
“Hi, baby.”
“Harry, it must be the middle of the night over there, why are you awake?”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“Why not?”
“My body pillow just isn’t doing it for me tonight, I miss you.”
“Aw, babe, I miss you too…only a few more days. You’re back Saturday, yeah?”
“Mhm...are you gonna be at my place or yours?”
“I’ll probably be at mine since Andy will be at Paige’s. We’re having loads of fun. His basketball practices are going well. You got the pictures I sent?”
“I did, thank you for sending them along. Any other news to report, or are you still holding out on me?” You could practically hear the smirk that was sure to be on his face.
“All I can say is that Andy is going to have an important question to ask you when you get back.”
“Can you give me any hints?”
“He…may want to start dating…”
“No, actually, someone else, but I’ve said too much already. I told him he had to ask you if he even was allowed to date.”
“Oh, it’s so meaningless at this age, I don’t care, but thanks for telling him that.”
“It’s not totally meaningless. There was a boy that asked me out when I was in seventh grade, and I said yes because I thought I had a crush on him, and then I realized I wasn’t ready to date, so the next day I told him I didn’t want to. It was so awkward.”
“And…you remember all this?”
“Of course, a girl never forgets.”
“Changing subject a bit…um…are you still, uh, on the rag?”
“On the rag?!” You nearly cackle. “No, you idiot.”
“I didn’t know how else to phrase it!”
“Just ask me if I’m on my period or not.”
“It’s an awkward question to ask.”
“You don’t seem to have a problem fucking me when I’m ‘on the rag’.”
“Not at all. Makes me a real man if I say so myself.” You hum your response, not having the energy to say something sarcastic. “Are you in bed already?”
“I am, I was even listening to one of those bed time stories you’re always talking about.”
“Is it alright that I’m interrupting?”
“What are you wearing, Y/N?”
“One of your shirts, your Rolling Stones tee.”
“Ah, that’s a good one.”
“What about you?”
“Just my boxers.”
Harry’s voice was low, and gravely. It was sort of nice listening to it with your headphones in. Heating him in surround sound was raising goosebumps on your body. If you closed your eyes it would be like he was there next to you, talking into your ear.
“Harry, did you call to have phone sex with me?”
“Would you me mad if I did?”
“No…just wish I had one of my items here to help me along.”
“Guess you’ll have to do it the old fashioned way and use your hand.”
“What are we in medieval times?”
“Alas, fair maiden, it seems we are.” You giggle softly at him. God, he was so cute. “So, you’re okay with this?”
“Very okay with it.” You bite your bottom lip.
“Are you biting your lip?”
“Yes.” You hear him hum in understanding.
“Wish it was me doing it. I’d bite your lip and then nip across your jaw to your neck.”
“Oh, I like it when you do that. I’d like you bite every inch of me.” You smile. “You know what else I really like?”
“Tell me.”
“I like when you kiss on my tits, and then when you blow on my nipples once they’re all wet.”
“Yeah? Gets your nipples pretty hard, huh?”
“Mhm.” You lift your shirt up over your chest so you could rub your palm over one of your breasts.
“Please tell me you’re touching them.”
“I am.”
“I love your tits, Y/N. Love touching and kneading.”
“I like feeling your big hands on them, and then I like when one of your hands slides between my legs while you’re still kissing on them.”
“And you’re always so wet for me once I get there.”
“M’wet now, Harry.”
“How hard his your dick right now?”
“Very, it’s throbbing for you.”
“Why don’t you lick your palm and wrap your hand around yourself like I would. Want you to touch yourself while I am.” You hear some rustling, and then a grunt from him. “Love when you listen to me.”
“Love when you tell me what to do.” He grunts again. “Tell me what you’re doing.”
“I’m just moving my fingers around myself, feeling myself get more wet.”
“Put a finger inside and then drag it up to your clit.” He hears a soft moan come from you. “Good girl.” He breathes.
Your eyes snap open. He had never said that to you before. You kind of liked it.
“What’s that? I’m your good girl?”
“My very good girl.”
“Christ, Harry.” You groan as your fingers press circles into your clit. “Fuck, I wish you were here, want your mouth on me.”
“Right on my clit so you can suck on it.”
Harry’s tip was leaking so much now that he was able to spread his precome all over his length. It felt incredible, but it was nowhere near as good as being squeezed by your walls.
“I’d do that, and slip my fingers inside, pet that special spot.”
“Oh my fucking god.” Your back arches slightly as you imagine it. “Harry.” You whine.
“That’s it baby, say my name while you make yourself come.”
“Want you to come too.”
“I will once you do. Gotta hear you do it first.”
“Fuck, Harry.” You groan as you rub yourself faster. You were so drenched you had to kick all of the blankets off yourself. You plant your feet into the bed as you bend your legs at the knee. Your arch your back up to get a better angle, and god does it feel good.
“Bet you’re squeezing around nothing, just wishing I was there.” All he could hear was you grunting and moaning.
“Harry.” You grit your teeth. “I, I’m, oh fuck!” You press your face into the pillow so you can moan out, but keep it muffled.
“God.” He breathes. “Blew my load just listening to you, Y/N.”
“Harry.” You whimper. “I’m a mess now and you’re not even here to clean it up.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” He chuckles slightly. “I’m a mess here too if that makes you feel better.”
“It does a little.” You giggle. “I really can’t wait to see you.”
“Me neither, my love.”
His words make you feel all warm and fuzzy.
“Well, unless you wanna listen to me pee, which I really hope you don’t because that’s just one kink I would have to shame you for, I think I should go.”
“Nope, no pee kink here, baby.” He laughs. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Sweet dreams.”
“Back at you.” You sigh and hang up the phone. There was something strangely erotic about getting yourself off alone in Harry’s bed. Calling you like that was sneaky, but you knew you’d sleep better, and he would too.
“Mm, hello?” You groan at 5AM when your phone goes off.
“Due to weather and road conditions, school is cancelled today.”
You sit up right away. You had no idea it was supposed to snow last night, and you also had no idea how to use Harry’s snow blower. You get up and throw your robe on, you needed to tell Andy there was no school. You quietly go into his room, and put your hand on his shoulder.
“Andy, sweetie, you have a snow day today.” You coo.
“M’kay.” He whispers sleepily.
You smile and leave his room so he can go back to sleep. You look outside and see it’s still dark. You figure you should go back to sleep as well. Yours and Harry’s cars were in the garage, so it wasn’t like you need to worry about digging them out. You could tackle the shoveling in a few hours.
You end up starting your day around eight, deciding that sweats would be most comfortable. You think Andy would enjoy some waffles for breakfast, so you get the batter going in the waffle maker. He appears from his room shortly after, the aroma being too intoxicating for him to stay in bed any longer.
“Morning.” He says, knuckling at his eyes.
“Morning, you hungry?”
“Mhm.” He smiles as she places a stack of waffles in front of him at the table. “Thank you.”
“You’re more than welcome.”
“What kind of snow is it?”
“The powdery kind. I need to get out there soon to clean up the driveway. You don’t happen to know how to use the snow blower do you?”
“No idea. I usually stick to shoveling the walkways and the stairs.”
“I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out. How hard could it be?”
After twenty minutes of tinkering, you Googled how to start a snow blower, and found a video to watch. Once you got it going, it was pretty simple. You cleared the driveway of all the snow as Andy worked to clear the walkway to the front door.
“We make a pretty good team!” You say as you get the snow blower back in the garage.
You both head in through the garage and go into the basement to shed yourselves of your wet jackets, snow-pants, and boots.
Caroline: hey Andy! My sisters are taking me sledding since the roads aren’t too bad, do you wanna come?
Brandon: My dad’s gonna take me skiing today, do you wanna come?
“Shit.” Andy says to himself as he checks his phone.
“What’s up?” You ask him as you hand him a mug of hot chocolate.
“Both Caroline and Brandon invited me to do stuff with them…what should I do?”
“Who asked you first?”
“Caroline did…”
“Which activity would you rather do?”
“I’d rather go skiing, but I’d also like to hang out with Caroline…”
“Well, maybe you could go skiing with Brandon, and then meet up with Caroline later.” You shrug. “She could come over here and I could set a movie up for you in the living room, and I could sit up in the loft while you hang out.”
“You don’t mind me being out all day with my friends?”
“Not at all, snow days are supposed to be fun, and the roads aren’t that bad right now.”
“You’re the best, Y/N!” Andy hugs you, and goes to text his friends.
Andy: Sure! I just need to a few minutes to get my gear together.
Brandon: Awesome! I’ll let my dad know, see you soon! Did Y/N want to come?
Andy: I’ll ask
“Did you want to come skiing?”
“Oh god.” You laugh. “No, I think I’ll save that for your dad, but thank you.”
Andy: she said thanks but no thanks lol
Brandon: okay lmao
Andy smiles and then goes to text Caroline.
Andy: Thanks for thinking of me, I’m actually going skiing with Brandon, but Y/N said you could come over for a movie later if you want???
Caroline: of course! Totally don’t blame you for wanting to go skiing. I’d love to come over later, I’ll ask my parents. Wanna just text me when you get home and we can figure it out from there?
Andy: sounds good to me ☺️
Caroline: ☺️☺️
“Okay, this should all work out.” Andy says to you. “I’m gonna get my stuff together.”
“Alright, will you just let me know once you’re there and all that. Text me updates so I know you didn’t split your head open. I don’t think your dad would like me very much anymore if that happened.”
“Yeah.” Andy laughs. “I think he’d take some brownie points away for sure.”
Andy was having a great time skiing with Brandon and his dad. After a couple of hours they all go into the lodge to get a quick lunch. Mr. Stewart goes up to order all the food while the boys sit at the table.
“Did you want to come back my house after? My mom’s making beef stew for dinner.”
“Aw man, I love your mom’s beef stew.” Andy pouts. “But I can’t, I have plans later.”
“Oh yeah? What are you up to?”
“Um…I invited Caroline over for a movie.”
“Oh.” Brandon’s face falls.
“But only because she invited me to go sledding today, and I said no I could ski with you.”
“Oh.” He perks back up. “What movie do you think you’ll watch?”
“I have no idea, I’ll probably let her decide. Any time me, my dad, and Y/N all watch a movie he always lets her decide.”
“Because it makes her happy.” He shrugs. “And then she’ll kiss him, and he likes that.”
“Right.” Brandon swallows. Before he can say anything else his dad comes over with the food.
You got a fuck ton of work done today, you were really proud of yourself. Harry’s loft was a perfect working space, even if you did miss your office at home. You hear Andy come in the door, and he shouts hello and that he’ll be in the shower. You chuckle to yourself and save what you’re working on for now.
Andy comes out a little while later just as you’re rifling through take out menus.
“I was thinking you could get something yummy for dinner. What do you think she’d like?”
“Pizza and mozzarella sticks sound safe.” He says.
“Alright, I’ll order it in a bit so it’s here when she is. I’m sure a lot of people are doing delivery tonight.”
“And you’ll just be upstairs?”
“Mhm, I don’t need to hover…just… you know, don’t sit on top of each other.”
He makes a face at you like he’s grossed out and then walks away from you. Not too long after the food arrives, so does Caroline.
“Thanks for getting all this, Y/N.” She says to you.
“Oh, you’re more than welcome. Did you two settle on a movie?”
“Cars.” Andy says. “Right, you wanna watch Cars?”
“Mhm.” She smiles.
“Okay, Cars it is.” You smile and set the movie up on Disney+. They both settle on the couch. “I’ll be right upstairs working if you need anything.”
“Thanks.” Andy says and watches you go upstairs. “I like this movie a lot, Brandon and I watch it all the time.”
“It’s one of my favorites. I don’t really like the sequels though.”
“Me either!”
“They suck.”
“Yeah.” Andy smiles.
“I really like Wall-E, too.”
“My dad and I watched that together for the first time a couple years ago and he cried.” Andy laughs.
“He did?!”
“Yeah! I have no idea why. He cries a lot when we watch movies, though.”
“He sounds funny, I can’t wait to meet him.” She smiles and turns her attention to the TV.
About halfway through the movie, once they were done eating, you noticed it had gotten a little quite, so you peer over the banister to see what was going on. They were simply entranced by the film, giggling occasionally. You smile and sit back down.
There was the part in the movie where the town comes back to life, and the cars all pair of to cruise together. Caroline sighs softly, and he hand brushes Andy’s. They both look down at their hands, and Andy makes a bold move in holding her, fingers intertwined and all. She smiles at him and blushes.
“Is this okay?” He asks.
“Yeah.” She nods with a brighter smile.
“Cool.” He sighs with relief, and they continue the movie like that, holding hands.
You stand in the kitchen while Caroline gets her coat on after the movie ended and her oldest sister was in the car outside.
“Thanks again for having me, it was fun.”
She throws her arms around his neck to give him a hug, and out the door she goes. Andy sighs contently and walks into the kitchen with a huge smile on his face. He gives you a surprising hug.
“What was that for?”
“For being so cool to let us chill alone. Knowing my dad, he would have walked by every two seconds, or if I were at Mum’s she would have had Rachel watch the movie with us. We…we held hands, Y/N.”
“Oh my.” You smile. “Big step.”
“No kidding.” He agrees. “I…I need to go call Brandon.” He races into his room and closes the door.
Andy was so innocently sweet, and it warmed your heart like nothing else ever could.
“He was a perfect angel, honestly.” You say over the phone to Janette as you stuff your face with the ice cream you had in your freezer. “He’s very popular, and is always busy. No wonder Harry didn’t make time to date before, I’m exhausted.”
“Doing it alone is tough, but now he’s got a great partner to help him out.”
“I love helping. He and I didn’t have one single disagreement, and he listened to me the whole time.”
“Well, of course he did. You’re his dad’s girlfriend.”
“True, but I was really expecting him to try to get away with something.”
“He probably knew he couldn’t test you. Smart kid.”
You chuckle and talk with her more about her break is going. You survived two weeks with Andy. You kept him alive and well.
Later on, you were snuggled up on your couch in some sweats of Harry’s, and a blanket, watching TV. Your heart skips a beat when you hear the jingle of keys and you front door unlocking. Harry said he’d text you when he landed, and he hadn’t. You stand up and shuffle around, grabbing a fry pan and getting into a batting stance.
“Baby?! I’m back!” He stops short when he sees you ready to attack and then he bursts out laughing.
“Stop it! I thought you were a burglar!”
“So you stood there frozen?!”
“You can go home if you want, I’m not longer happy to see you.” You pout and put the pan on the counter.
“Don’t be like that, I missed you so much, come here.”
Your smile slowly grows on your face, and you jump into his arms. He picks you up and you wrap your legs around him, tucking your face into his neck, getting a good whiff of his cologne.
“How was your flight?” You mumble into him as he holds you close.
“Little bit of turbulence, but it was good.” He says as he starts walking you into your bedroom. “Couldn’t wait to get home to you.”
“Aren’t you tired?”
“Slept plenty on the plane and bus.”
He gets you on the bed, and kicks his shoes off before getting on with you. You both lay on your sides facing each other. He grabs your leg and puts it over his hip so he can slot his leg between yours, and then he pulls you close so you’re chest to chest. He moves some hair behind your ear.
“Hi.” He says with a big smile.
“Hi.” You smile back. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
He leans in and slots his mouth over yours, and your eyes flutter closed. You tug at his shirt to pull him even closer as you rock against the leg that’s between yours. His tongue drags along your bottom lip and you moan softly. He licks into your mouth and you’re met with his familiar minty taste. You tug him completely on top of you as you turn onto your back. You wanted his weight to just crush you.
“Baby.” He coos as he kisses from your jaw to your neck. He sucks on your soft skin and your hips buck up again. His leg moves further between yours and you gasp.
Your fingers lace through his hair and you tug as you grind against his thigh. You were feeling incredibly needy now that he was here with you, and not just a voice through the phone. You could feel him getting hard against her hip, so you reach into his joggers and start pumping him, getting a heft groan from him.
“Need you.” You breathe.
“Need to taste you first.” He says as shifts to tug your sweatpants off.
“No, please just fuck me, we can do all that afterwards.”
“I need to prep you first or it’ll hurt.”
“Harry, I’ve been fucking you for seven months, I’m perfectly adjusted.” He raises his eyebrows at you. “Okay, maybe not perfectly, but I’m feeling impatient so please.” She pouts at him and he physically can’t say no.
He doesn’t bother with your shirt, or his, he just gets his pants off, and you get yours off. He goes to get up in search for a condom, but you grab him and shake your head.
“Wanna feel you, just pull out.”
“Are you sure?”
