#camera winder
cuntylestat · 4 months
i love that they had louis actually turn the film winder on his rolleiflex once but then they never did it again. girlies that shutter would not work
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theotheralgorithm · 1 year
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Ski Trip. Phoenicia, NY 2021
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gilo-2525 · 3 months
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When she finally agrees to pose naked but the camera's winder stops working (A.J., Manila, 3/2024)
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beardedmrbean · 3 days
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A Florida sheriff fed up with a spate of false school shooting threats is taking a new tactic to try get through to students and their parents: he's posting the mugshot of any offender on social media.
Law enforcement officials in Florida and across the country have seen a wave of school shooting hoaxes recently, including in the wake of the deadly attack at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, that killed two students and two teachers.
Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood on Florida's Atlantic Coast said he's tired of the hoaxes targeting students, disrupting schools and sapping law enforcement resources. In social media posts Monday, Chitwood warned parents that if their kids are arrested for making these threats, he'll make sure the public knows.
“Since parents, you don’t want to raise your kids, I’m going to start raising them," Chitwood said. "Every time we make an arrest, your kid’s photo is going to be put out there. And if I can do it, I’m going to perp walk your kid so that everybody can see what your kid’s up to.”
Chitwood made the announcement in a video highlighting the arrest of an 11-year-boy who was taken into custody for allegedly threatening to carry out a school shooting at Creekside or Silver Sands Middle School in Volusia County. Chitwood posted the boy's full name and mugshot to his Facebook page.
In the video, which had more than 270,000 views on Facebook as of Monday afternoon, the camera pans across a conference table covered in airsoft guns, pistols, fake ammunition, knives and swords that law enforcement officers claim the boy was “showing off" to other students.
Later, the video cuts to officers letting the boy out of a squad car and leading him handcuffed into a secure facility, dressed in a blue flannel button-down shirt, black sweatpants and slip-on sandals. The boy's face is fully visible at multiples points in the video.
“Right this way, young man,” an officer tells the boy, his hands shackled behind his back.
The boy is led into an empty cell, with metal cuffs around his wrists and ankles, before an officer closes the door and locks him inside.
“Do you have any questions?” the officer asks as he bolts the door.
“No sir,” the boy replies.
The video prompted a stream of reactions on social media, with many residents praising Chitwood, calling on him to publicly identify the parents as well — or press charges against them.
Others questioned the sheriff’s decision, saying the 11-year-old is just a child, and that the weight of the responsibility should fall on his parents.
Under Florida law, juvenile court records are generally exempt from public release — but not if the child is charged with a felony, as in this case.
Law enforcement officials across Florida have been tracking a stream of threats in the weeks since the 2024-2025 school year began. In Broward County, home to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, officials said last week they had already arrested nine students, ages 11 to 15, for making threats since August.
"For my parents, to the kids who are getting ready for school, I'm going to say this again," Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony said at a press conference, “nothing about this is a laughing or joking matter.”
“Parents, students, it's not a game,” he added.
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Vintage Camera Review
The Argus C3 Match-Matic
from 1958–1966
I was at a local thrift store and I saw an Argus camera in the showcase, I asked to see it. It had a tag saying it had been put out just the day before and was marked for $7.50. It's a pretty cool looking camera! Argus was a local to Ann Arbor camera company so its pretty well known in the area. There is even an Argus museum near downtown that's worth a visit.
It's a hefty camera, it's shaped like a small brick and weighs almost as much. It's a range-finder, completely mechanical except for the detachable light meter that doesn't even use a battery. The light meter is probably the most impressive aspect of the camera, with no battery, it has a solar cell that generates electricity. That electricity is measured to tell you how much light is in the scene and how to set the exposure. Its pretty common for cameras of this era but interesting none-the-less.
The camera it's self it pretty typical to start; a 50mm ƒ3.5 lens, it has a shutter dial, a frame counter, film winder and re-winder knobs, instant/bulb switch, cold shoe, and a very old style flash connector.
But then I notice the apertures and shutter speeds are not labeled as usual. The apertures count 3½, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. I looked this up and they are equal to ƒ3.5, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16. The shutters are labeled 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 which are equal to ⅟10, ⅟30, ⅟60, ⅟125, ⅟300th. Ok, weird, I know scales weren't standardized for a while but I was surprised that a camera of this era wasn't, but I can get past that. Also, the shutter dial indicates that it should only be turned in one direction. If you turned it the other way, it may not change the exposure. I haven't tested enough to know for sure.