His lips crash to yours as your legs open up for him. He lines himself up with you and rubs his tip along your clit. You were plenty wet for him. You both groan from the feeling. He slowly pushes inside you, and your head falls back from the stretch. Your mouth was hanging open trying to breathe to help yourself relax.
“Holy shit.” You say as he’s about halfway in.
“Three weeks in a long time, babe, let me take some time to just-“ He starts to pull out but your sink your nails into his ass.
“Just go for it.”
“Y/N, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t, it’ll feel good. Just give it one good thrust.”
He bites his bottom lip and does as you say, bottoming out immediately. You choke out a gasp. It hurt a little, but it quickly turned to pleasure as you felt full for the first time in weeks. You tighten around him and he grits his teeth.
“I’ll come if you do that.”
“Sorry, go ahead, move, fuck me, Harry.”
He rocks in and out of you, and you pull him closer so his head is buried in your neck. You wrap your legs around his lower back, and get your hands up under his shirt so you can scratch and squeeze at him.
“You feel so fucking good.” He growls into your ear, and it makes your eyes roll back.
“So, so do you, fuck.”
He sits up slightly to get a better angle. He pushes one of your legs back, and lets the other lay flat, and your mouth falls open as he thrusts in and out of you.
“Oh my god, Harry!”
“Hold your leg up f’me.”
You do as he says immediately and hook your arm under your leg as he continues to fuck in and out of you. He was hitting your g-spot perfectly. You reach to rub your clit in time with his thrusts.
“Oh my fucking god, Harry, don’t stop.” You were panting already. “Fuck, fuck, please, don’t stop.”
You knew he wouldn’t dare, but you couldn’t think of what else to say. Tears were starting to form in your eyes because it just felt so fucking good.
“Oh, oh! Fuck!” Your back arches as you come to your release. You squeeze impossibly tight around him.
“Shit, Y/N!” Harry pulls out of you just in time and comes on your stomach, getting a little on your shirt, but your head was so fuzzy you didn’t care.
“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to-oh!”
You look down and see Harry’s head between your legs. He really did want to taste you. He sucks on your clit and your hands go right back into his hair. You tug and squeeze with each stroke. He was moaning into you, and it was driving you crazy. You moan along with him as he gets both of your legs over his shoulders, your heels digging into his back.
“Harry.” You groan.
He was just focusing solely on your clit because he knew you’d be too sensitive for anything else, but he didn’t mind. You could tell he really just wanted to be close with you like this. The tip of his tongue makes circles on your clit and you feel like you go cross-eyed.
“That’s it, Harry, fuck, oh my god, that’s fucking it!” You cry out as you come and press his face further against you.
“Ride me.” He breathes. “Ride my face, I wanna keep going.”
“Are you sure?”
You nod and wait for him to get adjusted. You rip your shirt off so you can be fully naked for him. You center yourself on him, and gasp when you feel his tongue on your again. His fingers sink into the plushy skin of your ass, and you essentially move so you’re twerking on him, which you know he loves. He loves when you really just use him, he was like your person scratching post.
He had you screaming again in no time, he was pretty proud of himself. You inch down his body, and get his shirt off so you can kiss down his chest. You suck marks into his skin, lower and lower, leaving a nasty trail of love bites behind. He was hard again, so you lick up and down his shaft before taking him into your mouth. You suckle his tip with vigor, making nasty noises that was music to his ears. One of your hands massages his balls while the other scratches up and down his stomach.
“Fuck.” He groans as you take him deep, bobbing up and down. You look up at him as best you can and he runs a caring hand through your hair. “Let me come on your tits, Y/N.”
You smirk with him still in your mouth and then you let him go with a pop. You get in a better position between his legs and pump his wet dick furiously.
“Jesus Christ! Just like that, baby. I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come!”
His come shoots in ribbons onto your chest, and you bask in the warmth it has at first. You kiss back up his body, smearing your chest onto his. You both giggle as your mouth reaches his again. He rolls you both back over so he’s on top again.
“Can’t get enough of you right now.” He says as he kisses the corner of your mouth. “Let me use one of your-“
“Harry, baby, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but let’s take a break, yeah?” You chuckle. “You’ve tuckered me out.”
“Mm, guess I’m a little tired too.” He kisses your cheek. “Could we go shower?”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” You nod with a sigh.
You wobbled into the bathroom with him, and he gets the water going. Once it’s warm enough you both stand under the water, just holding each other for a bit. He kisses your neck and shoulder occasionally, and you run your hands through his hair. You take turns washing each other up before you get out and towel off.
You cuddle up in bed with your head on his chest, just listening to his heart beat for bit with his fingers lightly stroking your back.  You prop yourself up on your elbow to look at him.
“You sure got excited earlier, huh?”
“Couldn’t help it, just missed you so much. Do you feel okay? I didn’t hurt you?”
“I’m sure I’ll be a little sore, but it’s alright.” You smile. “Did you have a good time with your family?”
“I did, I feel really recharged. It’s always nice being home. Maybe, um, maybe next year you’d like to try coming with me?”
“Yeah, maybe.” You grin. He sit up a little and so do you. He puts his arm around you and kisses your temple.
“So, you really won’t tell me much about your two weeks with Andy?”
“I told you everything I could. What we ate for meals, how his basketball practices went…oh! We had a snow day and he went skiing with Brandon. I even used the snow blower.”
“You did?!”
“I did.”
“Bet you looked pretty hot.”
“Oh, stop.” You swat at his chest.
“But seriously…”
“You’ll have to talk with him tomorrow when you pick him up.” You bite your bottom lip. “He held hands with the girl, Caroline.”
“Wow.” He blinks a few times. “I wonder if he still might like Brandon.”
“He’s very confused, but I think it’s important to let him sort of test the waters. He said he never really thought girls were pretty before, but he thinks she’s really pretty.”
“God, I’m gonna have to have the talk with him.” He groans. “It was awkward enough when I got him that puberty book.”
“It’s not like you have to go in depth, you just need to remind him to be respectful.”
“You don’t understand…when boys start going through all this…things can get sticky.”
“Ew, enough said.” You both laugh. “I’m so glad you’re home.”
“Me too.”
Sunday morning, you drop Harry off at his place so he can unpack and get himself settled before going to pick Andy up. He exchanges pleasantries with Paige, and then on the road he goes.
“How come we’re taking the long way home?”
“Because we need to chat about some things.”
“What did Y/N tell you?” He rolls his eyes.
“Not much, honestly. Apparently you have a new friend, though.”
“Yeah, her name’s Caroline. She’s new to the school, her and her family just moved here from Maine. She came over to watch a movie the other day and we held hands…she even shared her cosmic brownie with me, Dad, I think we like each other, but…I feel guilty about Brandon.”
“Andy…how do you feel about Brandon, exactly?”
“I don’t know.” He mumbles. “It’s like…it’s like Brandon’s like an oo, and Caroline’s like an ah. I don’t know how else to explain it.”
“That actually makes a lot of sense.” He sighs.
“It does?”
“Yeah…so…you held hands with Caroline?”
“Yeah, it was really nice. Would it be alright if I asked her out?”
“Didn’t you already do that by asking her over for a movie?” Harry chuckles.
“No, I mean…I think I wanna date her. I wanna see if she’ll be my girlfriend.”
“Do you think you’re ready for a girlfriend? It’s a lot of responsibility.”
“It is?”
“Sure! Gotta treat whoever you date really nice, give them a lot of respect.”
“I do respect her. I asked her if it was okay while we were holding hands.”
“Thatta boy.” Harry says proudly. “Always ask before you touch, and if they say no, that means no.”
“I know, Dad.”
“Andy, that’s something I’m gonna say over and over to you for the rest of my life, so get used to it.”
“Did you date a lot of people when you were younger?”
“Um…not really. I mean, I had a couple of girlfriends in secondary school, and I dated a girl at uni in London before I came here and met Mum. So…you’d rather go for it with a girl you barely know rather than with Brandon?”
“I’m not entirely sure how I feel about Brandon, Dad…and I’m scared. Caroline doesn’t make me feel scared.”
“Well…if you’d really like to ask her out, I suppose it’s alright.”
“Sure, we could go on a double date even. Ice skating, maybe?”
“Dad, you’re the coolest! I can’t wait to call her later.”
“You’re gonna ask her out over the phone? Don’t you wanna do it in person?”
“Get with it, Dad.” Andy scoffs. “Everything’s done over the phone now.”
“Well, excuse me.”
“I think you’ll like her, she’s so nice.”
“I’m sure she is.”
“She always smells like cherries too.” Andy sighs.
“You’ve got it bad for her, huh?”
“I’ve never felt this way about a girl before. I think I’m finally catching up with everyone.”
“It’s not a race, son.”
“Sometimes it feels like it is. Whatever, I just feel good about it, about her.”
“I really liked staying with Y/N.”
“She said she had a great time with you.”
“Do you think you’ll ask her to move in with us?”
“Would like me to?”
“Yeah…I want her around more.”
“Me too.” Harry smiles. “I think I’ll ask her soon, maybe when the weather gets a little warmer.”
“She still needs to learn to ski. You should ask her to come with us to the cabin for February break.”
“I think Mum was hoping to do another family trip…”
“So, Y/N’s family now.”
“I’m happy you feel that way, but I don’t know how comfortable she’d feel doing something like that for an entire week.”
“You won’t know unless you ask.”
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sunlit-squid · 3 years
I don't care about everyone else! i care about you, SQUIDWARD! (simping softness asks)
For those who don’t know, my ask box is open. Send me a simping softness prompt, and I’ll write a short sbsp ficlet for you. ✰
so, uh -- i might have gotten a bit carried away with this prompt. it’s definitely longer than a ficlet, but oh well. either way, it was a lot of fun to write! selfish spongebob is so rarely explored.
fic under the cut. also, just in case, cw: drinking, drunkenness, etc.
Spongebob rose bright and early, long before his foghorn alarm went off at 7:00 a.m. With a cheerful shout, the poriferan jumped out of bed, earning a disgruntled “mrow” from Gary, who was still asleep nearby. Stretching vigorously, the sponge leaned down, planting a soft kiss atop the snail’s shell.
“Gary,” he whispered, practically vibrating with excitement. “Today’s the day!”
Turning away, Gary simply replied “mrow”, in a disdainful way that most certainly meant “whatever.”
Undeterred, Spongebob ran to his calendar. Sure enough, the day’s date -- July 14th -- was circled in bright-red, permanent marker, with the words “My birthday!” written neatly across it. And just below those words, was a tiny drawing of Squidward’s face, with dozens of little red hearts surrounding it.
Making his way over to the window, Spongebob gazed out at Squidward’s moai in the distance. He sighed, dreamily. What was Squidward doing right now? Probably sleeping, in that adorable dress of his.
The sponge lingered there, staring dazedly out at the moai, for perhaps a moment too long. Then, remembering himself, he sprinted to the bathroom. Once inside, Spongebob pointed a finger at his own reflection in the mirror.
“Enough beating around the bush, Mr. Squarepants!” he yelled -- much to Gary’s annoyance. The sponge lowered his voice down to a soft whisper. “Today, you tell him how you feel.”
His reflection simply shrugged. “I mean, okay,” it said. “But this is like, the 57th time you’ve said this.”
“Oh, shush.”
The party was supposed to start at 6:30, but Spongebob, in a manic cleaning fit, had the entire house ready by noon. This year, the party was themed around As The Tide Turns, a very polarizing-but-popular soap opera, especially in Bikini Bottom. If you were a Bikini Bottomite, you either watched the show genuinely, or ironically -- there was absolutely no in-between.
Spongebob and Squidward both genuinely enjoyed the show. It was one of the first things they bonded over, back when Spongebob started working at the Krusty Krab. Through the window to the galley, the two coworkers would talk for hours about the show, and whatever drama was center-stage for that season.
It got to a point where Mr. Krabs -- who only watched ATTT ironically -- got on them both, for shirking their duties.
“If yer gonna flirt,” he’d said, “do it on yer own time.”
So, Spongebob started coming over to Squidward’s house on Friday nights, when the new episodes would air. In fact, even when the show was between seasons, Spongebob still came over, just to watch reruns. It was one of the few times Squidward would (begrudgingly) let Spongebob inside, with no complaints.
Spongebob hummed softly to himself, his eyes scanning the small clipboard in front of him. Food, decorations, party games … Check, check, and check. Everything was present and accounted for -- and he had to admit, the house looked spectacular.
Every room was themed around a different, iconic arc in the ATTT series. His living room, filled with chalk drawings, crime scene tape, and red-string boards, was inspired by the murder mystery arc. His kitchen, decorated with leftover Halloween gear, was inspired by the vampire arc … and so on and so forth. Each and every room had its own particular, careful design -- and in all, it was probably Spongebob’s most intricate and detailed party to date.
That was because it had to be. Spongebob had a plan, a carefully detailed plan -- one that was sure to sweep Squidward Tentacles right off his … er, tentacles. And it went like this:
Squidward and Spongebob’s favorite arc, in all 42 seasons of As The Tide Turns, was the murder mystery. In the arc, the dashing Detective Heartthrob, accompanied by his sidekick-slash-lover Joey, must bring a heinous mass murderer to justice. At the climax, it is revealed that Detective Heartthrob is the true killer -- having been hypnotized by a witch, who was also his evil twin sister, for some reason. In the end, Joey must kill Detective Heartthrob, in a tragic display of love and sacrifice.
The season was thrilling, silly, and emotionally traumatizing, to boot. For months after the finale, Squidward and Spongebob would not shut up about it -- much to the annoyance of Mr. Krabs.
Either way, Spongebob had set up an elaborate, original mystery game, inspired by the events of the show. Each attendee would get a “random” card, assigning them a different role in the story. Squidward would be Detective Heartthrob, and Spongebob would be Joey.
Together, they would embark on an original mystery, one that Spongebob had devised all by himself. After he and Squidward solved the mystery together, and the party was over … Spongebob would finally, finally confess his feelings.
Of course, Spongebob had, more or less, rigged the game to ensure this would happen. Which was cheating, sure, but this was for love! So it couldn't possibly go wrong.
It went wrong. Almost immediately, in fact.
For one, the party started at 6:30 -- and, nearly two hours later, Squidward had yet to show up. Spongebob spent those first two hours lingering by the door, staring out the window towards the moai, and forgetting to refill the punch bowl. Sandy, ever the observant one, noticed immediately.
Pulling Spongebob aside, she asked, in a hushed voice, “Hey, partner. You good?”
“Oh, I’m -- I’m great!” chirped Spongebob, putting on his worst, most unconvincing smile. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Uh-huh,” said Sandy, flatly. “This about Squidward?”
Spongebob blushed, immediately. The squirrel sighed.
“I thought so,” she mumbled, folding her arms across her chest. “Did he say he was gonna come?”
The sponge nodded. “He said, ‘I’ll see if I can make it work’, which in Squidward-speak, is practically a yes!” groaned Spongebob, staring up at Sandy with his huge baby blue eyes. “He’ll come, right, Sandy?”
Sandy hesitated. She didn’t really know Squidward that well … but he did seem to have a soft spot for Spongebob. Awkwardly, she replied, “I mean … I can’t say for sure, but he did say he would try. Let’s be patient, okay, Spongebob? Maybe he just got caught up with something.”
Spongebob sighed, then repositioned his face into its usual chipper smile. “Alrighty. You do usually know what’s best, Sandy.”
“I sure do,” she giggled. “Oh, and Spongebob?”
“Don’t cut his cable this time,” she said, before walking off to get more punch.
By 9:30, the party started to go a bit haywire. At this point, practically all of Bikini Bottom was at Spongebob’s house, except for Squidward -- and Larry thought it would be a great idea to play Truth Or Dare: Extreme Edition. The rules were pretty much the same as Truth Or Dare: Standard Edition, but with one exception: each subsequent truth or dare had to be more extreme than the last.
It started off alright. A few people were dared to take off their pants, or do a somersault down Conch Street while blindfolded. However, as the game progressed, the stakes grew astronomically. At one point, Patrick was dared to eat half of Spongebob’s pineapple. Later, Sandy was dared to juggle three of Plankton’s bombs, while riding a unicycle. Even later, Larry and Mr. Krabs were dared to switch shells and wrestle -- which wasn’t really destructive. Just disturbing.
The dares were stupid, but if there was one thing Bikini Bottomites had, it was a complete lack of common sense. Or any sense, really.
It certainly didn’t help that as the night progressed, the partygoers grew more and more … inebriated. The punch itself was non-alcoholic, but apparently, Karen and Plankton had taken it upon themselves to bring their own alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.
By 10:30, Squidward still hadn’t shown up yet. Several people had either passed out or thrown up. And the pineapple was a complete disaster.
Spongebob sighed. He was seated on his living room sofa now, watching as the partygoers reveled inside (and outside) his home. Of course, the sponge was happy they were enjoying themselves -- but this day was supposed to be about him, and … well, nothing had gone as planned. His entire house was destroyed, it would take days to clean up the mess -- and Squidward hadn’t even bothered to show up! The nerve.
“Hey Patrick,” muttered Spongebob, waving a tired yellow hand at his drunken best friend.
Immediately, the starfish stumbled over to him, drink in hand. “Wha… haha … whasss’ up, Spunchblarb?” he slurred.
Spongebob pointed to the drink in Patrick’s hand. “Could I have that?”
Patrick grinned widely. “Yeeeeeahh! Now -- now, yer talkin’, buddy!” And with that, the starfish handed Spongebob his first drink of the night.
About three drinks in, Spongebob Squarepants was well and truly intoxicated. Which was nice, in a way. Now, the world was a weird, misty haze, and he didn’t have to worry about his pineapple being destroyed, or his party being ruined, or Squidward, or whatever. Now, he could just be peacefully drunk and stupid, just like everybody else in his house. Blissfully unaware of the world around them.
As the night went on, Spongebob began losing track of time. What time was it? Midnight? 3:00 a.m.? Did it even matter?
Over the course of one very stupid evening, Spongebob made more than a few bad decisions. For one, he bought like, ten mops online. Which was both counterproductive (he was a sponge) and financially irresponsible (he was also a frycook). Later, the sponge swam to the surface of the ocean to see how long he could breathe without water. He fainted within the first ten seconds, and had to be retrieved by Larry. After that, the night became a dizzying blur. Spongebob was certain he had been driving, at one point, and also dancing, and maybe singing?
Either way, several hours later, Spongebob was still dancing in his living room, a lampshade stuck on his head, when he felt something on his shoulder. Turning woozily, the sponge tried to get into “kara-tay” position, and ultimately failed.
“Who -- what -- stay back! I’m warning you!” shouted the sponge. “I know … er, kar .. karat … carrots?”
There was a familiar sigh, then a soft chuckle. “Oh, you moron,” came a voice, a voice that Spongebob loved so dearly, even in this drunken state. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?”
“Squ … squib … ?”
“Yeah,” said Squidward, wrenching the lampshade off of Spongebob’s head. “It’s me. Sorry I’m late.”
Spongebob looked up at Squidward -- and in his inebriated, hazy stupor, he couldn’t take it. He loved him so much, and for so long. It hurt. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes. “Squi -- Squidward, you -- you came,” the sponge stammered, his bottom lip quivering. “I -- I didn’t think …”
“Hush,” said Squidward, looking around the room. “This is, uh … wow, you really had a rager, huh? I didn’t think you had it in you, Spongebob.”
Stepping away, Squidward began picking up random items off the floor -- the punch bowl, some photographs, and a spilled carton of milk. The octopus had to step over and around several bodies, which were lying passed out on Spongebob’s floor.
“Listen, I’m gonna try and find a way to get everyone home,” said Squidward, sifting his way through the pile of garbage and bodies. “Everyone else is knocked out -- ”
Spongebob had had it. He’d had enough. He’d planned out this whole day perfectly, just for Squidward to not show up, for his whole house to be demolished in the chaos. Sure, he was glad everyone had a good time, but deep down, Spongebob was a little selfish, and deep down --
“I don’t care about everyone else!” shouted Spongebob, clenching his fists at his sides. “I care about you, Squidward!”
Squidward, startled, nearly dropped everything he was holding -- and before he could properly respond, Spongebob fell over, unconscious.
For once, Spongebob didn’t wake up to the sound of his foghorn. Instead, he woke up to the sound of the television nearby. Very soft dialogue wafted its way over to the sponge, bathing him in its pleasant familiarity.
“Why, Joey, I think you’re right -- the killer is closer than we seem to think!”
“Then we best get cracking, Detective Heartthrob!”
Groaning, Spongebob sat up -- a dull, throbbing pain coursing through his skull. Dear Neptune. What happened last night? There was the party, the drinking, and … Squidward, maybe? Spongebob felt his heart drop at the thought of his neighbor, and sighed. He hadn’t gotten to tell Squidward how he felt. Attempt 57 had failed. Miserably.
Blinking slowly, the sponge looked around, and with surprise noted that his bedroom was not a mess, like it had been during the party. In fact, it was squeaky clean. The only thing out of place was the living room television, which had been moved to the end of Spongebob’s bed. The TV was playing an old rerun of As The Tide Turns, from the murder mystery arc. A smile tugged at Spongebob’s lips. How ironic.
Wait a minute. Who moved the TV?
Just then, there were footsteps on the stairs -- the tell-tale pat-pat-pat-pat of someone with four legs. Squidward. He was still here! Steeling himself, Spongebob sat at attention, gripping the blankets tightly.
When Squidward entered, he was holding a tray of food and wearing a long pink apron. When he saw that Spongebob was now conscious, the octopus jumped, nearly dropped the food, then steadied himself just in time.
“Squidward!” said Spongebob, cheerily. “You’re here!”
“Of course I’m here, you nitwit,” muttered Squidward. “Who else was gonna clean up that messy party of yours?”
Squidward crossed the room to place the food tray on Spongebob’s nightstand. Once there, the octopus shoved a glass of water and two pills into the poriferan’s hands, with one simple command: “Drink.”
Spongebob did so, gratefully. Then, he asked, “The party … what all happened?”
“I don’t know, but it was a mess,” sighed Squidward. “I’m pretty sure half the town was completely passed out by the time I got here. I’m surprised the cops didn’t get involved.”
“Oh,” said Spongebob, feeling very guilty all of a sudden. “Did -- did everyone get home okay?”
“Yeah,” said Squidward. “Listen, don’t -- don’t worry about it, okay? I took care of everything. Your house is clean, Gary is fed, everyone got home. That’s all.” Squidward’s cheeks were stained red.
Spongebob smiled, his heart jumping happily in his chest. “Thank you, Squidward.”
After a moment of silence, Squidward brought the food tray up to Spongebob’s lap. “You should … you should eat that,” he muttered, then took a deep breath. “Look, I … I’m sorry I was so late, alright? The truth is, I … I got caught up.”
With a mouthful of food, Spongebob asked, “Wif whaf?”
Squidward grimaced. “You’re disgusting,” he snapped, then looked away, blushing brightly. “Anyway, I … was trying to get ahold of your birthday present. It was supposed to be delivered here, to Conch Street, yesterday -- but I guess there was a mix-up, and it was instead delivered to Conch Road, which is … in an entirely different town. Several hours away.”
Spongebob blinked. “You drove all the way to get it?”
Squidward scowled. “Whatever,” he snapped, pulling a small red present box from beneath Spongebob’s bed. “Either way, it’s here. So, I guess … open it, maybe.”
Shoveling down the rest of his food (much to Squidward’s disgust), the sponge quickly shredded the pristine red wrapping paper to reveal -- a boxed set of the entire As The Tide Turns series. The extended edition, with all the bonus scenes and commentary tracks. And to top it all off -- the box was signed by the stars of the show.
Spongebob looked up at Squidward, eyes shimmering with shock and awe. “Squidward, this is -- this is amazing, I thought they didn’t sell these anymore!”
“Oh, trust me,” said Squidward, shuddering. “You have no idea what I had to do to get my hands on that.”
“Let me guess,” said Spongebob, holding up two yellow hands to form finger-guns. In his best Joey impression, the sponge said, “You had to kill a lotta folks, didn’t ya, Detective Heartthrob?”
Squidward chuckled immediately. In one suave motion, he leaned against Spongebob’s bed, and pointed a finger-gun of his own. In his best Detective Heartthrob impression, the octopus replied, “I did, and I don’t regret it at all, Joey!”
The two laughed for a good long while. Then, suddenly embarrassed once more, Squidward looked away. Taking a deep breath, the octopus said, “Look, Sponge, I -- last night, you said something kinda weird, and I wanted to know if -- if maybe --”
“You said -- you only cared about me, not anyone else, and I -- I wanted to ask,” stammered Squidward, “... what exactly … you meant by that.”
Spongebob’s eyes widened. Oh, barnacles. Did he really say that? Well … there was no hiding it now. Gripping his sheets tight, Spongebob steeled himself for what was to come. “It means I … I wanna keep hanging out with you, Squidward,” said the sponge, staring down at his yellow knuckles. “I wanna hang out with you more than anyone else.”
Squidward swallowed, hard. “Sponge, what are you saying?”
Spongebob looked up. Their eyes met. “I like you,” said the sponge, smiling nervously. “A … a lot.”
A long moment of silence passed. Spongebob’s heart hammered furiously at his chest. Then, Squidward sighed, and picked up the ATTT boxed set. Walking over to Spongebob’s TV, the octopus inserted the first disc, grabbed the remote, and returned to Spongebob’s side.
Lifting the blankets, the octopus said, “Scooch over.”
Spongebob blinked, then did as instructed. “Why?” he asked.
“You really are an idiot,” muttered Squidward, climbing into bed with him. “It’s a Sunday, the Krusty Krab is closed, and we have a whole boxed set to watch together. Might as well start now.”
Spongebob smiled, happily. “So -- so you -- ”
Squidward rolled his eyes. “If you must know, yes, I … I like you,” he snapped. “I’m not gonna drive halfway across the ocean floor for just anybody, you know.”
Spongebob grinned stupidly. “I guess not.”
With that, the show began, its melodramatic theme tune echoing pleasantly across Spongebob’s pineapple home. And just below the bed, Gary let out a soft, contended meow -- which almost certainly meant “finally.”
The line about cutting Squidward’s cable is a reference to the episode “Party Pooper Pants”, in which Spongebob cuts Squidward’s cable to get him to come over for a party.
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Hi I don't know if this is where you post prompts but anyway - today is my birthday - the day before halloween and I was wondering if you could do a fic where James is just starting to realise he likes Sirius more than a friend. I was thinking like a haunted house theme where Sirius gets hurt or scared. Love your blog :)
James was all for the idea of going to a haunted house. He actually liked the idea so much that he was a little offended he hadn't been the one to come up with it. But whatever. 
Uni was weird and took a lot of getting used to, but he liked the new friends he'd made. The only unfortunate part was that all these new mates served to make him think about Sirius. Normally that wasn't a problem, but with all the thinking he'd been doing about Sirius, it made him realise that he fancied him. Which. Y'know. Was sort of a problem. And he wasn't even a hundred percent certain that he fancied him. It just felt like he thought about Sirius more than most people thought about their mates, and in ways that people didn't think about their mates. He wasn't too sure about it. 
Point is, when Lily invited him to be part of the group that went out for Halloween-- rather, the day before, so that it fell on a weekend and they could miss the really busy times-- he asked if Sirius could come without thinking about it. She immediately said yes and added that she was looking forward to meeting him, so it's not like he could change his mind even if he wanted to. And he wasn't sure that he would've changed his mind if he did have the opportunity to. 
Sirius showed up at the cafe where they were all meeting, and James barreled into him happily. "Oof, bloody hell," Sirius said with a laugh. "You miss me then?" 
"You have no idea." 
"Oh," Lily said with a smile, "you must be James's boyfriend, Sirius. He talks about you all the time." 
Sirius blinked. 
"Er," James said, and he was about to correct her, but Sirius spoke before he could. 
"Yep, that's me." 
"Nice to put a face to the name. I'm Lily," she said, holding out her hand, and Sirius shook it, then was introduced to everyone else that was there. 
They were waiting on a couple more people before they left, so they got in line. "Boyfriend?" Sirius said, keeping his voice low. He sounded amused, which was better than him being upset. It did mean that James had no idea how he felt about it, though. If he sounded mad, then James would know that he was mad. Sounding amused could mean any number of things. Did he think that the idea of them dating was completely silly? Or was he amused because they'd been dating and James just hadn't noticed? The idea was a bit strange, but he'd never been the most observant person in the world; he wouldn't put it past himself to have been dating Sirius and not noticed until someone else told him. 
"I never called you that. Lily came up with it all on her own." It was the first James had heard of it, and he felt like if Lily was going to assume someone was his boyfriend, she should at least mention it to him first, before she started saying it to other people. At least it would provide him with the opportunity to ask if they were dating. He could always ask Sirius, but- 
"Aww, how cute." 
But that. He didn't know what that meant. 
And Sirius didn't bother to elaborate. 
James wouldn't be half so nervous to ask him what that meant if he actually knew how he felt. Maybe he was overthinking it and he only liked Sirius as a friend. What would he do then, if he asked? Sirius would think that he fancied him-- with good reason-- and if they started dating, then what would James do? It's not as if he could just back out when he was the one that initiated it, not to mention that he didn't want to hurt Sirius's feelings. Assuming that Sirius had those feelings for him, which wasn't a guarantee. 
Sodding hell, he was turning into his father. Dad overthought everything at any given time. At Hogwarts, James had found the idea of turning into his father impossible. Now... well, now was different. Hopefully some of the ways it was different were good, because he'd kind of hate it if the only change he'd experienced in the last year was overthinking rubbish. 
James wasn't a very jumpy person. He enjoyed scary movies and haunted houses, but they didn't usually make him get scared. He'd always thought of Sirius as being the same, but their Halloween get-together proved that assumption wrong. 
The first couple jump scares in the haunted house got him, and after that, Sirius plastered himself to James's side. He still got scared, but rather than jumping out of his skin every time, he'd inhale sharply and his grip on James's arm would tighten. After the moment passed, he would loosen his grip a little, and about halfway through, he switched to holding James's hand. James didn't know if that was in consideration for not bruising him, or if it just made him feel better that James could squeeze his hand in return. 
Either way, James didn't really mind. It's not like Sirius was hurting him, and if it made him feel better, then he was happy to be able to help. 
When they left, they all went over to Marlene's place to watch scary movies, and Sirius preemptively sat close to him. So close that he was practically in his lap, but since they'd shared a bed for a cumulative total of two years, James wasn't bothered. Also there was all the cuddling and hugs and hanging off of each other that they'd done while wide awake, but James had sort of forgotten about that until right now. He missed this. The casual intimacy of it. He felt like he hadn't touched another human being in months, and now he was making up for it with Sirius back in town. 
James was well and truly convinced that it wasn't specific to Sirius until they were on the second half of the movie, and Marlene grabbed his arm when an axe went through the door on screen with a loud bang. The side with Sirius felt all warm and snuggly. The side with Marlene was a little uncomfortable and kind of too hot. But he couldn't tell her to move without doing the same to Sirius, and he didn't want to do that. Maybe he did fancy Sirius. After all, he was friends with Marlene, but her doing the same thing as Sirius-- to a lesser degree, even-- didn't feel anywhere close to the same to him. 
"Jesus," Sirius breathed, and for the first time tonight, it wasn't out of fear. His eyes were wide as he looked at the screen. 
James hadn't realised that he'd been staring at Sirius until then, when he didn't know what Sirius was so impressed by. He glanced at the screen, and his eyes went wide as well. "Oh. Well." Not scary at all, and not impressive either. Weird, because James hadn't realised when he signed up to watch this movie that there would be a sex scene. Especially since it wasn't at the beginning. He could understand a sex scene in the beginning, but not in the middle, while characters were still dying and there was more to come. "That's weird." 
On his other side, Marlene snorted. "Right?" 
He found himself a little annoyed. James had never minded her presence before, which meant he'd gone straight from 'not sure I fancy Sirius' to 'wow can't people give us some space?'. He was going to have to talk to Sirius about this before Sirius went back home, because he couldn't live like this. 
After the second movie was done and they were all tired, James headed home, Sirius right by his side. 
"That was fun," Sirius said. 
"Yeah? You weren't scared the whole time?" 
Sirius grinned at him, completely unashamed. "Only half the time." They walked a little further. Less than a block, and Sirius turned to face him. "Do your friends really think we're dating?" 
"I dunno," James said. "That was the first time Lily had said anything like that to me." 
"Oh," Sirius said, looking back in front of him instead of at James. "Cause I was going to say, if you wanted to do something like that, we could. I can think of worse things than dating you." 
"Worse things, huh?" 
"Yeah, like having to go through another haunted house." 
"If you didn't want to go, you could've said so." 
Sirius flashed him another grin. "I didn't say that I didn't have fun. Just that I'm not jumping to do it again. I got to hold your hand the entire time, and that was pretty good." 
"I never knew what a big baby you were," James said with a snort, reaching out and grabbing his hand. It was awkward for a few seconds as they aligned their footsteps, but he caught sight of a pleased blush on Sirius's face. 