It also has an Argus iconic Flash Finder / Distance dial connected with an external gear. It gives a (yet again) proprietary flash guide number to help you set your Argus flash. According to the manual, this only works when using ISO 10 film and a specific type of flash bulb. You'll have to reference the manual for the math for different films and if you have a regular flash, you'll have to reference the manual to convert flash finder numbers to standard flash guide numbers. (I hate flash anyway, but if I didn't, I'm glad we have TTL flash or at least automatic flash for the last several decades)
So I loaded a roll of Tri-X 400 into the camera... but nope, I had to look that up too. I've used quite a few old cameras and I wasn't absolutely sure I could figure out how. Once loaded, strange, but not that hard, I started to take some pictures. Focusing is a pain it the butt! It uses a two lens focusing system where it shows you two images similar to the split focus system in an SLR. This isn't so bad except it's in a separate viewfinder than your main viewfinder. So if you are focusing on a moving subject, you can't focus while keeping an eye on your framing. Maybe my almost two-year old wasn't a good test subject for this camera (haha).
Like any mechanical camera, you have to cock the shutter. The lever is in a very inconvenient location. Its right where you want to hold this (did I mention) very uncomfortable camera. Ok, there is a lever in the way, thats not the problem. If you take a picture with your finger in the way of the lever, it'll stop the shutter from moving, giving you a much longer exposure than the dial is set to! It even says this in the original manual, its not just because its old and needs lubrication.
Film winding is weird, to be honest, I'm not 100% sure I loaded the film correctly. I have checked, it is winding the film but the counter doesn't count right. (I'll update this post with more info on that later) Also, when winding to the next frame, it doesn't stop it's self, you have to look at this little button next to the counter and when it moves, you've reached the next frame. Its very easy to under or over wind unless you are paying very close attention.
Resources with more info: http://www.cameramanuals.org/argus/argus_match-matic.pdf https://collectiblend.com/Cameras/Argus/Argus-C3-Matchmatic.html
Its a cool looking, "entry level" camera for its time. It's much more difficult to use than other cameras of it's era. It's heavy and very awkward to hold. The light meter it pretty cool. I won't use this camera again. Its a display camera only.
Here are a few pictures of the camera, light meter, and viewfinder. Maybe later I'll add a photo of the inside (there is still film in it now).
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In the closeup of the light meter you can see it is set to ISO 400. The outer ring rotates to let you choose a combination of aperture and shutter. If you follow the line, the needle is pointing to the 7 which is ƒ11 while the shutter is 7 which is ⅟125. The last two are looking through the viewfinder and through the focus finder. A double image as seen would be out of focus.
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BTW was this interesting? Would anyone like to see reviews of other cameras I've used? Petri FT, Nikon F100 (my usual 35mm), Minolta SRT 101, Minolta XD5 (my secondary 35mm), 4x5 view camera, Sony HVC-2400 video tube camera, Kodak ADVANTiX F350 (my first camera as a kid), Polaroid Automatic 250 Land Camera?
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someblogorsmthidk · 2 years
Timeline of events leading up to Morris' deletion
Last updated: 15 December 2023
August 2020: Paul Gillies testifies at the Independent Inquiry into CSA, in the UK.
5 December 2021: In an interview conducted by Lloyd Evans, former bethelite Daniel Graves says that Mark Sanderson is quote "Probably the one that's driving the ship the most right now..."
March-April 2022: Paul Gillies, Jeffrey Winder, Gage Fleegle and Jonathan Smith are appointed as Helpers to the Governing Body, Gillies to Coordinators', Winder to Personnel, Fleegle and Smith to Service
c. 6 August 2022: Troy Snyder, Nicholas Ahladis and Kenneth Godburn are appointed as Helpers to the Governing Body. Snyder to Coordinators', Ahladis and Godburn to Writing.
October 2022: Pennsylvania Attorney General, Josh Shapiro, announces charges of CSA against 4 Jehovah's Witnesses.
8 November 2022: Josh Shapiro is elected Governor of Pennsylvania
c. 2 December 2022: Anthony Griffin is appointed as a Helper to the Service Committee.
c. 6 January 2023: Per Christensen is appointed as a Helper to the Writing Committee.