"I'm not a baby; I just get jumpy. Besides, that's the whole point, isn't it?" 
"I guess," James agreed easily. "It was nice to finally spend some time with you, though." 
"Same. It feels like I never talk to you anymore." 
"You can visit whenever you want. I'm never so busy that I can't make time for you." 
"Aw, look at you being a nice boyfriend," Sirius teased. 
"Damn right," James said, overly pleased with himself. He probably wouldn't mention-- for a few months, at least-- that he hadn't known for sure that he fancied Sirius until earlier that night. Sirius would get a good laugh out of it, after a while. 
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gravelyhumerus · 4 years
Criminal Minds College AU - Chapter 7
Title: “I may just take your breath away”
Relationship: Jemily
Hallowe’en chaos.
Slow-burn Jemily college AU where they live across the hall and despite all odds, the universe pushes them together. AKA they’re silly gay babies who pine after each other for months.
Read it on AO3
Tumblr:  One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, (bonus scene), Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Epilogue
After trivia night, Emily Prentiss found her world had shifted slightly. 
For the first time in her life, she had a friend group: a consistent presence of not only just Derek and the occasional Hotch, but also Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia and most importantly, Jennifer Jareau. 
Emily noticed it most in the dining hall. Most mornings this semester, she would grab coffee and maybe an apple on her way to class. Now, she was invited to breakfast in the caf. And everyone was also invited, so the six of them began eating not only breakfasts together when their schedules lined up, but soon that melded to include dinners and the odd lunch between classes. While Penelope initiated at the beginning, soon this became a routine. 
While they were all busy, and driven people, all with full course loads, extracurriculars and miscellaneous commitments, they managed to get the whole team together multiple times that week. 
A few times, extra faces joined them. Penelope’s friend from class, Kevin… something, joined for a lunch on Wednesday. He sat shyly as Derek stared him down the entire time. On Thursday, somehow Hotch convinced their Criminology TA, David Rossi, who was part time Masters Student and part time weed dealer, to have lunch with the bribe of them using their guest pass so he could get a free meal. He reluctantly acquiesced, but seemed to enjoy himself. On Friday, the day before Halloween, Emily brought Tara Lewis, the MC from the Trivia night that was two years ahead of her in criminology, they ran into each other in the quad, recognizing each other. This open door policy made these dinners fun, with new faces alongside their team.
This was all new for Emily. Not having friends, that is, because Emily could always muddle along with some friends, and when she was younger she shaped herself easily into whatever the popular kids wanted her to be. No, it was new because it was so easy. The team, as they now called themselves as a shorthand, had fallen together so effortlessly. 
Today was Halloween and they had plans at Dave’s student house, the shabby place that she had ran into JJ, Penelope and Spencer all that time ago. Had it only been a month? She felt like she had known them all for lifetimes by now. 
It happened that way with Derek last year, the whole living together thing sped up that connection. Intimacy comes fast when you brush your teeth next to someone. 
Emily was sitting at her desk, finishing up her makeup. She was aiming for a vampire, which wasn’t hard given her previous fashion aesthetic. 
Yes, Emily did have a goth phase. She will admit it. Not to her new friends just yet, and Derek had been sworn to secrecy. She was now a much more toned down goth, more alt than goth, wearing mostly black but significantly less chains and make up. 
Tonight, she wore her fishnets, a short black dress and a cape that was already tied around her shoulders. She had put a slightly too pale foundation on her face, down her neck, and was currently working on her eye liner. She carefully created elegant swoops over her lashes, coming to sharp points. 
Next, she added a deep red lipstick. Blood red. It was all very spooky. 
Finally, she struggled to test out the fake teeth insert that she had ordered online, slipping it over her top teeth. It fit surprisingly well. 
“Happy Halloween,” she said to herself, testing out whether or not she had a lisp. She did. She didn’t care. It was perfect. 
Emily did a couple of spins in the mirror on the back of the door. Turning off the overhead light, she looked at herself in the glowing light of her string lights. 
She was satisfied. She looked like a hot vampire. 
She grabbed her tote bag, which was filled with six miscellaneous beers and coolers that she had leftover from the last few weeks, knowing that she hated the cheap hoppy beer that Rossi would have at his party. 
Emily was picky about her alcohol.
She glanced out the window, considering taking an extra layer. It was dreary outside, with the sky an eerie green and powerful gusts of wind rattling the window. Emily grabbed her leather jacket. 
Hoisting her bag onto her shoulder and draping her coat over her arm, Emily peeked out of her door, looking out into the hall. In both directions were students in costume; she spotted a Frankenstein, a couple of cats and even someone dressed up in an inflatable t-Rex suit. 
She made sure her door was locked and then walked down the hall to Derek’s room, who was at the very end of the hall, as he had lucked out and got a massive room with lots of windows, across from the showers. 
She opened the door, finding just about all of their friends already there, sneakily drinking out of mugs, cups and water bottles. 
Reid was a zombie, wearing tattered, bloody clothes and a full face of makeup that Emily assumed that Penelope did for him. Sitting next to his computer, queueing music for their pre, was Derek, dressed in a baseball jersey and hat, apparently as a baseball player. This was expected, he wasn’t big on Halloween. Hotch was… a devil? He wore all black and simply had devil horns on his head. Low commitment but the spirit was there. 
Emily hoisted herself onto Derek’s bed and greeted her friends. 
Spencer was sneaking up behind Derek, peeking his head over his shoulder. Derek, at that moment, seemed to be texting, squinting down at his phone. 
“I’m going to eat you!” Spencer yelled into Derek’s ear, causing the larger man to jump to his feet, swatting at the boy in his fright. 
Emily laughed at her friend’s distress. He really didn’t like Halloween that much. 
“Are you ready for a spooktacular evening?” Spence asked, making his voice wobbly as he put on a dramatic effect. He shone an orange, pumpkin patterned flashlight under his chin.
“Of course,” Emily lisped, “In fact, I vant to drink your blood!”
She lunged forward, and Spencer hid from her behind Derek. It was silly but she could tell how much he liked Halloween, he had talked about it all week, and she couldn’t help but adopt a lispy vampire voice to go with her costume. Though the boy was only two year younger than them, his thin frame and wide eyed expression made him seem much younger. 
“Your teeth are excellent,” Spencer pointed out, “Very realistic.”
“I don’t get the hype about Halloween,” Derek said, “Disguises? Pass. Horror movies? No thank you.”
“Booooooo,” Emily protested, “Don’t be a buzzkill, Morgan. Let us have a little fun.”
The door opened again, and Penelope, followed by JJ, joined them. 
“Is my statuesque god of sculpted chocolate thunder being lame again?”
“He barely dressed up,” Emily complained.
“Neither did Hotch!” Derek said, gesturing to Hotch’s devil horns. 
“Hey, at least I bought these at the party store,” Hotch said, “I’m sure both of those are items from your own closet.”
Derek did not confirm or deny this. Emily knew he wore the same get up last year.
“So when should we be there?” JJ asked.
She was dressed as a witch, with an oversized pointy hat perched on top of her head, her blonde hair falling around her shoulders in perfect curls. She wore a purple dress and tall boots to go with her witch look. She and Penelope joined Spencer on the floor, sitting with their backs to Derek’s closet and cracking open a beer for JJ and a fruity cooler for Penelope. 
With large wings, glittery make up and an adorable skirt, Penelope was clearly dressed up as a fairy, which was entirely apropos to who she was as a person. In fact, it was not entirely dissimilar from her normal outfits. 
“Rossi said to come by eight,” Hotch said, “So in party talk he means nine-thirty earliest.”
“It’s, what?” Derek checked the time on his laptop, “Eight fifteen now, so we can pre here for an hour or so then start walking over.”
“Yeah,” Hotch said, “His house is just off campus.”
“The weather is crazy out,” Penelope said, looking out the window. The trees were swaying and the leaves were blowing everywhere.
“We could take a cab?” Emily offered, “I’d rather avoid getting leaves in my hair tonight.”
There were some nods, then they got back to preing, playing a few rounds of King’s Cup to ensure that all of them were sufficiently drunk before they left.
Morgan put on his new playlist, not “For The Boys (and emily)” this time, but one titled “Team Vibez” that Emily had seen him make during their lecture on Thursday. It had a lot of his normal songs, some top hits, but a few fun pop songs that Emily knew he added for Penelope, and even some classic rock for Hotch. 
At this point, Emily was feeling buzzed. She had two cans discarded in the bin, both hosting lipstick prints from her dark red vampire lips. 
JJ was currently chatting with Hotch about some student government scandal that was happening at the time. While politics gave Emily the heebie jeebies, she had reluctantly joined the Criminology Academic Society. It would give her a leg up on grad school applications, for one, and so far, even as a low-level member, she found she was actually making a difference for her classmates. This meant that Emily, despite her deepest urges to not touch political scandals with a ten foot pole, knew exactly what they were talking about.
As the two discussed the student politicians—there were some minor accusations of nepotism, embezzlement and coverups by the undergraduate executive—Emily looked at JJ. Her brows were furrowed in concentration and she was gesturing wildly with her hands as she talked about how badly they were handling their crisis communications. 
Suddenly, interrupting this discussion, their phones blasted out a siren, followed by a chorus of the same robot voice announcing an emergency alert.
“National Weather Service: TORNADO WARNING in this area until 10:15PM EST,” the robot announced, “Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building.”
They looked at Derek’s three, large windows, and watched as large gusts of wind sent leaves barrelling down the street.
“If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris,” it continued. “Check media.”
Then, their phones went silent and Derek’s music continued unheeded. 
“A tornado?!” Penelope said, “Here?”
The window rattled. Derek stood up and hesitantly moved away from it. 
Penelope grabbed Derek’s computer, her hands moving in a flurry.
“Ok so,” she began, “from what I can gather from the good old Internet, we’re in a region of extreme winds and the meteorologists are thinking that funnel clouds and tornados are possible this evening.”
“So much for Halloween,” Spencer whined. 
“Party is definitely off,” Hotch said. “We should probably take shelter. Is there a basement here?”
“There’s the laundry room?” Emily said. 
Adrenaline started pulsing through her veins. She’d been through some severe weather before in her life but never a tornado, nor did she expect one. They were in the north east, nowhere near tornado Alley. 
They all stood, making a move for the basement, when the lights flickered once, twice, then shut off entirely. Rain begin to fall down, hard onto the windows, and the boom of thunder filled their ears. 
“Shit,” Emily said. “Anyone have a candle?”
Ten minutes later, the six of them were seated in a circle, on the strange carpeted floor of the laundry room, with the severe weather making the wind howl outside. Between JJ’s two candles, which were very against the rules, and Derek’s laptop screen, they had enough ambient light to see, but it was all very spooky. 
The room smelled damp and earthy, with a strange combination of laundry soaps and dryer sheets. They had to move a spare sock to form a circle around the candle. It looked very much like a séance, so that did fit the Halloween spirit. 
“Well,” Hotch said, “At least this is festive.”
Derek was still queuing his music, filling the silence with his DJ skills. 
“Aren’t you worried about your battery life?” JJ asked, “What if the power doesn’t come on in the morning.”
“Then I have a great excuse not to finish my essay,” Derek said with a shrug.
“Fair point.”
“Anyways,” Derek continued, “No sense giving up on our party. We have drinks, we have music and thanks to JJ we have illegal candles.”
“They’re not illegal!” She protested, “Simply very against res rules! I like lighting a candle while I study.”
“It’s lucky that there was no one left in res because of Halloween,” Emily said. “Or we would've had a bunch of party crashers.”
“This is better,” Penelope, “Team bonding!”
“What should we play?” Hotch said, “we don’t really have much to work with.”
“This is all very high school,” Penelope said, “A couple of kids, in a basement, sitting in a circle on the floor…”
“With a tornado tearing through our city…” Emily quipped. 
“Statistically speaking for this region we are more likely to experience dangerous winds rather than an actual tornado. Worst case is that fallen tree branches hit power lines, or fall onto houses or cars.”
“So you’re saying that we’re in the worst case scenario right now?” Hotch said. 
Hotch frowned. 
“How about we play truth or dare?” Penelope changed the subject.
“I’m down,” Emily said, surprising herself. “If everyone else is.”
“I’ve never played!” Spencer said.
“Never?” JJ asked. “Not at any sleepovers.”
“I didn’t get invited to many sleepovers.”
“Neither did I,” Emily admitted, “Some parties I went to played it too.”
JJ looked at her, there was a brief look of sympathy, and then understanding on her face. Emily made note of that. 
“I guess we’re playing,” Hotch murmured. 
“Derek,” Penelope purred, “Mon cher, truth or dare?”
“Truth,” he said defiantly, bracing himself with a swig of whatever was in his water bottle.
“Who is the prettiest fairy in the basement?”
“You, of course,” he replied with a wink. 
“Gross!” Emily exclaimed, “Truth or dare is not for flirting. Hotch: truth or dare?”
“Dare,” he said with a quirk of his eyebrow. 
“Show us the… most embarrassing photo of you on your phone.” 
He frowned. 
“I don’t take many photos.”
“Try,” Emily urged with a laugh. 
He fumbled in his pockets, grabbing his phone and scrolling through his photo album for a few minutes. 
“It’s from high school,” Hotch said with a sigh. “I was in a play.”
He held up a photo of him in a pirates outfit, he looked smaller, younger than he did now. His hair was shaggy and his face rounder. He was pointing the sword at the camera. 
“Who’s the girl?” JJ asked. 
“My girlfriend Hayley,” Hotch said, “we’re long distance now. I joined the play to get close to her and it seems to have worked.”
“That’s not embarrassing,” Penelope said, “that’s adorable. Try again.”
“Oh I have one!” Emily said, pulling up her Snapchat memories. She had a photo of him conked out in a lecture last year. His mouth was open and his head conked back, fast asleep in a dimly lit lecture hall. Emily had taken a series of these photos before waking him up. 
“Now that’s what i'm talking about,” Derek said. 
“How can you fall asleep during lecture?” Spencer asked in horror. 
Hotch shrugged. 
“I was tired, we had a game the night before,” Hotch said. “Morgan: Truth or dare?”
“I don’t know any dares,” Hotch looked around for help. 
“He could play the tinder game?” Emily said. 
“What tinder game?” 
“Oh that’s a good one,” JJ said, “Derek opens tinder and we randomly tell him which way to swipe and see who he matches with.”
Derek groaned. Opening the app and placing it down onto the carpet. 
“Right!” JJ said to start. 
A match.  
“Left?” Hotch said, it came out more like a question. 
“Right,” Emily said. Another match. 
Left, right, left, right. New message from a recent match, left, right, right, right, right. Derek looked on in horror. 
“Ok I think he’s had enough,” Emily said with a laugh. 
“Derek it’s your turn,” Penelope said. 
Derek sighs in relief. 
“Uhhh, Pretty Boy,” he turned to Reid. Thinking for a moment. “Have you ever smoked before?”
“Smoked what? Cannabis, tobacco? Something else. Be specific.”
Emily’s jaw dropped. 
“I dunno man,” Derek said, “I was talking about weed but go off.” 
“I have.”
“How?” JJ said, “You’re like sixteen! I haven’t even smoked weed.”
“Me neither,” Penelope said, sounding outright disappointed. 
“I believe it,” Hotch said. “He has a Juul.”
“Seventeen now,” Spencer said. “Kids in my first degree found it funny when I performed actions that they deemed mature for my young age. 
“What?” Penelope said. “But you were sixteen last week.”
“It was my birthday on Wednesday,” he said. 
“And we missed it?” JJ asked.
Emily decided not to inform them that her birthday had been a few weeks back as well. 
“It’s no big deal,” Spencer said, “I don’t really do birthdays.”
“Well I do birthdays!” Penelope said, “and you’re getting one.”
Emily could see the gears turning in Penelope’s head.
“Wait you haven’t smoked weed?” Emily said. She didn’t mean to sound so surprised, but hell, it was college. 
“I’ve never been offered,” Penelope said with a shrug.
“You have a Juul, Spence?” JJ said. 
He shrugged. 
“Anyways,” Derek said with a laugh. “Reid it’s your turn to ask.”
And the game continued roughly the same for a few more rounds, with some truths, some dares, a lot of drinking and a fair amount of laughter. 
Emily learned that JJ likes some angry rock music when she’s upset, that Penelope has committed several federal crimes, that Reid used to coach basketball in high school, that Derek has been posing nude for art classes on campus for extra cash, and that Hotch has never successfully completed a word search in his life. 
The dares were limited, because frankly they were basically hiding out in a basement during what might actually be a tornado. Emily was dared to do an impression of Hotch, which wasn’t good and involved a lot of eyebrows and frowning. After, JJ was forced to leave her snapchat at Garcia’s mercy for the entire night. Other dares involved dancing, attempting gymnastics, and seeing whether or not Reid fit into the dryer. He did. 
The game finally had played out when it was Hotch’s turn again to ask. 
“JJ, what’s your greatest fear?” Hotch asked.
“Mr. Serious over here,” Derek said with a whistle. 
“Probably the woods,” JJ replied. 
“Why?” Spencer asked, tilting his head. 
JJ grabbed a candle, holding it under her chin much like Reid did earlier. 
“I used to be a camp counselor, when I was a teenager. In the woods up in Vermont.”
She leaned forward. Emily didn’t know she worked at a camp. It made sense. She pictured her in a camp t-shirt making a bracelet. It suited her. 
“I had the night shift. I tucked the girls in, turned off the lights. The typical drill. Everything seemed fine; all the kids were asleep. You know, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.”
Another dramatic pause, both Spencer and Derek had leaned in, invested in the story. 
“Until I noticed there was some blood, on the hallway floor. So, I followed the blood trail out to the camp director’s cabin, walked up to his bed and he was just lying there, underneath his covers. Dead!”
Penelope gasped. The room was silent.
“Someone stabbed him. I ran out of there so fast, out the door, down the hall. I just remember it… being really dark. Once I got to the door, there was another counselor there. I guess she heard me scream.”
JJ set the candle down, looking at the flame flicker. This couldn’t be real, Emily thought, this had to be a joke. 
“They caught the caretaker on his way to town, I guess he still had the knife on him.” 
“Anyway, I guess that’s probably when I decided I didn’t like the woods.”
“You’re serious?!” Derek demanded. 
“No!” JJ said with a laugh. “You bought that! I’m kidding!”
“So are you afraid of the woods?” Emily asked.
“Yeah,” JJ said, “They’re spooky I don’t know.”
They all laughed at that. 
Emily glanced at her phone; they had been down here for almost two hours. According to Penelope’s intermittent checks on the status of the extreme weather, most of the city was experiencing black outs, but there was no sign of an actual tornado. They were still supposed to take shelter for the next hour or so, just in case. 
In this time, Emily was close to five drinks in, with only one left in the basement. A growing pile of empties had built up around them, and Hotch had pulled out a small bottle of whiskey in addition to his beer, passing it around the circle. Having recently turned 17, the group had officially decided to give Spencer a beer, which he nursed slowly, wincing at the bitter taste. 
“Emily,” JJ turned to her and looked mischievous. “Truth or dare?”
She felt her heart flutter.
“Hmmm…” JJ said, “Where was the weirdest place you’ve ever had sex?”
Emily found herself blushing at the memory.
“Oh god,” Emily buried her face in her hands. “IHOP parking lot.”
Emily nodded, downing the last of her beer. 
“No further questions,” she proclaimed as she opened her next drink.
“I think that should conclude Truth or Dare,” Penelope said, “It’s time for another sleepover classic, since some of you are sleepover virgins.”
She grabbed Derek’s water bottle, plopping it down onto the carpet and spun it. 
“Spin the bottle!”
Emily went pale. What was Penelope doing? She stared into her drunk, not daring to look at anyone else. 
“That doesn’t seem very sanitary,” Spencer said.
“Boo,” Penelope, “You’re no fun. It’s a classic! And we’re all friends, it’ll be fun. Hotch you spin first.”
He looked horrified, but took the bottle. There was no getting in the way of Penelope Garcia’s will.
“The rules are simply: kiss or you have to finish your drink?,” Penelope said, “Got it?
Hotch nodded, he spun the bottle. It went around the circle, once, twice, three times, then landed clearly on himself.
“How do I kiss myself?” he said, deadpan. 
“Drink!” Emily told him. He downed his last beer.
Derek spun next, rubbing his hands together nervously as it went around and around. It landed on Penelope.
“Come here, chocolate thunder!” 
Derek took his baseball cap off, turning it backwards. Penelope pulled his shirt towards her, tugging on him as their lips met. They both closed their eyes, she could hear JJ giggle at the sight.
“Was that the only reason we’re playing this?” Spencer asked, “So that you could kiss Morgan?”
“Maybe?” Penelope, “What’s it to you, boy-genius!” 
He put his hands up in surrender, it was his turn. 
He spun the bottle awkwardly, so that it rocked back and forth in addition to spinning. It went around once before landing on JJ.
Emily wasn’t sure what to think about that. On one hand, he was just a kid and the kiss wouldn't be anything, but on the other hand, Emily was jealous that she didn’t get a kiss. 
“Come here, Spence!” JJ said, making a grabbing motion at the boy and laughing. 
He leaned in with his eyes closed, Emily wouldn’t be surprised if he told them he hadn’t done even this before. JJ put a hand on his face, turned it gently, and gave him a peck on the cheek.
Derek clapped him on the back and made a comment about it being ‘pretty boy’s first kiss,’ and Reid simply sat and blushed as he busied himself with drinking some of his beer. 
Emily’s turn. She tried not to cross her fingers and pray for JJ, but it happened anyways. It landed on Derek. Emily sighed dramatically.
“Ewwww,” Emily mock protested.
“Come on, princess,” Derek jeered, “You know you want some of this!”
He lifted his t-shirt up and rubbed his hands down his abs.
“Put that away sir!” she covered her eyes. 
“Oh come here,” she said, leaning in. They kissed on the lips with a loud ‘mwah!’ noise. 
“That was cute,” Hotch commented.
Emily fake gagged, while Morgan tried to wipe her red lipstick off him. 
Last was JJ in the circle. She spun it casually. Emily tried to read her facial expression, wondering if JJ, too, wanted it to land on Emily.
See, Emily was starting to believe that JJ liked her back. She was single, and for all Emily knew, she was straight, but the more Emily got to know her, she got queer vibes. She played soccer! Her nails were short and- 
Emily couldn’t think of any other things that moment, as she was currently freaking out about the spin the bottle situation that was presently unfolding. 
The moment in the bathroom, Emily thought, that was something! The way she looked at Emily… she was sure that she felt JJ’s eyes on her linger. 
The bottle landed on Emily. They had to kiss. It was part of the game.
Holy shit. 
Penelope squealed and Emily could feel the entire room's eyes on her, except JJ whose eyes were on the ground. 
Emily could hear her heartbeat. She desperately wanted to kiss JJ but did she want to under these circumstances? For a dare? 
JJ looked at her. Blue eyes staring into brown. She could hear her blood rushing in her ears. She found herself leaning forward, only slightly. JJ did the same. Her lips parted, her eyes hungry.
Emily shifted forward, she sat with her legs tucked under her, bracing herself with her arms. JJ was cross legged, her arms free to grab at her face. JJ’s hands tugged her forward.
Their lips met. 
It was uncertain, chaste, soft. Then, JJ’s hands pulled her closer. They were pressed together, heads tilting so that their noses didn’t bump.
Jennifer Jareau was kissing her. They were kissing!
Emily’s brain short circuited. JJ filled her senses; the blonde’s vanilla perfume and soft lips and the taste of alcohol on her tongue. 
Oh god, her tongue. 
Emily did not want it to end. Their mouths opened and their tongues slid against each other, feeling so perfect and sending Emily’s blood racing away from her face and noticeably south. 
JJ was incredibly hot and Emily desperately wanted to do more than kiss her. Or kiss her like this forever. Her ams were caressing her cheek and tangled in Emily’s hair, pulling her closer.
The lights flickered on; they had power, again. JJ pulled away from her, sharply. 
Emily sat back, sitting up straight. The room was luckily too distracted by the lights to notice how out of breath Emily was. Or that they probably shouldn’t have passionately made out on a dare. 
JJ wouldn’t meet her eye, but Emily could see her own lipstick on the other girl’s lips. Emily blinked at the bright light, started by the sudden return of the electricity after she had become accustomed to the dim light of the candle.
“What impressive timing,” Spencer murmured.
Taking the lights as a good sign, Penelope checked on the emergency alert. It was over and they were safe to go back upstairs. She found out that a few downed trees were the cause of the outage and there was never an actual tornado. No one was hurt but there was a bit of property damage throughout the city. 
Without the atmosphere of the candle light, and the likelihood of a RA doing a check of the building, they decided that that was the end of their party. They gathered up their empties, and blew out the candles.
As they finished up cleaning, all making sure not to leave any trace of their illicit affairs, Emily tried to quell her racing heart and blushing face, completely unable to look anyone in the eye. 
The door opened, their RA was there. Erin Strauss. She was a hardass.
“What are you all doing down here?” she demanded. 
They all stood, stock still, jaws dropped, smelling of alcohol and clutching clinking tote bags. 
“Erin,” Emily said, trying to sound as sober as possible despite the five plus drinks in her system, “We were simply following the directions on the emergency alert.”
“Yes! It said to seek shelter from the storm and the basement seemed the best for that,” Penelope said. 
“Uhuh,” Erin said, “What’s in the bag?”
The bag clinked. 
“Oh just some garbage,” Emily said, lying through her teeth. “We had some snacks.”
“Sure,” Erin said, not believing them. 
Emily tried not to sway, but did not feel steady on her feet. She wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or her recent kiss with JJ.
For a second, Emily was sure that their RA would bust their asses, but the girl simply sighed and told them to go to bed, muttering about how dealing with non-existent tornadoes wasn't part of her job.  
The six of them scurried upstairs, all freaked out about their near-miss with a write-up.
Reid disappeared up to his room, then JJ and Penelope walked down the hall to their’s. Emily slipped into Derek’s avoiding Erin Strauss’ watchful eye, helping Derek steady a very drunk Hotch.
Hotch, who had probably had a little too much of that whiskey, stumbled into Derek’s room and decided to sleep on the floor. Emily placed a water bottle next to him, and placed him in recovery position, glad for the distraction from the blush that refused to leave her face or the lingering taste of JJ on her lips. 
She walked slowly down the hall back to her own room, the events of that evening playing back in her mind. She threw herself onto her bed, dazed by her situation. 
Emily fell asleep with vampire make up still on her face that night. 
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simplyclockwork · 4 years
2020 Fic Year in Review
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Thank you for tagging me: @totallysilvergirl​
Total number of completed stories: This year, I wrote a total of 104 fics, I think? 103 or 104. I managed to squeak one last one out yesterday to make my final overall work count 160 as I went into the new year. 
Total word count:  666,241 
Fandoms written in: BBC Sherlock
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? 
Just a bit more than expected! 😂 This year, I ended up with far more free time than anticipated. With the pandemic, I stayed home for most of the year, and I spent almost every day writing. Once I finished my degree in July, things really kicked up a notch. But if you’d told me I’d write over 100 fics in a year, even if some of them are very short, I wouldn’t have believed you. 
What’s your own favorite story of the year? 
Does a WIP count? If so, Hired Gun has quickly become my favourite project. In terms of not a WIP, I think maybe Lean into a Loved Body, which prompted a response I’m still stunned by. It also brought @keirgreeneyes​ and I together over a shared love for that farmlock world, and I’m so grateful for her friendship!
Did you take any writing risks this year? 
I’m not sure, really. If anything might be considered a risk, it could be Immediate and Inglorious. I wasn’t sure how a serial killer fic would do, but it gained a mainly positive response, even tho the ending(s) were both unhappy. 
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? 
I’d like to finish Hired Gun and start the sequel. Hired Gun will be my first 100k fic on Ao3, something that has been a goal of mine for some time now. I feel like my other multi-chapter fics have been practice for this one, which is really putting me through my paces with the slow burn aspect and how much research I’ve had to do for it thus far (and lots more to come!)
I’d also like to write a long, detailed sci-fi fic as practice for writing my own original fiction novel, which is another goal this year. 
Most popular story of the year? 
By hits: With 6669 hits, it’s Lean into a Loved Body
By kudos: Definitely Hands Full of Matter with 474 kudos!!
By bookmarks: Also Hands Full of Matter (140, apparently??) 
And I’d say Hired Gun deserves an honourable mention here, as it’s the most subscribed-to story (167 subs!) I’ve ever written, and has generated the largest response. 
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: 
I think it’s likely the Halloween Spookathon fic I wrote, Not All that Glitters is Gold. I understand partially why it wasn’t so popular, as it was Gen and set between episodes, but I remember being disappointed because I enjoyed writing some spooky atmospheric scenes, and the fic kind of flopped. But that’s alright! Not everything can be a winner. 
Most fun story to write:
Hands down, it has to be Ranger Panties. I had so much fun with the silliness and the smutty series it inspired. I also really loved writing Plain Gold Ring. It was so soft and sweet, and I enjoyed it immensely. 
Most unintentionally telling story: 
Probably anything in the Oh Captain, My Captain series, which speaks volumes about my military kink... 👀 How someone as anarchist as me, who doesn’t support the military or authoritarian careers, can have such a soldier kink is beyond me. But there it is. 
Biggest disappointment: 
Probably STILL not finishing my long, unpublished Unilock fic. That story is swiftly becoming my Moby Dick with three re-writes and no end in sight. Might have to sit down and dedicate some serious time to rework the story... AGAIN. 
In terms of published fic, probably... yeah, it’s still Not All that Glitters is Gold. It only gained 31 kudos, which makes it probably my biggest flop in terms of how much work went into it vs response. But, hey, live and learn.
Biggest surprise: 
My biggest surprise is still just how much people seem to be enjoying Hired Gun. It started off as a prompt fill, and I am still completely gobsmacked by how many people follow it, message me about it, and really seem invested in the storyline. It means the world to be writing something that people seem to enjoy so much, and I’m loving getting to connect with readers over a story I’m really enjoying the writing of.
Tagging: @heyblinken​ @annecumberbatch​ @keirgreeneyes​ @slow-burn-sally​ and anyone else who sees this and hasn’t yet been tagged!
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spookyceph · 4 years
ShigaDabi Week Day 8 | Free Day!
Rating: SFW
Warnings: Swearing; use of Ouija board
Summary: Way to Confess Your Crush #13: Get a Ouija board to tell them on Halloween.
I Sense a Presence in the Room
“You’re moving it, Twice.”
“No, you’re moving it, Spinner. Demons are moving it, and we’ll all be cursed for messing with this stuff—haven’t you watched any horror movies?”
“Both of you, shut up. You’ll scare the ghosts away before I get to ask them anything.”
“Himiko, honey, I don’t think the ghosts are the ones likely to get spooked in this situation.”
“Why are we using a board with English letters? I mean, I do remember the basics from school, but that was some time ago. Wouldn’t it be easier to play Mr. Kokkuri or something?”
“I can read it.”
“See? Dabi knows English.”
“Yeah, but what if the ghosts don’t?”
Like he was watching a tennis match, Tomura turned his head to and fro, following the bickering as it volleyed around. Just a few short months ago, he couldn’t have imagined such a scene: his friends gathered on both sides of the hideout’s bar, playing a game better suited to middle school kids. Then again, a few short months ago, he couldn’t have imagined using the words his friends in any sentence.
The game had been Toga’s idea. A fun way to celebrate Halloween, she'd said. Tomura didn’t care about some imported holiday, just as he hadn’t paid any attention to Bon when it came and went a couple months back. But he did enjoy seeing the others participate, learning all the different ways they interacted. So, silent, he watched from the edge of their circle as they finally settled down, cramming their fingertips on the planchette in the middle of the Ouija board Toga had picked up from who-knew-where.
A lack of holiday spirit hadn't been the only reason he'd sat out. The sight of so many hands squeezed into such a small area sent a chill rolling down Tomura’s spine. He wasn’t about to risk Decaying someone over a silly party game.
“Okay…” A quivering note had crept into Spinner’s voice despite his earlier accusations of Twice moving things. “What do we ask first?”
Toga bounced on her heels. “I know, I know! Who am I going to marry?”
A collective groan filled the room. Nevertheless, the heart-shaped plastic pointer gave a jerk, like an eager dog tugging on its leash, and began to slide across the board. Everyone held their breath. Tomura squinted in concentration, sounding out each letter chosen in his head.
“What’d it say? Tell me, tell me, tell me!” Toga demanded the second the planchette stopped.
“Deku,” Tomura answered, wrinkling his nose. Maybe demons were rigging the game.
Toga held a differing opinion. With a squeal, she hugged herself and collapsed into a fit of maniacal giggles.
“Oh? Shigaraki speaks English too?” Even through his ever-present ski mask, Mister looked impressed. “A man of many talents.”