17 January 2023: Josh Shapiro is sworn in as Pennsylvania's 48th Governor. Michelle Henry becomes acting Attorney General
18 January 2023: Gage Fleegle and Jeffrey Winder are appointed to the Governing Body, having served as helpers for around 10 months.
7 February 2023: Five Jehovah's Witnesses, including an Elder, are indicted by the Pennsylvania Grand Jury investigating CSA in the Witnesses.
19 February 2023: All JW Congregations in Pennsylvania are subpoenaed.
22 February 2023: Anthony Morris ceases to be a Member of the Governing Body, no reason is given for his deletion.
9 March 2023: A Kingdom Hall in Hamburg, Germany is attacked. Eight people (including the perpetrator and an unborn child) were killed.
June 2023: Secret boxes are distrbuted to JW congregations and elders are instructed to not allow anyone to see its contents until 6 November 2023.
153rd Gilead Graduation (released in June 2023): Jesse Morris (Son of Anthony Morris) gives a talk. This is the first time he has spoken on camera.
7 July 2023: Five more JWs are charged with CSA in Pennsylvania.
7 October 2023: WBTS Annual Meeting: The 103 year old policy of publishers reporting hours spent preaching per month is ditched.
29 October 2023: Several IEDs are detonated at a convention in Kerala milling 6 people. A man claiming to be the perpetrator says he carried put the attack because of the Witnesses “anti-nationalist” views. He is arrested the same day.
15 December 2023: Ban on beards is lifted.
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shutterfox5555 · 6 months
Camera Showcase
Olympus OM2 Spot Program
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Pictured: Olympus OM2 Spot Programs with all owned OM specific lenses, flash units and motor winder
In the OM series of cameras, double digits such as the OM10 were consumer grade, whereas single digits were professional grade. First manufactured in 1984, the OM2 Spot Program (OM2S in the US) was a thorough overhaul of the OM2 to make it more competitive, meaning it's internals have more in common with the OM4 than it's predecessor.
Personally speaking, this is the most feature-rich, reliable 35mm film camera I have owned, making it my go-to workhorse for 35mm work. It’s compact design was very well-thought out and lightweight compared to other cameras before it.
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Pictured: Top view of the OM2 Spot Program highlighting camera controls
One of the really well-thought out designs of this camera is how the shutter speed, aperture and depth of field preview controls are all in the same area on or next to the lens, meaning with one hand you can set all the main exposure controls without looking away from the viewfinder. Instead of a shutter speed selector on top, it’s a combined ISO speed/exposure compensation dial.
The OM2 Spot Program has 3 shooting modes: Program, Auto and Manual/Spot. In Program, the lens is set to the highest/tightest aperture and the camera will set both the aperture and shutter speed according to the light levels. In Auto, the camera shoots in an aperture priority mode where the user sets the aperture and the camera deals with the rest. In both Program and Auto modes, the camera meters centre weighted but in the full manual mode the camera switches to spot metering. This is an extremely useful feature when shooting high contrast images and with light sources behind the subject matter.
Another great thing versus it's predecessors is that it has a mechanical 1/60th shutter speed option, meaning if the batteries are depleted mid-shoot there's still a way to take photos depending on light levels.
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Pictured: 3 shots through the viewfinder showing the current focus screen's split centre and microprism centre, the Program/Auto mode metering and the Spot/Manual's digital match needle meter
The viewfinder's light meter is a LCD style display which can be illuminated for 90 seconds for better viewing in low light scenes. In Manual/Spot mode it switches from a bar depicting the shutter speed to a match needle style display. The viewfinder itself (dependant on chosen focus screen) is very clear and bright making composition a lot easier.
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Pictured: A selection of various attachments for the OM series of cameras. teleconverters, extension tubes, right-angle viewfinder, motor winder and flash units
The OM series of cameras have a wide range of accessories to further extend the capabilities of this camera. The motor winder allows for shooting up to 3.5 frames a second in continuous mode. The right angle viewfinder is especially useful when shooting at awkward angles or with telephoto lenses on a tripod, and has a toggle switch to add a 2.5x magnification to it for really dialling in the focus. I have a T20 and T32 flash for my cameras, and although the more lightweight and smaller T20 is more portable and uses half the amount of batteries, I prefer the T32 as it allows for bounce flash photography. Both flash units have 3 modes: TTL camera auto, flash unit auto and full manual. I have only really used the TTL camera auto mode but with the lens set to f4 I haven't had any photos with blown out highlights or muddy shadows.