Tomura shrugged. “It can be useful sometimes.” Mostly for online games, but still.
“Hey, it’s spelling something else,” Dabi said.
Instantly righting herself, Toga watched with huge, shiny eyes as a second name emerged.
“Ochako,” announced Dabi, triggering a second giggle explosion. “Congratulations, vampire girl. You’re a bigamist.”
Spinner snorted. “What a load of crap…”
“Let’s ask it what unlucky slob gets stuck with you then, lizard lips.”
Toga was on it like a shark on a baby seal. “Yeah! Spinner next!”
Heedless of stammered protests and long-suffering sighs, the planchette launched into action. Tomura smiled wryly as the next name took shape.
“I knew it.” Dabi clicked his tongue. “Mandalay.”
“Total bullshit.” Spinner’s entire face had flushed deep forest-green, the edges of each scale almost black.
“Don’t get all bent out of shape. Not like you’re the first nerd to be into catgirls.”
“Get fucked, staple-face.”
“Let’s ask the board whether he does. I’ll do it if no one else gets the honor!”
“You’re making me blush, Twice.”
“Dabi’s true love next!” declared Toga, mercifully taking the reins again.
The planchette went to work. Tomura craned forward, curious despite himself.
That could be the start of hundreds of names, Japanese or otherwise.
Wait—maybe he was separating the syllables incorrectly?
“Well? Who’s the one destined to tame the Blue Flame?” Mister asked with a laugh.
Not Tomura. It couldn’t be. That was simply impossible. The stupid board had to mean someone else—without kanji there wasn’t any way to tell one name from another if the sounds matched.
Except when he looked up, he caught Dabi staring straight at him.
Dabi, whose blue eyes burned hot and electric as they met his.
Dabi, the only other person in the room who knew English.
Dabi, his true love, according to the board.
In one smooth motion, Tomura pushed away from the bar and spun on his heels. He didn’t look back despite the bewildered and shocked questions the others pelted him with as he marched out of the bar. It was a miracle he didn’t accidentally Decay the door in his haste.
He’d gotten as far as the top step in the upstairs hallway before he heard pursuing bootsteps.
“Hey, wait up.”
Tomura refused to give in to weakness and look over his shoulder. If he hurried, he could make it to his room in time.
“Fucking hell, mophead, come on. Don’t make me run. I’ve got shitty lungs.”
A switch flipped in his brain, killing power to all rational thought. Tomura halted and did a sharp one-eighty. Dabi skidded to a stop just out of reach. A good thing too—there was no telling what might’ve happened if one of Tomura’s hands, fingers hooked into talons, had been able to grab him. Dabi read the other warning signs with a neutral face: tensed shoulders, narrowed red eyes, breath hissing in and out.
Only two words managed to bob to the surface of the stew of rage and humiliation Tomura’s mind was boiling in, but they were enough. “Not. Funny.”
“Who’s laughing, mophead?”
Slowly, the question and its serious tone sank in. Tomura blinked, his roiling emotions thickening into a sludge of confusion. “You…you rigged the game.”
“Guilty. The girls were in on it too. Toga was going to ask fluffy stuff about her crushes anyway, so I only had to bribe her to keep quiet and not gush to anyone else. Magne used her quirk to tug everyone’s hands in the right direction. Her English is even better than mine, as it turns out.”
“You had her spell my name.”
“And the others, yeah.”
Dabi arched his eyebrows. “But if I wasn’t making fun of you, why would I do such a thing?”
“ Yes.”
“Because I think you’re interesting and smart and hot in a gangly, goth sort of way. I like you is what I mean.”
Tomura opened his mouth, but no sound came forth. So, he closed it with a click of teeth. Then he tried again. Same results.
With a sardonic smile skewing his lips, Dabi shook his head. “I’ve been dropping hints for months, but they flew over your head every time. So, when Toga suggested the stupid Ouija board game, I figured I might as well literally spell it out for you. Speaking of dropping hints, Spinner wasn’t embarrassed about the catgirl thing. He was pissed because your name didn’t pop up. Just thought I should mention it, in the spirit of fair competition.”
Though Tomura glanced all around the hallway, there was neither a convenient couch to faint on nor a hole to crawl into. So, he settled for the next best option: directness.
“I…don’t know what to say.”
Dabi’s smile softened as he shrugged. “You don’t have to say anything right now. When you’re ready, you can tell me to fuck off or whatever. I just wanted to tell you how I feel.”
He turned to go, but some unknown impulse spurred Tomura into grabbing his wrist, two fingers safely tucked away. Both red and blue eyes widened in identical degrees of astonishment.
“Uh…” Tomura scrambled for a reasonable follow-up. “Do you want to, um, talk about it?”
The way Dabi’s staples followed the curves of his smile did warm, strange, fluttery things to Tomura’s insides. “About which part? Telling me to fuck off or being my one true love?”
“Relax, mophead. I’m just trying to lighten the mood.”
“Oh.” Tomura looked at Dabi’s hand, which had moved to link fingers with two of his and certainly felt serious. “Does that mean—”
“Yeah, let’s talk. Up on the roof fine? Kurogiri hates it when I smoke inside.”
“Sure. Okay.” He definitely wasn’t the former, but something in the back of his mind assured him the latter would stick eventually.
Warm fingers on a scarred hand gave his a squeeze. “After you.”
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Life and It’s Infinite Possibilities
Part 7a
Summary: Halloween reveals all.
A sweet, mischievous smile crossed your face. “Yes! But perhaps after at least one more dance. We should go and do something.”
“I think we could do that. What else could we possibly do?”
Arthur came over and gave a happy yip. You knelt down and happily petted him. Your eyes twinkled as you looked up, “Maybe share some pie in that late night diner you told me about. We could even watch a scary movie since it is well, Halloween afterall.”
Oliver, smiled. “I have a silly idea.”
As he leaned on the wall, he glanced out the window and back at you. “We could stop by that little garden shop and get a pumpkin.”
“Oh, shall we carve it?”
He smiled. “I was just thinking that.”
You looked around. “It is so hard to not kiss you right now, but that sounds great.”
He stood and offered a hand, “A final dance and we’re gone?”
You took it. “Lets!”
After laying some newspaper down on his kitchen island he placed both pumpkins down. He smiled as you wrapped your arms around his middle. “I can’t believe we found two pumpkins.”
He glanced back at you. “It was so perfect, now we could both have some fun.”
“Exactly.” You gave him a squeeze then.
Coming around you looked up at him and ran your fingers through his hair. “I’m so glad we can enjoy ourselves now. This is turning out to be the best Halloween I ever had.”
He nuzzled your nose. “I feel the same way.”
Squeals came from you as you dug and scooped out the seeds. He smiled at you. “We’re getting there.”
Once you he dropped the cool slimy piles of seeds into the bins. Arthur, put his paws on the rim of the bin and sniffed at the remains of the pumpkins. He barked at them and tilted his head to one side he looked at the two of you.
“Yes, Arthur it is a bit stinky.”
“We’ll throw it out when we’re done.” You added looking around him.
Arthur barked one last time then walked away. “He can be so silly.”
Oliver, nodded. “He always has to let us know how he feels about things.”
Looks of determination and focus came over the two of you.
He held you close as you laid partially on him as the two of you finally watched Halloween. He absolutely adored how you curled closer and even buried your face into his chest during some scenes.
“Oliver?” You looked up at him.
He looked down at you. “Yes, sweetheart.”
She pretended to bring down a knife on his heart. “I got you.”
“Ahhh! You got me!” He made a dramatic sound then pretended to go completely limp. He stayed like that for a bit.
“Oliver...Oliver.” You nudged him and he smiled, he broke out smiling and laughing.
He wrapped his arms around you. “I got you!” He chuckled loudly.
You giggled too.
Your eyes met and when you shifted closer, your lips soon met. He made a soft sound as he felt you shift and you soon straddled his waist. You braced yourself on the sofa as you glanced down at him.
“You look good there.”
You wiggled a little. “I like it here. It feels good.” He felt as you wiggled once again. He knew what you were doing.
He sighed. “It does.”
His doorbell rang.
Oliver sighed, he grimaced.
You leaned in close, he certainly enjoyed how it felt with you on top of him. “Do you have to answer it?”
He smirked. “No.”
The doorbell rang again.
He gave a sight of resignation. “I better.”
“Alright.” You shimmed down to the other corner of the sofa. You tucked a leg under you. “Want me to grab you a drink?”
Smiled at you over his shoulder as he reached his door. “Sure.”
He opened the door and smiled weakly at Elliot and Shauna who stood there.
“Hi guys.” He said weakly.
“Hi Oliver!” She held up bags of take-out. “We didn’t see you leave. So we decided to check on you and I brought food.”
“And I grabbed us a scary movie!”
“I grabbed us both a cider.” An incoherent sound came from you.
Oliver winced as he turned to look at you. You had come out with just your shirt and panties.” He immediately went over to him.
Everyone was frozen, you flushed still holding the ciders. Shauna, lowered the bags. Elliot still was peeking out from Shauna with the dvd.
“So ahh...” The flush in his cheeks was strong. “Let me take these.”
“Yes!” You pushed the cold bottles into his hands. “Let me go and get my pants back on.”
“Oliver?” Elliot gave a smile.
Shauna, gave him a look with a raised eyebrow.
A scream just then rang out from the movie. Everyone, let out a giggle.
Oliver finally chuckled and shrugged. “Well, we might as well say something.” You came back then, but this you leggings were on. Easily, he wrapped an arm around you. “Elliot...Shauna, Y/N and I are well an item.”
Shauna nodded. “Well good, you two are cute.” She came over and handed you a bag. I got enough in here for you two. Let’s put them on some plates and let the boys talk.”
“Ok.” You smiled at her and up at him, taking the bag you went back into the kitchen with her.
“Since when?” Was all Elliot said.
“Shortly after we met in the coffee shop.”
Elliot out the dvd on the coffee table and clapped him on the back. “Good, well she’s pretty and certainly your type.”
“Pretty and sweet?”
Elliot nodded. “Much better then some of your recent dates.”
Oliver rolled his eyes. “I was trying to compromise finally.”
“Just because your dad said don’t wait for the lion doesn’t mean you have to do it. You have a lion now.”
He sighed and felt a pang at his friend mentioning his dad. Though, Oliver smiled. “You think so? I’m such an old man compared to her.”
“Yeah, well she seems like a good sort. You had seemed different now I know why.”
He shrugged. “She makes me happy.”
Elliot clapped him on the back. “That is all that matters in the end.”
@fandomgirl800 @shantellorraine @rentskenobi @pooshnulooshnu @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @ofhisdarkdeeds @apocalypticwafflekitten
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Sunny Sundays: Scoob
So as not to be too negative by always focusing on dumb webartists and their lack of taste in certain media or decent opinions, I decided that at least once a week I also want to talk about something more positive on my tumblr. Something about animation to enjoy, instead of using it as a bullet point for a sex fetish disguised as social awareness unlike someone else.
As such, lets talk about a little movie that came out this week on demand about a franchise that had goten rebooted more times than a certain timelord. At least that is what it feels like.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Scoob!
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Scoob is the recent major entry into the Scooby Doo franchise and weirdly enough, though there is a ton of animated movies that came out for TV and on DVD, the the first animated feature of the franchise to actually be released in theaters. ... or rather it would be, if we didn’t live in a Stephen King novel, forcing Warner to release it on the internet for demand.
Now the Scooby Doo franchise is as of now pretty damn old. starting back in 1969 and having multiple incarnations of it over the years with the last succesfull one being the highly recommended “Mystery Incorporated”, which featured of all things the group not only dealing with their typical guys in masks each week, but also an ancient conspiracy involving a cosmic terror from another dimension, cameos of other famous Hanna Barbera characters and even good old Harlan Ellison having a cameo to. But some people with no idea how a good story trumps over shipping only know the show as having Velma and a girl that smells of hotdogs being shipped. If you do not belong to that group of people, I highly recommend you to watch it because it is really good. And certainly more entertaining than the shows that followed next, aka “Scooby Doo Go” and “Here is a show all about cameos being more obvious than in the old days”.
Anyway, what I try to say is, Scooby Doo despite being rather old and having been both mocked and appreciated over the years, is still very popular and can with the right amount of care and silly fun be at the very least an entertaining ride. So did this movie deliver on that, or did it become as disappointing as “Return to Zombie Island”?
I will try not to spoil too much in this “overview” about the movie, but  here is basically the deal: For starters, it is a Scooby Doo movie that misses one itsy bitsy major thing that actually makes a Scooby Doo story out on average. A mystery.
See, the movie first begins with a semi origin story for Scooby and the gang, which honestly is pretty damn adorable to watch. Shaggy meeting a stray Scooby as a pup, both becoming friends, meeting at Halloween Fred, Daphne and Velma for the first time and actually solving their very first mystery, all in the span of like 10 minutes? It is great and I would love to see an animated series about those alone. You know, a reboot of “A Pup named Scooby Doo”. Unfortunately, that is as far as we get with a “classic” Scooby Doo story as after the introduction, Simon Cowell essentially breaks the group apart and it becomes a Marvel superhero movie inspired flick.
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Nope, I am not. Which btw, is actually not meant as a criticism.
Yeah see, Mystery Inc wants to be a more serious enterprise and so Simon Cowell has been brought on board to finance them, but only of Shaggy and Scooby leave. Which they do. After that dated cameo of a celebrity (Which actually feels rather in tone with the legacy of the franchise, if you think about the “good old days”) Shaggy and Scooby find themselves shortly thereafter being hunted by robots, only to be rescued by another famous Hannah Barbara character: The Blue Falcon and his trusty sidekick Dynomutt! Or rather Mark Wahlberg having to learn how to be a decent hero and the second best character in the entire movie.
The original Blue Falcon has retired and this Blue Falcon is the son of the original one who still has to learn how to be a smart hero instead of trying to be an “impressive” hero (in other words, Booster Gold’s showman aspects played up to 11) while Dynomutt has certianly become a bit of a deadpan snarker over the years. 
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Anywa,y they have come to help Shaggy and Scooby, who are hunted by Dick Dastardly of Wacky Racers fame, who is after Scooby for some nefarious reason, as well as the heads of demon guard dog Cerberus, which if assembled will open the Gates of Hell. As such Shaggy, Scooby and the Blue Falcon group have to stop Dastardly and save the world, while the rest of the team tries to find out what happened to them and in doing so gets involved into the entire adventure too. An adventure field to the brim with references and major on screen cameos by Hanna Barbera characters, to the point the entire thing could also just be called  “Hanna Barbera Avengers assemble”.
This movie... it is weird but in some of the best ways possible. To get it out of the way, I do not think it is a very good kids movie storywise. As in, on one hand it does not have any despicable messages to it and there is actually a surprisingly high level of quality to it, on the other hand, it is not as if this movie has become the Hanna Barbera equivalent of Wall-E, Onward, How to train your Dragon or some Miyazaki flick. It is basically a Hanna Barbera crossover fanfiction as an animated feature, that reimagines the characters design wise slightly to look like ore accesable toys for kids to sell nowadays, than the orignal designs from the 70s and 80s. The plot as said abandons the mystery aspect completely for a saving the world from a comic book supervillain story, even with obligatory hole in the sky during the climax (seriously, when does Hollywood realize what kind of clichee it is) , third act break up between Scooby and Shaggy and out of nowhere “sacrifice” at the end. If you want more details on that, I recommend watching the movie or reading up on a 4chan post that goes around the net from a couple of months ago, when someone leaked the movie back then. Turns out that not everything on /co/ is garbage made up by others. Anyway, the plot is just not what you would expect from Scooby Doo. Which says a lot considering their direct to DVD features within the last years included also crossovers with the WWE and KISS. So you would expect it could not get weirder. But this movie kinda does, while also just having storystructure wise clichees to it you have seen a million times already in both better and worse features. And yet, if you like Hanna Barbera cartoons in general, I think you can find something in that movie. Not necessarily a good story from start to end, but just a entertaining Hanna Barbera cartoon, that is not quite as “dumb” as its source material but also does not try to be ultra serious and embraces the sort of humor it came from. If that however is not enough for you, and you want some very very deep story about social issues in animated form... well, I either suggest watching something not done by Disney you animation snob.
From a technical level now, I would say the movie is a bit more complicated to “review”. The voice acting is not horrible, but there are moments where the fact they got not the original cast to do the voices and instead give us celebrities like Zac Efron, is obvious. Some dialogues just don’t work as well as they should, but no one does a completely horrible job. Animation wise...
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Well, it is a movie that does actually a good job getting the Hannah Barbera designs into a decent computer animated shape for the 21th century. It really feels like a Hannah Barbara cartoon on the screen. Unfortunately, when it comes to background characters....