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Pictured: three different focus screens and an OM2 Spot Program with no lens and the current focus screen unclipped from the camera
A great thing about the OM2 Spot Program and other single digit OM cameras is the ability to fairly easily switch focus screens. Different lenses and scenarios work better with different screens and the ability to change really increases the versatility of the camera. For example, for general use I tend to use a split centre with microprism focus screen to give me 3 ways to focus, but with a telephoto (especially with teleconverters) the split centre goes black due to the low light levels. At that point, I have the option to switch to a microprism only or ground glass screen to make it easier to focus.
All in all, a fantastic camera with a solid design, accurate light meter and a wide selection of lenses and attachments which if in good condition will be a fantastic addition to any vintage camera collection.
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clairestrogen · 1 year
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Taken with a Zenit 11 camera (my first camera ever given to me by my grandparents).
Using a Zenit 11 was a really manual process, look at the lightmeter needle, dial in so the pointer is pointing at the needle, read out the aperature stop corresponding to the shutter speed (which you had to choose based on the weather and the film speed), focus and shoot.
The nearly non-existent focusing matte of the camera rather makes focusing tricky, as you have to rely on looking for slight distortions in the middle of the viewfinder (which is rather dark, so that makes it a bit more difficult), and try to remove them woth focusing accordingly.
The film winder is a pleasure to use, it really sounds like a mechanical clock work with all the mechanics and gears inside moving, problem is that sometimes one of the gears might get stuck, or the oil lubricant hardened over time, turning the experience into pain (looking at you Zenit ET). The shutter is LOUD so you definitely wont be taking photos discretely :P
After years of using it i have not noticed any light leaks, tho experience can differ from camera to camera, and that's the beauty of it, one copy will be working after 40 years, other will break right after leaving the production line. They absolutely need callibration after all this time, the shutter curtains checked if they block light, the shutter speed if it's at the correct speed (again, my Zenit ET has WAY too high shutter speed at the lowest setting), and with the way these cameras were put together (they are a construction of hundreds of small elements, which are very elaborately put together), this would be a LOT of fun:3
The light meter is plain old selenium, which means it will deplete itself, and therefore will become less sensitive to light after some time (40 years in this case), giving out readings that are untrustworthy. Now i know to not use it, but then i wasn't aware and most of my photos (that were taken in harsh light) were over/underexposed.
Lens are mounted on m42, and usually these cameras are bundled with some Helios prime lens, in my case it was 58mm focal lenght.
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These lens have a very specific way of rendering bokeh, as seen as a very faint (but still noticeable) circular pattern around the dog.
This camera is not recommended as a camera to take very important photos (ESPECIALLY if you are meant to take photos of your class for christmas and while winding back the film you are an absolute dumbo, and forget to do a very specific move with twisting the shutter release, resulting in tearing up the film and having like half of it destroyed :33333333333), but is you are looking for a full analog experience of using a fully mechanical camera for relatively cheap, would recommend if you find it on a yard sale (if you live in eastern europe). Tho generally to be avoided, if you want to have a better tool just save up money and buy a Minolta X-700 instead.
B&W: Ilford HP5 400, Helios 44M-4 58mm
Colour: Kodak Gold 200, Helios 44-2 58mm
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moimoimoinnnn · 1 year
Welcome ladies and gentlemen give it up for the band Hi we'Re the Ban dmy name is Jayho and this is my friend Sung Bun we are from South Korea and we will be one of Koreeas favorite band ever oR TAHT IS OUR GOAL ANYWAY WE LET YOUD ECIDE AND BE SURE YOURE GONNA JUDGE WISELY. ;) WE RECENTLY GAVE OUT OR EP CALLED WHAT IS LOVE BUT COPURIGHT SO WE HAD TO CHANGE IT TN LOVE IS WHAT BUT IF YOU AKS ME ITS ALWAYS WHAT IS LOVE ALTHOUGH I KNOW IT OK I WAS ALWAYS PLAYING LOVELY DOVELY YES I SAID TAHT IN high school i wa sthe pumpkin spiced latte said cause i was half white but im not a basic bitch and yes i said was cause i died but got chrynofrozen and tgehn unfrosen back ti life it wa surreal i was not willing to do so but hey im bakc and now i dont understand why i wasnt willing to do so in the frst place. Anwyay my single dead and then undead was really popular
gee i winder hwy sung bin not round now i am talkning tomy fans 'bro your camera is turned off
more like on Minhjoo said when he came in th eroom
eight Minhoo can you scootsh back ok this is worse than that band with more than 84 memebers and still called them 84 what a world i know right but before we could continue our intelligent conversation the bus took a turn for the worse or a u turn we grabbed our seats but no too late i hit my head we all did and woke upin the hopsital not remembebirng a athing so we must learn how to be kpop stars all over again pretty much guys
so first of all the fan service can you do taht
well since minwhioo only love himself you should ask him that if he could hey self love is important mnot this much we all said
ok so
if tah s what yo uare gonna call it then yes
night pk get going guys and os we did we practisied dancing for four hours not five thank god and sang and everything until we couldnt talk literally lol
butn ot lol my throat hurts Minwhoo cried ill help you i said Thanks Kim Kimchi
tahts not my STAGE NAME AND NEVER WILL BE well what ever my pumpkin hey no tahts the other guy
i know he said adn kissed in the air to me
i but my hand in a way
no way i was getting kisses and def no t air kisses
they were more seriosu that anything
oro should isay cheerios and im niot saying that cause i ve been paid tp but we got pur paycheddk fro mcherrios so
Anyway we were lit liek our stage all in candles teh show was lit
And the nMinwhoo told me to get to the stage room
i felt like iwas in A drama Why would you call form e so unesxpectactly
well i have a request
can you become my man
on nstage
catch you and stuff we already practised that wjen i jump you jump ok i know but i mea in bed
in bed
i was not sure what he meant
ok dont be so nervous he said take of your shirt what
kome here kimchi he said and began to undress
i looked at his abs they were marvelious
i felt hugnry no thirsty well both'
i couldt stop looking i was in awe
so much so that i got a boner akward i hadnt even started to undress
its ok i know him Minwhoo said
SO WE WENT PON AND ON AND sEUNG bIN WALKED IN WHAT ARE YO UGUYS DOIN OK OK I SEE WELL I Knew you would be close but damn you´Re reall yclosoe thats cool btw
oh man icnat believe im saying this but Sung bin your nit Sung IN this story
sayonara OK KIM kIMCHI
Hey ilove that food
i thought you loved me Minhoo said and laughed i started to laugh to o we had a fun night that night filled with joy and lauughter;)
It wa sbetetr than our band called teh band so we were the band teh band or teh band band as our fans called us
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mikes81vw · 2 years
Why is it hard to find simple repair tools for cameras? I just need to take off one thing lol there's no other way other than use pressure and turn, but that isn't working. This is bs.
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Its just that round cover nut on the winder arm that's impossible. No markings to grip or to put a screwdriver to. I don't get it. Lol whatever. I'll keep attempting to..
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
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airasilver · 1 day
Florida sheriff fed up with school shooting hoaxes posts boy's mugshot to social media
Law enforcement officials in Florida and across the country have seen a wave of school shooting hoaxes recently, including in the wake of the deadly attack at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, that killed two students and two teachers.
Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood on Florida's Atlantic Coast said he's tired of the hoaxes targeting students, disrupting schools and sapping law enforcement resources. In social media posts Monday, Chitwood warned parents that if their kids are arrested for making these threats, he'll make sure the public knows.
Chitwood made the announcement in a video highlighting the arrest of an 11-year-boy who was taken into custody for allegedly threatening to carry out a school shooting at Creekside or Silver Sands Middle School in Volusia County. Chitwood posted the boy's full name and mugshot to his Facebook page.
In the video, which had more than 270,000 views on Facebook as of Monday afternoon, the camera pans across a conference table covered in airsoft guns, pistols, fake ammunition, knives and swords that law enforcement officers claim the boy was “showing off" to other students.
Later, the video cuts to officers letting the boy out of a squad car and leading him handcuffed into a secure facility, dressed in a blue flannel button-down shirt, black sweatpants and slip-on sandals. The boy's face is fully visible at multiples points in the video.