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...it feels only slightly above Miraculous Ladybug levels in my opinion. The animation is not all over the place, but you can see that it was not Pixar working on it. Which actually sorta brings up another “problem” with the movie. The problem being that as a whole it does not quite feel like it is a movie that belongs on the big screen. It is an entertaining animated movie, don’t get me wrong. But if I may be “snobish” for a moment, I think in terms of presentation and story it just doesn’t quite reach okay movie theater flick level. It is above what we should get from a made for TV or DVD production but just doesn’t reach the next level by a few inches. Which is sad, cause I think there was actually still a lot of effort put into it and a certain love of the source material. Or rather source materials, seeing how it is not just Scooby Doo here. And yet, despite its obvious flaws, including some really dated humor that made my eyes roll but is not breaking the movie for me... I recommend it. If you like Scooby Doo as a whole, I think you may like this one a lot. I just think that 20$ on demand is way too much. An animated serie sin that style however would suffice a lot Hope that piece of an opinion was helpful and that if you decide to watch it, you will have as much fun as I had (or even more) . And please don’t let me be the only one on this planet who thinks that of all the characters in it, Dick Dastardly is actually one, if not the most entertaining one. Cause heck, I liked him. And I never had imagined to see a heartfelt scene with him as a central character.
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 4 years
Since I just saw the only Hammer Dracula film I hadn’t gotten around to before, I thought I’d give a few thoughts....
Scars of Dracula is now going to be subtitled  “Good Help is Hard to Find” whenever I mention it. Drac has peasants that come with torches, a servant that toys with putting a crush above job performance, and a gal that would rather sink her own teeth into his dinner. And how does he deal with this? Through wasting a lot of blood that you’d think he would find yummy. (Though in the stabbing scene it sure looks like they cut before he took a very sensible sip.)  The problems of being a boss with no people skills seems to be a thing even if you have fangs. 
Or a tavern owner, for that matter. The dude is just as unable contol what his employee says and does, thinking gruffness can keep her in line. He never even bothers to explain the wee hazards of working in the shadows if a vampire’s castle. I tell you, check out who you are working for and what the risks of the job are, because you can NOT count on your boss!
Actually, I really do like a glimpse at the life of a vampire’s servant. It’s all well and good for fang boy to leave a bloody mess in the bed, but somebody had dispose of the body. TBH, I rather enjoyed seeing Patrick Troughton’s Klove cheerfully  rummaging about the latest victim’s belongings  before casually dismembering and disolving  in acid the remains of a fellow employee that had just recieved her severance package. 
The movie might have been fun as a dark comedy, but unfortunately when it kept trying for comedy it just didn’t work. I say this as someone that likes The Horror of Frankenstein, so feel free to dismiss that. If they had gone for humor at least the wobbly aspects might seem part of the joke.
Wobbly like the bats....
Dear Dark Shadows, Remember how I used to giggle at your fake bat attacks? All is forgiven! Hammer did it much, MUCH worse! 
Seriously, brightly lit Halloween puppet bats bouncing of clevage is just hilarious! 
Hmmm, maybe they were trying to make a comedy.
Nah, the slaughter of an entire church full if the town’s “women folk” is anything but funny. I sort of love the idea of the villagers deciding enough is enough and going after Dracula, and him taking retribution on such a huge scale. The fact the silly peasants thought burning a stone castle would do the job and that Dracula actually sent the kiddie toy bat to do his killing doesn't change the fact I like the idea. 
I also like the bedroom full of red. Red decorations, not blood I mean. Though there was plenty of the latter in the bed eventually. I would love that bed pre-stabbing.
Mood lighting is something no one involved in this movie had ever heard of ever. Pity. Extreme pity actually. A world of production limitations would have been hidden.
Dracula has some seriously weird pale makeup on, like me the first time I tried to do vampire make-up for Halloween. This was not a teenager goofing around in looking undead, because by now they should have had practice. Maybe they thought the lighting should be different too? 
Wait, why did I never notice Christopher Lee’s nostrils before? Is it because this is the first time I’ve been watching him on such a big screen? They weirded me out for some reason.
Small towns really can suck can’t they? Never mind the vampire, locals can be seriously unwelcoming. Give ‘em a neighborhood vampire and they’ll just throw you out the door, sunset or not, if you ask questions. As a small town gal, I half expect my neighbors would so the same to me, and I’m not even a “stranger”. 
Gotta admit that as a vampire fan who fell in love with the novel Dracula in 3rd grade, I never have completely warmed to the Hammer Dracula films. I enjoy them but even Hammer-wise I prefer all the Frankenstein films, Curse of the Werewolf, Doctor Jekyll and Sister Hyde,  Vampire Circus, Twins of Evil...... even Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb to most of their Dracula films.
That said I kinda love Taste the Blood of Dracula. I rewatched it the other day, and other than the way Drac is offed I still love it. Does Brides of Dracula count? I love it, but Drac isn’t in it so I don’t think of it as a Dracula film. And I enjoyed The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires, but I’m not sure it quite counts either...
Do I actually even like Christopher Lee as Dracula? I like him in many things, but his Drac films leave me kinda cold. And not in an undead way. Odd thing tp admit about one of the most beloved performers of the role, but there you go.***
Lightening gets him this time? Well that wouldn’t happen if fang boy had used his natural weapons instead of mucking about with weapons. What was it with him and using weapons in this movie? Knives, red hot swords, bit if metal lobbed at him by someone that doesn’t get the wooden stake thing..... Still, it isn’t the lamest of his deaths in the series. 
Final verdict on Scars of Dracula? Well, in most ways it’s a weak movie, but at least it isn’t the atheist bashing of Dracula Has Risen from the Grave** Technically though, yeah, maybe the worst. I still might rewatch it one day, just not any time soon! 
** Beware: Rant Ahead!-  I made the mistake of rewatching it the other day, forgetting it was THAT one, and I ended up so upset. My father was an atheist and I’m agnostic so it kinda slaps me in the face. I suppose most people won’t get it, but if you have had to be in situations where you really don’t what to talk about it, but someone keeps at you about what church you go to, then have the gall to be angry when you tell them, you might. Once you’ve been shunned and forced to fight for the right not to pray you get sensitive on the subject. If the atheist in the movie had been a former priest that regains their faith I wouldn’t have had a problem at all, but I resent atheists being treated as someone that, when not simply being a villain, must convert.  Guess what folks? Atheists can be kind, loving, ethical, and all around good people. 
*** I have nothing against him. In fact, I watched the movie because I dreamed about Christopher Lee last night. We had quite a lovely conversation, well until the car we were in  crashed off the top of the moss covered cube shaped mountain. There he was, smiling very pleasantly at me like he was enjoying talking to me, and next second we were plummeting to what seemed like certain death. Luckily for me I never die in my dreams, but unluckily for him the same doesn’t apply to others,  The poor fellow was the only one to die, but not to worry, in true Dracula and dream fashion, he later turned out to be in a hospital suffering from extreme blood loss and still alive. Odd dream, got weird after that, but got me thinking about thr one of his Drac films I hadn’t seen....
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artificialqueens · 5 years
gold coloured prisms of light, chapter two (branjie) - holtzmanns
(read on ao3) | (tumblr: plastiquetiaras) | word count: 4922
AN: Thank you SO so much for all the sweet feedback on the first chapter! This fic is absolutely becoming one of my favourites to write, and I am so glad that you all are enjoying it so far, it makes me so happy. I made a playlist for this fic too, if music is your thing. Listen here. Writ is the best beta <33
Brock is nineteen and his friend Emily from ballet school is putting her makeup on his face and he’s never been more excited about Halloween in his life.
He writes to Jose on his forearm while Emily dusts blush on his cheeks, hoping that she doesn’t notice.
I’m dressing up in drag for Halloween
Me too!!!
Show me your look I wanna see
Not yet I’m doing my makeup
Brock remembers Jose mentioning his new job at Mac, seeing the pictures he’s sent of his makeup looks that make him look even more ethereal than he already is. He wishes that Jose could be here now, be the one to do his makeup.
Emily tosses Brock a dress, tells him to try it on and sure, Brock still has a shadow on his face and his jaw is big even under his wig but he looks-
He could get used to dressing up in drag.
His phone buzzes because Jose’s sent a picture, and Brock gasps because Jose looks like a woman. Granted, Brock’s perception of what women are actually like is a bit warped, having gone to the gay village with his friends to watch drag queens too many a time after reaching the legal drinking age, but Jose looks like one. Better than the ones he’s seen.
You look amazing
Now show me yours
No I don’t look as good as you
Yes you do I bet
So Brock sends one, because he can never really say no to Jose for long.
You look SO TALL
A whole ass model
Do not
You’re just trying to make me feel better
Lemme do your makeup next time
It tugs on Brock’s heart, because he wishes there was a way that Jose actually could.
Brock is twenty six and on a date with a guy and he’s absolutely bored stiff.
Because the guy is not Jose.
They’d agreed to date around a little bit, to explore a few years back. To see what other guys were like (even though Brock knows Jose is the one), just to be sure, until they’re in the same place.
Besides, they have forever in front of them, right?
But Brock’s never really found any of them interesting, connected with any. He finds more and more that he sleeps with them and is inevitably disappointed, waking up the next morning to doodle on his side until Jose wakes up and replies, too.
He never texts any of the guys back, never goes on a second date. It feels disloyal, somehow, even though he knows that Jose is probably doing the same thing.
He tries not to think about Jose kissing someone else, or sleeping with someone else.
He ends the date without so much as a kiss goodbye, already pulling out a Sharpie from his coat pocket on the walk back to his apartment. He barely gets the cap of the marker off before his phone buzzes.
“There’s a pageant in Georgia that I want you to do.” His drag mom’s voice crackles on the other end of the line, Farrah always wanting to push him, wanting him to try more.
“A plane ticket’s going to be expensive.” Brock bites his lip. He’s been picking up part time jobs during the day to fund his drag, after stopping ballet because his tired and worn body can’t take it anymore, the touring and the dancing that’s been breaking him down.
“We’ll drive down. We have all your drag to take, too. It’ll be good for people on the Southern scene to get a look at you, get you on their radars.”
“Just tell me in advance so I can book time off work.” Brock unlocks his apartment door, letting himself in as he tugs off his jacket, dropping it on the couch.
“In two weeks. So we’ve got to work on your looks and your numbers again.”
Being able to perform in drag feels good to Brock, makes him feel alive. Lights him up on stage the way he’s always wanted ballet to do so, because now he actually gets to wear the hair and outfits that he’s always wanted to and transform and draw all the eyes in the room towards him.
He wants to tell Jose about it, send him more pictures of his drag, but he’s intimidated. Jose still works at Mac and does drag on the side and he looks good, real good, every time he sends a picture and makes Brock zoom in on it to see exactly how he’s done his contour, his cut creases.
Jose’s started drawing drag makeup sketches with coloured markers on his legs and Brock realizes that Jose is his favourite artist, maybe ever.
Brock is in Georgia and the backstage of a pageant reminds him of his ballet days but more fun, because now he gets to dress up all pretty too.
Brock gets his makeup done before everyone else backstage, dusting setting powder on his face and adjusting his wig line while the rest of the girls competing are still outlining their contours.
It’s both a blessing and a curse, being able to do his makeup so fast. On one hand, he knows that he’s finished and doesn’t need to worry about being on time but on the other hand, he ruminates.
He mentally rehearses his talent routine over and over in his mind, trying to get the steps just right, the way that they were with the backup dancers in rehearsal. He can’t have any mistakes, at least, not ones that he can prevent.
Brock has heard of most of the girls competing, seeing quite a few on the pageant circuit a little north. But there’s a handful of queens that he’s never met before, including Alexis Mateo, who’s also ready like Brock and standing with a crowd of dancers, tapping her foot and scowling as she checks the time on her phone.
“José, si no estás listo en los próximos cinco minutos, juro por dios-”
“I’m coming, I’m coming, Mary! Wait up!” Brock is nearly knocked over when a guy bounds past him, yelling excuse me’s as he weaves himself past all of the vanity mirrors and towards Alexis. A backup dancer, Brock guesses, from the way that his outfit matches the rest of them.
But then the guy joins the group, runs a hand through his hair as turns around, shooting one last look at the queens getting ready before turning back to face Alexis and Brock’s heart stops beating right in his chest, his breath hitching as the makeup brush falls from his hand and onto the table.
The eyebrows, the perfect jawline, the features that have been burned into Brock’s memory by now by how often Brock sees him in his mind?
It’s Jose.
“Ready? Let’s practice your walk, since you’re already done.” Farrah’s tugging on Brock’s hand and getting him to stand up and it’s a miracle, really, that his legs are supporting him because Jose is right there, walking out the door with Alexis’ group and every fibre of Brock’s being wants to go after him.
But he also knows that they’re about to start a competition, and Farrah would absolutely kill him if he went after a boy.
Even if that boy is his soulmate.
Brock floats through his numbers in a daze, because nothing seems real and Jose is right there, laughing and dancing and yelling his head off and he’s perfect, just like Brock knew he’d be.
He gets first alternate and he’s not even disappointed like he usually would be, because sure, he wants to win but he’s found his soulmate and as soon as he gets off the stage and takes off his crown and sash and heels, he can go find him, talk to him.
Brock looks around frantically, handing Farrah the flowers he’d been given on stage, because he’s about to drop them and he needs to find Jose , needs to find him now.
Jose’s with Alexis and the rest of her dancers, Red Bull in hand and making silly jokes and Brock is shaking as he walks towards him, and maybe he should have gotten out of drag first-
He grabs for Jose’s arm and it feels like he’s been struck by lightning.
Jose turns around as if he’s been burned, looking him up and down curiously as if trying to place his face (why, why didn’t he get out of drag first) before his mouth drops open, and Brock is nearly knocked over by the weight of Jose in his arms.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-”
Brock’s never felt this much before, never been convinced that he’s absolutely going to be bowled over until right now, because how are his legs supporting him when Jose is in his arms and burying his face in his chest as if he’ll disappear, they’ll disappear if they let go?
Brock pulls back, draws in a gasp because it’s become hard to breathe, and Alexis is looking at them curiously because both of them look like they’ve seen a ghost.
Jose is perfect, from the way his eyes are wide, flitting along Brock’s face and the way his hand is running through his hair while his other hand is reaching out for Brock and Brock gets it, because he doesn’t want to let go of Jose again.
“Sorry, I’m still in drag, I should have-”
“Let me help you, come with you.”
They grab Brock’s stuff from his vanity mirror and head for a bathroom because Brock doesn’t want to be around anyone else except for Jose. His hands are shaking as he puts down his makeup bag and makeup remover and Jose grabs the makeup wipe from his hand.
As loud as he had been earlier Jose is gentle now, pulling off Brock’s fake lashes with care and his wig and running his hands through Brock’s curls after his wig cap is off, and Brock feels himself leaning into the touch, still feels like he’s on fire.
As the layers and layers of makeup come off and Brock leaves Brooke behind, Jose’s face is filled with more and more marvel. His eyes map the contours of Brock’s face, his fingers tracing his patterns along Brock’s jaw, his cheekbones, above his eyebrows. As if he’s trying to commit everything to memory.
Jose helps Brock unlace his corset, though it doesn’t help Brock in bringing the air back into his lungs, because he feels like it’s been permanently knocked out of them now. Brock is about to pull on a hoodie, something soft after the hours and hours of restricting drag, before Jose throws his arms around him.
Brock’s had first kisses before. First kiss with a boy. First onstage kiss for ballet. First drunken kiss.
But this one? Blows all of them out of the water.
Jose is energy, pure energy that is feeding Brock’s soul, and he’s making Brock wonder how he’s survived nearly twenty seven years on earth without this. Without Jose, without feeling like he’s whole, because now he truly, truly gets the definition of a soulmate.
No wonder he hasn’t felt something with any other guy. How could he even begin to try, when Jose is entering his heart and fixing everything and making it whole again?
Jose whines into his mouth and Brock gets it, because it’s enough but it’s not, it’s not, he needs more and Jose needs more and he’s waited more than two decades for this and he needs it now.
Brock pulls back from the kiss and Jose’s eyes are wild, his lips swollen and parted and his hands shaking. They’ve talked to each other every day since they were kids and Brock feels like he knows absolutely everything about the man in front of him, but he needs to know more.
Brock is in a hotel room in Georgia and Jose is in his arms.