“Right this way, young man,” an officer tells the boy, his hands shackled behind his back.
The boy is led into an empty cell, with metal cuffs around his wrists and ankles, before an officer closes the door and locks him inside.
“Do you have any questions?” the officer asks as he bolts the door.
“No sir,” the boy replies.
The video prompted a stream of reactions on social media, with many residents praising Chitwood, calling on him to publicly identify the parents as well — or press charges against them.
Others questioned the sheriff’s decision, saying the 11-year-old is just a child, and that the weight of the responsibility should fall on his parents.
Under Florida law, juvenile court records are generally exempt from public release — but not if the child is charged with a felony, as in this case.
Law enforcement officials across Florida have been tracking a stream of threats in the weeks since the 2024-2025 school year began. In Broward County, home to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, officials said last week they had already arrested nine students, ages 11 to 15, for making threats since August.
"For my parents, to the kids who are getting ready for school, I'm going to say this again," Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony said at a press conference, “nothing about this is a laughing or joking matter.”
“Parents, students, it's not a game,” he added.
Kate Payne is a corps member for The Associated Press/Report for America Statehouse News Initiative. Report for America is a nonprofit national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms to report on undercovered issues.
I agree but I think he might lose his job for doing this. Though it is needed around the country, probably around the world.
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schibborasso · 25 days
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The development of the 500C led to multiple versions with various modifications. The 500C/M, launched in 1970, was fitted with an interchangeable focusing screen, including a prism viewfinder with a built-in exposure meter. Introduced in 1988, the 503CX was a critical advancement of the 500C/M, equipped with both a built-in flash control (OTF metering) and a very bright focusing screen. Next came the 503CXi in 1994, followed by the 501C. In 1996 came the 503CW, which received a specially made electric winder. The 501CM (1997-2005) improved upon the 501C, using the new mirror design of the 503CW. The final 503CWD was coupled with a digital CFV back, as was made possible by the modular design of Hasselblad cameras. The camera came out in 2006, the 100th birthday commemoration of Victor Hasselblad.
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dancuny · 2 months
Robot Royal 36 Camera
Being a big fan of The Robot cameras and having done an earlier blog post on the Robot Luftwaffen Eigentum camera, I wanted to get a camera I could use when we went on vacation or just out for the weekend. Years ago, I came across an excellent and working condition Robot Royal 36 camera. It was from an online auction, so I made a relatively low offer and won it.
 When I received it, I was surprised by the weight and heft of this particular camera. I put it through routine tests to see if the shutter was indeed opening and closing, which it was. The lens was clean, another positive, and the transport was active and in good working condition.
 When COVID hit, I was laid off from one of my favorite jobs. I started writing my camera blog. After being off work for ten months, I got hired for a better position and loved the job, company, and boss, but I put the camera on my shelf for the next four years until I recently retired and started writing my camera blog again.
Otto Berning & Co. started in Dusseldorf, Germany, in 1933. Otto Berning and Co. began to manufacture amateur cameras in 1934 when a young watchmaker in his 30s, Heinz Kilfitt, designed the first compact camera for what Robot would be so well known for. The design had a spring-loaded motor winder, a unique item brought to the camera industry due to his watchmaking skills. Heinz Kilfitt also designed the camera to have a 24x24mm film format. He offered the format size to both Kodak and Agfa, who rejected it, so he sold the design to a young Hans Berning, who was only 23 and worked for his father's company. 
 Robot cameras provide a film format of 24x24mm on most of their cameras. An advantage of the 24x24mm frame size was that the photographer could get 50 images on a roll of film instead of the standard 36 in the traditional 24x36mm format. Another advantage was that there was no need to turn the camera for vertical shots.
Some unique features of the Robot cameras are that they use a rotary shutter and sprocket film drive system, which are more common in the cine cameras of the time. Robot cameras also have a 90-degree switchable viewfinder, allowing the photographer to point the camera in a different direction while looking through the viewfinder and taking photos. All the cameras have a winding motor of film advance system that allows the photographer to wind the motor and shoot rapidly up to 5-6 frames on a single wind, depending on the camera.