He doesn’t know how he’s going to go back to Toronto while Jose goes back to Tampa, how he’ll return to his everyday life without Jose there with him. Now that Jose is lying on his chest, fast asleep and mouth slightly parted as his eyes flutter, now that Brock finally, finally feels like he’s complete, he doesn’t want to let him go.
He can’t stop staring at him. Jose, beautiful perfect Jose who is funny and loud and had made Brock smile the entire night more than he has in his entire life. Jose, who is a ball of lightning that ricochets around the room and Brock isn’t able to take his eyes off of him, no matter how hard he tries.
Brock had gotten to kiss every inch of Jose’s skin that he could reach, see goosebumps rise along the areas where he’s written messages to him for what feels like forever.
Jose had taken out a Sharpie from his bag after their second round, when they were both spent but didn’t want to let go of each other, didn’t want to stop holding on, being connected. He’d drawn a heart on his own wrist and both of them had watched as it appeared on Brock’s mere moments later.
Their bodies aren’t quite the same but they complement one another, the drawings showing up on their skin in matching places, mirror images reflecting on each other almost perfectly. They had drawn new designs after every round, traced their hands over each mark in wonder, as if they’d never seen it happen before and hadn’t been writing to each other for nearly their entire lives.
Now here they are, in a hotel bed somewhere in Georgia as the moonlight streams in through the slightly open window, and the slight breeze makes Brock hold Jose just a bit tighter to him. Brock swears that he can feel Jose’s heart, how it beats at the same pace that his own does as he sleeps on top of him. Because they’re linked somehow, the blood that’s running through their veins and keeping them alive beating in sync, the way that the two of them have always been.
Brock calls in sick to work the day that Farrah starts to drive back to Toronto without him, because he can’t leave Jose just yet. Jose argues with the manager of his Mac store over the phone (’I told y’all, I got mononowhatever it is, I ain’t coming in’) and Brock’s eyes trace over his taut form, marvelling at how he had fit so well against his side like a puzzle piece.
He puts his duffle bag in Jose’s car (he’s sent his drag back up to Toronto with Farrah already) and climbs in the passenger seat. They drive to Atlanta because they can, because it’s a new city for both of them and they can make fresh memories there, even if just for a day. The car ride is filled with snacks and stolen kisses and Brock’s hand drawing patterns on Jose’s thigh, nearly making him crash at least twice.
They stop at a diner and share a milkshake like they’re a well worn cliche, trading whispers across the table and Jose’s voice when it’s soft reminds Brock of the way that Jose always writes goodnight on his palm before he falls asleep.
Their sex that night is less frantic, less exploratory, more reaffirming. Brock finds that it’s incredibly easy to figure out how to make Jose come undone and dig his nails into his skin. Maybe it’s because he’s already known all along. Worshipping Jose with his mouth makes him believe in something bigger, something with a higher power upon the universe, more than any visits to church as a child ever did. Because what else would allow Brock to experience this, experience Jose, making him feel like his soul is never going to be the same afterwards ever again?
They order in food to their hotel room and Jose pulls on Brock’s hoodie, and Brock swears that he sees him bury his face in it more than once.
They’re lying in bed when the clock reads 2 a.m., and Jose is tracing patterns along Brock’s ribs. Brock almost expects to see ink marks appear on his skin underneath Jose’s fingertips. Jose looks up at him, under those long lashes like he can’t get enough, like looking away from him for more than a second means that he’s losing out. Brock gets it, because he’s been doing the same thing.
Time seems to pass faster with Jose, as if being in proximity to a soulmate means that every moment is precious, so easily lost.
“What are we gonna do?”
“I dunno.” Brock wishes that he did. That he had an answer for this, that they didn’t live two thousand or so kilometers away from each other.
“Me neither.” Jose grabs onto him ever so slightly tighter.
“We’ll figure it out. It’s not going to be forever.” Brock runs his fingers through Jose’s hair, hears him let out a hum. “We can visit.”
“You better bring your ass to Tampa often. I don’t wanna go back without you.”
“As long as you bring yours to Toronto.”
“That don’t even sound like a real place.” Jose’s eyes are sparkling and it reminds Brock of the night sky.
“They found a monkey in a fur coat in an IKEA once in Toronto, so I’m not really sure that it is.” Brock watches as Jose raises an eyebrow, waits for him to say that he’s joking. Jose scoffs when he doesn’t.
“Canada sounds whack. But it gave me you, so.” Jose leans back into Brock’s side, presses a kiss to his ribs and Brock feels like it puts him back together.
Brock’s on a flight back to Toronto and he’s never felt emptier in his life.
I miss you I miss you I miss you
Jose’s driving back to Tampa so he can’t reply, Brock knows, but he hopes that he sees the words on the back of his hands as they hold the steering wheel.
Brock falls asleep after the flight attendant gives him a diet coke, and he wakes up to stars on his palms and hearts along his wrists.
Going back to work during the day, and back to the drag scene in the Village during the night makes Brock feel empty. How can he clock in for eight hours while trying to pretend to care, when his soulmate is far, far down on the coast? How can he tuck his dick back and pull on hip pads and layers of makeup and a wig that squeezes his head too tight, knowing that Jose won’t be there to help him take it all off?
It makes everything feel worthless.
But a little nagging voice in the back of his head reminds him of what his sisters had said, back when they were young and would weave stories about soulmates and what it meant to fall in love.
People have gone mad for their soulmates. Thrown their whole lives away, only to have everything blow up in their faces. Lost family and friends and money all in pursuit for one person, who may not be able to give them what they need.
Brock knows that him and Jose aren’t like that. They’re not. They’re Brock and Jose, they write messages to each other and maybe, just maybe, it keeps him from drowning.
But he also doesn’t want to rest the responsibility of his happiness solely on Jose.
So Brock gets into drag every night, picking up gigs on Church Street and he keeps on trekking.
Brock is twenty eight and packing for appearances as Miss Continental when Jose’s words blossom on his forearm.
So are you applying for drag race this year or what
Yeah. Again. You?
Brock’s applied once already. Last year, when he’d moved to Nashville and Jose had cheered because he was closer but grumbled because he wasn’t close enough. But now they take turns driving to each other, the ten hour trek not feeling so long to Brock when he knows what’s waiting at the end of it. They take long weekends, holidays, any short stretches of time they have. But it never feels like it’s satisfying enough, like it quenches Brock’s need for Jose to always be within reaching distance.
Yeah filmed an audition tape. Alexis directed it and it’s wild
I wanna see
Show me yours too
Brock’s is boring, pretty much a resume of his drag career with his crowning of Miss Continental as a highlight. But the video that Jose sends him makes him burst out laughing.
He’s his usual perfect hilarious self but cranked up about ten notches, shouting about how he deserves to be on the show and lip syncing with numbers full of death drops that make Brock’s tired knees ache just from watching.
He’s magnetic.
God, they’re gonna love you
What no you think so??? It’s not too crazy????
Oh, it’s crazy alright. But so you
Bitch what’s that supposed to mean
It’s a compliment, you goof
Yours is good too, you professional fish
I don’t know if it’s good enough, though
You’re always good enough
But a month and a half later Brock is the first one to find out that Jose’s made it on season ten of Drag Race after he gets the call, when Jose writes the number 10 with exclamation points purple ink on his palm.
Brock doesn’t get the same call.
He continues his Miss Continental appearances, helps Jose put together outfits for the runways with some of his designer connections. He tries not to be bitter when he can practically feel Jose’s excitement pumping through his own veins.
Jose goes radio silent on social media but his nerves bleed through ink on Brock’s thigh the night before filming starts for episode one.
Oh my god oh my god it’s tomorrow
I wish you were here
Me too
Brock really, really does.
You’ll do amazing, you’ll show them just how amazing you are
Everyone deserves to see you, be impressed by you
Have you light up their worlds like you light up mine
That’s poetic as shit
I know you’re tearing up over it though
Fuck yeah I am
You’re the worst
That’s a lie you’re the best
Go sleep, you need to be fully rested before tomorrow
A flower appears on Brock’s hipbone before he drifts off to sleep.
Brock is getting into drag at Play Nashville when words start to appear on his forearms and his chest and his ribs and he can tell Jose is upset.
So fucking stupid, I fucked up, Alexis is gonna be so upset shit shit shit
Brock puts his foundation down because Jose needs him more, right now. He knows that Jose’s only his second day into filming and hasn’t wanted to bother him, but now that he’s in trouble Brock is more than willing to be there.
What happened?
I messed up, that’s what
They sending me home first
I’m first out Brock I’m fucking first out
I thought I did well in the lipsync but this other bitch brought money and threw it around stage
Who the fuck does that
I’m sorry baby, shit
Brock bites his lip. He can only imagine Jose right now, getting out of drag while Brock is getting into it, Sharpie shaking in his hands as he tries to write.
Jose is a star and Brock knows it, and he doesn’t know how Jose ended up in the bottom but he doesn’t want to pry, make things worse. Brock wishes he could be there instead, in LA at whatever studio they’re filming at just to wrap Jose in his arms under the guise of making everything better, while also giving the judges a piece of his mind.
Not that he has the courage to do that, but still.
Brock doesn’t need to watch the episode to know that Jose deserves better than this. But he knows Jose, knows how good he is at making everyone turn their eyes towards him, command them to pay attention.
Brock knows, he just knows, that Jose is still going to be successful. Maybe they’ll even bring him back for another season.
He draws out plans on his leg for what they’ll do when Jose comes to visit him next, then writes a story about how Jose is going to be a bigger star than anyone on his season. Jose scoffs and writes little annotations and jokes around his words, but Brock somehow can already feel the way the burden is lifting from his chest.
Brock is twenty-nine and his soulmate has just gone and broken the internet.
It seems that Brock can’t go to a gig, can’t scroll through Instagram without seeing ‘Miss Vanjie’ memes everywhere. Jose’s face all done up in drag, strolling backwards and making the judges crack up and absolutely everyone around him is repeating the words over and over again.
Jose is as befuddled as he is after the episode airs, and it feels like the universe as they know it is beginning to explode.
I swear my brain wasn’t even working I was just walking backwards and acting a damn fool not even knowing what was leaving my mouth
Didn’t even properly remember till watching this
And now you’re a meme
I think Kathy Griffin tweeted about you
Who tf is that
Apparently I need to get a manager and an agent now
Alexis said so
People be calling left and right
I’m so proud of you
I didn’t even do anything I just said my name cause I forgot every other word that exists
And everyone absolutely loves it
Jose starts getting booked first all around the country, and then all around the world, and they can’t drive to visit each other anymore because Jose is always on the road but he always makes sure to write I love you under Brock’s ribs every night.
Brock gets the call for season eleven of Drag Race at 2 in the afternoon and he nearly falls off his couch and brings Henry and Apollo down with him.
They’re making him sign an NDA but he’s read it over, and no one’s mentioned soulmates and Brock needs to find a Sharpie or pen, damnit, and why does his living room suddenly seem devoid of them?
He stubs his toe on the kitchen counter when he finds one on the table, swearing under his breath as he pops the cap but then words are showing up on the back of his hand.
Brock wants to pick up Henry and dance around his kitchen because he’s going to be on season eleven of Drag Race and now Jose is going to be with him.
You’re not playing are you
Tell me you’re not playing
oh my GOD
Facetime me facetime me
Jose picks up while he’s walking through an airport terminal with his manager, Jason, and fuck NDAs because Jose is being loud, practically screaming at the top of his lungs and Brock feels like he’s never ever going to stop smiling again.
“You did it. You’re going back.” Brock knew that Jose was meant to be a star, back when they were kids and Jose would tell him stories about how his abuela had thought the same thing. And now Jose’s going to do it twice over, after having done it on season ten already.
“I’m going- bitch, you fucking made the season!” Jose spins around and Jason’s running behind him, telling him tokeep his voice down but Jose doesn’t seem to care and Brock doesn’t either, really. “They really loved your Canadian ass this time around, huh?”
“Seems so.” It’s not quite sinking in for Brock just yet, the fact that in a handful of weeks he’s going to fly down to LA and film Drag Race and oh boy, he has so many runway looks that he has to put together before that and practically no time to do so-
“Hey. You. Don’t lose your shit on me.” Jose’s looking at him with that all knowing expression, because he always has an inkling of when Brock’s brain starts to get the better of him. “You made it. The hard part’s done and now the journey’s just beginning, baby.”
Brock smiles despite himself. He’s done it, he’s done it, and now he’s going to be there with Jose and have him to lean on and they can write to each other constantly and-
“Just don’t get out first like I did.” Jose snorts. It’s an old wound now, one that’s scabbed over and healed by the endless success that Jose’s been experiencing in the past year, much more so than quite a few girls from his season.
Jose really can do anything, in Brock’s eyes, his magnetic force of a man that Brock first saw command a room but now is commanding the entire world. Brock would say that he’s surprised by Jose being selected for season eleven again but he’s not, not at all, because who wouldn’t want him back?
And now Brock gets to go with him, too.
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susieskinner93 · 5 years
Susie I know I keep asking you for prompts. So if you don't mind, you totally don't have to do this but can you have Aaron and Seb going trick or treating and Seb in some costume that makes him look like Daddy Aaron. his hammer overalls and a beard? please. Thank you
Okay this is not exactly what you wanted but I couldn’t see your original prompt happening so... this is what I came up with
After he got Seb home from Vic he just sat in the couch... looking into thin air. It was either that or crying, and he did that all day while Seb was away. 
“Da.” - he heard Seb’s voice. He stood almost right in front of him, reaching out his hands. That’s when Aaron saw the hammer he carried with himself everywhere. Ever since he got there... that toy barely left his side. To be honest Aaron almost felt jealous because of it.
“What is it mate? You wanna give it to me?” - he asked taking it from him, but in the last minute, Seb snitched the toy away from Aaron and started giggling. Like it was the best game in the world.  - “Ahh, I see what you’re doing.” - smiled Aaron tickling him - “Come on, I wanna play too!” - he said asking for the hammer.
“No-no.” - said Seb shaking his head, and Aaron laughed. He genuinely laughed like he didn’t in a long while. That’s when Liv came through the door. 
“You two alright? Looks like you’re having fun.” 
“Yeah, trouble here makes sure of it, ain’t ya?” - said Aaron grimacing at the boy, and Seb just went over to hug him. Like he knew that it was what Aaron needed the most. 
“Aww look at him, how cute.” - said Liv. - “It’s Halloween, why aren’t you over the pub?”
“Pff...why aren’t you?” - asked back Aaron. 
“It’s really not my scene.” - she said and Aaron gave her a knowing look. - “Okay, point taken, but... this one shouldn’t miss the fun. Remember that costume you got him last year?”
“The little devil? Yeah, he was so cute in it.” - he said smiling at the memory. - “You wanna dress up Seb?” - he asked the boy. -”I don’t have anything though” - he said looking at Liv. -”I didn’ think...”
“I can sort it out... I know exactly what he should dress up as.”
“Wanna tell me or....”
“Why don’t you get us some food, and I take care of it. You’re gonna like it.” - she promised as she lifted Seb up to take him upstairs. 
“Bye-bye.” - said Seb waving at Aaron.
“We’re not going away silly, you’re gonna have a little makeover, then you can show it to daddy Aaron alright?” - she asked. Aaron only heard the first part of the sentence because by the time she finished talking they were already in Liv’s room. 
Aaron made himself busy by tidying up a bit before he got a pizza in the oven. Liv and Seb weren’t gone for long, about 10 minutes later they came back down, and Aaron couldn’t hold back his laughter when he saw the boy. He was dressed in a blue overall, and Liv also drew a beard on his face... well it wasn’t a full beard it was more like a stubble... and his little hands looked like there were oil stains on them. He looked like Aaron did when he worked at the garage, apart from his hair, but it was enough to bring a tear to Aaron’s eyes. He tried to play it down like he had no idea who Seb supposed to be, but Liv knew better.
“I just thought since neither of us fancy going out... and there’s no way people would come here trick or treating....” - she trailed off. - “This is the closest I could get to creepy.” - she said grinning at her brother.
“Thanks” - laughed Aaron shaking his head - “Look at ya.” - he said to Seb. Liv handed him over to Aaron, who couldn’t help but be amused. 
‘I tried to give him a tool from your box, but...”
“Yeah I know, it’s the hammer or nothing. Doesn’t matter.” - he answered smiling.
“Dada.” - smiled Seb aiming for another hug.
“You should take a picture, to show it to Robert. I bet he’d love to see this.”
“Yeah I will... just... later.” - he said enjoying the moment. It was all absolutely silly but it was more than enough. Liv was right he wasn’t in a mood for any kind of party, but that didn’t mean they can’t have fun on their own. Maybe he can even enjoy himself.   
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