 Robot also provided either Carl Zeiss or Schneider-designed lenses on their cameras, which gave the photographer unparalleled sharpness in their images. The cameras were die-cast zinc and stamped stainless steel bodies chalked full of clockwork inside, and they are very sturdy and extremely well made, a testament to the high-quality materials used in their construction. 
During WWII, Robot produced cameras for the German Luftwaffe to put on their Stuka dive bombers. After the war, Robot continued producing high-end cameras like the Robot Star and Junior cameras. Robot produced the Robot Royal in three formats, with a few feature and film format variations. 
My Camera:
My model is the Robot Royal 36, model III, and it has the film format of 24x36, the most common film format for 35mm cameras. My camera has a Schneider Xenar 45 mm f2.8 lens. My camera has a Schneider Xenar 45mm f2.8 lens. It measures 5.5" wide x 3" tall x 2.75" deep from the front of the lens to the back of the camera and weighs a whopping 2 lbs. 0.4 oz. That's the first thing I noticed when I unwrapped the camera. This is a very solid and well-built camera with unique features that set it apart from other cameras. 
To open the camera, as you hold the camera there is a chrome tab with etching on it on the left side. With your thumb, you lift that and the latch and open the back of the camera. Unlike most 35mm cameras, this camera has a take-up spool you need to load the leader into as opposed to just putting the film leader into the take-up slot, and the camera takes up the film. You need to take the take-up spool apart and thread the film leader into the spool, then put the cassette back together and load the film and take-up cassette into the camera. Then fire two frames, and you're ready to go.
My camera has shutter speeds from 1/2 sec to 1/500 sec, along with B for timed exposures. The bottom of the camera has a winding mechanism that allows me to fire 12 photos at full wind, which takes me about ten and a half cranks to wind fully.
 The rangefinder on my camera is very bright and easy to focus. The other significant item about the Robot camera and lens system is they allow the photographer to shoot with zone focusing, which is fantastic for street photography. The lenses have yellow, green, and blue dots, which correspond to the colored apertures on the lens. The lens's apertures 2.8 and 5.6 are in yellow, F8 is in green, and f16 is blue. All you need to do is match up the color dot on the focus dial and the aperture used, and the lens shows you your depth of field. This procedure is similar to all other lenses, but the color coding makes the system more "user-friendly."
Removing and reattaching the lens of the Robot Royal 36 is simple. A tabbed collar at the bottom of the lens, when moved to the left, allows the lens to be detached. To reattach the lens, align the two red dots and slide the collar counterclockwise. This careful procedure ensures the lens is securely in place.
Once I shot the film, One the back of the camera and to the right of the viewfinder is a switch with a green dot for regular forward film transport, there is a red dot which closed the viewfinder half way and "R" for film rewind. I put the camera in the "R" position and reminded the film as a regular 35mm camera procedure. On the bottom front of the camera are the flash sync ports for "X" (electric flash) or "M" (bulb flash) settings.
 I took a roll of film, put it through my camera, and walked around my backyard to see how the camera performed. This is the first time I got to shoot with the camera since I bought it 4-5 years ago, and there were a few anomalies in the camera. There seems to be a slight light leak, but to be 100% transparent, the film I used was old, and one I had shot just a few frames with and rewound the film with the leader exposed more than ten years ago, so I can't 100% blame it on this camera.
While Leica has the prestige, Robot and Alpa are probably the best-built cameras in terms of craftsmanship and overall quality. The camera is excellent, the lenses are fantastic, and it offers things built into the system, like motor advancement and an excellent feel. I had a great time shooting with it, and I need to run a fresh roll of film through this beauty more often.
Thank you for taking time from your busy day to review this blog.
Until next time, please be safe.
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opalchoi · 3 months
Non muse news... (I like the fact that rhymes)
I managed to force the film into the winder so can get some vacation photos in film and digital. Planning to go out today dual wielding cameras like the rotten tourist I am.
(mostly because I don't trust my own light calculations and in the absence of a light meter I'll use the one in my mirrorless one)
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fotophilosophy · 3 months
Olympus OM-1 Winder
My Olympus OM-1 is a pretty great shooter. It does have an inaccurate lightmeter, but apart from that I cannot fault it at all. My original OM-1 The camera is an MD version, which I understood to mean Motor Drive. I’d never seen too many accessories for the camera so it was mainly an annoyance, as my motor coupling cover does not stay on properly The MD badge indicates that this camera is…
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